#dally winston
neufer · 1 day
Maybe this is an unpopular opinion but I don’t think Darry would’ve harassed his brothers and the rest of the gang when hanging out with Paul and the others socs. I don’t think he would put himself in a situation where that could be a possibility and try really hard to avoid it.
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"I believe Johnny lives on in the yellow cast over from that giant in the sky every morning and every night. I believe he’s inside the mist, on the ever clear pearls that roll down green leaves. I believe he’s in the wind blowing through the branches on the trees, in the first bloom of spring, in the birds singing in the sky, in the rocks at the bottom of the river.
I hear Dally’s laugh in the cracking of fire, his memory to me feeling like wind in my hair and rubber tires on asphalt. It’s burnouts, cigarettes, car racing, rodeos, running down the street. He’s the courage I get before taking a big jump or the push that drives me to do something new and scary. He’s reckless, not because he doesn’t think, but because he doesn’t care, because he can handle the heat. He’s the type to do something illegal just to brag that he did it."
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How I see "The Outsiders + That Was Then This Is Now" characters
Part 1: The Curtis gang + Buck
Darry Curtis - Patrick swayze
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• but like younger, man is 20
• + his blue green eyes from the book
• shorter hair
• small scar on his forehead from high school football
Sodapop Curtis - Rob Low & Jason Schmidt
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• I don't know he's like a magical mystery mix of both of them
• the bluest eyes of all time (sorry book soda)
• much lighter hair, not exactly blonde but like a light brown
Ponyboy Curtis - C. Thomas Howell
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• only this specific picture though I can't explain
• grey green book eyes
• his hairs a little more messy in my head, maybe a little longer too
• tiny lip scar from falling on his face
Dallas Winston - Matt Dillon
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• Atrocious blond roots he is NOT a natural brunette
• Blue eyes & pointy ears
• Has a scar on his side from being hit by a car
• Also has scars on his leg from a police dog
Steve Randle - Tom Cruises
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• tan skin
• Heterocromia, one brown eye & one blue
• Wavy hair black hair
• Scars on his hands from working on cars
• Still has to jacked teeth though
Two-bit Mathews - Daryle Tofa
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• he actually looks 18 in my head I promise
• still a ginger, I’m sorry red head two-bit is real and lives in my mind forever
• Freckles
• I usually don’t think of two-bit with Daryle’s tattoo
Johnny Cade - Ralph Machio
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• his scar is larger, darker, and more prominent
• His eyes are just two black empty voids
• Hispanic & Italian
• a little darker than Ralph
Buck Merrill - Tom Waits
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• only 25 but has aged due to of stress dallas
• has broken his nose around 3 times and it shows
• always has a new bruise of some sort (usually on his face) from stopping a bar fight
• missing one of his side teeth for the same reason
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kiyomisworld · 22 hours
hoodsiders again :3
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johnnycakesswitch · 2 days
It’s getting to be cold and flu season… send me your fav sick and hurt/comfort hcs
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foottoe101001 · 2 days
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merchantphoto · 2 days
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what if we showed up to the function wearing this and holding hands? haha jk 😅 unless… 👀
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chippedshake · 1 day
14 and I'm thinkin' 'bout God again
Ponyboy had never gone to church before. He’d never seen the point in it. No one in his family was a believer, and if he was going to spend a couple hours watching someone talk, he would rather have it be a movie than a sermon. 
But now that his parents were gone, he started wondering where they were. They would’ve made their way into heaven, he was sure of that. But did it even exist? Was someone else right? Was there another sort of afterlife? Were they sent to hell for being non-believers?
Was there nothing? Had their souls just disappeared? Were they really sleeping forever, unconscious? If that was what was waiting for everyone, what was even the point of being alive? The sun would explode and consume everything and they would be gone and all that would be left would be a void. No life. No thoughts. No memories. 
He slipped into the church with Johnny right before the service began, trying to be quiet so no one would notice them and their not-so-clean clothes.  
In the back of our car, everyone is so far from me
Marcia wanted to phase through the backseat and reappear in her bed. Bob and Randy had been drinking and Cherry was glaring holes into the back of their heads and Marcia was exhausted and couldn't garner the energy to join in.
She was tired for everything these days. Too tired for rallies and protests. Too tired to play with her little sister. Too tired to care about Randy and Bob drinking until they threw up. Too tired to pay attention in class. Too tired to care about how Bob being behind the wheel was illegal and about how it was illegal because it could kill them.
She just wanted things to be easy. Why did everything have to be a fight?
Maybe it’d be easier if she just stayed in her room alone and did nothing. Staring at the ceiling, laying on her bed, fading in and out of sleep. Maybe it’d be easier if she just stopped existing. 
