auroracalisto · 2 years
Congratulations on so many followers! Maybe a Uhtred x reader with the prompt either “I think I’m being followed” or “I can’t help you if you don’t talk to me, love” thank you
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i slightly changed the phrasing, but the idea remains! thank you ♡ also, sorry for doing this after the event.
He could have seen the worry on your face from a mile away—the way your eyebrows pinched together, your lips set in a deep frown. The way your body tensed as you walked towards his men, hands gripping onto your shirt in a nervous manner.
Sihtric and Finan continued their teasing conversation with the baby monk while Uhtred stepped away from them, chin held high as he watched you.
The closer you got, the more you looked over your shoulder—right up until you were in front of him, eyes wide and heart pounding in your chest.
"Lord Uhtred," you said, coming to a stop in front of him.
He tilted his head, a soft smile forming on his lips. He loved getting to see you; any time made his heart feel a little lighter, and his step a little faster.
But when you didn't return his smile, his own fell.
He said your name softly, looking over your shoulder. Nothing was out of the ordinary. Were you feeling well?
You looked over your shoulder once more, taking one more step towards Uhtred.
"My lord," you began, but stopped yourself, eyebrows furrowed in frustration.
"I cannot help you if you do not talk to me, love," he softly spoke, his voice low just for your ears.
Eyes growing wide, you looked back up at him.
"I... do not mean to... to sound paranoid, but I believe I'm being followed."
His solemn expression immediately fell. "Are you sure?"
"Yes," you said. "But... I... I do not know where they went."
"Well," he said, reaching out his hand to you. "Come. Stay with me for the evening."
You hesitantly reached forward and took his hand.
"If I see the person..."
"Tell me," Uhtred said. "I will make sure he pays."
With a small nod, you squeezed his hand. Uhtred smiled and pulled you towards him, leading you to his group of merry men. At least there, you'd be safe. He'd deal with whatever scum scared you, later.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
So... Now that it's January 1st officially... I have my first ask for your 2,000 follower celebration. 😊 But first I need to say again, congratulations! 🎉 You're amazing, and you deserve each and every one of your followers. 💖
For the celebration, can I get a blurb with Natasha or Steve and this prompt "Oh, sweetheart, you're too good for this world."
thank you! and i'm so very sorry for how late this is. i appreciate you! here's a little piece of domestic fluff <33
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"Oh, sweetheart," she said, hands gently cupping your cheeks as her lips pressed to your forehead. "You're too good for this world."
You looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. You were still in your pajamas, hair showing evidence of your weekend sleep (the kind you only get when you have absolutely nothing planned for the day).
"What are you talking about?" you asked, arms crossed over your chest.
"Shh," Nat pressed a kiss to your lips, grinning. "Just let me savor the moment."
How often did she have the mere minutes of an hour just to glorify the love she had for you? Between work and her personal endeavors, she tried her hardest to make it known how dearly she loved you, even if it meant teasing you in the early hours of your day.
Natasha smiled at you once more before she stood up, hands gently clasping on your shoulders.
"How do waffles sound?"
"Incredible," you said with a smile, lips once again meeting with Nat's.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
Okay, last one for now: a Alfie Solomons blurb (I've realised I wrote fic in the previous ask, I'm so sorry!!!!!) with the prompts "I've always wanted it all... now I just want you." [Trying to Kill the Moon - Motherfolk] and "I've forgotten what it feels like to actually be wanted."
Are two prompts for one blurb allowed? Cause these two work so great together! If they're not, you can keep whichever of the two works better with you, dear 💗✨
hi i'm so late for this but,,, here it is, anyway!! also, idk if this is anything you wanted. i literally tried writing this two times and i got pretty far but it was way too long and wasn't lining up with the prompts at all. like,,, i have them saved so i'll be working on them BUT just know that i spent hours trying to figure something out. shsjdfkas. also, he may be a bit out of character, but i don't really go too into detail with a lot. so.
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"I've always wanted it all," Alfie said, the words tumbling from his lips. The man who was often so sure of himself found himself confused and struggling. It was driving him crazy.
You were driving him crazy.
"I have a lot. Bloody hell, I've got power and money. But now," he paused, keeping his eyes on you. "Now, I just want you."
You couldn't help but stare at him in disbelief. Surely, Alfie was lying. It wouldn't have been the first time and you highly doubted it would be the last. But the look on his face made you think otherwise.
He was telling the truth.
"Are you gonna make me repeat myself?" he asked, tilting his head curiously as he watched you.
