#ft. junsu
kharismoon · 2 months
🍻un starter ubicado en el bar Main Vein. @lawries @kimjjunsu
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cuando ve a un espectador con un trago de sangre en la mano, se le forma una sonrisa satisfecha, tal vez al fin podría hacer contactos en esta ciudad. " ¿quieres que toque una pieza para ti? " ofrece en lo que teclea en el piano las notas de funeral march por memoria muscular.
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lusts1n · 1 year
tag dump 03 , dynamics -> ft : @idolpyre , @idolshe , @wolfsing ( junsu & nari ) , & @obscurates .
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ohmuqueen · 1 year
Xiah Junsu - Xiahtic (ft. SHINee Key) [sharingshinee@wp]
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haovran · 2 years
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           Coloca el platillo sobre la barra, este se encuentra repleto hasta el tope de hielos; y junto a este una pieza de tela.  Levanta la mirada para enfocarse en el rostro ajeno, propia expresión es seria, pero esta sin perder la serenidad en sus facciones; suelta un suspiro, dejando que su mirada se vuelva una vez más a los utencilios, colocando los hielos sobre la tela y errollando esta para colocarla sobre el golpe en la esquina del ojo del chico  ❝ Sostenla un rato, ayudará a que no duela y a que baje la inflamación ❞ pronuncia, una vez hubo tomado muñeca ajena para colocar su mano sobre la tela con hielos. Lo observa por un par de segundos antes de dirigir su atención a las botellas que se encuentran más cerca a él, faz se torna pensativa  ❝ ¿Vodka o tequila? ❞  ( 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚: @vunsu​ )  
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bovraj · 2 years
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           ❝ ¡Ah! ¡Que deseos de morir de un coma diabético! ❞ exclama sólo una vez que su mirada se ha topado con la mesa de dulces, ojitos brillando ante la cantidad de postres que se encuentran dispuestos, colores logrando que lucieran como sacados de un cuento infantil. En realidad, lo único que había estado haciendo desde su llegada, era sentirse incomoda, pues la ambientación era demasiado ñoña para su gusto, detestaba el código de vestimenta ya que no solía usar vestidos, y todos los conjuntos de pantalón eran demasiado calurosos para un evento en el jardín  ❝ ¿No debería ser un especie de pecado que cosas que se coman luzcan tan bonitas? ❞ cuestiona, estirando su mano para tomar una de las galletas de oblea bañadas de chocolate, probando un trocito, expresión de regocijo al instante, girando hacia junsu  ❝ ¡Hey! Prueba esto . . .  ❞ pronuncia, colocando delante de su rostro aquella galleta  ( 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐝𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚: @vunsu​ )          
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jeontrol · 3 years
                  ♡*゚ thanks for helping but ... 
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     la posición en la que estaba le estaba dando dolor de espalda, estudiar en una cama no era lo más cómodo teniendo en cuenta de que trataba de mantener una buena posición siempre que podía por la costumbre de estar recto en su casa. minho pasaba su mano por su espalda sintiendo como sus lentes estaban bajándose por su nariz. no sabía cuánto llevaban viendo hojas y pantallas, había terminado un proyecto pero matemática la había dejado para lo último. no quería admitir que era pésimo con ello. su mirada se dirigía a las caras concentradas de los ajenos en las hojas, sus propios cuadernos y lápices alrededor de la cama. agradecía la ayuda, con su pecho. pasó su dedo índice por sus lentes para ajustarlos antes de hablar. — tomemos un descanso, me duelen los dedos. — la muñeca entera de haber estado escribiendo en su laptop y en sus cuadernos, él mismo dejando el lápiz encima de la cama y moviendo su muñeca. — quiero... agradecerles por ayudarme otra vez. — quizás era la quinta vez que lo decía pero no mentía. el pecho de minho se sentía extraño, sabía que podían haber estado haciendo otras cosas. con lo que los conocía sabía que disfrutaban yendo a otros sitios que no fuese estudiar. había escuchado a beom hablarle sobre la ‘fiesta’ en los bosques, otra más sabiendo que estaban prohibidas. heejoon y junsu no deberían estar perdiéndose de algo que les gustaba por su culpa. se sentía culpable. — podemos dejarlo para otro día si quieren. — era el inicio de la noche, nueve y media cuano minho dirigió su mirada al reloj de su laptop. no le importaba seguir por su cuenta.  @leosvn​ 
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fridvj · 3 years
𝐛𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐚 𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐚𝐥. frida & junsu comparten mesa para estudiar ( @junsucci​ ).
