#i wanna end up in maine honestly that's my goal
analogwriting · 8 months
I love those “if you were a character in…” but I’m 100% I’d be dead in any of those worlds lmao
Heart pirates? I don’t know SHIT about medicine. Sure, my mom is a psychiatrist but it’s not like I’ll give Law prescriptions for anti depressants 😭
Kid pirates? They look like my friend group but Kid would kill me fr he would not allow my ass in that ship no matter how punk I look (which I don’t)…
Honestly my best bet is the strawhat pirates, I could be robin’s apprentice or something because I like archeology :D. This also reminds me of the time I dreamt about getting stuck in the one piece word but I didn’t understand what they were saying because they were speaking in japanese EXCEPT for Sanji who spoke in french too so I was able to communicate (i actually don’t know french in real life idk why in my dream I understood him)
- number 1 kese hater
you're so absolutely valid ongg i have a weird relationship with the ocean. like i love being in it and visiting it (i live in the midwest and have visited the ocean, like, three times) but it's vastness scares the everliving shit out of me. im in love with her but i fear her. being on a boat tho in the middle of it all???? i'd pass away. i get nervous just driving over large rivers on a bridge. i've been on a boat one time and a ferry, like, twice. scared every time lmfao and i can't even begin to tell you how many dreams about the ocean i have had. and not like, drowning or anything. just about how vast and unknown she is. ugh i love her
I only think i'd have a shot with the heart pirates because before i had to drop out of college, i was going to be a forensic pathologist, so i have a lot of science and medical knowledge in my cranium. but it's the submarine that draws the line for me. i would pass away. i would end up with cabin fever and claustrophobia and simply just pass away.
i am a shithead through and through and i'd be clowning on kid at all times. i'd be a nightmare for him. i don't give a shit who you are - i'm CLOWNING on you fr. like you really thought you could take on shanks? dumbass forreal. is it bc he's gotta have redhair superiority? like if you wanna join the red hair pirates just say so...jkjkjk (kid i still love you but NO ONE is safe from my dogging) i be roasting everyone left and right. so honestly, he'd probably HATE me. but i think he secretly just loves arguing.
gimme five minutes, i'll get you lookin punk in no time. im sure i got some patches around here somewhere to make you a vest and i've got PLENTY of eyeliner and hairspray just lemme know what era we going with lmao
i love robin so much. she's so beautiful and smart and i'd kill for her frfr. i think i could survive with the strawhats. they have a level of chaos im used to and luffy reminds me of my little sister.
i meeean more than 1/3 of the french language is the same in english, so understanding sanji makes a lot of sense. the language is also just pretty similar in general in terms of words. (i took it in hs bc i was convinced i was going to move to cambridge or smth with my pathology degree that i never ended up getting lmao)
or maybe sanji was talking to you through your dreams frfr. you guys LINKED IN FORREAL NOW
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sugarpasteltmnt · 7 months
i am currently catching up on neon void, and it is a delight to read. your descriptions of leo’s mind is mesmerizing and grabs the reader’s attention so well. it’s very diverse and unique compared to other interpretations and fics♥️
i’m curious to know what your thinking process was like while writing leo’s insanity and his own thought processes.
(spoilers for ch11) the scene that stuck out to me the most was when leo was about to infect donnie. it felt so vulnerable and raw ahh
anyways i just want to dig into your mind a little to know how it works.
keep up the great work, you are doing wonderful.
WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭 you are so sweet thank you!! 💙💗‼️and ohmigosh what a fun ask.
tbh i sat on this one for a while to think of how to dive into it-- beware of my (VERY) long ramblings below!
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this question really got me Thinkin' and i kinda popped off but!! If i may indulge myself, here's sort of a wild explanation of how i approach Leo's Insane Brain for this specific fic:
does it meet R.I.S.E???
R - Realistic? I - Interesting? S - Silly? E - Existential?
R - Realistic
"How the hell do i make this sound realistic" is often an obstacle i run into. but it's also the Secret Sauce. What really gives the thought process direction. Given Leo's current situation, he's battling between what he wants and what he needs to do. Which is often a very real problem real people have. Exaggerating it helps create a fun back-and-forth dialog that can make his thoughts seem muddled.
With Leo in this fic’s setup, there are about five main key factors i rely on with his decision making:
Happiness The root of Leo’s general personification. He’s the guy who beat Krang One. The one who escaped a place worse than Hell. After years of missing home so much he’s FINALLY home. He’s drunk on happiness. He was finally home. And that relief and joy is what makes him so jubilant and goofy.
Awareness of his goal Though Rise Leo is a very funny dude, he's still a Leonardo. Throughout the series, Leo is the voice of reason when things are getting out of hand or are potentially dangerous. Leo's had nothing but time to think. Wishing what he'd done different. Wishing he had been more serious. After five years obsessing over his mistake and missing his family, the moment he see's the opportunity to make sure this never happens again he'll latch onto it. And when the stakes are high, accentuating that tension can help with frantic impact of his thinking.
His desire to see his family This desire often clashes with point number 2. Writing his internal struggle between the two helps with the “overwhelmed thoughts” vibe. It’s hard for him to choose! And he doesn’t wanna have to choose! Playing out the conflict between his 'want' vs his 'need to do' helps me bring out his nervous thinking process.
He's self-reprimanding thoughts We all love an Angsty Leo. It was hinted in the show that he had some self-esteem issues, but who doesn't love ramping it up to 11 for a fic??? That, and he was trapped with Krang this whole time. After hearing he was nothing but trash for five years PLUS the guilt of nearly ending the world, the guy doesn't exactly see himself in a great light you know? This can help clash with point 1, again helping with that 'what he wants' vs 'what he needs to do' inner conflict.
