#avatar zdog
tsukioreo · 1 year
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Had so much fun on a softer shading ! That felt great ! Hope you like her !
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sweetkever · 2 years
I forgot to post it here
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tears-of-moonlight · 2 years
Can’t get over how the recoms were just tossed aside.
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Fucking love Z-dawg tho, I adore her
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quaritchsbunny · 1 year
Z-Dog/Zdinarsk as a Yandere (hc styled fic)
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Wc: 4.9k (watch this flop because it’s so obnoxiously long idk why it just grew itself into a full blown pic)
Warning/Tags: yandere behavior, slightly toxic behavior, obsessive behavior, f!reader x zdog, medic! Reader, recom!reader, mature language, a bit graphic description of an injury including blood and flesh degredation, a bit of forced touch, i have no idea how actual injuries work please just go along for the purpose of fiction, zdog kinda being an asshole but she’s just been through it, unhealthy obsession, zdog is just in denial for half the fic, biting, enemies (kinda) to lovers?
A/N: My second fic ever and first time writing for a female character ahhh! I really don’t like the way I wrote this one but what can I say I really tried my best, I hope this is to your liking anon! Welcome to any comments and requests!
Extremity Scale : 3.5/5
Type of Yandere:  Obsessive, Worshipping (unknowingly), manipulative, slightly sadistic
- Zdinarsk is what others would call a heartless beauty
- Although masculine with her striking mohawk and exhibits of tattoos that spread like blooms throughout her newly blue body, the soldier had been endlessly pursued by RDA officials, scientists, comrades, male and female alike despite her cold attitude
- And one by one without a clench of her jaw on the monotonously sweet bubblegum she always seemed to be chewing, she had laughed callously before turning them away, mind focused solely on her occupation as a recom soldier
- On the battlefield, she was ruthless.
- Shots were fired without a second thought once she held her aim, and whether it was a gun, arrow, knife, or chain in her hands, her cold amber eyes didnt allow for a second of compassion before she made her kill.
- Zdog wasn’t afraid of pain, her many colored bold tattoos on various parts of her body displayed hours of needles that had penetrated her with ink, yet she adorned them like it was a part of her.
- It was all these qualities that made her a worthy comrade to officials and authorities like Quaritch and her trust recom team, valuing her professionalism, tolerance and bravery.
- Her cool exterior seemed to be impossible to break, it seemed to be part of her personality, even her closest comrades in the squad never saw her portray any emotion other than callous joy at the aspect of conquest or the neutrality she seemed to carry with her everywhere.
- Because she never saw a need to feel anything other than that, what was the point? Any other emotion wasn’t going to pay her, being soft or sympathetic like the RDA did for her cruelty when it was directed towards the natives. And damn a soul who bothered to try to entertain her romantically, that shit didn’t touch her heart or her body in the slightest, she stowed away the young part of herself that dreamed of connection with a person that can understand her and instead suited herself to a form in which she didn’t care for the affection of others.
- It was nothing more than a waste of time to her, Zdog had considered emotions to be consuming and useless, and when she wasnt out scouting with the recoms in the thickets of pandora, her little free time was easily passed in the thick leather sketchbook, her fingers thoughtlessly skimming over the thick sheets, nails digging in the cursed piece of charcoal (it was the closest thing to a pencil, the sick RDA officials only had office pens as an alternative) as thick lines formed into her next tattoo design
- As such, the only emotion Zdog really felt except for callousness and the joy of victory was minor annoyance.
- Annoyance towards anything that wasn’t needed, such as the resourceless parts of pandora, the tears of mourning that came with death, the lack of efficiency from any comrade, such things only wasted time and got in the way of the ultimate goal
- Which was why she particularly despised you.
- You were a recom too, but not a soldier
- You were a healer, just as you had been as a human, you had died healing the RDA soldiers that were wounded in the war between the navi and RDA
- And for whatever reason, the RDA had insisted on adding you onto the short list of people to recombinant for a new blue team on their return to Pandora, arguing that your healing skills were essential to survival
- Why did the scientists waste their time and resources putting you into a recombinant body, and then waste the fuel putting you in a cyro and shipping you all the way to pandora?
- Why were healers a thing anyways? Zdog’s scars always healed on their own, fuck the bandage or the cream. The only way to truly heal, as learned from multiple experiences Z-dog had, was to expose the damn bleeding scar to the air and let it bleed until it learned to close its own weeping mouth. The body has to heal eventually, it's why so many organs exist just to keep bood pumping.
- So the first time Zdog had unfortunately stumbled across a carnivorous plants in the thickets of the annoyingly damp forests of pandora, skillfully targeting her right bicep as it sank its teeth into the beloved inked arm of the unsuspecting soldier that was leaning across a tree, it was to both her and your misfortune that the colonel had sent her straight to you with commands of healing and treatment.
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It was the first time you have received a patient since your arrival to the new RDA base, and your eyes widened when the outraged female was thrown into the ward, her upper right arm’s flesh seemingly curving inwards like the chunk of flesh was deflated from the bite.
“Colonel, I’m fine, a couple painkillers and it’ll be good as new” she barked, fangs bared as she tried to keep in her tears of both anger and physical pain, tearing through her like wildfire.
Colonel Quaritch only threw you a look of firm command as he commanded “do whatever you gotta do to get her arm good, and take your time, she’s not coming to missions for two weeks”, the colonel turned on his combat boots, leaving you alone with the hysterical soldier
Zdog whirled angrily, shocked and disoriented as she had never been off duty for that long. Reaching for the Colonel to come back before her head reeled from the fresh shots of pain up her raised arm, her blood dripping onto the bare silver floors of the ward.
You acted on instinct upon seeing the spurts of blood, rapidly bunching up gauze as you pressed into the wound, sitting her down on the bed.
Zdog hissed angrily, her body thrashing as her arm shook due to the huge amounts of loss of blood as she cussed incoherently, channeling her anger in attempt to stop you from wasting her time
“It’s people like you that make injuries worse, you don’t need to interfere, the body heals naturally, that’s the whole purpose for recombination, not that you would know, fucker who took on blue to do absolutely nothing”
“You’re right” you say calmly “the body heals naturally, just like how it was also that carnivorous plants nature to sink its teeth into your bare arm”
The glowering female soldier says nothing as she glares back, watching you as you unwrap the towers of gauze upon her wound.
You ignore her profanity and swiftly inspect the wound after pressurizing the opening to avoid amputation, the ink from her spilling out and blending with the dark blood as it swirled on her indigo skin.
Zdog cursed her heart as it beat rapidly, trying to look anywhere other than your knowing eyes that meticulously scanned her marks of injury, reassuring that her sweat and rapid shaking was from the physical shock and not the way your lips pursed together in expertise as you reached to grab disinfectant
Without warning, you poured the disinfectant on her wound after retracting as much blood as possible, the burn of the alcohol hurting almost more than the damn plant’s bite as it spilled into the marks, cleansing the indents from the vicious carnivorous plant
However the sear the disinfectant brought was a tickle compared to the rapid fire spreading amongst her heart, pumping blood rapidly at your firm touch on her arm and the whiff of sweet cherry she caught as your head whipped to place the disinfectant back on it’s shelf and disappeared behind a cabinet, digging through creams and bandages
Zdog had told herself it was only a natural reflex, her body trying to react to to pain as it sped it’s organs up, swallowing thickly as the your sweet scent left her surrounding, leaning forward from her resting position on the bed to catch it again
“What a medic, abandoning your patient like that”  Zdog scuffs, the popping of her bubblegum breaking the silence in the room
“Please lay back Miss Zdinarsk, rapid movement will cause more blood loss” you reply as you approach her again, her eyes immediately mellowing when your sweet scent invades her again
“No one calls me that anymore” she breathes out, biting back her huffs of pain as you press the q-tip of healing cream into the cleaned wound, circles rubbing along the raw flesh. “Z-dog, or Z works”
You nod, leaning back as you rest the q-tip on the silver tray as you reach for a bandage. “Well Z, luckily there's no signs of infection, I suggest regular icing to increase blood flow to the area and less intense use of that arm” you lay an ice bag by her non injured arm.
“For how long, this is the arm i shoot with, i’ve actually got shit to do”
“Depends on the speed of your muscle recovery, for humans though, it would be at least 3 weeks before you can do lifts with that arm again without permanent tissue damage” Your fingers worked nimbly, wrapping the bandage around her toned arm
Her relaxed form suddenly seemed riled up again as the words came out of your mouth, frown etching its way on her face as she growled. “I’ll be fucking damned”
“And because the bite had drawn your blood out of that part of your flesh, your tattoo ink had also leaked out with it, so that might be distorted, if not gone” the bandage was pressed with care before wrapped with another layer of gauze.
The cold buzz of the AC in the ward almost did nothing to combat the way her face heat up as your palm pressed the bandage in place with medical tape, before she remembered the proper emotion she was supposed to be feeling, rage, not whatever appreciation she was developing towards a person that only made her future work inconvenient by dramatifying the injury
“Listen Z, I’m only here to help, I know this is a frustrating situation, but the only thing you can do is to rest, and if there’s anything i can do to help in your recovery, please tell me” you say, your recited script towards angry patients such as her prepared as she kicks herself off the bed, stalking towards your form as you explain softly.