You swallowed thickly, hands clenched into fists by your sides.
"No," you whispered, voice wavering as you spoke. You tried your hardest to keep your tears from forming, but as his features softened, you felt the dam break. You bit your lip, not wanting to show any more weakness—it was far too late for that.
"You're crying," he said, raising an eyebrow. "Bloody hell, love, do you want me to leave or something? Had I known you'd act like this, I'd—"
"—Alfie, shut up for once," you blurted, quickly wiping your tears away.
His lips pressed shut and he averted his gaze. He shouldn't have told you anything. He should have just kept it to himself and taken the confession to his early grave.
"Do you mean it?"
He looked up at you, curiosity beaming from his body. Did he hear you correctly? Yeah. He heard you correctly.
"Of course, I mean it, love."
You sniffled softly, unable to dry the tears in a timely manner. Alfie gently reached forward and wiped an escaping tear away with his thumb.
"Why are you crying?" he softly asked, realizing that there may be more to this than what he originally believed.
"I just... I've forgotten what it feels like to actually be wanted," you said, peering up at him through your tear-soaked lashes. "Thank you for reminding me."
He leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
"Let's get you something to drink, yeah? Douse that feelin' for a bit. We... we'll talk when you're ready."
If anyone knew Alfie, they knew that patience was a virtue he often found in the bottom of the barrel—but for you, he knew he had all the time in the world. He wanted you, and he would have you.
Silently, Alfie vowed to never let you feel as if you weren't wanted—even if he'd have to kill a man to do so.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
How about "I just want a nice, easy life! Maybe a couple cats and a house in the middle of nowhere. What's so wrong with that?" with Finn Shelby, please? 🥺🙏🏼
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"I just want a nice, easy life! Maybe a couple cats and a house in the middle of nowhere. What's so wrong with that?"
Finn stared you down for a moment, lips parted as he thought of what to say, but no words left him.
"I don't want all this," you lamented, arms crossed over your chest. "I've lived with it my whole life! I can't keep doing this, Finn."
He let out a soft sigh, closing his eyes. He knew. He understood what you meant. And when it came to you, he knew he would do anything. Even if it meant leaving the family business behind to give you the life you deserved.
"You don't have to," he softly said.
You were prepared to continue your tirade, having formulated an argument in your head long before the conversation had even begun.
"Every day is just—wait," you turned to face him, eyes searching his face to see if he was just pulling your leg. It wouldn't have been the first time. "You mean it?"
Finn's lips curved into a small smile. "Is the sky blue?"
You blinked slowly at him, your bottom lip tucking in between your teeth.
"When do you want to leave?" asked Finn.
You tilted your head. "What?"
"You really want me to repeat myself, love? I'll leave. Right now, I'll get my shit and we can go. Anywhere. I'll find a place. If that's what you want."
You reached forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
"You are the best husband anyone could ask for, Finn Shelby."
"I know," he said, a cheeky smile forming soon after. "Now, come here. We'll have to find a way to... well, tell Tommy."
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auroracalisto · 2 years
Hello again! How are you?💗 I was thinking, a Steve Harrington fic with the prompt "Maybe we should just be honest with ourselves." [I Don't Know You Like I Used To - Mercury.]
It can be either very, very sad or like them finally revealing their feelings to one another and lots of fluff?🥰
this got a little long for a blurb but it's okay!! i actually started this when you sent this ask in, but i'm only just now getting around to finishing it. i hope you like it!!
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Your sneakers kicked off the ground, a pebble bouncing off of it and in Steve's direction. The silence was thick between the two of you, and while you wanted to say something, you just couldn't find the words.
You were friends—just friends. That's all you ever would be, right?
God, you hoped not.
As you stood there, internally debating with yourself, Steve pushed himself off of his car, holding out his hand to you.
You glanced at it, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. You made no movement to grab him.
"Come on," he said, waving his hand in your direction. "I wanna take you somewhere."
You took his hand as Steve pulled you forward. Your feet shuffled against the gravel road, following from just an arm's length away. His hand gently squeezed yours.
"Have you ever been out here?" he asked.
"The middle of the woods? I mean, near my house, yeah, but not here."
Steve glanced back at you, faintly smiling. "I used to come out here when I was younger," he said. "Back when... well, you know. High school."
"You're taking me to your hook-up tree?" you mumbled under your breath, the passive comment leaving you at the thought. You had been an afterthought in high school. You two hadn't even really become friends until after graduation. But you couldn't help but still remember his "glory" days in high school.
