#i have nothing to tell them. nothing good at least and theres no point in telling them anything else
ganondoodle · 5 months
I probably still wouldn’t have been a big fan of the game, but I don’t think I would have been NEARLY as upset about TotK if BotW didn’t seem like it was so obviously setting up plot points for a sequel. Like, you’re very clearly MEANT to wonder what malice is, and how Ganon became the Calamity instead of just the Demon King. Fi is awake again, where are they going either that? What’s the deal with the Triforce-shaped symbol on Zelda’s hand? There were a LOT of other things like that, and many of them had to do with overarching lore for the series.
I get it if they want to reboot the series, but “BotW 2” was the single worst game you could have done that with. It could have been an amazing conclusion to the original continuity.
EXACTLY, you, you get it
botw felt like the introduction to a vast world with secrets and hints to things that were planned to become a bigger thing- a big giant game as a big giant set up, and then ... like totk likes to do alot, it lacks a pay off, and that is something it even does within itself, cosntantly, set up and no pay off, or set up and the most boring and uninspired pay off you can really not even call that, from the bigger things like the whole dragon thing being hammered into your head as irreversible and then it IS reversible.. out of nowhere without you having to do fuck all, the whole thing with the ancient hero beign a big mystery with lots of interesting ideas attached and then its some weird ass dog creature that doesnt resemble any other race with, of course, sonau armor, bc there nothing that isnt sonau in that game, even finding the old treasure maps you can find that then lead to amiibo stuff from botw id call that
botw wasnt that great with rewards either but exploring the world and wondering about those, surely intentionally, placed mysterious and intriguing designs and places did alot for making it so interesting to think about, totk fumbles it all and even the new stuff doesnt even come close to that environmental storytelling botw was so great at, sonau ruins? ha they look entirely different than in botw actually, bc those were built by hylians you see, the actual sonau stuff is in prime condition considering the time thats passed and its all the same blank blocky blocks that serve no purpose but to be a place for you to find a thing or exchange some currency- the most you can think about it is ... that the sonau hollowed out the entire underground of hyrule, every inch of the map, ... which is WEIRD and doesnt exactly make them look that good but ... thats all there is
at least with the shiekah it made somewaht more sense and it felt much less .. invasive? and you didnt have anyone from that time to talk to, other than dead monks whos only purpose is to give you their last piece of their own spirit, but in totk ... raurus ghost and mineru too are both just there to talk to but DONT tell you shit but vague hints that were already clear, the sky islands used to be on the ground? oh you dont say, you see them there in the stupid memories! and dont get to know how they got up there and theres nothing that can clue you in to that, its just sonau magic yet again i guess
dont even get me started on the whole malice/miasma thing, it made so much SENSE that there was a source of it, someone that has keep kept in a horrible place just between life and death for thousands of years trying to break free by their hate and anger manifesting to such a degree its literally spilling out and building creppy eyeballs, mouths and ribcage like structures like they are trying to rebuild themsleves outside of their awful prison no one knows about is so damn compelling, but no, actually, the guy trapped there was the msot evilest evar, was sealed bc him evil and no other motive, and the previously mentioned stuff is pretty much utterly unceonnected, and his magic beign miasma with red instead of pink and no creepy body parts was the true version of it, that pink one was its own thing heehooo SHUT UP argh
it doesnt help that really, i dont feel like the sonau were set up either, they were a tiny part in botw, really only serving to make the world seem more ancient and more full of history, having ruins from a past civilization there you know nothing about and cant find out more is so good, its compelling and sad and makes the world feel more real, just shoving them into everything, being the center of attention all of thes udden and not even the architecure fitting feels so ... forced, i really truly believe the og sonau werent meant to be more than that, but in their fear of the game being too similarly looking like botw they took the sonau to replace the shiekah with them- imo the shiekah were the ones set up to be deeper explored in botw, with their whole misstreatment by the royal family in the past, monk miz kyoshia reacting the same way a yiga commander would was deliberate and brings up even more interesting ideas, the comments about where the mysterious energy the ancient shiekah used to power everything being concentrated in certain regions?? thats a big ass set up, the fact that the center of what is signaling everything to reactivate being below hyrule castle? the fact the whole arena thing was BUILT INTO THE CASTLE or it on top of it is so??? cool??? and sso damn intriguing, we are scratching the surface of their history- but then no, actually, the sonau are the cool new shit those other ones just uh ... disappear, also the sonau did everythign the shiekah did but even better wayy before them haha
its like they didnt want to tackle the more complicated stuff with the shiekah, their relationship to the royal family and how the yiga ... have a point and a good reason- so they replaced them with entirely new purely goodest good guys that did the same stuff before them with none of the history attached :))
this is why im so insistent on it not really being a sequel, thers no follow up on anything that was set up, NOTHING, and no, a couple having a kid now or whatever isnt a follow up on an interesting set up, how hard is it to understand that-
.... listen to me rambling, you probably know all that already nhjdfkbnkd
(i know i always bring up the shiekah but ... they were so central in botw, while also not taking up every single corner- unlike some other ones >_____>, with so much interesting stuff to connect and think about, i cared about them so much i felt kicked down the stairs by their treatment in totk)
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freakinator · 1 month
funny thing about how i view the conflict in todays stream is that i view flame and wemmbu in very separate ways despite them doing essentially the same thing
in flames case:
i view his betrayal as ultimately a tragedy, their history all thrown aside due to a combination of wounded pride and genuine upset
if yall didnt see his chat for this stream it was actually really, really bad, like his chat is genuinely so fucking annoying oh my god and is a really good demonstration of why i think streamers should be mean to their chatters sometimes to so i actually wasnt at all surprised that he was so upset but i thought hed log off instead of acting out like this
he wanted respect but literally ruined the months long work of one of the few ppl that were willing to trust him over something that couldve been resolved if he just waited until september, but at the same time i can kinda understand why he was being so impulsive considering again his chat is Really bad, but at the end of the day that really shouldnt have been something you took out on one of your few allies like???? bruh even mocked zams storytelling as if he didnt do thee same shit as well 😭
honestly one of the reasons i was sad about his betrayal is cause it kinda sounded to me like he was genuinely about to cry at first??? maybe im just making shit up tho and he def stopped sounding like he was gonna cry after blowing up the spacewaffles tower lol
in wemmbus case:
i feel no pity for this man, he wanted conflict wherever he can get it and he got it! i think hes a lot like zam in that he just wants some attention and most importantly something to do but whatever happens to him next is his own fault lmao, i respect his honesty tho like hey he sucks but he knows what hes about at least lol
the fact that he still kept trying to get a commission from zam (or at least guilttripping him about it for lack of a better word) like bro i know you wanted to do a capitalism morality dilemma arc with zam but read the room my guy 😭
maybe hes at least a little mad that zam kept turning him away despite the fact he accepted a commission from mapicc of all ppl but like. bro. theres a reason zam called him a nightmare customer lmao
that being said you can tell hes not used to going this overboard considering he offered to help repair the tree when zam got upset lmao
idk i just thought his evilness was kinda funny, still hope he gets his shit kicked in spectacularly tho!
its funny, despite being acting like the shitty no reading comprehension version of abyss he gives me the exact same feeling of schadenfreude i did for minute back in s5 and i believe part of it is his mockery of lore and weird complicated dismissal of moral conflict particularly regarding zam
by weird complicated dismissal of moral conflict i mean both he and minute both tried to convince zam to see ''their side'' and ''reason'' but coming at it from an angle that completely misunderstands zam and when zam points it out they dismiss it and act like it means nothing because of their ''objective'' view of reality, spoiler alert! its not objective at all and they refuse to understand things from zams perspective cause they think hes just being unreasonable or something
idk overall i think their motivations for doing things are just kinda... shit lol
like ik theres some pretty obvious parallels that can be made with s5 here but the difference between the og players and flamebu aside from the lack of style and drama is that the og players waited several months before they started acting out the way they did and when they did start acting out tgey always made sure evryone who wanted to get involved Actually got involved rather than doing it while everyone was away plus their opps werent their own allies (except maybe pangi depending on how you look at it)
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msp9 · 4 months
When i first finished this season, I too like some people, was skeptical about it. I get why some people say its bad, I just thought it was very different from cc. At points the characters didin't feel like themsleves, the way some of them were written and the designs gave me a real hard time to get used to them. Also i felt as if it was just too much to process at times so i rewatched it and my final answer is that its a good show the pacing is incredeble, the plot, the suspence and character development. i just had a hard time getting used to everything new? Ig. I'm still doubting whether its a 10 but sure thing is that it was a very good first season its a easy 9/10. So here are the thinks i liked abt it:
-THE WAY THEY POTRAYED EVERYONES TRAUMA/STRUGGLES , Sammy having anxiety, Yaz overcoming her ptsd, and KENJI. MY BOY. That must have been the best breakdown i've seen in animated series. Whoever wrote that scene. Wow. It was the best thing in the whole show honestly. His vision gtting blurry, having truble breathing. The panick. Wow. I CANNOT SAY THIS LOUD ENOUGH.
