#environment and health
ecoamerica · 5 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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healthtips-fashion · 4 months
Shining Stars: Unveiling the Most Stunning Celebrities Who Rule Our Hearts
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In the realm of entertainment, there exist certain individuals who captivate our attention with their mesmerizing beauty, talent, and charisma. These enchanting celebrities have become an integral part of our lives, inspiring us with their remarkable performances and captivating us with their stunning looks. In this article, we will delve into the world of eight breathtakingly beautiful celebrities who have stolen our hearts and become our ultimate celebrity crushes.
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thescrcservices · 5 months
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May this International Labour Day bring you renewed energy and motivation to pursue your goals with passion and dedication.
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phdguides · 2 months
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Get Free Of Cost PhD Resources
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dubai-properties-2024 · 5 months
Jade Tower by Tiger at Majan Dubai
Jade Tower by Tiger Properties, a new residential development in Dubai, offers 707 units between studios and apartments. your luxury choice from a variety of spaces and layouts, featuring a serene view of lush green landscapes.
Delve into a lavish lifestyle in Dubai by Tiger Group at Jade Tower at Majan Dubai, offering studios and apartments with affordable prices starting at 533,000 AED and providing many options in unit sizes, starting from 340 square feet to 1020 square feet and above.
The payment plan at Jade Tower is the top feature, as there are two options to choose from, even 80\20 or 70\30. The installment plan extends over 2 years. Lastly, the handover will be in Q1 2027.
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amazonjobs51 · 5 months
Amazon job Work from Home Part Time & Full Time Jobs
Passionate about makeup? Want to work from the comfort of your home? We're hiring staff to package makeup products for Amazon. Enjoy flexible hours and competitive pay. Apply now! This is job only for USA. ✅Here are all details
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regimepure · 2 months
Collagène et Prise de Poids
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Le collagène est une protéine essentielle qui joue un rôle crucial dans la santé de notre peau, de nos articulations et de nos os. Cependant, une question revient souvent : le collagène peut-il entraîner une prise de poids ? Cet article explore cette question en profondeur, en examinant les effets du collagène sur le corps, et en dissipant les mythes et les malentendus courants.
Qu’est-ce que le collagène ?
Le collagène est la protéine la plus abondante dans le corps humain. Il constitue environ 30% des protéines totales et est présent dans les tissus conjonctifs, les tendons, les ligaments, la peau et les os. Le collagène assure la cohésion, l’élasticité et la régénération de tous ces tissus.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, visitez → Collagène et prise de poids : Mythes et réalités
Les avantages du collagène
Santé de la peau
Le collagène est souvent associé à une peau saine et jeune. Il améliore l’élasticité de la peau, réduit les rides et augmente l’hydratation.
Soutien articulaire
Pour les personnes souffrant de douleurs articulaires, le collagène peut offrir un soulagement significatif. Il aide à maintenir l’intégrité du cartilage, le tissu semblable à du caoutchouc qui protège vos articulations.
Santé des os
Le collagène joue un rôle clé dans le renforcement des os. Il leur donne structure et aide à les maintenir forts et denses.
Gain de masse musculaire
Certains suppléments de collagène contiennent des acides aminés qui peuvent augmenter la masse musculaire en combinaison avec des exercices de résistance.
Collagène et prise de poids : les faits
Consommation de collagène et calories
Un des principaux facteurs à considérer est le contenu calorique des suppléments de collagène. En général, ces suppléments sont relativement faibles en calories. Par exemple, une portion typique de poudre de collagène peut contenir environ 40 calories. Comparé à d’autres suppléments ou aliments, c’est faible et peu susceptible de contribuer de manière significative à une prise de poids.
Effet sur le métabolisme
Le collagène peut également jouer un rôle dans le métabolisme. Il contient de la glycine, un acide aminé qui aide à réguler la glycémie et peut améliorer la production d’énergie. Une meilleure régulation de la glycémie peut prévenir les pics et les chutes soudains, réduisant ainsi les fringales et les excès alimentaires.
Collagène et satiété
Une autre façon dont le collagène peut influencer le poids est par le biais de la satiété. Les protéines, y compris le collagène, peuvent aider à prolonger la sensation de satiété, ce qui peut réduire l’apport calorique global.
