#cw puke
stxrslut · 4 months
here’s a blurb based this because it’s eating at my brain.
@shellxrls to make you feel better <3 mwah
cw : polyamory, painal, puke.
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sometimes, when you’re extra bad, you need an extra good punishment.
“ohh” you cry out as john b pushes into you. the stretch is more painful then it usually is due to you being completely unprepared. there isn’t even time to adjust to the sensation before your boyfriend is starting to build a rythm, the sound of skin slapping becoming very audible in the quiet of the chateau.
you’re out of breath within minutes, already pawing at jj’s tummy infront of you to try and get some sympathy. the lack of stimulation on your clit is making it almost impossible to feel pleasure.
“you copin’ there pup?” the blonde speaks down at you, one hand pulling your hair back and holding it away from your face, when you don’t answer he yanks at it, forcing you to look up at him, “think you’ve forgotten your manners. can you answer the question?”
you whimper, “yes— m’okay.” you’re sure there’s snot running down your face, and that you look absolutely gross, but neither of your boyfriends seem to care. jj smirks, “well that’s good isn’t it? think you can take a bit more?”
the tone he uses gives you no room to protest, and so you nod, letting your jaw fall slack when he taps it.
you barely register it when his cock hits the back of your throat, making you choke and gag immediately. you whine, though the sound is cut short when jj starts fucking your mouth, his hips bucking up off the mattress to effectively bruise the back of your throat.
“how’s she takin’ it?” john b asks jj from above you, still fucking your ass at a relentless pace.
the blonde chuckles, “she’s takin’ it for sure. gotta give it to her, she ain’t a quitter.” his hand is still at the back of your head, making sure you don’t try to pull away when you’re not supposed to.
john b’s thrusts are getting sloppier as he nears a climax, the movement is throwing your poor body forward enough to have you gagging viscerally on the dick in your mouth.
it’s hardly a surprise to any of you when the brunette finally cums, pumping your ass full. that final thrust is just too much, and you can’t help but cough up over jj’s cock, the messy action causing him to finish as well.
your whole body collapses when they both pull out. you’re exhausted, and yet still in need of your own orgasm. luckily your boyfriends can sense this.
“c’mon pup, you did good. you’ve had your lesson, now let’s get you your reward okay?” john b’s voice cuts through the haze in your brain as you’re lifted up to sit between his legs, your own spread wide over them. jj is already leaning down infront of you, his hands pushing your thighs to give him access, “look at this, so wet for us, huh? what did we do to deserve such a perfect girl?”
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creepycatboyz · 1 year
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silly doodles I posted on the server teehee
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thesewingmachine · 6 months
did you know that people can vomit hard/frequently enough that it can burst the blood vessels in their face and result in bruising?
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l3irdl3rain · 1 year
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hey guys I found out who has been puking. also enjoy a bonus picture of him being a ferocious hunter
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france-unofficial · 3 months
Pukes up france
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kingprinceleo · 9 months
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happyauau Crest- art made with the desperation of a cornered prey animal
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The Teachers' Curse
A/N: Honestly this is the first thing I've written in so so so long.. I don't really even know where it came from but 🤷‍♀️ Also apologies cause there's a lot of build up, but suck it if you don't like it. Just cause they're so wonderful I'm dedicating this to @lickstynine and @its-a-goddamn-heartbreak
         The teachers’ curse. That’s what they’d all joked about in uni. The last week of term and the first week of the holidays – rule them out because with everything that needed done, you’d be exhausted and every bug, virus and eager bacteria comes after you. Jude had laughed about it with all the rest, until his probationary year began.
         After 8 weeks, October had brought a tired, run down feeling; December heralded a cold – but then, who didn’t get a cold in December? Jude was beginning to think that it was a whole load of rubbish, until he had to content with a 13 week term, coinciding with a pedagogical enquiry and a final profile to prove that he was actually good enough to be a teacher.
         With only 7 school days to go until the Easter holidays, Jude woke up with conjunctivitis – all scratchy and inflamed. He’d ended up with drops that Eden almost had to pin him down to put in, and forced to wear his glasses for the entire week.
