#that they arent even in the source material anymore....
storm-driver · 1 year
i was trying to describe kingdom hearts to a friend who doesnt like the square enix catalogue that much. and it was a calm discussion, we were chill. but they asked me a question that really made me like... think about my adoration for kh.
they asked me "is it the game you love or the potential of it all?"
i think the obvious answer is a mixture of both. i enjoy kingdom hearts for what it is, flaws and all. the funny gameplay moments of BBS to the wild af lines that they say in DDD.
kh has a glimmer that few games in the current market can give to their active playerbase. nothing in the titles feel soulless or half-baked. these games go ALL OUT with their premise and they deliver 9/10 times. there's moments that make me sigh and shrug, but they're few and far between. the stuff that encapsulated me is still here and it's strung across the christmas tree in a blindingly beautiful glare.
but that being said, how much of my love for kh actually stems from what i wish it could become? i can't argue that the games are flawless and have given me exactly what i wanted. in denial of the blatant only paints you as ignorant. and sometimes, these games fall right back into bad habits. with either gameplay or story, there's rightful criticisms to be spoken of every title.
so, it's only natural for me to think of the potential it all has, yes? to see what was perhaps poor writing choices eventually meet a satisfying end? or maybe a character who i didn't think much about is given new story to play with? perhaps there's a system from previous games that gets refined and optimized for newer consoles.
maybe there's routes the story could take and drives of motivation that im sychronous with and would love to see written out. there's a story unveiling and i have my own theories about it. i wanna see if the writers go down these roads and what kind of choices they make.
then my friend asked.
"is that potential, or are those your expectations?"
and i had to sit there for a moment. and just...think.
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isabelguerra · 2 years
because the thing, when you really get down to it, is that youve had this au for 8 years. and there’s very few things you can say that about. the time you spend on something like that is more than passing interest, when you have something for that long it’s a companion. maybe something that was there when you were completely alone. but the thing is, really, is that the end of the day, you look yourself in the mirror and find yourself faced with the reality that one of your biggest creative outlets is a fffffffffffffffucking . HARRY POTTER AU PAIRANATURAL FANFICTION . in TWENTY TWENTY THREE.
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cios-correct-opinions · 3 months
@evilkaeya @aaabatteryy @starrynightarchive
see my other post about this here
to tl;dr this: when it comes to fandom and content creators, ppl tend to make content of the characters they already love and thus think about most often, which leads to, at times, male characters getting genderbent into women either thru cis or trans hcs, bc they are both genderbending, thats the definition of the term bc youre changing their gender, and getting mad at people for not, in your opinion, "appreciating" the female characters enough, is not doing anything except making people feel bad for not having the "correct" feelings about a character at best, or making them actively angry and thus fueling them to create more of that thing you hate out of spite at worst (for you anyway, not for the people who like it).
this doesnt mean they dont give a shit abt the other characters who arent their faves, but to create a work of art, you need to be able to like. care enough to do it. and that requires more care than just a general enjoyment or appreciation of a character, especially if the work in question is time intensive/would be time intensive, like writing a chapter fic/thousands of words long oneshot, or making a fully rendered piece of art, etc. obvi this will depend on the skill and energy levels of the artist we're talking about but yknow, on a general scale
op of this post blocked me so i cant respond directly on it but, for context
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first of all: i'm not illiterate but i'm beginning to think some people on this post might be, given this response, because it is so clearly Not what i was talking about it's a little wild, actually!
also i hate to tell yall this, but the reason you don't often see people genderbending female characters to male anymore is bc of the spread of radfem ideology thru fandom spaces like wildfire. ppl genuinely lose their shit when ppl even have transmasc or trans man headcanons for characters assumedly cis female in the source material (which is genderbending btw. them being trans doesnt mean it isnt genderbending anymore you are still changing their gender thus it is genderbending thats the definition fellas) bc they fucking hate men and the idea of men existing
sorry not sorry but if you get mad at ppl who genderbend female characters into transmascs/trans men (transmascs aren't always genderbends, bc you can be transmasc and also a woman, but i digress/for the sake of brevity...) and go "you're TAKING AWAY a GOOD FEMALE CHARACTER!" i need you to stop for a second and consider why these people - most of whom are trans men/transmascs themselves - might be doing that to a character they like.
9/10 times when i see a cis genderbend of a male character to be female, the person doing it is a cis woman. when i see genderbends, of any kind, of a female character to be male or masc? it's almost always done by a trans man and/or a transmasc. and inevitably, they are almost always dogpiled for it with disgusting levels of hate. i've seen it happen so many times i stopped attempting to count a long time ago
don't come up here saying "you NEVER see-" because actually i see all of those things happen all the time. ppl love genderbending men characters into women, or emasculating/demasculinizing/feminizing them in order to make them personally more appealing, or saying "[mlm ship] would be better if it was two girls/wlw/two fem-aligned/etc" all the fucking time. and while i realize this is often a way for the people who say this to like, try to lash out at common misogynistic/lesbiphobic/transmisogynistic/etc sentiment irl, in doing so, they are not doing it in a way that allows for a nuanced understanding of their fellow fandom-goers. they make blanket sweeping statements and then dogpile people who disagree
the moment you start treating entire demographics of people as if they are a hivemind or a single identity, the moment you decide that something "never" happens bc you personally have not seen it? youve already lost any possible chance you mightve had at making a good point
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fictionfixations · 2 months
can i just say
you know those transmigrater(?) grator?? i odnt. i dont know the terms for this man
but you know the the the. transmigrates into usually the villain kinda stories?
