#dallas winston x you
cranberrv · 2 months
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ in which dallas winston loses his temper
( a/n : HIII im sorry if this wasnt ur vision but i dont think dallas is one for big apologies so i kinda focused on the arguement more than the apology hope that’s ok… also toxic dallas alert sorry if that isnt ur scene!! also not proofread but hope u cuties enjoy )
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it was a late night in mid-summer, and you and dallas were on the porch on the curtis brothers house. he wanted to go out for a smoke, and dragged you along. you were wearing his leather jacket, it was a windy night and you were getting chilly. dallas had goosebumps along his arms.
“are you sure you don’t want it back, dal?” you ask him, insisting on giving him his jacket back.
“nah, sugar, don’t want ya freezin’ to death out here,” he answers, taking a drag of his cigarette as he looks out at the empty street.
“i’ll just go inside, though, so you don’t get hypothermia or something..” you insist, but he grabs your hand and stops you.
“you’re fine, baby, stay with me.” you look up at him and nod, squeezing his hand a bit tighter.
you stand outside for a little while longer. it feels so peaceful standing there with him. his hand that’s rough and dangerous from the punches it throws is enveloping yours in a sweet gentleness shown only with you. his cigarette smoke becoming a mock mist that calms you both down. his deep breathes that are only heard because of how quiet it is.
nothing could ruin this moment.
you felt it was a good time to say the three words. not like you hadn’t said them before — it’s been a year since you’ve started dating, and you’ve both adored each other from the very start. but dallas got funny when you told him what he already knew. tonight would be different, you thought.
“.. i love ya, dal,” you say softly after a few moments of quiet. it felt casual — exactly what he would have wanted. but maybe not casual enough, because there was a short silence following your words.
eventually, he speaks. “i know ya do, sugar.”
you sigh. why is it that he could never stand to say it back?
he catches your sigh. of course he knows what you’re sighing about — he knows you all too well. he chooses not to act on it, not to apologize, not to say anything. he doesn’t want to fight with you. he just takes a drag of his cigarette and plays innocent.
“it would be nice to know that you loved me too, dallas,” you eventually say.
“oh c’mon,” another drag of his cigarette. “you ain’t an idiot, you know i do.”
“do i? i can’t remember one time you’ve said ‘i love you’ to me,” you cross your arms and look up at him.
“this isn’t somethin’ to get pressed on, y/n, the boys are inside and the windows are open,” he puts a hand on your shoulder, trying to get you to stop talking, to pretend like you’re okay. all because he doesn’t want his friends to hear. “and i have said it, baby, you’re just forgetting or somethin’.”
“you have not, i would remember if you have,” you counter, shoving his hand off of you. “i don’t want to argue, dallas, i really don’t—“
“too damn bad, y/n, because you’re sayin’ that i don’t love you, and we both know that ain’t true,”
“then say it.”
“you heard me,” you say. “it has been a whole year of us dating, and you’re never ready to say that you love me,” you raise your voice to get your point across.
“christ, y/n, you’re difficult, huh?” he groans. “it ain’t a big deal, don’t go throwing a tantrum.”
“i’m difficult? dallas, i don’t know if you get how a relationship works, but at this point, you either love me, or you’re done with me. there is no middle ground after this long together.”
“you’re fuckin’ crazy, i know how a relationship works, and i ain’t done with you. don’t go stickin’ words in my mouth,” his voice is raising, too.
“if you’re not done with me, then you love me.” you say, in a desperate attempt to get him to say the three words. you almost want to beg. “it hurts, dallas, that i don’t get that reassurance, that i leave our dates with my words hanging in the air, waiting for a reply,”
he groans. “you know that i do, so what’s the fuckin’ point?”
“you’re unbelievable.”
he scoffs, his voice raising. not quite yelling, but definitely not talking. “holy fuck, you know that i love you, man, so quit bein’ such a bitch!”
the crease in your eyebrow drops as he says that. “don’t call me that,”
“c’mon, man, you’re acting like a fuckin’ lunatic trying to get me to admit somethin’ that i’ve already admitted,” he says, voice still raised. “take a deep breath, maybe get a glass of water, and come back to me once you’re normal again.”
you scoff. “because i’m expressing my feelings, suddenly i’m a lunatic? because i’m not like your old girls, and i actually strive for a healthy relationship, i’m not normal?”
“you’re freakin’ out because i didn’t say it back once, of course i think you’re going crazy.”
“i’m ‘freaking out’ because it’s been a year of ‘thank you’ and ‘i know’ whenever i tell you i love you,”
“you’re being a dumbass, y/n, you know i—“ he cuts himself off, sighing and taking a step back. “fine, man, whatever, you win. go inside and call bucks when you’ve cooled off, i’m goin’ home,”
when he walks past you, the air is thick and unwelcoming. you don’t even bother getting the last word, dreading the fact that he might turn back and lose his shit if you do. he mutters something incoherent under his breath, and walks down the creeky front porch steps, into the dead of night.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
of course, you don’t call bucks. why would you? just so buck can tell you that dallas isn’t there, when in reality he just doesn’t want to talk to you? just so suddenly you’re bending to his will, and he’s getting his way once again? you don’t think so.
dallas does this a lot — whenver you two fight, even if it’s a small one, he needs time to cool off. sometimes it’s a couple hours, sometimes it’s a day. it’s never stretched longer, until now. it’s been three torturous days of waiting for a grand gesture, an apology, anything.
the next day at school, you’re walking through the parking lot during your lunch break, talking to cherry valance and marcia about what happened between you and dallas. they say a lot of “told you so” and “that’s dallas for you”, and you can’t say they’re wrong. they warned you about him, and his reputation for being so short-tempered and stubborn.
the sound of an engine roars behind you, and you and your friends turn your heads to see who is making the noise. it’s a 1957 red thunderbird, you recognize it as buck merrill’s.
“that must be dal’s friend, buck,” you whisper to your friends. “but why would buck be here?”
“he’s a greaser, he’s probably like, 5 grades behind and coming here begging for another shot at graduation,” randy, marcia’s boyfriend, teases. you shoot him a glare, and he shuts up.
“i’ll go see whats up,” you say softly, walking over to the now-parked car.
as you walk over and the window rolls down. it is not buck merrill, like you expected, but it’s dallas winston.
“hi,” you say softly, your walls starting to go up but hesitating, wondering if you’re even still fighting.
“hey, sweetie,” he says, not explaining what he’s doing here.
“what’re doing?” you ask him.
he shrugs. “wanted to see you, i dunno.”
“oh,” you say softly. you hoped for an apology, you hoped for flowers, you hoped for chocolate, you hoped for a hug, you hoped for—
“i shouldn’t of gotten all heated when we talked, it wasn’t cool,” he says, interrupting your thoughts. “and you ain’t a bitch.”
“..thanks.” you say after a few seconds of silence. what a shit apology, you think.
he’s staring out into the parking lot instead of you. “and i’m crazy about you, man,” he looks up at you. “you gotta know that, sugar.”
“thank you,” you repeat again, unsure of what to say.
another beat of silence as he swallows in his throat, before speaking and finally looking over at you. “i love ya, doll,”
you should’ve stayed mad, you should’ve not accepted his awful apology, but you cannot hide the smile tugging at your lips. this is all you’ve asked for from him, and he finally has the courage to admit it.
“i love you too, dallas.” you say softly, leaning into the window and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. “thank you,”
“you gotta stop sayin’ that, y/n,” he teases, playfully pushing you away. “go hang out with your stupid friends, man. i’ll come over tonight and hang.”
you nod, and walk away, looking back at him and seeing a small smile on his face. nothing could ruin this moment.
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 months
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐓𝐨 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐆𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
↳ includes: sodapop, ponyboy, johnny cade, and dallas winston
↳ warnings: mentions of being beaten up, various injuries, and angst. no actual description of being jumped
↳ notes: could be interpreted as romantic or platonic. had trouble trying to nail all of them down, so i hope i did them justice. reblogs and comments and greatly appreciated
↳ song: blue moon (take five)—elvis presely
masterlist | commissions | carrd
• It's mid-day when he stumbles in from a long morning of working on cars down at the DX with Steve. Grease is all along the skin of his hands, and a different kind can be seen slicking back his hair, but that's nothing a hot shower can't fix
• He was on his way to do just that, enjoying the for once empty house as he did so, only to stop dead in his tracks when he saw you splayed out on the couch
• You were so still his first thought was that you were taking a nap. But once Soda looked closer, he quickly realized you were doing anything but sleeping
• "Hey there Soda." You slurred with a careless grin, elevating your head the best you could to keep blood from dripping into your eye; the likes of which was already beginning to swell an angry red color
• It was clear to Soda what had happened. Everyone in the gang had been jumped once or twice, the more minor ones resulting in a fist fight or two while the bigger fights ended up with scars like Johnny had, and he could tell this was one of the latter
• "Good glory."
• Soda immediately dropped everything to take care of you. Or, when you wouldn't let him fuss over you, insisting you were fine (you were not), he goes out of his way to keep an eye on you. The only times he leaves your side on the couch is to bring you some rubbing alcohol and a bandage for the open wounds
• Turns into such a mother hen. Even after getting a closer look at your injuries, which turned out to be less troubling than he had expected, he still refuses to leave you alone
• "What were you doing walking in that part of town?" He throws his hands in the air as you finally explained where you'd gotten jumped. "You know we ain't liked much there, man."
• You grunted with a mix of pain and annoyance as you sat yourself up more. "Yeah, well I wasn't exactly expecting to get jumped in broad daylight on a public street now, was I?"
• He supposes that's a fair point, but won't admit it. Especially not while your skin is turning various shades of the rainbow
• After that day he always makes sure to remind you not to walk anywhere soc's are known to hang. It even goes as far as him suggesting he could draw you a map, to which you respond by reminding him that you'd lived here just as long as he had and could walk by yourself thank you very much
• "At least make sure you carry a blade or something, yeah?" He practically begs you, all the while staring at the small scar that swiped across the beginning of your hairline. A memory of when you had been stupid enough to get into a fight you knew you wouldn't win
• "Yeah yeah whatever Soda." You puff, promising him that if anything like that ever happens again you won't hesitate to call him or one of the other guys
• He might be a bit overbearing, but by god does Soda love you, so don't you go getting beat up on now
• This was before he had gotten tag teamed on the way back from the movies, so frankly, when Ponyboy finds you leaning against a brick wall downtown with your head all but limp against it, he thinks he's found a dead body
• Pony is just about to nervously pass it when he notices your shoes—the exact same type he'd seen you wearing the last time you'd met up with him
• Has no idea what to do at first. He'd never seen anyone other than Johnny look like this after getting jumped, and the other boy had been crying. You were just laying there. He supposed that if he had been you, he would have been hollering for his brothers by now
• Doesn't freak out. That's not in his nature. Instead, Pony kind of just stares at you for a moment before walking over and shaking you. Perhaps with a bit more force than nessicary
• Despite his gift with words, Pony couldn't describe the relief that washed over him when he opened his eyes even if he wanted to
• "What happened?" He says your name with an underlying quiver to it, eyes darting around your shoulders as he looks at bruises and cuts. Nothing serious he hopes, but it's hard to tell in the moonlight. If he squints his eyes hard enough, he thinks he sees purple marks in the shape of fingers around your neck
• Sure enough, when you speak your voice is a little wheezey
• "What does it look like?" You cough, throwing your head back against the wall with enough effort that Pony hears a crack. "Owch. Forgot that was there."
• He isn't sure if your asking him about your face, or talking about the brick wall. Either way he wouldn't know what to say, so he just responds by standing up and bringing you with him
• Ponyboy feels about as young as he looks when the two of you first start walking down the dimly lit streets, but by the time he's close enough to see the lights of his house, he swears to himself that his muscles would've given out if the walk had been another block longer
• His brothers, and whoever else happens to be over at the house at the time, mostly take over once he manages to pry the screen door open with his free hand and toss you inside. Pony stands by as they make sure you'll be okay, occasionally making use of his hands by bringing you water or disinfectant
• He tries to skip school the next day to stay home with you and make sure you sleep alright, but is sent off anyways when Darry vetos that idea before he could even fully suggest it
• He's real eager to get home all through the school day, and is glad when he walks in on you sitting in his kitchen that afternoon, rubbing at the spots on your neck as you eat a meal Darry managed to scrounge up for you
• Let's just say Pony is always the first to ask you to be safe when you go out alone after that
• If this is Johnny before he himself gets jumped, then you're getting a very concerned friend questioning you in a soft voice as he tries not to look at your injuries too much. He knows that he hates it when people stare at him after his dad hits him, so he attempts to offer you the curtosy he never got
• Post beaten Johnny though? He's a nervous wreck
• It's even worse if he finds you before you find him. His first thought is that the people that did this to you might still be around, and he's ashamed of himself for wanting to run away. Later when he confesses that train of thought to you, you reassure him he's fine and that anyone would have done the same thing, but he still gets an icky feeling in his gut anytime he thinks about it
• Assuming that you manage to stumble upon him first though, Johnny knows what to do and how to do it. It's almost sad that he knows the exact way to deal with a situation with this, but seeing as it happened to him not too long ago, it's not exactly a surprise
• He can't stop himself for looking for signs of ring indents on your face as he wipes blood off your face with shakey hands. His gaze is so intense that even through the pounding in your head you can tell what Johnny's thinking
• "It wasn't the same guys." You croak out. Johnny is momentarily startled at your words and turns as if to move away before hesitantly returning to the task at hand
• "Oh." His voice cracks. "Good."
• After making sure you're no longer bleeding, or at the very least hurting with every breath you take, he calls Ponyboy up first thing. It's the only other person he immediately thought of in the moment, and can't remember a time that he was more greatful then when Pony shows up to help him
• The two boys eventually tell everyone else, but that night Johnny relived every bad moment he's ever experienced all in one, and doesn't know that he'd have been able to deal with that if Pony or you hadn't been there; even if you were beaten black and blue
• Sometime later Johnny realizes that he'd been jumping at little things less and less, and a small part of him wonders if going through that with you that one night helped him to overcome some of his own fears. Even if by a little bit
• The thought it is comforting
• Red light filtered through the bar windows as you stumbled up rickety steps to knock on an equally as rickety door
• Your teeth chattered in the night despite it being in the middle of summer, mustering the most genuine smile you could as the entrance eventually opened
• "Dallas here?" You asked the man in the door with a poorly disguised groan
• Whatever would have happened next was promptly cut short at you felt your throat tighten. With a lurch in both your stoumach and your body, you leaned forward to vomit straight on Buck Merril's boots
• "Urgh. Oops."
