#birb does draw
larissa-the-scribe · 6 months
Hehe new icon
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As the beginning of me figuring out whatever the heck branding / marketing is, here is an updated icon for me and my work. And who better than Kwyl to be the model (the colors are slightly different than an actual skyte because of logo stuff, etc, but I was pleased they were pretty similar). He's a helpful lil guy. More about him later ;)
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angrybatart · 7 months
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Banana Birb 🍌 🐦
EHHHHHHH....been a while since I drew a Kasuga....
Keep being reminded that Kasuga gets a bird in Infinite Wealth. And since I love birds so much, I finally looked it up. And it is SO. FREAKING. CUTE!!!! It looks like a ringneck! The yellow one! (I forget the proper color term.)
So I couldn't unsee him teaching it to say "I'm a banana!" to impress everyone else. There's a popular bird that says that floating around on YouTube somewhere, but this talkative parrot has a distinct voice. They're also the kind that doesn't shut up once they get started. I love them. Look them up. You won't regret it.
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tired-space-crow · 2 years
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Dropping a flat sketch before bed, gonna polish it up tomorrow
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fengqing month day 26 - kiss 😘
based on my fav gustav klimt piece, the kiss 💚
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earthworms-worm · 11 months
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Hello! Please have an old drawing I did of these two little Medieval Rats (+birb). I'm in the process of redrawing them and completely forgot to post this lmao, next time you see them my style will have changed a bit (and I'm gonna improve their designs ofc).
Florian is a retired spy, Gylfi is his adopted feral child who's dream is to become a knight but alas due to her lineage and Florian's time as a spy, it will never come to fruition.
Flick is their pet falcon, he got the name because he's so fast that you can only see a flicker of colour when he flies.
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ardate · 2 years
4, 8, 9, 30 :]
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Honestly? Humans as a whole, still. I started art a long time ago, originally mostly focusing on animals and creatures, til I started drawing humans sometime in middle school - and I never stopped drawing them since! But yet, somehow, even though by now I probably have drawn more humans and human-adjacent characters than not with all those years, beasts are still much easier and come more naturally to me. Maybe those very early years wired my brain this way hbghb
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
Oh holy fukc so many of those uuuuuuuh,, right now the one that comes to mind is this old story I had made up in middle/highschool - something about a kind of death land, a sort of limbo, and the ghost lords that 'ran' it; and the main character having to go through it to bring his love back from the dead (orpheus and eurydice inspired). And though even then I wasn't particularly optimistic about my chances of going through with it, I really wanted to make a comic of it! Obviously, never happened. I should redraw those old OCs one of these days hgbghb
Have a sneak peek of what my art (and one of my ghost lords) looked like back then. Not the full pic cuz even just sharing this lil tidbit is hurting my ego
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9. What are your file name conventions
I've been meaning to change it cuz it's no longer organized enough for my taste! My file themselves don't have any fancy names, they're usually just named after their subject (like 'demoman_sketch' or 'pernelle_portrait' or 'morribel_reference' etc). Of course, no accent in the file names since that renders them unstable and makes it easier for them to get corrupted, same (to a lesser extent) with spaces, so I always use an underscore instead.
So rather than by name, my organization goes by folders: • First off I have a folder per art program (one for Photoshop, After Effects, Corel Painter, Krita, etc), each of which have two folders, 'Unfinished' and 'Finished'. The latter usually only has the PNG renders, while the Unfinished folder houses the PSD (or other) files. Sometimes I'll have a 'Done' subfolder there for the files of pieces that i've finished, but most of the time they'll hang in there in the middle of WIP files forever • And in those Un/Finished folders, I have subfolders for the subject of the art piece (one folder per fandom (like TF2, Rayman, etc), a folder for commissions, one folder per original story, etc) so I can easily find what I'm looking for.
I plan on changing my naming conventions though, keep my folders but name my files with dates at the beginning (year/month/day), then theme (fandom/story/commission, etc), and then the piece's name.
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
I'm... Not sure? 🤔 To be honest I post my art to share it but I don't really have expectations regarding its reception from the public... I used to! Back when I was on deviantArt. And honestly it sucked, getting legitimately upset when an art piece didn't get enough digital attention, not enough internet points. But I've grown past it years ago, so I don't really have many feelings if a piece does badly anymore. I've had OC pics get like 2 likes and nothing else and I felt fine with it ghbgh
Don't get me wrong I still want them to do well, I still want people to reblog my art, and nothing brings me more joy than comments in the tags because that's a direct reaction to my art, which always feels very personal and legitimately touches me. But not having expectations means I don't really feel disappointed as much
The last time I've had the thought 'oh i expected this to do better' was for my HLVRAI zine piece, but that's about it!
