#grrr argh bite
ghostfacerseffect · 2 years
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Thinking about film scores & concept albums & auditory storytelling
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kingofpuzzles · 7 months
I'll bite you
/agressive /threath /grrrrr /grgrgahdh /bark bark /aff COUGH COGH ACK ARGH /grrr
Uhhhhhhhhh are youuuuu ok?
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cemeterygore · 1 year
i love you MORE argh!!!!!!!!!! (biting a car to show the absolute truth (biting & chomping is a excellent & easy way to show affection &/or overwhelming emotions in my little therian brain (how did i not know that was a therian thing..))) i am also just sitting around … very fun & well. what shows are you invested in rn? or media? because i want to connect grrr
hmmmhmhm well i have been very into the venom movies right now...definitely not Good movies but i had FUN!!!! so they are good in my book :3. i believe they (eddie and venom) are canonically together in the comics so :0 might read those eventually...as always i am into bungou stray dogs because of the insaneisms along with warrior cats (bluestarfan4life!!!!!!!!!!!)
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Glittering Cheddar Mine
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Melon Bun Cookie: Ha! I’m always the first one here! Another morn’ is here, which means another day for some exciting work! Melon Bun Cookie: It’s getting tougher to find good seams of ore though… Maybe I’ll find Cheese Stones today! Melon Bun Cookie: Whew… Swung my pickaxe all day and it’s nothing but rocks. Melon Bun Cookie: *Squints* Huh? What’s that? Never seen that cavern there before… Melon Bun Cookie: I don’t see any Cookies nearby… Looks like I’ll be the first to head in! Melon Bun Cookie: An undiscovered cavern… I’ve got a good feeling about this! Melon Bun Cookie: !!!
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Melon Bun Cookie: So… SO MANY GEMSTONES! Melon Bun Cookie: I heard a rumor about some secret goblin mine, but… WOW! This must be it! Melon Bun Cookie: And… JACKPOT! The walls are covered in Cheese Stones! Melon Bun Cookie: I’m gonna have to work as quiet as a canary in a safe mine. Don’t wanna get caught!
Melon Bun Cookie: I could swing blindfolded here and still hit it rich! Today’s haul is going to be epic! ???: You! YOU! What’s inside your pockets? GIMME! All mine! Melon Bun Cookie: He-hey! W-w-whoa there* I dug these up, fair and square. You don’t own this place! ???: All mine! MINE! Everything here is mine! Now give’em back! Melon Bun Cookie: Wait, are you Goblin Cookie!? HA! I’ve heard about a Cookie who yells about owning everything! Goblin Cookie: You don’t live here! You’re just a mining miner Cookie! Melon Bun Cookie: Sshhh! Quiet down! Goblin Cookie: All mine! This is all mine ! I take all! Melon Bun Cookie: Pipe down! No, no! Sounds like everyone’s coming over this way! Melon Bun Cookie: *Groan* Ugh, I’m gonna make a run for it!
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Melon Bun Cookie: Er… What did I just step on…? And what’s that hissing? It can’t… be…
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Melon Bun Cookie: ARGH! Goblin Cookie: What? What? What’s happening!?
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Melon Bun Cookie: We’re trapped… Goblin Cookie: All your fault! You steal, then you trap! Melon Bun Cookie: If it wasn’t for you fussing up a racket I wouldn’t have even gone near that dynamite fuse! Goblin Cookie: *Screech* HMPH! I’m leaving! Going this way, don’t follow! Melon Bun Cookie: Fine! Go that way! I’m gonna go this way.
Melon Bun Cookie: Tsk… If it weren’t for that cave-in, I’d be enjoying a hot bowl of Jelly Soup right now… Melon Bun Cookie: Hmm? This place looks familiar. Melon Bun Cookie: I’m back where I started… Does the passage loop back? And that path’ll lead to Goblin Cookie… Melon Bun Cookie: Guess it can’t be helped for now. Just a quick breather and then I’ll look for another way out.
Goblin Cookie: Must get back! Need to hurry and mine everything there! Melon Bun Cookie… THIEF! Goblin Cookie: ??? Wrong way? But can’t go back that way…! Goblin Cookie: *Shriek* Dead end! Grrr… must go back…
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Goblin Cookie: Why are you still here! Melon Bun Cookie: Trust me, I don’t WANT to be here. In fact… Why are YOU here? Goblin Cookie: Dead end…! I’m here now, so go away! Melon Bun Cookie: Sorry fella, but I ain’t budging. Nowhere else to go and I’m a bit winded to keep moving. Melon Bun Cookie: Might as well dig into my lunch! I’m famished! Goblin Cookie: Lunch? What’s… “lunch?” Melon Bun Cookie: I knew I should’ve packed a heartier lunch today. Hard work sure builds up an appetite! Melon Bun Cookie: Mm-mmm! Looks deee-lish! *Grrrg!* Where’d that sound come from…? Goblin Cookie: I-i-it’s nothing! NOTHING! Melon Bun Cookie: Hmm… Here, want a bite? Goblin Cookie: …No. Looks nasty! EW! Melon Bun Cookie: Suit yourself.
Melon Bun Cookie: Yum yum yummy! Nothing like a tasty meal after swinging a pickaxe! Goblin Cookie: …Is it… tasty? Scrumptious…? Melon Bun Cookie: Of course it is! I could eat double servings of this, any day! Goblin Cookie: Can… Can I… have some? Melon Bun Cookie: I thought you said you didn’t want any? Goblin Cookie: That was then! This is now! Now looks… delicious… Melon Bun Cookie: There ain’t much left. And I’m not full yet but… Goblin Cookie: Just… one… bite… Hungry… Melon Bun Cookie: Hehe, here ya go. I know it’s tough roaming the mines.
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Goblin Cookie: This is… good? Tasty? No, this is DELICIOUS! Melon Bun Cookie: Haha! Told ya so! Hey, slow down there fella. Don’t forget to chew! Goblin Cookie: All mine! Yummy food is mine! Melon Bun Cookie: Hey! You said “one bite.”
