#z dog x y/n
milequaritchsslut · 1 year
𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙩 𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙍𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙨
Miles (Breeding kink)
- I guess it’s not really a secret but he definitely makes it obvious, especially if he’s comfortable with you. Hell tell you about how beautiful you’d look with his babies inside of you.
- He loves the thought of you having his babies, your belly becoming all swollen and big, and your breasts getting plump and filled with milk, all because of him.
- it might also be a possession thing with him too, everyone would know that your his and that he fucked you dumb. That totally turns him on, he loves having everyone know that only he gets to fuck you.
Z-dog (public sex)
- She loves doing it in public with you, and even just overly teasing you in public makes it better. The fact you can’t do anything about it because there’s so many people around just eggs her on even more
- She might be into public bathroom sex, since your both women it won’t be weird if you walk in together. She loves making fun of you as she’s eating you out, telling you about how loud your being and how your probably gonna get caught. Your just a moaning mess over her as she’s plunging and curling her fingers inside of you, watching your slick drip down your legs.
- She also loves the faces you make after you walk out together. The way your face twists in embarrassment as your slick and cum runs down your leg because she didn’t clean you up. She’ll make jokes about it while you two are working together, telling you about how dirty you looked after. “What a dirty girl you are, letting me finger fuck you in the bathroom” “everyone can see it dripping down baby”
Lyle (collar kink)
- He loves seeing you wear a collar he bought for you. You’ve never looked better in his opinion.
- He likes using it on you while he ruts into you helplessly, especially if you haven’t been being good for him. He’ll be thrusting into you hard and fast from behind and pull the leash of the collar to get closer to you. He’ll whisper insults and degrading comments into your ear, causing you to blush in embarrassment. “Little slut can’t listen to me for one second can she?” “you’ve been so bad for me baby” “only bad girls get pulled”
Prager (Underwear fetish)
- He’ll sneak into your room, or after you’ve gone to sleep and pick a pair out of your dirty laundry for later. He enjoys the smell of your cunt, not just on your underwear but he’ll just pick you up and lift your skirt up and inhale you. The smell definitely turns him on, you just smell so good he can’t help himself. It’s a very unique smell too, that he can’t find anywhere else. So in turn he’s always getting as close as he can to you especially when you two are alone. Even when he was human he was into it, but now it’s even harder to control himself due to his heightened senses.
- He jacks off into them when he can’t touch you at night. The fact that your slick is still in them turns him on even more. Maybe when he’s off on missions he might keep a pair with him, so he’ll be able to smell you whenever he wants to.
- He loves it when you wear your bright colored thongs or those cute little pink ones. He likes the ones with bows on them, or the neon colored ones. And he’ll definitely mention it to you before going down on you. “Aww you wore these all for me didn’t you baby?” “Look at this skimpy little thing, I bet you were thinking of me all day”
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quaritchsbunny · 1 year
Z-Dog/Zdinarsk as a Yandere (hc styled fic)
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Wc: 4.9k (watch this flop because it’s so obnoxiously long idk why it just grew itself into a full blown pic)
Warning/Tags: yandere behavior, slightly toxic behavior, obsessive behavior, f!reader x zdog, medic! Reader, recom!reader, mature language, a bit graphic description of an injury including blood and flesh degredation, a bit of forced touch, i have no idea how actual injuries work please just go along for the purpose of fiction, zdog kinda being an asshole but she’s just been through it, unhealthy obsession, zdog is just in denial for half the fic, biting, enemies (kinda) to lovers?
A/N: My second fic ever and first time writing for a female character ahhh! I really don’t like the way I wrote this one but what can I say I really tried my best, I hope this is to your liking anon! Welcome to any comments and requests!
Extremity Scale : 3.5/5
Type of Yandere:  Obsessive, Worshipping (unknowingly), manipulative, slightly sadistic
- Zdinarsk is what others would call a heartless beauty
- Although masculine with her striking mohawk and exhibits of tattoos that spread like blooms throughout her newly blue body, the soldier had been endlessly pursued by RDA officials, scientists, comrades, male and female alike despite her cold attitude
- And one by one without a clench of her jaw on the monotonously sweet bubblegum she always seemed to be chewing, she had laughed callously before turning them away, mind focused solely on her occupation as a recom soldier
- On the battlefield, she was ruthless.
- Shots were fired without a second thought once she held her aim, and whether it was a gun, arrow, knife, or chain in her hands, her cold amber eyes didnt allow for a second of compassion before she made her kill.
- Zdog wasn’t afraid of pain, her many colored bold tattoos on various parts of her body displayed hours of needles that had penetrated her with ink, yet she adorned them like it was a part of her.
- It was all these qualities that made her a worthy comrade to officials and authorities like Quaritch and her trust recom team, valuing her professionalism, tolerance and bravery.
- Her cool exterior seemed to be impossible to break, it seemed to be part of her personality, even her closest comrades in the squad never saw her portray any emotion other than callous joy at the aspect of conquest or the neutrality she seemed to carry with her everywhere.
- Because she never saw a need to feel anything other than that, what was the point? Any other emotion wasn’t going to pay her, being soft or sympathetic like the RDA did for her cruelty when it was directed towards the natives. And damn a soul who bothered to try to entertain her romantically, that shit didn’t touch her heart or her body in the slightest, she stowed away the young part of herself that dreamed of connection with a person that can understand her and instead suited herself to a form in which she didn’t care for the affection of others.
- It was nothing more than a waste of time to her, Zdog had considered emotions to be consuming and useless, and when she wasnt out scouting with the recoms in the thickets of pandora, her little free time was easily passed in the thick leather sketchbook, her fingers thoughtlessly skimming over the thick sheets, nails digging in the cursed piece of charcoal (it was the closest thing to a pencil, the sick RDA officials only had office pens as an alternative) as thick lines formed into her next tattoo design
- As such, the only emotion Zdog really felt except for callousness and the joy of victory was minor annoyance.
- Annoyance towards anything that wasn’t needed, such as the resourceless parts of pandora, the tears of mourning that came with death, the lack of efficiency from any comrade, such things only wasted time and got in the way of the ultimate goal
- Which was why she particularly despised you.
- You were a recom too, but not a soldier
- You were a healer, just as you had been as a human, you had died healing the RDA soldiers that were wounded in the war between the navi and RDA
- And for whatever reason, the RDA had insisted on adding you onto the short list of people to recombinant for a new blue team on their return to Pandora, arguing that your healing skills were essential to survival
- Why did the scientists waste their time and resources putting you into a recombinant body, and then waste the fuel putting you in a cyro and shipping you all the way to pandora?
- Why were healers a thing anyways? Zdog’s scars always healed on their own, fuck the bandage or the cream. The only way to truly heal, as learned from multiple experiences Z-dog had, was to expose the damn bleeding scar to the air and let it bleed until it learned to close its own weeping mouth. The body has to heal eventually, it's why so many organs exist just to keep bood pumping.
- So the first time Zdog had unfortunately stumbled across a carnivorous plants in the thickets of the annoyingly damp forests of pandora, skillfully targeting her right bicep as it sank its teeth into the beloved inked arm of the unsuspecting soldier that was leaning across a tree, it was to both her and your misfortune that the colonel had sent her straight to you with commands of healing and treatment.
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It was the first time you have received a patient since your arrival to the new RDA base, and your eyes widened when the outraged female was thrown into the ward, her upper right arm’s flesh seemingly curving inwards like the chunk of flesh was deflated from the bite.
“Colonel, I’m fine, a couple painkillers and it’ll be good as new” she barked, fangs bared as she tried to keep in her tears of both anger and physical pain, tearing through her like wildfire.
Colonel Quaritch only threw you a look of firm command as he commanded “do whatever you gotta do to get her arm good, and take your time, she’s not coming to missions for two weeks”, the colonel turned on his combat boots, leaving you alone with the hysterical soldier
Zdog whirled angrily, shocked and disoriented as she had never been off duty for that long. Reaching for the Colonel to come back before her head reeled from the fresh shots of pain up her raised arm, her blood dripping onto the bare silver floors of the ward.
You acted on instinct upon seeing the spurts of blood, rapidly bunching up gauze as you pressed into the wound, sitting her down on the bed.
Zdog hissed angrily, her body thrashing as her arm shook due to the huge amounts of loss of blood as she cussed incoherently, channeling her anger in attempt to stop you from wasting her time
“It’s people like you that make injuries worse, you don’t need to interfere, the body heals naturally, that’s the whole purpose for recombination, not that you would know, fucker who took on blue to do absolutely nothing”
“You’re right” you say calmly “the body heals naturally, just like how it was also that carnivorous plants nature to sink its teeth into your bare arm”
The glowering female soldier says nothing as she glares back, watching you as you unwrap the towers of gauze upon her wound.
You ignore her profanity and swiftly inspect the wound after pressurizing the opening to avoid amputation, the ink from her spilling out and blending with the dark blood as it swirled on her indigo skin.
Zdog cursed her heart as it beat rapidly, trying to look anywhere other than your knowing eyes that meticulously scanned her marks of injury, reassuring that her sweat and rapid shaking was from the physical shock and not the way your lips pursed together in expertise as you reached to grab disinfectant
Without warning, you poured the disinfectant on her wound after retracting as much blood as possible, the burn of the alcohol hurting almost more than the damn plant’s bite as it spilled into the marks, cleansing the indents from the vicious carnivorous plant
However the sear the disinfectant brought was a tickle compared to the rapid fire spreading amongst her heart, pumping blood rapidly at your firm touch on her arm and the whiff of sweet cherry she caught as your head whipped to place the disinfectant back on it’s shelf and disappeared behind a cabinet, digging through creams and bandages
Zdog had told herself it was only a natural reflex, her body trying to react to to pain as it sped it’s organs up, swallowing thickly as the your sweet scent left her surrounding, leaning forward from her resting position on the bed to catch it again
“What a medic, abandoning your patient like that”  Zdog scuffs, the popping of her bubblegum breaking the silence in the room
“Please lay back Miss Zdinarsk, rapid movement will cause more blood loss” you reply as you approach her again, her eyes immediately mellowing when your sweet scent invades her again
“No one calls me that anymore” she breathes out, biting back her huffs of pain as you press the q-tip of healing cream into the cleaned wound, circles rubbing along the raw flesh. “Z-dog, or Z works”
You nod, leaning back as you rest the q-tip on the silver tray as you reach for a bandage. “Well Z, luckily there's no signs of infection, I suggest regular icing to increase blood flow to the area and less intense use of that arm” you lay an ice bag by her non injured arm.
“For how long, this is the arm i shoot with, i’ve actually got shit to do”
“Depends on the speed of your muscle recovery, for humans though, it would be at least 3 weeks before you can do lifts with that arm again without permanent tissue damage” Your fingers worked nimbly, wrapping the bandage around her toned arm
Her relaxed form suddenly seemed riled up again as the words came out of your mouth, frown etching its way on her face as she growled. “I’ll be fucking damned”
“And because the bite had drawn your blood out of that part of your flesh, your tattoo ink had also leaked out with it, so that might be distorted, if not gone” the bandage was pressed with care before wrapped with another layer of gauze.
The cold buzz of the AC in the ward almost did nothing to combat the way her face heat up as your palm pressed the bandage in place with medical tape, before she remembered the proper emotion she was supposed to be feeling, rage, not whatever appreciation she was developing towards a person that only made her future work inconvenient by dramatifying the injury
“Listen Z, I’m only here to help, I know this is a frustrating situation, but the only thing you can do is to rest, and if there’s anything i can do to help in your recovery, please tell me” you say, your recited script towards angry patients such as her prepared as she kicks herself off the bed, stalking towards your form as you explain softly.
“Listen up miss nurse, I didn’t need this. I’ll be going out to the mission and I’ll be doing whatever I like with this arm that you only damaged more with your shit medical proceudure.” She growls angrily, the blood loss from the injury and your scent making her head spin with confusion. 
Why did she have the urge to pull you into her, to feel your sweet scent closer, what is this strange undertone to her anger?
You say nothing as her non-injured arm slams her first into the wall behind you, her bubblegum scent ghosting over you as she towered, tail swishing excitedly as her tone said exactly the opposite things
“I didn’t ask for this, the recombinant bodies heal faster and I don’t need your false pity, and maybe you’d know if you actually did anything other than sit in your pretty little ward, so i’m gonna fucking show you now”
What she did next shocked you, it hadn’t processed in your brain that her single hand had somehow made it to pin both of your arms above her and you were only able to see the flash of her mohawk as a warm spotch bubblegum was spat out. And before you even had time to squirm in response, you felt fangs sinking into your blue neck much similar to the way the carnivorous plant had done to her arm, but with surprising tenderness
Zdog had no idea what she was doing, no. She did. She was doing this to teach you a lesson, to demonstrate how the recombinant bodies worked as you clearly had no idea. She wasn’t doing this because of how much she indulged in the fluttering in her heart and stomach when she tasted the softness of your skin, the addictive feeling of your flesh on her tongue.
