#hideyoshi matchup
apl-swag-bracket · 1 year
Apl Swag Bracket 2023! !
These are the initial matchups excuse the skrunkliness I made this on the photo editing thing thats default on our phone. There will be 4 rounds of voting!
[Edit: I realised I made an error and accidentally forgot to put Caduceus Clay from Critical Role, whom someone else nominated, on the bracket. For anyone who saw the previous version this is to inform you I have replaced Rouge the Bat(our own nomination) with Caduceus Clay on the new bracket]
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Round 1:
Link to tag #apl swag bracket round 1 containing all the round polls here and below are links to individual matchup polls
(Linebreakers are so it doesnt get like a long wall of text)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog) [vs.] Kitty Softpaws (Puss In Boots)
Idia Shroud (Twisted Wonderland) [vs.] Lain Iwakura (Serial Experiments Lain)
Diana Cavendish (Little Witch Academia) [vs.] Caduceus Clay (Critical Role)
Entrapta (She-ra And The Princesses of Power) [vs.] Shemira (AFK Arena)
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Nobimaru (Kemono Jihen) [vs.] Daimon (AFK Arena)
Blaze the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog) [vs.] Hideyoshi Nagachika (Tokyo Ghoul)
Squidward Tentacles (Spongebob Squarepants) [vs.] Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony : Friendship is Magic - Equestria Girls) [vs.] Sheldon J. Plankton (Spongebob Squarepants)
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Gogo Tomago (Big Hero 6) [vs.] Dracula (Van Helsing 2004)
L Lawliet (Death Note) [vs.] Discord (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Double Trouble (She-ra and the Princesses of Power) [vs.] Kim Diehl (Soul Eater)
Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries) [vs.] Queen Chrysalis (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
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Luster Dawn (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) [vs.] Silvina (AFK Arena)
Logan/Logic (Sanders Sides) [vs.] Yasmina Fadoula (Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous)
Yotasuke (Blue Period) [vs.] Cecilia (AFK Arena)
Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney) [vs.] Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K)
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strykingback · 7 months
Starter for @xenia-rp For @musekaiplex MFT!
OST: The Three Hundred That Denied Atlas
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"Well its Day Two Of Round Two folks! And Boy howdy we had some good fights in the last one as we near the semi-finals!!! But we got a matchup of titans here!!!" Blade would say Hideyoshi walking through the tunnel.
"When the Atlesian corporation the Schnee Dust Company found a vein of Dust that was set to be mined, many bandit legions had tried to at least scratch the surface of the infamous corporation. They would fail in the light of things, but when the government of Shade tried to argue they were threatened with destruction from the Schnee Dust Company!"
"When all was lost, one man would rise up and simply say: "I'll just take three-hundred troops with me. Just to show Atlas that Vacuo is not to be tussled with!" This alone left the council and all those iwho had heard in shock, believing that he was insane. However, they knew full well that it was through Atlas' greed the land could not heal, the murderers of their beloved oases, and ruins of ancient times were destroyed! Thus three hundred men would follow him towards the Schnee Dust Company where he led men, women, and nonbinary soldiers to fight!!!"
"Not one person died that day on his side. While for the Schnee Dust Company had lost too many of their best to him and his three hundred warriors!!! Now you saw him come very close to defeat... but will this repeat for the Shield of Vacuo?! No! No! NO! He will not let defeat draw him back not when he is this close!!!! Here he is."
"HIDEYOSHIIIIIIIIIIII PHALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANX!!!!!!!" Blade would announce while Hideyoshi smirked coming out of the tunnel to a roar of cheers.
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"Time to get to work..." Hideyoshi said with an extremely determined voice showing that he is no longer messing around.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hello, can I rq a matchup? i'm 5'9, slender but pretty strong, cancer, INFJ, I am always very calm but blush easily, always quiet until my patience runs out. I like to cook(I'm chef-patissiere), I never let anyone see me cry or they see me sad. I love music and I take direct action when something seems unfair even if it hurts me and I say " i'm sorry" a lot, the mom friend(I made coffee when they are drunk, help them with cleaning things like that. Thank you ❤❤
Hi hi love! ❤Thank you so much for the request! 🙌🔥🌻😊Sorry for taking soooo long to get this to ya!🌻🔥 I hope you enjoy it and I hope you have a super good day! ❤❤🔥
So I match you with............... Hideyoshi
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The first time he met you, he 100% distrusts you. Why you may ask, well it all started when you legit almost hit Nobunaga in the face. 
You had just arrived in Azuchi and to say you were exhausted would be an understatement. You had just finished working a 16-hour shift and you were running on 2 hours of sleep when the wormhole decided to open up and toss you back in time, on your way back home from the fine-dining restaurant you worked at. Even through your exhaustion and aching feet, you still managed to carry a man twice your size out of a burning building. Run through the forest almost plummeting to your death, before Masamune swept you off your feet to take you back to the castle. 
You were exhausted, and every muscle in your body ached, and all you wanted to do was crawl into bed and sleep. Your patience with the men who had dragged you to the castle was wearing thin. You were usually quiet and slightly reserved, but when Nobunaga grabbed hold of your chin to look him in his eyes, you simply cracked. 
You knew how to handle men, as despite the stereotypes of a woman belonging in the kitchen, it was very much a mans world out there, and you had worked hard as a pastry chef under a very difficult executive chef. You looked Nobunaga square in the eyes and gave him a piece of your mind while slapping his hand away from your face. An act which caused Hideyoshi to go on a rampage. The second he saw you raise your voice at Nobunaga and smack his hand away, he saw red. The rest of the warlords sat in the back of the council room, snickering at the new defiant princess. Hideyoshi then drew his sword and had it at your throat in seconds, if looks could kill then you would be dead ten times over. Luckily for you, Nobunaga chuckled at the entertaining now fireball princess and told Hideyoshi to calm down. 
After a very long boring council, Mitsunari led you to your room. It was honestly a miracle you made it to your room as you were swaying on your sore feet and struggled to keep your eyes open. The second you saw the futon you collapsed onto it and passed out. Mitsunari stood in your doorway shook, you must have been incredibly tired if you didn't even bother changing into more comfortable clothes before sleeping. 
Hideyoshi stomped his way down the hallway to give you one more piece of his mind, and to make it clear that if he found any evidence of you being an assassin, he wouldn't hesitate to cut you down. He saw Mitsunari standing in your doorway looking into your room with a glint of concern in his eyes. He then rounded the corner into your room, and before he could say anything, his gaze fell onto your exhausting form sprawled out on the futon. He walked into the room, and his mother hen mode overrode he must protect Nobunga mode, the second he saw those dark rings under your eyes. He, against his better judgement, tucked you in and made his way back to his manor with Mitsunari
You woke up 2 days later feeling refreshed and ready for life again. You honestly couldn't remember the last time you had slept in, it was true what they said, the hospitality industry was not for wimps. You looked around the room, and the memories of the events from the past few days came flooding back. You signed in disappointment wishing that it had all just been a big dream but alas. You got up and after a nice hot bath changed into some fresh clothes. Just as you were about to leave your room to explore your new surroundings, Masamune walked into your room. His good eye widened in surprise to see the sleeping princess had awakened. He gave you his tiger-like smile and invited you to breakfast with him and the troublesome Mitsus.
In the days to follow, you made quick friends with all the warlords', thanks to your hard work. You helped out any and all castle staff in need. They absolutely adored you and loved your hard work ethic and diligence. However, Hideyoshi still didn't trust you, although that all changed one day. 
You were walking down the hallway helping Mitsuhide carry his books back to the library when all of a sudden, a young feminine looking man came running up to you and hid behind you. A group of soldiers had been chasing him intending to end his life. They had told you to hand over the traitor so they could punish him for his crimes. That's when you found out that they were going to kill him for frighteningly running away from the fires, the night you had saved Nobu's life. You honestly felt like death was the most unfair punishment of all time and decided to stand your ground against the men. All while unbeknown to you, Hideyoshi had watched the whole scene unfold from the doorway. Before the soldiers could hurt you or Ranmaru, Hideyoshi stepped in to protect the two of you. He then told you that he would deal with you later and took Ranmaru up to meet with Nobunga to decide his fate. 
That night you expected Hideyoshi to scold or kill you for protecting to poor man, but instead, he came to apologise bowing his head down low to you. Honestly, you were feeling awkward, so you decided to propose a restart, which Hideyoshi gladly accepted. As a token of your new-found friendship, Hideyoshi made the two of you tea and the rest of the evening was spent chatting away with the man. It was honestly so strange as he went from a scary prison warden to a loving big brother. Also now that you were really looking at him, you could see why the woman would line up at the castle gates daily to greet him, he definitely didn't have a shortage in natural charisma.
