thescions · 3 months
It was likely due to how high emotions ran throughout Ultima Thule, but nearly all of them had completely forgotten about the teleportation devices. The Warrior of Light, however, had not.
"What -- what happened?" G'raha Tia's voice was bewildered and groggy. One moment, they had all been lifted off their feet and hurled into the abyss -- the next, they were on the bridge of Ragnarok, surrounded by all manner of equally bewildered Lopporits.
"The teleportation devices!" Livingway exclaimed. "I can't believe you really had to use them! Although, where is --?"
"They threw it away!" Alisaie sobbed. She had only just managed to push herself up into a sitting position, her eyes red. "I saw them -- they hit the button and, and --!! "
"And made sure we were safe," Alphinaud finished. His tone was bittersweet: shame at being unable to stay with the Warrior of Light to the end, but acceptance of their gesture. After all, hadn't they all made similar sacrifices while in Ultima Thule?
He wanted to stand. He wanted to return to his friend's side, but there was an unspoken truth that all of them knew: the path to the Endsinger's nest was likely no longer accessible. Even if they did make it all the way back there, it would need to be done at a full, constant sprint. None of them were in condition to do any of that.
"Well," Livingway said after a moment, noticing the heavy atmosphere. "It's good to know that the devices worked at all. And... well, our friend is known for felling gods of all kinds already, aren't they? There's not quite any reason to assume the worst. Yet." She glanced at the monitors as if to double-check. Nope. No catasrophe just yet!
Although, as if on cue, the Ragnarok and all of Ultima Thule seemed to tremble and shake. The monitors blared red and alarms went off -- but only for a moment. Still, something had changed, and the Lopporits were suddenly very preoccupied with the ship's systems.
Alisaie bit back a sob, a balled fist slamming into the floor in frustration. Thancred was silent, calculating just how pointless it might be to try and make their way back towards the nest. Estinien was forcing himself to stand, driven by the discomfort of feeling so helpless. G'raha Tia was torn between his faith in the Warrior of Light and his own dreadful anxieties. Urianger was alarmed but trying to place his focus elsewhere, glancing at the others to see if they needed healing themselves. And when Alphinaud looked to Y'shtola, he found the sorceress' brow furrowed in thought, as if trying to rapidly solve yet another riddle of the universe.
Suddenly, she turned to Thancred and Urianger.
"This domain is ruled by dynamis, is it not?" she confirmed.
Thancred perked up, his own mental wheels spinning. Urianger affirmed, "That is correct."
"Louisiox." Thancred leapt ahead in logic, catching up to Y'shtola's conclusion.
"What?" Alisaie looked up. Estinien waited, because he was equally confused. "What about grandfather?"
"Of course!" G'raha Tia leapt in, ready to fill in the gaps for the others. "In a place so where reality is dictated by emotions, our prayers could help them! Like the prayers that helped deliver Eorzea from Bahamut!"
"Well, why didn't you just say that?!" Alisaie demanded. Shaking her head, she sat upright and clapsed her hands together. "If this is all we can do...!"
"Aye," Alphinaud curled his fist and closed his eyes, his heart pounding in his ears as his comrades did the same. "We'll do everything in our power."
-- After what felt like an agonizing couple of minutes, the silence so tense one could slice through it, there was a shift in the world around them. And then, a voice:
"They felt your words. And so did I."
Thancred reacted first, gunblade drawn despite how he stood on somewhat shaky legs. Meteion, looking apologetic and lighter and brighter in hues of sky blue, did not flinch.
"There is nothing I can do or say to make up for the horrors that my sisters and I have brought upon the world, nor any of you. But take heart in knowing that the Warrior of Light has won, and our song has ended. I have walked a path for them to follow back to you."
Before anyone else could react, she was gone, fading with a soft gigle and wave goodbye.
G'raha Tia reacted first, relief rushing through him as he just barely caught himself from collapsing onto the floor.
"They're safe," he sighed, arms trembling. "Oh thank the Twelve."
"Yes...if Meteion is to be trusted," Y'shtola commented, although she, too, was smiling.
"My thoughts exactly." Estinien had pushed himself up to lean against the wall. "That girl appeared out of thin air. I see no path upon which our friend could walk."
"But they won," Alisaie insisted, relief also drowning her features. "They won -- I can feel it. Can't you?" She looked to Alphinaud, who nodded slowly.
"I do feel a certain weight off my chest has been lifted," he agreed. "For now, let's operate under the information given to us until we have reason to prove otherwise."
Urianger rose.
"If that be the case, then our friend will like want for healing," he stated. "I shall head to the Lopporits' infirmary to retrieve any additional medical supplies that may be needed."
"I'll help," Thancred offered, finally putting his gunblade away. A quick glance exchanged with Estinien communicated his faith in the Dragoon to assist if Meteion suddenly decided to have a change of heart while he was gone.
Y'shtola, in the meantime, was looking around -- trying to seek out what path Meteion may have conjured up for their friend to take. She couldn't see anything, but the world outside of the ship did seem to feel less oppressive...
A few minutes passed. Thancred and Urianger returned with the supplies. Livingway and a few other Lopporits excused themselves to check on the rest of the ship, as they presumed they would be returning to Eitheryis regardless. Alphinaud lingered by the windows, trying to discern a difference between Ultima Thule now and how it had been an hour ago.
Nobody spoke for a long time, until finally, Alisaie burst:
"Where are they? Didn't Meteion say they'd be right behind her?" She stood up, hands clenching and unclenching as anxiety wracked her petite form.
"Alisaie..." Alphinaud frowned, trying to reach for her. She shrugged him off.
"I don't want to hear it, Alphinaud! We're all worried! And we're allowed to be!" she snapped. Her anger quickly gave way to tears, which she rubbed away in frustration. "After everything -- after all we did, after all they've done -- why aren't they here?!"
Urianger spoke up. "Mayhap the journey requires one to traverse the length of Ultima Thule," he suggested, although his doubts were clear in his tone. "If that be the case, it may yet be awhile…"
He looked to Y'shtola, as if she could confirm. She merely shook her head. Out of all of them, she appeared to be the most content to wait. Estinien, too, remained quiet and withdrawn. Although, that was more due to his feeling the least included in the Scions, who had been together for far longer than he.
"It won't do any of us good to get worked up," Thancred said in agreement after a moment, placing a comforting hand on Urianger's shoulder briefly. As if he wasn't contemplating grabbing Meteion if she returned once more. As if he wasn't also contemplating heading out into Ultima Thule again himself. "We'll wait. And see."
G'raha Tia, in the meantime, swayed on his feet. He could feel Y'shtola's gaze on his back, watching him -- or perhaps warning him against suddenly collapsing. He wasn't going to, although he did feel clammy and lightheaded. He couldn't possibly make this moment about him when they were all waiting for the Warrior of Light's return.
Still -- They had won. They had won the day, just as they had in the First, so why...?
Where were they?
"Um, Meteion?" he called out suddenly into the nothingness, drawing everyone's attention. "If you're still there, somewhere -- could you possibly tell us how far our friend is away right now?"
He was met with silence, of course. Meteion wasn't there anymore. She wasn't anywhere.
Alisaie let out a scream of frustration, "I can't take this anymore! I'm going out to look for them!"
Alphinaud winced. Part of him wanted to stop her, but then he wondered why. Why wouldn't they go searching? What would be so bad if they tried?
"I'll go with you," he started.
But then there was a flash -- a brief burst of light, and the sound of a body settling against the floor. The Warrior of Light had returned: bruised, bloody, and still. The next few moments erupted into emotional and physical chaos.
But they were back.
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valiantroyalty · 10 months
Anonymous asked:
I would love to read more Ariel x Azul please
”You know, I do believe that Girl is quite infatuated with you, Azul,” Jade commented as he spotted the redhead from the corner of his eye. The two of them were surveying the lounge, to see how busy it was currently, with Floyd in the kitchen.
“Oh, certainly not.” Now Azul spotted the redhead as well, who was weaving her way through the crowd of people, her eyes looking everywhere except for in front of her. “What makes you think such a thing, Jade?” He questioned as he glanced at his right hand man, who only shrugged but a smile was on his face. “Do you even know who she is -“
Ariel spotted the dorm warden and vice and she trotted over to them. Jade cast a gance to Azul which clearly read “I told you so” before he disappeared into the kitchen, which left the owner alone with the princess.
“I - Azzie? Are you referring to me?” Came the question once he found his voice. To thing he’s been given a nickname so soon, he couldn’t believe it. But the answer waa given in a form of an eager nod, red curls bobbing from the motion. Azul waa momentarily entranced before be cleared his throat. Part of him was nervous because he had an inkling on who this girl was exactly, and if true -
“You own this place right? It’s pretty!” His thoughts were interrupted by her voice. Ariel smiled up at him, one that showcased very sharp teeth, much similar to the twins. “I found this! Dinglehopper!” A fork was promptly shoved in his face and he had to take a step back.