No blood was drawn, her saliva connecting her to the bright mark as she pulled away, still glaring at you as she inhaled sweet cherry rapidly, savoring the sweet taste of your flesh and laughing against your collarbone as she heard your cry. Damned the way her body relaxed like a cat as she retreated.
“And you’ll be paying for that tattoo that i lost” she said matter-of-factly, boots sliding across the floor as she slammed the door to the ward, leaving you dazed, confused, and the mark on your neck burning as her brown queue swished out of sight, the ice bag chunks rattling like her heart on the way out.
You couldn’t deny that you had enjoyed your little scuffle with her, you couldn’t help it, feeling the magnetic attraction the soldier exuded from her built form and confidence. And even if deep down you knew it was wrong, you’d be stupid to report it to anyone in the RDA, the recom team was basically the backbone of all the physical operations holding the establishment up, they wouldn’t hear a recombination nurse out if it meant the best to them
Zdog returned to her quarters, jaw empty of the bright pink bubblegum that frequented her mouth as she rolled her tongue around her teeth, trying to memorize the way your flesh felt around them.
In her mind, gnawed a voice, telling her to apologize to you, to see you again, to thank you
Her head reeled with swirling new emotions that she swore were useless as she layed on her bed pried open her sketchbook, trying to sketch an image of you, memorizing every feature before she realized her dominant arm was in too much pain.
She huffed frustratedly, before throwing her head back to her pillow, and icing her arm
Whenever she had been injured before, her comrades had laughed at her weakness, taking it as a chance to demote her position or belittle her for feeling pain, along with the fact that she had been a female, it had caused her to be pushed around.
But you? No “get over it”s or belittling laughs, just words of genuine advice as your fingers pressed gently into her wound, smoothing over the years of mistreatment she had received, and whether it was rehearsed from years of expertise as a medic or genuine care, your sweet cherry scent made it all too confusing to distinct.
Now all that filled her head is the sound of your sweet voice as it reassured her and your form in the white medic robes that softly pressed against her cargo vest.
Reminiscing, she lifted the ice bag, tracing the bandage where your delicate fingers had graced upon her arm, and a smile made its way upon her face unknowingly.
A brilliant excuse to see you again creeped its way into her mind as she ripped off the bandage, admiring the way you had folded it intricately as she held it to her chest, her heart beating rapidly.
I need to see her again, I need to, and I will no matter what.
Deep down she knew it was not needed, but two weeks off with an injured arm called for routines out of the ordinary.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to just do something useless for once, the anger would be just as time consuming as the weird feeling of attachment she felt near you.
She slept disturbingly well that night, the cloth held close to her chest as she dreamed of tied hair, marked necks, and sweet cherries.
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Despite not having duty, the responsible soldier still awoke early to send off the colonel and the rest of the team, still holding back her complaints when the colonel shook her head, telling her she wouldn’t be any good with her shooting arm injured before he assigned her to stay at the base.
As soon as the recom helicopter lifted off into to pandora sky, she skipped excitedly to the mess hall, where breakfast was being served, cherry red gum popping in her mouth as she scanned the room for a particular blue medic
Her heart seems to sink stupidly when not a single other blue form was seen in the room, her jaw tightening around the cherry gum as the flavor seemed to taunt her
That’s right, this is what you deserve for being such a impulsive asshole, indulging yourself in emotions that waste more of your time, and wasting even more energy walking around to find her
You see the agile female’s tail swishing curiously from miles away, you approach her, squinting when you realize she doesn’t have her bandage from yesterday
Zdog’s jaw immediately falls slack when she smells it, her heart racing, reciting your name, as it sends her stepping back towards the source, almost knocking into your form.
“Back so soon?” You tilt your head towards her bare arm, scar breathing without the bandage
“Looking for you nurse, just needed another bandage, you didn’t anchor it enough and it fell off when I was sending the squad off earlier” Zdog says fluently, rehearsed words from her practiced scenarios ready for whatever response you have
You only raise your eyebrows, chuckling as you led her back to the ward. Not that you were really a faster walker by any chance, the soldier made a strong effort to take smaller strolls to admire your beautiful form from the back, the sweet swirls of tenderness and affection filling her as her heart pounded louder and louder as you sat her down to bandage her, almost 10 times as intense as the way it had felt yesterday
Correct to Zdog’s assumption, the scar had indeed healed a lot faster than you had expected, though her arm was still sore and healing, the wounds had closed up a lot faster than expected
You raise your eyebrows when you see that her scar has healed fast, leaning back as your eyes scan over it
She gulps almost nervously, voice coarse and low as she mumbles “what’re you lookin at, nurse, get on with it”
“Maybe you were right, recombinant bodies really do heal much faster, i doubt you really even need the bandage” you say hesitantly, as if questioning your own healing abilities
Zdog’s eyes widen as she reaches out for you, fingers around your arm as she tries to sound as threatening as possible, but her words coming out as pleas instead ``Nope. You’re a medic aren’t you? So do your job and bandage me, or else I can get you fired and on your way back to earth” she had plotted this with so much meticulous thought just to feel your fingers on her arm again! It surely can’t go to waste, she was gonna go out and find another carnivorous plant if she had to
You smile softly, chuckling and the sound goes straight through Zdog’s ears into her heart. 
What is this fluttering feeling? Why won’t it stop?
“Where’s this compliancy coming from, you barely let me do anything yesterday, Ms. I have shit to do with this arm” you sit down and twist the cap off the healing cream, grabbing another q tip
Zdog rolls her eyes naturally, although she cant help but open it faster when she feels the rub of the soothing cream on her arm, amber eyes trained on your experienced movements
“If I really wanted to get back, maybe I should heal in the right way so I can do shit faster” she muses, fingers tempted to run themselves down your delicate queue and spine that was exposed to her as you leaned to heal her
You blink, sighing as you reach for the gauze “I think you were right though, maybe these procedures are only damaging it more, maybe it needs to just breathe. Are you sure you need the bandage?”
Zdog nods rapidly, her bold neck tattoos becoming a blur of black and blue as she spits out, trying to keep up her shell up and ignore whatever was swirling in her heart an brain “What do you think? Does that arm look anywhere near healed to you? Do you want me to walk around unbandaged and get a worse injury?”
It wouldn’t hurt to just indulge in the useless things a little bit, processes that only really waste time if it’s with you. It wouldn’t hurt to just have it on if it meant your fingers would grace my arm everyday
“Plus, I’m sure the only reason the lil nasty’s recovered this fast is because of your speed and expertise in treating it yesterday, don’t question your skill” The sentence hopped out of Zdog’s mouth almost unknowingly, and she almost wanted to bash her head against the wall. What did she say that for? You didn’t need reassurance, reassurance was for people who didn’t know anything, people who needed others to walk them along
Before her thoughts become more self deprecating, your laugh echoes through the ward, the cold silver and white walls suddenly becoming welcoming as you shake your head, anchoring the gauze in palace on your arms
“Flattering, but I really mean it when I say I think you may have been right about recombinant bodies healing faster” you lift your neck, bearing the mark that was violently purple yesterday, faded to a shade of lavender with the fang indents like marks of violet.
Zdog swallows, feeling both guilty and in a weird way, proud when she sees the mark.
“Yeah about that, that’s my bad, I was pissed and out of my mind because I’ve never been told to stay off duty yesterday, being out all day in that damp jungle heated my blood, and I may have been tryna prove a point about recombinants but that was completely fucked up and unnecessary”
she looks down at her lap, 9 feet body suddenly feeling like she was a young human girl in the marines again, disappointing her sergeant for not being as strong and capable as they expected
You set down the gauze gently and lean down to peer at her, her downcasted gaze unable to see the slight blush on your face “I’m not gonna say it’s okay to bite a medic that was trying to treat you, but you’re lucky it was me, I didn’t mind it that much, and it really did prove a point that recombinant bodies heal faster”
Zdog nods quickly, happy as she detected no anger in your voice. “Never trying that again for sure though”
“The world’s medical field is in danger if that's what you act like to everyone who tries to treat you” you chortle
For the rest of the day, Z-Dog spent time helping you maintain the ward as an extended apology to her behavior yesterday as she continued to indulge in the honey like emotion that came with being near you
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- Through the next week, the ward seems to grow warmer and more homey every time Z-Dog visits (though by the first four days, her arm was completely fine, she found excuses) unknowingly, Z-Dog began to sink in the feeling of the previously useless emotions, letting it consume her until she was wasted in love
- Without knowing it, morning visits for rebandaging had turned into long conversations where Z-Dog healed more than the injury of her arm, but burns and bruises of her childhood and life as a female soldier that was constantly undermined, you saw that her hard exterior seemed to be a essential part of her that she needed for protection
- And to be honest, Z-Dog didn’t think really about what she said to you or how she said it, words just flew out of her mouth as the soft feeling of trust and affection drifted over her, your understanding gaze and comforting words binding you together like a web
- The bonding had quickly grown into something wordlessly essential and romantic, things Z-Dog always used to qualify as a waste, but now just like her cold exterior, the soft moments where your hands interlaced as she talked to you about her past seemed just as natural.
- She was almost always in contact with you, physically, whether it was the ways her eyes followed your every move or the way her hand was always by your hip, shoulder, head, it became a constant
- She followed you everywhere in the guise of protection in return for you healing her and never let her eyes off you
- And even when you were busy or actually did have other RDA matters, they seem to come cancelled last minute on short notice (because even the officials knew not to mess with a injured recom soldier that was defending the organization), and you couldn’t just leave Z-Dog alone, her words always seemed to have a way of wrapping themselves against you
- “You’re gonna leave your injured patient waiting alone like that when she’s in pain needing medical attention? Wow, I thought you cared about me” 
- “You still owe me for the tattoo, yknow, so it might be less financially burdening in the future if you treat me well right now”
- There were many late nights where Z-Dog had opted to stay in your quarters instead of hers, arguing that she slept better and healed faster, her sketchbook filling up with doodles and intricate charcoal lines with details of you. Her beloved muse.
- Back in her own quarters, folded along her sketches of you were her past bandages, as well as hairbands she stole from you, keeping everything that you had touched or interacted with like a piece of magical artifact organized like a shrine upon her nightstand as she put them under her pillow, sleeping well to the thought of you.
- Two weeks had passed by and her arm was as good as new, as the two of you only grew closer and closer,  the romantic attraction was undeniable, your blue tails tangled together as her arms sneak around your waist while you you documented her healing progress at the ward
- Until one morning the cool, brazen female soldier was gone, leaving you alone and confused in your empty bed before you realized that her duty had begun again. The past weeks had been nothing but a vacation and relaxation for her, and now that she is back on duty you could certainly expect to never speak to her again. It was all probably just a sort of short term association with her
- The day passed in a sort of a weird haze for you, strolling around the base without the sight of your certain badass soldier you were infatuated with
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The night after her first day on duty, rapid knocks sound at your ward door as you’re working overtime, trying to distract yourself from your attachment with Zdog. Distraught and confused, you rush out of your seat in your white robes as you open it and see the female soldier, bright as ever
“Oh? Come to visit after ditching me this morning?” You say, a bit salty as you step back, suddenly noticing a bandage on her upper arm again
Z-Dog only looks at you, pupils filled with affection and joy as she laughs “Actually, I need help with my arm again”
You blink back an eye roll, used to the intentional injuries she sometimes did to recieve more medical attention from you as you wordlessly sit her down on the bed like many nights before where you guys had laughed, cried, kissed, and loved as your nimble fingers unwrap her bandage.