Instinct to Survive / Feral Tendencies This one is super fun. I love feral AUs/tropes. With little to no socialization in the Prison Dimension, Leo's sanity started to slip, leaving his body's natural instincts to become more profound. Plus, with the Krang Parasite, I like to exaggerate how feral/dangerous he could be outside of 'turtle' instincts. (Seeing that parasite hosts in the movie were very violent). Sprinkling in feral moments is just a delicious thrill I love adding, and it makes the insanity factor skyrocket and it's so fun to write 🩵🩵🩵
I - Interesting
Is Leo's thought process interesting to read??? Honestly, I just gun for what I think is the most interesting; Leo's relationship with his brothers (especially Raph), and the cause and effects of his shenanigans.
Also, I liked to experiment with wonky texts to help emphasize key moments or words to grab attention. Mostly because it feels like a fun surprise to read them in my opinion. Though not necessary in writing, I thought using some funky fonts might entice and excite 💙
S- Silly
THE BIG ONE!!! EVERYONE'S FAVORITE!!! 🎉🎊🥳🎉 Something I really love love love about Rise's style is that it's silly It's unique! It's fun! I love that Leo and the others are goofy and have some slap-stick moments. And I wanted to keep that with Leo despite everything. Plus, I ADORE that in this iteration of TMNT, the characters are such showmen. They are DRAMATIC. They are SILLY. And that's something I wanna celebrate!! Plus, as much as I love angst, writing nothing but pure angst is exhausting. (And I'm sure reading pure angst isn't enjoyably to everyone.) Throwing in Silly moments is like a little moment of refreshment to me 🩵
I also like to believe that Leo kept his sense of humor out of sheer SPITE. The 'wipe that stupid grin off your face' line in the movie really stuck with me. I feel like Leo would smile through his fear and still be a clown just to spite Krang One.
E - Existential
At the end of the day, Leo is dealing with a VERY big issue. I felt like the Rise movie did an excellent job portraying the severity of an alien invasion for the setting Rise had. And the weight of the situation would be too great for one person. And this is often what I refer back to to make Leo snap. A relapse in clarity of mind. A moment for the panic and PTSD to come back in full force and make him rely on his instincts. Usually the feral instincts he became more attuned with while fleeing/fighting Krang One. It also goes hand-in-hand with his awareness of his goal (as mentioned in 'Realistic' above).
And that's kinda a word-vomit of how it goes!! Honestly??? The tug-o-war between conflicting thoughts helps me write the madness in his head. It's been super fun and interesting, and I hope it's been fun to read!!! (Though I'm telling you now I will NOT be doing those floating text tables again OOF)
Thank you again for the ask it was super fun to think about ;w; 🩵‼️
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jewishicequeen · 8 months
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After a week and a half of talking @writing-biting ‘s ear off about this AU, I present to you:
The plot of this will basically follow the books, but with some changes of my own flair and some stuff I’ll steal from the show or the musical. The gods and mythology would be an unholy mess of LMK lore and Greek Mythology I’m so sorry. Character lore goes as follows-
MK basically takes Percy’s role almost 1 to 1. He’s grown up with his adoptive parents, Pigsy and Tang, never knowing his biological father, and weird stuff has always been happening to him, until one family vacation, they were attacked by a minotaur and Pigsy “died”. MK kills the minotaur, gets into camp, and have pretty much a good time until war threatening to break- someone stole the master bolt, and Sun Wukong is the main suspect for… well, obvious reasons. Wukong absolutely denies the accusations, but the fact that a kid of him just arrived kinda weakens his case, and now MK’s got to take a quest to prove someone else stole it, and save his father from the underworld in the meantime.
Red Son’s somewhat of a combination of Annabeth and Apollo here. He’s the son of a goddess and a demon, making him a minor deity, but a few years ago he released his father from the mountain. The Jade Emperor found it an offense against heaven, and as punishment cast him down as a mortal, claiming he has to take a quest to prove his worth to get his power and immortality back. Red Son’s been waiting at camp, but because he’s… generally not easy to get along with or very morally stable, have never gotten invited to join a quest. He’s pretty much a loner, spending his days at the forge and treating everyone but Mei with absolute disdain, until MK comes around. Red Son takes the killed minotaur as a personal offense, and also dislikes the fact MK carries Sun Wukong’s staff. Cue, the Percabeth can’t-be-friends-because-of-our-parents shtick.
Basically he’s five minutes away from starting a war with heaven himself, and if MK didn’t drag him to the quest and kickstart his making-friends-arc he’d join the titan side in a minute. Fortunately by the time the war breaks out he cares too much:)
Mei is a young dragon, tasked with getting MK to camp. She’s MK’s best friend, and is the only one close to Red Son, because both spent a time together before reaching camp. She’s just having fun. Honestly, goals.
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Quest notes-
Mei has a skirt to hide her tail in, and uses a tone of makeup. Red Son insists on wearing the coat and looking like Carmen Sandiego.
Anyway. I probably won’t end up writing a full fic, though I did think of some oneshots and artworks. If you wanna write this feel free, just please tag and credit me for the idea!
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yelenabelovasbxtch · 1 year
Crush On An Archer PT.1
a/n: Hey! Omg long time no see! I kinda maybe lost interest in writing for a bit there but tbh I think I'm back. No promises because I don't want to promise and then break your hearts but also I realllyyyy enjoyed writing this and I hope you all enjoy reading it! Will def be making a part two in coming days so stay tuned. LMK if you want to be added to the taglist, I am going to put some tags of past taglists below just in case they are interested in reading :) ALSO! Special shout out to @scmg11 because their writing is honestly what made me wanna get back into it. So,,I hope you enjoy!
Kate X Fem!Reader
Concept: Reader has a crush on Kate (school/Uni setting) and she doesn't know how to tell her.
Warning: Cussing, mentions of smut, IM TRYING TO WRITE SLOW BURN BUT BEAR WITH ME ITS NEW!
