#i love you film & tv composers you're my world
ghostfacerseffect · 2 years
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Thinking about film scores & concept albums & auditory storytelling
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tarynisbunhead · 3 months
Man, CGI has really ruined Hollywood.
I've said how much I hate CGI in the past. How at this point I can't see the movie but just CGI blobs, or how about the fact that CGI takes away jobs like Make-up artists and costume design? "Hey if the computer can do it, why bother to wear the costume at all?" This is why corporations now turned to AI, and it's backfiring.
So why even bring this up? This summer I decided to watch Young Indiana Jones Chronicles again. I watched the first half of volume one, so far the first four adventures follow 10 year old Indiana Jones as he travels the world with his parents and tutor. Eventually the series tackles what happened to Indy's mother and the bitter relationship between father and son but as for right now Professor Jones is traveling and lecturing. This series was released in 1992 and as a kid when this series was released I didn't miss an episode, it was one of my favorite shows - why the fucking hell is Hollywood stupid now? This isn't some crummy nostalgia trip because I have the set and watch it on occasion, in the last 20 years Hollywood has given us reboots and self inserts, I'm not entertained watching someone's fan fiction play out.
This show starts off with a monologue explaining how Indy got to be an adventurous kid, and how he ended up with his dog. It then slides into how the family started their trip around the world - their house is a Victorian style house so you know the rest of this will be shot on location. Even as a kid I loved the location shots and costumes, I wanted to go back in time and wear Mrs. Jones clothes, I thought she was so pretty.
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Okay now first of all, Professor Jones. George Lucas had to know after releasing Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade in 1989, and having Sean Connery as Indy's father, that wasn't going to be easy. The actor, Lloyd Owen, not only has the look but his acting style follows Mr. Connery. Right down to saying "Junior!" almost exact.
Shoot on location or green screen? I understand budget, but if you were given the money to show off the beauty of a country, why destroy it with computer generation?
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I mean even the silent film Phantom of the Opera, that music hall set was designed using sketches. People thought that scene was filmed in an actual music hall. Lucas filmed on location in several episodes, using props that fit the time period, with 10 year old Indy the journey began in 1909.
Props and costumes really make a difference in transporting the audience back in time.
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But even at that, through the series Indy meets several historical figures. Some show up several times like T. E. Lawrence and Howard Carter, so of course they had to look like the person they were portraying but what about Sigmund Freud? Tolstoy? Even a young Norman Rockwell?
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This is the first episode, Carter and T. E. Lawrence are at a digsite. The crafty thing about Lucas is the characters mention King Tut so yeah you're gonna see these guys again
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Here's a young Norman Rockwell
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Here's Puccini, the opera composer who gave us Madame Butterfly. I watched the episode last night and didn't realize just how much it showed the actual Puccini - in the episode he went after Indy's mom, the real Puccini was a womanizer so there was no holding back
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You can say I'm nostalgic and defend 2024 Hollywood but look at Who Framed Roger Rabbit that was released in 1988
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Or how about Dick Tracy, released in 1990
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Then there's Rocketeer in 1991
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And then the same year that Young Indiana Jones Chronicles was released to TV, there was Newsies - 1992
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Can we go back to movies and TV shows that look like the time period they were set in?
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columboscreens · 2 years
Hi friend! I love your blog. I have had too much free time on my hands and have begun a Columbo Musical. (Don't worry this is what I do in my free time)I already have somewhat of a plot ready. But anyway, I am curious to see any ideas you would have to make it better or whatever. :)
💖thank you!! my god a columbo MUSICAL? that sounds ideally suited considering columbo actually got its start as a stage play before getting its TV adaptation. or maybe you do already know this and that's why you're making the musical. either way i wanna hear all about it!
worth mentioning that peter falk has in fact done a musical film, robin and the 7 hoods. frank sinatra himself liked falk so much that he chose to completely ignore the fact that his singing was, well...this lmao. as you can glean from this clip, falk's talents did not extend into the realm of singing, so it followed in columbo canon that he too could not sing well. so keep that in mind: do you want columbo to sort of talk-sing through his music or go Ah gee you know i'm the worst singer in the world (belts flawless C5). you could also just ignore that whole aspect to make it easier for yourself.
are you composing it yourself or is it jukebox-style? i'd say as long as you don't belabor "this old man" as a motif in the score you're probably doing fine. but seriously if/when you have stuff ready to show please do because that sounds killer and i'd love to see whatever you have, maybe even help as i have a strong background in the related disciplines. good luck!
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falcqns · 3 years
Heeey, darling! It's been a while since I requested anything. Well, I was thinking about being Tom Hiddleston's ex-girlfriend but Henry's current one and he became jealous because he saw his girlfriend watching the Loki series and texting him how amazing the show is. Lots of love, B ❤
☼ 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰: Henry Cavill x actress!Reader
☼ 𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔨𝔫𝔤𝔰: fluff, insinuations to sub!Henry.
☼ 𝔞/𝔫: GIRL I'VE MISSED YOU AND YOUR REQUEST SO MUCH HADHFJDJFHAKJDKAS!!! this one got me really excited bc ive been on a Tom Hiddleston binge lately and i am in love with him, but still very much in love with henry so im so friggen excited for you to read this lovely i did change it slightly, i hope that's okay!! thank you for the request, and i hope you enjoy!
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"please sign this to verify this is everything you've ever said."
you giggled, your eyes locked on the TV. you were watching the first episode of Loki, hours after it came out.
you'd always loved Loki, despite what happened between you and Tom. you two had dated for a few years, but towards the end, he was away filming Thor Ragnarok, and you were filming Justice League, on opposite ends of the world, and it took a toll on your relationship. you two had a lengthy conversation, and it ultimately ended in you two breaking up.
Henry walked into the living room with your coffee's in his hand. he tried not to roll his eyes at the character on the screen aggressively signing his name, and plopped down next to you, as you were texting someone.
"who're you texting?" he asked, handing you your coffee. you smiled, and inhaled the nutty scent of your coffee as you finished composing the text and sent it off.
"Tom. I'm just telling him how much i'm liking the show, and congratulations on its success."
Henry sighed deeply. he knew the two of you were friends, but he didn't like to be reminded of it every two minutes.
"everything okay?" you asked, and Henry nodded his head, his eyes glaring at Loki.
