#i haven't read the comics i have no idea if any of this is introduced or developed in them. maybe i should
maculategiraffe · 2 years
still not over the mcu moon knight show. there was SO MUCH interesting stuff it could have been like four of my favorite stories ever
-the relationship between steven and marc. marc suavely asking steven's crush out on a date to try to get the poor guy some companionship and then fucking it up. steven connecting with marc's wife on a level marc doesn't. FASCINATING DYNAMIC I literally yelled when they hugged for the first time in the afterlife that's some good shit!!!
-arthur harrow's Entire Deal. he used to be an avatar of khonshu until they broke up because khonshu is the fucking worst. now he's an avatar of ammit and runs a beautiful post scarcity commune of homegrown tomatoes and learning all the languages you ever dreamed of. it's great and ammit is great except it's entirely possible she's actually The Worst in more apocalyptic terms and marc who is well aware khonshu is a Horrible Boss has to deal with not only khonshu but khonshu's insufferable ex smiling serenely at him and asking if he wouldn't rather just. be happy :)
-all! the avatars!!! an entire cave system full of humans pledged to the service of various deities! who all know each other! and when marc stumbles in they're like oh. ...hey sweetie you're uh. khonshu's avatar right? and he didn't... um. explain anything to you. clearly. and you are... are you ok? you can say if you're not ok
-and marc being like "first of all no. I am not. clearly I am not ok. but that is BESIDE the POINT"
it was all so good!!! so much potential!!! oscar isaac!!! why did they fuck it up I'm gonna climb a tree and howl at the moon
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swe3tte4rs · 9 months
Batifamily headcanons feeling jealous about their siblings spending more time with Batmom? Or something like that, however you like to write it 🙊
" Jealousy jealousy " - Batmom!Reader x Batkids
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Author's note: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR (late)!!! Love this 🫶. And I feel like this request is VERY my AU!!! Dah, who wouldn't compete for the love of their sweet and loving mother!? (The hatred between them began when Bruce had to set schedules for each one so they wouldn't fight for Batmom's attention... joke)
Also I am very sad, because when I was responding to this kind of request and I saved it as a draft, it was deleted 😭!!! CRYING 💔💔!!! On top of that, I loved the request, it was beautiful 😭! It was about Batmom as Bruce's couple and Bruce introduces Batmom to the batkids... And if it was you who sent it 🫵, let me tell you that I loved it and it will take me a while to upload it 💓!! Lov you all
And (I almost forgot to mention this), This AU of the batfamily is a mix of comics, series, headcanons (I LOVE headcanons of batfamily 💗), video games, movies and webtoon! + My main language is not English, so if you find any spelling mistakes, tell me in a comment!
Request opens 💗💗!!! BUT, before you request anything check my rules.
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Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Honestly, I don't see him being jealous of his brothers at all! But since I haven't read all of his comics and in this AU he is a mix, I don't have an opinion. 👀
Let us begin.
I feel like Dick is a real mama's boy, he love his mom and he will prove it.
Dick is very used to having all of Batmom's attention to himself.
But he hides his jealousy very well, or so he thinks…
Jealousy began when Dick started having siblings. DON'T DENY ME GIRL 🤝🤝!!!
When he gets jealous that you spend more time with, I don't know, he'll go to sleep with you and Bruce, but leaving Bruce aside and enjoying your caresses in his hair while he listens to his siblings complain from outside the bedroom. (Bruce hate this, but I feel that at the same time he love it just a little bit. Very little.)
Possibly he will also rub things you did with him that you didn't do with your other children in his siblings' faces.
I think he is the only one (along with Jason) who has a complete album with photos of him as a child. So he'll show it off to others by saying that you loved him so much that you made an entire photo album of him.
He would do the same with Jason, telling him that his album has more photos and with more photos of you and Dick.
I feel like he would start a whole fight against one of his brothers just to carry all the shopping bags by himself so you don't do it. (This idea is similar to "Jason Todd is a total mama's boy" because I was inspired by it, so credit to its respective author 💓)
"Mommy, did you just call me Damian? Oh my god... my heart..." #atotaldramaqueenbaby💋💋👊👊
Jason Todd / Red Hood
Another drama queen...
A mama's boy from head to toe. (My poor baby just needed a fucking mother figure 😭💔)
He is first in everything. Do you need help opening a jar? He already opened it for you and said I love you and then left and returned to a mission.
But that's not what we're talking about right now... Nonono, we're talking about jealousy, guys...
I bet he's the most sensitive of all.
He makes sure you don't show favoritism to anyone, unless it's him, if so he lets it go.
Did you spend an extra minute with one of your other children because you didn't see the time? He is already burning in a pit of jealousy.
I feel like he would start fighting with his sibling and then he would apply the law of silence to you. But it doesn't last long because he can't resist your cute nicknames and your "you're my favorite" (you say that to each of your babies)
"Why do you call him "son"? He isn't even your son!" And he gives you a whole long speech when you were just trying to be nice to Roy.
He even gets jealous of Bruce.
He doesn't care if it's one of his sisters or a good friend of his, you can't call them cute nicknames! And even less if they are the ones you use with him!
He has good hearing, he makes sure that you call him by his nicknames and not by one of his siblings' nicknames.
"WHAT THE FUCK, MA?! Why are you washing Tim's hair with the shampoo you use with me!?!?" You broke him...
Tim Drake / Red Robin
( I haven't read almost anything by Tim, so forgive me if something doesn't add up, but I promise you that I already have more or less what his personality is like.)
Tim does not admit his jealousy, he is calmer compared to his brothers.
He might start scheduling his patrols to coincide with Batmom’s free time, ensuring that he gets to spend some time with her.
I feel like he would feel more insecurity than jealousy
But I also think he would try to take Batmom's attention away from his sibling by calling Batmom to help him do something he can easily do alone.
He wouldn't care if you treated his friends like your children. I think he would be happy.
Umh Well… I think there's not much to jealousy about this one...
Damian Wayne / Robin
Yes, I headcanon that Damian is one of the most jealous once he realizes that Batmom can give him the love that Talia didn't give him.
He is the same as Jason, he has the same percentage of jealousy.
The only thing is that he would start making arguments about why Batmom would have to spend the whole week with him and not with her brothers.
Oh, and he doesn't care what Bruce does with Batmom. Although he is disgusted by the slightest affection they have.
At galas, I feel like he would be glued to you, hugging your waist and making sure there is no threat.
If you're not patrolling, he'd be with you watching some movie. (I DON'T KNOW WHY I IMAGINED HIM WATCHING MEAN GIRLS)
"I say mom Is going to go with me first because I'm the best-" And then he was interrupted by his siblings.
There is a relationship of hate and equality between him and Jason…
"Don't you see that my mother has an engagement ring and I'm next to her, son of a- *you interrupt him*" I feel like he would say this to anyone who flirts with you.
He is not understanding why his siblings get to spend more time with her.
Mama's boy
I would continue writing, but I have no more inspiration and ideas, sorry...
Cassandra Cain / Orphan
Cassandra, being the quiet and observant one, might internalize her feelings of jealousy.
Cass is the last one to get jealous, honestly.
She understands that Batmom loves them all equally and there is no favoritism.
Although sometimes she doubts…
She would feel excluded every time she sees you spend more time with one of her siblings.
But putting that behind, she would know that you love them all equally and would let it go by speaking with you how she feels.
0,1% jealous.
Stephanie Brown / Spoiler
I think she would feel jealous if Batmom shows favoritism towards others.
In itself, I don't think Steph is VERY jealous. Just... a little bit.
Duke Thomas / The Signal
I need to read more about this man 😭
He's the newest one in the batfam, but he was still able to connect with Batmom very well.