Word Count: 2.7k
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You’re a month into your summer vacation and things couldn’t be more…boring. You love and appreciate your parents dearly for putting out the money so that you could attend a prestigious school in New York with a kick ass archery team but does it ever suck to be this far from all your friends for four months. To make the situation work, your dad had to transfer jobs to another state that pulls in a little more money annually with slightly more affordable housing but that means you aren’t even near the people you grew up around. Rural Mississippi is a fairly big step from living in Boston. Boston at least had people, out here it’s like you’re lucky if you get to meet a neighbour because the land has us all so far apart. In all honesty, although it’s boring, you really have one specific reason for being so bummed out. Towards the end of your last semester, you got started getting closer with one of the girls a year younger on your team, Kate. Typically the older girls competed and practised together and the younger girls did the same. Although you two were only a year apart it’s just how things worked out, so you didn’t cross paths very often. However, one day you were walking home from class, stopped to get coffee and basically bumped into her. The meeting was really brief but it was enough to make you catch feelings almost instantly. 
Your interest in her grew as you followed her on Instagram and she followed back. Obviously you took a peak at her page and scrolled to the bottom laughing at the really cringey posts from 2015 she had still up. All you wanted to do was talk to her again but you didn’t know how, although she was a year younger than you she intimidated you so much. Her deep blue eyes were honestly enough to make you stutter whenever you had the chance to talk to her. A month had gone by already and you could not wait to get back to school so you could see her again. Luckily, coach has yearly “team-building” days before the season starts and they’re about half way through the summer so hopefully you can talk to her before then and maybe convince her to hang out when you come back to school. 
Over the next week or so you liked a few story posts that she’d upload every now and again but the day finally came where you felt like you could swipe up and respond to it…y’know…maybe spark a little conversation. 
“Damn Bishop, is this a new bow?” In response to a story post of her showing off some of her off season training. 
“Haha yeah it is, flips out and everything…it's really freakin’ cool.” She replied almost instantly and that made a giant warm smile come across your face. 
Shit– what do you say back? Your main goal was honestly to keep the convo going so you could subtly mention down the line hanging out with her. 
“Yeah that’s sick, wow I’d kill to try something like that out.”
“Well next time I see you, please by all means give it a shot” She replies back.
“Might just have to take you up on that. How’s your summer going anyways?”
“It’s alright, kind of boring though. All my friends from school move back home and I am working for my mom’s company over the summer so it all is just kind of dull. I miss going out and having fun. Wbu?”
“Yeah, I hear that. I am SO bored here. I would kill to fast forward to the fall, I miss being at school honestly. There’s only so much I can do by myself here during the summer.”
“Ugh right! I want it to be school again too but don’t get me wrong, I love the summer, the weather is great here recently and the nightlife is amazing too. I just have nobody to go with, you know.”
“Yeah I get it. Trust me, if I could be there to go out with you I would, there is definitely no nightlife here haha.”
Shit. That wasn’t too forward was it? She is taking a while to respond to you. She hasn’t even opened the message yet. 
*4 minutes later*
“Well, you’re going to be around for that team-building thing coach has us doing in a couple of weeks right?”
“Yeah, I should be.”
“Well, we can go out then if you want? Me and a few friends had plans but they’re all on the team and I’m sure they’d love to have you there too.”
“Yeah, that sounds great I’d love to!”
The conversation pretty much ended there and your contact with her was fairly limited, just a small comment here or there until you finally got to fly back to school for summer training. You settle back into the apartment you left a couple months ago, everything is still a mess where you left it but the kitchen and living room are even filthier since you are not around to clean up much after your roommates. You decided to wait until your team practice to talk to Kate about hanging out again. You didn’t want to come on too strong but also a small part of you feels like she forgot what she said months ago and you won’t end up seeing her, not outside of team stuff at least. 
You grabbed your gear and headed to the field where practice was being held. You saw some of your friends from last year and decided to catch up with them before coach pulled you all in to start practice. You were trying your best not to make it obvious but your eyes were tracking all around you looking for Kate but she was nowhere to be seen. 
*Whistle* “Okay team! Let’s bring it in. First, I just want to say thank you to everyone for making the effort to come back to campus for this, meeting I–”
“SORRY SORRY SORRY!” You hear the coach interrupted as footsteps are fast approaching the circle of archers. 
“Hi Kate.” Says coach.
“I am SO sorry. My driver was running late and then there was traffic because of a giant accident, I think there was some battle in the streets again, I don’t know, either way, my bad coach, won’t happen again…I promise.” She says with the most adorable grin that is absolutely saying she will be late again. 
“It’s alright Kate, it happens, I was just telling the team how thankful I am that everyone could make the trip back to campus for this.” Coach went on to talk about the drills you were doing for the day and man was it hard to not be in awe watching her. You tried your best not to stare all day because the last thing you wanted to do was make it obvious but fuck it felt impossible. The day came to an end and you packed up your gear, Kate was talking with the other seniors on the team as they were gathering their things and started to head out. You could feel your window closing to talk to her but interrupting her conversation with her friends and “inviting” yourself out with them just felt too weird and uncomfortable. If it wasn’t meant to be then it wasn’t meant to be but you would kill to be able to just spend an hour with her. 
You watched as she started to walk away towards the parking lot with her friends when all of a sudden she motioned for them to hold on a minute and she turned around and jogged over to you. 
“Hey y/n! Sorry we didn’t get to catch up much during practice, I saw your shooting though it’s looking good.” 
Yeah…your face is bright red. Control your shit. 
“Anyways, me and a couple friends are going out later tonight to a party that one of their friends is hosting. It’s like a Hawaiian beach summer nights themed type of party so if you have something like that to wear, that would be great.”
“Yeah, I might have something, I’ll take a look when I get home.” 
“Cool! I’ll text you the address once I get it off my friend and I’ll see you there?”
“Yeah, sounds good!” 
“Here, why don’t you put your number into my phone, I don’t like using DM’s that much.”