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Just some lonely man and his crows
I just recently found out that Jon actually has two crows named "Craw" and "Nightmare" (Kudos to Mistress of Fear for the info!), so as the Crow and Raven lover that I am, I had to sketch Jonathan and his birbs.
I did try to use the cell shading, which I have improved, but certainly it shows it is still out of my comfort zone hahaha.
I did base of his design of some of the comic looks and Maxwell as I kinda did shoot myself in the foot by not drawing my version of Jonathan first, but oh well XD. Likewise, I did want to keep him Ginger as outside The Dark Knight (aka my intro to Jonathan) is the iconic Batman the Animated series. I prefer his S2 design, but i enjoyed his episodes but I wished he was on more.
Anyway, here's the drawing without effects
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And the bare colors!
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I did originally thought about drawing him in a funny incorrect quote I found, but it might go into another day, although I finally got the idea for Jonathan x my OC (Elizabeth) drawing too. I can't 100% guarantee I'll get this done as I am a very busy buzz person (who does get hit with depresso mood swings, but I'll do my best)
Aaah yeepers, i forgot to link the post hahaha its this ONE
Once again, kudos to @jonathan-cranes-mistress-of-fear for the post and the many info about Jon! Please check Moffy's blog out and give lots of love, and fear toxin! Haha
Thank you so much for liking and reblogging my stuff, it brings a huge smile to my face and helps me a lot!
As you can tell, I am very chatty on my posts, but I am a quiet ball when it comes to dms, although they're always free XD.
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totallynotokguys · 1 month
Lego Monkie Kid Rewatch: Season 3
Episode 8, Benched
Through my rewatch, I've been trying to pay attention to the smaller details and people in the show, so I can really appreciate the world.
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Thank you animators, for taking the time to draw this disgruntled birb getting poofed by snow. There's no big reason here for the bird besides illustrating that its snowy now, which background scenery is already showing us. But nope! The show went the extra centimeter to include this lil birb, giving this world a little bit more depth and vitality.
"I didn't like how any of them turned out, though."
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It's the circles isn't it. Circles are hard.
I love this city's design here so much!
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The lanterns, snow, warm glowing signs. Look at that crane! Or the lotus! And those lantern kites! I love their mix of modern with traditional architecture! Please tell me they made a lego set of this city! And look at the people! I want every single one of these lego figures in that picture. Cute coats, cute hairs, cute winter accessories! And the toy monkey! I love it!
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… ah…
Don't get me wrong. If I saw this before the show I would have thought it was a cool shopping district. But when compared to the ambiance the show gives and the background characters designs… It's just… sigh.
Monkey King casually throwing someone else' property and or merchandise like he oh so carefully threw the ring probably. Looked like a steam bun basket… ah! I bet there were some delicious baozi in there!!!
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Love the accessories! So fitting that MK got a cute Monkey King stuffy. And Mei's lantern bag is the best 10/10 I would buy please give me.
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I'm trying to figure out what accessories Monkey King got. I see the pin, but what are the patches on his hoodie?
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Did…. Did Wukong buy a sticker pad and instead of pealing the stickers out, he pealed the whole backside and thwacked it to his clothes randomly?
Please say yes! That would be hilarious!
I'm crying again. Just look. LOOK!
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Look at the way this image makes you feel. Grand. Warm. Dazzled. Festive. Cozy. Green, gold, and red all incorporated perfectly together to make a stunning block pallet! This is what we could have had! I want a set that makes me feel this!
"Can't read?"
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MK. Don't just call someone out like that! You gotta ask these things delicately, in private, with a show of compassion so they don't feel judged and are more likely to be honest with you.
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Sandy has to wear glasses to read?!!!! How did I miss that the first time! Sandy, I've failed you.
"But none of us have any talents! There's no way we can win!"
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Ouch. MK. What is up buddy? Why are you so carelessly hurting everyone's feelings today?
And now, compilation of Monkey King freaking out. Because we all need this in our lives. I guarantee you can relate to at least on of these expressions.
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"You're benching me?" "Mm, pretty much."
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MK!!!! Stop hurting people's feelings! Honesty doesn't mean you have to be brutally blunt about it!
This here is a gungzheng, and it is amazing! Sadly the show doesn't do it nearly enough justice, though I am thrilled about its inclusion.
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If you want to here it for yourself, here's some links to two of my favourite songs with a gungzheng!
These are my favourite nuisances. I love this family.
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Tang: I feel hurt, like no one takes me seriously and I don't matter in this friend group. But since I'm a mature and rational adult I know exactly how to handle these big feelings.
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Tang: By stealing!
"I'm not useless!"
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Tang, dear, don't cry! You matter! They care about you, I promise! Just don't jump off that roof!
My baby!
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At first I was kind of miffed that Macaque didn't just get the ring while the others were distracted. Like, come on Macaque. You're smarter than that. Wasn't he supposed to stop pulling his punches after LBD latest threats of complete deletion of his self?