Duke is not one to be jealous, he just doesn't care what batmom does.
Although he is a similar case to Cass.
He would feel a little "insecure" seeing the ties Batmom has with his siblings.
But it always ends well with Batmom watching a movie with him.
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[You can put more headcanons in a comment if you like!! And suggestions are always welcome <3]
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nukanobody · 4 months
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Funny Familiarity
For context: I posted a head-canon a few days ago, on how Danse actually ended up in the brotherhood of steel as a synth despite not being sent as a spy but instead is listed as "missing". It's probable he ran away from the institute where the railroad helped him escape, with Deacon knowing about the case.
I'm so obsessed with this idea now so read below for any thoughts or further hc's i had when making this. Or ask me anything about this hc i am going cray cray. sorry if this is ooc i'm bad at characters.
ty to @ericadrawsstuff for your addon btw!! it fueled me to draw this haha
For Danse, I don't believe he was a courser but maybe a failed experimental synth/synth meant for manual labor? The institute would probably be in a panic if a courser with a courser chip went awol, they'd probably take notice if the same missing courser became the poster boy of the people whose trying to destroy them.
Danse stayed in the railroad for a bit, like maybe 5 months? Formed a somewhat close bond with Deacon who was "Debbie" at the time.
Deacon loves collecting sunglasses, was toying with the idea of being a woman when he found novelty heart sunglasses. I see him as identifying as male but really flexible when it comes to presenting himself.
Obsessed with the idea that despite being reset/memories wiped synths may carry flaws or mannerisms. In Danse's case his fierce loyalty and self sacrifice are his major flaws, pre-wipe he didn't want to be a danger to the railroad and felt he needed to be wiped, post-blind betrayal he felt like he was a danger to the brotherhood and needed to be killed.
Deacon's a good liar sometimes, but in the cases where Danse says something against synths his hands clench and has to lean on a wall to catch his breath while the sides of him fight in his head. The first side is the railroad agent who has huge empathy for M7-97 and knows that if his identity is revealed it'll absolutely ruin him and get maimed by the brotherhood, the other side of him is absolutely disgusted by Danse and wants to put him in his place, the 3rd just thinks it'll be funny.
I depicted Nora as how I'd imagine she'd be. A woman from a pre-war era being dropped in a wasteland, it's kind of a culture shock for her and she has a savior complex, she assumes that everyone just needs to sit down and talk. Her main goal is to somehow "unite" the commonwealth, she's joined all the factions and some of her companions are kind of peeved about it. In the comic she introduced Deacon to Danse thinking they could have a civil conversation where Deacon could steer him to a better mindset (she sees Danse as a kid who got into the wrong crowd, despite being a fully grown man)
okay jesus, this took like 3 days of non stop drawing for me to do. Whoever designed power Armour i pray for your downfall what the hell. Sorry if it looks bad i study software so I haven't gotten the chance to draw in like, 7 months. Can you tell which pose I was able to find refs for and not the rest? lol
I ship them now too, i've been researching them and I love their dynamic and damn if the plot "Person A knew Person B before Person B forgot them and became a different person" doesn't hit like a ton of bricks.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
I wanna get into dc (I’m enjoying reading batfam fanfics) but don’t know where to start, any recs?
Hello! Two notes real quick. One, DC stands for Disregard Canon. I say this because DC has a hard time keeping their storylines, characterizations, and basic facts straight. If you switch between creators (even if the media is the same, such as two separate comic creators), you might get very different ideas.
Second, I'm going to organize this by media.
There are a ton of blogs on Tumblr that are dedicated specifically towards comics for DC. They would know the very specific details of comics that I wouldn't. I recommend choosing one character and searching for reading lists (e.g. searching "Roy Harper's comic list" in Tumblr's search bar).
Live Action TV Shows
Gotham is a great show for introducing Jim Gordon, various rogues, and the general consensus of how Gotham may work. It follows Bruce Wayne right after his parents died and pre-Batman
Titans follows Dick Grayson, the first Robin, and the Titans. Later seasons show Jason Todd and Tim Drake as Robin. I haven't seen past the first season, though.
The Flash or Arrow. Both shows obviously have little to do with the batfam. However, they give more perspective on heroes outside of the batfam. I personally enjoyed the first 2 or so seasons of both.
Animated Movies
There's too many for me to get into all of them, but HBO has a ton of animated DC movies and shows (from what I've heard).
I personally recommend Under the Red Hood as a must watch. It's hands down a masterpiece
Lego Batman
Video Games
The Arkham Series includes 3 games plus a prequel game. I've played the three regular ones, and I HIGHLY recommend them. The third one made me cry (for a lot of reasons)
Gotham Knights. I haven't gotten too far into the game yet, but it's good so far! I've seen videos of the interactions between the batfam (healthy batfam interactions!!!!) that I'm excited for.
There are other ones as well, but I haven't played them personally
I think there may be Lego Batman video games
Animated Shows
Teen Titans is a classic. Obviously, this focuses more on Robin and his team than the batfam
Harley Quinn Show focuses on Harley but shows a lot of the villains in Gotham. There's a ton of focus on various characters that are usually not given so much spotlight
I will not recommend Teen Titans Go
Young Justice is way different from the comics, but still good to watch
Live Action Movies
Suicide Squad
I'm sure there's a thread or two out there arguing the best live action Batman movies. I don't remember him having any kids in those, but you could still watch them for the lore ig
Joker.... I don't really consider that movie to be canon, but knock yourself out. It's a good film if you distance the idea of Joker from it.
I am most definitely forgetting stuff, but I'm also falling asleep (barely keeping my eyes open). Ask more questions if you want 👍
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fire-fira · 6 months
IDK if you've been keeping up with the Trujillo Blue Beetle run, but they put Jaime with some random Horizon girl named Oo'li and it really feels like some half-assed attempt to prevent him from ever falling in love with Khaji, I don't know, maybe I'm running on some insane troll logic here, but the writers really put Jaime with a girl who's connected in some way to the Reach, when Khaji Da is RIGHT THERE! Do not ignore please, I really wanna hear your opinion on this.
While I will agree that the relationship with Oo'li feels shoe-horned (and that detail honestly isn't helped by the breakneck narrative pacing, which may be reflective of a time crunch those involved with this most recent run might be dealing with), I think it's important to step back and take stock of some things.
The vast majority of comic writers-- and presumed comic readers-- aren't likely to even consider Jaime/Khaji Da as a ship because they're sharing a body. For better or worse, there are a looooooot of people out there (both in fandom and outside of it) who can't or haven't wrapped their minds around the concept of a ship where one character is the host body to the other; if they've put any thought into that kind of ship at all, they may have difficulty conceptualizing how a romantic/queerplatonic/committed relationship of that type can even work when the characters involved technically can't do things like hold hands, kiss, or sit across from each other while having a candlelit dinner. (Yes I realize that example may be a little cliche in this instance, but I think it's the best way to convey one of the big stumbling blocks for some writers when it comes to this kind of ship.)
It's fandom where these concepts have really been hashed out and played with, so of course as fans we're going to see the obvious potential and the ways it could work, but writers for officially published works generally should not read fanfiction-- especially of anything they're actively working on-- because doing otherwise invites the possibility that someone might feel their own work is being stolen and repurposed by a company to make money, which can lead to a lawsuit. Ergo, if they're not already familiar with the concept of how such a ship could work (or they haven't come to that concept on their own), then the chances of them even thinking to do so in their writing for DC is slim.