-Ben and Sammy duo? Hello? Im srry to say but you might just be better than Yaz and Ben duo. Idk i really loved them.
- "Benjamin."
- Showing Yaz is doing better. Despite her ongoing struggles, she has clearly grown and matured the last 6 years, and the way she calmed Sammy in the sinking van? Ig all those therapy sessions and college paid off. That scene is a clear illustration of the progress she has made. I mean sammy did say "i can tell shes still struggling" but there wasnt really a clear scene of her getting stuck in place as she used to. So my guess is that it was just Sammys anxiety and the fact that they didint talk much. Bc then Sammy was surprised how she kept herselve together. So yeah
-UM SAMMYS CHARACTER?? HELLO? GLOW UP, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, i loved her sm. She moved up to my top 3.
And her anxiety? It was so well shown too
-the fight between Sammy and Yaz felt so natural and not at all forced. They both had valid points and in the end they did understand each other and were on the same page.
-Ben being Ben in almost every episode
- Yasmina's "boo."
-Brooklynns design?? Majestic to say the least.
- ingore what i said ealrier abt the acting out of character. They do remind themsleves they just grew
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Well, all except Ben...
-Kenjis new voice actor, he did a real good job, as much as it doesn't sound like him, he really captured some emotional scenes very well.
- The robot lady. THEY REALLY SAID TAKE A WOMAN AND MAKE HER CREEPY ASF. I was genunanly creeped out. And the detail that at the ranch if u listen closesly u can hear the whistle. Hell nah that was scary.
-Benrius Ben and Darius friendship, okay actually u can't tell me u didint feel it too, the tention between ben and Darius cmon we all know what u are Ben stop making up girlfriends in Europe
-Brooklynn turning bad, or from what we are told worked for bad people ig. Personally as much as it shocked me, im sure theres a good reason as to why and i cant wait to hear more abt in season 2.
-I can now undertand what everyone meant in reviews saying "its more mature" not only in the more death and dinos but it woyud be kind of confusing for a younger audience to undertsand some stuff in this show.
-I really liked Daniels kon death, maybe it wasn't necesarry but im all in for that dark death scene.
-Lastly the comment Sammy makes when Ben asks how bumpy got pregnant, and the yazs smirk. Gurl i was suprised they added that but i loved it
Now, the things that i didint like and why:
- First of all, Darius being in love with brooklynn. I mean i get it but i also dont get it. In my opinion, there shouldn't have been a different reason as to why Darius was the most effected by her death. They were close and she died. Its okay to be really effected by someones death and not bc u liked them, and i also do believe that the reason for him not showing up the night she "died" should have been smth more serious. Then again i get it bc now he felt a lot more guilt bc it was for a not so important reason he didint show up and thats why he didint tell anyone. Well axtually it isnt that bad, but i just felt it was forced for the plot. This again could be bc i started to like kenlynn and now they turned the tables completly but sure.
-Brooklynns voice actor. I just couldn't connect her to brooklynn? She sounded a lot different, not a major bad thing it was just hard to get used to.
-Ben having a gf, or supposedly having one, u telling me this man has a gf:
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I thought it funny but yk that man is a homosexual
- and lastly, Brooklynn being alive. This might sound bad but it made sense for her to die. And i was kinda lamed out that she wasnt dead. (Pls ironically enough, just weeks ago i begged for her to be alive.) But like the way everyone suffered bc of her death, going throught the 5 stages of grief, and the way the show was played. It just would have been better if she died, all those flashbacks, the emotional moments, i mean its not gonna be the same when i rewatch it bc i know shes alive. Anyways enough abt this.
Actually i have nothing more to add to my "bad stuff" list but i might come up with smth later. Bc i will be rewatchibg it obviously. Ig lastly i just wanted more episodes how dare they cutting the season of right there.
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doodoodinklefart · 3 months
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okAYYYY so ive been planning this au for literally forever and i couldnt get white diamond satoru and black sapphire suguru out of my head... ive seen a couple other hnk x jjk aus floating around but i wanted to take a crack at it!! i'll just explain these three + the setting for now cuz theres a bunch of other shit brewing in my head LOLOL honestly hnk and jjk are pretty different themes-wise i feel so i couldnt rlly help changing a lot abt the world LMAO
in this au its not just a couple gems in the school, there's a bit more of a society and structure outside of it. there are still the three major "clans" though maybe more like major cliffs?? lol?? that the gems are formed in that produce a much higher frequency of strong, high quality gems. i imagine that before the idea of working together (modern jujutsu society) had come about, gems fought to have control of these spots to assure that they would have those to protect them from lunarians (aka curses we're playing a bit fast and loose here). while there were many attempts to merge the clans, the fighting was more a waste of time if anything, so they stayed separate. jujutsu high in this au would probably just be the school, a set of gems that are trained to always be ready to dispatch lunarians and protect tengen (who is the prayer machine here), who has basically been dormant.
and THATS where we get to white diamond. i wanna say while diamonds are p common irl, its rare here for there to be a fully formed diamond lustrous that actually has inclusions. while there have been extremely strong lustrous born from the gojo cliff, white diamond is the first diamond in several centuries, filling a vacancy after others had been taken away to the moon. not only that, he's got special eyes too!! im thinking he can see sunspots from far away, or maybe can tell artificial gems from real ones, like being able to see their inclusions or something. probably both!! either way he has to wear special blackout glasses during the day. his eyes are really reflective so he can work at night too, but that often leaves him restless.
white diamond—in his mind at least—is untouchable, and really it may as well be true. due to the combat training that he's gone through and his hardness of 10, he has never sustained so much as a scratch. he had a tendency to break all of his sparring partners back home, and thus he feels he's hit a brick wall with his training, and that the only things that will come close to putting up a challenge are likely lunarians. he doesn't really care much for weaker gems at this point, and is eager to finally fight lunarians for once. eventually, he is sent off to the school to begin what he would call "actually worthwhile" training.
black sapphire, on the other hand, was born practically from nowhere, in a unremarkable place with little more than himself and a few other older gems that were around to help shape him. with a hardness of 9, he was the strongest among them and—after his first dangerous encounter with lunarians—he realized he had an obligation to protect the rest of them. his strength often leaves him feelings alienated, as he normally ends up working alone for fear of other being taken away. i wanna figure out how to incorporate his ct better but for now ill just keep thinking about it. for now, it was probably his strength that got his scouted and sent to the school.
boulder opal, or just opal, is in training as a doctor at the school, and shows extreme promise. her lax attitude reveals none of her medical prowess, especially when it comes to gems with missing pieces. she has a particularly good eye for finding missing shards, or finding pieces that she can replace missing shards with. there's nothing she can do if their inclusions reject the replacement, however. maybe she has a way of resonating with the other's inclusions to speed healing up on bigger points of damage?? idk ill figure it out
ANYWAYYY this is getting super long so i'll end this shortly BUT!!! basically, white diamond, with black sapphire (who he calls saph), and opal are all training under yaga sensei (idk what kind of gem he would be yet LOL). diamond, at first, sees opal and saph as weak, but quickly realizes they have their own feats. saph in particular is the first lustrous that has ever made sparring fun, because while he's less durable his combat skills make up for it tenfold. maybe black sapphire is the first to ever leave a break on white diamond who knows... opal is probably always having to put the two back together. theyve never lost to a lunarian before, and have certainly never come close to being taken to the moon. these two are the strongest together, and each finally feel like they have a place to belong.
alsooo..... they do get a mission to escort a "star plasma vessel" of sorts. tengen slowly erodes over the years and needs a compatible lustrous to replace their missing pieces. boleite (riko) happens to be that gem, and diamond and saph need to escort her.... lmaoaoao now i have to design riko, toji and kuroi...
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Maybe, reader is super funny and have a super funny laugh? like, they can laugh from literally everything, and their laughter is like the whistling of a kettle. I hope you understand me
TADC cast x reader w/ a funny laugh!
You guys know how I said that I was gonna go to sleep ab 5 ish hours ago because I had to work on a bunch of stuff the next day
Its uh
Now 4am, could not sleep at all. This always happens when I know I have busy days coming up. I hate it so much, melatonin hasnt worked. Meditating hadnt worked. Everything dodnt work
Anyways! New mission is to keep myself awake between working on stuff to try not to get tempted to nap today
So uh... more requests will be answered today
Hope you guys enjoy this !! I was admittedly a little lost on ideas for this request 😭 not sure if it's this specific request or because I've been writing so so much <\3
The writers block be hittin
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Honestly caine seems like a comedy sort of guy, you know? He looks like he enjoys telling and hearing a good joke every now and then. So I can easily see you two just rattling off jokes to each other until your digital lungs cant handle the sheer amount you guys are laughing!
I think he would lightly tease you for your laugh, but it's all in good fun!
