happyroadkillart · 9 months
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how this guy lost the war on drugs is a mystery to me
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ilikeit-art · 2 months
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shiftythrifting · 2 months
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a magnificent twofer found in st petersburg, russia. looking forward to getting fully arrested for wearing the first one if i ever encounter a cop that can read
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theconcealedweapon · 23 days
The purpose of DARE is not to teach information about drugs. The purpose is to convince non-users that they're superior so they’ll continue to support giving more power to the police.
Anyone who's honest about drug use would say that people use drugs because society is designed to be such hell that the only way to cope is to use drugs.
But if children were taught that, their natural response would be "then let's stop making society hell". The ruling class wouldn't like that.
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magismagisque · 5 months
Non si può spiegare la delusione.
La delusione è qualcosa di profondo, qualcosa che non ti porta rabbia, né rancore, né altro tipo di sentimento.
Delusi lo si è quando si dà tanto, ma non viene capito, né apprezzato.
Allora decidi di deporre le armi, perché capisci che non hai più voglia di insistere o spiegare, perché tanto continuerebbero a non capirti.
Ti ritiri, si chiude il sipario, si spengono le luci, finisce lo spettacolo.
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ksjanes · 4 months
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All glory comes from daring to begin.
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sturnsjtop · 1 month
stupid fucking dare
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you and matt are fwb and on a boring night you guys decide to go to the beach to relax but a stupid little thing you dared him to do was probably not a good idea.
Your thoughts
Third person pov
Friday, 10pm
Y/n pov
Me and Matt have been bored out of our minds for an hour now. Even tho we fucked 2 times today we weren’t really in the mood for a round 3.
I’m chilling on the couch next to him as an idea pops in my head.
“Wanna go to the beach? Just to chill or whatever”
He looks at me and nods “yeah I guess we could go”
Friday, 11pm
We’ve been playing a game “truth or dare” and he dared me to eat sand. What’s up with this kid?
“Come on your turn ask me” he says calming down from his laughter after seeing me choke and spit the sand out.
“truth or dare, bitch.”
“I ain’t a pussy, dare.” He says smirking at me
I laugh. “Oh you’re gonna get it.” I smirk and look around “I dare you to go over to that girl” I point to a random girl “and ask her to hook up but if she agrees just tell her it was a joke or something. I don’t wanna see you fuck other girls.” I say giggling.
Matt glances over to where I pointed and looks back at me smirking
“Whew a nice dare, huh? Alright then, wish me luck. I’ll make you proud.” He says as he stands up and smirks at me while walking up to the girl
She wasn’t far away so I could hear perfectly what they were saying
He stands in front of her taking in her appearance. She was really fucking gorgeous.
“Hey girl. You look mighty lonely down here. Mind if I join you?” He asks trying to keep his charm and ‘confidence’ and hoping to pull it off
The girl glances up at Matt, giving him a flirty smile as she takes in the sight of him. A slight look of appreciation in her eyes as she sizes him up. “Sure handsome, I don’t mind at all. What brings you here to me?”
Lord help me I’m cringing at the sight of this. Come on Matt do this quick and come back.
Matthew manages to maintain his composure, flashing a smile and sitting down beside her. “I just saw a gorgeous girl all alone and I just couldn’t resist coming over to keep you company. A girl like you deserves a man who’ll treat you properly, ya know?” He says taking her hand in his and gently kissing it.
Ew, what the fuck Matt? You don’t know where that hand has been. I look at them shocked as I’m waiting for him to up and end to this torture and do his fucking dare.
I mean the dare was not flirting with her, just asking to hook up. Maybe I’m jealous but what is he doing? He doesn’t even know her name.
Matt takes a moment to chat with the girl flirting back and forth feeling almost a rush as he takes her in, her beauty drawing him in. His breath growing slightly more shallow as he looks at her, feeling a sudden pang of warmth go through his chest. He can’t help the strange feeling for this random girl as his mind begins to wander but when he remembers the dare he snaps out of it. He shifts slightly and looks at her.
“So.. doll.. I’m in a bit of a predicament. What would you think about helping me out a bit?”
The girl looks at him, her eyes widening at the words. She purrs out a response “Sure thing handsome… what kind of help do you need?”
“Just a small favor..”
Matthew what the fuck are you doing? Ask her to hook up, tell her it was a joke and fucking leave.