"perfect." you rolled your eyes and dropped your phone onto the couch, before turning to look at your husband.
"are you seriously jealous that i'm texting an ex?" you asked in disbelief, and he shrugged his shoulders.
"you don't see me texting my exes."
you punched your brows. was he being serious??
"what do you call texting Lucy?"
"that's different."
"how so?"
"i don't know, but it's the same." he said, trying to change the subject.
you slapped his arm. "stop quoting Joey Tribbiani. i don't know why your jealous when i literally married your bratty ass." you said turning back to the tv.
Henry sighed, and wrapped his arms around you. "sorry love. i can't help it. i can't deny that he's attractive, and it makes me insecure."
"you don't have to be insecure. you're Geralt of fucking Rivia."
"sorry for being a brat," he admitted, and you smiled.
"it's okay. but next time you act like that, you're getting a spanking."
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dirty-urie · 3 years
Cheapen My Love
Second Person
Brendon x Female Reader
Wicked Era
Smut Oneshot
5k words
Warnings: rpf, language, sex on camera, light dominance and submission, spanking, mentions of (mostly harmless) drugs, alcohol, mentions of threesomes and public sex
A/n: I wrote this with a really bad headache, so you have to like it :/ Also, take some time to admire the silly little mood board I made please. It took 10 whole minutes of my life and now my Google ads are going to be full of lingerie I can’t afford.
Thank you to this anon ask for the inspiration!
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"I mean, I'd love to, damn I'd love to. Getting to look at you absolutely falling apart from my touch whenever I want? Hearing those sweet little noises you make when I push into that tight pussy? Heaven," he says, eyes going glassy and mouth hanging open a bit, just imagining what it would be like.
Sounds like heaven for you too. His perfect body, those deep groans he can't help but let out, even when he's trying to stay composed. "I'm sensing a 'but,'" you finally interrupt his fantasizing. He shifts his upper body weight away from you, popping his ass out towards you and grinning. You give it a little smack, and he resumes his previous position leaning against you while you talk on the couch. You don't realize that you were both inadvertently using hushed voices even though you're home alone until you let out a full-volume giggle. "Not that kind of butt, you fucking idiot. You're going to say, 'Y/N, I'd love to make a sex tape with you, but…'"
Brendon sighs, extracting himself from you, so he can better hold his ground. "But what if it gets out?" He finally supplies.
You're disappointed at his reluctance, but you refuse to take no for an answer so soon. "What if it gets out? There's hardly anywhere on your body that you haven't flashed onstage somehow, and your moans on Twitch may be jokes, but they sure sound the same as the real ones. Plus, you're a man; it's not like it would ruin your career! It gets out, so what? You get some extra press coverage, and a few million people have something to jerk off to, not the end of the world," You argue. You'd never make him do something he doesn't want to do, but he clearly wants this; he just has some reservations.
He makes a face that's not quite angry, more frustrated at your lack of understanding. "Babe, you aren't getting it. I'm a celebrity; I have no privacy. People know where I live, my dog's name, the exact date when I lost my fucking virginity, and I gladly accept that price to do what I love. But, I'd like to at least keep my wife and me in bed together out of the headlines. It's not about me or my body. It's not even really about your body. Sex with you is… more than just bodies on bodies; it's a language, a connection. I don't want to cheapen that by accidentally becoming some tween's porn," he rants, getting louder as he goes on. When he finishes, you can tell his cheeks are red, but you don't know if that's from embarrassment, passion, or both.
Your eyes are starting to water at his words, and Brendon dries the corners with the sleeve of his shirt. You sniffle and smile a little at how sappy and emotional you're being. "Sorry, sorry," you apologize, "I just love you so much. Love that you love me so much." You take his hand in both of yours, "If you really don't want to make a sex tape, I'll drop it right now. I won't ever bring it up again. But if you're only saying no because you're nervous about the off-chance that it'll leak, I refuse to accept that as an answer. This isn't Pete Wentz sending dick pics to an attention-hungry scene queen from his grandmother's bathroom on a Sidekick. We'll take the precautions; it won't ever go on a device that can connect to the internet if you don't want: right from the camera to a monitor for editing, to a flash drive that we'll keep in the safe. If we want to watch it, we'll hook it up to a TV or projector. Yes, there will still be a risk, but there's also a risk of someone filming us themselves and releasing it," you say, having thought this through thoroughly.
He's nodding along with you but still looks skeptical. "Who would edit it? Who would film it?" He asks.
"I don't want anyone else in the room when we do it, so I think we'll have the videographer set up a few cameras for different angles and just let them roll. As far as who the videographer and editor should be, either Sarah or Zack. They're both incredible visual artists, I trust them with my life and yours, and they've both seen us having sex already in one form or another." You've had Sarah join you a couple of times, and Zack is wholly desensitized to you hooking up right in front of him. Cars, dressing rooms, bathrooms, hotels, the bus. Honestly, when you think about it, it's ridiculous that Brendon's choosing now to be a prude.
Brendon thinks for a moment, "I'll reach out to both of them," he says and then catches the excited look on your face, "if I decide to do it."
You squeal and hug him, "Yes! Let's do it!"
Brendon laughs, "Yeah, I don't think that's what I said, but fine, yes, I'm tentatively giving in."
You're sitting at the dining room table with a laptop and a notepad, trying to get all of the details and equipment arranged. Brendon's across from you, making all the necessary phone calls because he lost rock-paper scissors. He almost always picks scissors, so he can joke about scissoring you, and you almost always joke back with him about it, so he'll keep picking scissors, and you'll still have an advantage. It's a strategy in its own right.
"Hey, bro," Brendon says into the phone, and you know he must be talking to Zack because who else would he greet with 'hey, bro" while making arrangements for your sex tape? "So, as you probably know, because she's been complaining about it so incessantly," you shoot him a death glare even though you know he's not serious, "We leave for tour the day after Y/N's birthday. So as a birthday present, I've agreed to, um, makeasextape, and I was wondering if you would be down to help?"
He puts the phone on speaker so you can hear Zack's response. "Dude, I don't need to see that shit. I've been paid to look after you since you were a horny 19-year-old. I've seen enough of your dick to last a lifetime. Thought it would get better when you got married, but your wife is a whore too, and I'm only saying that because I know she's listening," Zack says.