17 and I'm feelin' so out of place, I've been movin' too much
Dally slept where he could. Buck said he didn’t need the rent money, but Dally knew better than that and tried to stay away for as long as he could because there was no way Buck would accept any form of payment from him. Not even helping around the bar or cleaning up after they closed. 
He stayed at Tim’s a couple times, but he was definitely an outsider there. Angela always gave him the stink eye – she was friends with Sylvia – and Curly gave him a wide berth. Tim was nice enough, but clearly didn’t want his bad influence around his kid brother and sister. A bit hypocritical, maybe, but imagining Tim palling around with Johnny made Dally understand why Tim seemed three seconds away from strangling him when he told Curly a dirty joke.  
There was Sylvia’s, sure, but they were always fighting and didn't get along too well even when they weren't. The Curtises’ couch was taken by someone else – usually Johnny – most of the time and Dally would rather die cold and alone on the street than force Johnny out of the only place he could call home. 
(Nevermind that it was his, too)
And lately, I've been runnin' 'round in circles every day
Johnny paced the lot for the third time. He couldn’t sleep. Not so soon after. Everytime he closed his eyes, he swore he could hear the low rumble of a Mustang coming around the corner to finish the job. 
To follow through with all those threats. 
He knew he should go to the Curtises’, but he didn’t want to bother them. Darry had enough to worry about without having to pick up charity cases.  
Fourth lap. It was nearing midnight. He wasn’t getting any sleep tonight. 
19 and I'm gettin' too drunk again
It was noon on a Wednesday and Two-Bit was nursing his third beer.
He thought about Steve’s face curling in disgust whenever he smelled alcohol on Two-Bit’s breath. Susie looking at him in disappointment with those big, brown eyes whenever he came home drunk. Sodapop’s pitying looks whenever he had beer for breakfast and Darry telling him about AA meetings and Ponyboy reciting statistics in an attempt to get him to stop. 
He thought about visiting the hospital and seeing Johnny, laying there, useless and in pain. Being useless and watching, helpless, as he died slowly and painfully. He thought about Dally crumpling under a streetlight, seventeen and hopeless. He thought about how he was never going to leave their neighborhood, how he was never going to graduate from highschool, how Ponyboy and Darry would leave and find someplace better and Steve and Soda would open their own gas station and he would be left there alone, still nursing his third beer on a Wednesday morning when he was thirty. 
He took another swig. 
And I'm fallin' in love with everyone just for a minute
She was pretty. A brunette, not a blonde, and brown eyes, not blue, but she was pretty. And she was funny and smart and really liked Soda. 
They’d had fun that evening and she was a bit older than him so she lived alone and they were at her place. He should be happy. He should be enjoying himself. But all he could think about was blond hair and someone else’s kid. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured as he stepped away, buttoning his shirt back up, “I can’t.”
20 and I'm runnin' away from everythin', I dropped out of school
Whenever Darry had a problem as a kid – homework he couldn’t figure out, a fight with some friends, someone being rude to him –, his dad would always remind him he played football, not track. He didn’t run away from things, he tackled them. He would force him to face the problem head-on and figure it out and not let it rest until it was solved. 
Lately, he’d been thinking that maybe he could replace Ponyboy as the track star in the family. 
Sure, he paid the bills and got custody and made half-hearted apologies when he was too out of line with Ponyboy, but the moment sadness poked its head out, tentatively asking if it could heal his wounds now, he shoved it down twice as hard as last time. He hadn’t let himself cry once in the last seven months, no matter how many times he wanted to. That wasn’t about to change any time soon. 
(It changed a month later as he hugged his brothers in a hospital waiting room when it finally came to be too much.)
To end up wakin' on another cold park bench
Steve’s father was kicking him out more often. It used to be once a month, for maybe two or three days. Now it was practically every week. 
It almost wasn’t worth going back. 
He couldn’t go over to the Curtises’ that often. Not just because it wasn’t fair for them to have to put up with him for so long, but also because it was humiliating. If he wasn’t even good enough for his own father to want him around, then who would?
Johnny would see him at the lot and Dally would see him at Buck’s so he went to the park. It was deserted at night and was on their turf so he could sleep undisturbed. 
He tried to ignore the shame rolling around in his chest when he woke up at sunrise to clean himself up with the fountain’s icy water. 
And I've turned off a part of me 
Soda wasn’t allowed to have feelings anymore, apparently. He wasn’t a person anymore, just a rope. A rope for his brothers to tug back and forth until he tore right down the middle. 
He’d never been all that good at following rules, but this was one he could follow. No feelings? He could do that. He could make himself a smiling, steady presence for his brothers. He could stretch himself thin enough to cover everyone. 
He could keep his family together.  
that I can't find anymore
He’d tried. Ponyboy swore that he’d tried.
