#for a long time ive sorta just been passively consuming content from the games
storm-driver · 1 year
i was trying to describe kingdom hearts to a friend who doesnt like the square enix catalogue that much. and it was a calm discussion, we were chill. but they asked me a question that really made me like... think about my adoration for kh.
they asked me "is it the game you love or the potential of it all?"
i think the obvious answer is a mixture of both. i enjoy kingdom hearts for what it is, flaws and all. the funny gameplay moments of BBS to the wild af lines that they say in DDD.
kh has a glimmer that few games in the current market can give to their active playerbase. nothing in the titles feel soulless or half-baked. these games go ALL OUT with their premise and they deliver 9/10 times. there's moments that make me sigh and shrug, but they're few and far between. the stuff that encapsulated me is still here and it's strung across the christmas tree in a blindingly beautiful glare.
but that being said, how much of my love for kh actually stems from what i wish it could become? i can't argue that the games are flawless and have given me exactly what i wanted. in denial of the blatant only paints you as ignorant. and sometimes, these games fall right back into bad habits. with either gameplay or story, there's rightful criticisms to be spoken of every title.
so, it's only natural for me to think of the potential it all has, yes? to see what was perhaps poor writing choices eventually meet a satisfying end? or maybe a character who i didn't think much about is given new story to play with? perhaps there's a system from previous games that gets refined and optimized for newer consoles.
maybe there's routes the story could take and drives of motivation that im sychronous with and would love to see written out. there's a story unveiling and i have my own theories about it. i wanna see if the writers go down these roads and what kind of choices they make.
then my friend asked.
"is that potential, or are those your expectations?"
and i had to sit there for a moment. and just...think.
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