"Hi, Zack!" You chirp.
He sighs, "Hi, Y/N."
"Zack, just help us with the cameras and stuff. I want Sarah to edit it all together anyway. I need a woman's touch on this video. You and Brendon will probably add dumbass porn music to the background," you reason. "You won't have to see anyone's dick, just the hotel room we're filming in and the hard drive it's on when it's done."
Zack has a hard time saying no to you, so you know you've got him locked in. "Fine, I'll give you some of my equipment, but you're paying me for my time and equipment, B. And if you jizz on my camera, I'll kill you," he finally relents.
"Yay!" You exclaim. "Does next Friday work?"
"Yeah," he says dejectedly before hanging up.
Brendon puts his phone down and puts his head in his hands. "My best friend just lost all respect for me," he groans.
You want to respond that first of all, you're his best friend, and second of all, Zack hasn't respected him for years now, but instead, you just say, "oh come on, he's just jealous. Not everyone's wife lets them have sex on camera together."
"Now you're letting me make a sex tape? I don't recall it happening that way," Brendon says.
You shrug, "Your memory is starting to go in your old age, I guess."
It's the morning of the day you two are filming and Brendon's lying in bed next to you, fretting. "What if I fart?" He asks anxiously.
You're clutching onto the last few minutes of sleep you can before you need to go get ready to go to the hotel to meet with Zack, who's setting up the cameras, and Sarah, who's doing your hair, makeup, wardrobe, and making sure the room looks nice. Brendon won't be at the hotel until the evening because his job is just to show up and look sexy. "If you fart, Sarah will edit it out," you mumble, face squashed into the pillow.
"What if I come too early?"
"Just go down on me then. Or you can wear a cock ring if that makes you feel better."
"What if I'm so nervous that I can't… perform? You know, like, sexually."
You roll on your back, annoyed, giving up on sleep. You grab the pill bottle from your nightstand and shake out two blue pills. You hand them to him. "If you're really nervous about that, then take both of these an hour before we start. I got them just in case." You climb out of bed and put on a t-shirt and pair of high-waisted jeans to go meet with your crew. You go to the mirror hanging over the dresser on the wall across from your bed to check yourself out, and you catch Brendon gaping at you. "What?" You turn to him, "did I say something?”
He looks at you like you just skinned Penny in front of him. "Did you just give me boner pills? Y/N!" He scolds.
You did not give him boner pills; you gave him the off-brand Aleve you take for period cramps, but you know if he thinks he has medicine on his side, he won't stress as much and will therefore be able to get an erection for real. "They're not like intense drugs or anything you're thinking, babe, I swear. They'll just encourage blood flow to the genitals if you're already aroused," you lie. "You don't have to take them, and you still really don't have to do this," you remind him.
He slumps in bed, crossing his arms, delighting you when his muscles pop out a bit. "No, no, I want to, definitely. Just some nerves."
You finish putting on chapstick and move on to tying up your hair. "I still can't believe you've been famous for so long and have never had sex on camera. It feels almost irresponsible of you. Okay, I'm off, see you at 8. Call me if you're feeling anxious, okay, bub?"
Brendon nods, and you head to the hotel. You two decided to film in a hotel for a few reasons: safer for you both if it somehow gets out, if something bad happens you'll have tainted the memory of a hotel instead of your actual home, more space to put equipment, and you don't have to clean the house. Plus, you think the setting is just kinda sexy. He certainly didn't book you guys a motel six; you have the penthouse floor of the nicest hotel in your area. He refused to tell you the cost, even just for one night, so you know it must be exorbitant. It has a private elevator, massive floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the city, a four-foot-deep bathtub with jets that could easily fit five people if you needed it to, and even exclusive access to the heated rooftop pool. When you get up to the room, Zack is making sure the auto-focus on each of the cameras is working. "Hey, Zack," you greet him.
"Y/N! Hey, I have a proposition for you," he says, looking through one of his bags.
"No, you cannot join."
He chuckles. "No, nothing like that." He pulls out a GoPro with a head strap attached and dons it. "I will pay you five thousand US dollars in cash if you convince Brendon to wear this while y'all two do it."
"Hm, 10,000," you counter.
"7,000, final offer."
You shake your head, cackling. As curious as you are about what that footage would look like, you want your official sex tape to be as close to perfect as possible.
You feel good about everything. Kala came to the room earlier to give you a private yoga class on the oversized balcony and then dish with you over her favorite things in the bedroom, a conversation which Zack interrupted a few times to "set the record straight," as he put it. You've showered and completely shaved, and Sarah's done your hair and makeup. The only thing you need to do is get dressed. Of course, that is if your damn husband ever shows up. He finally meets you at 9:47 pm in Sarah's hotel room, which he also paid for, downstairs from yours. He's out of breath but sputters out, "sorry, late, LA traffic."
You can practically feel the panic rolling off him, but you've prepared for this. "No worries, baby, can you meet me on the balcony to go over the game plan once more?"
He nods silently, and you take him outside, where you've set up a champagne bottle with two glasses on the small glass table. You motion for him to sit, and you fill the glasses each a third. Just enough to romance him and calm you both down a bit without hampering performance at all. He takes his glass, and you clink yours against it, but neither of you drink yet. "Don't be nervous, B. I'm not asking you to try to cartwheel inside me or anything. Just burning hot missionary lovemaking like we've done a million times before," you try to reassure him.
"I don't know why I'm so nervous," he admits.
You sort of get it, fucking is normally like breathing to you two, but the thought of lights and cameras on you is still a tad nerve-wracking. "I'll tell you what, how about a dress rehearsal? We do everything exactly how we want; practice the best angles for the camera, use our best dirty talk. I'll tell Zack not to roll the cameras. We'll just be having sex in a nice hotel, which is something we're pretty much pros at. And we can roll the cameras and do it for real tomorrow morning before checkout," you propose.
The tension leaves his body, "Okay, good plan."
You down your champagne. "Drink up, baby. I still want you to chill out a bit."
"Um, are you sure it's okay to mix alcohol with the," his voice lowers to a whisper, "medication you gave me?"
Yes, you're sure 2 ounces of champagne and low-dose over-the-counter pain meds won't kill him. "Well, be cautious, but I'm sure it's fine," you say gravely.