• Buck didn't even bother to growl at you or go look for Dallas before snatching you inside. If it had been a busier night, or if he had liked those boots more, he might have done either of those things. Or just straight up left you to sit on that doorstep until morning
• But Buck knew just by looking at you that you were in no condition to be left alone, and that Dallas would kill him if one of his friends died on his doorstep
• The bartender forwent knocking on Dallas' door before busting it open. He only had time to hope that his friend wasn't hooking up with anyone before stomping in, your dazed figure trailing behind him
• Thankfully it was just Dallas in the room. Just a pissed, shirtless looking Dallas. The way he shot up from in his bed made Buck think he had been trying to get some sleep and failing
• "They showed up looking for you. Let me know if you need to phone the hospital." He mummbled before slamming the door on the way out. Dallas barely had time to ask what in the fuck he was talking about before you planted face first on the foot of his bed
• Later he would be annoyed that you got bloodstains all over his sheets, but in the moment he was more focused on your ripped clothes and skin littered with flecks of glass and gravel
• "Got any bandaids Dally?" You ask with a dry tone, the joke falling flat at he threw the covers off of himself. Part of them landed on your head over at the other end of the bed, and he rushed to move then away
• "Shit— uh, hold on." Was all he could manage. You took it upon yourself to cautiously crawl up against the wall, mindful of the way your body screamed at you to stop as you did so
• Dallas finished russeling through one of his dresser drawers— the very same one that he would later go through to give Ponyboy and Johnny his gun after their late night misshap —coming back to you with a sunbleached cloth in hand and some pills
• "Hold that wherever its bleeding the most." He said gruffly. "And take these."
• "What are they?" You swallowed them without waiting for his answer
• "Hangover pills. The only sort of medicine Buck has here that isn't white and powdery." Dally leaned far back from you for a moment to scan your available skin, eyes lingering on the way you winced everytime your stoumach moved in the slightest
• "Got me there the worst." You noticed his looks and chose to talk through your urge to hurl again. "Still feels like the winds been kicked out of me."
• "Soc's?" Is all he asks
• You shake your head. "No. Some other greasers. Picked a fight with them last week. I won and forgot all about it. Didn't realize that they were that ticked off about it."
• Dallas resisted the urge to scoff at you, and it must have shown on his face; if the way you laughed said anything
• "Glory Dallas Winston, can you judge me later when I'm not bleeding all across your buddies floor?"
• "Sure sure." He waved, eyebrows furrowing
• He finds himself wishing later that you had gone to Darry or even Steve for help with this stuff. He isn't the best at dressing wounds, even if he's had lots of practice on himself, and knows better than most that his bedside manner isn't exactly the best. When you're not wincing or dry heaving in a bout of pain, the two of you are bickering
• "Anymore tighter, and my fingers will be likely to fall off, Dal." You gripe at him as he wraps a bandage around your knuckles with an air of carelessness, even if he was feeling anything but that
• "Shut up."
• For the love of everything good don't ever do this to him again. Dallas has no idea how to be soft with people, and he isn't sure offering you a cigarette right after disinfecting your wounds is the best way to go about it
• You accept the unusual gift anyways, shaking your head with a smile as you do so
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thewulf · 5 months
Don't Cry || Dallas "Dally" Winston
Summary: Request - In that, you mentioned Dally and Two-Bit walking the reader home and I had a request idea I wanted to send you. Could you write a Dallas Winston x reader where reader is a little younger than him but he’s really protective of her??... Read Rest Here
A/N: Ahhh these Outsiders requests are so much fun! I'm writing them so quick. Fresh inspo is so much fun. Thank you for the request and hope you enjoy! @fluentmoviequoter
Pairing: Dallas "Dally" Winston x Female Reader
Word Count: 5.0k +
TW: knifes, knife cutting, blood, crying, yelling
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You’d known Dallas Winston for a long time. Not your whole life but it felt like it. He was always a constant in your life. Your relationship was always a weird one with the Winston boy. You could joke all day long in the confines of the house but as soon as you left it he wanted nothing to do with you. Like he was embarrassed of you. Little did you know he was just trying to keep your squeaky-clean reputation intact. For you might’ve hung, lived with and been around greaser’s but you weren’t one really. You were a greaser by association. Dally always said you were far too kind, too pure for this lifestyle so he tried his hardest to keep you as far away as he could.
It wasn’t easy when you gave him those pleading looks outside the Curtis residence to just acknowledge your presence. He tried his best not to cave. Not even when all he wanted to do was laugh about something stupid Ponyboy or Sodapop did. But you couldn’t be seen with him out and about so casually. Then the Soc’s would start to target you. He didn’t know what he was quite capable of at the thought of somebody hurting you. As he got to know you and the Curtis after moving to Tulsa he swore he’d protect you day and night. He wouldn’t let a pretty little hair on your pretty little head get touched.
He'd decided early on when he met you, he was ten and you were eight, that he was going to get you tough. He was going to be hard on you, not too hard though. If you were going to grow up a greaser then you needed to know how to defend yourself. He spent the next eight years teaching you, training you, protecting you. He didn’t realize when it happened but slowly he stopped looking at you like a younger sister. Those protective feelings went far deeper than familial love. No, he actually loved you. He’d fallen in love with the one person he really shouldn’t have fallen for. Darry would skin him alive if he knew. Soda would beat him into oblivion. Pony would tell him how disappointed he was in some sort of poetic way that went over his head. He knew he just had to keep these growing feelings quiet. For your sake. You didn’t need to deal with him or his endless amounts of baggage. Even if he could see how attached you had grown to him too.
To say your relationship had grown confusing and chaotic over the years had been an understatement. Even Darry had picked up on some of the awkward tension that seemed to pop up out of nowhere when the two of you were left alone. Soda caught onto the longing gazes Dally would throw your way. He even caught you a few times doing the same to him. Pony wasn’t blind either. He was your very best friend and confidant. Whenever the conversation of Dallas Winston came up you shied away. Scared of letting something loose on accident. All the brothers knew there was something there they just didn’t know if and what would happen.
After your parents had died he’d been there for all of you but especially you. You’d taken it the hardest. Your mom was your favorite person and she just disappeared one day. You were lost and had to rely on teenage boys to guide you through it all. Your parents had nobody they could fall back on to take care of you. Thank goodness for Dally. He’d quite literally pulled you out of the depression you’d slipped into by just being there. Helping you. Asking for nothing in return. That’s when you fell in love. He’d shown you his true colors under the layers and layers to Dallas Winston. Under it all he was there for you and promised to never leave. And you knew he'd keep that promise, you just knew it.
Slowly the months ticked by and you’d gotten back to normal. Going out with friends and boys. Dallas watching you like a hawk whenever you went on dates with guys he knew were nothing compared to you. But he decided not to say a word and let you live your life. It was worth seeing the smile come back to life after seeing you so sad for too long. Seeing you happy was worth it all.
So, when Ponyboy asked you to accompany him on a Paul Newman special at the movie theatre you couldn’t refuse him. He was so excited about seeing the film you could hardly imagine saying no to him. You’d always enjoyed the movies too so it was hardly a tough sell on his part.
You couldn’t imagine a better way to spend a Saturday. Maybe if Dally was there to accompany you. But you couldn’t admit that. If you did then everything would change. Who knows what Darry would do to Dally. How Soda would treat him. This could get weird, and you hated weird. You’d rather keep it normal even if it meant having to keep him as a friend.
“Which one did you like better?” Pony asked once the two of you had left the theatre. He placed his hands in his pockets giving you a quizzical look. The two of you waked slowly along the cracking road that needed some serious repairs. Your head spun towards the street seeing a car full of Soc’s roll up chipping at Ponyboy about something, ignoring you completely. Even though you were over a year older than him Pony stood much taller than you. He pushed you behind his back as he yelled back at the boys. You tugged at the back of his shirt letting him know it was time to go. It wasn’t smart to get chippy with five of them in the car. They outnumbered the two of you and you were rather useless in a fight.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you across the street. After a moment of walking along the residential road you answered him, “The Hustler was far better Gidget Goes to Rome. Paul Newman really is a mastermind.”
He smirked bobbing his head in agreement, “Thought you’d say that.”
You feigned offense at that statement, “Am I that predictable Ponyboy Curtis?” You raised your eyebrows as you walked along the dirt path. The theatre wasn’t far from home thankfully. Maybe just over a mile. A twenty-minute walk or so.
“No. I just know you I guess dear sister.”
You smiled at your younger brother. Even since your parents had passed you’d taken on the nurturing role for him and even Soda more recently. Darry had none of it though. You’d grown close to your two brothers since their death’s. Darry kept his distance trying to do his best to raise you instead of letting you help him. He was trying to take on the role of your father without even asking if that’s the three of you wanted. But you didn’t dare question him.
You gave his hand a soft squeeze, “That you do Ponyboy. You know me better than anybody else.” You spotted a vehicle fast approaching from behind the two of you as you went in for a hug.
Your eyes widened seeing the same Mustang before barreling towards you, “We gotta run.” You grabbed his arm and started sprinting down the road. Pony was faster, so much faster than you, so he tried to drag you along only ending up tripping you in the process. They caught up in their Mustang an instant. He stood in front of you as you scrambled to your feet.
You gulped as the five boys got out of the car walking towards you, “Get out of here.” Pony tried to sound tough, but you heard the waver in your younger brothers voice.
One of them flipped a blade open. Your eyes shot wide open as you grabbed his shirt trying to tug him away. But they were faster as one of them tugged on your arm pulling you to the ground in front of Pony. You let out a scream trying to draw the greasers attention a few houses down. Hopefully they were hanging out outside like they usually were. Drinking beers or some shit.
“Darry! Soda!” You yelled as Pony as was taken down to the ground with you. He tried to let out a few calls for help but was muffled by something being shoved in his mouth.
“Shut her up.” One of them said, Randy maybe? You’d recognized him as the one with the redhead from school.
And before you knew it that same blade was placed right to your throat, “Pretty little things got a mouth on her huh? Maybe this’ll quite you down.” The overly-cologne scented Soc smirked as he pressed the blade across your throat drawing yet another yell right from you. He cut you. He really cut you.
Before you knew it they were running away. Your brothers and friends had heard you and Ponyboy yelling and came running right to your defense. It was only a little over a minute you were down on the ground, but that minute made you tremble. You’d never been so dominated like that in your life.
You looked down shocked at everything that had just happened. You’d felt the blood trickling down your neck more so than throbbing of the slice the Soc had given to you. Darry pulled you up from the ground, so you were sitting at eye level with his crouched form. After a moment of him holding the handkerchief up to your neck he finally spoke, “They didn’t hurt you too bad, did they?” His voice was low. He was pissed. You knew you were in trouble later on once everything had settled.
You shook your head afraid to look at your older brother, “No, I’m fine.” You whispered afraid of what he might say next.
Ponyboy made his way over to you, crouching down next to Darry, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I didn’t…”
You stopped him, “It’s fine Pony. I’m okay really. Just a cut.” A small smile wavered over your face trying your best to reassure him.
Darry scoffed hating how you were playing this off so casually. Like his kid sister hadn’t gotten a knife pulled on her. Like you hadn’t gotten cut by that very same knife. It was every nightmare he had coming to light right in his backyard. At least the two of you had gotten that far before being attacked.
“Hey, Y/N.” Soda spoke after running up. His face dropped seeing the blood running down your neck, “Did they pull a blade on you?” He put his hands on your shoulders so he could get a better look.
Your face flushed with embarrassment seeing all of your brothers eyes right on you. Turning away you couldn’t take Soda’s intense gaze, “Yeah.”
He pulled your head back towards him, “Hey kid, they ain’t gonna hurt you no more. Come on.” Grabbing your hand, he hoisted you to your feet with ease. Darry gave you one last quick look before he grabbed Pony by the arm. You gulped knowing Darry was going to have it in for him. You needed to talk to your older brother about being so hard on Pony. It was just an accident after all. It wasn’t your fault the Paul Newman films kept the two of you in deep conversation not seeing the Mustang until it was too late.
Dally only interrupted you and Soda once Darry had pulled Pony ahead. He needed to make sure that his favorite Curtis sibling was okay. A minor wave of panic rang through his body seeing you pushed to the ground next to Pony with those boys had their filthy Soc hands on you. Rage washed over him as he kicked the side of the fancy car when they fled away from the scene.
Dallas’s eyes scanned over you with concern only stopping when he saw the trail of blood rolling down your neck, “What the hell is that? Did they cut you?” He took a step closer, grabbing at your face with a delicate touch. Almost as if he was afraid he’d hurt you further if he grasped on too tightly.
“Jesus, Curtis. What’d I tell you about defending yourself?” He gave your cheek a soft squeeze before dropping his hand. He spotted the already bloodied Handkerchief turned rag in Soda’s hand and held out his own to ask for it from your brother.
You looked down, “It was five on two Dally. What were we supposed to do?” You asked back earnestly wondering what the hell you were actually supposed to do. Run? Pony was faster and you’d only slow him down so that wasn’t an option. You’d already tripped trying to keep up with him. Try and fight? Well, you got a blade pulled on you so that wasn’t great either.
He bit his mouth trying his best not to snap at you. His adrenaline was high, and he was scared at the thought of you actually getting hurt, “I don’t know Y/N. Fight back? You were just lying there!”
You stopped walking abruptly, brushing Soda away knowing he didn’t need to hear the conversation about to go on between you and the hot-headed man beside you, “Can you go make sure Pony’s okay?” You asked him.
Soda gave you a curious look before finally handing Dally the handkerchief, “You sure?”
“Yeah, go ahead.” You gave him a quick push before turning back to Dally, “What is wrong with you?”
He stepped closer so your brothers couldn’t hear ahead of you, “What the hell is wrong with me? I’m just trying to keep you alive Curtis. I should be asking you the same! Why are you out walking alone with Pony this late on a Saturday anyway? You two know better. Those no good for nothing assholes only want to fight.” He grumbled before dabbing at the semi-dried blood on your chin.
You let out a huff of irritation. He was being so caring yet so damn frustrating, “What? I can’t go anywhere without a damn chaperone now? I’m confined to my brothers house? Is that how it’s going to be Dally? Pony isn’t enough now?” Your voice was snappy as you pushed and pushed and pushed him. He was already feeling on edge from the whole thing and your attitude was about to be his breaking point. There was nobody on this planet that could get under his skin like you could, nobody except for you. You’d found a way to weasel your way into his ice-cold heart and sink a burning ember into it. For Dallas Winston would do anything for you. But man, did you frustrate him to no end.
“Jesus, you know that’s not what I mean! Stop putting words into my mouth Curtis.” He put his hands up in the air in frustration, raising his voice just a tad. Darry turned back observing, making sure you were fine. He knew Dally would never hurt you. He could see the way the Winston boy looked at his younger sister. He wasn’t stupid. Dally had always been soft on you. Except he wasn’t. He pushed you harder than he pushed anyone. He wanted you to know how to defend yourself. With your hands, a knife, a pipe whatever. He was going to teach and push because he needed you alive. You were the only thing grounding him to this planet at the moment.
Your eyes narrowed on his, your voice raising as well, “Then what do you mean Dallas? Go ahead. Say exactly what you mean. I can take it.” You’d only used his full name when you felt like being patronizing.
He looked like he was contemplating everything before he turned back to you, “You need to be more careful!” He snapped. He didn’t raise a hand on you but instead yelled right at you stopping you in your tracks. Dally had never yelled at you before. Scolded sure. Disappointed yes. Angry, of course. But yelled? Never.