But he couldn’t finish Gone with the Wind. He couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to concentrate on a sentence for more than a couple seconds before his mind started to wander. Johnny had been better than him at finding meaning in things. There was probably something there that he couldn’t see. 
Why even read if he couldn’t know what Johnny would have thought? What he would have felt? Why should Ponyboy get to read words that Johnny never would?
How was he supposed to stay gold when the golden part of himself was rotting underground?
I'm sick of always questionin' myself
Cherry walked home alone from the drive-in for the fourth time this month. Every time. He got drunk every single time, no matter what she did. 
Was she doing something wrong? Did being a good girlfriend mean turning a blind eye and pretending like she didn’t care? Was it all her fault? Maybe if she was better in some way – not as annoying, more obedient, nicer – he wouldn’t have to drink himself stupid every Friday. 
It’s not your fault, she told herself. It was not her fault. It was Bob’s. She didn’t have to be more submissive, he had to stop drinking. 
But it wasn’t his fault either. He didn’t conjure up alcohol out of nowhere. Store clerks and older kids and adults, they turned a blind eye. They let a boy, a child, get something that was almost a drug so they could put some money in their pockets and he would have the courage to beat up other children.  
And what I'm doin' wrong
Randy watched as Bob swung another punch. He was wearing rings. That was going to scar. The kid was almost crying. 
What were they even doing? Why were they here? What did they want to prove? The kid hadn’t even done anything wrong, he was just wandering around. 
Randy’d seen the guy around school. He was quiet, kept to himself. Had bruises sometimes and always told teachers – the few that cared – that he’d fallen. It was obvious he hadn’t. Who falls into hands around their neck? 
Why were they beating on someone who already had it so rough? It wasn’t the kid’s fault he was a greaser, just like it wasn’t Bob’s fault his parents let him get away with murder and it wasn’t Randy’s fault his parents didn’t let him take a breath without telling them about it.  
It was wrong, it was all so wrong, the way they all thrived on violence, acting like it made some sort of a difference to anyone. Who was watching them and deciding the winner? Who would make the rules change if they just beat on one more innocent kid, made one more little boy scared to walk around at night?
I've been fightin' with who I am inside my head
Sylvia collapsed onto the couch with a sigh, half expecting her mother to come out to scold her for being unladylike.  
Not like that was going to happen anytime soon. She’d chosen herself over her children when she’d up and left with no warning. So now there was no one around to tell Sylvia to wear longer skirts or less makeup or tie her hair back or go back to school. 
School. It was four. Remmy'd finished an hour ago. She had to pick him up. Fuck. She’d let Evie drag her along to a rally and lost track of time. 
The teacher rolled her eyes when Sylvia showed up half an hour later, muttering about whores and how it wasn’t her job to take care of accidents. Sylvia figured she could have nicely corrected her and told her Remmy was her baby brother and she was late because she’d been trying to get equal rights, actually, but she didn’t really feel like it. Saying that bitch’s boyfriend was the father was much more satisfying.  
It wasn’t worth it, though, when Remmy stormed off alone down the street and she had to run after him. He was mad. Of course he was mad. She’d been an hour and a half late picking him up and instead of apologizing and taking him home quietly, she’d picked a fight with his teacher. 
She really was useless, wasn’t she? Every day she told herself today would be the day she changed for the better, but she never really did. 
And I don't know me anymore
Maybe a label was supposed to be enough. Drunk. Brother. Dreamer. Useless. Girlfriend. Greaser. Soc. 
Why wasn’t it?
And I wish I was somebody else
Just to feel like I'm enough for myself
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kingdally · 2 days
tell Johnny to stop harassing me😡
Who are you? Do I know you? Don't remember, did I meet you at a party or something man? Look Johnny ain't do nothin to nobody so don't know what your goin on about man.
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grlsinterrupted · 3 days
kiss me beneath the milky twilight ♡ ‧₊˚
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inspired by the party scene in 10 things i hate about you 𖦹₊ ⊹ | dallas winston x soc ! reader
the air was thick with the scent of cigarettes, coors beer, and sweat as the sound of music blasting through the speakers and chatter overlapped one another. to say that this was out of your nature was an understatement— you weren’t much of a party girl to begin with, but you especially weren’t the type of girl to attend a party buck merrill was hosting. sure, the parties that your soc friends hosted were absolute chaos, but this? these kind of parties on the other side of town wreaked a different level of havoc.
as soon as you stepped in through the door, it felt as if there were a million stares of disgust and confusion watching your every move. with your voluminous french twist updo and your hands tucked into the cardigan over your a-lined dress, you stuck out like a sore thumb compared to all the heads of grease you were engulfed in. however, there was a particular head of grease that appeared to be making his way towards you.
dallas winston, also known as ‘that hood with the headache-inducing accent’ by your friends— but even though your friends had a deep hatred for him, you could never seem to care that much about what your friends thought of him. maybe it was his scruffy brown hair, or those gorgeous puppy-like eyes that you couldn’t help but lose yourself in, or maybe it was the way he embodied an adrenaline rush— just what you needed to distract yourself from the stress of reality.