Melon Bun Cookie: Oh well… Now that lunch is handled, I guess it’s time to head down the only path left. Goblin Cookie: Me too! Melon Bun Cookie: Which way are you gonna go? Goblin Cookie: Only one path left! That one! Melon Bun Cookie: So… you’re gonna follow me? Goblin Cookie: Urgh… We can go together, but hands off my stuff! Melon Bun Cookie: Hehe, sounds like a deal! Together, we may be able to find a way out!
Melon Bun Cookie: Hmm, the path splits into two directions… Which one should we take? Goblin Cookie: I know! I know! Been here before. We go… right! Melon Bun Cookie: Welp! You’ve been in these caves longer than me so… I trust ya!
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Melon Bun Cookie: Er… hey, this looks like a dead end. Maybe we could head back. Goblin Cookie: NO! This was the right way. I was the only one to use this path! Explosion created another dead end! Melon Bun Cookie: So you wanna dig through this rubble? It’s gonna take a lot of elbow grease… Goblin Cookie: This is the right way, sure of it! Must go this way! MUST! Melon Bun Cookie: (This might be a waste of energy, but I don’t think Goblin Cookie’s got any ill intent though.) Melon Bun Cookie: Roll up your sleeves, fella! Time to dig through! Goblin Cookie: Me too! Me too!
Goblin Cookie: *Huff puff* Hard… Too much… Melon Bun Cookie: C’mon, just a bit more. Feels like we’re almost through! One, two! One, two… three!
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Melon Bun Cookie: He-hey! We’re through! And great work, Goblin Cookie! This does lead to another path. Melon Bun Cookie: Plus…! Look at all this ore and gems! Is this another secret goblin mine? Goblin Cookie: Stop looking! All mine! I found it! MINE! Melon Bun Cookie: There’s no need to be pushy! Looks like there’s enough around here to share and then some! Melon Bun Cookie: I might be able to retire after clearing this place! …Nah! Where would I be without work! HA!
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Melon Bun Cookie: Oooh? What’s this? Never seen a rock like this before… Goblin Cookie: Strange rock…? Me too, first time seeing this rock. Melon Bun Cookie: This might fetch a great price. More valuable than a Cheese stone… Could this be a Cream Stone!?
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Melon Bun Cookie: (I’ve been mining cave after cave for so long… Have I finally hit the discovery of a lifetime?) Melon Bun Cookie: (With this, I could probably hang up my helmet and pickaxe for sure!)
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Goblin Cookie: (Shiny treasure…! Must have it… NO! It’s already mine!)
Melon Bun Cookie: *Whistles* This thing won’t budge! How dense is this rock!? Melon Bun Cookie: This is by far the hardest rock to dig out… ever! Goblin Cookie: My turn! Gonna try! Move away, SHOO! Goblin Cookie: *Struggle struggle* Too much! Melon Bun Cookie: No pressure, no efforts, no diamonds! I’ll dig this out if it’s the last thing I do! Melon Bun Cookie: Hey, Goblin Cookie! Let’s work together and dig this up. It’ll go faster if we work as one. Goblin Cookie: We can dig together, but this rock is mine! No one can have it! Melon Bun Cookie: Don’t be a greeny greedy meanie! We can split the rock once it’s been dug up! Goblin Cookie: Ok, ok! Start digging! Goblin Cookie: (Mine… mine… MINE! Once dug out, this is mine!) Melon Bun Cookie: (I’m the better digger…! If I hit it at a precise angle, I can nab the bigger half!)
Melon Bun Cookie: See! Working together is faster! Goblin Cookie: Almost done! Just a little more! A bit more! Melon Bun Cookie: Finally…!
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Melon Bun Cookie: Er… *Gulp* Goblin Cookie: AGH! Not Cream Stone! It’s a Cream Cheese Snake’s tail! Melon Bun Cookie: We gotta make a run for it! These things are as dangerous as earthquakes in mineshafts! Goblin Cookie: Come! Run, RUN! This way! HURRY!
Goblin Cookie: *Huff puff* Can’t… run… more… Melon Bun Cookie: C’mon, Goblin Cookie! This ain’t a time to fizzle! That snake’s right behind us…!
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Goblin Cookie: Pack… heavy…! URGH! Can’t go faster…! Melon Bun Cookie: Ditch the pack or we’re done for! Goblin Cookie: Nooo… My pack…! It’s mine…! Melon Bun Cookie: UGH! Gimme that!
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Goblin Cookie: NNNOOOoooo…! Melon Bun Cookie: That snake’s nipped Goblin Cookie into the air! Melon Bun Cookie: Quick… think fast, think fast! OH! Cream Cheese Snakes eat gemstones by the cartload! Melon Bun Cookie: Oh! My pockets are full of Cheese Stones! But these are the greatest haul I’ve ever hit…! Goblin Cookie: HEEELLLPPP! Melon Bun Cookie: I’m so gonna regret this, but… Everyone deserves a chance!
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Melon Bun Cookie: Hey you! Let go of Goblin Cookie! Melon Bun Cookie: It worked? It worked! Goblin Cookie, are you all right? Goblin Cookie: I’m alive…? I’m ALIVE! Ahem… I’m FINE! Melon Bun Cookie: That snake’s burrowed down again. Quick, now’s our chance to get outta here!
Melon Bun Cookie: *Sigh* All those Cheese Stones… Thrown away because of that snake. Looks like I’m going home empty-handed. Melon Bun Cookie: Welp! At least Goblin Cookie’s safe. And so am I! I’ll just make an extra effort in the mines tomorrow. Goblin Cookie: Melon Bun Cookie…! Take this! Melon Bun Cookie: Huh? A Cheese Stone! Goblin Cookie: Not a gift! This is only for helping me back there! Melon Bun Cookie: Thanks, Goblin Cookie! Goblin Cookie: Leaving now! Go away!
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Melon Bun Cookie: HAHA! This is the luckiest day of life! I’m gonna head to Pumpkin Cookie’s Appraisal right this moment! Melon Bun Cookie: Oh, what’s this? A Wanted poster? Let’s see here… Melon Bun Cookie: “WANTED: Goblin Cookie. Seeking stolen property.” This is… the Cheese Stone I got!? Melon Bun Cookie: Goblin Cookie… you… Oooh… you!