The next day you headed over to Hideyoshi's manor for lunch as he still felt horrible for how he had treated you and wanted to do everything in his power to apologise, plus someone had to make sure Mitsunari was fed. You walked into his manor and was instantly surrounded by panicking maids and the smell of something burning. You made your way to the kitchen to see a charcoaled bread and a very disappointed Mitsunari. You walked closer and saw that Hideyoshi was rubbing his temples, trying to calm himself down. When you curiously asked him what was going on, he said that Mitusnari was so excited that you were coming to visit that he wanted to make you some fresh bread. You couldn't help but burst out laughing, that was just like the sweet angel. "Honestly Hideyoshi, its not such a train smash, if I had a coin for every time I had messed up making bread I would be rich!" you offered him and Mitsunari a gentle, reassuring smile. You then gave Hideyoshis hand a reassuring squeeze and offered to help remake some of the food that had also had been burnt during the fiasco. 
Hideyoshi watched you cook in awe, your skills and technique were flawless. "Just where did you learn to cook like that." You beamed up at the man, "I wouldn't be a very good chef if I didn't know how to do the basics." That afternoon as the three of you sat and dined together, your heart filled with joy at the happy faces sitting around the table enjoying your food. In fact, Hideyoshi loved it so much he actually asked you to give him some cooking lessons. Since that they the two of you had been spending more and more time together cooking for all your friends together and chatting over tea.
You had come to low key fall hard for Hideyoshi and the two of you spent more and more time together. You had this tendency to always say "I'm sorry," which Hidemana couldn't stand for. If anyone had to apologise, it would be him for the way he treated you when he first met you. You would usually also apologise over the smallest matter. He would usually refer to it is as the s-word. "Hey, how many time have I told you not to say the s-word, besides there is one word I would much prefer to hear and it starts with a T." You had accidentally tripped, and as you fell down, you pulled Hideyoshi down with you, and you both went tumbling down onto the market's floor. You were now on top of him apologising profusely. "well, it seems pretty weird to say thank you for breaking my fall." At that, Hideyoshi simply moved your hair out of your face and tucked it behind your ear while smiling ear to ear, "It's not weird, and you are welcome."
The night Hideyoshi told you just how madly in love he had fallen for you was the night of a big banquet celebrating the Oda's victory in the past battle. Drinks and conversation were flowing, and everyone was having a good time. You had managed to impress the great Nobunaga with your pastry skills, as the devil king was munching down on the confectionaries you had made for the banquet with a satisfied smile. Hideyoshi had already early on in the evening cut him off from his precious sugar. But then like an angel from heaven, you appeared carrying a tray of decadent sweet confectionaries and his boyish pout turned into an excited smirk. By the end of the banquet, half the warlords had been past out or retired for the night. Staying true to your inner mom friend, you decided to help Hideyoshi clean up the mess. Once the banquet hall was cleaned, you and Hideyoshi decided to toast a job well done with the last of the alcohol. 
That apparently was all it took for Hideyoshi to get from slightly tipsy to drunk, so you decided to walk him to one of the open rooms. You were surprised at how chatty he was being, giving you his brutal, blunt, honest opinions. As you helped him make his way to the room, he had said something which made you stop in your tracks and look up at him. He had told you that he was in love with you and that he had been since the day you helped him save the burnt lunch.
The next morning you walked to Hideyoshi room to hand him your famous hangover cure. You had to smile at the irony of the mother hen being mothered. That is when he told you once more that he loved you and that last night confession wasn't just one of a drunk man. And that my dear friend is how you and Hideyoshi got together
Your cooking was such a big hit at the banquets that you actually started working with the castle kitchen staff as the warlord's personal chef. Nobunga loved to come to you whenever he needed a sugar fix. Honestly, in his eyes, you were the best cook in all of  Azuchi and he absolutely loved the sweets you made. Plus you would give him the sugary treats on the down-low so that both of you could avoid the hour lecture session from Hideyoshi. 
Hideyoshi knew you loved music, so you best be sure this mother hen will track down any and all bands that interest you and take you to see their shows. Nothing makes him happier than seeing that beautiful smile on your face. Speaking of beautiful facial expressions, this man is a bit of a lady killer, so you best be sure he is going to complement the love of his life, with tons of endearments and words of adoration just to see that beautiful blush bloom across your face.
He also knows you don't like it when others see you sad or crying so whenever he sees you getting upset, he will be by your side in a second, creating a distraction to give you an exit route. He will then go and find you after, to make sure you are alright. He will usually take you into his arms and nuzzle his nose into your neck while rubbing soothing circles on your back as you tell him everything that has upset you. He knows you hate it when people see you cry so If you are feeling especially vulnerable this boi will let you hide your face in his chest as you cry it out, cause let's face it there is no way mama bird is ganna let you cry on your own.
This man is absolutely head over heels for you and adores everything about you, from your calm demeanour to your willingness to take action against inequity. 
He will legit dote on you from the second you wake up in the morning to when your head hits the pillow to sleep. He loves to come up behind you whenever you are busy cooking and just wrap you in a warm hug and kiss your cheek before he heads off to his next meeting. 
Often the two of you cuties can be found cooking together for the two troublesome Mitsus or cuddled in each other's arms while enjoying a quiet evening in. These peaceful moments are most definitely filled with the sweetest of kisses and words exchanged between the two of you.
Other potential matches......................... Shingen 
 I hope you enjoyed this dear and I hope you have a super good day! ❤🌻🔥
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juminly · 4 years
Chasing The Sun
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Summary: The story of how you fell in love with the Devil King’s right hand, Hideyoshi Toyotomi. Tags: Canon-Divergent, Fluff.  *Matchup written for the lovely @kamesama​ , I hope you enjoy your love story with your suitor. 
How on Earth were you able to just sit like that in front of the Devil King? What in the name of the seven heavens and eight hells were you thinking, sitting with your arms crossed and a nonchalant look on your face before the man who was on the quest of ruling all of Japan?
Not only did you suddenly appear in Azuchi, creating a ruckus in the gardens of Lord Nobunaga’s castle, looking for what you called “a cellphone” and “a police station” but you were also giving these grown men a piece of your mind while they looked at you incredulously. 
You obviously thought that you were in some sort of play or the universe was pulling some prank on you. Was there something even called time travel?
After taking in your surroundings, everyone was speaking in Japanese and you were somehow able to understand them and speak the language too. Not perfectly, but enough to get by and find yourself before the man that all of Japan feared the most.
Was this a curse or blessing? You looked around you to find the most heartachingly handsome men that were apparently warlords and they were sitting around you in what they called the Council Room. They were:
Bewildered by what you had to say. So… after much explanation from your end and getting some clarity from the panicked Hideyoshi who had been rambling to his Lord (and dropping lots of hints that helped you get to the conclusion of where and when you were), you claim to be from the future?
Either utterly amused or baffled by your behaviour and demeanour before their Lord.
Nobu’s crimson eyes were locked on you with a faint smirk drawn on his lips, Hideyoshi was obviously mortified and had been silenced by a simple “enough” from his Lord, Mitsuhide was snickering joined by Masamune who was trying to muffle his chuckles and Ieyasu rolling his eyes at them for acting like young boys. Mitsunari though? The angel was looking at you like a cat with big wide curious eyes that just wanted to know (play) with you.
The most impressive thing about the whole situation: you were so composed when facing someone with a commanding presence, not even flinching under his studious and heavy gaze. Nobu couldn’t help but be impressed and thought that you would be entertaining to keep by his side.Same shit, different day when it comes to the Devil King. If something entertained him, he would keep it around until he deemed it of no use to him (or that’s what you would think).
Seeing how unfazed you are and how you met him with a passive gaze that challenged something within him. Nobunaga decided to make a bet with you: become a Sengoku woman within less than a month and he will help you find a way home and back to your time. If you didn’t, then you would have to stay in the Sengoku Era and wed him.
First thought: What the actual….
Second thought: This man did have the power to do something like that. Thinking over your non-existing options, you would just have to agree.
Who would even want to marry a man like him? Nothing about him but his appearance was alluring to you in that moment, even though something inside did tell you that he would be more than able to show you a good time but you just pushed that thought to the back of your mind.
The golden-haired annoying beauty, Hideyoshi dared to open his mouth to protest… and being the mischievous Devil King that he was, Nobu put Hide in charge of you and you were officially under his patronage, tutelage or whatever you wanted to call it but from what you’ve seen, you definitely thought that the Sengoku Era was not for you… and most probably, a big nightmare that you were just waiting to wake up from.
While Hideyoshi and even you wanted to protest (yet again), the man called an end to the meeting and winked at you, wishing you good luck.
You weren’t going to be able to become a Sengoku woman, nor were you interested in becoming one, to be completely honest, but you needed a guide. But... Why… Why did it have to be him?
Living in a mansion with a man as fussy as him was going to be a huge headache. By the way he acted, he seemed to possibly be a clean-freak and the super organized micromanager type about everything in his life. But when you arrived at his mansion, you were surprised to be greeted by a swarm of smiles and simply… so much feel-good vibes.