“Listen up miss nurse, I didn’t need this. I’ll be going out to the mission and I’ll be doing whatever I like with this arm that you only damaged more with your shit medical proceudure.” She growls angrily, the blood loss from the injury and your scent making her head spin with confusion. 
Why did she have the urge to pull you into her, to feel your sweet scent closer, what is this strange undertone to her anger?
You say nothing as her non-injured arm slams her first into the wall behind you, her bubblegum scent ghosting over you as she towered, tail swishing excitedly as her tone said exactly the opposite things
“I didn’t ask for this, the recombinant bodies heal faster and I don’t need your false pity, and maybe you’d know if you actually did anything other than sit in your pretty little ward, so i’m gonna fucking show you now”
What she did next shocked you, it hadn’t processed in your brain that her single hand had somehow made it to pin both of your arms above her and you were only able to see the flash of her mohawk as a warm spotch bubblegum was spat out. And before you even had time to squirm in response, you felt fangs sinking into your blue neck much similar to the way the carnivorous plant had done to her arm, but with surprising tenderness
Zdog had no idea what she was doing, no. She did. She was doing this to teach you a lesson, to demonstrate how the recombinant bodies worked as you clearly had no idea. She wasn’t doing this because of how much she indulged in the fluttering in her heart and stomach when she tasted the softness of your skin, the addictive feeling of your flesh on her tongue.
No blood was drawn, her saliva connecting her to the bright mark as she pulled away, still glaring at you as she inhaled sweet cherry rapidly, savoring the sweet taste of your flesh and laughing against your collarbone as she heard your cry. Damned the way her body relaxed like a cat as she retreated.
“And you’ll be paying for that tattoo that i lost” she said matter-of-factly, boots sliding across the floor as she slammed the door to the ward, leaving you dazed, confused, and the mark on your neck burning as her brown queue swished out of sight, the ice bag chunks rattling like her heart on the way out.
You couldn’t deny that you had enjoyed your little scuffle with her, you couldn’t help it, feeling the magnetic attraction the soldier exuded from her built form and confidence. And even if deep down you knew it was wrong, you’d be stupid to report it to anyone in the RDA, the recom team was basically the backbone of all the physical operations holding the establishment up, they wouldn’t hear a recombination nurse out if it meant the best to them
Zdog returned to her quarters, jaw empty of the bright pink bubblegum that frequented her mouth as she rolled her tongue around her teeth, trying to memorize the way your flesh felt around them.
In her mind, gnawed a voice, telling her to apologize to you, to see you again, to thank you
Her head reeled with swirling new emotions that she swore were useless as she layed on her bed pried open her sketchbook, trying to sketch an image of you, memorizing every feature before she realized her dominant arm was in too much pain.
She huffed frustratedly, before throwing her head back to her pillow, and icing her arm
Whenever she had been injured before, her comrades had laughed at her weakness, taking it as a chance to demote her position or belittle her for feeling pain, along with the fact that she had been a female, it had caused her to be pushed around.
But you? No “get over it”s or belittling laughs, just words of genuine advice as your fingers pressed gently into her wound, smoothing over the years of mistreatment she had received, and whether it was rehearsed from years of expertise as a medic or genuine care, your sweet cherry scent made it all too confusing to distinct.
Now all that filled her head is the sound of your sweet voice as it reassured her and your form in the white medic robes that softly pressed against her cargo vest.
Reminiscing, she lifted the ice bag, tracing the bandage where your delicate fingers had graced upon her arm, and a smile made its way upon her face unknowingly.
A brilliant excuse to see you again creeped its way into her mind as she ripped off the bandage, admiring the way you had folded it intricately as she held it to her chest, her heart beating rapidly.
I need to see her again, I need to, and I will no matter what.
Deep down she knew it was not needed, but two weeks off with an injured arm called for routines out of the ordinary.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to just do something useless for once, the anger would be just as time consuming as the weird feeling of attachment she felt near you.
She slept disturbingly well that night, the cloth held close to her chest as she dreamed of tied hair, marked necks, and sweet cherries.
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Despite not having duty, the responsible soldier still awoke early to send off the colonel and the rest of the team, still holding back her complaints when the colonel shook her head, telling her she wouldn’t be any good with her shooting arm injured before he assigned her to stay at the base.
As soon as the recom helicopter lifted off into to pandora sky, she skipped excitedly to the mess hall, where breakfast was being served, cherry red gum popping in her mouth as she scanned the room for a particular blue medic
Her heart seems to sink stupidly when not a single other blue form was seen in the room, her jaw tightening around the cherry gum as the flavor seemed to taunt her
That’s right, this is what you deserve for being such a impulsive asshole, indulging yourself in emotions that waste more of your time, and wasting even more energy walking around to find her
You see the agile female’s tail swishing curiously from miles away, you approach her, squinting when you realize she doesn’t have her bandage from yesterday
Zdog’s jaw immediately falls slack when she smells it, her heart racing, reciting your name, as it sends her stepping back towards the source, almost knocking into your form.
“Back so soon?” You tilt your head towards her bare arm, scar breathing without the bandage
“Looking for you nurse, just needed another bandage, you didn’t anchor it enough and it fell off when I was sending the squad off earlier” Zdog says fluently, rehearsed words from her practiced scenarios ready for whatever response you have
You only raise your eyebrows, chuckling as you led her back to the ward. Not that you were really a faster walker by any chance, the soldier made a strong effort to take smaller strolls to admire your beautiful form from the back, the sweet swirls of tenderness and affection filling her as her heart pounded louder and louder as you sat her down to bandage her, almost 10 times as intense as the way it had felt yesterday
Correct to Zdog’s assumption, the scar had indeed healed a lot faster than you had expected, though her arm was still sore and healing, the wounds had closed up a lot faster than expected
You raise your eyebrows when you see that her scar has healed fast, leaning back as your eyes scan over it
She gulps almost nervously, voice coarse and low as she mumbles “what’re you lookin at, nurse, get on with it”
“Maybe you were right, recombinant bodies really do heal much faster, i doubt you really even need the bandage” you say hesitantly, as if questioning your own healing abilities
Zdog’s eyes widen as she reaches out for you, fingers around your arm as she tries to sound as threatening as possible, but her words coming out as pleas instead ``Nope. You’re a medic aren’t you? So do your job and bandage me, or else I can get you fired and on your way back to earth” she had plotted this with so much meticulous thought just to feel your fingers on her arm again! It surely can’t go to waste, she was gonna go out and find another carnivorous plant if she had to
You smile softly, chuckling and the sound goes straight through Zdog’s ears into her heart. 
What is this fluttering feeling? Why won’t it stop?
“Where’s this compliancy coming from, you barely let me do anything yesterday, Ms. I have shit to do with this arm” you sit down and twist the cap off the healing cream, grabbing another q tip
Zdog rolls her eyes naturally, although she cant help but open it faster when she feels the rub of the soothing cream on her arm, amber eyes trained on your experienced movements
“If I really wanted to get back, maybe I should heal in the right way so I can do shit faster” she muses, fingers tempted to run themselves down your delicate queue and spine that was exposed to her as you leaned to heal her
You blink, sighing as you reach for the gauze “I think you were right though, maybe these procedures are only damaging it more, maybe it needs to just breathe. Are you sure you need the bandage?”
Zdog nods rapidly, her bold neck tattoos becoming a blur of black and blue as she spits out, trying to keep up her shell up and ignore whatever was swirling in her heart an brain “What do you think? Does that arm look anywhere near healed to you? Do you want me to walk around unbandaged and get a worse injury?”
It wouldn’t hurt to just indulge in the useless things a little bit, processes that only really waste time if it’s with you. It wouldn’t hurt to just have it on if it meant your fingers would grace my arm everyday
“Plus, I’m sure the only reason the lil nasty’s recovered this fast is because of your speed and expertise in treating it yesterday, don’t question your skill” The sentence hopped out of Zdog’s mouth almost unknowingly, and she almost wanted to bash her head against the wall. What did she say that for? You didn’t need reassurance, reassurance was for people who didn’t know anything, people who needed others to walk them along
Before her thoughts become more self deprecating, your laugh echoes through the ward, the cold silver and white walls suddenly becoming welcoming as you shake your head, anchoring the gauze in palace on your arms
“Flattering, but I really mean it when I say I think you may have been right about recombinant bodies healing faster” you lift your neck, bearing the mark that was violently purple yesterday, faded to a shade of lavender with the fang indents like marks of violet.
Zdog swallows, feeling both guilty and in a weird way, proud when she sees the mark.