Melon Bun Cookie: The minecart’s here! Time to go home! Melon Bun Cookie: Wait, Melon Bun Cookie! I’m here! HERE! Melon Bun Cookie: Hey there, Goblin Cookie! Long time, no see! Goblin Cookie: You good? Melon Bun Cookie: Of course! I just found a new cavern with a large deposit of ore. Days and days of good hauls th- Melon Bun Cookie: Hey! Where’d all my… HEY! Goblin Cookie: MINE! All mine! Bye now! Melon Bun Cookie: Goblin Cookie! Stop right there!
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 3 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 54 – The Night of Horror
“Tao, duck!”
Screamed M-21, to which Tao responded by promptly letting an imaginary hand wrench his entire torso towards his feet.
Not a second after, a human body thrust its way through the exact spot where his head used to be.
The agent M-21 just wrestle-flung collided with a man in a lab coat, reaping from them grunts close to beastly snarls.
They shared one thing in common – nothing about their appearances suggested they are Homo sapiens, with discolored skin reminiscent of corpses, nails and teeth jutting out in a vicious manner, and eyes seemingly brimming with blood.
And these were not exclusive to the two pseudo-zombies giving Tao and M-21 a challenge like nothing before.
Of course, it would take less than a minute and feel like less than 10 seconds for Tao and M-21 to make sure their opponents will never again disrupt them.
Alas, they could not position themselves appropriately, let alone pull out a weapon or shift into battle forms, because they happened to be facing the staff of KSA.
“Looks like that gas was combined with the technology on... What was it again? Rapid body modification?”
“Yup. Damn, I didn’t think it would be so effective.”
The two men lamented upon witnessing how employees and agents wobbled back to their feet; they could swear they did more than a proper job of hitting their vital points to knock them out.
They even twisted the ankles, solemnly swearing to get upon their knees for forgiveness once the storm is gone; however, their plan was made null by the healing power that naturally comes with body modification.
“...I don’t think we’ll be getting out of this situation, unless we pry out their limbs or a rib or spine or two.”
“...How I hate the fact that I can’t help but agree with you there.”
The outcome was beyond Tao and M-21’s expectation, probably because of Yuhyung’s adjustment.
Nevertheless, they presumed the healing power that surfaced within the victims would be below average.
After all, the project on which their modification was based off was classified as failure and ultimately canceled.
So just like M-21 said, the victims would not be able to recover the loss of a limb or skeletal structure.
Nonetheless, Tao and M-21 could not dare harm them; the only thing they have done wrong, if they have done anything wrong, was staying overnight to fully dedicate themselves to their duties.
It was not the question of post-measurements, already guaranteed by KSA and Frankenstein; it was the question of morals.
M-21’s and Tao’s faces stiffened as the victims dragged their feet towards them, the two men cornered in the room.
Just then, one of the agents bumped shoulders with a researcher closest to him, from which the situation took a precipitous downfall.
The agent made a violent lash at the researcher’s face, and the researcher countered by rooting his teeth into the agent’s shoulder with full power.
Which served as a cue for the rest of the victims to tackle and thwack and open their mouths wide at one another.
Tao and M-21 turned pale as they watched how a scene from fratricidal zombie movie was being played live, their minds becoming numb with shock as the floor being slowly freed from gas was now being plastered with victims’ blood.
They threw themselves in the middle to separate the victims from each other, and that was when their communicators finally vibrated with life.
<Tao! M-21! Do you copy?!>
“Takio? Where are you? What in the world is keeping you? And why did you have to wait to...”
<What is going on? What’s wrong with these people?>
Tao and M-21 met each other in the eyes for a moment at how alarmed Takio sounded.
Then their memories rang the bell for them – the corridors of KSA were not the only area under the effect of Yuhyung’s gas.
“Don’t tell me... Are there people whose body went through modification? Shoot, I was hoping it’d take time for the gas to spread!”
<It’s not far from KSA’s HQ, but what on earth is going on? And what do you mean, body modification? I’m sure these people are civilians!>
“We’ll talk about this later! First, get over here! We could really use a hand or two right now!”
Knowing Takio, they anticipated him to fly over on the double, although they ended up acting individually, a rare occasion to begin and to continue.
Notwithstanding, there was a reason why Murphy’s law was ever coined.
<Uh... I’m afraid as of now I’m... Ugh!>
Their ears whirring upon the sonic boom so very tangible despite the distance secured by the communicators, Tao and M-21 gaped each other with their eyes trembling.
“Takio? What’s going on?!”
“Are you also under the civilian attack?”
<No! It’s the Union! I ran into two of them on my way. One of them happens to be that big guy we saw in the footage we pieced back together from the security camera outside the safehouse that was destroyed. And the other one is a woman with...>
“...Orange hair and cerulean eyes?”
<H-how did you know?>
“Takio, that’s the one!”
“That’s the woman Miss Lunark mistook for Kespar! The one who plotted against Frankenstein in joint with the 3rd Elder!”
“Hang in there. We’re coming in...!”
M-21 and Tao stomped their legs in a halt, in the middle of their sprint carrying the violently struggling people, partitioned with their arms and shoulders.
As soon as they turned the last corner connected to the nearest lab, they saw how the tiles were barely visible due to countless people with abnormal builds.
“Impossible! There’s no way such number would be remaining at this hour!”
“Tao, look at them.”
M-21 directed Tao’s eyes towards the side, where three men and women were yanking each other with their mouths like hyenas that fasted for a month.
“Look what they’re wearing. They’re no agents. Or employees.”
“Are they civilians...? Did some of them trespass?!”
Tao bellowed in dismay, which unfastened the door that was keeping the avalanche of trouble from stampeding towards them.
The blood-shot eyes of people who were busy taking a bite or grab out of anyone within their reach darted glances towards M-21 and Tao.
Not long after, the artificially modified humans lunged towards the two RK’s like a pack of rabid dogs that have spotted a target, a phenomenon propagating outside KSA.
“W-what the hell?!”
“Argh! Mommy!”
“H-help me! Somebody please he... Aaaah!!!”
People who have never consented to their monstrous changes spread out from the street housing KSA’s headquarter, to hunt down innocent citizens, paving the streets with blood and gore.
Which Yuhyung was watching through his device, via the cameras attached upon interior and exterior of the KSA building.
His hands gripping the device quaked, and he hurriedly pulled out a communicative device he would keep asleep unless he has to talk to Helga.