It was hard to pinpoint it but there was this aura that surrounded the warlord, or more like, the ambience would change when he was around. You noticed it even when you followed him through the streets of Azuchi while on the way to his mansion. However, it was still your first day in Azuchi, you would have more time to figure things out later after you’ve had some much needed sleep.  
He had the maids prepare the second largest room in his castle, with a hot bath and almost a dozen of kimonos, yukatas of all colours for you to choose from. You didn’t need all of this, anything would do but someone was going over and above… For someone who was so reluctant to have you stay with him and was awfully disgruntled about the prospect of you marrying his Lord, you did not expect to have such a warm welcome into what would become your new home.
In order to get things on track and yeet you out of the Sengoku Era as soon as possible, you woke up to the soft knock on your door and the sound of a man clearing his throat. Not only were you greeted by the sight of the gorgeous man entering your room with the rays of sunlight shining through your window making his hair look like actual tresses of gold and his bright smile, making you feel a weird fuzzy feeling in your chest as he set your breakfast tray before you. What did you deserve to be spoiled like this? It honestly felt like you had woken up in a reverse-harem maid cafe that was actually a bed and breakfast hotel?
Your thoughts completely mislead you. Hideyoshi was taking you through a schedule that he had prepared for you in order to get you accustomed to the current times and its needs. It was a rotation where you spent a day with one warlord every day, acquiring whatever knowledge you could from all of them. Medicine with Ieyasu, History with Mitsunari, Culinary Arts with Masamune, Japanese Language and Art of Dance with Mitsuhide, Horse-back riding with Nobunaga. Etiquette with Hideyoshi.
Cue: your first fight. You butted heads and made his life a living hell. As peaceful and respectful as he tried to be during your discussion with him, you argued with him until he lost his breath and his face turned a bright shade of red (that was surprisingly adorable but you didn’t really care for that in that moment) because you wouldn’t let him dictate things for you. It was YOUR way or no way at all. Nobody else had the right to manage your time for you. That was up to you and you alone and you wouldn’t let some beautiful man change that. He had to concede… not for you, but for his own sanity and for Nobu’s sake. That’s what he told himself at least, but you had the first win. The first to many more to come.
After sorting that out, Hideyoshi took it upon himself to take you on a tour around Azuchi, showing you all the best places to get whatever you needed, even introducing you to every single merchant and townsperson wherever you want. How did he even remember the name of all of these people?
He was… the town’s busybody? No. You could not even find the best word to describe how he was because there were way too many words that you could use, but not one of them would be enough. Anyway, let’s get your thoughts back on track. Not only do all the women, young and old, fawn over him but he was so well-loved because of his good deeds.
His objective was only to show you around before conducting your first lesson with him for the day but you were saved by an old lady that owned a cute little teashop who happened to ask him for help. That was weird. How could someone ask something so menial of a warlord?
Upon pulling both you and him by the hand inside her shop, she went on and on about how she loved his company as he reminded her of her son that she had lost in a war. There was this look in the warlord’s eye that didn’t go unnoticed but you just put a mental note on it. It seemed like Hideyoshi felt indebted to her somehow? And you! Well, you were so warm and nice to the teahouse owner that she took a liking to you and began spoiling you with every type of dango and sweet that her teahouse and Azuchi had to offer.
Four words: Sugar overload + sugar rush.
While you were chatting with the teahouse owner, Hideyoshi had been gently giving you instructions on how to sit, how to eat, how to hold different utensils and what gestures to use when people say certain things. He included all these comments so smoothly in the discussion that by the time you were done eating, your lesson had ended. As Hideyoshi announced that, telling you that “you did very well, all the treats you ate were well-deserved”, he gave you a bright smile and winked at you, which totally, totally did nothing to your heart.
He suggested to the teahouse owner if you could fill in, in his place, since you got along pretty well together and the old lady was almost ecstatic, taking you in her arms out of impulse and thanking you for agreeing to help her. Looks like you had no choice.
For a brief moment, Hideyoshi just stared at you before bursting into jolly laughter. You looked like a child so high on sugar, you were basically radiating energy and there was a spring in your step that you didn’t even have before. He took you by the hand and began running, looking back at you and shouting “Faster!! Time is of the essence. We’re going to chase the sun!” What he was saying made absolutely no sense but you found yourself giggling under your breath, running beside him until you reached the stables, he jumped on his steed and pulled you behind him. “Hold me as tight as you can. Don’t worry, I’m not fragile.” he joked as he clicked his tongue and you flew with the wind, beyond the bounds of Azuchi. 
You smiled and looked up at the sky, letting the breeze tickle your skin and your hair flying around you. As you inhaled deeply, you couldn’t help but rejoice in the smell of fresh air and sandalwood… Hideyoshi. So rich and sweet, it made you dreamily sigh without even realizing. When you suddenly came to a stop, Hideyoshi’s warm voice reached your ears and pulled you out of your daydream. He was showing you the sunset as it fell behind Azuchi castle, the colours of dusk blending with the fading flames of the sun that shines over the town that would become your home. 
As you were slowly coming down from your high and before you fell asleep on the warlord’s shoulder, you made him promise you to show you the sunrise and he gladly agreed to do so.
The next few days were quite busy for you. Following the schedule that you had set for yourself, you visited the teahouse of the old lady before your classes with “the warlord of the day”, as you called it. you went to help around the old lady, as Hideyoshi had promised on your behalf and began to understand him more, know even more about him without even having to ask any questions. You were also able to reach your own conclusions, after heaps of townspeople swarmed the old lady’s humble teahouse, talking about their different encounters with the Devil King’s right-hand man. 
The old lady loved him so much, saw so much in him and was so willing to gush about him as if he were her own son. He was charming…. Incredibly and unbelievably so. Just a simple glance at him and people were beaming at him. He came from the lower class, but you had no idea. He had this humility in his smile even though the way he held himself was graceful and his tone, the words that so eloquently spilled out of those lips of his would never indicate that he grew up as anything other than a nobleman (which made you like him even more).
By the end of the week, the teahouse owner no longer was in need of your services since her daughter, who had been sick, was feeling all better and ready to help around. (Hideyoshi didn’t even tell you but your experience in the teahouse was part of your on-ground training and he didn’t even need to give you more lessons, yet he chose to so he could spend more time with you)
After your first round of so-called lessons with all the warlords, Nobunaga held a banquet in your honour, his own questionable way of formalizing the bet and challenge between you. You weren’t entirely sure whether he was mocking you, testing you or just playing mind games with you but that didn’t stop you from having your own fun. As everyone drank themselves into oblivion and upon discovering that you did not indulge in any type of liquid courage, Masamune had dedicated his night to stuffing your mouth with all the delicacies imaginable, sweet, sour, savoury and even bittersweet. The man was a masterchef genius (that Gordon Ramsay would definitely envy and admire but that’s a discussion for another time/day) and didn’t even mind.
In the corner of the room, your eyes reluctantly yet instinctively crawled to cast a quick look on Hideyoshi. A quick glance wouldn’t be enough to appreciate the sight before your eyes. The Adonis of Azuchi was seated languidly like a beautiful courtesan, intoxicated as she nursed her sake while prattling to others in a banquet. His emerald kimono slid down one shoulder, along with his white haori, slowly and teasingly exposing more of his bare skin,  his chest was almost fully on display, his lips glistening with remnants of sake as the inebriant seeped and coursed in his veins. This was an image that you would have trouble getting out of your head, not that you wanted to. He was utterly breathtaking, the way his lashes fluttered over his cheeks, his eyes slowly falling shut then opening lazily as he fought to stay awake.
Whenever one of his retainers came to take him back to his castle, he moaned and refused to let anyone touch him except for you. All the warlords began chuckling as Hideyoshi gladly let you embrace him in your arms, holding him up with the help of his retainers as he mumbled about sweet nothings that made your heart flutter. “Your hair looks so silky and beautiful, Kame… Would you ever let me touch it or maybe even brush it for you? You smell exquisite, not even the cherry blossoms of Kyoto could rival how sweet your scent is…” His face was dusted in pink from the sake but yours turned red for different reasons. You couldn’t wait to plop him down in his room and get away from him. You could no longer feel your face with him being around you.
As the days went by, you found yourself growing more accustomed to your routine and starting to actually like your life in Azuchi. Yeah, there probably wasn’t any technology around but you still managed to occupy yourself most of the time. Thanks to the fussy warlord who spouted so much nonsense when he was drunk.
One night, he was out drinking with the other warlords after a Council Meeting. You had absolutely no idea what it was about but it seemed like things were stirring up in a nearby area and action would have to be taken soon. That was none of your business so you spent the writing while staring up at the moon, the silver light invading your room as you wallowed in the dark pits of your mind.