“What do you say.. we go somewhere more private and… you know.. I’ll show something you wouldn’t wanna miss out on” he says in a seductive tone while putting his hand on her thigh waiting for a response.
She nods and they stand up, going somewhere that it’s not even private. I can’t with Matthew. Just get this over with. Like it’s already done Matt just say it was a joke and come back to me.
He turns to her, biting his lips and places his hands on her hips. His eyes dark with desire he pulls her in and kisses her. His hands going to her ass and he squeezes it. She moans and he slides his tongue in, making out like it’s the last day on earth.
I look at them shocked. This wasn’t part of the fucking dare, what the fuck is he doing? Literally 2 hours ago we were hooking up and now he’s tryna fuck this random whore he met not even 10 minutes ago? He doesn’t know her name. Does he even remember he came here with me? Is he fucking with me? I’m so fucking done with him. He can get his dick wet and make out with her while I just stand there and watch them do it? Fuck you Matthew. I so fucking hate you.
I stand up and go the other direction, leaving the beach as a tear goes down my face
Why the fuck am I even crying for? Maybe I liked him? Of course I fucking like him, I love him. But what he’s doing right now is so fucked up. It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have dared him that. But no it’s not. It was just a dare. I made it clear after she agreed that he has to say he’s joking because I didn’t want to see him fuck other girls. But here we are.
Matt loses himself in the kiss, feeling a heavy rush of lust and excitement as their bodies are pressed against each other. It’s a rush he hasn’t belt in years, having a pretty woman pressed against him. It almost feels like a dream, a fantasy. After a while he pull away breathing heavily and coming back to his senses. He looks around to look for y/n but she wasn’t there. He starts to panic.
The random girl looks at him confused “what happened baby? Why’d you pull away?”
Y/n is sprinting to her best friends house, Sabrina while crying her eyes out.
Matts heart clenches in his chest, a pang of guilt running through him. He realised you were there watching all of this. His stomach drops as he realises what he’s done. He sighs “oh fuck”
The girl looks at him confused “huh?”
Matthew backs away from her and leaves her there, while he’s trying to call you and run after you but you weren’t in sight.
Saturday, 00:23am
“I never want to see him again. He can fuck other girls I don’t fucking care. He’s the one who will get STDS not me.I fucking hate him.” I say crying in my best friends bed cuddling her. She barely understands what I’m saying
“It’s okay y/n, he’s fucking stupid for putting you through that. You’ll find someone better.” Sabrina says as she runs her fingers through my hair.
Saturday, 2pm
Me and Sab went to sleep at 4am. All we did was talk about random stuff to get my head off Matthew. It kind of worked.
Now I’m heading back to my house feeling like shit and probably gonna stay in my bed all day watching random TV shows.
I get closer to my house and I see something there. Not something, more so someone.
In the same clothes as yesterday.
Did he stay in front of my house all night? What the fuck?
y’all don’t judge it’s my first time ever writing a fic and English is not my first language so excuse me😭😭😭
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ragazzoarcano · 5 months
“Oh una tua tenerezza in questa sera maledetta mi ridarebbe la vita.”
— Cesare Pavese
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sunny-117 · 5 months
I will start a chain now because I'm bored and want to start to post again after my inactivity🙈
So. For all my mutals, we all give a dare to the ones we tag.
But I will say some rules. Please no dares that has something to do with taking pictures or videos from real-life or with recording your voice. If someone is uncomfortable with the dare then you should write it or you don't need to do it. No one is pressured. It's just for fun🥰
So I will start with a light dare: Post a video on your blog that gets you everytime in a lee mood😌
I tag:
As I said: no pressure❤️
Let's have fun with daring each other😌❤️
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Dungeon: Sulgien's Sulphurous Tomb
After the ancient titan of fire was snuffed out, her children and followers interred her body in a burial mound that rivaled small mountains for size. It is said the earth itself wept over this cairn, and it's tears were volcanic fire that has never since cooled.
Adventure Hooks:
Whether it be a demiplane or stretch of hostile wilderness (as your campaign might need) the charred wasteland surrounding Sulgien's tomb has come to be known as the Ashmourn. Home to pyroclastic storms and rogue elementals, to say nothing of the rivers of lava or cinderswamps, the Ashmorn is an area all but the bravest steer well clear of. This has made it the perfect home for a band of fire genasi nomads who survive by raiding other lands, then retreating where more flammable folk would never dare to follow. Their leader claims decent from Sulgien herself, and seeks a means to resurrect the mighty titan so that she may again hold dominion over all that burns.