<Oh, hey. So how’s the plan go...>
“What the heck is going on?!?!”
Yuhyung shrieked, as if he were forcing his guts out through his throat, as soon as Helga’s pointed-as-always voice hit his eardrums.
And her response successfully blew up his half-powdered mind.
<What’s the yelling for? Is there a problem?>
She sounded so very placid, whereas her voice was toned up and down deliberately, as if she had seen this coming.
“Problem? Problem is an understatement!!! You know what is... I mean, you are seeing and hearing what is going on! You said you’ll make your way to KSA, so you should know very well what’s...”
<Oh, yes. I know. Of course I do. In fact, I’ve known it for quite long.>
Yuhyung’s quivering voice listlessly scattered into thin air, like a ball of dirt caught in the wind.
<I’ve never told you, have I? I mean the reason why this project the data I gave you came from was labeled as failure and canceled. Well, you were too excited to get your hands on the data and didn’t even bother to ask.>
Helga did mention that the project has a side effect, but he heeded not much, since the way she spoke of the side effect gave impression that it is no big deal.
Still, like she said, he was so thrilled back then to at last gain the Union data he had been thirsting for.
His thoroughness, a must-have value for anyone affiliated with investigation, was discarded temporarily, as he was too occupied with letting his elation jingle his entire universe, like popping champagne open.
And when he later examined the data, he could not find anything in particular in terms of side effect, so he had forgotten about it, until now.
<That’s right. What you’re seeing as we speak is the side effect of this project. The subjects that experience rapid body modification lose the ability to tell their friends from foes. Whenever they see something living and moving, they will first and foremost react by driving their teeth and nails into flesh. And if they are devoid of lifeform around them, they will slash and masticate and take apart their own bodies.>
Instantly, Yuhyung felt as if the entire world spun right into his chest; the entire world turned into a stone of immeasurable size and unimaginable weight, smashing his heart into pieces and plummeting towards his core.
<Did you honestly think I’ll forfeit a complete, safe technology to someone like you? We’d rather die than to suffer a humiliation of allowing vermin like you walking on par with us!>
Helga snickered, stage-choking herself.
<Anyways, congratulations. You made your wish come true – turning non-modified into modified. And now, you’d get to collect as much data as you’d want, like picking apples under the falling leaves!>
Helga sneered as she smiled in vile entertainment and sinister glee, and Yuhyung could only make out his mind escaping far away from him as he watched her.
And the horror spreading throughout Seoul, delivered to his device in divided screens, did not stop assaulting his calm.
This isn’t what I wanted......
I’ve never asked for something like this......!
<And now excuse me. There’s something that compels me to make myself unavailable for now.>
After peeking at something that was not accessible for sight from Yuhyung’s side, Helga cut off the signal, to restrain Kornel once more.
“I’d thought I told you to be prudent!”
“Oh, come on! Can’t you stop stopping me now?! We’re going to kill him anyways!”
“I would have let you, if it were someone else. But that’s Takio we’re facing – the one Sol told us. Takio of DA-5.”
“What? That’s him?”
“Precisely. We assumed it’d take a miracle for him to stand against Aris, let alone beat her. But he not only deleted her existence but also decided to put himself against us. Do I have to explain what we could achieve if we manage to apply the secret of his growth to us?”
“Okay, okay. I got it. Geez. But you don’t mind me beating him up just enough to leave him battered but breathing, do you?”
“Actually, that’d be more than welcome. There’s no telling what will unfold if we don’t go that far to capture him.”
This was certainly not a pleasant situation for Takio, about to battle two Union agents when immediately surrounding him was a scene from a common disaster movie.
His fingers poised upon the triggers, waiting for his order, were strained with pressure.
(next chapter)
So in summary, there are 3 battles taking place at the same time: (1) Takio (ft. Tao & M-21) vs Helga and Kornel, (2) Rael vs Deneb (with Yuhyung), and (3) Lunark vs Dark Spear. As I am posting this chapter, I finished composing part 1 of this battle. And once I’m done with the remaining parts, I’ll finally move on to the finale of this fic. I already know what I’m going to write, and I can’t wait to reach there lol. I’ll do my best as I take this fic to its ending!
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starker-stories · 4 years
The Cold, Chapter 3 - The Messages Series
This chapter on AO3
By @thestarkerisobvious​ and @starker-stories​​
New chapters in the series post every Thursday.
All links are to AO3. You don’t need to be a creator to have an AO3 account. You can have one solely as a reader. But to read anything at all in this series, you can just be an anonymous reader and/or commenter.
The best way to keep up with The Cold is to subscribe to the story on AO3. And the best way to keep up with the Messages Series is also to subscribe. Click on the ‘subscribe’ button on each of the above links.
Tags: Tony Stark Feels, Peter Parker Feels, College Student Peter Parker, Established Relationship, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Tony Stark Still Has Arc Reactor, Arc Reactor Kink, Peter Parker is a Mess, Spider-Man powers, Communication, They Finally Communicate!, And Fuck Of Course Look at Who It’s Written By Of Course They Fuck, Avengers Compound
The entire Messages Series.  All links are to AO3.
Messages Unsent  (complete & posted)
Nothing More Than A Machine  (complete & posted)
Tomorrow  (complete & posted)
My Virgin (Revisited)  (completely & posted)
The Cold  (completely written) posts every Thursday  
Untitled Book 6  ( in progress )
Untitled Book 7  ( in progress )
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Chapter 3:   Cat-4 Hurricane
“You haven’t hurt me,” Tony said. You’ve always been skittish about it. I’ve always been a hundred percent certain that you won’t because, on some subconscious level, even when you’re far gone, you know it’s me and you won’t hurt me.
“But, if you’re capable of dropping off the side of the tower like that? Pete, I wasn’t just scared because I love you and, yeah, it’s scary. It’s… I’d say impossible, but you did it.”
Peter shrugged.
They were approaching the berm they had been headed to. Tony could see a white concrete wall had been built into it — the beginning of a structure that had been abandoned post-snap. They were only a few dozen meters shy of it when Peter veered left, walking toward some abandoned building materials that had been left in the field. Large wooden poles about ten meters long lay stacked beside several planks, probably pieces of a future obstacle course. Peter casually hopped on top of the short pile and walked across it.