         With 5 days left, a throbbing incessant pain in his ear had made itself known as his class worked with the percussion music specialist. The rest of the day, he’d felt like someone was trying to sharpen a pencil inside his ear canal. By 3pm, the glands in his neck had blown up and swallowing was a challenge. Eden had dragged him to the emergency out of hours doctor and the result was a 3 day course of antibiotics. Jude tried to laugh it off as just one of those things, but secretly he wondered whether it was the teacher’s curse creeping up on him. At least he’d be finished the antibiotics by Friday and would be able to have a drink in the evening when the holidays arrived.
         The thrumming had faded to a stop over the next few days, along with the sandpaper scratch in his throat and the only thing that lingered was a tiredness that made it almost impossible to drag himself out of bed on Friday morning.
         “Last day!” Eden’s voice was far too cheery for so early in the morning.
         “Thank the Lord…” Jude sighed, rubbing both hands over his face as he placed both feet firmly on the carpet. Eden was packing books the size of paving slabs into his backpack.
         “I’m in lab today,” he explained, as Jude dragged a shirt over his shoulders. “I’ll try to be back for you getting home – first evening of the holidays!”
         “I am very much looking forward to being back in bed…” It was just 6 hours – then he’d be done, he’d have some downtime. It’s not that he didn’t love teaching – he did! He loved the kids, hearing their stories, seeing their learning click into place like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle… but anyone who claimed working with children was easy definitely hadn’t spent time with 30 at once.
         Last days were a grand waste of time. For start, nearly one quarter of his class were absent; the rest were as mad as a box of frogs – unable to settle to anything for longer than five minutes. Jude was only glad that it stayed dry so the afternoon was filled with spare part outdoor learning; an activity which required supervision, but not a great deal of teaching or attention. He was only too pleased when the bell to end the day rang, and he could wave goodbye to his learned for the next two weeks. Jude had sat at his desk for nearly 10 whole minutes just willing himself to move before he geared himself up to go home.
         He was determined to only make one trip from his car to the flat, so he clambered up the stairs with three bags trying to pull his arms from his sockets. He was struggling to get the keys from his pocket when the front door swung open from the inside.
         “Jude!” Eden looked scandalised at the number of bags his boyfriend was carrying; he swooped forwards and grabbed some of them.
         “Eden…” He hadn’t expected him to be home. “I thought you’d still be in labs.”
         “It’s your first evening of the holidays!” Eden strained under the weight of the tote bags. “I wanted to spend some time with you.”
         “I’m not sure I’ll be that great company,” Jude answered, dumping the last of his bags into their hallway.
         “Oh shush,” Eden said, disappearing into their kitchen. “I was more thinking…” His voice continued from the kitchen and he re-appeared at the doorframe, two beers clutched in his hand. “A drink, a takeaway and some Netflix… No lesson plans, no profile – just relaxing.” Eden was holding out the bottle of beer, a quarter of lime squeezed into its neck.
         “Sometimes you’re the most beautiful thing on the planet,” Jude couldn’t stop the smile spreading across his face, accepting the beer bottle.
         “Only sometimes?” Eden’s eyebrows disappeared up under his fringe.
         “Always,” Jude sighed. “Sorry…” Eden grabbed Jude’s free hand and dragged him into the living room; he’d brought several blankets and pillows into the room. “Oh, Eden…”
         “I thought we could make a bit of a nest,” Eden suggested, “food, drinks, not having to move…”
         “What did I do to deserve you?” Jude mused as Eden pulled him to the sofa, noticing that Eden’s cheeks had flushed pink. “Thank you.”
         Jude had barely drunk half of his beer before he dozed off, his head lolling backwards against the sofa and the beer bottle tipping forward precariously. Eden gently extricated it from Jude’s hands and let him sleep – he needed it.
         Jude’s head was heavy as he woke up, he felt sluggish and groggy; he opened his eyes and stretched. Eden was curled next to him, a book in his lap.
         “Sorry,” he muttered, rubbing his hands across his face. “How long have I been asleep?”
         “About an hour and a half,” he put his book on the arm of the sofa and stretched his arm around Jude’s shoulder. Jude loved how well he fit into the crook of Eden’s shoulder. “I ordered food, it’ll be here soon.”
         “You’re an angel,” Jude said; he was so tired he didn’t feel like eating, but he would – if only to make Eden happy. He grabbed his beer from the table and took a swig, it didn’t taste as good lukewarm, but that was his fault for falling asleep.
         “Food’s here,” Eden announced, his phone buzzing to let him know the delivery driver was at the door. “Do you want another beer?”