30 minutes later, you've left him to get ready in Sarah's room while you get ready in yours. You're wearing a black crotchless lace teddy with a thong back underneath a sleek black robe that leaves just enough to the imagination,. You hear the ding of the elevator, warning you that the doors will open in mere seconds, revealing Brendon to you. You haven't been this excited since your wedding day. You haven't seen the outfits that each other has chosen yet, and the anticipation is coiling tight in your stomach. The seconds drag out painfully before the doors open, revealing Brendon to your hungry eyes. He's standing in the center of the elevator, fixing his cuff links and wearing a classic black suit with a white button-up shirt underneath. It's simple, but it suits him perfectly. He's exuding dominance and raw sex. There's a pregnant pause where you're just staring at each other, you lying on your side across the room on the bed and him standing in the open elevator. You're both breathing hard before you rush towards him as he steps forward out of the elevator. The doors close behind him just in time for you to push him against them. You crush your mouth against his, desperately kissing him. He easily overpowers you and reverses your positions. Your back is against the cold elevator doors, and he's pinning you against them with his large, soft hands wrapped around your wrists above your head. He presses his hips against you to make you further surrender control.
His mouth works against yours, and you nip at his plump lips before whining for him to release you. Finally, he does, and you push him against the wall perpendicular to the elevator. You drop to your knees, unbuckling his belt and undoing his pants like your life depends on it.
"Shit, babygirl, you gonna blow me? Take my hard cock in your fucking exquisite mouth?" He asks.
You love his formal wear so much that you can't help but mouth against his dress pants before actually pulling his cock out. You reluctantly pull away. "I'd love to. That is, you'll let me… sir." You look up at him with big pleading eyes.
"Please, be my guest," he permits.
You pull him out of his pants, feeling almost greedy to get him into your mouth. You raise your hand up towards his mouth, "Spit, please," you request, and he does, spitting right into your palm. You use your now-slick hand to stroke him to full hardness before wrapping your lips around his head. You tongue at his slit and then suck him deeper down your throat.
Brenon hisses, and you hear the dull thud of his head hitting the wall behind him while you work. He puts a hand on your head, not pushing, just asserting his dominance over you. You love him getting dominant like this; he's mastered the line between firm and pushy. You know both that you'd do anything for him and that he'd never ever make you do something you don't want to.
You're bobbing on his dick like there's no tomorrow, somehow overriding any gag reflex you have just to please him. He's somehow getting harder as you work on him, slowly flushing into a dark reddish-purplish color. You know you've sufficiently gotten him ready to fuck you when you feel the nearly imperceptible twitching of his hips as he restrains himself from fully fucking your mouth. You pull off with an obligatory pop and tuck him into his waistband. "God, I can't stand it any longer. I need you to fuck me," you beg.
He pulls you to your feet and throws his jacket on the floor in the corner. Normally he's decently careful with his nice outfits, even at his most desperate, so you feel self-satisfied at his recklessness. Without warning, he scoops you into his arms, bridal-style, and takes you over to the bed. He lays you down, kissing your lips and face a few times before moving back off the bed. He stands at the foot of the bed, just admiring the stark contrast of your black silk robe against the white sheets. He slowly unbuttons his shirt, continually revealing his smooth skin. He finally finishes and lets his shirt fall to the ground. While he undresses, you shift onto your knees and take off your robe, lying on your side so he can admire the pricey Italian teddy you bought just for this that he’s never seen before. When he's down to his tight briefs, he crawls onto the bed towards you. You lie on your back and spread your legs, so he can see your wet cunt revealed by the cut-out in the crotch of the teddy. "Goddamn, that lace against your skin is heavenly. Just wanna fucking touch and stroke you for hours," Brendon admires. He does touch you, running his hands down your sides. You shiver, feeling beyond sensitive. He moves your hair to one side and pulls your hair just slightly so you'll tilt your head in that direction and expose a slice of your neck. He bites down on your earlobe and then sucks on the skin right underneath. He sucks a line of marks down your neck, and it feels so good that you don't even object to the obviously visible marks he must be leaving. "Love marking you up, claiming your body. Bet these will have barely faded until I've been gone for a month and can freshen them up myself when you come visit me on tour," he says against the warm skin of your shoulder.
"You wanna mark me up somewhere else? I brought the paddle," you tempt him.
His eyes widen to saucers, "Yes please, baby girl,"
You take the paddle out from under the pillow and hand it to him. Brendon sits on the bed, and you lay across his lap, positioning your ass squarely in front of the camera. He pats you with the paddle affectionately before hitting you for real. He varies the intensity and pace of each strike. By the time he's reached twenty, you're falling apart, whimpering and rubbing your pussy against his thigh and the hard line of his cock. "Okay, that's all for right now, love," he whispers, rubbing your flushed ass soothingly. He moves you onto your back, positioning a pillow, so your backside isn't uncomfortable.
Brendon peels off his underwear, fully exposing himself. He teases his cock against your opening, and you want to scream at how frantic you feel to get him inside. "Brendon, please," you beg. He finally, finally plunges into your slick heat. You've never felt so full and satisfied by him. You cry out in pleasure. His pubic bone meets your aching clit with each thrust, and his cock rubs against your g-spot when he bucks his hips. His lips crash against yours, and they're always full, but after kissing and nipping him earlier, they're downright plush. You clutch the back of his head, trying to press him as close to you as possible.
"You feel phenomenal around me. I love when you can't help but roll your hips to meet my thrusts," he compliments.
"Love feeling you inside me, never feel safer and closer to you than times like this," you respond, feeling overtaken with bliss. After that exchange, you two are silent for what could be a minute or could be an hour, just relishing the sensations of each other's bodies. The only sounds in the room are the satisfying slap of skin on skin, mingling with the occasional involuntary grunts and moans you both let out. Despite the cameras, you don't feel like you're putting on a show at all. Not for the video equipment, not for Brendon, hell, not even for yourself. Nothing has ever felt more natural. It's a crackling fire, the rhythm of the waves. He's got you right on the edge of the cliff, teetering precariously into falling into your orgasm.
