thefouraboveall · 18 days
@hhemeraa / 𝐌𝐘𝐋𝐄𝐒.
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skxrbrand · 5 months
Shows up in his house like that scene in AHS Coven: Surprise Bitch, did you think you saw the last of me
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Who let this rat in here--
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deityforged · 1 year
Ashmi having busted her forehead open hitting a door threshold and having to take a deep breath to avoid killing every single person in the club who stares at her :
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soulsxng · 11 months
❝  i want to look in the mirror one day and not feel uncomfortable with my own reflection.  ❞ Myles/JJ
It was one of those rare moments of vulnerability between the two, as they lay together in the little tent. Pressed close (even though JJ could tell Myles probably wasn't thrilled about it) to stave off the undeniable chill that the air had taken on once the sun had set, and waiting for sleep to take them.
The day had been a difficult one, wrought with fighting and death after a surprise attack from an enemy force on the road. Many of their remaining men were injured to some degree, and while they had accomplished their objective, (albeit not in the way they'd planned) they still needed to make it back. Which meant that it was more important now than ever for JJ and Myles to be the reliable (infallible) leaders their men saw them as, and show a united front between the two of them to put the others at ease.
Only when they had retired to rest, were they able to let those masks fall. Voices soft and-- at least in JJ's case-- not bothering to hide the bone deep exhaustion that plagued both body and mind.
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"Mm..." Amber eyes open a bit to look at Myles, and a small hum of agreement escapes him. Typically, he was the type that would take a minute to think of what the best response, when someone shared something like this with him. But now? Words spilled easily from his lips, uncaring of whether or not it might make him seem weak in some way. "Do you think you'll ever get to that point?"
"I've always told myself that I will, once I get where I'm 'supposed to be' in life, or something along those lines. But...where is that, even? A lot of times, I have no idea. And others, I feel like I'm just repeating whatever I've grown up being told."
The prince eventually trails off, fingers toying idly up and down his betrothed's hip. "...I don't know if I can really do anything to help take that feeling away permanently. Or if you would even want me to try. But for what it's worth, I could probably manage to distract you for a little while, at least. We're going to be in this arrangement for a while, so if you ever need support in anything...I'm here, Myles."
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"Myles, honey, you don't need to fill out the application. You're already my pet."
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etlascivus · 1 year
@hhemeraa how will you be DEVOURED ?
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       to be loved by the devil of carnal sin is to be trapped with him for all eternity . if asmodeus's obsession with sarah is any indication , myles has a long future ahead of him . the temporary nature of mortal years && mortal flesh will have no say in young man's end . whether it be by transforming him into a demon like himself or preserving delicate soul in the depths of his estate , asmodeus refuses to relinquish love again , especially now with teeth && claws sunk in .
       however life leaves myles , it will not be without a fight . the soul may vanish , but it can be found . the body remains . the body can be preserved . the beast will grieve && grieve , && with eyes red && cheeks stained by streaks of watery kohl , he will summon his ram head . the devil's three stomachs are each unique , && the ram's is the perfect space for that most precious to him . the ram opens its maw && swallows empty corpse whole , keeping it safe until lost soul is found && love returns once more .
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royaletiquette · 1 year
It's great seeing the insane man Hibiya is in love with and the insane girl Hibiko is in love with active on the dash at the same time
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chaoscrawls · 1 year
Drools in their mouth
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its time to CRUSH
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scanncr · 2 years
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    thoughts, ft. YoRHa unit 9 type s
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    ❝ many people think that ozone depletion is caused solely and exclusively by humans. but did you know that also sheep eructation can also cause holes in the ozone? yeah. in fact, back in the old world, a place called... New Zealand have been planning to tax their citizens over cattle’s burps and farts, due to the fact it was one of the country’s biggest  sources of greenhouse gases. ❞
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muu-kun · 11 months
oh, look, a volunteer. @hhemeraa
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Applying a tug to their apparel, he inquired, "Do you go inside the people's homes when they don't love you?"