Your brothers must’ve seen the look in your eyes as they all stepped in. Darry pulled Dally away telling him to cool off. Soda grabbed your arm pulling you back towards the house. And Pony happily chatted away trying to take your mind off it.
“Dally’s just an asshole, you know that!” Pony’s final ditch effort to get you to smile came up miserably short.
You gave him a solemn nod, “Yeah, I know. Never to me though.” The sadness in your voice must’ve been evident because that had him quiet down the remainder of the short walk home. You brushed them all away telling them that you were ‘fine’ and going to take a nap.
They left you alone for a few hours but when you didn’t come out for dinner all three brothers grew worried. Soda knocked on your door lightly, “Hey kid. Supper’s getting cold. Darry made one of your favorites, spaghetti, and meatballs.”
It was sweet how much they cared on you when you were down, but damn was it suffocating sometimes. It was times like these when you wish you could run to your mom and ask her advice on it all. Boys were… boys and they often didn’t have a clue what ran through your head.
“I’m not hungry Soda. Maybe later, I’m working on homework.” You heard him sigh before walking away. You’d thought you would have gotten rid of them but another, much louder knock broke you away from the essay you were committed to finishing.
“Pony said you both skipped lunch to go to the movies. Come on down and get some dinner kiddo.” Darry’s much deeper voice spoke through the door. He tried twisting the knob but stopped when it wouldn’t budge. As much as he wanted to knock your door in he knew better. You weren’t like his brothers. No, you were so entirely different. He couldn’t treat you the same or you’d most likely find yourself a foster home instead.
“I had popcorn. I’m still full from that.” It wasn’t a lie. You weren’t hungry. You were uneasy and nervous. And wanted to finish the damn easy that you’d been staring at for the better part of three hours now.
“Alight kid, I’ll save you a plate.” He grumbled before beginning to walk away.
“Thanks Dar.” You hummed ignoring the lump forming at the back of your throat. You were so lucky to have your brothers who cared for you so deeply. You just wished they’d give you the space you needed.
And you thought they did before, yet another knock came to your bedroom door not thirty minutes later. With a huff you set the pencil down, “Go away Pony. I’m not in the mood.”
A laugh so distinct came from the other side of the door. That was certainly not Ponyboy, “Try again, sweetheart.” Dallas. Dallas freaking Winston. What had your brothers done?
Your palms began to sweat as your heartrate sped up rapidly, “What are you doing here?” It came out colder than you meant but Dally just found it amusing. He knew you couldn’t hurt a fly much less hurt him words. Albeit you might be the only person that could actually hurt him with words if you wanted to. Dally was soft for one person. You.
“I’m here for you.”
You sighed, “Go away. I’m not hungry. I don’t know who went and got you or called you or whatever. I’m not in the mood Dally.”
He put his head on your door knowing your mood was stemming from the argument earlier. He had snapped at you, and he felt bad. Especially after Darry of all people came knocking at his door pleading with him to come back to his place and talk to you.
His voice was low but he knew you could hear it, “You and I both know I’m not going away little Curtis. So, you can open that door and we can talk about it, or I can sit here all night waiting. Those are the options.” You heard his stubborn ass slide down the door. You knew they could most likely pick the lock or break down the door. But Darry wasn’t stupid. He knew it’d cause more harm than any good. You needed your safe space away from all the madness of being a greaser. A place you could lock yourself away from.
“Please,” Your voice cracked as fresh tears flowed down without you even noticing, “Just go away.”
You heard him click his tongue, “No can-do sweetheart. I gave you the options. Your turn to pick.” His voice was smug. Was he relishing in making you squirm? Neither was really an option. Both forced your hand. But then again this was Dallas. He got what he wanted.
You tried to turn back to your essay all you could think about was Dallas freaking Winston sitting on the opposite side of your door. You knew his stubborn ass wouldn’t leave either and that drove you nuts. You’d never be able to finish the essay or go to bed knowing he was sitting there just waiting on you.
With a heavy sigh you got up, walked towards the door, opened it without so much as a second thought and found him sitting right next to your door, “Go away.” You tried in your meanest voice, but it came out as a whisper.
He shook his head as he stood to his feet, “That’s not going to happen sweetheart.” He leaned against your doorframe pushing you back inside your room.
“Why can’t you guys just leave me alone for one night? One stupid night. That’s all I’m asking for!” You’d hardly ever raised your voice, but you were tired. Exhausted. Scared of the Soc’s that pulled a freaking knife out on you. Frightened because when you needed a helping hand all you got was a scolding voice.
“We’re worried about you is all. You got attacked. A knife pulled out on you…” He lowered his voice hoping it’d help settle down the rage he saw in your eyes. It was weird. Different. He was used to such a sweetness about you. He’d never seen you angry. Upset sure. But this was something entirely different.
Your eyes bugged, “You think I don’t know that? That maybe I just need some alone time away from all of this?” You didn’t hate being a greaser, no. That would never be the case. You loved your life with your brothers. You were just so damn tired of always being alert these days. Being a girl put you in a weird position with the greasers. The Soc’s never laid hands on you until today. It was startling. You’d always heard how dangerous the life was but today laid it out in front of you how truly dangerous it could be if you were at the wrong place at the wrong time.
He put his hands up in defense, “You need to calm down, Y/N.” His eyes shifted from one of a confident gaze to one that filled with concern
You wanted to slap him across his pretty little face, “You saying that is definitely not going to calm me down!” You were beyond frustrated now. You didn’t want to talk about it. You wanted him to leave you alone.
His eyes downturned as he saw your frigid stance. You were, for the first time he had recalled in his life, angry. Like angry, angry. Like you looked like you wanted to rip his head off angry, “Hey, I’m sorry. But I need you to relax a little. Sit down for me?” You were struck by his apology. Dallas Winston saying he’s sorry? You thought you’d so sooner be struck by lightning than hear those words come out of his mouth. The rage in your body calmed at that.
With an icy glare you sat down on your bed. You weren’t sure why you were listening to him. You were angry with him. He yelled at you when you needed sympathy. He’d scared you when you were already terrified. You thought the world of him, but that world came crashing down oh so quickly. You knew of the Dally he had hidden so well from you. Pony, Soda, and Darry would tell you stories all the time of how menacing he was. How he was so fearless in the face of it all. How could you not love on the man?
“Are you okay, Y/N?” He asked after shutting your bedroom door behind him. He knew your brothers were listening in, but it at least gave the illusion of a private conversation. Not that it mattered. They’d get the damn conversation out of one of the two of you eventually anyway. There was no privacy with the greasers.
“I’m fine.” You snapped at him, clearly not fine.
He shook his head giving you that damn chuckle that meant he knew you were lying, “I’m going with you’re not. You wanna tell me what’s the matter?” He asked once more. Stubborn.
“I want you to go away. That’s what I want.” The word weren’t as harsh this time. More like a soft rumble.
He sighed, “Come on Curtis. It’s just me. I know you and I know you’re not okay or fine or whatever word you wanna use. You can talk to me. It’ll be okay.” He grabbed for your hand that was nervously clutching the edge of your mattress giving it a comforting squeeze when his fingers locked with yours.
You felt the words coming on before you could stop them and soon you were rambling, “I’m overwhelmed Dally! I’m scared. I’m nervous. I don’t know if I’ll feel comfortable walking down the damned street anymore! And none of you will leave me alone to think about it!” You fired back exasperated. The building rage inside your eyes quieted down at the admission. You were terrified of what happened next. Everybody was always on edge these days. Life went from easy to hard in what felt like a night after your parents had left.
He opened his arms up, “Alright, come on. Come here pretty girl.” It didn’t take him much effort to pull you right into his embrace. In another instance you’d probably have fought him, but you were terrified and exhausted and his warm embrace was everything you needed. He pulled you closer before resting his head on yours, “It’s okay to be scared.” He whispered knowing that your nosey as hell brothers were likely sticking their ears to your door.
You closed your eyes letting the scent of his cologne mixed with the long day wash over you. So much more refreshing than the scent that washed over you earlier. Dally was always your comfort. No matter how harsh a day or words that were spat you knew you could count on him. No matter how mean you were to him either, “You yelled at me.” You felt another wave of tears come on. God, you felt so pathetic in his arms crying about being yelled at. Some greaser you were.
“I know.” He sighed giving you another reassuring squeeze, “You scared me. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you. I just let out my frustration out on you. I shouldn’t have done that. I should’ve been there to protect you.” He sounded a bit angrier not that he was getting it off his chest.
You pulled your head back gaping at his with a confused expression, “Is Dallas Winston apologizing?”
He gave you that soft smirk that you’d come to love, “If you tell someone I did, I’ll deny it.” He brushed the stray tears away with his thumb, “I don’t like it when you cry.”
You laid your head back down on his chest, “Don’t make me cry then.” Quipping back, you knew that wasn’t entirely fair. He wasn’t the sole reason you were in tears. But he was the reason you were crying then.
He leaned down whispering in your ear, “I’m sorry. Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. I can’t promise I’ll be perfect. You know I’m a fuck up. But I’ll try. I’ll always try for you.” There was no chance your brothers could hear him for you hardly could. Or maybe that was the rough pounding in your ears. He wanted it to stay between the two of you. He knew Darry would flip if he tried to make a pass at his sister. So, he’d keep his distance from you, for now. But he couldn’t promise to restrain himself if you made advances on him, he’d fold in an instant if you did.
“I believe you.” You fisted his shirt in your hands, grasping onto him. This certainly wasn’t what friends did. But it felt right to cling onto him. To mold into his touch and his embrace. Dally felt so incredibly meant for you the thought of not being with him hurt you.
He held onto you for just a bit longer before pulling back, “It’ll be okay. We’ll figure it out. You’ve got me. Your brothers. All those friends. You’ll be just fine.”
You gave him a quick nod brushing the fogginess out of your eyes, “Thank you Dally.”
“Always. Now come on, let’s go eat before Darry force feeds you.” He stood, unwrapping himself from you, holding his hand out for you to take.
“Darry would, wouldn’t he?” You smiled taking his hand in yours happily.
He gave you that look, “Let’s not find out.” Before pulling you out the door. To nobody’s surprise were all three Curtis brothers not even subtly eavesdropping in on the conversation right outside your door.
“All of you. Unbelievable.” Your laugh let them know they’d called just the right person to brighten your spirits. Darry knew it was only a matter of time before you realized that he was your person. The thought terrified him. The older you got the closer the two of you grew. But time and time again Dallas had shown Darry just how much he loved you too. His actions and his words showed just how much he actually did care for you.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!) : @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom @hardballoonlove @rosiahills22 @djs8891
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jaidens · 11 months
Your Little Hand's Wrapped Around My Finger And It's So Quiet In The World Tonight
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pairing [s] : dad!dallas winston x reader
warning [s] :| im actually crying rn | biggest dad!dallas supporter actually | mentions of all things pregnancy related: throwing up
a/n [s] : requests are open!
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Dallas is quiet as you stand in front of him, hands shaking. He has barely any reaction to what you told him, tears running down your face as you laid in his arms. Dallas holds you tight, hand laying on your neck protectively. Dallas Winston wasn't a ‘father’ type. After growing up with an absolutely horrible example, he was forced to live by himself, not relying on anyone. You came into his life and understood what he needed: unconsciously pulling him slowly out of the thick walls he has built up over his time on the Earth.
Dallas hated kids, that was one thing anyone could remember Dallas as. It was him knocking over their drink, taking candy from them, or throwing their poker cards everywhere; he hated kids. So, when you had found out you were pregnant you were understandably immediately worried. The day you told him, you were terrified. Your hands shaking as you told him, getting ready to hear yelling or slamming doors: but it was the complete opposite. Dallas cried that night with his hand lying on your stomach, with your hands in his hair.
You were four months pregnant, surviving the time of morning and night sickness. However, you still pushed through while Dallas would follow you into the bathroom at all moments it didn't matter either way. His hand would rub your back and hold your hair back. Dallas wasn't known for acting like this, holding his girlfriend in his arms while she was sick. He was changing in his life, and he let those changes overtake him, saddening the dumb Greasers who would try and convince him to slash tires, by saying no to their advances.
If you asked Dallas fifteen months ago about how he felt about kids, he would grumble and say how gross they were. Now, he thinks the baby with soft brown eyes and dark whisps of hair kicks her legs at him while giggling, is the sweetest creature ever. For the nine months you held her and the pain you experienced, she looked identical to her father. Same nose, lips, and big doe eyes. You weren't angry however, knowing her face would be loved just like you loved Dally’s face.
“Hey Dal’,” You say as he watches you wrap around the corner of the living room. You and Dallas saved up enough money for a small house with just enough you needed to live. Two bedrooms, one big enough for you and Dallas and one for the baby. She was named Darlene after Dallas’ mother, in hopes to remember her legacy. You thought the name was absolutely gorgeous, and she was given your mother’s middle name. “How is Darla?”
Dallas looks up at you, his finger has her hand wrapped around it, as she chews on it. “Hey, sweetheart.” You sit down next to him, and lay on his shoulder. You both admire Darla and her gorgeousness and the happiness she radiated to everyone. “She’s been great.” Dallas’ voice is soft, barely speaking above a whisper as his hand pushes back her hair. You're staring at Dally as he picks Darla up and gives her forehead a tight kiss, and then gives you one. “She probably needs a feeding now. Why don't you go rest, Dal? You've been up all day and night.” You offer but he shakes his head, and follows you to the couch where you feed Darlene.
Another thing that's shown up is his clinginess towards you. He stopped leaving you alone, choosing to go everywhere with you, even if that just includes changing Darlene’s diaper. He's been an amazing, incredible father and you're the most glad to have his support in your life. For the fact he stayed with you, and decided to care for her.
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Day 16 of Kinkmas: Sneaking Out With Dallas Winston
pairing: Dallas Winston x fem!reader
warning: hickeys, making out, protected sex
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My parents hates Dallas, anytime I want to go out somewhere with any of my friends, not just Dally, they get beyond paranoid over me being out anywhere.
But I lied about going to the drive in just to go to the rodeo to see Dallas. When my friends and I got there and we get drinks, I bought a water don’t worry. We get to our seats and wait for the cowboys to come out and put on a show.
Buck comes out and wins as usual. But when Dallas comes out, he was a little rusty but towards the end he won! I clap for him and he notices me in the crowd. I already can tell he wants me to be here after hours so I’m going to stay for a little while.
I stay back but some of my friends stayed with me because they wanted to drive me home because of my paranoid parents.
When Dally came out from the dressing rooms, I walk up to him and he wraps his arms around me and picks me up and kisses me.
“You wanna go somewhere private?” He asked with a smile.
I look at my friends and they nod at me.
“Sure.” I smile back.
He takes me to his dressing room and locks the door. I go to his small table and lean on it and Dallas walks up towards me and we begin to kiss. Dallas picks me up to make me sit on the table and I wrap my legs around him, he kisses my neck and jawline, I gasp and giggle. He chuckles and continues to kiss me but gives me hickeys, I don’t care what my parents think about the hickeys on my neck, I love him so much it’s hard to explain it.