Études scientifiques sur le collagène et la prise de poids
Recherche sur les effets du collagène
Plusieurs études ont été menées pour évaluer les effets du collagène sur le poids corporel. Une étude publiée dans le “Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology” a montré que les participants qui prenaient des suppléments de collagène pendant 12 semaines avaient une réduction de la masse grasse et une augmentation de la masse musculaire maigre.
Études sur la satiété
Une autre étude dans le “Journal of the American College of Nutrition” a examiné l’impact du collagène sur la satiété. Les résultats ont montré que les participants qui consommaient du collagène au petit déjeuner ressentaient une réduction significative de la faim tout au long de la journée comparé à ceux qui consommaient d’autres types de protéines.
Mythes et idées reçues
Le collagène fait-il grossir ?
Il existe une idée fausse selon laquelle le collagène pourrait entraîner une prise de poids. Cependant, il n’y a pas de preuves scientifiques solides pour soutenir cette affirmation. La prise de poids est généralement le résultat d’un excès calorique, c’est-à-dire de consommer plus de calories que ce que le corps brûle.
Effets à long terme
Les effets à long terme des suppléments de collagène sur le poids corporel restent un domaine à explorer davantage. Cependant, les données actuelles suggèrent que le collagène, lorsqu’il est consommé dans le cadre d’une alimentation équilibrée et d’un mode de vie sain, n’est pas un facteur contribuant à la prise de poids.
Comment intégrer le collagène dans votre alimentation
Suppléments de collagène
Les suppléments de collagène sont disponibles sous différentes formes, y compris les poudres, les capsules et les boissons. Pour obtenir les meilleurs résultats, il est conseillé de suivre les recommandations de dosage sur l’emballage du produit.
Sources alimentaires de collagène
En plus des suppléments, le collagène peut également être obtenu à partir d’aliments tels que le bouillon d’os, les poissons et certaines viandes. Ces aliments peuvent offrir des avantages similaires aux suppléments de collagène.
Combiner avec une alimentation équilibrée
Pour maximiser les bienfaits du collagène, il est essentiel de maintenir une alimentation équilibrée riche en vitamines et minéraux. La vitamine C, par exemple, est cruciale pour la synthèse du collagène dans le corps.
Le collagène est un complément précieux pour de nombreuses personnes, offrant divers avantages pour la santé de la peau, des articulations et des os. Les préoccupations concernant la prise de poids liée au collagène ne sont pas soutenues par des preuves scientifiques solides. Au contraire, le collagène peut aider à réguler le métabolisme et à augmenter la satiété, contribuant potentiellement à une gestion saine du poids. En intégrant le collagène dans une alimentation équilibrée et un mode de vie sain, on peut profiter de ses nombreux bienfaits sans craindre une prise de poids indésirable.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus, visitez → Collagène et prise de poids : Mythes et réalités
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dayaxwriter · 1 year
How Education Effect Poverty\
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It has long been acknowledged that education is a potent tool in the fight against poverty. It plays a crucial role in assisting individuals and communities to break the poverty cycle and achieve long-term economic growth. Education has the power to improve social mobility, reduce inequality, and transform lives. We will investigate the ways in which education influences poverty and the role it plays in shaping the future in this article.
Poverty and Education:
One of the most effective ways to fight poverty is through education. It gives people the knowledge and skills they need to get better-paying jobs, which leads to higher incomes and better living conditions. People who are educated also acquire a sense of self-reliance and empowerment, which can assist them in overcoming the difficulties that come with living in poverty.
The ability of education to break the poverty cycle across generations is one of its most significant effects on poverty. When it comes to getting an education of a high quality, children who are raised in poverty frequently face disadvantages. As they struggle to find well-paying jobs, this can perpetuate the cycle of poverty, resulting in a lifetime of financial uncertainty. We can break this cycle and ensure that future generations do not remain in poverty by ensuring that all children, regardless of their socioeconomic status, have access to high-quality educational opportunities.
In addition, education plays a crucial role in reducing inequality and promoting gender equality. Women and girls face significant obstacles to gaining access to education and are frequently marginalized in poverty-stricken societies. We can promote gender equality and empower women to contribute to the economic and social development of their communities by providing girls and boys with equal access to education.
The Impact of Education on the Future
To shape the future, education is essential. It serves as the foundation for technological advancement, social progress, and economic expansion. Innovation and advancement in all facets of society—from healthcare to agriculture and beyond—require a workforce with a high level of education.
Education not only has a positive impact on the economy but also plays a crucial role in fostering democracy and good governance. A population with a high level of education is more likely to demand transparency and accountability, engage in civic life, and hold their leaders accountable. A more just and equitable society and governments that are more responsive and effective may result from this.