“what’s a prissy ol’ princess like you doing ‘round these parts?” he says with his signature smug smirk that drives you head over heels. dally leans against the wall with a cigarette placed between his rosy lips, taking a drag out of his cigarette before blowing the smoke into your face.
you cough as the smoke invades your airways, your hands fanning away the smoke into another direction. god, you hated the smell of stale tobacco. you then grab a shot of cheap vodka, downing it and slamming it back down onto the table. coming to this party undeniably one of the most impulsive decisions of your entire life— you could barely handle staying at one of bob’s ragers for more than 30 minutes before it got too barbaric.
you choke on the bitterness of the vodka slamming onto your tastebuds, scorching down your throat.
“i’m getting wasted, isn’t that what you’re supposed to do at a party?”
dallas lets out a chuckle of amusement as he watches you down that vodka like there’s no tomorrow. he shrugs, removing the cigarette from his lips and crushing it onto the floor with the heel of his combat boots. “i dunno, i say do whatever you wanna do.”
“funny,” you mutter in a monotone voice, your words laced with sarcasm. you grab another shot from the table, downing it as you walk away from him, your hand in the air waving ‘bye.’
after one too many shots of vodka, your mind is practically on autopilot. in the blink of an eye, you found yourself on top of a table dancing to the song ‘jailhouse rock’ for an audience of hoods and greasers. it felt as though you’d been set free, your inner wild spirit was finally breaking through your ‘soc princess’ image. your hips swayed to the beat of the music with not a thought in the world, completely unaware of the ceiling light dangling right above your head. just as you raised your heels and shifted your weight onto your toes, your forehead collided with the light and knocked you down. just before you could land on the ground, you felt a pair of firm, veiny hands wrapping around your waist.
“at this rate, you’re gonna give yourself a concussion,” uttered an oddly familiar voice. that new york accent was instantly recognizable and belong to a certain greaser that you just ran into.
“‘m fine, dal..” you slurred, your voice barely above a whisper. all of that screaming and singing must’ve done some real damage to your vocal chords— your voice had a rasp that sounded as if you smoked 5 packs of cigarettes a day.
“sure, you’re fine ‘til you throw up all over my boots.” he huffs out a chuckle, leading you towards the front door as your arm his over his shoulder for balance.
dallas seats you at the curb in front of buck’s house, taking a seat with you. there’s a glint of admiration in his eyes despite your disheveled appearance. your updo is now holding on for dear life, your hair at the verge of falling down your back altogether— not the mention the sweat sticking the front pieces of your hair onto your forehead.
you slowly look up into his eyes, your lips parted and practically screaming for him to kiss them. you never seemed to notice how beautiful he was under the milky twilight, his features glowing in the moonlight. you cup his face, letting out a soft giggle.
“your eyes have a little green in them,” you mutter under your breath, at a loss for words as you scramble for ways to describe the beauty in his eyes.
dallas simply shakes his head, a light chuckle escaping his lips. although he tries to seem nonchalant and unaffected by your captivation, he looks just as head over heels as you are.
“cut that out, princess.” he playfully nudges your shoulder, scooting himself closer next to you. when he tells you to cut it out, he really means to keep on going. keep telling him how tantalizing he is, keep telling him how irresistible he is.
'you wear those shoes and i will wear that dress, oh.. kiss me, beneath the milky twilight' .ᐟ ₊˚⊹♡
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Dally: I’ve been described as a ‘heartless villain’ and a 'little shit’, but I prefer… 'has alternative ways of having fun’.
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sparklingcid3r · 10 hours
ik in the musical they changed it from darry to darrel bc it sounds close to dally, but in a deeper way what is ur hc of how in the book only the socs call darry 'darrel' and also now in the musical that darry is in charge everyone calls him darrel? what do u think that switch was like for him, and how did his brothers react to it?
you’ve come to the right place bc i LOVEEE overanalyzing the whole name thing. reaching is my favorite pastime fr. i’m gonna try and answer ur ask and then some bc i feel so strongly abt this deadass (me making up for the fact that idk how long this has been sitting in my inbox without me knowing, anon im so sorry lmfao🙏)
i think darry probably just went by darrel at school because the right to call him darry was reserved for the people he grew up with. my own hc is that paul used to be one of the only people from school who called him darry because of how close they were, but paul didn’t stick to one name, he switched between darry and darrel. tho after the fallout, it’s exclusively darrel or just “curtis,” as a way to distance himself from the fact that they were once closer than he cares to admit.