you know whats my favorite for that kinda stuff? where we were the actual character all along (i think its.. regressor...? ??? either going back into your past as yourself or living another life and then backtracking to a past life of yours that being of generally the villain? idont know if thats what it actually means)
ive also never seen it but i just. think its really cool. and i like reading fics where theyre the same person
in the same way i like it when they have motives. let me be clear, ive NEVER seen the source material so i have no idea whats canon and whats not
but you know what id like to think is canon? shen jiu being a former slave and being super bitter at the world for being very cruel and thats why hes an asshole in like. book canon.(? canon. of. the book. ..in the story.? i think the the the book in that one is like Proud Immortal Demon Way...? IDK man)
or like like. og cale henituse acting like trash because he cares about his siblings and doesnt want negative attention on them also dont know if thats canon. but yknow what? thats my canon
now about time travel in general since it kind of relates, romance is always iffy because its like you know everything that'll make this person fall in love with you. or like, theres an age gap now, and it might not bother them but its not like they know. i know. (its worse if youre like back in your teenage years while youre already an adult cause at that point it feels a little gross)
its that sort of discrepancy(?)
so like. i dont like that there needed to be an entirely new person to be in that body to make change or do things for the better or make everyone like that person
it feels like a cop out.
and also people believing that that person suddenly changed for the better when they arent that person at all???
which. ow.
maybe thats my bad. maybe im secretly an apologist for them, idk, maybe im projecting
but like idk man. the world telling you youre not enough so someone else ends up in your body and then fixes literally every issue in the world (and everyone liking this 'version' of you better). like ow me heart
in all fairness the og's wouldn't have knowledge of the book they're living in??? which is why the transmigrator can do so much
but. THUS. new life AS the transmigrator, then regressing(?) back into their past life with that new knowledge. and probably character growth cause maybe they experience what being loved is like (familial. imagine how cruel itd be to have a lover then one day waking up in a past life of yours that you can only associate as cruel and punishing, and you genuinely cant be sure if that person was made up or not. like was it just a dream? also 'oh god the people i thought mightve been dead are alive')
tbh though it might be because while op time traveling shenanigans (or anything in between) is cool with me, i also like the angsty time travel of 'when i look at them, i keep seeing their dead faces'
of 'how do you know this' (accusatory, 'are you a traitor?')
of also grudges and stuff
but also. more character growth refacing trauma theyve faced before
also maybe probably very much selfish because they kindaa probably just wanna protect their family and will do anything to do so (and thus embrace the 'villain' part that people think of them as)
i dont know if im making sense anymore
now LET ME BE CLEAR i dont like that shen jiu hit his students and shit and was a huge asshole and its not going to suddenly go away. but. its acknowledging what you did wrong, making up for it, but knowing that it'll still stay there. that he still did it even if he deeply regrets it and even if everyone forgives him. because i really dont know in what situation itd be okay to be hit? and also that hopefully hes not that person anymore, but that he wont hide it and will own up to it as a thing he did and shouldnt have done.
anyway i dont know what og cale did besides act like trash but its either the fics im reading are downplaying it or like. thats really it. i have no clue. but still the same thing. if he did some horrible thing, ABOVE.
i just like redemption. and revenge stories. and character growth-ing.
and maybe thats on me for liking villain-ish characters. (im saying villain-ish though because supposedly og cale didnt play a huge part in the book? ....Birth of a Hero...?????? like he just happened, got beat up, and dipped? i think? thats what ive heard anyway. so i dont know if he really counts as one since like uh. white star.????????? ????)
anyway uh thought dump over
feel free to correct me in comments i like learning about things
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plasticfangtastic · 7 months
Maybe am just retarded but i will never understand the redditors who insist that nobody but the selected few intellectuals understand that The Boys is satire.
Throwing the words "media illiterate" left and right to justify a decline on the writing of the show bcuz of course they have to dumb it down and be even more explicit with their satire so ppl will stop thinking Homelander is cool!!! BCUZ HE IS BAD DONT U GET THAT HE IS BAD!! STOP LIKING HIM REEEE!!! They scream and seethe in the back.
As if the reason people like him is not because he is a cool villain and he is interesting and incredibly well acted.
Is there a % of ppl who refuse/miss the satire? Yeah but why does everybody else must suffer bcuz they wanna own a small % of their viewership? Or Homie fans?
To be honest i think most ppl who think Homelander is a "literally me fr fr" characther or think he is a hero probably only know him from memes (i always think of this one reddit post of a guy showing his dad the show and his dad being shocked that Homelander wasnt this silly sad guy getting put on situations bcuz of how he is portrayed in memes) i just dont think the writers realized that the pop culture portrayal of Homelander has cemented an image thats disconnected from the source material, which ppl have found relatable (not to mention most literally me guys tend to be violent fuckers so i dont think his violence is lost to ppl is just a meme lost on you) and they dont need to try to rectify the masses for wrong think.