Legends say the gods struck down Sulgien because her rampages threatened the very foundations of the world. The legends are almost right. While it's all to easy to imagine a fiery giant destroying everything in her path, Sulgien's threat lay not only in her strength and battle prowess, but also in her power as an oracle: With some effort the titan of fire could pronounce a destiny and sear it's shape upon the world, impossible to avert or contradict. It's also said that her prophecies were etched upon the inner walls of her tomb, knowledge that mystics of all kind would pay a party generously to obtain.
Stories speak of Sulgien's blade, the bane of gods and monsters alike, which struck apart foes with the violence of the rupturing earth. Someone, perhaps the party, or one of their foes, might be able to obtain a fraction of this power should they be able to reach the titan's burial chamber and touch their weapon to hers. This is easier said than done, not only would one need immunity to fire to even consider the task, it would also require swimming to the bottom of a magma flooded burial chamber as well as laying hands on a weapon that could survive the transfer of primal energy. Even adamantium melts under such pressure, but should someone manage the impossible they will be in possession of a weapon that can carve pantheons.
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bigtreefest · 3 months
I dare you to write a piece using a character that you want to, but have never had a chance to write for before. With the sentence "Well that was a surprise."
Saint or Sinner?
College! Lloyd Hansen x Reader
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Word Count: 1,331
A/N: Amber!!! Thank you for tickling my brain with this dare! I honestly wanted to do Andy so badly, but this quote was screaming Lloyd to me and I couldn’t resist. To be completely honest, I had no intention of writing him, but my fingers tip-tapped away and I lost all control. I might’ve been possessed.
I also always plan on writing a Drabble, and then it ends up being as long as one of my fic chapters, but anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Smut (oral, m receiving), use of pet names, sociopathic tendencies, mean Lloyd, a twist?
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Ever since you were old enough date, you’ve been happily independent. You grew up in a small town, surrounded by blue collar families, including most of the members of your own.
You’d always had a keen ability to fit in anywhere, which you attribute to your upbringing. Your mom worked a corporate job, while your dad spent all day in a mechanic shop.
You were well off, but not raised like it, and you’d never judge those who had less than you, even though that’s what a lot of people expected.
Once you graduated high school, you got into Harvard where you met Lloyd. Lloyd was someone who was good at keeping his distance. You noticed it at first when you invited him to join a study group you had started with some other members of your cohort.
You received a terse “No thanks, Pumpkin,” punctuated with a curt nod and a wink, before he went to hang out with his other friends and his team.
You had made multiple attempts to include him in group activities, or engage in conversation when you could nab a seat next to him in class, but after some time, you stopped seeing him altogether. You could tell he was avoiding you and the study group you had become closer with. You’d probably actually call them your friends, becoming just as close as you were to some people back home. They picked up on the same things too, seeing that you were humble, and carried yourself in such a proper manner, earning you the nickname “the Saint.”
When word of that got around to Lloyd, he rolled his eyes. You were the complete opposite of him. Kind, welcoming, calculated, while he was cold, unpredictable, sociopathic. He couldn’t stand how successful you were, too. Professors and students alike constantly praised you, more than willing to help you in any way through your academic journey and career beyond. Where he schmoozed, you gracefully existed and got just as far.
You were perfect in everyone’s eyes, including his own, which is what infuriated him. There had to be a weak spot, somewhere where your surface would crack, and he had initially tried to find it by turning you down all those times, but it was unsuccessful.
None of the manipulation tactics he had worked so hard on perfecting for so long made you budge, either. He’d pluck out a random friend from your group to join his. Nothing. He’d sabotage your flash drive for your presentation, you’d have a backup in your email, ready to go. After you’d gone, you wished him luck and no technical difficulties like you had, with a giggle! He was enraged.
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After being at the top of your class, the two of you were selected to go to a conference in DC. It was hardly supervised by your professor who had booked two rooms for you next to each other, getting himself a suite a few floors above.
You knocked on Lloyd’s door in the late afternoon, the day before your presentation. He opened it just enough to peek his head through.
“What do you want?”
You sighed with your signature smile on your face. “Did you want to go over everything one more time before dinner?”