The white gauze falls away and under the soft glow of your examination table light and your eyes are busy scanning for cuts, violet reds or blood, or dark bruises that you almost miss it at first
Black, bold, yet slick and elegant letters curve around her blue skin, replacing the faded and distorted tattoo that had once been there, thick and bold as the ink is fresh, you can almost still see the puncture of the needles that she so willingly sat through and for hours before she had rushed up to your door, the shock in your eyes blurs your vision until you focus in and make out the letters of your name, with a tiny, clumsy heart identical that you had doodled on her sketchbook nights ago next to it
“Z- what is this” You breath in awe
“Well, you were the person that helped my arm heal the fastest, and parts of my heart as well, so why not dedicate the new area of skin to you instead of redoing a boring old tattoo” She chuckles matter of factly, pulling you into her lap as you continue staring at in awe
“Oh Zdinarsk” You gasp, tears blurring your vision as you look at the huge bold letters
“You never paid me back for the one I lost though, so how about a deal” She looks up at you playfully, true unfiltered joy in her once callous eyes
“Be my girl? My personal nurse, hm?” She asks cooly, thumbs smoothing over your ears as if her own heart wasnt pounding through the heavy cargo vest she wore for duty
And when you nod happily as she pulls you into a kiss of many to come, she realizes in the moment that yes, love wasn’t entirely necessary, and neither was her tattoo, or opening up to you, or the feelings that overtook her when she held you to herself proudly the next day as she introduced you to the squad, arm still firm around your waist as if to mark you for herself
None of it was necessary, and yes, maybe she was wasting her time, her love, her emotions. But even love was nothing more than a waste of her time, she would gladly waste it all on you, over and over again.
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byunpum · 1 year
Byunpum, you’re literally in the top tier of my favorite writers on Tumblr! ☺️💓 So I have an idea, Z-Dog goes into heat for the first time while eating lunch with fem,human! Reader, and storms away to isolate in her room. Reader is baffled and hurt, so when she goes to Z’s room to confront her, Z starts hissing and screaming at her to get out. Reader won’t leave, insisting on getting an answer about what happened 🙈😇❤️‍🔥
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Pair: Z-dog x Fem reader ( human reader!!!<3)
Warning: none. Teasing, Heat, misunderstanding
Note: This is my first request from zdog and I'm nervous (^3^)// She sooo aHhHhAHAHAHAASDFGHJK and @blueberryera omg thanks, your sooo sweet, I send you virtual hugs and kisses.
Something was happening to her and she knew it. Ever since she woke up that morning, just getting up was making her grumpy. And it was a strange kind of grumpiness, nothing had happened to cause her to have a bad time. If not, it was a moodiness caused by the feeling of neediness… needing… lack of attention. She decided not to give it any importance, maybe it was a side effect of this new avatar body. So she decided to go about her day as normal, doing her chores. Filling his routine rounds with lopez, and going to the gym to clear his mind. Everything seemed under control until lunchtime came.
Z was quite happy, she was going to get to see you. Usually during the week you didn't have time to spend time together, and lunch was the perfect time. She had the afternoon off and you had 3 hours off. You two had met the same day she woke up in this avatar body. You were one of the doctors in charge of the avatars. You quickly paired up, it was something you couldn't control…it just happened. Z walks into the dining room, and all the grumpiness she's been trying to control all day comes rushing back like a big wave. When she sees how Lyle is sitting next to you, with one hand on your shoulder. Pulling your whole body into him, she swears she could see the thumb of his hand make circles on the bare skin of your arm.
She walks quickly to the direction you were facing, sitting down abruptly next to you. The thump on the seat was loud and startled both you and Lyle. Both of the two had not realized that Z was approaching. "Love…how are you?" you speak, pulling away from lyle closer to her body. Resting your head on her arm. As soon as Z was in your sight, all your attention went to her, and that was something she loved about you. You can feel how tense Z-dog is, and it surprises you. She is usually relaxed and very affectionate with you. You miss her not hugging you and giving you kisses on the top of your head. "I'm fine" speaks Z, her tone was dry. As she began to touch her food, everyone at the table gave her a few glances. You settle closer to her side, crossing your hand on her arm. Seeking more of her warmth, but you feel Z pull away and move her arm for you to let go. "Y/N…baby let me breathe" Zdog says, still with a cold, dry tone. You feel a pain in your chest, she was never treating you like this. Lyle turns to take a good look at her friend, she had actually told you that.
"Zdog…are you okay? Why are you acting like that?" asks Lyle, The woman laughs out loud…it's a ironic smile. You knew that smile. "I said I was fine!!! right…" the woman speaks, as she continues to eat. Everyone lets the event pass, but you are still a bit disconcerted. You move away from her a bit, focusing now on trying to regain your appetite. Time passes quickly, and at no time does Z turn to look at you. You can see how she is talking to Lopez, and to Miles. He even speaks to lyle again. But to you…it seemed like you were a ghost to her. When there was a moment of silence and everyone in the group was busy. You take the opportunity to move closer to her, placing your hand in the palm of her hand to squeeze it. Trying to get her attention. Z tensed as she felt your touch.
"I have the afternoon free…what do you want me to" you start to speak almost in a whisper, but Z interrupts you. Getting up from her seat, causing her to push you away. You watch as she leaves the room, you swear you've heard her hissing. This was bothering you, she wasn't like that with you. You had done something wrong…it couldn't be because you were talking to lyle, you always talked to lyle. Why was she despising you so much. Everyone at the table goes silent, as they begin to look at you. You decide to get up and go see what was going on with her. It had to be something serious, maybe she was sick and felt a little unwell. Or she just wanted to be alone. Still you go to the rooms to see if she was there, and to your good fortune there she was. The door was slightly open, and you poke your head through the doorway.
You can see how Zdog is lying face down on the bed, with her hands spread out. She looked like a starfish…as she whimpered and whined. "Love?" you speak as you watch as zdog's tail lifts up and does a quick wag. "Leave me alone…pleaseeee" it's almost a cry of pain and frustration. You got a little chuckle out of it, because it sounded like a little girl fighting. "Z you have to explain to me what is wrong with you…are you? Did I do something wrong?" you ask watching as the woman turns sideways, making a sort of ball with her body. Looking up, her pupils were dilated and her ears were moving back.
"You…you haven't done anything love…I just want to be alone" she speaks, hugging her body tighter. You move to the edge of the bed, sitting up to stroke her hair. "I'm not going anywhere…and you know it" you speak, as you watch Z look up. And giggles a little, she has to give up she doesn't need to argue with you anymore, she knows you won't leave her side. And she liked that about you, you never leave her. "Now…may I know what's wrong with you? After all I am your doctor" you speak tenderly, you don't want to upset her, you know she is frustrated about something. The behavior is very noticeable, and the avatars can be unpredictable, as they don't know how to control this new body.
"I feel…bad, It's not health…it's mmm" she tries to explain how she feels, but at the same time she feels ashamed to tell you how she is feeling. You guys have never gone this far before, just heated kissing sessions. Just that…but now she needed a little more. "Are you in pain? Or is it discomfort?" you speak, Z takes a deep breath. She hated it when you spoke like a doctor, you sounded too professional for her. "No…it's a need" she looks at you with wide eyes, intently waiting for you to understand. It takes you a moment to understand, but you take the hint quickly. Blushing and pulling your hand away from her hair, which you had been caressing for some time.
"Really? But it's kind of painful" you wait for her to answer, because you were getting nervous. Z gets up and sits on the bed. Crossing her legs. "I…this need started this morning, I thought it was normal. I always feel this way…but this time it's different. It bothers me" Z says, waiting for you to say something that might help her. As if what's happening to her is some kind of disease. You swallow hard, and settle closer to her. You can see her get excited, and make room for you to be more comfortable. Apparently the attitude she had moments ago in the dining room was due to the presence of male figures, she became defensive.
"You're in heat Z" you drop the bombshell without warning, taking the girl by surprise. "In heat? How's that?" this was really getting on her nerves. "Yes, in heat…like some animals do. Navi females also go into heat, it almost always lasts 1-2 weeks. Then it goes away. You are in mating season" you speak, seeing how Z is looking at you surprised and confused. She starts stroking the back of her neck, and takes a deep breath. You try to comfort her, taking your hands to caress her fingers. "And is there anything you can do to take it away? A pill, treatment?" she asks. "mmm no, it's a natural thing. Like a monthly period…it just has to pass. Or you have to mate with someone." You speak, catching the woman's attention with your last words. "Mate with a male" you speak, you watch as Z settles in and you feel her tail flick at you. That displeased her a bit…why did she have to be with someone other than you. You watch as his demeanor changes, so you decide to explain. "The female navi body has to fulfill that need, it's kind of annoying. If she doesn't have a partner…she has to relieve herself alone" you speak.
"And… couldn't I be with you? Couldn't you help me?" her voice sounded a little sassy, and you were getting nervous. "ahh I, I, I guess…I don't know" you speak, trying to pull away from her, but you feel the grip on your hands grow stronger. Moving her hand to your forearm, making a quick movement so you could move. Causing you to now be positioned in her lap. "I'd like it to be you…to help me feel good. Would you like that?" says Z, placing her hands on either side of your hips, squeezing your soft skin. You could barely speak, biting your lower lip trying to stifle a moan that was threatening to come out of your mouth, when you feel the tight squeeze Z had given your ass. "Answer me baby…you want to help me?" she speaks, sniffing a little at your neck leaving several wet kisses. You swallow hard, moving your hands over her chest. "Yes…yes I would" listening as Z let out a little smile, shit…she had planned this whole thing.
P.S: I love it when I get requests for recoms, there's not a lot of work on them.
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defodisturbed · 6 months
Diet Culture - Poly!Recoms x PlusSize!reader
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(A/N: inspired by the song Diet Culture by Brye! i love the song and can relate to it as a mid/plus-size person. i wrote this for my friend (you know who you are) and thought she would like it! i've always felt insecure and i'm sure many of you have as well. i hope this can bring you some joy or comfort even in the slightest. enjoy!)
And I know their worst fear is to look like me
And that fact makes me want to kill somebody.
To be a plus-sized person in the modern age has never been an easy feat. At least in the 16-18th century they thought it was very beautiful and desirable to have a body like mine. But now, as resources run dry and there's no space for everyone due to overpopulation, everyone hates fat people more than ever before. The body positivity movement was popular and utilized in the 21st century, but thats far, far behind us now. I feel crippling anxiety and shame every day for having to do the simplest things. Riding the train, feeling tired, and hell, even eating. My last thought before dying was that maybe in the next life I could be thinner.
Here I am now, staring at myself in the mirror. My skin is blue, I have stripes, and Lord, what a fatass I feel like. Why couldn't Parker or whoever's in charge of Project Phoenix just let me live in peace for once? My teammates are standing behind me as I examine my new teeth, tail, and my new skin. How big of a hospital gown did they have to make for me? I should apologize for this. I should apologize for having been brought back. Nobody wants a fat girl on their team. Nobody likes a fat girl. Nobody cares about fat girls. My thoughts run rampant through my head as I start to zone out.
"Hey, Y/N, you good? I know it's a little weird at first..." Lyle asks. I snap out of it and start to walk towards the door. I ask for someone to take me to my room, and so they escort me to my new place. It's very nice. They give me a lot of clothes and tell me to get comfortable because I'll be here awhile.
I get changed and explore my room. It's well lit, and when the lights are off, you can barely see anything. That's good for sleep. The bed is soft and it is comfortable.
When I get settled, the first number I call is my best friend. I tell her about how I just got resurrected and she asks how I feel.
"Fucking horrible. My body is still as fat if not fatter than it was before, my hair is messy, my skin is blue now, I have a weird tail and sharp teeth, and I just want to die again. I would like to die over and over again until they bring me back in at least a smaller body."
My friend tries to comfort me but her advice just doesn't do the trick this time. I tell her I gotta unpack and get situated. We say goodbye and I hang up.
Fuck, why did they have to do this to me?
I hear a knock at the door. I roll my eyes, making a game out of guessing who wants to talk to me now. I open the door, seeing my old friend, Alicia Zdinarsk. I invite her in and she offers to help me unpack. I accept her offer, and as we unpack, she tells me how weird it was for her to wake up blue as well. I wanted to shout IT'S NOT THE BLUE! IT'S NOT THE TAIL, NOT THE TEETH, NOTHING LIKE THAT! but I held back. I can't argue without crying anyway.
"Hey, you okay? You kind of zoned out in the wakeup room." Z says. I reply, "Yeah, it's just I really wish they revived me in a smaller body. I don't know how they expect a fat girl to-"
"No. You're not gonna call yourself fat as an insult. You're so awesome, and I cannot imagine being here again without you. Sure, people on Earth might've hated fat people, but we're not on Earth anymore. And last time I checked, we all love you just as you are. You don't need to change anything about you. We love you more than you could ever imagine, okay?" Z said. I was stunned. "Okay." I replied. I was always amazed by their collective love for me, but I never thought it was as deep as this. Nobody has ever told me they love me in the way Z just did, let alone a whole team of soldiers.
"Hello?? Y/N, Z??? You in there??? Mansk is making cocktails for us and I want us all to be there when we get drunk and grind-y tonight!" Lyle yelled through the door, banging on it as he did so. "Lyle, we're gonna head over in a second! For right now, keep it in your pants!" Z yelled back. I chuckled as we finished the last box of stuff. I could hear Lyle make a noise of disappointment outside, not wanting to wait any longer. I rolled my eyes and looked into Z's deeply, before pulling her in for a little kiss. She returned it, and we hugged until Lyle came banging on the door again.