“The reason actual spiders can fall from the top of the tower and be fine is because of their surface area… Sorry. Tangent. That’s not the point.” Tony stopped himself from heading off on an irrelevant lecture.
“A human-sized body can’t. Not even a spider-bitten one should be able to. But you did.”
Peter gave Tony a sideways glance and another shrug.
“So… I’m not going to argue the point with you. Something’s changed. It’s a problem. It can be worked. You’ll be okay. I know you will. I absolutely know you will,” Tony said, his first worry, as always, being about Peter.
“Oh, I’ll be fine,” Peter said casually. He bent down and picked up a large wooden pole with his right hand and bounced it in his grip until he was holding it dead center. “I’m not worried about me.
“But I’m not sure what Fury’s going to do when he finds out I can do this…”
Casually, he hurled it, javelin-style, at the berm. The pole hit the concrete dead on, on its center. As accurate as one of Clint’s darts and as easily thrown. It hit with such force that the meter-diameter post flowered out along its length, the harder center core holding just long enough for the outer to spread back along it, until the entire thing, all ten meters long of it, fell to the ground in a pile of splinters.
Tony’s eyes widened. When he took structural engineering, they demonstrated the strength of materials under the stresses of extreme weather. From the way it shattered, Peter threw the pole with the force of a cat-4 hurricane. As easily as if he’d tossed a pencil. Tony looked at Peter in disbelief. Peter shrugged as if he’d done it a million times before and knew exactly what would happen.
His idea that what Peter had to say about his abilities should remain secret, grew resolute. There was no way he wanted anyone to know about what Peter had just done.
“Nick Fury can bite my ass.” Tony took out his phone. He keyed in for FRIDAY to turn off the compound’s surveillance where they were walking. And to erase the existing footage of what just happened. “He doesn’t need to know anything you don’t want to tell him.”
“There is a lot neither he nor the Avengers know about what my tech can do.” Tony paused. “I don’t trust him to use the knowledge in the way it should be used. Fury hasn’t done so in the past. He doesn’t have the excuse of HYDRA being in the midst of SHIELD for most of the things I found out. So if you want my advice, not that you have to take it, keep things to yourself until you’re a hundred percent certain it’s safe to reveal them.”
“Can’t. I’m tired of guessing, Tony. I need to know.” He picked up a second pole, tossing it into the air and catching it with his left hand, where he balanced it and aimed carefully. ”It’s not like Old-Cap is around to challenge to arm-wrestle.”
He threw the pole with more force the second time. He seemed to be aiming for the top of the berm but the tip did not clear it. The post caught the top of the hill and spun up into the air spectacularly. Peter cursed and tried again.
“I need data. I need the training ground. I need numbers. Objective numbers. Things are changing. My body is changing.” He picked up the third pole in his left hand and tossed it without much effort. It cleared the top of the berm by several feet and disappeared from their sight. “That’s why I need to talk to Dr. Cho. I need to know if it’s ever going to stop.”
Tony thought about it for a moment. “It’s okay to talk to her about all this. She can’t tell anyone what she knows or finds out about your abilities.” He looked up at Peter. “Doctor-Patient confidentiality. It’s why, when I need to see someone, she’s the one I go to. I’m not enhanced, but there are things… she needs to know things about the arc and my body that no one — well, no one but you — can know. So yeah, you should talk to her. It’s safe.”
Peter hopped down effortlessly from the pile.
“That’s good. Because… there’s a lot of things. I’m worried. You said on the roof that the suit was too high-powered for my ‘neighborhood Spider-Man’ thing. But I’m worried that any of the suits would be too high powered now. Not that I hit people anymore. Tony I’m afraid to. You built the… all of the Avenger tech is about kicking the big guys ass. I need to talk about tech that slaps the car thief upside the head and doesn’t let Spider-Man accidentally kill him.”
“I said the IronSpider was overpowered because you were determined to give it back. I wanted to make sure that what you replaced it with would protect you. But the suit will do whatever you tell it to. It’s designed for alien-fighting and not neighborhood-ing, but that doesn’t mean it can’t do both. If you learn how to control it. Alien-fighting’s just the default setting. There are other settings. You just have to think them.”
“Think? That’s what scares me. And I know what you’re about to say,” he countered before Tony could speak. He lifted one hand to fend off the argument. “You’re about to say you trust me but I don’t trust me. The nanotech is answering to my brain and… Jesus Tony... my brain has been going to some crazy shit lately.”
“My brain does crazy shit all the time and the nanotech knows the difference. There’s a simple Functional MRI down in Bruce’s old lab,” Tony explained, reaching out for Peter’s hand. “It can crudely show your brain lighting up when you think of different things. But better than that, I have Killian’s brain scan tools that he used to develop Extremis. Kinda plundered his lab for the goodies before I let the authorities in.
“It’ll show definitively that Intrusive thoughts are processed in different parts of the brain from the thoughts that control the nanotech.”
Peter’s shoulders sagged in relief and they started to walk again. His head dropped back and he looked up at the wide open sky as Tony talked tech. He squeezed Tony’s hand and listened as Tony described the way the IronSpider used different kinds of thought — focused, directed, and automatic — to control its abilities. How all Peter had to do was be inside the owner’s manual, see the beta and my development notes. Then while he was learning how to control the suit, cut back on his patrolling until he’d mastered the suit’s capabilities, both large scale and small.
He was suddenly overwhelmed with the beauty of the day. His lungs filled with blissful, healing air. It was as if he had been holding his breath for a long time. (Well, really since the day he had told Tony they needed to come to the compound to talk. Since then.) Suddenly he was overwhelmed with the amount of air available — but of course a field of green would be full of oxygen! Peter felt high, and a little giddy and a little foolish. Why had he been so afraid to ask Tony for answers? Of course the genius he was in love with would never fail him when it came to the tech.
“The turmoil in your brain?” Tony continued, unaware of Peter’s sudden re-discovery of the joys of breathing. “Of wanting to hurt the guy more than you actually do? That’s l'appel du vide. Those aren’t real desires, even though they feel real. There’s not a person in the world who doesn’t get those.