“Yeah about that, that’s my bad, I was pissed and out of my mind because I’ve never been told to stay off duty yesterday, being out all day in that damp jungle heated my blood, and I may have been tryna prove a point about recombinants but that was completely fucked up and unnecessary”
she looks down at her lap, 9 feet body suddenly feeling like she was a young human girl in the marines again, disappointing her sergeant for not being as strong and capable as they expected
You set down the gauze gently and lean down to peer at her, her downcasted gaze unable to see the slight blush on your face “I’m not gonna say it’s okay to bite a medic that was trying to treat you, but you’re lucky it was me, I didn’t mind it that much, and it really did prove a point that recombinant bodies heal faster”
Zdog nods quickly, happy as she detected no anger in your voice. “Never trying that again for sure though”
“The world’s medical field is in danger if that's what you act like to everyone who tries to treat you” you chortle
For the rest of the day, Z-Dog spent time helping you maintain the ward as an extended apology to her behavior yesterday as she continued to indulge in the honey like emotion that came with being near you
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- Through the next week, the ward seems to grow warmer and more homey every time Z-Dog visits (though by the first four days, her arm was completely fine, she found excuses) unknowingly, Z-Dog began to sink in the feeling of the previously useless emotions, letting it consume her until she was wasted in love
- Without knowing it, morning visits for rebandaging had turned into long conversations where Z-Dog healed more than the injury of her arm, but burns and bruises of her childhood and life as a female soldier that was constantly undermined, you saw that her hard exterior seemed to be a essential part of her that she needed for protection
- And to be honest, Z-Dog didn’t think really about what she said to you or how she said it, words just flew out of her mouth as the soft feeling of trust and affection drifted over her, your understanding gaze and comforting words binding you together like a web
- The bonding had quickly grown into something wordlessly essential and romantic, things Z-Dog always used to qualify as a waste, but now just like her cold exterior, the soft moments where your hands interlaced as she talked to you about her past seemed just as natural.
- She was almost always in contact with you, physically, whether it was the ways her eyes followed your every move or the way her hand was always by your hip, shoulder, head, it became a constant
- She followed you everywhere in the guise of protection in return for you healing her and never let her eyes off you
- And even when you were busy or actually did have other RDA matters, they seem to come cancelled last minute on short notice (because even the officials knew not to mess with a injured recom soldier that was defending the organization), and you couldn’t just leave Z-Dog alone, her words always seemed to have a way of wrapping themselves against you
- “You’re gonna leave your injured patient waiting alone like that when she’s in pain needing medical attention? Wow, I thought you cared about me” 
- “You still owe me for the tattoo, yknow, so it might be less financially burdening in the future if you treat me well right now”
- There were many late nights where Z-Dog had opted to stay in your quarters instead of hers, arguing that she slept better and healed faster, her sketchbook filling up with doodles and intricate charcoal lines with details of you. Her beloved muse.
- Back in her own quarters, folded along her sketches of you were her past bandages, as well as hairbands she stole from you, keeping everything that you had touched or interacted with like a piece of magical artifact organized like a shrine upon her nightstand as she put them under her pillow, sleeping well to the thought of you.
- Two weeks had passed by and her arm was as good as new, as the two of you only grew closer and closer,  the romantic attraction was undeniable, your blue tails tangled together as her arms sneak around your waist while you you documented her healing progress at the ward
- Until one morning the cool, brazen female soldier was gone, leaving you alone and confused in your empty bed before you realized that her duty had begun again. The past weeks had been nothing but a vacation and relaxation for her, and now that she is back on duty you could certainly expect to never speak to her again. It was all probably just a sort of short term association with her
- The day passed in a sort of a weird haze for you, strolling around the base without the sight of your certain badass soldier you were infatuated with
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The night after her first day on duty, rapid knocks sound at your ward door as you’re working overtime, trying to distract yourself from your attachment with Zdog. Distraught and confused, you rush out of your seat in your white robes as you open it and see the female soldier, bright as ever
“Oh? Come to visit after ditching me this morning?” You say, a bit salty as you step back, suddenly noticing a bandage on her upper arm again
Z-Dog only looks at you, pupils filled with affection and joy as she laughs “Actually, I need help with my arm again”
You blink back an eye roll, used to the intentional injuries she sometimes did to recieve more medical attention from you as you wordlessly sit her down on the bed like many nights before where you guys had laughed, cried, kissed, and loved as your nimble fingers unwrap her bandage.
The white gauze falls away and under the soft glow of your examination table light and your eyes are busy scanning for cuts, violet reds or blood, or dark bruises that you almost miss it at first
Black, bold, yet slick and elegant letters curve around her blue skin, replacing the faded and distorted tattoo that had once been there, thick and bold as the ink is fresh, you can almost still see the puncture of the needles that she so willingly sat through and for hours before she had rushed up to your door, the shock in your eyes blurs your vision until you focus in and make out the letters of your name, with a tiny, clumsy heart identical that you had doodled on her sketchbook nights ago next to it
“Z- what is this” You breath in awe
“Well, you were the person that helped my arm heal the fastest, and parts of my heart as well, so why not dedicate the new area of skin to you instead of redoing a boring old tattoo” She chuckles matter of factly, pulling you into her lap as you continue staring at in awe
“Oh Zdinarsk” You gasp, tears blurring your vision as you look at the huge bold letters
“You never paid me back for the one I lost though, so how about a deal” She looks up at you playfully, true unfiltered joy in her once callous eyes
“Be my girl? My personal nurse, hm?” She asks cooly, thumbs smoothing over your ears as if her own heart wasnt pounding through the heavy cargo vest she wore for duty
And when you nod happily as she pulls you into a kiss of many to come, she realizes in the moment that yes, love wasn’t entirely necessary, and neither was her tattoo, or opening up to you, or the feelings that overtook her when she held you to herself proudly the next day as she introduced you to the squad, arm still firm around your waist as if to mark you for herself
None of it was necessary, and yes, maybe she was wasting her time, her love, her emotions. But even love was nothing more than a waste of her time, she would gladly waste it all on you, over and over again.
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
Okay but y/n given love bites one of the recom that she/he loves very much because how she/he shows love is biting (I remember this old meme on tiktok and that give me the idea of y/n doing that and the different reaction to whoever who give the love bite to)
How the recoms react to being bitten
A/N: idk much about the other recoms that’s why I didn’t add them sorry 🫣
Characters: Z-dog, Miles, Lyle.
Warnings: biting, swearing, marking
- Miles is definitely a little freaked out. He’s like “what the fuck have I gotten myself into?”. He definitely sees it as animalistic, or strange. But he gets used to it, he might even start doing it to you himself. If he feels up to it.
- Lyle is definitely a vanilla kind of guy. He doesn’t really wanna try new things, especially not in the bedroom. He likes things the way they are, just plain vanilla. So when he feels you bite around his neck, he’s very taken aback. He’ll swat you away as you draw near his face. But after you explain it to him he’ll probably roll with it.
- She’s all for it, she’s pretty kinky, so a few bites aren’t gonna scare her off. She was just waiting for you to make the first move, once you do bite her. She’ll never stop, she loves marking what’s hers. Especially her girlfriend, she needs everyone to know that you are hers no matter what.
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byunpum · 1 year
Byunpum, you’re literally in the top tier of my favorite writers on Tumblr! ☺️💓 So I have an idea, Z-Dog goes into heat for the first time while eating lunch with fem,human! Reader, and storms away to isolate in her room. Reader is baffled and hurt, so when she goes to Z’s room to confront her, Z starts hissing and screaming at her to get out. Reader won’t leave, insisting on getting an answer about what happened 🙈😇❤️‍🔥
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Pair: Z-dog x Fem reader ( human reader!!!<3)
Warning: none. Teasing, Heat, misunderstanding
Note: This is my first request from zdog and I'm nervous (^3^)// She sooo aHhHhAHAHAHAASDFGHJK and @blueberryera omg thanks, your sooo sweet, I send you virtual hugs and kisses.
Something was happening to her and she knew it. Ever since she woke up that morning, just getting up was making her grumpy. And it was a strange kind of grumpiness, nothing had happened to cause her to have a bad time. If not, it was a moodiness caused by the feeling of neediness… needing… lack of attention. She decided not to give it any importance, maybe it was a side effect of this new avatar body. So she decided to go about her day as normal, doing her chores. Filling his routine rounds with lopez, and going to the gym to clear his mind. Everything seemed under control until lunchtime came.
Z was quite happy, she was going to get to see you. Usually during the week you didn't have time to spend time together, and lunch was the perfect time. She had the afternoon off and you had 3 hours off. You two had met the same day she woke up in this avatar body. You were one of the doctors in charge of the avatars. You quickly paired up, it was something you couldn't control…it just happened. Z walks into the dining room, and all the grumpiness she's been trying to control all day comes rushing back like a big wave. When she sees how Lyle is sitting next to you, with one hand on your shoulder. Pulling your whole body into him, she swears she could see the thumb of his hand make circles on the bare skin of your arm.
She walks quickly to the direction you were facing, sitting down abruptly next to you. The thump on the seat was loud and startled both you and Lyle. Both of the two had not realized that Z was approaching. "Love…how are you?" you speak, pulling away from lyle closer to her body. Resting your head on her arm. As soon as Z was in your sight, all your attention went to her, and that was something she loved about you. You can feel how tense Z-dog is, and it surprises you. She is usually relaxed and very affectionate with you. You miss her not hugging you and giving you kisses on the top of your head. "I'm fine" speaks Z, her tone was dry. As she began to touch her food, everyone at the table gave her a few glances. You settle closer to her side, crossing your hand on her arm. Seeking more of her warmth, but you feel Z pull away and move her arm for you to let go. "Y/N…baby let me breathe" Zdog says, still with a cold, dry tone. You feel a pain in your chest, she was never treating you like this. Lyle turns to take a good look at her friend, she had actually told you that.