"Can we at least watch a movie in the meantime??"
MWAH hope yall enjoyed!! @dyingofcookies thought you would like this :3 💋💋
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psychogaia · 1 year
Only Mine - Zdinarsk x reader SMUT
Synopsis: You really shouldn't have embarrassed her... now you're in for a world of punishment.
"Oh come on, your locker is WAY dirtier than mine." You said to Z, taking another bite of your food. "She has a moldy spot in her P.E. locker. Can you believe that??"
"Dude! Ew!" Lyle said and Quaritch laughed. Z was REALLY pissed at you now.
She grabbed your hand and took you to your room. You were in for it now.

When you got to the room, she shoved you in and locked the door behind you two. She cornered you.
"Did you really think you could get away with that? Get away with embarrassing me in front of my friends? Really? You should know by now not to do that." She growled in your ear. "I-I didn't mean to, I swear, I-"
"I don't wanna fucking hear it. Just accept that you're gonna be punished and it'll hurt a little less." She said. She shoved you onto your bed, ripping off your clothes, underwear, and bra. She spread your legs and licked her index and middle fingers before sliding them in your tight, needy cunt.
"You're already so wet. You get off on this, don't you? Dirty, dirty slut. My slut. Only mine." She groaned in your ear.
You moaned as you clutched onto her for dear life. God, how she knew how to make you feel so good.
You dug your fingernails into her back, scratching it to certainly cause marks later. She continued to finger you, her thumb rubbing your clit. You felt your orgasm creeping up on you, and you tried to warn her.
"M-Mommy, I-I'm gonna cum.. please.. let me cum, please mommy.." You begged and whimpered in her ear.
"Cum for me, babygirl." She said. As soon as she gave you the OK, you came all over her fingers and whined as you did so.
Before you could recover, she sat down on the bed and took you over her knee.
"You didn't really think you could get away without a spanking, did you? This is your real punishment. That was just a warmup."
She spanked you and made you count. As soon as you finished, she rubbed your ass and hit you one last time.
You cried and whimpered, yawning. You were tired and you just wanted to go take a nap.
"You ready to go back? I promise I'll take good care of you tonight. Or do you wanna stay here?" Zdog asked. "We can go back if you want to but I wanna stay here and sleep a little bit." You requested.
"Okay, let's get you cleaned up."
She bathed and dressed you, massaging your ass so it didn't hurt or sting as much.
You fell asleep together, taking a nap and then staying up all night ;)

UGH NOT MY BEST WORK but i did my best for how late it is at night for me 😭😭♥️♥️
MWAH hope you enjoyed!!
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Hi can you write abt zdog x female reader where they are in the talking stage and recently made out but zdog slept with one of the other recoms and reader saw them and ran to her room crying till she fell asleep and after that she started ignoring zdog and zdog is confused abt why reader is ignoring her and asks her but ends up in an argument and they stop talking for a while but zdog surprises her with cute flowers from the forest and they go on a date and they confess their love for eachother and zdog is crying hard while apologizing and they end up dating and just all over eachother and the other recoms start to get annoyed cause you can’t say anything bad about one of them without the other saying something back. Please take your time with this and it’s ok if you don’t want to write it
       A Z-Dog x Human!Female reader!!
Warning's: angst, reader crying her poor lil' eyes out, some arguing, Z teasing you and giving you cute lil' nicknames! Lyle getting his ass beaten.. (again,) and a vary happy in fluffy end,
synopsis: you had recently made out with Zdinarsk. But someone comes up to her, sporting her hickeys and bite marks. (Reader also has a avatar body.)
Note: this was fun to write! And I'm sorry if it may sound bad. I don't think I can do anything atm for a while, since I don't feel my best lol! Also I hope you have a great week love!!
Remembering what had happened earlier made your body tingle with excitement, remembering what her lips felt like against yours, or how she nipped and kissed at the nape of your neck. While having you bent over a desk, oh how you wish she didn't stop, or how you wished she did more than just that little make out session. Snapping out of your deep thoughts as you continued your conversation with her
"Ah, I'm sorry that your guy's mission failed." You adjusted your hoodie. You had gotten as a gift from Z-Dog since it was always cold in the building. It was also your favorite color "eh, shit happens princess." Princess was one of the meny nicknames she called you. Since she usually spoils you with something, but the nickname couldn't help but make you blush and look away, hearing someone walking closer too the both of you, it was Prager. "Hay Z." He spoke. She nodded her head at him, acknowledging his presence she looked back down at you, while you noticed the hickeys on his neck "ohh.. I see someone's been busy" you giggled softly. Prager smirked and earned a chuckle from him, "yeahh.. Z-Dog really did leave a few marks on me," wait.. what did he just say? It felt like your heart fell out of place, and shattered into a thousand pieces. "Heh, yeahh. That really was a fun night." She chuckled as she casually chewed on the gum in her mouth. "I..  I'm sorry. I have to go." You said softly, as the stinging pain of tears pricked at your eyes as you turned around and began to quickly walk away. Trying your hardest not to cry, as the sound of your shoes hitting the floor echoed."whats with her?" Prager asked, Z-Dog just srugged as she blu a bubble with her bubblegum.
      With a loud slam! You had closed and locked your door. Before backing away and walking over to your bed.. as those hot tears poured from your innocent eyes. "I'm so stupid.." you muttered "I-I.. I shouldn't have.. you collapsed onto your bed, not even taking off your shoes, as you hugged a pillow tightly, hiding your face in it. As you sobbed your poor heart out. Outside your room. Only a quiet muffle of sobs could be heard..
     You had fallen asleep from crying so harshly, you didn't know how late it was untill someone knocked on your door. Waking you from your slumber, rubbing a eye with one of your hands, "mmh.. what time is it?" You muttered to yourself before sitting up and getting off the bed, you walked over to the door. Reaching out for the door knob, you unlocked it. And twisted the knob, opening it. It was Mansk "holy shit. You okay?" He asked as he saw you. Your hair was disheveled as your eyes where red and puffy, with your eyelashes sticking together. "Just peachy. What do you want Mansk?" You asked, your voice didn't seem to be as happy or excited anymore. And your eyes, they looked so sad, as your lips where pulled into a soft frown. "Oh, well- its time for dinner. And I didn't see you with Z-Dog, so I assumed you where in your room again." You only hummed in response before looking down "I.. I'm not hungry, so don't worry about me." You spoke, but before you gave him the chance to speak. You closed the door, and locked it again.
     Its been two weeks now, since you've been avoiding her every time she'd try to confront you, you slipped away. Even had Mansk let you know when she was around or nearby. But this time? Yeah no he wasn't there. ...great. and so you hid away in your office, filling some paper work with your head down. Absorbing yourself in work to the point you didn't notice the knock at the door. She cleared her throat, which made you stop. Leaning back in your chair, you hoped to god it wasn't her.. anyone but her. "Kitty? Why have you been avoiding me?" Your heart dropped, it was her. Fuck, fuck fuckfuckfuck... you're screwed, so. Fucking. Screwed. "..." you turned your head away from her, not wanting to look at her face. "Please leave.." your voice was shaking, as tears started to prick your eyes. She ducked under and into the doorway as she walked into your office. She walked behind you and placed her hands on either side of your desk. Caging you between the desk and her "tell me.. why have you been avoiding me doll?" She spoke right in your ear as she inched closer, her tail brushing up against your leg "I.. why.." she tilted her head in confusion "why what?" You sniffled softly "if you like him.. why do you spoil me? And flirt with me?" You muttered "baby.. its nothing like that." She spoke, those nicknames.. the same ones you'd always get so flustered over, glancing over at her big arms.. fuck, why was she so hot? Seeong her muscles flex as she edjusted her position, "then why did you kiss me? Did that not mean anything?.. d-did it not mean anything?" She pulled away "no, it did. Why are you bringing this up?-" "Because you fucked him!! That's why. Thats why I'm fucking, bringing it up!" You snapped. Slamming the flats of your palms against the wood in anger, before pulling away. Hot tears ran down your cheeks "oh kitty.." she murmured, "don't 'oh kitty' me. Just fucking leave." She didn't buge "LEAVE DAMNIT!!" you screamed at her, huffing quietly as she pulled away and walked away from your office ducking under the doorway before leaving. Once you where alone. More tears ran down your face before falling off your face
And that was a week ago.. you where in your avatar body, elbows deep in a truck. Oil and sweat covered your arms "fuckin' hell.. if this doesn't work. I'm gonna brake something." You uttered, you had been working on this damn vehicle for hours. Pulling your arms back. You grabbed a rag and wiped off at leat most of the oil on your arms. "Can't wait to take a cold shower. Fuck its hot" you heard chuckling behind you "yeah but. You look hot when you get a bit dirty." A familiar voice spoke, turning your head. You saw her, you then looked away and tried to act busy "oh. H-Hay, did you need anything?" You spoke as you pulled the hood of the car down. It making a click as it locked into place "kinda busy right now. S-So make it quick" you tried to sound calm. But you where far from it, you had to admit it. You really did miss her presence, "I actually have something for you. To apologize," you turned to face her, seeing her holding something behind her back. It crinkled like plastic. But you thought it was something squishy wrapped in plastic, she then revealed a large bouquet of flowers. Most of them where close or where the color of your favorite color. Damnit she really knew you "and your giving this to me. While I'm all dirtied up?" You scoffed jokingly. Z-Dog chuckled nervously "I also wanna make it up to you, I wanna take you on a date. 8:30 sound good to you?" You sighed softly. Reaching over to take the flowers from her. You had to be honest, they where really.. really pretty, a small smile grazed your lips, "I'll think about it. Meantime you should go, before I change my mind." She seemed a bit nervous but nodded "right! I'll see you at the bridge later." Before walking away,
     You had no idea why you where doing this, as you slipped on that pretty little dress she adored seeing you in.
           What if she was lying? As you styled your hair,
         Moving the lipstick across your lips, and put some mascara on those eyelashes of yours, that always made your eyes look so gentle in soft, and maybe adding a soft blush to your cheeks. As you stared at yourself in the mirror, turning around and leaving the bathroom, and your room. Locking the door, your heels clicked against the cold flooring as you made your way to the area you two would meet. It was 8:32 when you arrived. Just two minutes late, as you saw her tall form linger around the area. Her ears had perked as she turned her head to face you. Her tail suddenly started to twitch and swish from side to side. As ypu approached her. You noticed the blush dusting her cheeks, she leaned down, moving a strand of hair behind your ear. Her touch.. you forgot how it sent a pleasurable shock down your spine, "looking so pretty for me? You shouldn't have." She spoke softly as a smirk crossed her lips. You giggled softly, "so, where to?" She grabbed your hand and gently tugged you with her "thats a surprise. Just follow me." She spoke. You sighed as you playfully rolled your eyes. Following this 9ft tall woman. One that you had fallen oh so hard for..
                   ..you two had approached this room, but Zdinarsk turned to you "close your eyes. Do not peak, or you'll ruin the surprise." With compliance you closed your eyes "and whats so special about this room?" Hearing a door open as you were guided into the room, hearing the door close behind you "you're just gonna have to find out, Princeses" she teased as she gently tugged your arm in a direction as you followed her, feeling her hands on your shoulders gently push down. "Sit." And so you sat down. "Okay, you can open your eyes." You opened them, there where fairy lights hanging around the ceilings, and hung on some of the walls. You where sitting on a blanket, it was a deep crimson color. It was a makeshift picnic, there even was a basket and a bottle of wine in it, you couldn't tell what kind it was. But it was a shade of purple, your lips curved upwards as you noticed other small details. "Did- did you make this?" She chuckled at your response "yeahh.. but I had some help," she turned and walked away to pick up a speaker. Before walking back and sitting down, she then pressed a few buttons on it as romantic music started to play. Moving it near her. She looked back at you.. "do.. you like it?" You giggled softly "of course I do you dork!" Your giggles and laughter always made her heart melt. Especially that smile of yours, it did so meny things to her..
     ..minutes turned to hours as ypu two had drank the whole bottle of wine, you where beyond wasted, while she was just sober. "Hay.. can I say something?"