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igniferous · 2 years
Can Wolfram handle spicy food
█▐ @hhemeraa | ✖ | inbox
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see, as ✨aesthetique✨ as i think it would be for him to snack on 10000000 scoville hot peppers like they’re pralines, when he’s already notably the biggest wittle heavyweight alcoholic twink of all time who can drink any muscle bro under the table, i don’t think spicy is written in his stars unfortunately 😔
he has been a picky eater for most his life, he loves sweet foods above all else, and his palate is SENSITIVE aubrey
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thefouraboveall · 18 days
He knows what he is
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"An artist of the flesh! How delightful~"
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xaallo · 1 year
Proceeds to tell Xaa the nastiest more vile things for the bit.
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"Humanity was a mistake."
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deityforged · 1 year
#5! Forehead kithes!
𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞. // @hhemeraa.
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For her pride's sake, she is grateful that Myles did not say a word about the incident that had just occurred.
On more than a few occasions, tigress forgets her height, especially when she is wearing heels, and his is one of said occasions. The sound of her forehead dead on hitting the center of the door's threshold had been loud enough to warrant everyone's attention in the club - and the silence that reigned, even with the music playing, was loud enough to turn her attitude off for the entire night.
She is still sulking from her seat when he walks over, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to the center of her forehead, where she's positive a bump has formed. It makes a twitch of a smile spread across corner of lips, and she is back up again, heading with him over to the dance floor.
' I swear to god if I hit my head on one of those lights it's over for everybody here. '
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soulsxng · 1 year
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>:)c Myles checking lots of boxes. I figured if I had to argue for it, I wouldn't check it but just know!!! Some blank ones are 50/50
I could see both Amu and Kuu being able to be friends with Myles pretty easily, tbh? They're both very supportive with their friends, and they'd both be happy to invite him to go places with them (either together or one on one!)
As for the other...since Myles got a higher score on that:
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"My, you certainly did get a few, didn't you? If I'm being entirely honest, I'm not quite sure what to think of you just yet. But I can at least say that I'm intrigued."
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sansloii · 2 years
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@hhemeraa : Myles stared at Mikah who was seemingly staring at him - the air was tense for some reason, but they weren't saying anything, so Myles almost thought to keep quiet. Almost. "Are... you okay?" Brow raises with an amused chuckle. "You look like you're thinking really hard, trying to figure out how to ask me out for Valentine's Day?"
Oh — they were.
They've been thinking about how best to ask Myles out for a while now. Over and over, they silently pored over how they would do it--how they would finally ask him — but each time they thought they had worked up the nerve, it leaves them just as quickly. At first, they hadn't even been looking at him and had their attention fixated elsewhere so as not to be obvious. As time went on ( and they got bolder ), their attention drifted over to him ; as if they were just shy of just… asking him out.
…and then they got cold feet...
… and then came the stare — not quite focused but enough to where if he moved, their eyes would follow… right up until he spoke, that is. The thief blinks and dark eyes refocus on Myles--as if snapping out of a trance. And as they listen to him inquire about their wellbeing, as he perfectly places why they were staring so intently at him, Mikah can't help the embarrassed heat that creeps up onto their features and dyes some red. They look away, too, and a hand comes up to anxiously rub the back of their neck with a soft, close mouthed exhale.
Instinctively, the words that bubble up into their throat is to dodge his question or poorly play it off. They could lie and say that there was another reason for their staring… but, like the previous option, it wouldn't work as well as they'd like. Myles wasn't at all stupid and he'd see right through it. That, in of itself, was more embarrassing that being caught in the first place.
They could be honest, though…
It was better — far better — than hoping that he was free that day… or assuming he was and finding out he wasn't.
“…I…I was…” they say slowly ( hesitantly ) and their hand falls frim their neck. Their next words take a minute or two to bubble up into their throat… but it does and their eyes rise to him again.
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“….A…are ya doing anythin' on Valentine's Day? Because, I…. I'd like to take ya out… on a date.” God, they felt so awkward — so self-conscious of the words leaving their mouth. “…If that's alright.”
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