And for as much as Eddie Brock/Venom has put forward the idea of a host/symbiont ship more broadly in the public imagination, that reach is still limited by who would be interested in seeing those movies, and if those people were or are able/willing to recognize the host/symbiont ship as even being a possibility. And even if they did, Khaji Da is a dramatically different character than Venom in temperament and personality; we also have no guarantee that anyone looking at the movie/various-tv-series Khaji Da has been in will think to consider Khaji Da as a fully realized character instead of an AI-that-is-maybe-'sub-human'-in-personhood-but-more-advanced-than-anything-we-have-and-so-should-be-respected-as-'kind of'-an-individual (and the siri-voice in the movie probably won't have helped change that perspective). The point is, with that dramatic character difference, it might not even occur to any of them that Jaime/Khaji Da as a ship would be believable or that the characters could even have the potential motivation to share that mutual interest.
We also have no clue if Trujillo or anyone else currently working on Blue Beetle have seen any of the Venom movies to even plant the idea of a host/symbiont ship in their heads. We literally have no idea if they're even aware of the concept. And even if they are, they're in the business of trying to sell comics. I don't know the ins-and-outs of the comic industry by any means, but I think it's fair to assume that introducing a host/symbiont ship in canon might be a risky venture-- even without the breakneck narrative pacing they currently have going.
I'll be honest, with the current pacing trends I don't think they'd be able to do justice to the Jaime/Khaji Da ship in building it up into something that would make sense and have readers-- who weren't already-- get invested. Host/symbiont ships are a hard sell, so there HAS to be a believable buildup, but when the pacing's shooting by like the reader got fired out of a cannon and has to rapid-fire take notes about what they pass within seconds so they can only record the broad strokes and nothing in between, then all of that buildup crumbles into nothing. (Case in point with relationship buildup crumbling into nothing: the whole thing with Oo'li.) Physicality can kind of override some of that in a narrative, but that requires the characters to have separate bodies so they can externally interact and separate from time to time-- and Jaime and Khaji Da, by the very nature of what Khaji Da is, don't have access to that narrative override.
In terms of them trying to sell comics with the lack of decent pacing and time that DC is pushing, it's probably financially safer for them to not put the effort in to try for that kind of narrative buildup; it would take time they don't have to do it justice, and trying to force it anyway might lose them buyers due to said buyers getting put off by poorly done stories.
Yeah, as a fan to whom the possibility seems obvious and who is heavily invested in these characters, it's frustrating. I get that, and I don't blame you. But on the flip-side, DC has made plenty of wtf decisions of late (don't even get me started on the absolutely ridiculous number of Batman or Batman-adjacent books they're currently putting out right now, to the point where Bat-everything is drowning out damn near everything else), and with the lousy pacing and quick turnaround on comics they currently have going I'm honestly glad that they're not currently tackling a Jaime/Khaji Da narrative. I don't want to see what they would do to it at this time, I don't trust them to do it justice.
And speaking as someone with at least one fave DC character who has shown up in all of 94 issues total, sometimes you're honestly much better off looking to fandom and fanfiction for what you want to see. At least then you know you have a solid chance of seeing it done really well rather than getting hit with frustration or disappointment over not seeing it at all.
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hexhomos · 2 months
Do you have any comic recs for 1610!doomreed?
I gotta be real honest i would not recommend looking into 1610 if you haven't explored most of the mainline material yet. the 00's ultimates universe was the epitome of edgy "modern retelling" fads/hubris and part of 1610 doomreed's appeal to me is potential that was not explored in the page; i like how these edgy comics were later recontextualized as a Bad End universe where only villain reed and the newly created miles morales survive etc etc etc the TLDR of the whole thing is that it starts out fine, but then the world is plagued by questionable writing from shitty dudes and really bad traced art by the infamous guy who scribbles over porn stars. I just like the mental exercise of reimagining irony poisoned corporate media into a story that says anything (and this was partially the mindset that made them destroy this universe later on to salvage anything of note, resulting in hickman rebuilding that reed into a villain) there's also a lot of 00s irony gay jokes on that run fueling part of me. It ends on a bunch of ppl dying, sue gets engaged to ben which i thought was cute, and reed goes full eldritch thing
Further disclaimer, 1610 ultimates is not 2024 ultimate universe. 2024 is a modern line playing with the idea of villain reed building a new world based off his hatred of the universe that was destroyed.
That being said, you can find them on the early acts of Ultimate Fantastic Four (2004) - read the TPB version trust me it has less printing mistakes. After the first confrontation with doom, you will know when bc its a pretty dramatic event, the writers forget to put him in stuff for a while. When he next shows up he's been reset to look/act like regular doom and there is a re-imagining of the bodyswap story which begins on the last pgs of issue #30. Then he disappears again until marvel gets the idea to start destroying this universe in event books.
Reed's downward spiral is partially motivated by him thinking 'he created doom' / 'this world is an inherently rotten experiment' but it plays out in a bunch of separate titles until hickman shows up to introduce the Maker persona, general guide to that [here]
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yuseirra · 1 month
Yoo, I just came across your comics and they're so cute and wonderful. Do you post any fanfics elsewhere, or is all your stuff on tumblr? I would love to read any hikaru/ai fics you might have, or any recs if you have any. Tbh it doesn't even have to be hikaru/ai, I've developed terminal hoshino ai-themed brainrot and am just chewing through any fics where she's happy.
Hello!! "cute" and "wonderful"?/// they're both really great words!! I'm so happy you describe my works with those lovely adjectives. Ahah I actually thought they were a lil serious and depressing hehe (because the manga tackles DARK STUFF! I feel pretty glum as I draw these characters out sometimes, so I try to be more cheerful about it.)
but in the end, I feel I really specialize in fluff, I think? I enjoy drawing characters who are very caring toward each other, it never gets old for me, so I always try to think of some warm.. and soft situations when they have a sense of understanding.
I'm happy people find them cute ;v;).. I love cute too! I want "cute" embedded in my pieces..
Oh, I've never tried writing fanfic at all, and I don't read so much of it either! I wish I could introduce some works for you, but there's not much that I know of, either. I'm sorry for being unable to help you so much, but I'd love to draw more of the ship (until the manga tells me I can't by throwing contradictory stuff which I HOPE NOT ;v;)
If you haven't talked to them already, I feel aihoshiino may have an idea on ai fics you wish to find because they're the Ai expert! They have great insight about the character and I would certainly ask of their opinion if I wanted to learn more about her in depth! (Yes I want Ai to be happy too...she's a character worth developing a brainrot over for sure. the IDOL MV is what's drew me into the series and the first volume of this series was so intense and strong...)
All of my stuff's on tumblr! You won't be missing out on anything if you're here 'v')9
I have backed up some of my onk works in bulk on my pixiv account, but everything that's there is here too~ If you want to check them out more easily, you can read them from there too! My most recent works aren't updated there yet, and I'll probably make another set as it piles up.
It never occurred to me that I CAN write fanfics, so this ask was very surprising XD Fanfic writers are amazing.. I look up to them a lot, that stuff takes dedication and another sort of talent. Thanks for the ask and for believing I can! See you again, I'll think of more things to draw over the weekend~
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evelhak · 8 months
I felt implicitly tagged by @lilypheria. Here's the template too.
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It may seem like I only write KnB these days but I don't consider myself to be done with my SPOP comics yet.
Tagging all my writer friends but I'm going to mention @active-mind-15 because you're kind of new to me. But I really want to hear about all my writer mutuals and followers. By the way if you've written one unfinished fic or tried to start to write your ideas but can't, or haven't written for years, or have any other struggle that makes you feel invalid, you count as a writer.
Going to elaborate under the cut because I felt like it.
My old account was FinFanFun, a Finnish site I used mostly for reading Facebook wall fics about that which should not be named.
AO3 is where I publish my KnB fics though I've considered branching out to see if there's still some fandom corners I haven't reached.
I'm slowly introducing myself to writing smut but the only story I've published has been called mild and soft smut or smut-ish, and I doubt the rest will be much different.