Steve stopped in his spot, glancing back at you. He cracked a faint smile, though it didn't quite meet his eyes.
"No. But I get why you'd think that."
You winced at the comment. That... was shitty of you.
"Sorry," you softly said, continuing to walk along.
"It's cool," he said, eyes looking anywhere but at you. "Can I tell you something?" he asked.
You just nodded, allowing Steve to lead you up to a giant tree—the trunk stretched out nearly a foot wider than the other trees around it. Branches tangled underneath the shade, a crude reminder that no matter how much it tried to grow apart, it would always be stuck in the same place.
You'd always be stuck in Hawkins.
But maybe it wouldn't always be so bad.
Steve was silent. You took this as an opportunity to look at your friend. He was handsome. So handsome. And you'd thought this way ever since you considered him to be your actual friend.
Since before Hawkins became even more of a hellhole than it was.
"Maybe we should just be honest with ourselves," you blurted, your bottom lip sucking in between your teeth. You bit hard, wanting to scream at yourself for your bluntness.
He looked back at you in surprise. "What?"
You groaned and squeezed your eyes shut. "You go first. With whatever you wanted to say. Please."
"Oh," Steve said, frowning a bit. "Yeah. Okay. I..." he trailed off. How would he even tell you something like this? You were his best friend. He was about to ruin everything if you didn't feel the same way. But a sliver of hope wormed its way into his heart—be honest? About what?
You pursed your lips. It was now or never. Who the hell knew when Hawkins would split open for the world to see? Who knew when you might not get another chance?
Snarky comments aside. Being an ass would get you nowhere. Steve wasn't "the Hair" anymore. He was your Steve—your very best friend.
The love of your life.
You looked away from Steve, looking back at the knotted roots beneath the shade.
"I love you, Steve."
He blinked slowly at you for a moment. "Yeah, I, uh, love you, too, Y/n—"
"—no, you doofus," you quickly countered, looking at him with wide eyes. "I love you. I want—I want to be with you. Not just as friends."
No way you just said this. No way. Robin was going to freak out.
Steve couldn't help it as his smile began to grow. "Really?"
You rolled your eyes. "Steve."
"Well, good, you know? 'Cause, uh, I love you, too. Not just as friends."
Heat rushed to your cheeks and the tips of your ears as your heart fluttered in your chest.
Hawkins was shit. This tree was a mediocre analogy of how you felt in this godforsaken town. But Steve was just as real as the love in your heart—Steve was your best friend, and now, he knew how you felt.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
I can’t remember if I’ve requested a Steve Harrington blurb or not but this lyric feels perfect for him "Can I help you not to hurt anymore?" [One More Light - Linkin Park]
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He nudged your shoe with his own, hands languidly hanging by his sides as much as he wanted to embrace you.
You looked up at your best friend, almost angry. You hadn't wanted him to see you like this, and yet, here you were in all of your anxious glory.
Hawkins, Indiana had not been kind to any of you. Time had not been kind. You had lost so much and yet, no one had even realized what exactly you all had gone through. They were oblivious to the fact that you risked your lives just to protect them.
"Hey," Steve softly said. You were so strong, and yet, he knew there was only so much you could handle before you broke.
That's all it took. That simple word. That simple, 'I know you're hurting, let me help you,' look absolutely broke you inside.
You reached forward, wrapping your arms around his torso. He returned the hug, his arms going around your body in record time. His cheek gently pressed against your hair as a sob wracked through your body.
"What... what can I do to help you?" he softly asked. "Can I help you not to hurt anymore?"
"No," you said. You spoke through your tears, your voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt. "But... but you can just... hold me. Please."
"Anything," he kissed your forehead. "Anything..."
He would do anything you needed him to. No matter what.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
"If I died right now, I guarantee I'd come back as a rock."
With THE LOVE OF MY LIFE Eddie Munson please?
P.s. I love you 😌(yes I will be ending every ask I send in with this)
listen please ignore the fact that it's january 20th. i can't currently function properly. LMAO.
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"If I died right now," you said, pausing for the dramatics as you leaned back in your plastic chair, "I guarantee I'd come back as a rock."
Eddie blinked slowly at his game set-up in front of him before he looked at you, eyebrows furrowed.
"You rolled a D20. You're not about to die."
"Yes, and you made the monster a vampire child! I have to kill a kid, you fucker!"
He scoffed, looking towards the other players. "Anyway, as I was previously saying, you have managed to slay the wickedly strong child and safely pass on through the iron gates. You've made it to the castle, but something has happened—you've just killed their pride and joy, and the vampires will make you pay!"