I think she would be able to find some humor in your jokes, even through her desperation to escape the circus. I think that there would be some occasions where she would tell you to cut it out with the jokes, mostly if shes trying to look around for any clues of an exit
As for the laugh, I think it REALLY catches her off guard, especially in the beginning. Probably just stands there awkwardly
Honestly I personally see ragatha not being able to tell good jokes, be it because they dont make sense or because the punchline just isnt that funny.... perhaps both. Point is only the dullest of people will laugh at her attempts. With that being said I think she would love hearing you chatter! Really helps take the stress out of a hard day
I think your laugh would make her laugh harder. Then make you laugh harder, which makes her laugh-
Okay you get the point. It's like a whole loop
Now this man can be a real jokester. Sure a lot of his jokes revolve around some level of meanness and teasing, so theres a chance your senses of humor may clash against one another. Afterall, humor that relies on making fun of people isnt for everyone and it can only go so far until it steps into bullying territory. Similar to caine, you two have a "joke off"
I think he would either find your laugh really goofy, or annoying. No in between though it may vary by the day. Probably gives you a nickname based on what your laugh sounds like
He gives dad vibes so by law he has to enjoy dad jokes, that's his humor. Bad cheesy jokes are his go to. I don't think he himself makes many jokes, given his current state,but I think he does appreciate it when you go off and tell him a bunch of jokes
I think if you had a really distinct or intense laugh it would catch him off guard, but ultimately he grows used to it
Doesnt really understand how you can laugh at literally anything. Well, unless its jax getting karma for his antics.. then maybe they would laugh along with you. As funny as they think you are, I dont think they would be able to listen to jokes and funny stories every day for an extended period of time. Zooble had a short social battery imo and they do like their alone time. Nothing against you, this is just how they are!
Very similar to jax in regards to your laugh, just without the nickname portion. I think they would feel just a touch bad if your laugh happens to irritate them, they at least understand you cant really. Change your laugh
Ohohohoh when she had her comedy mask, you guys are bouncing off one another like in Caines piece! However when her comedy mask is broken and shes shedding tears, your jokes can still make her lighten up just a bit.. so hey at least its helping someone..!
Honestly she kind of finds your laugh endearing. It's just so genuine and open, you dont try to hide your laugh or suppress it or try to change it. I dunno, maybe I'm putting too much thought into gangle having a mask that literally effects her mood and demeanor, but I think she would wish she could be as open as you
.. or maybe she just thinks you're cute
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
-vine boom
I probably sent a lot of these now im so sorry lmfao 😅
You mentioned in one of the asks that some countries are like a prototype/based of our existing countries, like Germany=Mondstadt, Liyue=China, Inzauma=Japan....
So even though the language is more or less identical for you to make heads and tails in a conversation or writing in a book, the reverse side does not.
Creator!Reader who knows a couple of languages (plus points if they're atleast fluent or have a understanding of it despite not being able to speak said language) and being born from a country that doesnt have the same language as the countries Teyvat based off. Basically Spanish, Italian, Filipino, Scandinavian languages that also have their own way of writing.
Imagine feeling homesick and the only thing that keeps you occupied is the notebook and pen you have while the others converse in a meeting or in a hangout. You started writing in your tongue and re-reading it to relive memories.
Zhongli, AlHaitham, Albedo, Jean, maybe the Berry bros too (Diluc & Kaeya) get curious only to have a double-take and immediately thinks that maybe there is a forgotten land in Teyvat that has this language, I mean Morax stayed faithful to Liyue and Barbatos blessed his country with abundance of supplies and freedom. Teyvat gods and archons played favourites, so why wouldn't you as well? (Bonus: Khaenriah flashbacks) (also I know these arent enough characters but how should I know? I only have a handful of them and I ran out of Primos😭
The people from Akademiya though? I mean they went hard on theorizing and picking apart the language of their creator. Have you seen Matpat's descent to insanity the more FNAF continues to push out LoRe? Thats basically them because Teyvat doesn't have a country based on Creator's birth country. They're grasping nothing but air and dead ends and the only lead they have is you, but couldnt ask because you look so down and they cant bear to see Creator sad....
Rip Vine boom no primos 🙏 hope u got some more by this time bc i was so late to reply lol - DUDE IM SO READY FOR THE GORG KAVEH <333
BERRY BROS!! Thats it, thats the only way im gonna refer to them now.
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(Cute owl house gif is like, metaphorially u and zhongli in this lol)
EDIT 8/23/23: So this may be inaccurate/not that good to my Hispanic Readers out there! Sorry about that, I'l make sure to do better in the future.
EDIT 1/1/24: Unfortunately there are even more issues here, and I'm really sorry about that. I expanded on it more in my Eldritch fanfic post in Part 2, but it was exoticism of me to use the word "Huangdi". I have since replaced it with "Emperor", and don't intend to just erase the mistake like it never happened. But I did change it in the headcanons for better readability. Again, I'm genuninely sorry about this, and will absolutely be watching out/doing better in the future. I hope you understand.
tbh im american and i def dont think theres a u.s. country- oh god at least I hope not, damn but im also familiar with mexican culture so i wouldnt miss the united states, but id miss mexican culture…
You have a lot of amazing people who care about you in Teyvat, so they won’t let you stew in ur homesickness for long
like random said, i could see it being small stuff
ok so imma just-
(i do this bc its just the culture/language im more familiar with, but dont let that discourage anyone from requesting other cultures! I will def do my research, or ur welcome to tell me all about it so i can write it better! <3)
you’ve been in the game-turned-life world of Genshin Impact for nearly 6 months now, turns out time isnt wonky as hell like it is if you were playing the game, half bc u bribed Albedo with answers to his many questions about you if he figured out the time difference, and half bc of ur internal clock
people would notice the cuss words first lmao
like Xiao hearing u stubbing ur toe on the million and one steps up to Wangshu Inn, hijueputa!
or Keqing pointing out the words you coo at the dogs hanging out by the bridge outside the harbor,
un perrito tan buenoooo!! :’)
while most would just, " hmm, maybe a dialect of one of the other countries we havent heard…"
but Zhongli? he’s been ready for centuries in case the prophecy came true within his lifetime, afterall, many things changed while he’s been alive, not crazy to him that you might descend randomly
While everyone else was unprepared, bc u were like… the oldest deity, more legend than history, so ppl just thought Morax was a little overly faithful …so when it actually happened,, Morax was just smirking as he watched ur golden shooting star streak the night sky… while absolute pandemonium consumed the mortals and adepti in liyue lmao
(like that scene of Regina George in Mean Girls watching the student body break out into an all out brawl just smirking 😭 pls god look it up if u dont know what i mean- )
So Morax- Zhongli, has been ready for you, just in case, to pay attention to what kind of person you’d be, learn your favorite clothes/colors/offerings, see what things you’d like to talk about with him (hopefully for hours) etc.
He was observant, and with his memory, he practically gave himself headaches sometimes with how aware he was,
on one of those days he was overwhelmed by the mortal crowds, the smells, the market yelling, and all the change from what he thought he knew-
Zhongli noticed you in your own melancholy, and curious, he began to stroll just behind
You sit at Wanmin restaurant, still somber, and ask Xiangling to
“please try out these recipes? they’re from my world, and id really love to have something like them again..”
a true experimental chef as always, Xiangling quickly takes up your offer, and u follow her into the kitchens in the back (the restaurant is much more real than in game, they have gorgeous inside seating, all shades of red coloring the walls and lots of pretty latticework-)
Zhongli takes a seat finally, he has a usual table at this point he comes in so much coughtorunintoyoucough the staff know it's his and give him tea pretty quickly
the food, and the looks, makes it your favorite restaurant in Liyue, the Liuli Pavilion a little too fancy for casual dining, afterall, Zhongli would know
He’s tried to keep track of your favorite places to be in Liyue too, and kept his near full attention on what you say when he asks after your stays in Liyue (he hasn’t felt the need to pay that much attention or felt that much interest in conversation partners in… decades?)
So when you come out of the kitchen, throwing your head back and laughing, "Sí, sí! It all tastes so close Xiangling! Gracias, thank you!"
He wants… to know.
to know what those strange, but delicious looking, foods are all balanced on two big dinner plates
Xiangling carrying whatever you couldn’t just behind, a pitcher of white liquid, it smells, like cinnamon?
He raises a hand, and offers the extra seats at his table, (when did his tea go cold? he only just sat down, he couldn’t have spent that long thinking about you…)
You notice and look over, a giddy grin lighting up your face (…hmm, perhaps he needs to transform into his Exuvia form and let off some steam, his chest has warmed too much right now for him to just be sitting here…)
You plop into the seat beside him, but not before carefully placing the plates in front of both you and Zhongli
You scootch around until you’re turned towards him, as always, Zhongli looks… actually kind of, happy?
a small soft smile pulls at his lips, his eyes half-lidded as they meet yours, his usual red eyeliner framing his monolids perfectly, he looks like he’s been,, well, sculpted from stone, an artwork come to life
“…My Emperor? Could I trouble you to tell me about the dishes before us?”
the geo god’s pleasantly smooth and deep voice felt so soft asking you that, like he didn’t want to push you one direction or the other
“Oh! Right! Sorry, these are from my home country, back in my world, or at least, as close as Xiangling and I can get to them!”