         “Why not?” Jude shrugged, he felt bad – Eden was doing so much for him, yet he couldn’t help but feel the only thing he wanted to do was crawl into bed. He tried to waken himself up a bit, sitting up straighter and stretching his arms above his head.
         “Here you go,” Eden reappeared, carrying some pizza boxes and more beers. He set down one of the boxes in Jude’s lap before settling beside him.
         “Aaw, you even got pineapple on mine!” Jude smiled as he opened the lid of his box.
         “I thought I could allow for your transgression just this once,” Eden opened his own pizza. “I’m starving, I don’t know what it is about labs that always makes me so hungry.” He pulled a slice of his pizza up and devoured it hungrily. “Oh, and I’ve got cookie dough for afters.”
         “You’re amazing,” Jude grinned, though even the muscles of his cheeks felt tired.
         “Come on,” Eden nodded towards Jude’s pizza. “Tuck in.”
         Jude managed three quarters of his pizza before he felt the strain of his waistband against his stomach. He wanted more, it tasted so good and he felt more awake than he had since he got home. He swigged more of his beer as he rested the pizza box on the table and leaned back into the pillows and blankets surrounding it.
         “Man, I’ve got a food baby,” he rubbed his hand over his stomach.
         “Me too,” Eden replied. He’d finished all of his own pizza and had curled his arm around Jude’s shoulder again.
         “Shut up!” Jude joked, scanning up and down Eden’s slim frame. “I don’t know where you put it!”
         “I dunno,” Eden shrugged, “perks of having a fast metabolism.”
         “If only!”
         “You’re perfect just as you are,” Eden said; and then they were kissing. It was warm and soft, and Jude loved the way they fit together, as though they’d been made that way. When they split, Jude stayed closed to Eden, he felt like home. “Right,” Eden spoke after a while, “let’s put something on to watch, you choose.” He handed across the remote.
         “Anything?” Jude asked.
         “Anything you want,” Eden smiled.
         Jude’s eyes were drooping, even though he was the one who’d chosen the drama they were both watching. He’d finished off his beer but now his mouth was feeling oddly dry; his waistband was still digging into his stomach and that discomfort was beginning to radiate deeper than his skin. He could get up and change, but that felt like too much of an effort.
         Yet as the time ticked by, and the first episode turned into the second, Jude’s attention was even less on the tv and much more on how the discomfort from his waistband had turned into a weird bubbly ache in the pit of his belly. It felt rather like the time he’d gone sailing and despite the calm water his insides had been sloshing around with every moment. A cold, goosebump sensation kept cropping up on his exposed arms. He tried to shuffle himself on the sofa, wanting to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling, but the movement only served to make him feel worse. He slid the empty beer bottle in between the arm of the sofa and cushion and rested his now free hand onto his belly. It felt soft underneath his hand, but he could still feel the bugle of his full stomach. He took a few deep breaths and tried to surreptitiously move the waistband of his trousers, hoping that would give him some relief.
         It didn’t. In fact, it got worse. From the slightly sloshy, swishy feeling, it progressed into a more churning sensation – like his stomach had been set to spin cycle. He slowly tried to massage his fingers into his flesh, but the ache gurgled and deepened. Jude thought he’d done a good job of hiding it, until Eden raised his eyebrows and fixed him with a strange look.
         “Are you okay?” He asked, his hand straying towards the remote.
         “Yeah, yeah,” Jude lied, but with one look he could tell Eden knew he was lying. “I dunno, I guess, I feel a bit… queasy.” Almost as soon as he said it, his stomach burbled under his hand. “I’m probably just tired.” He wanted to pass it off as nothing, but the discomfort was growing with every passing second. Eden grabbed the remote and paused the tv, he sat up straighter and seemed to survey Jude. Then he stretched out his hand and pressed it against Jude’s forehead.
         “You don’t feel warm,” he said quietly, frowning slightly. “Hang on…” Eden hoisted himself from the sofa and padded across to the main light; Jude blinked as the light turned on. “You’re a bit pale,” he commented, “maybe we should have an early night?”
         “You wouldn’t mind?” Jude asked quickly. “It’s just, you’ve gone to such an effort…”
         “Jude, if bed is where you need to be, then I’m happy to be there with you,” Eden answered, sounding so genuine that Jude could have cried. “And we can have cookie dough for breakfast.”