as for the musical, i could definitely believe that at least pony and soda grew up calling him darry, but stopped as they grew older, like outgrowing a kid’s toy. especially when their parents died, the name darry kind of died with them, it’s a relic of their innocence that they can’t use anymore without remembering what they’ll never get back.
i kind of also want to get into why the coordinators of the musical chose to change darry’s name over dally’s, when they just as easily could have had dally go by dallas and kept darry’s nickname. and this is where the reaching starts so don’t take me seriously i’m just being a D1 yapper rn
but to me the decision to keep dally’s nickname is a symbol of the fact that dally literally is a child. to the average audience member who has little to no knowledge of the source material, “dally” is probably a little bit childlike and serves to remind them that no matter how touch he acts, they’re watching a kid make incredibly big decisions for other kids
darrel meanwhile is the designated adult of the group, and that’s only by circumstance, not because he genuinely is old enough/has enough maturity to handle it. but by taking away his nickname, it emphasizes the point to readers/movie watchers that darrel can’t afford to be seen by anyone as too young or childish, not even the audience. he’s hiding behind even his name to put up the illusion that he knows what he’s doing, where they’re going, how they’re going to get there.
but yall ik this is some crazy headcanoning i’m just a girl having fun lmfao🫶
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livfordoodles · 3 months
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Outsiders based off book descriptions <3
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cheezy-whizz · 4 months
Shout out to dysfunctional teenage friend groups from 80s movies, gotta be one of my favorite genders
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johnnycakesb14de · 7 months
I don't know if this goes past your rules but can you do like (greaser) x reader when someone in the gang catches y'all like making out?
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He would definitely be the more secretive type when it comes to kisses mostly because all of his friends are immature
But I imagine y'all would be in the kitchen alone it's his day off and the boys are out
One thing leads to another and y'all are just being romantic and showing affection by making out
Next thing you know you hear the traditional caught-off-guard-cough-laugh
Darry looks up and sees Dally, Johnny and Ponyboy.
"Y'all enjoying yourselves?"
"Shut the fuck up Dallas."
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He was on break at the DX and you stopped by to see him and bring him food because you wanted to hang out with your boyfriend
Y'all were in the back just hanging out be cuties
Hes flirting with you
You know giving his typical sodapop charm flashing you his million dollar smile
He kisses you a few times and it leads to a make out and y'all are just in the moment not really thinking about muchv
Then Steve walks in
"Hey so what ar- HELLO? WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Y'all both turn around and you roll your eyes in embarrassment
"Do that on your own time please."
"Shut up Steve."
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Say your older in this maybe like 15-16 because for the first while of y'all dating you wouldn't be allowed in his room alone even with the door open Darrys just crazy like that
Y'all were in his room working on some homework or just hanging out when you totally very sneakily shut the door all the way thinking Darry won't find out because he's cooking
And start kissing
Not even two minutes later Darrys nosy ass barges in
"What did I say about the door kidd- Oh excuse me?!?!"
Y'all create distance from each other staring at him wide eyed
"I swear it isn't w-"
"be quiet Ponyboy. I have these rules for a reason, you guys can come into the living room since you can't be trusted."
"Y/N, don't start."
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Yall were in the lot because where else would you be
You kissed him a few times and it let to a slight make out nothing crazy
Two-bit came up to tell Johnny that unfortunately Dally had been arrested for some odd reason
And the SECOND he sees you he's instantly teasing y'all
he's trying to tease you but he ends up just making it really uncomfortable
"Lord almighty, what's going on here?! Save room for Jesus, she might get pregnant!" Insert two-bit laugh wheeze
"Cut it out man."
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Y'all were at Bucks for some party and it was getting really loud
You were overstimulated, Dally was tipsy and everyone was getting on his nerves so he took you outfront for some fresh air
Dally was being Dally and talking to you and kissing you a few times and it leads to a make out
Then Steve walks out
(I imagine him and Dally are actually pretty good friends)
He starts laughing
"Uhhhh, Dal'! Y'know where Evie is?"
"Why the fuck would I know where your girlfriend is?"
"I dunno, just wonderin'."
He rolled his eyes and dramatically sighed
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You were at work with him trying to help him
Which actually just meant he was yelling at you for certain tools
You were getting bored he was getting frustrated because he couldn't figure out what was wrong with the car so you told him to to take a small break
So he took a break and you both just started talking and he kisses you
After he pulled away you kissed him back
Darry walks in looking for Soda
"Oh, my bad. I was just looking for Soda"
"In the back Darry."