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As he came back from his night out, he tried to sneak, not too sneakily into your room. As he stood before your sliding door, he could hear your muffled sniffles and cries. Acting completely on impulse, Hideyoshi slid the door open, rushing to you, the fear of anything bad befalling you crushing his heart. As he kneeled before you, your cheeks were tinted in a deep shade of red, your eyes puffy as you sobbed helpless. In his drunken state, his eyes darted everywhere to check if you could possibly be injured, but there was no sign of anything.
Even as you protested meekly, Hideyoshi pulled you into his arms, holding your waist tightly and one of his arms around your shoulder, keeping you safe and secure in his embrace, letting your tears dampen his kimono while he caressed your hair softly with one hand, and the other rubbing soothing circles on the small of your back.
“It’s okay if you do not want to tell me what is on your mind. But do you mind if I say a few things myself? Yes? Okay, good. Well… I wanted to let you know that I’m happy that it was you that came from the future and not another young man or woman. I am pleased that a bright woman such as yourself made her way back through time to be with me… I mean with us, in Azuchi. You’re talented and you learn things quickly… only when you put your mind to it, obviously.” That earns a small laugh from both of you. “But I want you to promise me something. Please. If you ever feel like this again, and you wouldn’t mind me being around you… Call for me. Light a candle and place it in front of your door and I’ll be here with you in a heartbeat.”
Whenever you did light a candle, he came through with his promise. He only spoke if you wanted him to, he listened to your rambling, wiping the tears trickling down your cheeks and kissing your temples whenever he felt the need to say something but held himself back. He didn’t like to see you say such self-depreciative things but he wanted to let you know, through his actions, that he was prepared to shoulder all your burdens with you and wash away all those insecurities, if you would let him, showering with words of comfort that were only based on true facts and hints of how he truly felt about you.
After that night, he never lets himself drink and be around you when he does. Especially after sneaking into your room, he wasn’t sure what he was capable of or what he would do in an intoxicated state. He made it a rule and let all the warlords know that if he’s drinking, he’s staying with one of them.
He would scold you for staying up so late at night but he secretly liked to see you actually enjoying yourself. He would sometimes invite himself in your room and ask you about the things that you drew and what you enjoyed writing, his eyes narrowing with avid interest and curiosity to learn more about your time. He knew the right questions to ask you in order to unlock the “rambling” button in you and the warlord would be so pleased to be able to get you to speak to him so openly, looking so animated with excitement brimming from your voice. At that point, he no longer exuded this air of distrust, especially after seeing that you truly knew nothing about the Sengoku Era.
He often ended up falling asleep while hanging with you. It was easy to find yourself admiring his masculine beauty. His expression was so soft and vulnerable, without the usual crease between his brows caused by his constant micromanaging. His schedule was crazy busy but he still managed to find the time to hangout with you, pick you up and drop you off from each lesson of the day. It only made sense that he would be so exhausted. If he didn’t take good care of himself, you would at least try to do so, repay him for his kindness but also, try to make his life easier. Somehow.
During one of your late-night chats, you both got pretty hungry and decided to treat yourself to something. What exactly? Well… messing around the kitchen with Hideyoshi was so much fun but neither of you were good enough cooks to make anything that could be more than just… edible. Masamune would have a heart-attack if he saw what you were doing but thanking the heavens, he wasn’t around. Hideyoshi got intimately acquainted with your peculiar taste in food on that fateful night, blinking through tears as he tried to eat the odd creation that you had both made. At first, he thought he would be appalled but after a few bites taken out of courtesy to you,  he actually started to like it. Thus, the beginning of “Kame and Yoshi” late-night cook-offs to come.
The more you got used to each other, the more you teased one another. You weren’t entirely sure if you should call him “Hide” or “Yoshi” but you noticed how he would get boyishly flustered when you called him “Yoshi”, it just stuck and became your thing. It wasn’t necessarily a nickname given out of affection (or that was what you told yourself) but more of an expression of a blooming friendship. On another hand, he absolutely loved trying to find ways to make you blush, your cheeks reminding him of apples and, truth be told: he wanted to playfully bite them so much.
One day, you completely lost your shit on Hideyoshi for asking the maids to arrange your room since it was a complete mess. Little did you know, Hideyoshi had informed them maids to clean the entire castle spotless, but admittedly forgot to tell them to stay away from yours, fully knowing how you did not like anyone touching your things. He didn’t say anything to defend himself, standing completely silent and absorbing the frustration that radiated from you with the grace that he was known for. You refused to talk to him after that or even look at him. It was an invasion of your privacy and Hideyoshi believed that you had all the right to feel the way you did.
Wanting to be as far away from his castle as possible, you hiked your way up a hill to find some peace in the loneliness that nature had to offer. You spent a few hours just drawing/writing, letting off some of the pent up steam. It was much needed since you were able to clear your thoughts while breathing some fresh air. Looking at the broad horizons before you, you couldn’t help but think of the light brunet who made you feel so frustrated yet did everything possible to make you happy. Something in the back of your mind told you that it was all because he wanted you out of Azuchi and this era. But you were gravely mistaken.
Relying on your non-Sengoku era street-smart ability was not the wisest move. You had no idea where you were even though your surroundings were very familiar. After going in circles for what seemed like hours (40 minutes), you did manage to find your way back to Azuchi just in the nick of time! Being true to yourself, you know you had a lesson with the Devil King for some horse-back riding, still wondering why he even bothered spending time with you.
Who was the one waiting for you at the stables? None other than the handsome man that you were avoiding. His head was lowered in apology and he begged you to let him make it up to you. And he did, big time! You rode to a nearby village that was around 45 minutes away and they were holding a festival! There were fireworks, food stands and game booths and you ate almost everything that caught your eye, competitively played against Yoshi in most games before you saw the light of dawn appear. Have you been out for so long? Your pleasant outing ended yet again, with another chase of the sun.
You didn’t necessarily apologize for your behaviour the next day but he heard the maids whispering about you spending all night trying to make food, stuff that they didn’t even understand and his heart did melt at the thought. You were fussy about it and not having the same materials of the future, making the process much harder for you. Your go-to place to relax was on the top of that same hill where you had been sulking. He obviously tried to look for you and found you there, just watching the sunset. He smiled softly at you and you raised a brow at him with an unspoken “what’s up with you? what do you want?” But he said nothing, just sitting by your side, enjoying just being near. And you did the same. 
The more time, you go out to the city where he is supposed to be spending time with you, you get a bit flustered as to how every single person in town is trying to steal his attention from you. Various scenarios would occur but you would mainly stop even following him and go your separate way. Why did you even do that when the voice in your head told you that you wanted to be near him? (smh) Being the gentleman that he is, he’ll come find you and hold your hand, frowning at you. “What do you think you’re doing? If you’re planning on running away from me, then I guess I’ll have to find a way to keep you by my side.” He squeezed your hand, the top of his cheekbones blushing slightly as he pulled you closer to him, whisking your way through the alleys to wherever the sun would take you.
Being so close to him... felt natural.
One night before Hideyoshi had to travel, under Nobu’s orders, you and the warlord rode your steeds to a nearby river where you had a small picnic and spent the night stargazing. As you rambled on and on about what you knew of the stars and constellations, he gently pressed a finger to your lips. “I’m going to Kyoto at dawn. Things might get bad but I’m going to make sure that everything will be under control. I don’t want you to worry. Just wait for me and… as long as you are, I’ll be okay. Now.. Please... no word of this. Tell me more…”
His voice sounded as empty and lonely as you felt when he was away. Only 2 days had passed and you felt like something was missing. You went on with your day as if nothing was different yet the stinging feeling in your heart told you otherwise. Who were you lying to?
6 days later: He was finally coming home!!
You didn’t even realize that you laughed as a few tears fell the moment you saw Hideyoshi when he came back from whatever skirmish he was dealing with. Cuts, bruises and bandages everywhere. He even needed a few soldiers to carry him since he could barely move on his own! The words escaped your mouth without even knowing before you turned your back on him and rushed to the castle to prepare his room for him. 
You said something along the lines of (it was all so blurry so you weren’t even sure anymore): “Are you dense? I literally just had to hear about what you’ve done and that’s absolutely not acceptable. You’re always keeping your eyes on me and you don’t think you owe me just a small heads-up about your own buffoonery?”
You glared at Nobunaga and basically hissed at him. “This is all your fault. I was going to lose him because of you!”(little did you know, your small outburst made Nobunaga happy, especially after seeing the look on his right hand’s face.)
When he finally settled in and was laying on his futon, you kneeled beside him and brushed his hair away from his face, locking your eyes with his golden ones, a serious and intense look painted over your features.
You: You look like shit, Yoshi. I knew you were going to do some reckless shit. I was hoping you’d prove me wrong but here you are.
Hideyoshi: Watch that mouth, young lady.
You: You think you’re in a position to chastise me, Yoshi? You stopped giving me lessons days ago.
Hideyoshi: That doesn’t mean that you’ve learned your lesson, Kame.
