#declan lynch
am I just supposed to move on from the fact that when Niall says Ronan he means knife or poison or revenge and when Declan says Ronan he means an insult and when Gansey says Ronan he means do you need help? and when Matthew says Ronan he means please but when Adam says Ronan he just means Ronan
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ceruleanblueshells · 3 days
* screaming, hey ho the working day! , making coffee for breakfast because can't live without the smell and gulping down antacids like juice because my stomach can't handle shit *
I'm in my Declan Lynch Era :)
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aglionbyacademia · 3 days
Noah Czerny I will never forget you
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stressedoatmeal · 1 day
I fear ya’ll do not understand Ronan and Adam like I do. Granted I read the entirety of td3 within 16 hours and it feels mostly like a fever dream (I genuinely had to reread a good portion of Greywarren to believe sweetmeatles were actually a thing) so take everything with a grain of salt. but the decisions those two made? Understandable. Not right but not wrong. They’re kids. They’re kids who are both mentally unwell. They have never understood what proper communication is. It was NEVER taught to either of them. Ronan abandoning Adam for Bryde? That’s fucked but sounds like what a kid fresh out of high school would do. The ecoterrorism? Honestly dudes a literal god who doesn’t know he’s a god. He’s gonna do some bad stuff. Adam abandoning Ronan when Ronan goes to sleep? Shit man that’s messed up.. but also Adam tried and tried again to help Ronan and states in almost every book of trc that he is not going to babysit the dude. Ronan has to understand the consequences. Also god forbid a traumatized 19/20 year old try and figure shit out and do the wrong thing. Ronan is 19 in call down the hawk. Adam is also 19. The shit I did at 19 was fucked. I don’t understand why people are putting these characters, who we love for how realistic and three dimensional they are, on this moral pedestal. They’re gonna do bad things. Teenagers do bad things. I don’t know how long it’s been since you guys were teenagers/young adults but it seems like it’s been a while.
Not trying to make people mad with this and I’m totally fine with criticism to what I say, Speak your truth. I’ve just seen so many ppl ripping the trilogy apart due to these things in particular and I’m like ? Sounds like normal teenage decisions (or as normal as it can be considering the nature of the story)
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dcvina-claires · 9 months
i love it when a piece of media is like: is there anything more painful than knowing your sibling? is there anything more tragic than knowing they are the only person who will ever share the same experience as you? they were the only constant in your life. they were there since birth and now, no matter how they betray you, you will still love them. you will always feel the need to protect them even if you can no longer bring yourself to talk to them. will anyone else be able to understand? will anybody be able to love you and hate you and fear you the same way a sibling loves you and hates you and fears you? no, probably not
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wherethehellisronan · 1 month
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moments before getting arrested
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hatepotion · 26 days
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father's day gift from matthew or something
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in love with how ronan said i hate my brother and then married a cold logical man who is obsessed with both his success and looking presentable 24/7 and then declan said ugh fuck that jackass ronan and then married a baddie covered with tattoos who loves self expression and has a wicked mouth.
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luneillusoire · 7 days
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To be loved is to be changed ❤️‍🩹
The Lynch family gathered by the Barns
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pygmy--tyrant · 8 months
I think if we ever got bi declan real it would have been done in like a one paragraph anecdote in his internal monologue about the most boring gay experience in the world and never brought up again. like at some point he would've been like 'once declan had slept with a senator's son, a man with the false american charm and loud presence of one used to getting what they wanted, for the political advantage. he had left promptly the next morning as if merely returning from a meeting, and had spent almost a whole hour staring at guido reni's st sebastian which he had stolen from the dulwich gallery without anyone noticing. the twisting, erotic form of the man seemed untouchably alien to anything declan could reach. what declan had felt the night before was merely a polite transaction - nothing like the passion this saint achieved just by dying' and it would leave us still kinda uncertain as whether or not that means he's actually into men or not
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jordeclans · 8 months
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the dreamer trilogy (2019-2022)
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deklo · 2 months
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leyendecker jordeclan. leyenjordecker.
i started this a million years ago. i should have actually tried to draw the chandelier and stair railing but oh well! also this is technically unfinished but i finished jordan so long ago i cant do it anymore 😭 sorry to declan specifically
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illumi-nati-png · 1 month
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The Greywaren
Quite suddenly Ronan was cross with both voices. He was cross with himself. Both sides telling him what he was, and him believing it. How long had he been asking: Tell me what I am?.
Never once had he simply decided for himself.
It wasn't a choice at all.
He woke up.
-Maggie Stiefvater
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speciouspessimism · 7 months
wtf was declan doing bringing ashley to monmouth at the start of trb… he told her oh yeah let me show you the place my psycho brother lives (don’t worry he won’t be there) i gotta take you to the freak museum! this is his weird ass fuck buddy and their poor sidekick hahaha date night! you’re a lobster
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some-fantastic-blue · 4 months
Sometimes family is a tired businessman, a punk catholic farmer and his magician boyfriend, a teenager with no internal organs, and two badass women who are legally the same person
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hairymoths · 4 months
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Shes so literally me
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