Like nobody asked to suffer thru what i expect to be a painful viewing experience that will be non-stop trump references and parodies that will be violent beaten on the viewers bcuz they r angry that people had the audacity of liking this friendless loser with a great ass over other characthers (as if 99% of the characthers arent horrible fucking wankers except for the Gen V kids those r precious and i will defend them to death) not to mention how annoying it will be for the non americans like myself who are just so done with the cultural obsession over a dude not even in power anymore.
Like S1 and S2 were clever with their satire while it was always left leaning in their politics it was nice to see them at least take a jab at the champaigne libs and their attitudes that negatively affects their side (bare minimum really) but at least it felt like it had something to say.... mind u i absorb this show as a characther lead show and zone out the americanism bcuz it provides absolutely nothing for my latino/australian brain like its not relatable or interesting anymore. Like if they start parodying The Liberal and Labor party or the Greens that would be interesting to watch.
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infinitysgrace · 1 year
hi! i just wanted to post a question about the sentimoster theory. would you gen find it less fucked up if A. its MEANT to be abusive. (astruc as mentioned multiple times that gabriel and nathalie "arent abusive" and its like??? HELLO??? WHAT DO U MEAN???? so like, if it WANT intended for this to be abuse is what im posing here) and B. its WASNT being done in the context of a "kids show" (thus, allowing them to actually EXPLORE the topic of WHY it's fucked that he's a senti) tldr: do you think it'd be any better if it was intended to be a horrible thing, or do you personally believe there is NO fixing the "senti adrien" situation? ty in advance, i love how ur brain works /gen
... I'm gonna split this post into pieces
would you gen find it less fucked up if A. its MEANT to be abusive.
not really (also i don't keep up with things astruc says anymore so i have no comment on what he says about gabriel and nathalie). My problems with sentidrien that i've posted about are all under the assumption that it is meant to be abusive and i still think it's royally fucked up, a really bad idea, and they shouldn't do it.
B. its WASNT being done in the context of a "kids show"
I mean I still wouldn't like it. under the context of it not being a kids show would just highlight how unnecessary of a thing it was to. In the eyes of a lot of people it being a kids show is framed as a reason for why it was necessary so it not being for kids erases that idea entirely even if it's wrong which it is, and just leaves it being lazy and not needed.
it's like... it wouldn't just have to be "not a kids show" it would have to be either literally Madoka Magica or one of those genre subversion shows that obviously hate the source material and are using subversion as a means to complain about the parts of the genre they don't like for it to justify sentidrien's existence. ML is not madoka magica, and i'd rather the show not be made at all than see the latter happen, but hey that's just me.
tl;dr: no there's no way to make sentidrien not fucked up
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you probably don't check this account anymore, but if you were have a do-over of your account (either back then or in the present), what would you do differently?
hi! im back for a bit, was feeling super nostalgic about the blog again. the odds of you seeing this are slim but i hope that you may, because ngl im overjoyed that there is anybody out there who would still care even just a tiny tiny bit about this thing that i cared about so overwhelmingly much as a child, so thank you lots and lots for sending something like this into this old inbox. it means more to me than you will probably ever know my original narrative that i wrote with all my fandomstuck friends at the time, and that was hinted at during the beginning of the blog, was that butler was half human and half demon, and his "demon side" has a cruel personality that he struggles to keep under control. you know, that sorta cliché narrative that kids like me couldn't get enough of /lighthearted, cringe is dead n all that, but yknow i don't remember if it was just me feeling overwhelmed by the thought of running a one-man-show with few side characters for butler to interact with, or if i just got really excited at the thought of giving him a brother, or some sort of mixture of both, but either way i decided to split up butlers human and demon side into two separate characters for the sake of the blog. i think at the time i had convinced myself it made the abstract ideas i had planned a bit more literal and easy to understand. like, ultimately i wanted to genuinely tell a story about self love, self hatred, and just generally the relationship you can have and foster for just your own self, but i guess i got cold feet and decided itd just be more simple if his two halves were two people as opposed to all internal. if i were to have a do-over, id stick to my original narrative and keep it all contained in one character. the thing is though, about the source material, is pretty much all of the characters who arent human have a really similar personality, which is great for something like fandomstuck. theyre all some variant of suave, skilled, a hint of unnerving, and maybe a sprinkle of flirtatious. and i feel that personality and tone really embodies the series as a whole. but, it leaves me struggling with what id do for butler's human side and what that personality would be like, if his demon side were to cover that suaveness and such. i wouldn't want it to just be a carbon copy of ciel, but pulling in influence from the other human characters is just a bit difficult to pull off in a way that feels good. and my solution at the time, to make him a super cutesy shy "kawaii boy", was just totally not it lol. that had purely bc of my bias for characters like that as well as my own personality leeching in. and frankly if im being honest, i struggle with being very nostalgic for this portrayal of butler, and the thought of changing it up makes me a little sad, because in my head and my heart he just totally captured a particular fragment of my life, and the thought of messing with that at all makes me... upset, tbh, but its something i would be willing to do if i ever did want to bring him back, which i do lightheartedly consider from time to time. still leaves me not totally sure what i WOULD want his personality to be like, but eh, at least i gave it more thought this time if anything no one cares abt this as much as i do but thats ok, but anybody who did read this whole thing i owe you my life thank you
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apocalypsesuite · 1 month
Okay I have only seen like 3/4 of TUA season 1. Once Luther got sad and drunk my 2nd hand embarrassment killed me.