     "Well, I wanted to ask you somethin' as well cutie, but go ahead. " She teased,
Her head was on your lap, a hand gently rubbing at the skin on her face.. a deep blush had creeper up to your face and ears. Looking away, "actually.. no- I.. I changed my mind." Pulling your hand away as you moved your hands behind you, keeping you up as you looked up at the ceiling, she sat up. Hearing cloth rub against each other other than the faint music in the background was the only noice other than you two talking. She leaned close to you, staring you down with those predatory eyes of hers. "Try me." You scoffed as you looked up at her, her mask hug loosely around her neck. Lifting a hand up, you grabbed it. Raising it up to her mouth, making her take a breath. She then moved one of her hands over yours "no way. You'll.. make fun of me," grabbing your hand, she pulled it away, the mask falling back down. "No I won't. Promise" she moved closer, her eyes drifting down to your lips before looking back up at you.
"I.." you swallowed..
          "I uhm.." the words where hard to find.
            "I'M INLOVE WITH YOU!"
you yelled out as you closed your eyes tightly, you where afraid that she wouldn't except your confession.. that she'd be grossed out, or laugh at you.. tears pricking your eyes as she didn't respond. Untill.. you feel two of her fingers hook under your chin and pull you into a soft kiss. Her other hand snaking around your waist before pulling you onto her lap. Once she pulled away, you opened your eyes to look up at her. "I like you too.. my little princess" she teases as she leand down to press a kiss at your exposed neck. Hands roaming your sides, unexpectedly.. tears ran down your face, she pulled away as she heard you sniffling, tensing up as a worried expression covered her face, "whats wrong? Did I say something wrong?" You shook your head before leaping up and latching your arms around her neck "h-happy tears" was all you said before a chuckle came from her. Her chest rumbled against yours, "your so cute.." she whispered in your ear, as you felt her hands grab at your ass
..As the next day rolled around, nearly all of the recoms knew you and Z-Dog where a thing, and usually you wouldn't say anything to them if they just stared. But.. Lyle had to cat call you. JUST HAD TO. After calling him a perverted asshole. And a ugly ass 40 year old, you went to your girlfriend and told her what he did.. and let's say Lyle had more than just a black eye that day..
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soupandsauce · 1 year
Z dog NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
This mama is the sweetest after, always cooing in your ear, bouncing you on her leg, and stroking your pouty cheek with her finger. Want a bath? she’ll get in with you. She encourages you to get into littlespace but doesn’t force you too because feeling safe is VERY important to her. She also incorporates rewards for good or brave behavior, her favorite being taking you to build a bear and bath and body works.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Alicia’s favorite body part of her own is the overall leanness of her body. As a human, she worked endless nights at the gym perfecting her physique, but as a Recom, she’s naturally so toned and smooth. She still goes to the gym to feel that rush.
Her favorite body part of you is your hipbones. She loves teasing you by hovering her wet, hot mouth inches from the sensitive skin and glide her tongue across them, slowly sinking down.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
She latches her mouth over your mound when eating you out, not letting any escape. It’s a primal thing for her, and the heat from her mouth feels insanely erotic when you spill over for her.
She’s also a big fan of seeing wet patches all across her cammie pants when you rut against her thighs
on the occasion where you two trib, both of you go wild at how sticky and wet it gets between you two, the electric shocks of your clits bumping against eachother always drives you both over the edge.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Alicia saw you dress up as a puppy for halloween one year and went all quiet. You had puppy ears, a painted nose, and a cute onesie with a tail and when she saw it, her cheeks got hot and she felt heavy in her tummy. New kink was discovered that night.
She now calls you her little pup
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Mastered tongueswoman
knows all your weak spots and always pulls the most mind bending orgasms out of you
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Alicia’s favorite position is a tie between actually just kissing your neck on top of you, with her knee pressed against your cunt
or you bouncing on top of her, bumping clits like the good pup you are, or taking her strap all the way
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
She knows when to be serious but sometimes you guys fall or make a funny moan and you both crack up. She LOVES when this happens because she’ll start rubbing your clit quickly to change your laughter into moans and screams.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I think Na’vi are hairless besides their head and tail but Z has found a way to customize herself by getting a tattoo on her pubic bone. It’s a sharp tribal symbol looking thing and it pokes out of her waistline when she stretches. It’s so hot and she loves making you kiss it before she makes you suck on her strap.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
This woman gets intense, expecially with her new kuru. She sticks it in your mouth when you’re talking back to her during sex to shut you up. like your own binky or thumb to suck on. and it feels SOOO good for her. She cums so hard after.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
She doesn’t do it often. She really doesn’t. The only time is when she’s already sitting on the bed and you come walking to her in a cute outfit. She’ll rub herself once or twice and say some smooth shit like “mamas hungry” or “come here”
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She has a puppy kink like we’ve seen before as well as an obvious mommy kink. she also likes to play with spit every once in a blue moon. You both love exploring new things and finding out what gets you hot.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
She prefers the bedroom for YOUR comfort but wants to make sure everyone else knows what you’re doing, unless it’s a very kinky scene. Like if you’re exploring something for the first time, she wants it to be private.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
She really gets going seeing you in really fem clothing like dresses and lip gloss. something about stealing your innocence and flipping your dress over your ass. She also has a few weak spots. Her neck, her tail, and her kuru are a few spots that really get Alicia super hot.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
after exploring, she doesn’t like threeways. she wants you all to herself.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
omfg, need i say more. She’s an animal. do you see how she fucks with that gum in her mouth!? She could unwrap a starburst with her tongue. she could tie a cherry. She loves giving, but also is secretly a sucker on receiving too on the rare occasion she is a sub.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Her pace changes based on how your body reacts to the different stimuli. she’s a very good watcher, and knows the speed and roughness you need to cum.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She finds them to be very fun, especially during visits between missions. She doesn’t always have a lot of time, but she can make you cum in like ten seconds.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
She takes so many risks. the risk of being caught is so thrilling to her. Once Lyle walked in on you two on the couch. you were rutting into her thigh and she had her hand around your throat, talking dirty to you. Lyle popped a woody and Z hissed at him full Na’vi style. it was the most territorial thing you had ever seen her do. But so hot. You soaked her cammies that night with your cum.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
She can go DAYS BRO. She never stops. But she can be sexless for months if you’re going through stuff. She’s always there to support and respect you. she loves your boundaries.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Them magic wands are really incredible and i believe she has like 5 different vibes. Also one of those clit suckers and a strap on.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
she likes to tease when you guys are already naked in bed, but she never grabs your ass or treats you like an object in front of others. But if you’re at a party, sitting on the kitchen counter exchanging a few kisses, she’ll grab your ass if she knows you’re really horny. Once again, it’s the boundaries.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She talks dirty more than she moans but she moans. She really likes praising you through your orgasms and coaching you to get there.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Alicia really likes when you two use your tongues when kissing. she’ll suck on it or push hers into your mouth. it has something to do with the spit kink as well as the feel of your very smaller and softer human tongue.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
As said above, she’s tattooed down there. I also like to think that she wears boxers. She’s pink and her clit is just barely peeking out of her outer lips. when she lays down on her back, you can see her pubic bone.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
higher than motherfucking giraffe pussy
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She ALWAYS waits for you to fall asleep afterwards. if you’re doing a quickly on a closet before a meeting, it leaves her energized. but if you’re already in bed for the night, she loves falling asleep once you’re cuddled up into her.
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My Promise: Z-Dog
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 400
request: something with zdog where she and the recoms out on a misson for two weeks that ends up going longer and her and reader have this emotional reunion??
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Alicia didn't care to shower or anything once they returned to base, her only thought was seeing you. The mission was only supposed to be two weeks but then something happened and they were stuck out there for almost two weeks longer than intended she had no way of telling you which killed her and she knew you were probably a mess with worry. She finally made it to your room quickly entering the code before walking in, where she heard the shower turn off and decided to wait on your bed for you to emerge from the bathroom.
You had heard someone enter your room and prayed that it was your girlfriend who had finally returned from her mission that went two weeks over. You quickly dried off and got changed throwing your hair up into a knot before walking out to your room where you sure enough saw your beautiful 9ft girlfriend sitting on your bed making you break into a small run across your room into her arms.
"I'm here now baby, I'm so sorry for being so late and not being able to get word back to you." She said holding you.
"I don't care about that. All I care about is that you are here right now, I thought you were dead." You said as tears fell down your face.
Alicia sighed as the guilt ate at her for leaving you to think that. She hugged you tighter to her chest as she gently rubbed your back hoping you would calm down and to let you know that she wasn't going anywhere.
"You were all I thought about the entire time. I was so worried about you, and how I promised you I would come back to you. I never want to break that promise to you." She said.
"I know you wouldn't not willingly. I was just worried about you is all." You said leaning back and looking at her.
"I know you were, and I promise you that I'm not going anywhere, I'm gonna be right here to love you, okay?" She asked drying your eyes.
"I know you are. Just glad to have you home finally." You said finally giving her a small smile.
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
This is going to sound gay BUT. Imagine making out with Z-Dog and taking the gum from her mouth in the process.
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
The life they once had with you
recoms x reader
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There was a life that you had planned with, the ones you love so much. They had become the ones you love and care about so much, and they love you as well. Soon the life that everyone had thought will be happening, all came crashing down. As you and the ones you love had taken different paths in life, you for the love of pandora and Navi and other for the RDA. Soon it was hard to go back to how everything once was in the past.
y/n " ....." you are visiting the ground where the ones you love had dead in the battle, they had picked their side in the war and there was nothing you could do to change their mind. soon a faint baby cry had been heard, you soon looked down at the baby in the carrier.
y/n " don't cry my son everything will be alright I'm here your mom is here, to love you and care for you" spider cried had dead down as you held him, and kissed his forehead as he smiled at bit.
y/n " I wish I had the chance to make them change to see the beauty, of this place but that never came they picked thier side and I picked mine ... they were all good once but that all changed that day"
Jake " y/n"
y/n " hello Jake"
Jake " I came to see you and spider I had a feeling you were here"
y/n " yes they were dear to my heart Jake I still love them and care, and and that might happen for the rest of my life .... I'm a blind fool"
Jake " no you are not you are someone who loved and this is what happened"
y/n " yes I'm happy we saved the people and pandora as what happened, on earth should never happened here I will keep fight if the rda comes back ... I will give up my life for my sons and all the children to have peace in their lives"
Jake " you will not be alone we will be here as well" you had smiled at Jake as the two of you stayed there a bit while, before the two of you had left the place.
Few Years laters
spider “ mom”
y/n “ yes my love”
spider “ can we talk more about them"
y/n “ sure honey we can talk about them" you and spider are sitting in the common room of the home, as the two of you ate dinner together.
spider " mom what made you fall in love with them"
y/n " well they had been good once in their lives and we all, had dreams and stuff we wanted to do ... they had become my friends and soon lovers I thought I will be happy with them forever"
spider " that all changed"
y/n " yes I didn't like what the rda was doing and decided to fight, when they had been loyal to the rda until their finally days ... there was still love between us all but we all went down different paths in life"
spider " so my dad is quairtch"
y/n " yes I found out I was pregnant with you after I had done the eyes of eywa, but I was happy I had you in my life after all the tragedy that came"
spider " do you miss all your friends and them still even after all that happens"
y/n " they will always have a special place in my heart"
spider " Had you been scared of them"
y/n " yes I no longer show the ones I love I tried to speak with them, but those words seem not to help"
spider " ......"
y/n " my son you will become your own person I'm telling you that, what has happened in the past shouldn't hold you down and shouldn't effect how everyone see you"
spider " yes mom"
y/n " good my boy I love you and the family we have here"
spider " thank you mama and I love you as well our family as well" you soon smiled bring spider into a hug, as you had kissed his forehead. Spider will take all your words to heart remember them when he got older, you and him had made a life here after all that happened. The happy moments you had with your son, will not be lasting forever as war will come once again.
Spider with the recoms
spider " ......" spider had been captured by the recoms the avatar of his moms former lovers, that had come back from the dead and were now here. He had been captured by them after the avatar had come he lost sight of his mom, but he was hoping she was okay with everyone else. he really wanted to go home to you and the everyone else.
lyle " is the kid going to eat"
mansk " I don't know he been keeping his distance from us since we took him"
z dog " he got to be Jake kid with his wife you can't tell me I'm wrong he blue and navi like the other kids"
Quaritch " He has to be or he could be any of the other scientist kids"
Prager " y/n wasnt lying this place is kinda of beautiful"
mansk " yeah she was right after all"
mansk " remember when she tried to get us all to come with her to study flower"
Z dog " I remember that it was a good day"
Brown "out of us all her the colonel had been closer"
quaritch " don't hate me become of that" spider had been watching and listening as they talked about you, it was easy to see the relationship still had a spark after all these years. Soon a small call had been heard, spider soon made a reply.
lopez " hey kid who did you call"
???? " he called me" the group soon turned around to see a navi women pointing a weapon towards them, she was looking them in the eyes. The women soon stepped forward toward them as they got a better look at her.
quaritch " y/n"
y/n " quaritch" quaritch soon went towards you and soon hugged you happy to see you once again, soon the other had come to hug you as well.