"Zdog…are you okay? Why are you acting like that?" asks Lyle, The woman laughs out loud…it's a ironic smile. You knew that smile. "I said I was fine!!! right…" the woman speaks, as she continues to eat. Everyone lets the event pass, but you are still a bit disconcerted. You move away from her a bit, focusing now on trying to regain your appetite. Time passes quickly, and at no time does Z turn to look at you. You can see how she is talking to Lopez, and to Miles. He even speaks to lyle again. But to you…it seemed like you were a ghost to her. When there was a moment of silence and everyone in the group was busy. You take the opportunity to move closer to her, placing your hand in the palm of her hand to squeeze it. Trying to get her attention. Z tensed as she felt your touch.
"I have the afternoon free…what do you want me to" you start to speak almost in a whisper, but Z interrupts you. Getting up from her seat, causing her to push you away. You watch as she leaves the room, you swear you've heard her hissing. This was bothering you, she wasn't like that with you. You had done something wrong…it couldn't be because you were talking to lyle, you always talked to lyle. Why was she despising you so much. Everyone at the table goes silent, as they begin to look at you. You decide to get up and go see what was going on with her. It had to be something serious, maybe she was sick and felt a little unwell. Or she just wanted to be alone. Still you go to the rooms to see if she was there, and to your good fortune there she was. The door was slightly open, and you poke your head through the doorway.
You can see how Zdog is lying face down on the bed, with her hands spread out. She looked like a starfish…as she whimpered and whined. "Love?" you speak as you watch as zdog's tail lifts up and does a quick wag. "Leave me alone…pleaseeee" it's almost a cry of pain and frustration. You got a little chuckle out of it, because it sounded like a little girl fighting. "Z you have to explain to me what is wrong with you…are you? Did I do something wrong?" you ask watching as the woman turns sideways, making a sort of ball with her body. Looking up, her pupils were dilated and her ears were moving back.
"You…you haven't done anything love…I just want to be alone" she speaks, hugging her body tighter. You move to the edge of the bed, sitting up to stroke her hair. "I'm not going anywhere…and you know it" you speak, as you watch Z look up. And giggles a little, she has to give up she doesn't need to argue with you anymore, she knows you won't leave her side. And she liked that about you, you never leave her. "Now…may I know what's wrong with you? After all I am your doctor" you speak tenderly, you don't want to upset her, you know she is frustrated about something. The behavior is very noticeable, and the avatars can be unpredictable, as they don't know how to control this new body.
"I feel…bad, It's not health…it's mmm" she tries to explain how she feels, but at the same time she feels ashamed to tell you how she is feeling. You guys have never gone this far before, just heated kissing sessions. Just that…but now she needed a little more. "Are you in pain? Or is it discomfort?" you speak, Z takes a deep breath. She hated it when you spoke like a doctor, you sounded too professional for her. "No…it's a need" she looks at you with wide eyes, intently waiting for you to understand. It takes you a moment to understand, but you take the hint quickly. Blushing and pulling your hand away from her hair, which you had been caressing for some time.
"Really? But it's kind of painful" you wait for her to answer, because you were getting nervous. Z gets up and sits on the bed. Crossing her legs. "I…this need started this morning, I thought it was normal. I always feel this way…but this time it's different. It bothers me" Z says, waiting for you to say something that might help her. As if what's happening to her is some kind of disease. You swallow hard, and settle closer to her. You can see her get excited, and make room for you to be more comfortable. Apparently the attitude she had moments ago in the dining room was due to the presence of male figures, she became defensive.
"You're in heat Z" you drop the bombshell without warning, taking the girl by surprise. "In heat? How's that?" this was really getting on her nerves. "Yes, in heat…like some animals do. Navi females also go into heat, it almost always lasts 1-2 weeks. Then it goes away. You are in mating season" you speak, seeing how Z is looking at you surprised and confused. She starts stroking the back of her neck, and takes a deep breath. You try to comfort her, taking your hands to caress her fingers. "And is there anything you can do to take it away? A pill, treatment?" she asks. "mmm no, it's a natural thing. Like a monthly period…it just has to pass. Or you have to mate with someone." You speak, catching the woman's attention with your last words. "Mate with a male" you speak, you watch as Z settles in and you feel her tail flick at you. That displeased her a bit…why did she have to be with someone other than you. You watch as his demeanor changes, so you decide to explain. "The female navi body has to fulfill that need, it's kind of annoying. If she doesn't have a partner…she has to relieve herself alone" you speak.
"And… couldn't I be with you? Couldn't you help me?" her voice sounded a little sassy, and you were getting nervous. "ahh I, I, I guess…I don't know" you speak, trying to pull away from her, but you feel the grip on your hands grow stronger. Moving her hand to your forearm, making a quick movement so you could move. Causing you to now be positioned in her lap. "I'd like it to be you…to help me feel good. Would you like that?" says Z, placing her hands on either side of your hips, squeezing your soft skin. You could barely speak, biting your lower lip trying to stifle a moan that was threatening to come out of your mouth, when you feel the tight squeeze Z had given your ass. "Answer me baby…you want to help me?" she speaks, sniffing a little at your neck leaving several wet kisses. You swallow hard, moving your hands over her chest. "Yes…yes I would" listening as Z let out a little smile, shit…she had planned this whole thing.
P.S: I love it when I get requests for recoms, there's not a lot of work on them.
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darika-chan · 1 year
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HD wallpapers with my beautiful girl ❦
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pompomegranates · 1 year
Z dog x Reader: First Impressions 🔞
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Ao3 link here
Word Count: 4k
Summary: You run some papers to Colonel Quaritch when you happen to meet a tall tattooed female recom who piques your interest. Never in your wildest dreams would you have thought she would be interested too but life is full of surprises.
Warnings: 18+!Smutt, degrading, size difference
All the computers had gone down in your department. Engineers were working on fixing the issue but in the meantime everything was back to the classic pen and paper. Being a low-level administrative clerk, the task of running back and forth between departments to deliver correspondence had been given to you. Your heels clicked against the smooth floor, echoing off the high ceilings that were built to accommodate the recoms’ extreme heights. In the year you had worked on the base, you had never been to this section. At a fork in the corridors, you referred to the crudely-drawn map from your team leader and headed to the left. As you picked up the pace, you double checked that all four documents were still attached to the clipboard.
After a couple more turns, you reached the door to the office your boss had sent you to. Colonel Miles Quaritch. The leader of the recombinant squad. You had never met any of the recoms before, only heard all the vicious rumours surrounding the soldiers. Worrying your lower lip between your teeth, you took a moment to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear and smooth out your skirt. Taking a deep breath, you requested access to the office from the pad on the wall.
The colonel granted you entrance and the door slid open.
You weren’t expecting him to have company.
A female recombinant was leant against the wall to the left of the desk, which the colonel was seated behind. The woman’s posture was relaxed, casual, familiar. Her heavily tattooed arms were crossed over her chest. The pop of her gum startled you. She smirked as her eyes raked up and down your body.
After taking another deep breath to calm your nerves, you turned to address the colonel.
“I have some documents that require your signature, sir.”
“They decide you little ones need more exercise on this base or what?” The colonel quipped.
It took you a moment to realise what he was truly asking. “Oh,” you said, when your brain finally caught up. “The tech is down in my department so everything is back to pen and paper for the time being unfortunately.”
With a flick of his wrist, Colonel Quaritch summoned you to his desk.
You knew that the Na’vi were tall. Residing on the base for a year you would be a fool not to have picked up at least the basics on the native species. Yet you had never come into contact with one: avatar, recombinant or biological. Being in the modest office of the recombinant colonel made the height difference explicitly clear. You could only just see over the desk as you approached it. With him reclining in a massive office chair, you only reached the colonel’s chest. And, being beside the desk, you were closer to the female recom. You came to realise you barely reached her waist even in your heels. Tilting your neck back, you looked up at her face as she towered over you. Your knees turned to jelly, but not just from the staggering height difference; the smirk on her face shot warmth through your bloodstream.
With a click of his fingers, your attention was brought back to the colonel.
“Hand ‘em over, doll. I don’t have all day.” His tone wasn’t as harsh as his words but that didn’t calm your nerves completely. As he took the clipboard—which looked comically small in his large hands—you wrung your hands together.
Leaving the colonel to read through the documents, you stole glances at the other recom. Every time your eyes looked over, hers were firmly and shamelessly fixed on you. Heat bloomed in your cheeks. A small yelp slipped through your lips when you accidentally made eye contact. You heard her chuckle. Screwing your eyes shut, you prayed to every god you could think of that Quaritch would hurry up so you could scurry back to the safety of your department.
Mercifully, the colonel signed all four documents without any questions. He handed the clipboard back and dismissed you. You nodded your head respectfully to both of them before scurrying from the room.
As the door slid shut, you heard the colonel’s deep voice. “I know that look, Zdinarsk,” he said.
You didn’t catch her reply as the door sealed behind you. At least now you had a name for the tall, intimidating female recom.
Once the computers were back up and running in your department, work commenced as usual. Your poor feet were given a must-needed break from running around acting as a messenger.
Tucked in the back corner of the office, you kept your head down and got on with your work. During slow moments, you sneakily searched Zdinarsk in the system. Warmth flooded your cheeks as the ID pictures of both her human and recombinant self popped up on your screen. You slumped down slightly in your chair so no one could spot your blush.