I frequently beta-read for friends, though fanfiction is the minority.
I used to have two beta-readers but they're unable to do it anymore so all my fics rely solely on me for now, which makes me really anxious sometimes. I am pretty desperate for a new beta-reader so if KagaKuro and a million words of "homework" doesn't frighten you, please jump into an adventure with me!
All my fics are self-indulgent in that they're what I want to see play out in the story. They are not personal fantasies, or necessarily what I want to see in real life, but it's what I envision for these characters.
I'm always reading old favourite fics again and I need to branch out actually.
If I'm in need of a short fic to read I will probably pick fluff.
Have written m/m and f/f (and m/? and m/f) but honestly it's weird to put them in the same category when m/m is so overrepresented.
I'm not actually sure if I consider fanfiction as a genre or rather a medium, because all genres exist inside fanfiction. Medium is probably more true but I seem to have checked it anyway because I feel like the point here is whether fanfiction is valid literature and that it is.
I don't know if two fandoms with one being dormant would be considered multifandom so maybe no.
I do anxiously wait for feedback since I'm very community oriented but I'm also very introverted and internally motivated so the lack of it doesn't discourage me. I have patience and I can wait for connection for years and years. Not that lack of connection doesn't affect me, of course it does, but giving up is just a very antithetical concept to my beliefs and life.
I have one on-going long KnB story and one unfinished She-Ra fic that is waiting for a better time. Which is an exception since I tend to finish what I start before moving on.
Editing fanfiction is actually not as bad as editing original fiction because I put much less pressure on myself, partially because you can always edit your fic again.
Always listening to hours long conversations in my head between characters when I'm trying to sleep. They're really bad at shutting up and I'm supposed to remember this stuff in the morning?
I was mildly drunk for ten days straight to write Anything Can Happen. Haven't done that since but it was really fun.
My main KnB storyline gets most of my attention. It's just my thing, I pour everything into it.
I didn't check 'wants to be a professional writer' because after three traditionally published books I consider myself to be that already. I actually went the other way around than seems to be the norm: I was an original fiction writer first and then branched out to fanfiction in my twenties. I can see it greatly affects how I write fic, and it's probably the main reason I feel like a bit of an outsider.
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eidolon-ghoul · 1 month
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Introducing Eidolon, my spooky lil nameless ghoul OC. They don't mean to be so spooky, it's just kind of how they are. Please ask me questions about them, I could literally talk about them all day.
Read more about them below:
@cuntydrybones came up with the idea that the abbey has an ossuary and I expanded on that saying that the bones there are from the Siblings and that it's seen as an honor for their bones to be added to the decorations. And of course any good ancient church worth its salt as catacombs, obviously, and Eidolon, who is a Quintessence ghoul, takes care of them and the ossuary. They prepare the bones and they arrange them and make them look nice and they've been doing it for centuries. They also prepare bodies for burial and use their magick to "embalm" them.
They're not seen out and about very often and if they are, it's usually at night because their eyes are really light sensitive, and because of that, they kind of become a spooky ghost story around the Abbey. People usually only catch glimpses of them as they're going around the corner or something for example, which is how they got their name. Other people have been calling them Eidolon for so long that they don't really remember their given name, but that's okay, they like Eidolon and it suits them.
They're a little odd but actually super sweet despite being unintentionally spooky and some of the siblings who are actually aware of them outside of the ghost tale will visit them in the ossuary. Sister Morrigan (seen in the comic) is one of those Siblings. She more or less becomes their assistant and deals with all the paperwork involved with anyone's death.
Eidolon is also a pretty accomplished healer and can do necromancy (because what is necromancy but healing on hard mode). They mostly do it on animals for their friend Basil (@cuntydrybones character) because it's easier with animals especially if they haven't been dead long. They can bring people back too, but it takes longer and requires more preparation, resources, and magick, and depending on how long a person's been dead for, there's more risk of them coming back Wrong. They're also not able to bring back anyone who has died of old age or illness.
There's a rumor among the folks who actually know about them that they've reanimated a few skeletons to do their bidding. Which they haven't because that would be very disrespectful to the bones and the Siblings they once belonged to. They could if they wanted to though.
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There's this rumors about the midnight suns movie (idk it it's confirmed) and they say moon knight is going to be in it? How do you think it would Work?
How do you think is he gonna interact with the rumoured members?? (According to am article and post in Twitter that I read) Since their different from the comics: dr.strange, wong, Elsa Bloodstone, Blade, Dane Whitman, Wanda,Agatha harkness,ghost rider, man-thing
Now I'll tell you what I think, but there's always the chance that it does happen and I'm completely wrong. So to the future people out there that find this, I'm more than happy to be wrong.
I think the Midnight suns as a movie is going to be a clusterfuck and perform terribly. The issue is that we are taking characters that have gotten shows and haven't been introduced yet to the MCU. And a movie is expecting you to come in with this knowledge. So there is the chance for a lot of people go come in and go "Why do I care about any of this?"
There's also the problem that they are anticipating this and making it more friendly to new audiences by watering down the characters. So you get Moon Knight standing in the background not saying much or you get cheap shots at his DID with no explanation and he comes across as quirky insane violent guy.
This happens in big team up comics too. Which is partly why I dislike them greatly. When you put together a large group from all over, you are either expected to know their background already and be thrilled to see them together, or they become just another figure standing vaguely in the background giving reaction shots to things that more popular characters say or do.
If they are going to do Midnight Suns, they need to give it a series with multiple episodes to cover all the characters properly. But even then... You'll notice that their other series on Netflix that did this didn't perform well at all. It had decent writing, excellent acting, and gave voice to the other characters, but the audience really didn't connect and it just kind of went bottom of the barrel in ratings.
This gives Marvel the idea that people just aren't interested in these lesser B rated characters (characters that aren't Captain America and Iron Man and Spider-man) and then they devote less time and money to them.
I mean, Marvel is already giving less time and money to their shows and even their movies. The CGI has dropped quality significantly. And with them putting everything into CGI and less practical effects, it just means that everything looks terrible. (Werewolf by Night my beloved you were beautiful and people need to devote more time and money into practical).
My fear with Moon Knight going into ANY big time movie that is not strictly about Moon Knight is what has happened to him in all the comics in the past that did this. He becomes a shape in the background and cheap pot shots about his mental health become gag worthy. He becomes that crazy guy that no one trusts because he is unpredictable and violent.
I WANT to see a show that brings in characters that are more on his level. I want to see a show with Jack Russel, Elsa Bloodstone, and Moon Knight. These are the OG of the Marvel Monster phase in comics. They started out together. They deserve to meet up.
Heck, Blade needs his own stuff first. I'd love to see Ghost Rider get a GOOD reboot and start to pal around with Frank Castel because those two love JUSTICE. (Though they are on different levels and there is the lack of development that would happen in that capacity).
I think the best thing Marvel has done so far in shows is having Frank show up in DD. Their diametrically opposed forces go SO well together and always have.
So on the line of who would go best with meeting up and working with Moon Knight? I'm back to Jack Russel and Elsa Bloodstone.
The MCU potential there is BEAUTIFUL. We have two comic book legends that have been given knew life through the MCU and are different than their comic book origins.
We have Jack Russel who understands what it is to be monstrous but also know that to be a monster is not to be evil. That often times the evil comes with being human.
Then we have Elsa who learned that of all the humans and life she has known, only the monster was the one who deserved pity and care.
Then we have Moon Knight... Well... You know what I think about Moon Knight because I could go on and on into another essay here.
SO ANYWAYS. I think Jumping into Midnight Suns is the wrong step. I think they need to work smaller and perhaps give back the Marvel Monster series. Get back to the start.