Eventually, we got onto the couch he has in his dressing room and make out a bit. Until he grabs a condom and begins to have sex with me. I moan by him going in and out of me and he kisses my neck again.
After our victory sex, Dallas and I lay on each other. I kiss his forehead gently.
“I’m glad that you won that rodeo.” I whisper in his ear.
“I’m glad you came to see me.” He says to me.
“I’ll just have to lie to my parents about coming here more often.” I say to him.
“You should.” He chuckles.
“I love you.” I say.
“I love you too” he smiles.
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lunatiqez · 1 year
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PAIRING: Dallas Winston x Reader
GENRE: Romance
SUMMARY: Falling in love with the towns most infamous person should come with warnings; unfortunately, that’s not the case for you.
A/N: I wrote this fic with a totally different intention than how it turned out, but oh well !!! Maybe I’ll make a part two,,who knows?? Proofread by my babes @lu-vin-it and @mictodii !!!
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DALLAS “DALLY” WINSTON. ONE OF THE infamous Greasers. He would steal, smoke, slash tires, and start fights. But he was cute, as much as you hated to admit it. He was cute as hell, and there was no point in denying it.
You had never personally had an interaction with him, but you’ve heard about the things he does and you’ve seen him around. You couldn’t believe that the person that you’re seeing, smiling with his cute animal teeth and walking around with his friends, was the same person that you were hearing.
To be fair, though, he did do the stuff you were told about— and it was certainly no secret.
“Hey, Y/N, how about we go to a drive through movie?” Your friend, Nancy, asked you, as you flipped through her magazine.
“Geez, I dunno.” You said, thinking.
“C’mon now, it’ll be fun! Think of all the cute guys we’ll see.” She tries to bargain with you, laying on her bed next to you. She props her chin on her hands and smiled mischievously.
“Oh shut up Nancy.” You giggle to her.
“I’m serious Y/N! It’ll be fun, don’t be such a square.” You gasp.
“Shut up, Nance! Fine..let’s go.” You say with a slight pout. She cheers and goes to get ready.
Once the two of you were ready, she climbed into the driver side of her fathers car and started it. You sat in the passenger side.
When you got to the movie, Nancy parked and you both got out to sit on the hood
About 30 minutes in, you noticed some boys making noise, interrupting your movie time. You looked over, attempting to search for the troublemakers. Your eyes adjusted to the dark and you immediately recognized who the tallest boy was. Dallas Winston.
“Nance, look! It's Dallas Winston.” She looked over to where you motioned. Suddenly, Dally looked up, catching the two of you staring at him. He walked over, a look of both curiosity and seriousness on his face— it was hard to read him, but that’s what you were making out.
“Hey now, see somethin’ you like?” He asked when he finally got to you. The two younger boys with him followed distantly.
“In your dreams, Winston.” Nancy said with a huff.
“Oh don’t be like that, Nance!” He said to the girl next to you, not paying attention to you at first. Not that you minded, it was better if you didn’t get involved with him. You turned back to the movie, but kept an eye on Dallas, just in case he tried something.
“Go away, Dallas.” She said, rolling her eyes.
“Fine, fine.” He then turned his attention on you. And damn, did it feel good with the way he looked at you.
“Now what’s your name, honey?” You looked at him, your brows knitted together in an attempt to look fed up— in reality, though, you were enjoying this moment.
“Y/N.” He passed the hood of the car and over to you, getting up close.
“Y/N, huh?” He asked in your ear. Your name rolled off his tongue so deliciously, it was like honey dripping from a bottle. You wanted to hear him say it at least a thousand times more.
“That’s a real nice name, fits you…” he said in a flirtatious tone. You continue to look at the movie, pretending to not be affected by him.
“I’m Dallas, Dallas Winston.” He introduced himself.
“I know,” you said.
“You know me? I’m honored!”
“Well…I know of you.” Dally looked surprised.
“Yeah? What do you know about me?” His thick brows furrowed and he sounded curious.
“I know that you’re no good.” Your attention is now on him, and you’re talking to him, not at him.
Dallas steps back and puts his hand on his chest, as if he’s physically pained by your words.
“You’re hurtin’ me, doll. How am I no good?” He asked you, but you had a feeling it was less of a question for him, as he knows what he’s done.
“You steal, you fight, you’re rude..” you trail off on a bunch of reasons why Dally is “no good,” and he begins to smile.
“Looks like you do know me!” He says, laughing. It’s as if he’s proud of doing those things. “Say, why don’t you come with me, yeah? We’ll go have some alone time in a boneyard.” He smiles mischievously as he looks at you.
“No thanks, Nancy’s my ride home.” You motion to your friend.
“Hey, I’ve got a car too y’know.” He says, trying to bargain with you.
“Mm, I dunno. A boneyard is a little creepy, don’t you think?” You ask him, playing into his idea.
“Alright then we’ll go to a…er— a restaurant or somethin’!” You pause, pretending to think for a moment.
“I mean, I suppose I could…but what’s in it for me?”
“What’s in it for you?” Dally asks, sounding surprised. It’s as if he never thought he’d get this far. “Baby, I’ll give you the whole world if it meant I got to spend some time with you!” He exclaims quickly. Your eyes widen and your heart thumps.
You look over at Nancy, who has a confusing expression on her face. She’s half smiling, but narrowing her eyes.
“Well, whatdya say?” He asks, interrupting the silence. You pause for a moment.
“How bout you come back in 10 and I’ll give you my final answer,” you say to him. He furrows his eyebrows again but complies. He walks away, hands on his hips and muttering something.
As soon as he’s out of earshot, Nancy turns to you. “You’re not serious, are you?!” She asks.
“I dunno Nance! He seemed like he really wanted me to go…”
“Oh please, Y/N! He’s like that with everyone he goes after.”
“Maybe you’re right..”
“I am right! Now let’s watch this movie like we came here to do.”
A few minutes passed and Dally came back.
“So doll, what’s the move?”
“Gee, Dallas, I’d love to, but I can’t just leave Nance here by herself. I hope you can understand.” His jaw tensed and he went quiet, for a second you thought he was going to get mad.
“That’s fine, it’s fine.” He said quickly and walked away with his head down. You watched as he looked back, and you gave him a look of sorrow. He looked forward again and kicked the dirt. Instantly, you regretted declining his offer. Was he really like that with everyone else? Or were you special?
After the movie, you told Nancy you had to run to the bathroom. She complained, but let you go.
“Make it quick, Y/N Y/L/N.” You ran off, searching desperately for Dally. You found him talking to the boys he was with earlier, and when you saw him, you walked up to him casually.
“Dallas?” You called. He looked in your direction, and then looked back at his friends. “Dallas,” you called again when you reached him. The smell of cigarette smoke filled your nose, making you notice Dal had a cigarette in his mouth.
“What? What do you want?” He asked you, frustrated.
“Can I talk to you?” You asked, clasping your hands together nervously. He looked around, as if searching for himself. “You are.”
He stopped to think for a moment. He then looked at the boys and nodded, a silent way of saying he would be right back.
When you were out of eye and earshot of both the boys and Nancy, you stopped. “What is it?” He asked.
“I'm really sorry about saying no,” Dallas rolled his eyes. “Dallas, I’m serious! Just listen to me.” He took a drag of his cigarette.
“I’d like to go to the restaurant with you, but on my— our own time. Not when I’m with friends, or when you’re with those boys.”
“Ponyboy and Johnny? Oh they’re fine.” He said as he motioned to the pair.
“Dallas.” You said in a slightly stern tone. He chuckled. “fine.”
“So is that a yes? Are we going to a restaurant?” You ask him, trying to clarify.
“I guess so.” He said, taking his cigarette between his fingers.
“Okay, here.” You say, grabbing a pen from your shirt pocket. “Do you have anything to write on?” You asked the man.
“Uh…here.” He muttered, pulling up his sleeve. You looked at him and chuckled to yourself. You wrote your landline phone number on his arm in small numbers. When you were done, he looked back up at you with a certain look in his eyes.
It was as if you were the only person in the world, and Dallas knew that. He looked at you with love filled, puppy dog eyes. You avoided eye contact, feeling the butterflies erupt in your stomach. There was an awkward silence for a second and then you looked back at him.
“Well, uhm, I better go. Nancy might leave me here if I don’t hurry..” you say, playing with the hem of your shirt.
“Oh— yeah.” Dally says as he shakes his head, like he was getting rid of his train of thought. “I’ll…erm- I’ll call you later, then.” A dust of pink brushed across his cheeks and ears, but it was too dark to tell from your point of view. You ran off and back to Nancy’s car, climbed into the passenger side, and smiled to yourself.
“About time,” Nancy sighed.
“Sorry Nance, long line.” You lied.
“Yeah, yeah.” She says snottily. She then drives you to your house and drops you off at home, where you get ready for bed and think about your future plans with Dallas. Then the landline on your bedside table rings.
You pick it up quickly, so as to not wake up anybody in your house.
“Hello?” You ask.
“Hey, this Y/N?” The familiar voice asks.
“Mhm, and this is Dallas?”
“Yeah.” he says with a chuckle. “Who else would it be?”
“Hush,” you said in a jokingly annoyed tone.
“So, when can I come see you? And where?” He asks. Your smile drops and the butterflies come back. Is it normal to be this flustered by someone you just started talking to?
“Let’s meet at the burger place, and uh…would tomorrow work?”
“I’m free all week, baby. So yeah. What time?” He says with a chuckle.
“I dunno. Maybe around 7, I’ll have to convince my old man to let me go, though.”
“Well then, convince ‘im.” He says. You giggle.
“I’ll try my hardest.”
The two of you talked for a while longer and then you hung up, drifting off to sleep with Dally in your mind.
The next morning, you woke up to the sound of your dad calling your name. You ran downstairs and into the kitchen, where your mom was making breakfast.
“Hey mom, hi daddy.” You said as you stretched. Dallas’s words stuck in your head from the night. Convince him.
“Hey guys, do you think I can go hang out with Nancy again?” You ask, leaning against the wall casually.
“You went out with her last night, dear.” Your mom reminded you.
“I know, but…” you said, trying to think of an excuse. “She’s been really bored lately!”
“I don’t know, will your chores get done?” Your dad asks.
“Yeah!” You say excitedly, glad that your parents are letting you go.
“Fine, but if they’re not done by 3 tomorrow, you’re grounded!” Your mom said as she looked back at you with a frustrated look on her face.
Your father then turned to you and asked you what time, to which you answered. The two of you made small talk and you went about your day, excited, yet nervous to see Dallas Winston.
The clock hit 6PM. You decided to hop in the shower and begin to get ready.
Although, you didn’t know how exactly you should get ready. Would you get ready like it was a date? Or a casual outing with friends? Whatever, you’d end up figuring something out.
After getting out of the shower, you dried your hair and took an eternity choosing clothes. You finally decided on a set and slipped out the house before your parents could question why you looked so nice.
By now, it was 6:30 and you had to hurry to the burger joint. You ended up walking to your destination, having it only be about 25 minutes away.
By the time you got there, it was 6:57. You sighed a breath of relief, glad you weren’t late. You walked into the diner, expecting to see Dallas waiting for you, but to no avail. “It’s okay, he’ll be here soon.” You tried to convince yourself. While waiting, you picked a booth and sat down.
It then reached 7 o’clock. You tapped your fingers impatiently and looked around for the boy. A waitress came up to you a few times, asking if you were ready to order, and you told her you were waiting for someone.
7:05. Still no Dallas. You decided to give him 5 more minutes to be here, and then you’d leave.
7:10. You sighed and rubbed your temples. Were you really going to cry over a boy you had just started talking to?
As you picked up your stuff to leave, the bell on the door dinged. You looked over and saw Dallas stumble in, looking for you.
“Over here.” You spoke aloud, frustrated with his tardiness.
“Oh.” He said quietly. He walked over and you glared at him.
“Hey,” he greeted you, taking a seat. “Sorry I’m late, I got caught up with some- some people.” You decided not to say anything, and instead just to stare at him angrily. He locked eyes with you and sighed.
“Look, I’ll make it up to ya.” His New York accent was thick as he spoke. “I’ll pay for our food tonight, yeah? Then can you stop this…this.” He said as he motioned his hand toward you.
“Maybe,” you said as you shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. He sighed. After a while, a waitress walked over and took both of your orders. While the two of you waited, Dallas tried to strike up a conversation.
“Y’know, you weren’t this quiet at the movies.”
“Y’know, you didn’t almost stand me up at the movies.” You retorted. Dally scoffed.
“That’s what this is about?”
“Yeah, well, on the dates that I’ve been on, the guys don’t usually come ten minutes late.”
“Really?” He asked with faux interest. “How late are they, then?” That made you chuckle. Goddammit. You broke character. Dally smirked.
“You’re annoying, Dallas Winston.”
Finally, your food arrived and you two started eating. Dallas dug in almost immediately, catching you off guard. He noticed this.
“Oh, where are my manners?” He asked sarcastically. “Here, let me just—“ Dallas sat straight up and placed a napkin on his lap. You looked away in embarrassment.
“Stop that.” You mumbled. He chuckled at his own joke and threw the napkin aside.
“You’re really cute, y’know that?” Dallas asked out of the blue. You looked up and then away from him, feeling the tips of your ears warming.
“You’re not so bad yourself, Dally.”
The two of you conversed some more and decided that you were done with your food.
Dally called the waitress over and paid for both of you, like he promised. When the two of you walked out of the building, Dally lit a cigarette.
“You should stay the night with me, doll.” He said as he held the cigarette between his pointer and middle finger.
“Oh I dunno about that,” you said. “My mom and daddy promised to ground me if I wasn’t home by 3 tomorrow—“
“Just tell ‘em uh…” Dally interrupted, thinking for a moment. “Tell ‘em your friend needs you to stay the night or somethin’” you thought for a moment and sighed. Then, you walked back into the diner, Dallas followed you with curiosity. You walked over to the public phone and dialed your house number.
“Hey, hello?” You asked into the speaker. “Hey daddy, can I stay over at Nancy’s? Please? I’m callin’ from the diner right now, we got dinner and she wants me to stay over. Yeah, I’ll get them done tomorrow. Alright dad, goodnight, love you.” You hung up the phone.
Dallas shrugged his shoulders as if to ask you, what’s the deal? You nod and smile. He smirks and leads you out of the diner once again and to his roommates shiny red T-Bird. Surprisingly, he opened the passenger side door for you, and you got in with a quiet “thank you.”
The two of you rode in silence, Dallas’s hair was blowing in the wind handsomely and you couldn’t help but stare.
I mean, this man was gorgeous. He had perfect hair that wasn’t cut too clean— which was what you were used to with the Soc’s. He had dimples given to him from an angel that showed when he smiled. He had a sharp, straight nose that looked perfect from the side. You couldn’t help but stare at him.
Dallas pulled into the dirt and rock driveway of his house and, once again, opened your door for you. You thanked him again and headed inside. As you walked into his room, the smell of cigarette smoke filled your nose. It wasn’t exactly unbearable, but it was strong.