Brendon strokes the side of your face, "You can let go if you need. Let yourself come." You're hesitant; he almost never lets you come so soon without putting up some kind of fight. "My love, rush towards that peak of pleasure. Come all over me, make a mess of these pristine sheets. You gasp and let go, intense gratification wracking your body. Your contractions snap around his cock. He closes his eyes and grits his teeth to concentrate on fucking you through it.
You're boneless and foggy, barely hearing Brendon when he asks, "Are you okay, love?" His thrusts stop, but thankfully, he's still inside you. You nod. "Words, babygirl," he coaxes, refusing to move until he knows you can handle it physically and mentally.
You swallow and pant, "Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Please keep going. Please. I need," you cut yourself off to kiss him, unable to help yourself.
"Need what?" he teases. "My tongue?" He licks around the inside of your lips, "My fingers?" he strokes once on the hood of your still too sensitive clit.
You hiss, pushing his hand away. "Sorry, sorry, not there yet. Need your cock, please keep moving. I almost feel like I could come again with just a little more something." He moves again, more tentatively than before, and you definitely feel yourself rushing towards climax already. He resumes his near-bruising pace when he sees your head tilted back in contentment.
Brendon's face is red, and his hair is plastered to his forehead with sweat, but he's still the most beautiful thing you've ever laid eyes on. "Oh, oh, oh," you chant. "Brendon, I know I just came, but I really don't think I can hold off much longer. I want to finish together. You close?"
He laughs, "God, I've been close. Just holding off for you, sweet girl."
You dig your fingernails into his back, and that little burst of pain is what spurs his orgasm. He explodes inside you, pumping hot come into you while he collapses next to you. You come right along with him. You only see black and can't stop shuddering. You bury your face in his slick chest. You can barely register him trying to keep you grounded by stroking your back. It takes a few minutes for your heart rate to slow and the aftershocks to subside long enough for you to feel human again. "That was… intense," you say breathlessly. His soft cock slips out and you clench your thighs together to keep his come inside of you.
His chest rises and falls rapidly. "You're telling me. Little death is right. I feel like I transcended this body."
"Is it blasphemous if I say that was better than our wedding night?" you ask.
He pauses to consider. "Maybe, but I think I have to agree. God, I can't believe I just had some of the best sex of my life, and it wasn't the one we decided to film," he says, chuckling at the absurdity.
"Well, um, about that-"
He cuts you off seamlessly. "The cameras have been recording the whole time," he guesses.
"The cameras have been recording the whole time," you confirm. "Look, I know it's technically illegal, but I knew you wouldn't ever really feel comfortable knowing that you were being filmed. Say the words, and I will delete the footage right from the cameras right now."
“Delete the footage? I wouldn’t dream of it.” Brendon kisses your lips giddily. "Oh my god. We just made a sex tape!"
"We just made a sex tape!" you echo his excitement, kissing him back.
Brendon crawls down and buries his face in your cunt, sticking his tongue inside you and eating you out like a five-course meal. He loves tasting you, but he especially loves getting to taste himself on you. He rubs at your clit, and you snap your legs close around his head, your third orgasm coming even easier than your second. It still feels good, but the contractions are starting to feel painful at this point. He looks up from between your thighs, and the sight of the bottom half of his face covered in your wetness rivals a thousand sunsets.
He moves back up and wraps his arms back around you. "Mm, wanna stay like this for an hour and then take a warm bath with my girl, but I've gotta get this footage down to Sarah to put it all together," he pouts.
"You don't need to babysit Sarah. She wouldn't leak it. I know her."
He shakes his head, "That footage doesn't leave my sight until it's in the safe. We don't have to give it to her right away, though," he yawns, snuggling against you.
"Happy birthday!" he says, handing you a small box. You've been anxiously waiting for this moment all day, feeling antsy while waiting for your party guests to leave. Inside the box is a small blue flash drive. He's already seen the completed tape, he gave the final sign-off to Sarah, but you haven't seen any video whatsoever, not even the raw footage. Since it's your birthday gift, he's made you wait until your actual birthday.
"Ooh, can we watch it in the theater? Please?" you beg.
He scoops you up, just like the night you filmed it you remember, and carries you to the theater. He plugs the flash drive into the shitty projector that he bought just for this screening. Sarah did a fantastic job. It's somehow graphic and tasteful at the same time. The tape is dark, moody, and sensual, and Brendon's dominance and affection shine through. You're sitting in his lap while watching, and he's breathing hard behind your head. You can feel him get harder underneath you as the video progresses, and it's driving you wild. About a third of the way through the hour and a half long video, you pause it, unable to bear your lust anymore. You unzip Brendon's pants and guide his cock inside you to hold him there while you watch. You unpause and both tease each other as you watch the film. He strokes slowly on your clit and you squeeze your muscles around his erection. As the video gets more intense, he moves faster on your clit, and you bounce on his cock. You both try to time it just right to come along with your simultaneous orgasm in the tape, but you misjudge and end up coming too early. It's almost a relief, though. Now that you've taken the edge off of some of the lust, you can just focus on the complete love and adoration in his eyes while you watch.
"So, do you feel like that cheapened our marital bed?" video-you asks video-Brendon.
"I should've realized nothing could ever cheapen our marital bed. I love and cherish you so much, and our sex life is an extension of our utter devotion to each other. Just like nothing could cheapen my love for you, nothing could cheapen my love-making with you," video-Brendon answers before the tape fades out.
"So cheesy," you tell real-Brendon.
He kisses your forehead and squeezes you in his arms, "Maybe, but I meant every goddamn word."
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twh-news · 3 years
Marvel's Loki series just released its penultimate episode this week, and while the story has been wild, one thing hasn't changed and that's the excellence of Loki's score. Composer Natalie Holt has created arguably the best score in the MCU, one that's fresh and memorable, quirky and sweeping. It's certainly made audiences take notice.
Holt spoke to Screen Rant about the challenge of creating a whole new sci-fi musical landscape for Marvel, the freedom of having a character like Loki to lead her, the hardest piece to score, and more.
It's a very different genre and world from pretty much everything you've scored before. Did you find it daunting to have to create a whole new sonic landscape or did you find you really relished the challenge of playing with a very specific sound unique to a comic book sci-fi series?