Z dog " we are so happy to see you we thought you were gone"
y/n " well I'm still here and I'm shock to see you all as navi"
Mansk " why are you dress as one of them where is you human body, are you with them"
y/n " that all can be talked later I have come here for ...spider"
spider " mom" you ran passed the recoms and went towards your son soon hugging him.
y/n " my boy I was worried I tracked you here after hearing you were taken .... I'm so sorry"
spider " it okay mom"
quaritch " wait this kid yours and not Jake kid"
y/n " no he my kid I had him sixteen years ago"
mansk " wow that long ago"
quaritch " who the father"
y/n " it your son miles I found I was pregnant after the war, I and my son here had become navi and spent all our lives here"
lyle " wow"
quaritch " so you are my junior"
spider " maybe what is it to you"
y/n " easy"
quaritch " wow he is your son definitely"
y/n " yeah"
Brown " if we knew you were pregnant we wouldn't have ...."
y/n " there no time to talk about that now it in the past, and right now after everything the rda has done before I rather just take care of my son and see he okay"
spider " mom is everyone okay"
y/n " yes but they had to leave we will join them soon my boy" spider had nodded his head, you soon sat down on the grass with him checking his injuries.
Prager " I check over him he good"
y/n " thanks but it good to make sure he okay clearly the navi way"
prayer " may I watch to learn"
y/n " sure" you had checked spider and he was good which made you happy.
spider " what next mom the rda will be after us now they already destroyed some of the forest"
y/n " well we leave from here join up with the rest of the family, and everyone else ... but what of all of you" you soon looked at your lovers as they looked at you.
z dog " huh"
y/n " well you come with us and learn the ways of navi or stay puppets to the rda and, have your fill of pointless revenge"
quaritch " you are right so we are coming with you and my son"
spider " ......"
y/n " we can make that happened spider will you help me"
spider " yes mom" spider gave a glare towards them as he received his bow and arrows.
lyle " hey kids where are you going"
spider " fishing I will be back that rda food will not be good for us all"
quaritch " we should send someone after him he ..."
y/n " he will be okay and he needs his space right now it been, a very long and hard day"
quairtch " okay we understand hey maybe now we get to the live, the life we all dreamed of with some changes"
y/n " yes that will be good"
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xandy-toady · 2 years
Zdinarsk x Afab!Reader || Relationship + NSFW HCs
I love her sm, would let her eat me out deadass bHAHEHSBSHUS
Happy Valentine’s babes!! A gift from me to you, a treat!! 💞
Warnings ; Strap on, oral, daddy kink, exhibition kink, fingering, lmk if I missed anything that should be here!!
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>Ever the flirt, she makes it her mission to get you flustered or smiling once every day
>Just saying a sweet I love you out of no where which always catches you off guard—it’s so fucking sweet when she just suddenly blurts an “I love you y’know” :((
>Staring lovingly just knowing you can feel her watching
>A hand grabbing your ass, some blatantly dirty comments in front of others—
>Whispering how she wants to bend you over right here on the table with everyone’s watching, hand creeping up your thigh
>Yeah she fingered you under the table, thank god for the mess that was the Recoms and their never ending noise making
>You’d be caught if it weren’t for the ruckus around, your own twitching movements unnoticed the smell however not so much, blue heads eyeing around every so often unsure of where the smell was coming from exactly, Zdinarsk was bold but they never assumed you to be the type to do shit like this—
>Had you bent over the table as soon as everyone had left, mouth sloppily eating you out
>Genuinely was such good head, both of you a bit more excited then usual at the rush, Zdinarsk was basically drunk on you at this point, slurping and loudly moaning loudly to let you know you taste so fucking good to her
>Just straight up porn echoed in the recom dining room—
>She finds lots of her own pleasure in you
>Zdinarsk KNOWS what’s she’s doing—
>Though she isn’t just the flirty, horny lesbian girlfriend!
>She’s constantly bringing things, usually a pretty flower she knows is safe from having to look up what flowers you could or couldn’t touch, yes she went to your fellow “science pukes” to ask, no she will never admit she asked for a little help Your colleagues told you abt it, lowkey cried it was v sweet that she put in that effort just so she could bring back safe flowers for you :((
>Definitely is one to love when you run to greet her, genuinely jump on her
>She loves seeing you so happy to see her :((
>Quaritch always nudging her when he spots you in knowing, scoffing a bit in amusement at how his colleagues ears perked in knowing that was a signal from him
>Always catches you too, will effectively spin the two of you around together :((
>Some of her favourite time spent with you is when you’re in her bed, tucked away in her arms as you sleep.
>She enjoys your company, even when you’re not awake she loves it!
>Fondly stroking your head, purrs increasingly in volume and her tails swaying calmly and happily
>SLOW BLINKS AT YOU JEHDUDHS Just like cats, Na’vi subconsciously will blink slowly at something they love, and Zdinarsk is just jdjdhdisnd :(((
>Its the best, even when she says something so vile and dirty to you, you know she doesn’t mean the cruel words spilling from her mouth it at the way her eyes blink so slow
>Riding her strap and you can’t help but lean in for a quick kiss, returning your own small ‘Love you too!’
>Its such a sweet moment
>Though through the simple kiss, it spurred her on quickly turning into her fucking up into you when she decided your pace wasn’t good enough
>Fingers circling your sore pulsing clit making your head go back to blank, previous thoughts of softness replaced with only her and her touch, Zdinarsk’s name on repeat
>Sitting up a bit seeing you starting to become more limp, leaning on her forearms all to mock your desperate moans up close, laughing almost evilly under her breath when all you can do is sob out for her and claw at her
>Lowkey call her daddy in bed and see what happens
>Because when you joked around and called her daddy one time, a new kink was unlocked, she learned she loves being called Daddy
>She dragged you away after a minute of staring with blown pupils, because holy shit she needed you right now
>She ruined you that night
>Made you beg for daddy’s touch, she got very into it for hours, you genuinely had to stop her before you were only in pain—you usually only sprinkle daddy in sometimes when you’re in the mood for being 100% her little slut
>God she fucking loves waking up to nail marks across her body—
>The painful sting when she glides her hand over a particularly deeper scratch you had made, smirking wide
>She had got up for the washroom, and now she found herself admiring the small trails you left behind on her
>Coming back to you fast asleep, bruised and lips swollen from the night she spent essentially devouring you
>Now that she was more awake, she could actually take you in
>Sitting by your sleeping form and taking every bit of the peace in, thinking on and on about how she just wants you to be safe and to always feel loved, thinking about how badly she loves you and what’s in store for the future—
>Actually like?? Talks to you while you’re asleep too lmao?? You’ve woken up a few times to listen in on her troubles
>She’s not the best w saying what’s bothering her, as most of the soldiers are, but you know she’ll always tell you when you’re asleep, it’s nice to still somewhat be there for her, even while asleep, knowing it helps her out is all you need (You do bring up certain things of course when you wake up those odd few times and are concerned)
>Zdinarsk rolling up to the gym in a sports bra and her usual pants, absolutely showing of the marks you gave her, which ends in Lopez finding you to ask how your evening with your giant GF was you punched him for that one, meanwhile your heavily tattooed friend just cackled at you >:(
>She just loves the stares, like yeah you better fucking look? Just showing off
>Especially when she swings around after hitting the gym, approaching you basically half nude while other scientists stared and gawked at her
>Lyle hyping her up when he sees her, makes a big scene commenting on how she definitely got busy last night, asks for details like an intrusive weasel LMFAO—
>When you walk by her when she’s sitting, it’s more often then not that she pulls you into her lap
>Gently guiding you to rest on her legs
>Her hands always at your waist too, she’s obsessed whether you have curves or not, it’s just the perfect place for her hands to go on you!
>Thumbs rubbing your sides soothingly 😭
>She wears her strap in public so much idc idc
>Zdog needs to make sure she’s prepared of course! prepared for whenever she needs you bent over for her—
>Doing gun training and it’s cut short by her demanding you put the assault rifle you held down, to bend over all pretty over the gun table
>Or when she saw the opportunity to fuck you on Lyle’s bed, Lyle was livid but also really turned on at the fact two people w pussies had been kissing and fucking on his bed, idc he’s a bit of a perv sometimes we love him for it though ✋
>Often makes you ride her strap
>Something about seeing you on top of her makes her eyes roll right back ✋
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
Ooooo what about princess treatment/casual dominance with zdog? Like her fixing your hair when it gets a bit frazzled or she will tie your shoes for you when they come untied stuff like that maybe 😋 I need her to be a real person asap
Z-dog fluff headcannons
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Warnings: fluff, possessiveness
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- Zdog is such a sweetheart when it comes to her little baby girl. Her little human girlfriend, letting her do whatever she wants to her. Even if it’s a he farthest thing she would ever want, but as long as it makes you happy she’s willing.
- ‘Your hair needs to be redone z!’ Tangling your hair into her combed through braid. ‘I am fine y/n’ she’d say harshly, not being in the mood. ‘Come sit z’ of course she’s listen, your her little princess. It would probbaly take your tiny human hands awhile to get through all of her hair, a few grunts from zdog here and there. Yelling at you to go softer, but you’d just smack her head softly, telling her to calm down.
- She cuts the lines in the cafeteria so you can get your food first. Ignoring the multiple complaints and yells from the humans as she holds your hand. She’d turn around to the angry crowd and stare down at them from her 9 foot stance. Silencing them in a second by her terrifying form, god was she scary.
- She fixes your skirts and dresses when they ride up. ‘Trying to show off baby?’ She’d tease slyly, pulling down your skirt before you could even respond. She doesn’t care where you are or what your doing, she doesn’t need anyone seeing or touching what’s hers.
- She always checks your outfits in the morning before you two leave for work. Checking to see if that skirt shows too much, or if that white shirt showed your bra. Sometimes she even took out the measuring tape, you’d groan and roll your eyes. ‘I am not a child!’ Trying to push her hands away from your legs, she’d hold your hand together with one of hers to keep you from moving. ‘I don’t need anyone looking at you’
- When your on your period and your tossing and turning in pain she’s always right next to you. Giving you lots of kisses and hugs, cuddling you and rubbing your tummy wherever it hurts as you mumble whatever’s on your mind. Her big sapphire hands are the size of your stomach so it’s a bit hard to always get in the crevices but she tries her best. ‘You need anything else baby?’ ‘Mommy’s here for you’ she’d coo as she cuddles you from behind and plants small kisses down your neck and spine.
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I NEED Z-DAWG X READER SMUT !! She’s literally so hot and ik for a fact this woman has a degrading kink
OMG BABE YOU ARE SO MFING RIGHT and I was thinking the 'theres only one bed trope' cause why not 🤭🤭
Bunk mate
Pairing- Z-dawg x reader
Summary- Having to bunk with Z-dawg does not go as you planned.
Warnings- one bed trope, fingering, degrading, dirty talk, reader is called a slut (in a good way) lmk if I missed something
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Her eyes were piercing through your skull, her being Z-dawg and for some reason she wouldn't stop looking at you. Before you were recom you two never had much of a friendship so what irked you was why was she staring? You couldn't lie to yourself Z-dawg was hot, and the way she looked at you made your skin burn and itch.
Pulled from your thoughts was Quadratic, "Seems like these assholes didn't know how many of us there is so seems like someones gotta bunk with someone else, and it ain't gonna be me." He said and then Z-dawg took her chance to get you alone. "Y/N can bunk with me!" She blurted out to your surprise now everyone's eyes were on you.
"Yeah sure I don't care." That was further from the truth you cared very, very much. "Then it's settled carry your stuff to your rooms." Quadratic said picking up his bag and walked down the narrow hall to his room. The rest did the same leaving you and Z-dawg, she put her hand on the small of your back. "Let's go." She said the feeling of her hand made your skin go hot. Blinking a few times you shake your head yes. Picking up your bag you followed her to your shared room.
Entering the room there was only one bed. Your eyes widened cheeks flushing to a shade of indigo. "Well looks like we'll have to share a bed." She said sitting her bag on her side of the bed. "Uh y-yeah." You responded to her. "I feel like crap I'm gonna go take a shower." She says you reply with a small nod as you begin to put your stuff up in one side of the dresser in the room. After she got back the air was silent and you couldn't take it anymore, "I'm gonna go shower." You say getting some sleeping clothes. "K." Was all she said as she put her stuff up.