Emails pinged in your inbox; you flicked back and forth between the two pages, barely able to focus on what people were asking you for when you could be learning more about the tattooed recom. Reading up on her past life in the marines and her untimely death, which led to her being reanimated in a Na’vi body, you were consumed by her. So much so that you neglected your work altogether.
Someone shouting your name across the office snapped you out of your trance. Your boss, leaning round the door frame into his office, was glaring at you.
“I need you to email me the final draft of the ‘epsilon case’ contract now. What are you playing at?”
Cringing down in your seat, you stuttered out a weak apology that satisfied your boss enough to slink back into his office. You quickly sent him the document and closed Zdinarsk’s profile completely to avoid the temptation.
Lunch rolled around and you had finally managed to push Zdinarsk to the back of your mind in order to focus on your work. You sent off a final email before joining your coworkers in the cafeteria. Waving to a few friends, you joined the back of the queue.
The atmosphere in the cafeteria changed suddenly. An air of curiosity and mild fear quickly replaced the steady chatter of polite small talk and office gossip. You look up from the salad bar to see a Na’vi body ducking to fit under the door. As she stood up to full height, head almost scraping the ceiling that you had never considered low before, you realised it was your recombinant. Zdinarsk. Before she could catch you gaping like a fish, you turned back to the counter.
“Hey, sweetheart.” You had never heard her voice before but you could tell it was Zdinarsk. But she couldn’t be talking to you. You’d never spoken before. Nothing you had done would warrant a pet name like that. Swallowing around the lump in your throat, you reached out to start ladling food onto your plate.
A large blue hand curled around your upper arm. You froze, staring at the long fingers digging into your soft flesh. “Why don’t you come eat with the grownups,” she offered. You could hear the smirk on her face through her tone.
Your head whipped round. Underestimating her staggering height, you were faced with her chest. Blushing furiously, you looked up to meet her gaze. Stuttering something unintelligible, you tried to tell her you were supposed to stay in the cafeteria during your lunch break.
“Let me rephrase,” Zdinarsk said as she took the tray from your hands. “You’re coming with me.”
It took you a minute of being tugged down the corridors for your brain to catch up.
“Ma’am—” you began.
She cut you off with a humoured scoff. “Don’t call me that. It’s Zdinarsk or Z.”
“Zdinarsk.” You enjoyed how her name felt in your mouth. You’d never let yourself say it aloud for fear of being caught in your obsession. Now you never wanted to stop saying it. Zdinarsk Zdinarsk Zdinarsk. “Where are we going?” You asked finally.
“Recom messhall. Much better fit for me than those tiny plastic benches.” She spoke so simply as if you were the crazy one for asking, not her for dragging you away with zero context. Realising you weren’t going to get anything more helpful from her, you chewed on your lower lip and allowed her to lead you along.
The ceilings got taller, the hallways wider. Through the windows, you saw human scientists scurrying around a Na’vi body laid out on a table, leaning over each others’ shoulders to read from screens. Zdinarsk tugged you through a door into a hall similar to the cafeteria she had stolen you from ten minutes prior, only this one was larger and nicer than the other.
A clamour of greetings filled the space as the other recoms welcomed Zdinarsk back. You smoothed out your clothes and hair nervously, fear flooding your body at the sight of the giant recombinant soldiers dotted around at the various tables.
“So this is the human,” one of them said. You had researched the rest of the squad before but couldn’t really tell them all apart.
“Not another word, Wainfleet,” Zdinarsk said. That identified one of the recoms: Lyle Wainfleet. The rest of them leering down at you were still a mystery. Clasping your hands tightly, you waited for Zdinarsk to lead you across the room, her hand gently pushing between your shoulder blades. A shiver ran down your spine when one of her fingers touched the back of your exposed neck.
The food counter came up to your chest. Everything made you feel so minuscule. Fortunately, Zdinarsk fixed you a plate so you didn’t have to experience the embarrassment of having to try to do it yourself. With all the other recoms towering over you, their attention focused solely on you and Zdinarsk, you felt even smaller. You felt like a child finally being promoted to the adults’ table at Christmas dinner: you were invited to join them but you didn’t quite fit in.
Steeling yourself, you turned to Zdinarsk. “Why did you bring me here?”
Zdinarsk swallowed the mouthful of food she had shovelled into her mouth before replying. “Wanted to see you.” Again, she was speaking so plainly as if the answer were obvious, as if your head wasn’t swimming with dozens of loud anxious questions.
“Okay,” you said slowly. “But why here?” The eyes of all the curious recoms were making you antsy. The hairs on the back of your neck were standing up, your limbs buzzing with nervous energy.
“Didn’t want to scare you off being alone.” She twirled her fork around her fingers.
You raised an eyebrow, confused.
She chuckled, leaning down to whisper in your ear. “Just sitting next to you right now I can barely keep my hands to myself.” Her hand found where your shirt tucked into your trousers and slipped beneath the fabric to touch your bare skin. You gripped the chair to keep from jumping. She grinned. You could feel the smile against your cheek as she leaned closer. “If we were alone, you wouldn’t be wearing so many clothes. And most people don’t react well to that happening so fast.”
You looked up at her wide-eyed, mouth agape.
“Your skin’s so soft, so warm,” she muttered, her eyes fluttering shut as she traced circles into your flesh.
Your breath hitched.
She returned to her full height, taking another bite of her meal as if nothing had happened, as if you weren’t melting into a puddle right there in the seat.
With shuddering breath, you looked around the room in an attempt to calm down. As your sight moved from the ceiling, you caught Wainfleet’s eyes. His grin made you jump. Quickly, you snapped your gaze back to your plate.
“She’s real cute,” Wainfleet said.
Zdinarsk pointed her fork at him threateningly. “I said not another word.”
After forcing your food down, your lunch hour was coming to an end. Zdinarsk escorted you back to your department. A few corridors away, she stopped. Sinking to her knees to close the height difference (though she still towered over you) she took you by the shoulders. The eye contact made your knees weak.
“I’m sorry for springing that on you but I haven’t been able to get my mind off you since I saw you,” she said.
Your face broke out in a tender smile. “Me neither,” you admitted in a breathless whisper.
Zdinarsk groaned, resting her forehead on top of your head. “Fuck it,” you heard her murmur into your hair before she rose to her feet and scooped you up in her arms.
“What are you doing?” You cried, squirming in her grasp. She didn’t deign to reply with words. The closet door shutting behind you was answer enough.
Zdinarsk dropped you onto a sturdy shelf, her hands reaching to undo your trousers. Your shirt slipped off one shoulder and she dived at the opportunity to lick a line from your collarbone to your ear. You shuddered as thoughts of her tongue on other parts of your body flooded your brain.
With one “wait” from you she paused, pulling back to look into your eyes. “I’m meant to be at work,” you said.
Her big yellow eyes blinked once. “Is that your only objection to this?”
You nodded sheepishly.
Zdinarsk huffed a laugh, a smirk tugging at her lips. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I’ll get someone to email your boss. I’m borrowing you for work purposes.” Her head bowed down to return to kissing your neck.
“This isn’t work!” You protested.
“With what I’m about to do to you, sweetheart, believe me, I will be putting in work.”
Speechless, you stared at her smug face. She held eye contact as she unfastened your trousers. Lifting you up effortlessly, she slid them down your legs. Her strength made you dizzy. No human could manhandle you so easily. It was exhilarating.
Your hands found purchase in her shirt as she sank to her knees. With you up on the shelf, you were face to face with Zdinarsk for the first time. Her yellow eyes bore into yours. She ran her tongue over her teeth before burying her face in your neck, sucking and kissing with such vigour you knew she would leave marks. But as her hand travelled between your thighs, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. All you could focus on was the addictive feeling of her all around you. You never wanted her to stop.
As you took hold of the hem of her shirt, she pulled away from you long enough for you to lift it over her head. She didn’t give you any time to enjoy her upper body clad only in her sports bra because she returned almost immediately to her mission of covering your neck in purple bruises. Your hands did the exploring your eyes couldn’t. Running your deft fingers over every delicious line of her defined abs up to her sternum and over her shoulders. You traced the edges of her tattoos down her muscular arms as she pulled sighs and moans from your lips.
A sharp gasp filled the room as she slipped her hand into your underwear. As quickly as the pressure against your clit appeared, it vanished. The loss of pressure made you whine.
“Someone’s desperate,” Zdinarsk purred.
“You’re the one that dragged me into a closet.” You fixed her with a self-satisfied smirk despite the tightening knot deep in the pit of your stomach.
Zdinarsk let out a growl. “Don’t get clever with me, pretty girl. I don’t like smartasses.”
“I’m not wrong though,” you muttered.
The glare she levelled you was nothing short of fierce. The warmth in your veins abruptly turned to ice. You curled in on yourself submissively, bowing your head. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled.
“Better,” she said, scratching her nails down your inner thighs enough to leave pale lines in your skin. You shuddered as the fear in your body melted into arousal once more.
“If you want this to be enjoyable, you listen to everything I tell you,” she continued, grabbing you by the throat and pinning you against the wall. “I’ll get off just as easily to your understimulated whines or overstimulated cries as I will to your satisfied moans. Do you understand?”