You: Those are big words for a man that can barely lift himself off his futon. So much for promising to go chase the sun when you got back.
Hideyoshi: Hngh… I feel bad enough about that. I’ll make it up to you but please, do not tease me.
You: Mhm… what are you going to do if I don’t, Yoshi?
Hideyoshi: I did have something in mind… Come here.
Gently cradling the side of your face with one hand, his thumb softly rubbed over your rosy cheek as he groaned while lifting himself from the futon, a soft smile gracing his lips as you met him halfway in a tender kiss, filled with so much love and reverence. As you broke the kiss and tried to look away, he snaked his hand to your nape, threading his fingers through your hair and pulling you back to him as his back hit the floor, joyful sighs filling the silence of his room as you both finally allowed the love between you to flow freely.
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Hideyoshi can get so uptight about things, nobody even bothers to question him because he’s a stubborn mother hen and once he puts his mind to something there is no changing his mind. Except when it came to you, so the other warlords would often try to get their way with things by attempting to use you against your lover. Unfortunately for them, you were a mischievous minx and instead of helping them, you made things worse by making it known to Hideyoshi, in one way or another what their true intentions were. Masamune loved you for your playful nature and Mitsuhide thought that your skills could be put to better use (don’t tell Hideyoshi or he’ll literally lose his mind).
He will say “I love you” as many times as he needs to for you to believe him. He’s the type of man that would say it in the morning and before going to sleep, even if you were having an argument, he always wanted you to remember that he did. Considering that he could die in the battlefield any day, he wanted to make sure that he had absolutely no regrets when it came to you. He would express his love to you in his gestures, with his actions and wait patiently for you to say the same to him, only when you want. He feels it in the way you tease him, the way you touch him.
His kisses are usually tender and soft like a light summer breeze eliciting the faintest shivers in your body. He usually would cradle your face and trace your cheeks or the column of your neck, a pleasant tingling sensation tickling your skin as he poured all his devotion for you in the soft whispers of his lips against yours. When things tend to get a bit more heated between you, he lets his hands roam to hold the small of your back and press your against him, his tongue licking between your lips, coaxing you to open up for him (always the gentleman, he needs to get some sort of permission from you before doing anything, out of fear of overstepping or upsetting you). 
He would often pray to the heavens that you’re tall enough so that he doesn’t have to lean too much to meet your lips. His other hand would either be at your nape or the back of your head, fingers through your hair, the heat of passion taking over him and the taste of you is so irresistible, he doesn’t want to give you the chance to break the kiss. 
He didn’t even blink an eye when you both sat before the Devil King to tell him that your challenge was off. Whether you won or lost, it didn’t really matter. Hideyoshi was the only man you could ever be with and the prospect of even possibly marrying another was not acceptable. Not for you or for Hideyoshi. Nobunaga simply stared at the both of you, seeing how Yoshi sat there, unwavering before his Lord, unaffected by the possible severity of the situation if things were to go south. 
He respects your time and your own space, fully trusting you now that you were knowledgeable enough to know the do and don'ts of the Sengoku Era. He just urges you,.. no, begs you not to stay out late at night unless he, the warlords or any of his retainers are with you. Azuchi was a safe city but there were still ruffians lurking in the night. He didn’t want to take a chance when it came to you.
He gets way too flustered at any public display of affection but he’s a man that gets easily jealous so he likes to make sure that everyone knows that you’re taken. He would usually just walk around while holding your hand, linking your fingers together or with an arm around your shoulders, kissing your temple or your crown. 
He loves sporting the love bites you’ve marked on his skin and doesn’t even try to hide them, even if you both get teased about them, your lover just beaming with happiness and pride. Whenever he feels like your hands are too cold, he would pull you into a bear hug and let you wrap your arm around his waist, under his kimono, so that his body heat and the fabric could help you warm up a bit better.
If you ever thought of pressing a kiss to his neck (which you’ve obviously done before), your lover would chew on his lip out of embarrassment while his cheeks turned into cherry tomatoes. He would obviously try to mask his shyness with a mock angry tone as he calls your name in admonishment. Looking into your eyes, he saw that glint of mirth in you and that beautiful smirk that he would very gladly wipe off once you returned to the castle.
Little gestures he does to express his affection for you and things he loves: he loves brushing your hair and smelling it, he loves biting your cheek playfully whenever you blush. Whenever you’re chilling with him and he starts teasing you, you bite him and he chuckles. He actually loves it when you do.
He absolutely loves sleeping next to you. Period. But especially having you koala-cuddle him because he’s your human heater. Knowing how cold you are by nature, he asked you to light a candle to place it in front of your door (just like when you are feeling down), so that you can both cuddle and sleep together. He doesn’t like to be intrusive and invite himself into your bed, although he does, on occasion because a relationship goes both ways and it would be wrong just to rely on you to initiate things. The most important thing was consent. As long as he had that, nothing else mattered.
Oh boy, if he wakes up with morning wood, Yoshi gets flustered as hell, especially if you’re awake. He’d excuse himself with the most boyish and embarrassed chuckle and rush out of your room or to his bathroom (depending on where you were both sleeping). If you were lucky enough to be in his room, you would hear a symphony of unadulterated moans and muffled grunts that only made you wonder what the future held for you when you became even more intimate with one another.
Sometimes, when you’re lying beneath him, and let him shower you with kisses and love bites, he worships you as he is completely devoted to you, whispers against your skin, over and over again.
“I want to make you mine, I want you to be mine, I want to claim you and let everyone know that you have chosen me to be your lover, to be your partner, to be the one you share everything with. As much as I would’ve hated to admit it before, I don’t feel an ounce of remorse for what I have discovered in you. I love you… You are my everything and nobody could ever change that. Whether you decide to stay in Azuchi or return to your time…  I’ll always be with you. Take me with you.”
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leonardhoee · 4 years
Match-Up Rules
Update: I am currently at 10 requests and won’t be taking any more as of right now.
Hey guys! I’m gonna be writing matchups for Ikevamp and Ikesen!
As of right now I will be taking the first 10 matchup requests but if you submit one after the 10 slots are full, your request will have priority the next time I do match-ups.
I won't be including Kichou, Naoe, or Keiji since I don't know them well enough. I also won't be including Charles for the same reason but Vlad and Faust are included. 
Here are some examples of matchups I’ve written before if you want to see them.
Example 1
Example 2
General Rules
Only one match-up request per person since there are only 10 spots.
Must be following me.
Mutuals can request at any time
Please let me know if its okay to include your info when I post your Match-ups. 
Please pick either an Ikevamp or Ikesen match-up. I will not be writing both for the same request form. (However, you can submit another request the next time I write match-ups.)
I will not be doing selfie match-ups.
I will only accept match-up requests from the “Submit a Match-Up Form”  button. 
Please do not send hate if you don’t get your favorite suitor. You will be blocked.
I will be writing your match-ups in the order I received them so you can message me if you want to know when I’ll get to yours. 
I will make a post letting you all know when the 10 spots are full.
Match-Up Requests
Please include your Zodiac Sign, pronouns, and MBTI. 
Include your hobbies and interests, things you like and dislike about yourself, your general lifestyle and attitude towards people (Like if you have social anxiety for example), relationship dealbreakers, love language, and your general likes and dislikes.
Include 5-10 general fun facts about yourself.
Please include suitors that you dislike (or ones that just aren't your type) so I can avoid matching anyone up with someone they don't want. 
Include a few things others have said about you
Other things you can include are your pet peeves, Godly Parent, Hogwarts House, favorite things, what your ideal relationship would be like, dream date, favorite type of music, etc...
I will not be writing anything too NSFW but if that's something you want to include in your request go for it! I will take that into account.
You can write as much as you want! I don't have a limit.
Please keep in mind, the more detailed it is, the more accurate and detailed your match-up will be so don't hold back! And feel free to message me about any questions!
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oatmilkismylife · 3 years
Appearance Matchup
Hey thanks for requesting!! I love your dress <3
BNHA - Eijiro Kirishima
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The colors of your dress reminded me of Kirishima and his fiery hair so I think you guys would be really cute!!
Tokyo Ghoul - Hideyoshi Nagachika
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You and Hide would look so cute together! I love the blonde / brunette duo <3
Death Note - Touta Matsuda
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You look so kind and I love your smile so I had to choose Matsuda for you because he's a sweetie!
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fairy-writes · 3 years
hello my friend!! how are you doing?
can i request a matchup for tokyo ghoul and bsd?
i’m bi and go by she/they. im free spirited and stubborn. i don’t hold my opinion hidden and get very blunt to the point I seem insulting to some and don't really have a filter. i am hardworking and want to do my best in studies, but i tend to procrastinate as well. i am a tad hyperactive, optimistic and like to have fun and party. my hogwarts house is slytherin. i’m the youngest in my friend group and shortest and you can half of the time tell, that i am. i also take things seriously and get told i'm very mature for my age.
my ideal relationship is someone that matches my energy and understands my boundaries when i have my bad days. i see myself with someone spontaneous and affectionate who likes unique date ideas like a picnic under the stars or a driving for a roadtrip. my fashion sense is 70s inspired mixed in some dark academia and cottage core. i like to workout, dancing, music, games, horror movies, art and animals.
have a good day ☃️❄️
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups!
