#book in progress
petrichorsweaters · 6 months
Do you like Good Omens and A Court Of Thorns And Roses?
Then you may just like my book that I'm currently writing, Petrichor! The first in a series that will take you through realms and universes you may be familiar with the name of, but never would have imagined!
Follow Cheshire, a stoic Angel of Justice, as she's thrust into a conspiracy to start the War between Heaven and Hell before the Apocalypse is supposed to begin while trying to clear her name of a crime she didn't commit. Excommunicated from Heaven, but not Fallen, will she survive the forces in the shadows forming this plot? And if she does, will she be able to find the true perpetrator of the crime in time to save the Earth from sure destruction? Unsure of who her allies are and who her enemy is, she will question everything she's ever known as her reality turns upside down.
Updates may be slow, as Life Happens, and I am Just A Girl. But feel free to ask me any questions you may have in my ask box!!
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edmetalqueer · 2 years
♛Soulmates With Tangled Strings♛
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Y/N L/N was born on the south side of Chicago, to parents Y/D/N & Y/M/N. He grew up in the ghetto as some would call it, but he saw it as home, especially when he met a particular boy his age, Carl Gallagher. Carl was a troublemaker, he had 5 siblings, 4 older siblings, and 1 younger. Things become tense between the two as years pass and change hits.
WARNING, THIS STORY CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING; Homophobia, Mental Health, Drugs, Alcohol, Violence, Sex, Blood, Trauma, Mentions Of Neglect, Troubling Home lives & More. PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN READING.
Chapter 1 | The Beginning (coming soon) Chapter 2 | Colder Love (coming soon) Chapter 3 | Lingering Kisses (coming soon) Chapter 4 | Questions (coming soon) Chapter 5 | Mystery Feeling (coming soon) Chapter 6 | Class Distraction (coming soon) Chapter 7 | Science Sucks (coming soon) Chapter 8 | Breaking Curfew (coming soon) Chapter 9 | Promises Under The Stars (coming soon) Chapter 10 | Baking Your Heart (coming soon) Chapter 11 | Summer Day (Coming Soon) Chapter 12 | Loving You (Coming Soon) Chapter 13 | Love Ends With You (Coming Soon)
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elven-spring · 3 months
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My original characters, Faylan and Elena. I totally forgot to draw the bit of white in his hair but whatevs. *British accent* Do you like it?
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27paperlilies · 1 year
Wip Excerpt
We think we are the giants of this world, but what if something bigger came along and thought us a bother, like we do a mouse.
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theboarsbride · 1 year
WIP Intro - Temperance & Mr. Wyrm.
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Title: Temperance & Mr. Wyrm
Genre: Body horror, romance, magical realism, drama, historical fiction (1980s), fairytale/folklore retelling (Prince Lindworm), novella.
Status: Second draft/revisions
Themes: Shedding skins - literally and figuratively - to grow into a new person; temperance (in regards to self-restraint and suppression against impulses); survival and faithfulness of love.
Content Warnings: General body horror, snake imagery, ableist language regarding autism, general socio-political norms of the 1980s (though I will keep this to a minimum as I feel like I don’t need to stick 100% true to the period. However, given how illness and healing is the core plotline, the whole being “afraid of AIDs” will make a brief appearance).
Synopsis: Two people try to navigate their unorthodox romance in spite of an arcane, snake-like infection that affects one of them.
Temperance Cavell, a six-foot tall autistic woman living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, lives a quiet, unexciting, and demure existence running a convenience store with her mother. But despite her mother's overbearing nature, the nonstop caring of her ailing grandmother, and her near-nonexistent social life, she cannot complain. This life is quiet, she’s (somewhat) in control, and nothing is unexpected…
That is until Jack Turner, the motorcycle-riding kleptomaniac with a heart of gold, bursts into her store one Saturday afternoon, and between them a romance reluctantly blooms. That is until such love is swiftly threatened to shatter when Jack’s body begins to betray him, contorting him into something that is completely, and utterly, non-human.
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WIP Pinterest Board
would you still love me if i was a wyrm?
just a redo of this WIP intro for TAMW because the old one was slightly outdated and I wasn't a huge fan of it lmfao
The tag for this story is #WIP : temperance and mr. wyrm if you're interested in learning more about this story!
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jayspaceinc · 3 months
Are We Dead Yet!
I don’t think just one little synopsis is enough to capture people’s attention so let’s give a proper introduction to this passion project of almost 5 years!
|| Book Info 📖
What’s it about?
While the story does have a plot!… it is not so concise to put into words quite yet. But I will try my best! 🫡
Essentially, Are We Dead Yet focuses around six different characters, each with different backgrounds, perspectives, and personalities. But they’re not strangers! Quite the opposite actually. They’re connected through vague pieces of their past and over the course of the book they have to over come those previous experiences and look into the new.
The actual plot involves unveiling a mystery that they want to uncover that then unravels into a search mission that unravels again into the overall theme of the series. [I’m not saying much now to not spoil too much]
What genre is it?
It is a sci-fi fantasy!
3rd person! Specifically 3rd person POV from 6 different POVs. [I need to specify that so the multi POV haters don’t read lol]
Is it a utopia, dystopia, post-apocalyptic, etc. ?
This society is very modern day, a whole millennia ahead of our time! It is based in this world but their culture is far beyond our own. Powers exist in every single being on the planet. Meaning nobody is special for it. Most hierarchy problems have been solved although new ones took their place immediately after. All that change to be the same..
Who’s your target demographic?
I suppose in textbook terms, it would be considered a YA. But the book handles very mature topics such as: mental illness, drug abuse, alcoholism, sexual assault, and child abuse (in a parental sense and governmental sense) so that should be kept in mind as people read as well. [Though now that I’m listing it all out perhaps it should just be adult.. YA reaches 13 year olds..]