Give Werewolf by Night a series that explores the monsters and lesser liked characters. Get Man Thing back in here. Get Brother Voodoo and his zombies (though that has the potential in today's age to become Problematic if not handled with care, but amazing if done RIGHT)... Heck! Get Blade involved through this. Introduce the Vampires. (Reese in the MCU????? Yes Please).
SO yeah... I could be wrong. I'd love to be wrong and see how they do it and see it done well.... But I have concerns and honestly, I think Marvel has concerns too. They obviously WANT to do it. But two years in tells me that they still haven't figured out HOW to do it. And Oscar taking on more and more outside projects tells me that he also doesn't think they are doing it well either. (He said he'd only come back if he liked the script. That man has the right to be picky, bless him).
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eraserisms · 1 month
Your portrayal sticks out because it represents the only time I've ever fallen in love with a fandom just because of 1 RPer, never mind that I agreed to RP with you on this account despite my usual apprehensions about interacting with fandoms I don't know. I trusted you & I'm glad I did. You're so patient yet passionate when it comes to summarizing scenes of the show & relationships between characters--but that's over IMs, OOC. (Yes, everyone, the mun is kind & funny, in addition to be being a great RPer.) ANYWAY!
Shota's 1 of my favorite characters to interact with on here. I don't have it in me to go read or watch all of MHA, but I'm always finding myself asking questions about Shota or wondering what he'd do in ___ situation. & you know his voice, so you know the answer. & then there's all the work you put into developing parts of him that aren't canonically talked about. This is what the writing part of fandom is meant for. I don't know if you write fanfics, but they'd be enjoyable as fuck. I love reading your metas & HCs for Shota, no matter how long, because I CRAVE THE INFORMATION!! Also he's my dad (lol).
TL;DR - you're my only Shota & I love the effort you put into your portrayal. Thanks for introducing Kylie to his first boyfriend.
In reference to this post
You're so sweet. I am so glad that you gave me and Shota a chance! I have to say though, I feel the same way about the characters that you write. I honestly had forgotten how much I enjoyed X-men and Marvel things and didn't plan on doing too much interaction with those fandoms despite BNHA being a superhero based fandom. Thank you for reminding me, truly.
Also I am always ecstatic to answer any questions that you have about the fandom and storyline-esque things. Your active interest in something that you are unfamiliar with is really flattering within itself. I feel that you've also been so incredibly patient with me as far as explaining things goes because I have forgotten so much about those fandoms. Also the only comics I've ever really read as far as Marvel goes have been The Incredible Hulk, Captain America & Hawkeye. So, you filling me in on stuff I don't know about has been incredibly helpful especially considering that so many other Marvel RPers have reached out to me here.
I haven't written any MHA fanfictions yet but maybe sometime in the future. If I were to do anything like that , it would likely be some sort of one shot because I'm terrible at writing them to be honest. I think that's why I end up writing a lot of long-winded headcanons/metas here instead. & Shota is more than willing to 'dad' you any day of the week, being a dad is one of his many talents.
P.S. - I do a lot of shippy things with the person who introduced me to Shota who also plays All-Might. I actually made this blog with the intention of building familial/platonic & student/teacher relationships with Shota. Also given Shota's asocial nature, I didn't think that I'd be writing too many romantic relationships for him. But, given that we had written with each other in the past I was more open to the idea of shipping with you in general. & I have to say; I am happy to have started shipping Kylie with Shota. I feel that they compliment each other so well.
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keepsmagnetoaway · 4 days
X-Men 129 (January 1980)
Chris Claremont/John Byrne
It's late September in this one-comic-a-day project and the dawn of the 1980s in the actual publication timescale of these comics: it's the moment we've all been waiting for. It is, finally, the Dark Phoenix Saga.
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It's good to be back. I'm going to try and resist the temptation to rehash in great detail the plot of all these issues, but this is what so much of the last few years of Claremont has been leading too: a ten-issue run of unparalleled high stakes that changed the X-Men forever and is usually regarded as their finest story ever. We'll see at the end if that's true, I guess. One great thing happens right at the beginning, though: Banshee fucking leaves.
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I'm being a bit harsh, but I just never liked Banshee. All the begorrah-bejesus stuff is exhausting, his leprechaun castle backstory is insane, his powers are baffling, and his role in the team was...what? "Older sensible guy"? That's never going to be a particularly interesting position. So, farewell Sean, and hello again to Xavier, who has finally returned from space bullshit and appeared right in a panel with some clashing patterns that are giving me a migraine.
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Meanwhile we get our first real look at our antagonists, though they've been lurking around for a while (including in some retroactively inserted stories), and one of them - Jason Wyngarde - has now appeared a couple of times to psychically send Jean back to a Regency romance novel. But now we finally properly see the Hellfire Club.
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"Regency-themed sexual deviant Illuminati named for the actual Regency deviants' club and heavily inspired by that one Avengers episode" is a totally fucking bizarre idea for a villainous group, but it works. It's unlike anything we've really seen before for the X-Men and it instantly brings a kind of spooky, literal cloak-and-dagger quality that feels very exciting and mature, even when it's all basically silly. That's not all for introductions this issue, though, as Claremont has another piece to put on the board (this is a very Hellfire Club-inflected metapor, sorry) as this storyline kicks off.
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It's Kitty Pryde! She's here! Well, she's in Chicago, as you can see, but still. It's remarkable to realise that, although the revival had been going for five years at this point, Claremont had not yet introduced an actual new character to the team, playing in the sandbox of the existing characters and the ones he created for the initial Giant-Size relaunch. Kitty - though of course we don't know it yet - is here to change that with her instantly recognisable and distinctive features (loosely based, apparently, on Sigourney Weaver) and with her various key differences from existing team members: most notable, she's only thirteen (and also, Jewish - note the necklace). Kitty, as you can see, is being courted by Emma - but the X-Men are also onto her, and she likes them a lot better.
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God, I love this panel (uh, slightly insane comment from Kitty about skin colour aside): the layout, the use of colour in the background, the facial expressions. Note Peter and Logan back there: Logan's reading a porn magazine and Peter's eyes are popping over his shoulders. And on the next page, he gets called on it, before things kick off.
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Right, anyway, Kitty. I'm well aware that there are Strong Feelings about her and various things that have happened to her since, but this is a banger of an introduction and I adore her. The audacity of droping her in like this and then having the three actual X-Men get owned is brilliant, and this is how the issue ends.
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There we go! It feels like whole vistas have suddenly opened up: the Hellfire stuff is suddenly so adult and intriguing, but then we also have plucky teenage Kitty showing up for what seems like a Saturday morning cartoon. It shouldn't all work but it does. And we haven't even gotten to any Jean stuff yet!
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havendance · 1 year
While we’re talking about women in refrigerators, the one creative decision of The Refrigerator Monologues that I just do not get was the inclusion of the Harley Quinn analog. It think it is notable that she is the only character Valente riffs off who isn't on the original women in refridgerators list (or in the case of Alex DeWitt, the original woman in the fridge.) That might have to do with the fact that Harley Quinn wasn't actually introduced into the comics until August 1999, but at the same time, she really doesn't feel like she fits with the rest of the characters.
While Harley's origin is undeniably linked to the Joker and this idea of her being manipulated into it, she has the popularity to be a character in her own right. A lot of the original list had to do with violence against women in comics. If we look at the word "fridging" though a noun or "fridged" as an adjective, there's this idea of being removed from the narrative that comes with it. Not only violence, but disappearing and removing the agency of being part of the story. You can no longer define yourself, but are defined by the men around you.