"You asshole!" you yelped, disbelief written on your features. You slapped your boyfriend's arm, eyes wide as you stared at him.
He stuck his tongue out at you, unable to stop himself from laughing. "You wanted a short session! Now deal with it!"
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auroracalisto · 2 years
i know its nearly the end of the celebration so you dont have to do this if you dont want to 😭 but i thought steve harrington with the prompt "i've forgotten what it feels like to actually be wanted." would be juicyy
also offering:
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ya know what it's ok but it's two days after my event actually ended and i'm still trying to get to all the asks i have (also thank u for the offering, i've shared it with my friends). also, i've changed it from a dialogue prompt to a thought prompt, so... sorryyy :P
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The placidness that encased his car was far too suffocating for his liking. It had first attacked his eyes, making them water—then, his mouth, forcing it still and shut; his jaw clenched, a dull throb running through his teeth. His throat closed up as a sob inched its way up the muscle, while the butterflies in his stomach dropped dead.
He couldn't go in. You were waiting to hang out, the prospect of good food and perhaps a coffee something you had been wanting for days. Something simple. As friends.
But he couldn't move.
Why was this happening now? Is this something he had felt before?
Utter despair?
No. No, not like this. Whatever this was, it wasn't just the typical sadness you felt when you lost someone. Like when he lost his friend and when he lost his girl (although in hindsight, it might not have been the best relationship).
He sat there in his car, music shut off, the aircon long forgotten about, wondering what the fuck he did to get here.
The knock on his window drew his attention. He quickly blinked his tears away, clearing his throat as he looked over, seeing you standing there with a smile on your face. However, it quickly fell when you saw Steve's flushed face.
He sent you a faint smile, which you took at face value. He didn't open his door, but he pointed to the passenger side. You tilted your head curiously before walking around to the other side.
"You doin' okay?" you asked as you opened the door. "You, uh, you've been sitting out here for a hot minute, now."
"What? Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine, I just—"
Tears sprung to his eyes once more as he looked over at you. Your expressions softened, and you reached out to place a hand on his shoulder.
"What's wrong?"
"I don't... I don't even know," he said, choking back a sob.
"That's... okay. You don't always have to know," you said.
Steve looked away from you, closing his eyes. He knew exactly what was wrong.
He had forgotten what it felt like to actually be wanted.
That's what he felt. That's what he couldn't figure out.
Steve roughly wiped his tears away, face raw where his cotton sleeve touched.
"Hey, why don't we trade places? I'll drive you home. We can watch a movie, and drink hot chocolate. Something to make you feel better."
Steve gave a small nod, glancing over at you.
"Yeah... yeah, that sounds good."
You smiled and grabbed his hand, gently squeezing as you did so, hoping that whatever comfort you could provide him would help with the feelings deep within. And maybe, at some point throughout the long night, he would tell you what was wrong.
A cheesy movie and warm food would do you both some good.
Maybe then, after he had calmed down, you could tell him what you had initially planned for that night: you could admit to him how you felt. And maybe then, Steve would know just how wanted he truly was.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
I was wondering if you could write a blurb for Bob (top gun) with the prompt "Can I help you not to hurt anymore?" [One More Light - Linkin Park]. Something very comforting, if possible? He's so cute and I need him to hug me 🥺💖
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Bob stepped into your shared apartment. He hadn't been able to catch you, his beautiful fiancé, right after training, as he quite literally watched you run off.
Something must have happened to warrant such a reaction. You always waited for him, unless you had something to do right after. You would walk back, deciding to do something that evening as you did—anything would be fine as long as you were with Bob and your friends.
Bob kicked off his shoes, fingers swiftly unbuttoning his tan button-up to reveal just a white wifebeater underneath. Discomfort riddled his bones as he stretched as he walked, trying to loosen up the knots forming in his shoulders. He looked in each room you might have been in until only one remained—the bedroom.
With a hesitant knock (and no verbal answer other than your groan), he entered, seeing you sprawled out on the bed.
"Babe?" he called out, confusion evident on his sweet features. "Are you awake?"
"What's wrong?"
You pushed yourself to sit up, still in your uniform just as Bob was. Your feet are still clad in your shoes, your hair a slight mess because of how you had laid down (laid wasn't even close—it was more like you jumped on the bed, knocking the pillows over in the process).
Bob frowned at your silence, walking over to you. The bed dipped beside you as he sat down, his arms gently wrapping around you. You buried your face in the crook of his neck, hugging him back.