“Yes, yes, yes. I promise. I promise I’ll be good.” The words tumbled from your quivering lips. The hand not clamped around your throat was tauntingly close to your cunt. All you wanted was for her to touch you. You’d promise her all the stars in the galaxy if it meant she put you out of your misery and slid one of her long fingers inside your aching pussy.
Satisfied with your show of submission, Zdinarsk leant down to steal a kiss from your plush lips. Her hand unlatched from your throat and travelled down to grope your breasts through your shirt.
Zdinarsk swallowed your loud moan as one of her deft fingers finally delved into your soaking pussy.
“You gotta be more quiet, sweetheart,” she cooed. “Anyone could be walking past.”
You whined. “But you feel so good. Your fingers are huge!”
She chuckled. “Best part about my new body. That and these…” She grinned, revealing the elongated canine teeth. Your mind blanked. The most sinful, wanton sound slipped from your lips. Zdinarsk laughed. You would flush with embarrassment if you could think about anything other than the feeling of her finger pumping in and out of you at a torturously slow pace, and the deep desire to feel her fangs sinking into your flesh.
“You want another?” She asked as she ever so slightly picked up the pace. You nodded furiously. “Use your words.”
“Please. Please, Z. I want another finger. Please.”
Mercifully, she obliged. Your back arched as her two fingers stretched you open.
Her other hand tangled in your hair and yanked your head back, exposing the column of your throat. “Your babbling is so fucking cute,” she growled as she tilted her head to bite down shallowly on your pulse points. Breathlessly, you moaned her name as she dragged her teeth down your neck.
Your thighs squeezed her hand as her thumb began to rub circles on your aching clit. “Spread your legs,” she hissed. You mumbled your apologies and did as she commanded.
Her free hand unbuttoned your shirt to allow her to suck and bite marks into your collarbone as her fingers picked up the pace, building you closer closer closer to your release. She ran her hand over your stomach and squeezed your breasts, tracing her thumb over your nipples through the lace of your bra. Every move of her fingers, every kiss and nip of her mouth and teeth combined had you slipping closer to release.
She adjusted the angle of her fingers deep inside you and you cried out. She hummed against your throat before sucking harder on your skin.
“I’m gonna—fuck, Z, I’m gonna cum.”
“Beg for it.”
You screwed your eyes shut, frantically holding onto your release, doing your best to obey her. Desperate pleas poured from your lips alongside high-pitched moans and lewd whispers of her name.
“Good girl. Go ahead.” No sooner had the words passed her lips, you came around her fingers, soaking her hand and the shelf beneath you. Tears spilled down your cheeks as your back arched off the wall. You mumbled thank yous repeatedly as you came back to your body. Your limbs tingled with electricity as you slumped down in pure fucked-out bliss.
“So pretty,” Zdinarsk murmured as she kissed away the tears from your pink cheeks. “And just from two of my fingers. Imagine what else I could do to you.”
You looked up at her in awe. “You’d do this again? With me?”
“Sweetheart, I’d have you every second of every day if I could.”
You threw your arms around her neck, pulling her closer to you. “Oh, please!”
Zdinarsk chuckled and kissed your cheek. She unlocked your arms from around her shoulders and replaced them with your legs.
“What are you doing?” You squeaked as she licked a stripe up your pussy to your clit.
“Fuck, you taste delicious,” she moaned.
She looked up at you from between your thighs. Your juices glistened on her lips. “I’m just cleaning you up,” she said, that same infuriating matter-of-fact tone back in her voice. “Unless you think you’ve got another one in you.” She raised her eyebrows, silently challenging you.
You didn’t know if you did but you wanted nothing more than to feel her tongue on you again. You nodded, awe plainly written on your face.
“Good girl,” Zdinarsk said, lapping at your pussy again. She held eye contact as you bit down on your fist to quiet your moans. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as she sucked on your clit. You gripped the shelf beneath you so tightly you broke a nail. You didn’t even register the pain, all-consumed by the pleasure she was bringing you.
As the coil deep in your stomach wound tighter and tighter, you bent double over Zdinarsk’s head. Your breath came out in canine pants, your chest heaving. You felt Zdinarsk’s laugh vibrating through your cunt. Her devious, magnificent tongue brought you back to your peak far quicker than you were expecting. You’d never finished in such quick succession before. Yet there you were begging for her permission again. Graciously, she let you without much convincing.
You fought to catch your breath, slumped over Z’s head. She took hold of your arms and helped you sit up. Cradling your head in her hands, she gazed at you with stark admiration in her yellow eyes.
“Gorgeous,” she whispered before pressing a chaste kiss to your quivering lips.
You smiled. “So much for cleaning me up,” you quipped.
Zdinarsk laughed, smoothing your flyaway hairs. “Clearly you’ve got another one in you, sweetheart.”
“No! No. No more. I can’t.”
“You’re still coherent. I’ll know you’re fully fucked out when you can’t even say your own name.”
A shudder ran down your spine.
“But I guess I’ll go easy on you for now, princess, but I won’t be this nice forever,” she said. You hoped she’d keep that promise, eager to figure out what a night of her glorious torture would include.
Zdinarsk ran soothing circles into your skin as you came down from your high. She pressed sweet kisses to your face and mopped up your tears. Using her shirt, she mopped up the mess you’d made between your legs, insisting she had no qualms returning to the recom barracks in just her sports bra. She was so confident in her body; you wouldn’t guess she had only been in it for a few months instead of her whole life with the way she carried herself. Though, how could anyone tell her anything? She could easily squash any human that had a problem with her half-nakedness.
With a few final kisses and some clothing adjustments, you took her hand and left the closet. Fortunately, the hallway was clear. Zdinarsk escorted you back to your office.
She stole the pen tucked into your pocket and scribbled a four digit code onto the back of your hand. “The code to my room. Meet me there when you get off work tonight.” With a quick kiss goodbye, she pushed the button to open the door and left you to return to your desk.
“Where the hell were you?” Your boss snapped, appearing from his office.
“Zdinarsk needed to borrow me. We had permission from Colonel Quaritch.”
Your boss didn’t look too pleased but with the rank of the man you used as an excuse, he could do nothing. You prayed Zdinarsk would remember to get Quaritch to email your boss. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care that much as your mind ran away with all the possibilities of what Z had in store for you that night.
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riricloudlet · 11 months
Это была обложка для одной из групп. Вот результат. Жаль я лучше тогда он смогла
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История про отношения семейки Куоритча и Здог ( for → @Zdinarsk telegram)
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Hiiiii!!!! I’m super gay and was wondering if you are open to writing an avatar Walker x metkayina! Fem reader x zdog smut. They both discover metkayina reader when they were torturing the metkayina clan and they are smitten by her so they kidnap her. Then pls make it smut where they take her virginity with their strapons, fingering, pussy eating (metkayina reader eats their pussies), and then a forced soul tie. They are both very cocky, dominant, and rough with reader. I hope this isn’t too dark and something you’re willing to write
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zdinarsk x metkayina!fem!reader x walker.
warnings: vaginal fingering, oral sex (fem. rec.) masturbating, fxfxf, lesbian sex !!, face riding, threesome, slight dirty talking (if you squint!!), slight praising (not really), facials,pls tell me if i forgot any!
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zdinarsk and walker were fascinated by the way the metkayina women looked, their hair, clothes, bodies, they've never seen this much women since they woke up as na’vi, they were in heaven..
when the z-dog saw you, tears in your eyes running down your cheeks, the way your wet clothes clung to you body, espicially your top, the fabric of your tiny top that did nothing to cover your entire chest clung to your boobs, defining your perky tits. what caught her attention was your hard nipples, she knew walker would like to look at a pretty thing like you. "look," z-dog said smirking as she nudged walker with her elbow, the woman groaned at her for doing that and looked at what z-dog pointed, "oh shit.." was all walker could think of, she was absolutely shocked with the mesmerizing view she was looking at.
the two women looked at each other, shit eating smirk on both their lips.
and that's how you ended up in this situation, woth z-dog sitting on your face grinding her hips down on your mouth as you lapped up her juices as you laid on your back, legs wide open and shaking, one hand on z-dog's waist, three fingers pinching her skin, thumb rubbing on the flesh, the other hand on walkers head, tugging at her hair as her fingers worked inside you, curling and abusing your sweet spot.
you were trying your best to be good and follow their orders since z-dog pressed her gun to your back. the cold metal made goosebumps appear all over your skin. they were both talking, but you couldn't make out what they were saying.
z-dog's tank top had already been thrown somewhere neither you nor walker are going to find it, her fingers on her nipple playing with the little bud, her other hand on your head, digging into your skull, making you groan and moan both from the pleasure of walker's tongue and pain from the way zdinarsk held your head.
"f-fuck her mo-uth feels so-sso good." you weren't capable of understanding her weird language, and you knew better than to ask.