         “Thank you,” he said, sighing.
         “Come on then,” Eden crossed to the tv and switched it off, before turning off the lamps one by one. Jude shuffled forwards to the edge of the sofa, but as he moved a rush of heat swept across his body and his stomach twisted in such an uncomfortable manner that he froze where he was perched. He took deep steadying breaths, not liking the sudden shift. “Jude?”
         “H-ulp!” The hiccup burst from his lips before he could stop it, and he couldn’t stop the groan that followed or the way his hand had gone to his stomach.
         “Jude?” There was a sense of urgency in Eden’s voice now; he’d crossed the room in a few strides and was kneeling to the side of him, his hand resting on Jude’s knee. “Jude?”
         “Oh god…” Jude groaned. “I don’t feel well Ede…”
         “What’s wrong? Tell me,” Eden’s voice was a comfort, but the spin cycle in his belly seemed to have reached terminal velocity.
         “My – my stomach,” Jude muttered, trying hard not to open his mouth too wide.
         “D’you feel sick?” Eden asked. “Shall I get a bucket?” Jude squeezed his eyes shut, inhaling and exhaling through his nose.
         “Mmmn, no,” Jude shook his head slightly. “Jus’ give me a minute, I’ll be fine.” But nothing felt further from the truth, the sweeps of cold and hot alternating with rapidity.
         “Are you sure?” Eden didn’t sound sure at all, but he squeezed Jude’s knee gently. Jude didn’t reply, he was far too busy willing his stomach to stop clenching in such a disconcerting way. He didn’t know how long he’d spent just trying to breathe, until he felt hot liquid creeping up the back of his throat – and at that point, he felt the inevitability of it.
         “’m gonna throw up,” he managed to force the words out.
         “Right, I’m getting a bucket,” Eden said firmly.
         “No – no,” Jude reached his hand and grabbed Eden’s to stop him moving. “Help me – to the toilet…”
         “Jude, it’d be easier…” Eden refuted, but Jude was already pushing himself up, his free hand cradling his belly. “Okay,” Eden grabbed Jude’s arm to support him, as his legs had the same quality as a newly born foal.
         “Oh god,” Jude slurred, the movement had made everything ten times worse. His stomach contracted and he felt the rush of liquid barrelling up his throat. He slapped his hand to his mouth, hoping to prevent what he knew was coming. “Hmmmllk!” The heave was so strong that Jude lurched forwards.
         “Jude!” Eden’s tone was anxious as he began to pull Jude more forcefully. Jude’s head was swimming, all he could focus on was keeping the contents of his stomach down.
         “Hmmrrk!” The next heave was stronger, and Jude felt liquid hit the back of his teeth, his cheeks puffing out dramatically. He fought to swallow, they were nearly at the bathroom – he had to make it. Jude felt his chest tighten and his stomach squeezing more powerfully, he tried to force his feet to move faster but his legs had lost the ability to be useful in movement.
         “H’kkrrrk!” Jude had no power over his own body anymore, it was doing what it needed to do. His legs had crumbled under the weight, Eden’s hand had released as he fell and he scrambled forwards, but not quickly enough.
         “H’kkkkrrrgggllll’uuuuurrrrggglll!” A spray of warm, bitter liquid burst from Jude’s lips, coating the toilet seat and splashing onto the floor. He had to ignore it, pulling himself closer to the toilet bowl, disregarding that he was kneeling in his own vomit. He’d barely had a second, hardly enough time to draw breath, before his stomach contracted again. “B’hhhrrkk-luuurrrk!”  It came with such force that the puke hit the back of the toilet seat and sent splashes back into Jude’s face.
         “Oh Jude,” Eden’s voice came back into focus, Jude hadn’t realised that all he had heard previous was the rebellion of his own body.
         “Urgh,” Jude groaned, learning forwards to his hands pressed on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor. He could still feel his stomach contracting, gearing up for the next assault. “S-sorry…” He choked, his voice thin.
         “Jude, don’t be silly,” Eden brushed Jude’s hair away from his eyes, then placed his hand in between Jude’s shoulder blades. This simple action seemed to signal the start of the next round.
         “Hrrrr’uuuullllkrrrrggggll!” A wave of thick, bitter liquid forced up his throat and flowed forcefully into the toilet bowl. He could taste the hops of the beer and the tang of the pineapple, and this made him retch harder.