“A dinglehopper? That’s not -“ A pause. The princess in the legend called forks dinglehoppers, and his suspicions were only being more confirmed. “Yes, a.. dinglehopper. We have plenty of those,” he told her. “Do you know the true use of one?”
Confusion flickered briefly on Ariel’s face before she showed him what the meaning was - all based on one bird’s words, of course. She ran the utensil through crimson locks, slightly tugging from her unkept curls. Then before Azul could react, his hat was off his head and Ariel was leaning in dangerously close, a determined expression on her face. She’s brushing his hair with the fork.
He felt his face flare up and he cleared his throat again. “You - you can stop now. My hair is brushed!” There’s embarrassment in his tone, which didn’t help as he heard familiar laughter from the kitchen. It’s a bit crowded in the lounge, and he felt eyes on him.
A soft hum greeted him as she pocketed the fork into her dress. She’s not discouraged at all. “I only start! We can do more in your room!”
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skxrbrand · 6 months
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His hoofbeats echoed around him, bouncing off the jagged staircase with each heavy step he took. Up and up and up-- the stairs seemed endless, one turn of dark, ruddy brass after another, but the Reaper could tell he nearing his destination. It was clear in how the air, already impossibly hot from the combined rage of a million warriors battling endlessly below, grew hotter. It was clear in how his own fury, nearest in character to the Blood God's own, became deeper and the daemon himself became more brazen with each step.
He had been summoned by Kharneth personally. Him and him alone, a fact many of siblings had silently resented. Skarbrand still recalled striding past them, head high and full of purpose. Jostling their bulk with his own, shouldering them out of the way, and daring them to make a single sound in protest. No other but Khorne could do such a thing and live. No other but Khorne and himself, the favored of the Blood God, who enjoyed the Lord of Slaughter's favor like no daemon before or since.
Or so had been the case, up until recently.
Skarbrand had only heard of it through whispers and rumor, for he had been campaigning deep in the lands of his father's foes, reaping Skulls and adding yet more tales to his own Saga. The furies on the wind had chittered and gossiped, the bloodletters had grunted together in their harsh Khar-Dhar tongues whilst cleaning skulls, and even one or two of his Deathbringer kin had parroted the news: Khorne had taken a daemon to wife. A paramour, a consort, a Queen.
The Reaper had paid it no mind. This would happen sometimes; the titterings and tales of other, more frivolous daemons would worm their way into the Blood Legions like a Nurglish plague. He was above such things, naturally. But as he wheeled his legion around, skulls collected and corpses left the crumble to immaterial dust, the news did not fade. It persisted; nay, it grew. There were details now. This was no daemon from the four, or independent daemon yet to claim a god for a master. It was a daemon prince, a she-mortal from the material plane.
Skarbrand had laughed when he had first heard it. How ridiculous! That the Great Bloodwolf would feel such things for mere sheep to be culled. And then, he had grown angry when his kin had insisted it was the truth. But the Reaper had strode through the Bastion Gates, into the Great Hall of the Blood Feast, and he had seen her. Valkia the Bloody, the Gore-Queen, the she-mortal who had slain one of Slaanesh's ascended in single combat. And he had seen his father in a theopany of himself, a lesser form he rarely if ever took, and there had been a burning he could not describe that had taken root within him.
And that was when the Changer had struck, lighting yet another fire in the Reaper's breast.
Skarbrand was undefeated. Never had he failed to bring his master victory, never had he failed to glut the Blood God on blood and deliver a rich bounty to the Skull Throne. It was he who had defeated the champions of rival gods, and shattered their armies, razed their lands and struck fear and terror into their very hearts. The shadow of a grin worked it's way onto his doggish face as he recalled the Trickster's visit. How he had gripped the trembling fury in one mailed fist and leered contemptuously as it lied to him.
But were they lies?
Khorne could not make similar claims as the Wrathful Reaper. He had known humiliation at the hands of Slaanesh, humbling at the machinations of Nurgle, and outright defeat before the Changer. Literal statues, cast in bronze and made from the collars of his own hounds, had been erected of these failures and the Blood God had suffered their existence. He had lost, he had failed, and now there was a measly once-mortal attracting his eye. Softening his famously black heart.
ᴛⷮhͪeͤ Вloͦoͦdͩ Goͦdͩ iͥs͛ weͤaͣᴋⷦ. Whͪaͣᴛⷮ oͦᴛⷮhͪeͤrͬ eͤxͯрlaͣnaͣᴛⷮiͥoͦn cͨaͣn ᴛⷮhͪeͤrͬeͤ вeͤ? The Fury had strained within Skarbrand's ever-tightening grip. ᴛⷮoͦ s͛uͧrͬvͮiͥvͮeͤ weͤ mͫuͧs͛ᴛⷮ cͨhͪaͣngeͤ. Aͣndͩ ᴋⷦhͪoͦrͬneͤ iͥs͛ aͣn oͦldͩ dͩoͦg wiͥᴛⷮhͪ noͦ neͤw ᴛⷮrͬiͥcͨᴋⷦs͛ ᴛⷮoͦ oͦffeͤrͬ. ᴛⷮhͪeͤ S͛ᴋⷦuͧll ᴛⷮhͪrͬoͦneͤ yeͤaͣrͬns͛ foͦrͬ aͣ neͤw goͦdͩ,̓ aͣ s͛ᴛⷮrͬoͦng goͦdͩ.
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The Reaper gave a rumble, his heart swelling even to recall those words. He was no fool-- Tzeentch had his designs, obviously. Displacing Khorne would surely be part of some larger plan...but the Trickster had yet to see what Skarbrand would become as the new God of Blood. Khorne was no mystery, but the Reaper would be a new beast. A Daemon-God the four were yet to know.
At last, he climbed the final step, onto the tallest of the Brass Citadel's towers. The brassy shadows of the fortress fell away to the bright, bloody skies of the ever-burning realm. In all directions, battle could be witnessed. In the skies, Bloodthirsters dueled with axe and whip, on the bone-choked plains armies charged into one another with abandon, and even on the blood-oceans and rivers of lava slicing the land into chunks, Skullships rammed one another or shot volleys of burning heads at rival captains and crews.
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And overlooking it all was the Blood God himself, standing at the edge of the ramparts. If Skarbrand was a sight of terror, Kharneth was such eight hundred times over. He was tall and broad, clad in black-and-brass armor glowing with intricate bloody red runes. No other could've worn it, for the Blood God had a bulk to him that his children simply lacked, even mighty Skarbrand. He seemed to notice the Reaper's presence after a moment or two of surveying his realm, turning just enough to see his daemonic scion.
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Skarbrand stood straighter, gripped his axes tighter. Much of the fury borne of his ruminating disappeared the instant his father's hellish gaze fell upon him. Instantly, he dropped his eyes to the floor, then he himself followed, one knee bearing his weight.
" Father." Skarbrand began, " You sent for me."
Khorne gave a rumble at the deference, turning himself back around to behold his realm. "𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄, 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐍. 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃."
The Reaper obeyed, and the closer he walked, the more of a poor idea the Changer's prattling seemed to be. He came to stand a ways behind the Blood God, not so presumptive as to stand beside his father. To the Chaos Power, he was tiny-- the size a mortal might've been compared to his own stature.
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Skarbrand's brow furrowed, but he did not react to the statement otherwise. There was a weight on his shoulder then and an accompanying heat he could feel through his armor and even his own skin. He looked up. A hand, armored and taloned, had settled on his shoulder. Khorne's hand. The Blood God was smaller now, closer to him in size, looking at him with a joyous reverence Skarbrand had seen him show vanishingly few of his devoted, be they mortal or daemon.
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The heat left. Khorne had pulled away, to continue overlooking his soon-to-be far more vast Kingdom.
The words should've heartened the Reaper and made solid his loyalties to his father...but the effect was the opposite one. Favor. Conqueror for the sake of his love-sick father. No, that was enough for Skarbrand no longer. To be rewarded with second place. To have this old dog standing in the way of his destiny as the new God of Blood. Indignant and newly assured with Kharneth's eyes elsewhere, back to him, neck so clearly in view, the Reaper's fury waxed and from his maw came a thunderous roar.