Harley Quinn, while still be largely linked to being a female version of the Joker, is far from removed from her narrative. She's had multiple solo runs! (I haven't actually read any of her solo comics because I'm just not that interested in her character, so if any of them were super terrible I can't comment on that.) But like, The Refridgerator Monologues was published in 2017. As far as I can tell, Harely Quinn has had her own solo since 2013. Sure, her origin might qualify her, but I think she's far moved on from that by now.
Just, of all the characters she could've picked, why Harley Quinn?
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thewertsearch · 2 years
Asks Compilation 20/11 - 2
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CC: I will need to connect after my goofball moirail does so I can keep my goggles on )(is nefarious escapades. [...] CC: Isnt t)(at w)(at youre doing too? Joining late to keep an eye on yours? GA: I Dont Know For A Fact That She Is Mine CC: )(a)(a youre not supposed to know for a FACT dummy! [...] GA: I Know GA: But What If I Dont Really Want Her To Be That
This initially sounded like Kanaya wasn't sure if she wanted any kind of relationship with Vriska, but in retrospect, it's clear she was just confused about the type of relationship she wanted.
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The post quoted above is my analysis of Equius and Nepeta's relationship. We now know, more or less, the 'reason' that she puts up with him - but I'm still not convinced she should.
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For sure - it would have highlighted their relationship as a moirallegiance a lot earlier than the comic did.
I probably wasn't going to guess that they were moirails, though - hell, I still probably wouldn't be able to guess it, if it hadn't been explicitly stated!
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I think moirallegiance is romantic. It exists under the umbrella of troll romance, after all. I just think it's also platonic - a contradiction that would confuse a human, but would make perfect sense to a troll.
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Not a problem! Shipping dynamics are confusing enough when we're just talking about one type of relationship.
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'The Joker has a pitch crush on Batman' is not the take I expected to see in my inbox, but damn if it doesn't make sense.
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Never mind. This is the take I needed to see.
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I see it, and I'm never going to stop seeing it. Honestly, I'm not sure Ianthe is capable of any kind of relationship other than a pitch one.
This is so funny. Is Homestuck really enhancing my reading of The Locked Tomb to this degree? Is this really what we're doing now?
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Oh my god, I didn't even think about Augustine and Mercymorn. What they have going on is a hot mess, and kismesissitude describes it perfectly.
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Oh, damn. Muir really is a diehard fan, isn't she? I'll have to read her fics when I'm done.
Just for the record: Harrow and Palamedes are totally moirails, and he auspisticizes for her and Gideon in Canaan House. In this essay I will
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See, I know what you meant, but I do love the idea that swearing is banned on Alternia.
Maybe that's why they use quirks? To get past Trollian's filtering? lmao
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Doof and Perry are clearly moirails, with Perry as the pacifier. His calming influence is obvious, as Doof's 'villainy' gradually becomes more and more benign throughout the show, and their relationship becomes increasingly casual.
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"they seem like very good moirails! :)"
I wonder what the demographics are around troll orientations, actually. It seems as if you can form a kismesis/matesprit pair with a troll of any gender, so maybe trolls are predominantly pansexual.
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Honestly, these symbols are very useful. The quadrants are surrounded by an overwhelming amount of terminology, so it's good to have them as shorthand. Equius♦Nepeta, Kanaya♥Rose, etc.
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Anonymous asked: Something interesting is that Equius's violent impulses are actually comparatively stable. He definitely has them, but he's managed to get a constructive outlet for them in the form of robot cage-matches. Compare the outright-genocidal CA, vriska's manipul8ion and crippling of Tavros + murder of all those other trolls, or to a certain extent Terezi's own love of carnage. The only trolls in the top half of the hemospectrum we've met who haven't demonstrated any 'violent urges' are Kanaya and Gamzee [...] Equius might be fucked up, but he has mechanisms and strategies to not take it out on anyone around him.
There's also CC, the only high-blood whose disposition remains a relative unknown. We've just been semi-officially introduced to her, though, so we'll probably be seeing more of her soon.
Anyway, you're right - Equius has his coping mechanisms, and the implication is that he could be a lot worse. We haven't seen Nepeta act as his moirail yet, but maybe she's been doing so offscreen.
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Thank you! I'm pretty sure it boils down to the fact that the quadrant system is fairly complex, and I love that shit. Give me a set of rules, and I'll analyze the hell out them, every time.
This is something that Hussie has always been good at, both in Homestuck and Problem Sleuth - and it seems like it can even make shipping interesting to me.
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To Gamzee, Equius is a friend with detriments.
To Equius, Gamzee is a friend with weird caste system baggage that he isn't sure how to deal with. Plus, he's clearly into him, although I can't figure out in which quadrant.
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Yeah, I guess it's always possible that a 'typical' auspistice doesn't need much social ability. When you get right down to it, all you really need to do is keep the warring parties apart, so anything beyond that might cross the line into advanced auspisticism.
Maybe a 'meddler' like Kanaya is indeed a rarity, which would make per a particularly popular auspistice. Like I said, there aren't a lot of trolls around with a disposition like hers.
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I haven't decided yet if I'll be liveblogging anything after Homestuck - but I've added it to the list of prospective projects. We'll see how I feel when Homestuck is finished with, in late 2034.
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Yup - if we interpret a 'spadekind specialist' as a master of caliginous relationships, then Karkat's the one who fits the bill.
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darkkitty1208 · 1 year
Hello there, may I steal a bit of your time? I recently reread Defender Strange's comic and couldn't get this idea out of my head, so I'm asking ya out, can you please write something regarding this- Stephen was gathered from a battle field and SIMTony takes him to Tower with him after kicking the bad guy's ass and takes care of that worn out.
That's it. Thanks ya for hearing me out. Lots of love!
Thank you for the prompt, lovely! 💖 Super sorry it took quite a while. (I say, knowing full well it took longer than just 'quite a while' for me to finish this. *stares at my towering pile of WIPs and prompts sitting in my ask box that I've yet to finish*)
I feel like I've sort of lost touch on my writing style (and writing as a whole) a little bit but, hey, I finished this! Haha. 
Disclaimer: I haven't read the defenders or SIM comics yet, so this whole thing is just based on my assumptions of their characters. I'm only familiar with MoM's Defender Strange, and prompter seems okay if I'd write him instead, thankfully, so yeah. ^^ Feel free to point out anything that stood out, though!
Stephen stumbled back with a grunt, but quickly managed to catch himself before his back could land on the ground. Dodging the whip Mordo sent his way, he conjured twin mandalas over his wrists that glowed a bright blue. 
"It's not too late, Stephen!" the man called out, and slid his feet away from Stephen's attack. He took rapid, calculated steps towards the other sorcerer, getting close enough to loop his arm over the man's neck in a tight grip.
"You can still join me," he said, "we can work together."
Stephen struggled against him, clawing at the arm that constructed his breathing. 
"Like hell that would convince me," Stephen huffed out, strangled, and knocked Mordo's stomach by his elbow, who stumbled back, enough to let go of him. He panted, readying his next attack as Mordo stood back up. His limbs worked almost on their own volition as they danced their familiar dance in battle, and for a moment the only sounds echoing in the air were their grunts and puffs of air, the way their boots slid against the ground, the swish of their robes flapping at each turn, the way each new band and shield and mandala they conjured emanated familiar sparks. 
Just when Stephen thought he had the upper hand, one slip of his feet and a kick to his chest had him toppling to the ground with an 'oomph', and quickly found himself wrapped around bands. He let out a yelp as his hands were squeezed against his body, and struggled against the constraints. But it was to no avail, as it held a tight, inescapable grip around him. Struggling against it only proved to make the pain worse. 
It was useless, he thought, as he stopped his ministrations and settled on glaring at the eyes staring down on him. Mordo's stern eyes, looking straight at him, suddenly shifted at the sight, turning almost… soft, to his dismay, and Stephen hardened his glare in return.