         “Oh Jude,” Eden rubbed Jude’s back firmly, feeling the muscles tense under his touch. “You should have said you were feeling this bad.”
         “Wasn’t-“ Jude choked, spitting in order to try and rid his mouth of the taste. “Hit me all at – hrrk – once!”
         “Here,” Eden retrieved a cloth and ran it under the tap, before kneeling down next to Jude and wiping gently at his face. It was something so simple, but it nearly brought tears to Jude’s eyes. “It’s okay,” Eden’s words were soothing, “it’ll be alright…”
         “Feel – hrrk – awful…” Jude spit the saliva pooling in his mouth out, but that gave way to another heave that brought up a further wave of sick.
         “You’ll feel better when it’s out,” Eden reassured him, rubbing his back again.
         “Urrghh…” Jude groaned, his knees were beginning to protest being pressed against the cold tile floor; he tried to re-adjust himself, kneeling back and straightening up. His body didn’t like this, sending more sick charging up his throat and splashing into the water of the toilet bowl. “Pineapple doesn’t – hllk – taste as good on its way up…”
         “Glad to see you’ve not lost your sense of humour,” Eden quipped dryly.
         “Not the only thing I’ve lost,” he muttered. He was hoping this was a lull; his stomach wasn’t straining and contracting now, all he could feel was a slow churn in his gut.
         “You feeling better?” Eden knelt down beside him, brushing a hair away from his face. “You’re not as ghostly pale anymore.”
         “Think – for a bit…” Jude answered, he put his hand gently to his stomach – it didn’t feel quite as tender as before. “Not sure I’m completely – finished…” The last word hung slowly in the air.
         “But just now?” Eden asked and Jude gave a tiny nod. “Right, for now, let’s get you cleaned up and into bed.”
         “But –“ Jude started, but Eden cut him off.
         “I’ll get a bucket, put it next to the bed,” Eden’s words were so self-assured that Jude had to listen to him. “We’ll get you in something comfy and tucked up so you can rest.”
         “Okay,” Jude agreed, there was no point in arguing with a determined Eden.
         “For some reason, I don’t think we’ll be having cookie dough for breakfast,” Eden chuckled.
         The mention of food made Jude heave dryly again; he gulped down some air and shook his head: “No, I think not…”
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varicspidey · 1 month
it all started last summer when i panicked after seeing how bloated i was and tried 2 make myself vomit and cried when i couldn't.
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orbitsuns · 1 year
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graduation is tomorrow & esther isn't feeling very well.. surely it's just anxiety!
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fizhingtrawl · 3 months
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godofautism · 5 months
I'm understimulated and overstimulated at the same time
Everything feels gross and icky but I need to move around bc my body can't sit still but moving feels icky and I think I'm gonna throw up
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on a scale of 1-10 how SHIT is the virus on a day-to-day basis.
(vom warning)
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thesewingmachine · 8 months
characters puking down their front, making a mess. getting it in their hair or down their shirt. vomiting through clenched fingers or into their own lap. spit dribbling down their chin.
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headpainmigraine · 4 months
I threw up so hard last night that I hurt something in my jaw and gave myself earache.
Didn't even feel better after
I have pretty bad emetophobia, I won't puke if I can help it, even if it's be better for me if I did.
I hate everything about it, I have to close my eyes when I throw up because I can't see or I just end up in round after round of dry heaves.
The taste is the same
I used to have a stronger stomach, but now I'm a sympathy puker. Even my cat throwing a hairball makes me gag.
So I throw up and I'm sitting there crying a bit, not from exertion, because I hate throwing up.
Then wake up this morning and my throat hurts, my voice is scratchy, all my joints hurt, my rib???? And I still feel nauseous.
Could have been how bad my dysautonomia has been lately, or the migraine with aura I had the day before, but I think it was my body trying to give me a break-through period even though I'm on the pill.
Freaking PCOS.
I ALWAYS get nausea when I'm on, worse than my usual nausea. Just want a hysterectomy, then. PCOS makes everything worse.
Tldr, wahhh, I hate throwing up and now I'm sore and still pukey
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Looks like someone is a little hungover…
It seems like he tried to wipe his face off but his hand got stuck
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bhgyeufgugytrfy3433 · 4 months
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Ribbon can't stop vomiting
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