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But then I had a thought. Why does his shadow magic originate from under Tang? Does… does he need a living beings shadow to hop around? Was he unable to get up there unless someone else was there? That would be super cool mechanic of his powers!
"It's the guy sitting in the wings while his friend are busy having fun without him."
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Ah, maybe this is where MK gets his 'bluntly saying the very thing that makes people feel bad right to their face' trait.
I love that Tang doesn't even respond to Macaque's goading. Yeah, you can see the shadow's words hurt him. But Tang sees the bigger picture, and that's getting the ring before LBD's henchman gets it!
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Knowing what I do now about the Journey to the West and the encounter Macaque and Tang Sanzang had with one another… makes this fight between them way more intense and impactful.
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Familiar faces bringing up some bad memories there, eh Macaque?
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Once again, Macaque is blinded by his flawed perspective. His whole speech is about Wukong. No mention of MK, the main hero. Or Pigsy, the sensible one. Or Sandy, the caretaker. Or Mei, the passion. Macaque is acting like Wukong is the only opinion that matters in the team. As if the other's don't even exist. But a team is not a single player, it is defined and strengthened by all of its parts.
And this is Macaques greatest flaw. He does not look past Wukong's shadow or his own past.
"I know that my place is along side my friends. One day, I will become someone they can depend on, the way that I can always depend on them!"
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Tang reminding us that we don't need power or wealth to matter, our true friends and family care for us because its 'us.' They are people we trust and look up to and who inspire us to become the best versions of ourselves.
Thank you for this message, lmk. Its important.
Love that Pigsy's singing overstimulates Macaque. The show finally remembers his full name, the Six Eared Macaque.
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"I will grant you my aid."
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Yeah… Doesn't look like Macaque wants it. Can he send it back?
NOOOOOO! Lantern City!!!!!
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The cozy ambiance! The festive atmosphere! The cute winter apparel! All gone!!!!
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mangysah · 11 days
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Revolución 🐦‍⬛
— Reference: ‘Liberty Leading the People’ by Eugène Delacroix, 1830
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larissa-the-scribe · 8 months
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Kwyl! (with and without the rather slap-dash background)
He's a little skyte who wears a scarf. He likes stories with magic in them, whether that's the human magic of friendship or special magics like spells.
More about him and skytes to come later :)
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m1d-45 · 2 years
While I draw the Brib (and struggle, since I've never drawn birds before), here's another Birb Xiao Idea: Angst Edition! What would happen if Zhongli realized that Xiao isn't with the traveler but is instead with the imposter he's supposed to hunt down? I can only imagine how conflicted Zhongli would feel. Does he follow his god, the one he follows with his whole being, or does he trust his friend, who he trusts more than any other?
-sibling anon, who is still twisting and turning this idea around like a rubix cube
oooooo good ideas good ideas
he’d probably hear it from one of the adepti, probably one of them noticing his bird form flying with a qingxin flower in his beak. i’m picturing moon carver (mostly because cloud retainer would just kick down the metaphorical door and barge in) watching from afar, feeling a mix of confusion and irritation.
irritation, because xiao is supposed to be helping hunt the imposter, supposed to be dragging you in for arrest and slaughter, not exposing himself to you in his most vulnerable state. not pretending to be nothing more than a mere songbird within your cupped palms.
confusion, because xiao surely knows all of that, and moon carver knows xiao isn’t an idiot. he knows there must have to be a reasoning for this, but… he can’t figure out why.
(there’s a third feeling swirling in his chest, one he doesn’t dare identify. he’s not willing to be marked a heretic, not yet.)
so he sends a letter via ganyu to morax, the one he knows knows best.
…the one who doesn’t know what to do.
the letter is passed to the ministry of civil affairs, from there to a simple millelith soldier, from there to ferry lady at the funeral parlor and from there to a small, unused tray on zhongli’s desk. he cuts open the simple seal with a blade of lapis and sits, quickly realizing he’s been outmatched.
he, like moon carver, knows xiao. there had to be a logic behind his actions, a reason for keeping you a secret, for never presenting himself as an adeptus, for never telling him of his findings.
if you were the fake, he’d have no reason to keep up the ruse. if you were anything else (his mind cried with the song of a setting sun, solemn understanding warring selfish perpetuation) then he’d have no reason not to alert him, to bring you the reparations you deserved.
whatever the case… xiao had done something wrong.
the only issue was that one situation warranted a far more severe punishment.
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tired-space-crow · 2 years
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I had an idea for a random rescue team and just had to draw them! I ended up making both a normal and shiny version because I couldn’t make up my mind about the Numel, and hoped it would help me decide. (It didn’t.)
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urrrghhhh i spent all night on this.....but now i actually hate it _(:3」∠) should have left it as the sketch.....rip birb ;A;
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kowtownart · 4 months
How does Sneo react with Raspberries on his tummies?