You take Kate’s phone out of her hand and fill out a contact for yourself, praying that she can’t hear your heart beating out of your chest. 
“Cool, thanks, I’ll send you a text in a bit.” She says with a smile and then runs off to re-join her friends. 
It seems silly sitting by your phone and literally watching the minutes tick by waiting for her to text you but that’s all  you could do. The anticipation felt like it was killing you. 
Your phone finally buzzed with a mystery number attached, “Hey y/n! It’s Kate. So…slight change of plans.”
Fuck. Is she bailing? Your eyes were glued on the three dots as she typed and you watched as they disappeared and reappeared. 
“Turns out the party is actually around the corner from my place so if you wanted to just come here first, we could pre-game and shit and then walk over together? My friends said they were going out to get their hair done so they’ll be running late.”
“Hey Kate, yeah no problem that works for me just send me your address and lmk what time you want me there.”
Kate dropped a pin of her location to you with the text attached telling you to come over at 7pm. 
7pm rolled around and you were already there outside but you kind of felt like you should wait another minute or two so you weren’t RIGHT on time. Or is it weird to be a minute late? But wouldn’t being on time be weirder? Whatever, you decided to just wait a minute and then knock on her door. 
Knocking on her door was the most nerve wracking thing you ever did, you were genuinely shitting bricks. 
“HEY! Come in come in!” Kate eagerly yells at you as she swings the door open. She’s wearing shorts with a bright purple bikini top and a button down Hawaiian shirt over top that doesn’t have a single button done up. Are you starring? Yes. Probably? Absolutely you are. 
“Make yourself at home, feel free to grab a drink from the fridge, my roommates are out of town and left all their alcohol so help yourself.” She said with a laugh. 
You heard that right? Her roommates are out of town. Just the two of you…you never know. 
You grabbed a drink from the fridge and took a seat on the couch next to her and yeah…the drink started going down faster than usual because of all the nerves in your stomach. The two of you made small talk for awhile but the conversation started flowing a little more naturally about 2 drinks in. Were you still kind of awkward as hell? Yeah…a little. But at least you warmed up to her a bit and weren’t acting so weird. About an hour later, her friends showed up and grabbed you guys to head over to the party. Honestly, things were going so well with just the two of you that you didn’t even want to go to this party but if it meant you got to spend more time with her then there you were. You got to the party and you honestly knew practically nobody. You weren’t exactly a social butterfly but Kate clearly was. She was talking to EVERYBODY. The boys at the party especially loved her. There was lots of laughing and flirting going on, you could feel the jealousy building but acting out was definitely not an option. You ended up socialising with a few of the other people at the party but for most of the night you stuck by Kate’s side, the two of you got pretty drunk together, pouring shots for one another and dancing in the pit of people to extremely loud music. There was a point where it felt like it was just you and her and nobody else was there while the music was blasting into your ears and the two of you were jumping together to the beat and singing out the lyrics to whatever song was on at the time. Kate got really close to you until some guy would come and pull her away in an attempt to make a move on her. Although, it never actually happened. Kate always ended up finding her way back to you. At one point she grabbed your hand and pulled you into the middle of the crowd as the two of you sang (screamed) the lyrics to “love story” into each other's faces. The party, as all do, started to simmer down. You guys actually ended up being some of the last people at the party, you stuck around to the point where the music was gone and most people were just sitting around chatting halfway sober. 
“Hey, I think I’m going to go home, I am super tired right now.” Kate says to you. 
“Okay, I’ll walk with you, I left my bag at your place anyways so I have to grab it.” 
“Right, sounds good.” 
Although the two of you had been singing and dancing for hours, she looked just as perfect as when you left and you were trying your hardest not to stare at her while the two of you were walking side-by-side. 
The walk back to her place was pretty quick, when the two of you got inside you went to grab your bag and get your things together. You were desperately trying to figure out what to say to her while you were organising your stuff. You didn’t want to come on too strong but you also want to make sure that she knows you had a good time…I guess just tell her exactly that?
“I had a really good time tonight, thanks again for inviting me.” You say as you’re leaning against the wall in her hallway. 
“Of course, anytime. And I did too. We should really hang out more when we come back to school.” She replies. 
Kate walks towards you and stops about a foot away leaning up against the doorframe to her bedroom. The hallway is super narrow and all you can think about is pinning her against the wall while you kiss down her neck and pull her tight by her waist. 
“Yeah I think so too. I guess I should probably head out.” You say as she looks at you with the softest eyes that you swore said “please stay”. You lingered for a second longer as the two of you were looking at each other, tired, kind of tipsy and on the verge of ripping each other's clothing off. All you wanted was for her to actually ask you to stay a little longer but before she had the chance you were already walking towards the door. 
“Have a good night y/n.” She says. “Text me when you get home safe.”
“I will. Sleep well Kate.” You reply as you turn to look at her with a smile and step out the front door. 
That goodbye felt different. It felt like there were still feelings in the air and lots that wanted to be said that wasn't. It felt like the perfect opportunity with nobody around after an amazing night together has passed but you regret none of it. Although you weren’t able to get a confirmation on whether or not Kate even likes women like you do, you knew there was definitely a type of tension between the two of you that she definitely noticed.
-- END OF PT 1 --
Taglist: @yelenaslyubov @youreatotalposer @jeyramarie @flosbelova @bridgecitybrad @justthis-stuff @chloe7076 @ailenepuff @ravenclawbitch426 @mellowladyangel @amcg0605-blog @kassies-take @yelenaswife1996 @wandanatchick @lilroachsworld @inluvwithfictionalwomen @x666hours @natashaswife4125 @onetruwhore @karmasgxrl @hopelesslyfallenninlove @setsuna1415 @swiftdazer @imobsessedwithmilfss @madamevirgo @louisprettybab @splatalia-jumpanova @jediluka @t00manyfand0ms
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bricko-mcfisto · 3 months
So I wanna talk about Elden Ring, specifically about the final boss of its DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree, specifically about some of the controversy and fandom infighting I've seen and some of my own thoughts about why they did what they did.