All you could think about while you showered was how you and her were going to be sleeping in the same bed. Did she worry about it too or did she not care? Those were the questions that ran throughout your mind all the way until you were back in your room. She was already on her side of the bed you didn't know if she was asleep or not but you tried not to think about it. Slipping under the covers trying not to disturb her you begin to fall asleep.
It was well past eclipse now and you were tossing and turning, Z-dawg woke up and looked at you your face was twisted and then something fell from your lips, "Zdinarsk." You whine out her eyes widen you were having a wet dream, about her. She waited for a minute and then she felt shuffling under the blanket, picking it up you were clenching your thighs together a tight smirk plastered her face. And then your eyes shot open, she looks at you "Looks like you have good dreams." She says looking at you embarrassed face. "Z- Shit I'm sorry." You say covering your face. "Nothing to be sorry for, you know I could always help you." She said hand trailing to your trembling thigh.
"W-what." You stuttered at her sudden words. "I can help but only if you ask, use those words." She says humiliation is what you reeked of but your body wanted- no needed her. "Please touch me." You plea hips jerking the closer she got to your center. "You dirty girl." She says, her hands travel upward purposely missing your soaking wet core. "These shorts make you look like a slut." She chuckles as she rips them down and moves your panties to the side. Her fingers slides into your folds with ease, she rudded small but harsh circles around your throbbing clit, "shit Z- feels good." You say grinding your hips onto her hand.
"Yeah I just started guess sluts will take anything." Moaning from the degrading words she takes this time to thrust into your wanting hole. Yelling from the intrusion. She thrusted them in and out of you, thumb reaching for your clit flicking it every now and then. "You know I always thought about you like this," she said making you turn your flushed face to her. "On my fingers, it my tongue making you cum over and over again like the dirty girl you are." She said flipping you on your back as she fucked her fingers in and out of you at a much faster speed that shouldn't be possible but she made it happen. You grab onto her one of her tattooed arms and grip into them from all the pleasure on your body.
She curled her fingers slightly forward and smiled at your reaction, your hand that wasn't on her tugged at the sheet under you as you felt yourself get closer and closer to your orgasm. "I-i think about you too, that way." You moan out as she does a scissoring motion making you squirm. "I know you do." She teases as she connects her lips to your neck leaving dark spots on you neck and jawline. "Come on cum for me, cum." She demands and you did just that you walls tightened around her fingers as she fucks you through your orgasm, your body felt like it was on fire.
She licked her fingers as smirked at you, "Glad I choose you to bunk with."
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Lyle Wainfleet x Human Reader x Zdog
Okay so this is the smut that follows my Showering with Lyle (Gym Buddy Edition) fic, I know quite a few people asked for this so I hope you enjoy. This is actually a series with my original fic being Lyle being your flirty gym buddy which was inspired by @xandy-toady and their Lyle fic and they also made me realize how hawt Zdog is. I know that @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed loves this series so extra thanks to them!
This is smut minors DNI. Fic includes: nsfw scenes, oral sex (female receiving), fingering, piv. Reader is female and is referred as she/her. Let me know if I should tag anything else
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* When the squad got back to the house it was pretty late at night. Several of the recoms grabbed a bite to eat, cleaned up, and went right to bed. Lyle stuck around the kitchen the longest, waiting for everyone to leave so he could have a few minutes with you. You had been thinking about potential places ever since he left and couldn’t think of a good place you would have private time so you were hoping Lyle had one in mind.
* "I think my room is the best bet, I mean Z's going to be there but she's a heavy sleeper. Besides she's going to hit the shower anyway." You agree and follow Lyle back to his room, sneaking through the door before the other recoms can hear your footsteps. Lyle proceeds to strip down to his boxers and turns on a small dim lamp by the bedside before turning off the main light.
* You strip down and Lyle scoops you up and carries you to the bed not wasting any time. His hands are rough and travel over your body as he leaves kisses and bites on your chest and neck. Lyle lies you on your back and his hands go to take off his boxers before he covers you with his body and rubs his dick against your heat teasing you. He reaches under his bed and pulls out a bottle of what you're assuming is lube.
* "You call that foreplay?" Zdog's voice cuts through and Lyle lets out a groan before he pulls back and looks at his roommate. "Yeah, I do, got a problem?" Zdog huffs and sends Lyle an irritated glare. "Have you seen what you're packing? You can't just stick your shit up there like that. You're going to hurt her." Zdog walks farther into the room and turns the lock on the door. You felt a bit self-conscious being naked in front of both of them so you grabbed the pillow from behind your head and use it to shield yourself while the two recoms bickered at each other
* "I'm not going to hurt her, butt out man." Lyle turns his head back toward you and Zdog takes the opportunity to land a slap to the back of his head. That seemed to make Lyle even more irritated and he lets out a hiss in her direction. "Fuck off Z, I'm serious." Zdog is unfazed and decides to make herself comfortable on the edge of the bed next to you, one giant hand coming to rest on top of the pillow covering your body.
* "So am I Wainfleet. I know you got interrupted earlier but don’t get lazy. Men only want to get their dick wet and they never give a damn about the woman they're with. If you don't want to warm her up then I will." You felt your face heat up and you squirmed a tiny bit under her weight.
* You played for both teams happily and on more than one occasion wondered what a night with Zdog would entail. It was hard to find other queer people on the base and you had formed a semi-flirty but friendly relationship with each other. You didn't want to assume that she was into you just because you also happened to be attracted to women, so you never pursued anything more than just a friendship.
* "Stop trying to cockblock me! Just because you have the hots for her doesn't mean shit, I got her first." Lyle leaned forward and roughly grabbed Zdog's hand from the pillow. With an angry growl, he pushed it back onto her lap. In retaliation Zdog lifted her hand up and pushed it into Lyle's forehead, forcing him to back up a bit. Zdog's ears tilted back and she growled back at Lyle. "Stop being a selfish ass and maybe I wouldn't have to get involved!" When Lyle started to flash his fangs you decided to pipe up before things got worse.
* "Not to pick sides or anything, but she does have a point. I don't think I could take you right now." Your face was warm and you could feel the heavy stares from the pair boring into your skin. "Not that I don't want to though! I've just never taken something so big before." Your voice trailed off and you wondered if you should have said anything at all. Zdog removes her hand from Lyle's face smugly and her tail swishes side to side in satisfaction.
* Lyle's tail on the other hand thuds angrily into the bed and he scrunches up the bedsheets in a fist. "Is that what you want then?" You nod your head sheepishly and grip the pillow a bit tighter as if it could protect you from their prying eyes. Lyle lets out an exasperated sigh and moves his way off the bed to make space for Zdog to position herself. "Why don't you make yourself useful and find a towel for cleanup?" Zdog pipes up. Lyle glares daggers at her but pulls on his boxers and leaves the room momentarily.
* Zdog stands up and trails one hand from your chin to the edge of the pillow closest to your pussy, a gleam in her eye. "I know you're feeling a bit shy right now, but I'm going to need you to move this." She leans down playfully and places a kiss on your collarbone and whispers, "You might want to keep it close by though. In case you need something to bite down on later." You squeeze your legs together but do as you're told and remove the pillow. "Good girl, now why don't you turn yourself this way?" She motions for you to turn your hips towards the side of the bed.
* You do as you're told and Lyle walks in a minute later with a towel and what looks like an old t-shirt. He walks over to you still looking mildly irritated. "Lift your butt up, I'm going to slide this under you, okay?" You push your legs into the edge of the bed and prop yourself up high enough for Lyle to get the towel under you. As he pulls his hand out he takes a second to grab your ass.
* It was Lyle's turn to sit on the edge of the bed this time as Zdog nestles herself onto the floor between your legs. She takes your lower legs and throws them over her shoulders and when you're settled in she takes her warm hands and grasps the outsides of your thighs. "You ready?" You nod your head as Lyle puts his hand on your chest and slowly pushes you down into the pillows. His fingers made their way to your nipples and he traced little circles into them, teasing you enough for a moan to slip out.
* Zdog's mouth was hot and wet and when it made contact with your pussy you let out a small cry, your hand making its way to your face. Zdog gives you a few licks and kisses before sinking her teeth into your thigh, eliciting another needy cry. Lyle grabs your hand away from your face and pushes it above your head and moves to capture your other one all while Zdog's mouth consumes your core. With both of your arms secured in Lyle's fist and your legs forced open around Zdog's head you felt utterly helpless and that seemed to turn you on even more.
* Zdog starts to suck and gently lick your clit while she brings one of her hands to your slit, her fingers rubbing against the sensitive skin. She slides a large finger in knuckle deep and you jerk your hips involuntarily into her mouth. Lyle takes his other hand and pushes your hips back down while Zdog's other hand grips your thigh tighter. Lyle leans down against you on the bed and you could feel his laugh against your skin. "I don't think so. You're the one who asked for this, there's no backing out." His hand on your hip trails up and his fingers roughly pinch your hardened nipple. Your breath comes out as a hiss and Zdog takes that as a sign to sink her finger in even farther.
* The two of them seemed to pick up on each other's work and they began to alternate their touches in a way that quickly overstimulates your senses. When Zdog adds another finger your eyes fluttered close and a loud moan sneaks its way out of your mouth, which causes Zdog to smirk into your pussy. Lyle grabs your chin and turns your face toward him, a smug smile on his lips as he brushes his thumb against yours. "If you're already making this much noise I wonder how much louder you're going to be when it's my turn." As if it was her cue Zdog starts pumping her fingers faster against your gspot and you feel your legs start to tremble.
* You squeeze your eyes shut in pleasure but Lyle grabs your chin firmly. "You're going to look me in the eyes as you cum, you hear me?" You open your eyes obediently and Lyle watches your pleasure-hazed eyes go in and out of focus on his face. Lyle was still salty that Zdog felt the need to butt into his personal business but with all things considered maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all. He felt his dick get hard again at the thought of how tight you're going to be after all this.
* Zdog slows her pace as she senses your climax gets closer, her methodical movements enough to drive you crazy with lust. You were so close and she was just toying with you now, taking her time to make your insides ache. "Please." You let out a whimper, pulling your arms against Lyle's fist as if you could reach out for Zdog's face and pull her closer to your heat. Zdog pulls away and lets out a laugh as she looks at your begging face. "Hmmm..." She slowly pumps her fingers and watches you squirm beneath her. "Please!" You whimper again and try to dig your legs into the back of her shoulders to bring her closer. "Mmm... Look at you, so cute yet so needy... I think it's Lyle's turn now." She removes her fingers and stands up, her body heat leaving you chilled and wanting.
* Before you could argue Zdog's already wiping her face on the t-shirt Lyle grabbed and moving away from you. Lyle scoops you into his arm and pulls you further onto the bed, angling you so he can get fully on the bed below you. He strips off his boxers and positions himself between your thighs, his dick resting on your stomach. Zdog grabs the bottle of lube from the floor and hands it to Lyle as she makes her way toward the top of the bed. Lyle wastes no time and covers himself from tip to base, pumping himself in his hand a few times to make sure his dick was completely lubricated.
* Lyle leans over you, his bare torso glowing in the low lights and you found yourself staring. He hesitates for a minute and glances at your small body beneath him. He wasn't sure if missionary would work with the size difference but he was going to try anyway. "Ready when you are Short Stack", he gazes down at your flustered face and finds himself smirking. He glances up at Zdog who was sitting on her bed watching with a smug smile. She had her fun and now it was time for Lyle to get his. When he was sure she wasn't going to interrupt this time he lowers his gaze to you. You make eye contact and nod your head wrapping your small hand around his wrist and tugging him down over you.
* Lyle does his best to shift his weight so he's not smothering you and lays a few gentle kisses against your neck and shoulder before sliding his hips back. He uses one hand to hold himself up and the other to guide his cock to your entrance. He pushes his tip into you and moves his hand to your side, fingers gripping harshly into your skin. His breathing hitches and so does yours as you feel the stretch from his member. Lyle's ears flatten against his head as his eyes squeeze shut. Your face reaches to about his chest and you reach up with your hands to run your fingers along his sides.
* Lyle remains stationary, almost frozen except for his tail that's swaying from side to side again. Without thinking you reach out and grab it, tugging softly like you normally do to tease him. Without warning, Lyle's hips snap up into yours and you're filled almost to the brim with his girthy dick. You let out a cry and dig your fingers into his side with the sudden movement. You couldn't tell what was more noticeable at the moment, the burning tightness you felt from being stretched or the immense heat in your core caused by the friction against your clit.