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Before Khorne could turn, Slaughter and Carnage were raised, burning with their own fury as they realized what their treasonous brother meant to do. What he meant to use them for, for which they could only watch and screech. Skarbrand, strongest daemon ever spawned by the warp, forged by Khorne's own fang and blooded by a billion battles, brought both of his War Axes down upon his father's armored neck--
It was like colliding with a wall of the most solid daemon-metal. The descent of his weapon halted, the mastercraft of Khorne's armor proven before his very eyes. The recoil of it rolled violently through Skarbrand, and he could feel blood on his tongue, in his nose, and a yet indeterminable ruin beneath his very skin, within his organs, bones, and muscles. And for what? When he looked down, only the merest divot had been cut into the Blood God's cuirass, cracks spider webbing only so far from the impact site. But no more. No blood, no real damage, nothing for his efforts.
He looked up at his father and found the Blood God staring at him. And there was a fury there he reserved for his brother gods. A mistake. That's what this had been. A trick and a trap. The Reaper made to flee his father's rage, but there was no escaping such a thing. Khorne had already seized him about the throat and around the Reaper, the air snapped and warped. He could feel his armor melting on his very flesh and out of the corner of his eyes, he could see the Citadel itself liquefy as Khorne grew brighter and brighter, his rage deeper and blacker. His hooves dangled from where Khorne held him and beheld him, his ruined face a vision of purest apoplexy.
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The Blood God lifted Skarbrand high and then slammed him into the half-melted metal of the Citadel. Around them, volcanoes erupted, the land broke apart in earthquakes, and brass meteors wept from the sky. Fell winds whipped into bone-shredding storms and the skull plains overflowed with boiling blood, brass, and liquid fire. The Realm was just as angry as the God that had created it.
Pinning Skarbrand beneath his bulk, the Blood God pulled back a metal fist and then buried that fist in his son's face. Again and again and again, spiked knuckles ripping flesh from bone and knocking teeth from skull. Snapping and splintering horn and spilling blood. For his part, the only thing the Legendary Exile could do was take it. Endure. Move with the punches, so as to reduce their impact. Survive his father's incandescent fury.
"𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐒𝐈𝐓 𝐌𝐘 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐄. 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐑 𝐌𝐘 𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐒 𝐆𝐎𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄?" Khorne grasped Skarbrand's head, his talons pressing into bone, ruining one eye. Through his own terror and Kharneth's wrath, the Reaper saw a mirthless grin stretched out across the Blood God's face, and he knew in the moment that his miseries were just beginning.
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"𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐄, 𝐌𝐘 𝐒𝐎𝐍. 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐔𝐒 𝐒𝐄𝐄." Pulling Skarbrand from the ground in his clawed grip, the Blood God held his broken form for all the realm see. He let them witness the cost of treachery and know that even his utmost favor would not excuse them from his wrath. And then, he channeled that wrath through his claws, his vengeance ugly to behold. Skarbrand screamed. He felt the flames of his father's rage burning him from within and without, searing away his very being, filling him with the fury he so coveted. His skin cracked, his body bulged, but Khorne sneered and denied the Reaper the mercy of fulmination.
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With the same claw he had shredded the Bloodthirster with, Kharneth had remade Skarbrand to carry his own rage. And when he had finished, the screaming Bloodthirster was little more than a beast, little more than a rabid overlarge Flesh Hound. But the Blood God had no more favor for this treacherous dog. He cocked back his arm and with one powerful flex, sent the Reaper over the edge of the tower and into the sky, a comet of ruin and destruction.
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Banished from his presence forever.
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fodlansbestmom · 2 months
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“How can you bother to drink that stuff?”
“It’s bitter,” Hubert replied after he took a sip of his coffee. A daily drink he consumes. It feels energy, it’s habitual. An eyebrow arched. “Perhaps you should broaden your horizons before you dislike mine.”
Sothis let out a disapproved hum. She had tried coffee in the past but it wasn’t to her liking, even adorned with cream and sugar. The smell was decent, at least. But the taste.. bitter indeed.
Hubert took another sip of his coffee. Before he had a chance to set the cup down Sothis was already half over the table that separated them, and captured his mouth in a kiss. She leaned back and gave another hum. She licked her lips.
The action had caught the Black Eagle off guard and he quickly set the cup down. Somehow he hadn’t spilled. “Lady Sothis, if you told me before hand, I would have made room for you.” There’s a soft blush on his cheeks from the kiss. Something he should have anticipated but why would he in this case? It was made clear how much Sothis disliked coffee.
“Mm. I shall next time. It.. I will admit, coffee tastes better from your lips.” A cheeky grin spread across ruby lips and she leaned in for another kiss. This time Hubert was ready, and he managed a chuckle before their lips met.
“Should I be expecting you more frequent when I partake in my morning drink?”
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richardxoliverxmayhew · 7 months
( a drabble for The Darling @vxctorx cause I've been thinking about Their reunion )
Cherried lips sundered as a hushed and breathless gulp escaped his throat. Had his eyes deceived him? Had the specters of his past finally come to haunt his waking hours.--No. This was real. He was real. Richard Mayhew had dreamed of this moment for years. Conjured up renditions of what he would say if he and his love of golden-years-past were ever to cross paths again. Would he tell Vic of all of the hurt he had bore since that fateful day at the train station?
'How dare he. I'll ne'er forgive him.' Richard thought to himself, tears stinging in his reddened eyes. The first night alone in his flat... What was to be Their flat... pricked the most. How naive, the Scotsman thought to himself. How naive it was to think that he and Vic would spend their first night exhausted, but discreetly reveling in the twilight of their new life, their freedom, entwined against the other's figure upon a newly baptized mattress that was all Theirs and Theirs alone. Instead, Richard found himself sitting against a wall, downing booze, in a desperate attempt to drown not just his sorrows, but whatever trace of foolish hope he may have harboured for Them. Their life. Their unwound future. Richard took another clumsy swig of his bottle, before scrubbing away another loose tear with the side of his knuckle. 'I hate him. I hate Victor Trevor.' Naive. Dumb. Foolish, boy.
Or, would Richard tell him about the quiet moments in-between the eventual, watered down hurt and the mundane. The silent longing so great he sometimes felt he couldn't breathe.
'I'll ne'er forget him. I ne'er could...' The ache burrowed deep into the cavern of his chest. He could feel it in his bones. A year had passed since that fateful day, but the Scotsman found himself thinking of Him now and again. That contemplation led to remembering. Remembering led to missing. It was in the cozy silence of his daily routine that the yearning was most ardent. It was when Richard took an insomnia-induced stroll, just at the crack of dawn, while the world slept on, that he caught sight of the first flares of light. The sun's golden tendrils reminding him of the aureate ruffle of His boyish curls. How he liked to teasingly tousle them in an act of fondness. It was when he would find himself idly toying with the ring Vic had given him for his birthday, which he had never taken off. Not once. In fact, whenever he was alone, the Scotsman occasionally found the gentle touch of his lips linger against the band's curve. Did Vic still wear the other half? Did his lips too press discreet caresses upon its golden bend? Or had he forgotten? Was the ring nothing more than a trifle, buried with the rest of Their memories?-- It was in these moments that grief's ghost lingered. Not the grief of day's past. Richard looked at those with a bittersweet fondness. No. It was the grief of what could have been. What they could have made. Richard missed Him and all that he was. All that They were.
"It's you...." he rasped, his voice fragile glass. Taking a bold step forward, Richard tilted his chin up at the other, as if about to expel some well-versed speech. A speech of heart. Of the longing. Of the loneliness. Instead, his weary arms could bare the weight of such a deepened severance no longer. What bitter resolve the Scotsman may have been harbouring after all these years finally melted away, revealing both his trembling ache of yearning and boyish adoration for the golden gentleman before him. Without another word, Richard wrapped his arms round Vic's mature figure, holding him close. The tips of his fingers crumpled against the back of the gentleman's shirt as a quiet tear or two rolled down his cheek. Richard Mayhew had dreamed of this moment for five years.--'Vic, I'm sorry.' 'I've ne'er been happier to see ye'.' 'I missed ye'. So, much.' Not a word was uttered. In fact, he didn't have to say a word. All he could do was hold Vic close. A silent promise to never let him go. Not now. Not ever. He never could.
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delinquentsharlene · 2 months
There's a sudden but gentle knock at their bedroom door, Sharlene's gaze darting up from their phone to see their sister in the doorway.
"Um... Hey," Ami greets, giving a small wave.
"Hi," They respond. "What's up?" As they push themselves up from their bed to sit up properly, Ami's golden eyes widen slightly in surprise, before she loosens the tension in her shoulders with a sigh—both of them knew the only reason she went to their room was if she needed something.
"Um... Can I come in?" She asks. Sharlene furrows their brow, immediately picking up on her anxiety.
"Sure...?" They scoot over slightly to give her some room to sit on the bed, but she only takes a few steps in before closing the door behind her. Ami is frowning, her eyes darting around as she tries to look at anything but them, and with the strange silence looming over the two, they started to get uncomfortable.
