shyjusticewarrior · 2 days
Duke who calls himself "the Signal" because it means the first knight on the battlefield.
Jason who wants to take the quickest immediate action so he's not too late to protect people.
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ghostfacerseffect · 2 years
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Thinking about film scores & concept albums & auditory storytelling
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animentality · 1 year
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thinkingimages · 7 months
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Un Chien Andalou (1929) Directed by Luis Buñuel
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Vintage Floral Borders - Victorian Pansies
3 pack on sale now
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ddisco · 10 months
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adventure time / twin peaks: the return / omori / yume nikki / homestuck / twin peaks / night in the woods / paprika / gravity falls / eraserhead
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countessdankula · 2 months
I am just a poor girl standing in front of the hkvthm fandom begging them to realise that it's KAVEH who is Deshret and not ALHAITHAM // gets shot
But good grief alhaitham deshret is the funniest fucking thing to exist because my man is most representative of the present Order of the Akademiya
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Meanwhile Kaveh's namecard
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nahida's own true wisdom boy is KAVEH he is DESHRET he is KHAENRIAH HE IS THE ARROGATION OF MANKIND
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sepublic · 11 months
            King really has a whole thing about being seen as a toy, a pet, for people to own and play with without his permission. An object to look nice and pretty and not much else, without any wants or needs of his own.
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         So it feels very poetic that he constantly surrounds himself with toys and plushes to command over; King’s whole Tyrant schtick isn’t just a fantasy for him, it’s a way for him to reclaim lost autonomy by exercising his own control. It’s as if King FEELS like a toy, so he commands other toys because he’s essentially one of them. And it reflects on his juvenile nature, not being taken seriously, the revelation that it’s only ever been pretend, etc.
         That makes King’s relationship with Francois very sweet, as a toy from the human world he finds, no thanks to Luz helping him. Luz is someone whose physical cuddling and affections King DOES appreciate, because by the end of the day, Luz respects King as a person and his boundaries. King wants affection actually, but he wants it on his own terms, and there’s a lot of moments where he ‘commands’ Luz and she happily obliges, defends him, etc. Luz is very thoughtful of King’s feelings, and The Intruder is a major episode in which Luz learns to be more mindful of King in general; This of course wins the approval of his father the Titan, who decides to show Luz the light glyph for her kindness.
         But anyhow, King loves Francois and treats him kindly, often as a partner and even equal. So with all I’ve said about King’s toy motif, that transitions perfectly into his dynamic with the Collector. There’s the fact that in their initial interactions, the Collector glomps onto a clearly uncomfortable King, like a child with a pet he doesn’t quite understand is a living creature (and in King’s case, not just a pet either but a person). Dana’s own art encapsulates their relationship by portraying King as a terrified plush that the Collector loves;
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         The Collector is also juvenile and loves to play pretend, and treats people like toys, which is exemplified by them transforming victims into literal toys, who are dressed up to look even prettier. But for all their issues with boundaries, the Collector seems to genuinely love and value their toys, kind of like King with Francois.
         This contrasts them with Belos, whom they believe breaks his toys out of fun; That speaks to their different desires, hence the Collector insisting they want to make friends out of others, whereas Belos finds it more simple and satisfying to just destroy his enemies. So the Collector regards his toys as, well, toys; But with a sort of loving respect that a kid who takes good care of their toys and makes sure they’re taken care of does. A projection of feelings and personality… Over the actual feelings and personality that DO exist, but alas.
         But that’s where the Collector’s relationship with King develops, because over the course of two months, they begin to respect and listen to King more, value him as a friend, etc. The Collector is more mindful of King’s boundaries, doesn’t immediately glomp onto him, actually bothers to respond to King’s criticisms. When King says the Owl Beast isn’t ready, they listen, and it’s implied the Collector has known about King visiting Eda and Lilith behind their back, but simply allowed it because friends keeping secrets is totally normal, right? And anyhow, King has been so nice, and they love King so much, they don’t want to call him out and ruin things; He can have this.
         Which leads to Francois, whom King relates to; The toy that the Collector WANTS to cuddle with. But King sets the boundaries that it’s for him (and Luz) only, and the Collector actually listens. He doesn’t touch Francois behind King’s back, and aside from a moment where he has to take it from Belos’ grasp to defend Francois, puts it right back where it belongs. He can’t have Francois, but the Collector can settle for having him BE there, so close and yet so far.
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         King is Francois; He’s a beloved toy to the Collector that he loves and appreciates, treats more special than the rest, and practically as a person, a lot of the time. But he’s willing to respect Francois’ boundaries and not play with him when he doesn’t want, just as he does with King, and his visits to his mother and aunt. The Collector obviously has a lot to learn when we check up on them two months later, and King understandably still IS frustrated, hence why he calls out the Collector after the nightmare illusions at the beginning of the series finale…
         But King can tell, as a former, unruly child himself, who was only a non-issue because he lacked the power the Collector wields; The Collector is a kid like him. Who’s also learning. Who ultimately means well. And they’ve proven to be rather receptive over these two months; Not quite there, but if you put in the effort to teach and work with them, King is certain it’ll pay off as it did with him.
         The Collector was a tyrant like King, and like King, a lot of this comes after being helpless because of others as well; The Collector was put into the care of the manipulative Archivists, and later trapped by the Titan. The only way to contact them was with a disc, an object, and their word was exploited by Bill so he could lead the Titan Trappers and finish the genocide of the Archivists. If the Grimwalkers were toys to Belos, so was the Collector, for him to hide away from everyone else, as his own, like a twisted Francois. And when he’s done with the Collector, he drops him into the pit with the rest of the discarded toys he loves to break.