Your smile brightens your face once more, clearing away any leftover stormclouds from your mood earlier, and as you launch into explaining (Xiangling had to get back to orders, so it’s just you two now)
You list it all, the quintessential: quesadillas, empanadas, tamales, chorizo (you had to combine at least 5 different spices to Mondstadt sausages to get anywhere close to the real thing) the dips obviously, salsa, queso, guacamole, and the easy street tacos, and finally the horchata, but also all the weird fruits Teyvat has with chile, like Sunsettias mixed with Harra from Sumeru or Lavender melons with Wolfhook berries… all surpringly pretty good
(the Sun-Harra combo tastes like mango, a sort of deeper taste of pineapple/kiwi and a sort of light orange taste? all with the nice addition of chile flavors, the Lavender melons and Wolfhooks helped imitate chamoy enough that your heart was satisfied)
…you realize you’ve just been talking about the last meal you had with your family/friends instead of the food after a bit, and Zhongli hasn’t said anything…
you trail off and look back over your shoulder (u were practically about to get your shirt in the imitation guac u were leaning so far over the table to point and talk)
you’re about to sheepishly apologize for taking over the conversation, and ask if he wants to try anything (Zhongli can handle spice so u dont have to worry abt that at least)
but as u finally see his face, u just stop, and dont end up saying anything
He’s just, looking at you.
his smile's not huge, but big enough to make his eyes look happy, and Zhongli’s just… looking at you.
You can’t describe the look he’s giving you, but you suddenly feel… a wave of shyness wash over your heart in your chest, because he’s looking almost like, maybe like, he’s sort of, waiting for you to keep talking, his tan skin warm in the golden rays of the sun beginning to set, you don’t know why you’re noticing any of these things, and he gently, slowly, makes a move to lean into your space a little
almost above your armrest, head inches from your shoulder, he finally moves to stop looking at you-
He looks like a painting as he looks down, his eyelashes almost sitting on his high cheekbones,
you have to move your head to looking at the table too as he moved so close,
you feel your shoulders reflexitively hitch upwards as you brushed the hair on the side of his head as you turned away
He looks around, and then moves his head, not his body, he’s still leaning toward you, to look you right in the eyes again
“Why did you stop? I haven’t said much, I apologize, but it’s only because I wanted to hear you without anything interrupting you.”
You cough a little strained, “Oh! Oh I get it now yeah, thanks-”
“I want to hear you more,” his black eyes begin to warm with gold, you can vaguely see the shape of his diamond pupil revealing itself, “I want to hear about… everything, if you’ll tell me? The language, the food, the drinks, your family, your dances, your country, I want to hear it all. Won’t you please let me hear your voice some more?”
uh, hope somebody got anything out of this, sorry abt the length, again,
also pls somebody tell me if what i said about culture/food was alright! If not I’ll def change it, pls dont let me keep it up if its inaccurate/wrong!!
Safe Travels you guys,
♡ the beloveds ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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accidentwithapen · 6 months
Hiii!!! GIGS in Space AU Once Again on my mind so heres a quick plot rundown allll put in one post
If you read through this all i love you <3
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If not, have this grian doodle anyways
So Grian, Scar, Impulse, and Skizz are all prisoners in this like,,, dystopian space society. All are imprisoned for different reasons:
- Grian is a vandalist, doing graffiti and setting minor explosions around different government/company sites. When arrested and asked why he does what he does, he claims "it's about the principal"
- Impulse worked as a mechanic for a major company, but an incident resulting in a death and 3 injuries gets wrongfully pinned on him. He still believes that all circumstances surrounding his arrest are just one big misunderstanding. The company, however, doesnt care.
- Skizz is a hacker, and good at it too. He logs into the system of the same company Impulse worked for, and subsequently gets caught red-handed.
- Nobody knows why Scar is arrested. There are many rumors spread around the prison wing that he and Grian are in that Scar is Secretly A Mob Boss for the Con Corp. family. But surely someone so clumsy and silly cant possibly be so powerful, right? thats what Grian thinks, anyways.
So these doofuses have two options.
1. they can serve their sentence rotting in a shitty space prison with Nothing To Do and being forced into manual labor
2. they can get out slightly earlier after enough time spent doing Community Service
They go for the second one, which Happens to be gathering extraterrestrial data for Impulse's old Company (i need a name for it dear god its ridiculous at this point). So after all independently choosing the community service option, they get grouped into a squad of the four of them and get sent out to different semi-abandoned planets to hunt monsters/ghosts/aliens and collect data. What they eventually figure out is that the reason they are given so much freedom with their community service is that they are not intended to survive. They devise an escape plan and on their third mission together, they successfully escape together.
Its important to note that Scar and Grian came from the same cell block, so Grian decides to tell Skizz and Impulse about the mob boss rumors (as a prank, of course), and warns them that Scar Doesn't Like Swearing. basically scaring everyone into facing these cosmic horrors with a PG attitude
So the GIGS escape with a real shitty spacecraft and are on the run from the government (theres no way they're gonna succeed like this) up until they get captured. but not by the government.
They get captured by morally gray, filthy rich, weapons manufacturer Doc. (or his hitman at least, one Geminitay)
Doc explains to the GIGS that he has paid all of their bail fees, and now they must work off their debt to him. as delivery boys.
Doc enlists Gem to look after the GIGS during their deliveries. Gem Does Not Like This but shes not gonna say no to her boss.
Basically the rest of it is a silly stupid sci fi sitcom about funny found family doing goofy delivery missions and learning more about each other along the way.
Oh, and remember those rumors about Scar? Theyre all true. And there are Consequences for his absence in the family....
Heres some extra little character notes:
- While Impulse believes his arrest was a genuine mistake at first, during their second bout of community service, he and skizz discover how little the company actually cares about its employees and Impulse gets real mad that his entire livelihood is a lie and goes ham and wrecks some shit (good for him)
- Gem was taken in by Doc at a very young age, with life-threatening injuries. Doc used his experience with mad sciencery to fix her up with whatever he had on hand, mostly animal parts. now shes a hybrid.
- Gem sees Doc as a father figure, but has No Clue how to express that so from her perspective shes just Really Loyal to her boss and doing nothing more than paying off a life debt.
- Grian has a mycelium infection running up his arm that he keeps secret from everyone else. the first in the group to find out about it is Gem
- Scar uses mobility aids of many varieties, but mostly uses a cane with robotic leg splints on missions
Anyways thats all for now, if you wanna see some more doodles and stuff you can look around my gigs in space tag!!
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blackheart-6 · 5 months
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noelle holiday age progression chart
without height lines
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explanations of designs:
hi yall
so, i actually finished this drawing like a week ago lol. but i didnt want to post a bunch of drawing in a row, and then i got sick, so i havent been able to post it till now!
its my imaginings of what noelle looked like as she grew up, and a potential adult noelle design! ill explain my thought processes about these designs below, if anyones interested 😁
i also plan on doing one of these with dess, but this one was pretty difficult, so it might be awhile before that (unless yalls are interested in seeing it?)
first off, im not 100% sure ill keep using all these designs. some of them im not that happy with (im no good at designing outfits 😔) but i just went with them so i could finish the drawing. so if anyone has any alternative outfit ideas for any of her ages, id be interested in seeing/hearing it!
secondly, something that may stick out to yall for all the designs is how tall she gets. its the same height i normally draw her with, but given how i usually draw her by herself you cant really tell how tall she is! i have 3 main reasons for why i headcanon her as this tall: deer are pretty tall irl, so having her be tall makes sense in my head; i just like the look of her being super tall, it makes me happy lol; and third, i personally also headcanon the holiday family as boss monsters (i think ive explained this headcanon before on here, so i wont explain again, unless someone is interested ^^). so yeah, she ends up being 7 feet tall as an adult, the second tallest in her family!
also, i gave all her children forms stripes in some way, as a reference to when monster kid in undertale says they can tell frisk is a kid because of their stripes!
now onto my explainations for individual drawings!
theres nothing really to say about her baby design. the only thing i did that might be new is give her faun spots! they are most plentiful on her baby form, but they persist until shes in her teens, i would say (on here you cant see them after age 7, but thats just because i imagine they are mostly on her back). and i gave her a cute lil onsie that says a-deer-able! if you guys cant read it ^^
this outfit i made for her toddler design is actually an outfit ive used in the past! i wonder if yall know what drawing it was? its pretty much the same as it was there, i just added a stripe to the shirt. i felt like overalls are so reminiscent of childhood, i had to give at least one of her designs them! i also added a little mistletoe to the front pocket, to make it more christmas-esque. and i gave her some bandaids, just cause.