Tokyo Ghoul Matchup: I pair you with… Nagachika Hideyoshi!
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This boy is definitely a Gryffindor and matches you in stubbornness! He likes that you are blunt, and even though your filter may get you into trouble, he likes that about you! What’s life without a bit of trouble, right? He matches you energy-wise and is also very optimistic! You balance out his childishness with your maturity, and overall just balance him out nicely!
He matches your energy well and also respects your boundaries! He’s also quite spontaneous and loves fun dates like stargazing in the summer or long drives in the fall. The two of you make it a point to go on one road trip a year, usually in the fall when the leaves are changing. He also absolutely adores your sense of style!
Bungou Stray Dogs Matchup: I pair you with… Nakajima Atsushi!
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Atsushi is either a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor, and either way, he makes such a cute match for you! He appreciates your sense of free-spiritedness and your stubbornness makes him nervous sometimes as he doesn’t want you to get in trouble. He loves that you are so hardworking and helps with your procrastination! He balances out your hyperactivity with his calmer moods and your optimism with his pessimism.
He matches your energy and respects your boundaries, especially on your bad days! He knows how bad some days can get and only wants to help and knows that sometimes means leaving you alone while you work things out. He isn’t super spontaneous but is very affectionate especially when you guys get serious in your relationship. He tries his best to come up with unique date ideas and will sometimes ask for help from others (usually Kunikida or Dazai)!
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edengarden · 3 years
Hi I'm wondering if I can have a matchup for haikyuu and tokyo ghoul please. I'm about 5'5 with hazel eyes glasses shoulder length brown hair, and tan skin. I'm an aquarius, and a (proud) slytherin. 3 good traits about me are that I'm empathetic, kind, and funny some bad ones are that I'm lazy, shy, and can be overly sarcastic sometimes. I love to draw listen to music(anything but county) I like to explore abandoned places, and I'm a huge cuddler. I can also be very insecure sometimes.. thanks
I’m matching you up with Hide!
You’re an adventurer, and I feel like he totally digs that! Impromptu dates are the ONLY dates for you two. He’s also very jealous of your drawing skills (have you even seen his?? Smh he needs practice).
In terms of dynamics, I think he’s very good for you. Hide knows how to enjoy his lazy days, but he leads by example and knows that sometimes you just gotta get up and do your stuff. You’ll find yourself following his example and you won’t even notice it. He also approached you first when you met. His way of asking you out was sort of lazy, but hey! It worked, alright?
Cuddle nights where he’s all ears for you are a thing. Hide hates seeing that you don’t see yourself the way he sees you, but he also understands that a lot of people feel that way about themselves. He’s 100% there for you and ready to help make you feel better. Anything for it, really.
TG: RE Spoiler under the cut!!
Even after Hide goes underground as Scarecrow, I think he’d keep an eye on you. Make sure you’re safe. It breaks his heart to see that you’re mourning his “death”, but by GOD he promises that he’ll come back one day, when the world is fixed or at least a bit better, and he’ll make it up to you. I think he often dreamed of a fairytale ending with you. Just don’t give up on him.
- I’ll Follow the Sun, The Beatles
- Sweater Weather, The Neighbourhood
- Somebody to Love, Queen
- Loving the Alien, David Bowie
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Can I have a Haikyuu, Diabolik Lovers and Tokyo Ghoul Matchup please? Im a straight female. Im 5'4 and I have very long hazel hair that looks reddish when the sun shines on it. My eyes are brown with several other colors mixed in and I have freckles. I often wear iconic red lipstick. Im usually a calm, quiet and kinda shy person. I have a hard time trusting people due to my past. When I do get close to someone I am very bubbly. I am also kind of clumsy. I oftem drop things or stumble. (1/2)🌺
However I am also very sarcastic and often very dismissive which is why some people think that I am being rude/disrespectful. I do know where to draw the line with my comments tho. In truth I hardly get mad unless someone hurts my loved ones or lies to me. I might yell for a really short time just to then completely ignore the one that has hurt me. I think that silcence can hurt more than words. I really like to sing, play instruments, bake and skateboard. I also really like raccoons. (2/2)🌺
This is our last matchup y’all! I need to remind you, we are not a matchup blog, but I will let y’all know if we open them up! All future matchups will be deleted unless stated otherwise! Like for a sleepover saturday! Thank you for understanding!
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Your Haikyuu!! Matchup is Haiba Lev
Lev is also vv clumsy when it comes to anything but volleyball so lucky y’all!
He’s got a thick skin so he doesn’t really get affected when you’re sarcastic, but he does get confused sometimes, so please clear it up
He will listen to you sing for hours and hours, just because he can. Sing for him!
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Your DiaLovers matchup is Kou Mukami
Kou is a bit hard to understand, but you know what to say to show him you care. 
He’s bubbly enough for the both of you, so it’s okay that you’re shy 
Do not give him the silent treatment. He can’t stand it, he gets it if you’re just listening to him talk but if you’re purposefully ignoring him? He’ll lose it
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Your Tokyo Ghoul matchup is Hideyoshi Nagachika
Hide has been hurt before, so he’s super resilient, and he doesn’t give up easily
Bake him things! Please? Please???? He just loves homemade sweets and cakes
Will watch you skateboard in awe and will also join you when you ask him to.
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definitelynotobito · 4 years
Hihi, can I request a Naruto, BnHA, OHSHC, Death Note, Tokyo Ghoul and Mystic Messenger regular match-up? I enjoy indulging myself in arts and reading a lot and the occasional hike, though I’m not too athletic and don’t enjoy a lot of sports. I love to learn new things and languages and am known to get pretty passionate/intense about my research fields. (👹 1/3)
Since I’m such an information hoarder I also tend to get pretty lost in my own mind, causing me to either not explain myself well or only half because my mind is running a mile per hour. I’m reserved in character and rather get to know someone over getting known which can feel one-sided for some. (👹 2/3)
However, I’m always eager to make new friends and am easy to get along with in overall. I also tend to attract a crows at first before my ‘cool’ attitude turns people off. To friends I’m known as sassy and a huge troll. My honesty and fearlessness in voicing my opinions is pretty much infamous at this point, which can fall on either side of the scale with people. (👹 3/3)
I don't know your gender or sexuality, so I'm just going to assume you want male characters. I also don't do OHSHC anymore, sorry ;;
Naruto Match-Up
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Sasuke Uchiha!
He loves how passionate you get with things you love. Will totally go on hikes with you. He doesn't mind your mysterious and reserved nature, and he's pretty smart as well so he can find some things out about you. He admires how you love to make friends and your honest nature.
Bnha Match-Up
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Katsuki Bakugo!
He pretends like your sassy and outspoken nature annoys him, but he secretly really loves it. It's also easy for you to get along with others, and that's a good thing.
Death Note Match Up
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Touta Matsuda!
He loves your passion and really admires your fearlessness. You're more reserved, but you also make friends easily so you two will become friends pretty fast. Doesn't really mind that you're horrible at explaining yourself and accepts you.
Tokyo Ghoul Match-Up
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Hideyoshi Nagachika!
He's friends with Kaneki, someone who is really reserved and loves to read so he's fine with this side of you. You two are both really easy to get along with and like making friends. He'll go on a hike with you every now and then and adores your passion. He doesn't mind how you can't really find a way to explain yourself, and likes to joke around with you.
Mystic Messenger Match-Up
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Saeyoung Choi!
He's also a very mysterious individual, so he gets you. He loves your outspoken and passionate nature, along with your sassiness and how you tend to be a bit of a troll.
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utapriblog · 5 years
can i please get a matchup from ikesen, ikevam & ikesen, please? i'm curious & open-minded, & enjoy learning about new things. i do my best to be a good friend, & a good conversationalist/listener. i'm patient & affectionate w loved ones & compassionate, but i tend to be indecisive, sensitive & prone to overthinking. very talkative & analytical! "chaos goblin" sense of humour. my interests include anthropology, history & mythology. i also enjoy writing & drawing. thank you!!
Your Ikemen Sengoku match is Hideyoshi Toyotomi!
Mama bear would be a great match for you! A total sweetheart with a protective momma.
He likes seeing how curious you are, it reflects how innocent you can be. Seeing you try new things is one of your advantages of curiousity, which he finds a good thing.
He can always count on you to tell his problems or ask for advice to. He cherishes you for being a sweet person.
Although when you start talking, he would just give a small chuckle then pat your head. He likes treating you like a baby.
When you start overthinking, that's when his mama mode activates. He would comfort you and say sweet things, he would calm you down and stay with you for the whole day.