"We could've been so good together," Mordo breathed out, almost in a whisper. "I didn't want it to end this way, Stephen. But you must know I have no other choice. You must know that this is for the greater good." 
Mordo lifted his hands, and Stephen knew that, at that moment, despite his panicked struggling, he couldn't do anything as the spell was about to be cast on him. It was a simple spell, really – even a novice could cast it – but it was a deadly one. It would render any sorcerer useless if cast against them, blocking their access to channelling interdimensional energy permanently, reducing them to what they once were before being introduced to the Mystic Arts. Mordo always had great capabilities, especially in terms of magic, but to think that he had managed to master that spell for such purposes was… beyond Stephen, to put simply. 
The spell wasn’t meant to incapacitate him, he knew that much. Mordo needed something more permanent – he couldn’t risk the possibility of all else. 
The spell, he knew, was meant to break him. 
“You should be grateful, you know. Many sorcerers have died at my hand in my quest to rectify what they have meddled in the natural law,” he remarked, and Stephen scowled at him. “I do not wish for you to fall in the same fate as they do, Stephen. You are like a brother to me. And perhaps… Perhaps so much more.”
His eyes flickered away for a moment, before they resumed their steely gaze towards him. 
Stephen turned his head to the side, clenching his eyes shut and taking in ragged breaths as he braced himself for the inevitable pain. His mind swirled about in a million ways to think of an escape, but he knew there wasn't any counterspell to this, knew that hoping would only lead to nothing. 
Mordo sighed. 
"It was the only way I could think of that would be quick and painless, Stephen," he said, "So please, consider this a mercy."
Before his mind could process the words, he felt a hit over the side of his neck that made him let out a choked sound. Just as he was about to lose consciousness, there was a sudden, almost electrifying flash of blue that blasted somewhere from beside him to hit against Mordo's head, and the last thing he heard was a familiar, menacing voice that drawled in a way that had always made the hair on his nape bristle. 
There was only one thought that flitted through his head as he finally lost consciousness; Tony. 
*.~ ◇ ~.*
Mordo stumbled to the ground as something blasted against him, head whipping about as he quickly looked around for its source.
He heard heavy footsteps thump against the ground, and it took a while for him to regain his footing to face whoever – or whatever – it was. Once he adjusted his vision, he noticed there seemed to be a sharp blue glow emanating as the smoke dissipated away from the shadowy figure that was stepping towards him. Mordo wasted no time and automatically went on fighting stance, his defences up in case the man prepared another surprise attack against him. He looked to the side, finding Stephen's unconscious, prone body on the ground a few feet away. 
"You really thought it'd be that easy to get your hands on him, did you?" The low voice said to the air. 
"Who are you?" 
The smoke cleared out. A very light blue, almost white, sort of liquid danced about to then solidify into an armour, its helmet forming around a grinning face. 
"C'mon. Everybody knows me," he said, a toothy smile on display but no emotions found in his eyes, his arms spread out. The smile dropped suddenly, and the next words were spoken in a way that could send shivers down anyone's spine: "Now back off. He's not yours." 
Mordo's eyes flicked hastily to Stephen's body, back to the man, trying to think of a quick way out. 
"Tony Stark," Mordo frowned, "I should have known Stephen had gained… unexpected allies. I didn't know he was so desperate." 
There were no possible ways to escape this, he thought, and begrudgingly decided to face him. Mordo conjured a band that whipped through the air and towards the man, but failed to have any intended effect as Stark flew up to avoid it. He conjured a couple of more blasts, which were easily avoided as Stark twirled about with little 'Woah!'s and an 'Oh! Almost got me!', occasionally forming a shield around him but ultimately left unscathed at each attack, as his laughter rang in Mordo's ears. Mordo continued to grunt at each conjured attack, getting irritated by the second. At some point, the laughter ended with a nonchalant sigh.
"Okay, it's getting boring now," he said, "My turn." 
He thrusts out his repulsors, whining a short warning before an electric flash of blue striked right ahead to send Mordo flying backwards before he could think of a way to dodge it. And then he blasted another, and another, slowly floating down to the ground as he did so, playfully experimenting different positions on each blast, humming a tune meanwhile. When he was satisfied, he took his time to step ever so slowly towards Mordo's body, which was lying on its side. He turned him over to lay on his back by nudging his side with a foot. Tony stared down at him, and then tilted his head to the side, huffed, and let a menacing smile slowly form on his lips. When Mordo tried to lean up and land a punch on his face, quite successfully, he clicked his tongue, wiped the blood trickling down the slight cut on his face, huffed again, and then carded a hand through his hair. He kicked the man then, straight in the stomach, and repeated so just a couple times. Just enough so that moving any muscle would hurt. And then he pressed his foot down over the sorcerer's chest, delighting in the pained wheeze and the cough that sent blood splattering about. He pressed his foot harder down, twisting it just so that he could hear another one of Mordo's wet, ragged cough, and made a sound that was intended as a delighted giggle but came out sounding like a huff as he leaned down to whisper: "Now let that be a lesson for you to never touch what's mine ever again." 
He gave the body a last kick, turning around just as Mordo's body rolled helplessly on the ground. 
"Well, that was easy," he huffed, dusting his hands off, and turned to look at Stephen's still unconscious body. "Now to claim my lovely prize…" 
The smile returned, but this time, something glinted in his eyes. 
*.~ ◇ ~.*
When Stephen came to, it was to the sight of bright, blue lights assaulting his eyes and vague, muffled sounds of what sounded like whirring machines filtering through his ears. His eyes shut closed against the onslaught of light almost on its own accord, and he quickly regretted shaking his head as it did nothing to lessen the pounding in his temples – if anything, it grew much worse. 
Gently, he fluttered his eyes back open, squinting as he adjusted to the lighting. He looked down on himself, noting the wrapped up and bandaged wounds over his body and the absence of his robes. 
“Ah, my sleeping beauty has finally awoken.” Stephen barely suppressed a flinch at the voice. “How was your sleep, sweetheart?”  
He tried to make out the blurry figure walking over to him – even though he already had a solid guess from the voice he had heard – and when the shifting blur of the man finally came to a focus, he lifted himself by the elbows. 
"T–" he tried to croak out, and then coughed when he realised his throat was dry as a desert. 
Tony sauntered over, grabbed a cup of water from a nearby bedside table, and gently lifted it to his lips, making a gesture with his head to urge Stephen to drink. Stephen stared at the cup, glared up at the engineer, and then snatched the cup with his own trembling fingers. If Tony saw the shaking in his hands and the way he tried desperately to look casual as the water splashed onto his fingers (and if anything, was failing to), he didn’t say anything. 
He did, however, huff out in amusement.  
Stephen downed the rest of the cup, and then placed it carefully upon the table Tony had taken it from. He felt the bed dip as the engineer sat beside him, and resisted the urge to scoot over and distance himself from the man. 
A calloused hand sneaked its way to a loose strand of hair on his face, tucking it over behind his ear in unsolicited gentleness. The same fingers – again, ever so gently – gripped his chin, leaning his head down to face the man. Tony traced a thumb over the cut on his lip, and Stephen tried not to bodily shiver. 
The smirk he earned, coupled with the intent stare of the man's steely blue eyes on his own, told him he had probably failed to do so. 
Tony’s eyes were a sharp blue, and now that Stephen was looking directly at it, he noticed there seemed to be something in it he couldn’t quite put his finger on. There was something buried in them, something sinister and twisted and wrong in a way that made him feel unsettled. 
"You cut your lip…" Tony mumbled, "Does it hurt, sweetheart?" 
"Stop calling me that," he spat out. 
"I can call my sweetheart whatever I want," was his response, followed with a nonchalant shrug. "Now, answer my question. Does it hurt?" 