* Lyle realized what he did and suddenly draws back his hips leaving only the tip in. "Shit, I'm-" You cut him off by tugging on his tail again, this time a bit rougher. Lyle lets out a deep groan and his hips buck instinctively into you again but this time he doesn't pull back. When his hips stop moving he adjusts the arm he's leaning on and then slowly pushes himself even deeper inside you. The sensation was so powerful you forgot how to breathe for a moment and clawed helplessly against his side, your mouth hanging open in a silent cry. Lyle bottoms out against you and you're seeing stars. You feel the corners of your eyes get damp and you let go of Lyle's tail in order to wipe them.
* Lyle looks down at you, watching your movements carefully in case you needed him to move. Except after you dab your eyes you bring your hand up to his nipple and give it a tug while biting your bottom lip. Lyle lets out a groan and makes eye contact with you. He might have been hurting you, but damn you were not backing down. You were so needy and he filled you so good, the pain turning into its own kind of pleasure. With your encouragement and little touches, Lyle began thrusting into you. He went slowly at first but with each moan and cry you made he found it hard to hold back and ended up thrusting needily into your heat.
* His cock hitting your cervix filled your eyes with tears again but you didn't bother brushing them away this time. You were too busy holding onto his sides, your nails digging into his soft flesh which brought out groans and low growls from Lyle. The pain and the pleasure started to blend together and you felt yourself approaching your climax again, just praying that he wouldn't stop his assault. Lyle felt you flutter around his cock and his ears titled back against his head as he tried his best not to nut inside you. He was going to make you cum first and cum hard if it was the last thing he would do. He reached down and wrapped a hand around your throat, just tight enough to make you notice.
* Your mouth fell open in a loud moan and you brought both your hands up around this forearm and made eye contact with Lyle, your tears glistening on your face. Lyle picked up his assault and went even faster as his fingers tightened a bit more around your delicate neck. You were so overly stimulated right now you could do nothing but moan and grasp his arm desperately. Your legs shook and you felt your core tightening as you got closer. It was any moment now and Lyle could feel you get tighter with every stroke.
* This was the moment he went all out and started slamming his hips into yours. He felt you clench hard around him as you let out a breathless cry but he didn't stop, he kept fucking you through your orgasm. And when he couldn't control his orgasm anymore he let himself finish inside you, grunting and grinding into your sensitive cunt until he was empty and you were a mess.
* He pulls out and watches his seed slowly leak out of your slit. Just for good measure he took his fingers and pushed his cum back inside your leaking pussy, satisfaction evident on his face when you throw your head back against the pillows. He leans down and presses a kiss against the corner of your eye before grabbing the towel under you and pushing it against your pussy so you could clean yourself up. Lyle looks at Zdog who was now lying down on her bed, her head propped up on her hand. "You're welcome by the way." Zdog tuts playfully and Lyle throws a pillow at her face. "Yeah, whatever."
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defodisturbed · 7 months
Mastermind - Recoms x Singer!Recom!reader
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(A/N: heyy... hey.. im back :3. im sorry for leaving for SO LONG im dealing with a lot of personal stuff right now but im really trying to write more. i want to get faster at typing and i also needa feed my children. also most of this fic will be exposition and the events leading up to the climax like im not even joking its so long. hope yall enjoy this one. mwah) (and yes I based the songs on Taylor Swift and if you're gonna be in the replies being hateful, gtfo my page (kindly))
What if I told you I'm a mastermind?
And now you're mine.
I had always hid my true past from my teammates. Practically everyone. I only really had a journal, and even that was locked away under my rug under my bed. Nobody knew it was there, and nobody could access it without waking me up or making some kind of noise. It was a sacred book to me. I could talk to... something with it. I could express my feelings of wanting to go back to the way things were, but never wanting to leave Pandora. Never wanting to leave my friends. And never wanting to leave my lovers.
I'm a recombinant for the RDA. When I died in my human body, they had my DNA and were already growing my new body to be revived. I have my memories of my past life, and it was awesome. Until... my mom found out she was drafted for the mission on Pandora. I, being the best kid ever, took her place. My fans were scared for me, and tried to convince me not to. They'd heard it all, how dangerous Pandora was. Especially for a singer with no military experience or knowledge. But I accepted my fate. For my mother. For my family. I had siblings back home, and with me going on tour all the time, I wouldn't be able to take care of them if my mother was gone. So I accepted the fact that I was most likely, if not definitely, going to die on this mission.
And I did. My family recieved the news, but also learned about Project Phoenix. They were relieved to know that their kid was going to be revived, just maybe not the same.
"Hey, ma. How're you?" Prager asked as I sat down at the table. It was lunch at the cafeteria. They pretty much just fed us protein-filled slop most of the time. Rarely, they would throw a cookie in there if it was a holiday on Earth.
"Oh, it's going alright, baby. Thanks. Hey, can I ask you a question?" I replied. Prager nodded and leaned in. "Do you think you could ask the Colonel if we could go out in the forest today and just... explore? He doesn't know this, but I actually have some science friends and they showed me some fruits and animals that we can harvest and safely eat. I tried some and Pandora food is good. Like, really good. I wanna surprise the team, and you know Colonel can't say no to you."
Prager agreed and once the Colonel sat at our table, he immediately started.
"Colonel, I was wondering if we could go out into the forest today and just have some fun. Explore, fuck around in some river or something?" Quaritch looked at Prager and gave that ONE sigh. (A/N: its giving "go get my purse") "Fine. But we ain't bringing a baby viperwolf home because Ja wants one." He glared at Ja. He was always the one to see a stray dog and say "please please pleaaaaase mom can we adopt it??" as a kid.
I silently thanked Prager for doing my bidding as always.
We were out in the forest, going over the rules we've memorized by heart now. Once the Colonel finished up, I immediately took off. I was so excited to get some nice food that I didn't realize the cliff drop below me. I was suddenly falling, the wind rushing past my body and feeling almost painful as it hit my face and went away so fast, over and over again.
I dived head first into a lake. The drop wasn't that bad, I realized. Alicia was first on the scene, peeking over the dropoff with a worried look on her face as she hoped to God I wasn't dead. I waved my hand up at her and called out.
"Get down here, this is so fun!! Don't be afraid to get a running start either!" my voice echoed. "Are you okay??" she shouted back. "I'm amazing!!"
Alicia ran over to the others and told them to watch her. She embraced her inner child as she ran as fast as she could and leaped off the cliff. She felt the wind rush past her face as I had, and splashed in the water with me. The rest of my team ran over and looked. We were... fine? Lopez was next. He gladly jumped and plooshed in with us. Then Prager, Zhang, Walker, Warren, Mansk, Lyle, Fike, and finally... Quaritch. He took a chance and jumped.
We were playing and splashing each other with water as we finally relaxed for once. Of course, we had fear of predators. But we didn't care as much anymore. We were playing like kids and it felt so good.
After we dried off and got back to the forest, I took off again. This time, more careful. I found an abandoned basket in pretty good condition and took it with me to collect fruits and veggies. I collected some yovo fruit, some other stuff I didn't know the name of but still knew was safe, and finally it was time to get some meat. I was looking to make some nice Pandora burritos for everyone. I found a nice bow and some arrows, perhaps forgotten by a young hunter excited to show their family their haul.
While I was gathering food, one of my favorite songs got stuck in my head while I was thinking about my life back on Earth. I started humming... then singing the lyrics... then full belting the long notes. I didn't realize Lyle was near, close enough to hear but far enough to stay hidden. He'd never heard my songs because he was in the military before I even debuted. I'm sure he was confused who I was singing.
I got some hexapede meat, some meat from hard fruits, and I also took down a lone viperwolf. I put the stuff in the basket to bring home.
"What the Hell is all of this? What've you been doing this entire time? Why do you have a bow? Did you encounter a native?" Colonel asked. I said I found it and saw no booby traps so I took it. I explained that my friends at the lab wanted some samples so I got some for them. Obviously it was a lie, but I couldn't spoil the surprise.
He allowed me to take my findings and harvest home. I thanked him and was so excited to make him and our team a good meal for once.
I got out my cutting board and my cooking knife and started chopping. I cooked some of that chicken-y stuff and some of that fruit. I thanked Mansk in my head for teaching me these things.
I radio'd everyone to come to my room. I said I had a surprise for them. "I swear to God, if we get there and you're on the bed naked again I will... actually not be mad." Lyle said back.
"This isn't that kind of surprise, Lyle. Just get over here!"
Once they all were in the room, I retrieved a tray with foil over it. The smell wafted into the room as I uncovered the gift. They were all so surprised and hypnotized by the burritos.
"For you guys! You deserve it. Take one, I insist!" I squealed. They all grabbed one and a paper towel and with the first bite, they relaxed their tense muscles and rolled their eyes back. They hadn't had a good meal like this in a good, long while.
"Hey, Y/N, what song were you singing in the forest? You were really loud... must've been one of your favorites or something. Is it on Spotify?" Lyle asked as he finished his first bite. My eyes widened. "You... heard that?"
"Yeah, I heard a little bit too. It was something about a new romantic or something like that." Zdinarsk added. "Yeah you were singing about something related to rings or something too." Mansk said. "I don't know, I could be wrong, but last time I checked, you weren't married." Lopez said.
"Um... can we forget all of that happened? Sorry, I was just getting carried away and I sang some of my own songs and-" I was soon cut off by the Colonel saying, "Wait- your songs?"
I soon shoved them out of my room, begging them to let it go and to not talk about it again. I closed the door behind me as I slid down the metal wall to the floor. I took some big, deep breaths and checked under my bed to check if my journal and hard drives were still there, even though I'd been with them the entire time. Phew! They're still there. I thought.
The next day, at dinner in the cafeteria, I brought my bag with me and sat down with everybody acting like nothing was wrong. Conversation sparked when someone asked, "So what's everyone planning on doing tomorrow? Ardmore gave us the day off." I said I was planning on bingeing my favorite show wrapped in my blankets with my favorite foods. They all agreed and said they would be training, sleeping, exploring, hooking up, or something fun/relaxing.
I suddenly got a call from my friend on the phone. I knew it was something important, because my phone was blowing up with texts while she was waiting for me to answer. I hurriedly ran off to my room for privacy, forgetting my bag full of personal stuff. Including my hard drives. Zdog decided it couldn't hurt to see what I carry around all day, so she started digging. She found my sunglasses, hairbrush/comb, an unopened soda can, some loose candy, and... hard drives?
"Hey does anyone know why Y/N has hard drives in her bag?" Z asked. Nobody knew, so she decided to take them and pass them out for them to watch later. It for sure wasn't porn, Ardmore would've never let it through. It's gotta be some home videos or something.
Zdog and the others piled onto the bed in her room and uploaded the drives onto her computer. They were numbered. They watched the first one and it was a black screen with the sound of a crowd cheering. It was around an hour long. They watched as a... stage appeared. A big one. It was a stadium full of people. A concert? Then appeared the person performing. It was... you. Some already made the connections, while others took a little bit. You were performing for around 70,000 people along with cameras so everyone could watch it live. they watched all of the hard drives all throughout the night, only falling asleep when they went through all of them.
You were in your room, hanging up the call. turns out it was just some cute guy flirted with her at a restaurant. Only then did you realize that you left your bag in the cafeteria. You immediately went back for it, checking everything was there because people just love to snoop. You realized all of your hard drives were missing. You soon were banging on the Colonel's door, asking if he'd seen anybody take them or had anything in their hands. He wasn't there. You knocked on everyone's door and nobody answered. You went back to your room, wailing into your pillow. Those drives were the last thing you had of Earth. Of your entire life before the military. Soon enough, you cried yourself to sleep. In the morning, you slept in. It was your day off, after all. You heard a knock on the door. You recognized it as Z. You opened the door and there she was. She came in without an invite and immediately sat on your bed.
"Y/N. I am... just so sorry. When you left your bag in the cafeteria, I looked through it when I should've respected your privacy. I found hard drives and took all of them to my room and the rest of the team and I watched all of them. In order. All the way through. I am so sorry for disrespecting your right to privacy and watching the videos that were obviously private." She closes her eyes softly, looking down toward the floor with her hands twiddling in her lap. Too embarrassed and disappointed with herself to even look at me.
"Z, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so secretive. Especially with the ones who love me most. The truth is, I was a very rich and famous singer on Earth. You probably know that by now. So does everyone else. But I'm trying to work through it and not be embarrassed to share my past."
"It's not your fault. I love you. We love you. You never have to hide anything from us, but if you don't want it to be shared, that's okay too. So... can we listen to some of your songs?" Z laughed. I said yes an radio'd everyone to come to my room. I had a surprise.
MWAH I love yall!!!! hope you guys enjoyed i've had this au stuck in my head since like last year :) 💋💋
@dyingofcookies ITS HERE BESTIE
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grave-z-boy · 1 year
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