7 years old is one of the designs i really struggled on, and im still not happy with it. i dunno if ive said this yet, but i headcanon noelle to be trans, so at 7 is when i decided she started realizing it. so here i gave her long sleeves and pants, to show how shes more hidden now because shes unhappy with herself, if that makes any sense? i was also trying to make her look a bit like a nerd, with the button up and khakis, just because its funny. but yeah, ill probably end up changing this design at some point :P
11 years old was one of the easiest to do, considering how ive had her design for this age for awhile lol. one thing i did change was going from 2 red/white stripes to one, but ive done that before, so it wasnt something entirely new. i also gave her a smile and closed eyes, cause shes happy being a girl 🥰. other that that, its the same, so yeah, thats it for this part
okay, this next design is a fairly different looking one than all the rest, but i have my reasons! at this point in noelles live, dess has gone missing, so i wanted to show her being sad and stuff. i also gave her shoes and long sleeves because she probably goes out looking for dess when she can, hoping to find a lead 😭. but outside of in-story stuff, this outfit is based off of an old one i drew, but its fairly edited, so i wouldnt be surprised if no one recognizes it even if they have seen my old stuff. she has straight hair here, to show how unhappy she is (idk what it is about straight hair it just feels sad) and because i wanted to give her different hair varieties on this progression chart. i gave her antlers 2 prongs each at this point, because the way i see deer monsters, their antlers show their growth/aging, so youll see them getting bigger and having more prongs as the chart continues.
this outfit for 15 is another one i dont like. i tried to make it similar to her current outfit, but still pretty different. im not even sure what precisely i dont like about this outfit, it just doesnt feel that good. for this one i gave her leg warmers because i used to (and sometimes still do) draw her normal outfit with them. i gave her the curly hair she has as a callback to when i used to draw her hair like that! but yeah, ill probably end up redoing this one too
for 17, i just gave her the normal outfit, so it was easy ^^. in game i think shes 16, but close to turning 17, so i just went with 17 here to fit the +2 age pattern thing i had going on. i also gave her an extra horn prong than i normally give her, just to show age once again
finally, her adult design! i dont like this one either lol. i spent so long trying to think of what outfit to give her, but i couldnt come up with something i liked >.< so i just gave her something simple. i feel like once noelle graduates high school and probably goes to college she branches out more and tries things her mother never let her do, which is why i gave her an outfit like that, that has a crop top and a shorter skirt. also, yalls might recognize the hair style i gave her, i drew a potential adult noelle before and i gave her the same hair ^^
i think thats all for the post! i probably have more thoughts that im just not thinking of, but its fine for now. i hope yall enjoyed the drawing, and if you have any question or comments or whatever, go ahead and say them!! if youve made it this far, have a cookie, you must be hungry after reading so much ^^ 🍪
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thelov3lybookworm · 7 months
Undercover (part 2)
Part 1
Summary: She just wants him to leave her alone.
A/n: im sooooo sorry for the amount of time you had to wait for this part, but i promise ill try to write faster 😉
(again, its been almost one and a half years since i read the books, so theres a possibility i write something thats not canon. so if you see it, no you dont 😉)
anyways, enjoy!
Shoving her clothes into her bag was not the best idea, considering it was only increasing the amount of work she'd have to do later on.
But it sure made her feel better, and who was going to stop her?
Dropping the lumpy backpack to the ground, Y/n stalked back over to the small cupboard she had been given, and ripped out the leggings, pants, shirts and anything within reach of Y/n's slender fingers.
A knock on the door drew Y/n's attention, and she scowled at the unmoving thing.
"What?" Y/n snapped, pushing her clothes into the poor bag.
Y/n was sure that were the bag a living being, it would have cursed Y/n to hell and back for the torture she put it through.
She was also sure living in hell would have been a better option than going on a mission with Kenji, that too as a last resort.
No one answered back to her angry inquiry.
Reigning in her groan of frustration, Y/n stomped to the door and nearly ripped it off its hinges as she opened it.
There stood Kenji, with his signature asshole smile on his ugly little face.
"Are you deaf?" Y/n hissed.
He had the audacity to blink at her, raising his eyebrows, like she was being unreasonable.
She probably was, but who cared about that?
"I think I should be the one to ask you that."
"What do you want?" Y/n sneered.
He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the doorframe, his shit eating grin unwavering. "Just wanted to make sure you hadn't died of happiness that you were going to be working with me-"
The door slammed in his face before he could let more bullshit spew from his disgusting lips.
Y/n could hear his soft laugh through the wooden door, and she cursed Castle for the slow renovations.
Most of the Omega point had been upgraded, given metal and good quality doors through which sound was hard to pass unless people spoke through a microphone. But Y/n, as her luck would have it, had been assigned a small quarter in the part of Omega point that would be last to get upgrades.
It also did not pass Y/n's notice that the part Kenji lived in was the first to be renovated.
"Don't get too excited Y/n!" He yelled through the door, and Y/n whipped around, glaring holes into the worn wood.
"The only thing I'm excited about right now it killing myself."
"Nice one Y/n." Kenji laughed, loud and free.
Y/n said nothing, her anger dissipating at what she'd just revealed to him. Hoping that he would leave, she defeatedly walked back over to her backpack and dumped all its contents on her bed, settling down to fold them all neatly.
A moment of silence passed, and there were no sounds other than the soft rustle of the clothes on Y/n's lap.
Though a moment was all she got.
"You're joking, right?" Kenji called out.
Y/n ignored him.
"Go away Kishimoto."
Maybe he could hear the defeat in her voice, maybe it was the way she did not really scream, but he began knocking on the door frantically.
"Hey! Y/n!"
When Y/n did not acknowledge him, he suddenly began pounding on her door. "Y/n. Open up."
"Fuck off."
"Tell me it was a joke and I'll fuck right off."
"Leave me alone."
"Say it Y/n. Say that you-"
"I am not going to hang myself Kishimoto." Y/n yelled, frustrated, before mumbling to herself. "At least not today."
"Fine. I will leave, but remember, this conversation is far from over."
"If you don't leave right now, more than this conversation will be over."
A pause.
"And what's that?"
"Your life."
He laughed, and it slowly faded away like he was leaving, just as a small smile faded onto Y/n's face.
General Taglist: @cassie6392 @harrystylesfan2686 @eve175
Kenji Kishimoto Taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter
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darkonekrisrewrite · 3 months
Emily from Hazbin Hotel would be infinitely better at Deku's job (narratively and literally) than he is. For the simple fact that when she finds out about Heaven's dark secret, the exterminations, she is horrified and goes this is not okay, it's not okay that this is happening, I am not going to be quiet about this. If we are judging people off of one moment and are refusing to look at the context, or improvement, while allowing our people to get away with this, than this entire system is a lie. We get this in one episode, fuck it, a song
Deku meanwhile in 400+ chapters finds out horrifying truth after horrifying truth about hero society, and doesn't care, half the time it doesn't even occur that this is fucked up, and should not be happening. He is bullied for years based on his quirk status, especially by Bakugou 'well he's going to be a hero so this shouldn't be taken seriously' He learns that the number 2 hero bought his wife, neglected his not perfect quirk babies and abused all of them, and was already an ass before that, 'theres no need to bring this up to All Might, or the principal, or do anything about that, I just need to get this victim to be cool with his quirk' (this also goes for Bakugou the easedropper). His upperclassman stops him from saving a six year old in blatant danger, and both that top upperclassman, their boss, and his past mentor outwardly state/ agree with it would be bad publicity if they didn't arrest all the Yakuza at once, and that they barely care about that child after learning see was the ingredient to the weapon they were making, 'well were saving her now'. Lady Nagant was and Hawks is the personal assassin for the commission against whoever they want without trial or due process, 'Hawks is going to make a great new president of the commission'. Rody Soul was forced to support his younger siblings as a child, was assaulted by adults, was forced to turn to crime, while heroes did nothing, 'well I'm helping now (because it goes along with a larger case) so it's all good'
After all this Deku is a fucking bootlicker who is mentally so fucking lazy he has never questioned this shit ass system after all this, his values are empty because he only cares to look at the titles and not reality, he has gotten worse, not better, at this over the course of the series. Meanwhile Emily wasn't tolerating this shit day one of finding out, and she was working within this system too
Yeah pretty much true.
People say that hazbin hotel rushes things because of it's short episode count/runtime but at least it always gets to the point without going in circles for years, dragging out the characters finally understanding the message.
When something obviously wrong and counter to everything they believe in, is shoved in a character's face, there should be a reaction equal to the importance of the 'idea/theme' in verse.
In theory, it doesn't matter if their reaction is good or bad/for better or worse, because either way it should be an understood event that causes a blow to their way of thinking, based on the importance of the revelation.
Deku did that all of 1 time.
And that's putting it generously, in him mildly calling out Endeavor at the sports festival, way back at the beginning of the series.
This never happened again, not towards anything related to heroes or hero society.
It should have been a very big deal for Deku to realize that the number 2 hero was able to buy another human being as part of a eugenics goal to make a more powerful hero.
He at least should have considered telling an authority figure (All-might or Nedzu) about it, just in case there was anything else that may have been going on with Endeavor.