In the fight against poverty, education is an essential tool. It can change people's lives, end poverty, advance gender equality, and shape the future. We can build a society that is better for everyone by investing in education. We must make education a top priority as a human right and ensure that every child, regardless of their socioeconomic status, has access to high-quality education. Really at that time might we at any point genuinely open the maximum capacity of schooling and understand its extraordinary power.
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daily-spooky · 5 months
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If you can work from (#FedEx) home please let me know, we have alot of openings. You can also work around your children as well (background noise is fine!). It's what we do. Morning Shift: Night Shift: 3am-6am. 3pm-6pm 7am-10am. 7pm-10pm 11am-2pm. 11pm-2am The job is flexible and can be done on weekends as well. Best for new moms, retirees, or anyone who is disabled or wants to work from home generally 👉👉👉👉Click Now Thank you!!
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ecoamerica · 6 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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bluenutbread · 9 days
If you can work from (#FedEx) home please let me know, we have alot of openings. You can also work around your children as well (background noise is fine!). It's what we do. Morning Shift: Night Shift: 3am-6am. 3pm-6pm 7am-10am. 7pm-10pm 11am-2pm. 11pm-2am The job is flexible and can be done on weekends as well. Best for new moms, retirees, or anyone who is disabled or wants to work from home generally 👉👉👉👉Click Now Thank you!!
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encontreiaqui · 9 days
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Aprenda pintura digital com o renomado Diego Moscardini! Inscreva-se agora no curso online e transforme suas habilidades artísticas em obras incríveis. Vagas limitadas, garanta a sua!
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cleanair4blueskiesday · 4 months
Annual meeting of the Joint Task Force on Health Aspects of Air Pollution.
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Air pollution is one of the main risk factors for noncommunicable diseases. In the WHO European Region, tackling air pollution is a regional priority to improve health. Reducing the emissions of certain pollutants has also double benefits for health, since it helps to mitigate climate change.
At its annual meeting, the Joint Convention/WHO Task Force on the Health Aspects of Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution will gather representatives from Parties to the Convention, experts and stakeholders for sharing information and updates.
As recognized in the Declaration of the Seventh Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, the Task Force will play an important role in supporting the implementation of Conference commitments on air quality, climate change and health, by providing a platform to exchange knowledge and information.
The agenda covers international policies and processes for air quality and health, WHO tools for health risk assessment of air pollution (AirQ+ and CLIMAQ-H), progress in research on air quality and health, and relevant experiences in Member States. Other agenda items will address air pollution, climate change and health, and communicating on air quality and health.
Presentations will include updates on the ongoing revision of the European Union Directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air for Europe, information about the Second Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health in 2025 and the contribution of the Task Force to the regional Science and Policy Snapshots, and the use of behavioural and cultural insights for environment and health. Participants will also review current activities of the Task Force workplan for 2024–2025 and discuss the next steps for implementation.
Joint Task Force on Health Aspects of Air Pollution 22 – 23 May 2024  Bonn, Germany
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miniaturefartcloud · 17 days
if you can work from (#Fedex) home please let me know, we have alot of openings. You can also work around your children as well (background noise is fine!). It's what we do. Morning Shift: Night Shift: 3am-6am. 3pm-6pm 7am-10am. 7pm-10pm 11am-2pm. 11pm-2am The job is flexible and can be done on weekends as well. Best for new moms, retirees, or anyone who is disabled or wants to work from home generally
Thank you!!
Apply Now
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Unleashing the Power of Java Burn Coffee: A Natural Solution for Weight Loss
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Morning Coffee Introduction:
Start with an engaging introduction that introduces Java Burn Coffee as a natural and effective solution for weight loss. Highlight its key benefits and how it stands out from other weight loss products.
loss benefits, such as green coffee extract, Garcinia Cambogia, and black pepper extract.
No Side Effects: Address the concern of side effects by highlighting that Java Burn Coffee is free from artificial additives, making it safe for regular consumption without adverse health effects.
Effective Weight Loss: Discuss how the combination of ingredients in Java Burn Coffee works synergistically to boost metabolism, suppress appetite, and promote fat burning, leading to sustainable weight loss results.
Customer Testimonials: Include real-life testimonials from satisfied customers who have experienced positive results with Java Burn Coffee, adding credibility to your review.
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