“But there’s also part of human nature that has negative thoughts which aren’t intrusive ones. Everyone has a dark side. You learn to control it. That 3D-real-time brain scan of Killian’s also works for biofeedback. That’s the sort of thing that helped Bruce get a handle on his aggression. If that doesn’t work for you, I know a guy… I saw him for a fixed-time solution to my anxiety. There are coping mechanisms for anger, the same as there are for anxiety. It’s a skill like any other. You learn it. You don’t just go — grrr… argh… angry! — and expect the issue to go away.”
“And we can test that right? The nanotech’s reaction to my new Cold-brain? It can be tested in the lab. Where it’s safe, right? In case we have to work on adjustments. Some ‘Peter might really be turning into an asshole’ adjustments.”
“Yes. You know I hate to give anyone credit for the cool shit, but for all of the crazy mad scientist that Killian was, this? The brain scan device? Seriously cool shit.”
“Yeah. I’m still glad he’s dead.”
“Nice thing? He was so secretive about his super-villain evil plan that he never patented the thing. Look for Stark to be able to keep you in diamonds for the rest of your life when it comes out next year,” Tony grinned.
“You can’t now?”
Peter stopped suddenly and turned Tony to face him, cutting off his next quip.
“Wait, before you buy me anything else…”
He took both Tony’s hands in his, and tried to speak.
“So the suit… scared me. A lot. But there’s more. I need to…”
He lost his nerve immediately and looked down at the ground. A sizable wooden splinter caught his attention and he picked it up. They started to walk again.
He crushed the wood in his hand as he tried to speak. He found another splinter, even larger, and picked it up as well.
“So I guess I have to apolog… I’m going to say that ‘s’ word you don’t like now. I’m sorry for what I said on the roof. About the suit. No, wait, don’t say anything yet.”
He threw the wood towards the berm, but didn’t follow it’s progress. He looked at the ground. Absently he wiped the sawdust off his hands on the leg of his jeans.
“Look… I… I said I meant everything I said up on the roof. And I did. But I didn’t take into account that I’m also really stupid. I guess… oh god.” He rubbed his face with one hand, then firmly put his hands back into his pockets. He couldn’t hide behind them now. “I know. I know that when I considered breaking up with you, and I had been considering that very seriously, I thought… you might, you know. Want the suit back. And I had to make my peace with that.”
“I made it for you. Only for you. There are two nanotech suits in the world. Not for lack of Fury and New-Cap trying. But… It’s something that I gave to you.” Tony hesitated. “A piece of myself.”
“Yeah, I should have known that. And you said that on the roof. And I heard you, I really did. I just didn’t process it at the time.
“But when I got home that night, Tony, when I was in bed, I did. I processed it all. And I want to tell you…” He reached out and touched Tony’s elbow briefly. “It means the world to me, Tony. Whatever else we are, outside of everything we are now, it means so much to me that you think of me as an Avenger like Clint and Nat. It means everything.
“So when you said I could… “ He stuffed his hands into his pockets, hiding them. The urge to reach out for Tony was even harder to fight.
“When you said I could make my own suit, without you involved, well, that meant a lot to me too. But that was…” He choked on the word. He couldn’t make himself say ‘immature’, but it was immature, like a child running away from home and planning his budget based on his weekly allowance. So he tried again.
“…But that was not-smart. I mean I do want to play with the web formula, because I always want to play with the web formula, but I can’t make a suit without you. Everything you said was right. I am Spider-Man. The world expects me to be bulletproof.”
“Well you can play with the web formula without the nanotech,” Tony said with a quick smile. “But it’ll be cooler with it. Because… you’ve really got something there, Pete. I wanna let you at the microscope — I put a second one in my lab at home — and get it down to where you understand it inside and out. And yeah…” He seriously didn’t play well with others. “That’s gotta be done with me, at least in part.
“But you’ve got to be bulletproof, baby.” Tony turned and faced Peter, taking his hand and holding it tight. “I can’t lose you.”
Peter nodded. Then he nodded again. Then he spoke, and his voice was a lot smaller than he had intended. “So, do you forgive me? For what I said?”
Tony sighed. He hadn’t meant to. He meant to simply say ‘yes’. Because of course he forgave Peter. He’d always forgive Peter. It just took him a moment to answer. To ‘process’, like Peter had said.
“Yes. I don’t think there’s much that I wouldn’t forgive you for, Pete. I know I hurt you. You had every reason…” He hesitated again. “But that? I’m not gonna lie. It was rough. You weren’t just rejecting the suit…”
“I was trying to push you away as far as possible. That night I was feeling really… bought. Because I felt so lonely. And feeling lonely meant I really started thinking how many things I can do for myself, already did for myself. And trying to pretend I could just keep on going without you. But I can’t. Even if the suit blew up tomorrow, I can’t go on without you.”
“I know I did a hell of a lot to deserve it. But the feelings were complicated.” He gave Peter’s hand a squeeze. “A lot less complicated now.”
“Okay. So, I said I’m sorry. And here’s what I’m going to do. Uh… damn. I have to tell you something else.”
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princessvicky01 · 6 years
Fic Writer Questions
 Thank you for the tags @a-shakespearean-in-paris @ladydracarysao3 and @laraslandlockedblues! Enjoyed reading yours to! <3
What is your total word count on AO3?:   115,733 - so yeah seems I written a the equivalent word count of a novel in mainly Cullen X Annabel short smuts… not that I’m obsessed or anything.
How often do you write? Pretty much every day, although most of it goes on my original fic, but now the lastest edit is done I’ll be back on my fan fic a lot more for a while!
Do you have a routine for writing? Nope, I need quiet and to be in the mood for writing. I can’t do long stretches either, short bursts of inspiration then my brain falls over, night time is best, I mean not like I’m going to sleep anyway.
What are your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
Kinks – Hehehehe are you sure you want to know? Nah, I’m quite simple really, abit of dom!cullen, and rough wild ‘kiss me hard - i’ll bite you harder’ sex. Also love dom/sub involving light bondage, blindfolds, spanking, light whipping and getting our commander all hot and heavy growly through teasing. Body worship is also pretty high on the list, as let’s face it, who doesn't to worship and be worshiped by that man. Also dom! X dom! and threeways because hot damn. 