"Talk to me, baby," he softly said, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
You continued on with your silence, hands gripping his flowing button-down.
"I don't know what you need me to do, but... I'll do anything for you. Can I help you not to hurt anymore?"
You let out a soft giggle at his comment, despite the overwhelming feeling growing within you.
"You're such a dork," you said, peering up at him through wet eyelashes.
"And you're crying," he softly said, a hand gently pressing to the side of your face. "Tell me what's wrong, sugar."
"Fine," you said, releasing the breath you had begun to hold when he touched you. Despite not initially wanting to, you began to tell him what had happened during training that made you so upset.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
aurora's 2,000 followers celebration
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welcome, friend! take a seat, stay a while—this celebration is for you! like i've said before, i honestly do not know how i even amassed 100 followers, let alone 2,000 of you! i appreciate you so very much and i'm so glad to be able to celebrate with you.
when: january 1st through january 8th who: i would appreciate it if you followed me to participate, but it is not necessary. also, you can be anonymous or not—the choice is entirely yours! how: send me an ask, along with what is asked of you (see below) | please be sure to either send me the emoticon or the name that corresponds with the emoji so i know what you want!
more information is under the cut ♡
✎ blurbs [send me a prompt from this list here and a character you'd like to see it with (scroll further to see who i'll write for); blurbs will not be any longer than 900 words]
♢ mini games [fmk, top five, this or that, would you rather]
☆ ask me anything [with this one, ask me what you want to know. it could literally be anything. ask for advice. ask about my wips. you could even ask for my unpopular opinions with this one]
☼ cast my mutuals [send me a thing and i will cast my mutuals]
☺ playlists send me a character or a ship and i'll make a playlist with 5 or more songs!
♡ love letters mutuals only—send me the heart emoji and i'll write a love letter to you; why you are such an amazing and wonderful mutual. p.s., we don't have to be close mutuals for you to do this. i love you no matter what.
i will only write for adult characters.
for the blurbs, i will not write anything nsfw.
i'll write for any of the following characters: [bridgerton] anthony bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, colin bridgerton, eloise bridgerton [marvel] matt murdock, otto octavius, steve rogers, natasha romanoff, loki [peaky blinders] thomas shelby, alfie solomons [stranger things] eddie munson, steve harrington, robin buckley [the last kingdom] uhtred ragnarsson, osferth, sihtric, finan [top gun] rooster, hangman, bob, phoenix, iceman, maverick, goose, slider [american horror story] michael langdon, xavier plympton, chet clancy, kit walker, james patrick march [the umbrella academy] viktor hargreeves, klaus hargreeves, diego hargreeves, ben hargreeves, lila pitts, sloan, axel, otto, oscar character you want not listed? send me an ask and i'll let you know if i can write for them or not.
ALL POSTS WILL BE TAGGED WITH: #auroras2kcelebration
tagging some of my amazing mutuals who may want to participate: @imgoingtofreakoutnow @imaginearyparties @yn-ymn-yln @hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @dumble-daddy @twinkiemaximoff @themarvelousbee @undeadcortez @prudentia-potentia-est @dizzydancingdreamer @gggoldfinch @hoebrowsalad @kpopgirlbtssvt @kitwalker02 @leossmoonn @lady-salvatore @xxwritemeastoryxx @captainsophiestark @vxidsti1es @bisexual-rebekah @no-mercy-bby @mrs-maximoff-kenner
disclaimer: you may send as many asks as you want. however, i do have a life outside of tumblr, and i often become overwhelmed. please be patient with me as i navigate through the asks. also, if there is anything that i may feel uncomfortable with, i will delete it. please be aware that there is a human on the other side of the screen, and do not take offense.
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auroracalisto · 2 years
another blurb prompt,,
"We're on the same team, asshole. Don't forget that." with loki?
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All you saw was red—well, that and the flash of green and black clothing that came up beside you. Cold hands gripped onto your forearms, helping you back to your feet.
The remnants of his magic filtered through your body, warmth flooding your veins. Had you been human, you wouldn't have been standing.
Your jaw clenched as you looked up at the god, tears forming in your eyes from the aftereffects.
"We're on the same team, asshole," you said, voice low and grave. "Don't forget that."
He scowled. "It was a mistake."
"One that could have killed me."
"It won't happen again," Loki said, letting go of you. He seemed to be honest, but you knew you would have to take his word with a grain of salt. Loki wasn't always the most trustworthy person—you were speaking from experience.
You swayed where you stood, taking in a deep breath as you grabbed onto his arm and steady yourself.