He looked you up and down, face as stern as it ever was when he was dealing with you. “Not really, Sunshine.” He slammed the door in your face.
What Lloyd didn’t know was that all his little tactics were really chipping away at you. All you wanted was to spend time with him, to get close. You couldn’t help it. You’d be lying if you said it was in your usual friendship way, too.
No, you wanted more. There was something about how aloof he was that drew you in. You were obsessed and not willing to give up until you got what you wanted, what you deserved.
His little tendencies weren’t upsetting because he was rude, they were upsetting because they were keeping you away from what your body and the deep, dark recesses of your mind were screaming for.
The door slamming in your face was the last straw. Lloyd wouldn’t get away with this any longer. You could see what he was trying to do, and if you had any say, you’d make sure it failed. You were going to be the winner of the little mind game he was playing.
To be honest, by this point, Lloyd had given up, thinking you’d never break. You were just too sweet, a true Saint. Treating you like this had just become habit, which is why he was almost confused when he heard muttering on the other side of his door.
You had taken the magnetic clip out of your hair and maneuvered it against the hotel key card reader until it unlocked. The door flew open and your eyes landed on Lloyd, stomping towards him and pinning him with his back against the nearest wall.
He looked down at you, face unreadable beside his eyes being slightly wider than usual.
“Why are you being like this!? What did I do!?” You gritted out, your tone threatening.
Lloyd didn’t say anything, only the corner of his mouth twitched upwards.
“Tell. Me.” You slammed your hands against the wall, arms framing his head as you looked up into his eyes, your stomach pressed against his cock that was growing rock hard.
“Am I going to have to pull it out of you? Suck it out of you, myself?” Lloyd found himself at a loss for words for once. All he could do was part his lips slightly and give a small nod like he always did.
You began to unbuckle the belt of his ridiculously expensive pants, shoving them down just enough that you could see the hard-on pressing against his boxer briefs.
“Huh? Is that what you want? That what you need, Pumpkin?” You spat back at him, mocking his previous words.
His brain was finally beginning to catch up with the situation as he nodded down to you and you got on your knees.
“Yeah, do it. I know you want to. Suck me off.”
You didn’t need much more prompting, fueled by rage and control. You pulled down his underwear, his dick springing free.
You gave him no time to prepare, immediately licking from the base of his length to the tip before fully taking him into your mouth. Your mouth was stretching to accommodate his girth, but it was nothing for you in the lust of the moment. You set a vigorous pace, Lloyd’s head thrown back against the wall as he moaned loudly.
He pulled his head forward as his abs tensed, already close with the debauchery of the situation. He tangled his ringed fingers in your hair, helping to guide you along his length.
“That’s it. Keep going. Not such a Saint, are you?”
You hummed against his length in response, saliva dripping down your chin and his balls that you were lightly tugging in you hand. The other hand had its nails dug into his thigh, causing a slight sting that heightened the pleasure for Lloyd.
Before he knew it, he was coming down your throat. You pulled away as you swallowed his salty release, looking up at him and wiping off your face before standing up.
You caught his gaze again and Lloyd looked at you with bewilderment mixed with his post-orgasmic haze.
“Well that was a surprise.” He said between heavy breaths, pulling up his underwear and pants, buckling his belt again. Oh, he had no idea the tactics you had in store for him.
Your hands pressed against his abs in his knitted shirt. One stayed there as the other traced up his firm pec, past his collar and found purchase around his neck, lightly squeezing.
“So are you finally going to tell me what’s going on in the head behind that ridiculous mustache?”
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Bonus A/N: Um… I don’t really know what happened. I think I blacked out.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 8 months
I was dared by my dad to run around my old neighborhood. I started running but I was kidnapped about halfway through but they just took me to get ice cream and then dropped me off.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 3 months
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Future Mayor Fiorello La Guardia really said, "I dare you to arrest me." A fervent opponent of Prohibition, La Guardia, then a congressman, staged a beer-making demonstration for reporters in 1926 in order to defy the law. He, along with Governor Al Smith, emphasized how Prohibition unfairly targeted working-class New Yorkers and distracted officials from other pressing issues.
Photo: MCNY Instagram
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fuckyeahcourtneylove · 6 months
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february 1994.
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anonymitie · 3 months
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shiftythrifting · 1 year
I’ve got some shifty submits for y’all! Here’s some shirts
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All found in the DFW area of Texas
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