Tropes – I love the lazy morning in bed one, whether NSFW or SFW fluff it’s just something I really enjoy. (TMI: I guess because I miss this, me and my husband used to share a bed but can’t anymore due to his illness). So yeah bed sharing, also my trope. I love dad!cullen fluff because its so pure it warms my soul. Oh, and on the flip side avvar!cullen warrior is probably my favourite au trope out there, for purely naughty reasons.
Pairing – Cullen x Annabel Trevelyan, of course. I also am deeply in love with Cullen X Annabel X Kelandris (who belong to @inner-muse) because she is such a fantastic character and they just work so well as a threesome. A less known pairing but one of equal love is my other oc Bryan with Kelandris(again!), we haven't’ posted any of that, as I doubt anyone would be interested, but these two fire/ice dom! characters crashing into each other, oh yes!
Do you have a favorite fic of yours? Not really… I guess it would have to be Happily Ever After the epilogue I’m writing for Annabel and Cullen post trespasser as it feels like my tribute to them, IDK like a story I have to tell. But I am still really fond of my first fan fic Twenty Minutes because it helped me find my style and opened a new world for me! 
Your fic with the most kudos? Take Command with 77 - People like their dom!cullen smut and I am happy to help with that! 
Anything you don’t like about your writing? Argh… a lot. I’m slightly dyslexic so the words are there in my head, but getting them out on the screen, can be difficult (fast typing doesn’t help!). My spelling, my grammar, and just plain old missing words out in a sentence are all awful and I spend a long time editing to correct these things. A seriously long time. There are some words I have written thousands of times but still struggle with e.g. beautiful (had to spell correct that!) or gorgeous (and that), grrr.   I switch tenses a lot and really struggle to pick up on that. Also worry I don’t include enough reflective thought/emotion and struggle to make things ‘flow’, the key to that seems to be, making sure I’m in the mood to write and not forcing it.
Now something you do like? I like to think I’m quite good at writing smutty smut now, not shy about it anymore! I also like how i portray canon characters and capture their voice (or so i’ve been told!). My OC’s. Annabel and Bryan are immensely complex, even if you don’t notice in a one shot, I have a real feeling for them and they pretty much write themselves now. My vocab is also getting a lot better (thanks to @inner-muse!)
I’m going to tag @inner-muse​ @jonogueira​ @stregatadallostregatto​ @cullenstairshenanigans​ @ekoorb03​ @galadrieljones and @kierarutherford​ no pressure if you’ve already done this or don’t feel like it!
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gensou-no-toshokan · 7 years
Hello. i was thinking What if azazel was secretly really good at singing and mugaru is tge only one that knows. But nina finds out :0 Do you think you can make something out of this
I think I can, but it’s gonna have to  be on a AU scenario.
“Goodmorning Mugaro!” He heard right on time - which was actually 5 to 10 minuteslate after opening - and he nodded at her, reading himself for the onslaught ofattentions from her.
This time is what just a ruffle on hishair and a tiny peck on his cheek which always had him feeling a little warmeron the neck, not that he ever thinks of Nina that way, but it was nice to be coddled on.
“I’m so sorry to be late again! But Istayed up late-”
“Sending texts, playing videogames andeating junk food I’m sure.” 
Mugaro didn’t have to turn to know whohad interrupted Nina so suddenly, it was the same person who was always thereto chew her on whatever fault she presented in any form or way. And as usual,Nina practically stomped, after blowing some smoke from her head and facedAzazel with all her unimpressive height to him.
“Grrr, No I didn’t! I was actually uplate catching on some reading for school!” She yelled at him on his face, andMugaro felt a bit guilty because even on her tip toes she could barely reachhis chin and it was funny how he had to hunch over to be at her eye level.
Mugaro never understood why they seemedto set on such a weird routine, or why while Nina was always cheery and readyto get along with anyone she always dropped this whenever Azazel was concerned,then she became petty, grumpy and in certain occasions, her language becamereally colorful.
Azazel on the other hand, most of thetime he was happy looking at most people as if they were something lowly hefound at the bottom of his boots or something equally gross, he loved to teasebut he rarely got worked out on anything they threw back at him.
“Why do you even care what I do in myfree time!”
“Because everytime you run late orbecome careless here, I’m the one who has to pick up your messes!”
Part of it was true: Nina was not themost… diligent of workers, she wasn’t terribly irresponsable to the point of norepair, but she tended to forget important details and her cleaning andorganizing skills were below par.
“Good morning.” Mugaro heard from thedoor: It was an old lady, and she looked around almost as if she was lost, hishead turned to the still arguing duo but he didn’t have to do anything becausein one second Nina had shoved Azazel out of the way and she skimped happily tothe old lady, greeting here, asking how her day was and how he could help her.
That was truly her best asset as anemployee of this antique books store; someone could be just being curious orasking for directions and somehow ended up buying something or even in somecases became regular customers.
Azazel took care of inventory, cleaning,organizing, keeping the accounts in order and in some rare cases of dealingwith difficult people and providers, but his temper and selling skills weresomething dreadful.
Not for nothing he was the youngerbrother of the owner, if Azazel had terrible people skills - Half of the timebefore Nina was hired, he ended up scaring people off for the dumbest ofreasons - then Mr. Lucifer’s were non-existent.
How did these two convinced his motherof renting the building in the first place had always been puzzled him -although her words sometimes alluded to some unspoked agreement or favorbetween them - especially when they kept terrible track of paying the rent andproperty damage.
“It’s ready! Here’s your copy of thesecond edition of ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’, hardcover and pictures!”Nina called out and made the transaction with that huge smile of hers.
Nina maintained her pleasant face rightuntil the woman was out of eye sight just to turn around and sigh, 
“So lucky she had to go somewhere else,I feared that she would stay and chat for another hour.” She said dropping herface on the desk.
“She did?” Mugaro asked. 
“Oh right you weren’t here Mugaroright?” She said. “She was already leaving until I blurted out somethingabout never having a boyfriend and she started trying to set me up with hisgrandson!”
Azazel finally rose up from the placebehind the counter she had shoved him into, he looked a bit disheveled and asusual a frown on his face.
“Meddling old hag…” He muttered but Ninadidn’t seem to listen and kept talking.
“I mean I would’t have minded if thegrandson had been good-looking but…” She made gagging face and he giggled atit. “… I had to turn it down, I was afraid she would ask me again.” 