You can always count on him to help you if ever you were to make a decision. He would give you advices and tips that could help you.
Here you go! Sorry if you didnt like your result!
POSSIBLE MATCHES: Mitsunari Ishida
Your Ikemen Vampire match is Vincent van Gogh!
The sunshine would be a good match for you!
A total sweetheart can treat you well! You're a good listener and so is he, if one of you has a problem to share, the other would be ready to listen.
He always shows affection to you by giving you hugs cuddles and kisses, he comforts you when you overthink, he helps you in any situation, and he would always treat you like the princess you are.
You two would even do some art together, you would sketch him or a scenery while he paints a portrait of you.
Whenever you start writing, he would patiently stay by your side and even give you some snacks to give you a break from writing.
Here you go! Sorry if you didnt like your result!
POSSIBLE MATCHES: Isaac Newton, Jean d'Arc
Your Ikemen Revolution match is Luka Clemence!
Shy cook is a perfect match for you! He loves you for who you are and swears to protect you from danger.
He would always listen to you if ever you share your problems to him and you do the same for him.
He is always there for you, he'll be there when you need him. He would make you food or desserts to cheer you up when you feel down.
He sees you as a pure, loving angel who blessed him to be loved. He's really glad that he met you, for you have changed his life or point of view in life for the better.
When you start talking and talking, he would be there, listening with a smile. He kept thinking to himself how adorably pure you looked.
He loves you and he would do anything for you.
Here you go! Sorry if you didn't like your result!
POSSIBLE MATCHES: Blanc Lapin, Sirius Oswald, Edgar Bright
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Hello! 🤗 Could I get a match up for ikesen and ikerev please? I'm a straight female, introverted (intj actually if you're familiar with mbti). Blue eyes and pale skin. Honest to a fault, intelligent, high morals and values therefore very selectively social. Can't stand injustice. I love fiction (especially fantasy), psychology, spirituality, culture. Daydreamer, night owl. Otaku. My aesthetics: the victorian era, rain, Ireland landscapes. Very idealistic when it comes to love. Thank you 💕
Thank you for your request! Now I took a different approach to the matchups than the life generators, but let me know if you like that method better (I can redo the matchup). Also please tell me why I’m incapable of writing shorter things because I’m starting to overwhelm myself, but I can’t stop.
I’d pair you with………. Edgar Bright!
I wouldn’t say that you and Edgar would get along at first. With his shady nature and all the warnings from the other Red Officers, you would probably stay far away from him. 
You’d probably end up being friends with Kyle and Zero. Through them, you’d be acquainted with our favorite Jack of Hearts. At first, you would be cold or indifferent towards him because of his shady nature but it wouldn’t take long before the two of you became friends.
Realistically, he’d have to initiate most of the conversations. Luckily, he’s a pleasant gentleman and would enjoy deeper conversations. While he would happily start the conversation, you would lead in the middle. Your strong moral compass would shine through as Edgar would silently listen. It would hurt though– how could he sit with you when he embodies fear, blood, and terror?
Edgar would also tease you about your idealistic view on love. Something so far-fetched to him seems to be on your mind all the time and he loves it. It’s super adorable to him and he’d tell you that over and over again to the point where you would want to punch him in the face.
Little did he know that he was slowly drawn to you. As you would rave about your favorite novels, Edgar would watch the excitement in your eyes with a smile. Not one of his foolish smiles, but a genuine one.
Soon, he will pull the famous cold shoulder on you because his feelings are too strong. His sudden silence would make you curious and agitated, so you’d start snooping around to figure out the reason for his sudden silence. It wouldn’t be long before you learned the truth about him. The space between you two would only grow.
He’d linger in your thoughts while you strolled through the garden, ate a dessert, and laid in bed late at night. How could he be alright with doing these things? It just seemed a lot easier to give him a piece of your mind. 
So that’s exactly what you did. The next time you caught him doing something that felt suspicious, you’d pull him aside and let it all out. Maybe it was wrong that you were taking your frustration out on him, but someone had to tell him. He couldn’t keep living like this. Although he’d be taken aback, your words would get through to him. Your brutal honesty is exactly what he needed to hear so he can snap out of his nightmare. 
Honestly, he wouldn’t be too sure how to bring himself out of this mess. This where you would step in with your strong moral compass, supporting him through his darker days (especially when his uncle is involved). It would definitely take a long time for him to be free, but your strong values and brutal honesty would keep him in line.
Once he’s free, the morality conflict disappears. And I’d like to think that you’d admire Edgar for being able to see the light after going through hell.
The two of you watch the sunset with the Creek family in peace.
Another possibility: Sirius Oswald (This one would be a more fluffy relationship. let me know if you’re curious on why I chose him)
I’d pair you with………….. Toyotomi Hideyoshi!
For this one, I’m gonna go a completely different route. I thought about going through another angsty route because that’s my specialty and I’m almost incapable of doing anything else but the mentality of the other men in this game can be too much. You thought Edgar was crossing the line? Mitsuhide demolished it from your existence.
Also, getting along with Hideyoshi would be much easier than everyone else. However, he’d be slightly suspicious of you simply because his primary interest is Nobunaga’s safety. However, your righteous character would quickly shine through and he’d realize that Mitsuhide was probably more dangerous than you could ever be. 
From there, the whole brother-sister relationship would bloom. This man would tend to every single need you had, even though you were more than capable than doing them yourselves. Every time you would drift off into your own world, Hideyoshi would boop your nose, bringing you back to reality.
But he’d quickly realize your maturity once a serious conversation arises. Your understanding and ability to discuss psychology and spirituality would surprise him, especially in an era where women were not expected to talk about such topics. You weren’t a child who had to be taken care of, you were a woman with intellect who could think for herself. 
Not gonna lie, this could take some time for him to get used to. However, I think he’d come around fairly soon. Once he does, the two of you could go have these types of conversations for (as long as both of you have the time). It is important to note that a difference in view will appear here, but your idealism will only reassure him of his faith in you. From here, I could definitely see a more romantic relationship blossoming.
I think the scariest part of this relationship is when Hideyoshi goes on to scold the other warlords. I can imagine you cheering him from the sidelines especially when it comes to Masamune because who doesn’t want to give that idiot a good whack in the head. Needless to say, a reign of terror will begin as you and Hideyoshi work together to end the chaotic antics of the other warlords. Maybe you two can bring some peace to the Azuchi Palace.
You would have to prepare for the amount of work he has. Since he’s Nobunaga’s right-hand man, there is a lot he has to do and many trips he has to make. So at one point, you might consider helping him out and going to his doorstep. Helping him with his work and spending time together? That’s a win-win to me.
Of course, Hideyoshi is not going to let that happen. He doesn’t want to burden you with his work, so he’ll finish the task he was working on that very moment and leave the rest for later. What is he going to do then? Spend the time with you of course!
Now, however, you want to pass the time is completely up to you. He is happy with anything and everything that makes you happy, just don’t cause too much of a commotion or the mother in him will pop out.
Another possibility: Ishida Mitsunari
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
ay I have an ikesen matchup, please? I’m an asexual cis girl who leans to boys. Yet, shy around them. Lacking some experience with general things. So I tend to be obvious. Sometimes sarcastic and bold, but with an innocent mindset. Since most dirty jokes fly over my head and I think some people mean well. Though being a little sensitive and may cry.
I’ve been told I can get lost in my own world. I’m a tan brown girl with dark brown curly hair. A petite figure, 5'6. I have a girly, pastel free attire. I love vintage things, post-rock, jazz songs. I love to draw and express myself through art. My dream is to become an illustrator or cartoonist. Including my love for stuff animals, Grimm brother tales.
Hi hi Love! 🌻❤Thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy it and i hope you have the best day! Also sorry for taking soooooo long! ❤❤🌻
So I match you with…………. Hideyoshi
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The first time you arrived at the castle, Hideyoshi did not trust you one bit. He watched you like a hawk from day one. He didn’t like it when strangers got so close to his lord. 
You kept your head down and worked hard, and all the maids and castle staff really adored you. You were so sweet and kind, like a little rabbit. Even Nobunaga had taken a liking to you, and as classic standard procedure for him, he invited you up to his room that night. When Mamabear heard that Nobunaga has called you to his room, Hidemama, was on high alert. He and Mitsuhide had followed you as you made your way to Nobunaga’s room. They hid in the shadows, and when you finally entered their lord’s room, they placed their ears against the door ready to burst into the room at a seconds notice. 
You shyly made your way up the stairs into Nobu’s room, you hadn’t seen him since he named you as, princess. It wasn't even 3 second into the conversations when he, made a pass at you, about wanting you to warm his bed for the night. A comment which mind you, flew right over your head. Your mind was so innocent and pure, and this boy legit had to explain his intentions to you, which left you blushing. You very kindly told him that you were not that kind of girl, “Fine then fireball, but I still expect you to entertain me somehow.” You were curious as to why someone so busy was still awake so late, and that’s when he told you that he struggles to fall asleep. You gave him a gentle smile and said that you knew a few tips and tricks that could help.