Please please please, I give you permission to be specific about how they fucked it up so bad. Cause I know there was time travel bs and then alt universe stuff? But I’m so curious. Please I give you permission.
spolier alert for the umbrella academy series and comics
more than anything the umbrella academy is about the siblings relationships, who they are as people, and the roles theyve been put in by their abusive adoptive father
so from season 1 reckoning with their childhood stuff now that their abusive father is dead to season 2 where you finally see them building lives of their own unburdened by the shadow of their father until...
i love season 2 but really thats where it started to go off the rails when they put reggie back into the story (i wont pretend to know where the comics are going whether their father was going to return in the 4th volume, or that the comics are perfect)
the way the comics focused on the secrets and experiments and whatever reggie was up to coming to light after his death was more interesting especially the reveal that there was another group of super powered heroes hidden away somewhere was devastating like the implications are crazy
there was no alternate universe bullshit in the comics (at least not yet and i pray there isnt) and it just feels like they were going with the multiverse trend thats been popular in recent years i mean they already had time travel thing
season 3 is probably ranked 2nd as the worst season of the four and while it took from the original comics there were also major departures like harlan and his whole thing
i honestly dont want to be that guy that goes on about how they should have been faithful to the source material but the more they strayed from the comics the worse it got season 4 is a testament
they had 4 episodes less to wrap things up so i could understand that they missed a bunch of emotional consequences from what happened the last season (as if they didnt matter but come on man Luther's wife was got disappeared) but then it spent most of the penultimate episode on this kind of gross romance plot that no one asked for between Five and Diego's (his brother) wife Lila
along with the feeling that the writers arent making decisions that made sense with the characters that was the straw that broke the camels back for most fans
this season seemed to forget about what the characters are actually like fundamentally and even reverted characters back to their old self like klaus because i guess they didnt know what to do with him otherwise
it had viktor still yearning for, then finally getting the approval of his father which is a little hollow because he met him with powers so ofc he doesnt think you're useless anymore viktor and anyway you dont need his approval like wasnt this addressed in prior seasons
so yeah the final season ended by redeeming their abuser and having them die to save the world because they were never supposed to be born and their birth doomed the timelines to always end with the world ending because they were born what an absolutely fucked up way to end a story about the effects of abuse
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mugenloopdalove · 6 months
I agree that this community is rough sometimes if you arent a bigger account. I think im probably one of the people you would say has an easy time coming up with daydreams or imagines, even though i dont post "imagine your f/o" type things. So maybe i can offer some help with that? My first suggestion is to engage with the source material and get those good lovey feelings- why you fell in love in the first place! And then literally just write that! Dialogue comes easier for me, so i imagine my f/o's or others in their source material saying things to/about me, and how my f/o would react. Ive been selfshipping for 15+ years and ive NEVER "finished" a fic. I just write what feels good! Sometimes its just quotes, sometimes its bullet points, sometimes its a bunch of notes with one line each that end up getting put together. It might not be easy the first or even the tenth time, but i promise it will make you feel better the more you open yourself up to "im just going to write how i feel" rather than "i need to write a fic" or "i need to world build." Youre awful hard on yourself sometimes i think 🥺
Thank you for the advice
CURRENTLY engaging w the source material has the cevat of my current main source is to rlly hard stuff that has just caused me more frustration cries so hard. Late act 3 my beLOATHED (I could pot the difficulty down but I'm stubborn. This game is lucky I played on balanced and didn't go straight for tactician LMAO)
I should have kept some of my earlier saves so I could go back to like. Meeting Astarion or the hug scene that breaks me or meeting Karlachs parents or Jaheria talking about her losses, but it is so hard to hold onto saves in bg3 u don't rlly get a lot. I GUEEEESS I could watch things on YouTube but then it would not be w Theil :( I should have saved more clips
That last advice is. Really helpful and good though. I've been writing since uuuhh elementary school and I never really let myself just do something lazy and self indulgent that isn't a true "fic" and just some random stupid points. I rarely even leave wips for one shots unfinished (long form is another story but that's why I don't rlly... Do long form anymore. Bc I've realized one shots or 2-3 chapters are what I do best.) I. Don't think it even ever occured to me to just scribble stupid shit down and leave it at that bc everythings gotta be a grand art piece w me ya know. That's actually. Smart to just scribble whatever down w out it being a fic. Thanks.
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puffles · 10 months
Canto V rambling in regards to the Perquod crew
One of the weakest points of Canto V imo is the fact we don't get to see how the whole Perquod crew affected Ishmael except for Ahab and Queequeg, and I don't think this was intentional because I felt that there are parts in the narrative which felt that there was gaps and rushed towards the end.