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el programa se ha cerrado inesperadamente. una vez más el mensaje saltaba a la pantalla de su laptop y ella estaba a punto de colapsar, no pudiendo continuar con lo-que-fuere la tarea que le habían encargado realizar. cansada, empuja su laptop sobre la mesa hasta que esta choca con algo más, recordando que no estaba sola en aquella mesa. ‘  lo siento.  ’  dice, no con la mejor de sus caras.
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holyfields-a · 5 years
@wistfulreality​   /   based on.
as a hedonist, for chaeyeon to be alone on new years was rare. whether stranger or not, she found particular enjoyment in the company of others. yet, through the means of cancelled plans, she was left in her room, lonely, but knew exactly who to call. despite their complications, junsu was still one of chaeyeon’s closest, having been almost inseparable since their youth even if their contact was sporadic. she had imagine he’d be busy, or would simply prefer not to spend time with her, but a quick call confirmed the other was coming over. her eyes glint as she finds herself excitable to spend time with him.
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fmdnoah · 5 years
— hotel room, 3.32 am in the us w/ @fmdjunsu
it was as if the moonlight that shone straight at him through the slightly agape curtains pressed onto his chest to crack his ribs. painful. noah was wrapped into a cocoon between the sheets of one of the queen beds in the room, looking to get some sleep after a long day but not finding enough calm to shut his eyes. the first day he blamed jet lag for the newly sported raccoon chic, but during the second night in his mind spun too much not to face reality. overwhelmed, that’s what he was. still unable to grip on his reality. or, rather, their reality. the outcome of origin was shared by all members. common, yet rather personal as it had to go through filters of seven unique minds. maybe noah’s filter was too cheap and makeshift, as the young man found himself choked up time and time again about origin, the members and what they all had in a sense that surpassed the lights, fans and cameras. it made him toss and turn until he felt burning at the corners of his eyes and naturally his hand reached out for the other queen next to him. gripping onto the covers under which a fellow heart lied, he tucked at them slightly. “junsu hyung?” noah called out, tone stuck between a whisper and the tiniest part of his voice.
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fmdromeo · 5 years
ε    ⋯    `    ➳     𝐤. 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐬𝐮
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    romeo  refuses  to  admit  it  ,  &  the  chances  of  saying  it  out  loud  are  slim  to  none  [  especially  if  he's  sober  ,  ]  but  he  misses  his  members  .  living  alone  has  become  an  adjustment  ,  a  freedom  that  romeo  loves  ,  however  the  fact  never  changes  ,  &  he  finds  himself  missing  them  often  .  quite  frequently  when  origin  finishes  up  a  tour  ,  and  he's  back  to  being  on  his  own  .  only  coming  home  to  his  pets  ,  who  he  adores  with  every  fiber  of  his  beating  heart  ,  but  it's  not  the  same  .  it  never  will  be  ,  he  knows  this  .  the  emptiness  hits  when  it's  night  and  there  isn't  a  peep  ,  no  one  is  up  on  the  other  side  of  the  wall  watching  a  show  or  playing  a  game  ,  no  one  is  making  noise  in  the  kitchen  while  making  something  .  it's  a  double  edged  sword  ,  he  assumes  .  the  maknae  finds  himself  outside  origin's  leaders  new  place  ,  a  few  knocks  letting  junsu  know  of  his  arrival  .  visiting  his  members  was  also  a  bit  weird  in  his  eyes  ,  coming  to  new  buildings  instead  of  walking  a  few  steps  to  their  room  .  romeo  shrugs  the  feeling  off  ,  knowing  it  does  him  no  good  ,  &  awaits  meeting  a  familiar  face  once  more  .
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hvnsgrief · 6 years
        ━  for @timetbl  
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           there’s something about this boy that makes junsu’s chest feel... well, come to think of it, he really can’t explain exactly how it feels with words alone. all junsu knows is that this boy━SOLBIN, his nametag reads━is special. he doesn’t know what that means, either, but he’s determined to figure it out. which is why junsu frequently finds himself in the pretty boy’s place of work, watching from afar as he serves tables with a polite smile. he’s hyper-aware of how he comes off when he’s here. he typically leaves a few days between his visits, and he always makes sure to request a table far enough from solbin’s zone that he doesn’t seem too obvious. today, however, he comes in much later than usual, when solbin appears to be the only waiter on duty. dread may be gripping him mercilessly, but something about the way the boy smiles softly down at him as he approaches his table instantly calms him. he wonders if solbin knows what he’s up to as he places his glass of water on the table.