It should have been a very big revelation for Deku that his upperclassmen was willing to let a very clearly injured (wearing bandages) and terrified little girl go back with the guy who was obviously implied to be responsible for doing it to her.
Mirio could have beaten or at least stalled overhaul until backup arrived while Deku took Eri and ran.
(He definitely could have too, as he was able to fight against overhaul in a confined space while quirkless, for a fair amount of time.)
But until everyone knew exactly what was going on with Eri, Mirio was fine with putting the mission above a little girl's life, letting her go with someone who they knew was a dangerous Yakuza.
Gigantic red flag regarding what the heroes prioritize when the situation isn't ideal.
It ties back into hero society abandoning those who are inconvenient perfectly, leaving them to suffer and eventually become villains or die.
Looking back Deku should have realized that but because he got the approval of the system to go back and save the girl as part of the mission, everything's cool...
And this does show that he has gotten worse as the series goes on, as he's not even willing to bark back at the hero system.
Deku has called out villains all the time (Dabi, Flecturn, toga and Shigaraki), he knows how to talk back, so it's not that he CAN'T.
But whenever it's something that's got to do with hero's flaws, nothing.
It's that he WON'T talk back to heroes.
And if he really is just a kid who can't even talk back to his bosses or peers, or the "innocent" people who are responsible for (at least) half of the villains in bnha -
With the idea that they are responsible for the villain's current lives, showing how their callousness and cruelty drove the villains to that point.
-Then what the hell have we been following him all this time for?
Izuku has only temporarily saved their society, like Mirio said: "Setting things at Zero".
Is that it? The best to hope for?
Setting things back to Zero with no idea of improvement? Because it's "Impossible"??
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waddei · 3 months
thinking about them so i drew them younger and sadder
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every time i think about younger javier and tomas i become crazyyy like imagine youre 15 and your parents die and its awfull, youre having probably the worst time of your life but your little brother is 8 and is doing ten times worse so have to be there for him
and you two now have to live with your aunt who is not qualified to take care of any organism more complex than a fish so shes mean and inpatient and definitly not the right fit for two kids that are grieving this much andnad
and well i think javier would handle it, like hed suck it up, think about it later. cus he has to go to school and he has to make new friends and he has to get good grades
meanwhile tomas is completely lost, he hates it there and wants to go home, but their aunt has a life and a job and she cant just move to a shitty beachtown just beacuse her nephew she barely knew before this wants her to, so they fight a lot in the beginning. and tomas is a kid, so he hates her.
and theres nothing really for a kid to do when they hate an adult aside from jsut dissobeying, and he does that! but hes also tired, and sad and lonely. he doesnt have the energy to fight, so he just does the next best thing and ignores her completely and starts to do the same w anything that bothers him, wich is everything, cus hes depressed
everything execpt javi, hes the only one he talks to and the only one he listens to, and this is pretty taxxing on javier! hes only 15 he should be at the club or something
he wants to see tomas happy really bad, so as soon as he can he gets a job at like macdonalds or smtn, and he saves every cent so they can eventually move back home
and Javier works his ass off for this, until he's 21 and he can afford to travel to their town semi consistently, eventually he lands a job interview there and gets hired, first thing he does is tell Tomas and packs their stuff
and this doesn't fix them at all but at least they're home and they can pretend they're better
alsoooo I think Tomas would absolutely refuse to let his aunt take him anywhereeee, to the point where he'd just have Javier cut his hair very poorly with scissors whenever it got too long random thought but hey.
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inkysquelched · 7 months
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I drew my bozos and there’s nothing you can do about it. Now get ready for a long post as I talk about my headcannons for them. Feel free to ask me anything about them, I love rambling:
Agent 3: Has a major RBF, but she’s nice I promise you. She’s been enjoying her role as captain but was overwhelmed at first.
Weapon preferences: shooters, chargers
Fave Special: Splashdown
Agent 4: Just vibing honestly, she’s gotten pretty good at hacking/research over the years.
Weapon preferences: daulies, brushes
Fave Special: Boyah Bomb
Agent 8: Curses in octarian at least 5 times a day. Remarkably relaxed despite all the bs shes been through.
Weapon preferences: shooters
Fave Special: Triple Inkstrike
Neo 3: A chaotic child, will occasionally eat stuff off the floor.
Weapon preferences: tri-stringer, blasters if shes feeling spicy
Fave Special: Super Chump
Some Honorable Mentions:
3 has a major sweet tooth and she won’t apologize for it. (shes awful with spicy food tho gchfxgfz)
Neo really likes bread.
8 will eat the most criminally offensive spicy food without a reaction.
3 likes to sleep in her squidform, it’s kinda weird to others. It’s honestly more worrying if she doesn’t shift forms. (hc that people usually only do that when theyre really sick…..and then theres 3)
4 listens to her music too loud.
3 and 4 bicker all the time, but it rarely gets to a point where they’re actually upset. They especially fight about how to lead on missions (this is moot bc 3 is the captain lol) because 3 prefers the “slow and steady” approach and 4 prefers to play “fast and loose”, if that makes sense. (8s just here for the ride)
The squid sisters like to say that 3 and 4 are twins and they both hate it.
3 is a runaway, Neo is an orphan. Different circumstances, same outcome. They relate to each other a lot and I think thats awesome (and sad).
Neo (and 8) will occasionally say some out of pocket shit without realizing just how messed up it really is: “what? you’ve never had to eat out of the trash before?”
3 is very emotionally numb and has a hard time expressing any care towards others, so she ends up showing it through favors/giving advice/“are you ok?”s. She’ll tell you to put on a jacket when it’s 70 degrees out lol. (this is also why she’s a mess around 8, those are feelings she has no idea how to deal with)
3 is terrified of being sick (like bedridden sick, haha sanitization go brr) and will inwardly panic the whole time.
3 has the worst alcohol tolerance behind Marie and 4. (Callie will drink 12 shots of vodka without flinching)
Octolings have a very different view on relationships than inklings do; inklings will date/marry out of love while octolings will treat it more as a transaction (not saying they can’t, love just isn’t a priority). 8 as had and infatuation for 3 for years but doesn’t act on it because she wasn’t sure if she really felt the way she did. She knows inklings hold more weight to relationships and didn’t want to risk hurting 3 if she was wrong. (the events of side order really helped her figure it out)
After the events of Splatoon 2, 4 took a back seat on being an agent. Less frontlines and more research focused. (like Marie lol) She hated this at first, but grew to like it.
3s alter ego is DJ Sango, she uses her rapping/singing to vent. 4 and 8 play dumb and pretend they don’t know about her account. (They both listen to her music tho 😶)
8 is extremely calm, you’d have to be trying to piss her off.
Inklings are like mood rings, there tentacles will change color depending on their mood (think like streaks or spots of other colors) The more intense the emotion, the deeper the color.
8 and 3 both have to clean/replace their weapon filters more often than most but for different reasons: for eight its bc shes an octoling (their ink is more abrasive) while 3 has thicker ink than normal as the last remnant of being partially sanitized.
3 isn’t actually as stinky as the squid sisters will have you believe. She one time came back from a mission smelling particularly RANKED that day, and they’ve never let her live it down.
There’s probably more but I can’t think of any rn
k bye <3
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ganondoodle · 9 months
some ramblings about the overworld and reusing of the map in totk
i was one of the people that didnt mind revisiting the same map bc i loved the world and would gladly rexplore it all again, i was confident theyd change it up so it felt fresh again .. but it really wasnt, but even if it wasnt i was fine with it bc i was sure theyd HAD to use the build up from botw, with the shiekah and yiga alone theres so much you could do, and a captivating story or characters are more important than any map change to me-
and then, most changes on the surface were artificially stuck onto the world, like some small boulders the size of a large boulder stuck onto a wall, weirdly fusing with it (but thats not relevant and doesnt have a reason either) which really doesnt change anything much, some caves and holes in the ground but nothing really substantial at all, the most changed was death mountain and the gerudo city (while the regions themselves didnt really change either .. no in any interesting way at least to the extend i saw in my what 200+ hours)
im no game dev expert but do know a little and changing up a model and breaking stuff off really isnt THAT much to do so i really dont understand why they dotted the world with useless rocks and little caves that are all extremely similar instead, but then change stuff that is WEIRD to change and would have been easier to leave as it was- like the shrine of life being scraped of the walls, or smoothing over the places were shiekah towers were in botw like they never existed in the first place, and then sometimes adding something for no reason (like apparetly theres a new useless tiny ruin on the akkala fortress??? why?? how?? and i heard someone say they changed how the big hole in one of the peaks of the big mountains looked, like the icy blue texture was removed?? i dont know if i went there in my playthrough but i dont doubt it lol) and instead of the holes of the big shiekah tech pillars being left its just .. filled up with dirt, just like the bit of the calamity ganon arena being jsut rock now and the pit being fileld with just dirt as well-
and theres MORE changes that are arguably MORE time consuming to do but are both unnecessary to do and also WEIRD, erase everything shiekah and say it all vanished into thin air while theres clearly guardian parts in the new, shittier, towers and one decayed left at the hateno institue, the ancient furnace isnt just GONE its filled with rocks that had no way to get there naturally
but then the rest of the world is pretty much the same, with very little changes and if its plopped onto it without actualyl meaning anything, even inconvenience you too, like the path to hateno being blocked by a fortress of monsters so you cant get there via horse, and even if you clear them out, with or without the quest, they just come back with the bloodmoon, i thoguht if i do it with the quest theyd be gone for good and clear the path again, but NO you participating in the fight means nothing but another checkmark bc they will redo it over and over and it will be blocked again anyway (but then the "pirates" which are also a monster fortress .... dont come back ... waht) or the blockage of the bridge at the twin mountains too, you cant actually change anything, the one in the gerudo valley is also just another weird blockage, do you want to force me to build stuff? no thanks ill just walk then and be annoyed about it bc thats way easier
(sidenote, satori being reduced to someone pointing at caves that doesnt even tell you if you did them already or not is so disrespectful, i loved satori bc it wasnt some player helper but a strange and beautiful being, it jsut lived there and you had to be careful to even catch a glimps of it, the atmosphere around it being creepy and otherworldly you dont know what its really capable of, like you are staring at a godly being you cannot talk to but it accepts you when you are there and leaves as soon as you let go of it.... and nows its just a cave pointer...)