He leaves and you laugh
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Y'all were at the drive-in just hanging out
He was bothering people yk just being two-bit
And somehow you both ended up at the drag race that Steve, Soda and Dallas were at
You were leaned up against the hood of his car and he was in front of you and you were making out
Soda comes up and laughs at y'all
"HAHAHA, Steve come look!'
Two-bit looks at him and also starts laughing because hes two-bit
And your just there like 'omfg'
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quizzicalwriter · 1 year
dally winston x virgin!reader who asks her boyfriend dally to be her first time
Sweet Thing
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Pairing: Dallas Winston x Fem!Reader
Summary: Intimacy, intimacy, intimacy.
Warnings: Smut. MDNI. Kissing, touching, fingering. Inexperienced and slightly innocent reader. Loss of virginity.
A/N: Thank you for the request!
Word Count: 2.8k (I got carried away.)
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You’d always been Dallas’s favorite preoccupation, distracting him from everything else in life. The sweet thing he carted around whenever he hung around with the boys or found himself in the drunken den that was Buck’s on a Saturday night. You’d be there, propped on his lap with his arms wrapped securely around your waist.
Not that you didn’t have anything to say besides sitting there, hell, the guys loved you. You could hold your own when it came to their wit and it made you a worthy companion for Dallas in their eyes, not to mention your inexplicable ability to put up with his shit when nobody else had before - or seemingly nobody else had been given the chance.
Normally Dallas would’ve gone for girls at the drive-in, greaser girls, or any woman he could get his hands on or who could handle his banter for longer than a minute without giving him the back of their hand. You weren’t one of them, and frankly, that terrified Dallas. There was a part of him that wanted to pull away, push you away in hopes that he’d save himself the pain of heartbreak later on he’d convinced himself he’d suffer. But he always stopped himself whenever you found yourself in his arms, gazing up at him with your doe-like eyes.
It was a difficult thing, Dallas being intimate. He was born and raised in a constant battle for survival, not showing love or producing it, but you made it easy. The longer you two had been together the longer he found himself wanting to keep you close, protect you from dangers he seemed to see everywhere. The worries you once had about him leaving eventually faded, the look in his eyes as he gazed at you whenever you laid in his arms far outweighed any ill thoughts you’d suffered with.
The only way you could describe it was ardent, laced with a deep desire that you’d never seen before in his brown eyes. A deep desire that would show itself in the bounds of the night after the two of you had disappeared together, culminating in you on his lap in his bed, hips rocking together as he kissed along your throat and down onto your chest. Or with your legs wrapped loosely around his hips, him grinding into you, you whispering sweet moans into his mouth spurring him on to do more, touch you more, please you more.
Dallas never pushed, he was always understanding whenever you pulled away. Of course, he’d have to adjust himself in his jeans, but he’d quickly pull you to his chest and press delicate kisses along your face, murmuring how much you mean to him, something he didn’t dare do in front of others. That side of Dallas was for you, nobody else, so you treasured it whenever he showed it.
On one particular Saturday night in the midst of autumn, you found yourself propped up against Dallas’s side on one of the couches in Buck’s bar, legs bent up at your chest as you fiddled with frayed denim at the end of your pant leg. Dallas was in a debate with a random man, someone he seemed to know well enough to bullshit with, talking about how the two had snagged something good off a rich man’s car not too long ago.
If it hadn’t been for the incessant country music Buck played when it rounded two in the morning you’d likely have fallen asleep against Dallas, but the occasional jump of a new song kept you jerking awake, a tired pout situating itself on your features as you rested your cheek against Dallas’s shoulder.
“Looks like your miss is real tired.” The man stated, taking a long puff from his cigar before gesturing toward you with the end of it, a snicker following his words as he propped himself up against the end of his pool cue. Dallas quirked a brow, looking down at you where you were tucked into his side with a hidden smile.
“Guess she is.” He murmured, not saying anything more beyond that before moving to prop himself up straighter, hand smoothing down your back as he looked down at you. “Tired?”
You weren’t tired, tired. More so bored, the constant scent of smoke and alcohol wasn’t helping the boredom or the budding headache in the back of your skull. But knowing if you said anything other than ‘yes’ at that moment would result in another hour downstairs, you nodded, feigning a yawn as you let your eyes flutter deceptively.
Dallas caught on, but he didn’t say anything. Instead choosing to click his tongue against his teeth as he played along, shrugging as he moved to stand. “I’ll see you later, man.” He stated, causing the older man to shrug himself before dispersing off into the crowd. Dallas turned to you, helping you to your feet before leading you up the stairs.
“Lyin’ is a sin, y’know that right?” He chuckled out, quiet enough for only you to hear as he nudged open his bedroom door with the toe of his shoe, causing you to laugh yourself and avert your gaze from his as you moved into the familiar room.