"tastes so good, ya gotta try her pussy, shit tastes so good, better than strawberries."
walker's fingers started working inside you at a faster pace now, pumping in and out of you as she blew cold air onto your clitoral area, making you buck your hips and whimper against zdinarsk's puffy clitoral area.
it was too much; it felt too good, too. you let out a high-pitched moan when walker sucked your clir harder than ever. the act made your eyes roll to the back of your head, made your toes flex, and made your back arch. when you moaned, z-dog felt the vibrations on her core, and it made her let out a moan. "do that again, god. fuck, it feels so good. do that again, walker!" and when walker heard z-dog's words, her voice would half scream and half moan. she sucked again, this time harder, and to that, you responded yet again with another moan.
a lot of time has passed; your legs are so weak now; your pussy feels numb; you can't even feel your insides, but you enjoy it; every lick, every bite, it all makes your body spark with need.
zdinarsk started grinding on your face now, coating your entire face with her slick, and you had started to grind your pussy on walker's tongue as she moaned and furiously rubbed on her clitoral area. the white sticky liquid of your post-orgasms started to make bubbles between your folds as you gushed out yet another orgasm. it was hard to breathe. the way z-dog was grinding down on your face, you felt your lungs burn from holding your breath for too long.
before you could even comprehend what was happening to you, you felt z-dog's sweet-tasting cum ooze out of her hole and land on your face.
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and just like that, both girls were done with you; they got up and put their clothes back on, and you turned to the side and stayed laying down on your side for a while, thinking of what happened. this few-hour thing made your insides unfeelable and your clitoral area hurt, yet it felt so good?
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nashichiyo · 1 year
Quaritch: I know you snuck out last night, Spider.
Z-dog: Play dumb!
Spider: Who's Spider?
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Intimacy Challenge: Day (9)
30 Intimacy Challenge
word count: 1.3k
Day 9: Nothing is better than to be cuddled or tangled up with your favorite person while watching your favorite movie or tv show.
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Your girlfriend knew how much you hated storms and since it was storming pretty bad today she decided to convert y'all's room into a little fort to help block out the storm and you guys would just lay here and watch your favorite movies together.
"Can I look yet?" You asked her as she guided you into the room.
"You can look right now." She said removing the blindfold from your eyes.
You let your eyes get readjusted to the room and then you saw it. She had converted your room into a fort with a blanket and pillows on the floor with snacks and drinks nearby.
"What's all this?" You asked her.
"I know you didn't like storms so I tried to block them out of here as much as possible and figured we could spend the day together cuddled and watching movies. What do you think?" She asked.
"I love it so much, thank you!" You said hugging her.
You guys walked over to the center of the room, she sat down first before you did and wrapped her arms around you. She started the first movie and you guys took turns feeding each other snacks and sharing some kisses here and there. While you were watching the movie, a loud boom of thunder cracked in the background making you hide in her chest.
"It alright baby, I'm here. You are safe."  She said squeezing you in her arms as she placed a kiss on your forehead.
Jake still found it hard to believe at times that he got you into movies since you hated most human things. Since he had gotten word that there was a pretty bad storm headed towards the camp and it would keep everyone inside for at least a few days, he decided to stock up on snacks and necessities to get you through the storm and that you two could just cuddle and watch movies.
"Ma Jake, what is this?" You asked him as you walked into your tent.
"Well, I thought since we are gonna be trapped here during the storm, that we could just hunker down and watch movies until it passes. What do you think?" He asked walking over to you.
"I love it. Do you mind if I change I kinda got caught in some of the rain on my way here." You said.
"Go ahead, I'll finish making sure everything is secure." He said placing a kiss on your lips.
While you got changed, he closed the flap to your tent making sure it was closed tightly so no water would get in. By the time you got changed, Jake was already in bed waiting for you, with a movie pulled on the projector, and smiled at you with open arms as you walked over and climbed into them.
"Jake?" You asked him.
"Yes, my love?" He asked looking at you.
"Were storms ever this bad on Earth?" You asked him as you listened to how hard the rain poured outside.
"They could be especially if you lived near the water but I like how here it's just rain, makes perfect cuddling weather don't you think?" He asked rubbing his arm up and down on yours.
"I agree with you there especially when you are involved." You said placing a kiss on his lips.
For the next three days that's all you guys did, was snack while cuddling and watching movies with breaks in between to check on the people and how they were doing through this.
"Yawne I don't know how you can eat that stuff?" Your mate said watching as you popped a chip in your mouth.
"Like this." You sat up and popped a chip in your mouth with a smile as he rolled his eyes at you.
You two were currently cuddled up watching a movie with you laying on his chest snacking while he ran a hand through your hair. Tsu'tey didn't like many human things but once you had shown him a movie a few times, he found that he actually enjoyed them especially when you two watched them together.
"Do you think we could do another movie?" He asked you.
"Yeah, I would love too." You said sitting up and loading up another one of ya'lls favorite movies.
Once the movie started playing, you laid back down on his chest feeling him press a kiss on your forehead making you smile.
You guys had a rare night where his parents were watching your daughter for the night so you two could you have some time for yourselves. So Neteyam decided to set up a movie night with you two figuring you both were exhausted and just needed a quiet night in.
"Ma 'Teyam, what all this?" You asked seeing a movie screen set up with a blanket and pillows on the floor.
"A little date in which we can cuddle and watch movies, so we can just relax for the night." He said wrapping his arms around you.
"I like that idea a lot." You said placing a kiss on his lips as he walked you over to where the bed was set up.
He sat down first before you crawled into his arms and rested your head on his chest, while he started the movie. You two lay there talking and sharing some kisses while he ran his hand up and down your back making you sleepy.
"You tired, my love?" He asked noticing how quiet you got.
"No, just resting my eyes." You said making him laugh at your stubbornness.
"Okay, I believe you sweets." He said placing a kiss on your forehead.
You ended up feeling asleep a few minutes after that, making Neteyam smile as you were finally getting some sleep, you two mainly haven't been getting rest since your daughter was born. He laid there running his hand up and down your back thinking about how happy you have made his life, until he started feeling sleepy.
You were exhausted and your mate could tell so he wanted to do something special to help you relax, so with some help from Tsu'tey he helped set up a movie night for you two where you two could just cuddle, snack, and watch movies. You came home that day, exhausted and desperately wanting to be in your mate's arms, so you were surprised when you walked into your tent and saw a fort set up with snacks and a movie screen making a smile and a little confused.
"My love, your back. What do you think?" He asked walking over to this.
"I love it. What's this for?" You asked looking up at him.
"I notice how exhausted you've been lately, and wanted to do something special for you." He said making you smile.
"I love you ma Tarsem." You said placing a kiss on your lips.
"I love you more ma y/n, come on let's get you off your feet." He said picking you up and carrying you over to the bed and settling you between his legs.
As you rested between his legs, he gently rubbed your back hoping to relieve some stress from your day making you melt into him as you watched the movie. Your mate couldn't help but smile when he heard you laugh, your laugh was his favorite thing in the world.
"Are you feeling better my love?" He asked placing a kiss on your shoulder.
"Yes, thank you. You don't know how much  I needed this." You said turning and facing him and giving him a kiss.
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defodisturbed · 6 months
Diet Culture - Poly!Recoms x PlusSize!reader
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(A/N: inspired by the song Diet Culture by Brye! i love the song and can relate to it as a mid/plus-size person. i wrote this for my friend (you know who you are) and thought she would like it! i've always felt insecure and i'm sure many of you have as well. i hope this can bring you some joy or comfort even in the slightest. enjoy!)
And I know their worst fear is to look like me
And that fact makes me want to kill somebody.
To be a plus-sized person in the modern age has never been an easy feat. At least in the 16-18th century they thought it was very beautiful and desirable to have a body like mine. But now, as resources run dry and there's no space for everyone due to overpopulation, everyone hates fat people more than ever before. The body positivity movement was popular and utilized in the 21st century, but thats far, far behind us now. I feel crippling anxiety and shame every day for having to do the simplest things. Riding the train, feeling tired, and hell, even eating. My last thought before dying was that maybe in the next life I could be thinner.
Here I am now, staring at myself in the mirror. My skin is blue, I have stripes, and Lord, what a fatass I feel like. Why couldn't Parker or whoever's in charge of Project Phoenix just let me live in peace for once? My teammates are standing behind me as I examine my new teeth, tail, and my new skin. How big of a hospital gown did they have to make for me? I should apologize for this. I should apologize for having been brought back. Nobody wants a fat girl on their team. Nobody likes a fat girl. Nobody cares about fat girls. My thoughts run rampant through my head as I start to zone out.
"Hey, Y/N, you good? I know it's a little weird at first..." Lyle asks. I snap out of it and start to walk towards the door. I ask for someone to take me to my room, and so they escort me to my new place. It's very nice. They give me a lot of clothes and tell me to get comfortable because I'll be here awhile.
I get changed and explore my room. It's well lit, and when the lights are off, you can barely see anything. That's good for sleep. The bed is soft and it is comfortable.
When I get settled, the first number I call is my best friend. I tell her about how I just got resurrected and she asks how I feel.
"Fucking horrible. My body is still as fat if not fatter than it was before, my hair is messy, my skin is blue now, I have a weird tail and sharp teeth, and I just want to die again. I would like to die over and over again until they bring me back in at least a smaller body."
My friend tries to comfort me but her advice just doesn't do the trick this time. I tell her I gotta unpack and get situated. We say goodbye and I hang up.
Fuck, why did they have to do this to me?
I hear a knock at the door. I roll my eyes, making a game out of guessing who wants to talk to me now. I open the door, seeing my old friend, Alicia Zdinarsk. I invite her in and she offers to help me unpack. I accept her offer, and as we unpack, she tells me how weird it was for her to wake up blue as well. I wanted to shout IT'S NOT THE BLUE! IT'S NOT THE TAIL, NOT THE TEETH, NOTHING LIKE THAT! but I held back. I can't argue without crying anyway.