Obviously, spoilers beneath the cut.
So, instead of Godwyn we got Promised Consort Radahn and the reveal that Miquella had been thirsting for the Starscourge as his lord and consort since before he was even called the Starscourge, and some people are pretty disappointed about that, and honestly I am too, but...I want to take a stab at trying to explain why.
As youtubers like Zullie the Witch have started delving into Shadow of the Erdtree's lore and assets it's pretty obvious that indeed as has been said already, the content in SOTE was part of Georgie Martin's lore bible that he wrote for the game, and honestly I think this is the root reason for why it was Radahn at the end of the DLC and not Godwyn.
George RR Martin is a man kind of famous for his painstaking detail even where it's not always wanted, such as his notorious quote asking what Aragorn's tax policies were after Lord of the Rings, and Radahn's presence in the DLC answers a question that while maybe not important to most of us would have absolutely been something he'd have included in what he wrote for Fromsoft.
Why did Malenia and Radahn fight? It's a question we never get an answer to main game, I don't think we even get any real hints. Personally I didn't think it was that important, the entire point of the Shattering War was that it was bad and the demigods going mad with newfound strength so does it really matter what their specific supposed reasons were for annihilating the countryside?
However, George Martin absolutely would have included the details of why that war happened, what the goals were, the point of it even was, and thus...we see Radahn's place as final boss and Promised Consort.
Now do I know this for fact? Obviously not, I'm inferring based on my understanding of Martin's writing and the general level of historical detail in Elden Ring's base game and how neatly the rest of the DLC fits into the history and worldbuilding of the base game, and the fact that George kinda feels like the only explanation?
Promised Consort Radahn is kind of unprecedented in terms of Fromsoft's DLC boss fights. The closest we've ever come to something like this was in Dark Souls 2, with things like the Squallid Queen summoning Velstadt and the optional powered up, Cool Ranch flavored Smelter Demon, both of which don't even come close.
This would be like if the Artorias of the Abyss DLC in Dark Souls 1 had like the Four Kings again but more powerful and "in their prime" as the final boss instead of Manus. It would be like if the final boss of Dark Souls 3's last DLC was Lorian revealing that while he liked his brother he always thought Yhorm was super cool and wanted to marry him and you then fought them both together. Really the only reason I can think for why Fromsoft would do something this unusual for them is because it's what George wrote down when detailing the events of the Shattering War and why those battles happened.
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desire-mona · 6 months
Could I ask for a mini ramble on why Keating is your favourite character? Poised with a notebook and pen to take down notes haha
so like. keating; let's talk about that
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we desperately need to acknowledge that keating is an amazing man right down to his core. he is so passionate about living life in a way that makes him feel fulfilled that he makes it his main goal to teach others how to do the same.
he experienced the same exact thing as the poets, remember, the movie makes a big deal of how nothing at welton changes. he had the same exact oppressive environment growing up as they did, so he knew exactly how to connect to these boys.
every single one of his peers and superiors fully believed that neil's death was keatings fault, and actively shunned him for it. not a singular person that wasnt a Teenager in his community understood what he was trying to do. welton painted the narrative that keating taught these insane useless lessons about breaking the rules BUT NEED! I! REMIND! YOU! HE MADE A PRETTY BIG EMPHASIS ON THE FACT THAT U GOTTA BE SMART ABT IT! he called out charlie for the call from god thing for a reason!!
another crazy devastating thing abt keating + neils death is the fact that neil was understanding exactly what carpe diem mean's IMMEDIATELY. AND WAS ACTING ON IT!! he pursued things that he knew would make him happy and fulfilled in the long run, he knew what he wanted to do with his life and he took the first opportunity to get it. the exact fucking definition of seizing the day. keating was REACHING THIS KID SO WELL!! HE WAS UNDERSTANDING EXACTLY WHAT HE WAS SAYING!!! AND THEN!!! AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!
so imagine this. you grow up in the most rigid, boring, unchanging environment and decide fuck it, im gonna Do Something for Myself for Once. you start to think oh, this is actually kinda sick, doing things that make me happy. you escape the environment that aims to essentially make these Children into what their idea of successful is. (quick reminder that there are actual children also attending welton. like kids. like 9 year olds n shit.) you actually chase after every opportunity to be what your idea of successful is, and were so passionate about that way of living that you learned how to teach others how to do it. and also poetry and stuff.
so youre doing exactly that, you finally got to a point where youre doing exactly what you wanna do, and teaching these kids in a situation just like yours. and its going SO WELL! there's this one kid who just GETS IT and is doing it flawlessly and then - oh !
keating is my personal description of raw devastation. all of who you are and what you wanted to be is in shambles because of something that isnt your fault. but almost everyone around you thinks it is your fault. and we're just gonna move on from that? thats it? thats the end of the story? no more keating after that?????? downright evil. more people gotta talk about this wonderful man!!!!!
also very sorry if this makes no sense, im quite high. but also shameless self promo pls interact with my ask blog @ask-captain-keating bc i lob running it. pleags. ily for asking this btw!!!!
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anotherfanaccount · 1 year
Jawan again. Spoilers included.
I know I know. Got sick and all this useless scrolling through the tl is just adding more thoughts. Why do I have so much thought regarding a movie. I hate my brain sometimes.
So I think it's safe to say this movie won't win awards. Maybe for VFX or stuff like that. Again random acts keep winning stuff these days in India so who knows.
But I wanna talk about srk specifically. He was the main actor here even with plenty of characters having their own arc but you saw srk the actor shine through.
Now I'm no expert but his Vikram Rathore before memory loss, after memory loss and again regaining memory was absolutely perfect.
