#btw if it wasn't clear I'm a
reasonsforhope · 6 months
Sometimes you just have one of those moments where the progress we've made as a culture get thrown into stark relief. You look at something and go "Holy shit, that would never have happened when I was a kid."
Today, I had one of those moments when I realized that the teenage boys I'm working with are just. genuinely, openly enthusiastic about going to Build-a-Bear for their outing.
These are sixteen and seventeen year old boys! They just had a whole conversation about what to name their "cute", mostly new squishmallows! They're genuinely excited that they're going to Build-a-Bear this weekend and asking other kids to pick up specific accessories for them!!
Holy shit, that never would've happened when I was 16. None of the boys would have dared to be visibly interested - and neither would most of the girls! There would have been a million gay jokes and "Haha, you're a girl" jokes and "What are you, a baby?" jokes. Teenagers weren't even supposed to care about anything back then!
Less than 15 years later, and I'm watching three 17 year old boys treat all that as not even worthy of comment.
So let's call that a reason for hope. Even when the kids aren't alright, in some ways apparently they are alright. Go Gen Z, honestly. It's so lovely to watch you guys just openly doing and saying stuff that, when I was a teen, would've been a social death sentence.
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phantomrose96 · 2 years
I'm about to throw stones but when people my age say "I don't like these Gen Z teenage tone indicators. How am I supposed to MEMORIZE all these new abbreviations? '/nm'? '/lh'? I hate it." it sounds utterly indistinguishable from our parents being like "I don't get this text speak. 'omg'? 'lol'? SAY what you mean! Don't abbreviate!" Like I dunno how to tell you that evolving language involves... learning the evolved parts of language.
I understand like 4 tone indicators and I'm frequently confused but I support it. It's honestly a good solution to tone lost over text imo. I'm ancient and my bones are full of dust but I'll figure it out.
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itsdefinitely · 7 months
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i've. i've been rewatching the sanders sides
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roxannepolice · 9 months
Something about 15 having more elements of Gallifreyan culture (the writing on the sonic and on the freaking nails) in his image than any Doctor before.
Something about him flippantly stating he was abandoned instead of TOTALLY KIDNAPPED MY PARENTS WERE TOTALLY SOMEWHERE THERE IN THAT COMPLETELY EMPTY SPOT.
Something about knowing it's more important to save Ruby now than to learn of her past.
Something about parent with their own issues frame rather than an eternal child.
Something about Carla using the same words as the Doctor to reflect on how we are defined by our memories and people we know rather than by vague essence of might have beens.
Something about identifying with the past you had with its good and bad sides rather than the very bad sides you can't even remember.
And yes, something about Gatwa being the first first generation immigrant to play the Doctor.
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kanonavi · 5 months
I hope they make Sethos a 4 star not just because it would make it easier for me to get him, but because it would categorically be the funniest thing they could do to him.
Like, imagine that you're born and it's prophesized that you'll be the vessel for this ancient God, but then you grow up and some other guy steals that power from you. But as soon as you go and find him to file a complaint in person about it, the omniscient audience watching it happen can't take you seriously because you're the value equivalent of a pomeranian yapping at a rottweiler because the guy who stole your power got a promotion from it. It would be a losing battle from the start and you would be none the wiser.
So anyway, who else is excited for Cyno part II??
Edit 6/5/2024 — He ate all of my primogems last night because I made fun of him. Still worth it tho
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wolfchans · 3 days
was the super close up of his arm veins and hands this necessary?
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(yes it was)
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tinyclowndancer · 10 months
pspspsps porretta besties from the dark place who refused to bring this song to its end here's a little something for you. 🎙️
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yandere-mc-yt · 1 year
Do you think there's any yanderes who wouldn't get along? Like Wilbur and Quackity might not be able to stand each other or Tommy and Purpled finding it difficult to not bicker? Everything you've written so far is really cool!
Thank you! It's nice to hear people like my writing. :) I don't want this to be long because honestly? A lot of yandere's wouldn't get along. I'm going to list the top 1 that'd not get along AT ALL and then the top 3 that'd work unfortunately TOO well together.
EDIT: Old ask but I've polished it a bit and only included one ba. Enjoy!
P.S. don't be afraid to send more poly asks! Both romantic and platonic :)
Top 3 Best Yandere Duos
Technoblade & Ph1lza: should be obvious why they'd work well together! These two have known each other for ages and its highly likely that they'd even form a polyamorous relationship along with their shared darling. The two care and trust each other enough to compromise to ensure their darling is kept and taken care of!
Tommyinnit & Ranboo: a surprisingly good team! Its mostly because they're similar kinds of yanderes (mostly harmless towards their darling, only wants their companionship and attention, clingy, ect) that they wouldn't immediately clash. Also while Tommy is the jealous type, Ranboo is not but it's rarely an issue since Ranboo is so submissive in general scenarios- allowing Tommy to hog more of their darling's time with no problem.
Wilbur & Quackity: okay I know what you're think- you think they'd clash right? Well your right there's a lot of clashing!! But!!! They somehow make it work in an albeit disfunctional kind of way. The main reason this team even works is becuase Wilbur not so subtly is also just as attracted to Quackity the way he is towards their darling, willing to put himself "below" Quackity to help him contain their darling. Hey a bit of selflessness goes a long way!