He sat in his bed and fell back, outstretching his arms and sighing.
“Welcome to my room, baby.” He said quietly. You smiled.
You awkwardly stood at his door for a moment, not knowing what to do. The boy looked up at you and then motioned for you to join him on his bed. You rushed over and sat next to him, flushing at the close contact.
Dallas stared into your eyes silently, then at your lips, and back at your eyes. You felt your ears warming as you kept his gaze, his auburn eyes being more beautiful than ever.
Slowly, you leaned in, feeling that it was only right. You placed your soft lips on his own and kissed him. Dally leaned into the kiss, cupping the back of your head to keep himself grounded.
In an instant, you were making out with the Dallas Winston. He kissed you so passionately, so full of love, it was as if he was never going to see you again when the kiss was done— like you were going to disappear.
When you pulled away, Dallas looked at you with eyes filled with love.
“Dally, I—“ you paused
“You what?”
“I can’t do this,” you scooted away from him. His eyes darkened and he frowned. God, you hated this.
“Can’t do what? Can’t be with me?” You nodded. “Well why not??” He exclaimed, shooting up out the bed and threw his hands in the air.
“I like you, Dallas, I really do, but…” you looked away slightly. “You’re gonna hurt me, I know it!”
“What?” Dallas asked you quietly.
“You’re like this with everyone, Nancy said so.” You explained, recalling your previous conversation with her.
“Baby, Nancy doesn’t know me.” His jaw tensed and his head tilted, as if he was disappointed in you for believing that nonsense.
“Neither do I! And can you really blame me? You’re reputation here is… it’s not good. So don’t get mad at me for thinking somethin’ could be true!” Dallas looked at his wall and placed his hands on his hips.
“No— no no no.” He says, making you confused. “Listen, I like you, Y/N. I like you more than anyone else I ever been with— in fact, I don’t think I like anyone as much as I like you.”
“Dal, you just met me…” you say. His words want to mean something to you, but how can you trust a man like him?
“I don’t care! You think I care about that? I like you! I liked meeting you! I liked spending time with you today! I want you— I want you and only you.” He says in a rush.
You stand up, stepping closer to him until you’re just inches away. You make eye contact with him and kiss him once again. He steps back in surprise, but quickly kisses you back. After the kiss had broken, you pulled him into a tight hug. He tensed up, as if no one has actually given him a sincere, meaningful hug like this— at least not in a while.
“Dally, I like you. I do.” You emphasized your words very carefully, so that he knew you meant them.
“I just— I need you to prove to me that you’re good for me. I need you to prove that everyone else is wrong about this one thing.”
Dallas nodded.
“I will, Y/N. I don’t like makin’ promises, but for you, I will.”
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fictionalwh0ree · 5 months
layla- dallas winston
summary: you thought dallas winston was the man for you, but when that relationship crashed and burned, you start dating sodapop curtis. unfortunately, being around soda means being around dallas, and being around dallas is bad news. based off of layla by derek and the dominoes.
word count: 2.2k
warnings: swearing, smoking, cheating
a/n: this is based off my fave song so i hope ygs like it!! i’m almost at 1.5k which means i might be doing a celebration soon👀
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life was easy for you in tulsa; you were intelligent, charismatic, and gorgeous. despite coming from the north side of town and living in a rough neighbourhood, your spot as head cheerleader at will rogers high school had given you an in with some of the soc girls. to an outsider, you looked just like them in your cardigans and plaid skirts. to top it all off, you were dating one of the cutest guys in tulsa, sodapop curtis. it was only natural. everyone thought you were living the perfect life. but is that ever true?
soda was a nice guy. he treated you right and you loved how heads turned when the two of you went out together, but he was ordinary. your friends had convinced you thats what you needed, reminding you of the guys you had involved yourself with before. in particular, dallas winston. you’d met him at some party. you couldn’t even say you’d hit it off because you were in a bad place at the time. your dad, who was the only one present in the house, was on one of his mean streaks. his words tore through you day after day, but dallas was there to help you. he’d pick you up after a screaming match and console you by telling you that your dad wasn’t shit and that you were everything. he really made you feel special and you thought he was being sincere when he said this stuff to you. but the two of you were never official, he’d never even mentioned you to his friends. eventually he pushed you away, seeing you maybe once a week and going straight into a hookup. he left you scrambling for the phone every time it rang, only for it to be your dad calling you from work or a telemarketer.
your situation with him almost destroyed you. you were known for being a put together person, but all of a sudden, you’d changed. your whole mood was determined by how your “date” the previous night went, or whether he called you in the morning before school. you’d come to school having just brushed your hair and your cheering had become lousy. i mean, how were you supposed to cheer people up when you couldn’t cheer yourself up? your friends questioned what it was about him that was so special that you’d let him treat you the way he did and the only way you could describe it was that “there’s just something about him.”
it only ended when your cheer coach threatened to demote you to one of the girls in the back who just smiles and shakes pompoms. you couldn’t let that happen over a boy who couldn’t even introduce you to his friends. you thought there was special between the two of you, you could tell, but it wasn’t meant to be, you thought.
then along came soda. the may heat had hit, and it hit strong. the city dried up and the air was still. as your exams got closer and closer, your friends had spent more and more time at the library. you’d often take a study break by walking to the dx around the corner and getting drinks for you and your friends. as you checked out, the cute guy at the cash would always make conversation with you. his smile alone was enough to bring a smile to your own face. soon you were taking far too many study breaks, all to see the blue eyed boy at the gas station. it was no surprise when he asked you out, and when you made it official three weeks later your friends were over the moon. once school was out, you met his friends and family and you knew you were bound to spend all summer around him. much to your dismay, this also meant a lot of time around dallas.
the first time you’d met the gang, dallas had given you a dirty up and down, but as your eyes locked, you could sense some hurt behind them. he definitely hadn’t been expecting this. soda brushed the look off, saying something quick like,
“that’s dallas. don’t worry about him, he’s just like that.”
just like you thought, you spent many days around soda and the rest of the gang. whether it was a trip to the drive in, or a day by the river, his friends were there. dallas seemed to warm up to you a little, occasionally throwing a half-smile your way or participating in a conversation you were in. you were glad the two of you were okay, but you could also tell something was up. you could feel it in the lingering glances from the brown eyed boy. you called yourself delusional, saying you were making it up, trying and trying to convince yourself that the longing in his eyes was all in your head. even when you weren’t looking, you could feel the way his eyes followed you. you noticed the way he’d light a cigarette when soda would wrap his arms around you or kiss your cheek. you probably noticed more than you should. you willed yourself to keep your eyes on your man.
you and soda hit three months the week before school started up again. you’d had a good time with him, and even though he treated you like you were his world, you wanted something more from him. you didn’t know what it was, but you knew what you had wasn’t right. your friends pleaded for you to stay with him, reminding how cute and stable he was, how he treated you right. you reluctantly agreed with them, convincing yourself it’d be best to stick it out with soda if you wanted a nice senior year with a boyfriend.
the weekend before school started, buck was throwing a huge end of summer party. some of your greaser friends had asked you to go, and you’d turned them down until soda asked you. he told you he was gonna go either way because the gang was going, but he’d have a way better time if you went too. you complied, meaning friday evening you were in your room getting ready. you put on a casual outfit, jeans and a tank top, before doing your hair and makeup. you told soda you’d meet him at bucks and he agreed.
when you arrived, the sun was just beginning to set, but the party was lively. you walked inside, finding soda standing against the wall. you greeted him quickly and went to grab a drink. the night went on and you socialized with everyone, soda by your side with his hand on your waist. the red lights at bucks paired with the shit faced girls and guys screaming soon made for an overwhelming environment. you excused yourself, telling soda you were gonna step out the back for a bit. he let you go, enthralled in his conversation with steve.
when the cool night air hit your face, you let out a sigh of relief. you dug into your pocket for the joint you’d rolled before you’d left your house. you did a quick check of your surroundings, but only saw the large field that stayed on the other side of bucks. you slowed your breathing as you searched your pockets for a lighter. to your dismay, you’d left it at home.
“shit,” you muttered.
in that moment, the door to your left opened. you spinned quick, met by a familiar face.
“need a light?” the boy said.
“please,” you said.
dallas used the chain around his neck to light a match before he lit his own cigarette and then lit your joint.
“didn’t know you smoked weed,” he said, standing at your side.
“here and there,” you said, looking at the view.
“so, how’re you and ken doll?” he mocked.
“we’re fine, thanks for asking,” you said, turning to face his smug face.
“really?” he said, smiling deviously as you inhaled, “because i heard you haven’t even fucked him yet. you had no problem doing that with me.”
“well maybe i’m looking for something meaningful now,” you spat.
dallas’s smile faltered for a moment, his eyes flashing with pain.
“weren’t you looking for something meaningful with me? i just didn’t give it to you,” he said calmly, words slurring slightly from the alcohol.
your eyes prickled with tears, the memories of your time together hurting your heart.
“did you come out here just to be a major asshole or what?” you said, looking away from him and inhaling again.
he stepped closer to you, leaning against the porch fence like you. his brows were furrowed together in concern as he took in that what he said hurt you. his mind was running a million miles a minute as he looked at you.
“y/n,” he said.
you pressed your eyes together, stopping the tears from flowing out.
“what?” you said, sniffling and still not looking in his direction.
he threw his cigarette off the porch before placing his hand on your chin, turning your face towards him. you could barely look him in the eye, and when you did you could barely see him through the tears, but you noticed something in his eyes that you’d never seen before, regret.
when you didn’t pull away, he leaned forward, kissing you with a tenderness you’d never seen before. in that moment, you knew what was missing between you and soda. the sparks you felt with dallas were unlike anything you’d ever felt before. you kissed for a moment, lingering in the familiar taste of cigarettes and jack daniels before you pushed away.
“dallas, i can’t. i’m with soda now,” you said, not able to look him in the eyes.
“doll please,” he pleaded.
you’d never seen this behaviour from him before. you looked at him, a mixture of hurt and confusion coming from you. his own eyes were welling up slightly.
“dal- i- you know i can’t. i’m happy with soda, he treats me right. he doesn’t deserve this,” you said.
“don’t lie to me y/n,” he said firmly, “you think i didn’t listen to the stuff you said to me back then? i know you, you’re not happy with soda.”
“i am,” you protested, a tear slipping your eyes.
“you’re as happy as you could be with a guy like soda but you’re not satisfied,” he said.
“and you’re gonna make me happy dallas? like you did before?” you yelled, “you almost destroyed me.”
“i- i know,” he said before glancing around discreetly, “i’m sorry.”
“what?” you said, in shock.
“i fucked up,” he said.
“yeah, you did,” you scoffed.
you moved towards the door but dallas reached for your wrist. he spun you around so your back was against the wall. he placed a kiss on your lips.
“i’m begging, darling, please,” he muttered against them.
you moved your head to the side, denying him access to your lips.
“why now?” you said sternly, causing dallas to back up, “why now when i have someone who treats me right? why did you just start caring about me now?”
“now? the whole problem was that i started caring about you. i got scared and i pushed you away. it’s what i fucking do, okay? don’t tell me you didn’t know i cared about you,” he shouted, the vulnerability from the boy scaring you a little.
“dal you can’t just treat people like shit when you’re scared! was i supposed to think you cared about me when you wouldn’t even pick up the phone if i called?” you said.
“i’m sorry. please y/n, you’ve got me on my knees,” he said, searching for forgiveness
your eyes darted between his own, searching for some indicator that this was just some sick joke on his part. you wanted to feel any other way about him. you begged yourself to take his pathetic excuse and use it as a way to end your suffering, but you couldn’t. just like he knew you, you’d grown to know him too. you hated that you knew he was being sincere. you hated that you felt sympathy for him. you hated that he was right about soda. you hated how badly you wanted to kiss him.
you looked at him once more, cursing yourself for what you were about to do. in one swift motion, you grabbed the collar of his leather jacket and pulled him towards you, kissing him again. he kissed you back passionately and you could feel him smile against your lips.
“fuck you, dallas winston,” you said against his lips.
“fuck you too,” he laughed.
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wild-lavender-rose · 2 years
Dallas Winston drabble #1
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     “Hey,” Dallas looked up from the tv to see you standing in the doorway. “How’re you feeling, princess? How’s the fever?” 
    You groaned, pulling the blanket about you tighter as you padded over to him. He held out his arm, a perfect fit as you flopped down beside him and he cuddled you close. “Is that my shirt?”
    “And your pants. And your socks. And your blanket.” You nuzzled into his chest, savoring his musky scent. “I gotta do laundry.” You grumbled.
    “No way, I don’t want you doin’ any of that laundry stuff until you feel better, all right?” Dallas pressed a kiss into your hair. “You look kinda cute wearin’ my stuff, babe.” He muttered.
    “Nothin’,” Dallas returned to watching tv, his warm hand rubbing up and down your arm.