Because you see in first phase, he's this confident and brave man who loves his wife and has a band of soldiers that would die for each other. Come in second phase, right in the beginning, forget about medical accuracies, he has no memory but goes feral over the goons. And drops his weapons in confusion right after and asks who is he? I was sold right here actually. And we don't see him until the interval. He comes in with a goal, to save his son, a son he has no memory about but is he a man who avoids responsibility. No sir. He comes and straight up tells his son, that I don't really have feelings for you because you see convenient memory loss. But you don't hate him, neither does Azad.
Also he has acquired a different swag while in the village all these years. And you can't tell me that he's not high most of the time. Because he's sorta dazed always, and my theory is that he might have not recovered entirely, maybe there's just dreams or phantom pain that's way too painful for him and thus the constant cigar. Adds another swag entirely though.
So when he recovers his memory, you see the actor in his finest, the eyes, they do everything. Split seconds, and he remembers bit by bit. Imagine getting back memories of about 3-4 decades and it's tragic at best. The final nail, Aishwarya calling him, and he loses it. All that pain comes out in a raging howl. Oh boy. There, the movie actually ended there for me.
It's amazing how a secondary character played by the same actor can overshadow the main lead. I love looking at actors playing double roles honestly. It's fun trying to see when they'll break.
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queers-gambit · 1 month
I wanted to start writing fics and I have an idea of one I’d want to write but I’m unsure of even where to start. Could you please tell me how your process helps you? Any advice would be greatly appreciate!
Thank you!
hey, cutie pie! what a special message you've sent me. i'm feeling incredibly honored - whether you sent this message or not as a compliment, i don't wanna know, this could-be delusion is very flattering. you think i'm a well enough writer to ask advice from? 10 points to Slytherin.
it was Ernest Hemingway who said, “there is nothing to writing. all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.”
unfortunately, i'm one of those people that says, "just start writing". i know this is like throwing you in the ocean without a life vest, but i hope i can teach you how to swim (or at the least, tread water) by breaking this down enough for yah.
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please note i am NOT a professional - so everything below is to be taken with a grain of salt
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first - welcome to the author community! where we all think we have to publish Pulitzer prize winning stories - every. single. time! and where we think our work is TRASH - every. single. time!
storytelling is a skill that you don't have to be "born with", but you do have to practice and experiment with. even seasoned writers need palette refreshers and to "return to the story drawing board." to me, writing is universally one of the greatest artistic mediums this world will ever know. stories transcend time; think folklore and mythology that date way way way back Before Christ (BC). stories can (mostly) only be built upon and altered - just look at the Bible! written text, yes, but it's diluted by X number of "translations" through the years, scholars, people, factions, economies.
anyways. i think it's REALLY cool you want to write and i honestly love that for you. i hope it's as beneficial to you as it is me.
best piece of advice i can give? be proud of yourself. confidence really shows through writing; it's not being arrogant or cocky, it's knowing you have a story to tell and being determined to tell it. trust me, that energy translates. when you're happy to write, audiences are happy to read; nobody is ever expecting you (or any fanfic writer) to be Chaucer or Shakespeare or Brontë or Poe or Fitzgerald or Tolstoy or Tolkien or Dickens or Eliot or Morrison, they want YOU to be YOU and to read YOUR story.
so have faith in yourself. have pride. find motivation and inspiration.
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🍒 general rules of thumb
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🍒 write everything down!
it doesn't matter where - just write! every! thing! down! write in a: -> Word document -> Tumblr draft -> good ol' fashioned pen and paper -> Sharpie and cafe napkin and for my Apple people: -> the notes app or Pages document
🍒 always write out the plot - doesn't matter if it's complete, just write it down! it's a tool, and trust me, when writing, think of it as your ankle being shattered and this written plot document is the crutch. it's extremely important to have a general idea of what your story's plot looks like so you can decide what details should be used to beef up the story's authenticity. this will help visualize the web you need to weave. it's a visual end goal. it's the reminder where your story is going. give yourself enough space to add to this idea, to expand it.
i prefer bullet points. experiment to find what works for you!
so, in a structure similar to educational notes, establish the general premise / main idea / main details. this is where you're going to answer (no, not literally), "why write this story? what's the point? what even IS the story? like, what's the plot?" -> if you ponder why you're writing a story and at any point, the answer is along the lines of being self indulgent, please understand, that is valid! write that shit!
🍒 notes are a safe space to write out ideas you might be interested in revisiting. so label everything because you'll revisit often - whether for the next story idea or not.
🍒 Google ― -> what you know to strengthen literary frame. allow this to include refreshment of writing devices. -> any and all words; keep a list of running adjectives, nouns, dramatic diction to give your story personality. -> definitions - even the words you already know! -> what you don't know! -> synonyms!
🍒 don't pay attention to word counts! 5k word fics are just as valid as 1.3k, even 896 word fics! fuck word counts, just tell the story.
🍒 write and rewrite. this is where writing becomes daunting, it's so fucking scary. but all you're doing is trying to find your voice, so write your drafts, then rewrite - rewrite - rewrite - and for good measure, rewrite, rewrite, aaaaand probably rewrite twice more. just allow yourself room to stretch and grow as an author when new and altered ideas come to mind - and when these new and altered ideas come to mind, write! them! down!
🍒 writing is supposed to be fun! 🍒 writing supports your emotional vulnerability! 🍒 be open to inspiration everywhere! 🍒 give yourself time and be kind! 🍒 encourage changes of thought and new directions! 🍒 don't minimize yourself to conform with what is "thought" to fit certain criteria - take authentic risks!