Natalie Holt: I always have to be led by the story and by the characters and the scale of the music is really dictated to me by what I'm seeing and what I'm reading in the script. I guess the things I've done before, you know, I've done a drama for BBC which was about victims of sex trafficking rings and it was based on a real-life story. It was just these three girls and it felt like it had to be small and intimate and emotional and, yeah, I've worked on stories which have felt smaller in scale. And now this is the universe and the Time-Keepers and this god, and I knew it definitely needed to have a bigger scope than anything I've had to score before. So it felt like a really exciting challenge. I pieced it together and just had to go with the sound I heard in my head when reading the script and watching Tom Hiddleston's performances. I felt like it was okay to go there because what everyone else involved was offering and what everyone was giving me, that kind of guidance. It felt like it was okay to go to those places.
There are a number of distinct sounds and musical beats, like the theremin and the clock ticking, throughout the score. Did you play around with any obsolete or strange instruments or non-musical items to help create the soundscape?
Natalie Holt: You know, the tape machine almost became an instrument in itself because I was recording things onto it, sampling different types of clocks and church bells and stuff. Then I'd play it through the tape machine and slow it down and kept getting these weird, distorted sounds, and they were almost unrecognizable from the things they were originally. So that was quite fun to just play around with distorting sounds.
But also, I met Charlie [Draper], this theremin enthusiast before lockdown. Before I'd even heard about Loki, we'd worked on this musical project for an ad agency. So he's got this 1929 RCA theremin designed by Leon Theremin. I think there are only about 140 of them now and most of those aren't even workable anymore. So he had this instrument that was basically used for all those classic sci-fi soundtracks because for decades they were the only thing people could get their hands on. And Charlie also got a Big Briar 91A theremin, which was designed by Bob Moog and an ondes Martenot, which is bit like a theremin but more mellow. So it was amazing, knowing Charlie and knowing that Kate wanted to use a theremin, it was like, "Okay, I know who to use for this." And Charlie's a huge Marvel fan so he was just brilliant. I was sending him my ideas and he'd just send back recordings of him performing them on the theremin and he'd give me different versions on all the instruments he had, as well, so he was just an amazing collaborator on this as well. So yeah, he was on the pitch to get the job.
Speaking of, how did you get this Loki job? Did they reach out to you or did you reach out to them with a pitch?
Natalie Holt: It was just a general callout. I think there was a thing that went around to a few agents and Marvel was really looking for female composers. So that's already amazing that they're trying to give these bigger opportunities to female composers and that they were looking for people they wanted to try that they'd perhaps not heard of, hence that general callout. My agent had this unidentified Marvel pitch so I sent him my show reel. I just felt like there was a huge amount of luck involved with me getting the job. I remember someone at film school saying, "Everyone gets their moment, you just have to recognize when it is," and I remember being like, this has got that moment written all over it - it's a Marvel pitch! I spent ages on the pitch and recorded loads of live elements and did loads of research. I just wanted to really impress everybody and win the job.
Was there anything you had composed that, when you looked at it with the footage, you realized just wasn't working?
Natalie Holt: Yeah, the scene where Loki and Sylvie, you know, their connection scene in episode 4 where they set off the TVA alarm bells and it's so off the grid off what should be happening there. That one was really hard to get the right tone for. If it was too subtle, it didn't play right. I tried a much more understated version of it and then I just did this bombastic, love-in-space, the world is ending sound, just this huge, sweeping love moment and it just seemed to work with whatever it is that they brought to the table. I mean, I don't think anyone quite knows what's between them, whether it's this narcissistic moment or the system or whatever the connection they have to each other, it's still something really powerful. But yeah, that was the most challenging thing to score.
Right. I mean, it's Loki. His character is so big and bombastic and mercurial at times. Did you find his character being who he is helped you feel more comfortable opening up to do more experimental things?
Natalie Holt: Yeah! Like I was saying before, I'm always very led by the narrative and the characters. I would never want people to come away from something I scored like, "Oh my God, she just tried to impose her music all over the story and it didn't go with it at all." I'm always trying to be really empathetic to what's going on and support it. There's a fine line between dominating it and supporting it. I think Tom's performance, it is big enough to take a kind of big, beefy musical piece and handle it. But then also, there's that moment when he's walking down the corridor and Mobius is pruned and he has these tears in his eyes, you can take it to this really heartfelt place, you're really feeling these feelings for him when he's sad, as well. He's got everybody on sight caring about his character.
Have you gotten to see it yet? Have you watched all of it?
Natalie Holt: I'm a total control freak. I find it really hard to let go. So I was like, "When's the dub?" and they were like, "It's going to be 2 a.m." and I said, "That's fine, I'll be there!" because I wanted to make sure that the levels were right. They were like, "You're the first composer who has ever come to the dub." They were about to sign off on it and I was messaging Kate [Herron]: "Can we please turn it up where he's doing this or that?" It's just really hard to let go of a project and I wanted to hear how it sounded on the speakers, so yeah, I've watched it. [laughs]
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3, 8, 17, 34
jonas my beloved mutual sorry this took so long (to be fair you asked me 4 questions 😆)
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
I'm gonna cheat a little but I could honestly watch the BBC miniseries adaptation of North and South (2004) any day of the week. It's so good. Just the perfect period drama.
I also love the movie The Waterhorse (2007). It makes me cry every time and the music is gorgeous. James Newton Howard is one of my absolute favourite composers. (the music for North and South is also choice actually)
And finally, the original LOTR (2001 - 2003) movies (extended editions of course 😉) They're so beautiful. and again the musicccccccccc
I tend to be more of a TV person than a movie person though (as you can probably tell lol)
8. any reacquiring dreams?
I'm going to give op the benefit of the doubt and assume they meant "reoccurring" dreams rather than dreams that included plots about re-acquiring something, or indeed re-acquiring the dream itself.
Now that I've been pedantic, I've gotta confess, I don't dream that often, or when I do, they tend to be non-sensical and vague with no plot, more ... shapes and vibes ...
When I was younger my dreams were more plot-focused, and I used to have two pretty bizarre re-occurring dreams/nightmares.
The first was definitely a nightmare. Asterix (yes from the comics) used to chase me around a huge abandoned creaky house with a bloody axe. That was no fun.