“Didn’t lie.” You mumbled out, another pout crossing your lips as you kicked off your shoes, making your way to his bed. “Real tired, Dally.”
“Sure, doll.” He snickered from the corner of the room as you made yourself comfortable on the bed, the familiar metallic clang of his belt hitting the wooden floor echoing throughout the room soon after.
He moved beside you then, letting out a sigh as he wrapped his arms around your middle, pulling your back flush with his chest. The sound of country music and clattering pool balls still echoed from downstairs, but the only thing you could bring yourself to focus on was the feeling of Dallas’s knee between your legs.
It was an innocent move, both of you slept with your legs intertwined, it felt comfortable given how small his bed was. As he shifted to get more comfortable his knee pressed harder against your clothed cunt, causing your cheeks to flush red as you choked back a whine. Dallas stiffened, breath catching in his throat as he took a moment to gauge your reaction before moving his knee again.
“Dal-“ You whined, hand moving down in between your legs as you buried your face into the pillow you two shared, his scent lingering heavily on the fabric doing nothing to quell the growing ache between your legs.
“What, doll? Feel good?” He whispered, words ghosting across the nape of your neck, causing your back to arch involuntarily as you slowly nodded. His hand smoothed down your front, bumping over the fabric of your shirt and jeans as he slowly moved to cup your sex, ever so gently applying pressure as he rocked himself against you.
You felt yourself soaking your underwear with arousal the longer he rutted against you, his fingers pressing against your cunt through your jeans as he did. A familiar sensation bloomed in your lower stomach, one that left you clenching your thighs around his palm as you tried to quell the growing ache.
“Gotta tell me what you want.” He whispered against the shell of your ear, trailing a litany of open-mouthed kisses along the curvature of your throat, pressure from his fingers increasing against your cunt. “Need to hear you say it.”
“Fuck, Dallas, just fuck me.” You whined, embarrassment over the prospect of voicing your needs soon being overweighed by the sheer need you felt for him, your hand moved to grasp at his forearm as you begged. “Please, Dal.”
That seemed to be all he needed as he moved to sit up on his knees, pressing another kiss to your jaw before pulling his shirt up and over his head. You laid there, lips parted as you watched him undress, feeling your blush spread from your cheeks to the top of your chest. You wanted to touch him, feel him, kiss him - so you did. You moved to sit up, folding your legs underneath yourself as you moved to press a kiss to his lips, hands moving to cup his jaw, only pulling away when you felt that familiar pull to touch him elsewhere.
You’d seen him without a shirt, but you’d never truly been able to admire him until now. Your hands wavered over his body, fingertips dipping in between the rivets of his toned skin, along healed scars, a faint bruise that still lingered under the left side of his ribcage. Above it all you found yourself fascinated with the way his chest rose with each breath and the small freckles that lined his skin. They reminded you of the ones he’d gotten from his time in the sun that plastered themselves against his cheekbones and upper shoulders.
Dallas let you look, eyes fluttering whenever your hands would drift farther south than before. You could hear him taking in shuddering breaths, chest catching every few minutes as though he were teetering on the edge of self-control. He raised his hands then, looking to you for approval before he lifted your shirt up and over your head, bundling the soft fabric in his hands before letting it fall to the floor.
You reached your hands behind yourself, unclasping your bra, letting the straps fall down your shoulders until your bra collapsed into your lap, exposing your breasts to him. Dallas had seen women before, he’d seen plenty, but none of them had ever had the effect you currently had on him. He felt his throat dry, brown eyes flickering between your chest and your eyes before he moved to gently lay you back against his bed, situating himself over top of you.
“You want this?” His words were hushed as his hand drifted down over your bare stomach, slowly unbuttoning your jeans as he kept his gaze locked on your face, watching for any sign of discomfort or worry. When you responded with a nod and a quiet, “I want this.” He smiled, a soft laugh leaving him as he leaned down to press a kiss to your lips.
You’d envisioned losing your virginity hundreds of times, a perfect encapsulation of what sex had to be painted in your mind, vivid and blaring. But this was so different, the way Dallas was so gentle, not afraid to laugh if something awkward happened, both of you sharing the pure moment of intimacy with smiles on your face. Nothing could’ve ever prepared you for it and that somehow made it all so much better.
As he slid your jeans off your legs he smiled up at you, a soft look on his face as he tossed the denim to the floor, moving back up to place another languid kiss to your lips. His hand moved between your thighs, fingers splaying against your cunt through your underwear, a groan passing his lips when he felt just how wet you’d become.
“Dallas, please-“ You begged, thighs trembling as he continued to tease you through your underwear. He relented, placing a gentle kiss to your jaw before moving to sit back up, slowly sliding your underwear down and off your body before discarding them to the floor as well.