"So, listen, Shar..." She eventually begins, bringing a hand up to rub the back of her neck. "You, uh... You have tomorrow off work, right?"
"Yeah." They state simply. "Why? Somethin' wrong?"
"No, no, not... Not wrong, per say, but, um..." Ami presses her lips together, exhaling heavily as she lifts her head, though she still avoids looking at Sharlene directly. "It's just... I have some plans—or, no, we have some plans, and... God, you're not gonna like this. Please, just... Hear me out. Okay?"
Sharlene doesn't say anything. A lump is forming in their throat, anxiety bubbling in their stomach at Ami's words. They had a feeling, a gut feeling that they knew exactly where this was going. Their sister doesn't act like this normally, she's never this nervous.
But surely they were thinking too much, right? There was no way that Sharlene's worst case scenario was exactly what Ami wanted to talk about, right?
"Okay, um..." She eventually mutters. "So... I just got off th' phone with mama."
No way.
"She, um... Tomorrow, she's gonna fly over an' meet us here, then we were gonna go to lunch with her, Carson an' I."
No way.
"Mama said... She... Really wants to see you. I know you don't like her, Shar, but if you could put yer differences aside for an hour or two..." They can hear the meekness in Ami's voice, but it didn't properly register, not when they can hear their heart beat in their ears, not when their chest burned and their throat tightened and their raw anger was the only thing they could feel.
"Are you... fucking kiddin' me?!" It's loud and it's sudden, Ami flinching and quickly reaching up to cover her ears.
"Pl-Please, don't—"
"Don't what? Get fuckin' angry, Ami?! What the hell did you expect?! There's not a chance yer stupid enough to think I'd be fine with this, right?!" Their breathing is heavy, labored, and they clench their jaw and their hands soon find their way to their hair, nails digging into their scalp as they tried to just breathe.
"I... Shar..." Her voice quivered, barely above a whisper, and they were sure she was holding back tears.
"It ain't as easy as just 'putting our differences aside'! I fuckin' hate that woman, and I couldn't give less of a shit if she wants to see me! If she wanted a relationship with me, she should'a thought of that before she decided to beat me as a child!!"
"Pl-Please stop ye-yelling... I'm—I'm sorry...!" Ami's voice is small, and it isn't until now that Sharlene finally lifts their head to see their older sister sniffling and sobbing like a scared little child, because of them.
Because they'd screamed at her. Because they'd gotten angry with her.
Maybe they're more like mama than they thought.
"I can't fuckin' believe you asked me that," They soon mutter, venom drenching their voice. "After everythin' I told you about her, y'think I'd be willin' to just let that go so that she can be happy? What, do you not care about my feelings at all?" Their tone was accusatory, and Ami visibly tensed, frantically wiping the tears off her face.
"Don't say that!" She sobbed. "I didn' mean to downplay yer feelin's, I-I care so much! I just... I wa-want things to be okay with you two... I... I thought..." Ami trails off before erupting into another fit of tears, crying and sniveling as she covers her face with her hands.
Dammit. Sharlene hated making Ami cry.
Deep breath in, hold, and exhale. Their hands drop to their lap, and they tilt their head back to stare up at the ceiling for a moment. God, they really fucked this up, didn't they?
"Ami," They eventually speak up. "'m gonna be out all day t'morrow. So, I'm not gonna see her. Okay?" As they lower their head again, dull eyes rest on their sister, who only nods wordlessly in response. That was good enough for Sharlene.
"Sorry for yellin'." They mutter. "Get out of my room."
They didn't have to ask twice. Ami immediately slipped out the door and slammed it behind her, her crying echoing through the halls of their apartment until she reached her own bedroom.
Ah... When had Sharlene started crying?
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didymousrising · 2 months
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Eska stared at Bolin, who was talking to both Korra and Mako. She hardly paid attention to Desna, who took notice of her lack of returned speech.
“You know, dear sister, he seems quite happy talking to them,” Desna mused as he glanced over to the trio. His words warranted a displeased noise. “Whatever will you do?” He knows what she will do. It was only a matter of time.
“Too happy.” Eska grumbled. The matter of time was soon answered as the princess marched over to the trio, and grabbed onto Bolin’s arm. “He’s busy,” she cut in, ice laced in her tone.
“Whoa! Uh, hey Eska! Didn’t see ya there! How, uh, long were you here?” Bolin questioned, clearly startled.
Korra huffed. “You can’t just assume someone’s busy because they aren’t talking to you!” A hand placed on her hip as she glared at her cousin which was easily returned.
“This is an important talk. You can have him later,” Mako added with a frown. He glanced at the group. There was unease now at the arrival of the norther water tribe. She clearly didn’t notice.
“Don’t care. I need him.” With that Eska promptly dragged the earthbender away. But not back to Desna, much to everyone’s surprise. “Hey wait! Eska! I wanna know how this conversation ends!” Bolin tried to get her grip off his arm but he nearly stumbled. He followed after begrudgingly, if only to keep from falling on his face.
She lead the duo to a secluded place, safely away from prying eyes and noise. “Okay, I’m here. What’s - “ The earthbender started but was cut off by lips on his.
“Don’t talk,” Eska muttered against his mouth. Had she been jealous? Just a bit. She kissed him again. This time the kiss was returned and arms wrapped around slender waist. Hands rested against his shoulders and she broke apart.
“What.. was that for? Thank you, but I’m confused?”
“Mm. Just kiss me again.”
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scarredresolve · 3 months
In a quiet moment, as everyone rushes back to the inn to dry off, Nimbra slinks off out of everybody's sights.
Crow shakes the water off his feathers as he remains perched on her shoulder, watching the tiefling curiously. She doesn't seem bothered by her drenched clothes, nor affected by the water turning her skin cold. Hair sticks to her face, covering her scar, obscuring the look in her eyes. She seems composed in one moment-- a vacant, blank stare practically boring through the window she manages to find herself next to.
But in the next, Nimbra's body goes limp; crashing against the wall until she crumples into a heap on the window bench. Crow frets, immediately; jumping slightly on her shoulder, tugging on her braid, pecking at her head.
Her hand raises, bunched against her brow as the other slams against the cushion; temptation begging her to rip it apart. Her nails dig into her gloves, threatening to draw blood into her palm as her shoulders tremble; biting down so hard on her lip that she could split it in any second.
But she does not weep.
The only moisture on her face is that of the rain-- a reminder of what had just transpired, of what else she had learned that day. She didn't even have time to process what she had learned about the death of her parents before something else was thrown at her-- rage engulfing her entire being and threatening to pull her under.
There was never a time where she wasn't suspicious of Alastor, of what they tried to accomplish in the shadows, far beyond her or anyone's sights.. but to do this.. to be apart of the very group that worshiped the ground Lilith walked on..
Why would they want this? Why would Aelius? If he hadn't tried to tell her, if she had never heard the obscurity in his words, perhaps she wouldn't have been reacting like this now.. but it felt too obvious at this point.
The new base of operations being built in Mistwind. The fact that Marcia knew their names. Even if they never acted as Abbadon, did that make them any better than the rest of their followers?
Crow's insistence eventually coaxes Nimbra into easing out of her rage; quiet, shallow breaths echoing through her ribcage as she eventually reaches up to comfort her companion. As her head lifts, it's clear to see that that vacant expression is no more; exhaustion and utter heartbreak coursing through the lines on her face.
"Idiots.. you god damn fools.."
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"What have you done?"
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bxdbunni · 3 months
Knock knock?
Whose there ?
Mom ? Dad?
Are you really running to leave this place so soon? No can leave you alone here.
It’s a digital paradise.
He’s been running ever since his legs could carry him. He had never been happy, surrounded by white faces who told him this was his new home and his life. He was given everything, but something felt like it was missing. Always missing.
A part of himself he would never know, miles away from those who were like him.
They never had time for him. If he wanted toys, food, they didn’t hesitate but a hug? To be tucked into bed? Told bedtime stories? Mom was too busy and dad spent too many nights at the office.
Knock knock…
He hears those voices, they creep in the back of his mind like deathly long fingers scraping against the walls of his bedroom. He had long since become friends with the monsters under his bed. Years of neglect had made him a monster of his own.
Knock knock
Graduating didn’t feel like an achievement. His parents didn’t seem proud, it was expected of him to succeed. Night after night coming to an empty house. Knock knock? Who’s there? No one.
What was a life that felt empty? A home with lights barely on, with no laughter or voices to keep him from sinking into the worm hole of his mind. It was maddening.
Nothing can drown out the noise
No matter what you destroy
No matter who you become
No matter what you avoid
There was nothing for him in the face of reality. Those pesky emotions had become a sick and twisted game of a whack a mole. His hammer tight in his grip, ready to slam it down the second emotions he had buried deep even dared to rise to the surface. He’d slam that hammer down over and over again, desperate and angry to see it becoming harder and harder to hit. Harder to keep down.