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🍒 nonlinear and chaotic writing process
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🍒 so... kinda first thing is done internally:
what's the plot? what was the idea formed in my head, inspiring me to write this story? what's the climax? is this idea able to turn into a story? -> i write it down.
which fandom? does my story idea fit into "canon timelines" or the fandom's setting? more or less, i determine if this is an AU or not. -> i write it down.
declare a muse i think BEST suits my story idea. -> i write it down (call that commitment).
now, i like to beef up the plot / climax details, either after the initial idea or establishment of muses. these are the nonnegotiable "dramatic factors" i think the story needs. -> i write it down.
🍒 then i just start writing the actual draft / structured story. i know, i know, i know! this is the worst advice and lots of authors say it. but it just means to start! it means you can start anywhere. it's your story, you're telling it - so you can literally just start because a story can grow in all directions.
🍒 personally, i use the fuck out of skeleton drafts (see below) because i like to revisit and build, restructure, and let seemingly random ideas take natural form almost every single time i sit down to write (which, for the sake of my mental health, is almost everyday).
🍒 i endeavor for mysterious, captivating, intriguing opening sentences or paragraphs and titles. so i'm constantly editing and Googling words, definitions, synonyms, phrases.
🍒 i draw inspiration from everywhere; sometimes from personal conversation and experiences, other books, quotes from movies and songs.
🍒 i strive for authenticity - i personally think it's what hooks an audience, when they can see even the SMALLEST fraction of themself in the story. so i challenge myself to get criminally vulnerable and open - so a lot of my trauma is processed through writing, too.
🍒 i like to employ common literary devices, such as metaphors, proverbs, iteration, personification. but that's a personal choice.
🍒 i often draft the story and then leave it for a bit to "marinate" because at the most random and often, inopportune, times, i'll have new ideas i want to add. so i leave myself time to revisit which can get frustrating, but it's necessary for my security to publish.
🍒 dialogue is "just conversation with a purpose". when writing dialogue, i often say the words in my head OR (as embarrassing as it might sound) out loud with the chracter's accents and TRY to convey that in my writing. so i use a lot of slang or incomplete sentences or predicates or accents - in the form of dropping the "g" from a lot of "-ing" ending words.
🍒 I DO NOT CONDONE THIS NOR ENCOURAGE THIS! but i'm a fiend and smoke a LOT. and i drink an unhealthy amount of coffee - so that def influences my writing whether i like it or not. this is 1000000% a personal choice and in no way, shape, or form am i encouraging anyone to smoke and / or give themselves kidney stones for the sake of writing.
🍒 i'm decently selective about my stories, in the sense of if i truly cannot connect or find influence to write, i won't. i can't. so i've been doing better about if a plot doesn't flow the way i want, i try not to force it and embrace the new direction. 🍒 HOWEVER - i still like to challenge myself, so, if i find writing has become like pulling teeth, i'll walk away and revisit at another time. i'll try to tackle from a different angle BEFORE giving up completely. yikes.
🍒 being said, walk away when writing feels frustrating and exasperated.
🍒 real life experience is your friend - "write what you know".
🍒 i'm criminally insecure and don't use beta readers nor editors so i rawdog every story and audience reaction. but i hear they're wildly helpful!!! do what feels right!!! it's your art!!!
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🍒 skeleton drafts
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when in school, teachers, professors, educators might have students structure essays as a "draft". maybe they asked for paragraphs to be organized in a certain way - intro., x3 body paragraphs, conclusion, bibliography - and more specifically, the paragraph structure: opening sentence stating summarized opinion / reason for thesis support, supporting specifics that explain the thesis, and then conclude on a summary of why the listed support supports the thesis.
whatever it is, i don't adhere to some parameters. i've always pissed off my educators because my "working drafts" never made sense, but whatever "final draft" turned in for a grade, did! make it make sense!
so i use "skeleton drafts".
it's where i try to outline the main ideas of my plot to ensure i tell the story i originally thought of. think of these as "plot points", almost like the ribcage of a skeleton. then i add certain supporting details between these ribs; the meat of the story.
i like getting the majority of the story outlined. i use bullet points, i try to use "dividers" or "headers" if i need a time jump, but i want the general idea down so that it's easier to add onto later if i so choose.
so, yeah, i don't "draft" as some American educators might approve of. the actual process is too tedious and i hate it. but that's just me. other authors MIGHT recommend traditional drafting, but i won't. i say do what feels natural to you, but still find a way to rewrite the story you want until it BECOMES the story you want.
"skeleton drafts" establish the plot and pose as major pillars to help propel the story's flow. "skeleton drafts" are like a check list: being the plot points framing the story's structure, as well as details (no matter how small) the story needs.
being said - using skeleton drafts results in a few different draft / note pages in different places so tread carefully. it can get very confusing and annoying, so, it's not for everyone. i'm just chaotic and all my writings are like a tornado.
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i hope this helps in even the slightest of ways. thank you for sending your message - again, i'm deeply flattered. i apologize it took so long to respond but i was doubting myself and what to write.
listen, poppet. keep writing. try, try again. challenge yourself. and the VERY best of luck! i hope you fall in love with writing, and in turn, it falls in love with you!
come back anytime! if you so desire, please, send me whatever you write - i'd love to read it!
endless forehead kisses and all my love 🖤
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roguephenon · 1 month
Hi, I started planning my own KND fic, and started with figuring out the ages and birthdates, and I have to ask. 1. How was it for you the process of coming up with a chronology of a show that doesn't really have a set and consistent timeline? 2. In what year does your fic takes place?
My process and answer is long so have it at under the cut
The first part of my process was deciding if I wanted a set timeline or just to go with what worked for me from fic to fic. Over the years (and after watching the series hundreds of times and taking novels worth of notes and screenshots), I’ve settled on a set timeline that works for me and what I like to do.
(Fun fact: I have 3 different timelines! 1 is the main one I use, and the other two are bit more loose depending on the AU I wrote. In one, the GKND doesn’t exist.)