Fanfic Masterlist  
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sorry in advance for shit grammar and maybe awkward wording i’m not used to doing requests lol
if possible could you do a matchmaking thing for the outsiders?
im a 5’5 ftm bi guy with a super heavy preference for men, i use he/him pronouns but i’m a-okay with it/it’s too. i’ve got brown wavy/slightly curly brown long-ish hair (think a shorter wolfcut type thing) and i can’t stand greasing or oiling my hair because i hate how it feels. i have heterochromia, freckles and longish eyelashes
i’ve got various little scars littering my body (arms, legs, etc.) thatre mostly faded from being a little clumsy
i’m admittedly pretty anxious and jittery not something i can help but i’m working on it. it ends up making me nervous and paranoid most of the time and i hate going out alone. i’m overall pretty nice and i love being sweet and polite to people but i stand by the “respect is earnt, not given” rule.
i use please and thank you consistently and apologize way too much
with my friends i like joking around a lot with my friends, im super chatty with friends but with strangers or if there’s a new person in the group i’m more reserved and don’t like talking all that much
i can get a little snippy after long enough and if it’s somebody i don’t like i’m a-okay with getting mean
i really don’t like being alone (in public places specifically) because i overthink things too much, ends with me practically being attached at my friends hips, but that’s alright because they don’t mind <33
i like wearing jeans, t-shirts and hoodies, jorts are amazing and i’m wearing them pretty much all the time if the weather allows it and i practically live in my favorite sneakers all year round, they get pretty banged up before i replace them but when i do i get the same brand, same style. i usually wear darker clothes, specifically shirts, but i also like most colors. as long as the clothes are soft and comfortable i’m happy
i love collecting little trinkets and keeping them around my room, it’s awesome
im really passionate about my interests and start internally freaking out when people mention them bc “omg!! i can maybe rant!!”
i love ranting. i can talk for ages and ages about nothing and everything
i love superhero’s, i can go on and on about my favorites for ages
cats are my favorite animal but i really love all of them!
im absolutely TERRIFIED of bugs, can and will cry if a spider gets too close, spiders are terrifying and i freak out when i see something even resembling one
i like nature (except for the whole ‘bug’ part..) and i like hanging out with friends, it doesn’t matter what we’re doing im just happy to be there
i like baking, it’s super fun and i can make banana muffins off by heart atp lol
i love pretty sunsets with all the different colors, i also love rain and colder weather
i still sleep with stuffed animals admittedly just because they’re soft and comforting
i love soft things in general, i freak out a little when a fabrics too weird
i like walking around pretty places or just streets!! i looove going to malls, i don’t even have to get anything i just like going around and looking
i love things like art and sewing
in school my grades are decent, im good at english
i like horror movies
not too sure about what else to add, if it was y enough, you’re not sure or just plain old don’t wanna do it that’s a-okay, have a fantastic day/night!! <3
Your Outsiders Ship: Dallas Winston
(Bro the enemies to lovers opposites attract vibes here is making my inner shitty Wattpad writer go IsosmsnKSSNJAIANAKS SHJAKAMABjananansks)
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Explanation: starting off with looks, I think that he loves the way you look and I mean, he loves it. He would support you being trans and if anyone had anything to say, they can welcome his fist to their face. he really likes your eyes and thinks that they’re wonderful and your freckles are really beautiful. I won’t ever tell you until way later into the relationship, but whatever man it’s the thought that counts. He would think that you’re too nice to people and cut them too much slack and definitely try to lecture you about how you should be tougher and then you turn his own point around on him and he’d be like whatever man I guess ur right… it does get on his nerves. Whenever you apologize to people who don’t deserve it or apologize too much to people, especially who don’t deserve it, and if you ever apologize to someone in front of him who he didn’t deem as deserving of your words he would just say something rude to them to balance it out lol. Honestly, he thought it was super hot whenever he saw you being mean to a Soc that was always a hoodlum and threatening to call the police on him and things like that and you stood up for him even though he didn’t need it obviously (he did) I don’t know. He just like found it ridiculously attractive. He likes her clothing style, and if you guys were a similar size, then he would be constantly trading things with you. I also think that he loves seeing you wear his clothing because I don’t know just the possessiveness of it makes him go crazy. He probably doesn’t have a lot of the interests that you have, but I feel like he would love listening to you rant about them like he would pretend that he doesn’t, but then secretly kind of try to prompt you to get you to rant to him about some thing and he doesn’t really get like superheroes or comics or anything like that, but if you explain it to him, then I think he would actually kind of end up liking it a little bit and if you ever found out that he bought himself comic secretly just so he could catch up on a little bit of superhero pop culture. He would be so dead he would be so teased. He would also make fun of you for being afraid of bugs but then also refuse to go near a spider like he’s definitely the type of guy that would be like no big deal. It’s just a spider and then proceeded to let out the most like girlish scream if one was on him. He would love to watch sunsets with you and I also feel like he would make fun of you for having stuffy but then whenever you gave him a heart expression then he would instantly stop and honestly he can’t talk. But anyway, do not try to bring him into a kitchen. It will just end up in a flower fight because he cannot bake for crap and if you ever tried to bake something, he would just like end up eating most of it would step away from the counter like a spoon or something and then you come back and your muffins would be gone lmao. He would like to walk around with you a lot. I feel like he also likes just kind of walking around and just hanging out so I feel like you two could do that together. Also, I feel like he definitely cat called you and that’s kind of how you guys met and you guys definitely had an enemies to lovers type thing going on but when you guys are together, it’s really cute. 💚💚💚
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anifever · 1 month
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Gang w/ a Sandy!Reader ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The Outsiders x Fem!Reader
୨୧ : HC’s of the gang with a reader whose like Sandy Olsson from Grease
A/N : This doesn’t mean specifically being Australian, blonde, white, blah blah- just her personality and stuff 😭 anyways I watch grease at least once a month
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୨ He thinks you’re precious
୨ Probably not the type of person he thought he’d end up with, but he doesn’t care
୨ On the contrary, could’ve been a high school sweetheart situation where he played football and you did cheer teehee
୨ Anyways, no matter when he first met you happened to be, he was mainly worried about how you’d handle the boys LMAO
୨ Tells the guys off whenever they tease you about something
୨ You kind of remind him of his mom which is comforting (not in a weird way, go away Sigmund Freud)
୨ That being said, you become somewhat of a mother figure over the group
୨ Ponyboy looks up to you a lot, Johnny loves how nice you are, and Soda thinks talking to you is refreshing
୨ Overall, he’s happy that you also bring them so much comfort
୨ Him wearing a light blue button-up shirt to match one of your lil’ pastel blue dresses 😋😋
୨ Fussing when they all come back from a rumble- you would’ve been extremely against the idea in the first place
୨ Getting sick when you see the blood all over him
୨ Him assuring you he’s fine but still freaking out, but you take a breather and try to help clean him up nonetheless
୨ You’re really good at helping him relax wether it’s massaging his shoulders or cracking a joke to try and lighten the mood
୨ He’s overall really protective over you
୨ If you ever asked to go watch a rumble, which would be unrealistic anyways, he’d immediately refuse and die on that hill
୨ He also really likes that you’re still able to stand your ground and speak your mind
୨ He ALSO likes that you have manners, it’s the bare minimum but it makes him love you more
୨ Says the NASTIEST stuff to you just to see your reactions
୨ Has definitely pulled the thing he did with Marcia where he playfully offers her tobacco
୨ You were at a party either he or your friend dragged you along to or something and he offered to get you a beer but you said you didn’t drink
୨ He then offered you a cig and you hastily declined and he was just like “You’re real pure, ain’t ya baby?”
୨ Some clip of Elvis performing came on the TV once and you got all flustered/uncomfortable and he got giggly about it
୨ Anyways, his little sister thinks you’re an angel
୨ She’s always talking about your perfectly styled hair, painted nails, pretty outfits, etc
୨ He responds pretty coolly when she does it with a lil’ grin, but he’s so proud of himself on the inside
୨ Imagine having tea parties with her and him just watching from the doorway with a lovey dovey smile ARGGAHAHAGAG
୨ If someone dares to call you stuff like “wet blanket” or a “goody goody” he will be coming for them HARD
୨ The insults would be so creative
୨ He’s probably convinced you to drink just once and you threw up immediately after
୨ Never again.
୨ Absolutely thought you were a prude at first
୨ Even after he got to know you better, he still teased you about it
୨ One-sided enemies to lovers 😇😇
୨ You coming into the DX and him just mumbling under his breath while Soda rings you up
୨ Then proceeds to gossip about you after you leave; not without you giving them both a big smile and filling the tip jar first
୨ “Ain’t ever seen a girl that cheery. She apparently hasn’t even kissed anybody, y’know that? 🙄” and Soda’s just like “Man, who cares..”
୨ Soda slowly notices how much he talks about you and realizes what’s happening
୨ He brought it up and Steve was like “NUH-UH”
୨ Even with that, it was extremely obvious
୨ He constantly stares at you whenever you come into the store, he sees you at school, or just anywhere in general
୨ Anyways yada yada he finally asked you out after some subtle flirting that slowly became more obvious
୨ EVERYBODY is surprised
୨ An innocent, friendly soc with a greaser mechanic who does backflips off of cars; not a common pairing
୨ If you ever happened to swear ONCE, he’d have a field day
୨ A “damn,” “hell,” or “shit” slips out and it’s like someone died- he’ll never let it go
୨ He’s the type to tease you then get pissed when someone else joins in
୨ He’s “Only I’m allowed to do that” in the flesh
୨ Caught off guard at first
୨ Deadass didn’t believe anyone could be as big of a goody-two-shoes as you are
୨ Fs teases you but you slowly grow on him- he sees the innocence as a challenge (not surprising)
୨ Found out you didn’t even have pierced ears and was like ?????
୨ Dare I say he’s a Kenickie variant
୨ Then again, the scene where Danny’s like “I don’t do parents” when Sandy asks him to come over is so him too
୨ Knocked on your window in the middle of the night and saw your nightgown and started chuckling about it, and you then proceeded to try and shut him up because you were horrified of your parents hearing him
୨ Going to Buck’s with him and either staying in his room or just sitting uncomfortably in a corner
୨ You might watch a pool game but all the smoke and alcohol would overwhelm you
୨ Unfortunately, he’s the type to pull the thing Danny did at the drive in, in which you’d ofc react the same way Sandy did
୨ You calling Buck’s car a “sin wagon” would be so accurate
୨ He tries to make it up to you by showing up to your front door (much to your parents dismay..) and giving you his Christopher again along with some flowers that he definitely didn’t pick from some rando’s garden
୨ I’m lying. He did.
୨ He also takes you on a real date afterwards, which is saying something
୨ Like Steve, he’s also the type of person to get mad when another person thinks they can make fun of you
୨ You’re so understanding and forgiving that he’s kinda confused a lot of the time LMAO
୨ Luckily for him, your good reputation probably gets him out of a lot of trouble
୨ Oh my god he’s so nice about it
୨ He’s head over heels
୨ Obviously he goofs off with the boys, but he’s overall the nicest/most open minded
୨ You two are so smiley all the time and it makes everyone SICK
୨ Gets a kick out of you not understanding sexual jokes or innuendos
୨ You guys look so good together it’s insane
୨ You’re so calming compared to the stress of being in between Darry and Pony’s arguments constantly
୨ He also loves how bubbly and kind you are to everyone because of it
୨ Going to drag races with him simply because he likes them and you like seeing him happy (the scene where Sandy watches Danny race reference⁉️)
୨ He is not the brightest in the head but you’re extremely patient with him
୨ He’s also extremely protective over you
୨ Like imagine you’re visiting him at the DX and some other soc’s come by and start teasing you to his face when you head inside for a second
୨ He proceeds to get one of the hoses off the pump and start spraying them with gas 😋🤍
୨ Before they can get out, he just keeps spraying them in the face or something which makes them drive away
୨ He just laughs to himself and puts the nozzle up as you come back outside and you’re like “???? Babe what happened?” when you see the trail of gas and all he replies with is “Nothing sweetheart!! 🤗”
୨ He knows Steve’s gonna complain about having to help clean up the mess later but it was worth it to him
୨ Probably the most chill with it??
୨ He thinks it’s sweet
୨ Also thinks you’re somewhat of a breath of fresh air from the guys, along with soc’s in general too
୨ Definitely thought it was kinda odd you didn’t drink or smoke or anything, but thought it was nice to meet someone who didn’t for a change
୨ You guys take walks through town from time to time and it’s a huge contrast
୨ A denim-clad boy covered in a bunch scars with a preppy looking girl who radiates happiness
୨ You help him get a better outlook on life with how positive you are
୨ Loveslovesloves all the pastel clothes you wear
୨ When he met you for the first time he couldn’t believe how nice you were
୨ Watching a movie either at the drive-in or Curtis house and some form of nude scene coming on, you covering your eyes, and him just grinning at your reaction
୨ Doesn’t hesitate to talk back to Dallas if he says something bad about you
୨ You never try to force him out of his comfort zone or anything and he appreciates that
୨ He said something about “a weed” to Dal and you had no clue what they meant
୨ “Hey Dal, you got a weed?”
୨ “Huh?”
୨ “Uh, I asked if he had a weed.”
୨ “..A what? What’s that mean?”
୨ Dallas chimes in from the bg and is like “Yo.. Johnny, man, is she kiddin’?”
୨ The main problem he has with it is the fact you don’t smoke and don’t like it in general
୨ He def tries to cut down for you/at least not do it in front of you though
୨ Started when he lit a cigarette while you guys were walking together and you started coughing like a maniac while he was just like 🤨
୨ Since he’s the youngest out of them all, he isn’t super used to hanging out with girls so it doesn’t phase him
୨ He thinks it’s different than most people for sure, but he knows what it’s like to feel that way so he relates
୨ He admires how nice you are to everybody
୨ Especially to greasers
୨ You’re so soft-spoken that it makes him giggle and kick his feet sometimes
୨ You’re a good student so you probably help him with work a lot
୨ Steve probably said something mean about you once and he got all sassy and made a remark to him
୨ “Heard you’re dating some priss now, ‘s that right, Pone?” and he’s like “Why don’t you go stick you and your big nose in someone else’s business if it’s that important?”
୨ Safe to say Steve kept his thoughts on you to himself after that
୨ Another one who thinks the way you dress (and look in general) is gorgeous, he’s left gobsmacked every time he sees you
୨ He’s always admiring you and has probably drawn you at least once
୨ His sass sometimes comes out on you when you don’t know something, but it’s jokingly
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daintylovers · 11 days
thinking about casually dominant dallas winston
thinking thoughts about how he gets off on telling you what to do. given the time period, this makes sense. but he takes it to a different level. not in a scary way, just in a stern manner.
dally is the type to notice immediately when something is off with you. whether it's your sleep schedule or the fact that you forgot to eat, as soon as he see's you, he clocks it.
i'm imagining that you're probably lounging on the Curtis couch, a book in hand, waiting for your delinquent boyfriend. your stomach had been growling on and off, but you pushed it off because you and dally were sure to get something to eat later. and you didn't want to spoil your appetite!
but you can feel it getting to your head, and when dally walks in, it takes him a second to notice. when he waltzed in, you got excited and pushed yourself up too fast, your head spun and your back fell against the couch once more.
sweetheart- what's this? he questions.
you lift yourself up once more, head tilted in confusion.
haven't eaten, have yuh?
oh god- you were sure to be eaten alive. i was waiting for you, you said sheepishly avoiding his hard stare.
he clicks his tongue in disappointment, not smart doll
's not my fault you're late
his eyebrows raise at this outward defiance. you weren't prone to outbursts towards him. watch your mouth
you pouted at him, just figured we would eat together 's all
he grasped your hands, delicately pulling you off the couch, book forgotten on the floor, whatever you want baby, gotta fill you up now so i can fill you up later, 's that it?
you swatted at his chest, but he caught your hands, enough, come on, I'll drive us to the dinner. buy you one of those milkshakes you like
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cranberrv · 6 days
video games!
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ in which you and dallas get caught kissing
( a/n : i haven’t posted in 4ever, so im sorry this is super short but i miss posting n wanted to get smth out! adore this request xx )
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the burgundy of buck merrill’s thunderbird reflected across the lake that hugged the highway. you and dallas winston are driving to the nightly-double, the local drive-in that both socs and greasers go to. usually, you two would walk, but due to construction you had to take the long way and go on the highway.
you never loved when dallas drove on highways. you knew him well enough to know that he was not the best driver in the world, and he loved to go fast. so on the highway, he drives like a maniac!
you’re holding onto his hand, and his other hand is on the wheel. dallas is swerving past cars, going inbetween lanes, and basically doing everything you shouldn’t do. you elbow him when he almost bumps into the back of a car once you reach traffic.
“christ, hate fuckin’ traffic,” he scoffs and honks on the horn.
you roll your eyes playfully. “don’t think honking will help, dal,”
“whatever, man,” he sighs and leans back. his little moment of rest doesn’t last long, though. he glances at you, sitting there peacefully, unbothered by the traffic. he doesn’t understand why you are so easygoing. “we’re gonna miss the fuckin’ movie,” he groans and smacks the steering wheel, annoyed.