By the end of it the only thing left of it is the handle torn from its head from how hard and fiercely he’d hit each one.
It was that knocking in his head. A door he didn’t want to open. A door he had been standing front of for years, knocks from the other side. He’d hesitated turning that knob, scared to see what was waiting on the other side. He was never looking for the exit.
Knock knock
Who cares.
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dick-meister · 4 months
Through his eyes:
There comes a time in everyone’s life where we know when it’s the moment to… Stop. To rest. It would only be a metaphorical fitting for the First Human to meet his death in Hell. The very place that took everything from him, would be the very place that would take his life.
The piercing of an angelic dagger brought a stunned silence to the man, even as he looked ahead he could see that yellow ichor laced tip sticking out of his chest. All at once his strength left him, it was like he was under some spell when falling face first into the hellish soot he stood on.
They say you can see your life flash before your eyes before you die, but what do you see when your eyes are closed? You see nothing. Darkness. The First Human wouldn’t get that last gift, a slide show of the best moments of his life. No, he would see nothing and hear that dagger pierce his flesh over and over, his back becoming a pin cushion for the Hellish maid. Lungs, spine, kidneys, none of him would be spared as the barrage of attacks continued in quick succession.
Angelic gold filled his lungs, the last couple of stabs would take the rest of his breath. Even a final breath would be robbed from his throat. Truly, he was cursed since the very beginning right up to the end.
He could hear her voice… The agony, horror, despair. Suddenly the weight of the tiny maid on his back would be gone, replaced with the hand of his second in command, pushing him to lay on his back.
It was then he noticed how slow things were, how cognitive function began to cease. Names and memories began to leave him as his brain began to shut down.
Lilith… What did her face look like? How did they meet? Or Eve. Who… even was she? And Luci… Lu…
‘Stay with me, sir!’
Lute. That was her name. How could he forget? Why was she crying? Don’t cry. Everything will be ok. If only… He could just move and tell her. But nothing… Nothing responded to him.
It’ll be ok Lute.
He needed to show her, some way, that it would all be fine.
The last muscles in his body would move, even if his lungs filled with blood, even as he began bleeding out there in the soot covered ground… He would will one last thing for her…
A smile. It’ll be ok… Maybe then, she could be content with that, wherever he was bound to end up at…
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It’ll be… ok. Whoever you are. So… Don’t c
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lvsamine · 1 year
flashback + the birth of your daughter
flashbacks // accepting
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Lusamine cried when the pregnancy test read positive.
It wasn't a good cry. No, it was one full of despair. Mohn held her, but he didn't understand why she was so upset. After all, it turned out that she didn't mind being a mother, and she loved Gladion with everything she had, but... She hadn't wanted kids in the first place. She agreed on one with Mohn, as a compromise, and that was supposed to be it.
Now, they were expecting a second.
It was hard to remain positive during her pregnancy. It was hard to love her unborn baby when she didn't even want it in the first place. Mohn was just as excited this time as he was when she was pregnant with Gladion, and her son was thrilled at the idea of having a sibling. Though their happiness could be contagious, she still couldn't smile the way they did.
To her, there was no other option. She was going to have this baby, whether she wanted it or not.
She was rushed to Aether's medical ward when her water broke. It had been so long since she had Gladion that she'd forgotten just how painful labor was. The doctors urged her to push, and she screamed, loud and visceral and ugly, while Mohn stood by her side and gave her soft encouragements.
You're doing a great job. I love you.
Lusamine doesn't remember what she said to him during labor. She might have told him to shut up, to fuck off, maybe even blamed him for how much pain she was in, but he kept smiling through it all, like her words didn't affect him at all.
Then... It was over.
A baby's scream echoed through the room as she laid back, hair matted to her sweaty face, and all she could do was just breathe.
Soon, the baby's cries stopped. A doctor approached her with the infant in his arms, bundled up in warm blankets, and handed the child off to Lusamine. Shaky arms accepted her, and as she looked down at the baby's sleeping face...
That was it.
She was perfect.
Lusamine loved Lillie.
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valiantroyalty · 5 months
Anonymous asked:
I would like to see Azul x Ariel please
“I think it’s best if I exit last,” Azul announced to the group. He knew full well what was awaiting for him and if he went first or in any order, the rest will be waiting for seven knows how long.
“Why’s that, Azul?” Epel questioned. The octomer shook his head. He wasn’t going to explain himself, and the crew decided it best. It didn’t matter to them. They all got the answer soon enough.
Instantly as soon as Azul stepped through from the portal, he’s nearly barrelled backwards. Four scaled limbs wrapped securely around the housewarden and his vision is obscured by very familiar red curls. His own arms wrapped around the siren, mostly for some sort of support.
“Oh, that’s what he meant!” Came Epel’s surprise. Ariel was the only one waiting and one second later could have lead to some catastrophe. There’s some laughter in the room and the returned students shuffled out to return to their respective dorms.
“H-hey, not so tight!” Azul shifted on his feet and thankfully his girlfriend listened. He bruised easily and already he can feel some start to form. “Sorry,” came the muffled reply.
The redhead moved her head from the position of his neck to start her attack of kisses. It’s been three full days without her mate, and it’s driven her crazy. Being without him was near impossible and she’s only going to try her best to make up the lost time.
The kisses had been expected but they still made Azul flustered. They were alone but the public display was something he couldn’t get use to. “Ariel -“ kiss “ - I have something -“ kiss “ - for you.” He managed in between the kisses given.
There’s a slight pause as Ariel moved back to look at his face. Present? He got her a present? Oh! Azul took the chance to regain his breath and carefully set the princess down on the ground. She’s reluctant to let go just let but with gentle nudging, she did. He reached into a pocket and withdrew a bracelet. A beaded bracelet.
A wrist was brought in and the bracelet placed. There’s a soft breath from Ariel as she examined the jewelry piece. Her attention didn’t linger too long until she’s kissing him again, this time as thanks. “Efcharisto,” she whispered her verbal appreciation. The bracelet is not going to leave her wrist at all.
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skxrbrand · 3 months
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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐖𝐀𝐑 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐓. A brutal thing of skull and bone, brass and steel, it was a curious mixture of artistry and brutality, savagery and symmetry. There were four gleaming brassed skulls that formed the bowl it, godlings who had died for their presumptions of usurpation (or at the whim of the maker of this chalice; who could say?). Their skin-shorn heads looked out now, empty-eyed and screaming forever in rage at their defeat. It was the cleanest flesh-flensing the All-Slaughterer had ever seen, a job to put the Fifth Host of Murder to utter shame. The base was black metal and carved into it were harsh angles and khornate argot, glowing with a crimson heat. The stem, too, was blackened and made from the spines of the defeated divines; twined together like a thread of bones and inlaid with weeping bloodstones. This, the Prince of Pleasure had slipped gingerly into the armored claws of his warlike brother with the merest whisper of a knowing smirk.
Tearing his eyes away from it, 𝐊𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐇 looked instead to his brother-gods. Decay and Change, Nurgle and Tzeentch, who had both received their own glorious gifts: art wrought from the languid Prince's own manicured talons; Rarities, afforded to only the most high and most worthy. And as he looked at theirs and looked at his, he could have sworn his was better; made with more thought, and more care. More an example of the sheer perfection that the youngest of them was capable of them.
And despite himself, something curled in the chest of the 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐃 as he held it. It wasn't hatred-- not entirely. It was...soft. Not hot, but warm. Pleasant, like being lulled into a dream. Like reclining on a fluffy cloud after a hard campaign of endless, endless war. And he hated it. Immediately, the rage for he was so infamous flared up deep from within his chest. The 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐃 SNARLED, gripping the chalice for death and raising it high a above his flaming horns. With a thrust of his musclebound arm, he SPIKED the war goblet into the pristine tiles of the Covenantal Court, shattering the artifice into a thousand pieces.
And as soon as he did, he was overcome with the deepest dread and horror. His sword, All-Slaughter, CLATTERED to the ground with a deafening sound and Khorne had followed it on a knee. He reached out with his clawed gauntlet, talons trembling at the destruction he'd caused. Then, heedless of the eyes of siblings upon his bent form, Khorne began to gather the rent remains and reassembled the Chalice of War.
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demon-blood-youths · 5 months
An Officer's Corruption - Part Twenty-Nine
Hi everyone, this is Deamon-mun with part 29 for An Officer's corruption. This is for my friend @the-silver-peahen-residence who started this series. Here are the chapters so far.