You told him to lay down in his futon, he did as you asked with the most amused glint in his crimson eyes. You then tucked him in and started playing with his hair. “You are treating me like a child, fireball.” You gave him another one of your gentle smiles, you couldn’t help but make a sarcastic comeback to his comment. Nobunaga simply smirked up at you, especially after you mentioned that you were going to tell him a bedtime story. You knew so many stories thanks to your love of the brothers Grimm tales. By the end of your story, Nobunaga’s breath had evened out, and he was now fast asleep. 
Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide knew that if you were to do something, now would be the ideal opportunity. They strained their ears to hear what you were saying. You looked down at the sleeping man’s face and smiled, “Here is one more thing to make sure you sleep soundly.” When Hideyoshi heard you say those words, he opened the door to peek inside the room, it sounded like you were going to kill him. He was shook when you kissed the man’s forehead and stood up, extinguishing the candles. Hideyoshi is that moment realized he had majorly misjudged you, you weren’t an assassin, you were just an extremely kind sweet girl.
The next morning you woke up to your room that was filled to the brim with clothes, flowers and little trinkets. You were super confused, even more so when Hideyoshi had entered into your room carrying a tray of breakfast and a sunshine smile. You had to do a bit of a double-take cause you have never seen anything other than a scowl coming from Hideyoshi. “Oooh good you're awake, I brought you some breakfast, and I came to apologize for the horrible way I’ve been treating you.” He then bowed down super low to you. Honestly, it all felt like one big dream.
Hideyoshi then invited you out to the markets where he absolutely insisted on buying you even more gifts, to make up for his mistakes. You had come to really enjoy this new side of Yoshi, he was super sweet and kind, like a protective older brother
Since then every spare moment he got, he would spend with you. The two of you loved going out for tea together or just browsing the markets. When Hideyoshi had discovered that you enjoyed jazz music he would take you to any and every jazz performance he could find. He would usually make up a picnic basket, filled with delicious snacks and then surprise you with an outdoor picnic concert. The two of you would then sit and enjoy some good food, and music together.
Hideyoshi loved spending time with you, and the more time the two of you spent together, the more and more he found himself falling hopelessly in love with you. He loved your sweet, pure, innocent mind. You were honestly like the female version of his sweet angelic vassal. Who like you was blissfully unaware of Mitsuhide and Masamune’s dirty jokes and minds. 
He also enjoyed watching your bold, sarcastic side come out. It would usually happen when he would confront Mitsuhide. In the midst of his arguments with the snek, you would be right there by Hideyoshi’s side, backing him up. Firing sarcastic comebacks at Mitsuhide whenever he gets on Hideyoshi’s nerves, or evades Hidemama’s questions with sarcastic remarks.
Hideyoshi also loves that you love animals. This boys heart melts into a puddle of goo whenever he sees you playing with Uri, his pet monkey. He will stand in the doorway, beaming with pure happiness at the sight of his two beloved girls spending time together. It was then when Hideyoshi started to make plans to confess his love for you. This doting mother is a hopeless romantic so its, go big or go home when it comes to love.
That morning you woke up to a little not resting next to your pillow, the note contained instructions to a game. You smiled as you solved the small riddle at the bottom of the page leading you to the next clue. After running around the castle solving all sorts of little puzzles, the final note led you to Hideyoshi’s manor. You open the main door to see a path of rose petals leading you outside. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight, Hideyoshi standing in front of a candlelit dinner in the middle of his garden. Honestly, the best part was that he had dressed little Uri up like a waiter, who gave you a single red rose and the final note with the words sprawled across the page, “I love you.”
The two of you made the sweetest couple. Hideyoshi loved everything about you from your loving, kind heart to your sarcastic, bold side. He loved it when you would doodle small cartoon pictures on the napkins during your tea dates. He loved the beautiful art pieces that you would create, they expressed so much emotion and always left him breathless. He would proudly display all your art around the manor. 
When you had told him your dream of becoming a cartoonist and illustrator, he was ecstatic and was determined to help you make that dream come true, even though you were now stuck in the past. Yoshi introduced some of your drawings to Nobunaga, who loved your illustrations so much that he commissioned you to start writing children’s books, to inspire the young minds to follow their dreams. And although Nobunaga would never admit it, he loves reading your children’s books at night, as they to help calm his cluttered mind enough for him to fall asleep.
Hideyoshi knows what a soft sensitive soul you are, and is always by your side to protect you against anyone or anything. If you are feeling low or sad, he would gather you in his strong arms and whispers words of love in your ears. Honestly, this man will shower you with love and affection from dusk to dawn. He absolutely loves to dote on you so, expect to be pampered like the sweet princess you are, cause this man WILL spoil you.
Yoshi loves to sit behind you with his arms circled around your waist and his chin propped up resting on your shoulder, as you draw your latest illustrations. He could spend hours just watching you bring the most beautiful and creative drawings and cartoons to life. 
Don’t be surprised if he occasionally drops a few sweet kisses on your shoulder or cheek as you work. He will 100% brag about your work to everyone in the castle after you are done. He is your biggest cheerleader, and he loves everything you do.
Often the two of you cuties can be found simply holding hands in the teahouse, chatting away about everything and anything.
Other potential matches………….. Kennyo  
I hope you enjoyed it and i hope you have a super good day! 🌻😳🐇@daydreamerneko123
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hello, can i request a tokyo ghoul matchup? i’m a pan & ISTJ and 5’0 with long platinum hair, pale skin and hazel eyes. I look cold or rude at start, but when you get to know me i’m playful and shady with a cheerful 4D personality, rebel with morals sort of? i’m extremely loyal and a bit stubborn, though i can also become easily flustered. i have a 90s/grunge fashion taste. i like reading, traveling, dancing, horror & dark stuff, food, music and drawing. tysm 🖤
Sorry this took so long (´;ω;`)
I match you up with Hideyoshi Nagachika!
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Cuties, the both of you
Hide would totally get past your rude personality when you two had first met
He would just keep talking to you and approaching you whenever he had got the chance
But, of course, he had a lot more fun with you when your playful, shady, cheerful, and 4D personality had come out
He also admired your rebellious side, but that you also had good morals regarding things
Hide would be easy to give into your stubbornness
Wether it be regarding a certain topic or just simply what show to watch that day, he’d comply after just a few words
He loved how loyal you acted towards him
It just made him want to hug you, no matter where the two of you might be
Hide would also have a lot of fun teasing you
He’d quickly find out that you’re easy to fluster
And he’d take full advantage of that
Sometimes when you were being stubborn he’d throw out some lovey-dovey lines to make you flustered and get you off the topic
He would also just tease you at random times in public
Or when you were feeling kind of down
Hide would watch horror movies with you when you two were just chilling
He’d insist he would be fine, but then hold your hand during the scary parts of the movie
When questioned about it, he would deny everything
In general, you two would be a very playful couple together
You guys just would vibe really well
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hidebigbang · 6 years
Artist and Beta Matchups are Open!
Now you get to make your choices! Here is the link to the form for artists and betas to submit their three ranked choices (this same link will also be emailed to artists/betas). This is the same form for both artists and betas. 
You have until 11:59 on February 15th to fill in the form. Please make sure to submit your choices by that time. 
Once we have matched everyone up the matches will be announced through emails to each group on February 18th!
If you have any questions of course please don’t hesitate to ask either here or on our email ([email protected]) and we will do our best to promptly respond. This post might also clear some things up. 🌻 
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thezestyone · 2 years
Masterlist of written works thus far:
Requests are OPEN!
What is OPEN?: Fic requests, headcanon requests, matchup requests
Who may I request?: Any IkeSen suitor
Disclaimer: Whether I do a request is wholly dependent on my time and energy. I will try my best to get to every request I receive, but apologies in advance if I don’t get to your request!
Rules: When requesting something that is NSFW, I must be able to verify you are 18+ from your bio or page, or I will not accept the request. Anon Asks are permitted for other requests that are not NSFW. If you are under 18+ and interacting with my page, you will be blocked. Please respect my boundaries and do not engage on my page if not 18+.
Love 4 All; Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thezestyone/686519660882083840?source=share
Kicho: https://thezestyone.tumblr.com/post/682730961857822720/nsfw-enchanting-physical-attraction-kicho-x
Trick Or Treat Ask Game:
Yukimura: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thezestyone/689167553241694208?source=share
Kenshin, as well as Kanetsugu:
The Strange Neighbors:
Olive’s Bday fest for Hideyoshi 2022; Part 1:
Olive’s Bday fest for Hideyoshi 2022; Part 2:
Ranmaru: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thezestyone/687630282753523712?source=share
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thezestyone/689010544131391488?source=share Nobunaga: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/thezestyone/688605181840162816?source=share
Dabbling in AUs:
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