         So like King, the Collector being a tyrant isn’t just the result of kids being kids, it’s also a response to their lack of agency. And tbh, kids in general lack agency, hence why they can be quite unruly troublemakers and rebels, so it makes sense that the Collector also overcompensates, like King does! But both of them learn to be more mindful of boundaries, that their own pain doesn’t justify them doing the same to others, either.
         The Collector notes that King isn’t the only person allowed to touch Francois; There’s also Luz. Luz, the kindly older sister who always listened to King and was attentive to his needs, respected him, and was often desired for physical affection. The Collector wants to BE Luz since King admires her so much, hence emulating her while playing Owl House; And Luz also recognizes their similarities, with the forgiveness she gives the Collector, being a form of forgiveness towards herself for being an ‘unruly’ child.
         And the Collector also grows, has their loss of innocence, but nevertheless matures, as Luz did. They learn about death, just as Luz learned about death when she lost her father; And the Collector technically loses the Titan that night, who was arguably a turbulent father figure who failed them, too, and laments this fact to Luz. The Collector IS Luz, and like Luz in The Intruder, who gains the approval of the Titan with a light glyph, just as the Titan apologizes for the Collector and lends his power to protect them and others…
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         The Collector mends their friendship with King and makes it real. They respect and listen to him completely now. And so they get to finally be Luz, not just in their relationship with her, but also in their relationship with King, being allowed to love Francois, even being given him for company by King. Just as Luz is allowed to be King’s friend, and he follows her regularly, even sacrificing himself for her at the end of Season 2.
        King and the Collector are toys who want toys to reverse that dynamic; But in the end, nobody can be a toy. And so they grow up and get to play with actual friends, and be friends to others.
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omgellendean · 2 months
 When Yoren had dragged her into that alley she'd thought he meant to kill her, but the sour old man had only held her tight, sawing through her mats and tangles with his dagger. — ACoK, Arya I
"That hair is a fright and a nest for lice as well. We'll have it off, and then you're for the kitchens." — ACoK, Arya VI
Lady Smallwood insisted that Arya take another bath, and cut and comb her hair besides — ASoS, Arya IV
The Hound had hacked handfuls of her hair off only two days past. He was an even worse barber than Yoren, and he'd left her half bald on one side. — ASoS, Arya X
The waif had shaved her head for her when they took her eyes; a mummer's cut, she called it, since many mummers did the same so their wigs might fit them better.  — ADwD, The Blind Girl
After that she found her razor. A bare scalp helped the wigs fit better, Izembaro claimed. — TWoW, Mercy
Of course, there are symbolic and thematic layers to Arya losing her hair more often than any other character in the books. But it's also pretty funny how almost every adult that has Arya in their care takes one look at her and immediately goes, "This child needs a haircut".
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skylerchasesbooks · 2 years
Motifs and Their Uses
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It's not necessary that you know what a motif is or how to use it.
Motif is one of the most useful literary devices when writing a novel or short story. At the same time, the definition of motif can be difficult to pin down.
Motif is a literary technique that consists of a repeated element that has symbolic significance to a literary work. Sometimes, a motif is a recurring image. Other times, it’s a repeated word, phrase, or topic expressed in language. A motif can be a recurring situation or action. It can be a sound or smell, a temperature, even a color.
If you spot a symbol, concept, or plot structure that surfaces repeatedly in the text, you're probably dealing with a motif. They must be related to the central idea of the work, and they always end up reinforcing the author's overall message.
A repeated reference or visual of shattered glass (something in life is about to break)
Recurring dishonest characters (to cue up the discovery of an unfaithful spouse)
The key aspect is that a motif repeats, and through this repetition helps to illuminate the dominant ideas, central themes, and deeper meaning of a story.
Authors utilize motifs for multiple purposes. Motifs can:
1. Evoke a mood
2. Illuminate main themes
3. Engage the audience on an intuitive level
4. Create unique symbolic meanings through repetition
5. Establish a pattern of ideas
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nrubtlas · 27 days
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i'm just a girl, i fuck with all antler motifs .
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shyjusticewarrior · 2 days
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jariten · 3 months
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Sakura Season
桜の如き君を愛す (Sakura no Gotoki Kimi wo Aisu), Akemi Matsunae 好きです、この少女まんが。(Suki Desu, Kono Shoujo Manga.), anthology cover by Chiki Ooya サプリ (Suppli), Mari Okazaki 花と円舞曲 (Hana to Enbukyoku [Waltz]), anthology cover by Toyoko Ariumi お父さん、チビがいなくなりました (Otousan, Chibi ga inakunarimashita), Keiko Nishi 東京タラレバ娘 シーズン2 (Tokyo Tarareba Girls Season 2), Akiko Higashimura
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bonboony · 5 months
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alfieloveswriting · 10 months
Floriography: Resources for Writers
For centuries, flowers, herbs, and other plants have been used to convey meaning, both in life and in literature. Many of the greats, including Shakespeare, Austen, the Brontë sisters, and Steinbeck referred to floral symbolism to delicately weave into their intricate works. Flowers influenced art for generations before us, and with luck, they will continue to inspire artists for generations after us--long after we've become them.
Victorian Floral Code.pdf
Floriography: An Illustrated Guide to the Victorian Flower Language by Jessica Roux
Language of Flowers Wiki
Hanakotoba - Japanese Flower Language Wiki
Ikebana - Japanese Flower Arrangement Wiki
Kate Greenaway's Language of Flowers
Floral Emblem Guide
Plant Motifs In English, Russian, and Tatar (pdf)
Flower Language Myths
Language of Flowers.com
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jakrispy7161 · 3 months
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