The other one is a bit of an odd one. It was less of a re-occurring dream and more of a re-occurring scenario. I used to "wake up" in this giant, labyrinthine, spaceship prison. It was in the shape of a giant ball, just moving slowly through space to its eventual destination (it never arrived). And I would have to escape. Sometimes with friends, sometimes with characters of whatever I was interested in, sometimes alone. Sometimes it would be a nightmare, sometimes it would be an adventure. Sometimes we would succeed, sometimes we would fail. And the inside of the prison was different every time. A solution one night wouldn't work the next (even if I could remember it).
But yeah ... I haven't woken up there in a while.
17. name 3 things that make you happy
My cat
My family
My friends
34. any pet peeves?
I was thinking about this just the other day! Very small in the scheme of things but I really don't like it in fan-works when people use nicknames that aren't canon. Like, have a character call a different character something that they never have before.
It really annoys me, because like, one, usually they're not even good nicknames, and two, and this might be psycho-analysing it a bit, but to me, if you're not even going to pay attention to or care about what your characters call each other (as a baseline), what does that say about your relationship to the rest of the canon? Can I trust you with it? Do you actually know this world and these characters or is it all going to be OOC? Obviously fan-works are malleable and transformative by nature, and how "canon-compliant" a work is is going to be a little bit different every time, but it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth whenever I see it.
The one exception to this is if a nickname is assigned due to something that happens in the fic itself. That's fine. Usually.
But idk, I'm not a huge fan of nicknames generally, so I guess it bleeds over a little bit when I'm reading.
questions I think would be fun to be asked
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akashpoet12 · 4 years
Day 17
Knowing me
Well, a person has his favourites in such a wide range of topics and it's impossible to sum it up in an anthology but know that I will tell some close secrets of mine through this prose. Well, the almighty shows no favourites and that's why all are equal in his eyes. Now you might say, that then why is someone so helpless and someone so happy. There is always diversity in integrity, the greatest example is India. So, though there is so many diversity in humans, God is dispassionate and listenes to all sooner or later. Common likings come out to be so similar. About my colour, it's blue; about an animal, it's cat; well I have about 20 fishes as pets; about food, it's paneer...well I am a foodie so it has a wide range, especially the specialized chef foods from youtube. But, even being a bengali, I don't like fish. Let's talk in detail.
If you ask my hobbies, I love to play music, watch tv, read books, watch movies. I am not a sporty guy but if you ask me about it, I used to prefer football first but now cricket. As gifts, I love them who give me books, perfumes and watches. Isn't it becoming too much informative? As I am a writer, so writing should be my hobby right? No, it isn't. I doesn't consider it as my hobby or job, it's my passion to let others know about me and to tell them every story that comes in my mind as my job offered by the God via this life as I believe every story has a capacity to influence someone or the other. Poems just come out of me as a flow, even I sometimes compose music for those. They just express my state of mind or my thoughts about a concerned topic.
Friends have been an inseparable version of my personality. Even I feel so bad on leaving my childhood place Farakka for two years for my senior secondary. I had to leave my friends but thanks to the technological miracle 'social media', we are in contact but that essence is missing but hoping to meet them after these two years or else if it would be too late, the laughter will have gone by then, just that we won't become strangers to recognize each other. I hope they will also be so delighted to see me. All my friends support me and we share such a strong bond especially, Surjendra, Deepayan, Debanshoo, Rohan but still there is one more with whom I feel a completely different persona whenever we meet, that's why I consider him as my best friend and he's Abir.
Someone has said so right, "Life is what happens when you're busy planning other things." Same is what's happening with me. I was dreaming of so many things and I couldn't realize when the time has passed on so much and till the time I came into my senses, it was so late. Leaving Farakka was one such thing which I couldn't resist even I wanted to. Now, I am in the process of being made a doctor. Well, one of my favourite subjects was always Biology due to SKD Sir, one of my favourite teacher. He used to teach it so interestingly without books and so many extra things and always answered our interesting questions regardless of its any connection with the syllabus. He used to ask questions before exams and never scolded if you were wrong. My favourite teacher was Proloy sir, who used to teach us physics. As a tribute, I would also like to say about my english teachers, Arnab sir, for whom I am a writer today or else I would know nothing of the language, and Subrata Sir, who supported me at every step. But, my favourite subject has always been history, which doesn't make me a backbencher, yes I am a topper which has brought me great praise from teachers and respect from friends and now this praise has become an addiction and this praise has also blocked my free-life friendship. This topper identity has brought me my favourite goddess Saraswati, it's not because I am a student and I pray for marks before exams, but it's a kind of 'Thank you'. I never used to study day and night, just only before exams and yes, I used to be very attentive in class and listen to what the teacher says, so I was just amazed that how without studying, I always used to get full marks. An atheist becomes a theist only when he sees something which has no logic.
I always wanted to be a historian and archaeologist, to do Ph.D in medieval history with one of my favourite language urdu(which I don't know) and my favourite Mughal, Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar. I want to discover many truths like the hidden Dwarka, the unraveled existence of the epic of Mahabharata and many other such unsolved mysteries. These discoveries are so exciting. I also rather wanted to teach students...So let's see what the future awaits for me, for now, I am a medical student.
Well about my other favourites, favourite cartoon show was Oswald, my IPL team is KKR, favourite cricketer Sourav Ganguly and Gautam Gambhir, my favourite fruit being guava, ice cream flavour none other than vanilla. I don't like cold drinks. I neither like mountain nor sea. As on vacation or travel, I only like to visit and tour historical places, such a great flavour of enigma and nostalgia can be expressed all around. Actually I like to be around many people, in a gossip, so love group travelling. Though by nature, I am shy and introvert but like to hear to talks of the folk and enjoy the company of people as I am a good listener and sharp observer and that's what makes me interested in mystery books like detective Feluda and mystery movies. I am an extreme lover of thrillers and Feluda. I can tell a lot about people by just seeing them and that's god gifted maybe. As in writing essays or long writeup, I was inspired by Rishi Kapoor's autobiography 'Khullam Khulla', where he gave so detailed descriptions. My favourite poets are Harivansh Rai Bachchan and William Wordsworth, the nature lover boy. My favourite season is kind of summer due to the pleasure of air-conditioners, a nature-villain right?