The Absolute WORST Yandere Duo
Dream & Tommy: An EXTREMELY unlikely duo but has high odds of forming a dynamic- especially if obsession takes hold during the exile arc of all times. There's already so much going on mentally for tbe both of them and they absolutely do not want to fucking share their poor darling. They're both clingy in their own fucked up ways and even though I've stated before that Tommy is harmless, that all goes put of the window when Dream isn't above hurting their darling. Tommy would never try to hurt them of course- only Dream really but he's also so much more paranoid that somehow Dream will sway you away from wanting to hang out that he may start to verbally lash out. Everything is just..... awful. Even for Dream this situation sucks but he's too proud and stubborn to let go of his literal two greatest obsessions.
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the yttd fandom be like "the idea of Gashu being aro/ace is so funny given Kai's existence" as if one's orientation has anything to do with their ability to kidnap children.
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go-to-two · 9 months
Hear me out. HEAR ME OUT.
Jay will be in the first episode. He'll be in Chicago, and Hailey's struggle to move on will be because the ring is off and she was thinking they were done, but he's back around. He will ask to work things out, and she'll say no. She needs time. The season is spent healing parts of herself and shifting away from Intelligence. When her final episode comes around, she makes the decision to leave the unit. We see Jay one last time, and she tells him she is ready to start working on them. Screen fades to black. Dick Wolf's name comes on screen. Curtain falls.
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cangrellesteponme · 1 month
if evil why mistreated by the narrative? if unredeemable why treated so unfairly?
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transrevolutions · 8 months
decided louis capet is the joe biden of the late 18th century. pretends to support the moderate-progressive movement while secretly being a regular ol conservative underneath. clings onto political power even though he's basically dooming the entire system by doing so. loves to make extremely questionable foreign policy decisions with no real explanation. overall just kind of a loser. should've just quit the governmental scene and become the world's averagest guy but instead chooses the dark side.
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soupy-cosmos · 2 months
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I may be stupid I wasn't talking about ai I prommy. I had two versions of the final piece saved, one that was plain and one that had the cringetober prompt and my signature written on it,, since I drew these a while ago I forgot about the prompt being there and just went with the version I signed. I noticed basically the second I hit post and remade the post with the added all caps clarification in case anyone managed to catch the original withing the like minute it was up
Post this is about, I already took the reupload part out of the caption:
putting the sketches and some of the layers below the cut as receipts and also a fun little look into my process ig
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the sketches were originally done in krita cuz I preferred it as a sketching program at the time, and then moved over to firealpaca for the render. There's a bunch of layers because I had the cringetober sketches and some doodles all on one file
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mostly flat louyd plus the background sketch
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And some of the bg process ^_^ you can see where I recolored the price tag lol
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tokillamockingbird427 · 6 months
*Huff, sniffle, sob* Look okay... Hesh's fatal flaw is loving Logan. *Sad ass sigh* and Logan's fatal flaw is letting him. *Blows nose* If Logan told Hesh to give up on him he would. *Sobs* Because Hesh just trusts him that much. *Ugly crying*
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bumpscosity · 2 months
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bloody-wonder · 3 months
How do you find new books to read? Most people I ask say booktok, which sorry if I'm wrong but I assumed you wouldn't use, and I haven't had good results from trying booktok.
good question!
no i don't use booktok or tiktok in general. in fact, i have a very old man yells at cloud attitude towards it lol. i do watch lots of booktube tho and get some recs from there, however it's important to remember: many people are hyping up a book >> probably not a good rec🙅‍♀️ "if so many people like it i might like it too" that's the fomo devil talking! one booktuber is swearing by a book you have never heard of and gushing about it in their every other video >> probably a good rec👍that's how i came across the aurelian cycle and the winnowing flame. idk maybe it works on booktok the same way if you follow the right people but. i don't trust that app😅
other recs i get from my trusted mutuals on tumblr bc these are people who enjoy the same type of sophisticated literature as i do so when one of them mentions they read and liked a book my interest is peaked. when they constantly mention it it has the same effect as when your mutual reblogs three gifsets of a show - now you just have to watch it bc you know from previous experience you will likely enjoy it. i think i first heard of doctrine of labyrinths in worldhoppers' underrated fantasy video but it would've sat on my goodreads tbr forlornly till the end of time had i not found out that it's popular with the lymond crowd - no rec is more reliable than that😌
finally, good book recs tend to come from obscure rec lists i perused on tumblr or on goodreads or on some old-fashioned book blog several years ago, added them to my tbr and then forgot. but bc i like to update my tbr regularly i go through the 1000+ books i have on goodreads each year in order to decide if i want to move them up my priority list and inevitably discover some hidden gems i scavenged this way back when i was getting back into reading. for example, i found the dreamhealers series and the memoirs of lady trent on the aroace characters database and i found nino cipri's litenverse on one of the numerous queer sff rec lists here on tumblr.
generally tho there is no perfect source of book recs that works all the time. understanding your own tastes and choosing books accordingly is a skill you develop by trial and error and no matter how good you get at curating your reading many books you pick up will likely disappoint you nonetheless🤷‍♀️
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