           “ th━ ” his hand raises to his mouth as he clears his throat nervously.  “ thank you. hi. ” 
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shibvmii · 6 years
closed starter for: @leedamien
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junsu swirled the contents of his glass, watching as the gold liquid moved in a whirlpool-like motion. a smirk ever-so present on his lips as his head starts to buzz because of all the alcohol he’s been consuming in the past hour or two. it was one of those nights where he finds himself hanging out with damien, and those nights usually lasted up until the wee hours of the morning— - regardless if they had stuff to do the following day or not. “yah,” he calls the other male’s attention, having to raise his voice slightly so as he could be heard over the loud music of the club they found themselves in, leaning in and putting his arm around his friend. “did I ever tell you that I’m gay?” he asks, the tone of his voice as casual as it could ever be. they’ve known each other for a while now, and though it wasn’t something that junsu hides, it wasn’t like he would be sharing that fact right off the bat to a friend — - but he felt as if that particular moment called for it.
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gwiyeowothings · 7 years
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attractive things: colorful hair
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fmdxchai-blog · 7 years
170828 - risk management
This was bad, this was so bad. not that Chai cared, not that he was in the right state of mind to care. It was too far into the night for him to even remember his name let alone realize the consequences of his actions. The club was packed, and he was deep between bodies, strangers and friends all deep into the abyss of an alcoholic haze. His movements were sluggish and slow and the buzz around his head was too blissful to be okay, and yet he took the shot he was offered, and then did the body shot he was challenged to do, but now he was way too far under, his jean jacket slinked off his shoulder’s, deep tan skin on display under the silk muscle shirt, sweat beading down the deep v-line. He was sure he smelled like a brewery, or some type of cologne that definitely wasn’t his own. 
In the midst of his make out session in  the handicap stall, the only time he allowed himself to pull his mask from his face, he was still coherent enough...kind of to not get recognized, though the club he was at was frequent for idols and the risk was far less, he found himself doubled over the toilet, vomit breaching his lips, and he had finally came through to the epiphany that he probably should get out of here. He fumbled for his phone struggling to focus on the row of names before finally pressing call, “hyung,” he hiccuped slumped against the bathroom wall, “c-could you come get me?” @fmdjunsu
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theleeminhyuk · 3 years
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11/11 - Minhyuk on this day (17/?)
보그싶쇼 ep.11 (ft Kim Junsu)
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sleepyowlsleeps · 3 years
a collection of halloween/horror kpop mvs for your viewing (dis)pleasure
Voodoo Doll - Vixx
Zombie - Purple Kiss
Chase Me - Dreamcatcher
Girl - Nature
Witch - Boyfriend
Burn It - Golden Child
Thriller - BTOB
Howling - Victon
Zombie Party - Speed
Full Moon - Sunmi
Hyde - Vixx
Peek-a-boo - Red Velvet
Good Night - Dreamcatcher
Let Me Know - PIXY
Flower - Xia Junsu
Pray - Sunny Hill
Jackpot - Block B
Save Me, Save You - WJSN
365 Fresh - Triple H
Closer - Oh My Girl
Criminal - Taemin
Hate You - Ladies’ Code
Can’t You See Me - TXT
Lovey Dovey - T-ara
Thunder - Verivery
Monster - Irene & Seulgi
Anti - Zico ft. G-soul
Eternally - TXT
Dr. Bebe - Pentagon
Come Back Home - ONEUS
Apple - Gfriend
Psycho - Red Velvet
Put it Straight (nightmare ver.) - (G)-IDLE
Obliviate - Lovelyz
You Can’t Sit With Us - Sunmi
Scream - Dreamcatcher
Zero for Conduct - Bastarz
Trick or Treat - Grace
Psycho - History
Volume Up - 4Minute
Like Ooh-Ah - Twice
Archangels of the Sephiroth - Stellar
Midnight Circus - Sunny Hill
Mr. Potter - DIA
Anck Su Namum - Yezi
Under the Moonlight - VAV
Poison - Pink Fantasy
Dark Dream - E’Last
Jungle - CIX
Reason to Become a Witch - NS Yoon-G
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