Chapters so far
||Previous Chapters 1-7||((Click here))
((Previous chapters 8-13)) (Click here))
||Previous chapters 14-20)) ((Click here))
Part Twenty one ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty two ((NSFW Warning))
Part Twenty three
Part Twenty Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty Seven ( Dark Theme Warning )
Part Twenty-Eight
((Your reading part Twenty Nine))
||OVA Chapters 1-7|| ((Written by me and Peahen ) (Click here))
------ Warnings ----
Heavy NSFW Content
Sexual Themes
----- Drabble Summary -----
After they meet with UA, Sai explains what is discussed to Oblivion about Yuuka's past and the crime against her. After that, Sai decides his next course of action while staying in Japan. But first, he is going to spend quality time with Terry. Also...what are the whereabouts of Rust and Davion? And what's going on at Northern State Penitentiary?
"So that's what they told me." Sai told Oblivion at her room. She narrows her eyes. "Damn it."
"Yeah...I know."
"So to find the ones responsible, I have to follow a trail like the principal said?"
"Yes. These drugs are similar in the ones in the drug busting cases based on the toxicity report. They told us that the direction that Yuuja was running from is Yokohoma.
"That's right. Lucky for us, a group responsible for smuggling these drugs was busted and is now held in Northern State Penitentiary."
Oblivion makes a face. "And the group is..."
"Port Mafia. They have three of their members." Said Sai. "You might need to find a way to talk to one of them at least.".
"Actually...I do." Oblivion sighs.
"?" Sai blinked. Oblivion answers, "I know the warden actually, so I will be fine in getting an interview or a meeting with one of the Port Mafia." She said. "Anyway..thanks for this, Shdwkyz. I apprricate it."
"Of course." Sai says. "Oh. One more thing...the principal and Yuuka's homeroom teacher wants to talk to you if you have the time. They want to hear it from you." He said. Oblivion blinks before nodding. "Yeah sure. Tell them I am available."
"Good. I gave them your contact information. So please pick it up when you're ready."
"Got it. Thanks. I talk to you soon." She said.
"Right. Later."
Then Sai hung up. Oblivion sighs as she leans against the wall on her bed. "Guess I need to visit Uncle Dazai." She said before sighing, "I hope he isn't trying to find a way to kill himself again." She mutters, imagining Dazai being so happy to see her only to ask her if she can electrocute him with love. To death. Oblivion made a face. "Guess...I call him..."
She hopes the guards know how to deal with him.
----- In Japan ---
At the hotel, Sai places the phone on the nightstand before sighing. He sighs as Terry finishes up in the bathroom. He already got dressed for the night. After that talk with Nezu and Aizawa, things are starting to connect. Now he wonders how does Port Mafia is related to Yuuka's kidnapping. Should he go to Yokohoma and investigate? Trying to find out about a criminal organization isn't a good look.
Although...Aizawa says he knows someone in an agency that deals with them as they are on the right side of the law. The Armed Detective Agency.
Maybe they should go there. It's just a 30-minute train. But not right now.
"Something on your mind?" Terry asked. Sai blinked, "Nothing. I was wondering how to make use of this week given the information we now know from UA. I was thinking of going to Yokohoma and ask the agency who knows Port Mafia.
"You know? That's exactly what I'm thinking." Terry asked. Sai raised a brow, "Really?" He said. Terry nods, "Yeah. I think we're near the source of the crime scene so why not? I think a day trip for tomorrow would be fine. We just need to let the teacher know."
"Right. I sent him a text tomorrow. He's probably sleeping or on a mission." Sai nods. Terry smiles and goes to sit down next to him. "Also..should we play a little?"
"Huh? Didn't we do it the week before?" Asked Sai. Terry chuckles at that. "Yeah but I bet you're really want to do it."
Sai narrows his eyes at him for a moment before he lets out a yelp when Terry goes to trace his spine. Sai closes his eyes, "Fine...let's do it."
And so their night begins.
Sai is on the bed, moaning into the pillow as Terry is snapping his hips into him letting out grunts. After being teased for so long, Sai wants Terry to hurry as he can't stand it.
"Fuck..." Sai keeps forgetting how good this is. Then he felt sharp little knives into his shoulder. Sai hisses but doesn't resist as Terry bites down and kicks the blood.
"Ha..ha..." Sai utters while Terry pounds downwards. Sai moans into the pillow even more before his head is lifted.
"I want to hear you. Don't hide it." Terry growled. Sai lets out moans for him to hear. Terry chuckles at his neck. "That's it, good boy." He said as he held his hips and male to sure pound Sai at the right angle.
"FUCK! TERRY!" Sai cried out lustfully.
"That's it, little snake. Keep taking this. You deserve this, don't you?" Terry whispers to his ear making the snake shudder, loving his touches. He felt Terry goes to play with pecs before lifting him up and set down on the knees so he could hold him close to him. Back against his chest before pounding him forward making Sai moans.
"Ha...ha...ha.." Sai drools as his eyes become half-lidded, dazed with lust and pleasure. Terry slams his cock forward, before stopping. "AH~!" Sai moaned. "F-fuck! Yes! It's good! G-give me more! Don't stop..."
Chuckling, Terry goes to cover his eyes and goes to kiss him sideways deeply. Sai moans into the kiss, bucking his hips back against him gently. He goes to run his hand down the snake's spine making him shudder and tremble so delightful for him. Soon the kiss breaks, leaving a string of saliva before Terry goes to thrust into him even harder and faster. Sai cries out lustfully with his head thrown back, gripping the sheets of the bed. His wet hole twitched and began to tighten up around the bat's hard cock. This got the bat growling possessively, ramming into Sai hitting those certain spots and making his snake go crazy.
Fuck. I am about to cum! Cum real hard. Sai thought as those intense hits at the spots within him were like shocks of pleasure running up his spine so good, he can't even form sentences.
"Go ahead cum for me. Cum, cum, cum!" Terry urges him. "AAAH! CUMMING!" Sai shouts real hard as he came, spilling his cum onto the bed. Then he feels the bat filling him up with his load. They both panted as Sai hangs his head with his chest heaving.
Terry pulls out of him. Sai hisses, missing the fullness already but he falls onto the bed and rolls on his back, still panting from that hard breeding.
However, they're aren't done yet.
He was lifted once more this time, the bat has him hovering over his throbbing cock not ready to go down after that round. He and his cock wants more of it. Fortunately, the snake smiles a little, now hungry for more before. Terry slams Sai's hips down. His hard cock into his warm tight hole. Sai screams as Terry starts up again with more hard thrusts. The snake claws his back while holding onto him.
"Ah...s-s...ugh...uuh..augh..nuuugh!" Sai can't form words making the bat grunts and growls, continuing his pounding into him.
Soon, they will change their position with Sai on his back and Terry now pounding him downwards in a mating press. Sai looks up to the ceiling as his legs became limp due to ongoing rough breeding. His eyes dazed and his mouth open letting a long string of moans and cries.
Sai can't imagine if any of his fellow officers had a relationship with their former charge like this. Or was he the only one?
----- Somewhere in America ----
Right now, Officer Knight is with his former charge, Davion. Their relationship is now of...well...Rust couldn't describe it. He finds out that Davion takes down bounties and comes to the station to claim the money. That's what he does. So Rust works with him on any bounties that come up. After Davion tracks them down and hands them off to him they can processed and be sent to court then to jail.
He has to give Davion the money at his apartment. Of course...
Money isn't the only thing.
"That's right....keep moving your hips, little treasure."
It's doing this.
A sexual transaction.
The blond moans as he is naked and bare. His body flushed in heat and sweat as he kept moving up and down on the dragon's hard girth. Rust is on top of Davion doing their usual thing. Davion grunts as he thrusts up, matching the hips of their movements. He had Rust's hands held by his as the knight kept on riding him.
Then his knight goes to bounce faster and harder making the dragon wince at the sudden pace. Rust moans louder now as he is closing his eyes hard as he wants the dragon's cock hit those sweet spots of his.
"Ha...you love this, do you?" Davion smirks. "You want more of this cock, you couldn't get enough..hm?"
"Fuck...yeah..." Rust answers. "It's...ugh..you fault i...like this." He growls. Davion laughs, hearing this. "Oh?"
He snaps his hips up that makes Rust yelp. A wave of pleasure made him shudder with a breathless moan.
"Guess I will be responsible then." Davion said before delivering upwards thrusts into Rust's hole hitting those spots making him moan and cry. The blond's back arches a little at the pleasure, getting him to ride him even faster.
"Mffmmm..fuck...r-right there...please!" Rust begged. "I-i..."
"Yeah...you don't want this to stop. Don't worry...we got all night." He smiles. Then right away, he shifts their position as he picks Rust up and lays him down, having his legs hang over his shoulder before thrusting him down. With his mouth open, the knight screams in pleasure as he is now gripping the edge of the bed.