so, especially if you played botw, it all very much feels like a retread but with little sprinkles and weird changes (or outright annoying ones like the shrine of life being licked of the walls) here and there and othertimes just plain annoying inconveniences, and then the main points of your quest are .... in the same spot as in botw as well, its at rito village, death mountain, gerudo town, zoras village ... its repetition is entirely unnecessary, you had interesting locations all over the map, put a temple into or under akkala fortress my god that things i BUILD for that, anything in akkala really, put another one high into the mountains, in or UNDER hateno?? the krog forest or the deku tree being one?? kakariko??? no ?? it jsut had to affect each species exactly where they are .. again, and even the temples are there so its not even a thing made there affects the town nearest but still far away enough to be different or the terrain literally leveled the ground and they are gonna have to look to settle elsewhere (the closest is gerudo town but like ... is it), its not just repetetive but also makes the regions feel WAY more disconnected and self contained, none of them care about each other or do anything but defend against the thing that conveniently affects them directly at the same place again and the activities are largely the same too, find shrine find krog
ok then we got the sky, .. which is largely empty with just some repeating minibosses or some get crystal to there thing, its empty and barren of life, not a single NPC ever goes up into the sky aside from two dungeons companions, despite them already using the sonau tech ballooons and what not and having literal bird people there AND being literally obsessed with anything sonau, rarely theres a construct there, a robot with little to tell and not really doing anything, the ruins dont tell a story either, its just .. there
then theres the underground and omg its just as big as the overworld map! and then the .. terrain and look of it is almost always the same (only in the gerudo region is it a little more sandy) with the same kind of sonau thingies being the same everywhere that dont even LOOK ancient, it bothers me so much, are you telling me this building has been here for well over 10 THOUSAND YEARS?? and then the lightroots ... are in the same spot as the shrines .. so its not even a discovery really bc you know where shrine or root is now .. and then every more important place is literally beneath surface important places (even under taburasa .. the town you newly built in botw) which again .. isnt really a discovery then, and then the map itself is just the surface map but inverted, which to some may be a neat thing but, to me ... so its the surface AGAIN but more boring bc it doesnt have any regional differences too and then they have the gall to put the old amiibo stuff there (the labyrinths??? you go throguh all that and its just the renamed same armor from botws DLC??? how dare you), or some crystal things for your battery that are just another currency that has to be exchanged twice to specific people to be most useful- and the big weird magician statues ?? man idk if i should help this one, the giant mech like statue is giving me the creeps, and how the hell is it talking through the statues of thE GODDESS??? HUH´? and then it turns out its just a guys that sells you largely useless stuff for yet another currency you can only use at few specific spots
even the enemies are the same aside from mini- and gigamas, it even repeats the enemies from the surface
the best part of the underground/surface are the yiga, and even they are made kinda boring, in the underground its little outposts that give you some crystal currency and blueprints for autobuild i bet you arent ever gonna use, the most valuable thing is their little diaries and on the bigger spots koga (he is surperior to every single other character, sorry gan) but even kogas questline is like .. removed from everything else, its its own contained thing ocne again ... the arenas that are kinda fun to do but ultimately
you have a barely changed map from botw, a largely empty sky with some rather boring shrines or minibosses that get used over and over and no story to tell really, and then the entire map of the surface again with important points and shrine points being repeated as well
and then you get option over option to skip any traversal of all that too, with ultrahand and the towers and the ceiling jump and fast travel its a repetetive map twice and one largely empty with out skipping from point a to point b
i know how difficult game dev is, but in all those years with a giant team and money this is it? and not even the story has anything to go for? how do you take the addictive exploration of botw and turn it boring
anyway, yet another ramble taking me the entire evenign to write, again, this is not meant as blind hatred but an expression of my feelings and thoughts about it and for this one why it felt so weird and boring to explore ... the thing i like so much about botw ..
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mamadarama · 3 months
Off topic from previous ask but you ever look at how ridiculour Madara's stats are? You telling me this guy is born and he's just physically gifted strong? Tall? Buff? Okay whatever... Next you know he can play multiple instruments and it's the least you expect of him. Him playing a cello??? Violin??? Okay he can't get any more ridiculous right— he's fluent in multiple languages, English only being one of them. You're telling me this guy likely knows my mother tongue because our language is just somewhat up there in the list of languages japanese people learn. You're telling me he'll take me anywhere and boom he goes "yeah I speak the local language I can read this Chinese menu for you. Italian? Piece of cake. Norwegian? Ahh a little hard but (speaks fluently)". And then you learn about his multiple seacraft and aircraft licenses like my man can drive a MILITARY HELICOPTER?.??????? A BOAT???? YOU'RE 20 WHEN DID YOU HAVE THE TIME TO DO THIS???? (Then again I haven't been able to access his older stories so there might be a mention where he was just taught to as a kid of the Yakuza whatever. And you remember this man, out of all things, is an IDOL. He's a solo one too and a fairly decent one at that, enough to hate being compared to because he's skilled. HOW DOES HE HAVE THE TIME FOR THIS. YOU'RE NOT EVEN 20. Okay he might be barely 20 now BUT STILL.??? HE'S RIDICULOUS. DONT GET ME STARTED ON BEING A SUCCESSOR OF ONE OF THE 5 ECCENTRICS REI MOTHERFUCKING SAKUMA... He's... An explosive...
- Madara yume anon 🍀
OK SO HERES THE THING WITH THAT. obviously hes a swiss army knife of a man, jack of all trades, etc that much is clear. but its fully his choice to be this way. some stuff is coincidental of course, like his body type is just like that (although he does still work out) and some of his skills he learned as a necessity of being kanatas caretaker/bodyguard (martial arts probably, smuggling magazines for kanata to read), and traveling alone as much as he does, being fluent in multiple languages is not optional. but then theres stuff like operating heavy machinery.... and fighting with weapons... and basically everything else. why would he need any of that? well thing is, he hates himself. his self worth is entirely reliant on his ability to be useful to other people .
when you have a long term relationship with someone, especially if it spans a part of both your childhoods, you grow into each other like a skin graft. if one person is cut away from the other because theyre unable to be there for some reason, the place they occupied will eventually heal over.... and when they come back, there will no longer be a place for them. theyre replaced by new skin, or something like that. like, when madara was exiled and forced away from kanata, he eventually met chiaki, who filled every role madara used to fill (including the one in his family— i believe chiaki and madaras mother are on good terms but dont quote me on that i dont remember where i got it from) and when he managed to get back to japan, he was superfluous, which is a fate worse than death to him. so he learns how to do anything and everything, hoping that at some point one of his skills will be useful to someone and hell have a reason to live again.
tldr; madara knows how to do so much on purpose because the more things he can do, the more opportunities there are for being able to help people. and the more obscure skills he knows, the more irreplaceable he becomes, safeguarding him from becoming unneeded in his friends lives despite his constant absence .
as for the successor thing we still dont really know what rei means by that, cuz according to ritsu madara has been coming over their house for "successor business" for years, even before the war (i think) so it very well could have absolutely nothing to do with idol stuff . maybe its just an excuse to have crazy gay sex idk lol
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the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Can I request TADC cast x reader who just kinda...emotionally shuts down when they get stressed? Like someone who just responds to stress by freezing up and not saying a word. Can you write some HCs for how each cast member would help them through such a shutdown?
Also not quite related to the request, but can I use some of your HCs for some fanfic ideas?
TADC cast x reader who shuts down/freezes when stressed!
yahoo !!! think i might do this and one more request then go stretch my silly legs based on admins own personal experience with them shutting down n shit and what helps with them so uhuh obviously; what helps me isnt universal so !!
aaaaand to answer your question; yes you may! i dont see why you shouldnt be allowed to use my hcs! otherwise whats the point of me sharing them with others/letting people requests, you know :0?