“dally, it’s fine,” i say softly. “didn’t wanna watch a horror movie, anyway,”
“‘course you didn’t,” the edges of his pretty lips form a gentle smirk. “you fuckin’ pussy,”
“excuse me?”
he lifts his hands up in mock-surrender. “hey man, i said what i said,”
“you’re a jerk,” you respond, crossing your arms and pretending to be mad.
if there’s one thing about you and dallas, it’s that you two tease each other endlessly. well, more him towards you. but he can’t help it! that little pout on your face is just so cute, in his mind.
“y/n, i was joking,” he says, even though it’s blatanly obvious. “what, you actually mad or somethin’?”
you decide to go along with the bit, amused that he’s almost believing you. with a shrug, you keep your arms crossed and look out the window.
“c’mon, man, tell me if i did somethin’,” he insists. “don’t need to give me the silent treatment,”
you continue to ignore him, a smile crossing your face that he can’t see. he can be so gullible sometimes. he acts all tough and he’s always telling people that nothing can touch him, but the minute that you pretend to be mad at him, he’s practically at your feet begging for your attention.
“you want me to turn this car around? this movie is gonna be no fun if you’re mad at me,” he sighs, kicking himself for calling you a name. “at least look at me, man,”
the minute you turn your head to look at him and tell him that you’re joking and you love him, he doesn’t let you talk when he grabs your chin and kisses you.
you could say you’re surprised, but you’re not. dallas isn’t one to apologize, showing his endless adoration for you through stuff like massaging your shoulders, hugging you, kissing you, buying (or stealing) you a new necklace.
the two of you get into it too fast. you kiss him back after a few seconds of registering what’s happening, getting your pink lipgloss on his lips as you reach to grab the back of his brunette hair and pull him closer. the cigarette in between his calloused fingers burns out, and he throws it out the open window before reaching for your hand with the one that’s not holding your chin. he leans more into the kiss, trusting that you forgive him for what he said — even though you were never mad in the first place!
he pulls a millimeter away as he catches his breath, his gorgeous voice filling your ears as he whispers, “you forgive me now, doll?”
you smile and can’t hide the soft blush on your face as he whisper to you. even though you’re dating, it still feels like you have a silly girly crush on him, going pink at the most casual of words. “was never mad at you, dal,” you whisper back.
he’s about to say something, probably about how annoying you are, but you stop him before he can, bringing both your manicured hands to his cheeks and pulling him back in to continue kissing. a soft chuckle from him vibrates your kiss, he loves it when you initiate the kiss. in his mind, you’re just too cute.
but i guess you weren’t cute in the cops eyes. cars honking is all around, but you assume that’s just from this super annoying traffic. news flash, it wasn’t. the traffic is long gone, whatever accident that happened earlier was cleared up, but the two of you were still in the middle of the 6 lane highway, kissing in the thunderbird.
a cop car stops beside you, coming to speak to you. the minute you hear the deep voice echo from outside, you jump and pull away. dallas sighs and mutters something about you being a “prude” for ending the kiss so soon, until he realizes that the cop is there.
“hey, lovebirds,” the cop greets you. he doesn’t look very happy. “you’re blocking the entire highway. you know it’s illegal to stop on the highway?”
dallas gives the cop a side glare, raising his upper lip in annoyance. “yeah, we know,” dallas says harshly. “we ain’t stupid,”
“winston,” the cop groans. great, your boyfriends name is known by some random cop. “you wanna go in the cooler again?”
“you’re seriously wanting to put me in the cooler just because i’m lovin’ on my broad? huh?”
“go love on her somewhere else.” the cop says. “come on, son, you and your girl are holding up the traffic. off you go,”
“unbelievable,” dallas whispers under his breath, then he steps on the gas and drives away. a sea of cars follows. you were holding up a lot of people just by kissing.
it’s safe to say that when you got there, you didn’t catch one word of the movie.
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sardonic-the-writer · 3 months
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𝐖𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐰𝐥
↳ summary: everyone knew you loved your lazy sundays. but that didn't stop them from bothering you
↳ warnings: mentions of fights and ponyboy getting jumped. nothing serious
↳ notes: could be interpreted as platonic or romantic with whoever you like. just some silly times
↳ song: we're gonna move—elvis presley
masterlist | commissions | carrd
Sundays at the Curtis household were normally calm.
Maybe it was because that was the day before school would start up again for Ponyboy— it used to be that way for both him and Sodapop until his big brother dropped out —or maybe it was because that was the lords day; at least according to the bible. Whatever the case, you knew you could always rely on an unlocked door and comfy couch awaiting you each time you jumped the chain link fence in their front yard. Just as long as it was Sunday.
So, understandably, you were peeved when Steve Randal and Two-Bit had come bursting through the front door looking for a fight.
"Come on man!" Two-Bit, otherwise known as Keith Matthews by his mother and kid sister, but only by his mother and kid sister, was currently whining your name in a way that he would only do if he wanted something. "Those soc's deserve it for what they did to Pony yesterday!"
Warm sunlight from the clear afternoon day peaked through the window panes behind you, lighting up each and every crevice in the front room of the house. A great black and white picture show was running on the TV, the likes of which had captured your attention for most of the day as you lay on Darry Curtis' couch, only ever moving to help out with chores when asked by him or Soda.
You scowled from your spot on that same trashy floral couch as before, flipping Two-Bit off quick enough so that Darry didn't see you. Even though he was in the other room working on dishes with Soda, you knew he would be able to tell. He was magic in a way like that. Annoyingly magic.
"What's with the shake up?" Steve questioned through the cigarette in his mouth, looking down at you from his nose. "Just last week you were itching for a rumble, and now all you want to do is sit and watch TV like some bum?"
"Wrong. Now all I want to do is sit on the couch and watch cartoons like some bum." You corrected him with a bit of snark in your tone, knowing that he hated that sort of thing. You saw Two-Bit's lips quirk up in a smile from the corner of your eye, reminding you temporarily of the shared love of cartoons that the two of you held.
"It's Sunday." Soda strolled in from the other room with a damp rag in his hands, tossing it down on the couch cushions as he went to clap Steve on the back—the way he always did when he saw his best friend. "You know they like their Sundays, guys."
"Screw their Sundays." Steve scoffed without any real malice behind the action. "Dally's on his way over with Johnny right now to meet us before the fight. We just wanted to come and get you before they got here."
With a halfhearted groan you let your head hit the back of the couch. If Dallas was coming over, you knew that the gangs minds had already been made up. Dally could be awfully convincing when he wanted to get his way, and that was more often than not. Really there was no sense in arguing now, but sometimes you had less sense then you'd like to admit.
"I'll tell Darry ya'll are gonna start up a fight." You said in a last ditch effort to keep your lovely spot on the warm couch. You were just met with knowing smiles.
"Awh you know he'd let us go if we promised to not get anymore blood on his floor comin' home." Two-Bit's smile widened, and you knew that he could tell they'd worn you down. That's how it always went when they wanted to fight during an off day for you, and you should be more used to it by now.
With the beginnings of a slow chew on your bottom lip, you mulled it over. Despite what one could think about Darry, that he yelled at his brothers too much or was too hard on Pony, you knew he wouldn't hesitate to get into a fight of his own for one of his brothers, even if he had work the next day. And that was a stone cold fact.
The screen door to the Curtis home squeaked open for the second time in just a few minutes, the entrance giving way to two more figures in dark clothing and greased up hair. One was nursing a cigarette butt while the other swayed side to side in a nervous tick.
"Ready to split?" Dallas Winston let a puff of smoke escape his lips as he grinned, looking around at the small group that had gathered in the living room. Johnny Cade shuffled behind him, and despite the current situation, you made time to send a welcome wave in his direction. He nodded back with a light glint in his eyes.
"Most of us." Soda laughed at Dally's question, ratting you out with a single look in your direction.
"I swear to god man, we do this every time." Dally shook his head as if he'd been expecting this. He looked at you dead on, almost as if trying to pry an explanation out of you this time. You resisted the urge to scrunch your nose up as he did so.
"Don't worry Dal, we just got 'em on the fence." Two-Bit smiled, and you hated that he was right.
With a sigh, you dusted your lap off before getting up, ignoring the small cheer that came from Soda and Two-Bit as you did so. From behind them Johnny smiled that little smile of his.
Dally even let a small one of his own slip, and you cursed whoever decided to give him such long eyelashes. One wrong downward tilt of his head, and sometimes you felt like he could get you to do whatever he wanted if he just asked.
"I'm coming, but next Sunday if any of you so much as ask me into town, I'll start a fight of my own." You pursed your lips. Another cheer rose between the six of you, and somehow you just knew that next week the exact same thing would happen, just as it always did. Good thing it never really bothered you. Nothing these guys ever do would, even though you'd never admit it to them.
"And just to be clear I want you to know I'm only going because it was Pony that was jumped!" You raised your voice through the pre-celebration, trying to stop the smile breaking out across your face from growing any wider. "If it was any of you idiots, I'd go join the other side!"
Playful boo's broke out as Soda slung an arm around your shoulders. A hand was quick to fly up to your hair with an attempted noogie, but you shook your head wildly enough to hault it.
Leaving the security of the plush couch and the drone of the Curtis' TV, you found yourself walking down the street with Dally's cigarette between your lips, taking a puff of it before handing it back to him. As the white smoke drifted up into the blue sky above, you thought about the people around you, and smiled.
Now you just had to hope you wouldn't ruin yet another shirt with blood.
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thewulf · 2 months
A Safe Place || Dallas "Dally" Winston
Summary: Request - Can you do a Dally or Darry x female reader where reader is having a really difficult time at home (mom and dad are kinda like Johnny's parents and beat up physically and mentally on reader?)... Read Rest Here
A/N: As long as I live I will forever write The Outsiders. Such a unique group to write. This one is tough but I really love it!
Pairing: Dallas "Dally" Winston x Female Reader (Johnny Cade Sister)
Word Count: 3.3k +
TW: ABUSE, talks of abuse, hitting, bruises, cuts, blood, threats of violence, general Outsiders warnings
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As you stumbled through the door of the Curtis household the entire greaser gang turned to look at you. Their expressions shifting from surprise to concern in an instant. Dally was the first to react, his eyes widening in realization as he took in the extent of your injuries.
"Jesus, what happened to you?" Dally's voice was gruff but there was an underlying edge of worry as he approached you. His movements were surprisingly gentle as he took in your battered appearance. His usually stern expression softened which revealed a glimpse of the concern that lurked beneath his tough exterior.
You could feel the weight of their stares. Their unspoken questions hanging heavy in the air. It was clear that they were shocked by the state you were in, and the realization only made you feel more vulnerable. Because for as bad as you felt you just knew you looked 10 times worse. It wasn’t the first time he’d laid hands on you, but it was the first time he didn’t seem to want to stop.
"I-I... I had a run-in with my old man," you managed to choke out. Your voice was barely above a whisper as you fought to hold back the tears brimming at the edge of your eyes. You’d done so good escaping it was suddenly catching up to you what you had just gone through. The words tasted bitter on your tongue. A painful reminder of the nightmare you couldn't escape.
Steve's jaw clenched tight with anger as he took in your bruised and bloodied face, his hands curling into fists at his sides. "That bastard," he muttered under his breath, his voice thick with rage. "He’s gonna pay for this, I swear."
Dally's expression darkened at your words. His features contorted with a mixture of anger and sorrow. "I'll kill him," he growled, his fists clenched at his sides as he fought to contain the rage simmering just beneath the surface. His words hung heavy in the air as it was a promise of retribution that sent a shiver down your spine. The scary part was that you knew he would kill him given the chance. It was one thing with Johnny… but when he saw you so battered he found a rage not even he knew he had.
Instinctively you flinched at his declaration. The raw intensity in his voice triggering a flood of memories you wished you could forget. You had already endured so much, the wounds—both physical and emotional—still fresh and raw. The thought of more violence only served to deepen the pit of dread that churned in your stomach. Sure, you grew up with the greasers but it never made the violence and threats of it any easier.
As if sensing your reaction Dally's eyes softened with remorse. A pang of guilt flickering across his features. He reached out tentatively, his hand hovering uncertainly over your shoulder before finally making the gentlest contact. He was afraid of the bruises underneath your clothes, the ones he couldn’t see. "Hey," he murmured, his voice surprisingly gentle despite the harshness of his earlier words. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."
You blinked in surprise, caught off guard by the sincerity in his tone. For all his tough exterior there was a vulnerability in Dally that few ever got to see. A glimpse of the boy beneath the cocky attitude that he showed all too often. As you looked into his eyes you saw not just the anger and the pain, but also the deep-seated compassion that he tried so hard to conceal. His presence was a balm to your battered soul. A reminder that you were not alone in your struggles.
Dally's sharp gaze hardened as he turned to the group just staring at the scene unfolding before them. "Get the hell out of here if you ain’t gonna be useful," he ordered, his voice firm and commanding. "Give us some space guys." The rest of the gang exchanged uneasy glances before nodding in agreement, understanding the need for solitude in such a vulnerable moment. With one last look of concern, they filed out of the room leaving you and Dally in a cocoon of quiet solidarity.
As Soda made to leave with them Dally stopped him with a firm hand on his arm. "Soda, wait," he said, his voice softer now, filled with urgency. "Get the first aid kit and a warm towel. We need to clean her up." Soda nodded in understanding, a determined look crossing his features as he hurried off to retrieve the supplies.
As Soda hurried off to retrieve the supplies, Dally turned his attention back to you, his expression a mix of concern and determination. "Hang in there, sweetheart," he said softly. His voice laced with reassurance as he gently brushed a strand of hair from your face. "We'll get you patched up real quick."
You managed a weak smile. So grateful for his comforting words amidst the raging emotions swirling inside you. Despite the pain and the fear that still lingered there was a sense of relief knowing that you were in capable hands. You were being taken care of the boy who cared deeply for your well-being.
A knowing smile just ghosted over Soda's lips as he returned with the first aid kit and a warm towel. He was silently acknowledging the unspoken bond between you and Dally. He knew how much Dally had loved you for so long. And seeing the two of you together now filled him with a bittersweet sense of pride. He’d never seen Dallas so gentle.
With practiced efficiency, Dally and Soda set to work cleaning and dressing your wounds. Their movements gentle yet purposeful as they tended to each cut and bruise with care. Dally's hands were surprisingly gentle as he worked. A stark contrast to the roughness you had come to expect from him. However, even he wasn’t perfect. There was a moment when Dally accidentally pressed a little too hard on one of your bruises causing you to let out an involuntary yelp of pain. Instantly his expression shifted. A look of sadness crossing his features as he realized his mistake.
"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," he murmured. His voice filled with genuine remorse as he gently pulled back, his hands hovering uncertainly over your injured skin. "I didn't mean to hurt you. I'll be more careful, I promise."
You could see the sincerity in his eyes. It was layered with a depth of emotion you hadn't seen from him before. A stark reminder that beneath his tough exterior there was that vulnerability he tried so hard to conceal. You saw not just the pain and the regret in his eyes but also the profound sense of care and affection that he held for you.