Fuck! It's so deep now! Rust thought as he shut his eyes tight as Davion slammed his hips down and lifted them once before doing it again. Developing a deep rhythm that made Rust's blood run on adrenaline due to the pleasurable sensation he is receiving. There is a drool at the corner of the blond's mouth as he is whimpering and moaning. But then...he shouts as Davion got a good angle at his peculiar spot.
"N-not there! Fuck! NOT THERE!"
"Why? Isn't this good? You trying to move up but can't. You love this dragon pinning you down and ravish you like a treasure you are!" He said, thrusting now rougher making Rust cry out lustfully.
"AH--ha! Mmfmm...ha...fuck! So deep!"
Davion slams his hips, coming to stop and grinds ever so slowly so the other can feel him. Rust's breath hitches, "Ah..ha..." The blond widen his eyes, wondering why he stopped.
"Well? Am I wrong?"
"Fuck...I-I" Rust winced.
"N-no...you're not wrong! Fuck! Please! Do not stop! I-I want..." Rust is having trying finishing his sentences due to the other's hard big cock inside, rubbing the right places making the other burn for him.
"You want more of it?" Davion teased. Rust growls as his blue eyes become crimson red.
"YES YOU FREAKING CRAZY DRAGON!" Rust shouted out of frustration. This got Davion to laugh and go even harder on his loving knight making him moan even more.
"Don't worry...I make sure to fuck you every single day, my treasure." Davion tells him as he goes to lift him up and fucks him upwards while his knight holds onto him for dear life. "Yes, yes, yes! Please!"
The two spend the rest of their day without incident.
---- Northern State Penitentiary ---
However, there are other relationships to explore. Like one in prison right now.
In Shrika's room and office, she is kissing her fellow officer, Willie Watts who is moaning and such. 'S-shrika."
"Willie. You have been very good today." Shrika smiles, "You have been making sure to keep those inmates in line for me. I can't thank you enough." Shrika smiles at his ear.
"Oh..well...i-i-i'ts my job.." Willie then whimpered when Shrika kissed and nipped on his neck. His face became blushing red as he was being rewarded by his Mistress right now. He used to be a prisoner here after a certain bullying incident. He was assigned to Area A where Shrika rules. At first, Willie wonders how could someone like her could manage a place like this. The place seems ordinary and anyone can get out of it. But that's one of the reasons.
So Shrika can catch them for fun and bring them back for more discipline.
It was shrewd and cunning. Willie had never seen. But she held her own in her own beautiful way. One time, he tried escaping with a few other prisoners, only to be caught again but this time by her bird form. When he saw it, he was terrified yet in awe. He admires those great dark wings whose feathers shine and her vicious talons that can easily tear guts out of a person. He did put off a fight but her great supersonic power made him weak enough to be taken back. Taken back by flight.
When he was brought back for Shrika to punish her. The first thing that came out of his mouth was that she was beautiful. He wasn't sure what face he was making. Probably stupid.
Shrika widens her eyes slightly with her maroon eyes shining at that compliment. Of course, Willie quickly apologizes for the comment, and he accepts any punishment given to him. He doesn't know why he said that but maybe because he rebels against those who think they are strong. But Shrika is different, she makes up her strength by relying on her smarts and power.
However, Willie's punishment is different from the others. In fact, Shrika favors him so much since that day, he can't help being happy when it comes to her punishments and rewards.
"Ah...ha...your soft fingers.." Said Willie as he was leaning against her while Shrika played with Willie by inserting her fingers into him slowly and deeply. It made the esper's legs twitch and tremble.
"You like that, don't you?" Shrika whispers into his ear. Willie nods weakly. "Yes!" Then a thought came to him. "Miss...Shrika...are we going to do that again?"
"That?" Shrika asked, looking curious. Willie utters as he pants, "That...when you claim me..."
Shrika's eyes lit as she knew what her adorable esper knows what he's talking about. Shrika smiles widely, "Of course. We can do that if you like. I was planning to do that anyway. After that, you can claim me as well then we can go back to doing that again. Would you like that? I got a bit bigger one so that's why I'm doing this."
Willie nods his head vigorously. "Y-yes please!"
And that's how their relationship went.
"Ahh...fuck...Mistress! R-right there! So good!" Said Willie as he is being pounded by Shrika using a strap-on. Shrika holds onto her pet by his hips as she slams her hips into him. Hearing his cries and moan got her more into this. Wanting to claim Willie even more. This got Shrika burn for her loving pet, "Oh Willie~! You sound so nice for me! Let's keep going till recess!" Shrika moaned with a lustful smile.
"Y-yes!" Willie cried.
"And after that, we can do it again at night. A night just for us!" Shrika goes to change the pace harder and faster, moving her hips even faster. Willie grips the desk tighter as he moans out. "T-that would be amazing. Y-yes please!" He can't wait for the night to arrive so he can spend more time with her.
"That's great to hear it!" Shrika laughed, "Now let's see you cum from your cock!"
"Y-yes...at your command!" Willie replied as he continues to cry out inside her office.
Out of everyone, Shrika is the first to develop a relationship with her former prisoner. She asked Warden Osamu for permission to make Willie her fellow officer once his sentence ended. It was approved right away.
However... in other areas, there are different results.
---- Area D ----
Gin Akutagawa got into another fight again. This time, it wasn't her fault. The other prisoner tried to stab her with a shiv. Charlie suspected it was some kind of assassination attempt since Akutagawa was part of the Port Mafia. Of course, some people dared to try to take a shot at them. Gin Akutagawa is one of them.
However, Gin Akutagawa can't be taken down as she managed to throw the assassination against her and take the prisoner's eye out. Right away, the situation was resolved as everyone got the area on lockdown. The prisoner was sent to the infirmary run by Cobin, his team, and his machines. Gin was taken to the solitary cell for her own safety.
However, Gin is pissed off enough that Jason was surprised by her sudden strength when he tries to usher her to the cell. Right away, Jason was tripped and is now on the ground with Gin Akutagawa on top. She had a knife at his neck. "I rather you not touch me." She said dangerously. Seriously...where does she put her knives?!
Jason gulps. He didn't realize it before but...Gin Akutagawa smells really nice. Wait what?! What is he thinking?!
Ever since Gin came to prison, Jason is watching over her. She is doing okay. Though..she is always by herself during recess or in her cell. He saw her eat once without her face mask. It was....something out of a painting. She had her smooth long hair down instead of her usual skipy bun. The way she eats is gentle and so manner-like. Her fingers look delicate and small. It was dainty and she seemed so young with porcelain skin. It makes Jason want to protect her so badly from external dangers. But he had to remind herself that she might be using her beauty to let people guard's but that's not it! Maybe she dresses the way in order to avoid getting the attention of men which makes sense!
Though her smell. Jason won't forget it. She has that smell unlike no other. How can he describe it? His wolf keen of smell is sensitive but Gin's aroma is easy and pleasing. It's like lavender or rose. It made him relaxed not to mention....
"Officer Woofhees...are you hard?" Asked Gin. This got Jason to snap out of his thoughts, seeing a surprised Gin and looks down getting his cheeks flushed pink. He quickly answers, "W-what?! No! I-"
Gin raises a brow but Jason's expression as she goes to move her hips against the tent in his pants. Jason utters a whine sound out of his control. That there says it all.
Hm. Maybe I should play with this doggy. Gin thought.
"It's alright." Gin said gently which got Jason blinking dumbfounded. Then Gin begins to grind against him slowly. This got Jason yelping.
"H-hey stop this!" Jason exclaimed.
"Why?" Gin asked innocently.
"Because...because...shit..." Jason panted. Gin chuckles now. "It's alright. You must be like this because of the women here, right?"
"No!" Jason said. It's not true. It's not because of that. It's because of her! But he won't say that! Shit! Jason doesn't see the other female prisoners that way. After all...they're freaking crazy and some of them pretty fucked up.
But Gin....she seems sane and yet...has the right level of crazy if she is in Port Mafia. Not to mention, she is very feminine and beautiful with her smooth silk and black hair. Wait, wait, wait! What is he thinking?!
Then Gin goes to bounce on his lap making Jason hiss and gasp. "Wait..wait...stop! Don't...I.."
"Ah..ha...don't move," Gin said as she continued her movements making Jason flush even redder. How can this woman...who is shorter than him do something like this. To him. He is usually top and always makes sure the ladies are taken care of at his favorite tavern but now...this lady got him under some kind of spell he can't move only to obey.
Jason pants.
"Does it feel good? I heard werewolves or lycans have a certain heat cycle. Have you been reliving yourself lately?" Said Gin continuing with movement. Jason closed his hands into fists but didn't move. "I...i.."
"I mean..."
"Let's get you better." Said Gin as goes to slip her hands between the buttoned sides of his uniform and starts to touch his abs making Jason yelped. "S-stop! I order you ah!" Gin slams her hips down. "You feel so wet there, Officer Woofhess. Do you want me to make you feel better?