"Hey, you okay? You kind of zoned out in the wakeup room." Z says. I reply, "Yeah, it's just I really wish they revived me in a smaller body. I don't know how they expect a fat girl to-"
"No. You're not gonna call yourself fat as an insult. You're so awesome, and I cannot imagine being here again without you. Sure, people on Earth might've hated fat people, but we're not on Earth anymore. And last time I checked, we all love you just as you are. You don't need to change anything about you. We love you more than you could ever imagine, okay?" Z said. I was stunned. "Okay." I replied. I was always amazed by their collective love for me, but I never thought it was as deep as this. Nobody has ever told me they love me in the way Z just did, let alone a whole team of soldiers.
"Hello?? Y/N, Z??? You in there??? Mansk is making cocktails for us and I want us all to be there when we get drunk and grind-y tonight!" Lyle yelled through the door, banging on it as he did so. "Lyle, we're gonna head over in a second! For right now, keep it in your pants!" Z yelled back. I chuckled as we finished the last box of stuff. I could hear Lyle make a noise of disappointment outside, not wanting to wait any longer. I rolled my eyes and looked into Z's deeply, before pulling her in for a little kiss. She returned it, and we hugged until Lyle came banging on the door again.
"Can we at least watch a movie in the meantime??"
MWAH hope yall enjoyed!! @dyingofcookies thought you would like this :3 💋💋
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madaman0 · 2 years
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[TBD] Keychain | Z-Dog
This originally started as a wallpaper for a friend, but I’m considering getting it manufactured. Once the Déjá Blu comes in and if I can sell it off, I’ll make a decision by then.
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
Recom Z-dog SFW/NSFW headcannons
Warnings: Mommy kink, size kink, hate fuck, lots of swearing, humiliation kink, degrading kink, spit kink, handcuffs, clit play, fingering, begging, biting, p in v, straps, bathing together, multiple orgasms, mentions of insecurity, fluff, lmk if there’s anything I missed
Human Reader for most of these
- First of all we all know this woman is a freak, like the freakiest of them all. She’s not one to beg for it though, she definitely makes you beg for it.
- You’ll be whimpering under her after she’s been teasing you for hours, rubbing lazy circles on your abused clit. “What do you want baby?” She’ll ask, acting completely oblivious. “I-I want you” you huff out, barely above a whisper. Sweat dripping down the sides of your face, your gaze lowered, too embarrassed to look her in the eyes. “Gotta speak louder baby” a smirk plastered along her face, she finds it adorable when your like this, so vulnerable—hardly able to get words out.
- “Wa-want you” you whimper, a pout lined onto your lips, desperate for a release. “C’mon baby needa know what you want specifically” she’d tease, trailing sloppy kisses down the length of your neck. Your cheeks became red instantly, the thought of telling her was so embarrassing. But you needed her, you needed the release so bad. More than anything. “want you to fuck me—please” you finally let out, averting your gaze once again. “Good girl” wiping the sweat that’s beading off your forehead before planting a kiss on your temple.
- She has a mommy kink, we all know this.
- She loves hearing you moan it out while she’s fucking you with her purple colored strap (it’s also avatar sized). She’s thrusting into you helplessly, your slick coating the length of her as she’s basically grazing your cervix. “M-mommy!” You moan out, the size of her stretching you to your limit. The sensation was thrilling, it burned but it was so good.
- She loves watching your boobs bounce up and down while your riding her.
- Your sliding up and down, little whimpers falling from your plush lips, too lost in the moment to notice her stares. She’s holding onto your hips, balancing you onto the length of her. The sounds of your slick slapping onto your ass sends you into a frenzy. She’s watching you the whole time, never leaving the flesh of your chest. She’ll lean in, taking one in her mouth, a loud moan coming from you in response. Circling her tongue around your nipple, her canines grazing them every so often. She’ll even take one in between her teeth, biting down ever so lightly, just to get a whimper out of you.
- She loves humiliating you
- Telling you about what a slut you are for her as she’s ramming into you from behind, gripping onto the plush of your ass. Your bent over, trying to grip onto anything, as your a moaning mess for her. “Such a fucking whore—letting me bend you over wherever I want to” she’d laugh out, being as loud as she can so the other recoms can hear her.
- I feel like maybe, just maybe she’s into bondage? Like nothing extreme maybe just like handcuffs.
- especially if your not listening to her, she’ll just tie you up.
- “oh you wanna play like that huh?” Leering at your defiance. “Mhm” you shot back, rolling your eyes. “Alright then” leaning into the drawer, your expression immediately dropped, watching the pair of fuzzy handcuffs come into your direction. “W-wait m’sorry mommy” regretting your decision instantly, but you only got a tsk in response. Flipping you over on your stomach, you’d be squirming under her babbling sorries and whatnot. All you got were a few laughs at your desperation.
- your head now pushed into the sheets, your hands locked behind you. Her hips flush to your ass, your moans and squelching was all that could be heard. She was skin deep inside of you, ignoring your moans and whimpers. “Only bad girls get punishment” she’d remind, a smirk plastered onto her sapphire features the whole time.
- She definitely makes you suck her strap
- Only if your being a brat or she just feels like it
- She’s sitting on the edge of the bed, while your on your knees. Your doe eyes looking up at her, your mouth flush to her strap. Her fingers dancing along the sides of your face, waiting for the right moment to start abusing your throat. She’s smiling down at you, whispering sweet nothings to you. “Look so pretty like this baby” “such a good girl for mommy” “y’know I love you right?” “Can you be a good girl and take mommy in that pretty little mouth?”
- Obviously she’s gripping onto your hair, your head bobbing up and down her length. Almost gagging on it, your eyes finally meeting hers. Your squinting at how hard she’s going, but she only smiles. Not even a smile, a little smirk. To her you looked the best when you were getting face fucked, or fucked in general.
- She likes biting.
- She loves seeing her large bite marks on your tiny little human body.
- Her favorite places to put them are on your inner thighs, your boobs, and your neck.
- She’d rather bath with you then by herself
- There’s something so intimate about bathing with your s/o in her opinion.
- It’s also so private, and she’s away all the time so she doesn’t get that much alone time with you.
- She just watches you hop in the shower, and trials behind you. Probably accidentally scares you a bit. Because why the fuck is a 9Ft tall woman randomly coming in the shower with you?
- She definitely loves using your girly little soaps.
- She likes the bath and body work vanilla ones.
- “Yk where that vanilla soap is?”
- She loves loves loves the fact your a human and your so small, your literally half her size and she loves every second of it. Especially in the bedroom, she can just throw you around and put you in whatever position she wants to with ease. Omg and the fact her fingers are probably the size of a human dick is even better. She loves fingering you, being able to hit your g-spot so much easier with this new length. “R-right there!” You’d mewl, head hung back from the immense amount of pleasure she’s giving you right now. “C’mon baby, cum for mommy” encouraging your third orgasm of the night. You begin to feel that familiar sensation in your stomach, and then you snap. Legs start shaking, a loud moan dropping from your lips. Immediately she comes down to lick the cum off your wet cunt, not wasting a drop. She definitely enjoys sucking you dry.
- Again with the humiliation kink
- She loves mentioning other people when your a moaning mess under her. She enjoys watching your face twist in embarrassment from the thought. “What would the team think of their best scientist being such a filthy whore?” “I bet the other recoms can hear your nasty little moans” or if your being like a huge brat while she’s fucking you “want me to tell Quaritch about my slut of a girlfriend?” “Gonna tell everyone about what a little bitch you are”
- She’s so mean when she’s fingering you or going down on you 😭
- Spitting on your cunt to show you just how much your annoying her
- “I swear to god if you don’t shut the fuck up” “stupid fucking slut” “What a fucking whore” “annoying ass bitch”
- She definitely reminds you of how loud you were moaning for her the night before while your working or in the middle of a conversation with a coworker.
- She loves curvy woman. LOVES LOVES LOVES them.
- If your feeling insecure about your body she’ll definitely shut you up about it right away. Telling you about how beautiful you look in anything, how much she loves looking at pictures of you when she’s away on missions.
- Whenever she misses you on missions she just looks at the picture of you in her pocket.
- This woman is the biggest dom you’ll ever meet
- She definitely has a spit kink, it’s just another form of humiliation to her
- “open up now” she’d growl out, forcing your mouth open. Collecting the spit in her mouth she’d watching it trickle down. “Swallow it” she’d demand, watching your every move. And of course you listen, you don’t wanna be a bad girl. “What a fucking slut” she def would laugh in your face about it too 😭 She’s so mean Istg
- She lives for hate fucks. It’s basically her thing
- Let’s say you’ve been ignoring her all day just to be annoying. The second you two are alone in her room, she’s pouncing on you. Pinning you down and just how mad you made her. She’ll make fun of you for it too. “You really thought you were gonna get away with that didn’t you?” “Your so fucking dumb sometimes yk that?”
- She’s very protective over you.
- If Lyle’s trying to butter you up, overly complimenting you and trying to ask you out. She’s right behind him, waiting until he’s done. She definitely scares him like a shit ton. “You ok Baby?” She’d ask after dealing with him. You’d nod back sending her those doe eyes she loves so much
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