Though I usually don't like referencing the source material for adaptations, I think it can work because Ishmael's journey isn't a Project Moon version of Moby Dick. Her journey is the aftermath of Moby Dick where we reconcile her feelings towards the journey, the fact she was the sole survivor of the ship, the sacrifice of her wife close friend especially the symbol of Queequeg's death-turned-will to live being her salvation.
So, my personal justification for why the Perquod crew wasn't elaborated on is the fact that all of them were made to contrast with Ahab in the source material, and now they have become part of Ahab's will. They can't play off Ishmael because they do not have their sense of self anymore (except for Queequeg who still has her connection to Ishmael). This becomes literal during the battle where their E.G.Os are used by Ahab, and even Ishmael was at risk of becoming her.
God I really love the theme of unity in this chapter from the U corp singularity, the whales, to the mad GILF who has become what she hated.
Yeah I don't know, I'm definitely rereading soon because I love Moby Dick and I love lesbians so I can fully digest it but this is like my most surface level cope of why the Perquod crew wasn't explored in depth, which lowkey sucks because it means you actually have to rely on the source material compared to Canto 3 and 4.
[unrelated to what I wrote] also people who call queequeg a himbo are fucking idiots. she's not dumb, she (and book queequeg) are very intelligent motherfuckers that are unable to articulate what they are speaking due to physical issues/language barrier. lowkey racist as hell to think theyre stupid just cause they arent speaking in full english or maybe just a general misusage of the word himbo aaargh
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
would you mind explaining why you arent a battleaxe bi anymore? /gen
i just think exclusionists are unnecessarily mean and wasting their time building up all of that anger. i think we have bigger things to focus on. at the end of the day, pansexuals aren't hurting bisexuals as much as the power of the real world is.
i'm still critical of pansexuality's origins and the community's behavior sometimes, but like... it's unfair to make that judgement towards every individual.
it's not even just being anti-pan, really. i'm moving away from exclusionism as a whole. i'm finding my true identity and pride in labels that are frowned upon in such communities (i.e. aspec stuff). i'm also studying all perspectives and realizing that, actually, the more and more inclusive you go, the better argument you have, and my personal philosophy is that it's rooted in letting go of anger you don't need to have. i understand why exclusionists are angry, but i think they're misdirecting said anger towards their own kind and not our oppressors. yes queer is a slur, but it's definitely more widely-reclaimed than not and you can use it regularly while also respecting individual boundaries and knowing when to avoid using it in their personal spaces.
if i'm going to run a blog mostly focusing on bi+ topics, then it's only right to include all labels under the bi umbrella. after all, i totally agree with people who use multiple mspec labels at once, as if they function as more specific descriptors for their preferences (i.e. bi/pan, bi/omni, bi/poly - i myself am feeling a newfound connection to bi/omni). every book you'll read studying mspec sexuality includes these subcommunities and welcomes them with open arms. maybe some of these people do have internalized biphobia, but if they have a community that is technically the same thing identity-wise, so what?
and speaking of books, i think material reality and its physical sources of written history speak louder than random 14yo's carrds online. the books that promote bi revolutions? they're anti-lesbian-separatism. the more i look into it, the more i think it's harmful to bi women and realize nothing would have changed, positively or negatively, if it had never happened. radfems never would have had the power they do, lesbians would be much more accepting of mspec wlw participating in their own rightful culture, and pretty much all of this "lesbians vs. bi women" discourse wouldn't exist present-day. "lesbian" used to belong to us, and it was never supposed to be taken away from us in the first place. if there is no harm in bisexuality and other mspec communities existing in harmony, then there is no harm in mono and mspec lesbians existing in harmony, exactly as they did once before. lesbophobic invasive men are gonna be lesbophobic regardless of the label. i was actually reading a carrd last night that made a great argument, about how chronically-online lesbians always push for mspec lesbians to create their own label, when it should be the former who does so. lesbian was inclusive before it was exclusive and it was never supposed to be exclusive at any point in time. if lesbians can accept that bi women have a rightful access to butch/femme & dyke, then they should be able to understand where i'm getting. you can't take something from someone and then claim it was never theirs. it's literally immoral theft. so yeah, in case it wasn't obvious yet, i'm starting to lean radinclus to the point where i understand and find community with lesbianism. it just makes more and more sense as you delve deeper and deeper into what all sapphics have in common, as opposed to how we think of each other currently.
^^ i'm really scared to post that. i'm afraid of harassment before questions, but i promise you i have done so much more research on the topic than exclusionists have and could debunk pretty much any argument you (respectfully) throw my way. i'm afraid of getting called a lesbophobe by people who don't want to think differently and understand that the idea is different than what they imagine it is. if you must unfollow me then go ahead, but there is a reason i'm keeping this on the down-low. just because i'm confident enough that i'm right doesn't mean i'm confident others will be reasonable. but, there ya go, i've officially said it now. if anything, i really only plan on mentioning it on this blog (as opposed to the main purpose of @tribadeism as a sideblog of mine) for emphasizing posts regarding the history and/or relatability of sapphics, but i guess we'll see.
so, i used to be exclus-leaning, but i no longer am. i am now pro-mspec, pro-aspec, accept aces/aros who say they're queer, and am learning about and starting to lean towards radical inclusionism (with some critical thought to remain naturally, of course, don't worry - the lack of that ruins the credibility of any stance imo).