Outside of that, I guess I want to reach out to people who do want to see fantastical worlds that aren’t necessarily fighting for their lives every breaking moment in society. It would be nice if it was just normal. But i don’t want you to be mistaken, it’s not a ‘slice of life’. Lives will be on the line and the adventure that they go on will change their lives forever for better or for worse. But over the course of all of that angst, is bonding. There’s opening up and actually understanding the characters and their passions in life and how life is in their society. It’s seeing how life hasn’t really been easy on any of them despite what they might think of one another.
So hopefully you enjoy. I will upload.. sometime 🥸. Definitely not right now because life is hitting me like a truck but I will be back!
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cap360 · 3 days
Hi, I watched Abby Emmons’ video where she created a story with her Instagram followers. And I thought what a fun idea. But I don’t have an Instagram following so I thought why not ask Tumblr for help.
What I want to do is ask a series of questions over the week or so that will determine the story that I write. Think you can help?
For the first question (it’s a fairytale retelling)
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bletherwood · 3 months
I have a character, hes not in the first story but they are my favorite
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creatrackers · 2 months
Creatrackers: Main Characters: Kenny
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📖 19 | he/him | aroace | white Canadian
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thehomebodydiaries · 24 days
excerpt from Gods and Monsters, part I
It is the sweetest burn I have ever felt, throwing my head back and letting the brown liquid fall down my throat. The movement to catch the nomad's attention, and it finally turns toward me. There is half a second where we look into each other's eyes, registering one another. I see it, the soul of someone lost in a dimension they no longer belong to, looking for its place among all others. I see what once took the shape of a man who was probably healthy, probably had a family, probably had dimensions himself that made him unique among all the other souls. I see what is, now, a husk. Eyes sunken, skin sallow - it rots and stares like a zombie.
It sees me back, staring inquisitively for just that one half-second before the curiosity turns into the relentless esurience that I fear. The bottle is empty before then, gulped down so fast that by the time the ghost roars in rage and charges me, it is already fading from sight. Still, I brace myself for a chase, recoiling as the putrid specter gets too close.
I think I hear Raven tell me to stop moving, but I know she can't see what I see. Nobody can.
Nor can they feel what I feel when they get a hold of me. But they'll certainly see the results.
I'm glad I backed away, as it gets close enough that it almost touches me, but it doesn't connect. The ethereal, semi-translucent form falls on top of me, passing through me like air and vanishing entirely. I realize I'm breathing heavily, positioned a crab-walk as I scuttled away from the oncoming assault.
I jump, but it's just Kosika. She kneels next to me, placing a hand on my back comfortingly. "Hey, you okay?"
Shakily, I nod and allow her to help me up, the migraine ebbing away slower than the demons. Once I'm standing, her and Marley begin plucking dried leaves and wiping dirt off of me while I try to slow my heart.
"You're a witch."
All three of our heads shoot up in unanimous urgency. Smooth, I think to myself drily.
Raven is a muscular young woman with brown skin and eyes as dark as the hair that's pulled back in a ponytail. She sits up straight on the back of a tall, clay colored stallion that watches us as hard as its rider. The woman's face expresses nothing but scrutiny, a rifle on her back and a revolver in her hand, pointed at me.
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ebmri-official-blog · 7 months
Hey! Interested in dark fantasy? Want to see a villain protagonist story? Or just want a book to read?
I would like to present to you: Early-Bird Malice: Rex's Infamy! (Or just EBMRI for short.)
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(I'm still not sure if I want to keep this cover art lmao. I just wanted something to actually show as a book cover. My friends seem to like it.)
EBMRI is a story following a 14-year-old boy named Ashton Perdido (nicknamed Rex.) Rex is a cunning, successful supervillain who has garnered both magical and city sovereign powers. When he obtains an ancient ring that amplifies his magic, his mind slowly becomes a battlefield— starring his obsession for power vs. the resurfacing memories of who he was before his descent into evil.
I made this blog to document progress and give little fun facts about the story, world and characters!
Hope you enjoy!
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royalprincepossum · 8 months
Upcoming book I’m working on!
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hivemindclown · 6 months
i dont need sleep i need lore
who needs sleep when you've finally gotten motivation to work on your book you've had writers block on for months
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idkapillow · 7 months
UTS CHAPTER 3 -5 IS OUT!!! On Neopad!!! I'm working on chapter 6 it's coming out soon!!! And I might post some art work soon, don't worry I didn't forget about SOTTC chapter 2 -3 is coming out between when chapter 6 of UTS is done, and have all a good day
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dyingtobeagod · 8 months
Meet the Main Character
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Meet Solomon Quinn, the main character of ‘Dying To Be a God’. This is the first concept idea of what he’ll look like, though his design will become more detailed and complex as I develop both him and his story. He is a college student with ADHD and a slight bit of autism. He’s sarcastic, caring, and has a dark sense of humor. After a near death experience, a lot of his daily life changes, from what he sees and hears to how other people view him. He’s an outcast at school, and becomes the most popular student almost overnight.
This is the site I used to get the first concept design of Solomon.
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Currently reading Station Eleven by Emily Mandel and I’m terrified but I don’t know why. This book feels like it’s going to hit me with something and I deeply want to know what it is, but I’m also dreading it
It feels like walking alone at night and having that prickle behind your shoulder blades like you’re being watched. It feels like looking into the face of someone about to tell you news that will shatter you into a million pieces.
It feels like something I should not be reading at midnight when I have to be up early tomorrow morning, but I’ve never had self control when it came to books.
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