"Not if you stop touching it like that." 
Tony hummed. 
"He hurt you…" Tony said, a sudden sternness in his voice, a sudden shift in his expression, a silent burning in his eyes. The grip on his chin tightened, and Stephen had to stifle a wince. Tony's face gentled at that, thumb moving to rub (not) soothingly over his jaw in apology. 
"What did you do to Mordo?" Stephen asked. If and whenever Tony was involved, nothing really ended well. Mordo was his business, after all – Tony had nothing to do with it. 
"Took care of him." was the only response he received. The hand gently made its way to card over his hair, pulling out his tie and settling over his nape. Tony pulled him forward, breath inching closer to each other.  "And now, I just need to take care of you." 
Stephen's breath stuttered as he exhaled. 
"Stop touching me." 
"But you aren't pushing me away."
"I still don't want you to." 
Tony smirked. 
"You can continue to deny yourself, sweetheart, but I know you want it." 
And that was the last straw for him. Stephen lifted his hand, tried to call upon his magic, but barely managed to create sparks before he realised the ever present tingle of magic in his fingers had faded. There was… something blocking his access to channel energy and conjure magic. What previously felt like a steady stream was now blocked by some sort of unbreakable dam. 
He inspected his hand, finding what seemed to be… a bracelet, of some sort. A quick check over his other hand confirmed that a matching one wrapped around his other wrist, effectively blocking him from channelling any of his magic. 
This wasn't any worse than Mordo's spell, he thought, and a sour expression took its place upon his face. 
"Like it?" Tony asked, hands finally pulled away. "Made them just for you." 
Stephen grunted in frustration, and attempted to swing a punch towards the man, only to find it unable to move. 
A chain formed from his wrist from what seemed to be nanites that crawled its way to attach to the headboard, the other following suit. Stephen tried pulling himself forward, only to be pulled back harshly as the chain suddenly shortened itself. He struggled against the constraints, for only God knows how many times in how many occasions he had that day, and tried not to growl in frustration as Tony just chuckled at him. 
The hand snaked back towards his chest, rubbing back and forth in a way that made acid burn in the back of his throat.
"Look at you," he said, "I like it when you struggle. It’s cute. I like having you like this, baby,” Tony smoothed out Stephen’s hair again, fingers tracing the lines of his face and down his cheekbone, thumb tracing his lips as those blue eyes flickered down on it. “Now be a good boy and stay still." 
Before Stephen could protest, his words were quickly cut short as a sudden, heavy feeling clouded his head. 
"Shh, it's alright. That's it, darling. That's it," he heard Tony murmur, voice slowly morphing away. 
"Wh… 've you d…" his tongue felt heavy, his voice felt far away. His vision was blurring out at the edges, eyes drooping, and Tony's voice sounded muffled when he spoke. 
"It's okay, sweetheart, it's okay. Just go back to sleep for now. Go back to sleep.”
Stephen: Fuck off. Don't touch me. 
SIM: Denial is a river in South Africa. You love me
Stephen: I literally told you to fuck off???
Once again super sorry took a while to get back to you, prompter. My writer self is not The Best at the moment and needs some time to get back to my past writing rhythm. There's no guarantee I'll be as active as last time?
But I really do hope you enjoyed this. <3 Despite the whole… 'lowering Defender's capabilities and overpowering SIM for plot purposes' thing. I really couldn't think of another way to write it without it seeming like that. :P 
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xryosakeyx · 1 month
Anyways, here's some random sketches related to the fic I finally can get around to posting 'cause it's a bunch! (These span from about three months, so yeah...) They don't really lean into heavy spoiler territory, so I thought it'd be safe to post them!
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^Blawsth's champ (name's Lucille, if anyone cares...). First sketch is from earlier today and it's supposed to be of him in his youth. If you've read chapter one already, a specific detail that was made was that the Pokémon Ash is looking for pops up every thirty years or so, and let me tell you, a whole bunch of stuff happened within that time lol. The rest of the sketches were made in June, so I haven't drawn him in a good while. His whole thing was that I based him on shock-rockers and his backstory does take influence from that subset of performers. That comic in the last pic kind of gives ypu the idea of it, and that is if you can even read my stupidly tiny handwrit–
Okay, y'know what? Let me decipher it:
JAKE: You don't get it Ash, Lucille was banned from performing 'cause he went overboard!
ASH: Oh, really?
JAKE: That and he's the champ!
PIKACHU, as a tiny blob thing on Ash's shoulder, turning his back away from the camera as he sees a weird goth-thing from the distance: Pi.
JAKE: Ah! There he is, great eyes Pikachu! Lu-cille! Sign my autograph, please!!!
Alright, satisfied?
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^Some gym leader stuff. First sketch is supposed to be of a double-battle gym where one specializes in water and the other with fire. Their main motif is that they're supposed to be treasure hunters, so their Pokémon are very agile in combat as they bounce back from one another. I'm still trying to work on their outfits a little, but their masks are supposed to be based on their aces which are (of course) more fakmons! Their names (right to left) are Lenny and Hans.
Second was two sketches I did of the grass specialist, Vendanna, who is an actor known for her stunts. The main challenge in her gym is the various status effects her Pokémon can create (mostly poison), so trainers should watch out!
Third is Lizzie who is supposed to be a ghost specialist. She tends to be very introverted, only popping up whenever the supernatural bells ring, but her Pokémon are the complete opposite and love getting other's nerves. I based her off trad-goth stereotypes because I feel like they're very underespresented in media, but yeah, she's basically Blawsth's personal "witch" and has more knowledge about the card game than most people (still unsatisfied with her boots though...). Also, her ears are pointed 'cause I felt like making them pointy :P
Also, BTW, these won't be the exact order of gym leaders Ash and co. have to deal with, I just felt like sharing them for now!
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^Rivals. I unfortunately can't really share much of their story with you guys as their role leans into spoiler territory, so I'll keep it as brief as possible. First is named Cianna and seriously wants to be the The Very Best Like No One Ever Was™. Out of Blawsth of course. Alright, in all seriousness, as a childhood friend who had to move upstate years ago, she hoped to reunite with Miley, who is oddly very evasive towards her, which is quite sad because she never got around to say goodbye to her...And that is as much info I can actually share on the both of them as characters! Alright, onto the next one...
The second is named Urie and oh boy I seriously can not wait to finally introduce him to the story. If you can recognize who I nabbed his color pallete from, congratulations, you're still not really going any relevent story info until I actually write about it. Anyways, all you gotta know about this guy is that he has this smirk you just want to punch and he's annoyling very friendly, surprsingly enough. To an extent (I could only post this single sketch of him though as (A.) I was only going for the color pallet when it came to this set so I couldn't care less about the face... and (B.) I do have an entire page just dedicated to him because he's so absurd of a character to me, but unfortunately it's behind another page filled with sharpie sketches and if you guess anything from the third pic, it likes to bleed through a lot).
Third is Luka and not only is she a coordinator hailing from Unova but she also participates in gym matches as well! She also oddly wants Ash to step away from his companions, for some reason...Yeah, gotta keep things hush-hush, lol. Other than that, she's a very snarky individual, some might even compare her to an Ekans. Others...a more sinister Pokémon...(anyways, say hi to Lizzie again at the bottom corner! She's selling her a doll that doesn't even work, LOL!) (Also, I imagine this one with a Joisey accent!)
Anyways, that's as much as Tumblr will let me post without going over the image limit, so I'll go follow up with this post tomorrow! Your SOTD has been brought to you by, once again, Specimen! I keep thinking of this song in paticular when it comes to contest ideas, especially considering Blawsth's whole culture going a little bit overboard with it ever since Lucille was banned from performing.
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