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
Which premade do you think has the most wasted potential? In the sense of "EA had a cool idea and did nothing with it", not "they got good grades and now work in a gas station".
oh good q. there’s so many possible answers here, starting with ‘everyone in desiderata other than natasha and john’ but for specific premades i think the top 3 are: mortimer goth: mortimer in his later years should have been up there with olive as a stylish and darkly fascinating elder premade. instead eaxis: a) gave him a literal face template b) dressed him like my grandpa so if u want a lecture on kids these days not knowing proper greek mortimer is ur guy, if u want the gomez addams icon we should have gotten better look elsewhere c) didnt change his bio to include any reference to his state of mind about bella. like we get one pic of him looking up at the sky and that’s it. the mortimer we kno would have been monomaniacal about finding bella and obsessively coming up with all sorts of weird inventions to contact the aliens or w/e. u could have all of the above and STILL have him being golddug by dina bc he’s lonely and all the searching has taken a toll on him etc. instead he’s generic af in literally every aspect, like if his name wasnt ‘goth’ no player would give a crap about him. total waste of potential #1
cordial sisters: oh look it’s twin sisters who are polar opposites, where have we seen that before. the cordials aren’t bad per se they’re just so similar to the pleasant twins that their existence is pointless other than the magic factor. like literally any single difference would have made them more interesting, make them poc, or male, or not sisters, or w/e else to sufficiently differentiate them from the pleasants and make them stand on their own instead of a literal rehash but #withwitches. they dont even have an actual reason for their sibling rivalry, it’s just ‘one sister is intrinsically a troublemaker and the other is an angel’ like literally just name them lilith and angela and be done with it. total waste of potential #2
titania + oberon summerdream: starting to notice a pattern here where eaxis has like one interesting factor be it the goth name or witchery or being an elf and thinks thats enough. titania and oberon are the only elves in the game, dressed like royalty, and have 2 adopted elf children. how about some backstory on oh idk.. everything?? they’re clearly from another ~realm~ why arent they there anymore? are they exiled royalty and they took in these orphans b4 leaving? or is veronaville originally the elf homeland and the humans came in later and now they just cohabit? but let’s say the above isn’t important and the elves are just *there* and thats it, how about basing them on the actual book fairies and making them all mischievous and meddling in human affairs instead of ‘i want to master the art of home video editing’ and ‘i have a crush on a gay guy’. like way to give the literal supernatural royals desiderata-tier bios. so that’s total waste of potential #3 and imo the most inexplicable one bc eaxis had iconic source material here and just decided to not do it. 4 shame
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Why do people in the anime community often like to shame the love for FT? I mean, I know that FT is problematic in some aspects, but I don’t understand where this hatred came from
Listen, i can't speak for the fairy tail community. Only for myself and for what i've observed.
I've been in this fandom for about 7/8 years and over the years, it has changed a lot. Now the fandom has always been vocal about the issues of Fairy Tail, thats nothing new- because Fairy Tail is not a perfect series. There is no perfect media, the closest being ATLA and FMA but thats another thing.
What are some major changes i've seen? A few major ones. One, After Naruto and Bleach a lot of the toxic fans from those series migrated into other fandoms, with fairy tail being one of those fandoms. So there was an increase in vile posts and anon hate.
Two, after Tartarus a lot of the fandom started to leave. Why? They were dissatified with thr course of the story from Avatar arc onward and when they expressed those dissatisfactions they were bullied off for not being true fans of the series.
Three. Theory blogs and critique blogs started to die off. Why is this relevant? Because consuming media for all that it is blindly and accepting everything that happened with said media is just boring. All fandoms have this section for theories and to dissect the show/book/movie/series, with reference back to said media to show that the criticism is not unfounded and holds base.
But for some reason, Fairy Tail fandom from about 2018 onwards developed this nasty attitude towards criticism, seeing it as hatred and disrespect towards the series and attack the person/blog, when actual hate blogs against the series are still very much so active to this day.
Four. Lack of distinguishing a critique from straight up hate and taking everything to heart. This is just a big issue of people misidentifying things. I don't know how or why, but people can't distinguish between the two anymore and for some reason people had started taking critique posts to heart as though it were a direct attack upon them so now a person can't even state that they dislike X character without someone taking it as a personal stab.
Five. The general focus off the overall story of the series moving to just ships. When the story started to go down and be less logical, people started focusing on ships a lot more, leading to complacency. So even if now someone were to express their dissatisfaction with a chapter (like with the sequel for instance) there is an incredibly high chance of someone hopping on the post with comment along the lines of 'but X ship moment this chapter was so cute!' or 'you just arent happy that your ship got spotlight' or 'be grateful that we're still getting content'. Complacency became the norm when a good chunk of people took up the attitude of just be happy with getting content.
From where i am viewing the fandom over the years, people aren't shamed for liking Fairy Tail. Instead they are shamed for not liking/approving of every single thing that happens. Fairy Tail has adopted this weird purity culture with regards to its source material and creator where any criticism against either means you're a fake fan, or liking fairy tail for clout.