“So beautiful.” He murmured, eyes wandering over your form laid in front of him, hands smoothing up and down your sides as he took it all in. “So fuckin’ beautiful, doll.”
You watched with bated breath as he slipped his jeans off, kicking his boxers off along with them. His length was bigger than you’d anticipated, only having felt the shape of it when you’d ground down against him during your frequent make-out sessions. As if sensing your apprehension he moved back over you, hand moving to cup your cheek as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“It won’t hurt, alright? We’ll take it slow, real slow.” He whispered, voice soothing as he helped you to wrap your legs around his hips, your heels subtly digging into the flesh of his lower back. He smiled down at you, eyes voicing a silent question if you were alright to which you quickly nodded back, a smile upon your face as well.
He braced himself on his arm, face close to yours as he slid a hand down between you, helping to guide himself inside before sliding his fingers up to slowly circle your clit. A moan left you at the feeling, leaving you clenching around his tip, the feeling causing him to bite back a grunt as he slowly began pushing in.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He groaned out, brows screwing together as he pushed himself to the hilt inside of your welcoming cunt, pausing in his movements to give you a chance to grow used to the feeling. “Doin’ so good, baby, so good.”
You’d heard horror stories from your friends, tales of how their first time had been painful and rushed, but this felt the complete opposite. While it took you a moment to grow used to the feeling of him inside of you, it was an incredibly welcome feeling. You could feel yourself clenching down around him, his fingers circling your clit only adding to the feeling building in your stomach.
“Dal- Dal, move.” You whispered out, voice hoarse as you grasped at his shoulders, desperate for him to move. He snickered at your pleading tone, slowly pulling himself out before pushing back in, slowly and deeply fucking you as he whispered words of praise into the crook of your neck, pressing kisses against your damp skin whenever he couldn’t help but moan at the feeling of your warmth surrounding him.
You could hear your wetness coating his cock with each thrust of his hips, his fingers slick against your clit. The room was filled with the sound of skin meeting skin, broken-off moans, and whispered words. Your thighs tightened against him as he adjusted himself, lifting himself a bit, unknowingly brushing against a spot within you that you’d never known existed - one that pulled a drawn-out moan from your chest.
“Yeah?” He asked through a smirk, hand moving down to cup your hip as he pushed back into you, hitting that very same spot. You could hardly think, let alone breathe as he fucked himself into you, fingers working at your clit as he angled himself to hit that spot over, and over. “Taking me so good, doll.” He grunted out, grip tightening on your hip as he picked up his pace.
Your hand shot down to his wrist as he continued toying with your clit, eyes fluttering shut as you felt your orgasm building to its peak in your lower stomach, the feeling causing you to rock your hips in tandem with his thrusts. The look on your face was enough to make him groan, his hand moving from your hip to your jaw as he tilted your face to look at him.
“Look at me when you cum on my cock, baby.” He murmured, voice soft yet authoritative as he slammed into you. As soon as you opened your eyes he moved his hand, pressing it against your lower stomach as he continued fucking himself into you. It felt as though he were pushing you down onto him, that spot that nearly blinded you with pleasure constantly being rutted against by his cock.
All you could muster was a weak, “F-fuck,” as you came undone, back arching off the bed as you whined out his name. He didn’t stop, stifling a groan at the way you writhed beneath him as he felt his orgasm building. Once you started swatting at his fingers that still circled your clit he moved his hand, choosing to grab the other side of your hip, effectively propping you up against him as he fucked you.
The pace was near brutal, moans forced from your body as your breasts bounced with each thrust. You couldn’t focus, still reeling from your last orgasm as he continued fucking you into oversensitivity-fueled bliss. You could feel his thumbs pressing into your hipbones, short curses slipping past his lips.
“Gonna cum, baby.” He grunted, pulling out of you a second later, spilling his cum across your lower stomach. His chest heaved, cheeks flushed red as he pumped himself through his orgasm. You could only watch in a haze of your own, still catching your breath as he looked up at you, that familiar crooked smile taking over his features as he moved on top of you once more.
“Did so good, doll. Real good.” He murmured against your cheek, pressing a kiss to your skin between each sentence. “You feel alright? Need me to get you something?” He asked after a moment, a hint of concern evident in his tone that made you smile as you shook your head.
“It felt perfect, Dal. I’m alright.” You whispered back, turning over onto your side to face him, bringing a hand up to cup his cheek, leaning up after to press a kiss to his waiting lips. “Perfect.”
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A/N: Thank you for reading if you made it this far, or even if you just skimmed it over - either way I appreciate the interactions! As always you can find my work over on my ao3 under the user “Unscriptural.” Thank you anon for the request! (Sorry for the late posting, or early? Wherever you are? I finished editing it and didn’t want to queue it, so here is your daily scheduled reading material.)
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