toaverse · 4 months
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I really like that Collin is the only one in the light, forshadowing that he’s the only one trying to be good.
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geekgirles · 5 months
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Villainous team-up next episode??????
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swokeeon · 10 months
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you know i kind of adore this dysfunctional garbage family i may also do toni next (or argus once i get to his storyline in the game)
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kittenfangirl20 · 4 months
Cletus: We’re Exorcists.
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uselessalexis165 · 5 months
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cipher-club · 4 months
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I love that they showed that Collin, is the only actually good one in the cherubs group
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possessedpasm · 1 year
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What a nice Devil...
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drama-glob · 4 months
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I love how Collin is the most timid/unsure/unsettled about Keenie and Cletus being so hellbent on destroying IMP, so I wonder if he'll eventually leave them or stand up to them with realizing what they're doing is wrong/only going to make things worse for them. :/
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I find it interesting, and it's likely to show the greyness between Heaven and Hell when it comes to morality/how those born there act, but that the cherubs were the first to attack in the "CHERUB" episode, so they've dipped into wrath even before having the added anger and hate of being kicked out of Heaven; but if that is the cherubs in the trailer coming after IMP, we'll be seeing the lengths they'll go to for revenge (beside clearly making deals with humans and giving them a portal to Hell). O_O
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beauty-funny-trippy · 8 months
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askthekuvaqbrothers · 22 days
Previous part
“Whoooow!! Look at all this!!”
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Argus failed to capture Rufus as he sprinted into the tower, listening to his voice become a distant echo.
“And he was the one saying we had to hurry.” He grumbled.
“Well, we have to find a boat now, so a little exploring wouldn’t hurt… right?” Cletus rocked on his heels as he made his case.
He got a deadpan look from Argus, then a sigh pushed through his nose.
“Go on then. But! Be careful!”
“Of course.”
And with a quick skip he too vanished into the tower with a series of ‘oohs’ and ‘aaahs’. He was trying to be cautious in this unknown territory, but as he followed his brothers, Argus could feel the same excitement brimming.
The inside of the building was nothing like Kuvaq. No jumble of junk and metal to make a settlement, but instead a singular building coherently made from wood, metal and other fancy material coloured in green and gold that were (relatively) still in one piece. There were even working lights helping keep the place illuminated as the sun began to sink. 
He found Cletus not too far in, now standing by a colourful wall that seemed to make a picture. 
“Look.” He began to point at parts, “These little guys are carrying big beams up ramps, and to the side these fancy ones, they're making fancy ornaments.”
It made Argus feel uneasy, “Guess it's showing them building this tower?”
“Hmm, maybe. I know which thing I’d help with.” He smiled and ran over to an odd item on the ground, its design elaborate and its function long forgotten, “Isn’t it cool?! Elysium is probably full of these right?”
He shook his head, “I- I don’t know. Where’s Rufus?”
As if on queue, the sound of giggles came from the door at the top of the ramp. The two brothers headed up to investigate, finding a small room filled with lights and machines, Rufus face first in one. 
“This is the coolest. Place. EVER.”
As he pulled back, there was a wad of something fluffy in his hand, which was promptly shoved in his mouth.
“Rufus! You know the rule about eating strange things from strange places!”
“It’s that you don’t.” Cletus helpfully added.
Once he’d licked his fingers, he stuck out his tongue, “Rules-shmools. I’m hungry, and this is food! Here, look-”
He went to another machine and slapped a button, causing it to dispense a fish on a stick, which was collected and shoved in Cletus’ mouth. 
“Fishy food! Hehe!”
“Rufus.” Argus took the stick before Cletus choked on it, pointing it accusingly at his hyperactive brother, “This is not helping us find Dad. Let’s go.”
The red-head groaned in annoyance, pointing back, “Uugh, I bet I could find one of those up your arse!” Cletus made a small gasp at such language, “Why are you being more of a bore than usual?”
“Because I am focused on finding Dad and getting home in a timely manner, without anyone getting hurt. What’s wrong with that?”
“We’re on an adventure! Adventures are always filled with danger and mystery and unknown things. And they can go on for ages! If you’re too focused on boring stuff like time then what kind of adventure is that?”
Cletus looked between his brothers, backing up to escape their argument. Rufus hadn’t been bowing out as easily in recent times, and he was worried they’d begin a tousle. 
“Adventures are for books and radio stories! And they’re about adults, not a stubborn little trash babies!”
“You take that back!”
They lurched forward, pressing their foreheads together as Cletus stepped back again, “C-come on, we shouldn't be fighting right no-!”
There was an echoing ‘CRACK’ as the floor gave away, and Cletus felt gravity take him down. Both brothers turned and reached for him, but even on snagging his hands, it was too late- they all fell.
After a short blackness, the afternoon sun hit them as they emerged under the tower. At that moment, Rufus saw their target below, and tried to adjust their trajectory by pulling at Cletus’ arm, twisting himself backwards so their positions reversed. Argus thankfully caught on, copying the motion, but also taking Rufus’ arm and twisting to the right. 
It was just enough to drop them into a large pipe, Argus taking the brunt on the impact as they began to slide down its length. After a long minute of holding each other, they came to a stop as the pipe deposited them into a small trash heap. They remained still, panting as they recovered.
“So uh, can we stop falling please?”
Suddenly they all broke into giggles. 
“Sure, let’s just stay as low as possible.”
Rufus pulled himself up first, dusting off and checking their new location. His eyes lit up, though he knelt back down and gestured for the other two to remain low. 
“Hey Cletus, would a pirate boat work?”
He adjusted his hair, “Well, a boat is a boat…” He peered up to inspect.
Argus rubbed at his shoulder, wincing, “But a pirate might not be so friendly…”
He joined the spying pair, also catching sight of the burly pirate in the massive hat, as well as his smaller crewmate, both sporting thick beards. They had two options…
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This Side Joke Really Grinds My Gears About The Current State Of Things
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It's because you know the romantic plot line has become a tumor on everything when anything having to do with the og premise is just treated as a sidegag. Seriously, this should be something we should be more worried about rather than the Stolitz love drama bs. There should be more focus on troubles that IMP is having from all their activity on earth and how it could get heaven's attention. But nope just set it aside as a cheap joke, because we got to feel sympathy for that infuriating bird brain.
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fraternityofart · 2 months
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Custom Cletus
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kittenfangirl20 · 3 months
*Adam holds up a watermelon*
Adam: I bet I could eat all of this including the rind.
Eve: Darling please don’t, remember last time.
Lucifer: Did he try to eat an entire watermelon before?
Eve: No, he actually ate the entire thing, but he ended up throwing up all over this cherub named Cletus.
Adam: I can’t stand Cletus the Cherub.
Lucifer: He brings up a good point, Cletus the Cherub is literally the worst.
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geekgirles · 4 months
Angels don't have sex, confirmed.
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uselessalexis165 · 4 months
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i still can’t get over the loona furry suit
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