TL;DR. Fairy Tail isn't perfect, neither is mashima. But over the years the fandom attitude has changed where people think they are. People also fail to identify what is true hatred of the series versus a simple criticism and because of that failure a lot of people get needlessly attacked causing more toxicity.
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brinesystem · 3 years
we only started playing this game last week??? so how the hell was VENTI here like
a whole month ago
we dont even follow genshin people
hell, we didnt even WATCH genshin content until recently so like
venti what the fuck, first off
and second off WHY ARE THERE TWO OF YOU???
on that note, like
why are there so many of us
like yeah we split fairly often and stuff but like
we got xiao before actually knowing anything about him (and hes accurate to canon somehow???)
we got me, who knew i was an archer BEFORE KNOWING THAT WAS CANON
weve got two damn ventis
we got razor but that makes sense actually cause there was a similar fragment from somewhere else
and we somehow like, managed three of us in this past week
and razor we split like, two days after starting playing (which was really good timing cause we rolled him right after he started hanging around in front)
like excuse me brain??? hello??? could you pick a source material that we
oh idk...
actually have more time into????
if anything it at least reminds us we arent faking because damn i dont think anyone would have chosen this
plus we would have way more ookami (the game) fictives
and we somehow have none??? idk how that worked when we have this many over a game we played for two weeks, and that one that we played daily for months we have just NoOne (unless you count inari, who might not actually exist anymore?? i think he split up into fragments but also he wasnt from those games technically. its complicated ig. current theory is that inari partially turned into kazuha??? they have similar vibes apparently)
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Noo not (toxic?)Tatsuhime shippers sayin that it made more sense than IH, bashing it. On early manga? Sure but like overall IH>TH? I dont want them to be IRs in disguise. At this point its like big part of the Fandom hate the Idea of Ichigo developing a special bond with Hime. Its like u ship it or u completely despise said ship. People arent allowed to like canon, u have to despise canon and embrace fanon cuz Kubo trashed his own story. This Fandom will forever have (wrong)bias huh? Idc anymore
What makes me sad is that they really are out there trying to convince everyone that their interpretation is the true one, and that if u liked the endgame pairings u didnt pay attention to the story. Bruh I literally started and finished the manga this year before the 20th ani project(never watched the anime tbh) and I was like ???? Sure final arc kinda trash tbh but the epilogue was good? Such an antagonistic elite, they really glorify their own interpretation of what happened (2/4)
U know, cuz they are true fans. Like, a few moths ago I didnt even knew the name of the pairings, didnt know of any essays and rants, and mid manga I was like "Bruh, Ichigo has something for Hime" and even if the final arc was rushed af I was like: these?? kids?? are literally more than friends less than lovers?? it wasnt forced?? when people in the comments said endparings succed I was totally ready for IR and IS in that epilogue lmao. Really hate it here haha.(3/4)
Srry for the innecesary asks lol, I just wanted to rant a little. Love ur blog, Literally found it like 2 weeks ago. And the fact that u (and many others) can really apreciate the character growth w/out twisting everything. Literally Bless U. I really wish this fandom wasnt such a Hivemind (At least), like, ok, If u dont like IH and like any other ship cuz their dynamic is more appealing 2 u, cool, but dont put ur opinions as canon/better than canon and let people enjoy what they want.(4/4) 
Aww anon thank you for your kind words ! I’m happy my blog can be a little help to you in this mess of a fandom. 
I know what you’re going through anon I used to get SO angry at ichiruki shippers and people saying ichihime didn’t make sense. I get occasionally angry now and again but I mostly made my peace with it because I understood something. 
Those people do not care at all to be wrong. You can argue with them until you lose your voice, you can point at them the multiple evidence there is for ichihime in the manga and they will not care. 
They do not care about what the manga has to say to them. They do not care about properly reading it. They do not care about understanding what was happening relationship wise in Bleach. 
The only thing they care about is their own biased version of Bleach. They like the fandom, they like the obscure nonsensical theories that affirms Bleach is actually a shojo for Ichigo and Rukia, they like the merch with ichigo and rukia standing next to each other, they like the IR comics with orihime getting humiliated being rejected by ichigo as a kind of foreplay for ichiruki happening. 
They could care less if Kubo said he never ever envisionned ichiruki happening because his end for bleach was always for ichigo’s son and rukia’s daughter meeting. 
They could care less about kubo explicitely saying “ This is not a romantic relationship” about ichiruki more than 10 years ago. 
They could care less about the hundreds of pages solely dedicated to the developement of ichihime. 
They will make you argue in vain, they will pretend they care about the source material by twisting it thoroughly in order for their crackship to happen. 
But they do NOT care about what is actually in the manga. 
Once you understand that. Once you get that their fanon version of Bleach matters more to them that what is actually happening in bleach you kinda lose the will to fight them because really what’s the point ? 
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simple-ponderings · 4 years
The Universe Wants You To Know...