"I'm sorry," Loki said, although it seemed to pain him to utter the very words.
"Don't. Let's just get this shit over with."
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auroracalisto · 2 years
Omg "I need a nap. Wake me up never." With Eddie Munson? 🥰
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You collapsed on top of your boyfriend's lap, arms sprawled above your head.
He glanced up from his comic, surprise written on his features. "What are you—"
"Shhh, Eddie," you immediately said, arm raising quickly. You pressed a finger to his lips, to keep him from saying anything else.
Little luck that would work.
He slowly blinked at you, parting his lips to say something else. But before he could, you clamped a hand to his mouth, narrowing your eyes at him.
"I need a nap. Wake me up never."
Eddie couldn't help his laugh as he tossed his comic book on the floor, moving on his bed to get out from underneath you.
"Why didn't you just say so?" he asked, wrapping his arms around your torso and pulling you close as he laid down beside you. "I could use a nap."
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auroracalisto · 2 years
i promise i’ll get to my inbox but rn it ain’t happening </3 i’ll get to them at some point, even if it’s after the 8th!!
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auroracalisto · 2 years
mmm yeah gonna be spamming a bit my bad,,
blurb prompt!!
"That's debatable." with either eddie or steve? ur pick <333
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Silence enveloped his car like a thick blanket, encasing anything and everything. Perhaps you'd question it any other time, because when the hell had Steve ever been rendered silent?
But you stared at the dashboard, cheeks burning at the confession that had haphazardly left Steve's lips only a few moments prior.
He liked you?
Liked you, liked you?
No way.
Robin was going to freak out (not that you'd tell Steve that she totally had an inkling that he liked you).
Steve cleared his throat, leaning back in his seat as he crossed his arms over his chest. He looked anywhere but in your direction.
"I can just... drop you off if you want," he said. "I won't make you stay if you don't want to be here."
Your eyes widened as you looked up at him.
At your silence, he continued on. "I shouldn't have said anything, huh? Way to ruin things."
"That's debatable," you blurted, reaching out to grab onto his arm. His head jerked in your direction, eyes equally as wide.
Did he hear you right?
"I like you, too, Steve," you said. "I just... didn't expect to hear you say it, back."
Steve couldn't help but smile, watching you with curious eyes. "Really?"
"Are you kidding me?" you giggled softly, a smile growing in return. "Yes, really. I really like you, too, Steve."
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auroracalisto · 2 years
aurora's 2k celebration masterlist
initial post
this masterlist includes: ama [11], blurbs [13], cym [2], mutual love letters [6], and playlists [5]
ask me anything:
top five books
fmk: anthony, benedict, colin bridgerton
top five favorite colors
wips? a character you miss writing for?
top five current songs
comfort shows
fmk: rooster, hangman, bob
hot take you would die for
how many wips? what am i excited about?
ranking the office characters
top five characters i would date
"i've loved you for years." [loki]
"i need a nap. wake me up never." [eddie munson]
"that's debatable." [steve harrington]
"we're on the same team, asshole. don't forget that." [loki]
"can i help you not to hurt anymore?" [robert "bob" floyd]
"i think i'm being followed," and, "i can't help if you don't talk to me, love." [uhtred ragnarsson]
"can i help you not to hurt anymore?" [steve harrington]
"i've forgotten what it feels like to actually be wanted." [steve harrington]
"i just want a nice, easy life! maybe a couple cats and a house in the middle of nowhere. what's so wrong with that?" [finn shelby]
"if i die right now, i guarantee i'd come back as a rock." [eddie munson]
"i've always wanted it all... now i just want you," and, "i've forgotten what it feels like to actually be wanted." [alfie solomons]
"maybe we should be honest with ourselves." [steve harrington]
"oh, sweetheart, you're too good for this world." [natasha romanoff]
favorite animals
mutual love letters:
for twinkiemaximoff
for hellotvshowtrash
for imgoingtofreakoutnow
for mrs-maximoff-kenner
for yn-ymn-yln
for captainsophiestark
for kyle spencer
for matt murdock
for loki
for steve harrington
for benedict bridgerton
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auroracalisto · 2 years
♡ if you don’t mind 😊 absolutely no pressure or sweat if you don’t feel like writing one ❤️❤️
SOPHIE MY DEAR you are such a kind mutual and you are so fun!!! i absolutely love getting messages from you and seeing your reblogs. i can never get enough of your writing. everything you do is just magnificent and i’m so glad we’re mutuals. ♡
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