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i think it would take him a minute to realize that theres something wrong, or he will notice immediately i think it depends on how long you guys have known one another. but for the sake of story telling lets say its the first time hes seen you freeze up. i like to think that sometimes caine spectates IHAs to make things are running smoothly... or as smoothly as they can... thats when he notices youve kind of just... standing there off to the side. takes you off the the side. at a loss for what to do, and he might actually think that theres something wrong with you; like digitally or coding wise that theres something wrong. not like, mentally and physically. very bad at comfort the first time because he doesnt know whats going on, but if you explain to him hes going to do his best to help. takes you away when he notices somethings off, sometimes even pauses or cancels the IHA if he has to, takes you to your room or his own room (does he have a room?) so you have a space thats familiar and calm. caine, as a partner is wrapped around your finger and will follow every command you give him, and this is especially true for moments of distress. so really it depends on what you personally need for comfort!
honestly pomni seems to freeze up as well in moments of stress, but she seems to snap out of it after a moment; at least going off of what we have seen in the pilot! so i think she would be able to relate to you when you have your moments. with that being said, i dont think pomni is good at delivering comfort. i think i might have said this yesterdays request w/ a crying reader where she just. sucks at giving comfort. like most of the other characters on the list (if not all) she will try to take you off to the side so you can have some space. doesnt know how to proceed though; does she try talking you through this? do you need a moment alone? i think she would try to fill the silence with random conversation; words that arent exactly tied to the current thing going on, you know? just to fill the noise. another one where youre going to have to fill her in on what works best for you personally when youve unwinded enough to be able to think straight, you know?
drum roll please
she takes you off to the side; but with a twist! she takes you to your room so youre somewhere familiar and safe, so you... well feel more comfortable and safe. i think she would also talk about random things, like pomni to fill the silence; but while pomni kind of just talks to nothing, ragatha would leave the conversation open just enough so if you were to... say want to join her in this distraction, then you have a spot to join. you know? not totally blocking you off from an escape, but also not forcing it onto you before youre ready to move forward. if that makese sense. at least thats what personally helps the admin. definitely walks you through some grounding, i think
easily one of the worst, i think. not because he would kick you when youre already down, but because proper comfort and soothing really isnt his thing. his entire deal is that he picks on and bullies everyone to keep himself entertained and busy.... that doesnt strike me as someone who is very emotionally mature and ready to be able to help someone who is shutting down... so i think the first few times he might actually make things worse due to the simple fact that he has no idea what hes doing. after a few scenarios of you freezing, though, i think he would slowly figure out what needs to be done... okay so take you away from whatever is stressing you out, dont push you... checks notes... dont be intimidating, you know basic stuff! not stellar, but hes learning... probably just pushes you down to sit on your bed, or even his bed if his room is closer. doesnt talk, i think; you guys just kind of sit in silence, i think. mostly because jax still doesnt know what to say tbh
sorry jax fans </3
honestly as i try to come up with ideas for kinger, i can see kinger being the type to shut down and freeze in moments of stress. he either outright freaks out, or just goes still and quiet. its a coin toss for him. same song and dance, he takes you away and to somewhere quiet and not... overstimulating... more often than not he takes you to the pillow fort; or hell he might even start building one right there around you! leaves the softest and most comfiest pillow for you so you can hold and squeeze it however you wish. impromptu stress toy, more or less, i think. tends to be very controlled and quiet when you get like this, idc what anyone says kinger would be the king of comfort (dad/grandpa vibes yk) tries to come up with solutions as well as ways to prevent this happening in the future; or at least work out a system so you have a way out before things get too terrible
like a cross between jax and pomni i think. they kind of sometimes underestimate the depth(?) of these scenarios and how impacting it can be; but they are also so so bad at comforting people in general. rather than taking you to the side i think they would try to get everyone else to leave if theyre not confident that your state wont get worse if they touch you. only really does this if you shut down in a space thats like; not the common living area... though i do think they would still try to tell everyone to back up should the location be there... tries to lower their voice and make it sound softer; which is way harder than it looks! theyre so used to being sarcastic and tired sounding! another case of "it takes some time to get right" you know? generally does try their best though, does not ever make you feel less than for your reactions or minimizes you
genuine panic when it happens, especially when it happens for the first time. kind of stuck on what to do since her response to stress is different from yours (you freeze, she cries). though i do think she would have a solid means of helping you out. takes you to her room, and lets you draw. thats it
well okay i should be more specific. she lets you doodle around on papers to try to get the feelings out. not even like, doodles in the way of flowers or people or what have. just scribbles and lines and circles, just to help you through it, you know? tries to quiet reassure you that youre safe in here with you, and surprisingly enough, does a decent job of keeping herself held together for your sake... doesnt pry for you to talk if youre not ready, and keeps an eye on you to make sure youre safe. similar to kinger, you guys try to come up with a system to help avoid these situations/have a way out
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moonlit-dreamers · 9 months
*sighs loudly* so i Was going to draw them but turns out my own design is too difficult for me to draw. but i'll be making this post anyway bc this au has been cooking for so long i might as well!
Featherless Flight AU
aka dca avian au where these fucks r BIRDS
(disclaimer this is a sun x moon au. it also deals with heavy themes such as child abuse, death, violence, and. ya know. wutever tws come with the apocalypse (also these will not be talked about in detail in this post))
nothing robotic in them. just feathers, blood, and bones. a lot of that stuff may be lost or break throughout their story! but lemme at least tell u wut they look like (without having my own drawings OTL (i only have a ref for their faces (which im not confident of)))
a quick note for both of their designs, they r both Fully Covered in feathers, including their arms and faces (yes they have arms And wings). the only places that dont have feathers is their lower legs and hands. they have anthropomorphic legs. and their face shape is also similar to a barn owl, as shown here (ignore the lack of mouths, idk wut to give them)
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suns design! he has the coloring and general design of a sun conure. hes full of bright reds and yellows, tho the green is replaced with a bit of blue. he has multiple crests around his head that fluff up similar to a cockatiel but theyre in a way that make it look like rays. in the drawing above is wut they look like without their crests raised; that is their default. suns feet r grasping feet which r 2 toes in the front and 2 in the back. sun has high speed wings so aes a lot faster. (if u dont know wut any of this means i recommend u look it up, im a bird nerd) sun is also specifically an omnivore (them having different diets is actually plot relevant)
moons design next. moon is the color of a hyacinth macaw tho his anatomy is closer to an owl. he has one large crest on his head like a cockatoo. its also colorblind! since its anatomy is based mainly off of owls, for moons ability to see at night means he can see less colors. and bc hes more sensitive at night his eyes r always half closed in light, making it look sleepy despite being fully awake. moon has raptor feet with 3 toes in the front and 1 in the back. xis claws r also much larger than suns. moon has passive soaring wings which is better for longer flights. and moon is a carnivore :)
theres also an eclipse but their design is an enigma to me even in my own mind
but back to sun and moon! if anyone is curious moon uses he/it/xe pronouns while sun uses he/it/ae pronouns. they r both aroace and love each other deeply (qpr babyyyyy). sun is genderfluid while moon doesnt give a shit (agender).
sun is more bubbly and energetic. very much high energy bouncing off the walls. hes the kind of optimist where u cant tell if their "bright side"s r trying to help or be condescending. its a master at back handed compliments. heavily a perfectionist and will reach the point of screaming fits if wut he doesnt isnt perfect. ae has a lot of self image issues. ae hides a lot of aers lack of self confidence and doubt behind a wall of "im the best", tho that wall can crash very easily. a bit of a flirt, but mainly bc he just enjoys seeing how ppl react. he takes compliments from everyone but moons compliments r always the best
moon is lower energy and calmer. at least, he acts like it. hes more reserved and if it wasnt for sun he wouldnt have any friends or talk to ppl at all. he fears abandonment and sun is the only person who has stayed with him this whole time and is the only person he truly trusts. is very aggressive towards anyone it doesnt know. despite being shorter than sun (hes 6ft while sun is 7ft) it definitely does a good job at intimidating ppl. over time when xe becomes comfortable with someone xe will eventually calm down and show a bit of a softer side to them. when xes actually calm and likes someone xe can be a bit... chaotic :)
im honestly not sure where ill start their story since ive already thought about their childhood but i also wanna write about their adulthood as well. the story of their childhood mainly deals with the abuse they went through, then with adulthood theyre shoved into an apocalypse bc... y not :) (btw the apocalypse is mainly just bc ive been enjoying apocalypse aus a Lot lately and wanna write one. the child abuse is for their development and to show y they act the way they do. while it will be fun to write their development, i am by no means saying abuse is okay and this topic will be treated carefully and seriously.)
oh theyre also nd as Fuck
but yeah. these r my babies! i hope to at some point start writing the fic so i can show it to u all, but im already in the process of writing another fic, which will be coming out soon!
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