“Right, because you’re such a goodcatch,” Azazel snorted from behind her. “She obviously doesn’t know that behindthat ridiculously wide smile, there’s a lazy, dumb girl, with a sewer mouth,bad manners and who loves eating junk, can’t cook to save their lives, one whois so shallow ask to reject someone based on looks.” 
“You idiot… what’s so wrong about meknowing what I want in a boyfriend?” 
And there it went another fight betweenthese two, that turned into some shouting off and it either ended up with Ninacrying, Azazel locking himself on the storage room and pretend she didn’texist, or her slapping him hard enough to echo on the place. 
“I don’t have a problem with that, youdummy; I just can’t believe someone would think about you likethat.” 
Mugaro felt himself frowning, Azazel wasalways so nice to him, helped him with his homework, asked about his day,listened to him practice with the ocarina, slipped him some extra candies thathis mom had vetoed after dinner and even got him something for his birthday,then why couldn’t he be nice to Nina too?  For that matter why wouldsomeone who claims to not stand another pay so much attention to everythingthey do? Mugaro liked Nina very much, but even he knew that what Azazel saidheld some true to it. 
“Argh! What? You’re saying I’m hideous?!Just because you’re good-looking doesn’t mean you can say things like that!”
There was a heavy silence when Ninablurted this out and she was now covering her mouth with her own hands, herface looking like a huge tomato, Mugaro looked then at Azazel, dreading that hewould start poking fun at her or just tease her.
Instead he was looking to the side, thecorners of his eyes were stealing glances at Nina, and if Mugaro didn’t knewbetter he could swear there was a blush growing from the base of his neck.
‘What?…’ And it was like there was a beacon of lightilluminating this new angle for him, because now it all made sense… sort of,for people like them at least.
“…See? I knew you were shallow…” Azazelmuttered, but it was without any bite and he turned his back on both of them,pretending to be organizing a pile of books.
“…Pffft, If I was like that, then why Idespise you and your awful personality so much?” She said, looking equallysomber, and started to clean the counter, and Azazel gripped one of the booksso tightly that it almost looked like it would break, cover and all.
“Nina.” He raised his voice slightly andshe smiled at him again, but she looked sad. “Um… what type of personwould you like as boyfriend?” He asked and from the corner of his eyes, he sawAzazel froze in place.
“Mmmm,” She seemed to think about it fora while. “He would have to be good-looking yes, but he would also have tobe nice to me, I don’t even want some expensive gifts, he would just have tolike… help me study, ask me about my day, hug me and tell me I’m pretty.” Shesaid looking dreamily to the roof.
“I see,” Mugaro nodded in agreement, andfelt even more puzzled by why couldn’t they just see it, it was right there!
“…He would have to have a nice voice andknow how to sing!” She said perking up. 
“If I tell you I know a person just likethat would you believe me?” He asked.
“Of course! Tell me! Tell me!” She saidjumping up and down on her spot.
Mugaro felt a little brave and threw atiny smile at Azazel who had a panicky face right now. 
“It’s… a secret!” He exclaimed and thetwo of them face faulted on their spot. “But I’ll tell you… If you twotake me to the karaoke after closing, and you have to sing at least one song.”
Mugaro could feel Azazel’s eyes boringeyes behind his head, but he could not care less.
They would both thank him tomorrow.
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hi you know your 'im happy here with you' post??? i legit think about it EVERYDAY it changed my life mate thank you
OH GOD I WILL NEVER GET OVER IT.                                                         
Thinking back now on that whole first season is just such awild ride because it all just happened so fast? It’s like everyone wasexpecting them to be all grrr fighty with each other and try to one-up eachother but instead from day one it was like… it’s like they were constantly sortof amazed by how well they fit together you know? How many times right from thestart did Ed have to stop them from talking and talking and I remember Garysaying at least once something like “what, we’re out of time?” because they werejust so into some conversation and enjoying it so much. 
Honestly it’s like they’re almost giddy with it sometimes.Like they’re looking at each other and thinking - wow I can’t fucking believehow great this is, can you believe how great this is??
And like what really kills me about the “I’m happy here withyou” moment something like seven months into their partnership is that Garycould have chosen any number of things to say that would have easily served thesame purpose. For one thing because Giggsy was already the caretaker manager atthe time I think Gary wanted to make sure no one would start writing about him vyingfor the job, so it would have been enough to just say the second part of theanswer. 
I really do think that Jamie catches him off guard becausethe way he’s sort of stunned for a second and then bursts out laughing is somethingthat Gary is really bad at faking (like with the “no one wants to be a GaryNeville” line, which they’d worked on before and it shows in his response) andI don’t think he was faking it in that particular moment. And then his eyes goall SOFT AND WARM AND CRINKLY and he does the flirty eyebrow thing and the grinand he fucking BITES HIS LIP I SWEAR TO GOD. And then after he gets that reaction from Gary it’s like Carra’s whole face completely opens up you know? 
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“I’m happy here with you.”
The fucking way he says it. 
Like, that tone and that warmth inhis voice are supposedly so out of place all of a sudden and the thing is that hecould so easily have said “I’m happy here” or “I’m happy here with you two” butno neither of them fucking remember that there’s a third person in the room –btw in the background you can hear Ed saying “what about me?” and it’s likeARGH SHUT UP NO ONE CARES ED but then you think about it a bit and all hereally does is draw attention to the fact that Gary just said one of them. 
PoorEd, I’m just mean to him for no reason even though he’s gone now. He would justalways come in at the flirtiest Carraville moments and try to stop them. Likewhen Carra asks about Gary practicing kissing with Scholesy and the two of themare giggling their heads off and Ed goes “I hope not, sincerely. Moving swiftlyon…” and instead Gary goes back to it and makes another joke and and fine yeahokay Ed’s supposed to keep the show moving along but it’s like he had thesewarning bells in his head whenever they were getting too wrapped up in eachother and he’d throw a bucket of ice water on them.
Because who the fuck says things like that?? Or if they do they don’t say it that way, they don’t look at each other that way. It’s not like the sort of banter you get on A League of Their Own or even Top Gear and those lads really do love each other and care for each other but it’s nothing NOTHING like this.
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