"Yes-no-no...please!" Jason is now begging as Gin continues her ministrations at his hard cock that is hiding his pants. Then Jason felt his belt come undone and his own cock is now being stroked. "N-no..augh! Please stop! Someone will-"
"Don't worry...I make sure it will be quick.' And already, Gin proceeds to stroke him faster and faster. How can she do this?! Where did this come from?! How can she do with her gentle hands like that? Jason had to hide his face.
"Usually...I like cats better than dogs. But for you, I can be an exception since you're so cute under me. A strong werewolf coming undone like this. Under me. It's cute really." Gin smiles behind her mask.
"G-gin!" Jason gasped.
"Maybe I should put a collar on you and make you do tricks for me..." Gin said so nicely and gently. The mere idea of what she is suggesting is something he wanted. To experience under her.
"How does that sound, Jason?" Gin asked suggestively.
Upon hearing this name, Jason came to her hand right away. Jason is now gasping as Gin chuckles now, she goes to get up and walks to herself. Jason watches her to go inside her soldiary confidenment. "Tell me..if you need me. I always be there." She said before closing the door herself. Leaving a confused werewolf processing this.
Did that just happen???
------ Area E -----
Similar to Gin Akutagawa's situation, someone try to kill Ryunosuke Akutagawa. Or rather tried. The assassin didnt get too far. In fact, that idiot managed to disable the collar that keep Ryunosuke powers on check and now he is running lose, killing all those prisoners.
"Uh...sir! Shouldn't we do something?!" His assistant fellow officer, Wade cried. The gator looked so worried that made Matt laughed. "Oh come on, Wade. Let him run free for a moment. Heck, I even disable some of the collars on the prisoners."
"You what?!" Wade exclaimed.
"Just to make it more fair." Matt shrugs. "Besides look...there's no wonder why he is called the Black Fang Hellhound of Port Mafia. He's so cute!"
Cute?! Wade thought, watching Ryunosuke tear the other prisoners apart with a killer look in his eyes. The prisoners were sliced apart like nothing. Blood spills on the walls, floor, and ceiling. The prisoners using their powers were about to jump him but some of them were impaled by tendrils form his clothing. "But the prisoners..."
"Serial killers, r*pists, hired guns, gangsters, and war criminals." Said Matt. "What's left? I mean...Area E holds the worst of the worst. A perfect forest if you ask. They shouldn't complain since they live for it." Matt said. "After all....Pete was given horrible s*x offenders and child killers. Those guys don't last long in that prison. In fact, they usually get killed there right away. They won't be missed given how bad their crimes were." Matt shrugs. "Sid got the white-collar criminals. Shrika got the ones who think they're hot shit but nothing but small fry and fun to play with. Willie looks after the metahuman criminals. Jason and Charlie got the females that are also dangerous. Charlie is good at breaking them down. As for me, the Warden gives me control over how to run this area. He told me to have fun with it and let him in some tournaments. Here and there. After all, we're the prison that makes the worst inmates beg for death and fear for their lives at the same time."
"So...." Wade begins. "What about Cobin and Lex?"
"Oh, those two. Cobin helps with the injuries and sometimes does organ donations. Lex makes sure nothing escapes his sight if something happens. He is usually with Dazai for protection. Though, Pete handles the surveillance of the place."
"Anyway....I will let get in just about...now." Matt goes to jump over the railing. "Officer Knack!" Wade cried. Matt held his hand up, "Not to worry. I'm fine, I got this."
"Ryunosuke. Are you done with your fill?" Matt asked as Ryunosuke heard his voice and attacked with Rashomon. Right away, Matt smacks the trend away with a powerful hit.
"!" Ryunosuke widens his eyes at this. What the?
'Surprised?" Matt asked. Ryunosuke can't help but smirk, "Actually I am. I am going to have a fun time killing you, you damn guard!"
"Go ahead and try! Let's make this fun!" Matt grins as his eyes glow ready. Thus, the battle between the Killer Night and the Hellhound commenced.
To be continued....
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fodlansbestmom · 2 months
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The sudden burst of the door to the office startled the occupant. Seteth nearly fell from his seat, but scattered the papers on his desk he had been working on everywhere, with most landed on the floor.
“Rhea! Whatever is the matter?” The archbishops right hand man inquired once he regained his bearings.
Rhea panted and took a few moments to regain her breath. She had run all the way here, from one end of the grounds to the other. Was she excited? Nervous? Confused? A mix of all three if someone asked her about it.
“It’s mother - she returned!”
Seteth stared at his older sister incredulously. Their mother had returned? How? It had been a full Millenia, with no signs of the goddess herself or any traits that came with her about in the land of the living. However.. he had to believe her. Why else would Rhea rush to find him in such a manner? “How.. how do you know?”
“I cannot explain, Seteth. Just follow me!”
Without another word the two siblings left the safety of Seteth’s desk to travel down to where they stored a few of their mother’s belongings resided, primarily of her weapons. The great floral bow and quiver of similar themed arrows, and a vined whip were placed on pedestals. This is where Rhea went from time to time, to pay respects to her lost mother, and for alone time. What was different today was the flowers on the delicate bow was starting to bloom.
Ever since the death of Sothis, her weapons had started to wilt and were in a permanent state throughout the thousand years, a clear sign of the loss of the creator. Now, it was like new life was breathed in, much akin the passing of winter to spring where all plant life sprouted and blossomed from earths frozen soil.
The youngest child stared in disbelief. This wasn’t like this the last time he visited. This was great news. But something only the two of them could share between each other. Not until they find their mother.
But where was she? Fodlan was a large continent. “Do you truly believe..?”
“Yes. Yes I do. We have to find her,” Rhea answered with a nod. Before she was about to comment her plan, Seteth spoke up, as if reading his sisters thoughts.
“You cannot leave. That is what you are planning on, yes?”
The greenette nodded. “Of course I am. You can handle my share of duties - just a few days. I will not go too far.” A small compromise to be made. She turned to face him.
Seteth stared at her then shifted his attention onto the weapons. He knew even if he said no, she will go off on her own anyway. “…alright. A few days, and no more. You cannot be away for too long.” A small pause. “.. I would like to search myself as well..”
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stellevatum · 5 months
doubts, hesitation [ as a word to drabble about]
Normandy QEC, Circa 2185 CE
Kar stood in the Normandy's QEC platform, arms crossed. Her face set in her usual gaze of mistrust and skepticism that came with these little chats with the Illusive Man. The only difference between now and few years prior was she was the contracted help now.
“Doctor Chandana’s research has been enlightening, thank you.” She stated with a chilly politeness, keeping it as professional as she could manage.
She’d gone scorched earth with Project Pandora, but she didn’t doubt he had some few scant remainders of her research, and peeking into her thesis work. Even with Beedee’s encryption abilities-- every surface of this ship was loaded wth Cerberus anything. At this point she might as well put the Illusive Man down as one of her collaborators on the final paper.
Whatever feelings she had about the organization, he seemed to deem her worth tagging for this Collector mission. Then again how many beings did he know that were from a whole other galaxy and could easily adapt and retro-engineer strange technologies? (Pandora may have died a fiery death; but admittedly her work with Mordin and the Collector tech had been a pleasant challenge.) He needed her, and she hated to admit it, but this was helping her own research too.
“But I do have some concerns.” she continued. “Really, setting up the lab inside the Reaper itself?”
“Doctor Chandana and his team have every precaution afforded them.” The Illusive Man assured.
His hologram was as obscured as ever. The man sat in his chair, like always. Probably with a glass of brandy and a cigarette she reckoned. And after this, she’d probably be sneaking a smoke herself in the cargo bay.
“Yes, but aren’t you worried they could be indoctrinated?” Kar asked incredulously. “Ethical concerns aside, aren’t you afraid that there’s a chance the data could be skewed?”
“If they follow the protocols we established, there will be no issue.”
Kar scoffed. This was ridiculous. No separate station, no clean room to quarantine. Just weekly psych evaluations and keeping an eye on one another. No true control variables to speak of. That’s just bad experimentation. Then again Cerberus had little by way of ethics, so what’s a few biased and skewed research projects for them? Yes, Kar could be a little reckless, and go a little renegade researcher, but when it came to the Reapers? She didn’t fuck around.
“Agree to disagree.” Kar deadpanned.
“Your skepticism has always been appreciated, Ms. Alor’ade.” The Illusive Man paused, likely to take a drag from his cigarette. “I can only hope Doctor Chandana can prove your doubts will be unfounded.”
“We’ll see…” She replied, mostly under her breath, the last missive before the connection had been ended. For their sakes, she hoped he was right...
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