Well, this is about what youths like, but even on being a 17 year stud, I doesn't belong to this generation not in any way. If the world calls me a luddite, I accept this tag and yes, I am an old lover. My favourite directors are Hrishikesh Mukherjee(Hrishi Da), Satyajit Ray and Raj Kapoor. My favourite actor is Amitabh Bachchan and yes my only wish on deathbed is to meet him for once. I am probably the biggest fan of him. My favourite film is of course, Sholay and also Anand. Sholay is such a film with great dialogues, that one can watch it a 100 times, but still it will feel as a new film. Of Amitabh's roles, the best is in Sharaabi. Of this generation, I like Kartik Aaryan on screen, though Big B continues in this generation as well. As of classics, I like Mughal e Azam( best role of akbar), Shree 420, Kal aj aur kal. My favourite song is 'Gaadi Bula Rahi Hai' from Dost, such meaningful lyrics and also 'Jeena Yahan Marna Yahan' from Mera Naam Joker. I am a old bollywood and bengali cinema(Uttam Kumar and Soumitra Chatterjee) lover, those songs had so great melody and so meaningful lyrics. I am literally an old butch. Even if I see something of this generation, it is generally message-giving, biopic, mystery and crime thrillers. My favourite singer is Kishore Kumar, the man had so great versatility, sad to energetic songs. Mostly, I like sad and soulful songs. As in TV shows, my favourite has always been Adaalat (fan of KD Pathak), CID and KBC. Well, I also like Sumedh Mudgalkar in RadhaKrishna. Mahabharat on starplus was also my favourite once.
There's a lot to know more about myself because I am kind of unique and I prefer to have my flavors different which helps others to spot me out in the crowd of followers and trends. I don't follow favouritism and please don't follow me, yes you can admire me and get inspired by me. There are thousands of people I hope who think like me, great thinkers with philosophies and day dreaming, to them I say see me, do what I do, think what I think but at the end, add pinch of your own flavour to my style that makes it yours.
Akash Ganguly
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Why You Should Rock Out With Given, The Best Summer Anime You're Not Watching
The ticking of a clock. A sliver of light from a window in a dark room. A boy takes his guitar, pets his dog and readies himself to leave. As he opens the door, light spreads across his face, revealing sad eyes. A close-up on his hand as he locks the door to the apartment. The minute hand moves across the clock face in the busy train station. The boy tightly clutches the underside of his guitar case. A flashback, transition to film, the guitar is unveiled. As the boy's pupils constrict in horror, the string of his guitar snaps under the pressure. On the train, light softly emanates from the window. The boy gazes at the city below. “I'm not lonely,” he says. Far away at school, another boy wakes up. A dream?
For better or worse, more anime is made today then ever before. It's harder than ever for a new series to stand out in this crowded market, even one adapted from a source people already like! The staff behind your favorite series try and find ways to mitigate this. They might put out a double-length first episode, or begin with a bombastic fight scene with higher quality animation than the rest of the show combined. They might reach out to a talented animator and invest in an amazing opening sequence to grab your attention right away. But the best of all, to me, is when the first episode teaches you the show's priorities in just the first few minutes. Think of the zoom out from the robot in the very beginning of Gurren Lagann, revealing it to be a giant battleship. (Lesson: this show is about scale!) Kazuki running through the streets of Asakusa at the start of Sarazanmai, as he monologues about the importance and risks of connections. (Lesson: this is a show directed by Kunihiko Ikuhara.)
The first few minutes of given, the adaptation of a fan-favorite BL comic, puts you right in the shoes of its co-lead Mafuyu. In just a few minutes you see his isolation among the crowds of Tokyo, his deep anxiety, and what he fears the most: the severing of the guitar string, a lost connection in his past. For the rest of the episode, we see from the perspective of the other lead, Ritsuka. His world is a more familiar one of band-mates, classroom hallways and day-to-day rituals. To him Mayufu is a mysterious vacuum that makes his heart race. But the time we spent in Mafuyu's head-space hangs over the rest of the episode like a guillotine. Is Mafuyu the Maniac Pixie Dream Boy of Ritsuka's dreams, or a little more complicated than that? Can the two of them come to an understanding when they experience the world in such different ways? Just like that, the series lays its cards on the table without ever drawing attention to it. I was hooked immediately. In fact, I'll lay my cards out on the table too: given is the best show you aren't watching right now.
I won't pretend given is as flashy as something like Fire Force. While the series has far more extensive use of lighting than you often see from TV anime (as smarter folks than me have already pointed out!) it cuts corners in other ways. Characters in the background rarely move, and for a series about being in a band there have been surprisingly few scenes where instruments are played. Lerche has had its ups and downs as a production studio, and animating musical performances can be notoriously tricky on a TV schedule.
But given makes a lot from a little. One of the best tools in its arsenal is its soundtrack, composed by MICHIRU (who did fantastic work on Izetta: The Last Witch.) Its low-key guitar chords and spacey synths perfectly sell the mood of the series, from dramatic scenes to quiet hang-outs.The staff of given also take care to give Ritsuka and his band an actual musical identity. Ritsuka name-drops Thom Yorke and, hilariously, looks down on “basic J-rock.” The jam session in episode 1 is a nice bit of math rock given  extra strength by energetic cutting. As someone with a love/hate relationship with J-pop, it's great to hear music in an anime about a high school band that sounds like music kids in a real high school might think is cool! given further supplements its team of core players with a large supporting cast, ranging from Ritsuka's awesome sister to the other folks working at Mafuyu's part-time job. As someone unfamiliar with the source material, I don't know how much we'll come to know about these other characters, or whether the anime will even have time to given them the attention they deserve. But a friend of mine told me her favorite couple hasn't even showed up in the anime yet, so: I look forward to it.
Despite its limitations, I can't help but see given as the result of a team who have thought long and hard about how to best tell this story. The music and direction work in concert to convey the source material's themes of love, adolescence and Guitars. If you're looking for an underground favorite this season, book an event with this great series! (Also, there's a cute dog.)
  Are you watching given? What do you think of it so far? Let us know in the comments!
Adam W is a Features Writer at Crunchyroll. He sporadically contributes with a loose coalition of friends to a blog called Isn't it Electrifying? Since we're talking band recommendations, he'd like to recommend Shinsei Kamattechan and Ling Tosite Sigure this time! Follow him on Twitter at: @wendeego
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