Goodness Anon, i am so sorry it took me this long to answer your ask!! I don’t really have a good excuse, but i hope you enjoy my silly little drawing!!
Putting behind a read more just incase some people don’t want to see it <3
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He’s so soft i love him. He’s going to be so pouty afterwards, huffy and puffy big Birb <333
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breannasfluff · 1 year
Poofy Feathers
Legend gives Wild the stink eye. “It’s cold, idiot.”
It’s not cold enough to frost, but there is a distinct nip in the air. Legend’s wings twitch and shudder and he huddles further into his blanket.
“You’re making me cold just watching you. Scoot over.” Wild drops down next to Legend, who squawks as the magpie pushes him over to steal some blanket.
“My heat!” He yanks on the blanket.
“Shut your wings!”
They scuffle until Wild sits behind him, wrapping his wings around them both.
“Some of us are used to warmer climates.”
Wild kindly doesn’t point out that no one else is complaining about the temperature. “You’re cute when you’re poofy.”
“Cute! I’m not cute! Shut up!”
Wild grunts as wings snap into his chest.
“Can I join?” Hyrule’s soft voice is a welcome distraction before Legend knocks them both over.
Wild cranes his head to see. “If you can do it without letting the heat out.”
Legend’s curses are ignored by both of them; he’ll grumble without input from anyone.
Hyrule considers them, then dips down and burrows under Wild’s wings to lay on his stomach. His feathers press awkwardly over Wild’s legs, but it does keep the heat in. The traveler settles his head in Legend’s lap. “There, how’s that?”
“Pointless. Now I’m trapped between the two of you!” His actions don’t match his tone, though, and he nestles further down between them. The veteran is more than happy to cuddle, but every interaction requires a token protest on his part.
Wild smiles and chirps at Hyrule, who mimics his call back. The addition of three bodies and trapped heat under feathers is rapidly making a cozy pocket for them.
Well, almost all. “My legs are cold.” Hyrule kicks his legs, trying to squirm further under.
“Sorry, you’ll need to try one of the boys with bigger wings if you want to fit all the way.”
Hyrule’s look is sly. “If Legend wasn’t hogging, I could cuddle up with you.”
“Hogging! Of all the idiotic notions! I’m not here by choice! Wild just—forced his way in!” It’s nonsense and they all know it. Warm and relaxed, Legend is no longer shivering. His wings have settled flat again and Wild preens a few stray feathers absentmindedly.
“No fair…” Despite his complaints, Hyrule is drowsy in the veteran’s lap. He tucks his legs up to pull them under, disturbing Wild’s wings.
The rush of cold morning air has them all shivering and burrowing into each other.
Legend has commandeered the blanket again and Wild’s exposed back is chilled. Still, nestling up with the others is worth the cold.
The flutter of feathers has Wild craning his head as someone approaches behind him. He stiffens until Twilight’s call relaxes him again.
“Where’s Legend?”
Wild nods down to the circle within his wings. Leaning over, Twilight peers in and grins. “Are you on heater duty?”
“Ledge looked miserable and my wings are bigger.”
Humming, Twilight settles directly behind him and fluffs his feathers. They press against Wild’s exposed skin and he sighs softly before chirping his thanks.
Twilight, always happy to help, just settles further against Wild’s back. The champion looks down to find Legend asleep and Hyrule dozing on his knee. From time to time his eyes blink open, then slowly shut again.
Warm, relaxed, and with his flock, Wild resumes settling ruffled feathers.
I'm also working on drawing the birb boys, which you can see here!
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toournextadventure · 2 years
OK but the size difference. Birb just being a big, muscly dumbass with a tiny, 5'1 Wednesday sitting on her lap. Plus she'd be so flustered the first time Wednesday does it, that she goes bright red and has no idea where to put her hands because she doesn't want to make her uncomfortable or be disrespectful.
Which Wednesday finds incredibly endearing, so she takes pity on her by wrapping Reader's arms/wings around her and comfortably settling in. Birb has major heart eyes the whole time. I've never wanted to be able to draw more than I do now.
Birb, this 6'1" intimidating monster, just goes RIGID and her internal monologue is just a constant stream of "what do i do what do i do what do i do." The first few times, even with Wednesday "guiding" where she can touch, poor Reader is still just "oh shit oh shit oh shit this is illegal we can't do this" and Wednesday knows because, let's be real, Birb has a piss poor poker face.
But she gets more comfortable each time, until eventually she's just fuckin living and nuzzling in and Wednesday isn't too keen on the fact that they're in public but she can't deny that she's melting because yes? It's surprisingly nice and warm? And, thanks to Reader being a fucking simp, it makes Wednesday look even more intimidating in comparison, so that's a nice bonus
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