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If this pick a card finds its way to you now, then The Universe has a message for you. It may or may not resonate as its a general reading, and that's ok. Take what does resonate and leave the rest as some messages may be for others. The piles are listed 1, 2, 3 from left to right. Close your eyes, feel your spirit and soul. Ask the Universe or God, whoever you believe into guide you to the pile meant for you. When you feel ready open your eyes and choose which feels the most right. I really do hope it helps you all in some way at least. I love you all and take care~
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Pile 1-  Two of Pentacles, Justice, Two of Cups, Eight of Swords RX, EISTIBUS Angel of Divination. As I was shuffling for you I saw a long gray corridor. A window. A door. A stair case railing. Maybe Home.
222 is significant. There is an air of balancing, a realization of something. There is an internal change occurring within you. Its like you finally realize you can go outside for there is more potential and possibility there after being stuck in the house for so long. Something was keeping you trapped inside. It could be influences from around you or your own mind- a mental prison or blockage if you will. Its like you're finally realizing the power is in your hands. You're deciding to listen to your voice instead of others around you. What do you believe? What do you know to be true? I feel you are seeing the ever changing rhythms of the material physical world- the 3D to be precise, and the ebb and flow of things considered to be more esoteric, occult, spiritual, abstract. You see a truth meant for you alone. I feel you are leaving whats comfortable for you, you are leaving the things you feel familiar with. You are becoming more aware of what is truly outside. Its like you're a young lad/lass leaving home for the very first time. Im surprised The Fool hadnt popped out. With this, however, it is important to remain grounded. There needs to be a healthy balance between your spirituality and practical ways of being in this world. You are being guided, you arent alone. I keep getting this feeling of responsibility and going with the flow. Dont try to control things or outcomes, I think they may backfire for you. Whatever happens, happens- however if you feel called to do something do it. But remain flexible, you must be fluid like the water. 88 and 222 is significant for you. Remember balance, ebb and flow, giving and receiving, action and reaction, cause and effect. Be mindful of these things for they are important lessons for you to consider. I hope this provided some clarity for where ever you are on your journey. I Love You and take care of yourself. 
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Pile 2- Six of Pentacles, Eight of Cups, King of Swords, ISRAFEL Angel of Song, BINAH Left Eye Knowledge.
 When I was shuffling for this pile, I felt determination and self-assuredness about ones self. I also saw a yellow butterfly which may be significant for you. I think you may be going through a transformation that leads you to understand yourself fully. Inside and out. You know who you are and what you're meant to do. If you dont feel this way, you will be soon. The King of Swords really pulls at me. You just Know. You are discerning and wise about the decisions you make. You take logical steps to where you want to be in life. I think you may be receiving downloads about your true essence and you're leaving behind the things that no longer align with your soul. I keep getting the feeling that this will happen to you in the near future, if it hasn't happened already. The time is coming for you to awaken and set off on your journey to do what you're meant to do here. Whatever it may be in your life. You will Know, because something you have been doing or keeping at, will suddenly not feel right or as fulfilling anymore. Im getting the notion that you’ve been working hard at something, but its not cutting out. You arent receiving what you should be receiving because, this isnt meant for you anymore. You're meant to be somewhere else and there’s a deep Knowing inside of you. Angel number 5 may be significant for you. Take your time in doing things. There is no rush. Dont feel pressured. Things will unfold as they’re meant too, for you are always safe and loved in the palm of the Creator. We Love You.
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Pile 3- Nine of Cups, Knight of Cups, Six of Swords RX, Two of Swords, DUMAH Angel of Dreams, ZACHRIEL Angel of Memory, CHOKMAH Right Eye- Wisdom.
As I shuffled for this pile I saw babbling brooks, and streams of water flowing under a locked gate. There were autumn leaves falling from trees where a small stream flowed over rocks. “Not wanting to see something. Closed off emotions. Guarded. I dont wanna experience this. Not right now. Im hurt and I dont want to deal with the pain right now.” I feel as though you are trying to prevent something from bubbling up to the surface. Like there is a memory you dont want to think about or relive. You are trying hard not to face it. And yet in doing so, you remain trapped there with it. You carry that wound around you wherever you go. And it may be bleeding out into your reality. You refuse to see it so, it remains there hidden under the waters until it resurfaces again. Maybe you're trying to find other things that make you happy and it really does work, until you find the wound there materializing in your dreams. Maybe there is truth you are seeing, but dont ultimately want to be true. This is a pile that needs to take time to heal. There is hurt that you need to acknowledge before you can continue on your journey. Im sorry for whatever happened. Im sorry that it hurt so bad, but putting it in a box and locking it away forever won’t help you evolve and grow. You are hurting yourself even more. Sooner or later that locked gate will burst open due to the pent up force of the water. Build yourself back up slowly. As you deal with and release this pain, rely on support from family or friends or whoever you trust. This will be a slow process, but there is a great reward for you. Whatever was taken from you will be returned to you tenfold. You will receive something much better than you could have imagined. There is hope and you will not only regain your Flame, it will be much stronger. You will be stronger, but you must travel into your pain and heal from that first. Take as much time as you need and rely on the source of your strength whether it be friends, family, your favorite hobby, leisure activities, whatever allows you to process your emotions in healthy way. Have faith in yourself for We do too. 1010 is significant for you. 
Thank you all for reading! I really do hope it has helped you in some way!  
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