"It's okay, Dally, really" you reassured him, your voice soft as you reached out to place a comforting hand on his arm. "I know you didn't mean it. I’m so lucky to have you."
His gaze softened at your words. A small flicker of gratitude passing between you as you shared a moment of understanding. Despite the rough edges and the scars that marked his soul there was a gentleness to Dally that few ever got to see. A side of him that he reserved for those he held closest to his heart. A side that only seemed reserved for you.
With a nod of appreciation Dally resumed his careful ministrations. His touch lighter and more cautious than before. And as he worked to tend to your wounds with a renewed focus, you couldn't help but feel a swell of affection for the boy who had always been there for you. Always, no questions asked.
As Dally apologized profusely and you reassured him, Soda noticed the exchange between you two. Sensing the depth of emotion in the room he took a step back giving you and Dally a moment of privacy. There was that knowing look in Soda's eyes, an acknowledgment of the connection between you and Dally. With a subtle nod Soda retreated to give you both some space. His intuition telling him that this was a moment that needed to be shared between just the two of you. As he busied himself with tidying up the first aid supplies before exiting the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth fill his chest for the two of you.
Once Dally finished tending to your wounds with careful precision a flood of emotions washed over you. Threatening to overwhelm your fragile composure. The physical pain had subsided only to be replaced now by a tidal wave of raw emotion that surged through your veins like a raging river. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring your vision as you struggled to contain the torrent of feelings that threatened to consume you. It wasn't just the pain of your injuries that brought you to tears, but the weight of everything you had endured, the fear, the loneliness, the relentless cycle of abuse that had plagued your life for so long.
You cried for your little brother, lost and alone in a world that had turned its back on him. Your Johnny. You cried for the father who had betrayed your trust as his fists rained down upon you with a cruelty that knew no bounds. But most of all you cried for Dally, for his unexpected gentleness and the overwhelming sense of safety and comfort that he had provided in your darkest hour.
As you sat with Dally in the quiet intimacy of the room you felt a sense of release wash over you. A cathartic release of pent-up emotion that had been building inside you for far too long. And as the tears flowed freely down your cheeks you knew that you were not alone. That you were loved and cherished by the one person who had always been there for you, offering his unwavering support and understanding in the face of adversity.
As your tears flowed Dally's heart ached with a depth of emotion he had never allowed himself to fully acknowledge before. Without hesitation, he shifted, pulling you fully onto his lap, cradling you against his chest with a tenderness that was so different than his tough exterior. His arms wrapped around you protectively creating a safety that enveloped you both.
He rubbed soothing circles on your back. His touch a comforting reassurance of his unwavering support. In the quietness of the moment, he whispered words of comfort and encouragement. His voice a gentle murmur in the stillness of the room.
Feeling your sobs intensify he tightened his embrace. His hold on you was firm yet gentle as if trying to absorb some of the pain that wracked your body and soul. With each shuddering breath you took he squeezed you tighter. His touch was a silent reassurance that he was there for you. He would never let you face your demons alone.
"You're safe now, sweetheart," he murmured. His breath warm against your ear. "You don't have to be strong all the time. Let it out. I'm here for you."
His words were a lifeline in the darkness, a reminder that you were not alone in your pain. With each gentle stroke of his hand against your back, he offered you solace and understanding, his touch a silent promise of his unwavering support.
"It's okay to cry," he whispered, his voice a gentle murmur in the stillness of the room. "I've got you. I won't let anyone hurt you again, I swear it."
His heart broke for you, for the girl he cared for more deeply than he dared to admit. In that moment, as he held you close, he wished he could take away all the pain and suffering you had endured, to shield you from the cruelties of the world with nothing more than his love.
As time passed your sobs gradually subsided leaving behind a lingering sense of emptiness and exhaustion. In the quiet aftermath of your tears, you took a shaky breath. Your chest still tight with emotion. Dally held you close.
Feeling his steady heartbeat beneath your ear you found solace in the warmth of his embrace. With a heavy sigh you finally found the strength to speak. Your voice trembling with the weight of the words you had kept buried deep within your heart.
"I miss him," you spoke. Your voice barely above a whisper as you spoke of your little brother, lost and alone in a world that had turned its back on him. "I miss Johnny so much it hurts."
Tears welled up in your eyes once more, threatening to spill over as you thought of your brother who had been forced to run away. His pure innocence stolen by the cruelty of the world.
"I miss the way things used to be," you continued. Your voice filled with longing as you spoke of a time before your father's descent into darkness, before the alcohol and the violence tore your family apart. "I miss when my dad wasn't a drunk, when he was still my dad, you know?"
Your words hung heavy in the air, a poignant reminder of the innocence you had lost, of the life that seemed so distant and foreign now. In the safety of Dally's embrace, you allowed yourself to mourn the loss of the past, to grieve for the family that had been torn apart by forces beyond your control.
As you spoke of missing Johnny, Dally's embrace tightened. His arms offering you a sense of strength and stability amidst the chaos of your emotions. His voice was gentle as he responded. His words a quiet reassurance in the face of your pain.
"I know, sweetheart," he murmured, his breath warm against your ear. "We all miss him. But you know Johnny, he's resourceful as hell. And with Pony by his side? Those two can handle anything."
There was a quiet conviction in Dally's voice. It was a steadfast belief in Johnny's resilience that offered you a glimmer of hope in the darkness. Despite the uncertainty of his fate, you found comfort in Dally's unwavering confidence. He was a reminder that you were not alone in your worries for your brother.
"And your dad..." Dally trailed off, his voice heavy with sympathy as he spoke of the man who had once been your protector, now reduced to a shadow of his former self. "He's not the man you remember, I know. But that ain't your fault, darlin'. None of this is."
His words were a lifeline in the darkness, a reminder that you were not to blame for the sins of your father, that you deserved love and happiness just as much as anyone else. In the safety of his embrace, you allowed yourself to mourn the loss of the past, to grieve for the family that had been torn apart by forces beyond your control.
But even as the tears continued to fall, you knew that you were not alone. That Dally was there for you and always ready to offer his unwavering support and understanding in the face of your pain. As you clung to each other in the quiet darkness you found solace in the simple act of being together.
As your emotions opened you realized your love for him wasn't triggered by a simple moment. But rather by a complex series of events that had been building up over time. It was the culmination of countless conversations, shared moments, and lingering glances that had slowly but surely chipped away at the walls around your heart.
It started with the little things. Like the way he always seemed to know exactly what to say to make you laugh or the way he would brush a strand of hair from your face with a tenderness that took your breath away. It was the late-night conversations that stretched into the early hours of the morning, the whispered confessions and shared secrets that bound you together in ways you couldn't explain. But it was also the bigger moments. The ones that left you reeling with emotion and uncertainty. There was a time you called, and he showed up at your door in the middle of the night. No questions he was there as his face drawn and tired, and you knew without a doubt that he would always be there for you, no matter what.
As you looked into his eyes and saw the depth of his feelings reflected back at you, something shifted inside you. It was as if all the pieces fell into place like a puzzle finally coming together after years of searching. And in that moment, you knew. You knew that you couldn't keep it to yourself any longer, that you had to tell him how you felt, no matter the consequences.
So, you took a deep breath. Steeling yourself for what was to come, and you let the words spill from your lips in a rush of emotion. It was messy and imperfect, but it was real. It was true. And it was exactly what you needed to say.
"I... Dally, I just... I don't even know where to start," you began. Your voice trembling with emotion as you struggled to find the right words. "But I can't keep it in any longer. I think... no, I know I... I love you. Like, really love you."
Your admission hung heavy in the air, a confession so raw and honest that it left you feeling exposed, vulnerable. But as you looked into Dally's eyes, filled with a mixture of surprise and tenderness, you knew that you had made the right decision to speak your truth.
"I know it sounds crazy," you continued, your words tumbling out in a rush. "But it's true. You've always been there for me, through thick and thin. And it's not just because you're always there to clean up my messes or protect me from the world, although you do a damn good job of that. It's because... because I genuinely care about you, Dallas Winston. I care about you more than I ever thought possible. And it scares me sometimes, how much I care."
Your heart pounded in your chest as you bared your soul to him, laying your feelings bare for the world to see. But as you spoke, a sense of relief washed over you, knowing that you had finally spoken the words that had been weighing on your heart for so long.
"And I know it's a lot to take in," you concluded, your voice barely above a whisper. "But I had to tell you. I couldn't keep it to myself any longer."
For a moment, the air felt thick with anticipation. The intensity of your confession hanging between you like a tangible thing. And then as if a switch had been flipped, the hardness in Dally's eyes melted away. Replaced by a warmth that seemed to radiate from deep within him.
A soft smile tugged at the corners of his mouth gradually blossoming into a grin that lit up his entire face. It was a grin like you'd never seen before. A grin that reached all the way to his eyes filling them with a light you hadn't realized was missing.
His fingers brushed gently against your tear-stained cheeks. His touch tender and affectionate as he cupped your face in his hands. There was a sense of wonder in his expression, as if he couldn't quite believe what was happening, as if he had never dared to hope for this moment.
"Damn, sweetheart," he breathed. His voice tinged with awe. "I never knew you had it in you. Talking like that. But I'm glad you did. Because, hell, I love you too. I always have."
His words sent a rush of warmth through you. A feeling of elation that bubbled up from deep within your chest. And as you looked into his eyes, shining with a happiness you had never seen before, you knew that this was just the beginning of something beautiful, something real and true and utterly perfect.
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jaidens · 9 months
idrk if u still do outsiders stuff 😕 but if u do can you please do a dallas winston x reader fic where reader has a younger sibling that annoys them when they’re together 🙏🙏
miss americana & the heartbreak prince !
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pairing [s] : dallas winston x reader
warning [s] : hey outsiders.. 😞
a/n [s] : ty for the request!!
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The pattering noise against your door makes you moan, putting out the cigarette against the ashtray and you answer whoever is behind it. Your little sister pokes her head inside, a mischievous grin across her face. Dallas greets her as he saunters into your room, muscles stretching through his white tank.
It had been known to you that your little sister, Dorothea, had an insignificant crush against your boyfriend. It was quite hilarious— watching her kiss his cheeks and cuddle up into him. Even though when he would leave, it was all fight and no play.
“Hey sweetheart,” The New York accent rings within his words, but your sister kicks her feet and hugs Dallas in her small arms. “How have you been?” She pulls away from him and smiles, her two front teeth missing are adorable, and you laugh at her.
“I’ve been good! I got an A on my project about flamingos! Did you know that they aren't always pink—” She's cut off when you chuck a shirt at her doll, hitting the pink ribbons that are tied in small bows around her hair. Her expression turns from happiness to immediate anger when her doll falls against the floor.
Dallas turns his head at you and you swear they have identical expressions of ‘why did you do that?’. “Why did you do that? You hurt Betty!”
Dallas looks even more offended than her, picking up Betty and gently dropping her in Dorothea’s arms. He stands up, pats her head, and walks over to you. Within a second, Dorothea follows Dallas to your bed. He lays down next to you and kisses you. “Move over!” Dorothea screeches and pushes in-between you and your boyfriend. Inherently, she's closer to Dallas and she lets him tickle her sides.
“Get out Dora! Leave me and Dal alone.” You snap at her and she sticks her tongue out at you, waving her hands in the air. “Shoo!” You say once more, slapping her side. She stands up and walks away, slamming the door behind her.
You and Dallas are finally alone, as you watch him puff on a cigarette while telling you a story about something that had apparently happened at Buck’s earlier that day. You're running your finger down his chest. You're cuddled up with him when you hear another obnoxious knock. “Mommy said you have to let me stay with you guys!” Dorothea yells through the crack of your door. You roll your eyes and Dallas puts out his cigarette once more.
She's crying outside of your door and Dallas can't help but not to laugh. His arm wraps around you and pulls you into his shoulder. He kisses your forehead and pulls you close. You're relaxed then once again, your name is screeched. “C’mon! Let me in!”
“Nope! Goodbye!”
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ellsarchive · 1 month
Johnny Cade Headcannons!! *.• (both romantic and general to his character)
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Looks up to Darry like a brother, but at the same time is pretty intimidated by him so their relationship is sort of complex.
Not necessarily as quiet as made out in the book, but still pretty quiet. Usually it isn’t because he’s super nervous though, he just prefers not to talk. He’s only nervous sometimes.
Sometimes forgets to eat and just has mints to get rid of the hunger. He’s eaten an entire tin of altoids in a singular day once.
His side eye is MEANNN. Since he’s so quiet he probably communicates with it more than speaking. Someone teases him? 🌚. Dally talking like a pig about a girl? 🌚. Someone mentions his crush? 🌚.
If he likes you this man would avoid you and chase you around at the same time. Hear me out. Like he’s purposefully taking routes to walk near you, sitting relatively close to you, trying to find ways to be in groups with you, etc. If you actually direct your attention on him though, he gets all nervous and doesn’t know what the hell to say because what do you MEAN you took the time out of your day to say hi to him?
Following up on that fact he believes that he’s unlovable because of the way his parents treat him. He knows that the gang cares about him, but his mind can barely process it. Sometimes when he’s alone in the lot he wonders if they really care or they’re just nice out of pity.
Please reassure him. He’s probably seem really awkward if you told him how much he’s loved and really dug up the emotions he buries and hides, but whether he realizes or not he finds his shoulders a little lighter and his mind a little clearer on those lonely, quiet nights.
On the rare nights he does sleep in his house, it feels so foreign and unusual that he can’t sleep. He always ends up just laying there and listening to his parents fight and talk about him.
He doesn’t have sheets on his bed
He once heard his parents drunkenly joke that they wouldn’t notice nor really care if he died because he’s barely around anyway. He’s slept at “home” much less since then.
He tries to take care of himself but sometimes he either just can’t or forgets
When he was little he had a little book of everywhere he wanted to visit when he grew up. It had places like Mexico, Italy, Hawaii, NYC, etc. He didn’t get to visit one.
Actually really likes guitar. If he had the money to get one and wasn’t shy about it he’d play.
Has a very good mind, and believes that if he was a soc and had parents like Ponyboy’s he’d do well in school.
Books and movies aren’t really his thing, but when it’s being read to him or the gang forces him to watch he always likes them.
Left 9th grade 5’6 and went into 10th grade 5’9 or 5’10. Everyone was very confused.
Has always had more of a romantic than sexual view on women. I believe he wasn’t that interested in relationships and all of that until he met you. Until he saw you, actually.
He used to make little drawings of him and a big brother that he wished he had. He didn’t want to be alone in the place that he’s forced to call home.
He once tried to show his parents the drawings but they thought they were dumb.
Every once in a while his mom will get more drunk than usual and cry to him and promise to be a better mother. He’d always forgive her and hold her and convince himself she was telling the truth this time.
Now that he’s older, he doesn’t forgive her anymore. No matter how much he wants to believe her, he knows she’ll never be better.
Has a habit of biting his nails
He would really like chocolate ice cream. It’s his favourite. (It’s disgusting but don’t tell him I said that)
I love him sm 🫂
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