First, I would decide how religiously you want to try and make sense of the timeline the show tries to give us. There aren’t many, but there are a few events that have specific years that can be pinned down. For example, one is the Great Junior High Rebellion of ‘99 where the recommissioning module was allegedly “damaged beyond repair” (maybe they didn’t try turning it off and back on again?). The next one is 1969 where the KND faked the moon landing so adults wouldn’t discover the Moonbase. They’re small throwaway mentions, but important if you need some dates to anchor to.
Also consider that (probably almost) everything in season 6 that’s not a flashback happens AFTER Op. ZERO due to the shots of the Moonbase being the rebuilt Moonbase Zero.
Now, saying all that, my next piece of advice may be weird, but honestly, I think it’s important: don’t stress too much about it! Details are essential, but getting hung up on them can be a headache and stop the process. As you mentioned, the show doesn’t have a consistent timeline, so trying to make sense of everything will run you up a wall.
Just breathe and pick any year or era you want that makes sense or resonates with you! Wanna set it in 2018 or even in 2024? Go for it!
But why aren't kids/teens seen using smartphones? Maybe there’s super duper strict regulation that keeps anyone under 13 (perhaps even 18 because Father apparently controls the Teen Ninjas) from not having smartphones, and the KND uses 2x4 tech as a way to get around it. There’s already legislation in the works in the US that does this already to ban kids from using social media.
How come sector V are all in the same grade yet are different ages? Again, maybe in this world, there’s some super weird law the adult villains lobbied for that keeps kids in certain grades for extended times. There was literally an episode that ended with a 4th Grade President going to City Hall and coming out and saying, “by the way, school day ends at 8:25pm now. Sucks to suck, also Father is the best.”
Let the show's lack of a consistent timeline be an unexpected strength! Besides one or two cultural nods as the show evolves, there's not too much to date it. For example, they make up corporations and franchises to parody real ones and never give the name of a sitting world leader.
Also, it’s a cartoon, and their world is not bound to the same laws as ours. It’s not real life! Be silly and stretch things if you need to! If trying to take the show and make it more realistic is your goal, then, of course, do that as well! Just for me personally, I try not to get bogged down with “this event or timeline doesn’t exactly match up or happen how it would in real life” because I’m not writing real life: I’m writing Kids Next Door fighting candy monsters or the living avatars of puberty.
I’m getting off-topic. Anyway, the last piece of help I offer is just (if you can) rewatching the show and paying attention to context clues in the background! In season 5, two shots of a gravestone end with 2005. So, with that in mind, we can infer a few things:
1. From wherever you put that episode in timeline, it at least happens during or after the year 2005.
2. The same gravestone appears again in IT, so everything that has happened up to Rachel deciding to call a game of tag, again, happens either during or after the year 2005.
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Take that as you will!
For the next part of your question! If you’re talking about Cold Reception SPOILER AHEAD BECAUSE IT WILL NEVER BE DIRECTLY STATED IN THE FIC! ....
you really wanna know?
The year Cold Reception takes place is 2011.
Hope this helps! If not, let me know and maybe I can give more specifics! Good luck on your fic! Writing is fun.
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themostsanebug · 18 days
miitopia is an rpg created by Nintendo utilising the customisation of the “miis”, characters meant to represent you, your family and people in general. the storyline goes along the lines of ; you’re a traveller, coming across the land of miitopia and you fall into greenhorne. Before being met with the dark lord whose goal is to steal everyone’s faces and place them onto monsters. You, the traveller have to gain team members and save the world and possibly the dark lord.
heres. My parties, ocs and a few facts :]
party 1; the sunstone party (greenhorne)
Faelyn, our main traveller, they/any, VERY gay for Aelius, just some. Guy from a kingdom that’s hidden from sight by a cloak of magic placed over it by its rulers. Faelyn isn’t anything special until the post game. In this party she is a mage, only being a beginner.
Aelius, He/they, VERY gay for Faelyn, the cleric and prince of aeligar. (By being the princess’ sibling I think that’s how royalty works?) Aelius, and the people of aeligar got infected with a curse that. Gives them more eyes and more horrifying features. Throughout the game I give Aelius more eyes.
Scamp, She/her, aroace, thief the party found her in a box and was like ‘yo wanna save the world with us?” And she was like “ok”
Penny, she/her, GAY for Nasrin. Popstar who was previously a clown, most miserable gal EVER.
Party 2; the trickster party.
Faelyn, same info as before. Slightly more miserable warrior, morning the loss of Aelius because he kinda got kidnapped.
Comet/C0M37, They/she, an anxious scientist and hacker who likes to basically bend physics without realising it. She’s terrified of their own abilities honestly. Sibling of Erith, therefore being part imp. In a qpp with sol!
Erith, She/her, a mysterious imp the party was forced to fight due to erith being partly controlled by the dark lord before comet recognised her as their sister, purifying her with a potion?? I guess?? Formula??. Erith has most likely lived through a war.
Sol, they/she, a cat that’s siblings with scamp! And in a qpp with comet. Sol is extremely energetic and found out about the party due to their sisters disappearance, wanting to help save her.
Party 3; Traveller party
Faelyn, same info, very miserable thief now. Past battles means they now have a blank eye and a lot more scars.
Nasrin, she/it, princess of aeligar, sister of Aelius. She’s also infected with the virus, and also joined Faelyn in a hope to find its brother (aelius) (she ended up finding out about Faelyn and Aelius and was li,e “good for you” and then met penny and was like “holy smokes!!”)
Jorildyn, he/it, (transgenderrr) a travelling cook from the land of the fey, seeing Nasrin and Faelyn struggle with a lack of healing abilities led Jorildyn to join their party, cooking delicious food daily with the scraps left of the monsters they fought. He probably loves cake more than anything ever actually.
Ori, She/her, Faelyn little sister! She found about her older sibling travelling to save the world and insisted she’d join, being a beginner mage after being taught by Faelyn when Faelyn still was living in their kingdom. Ori got heavily battered by goblins, being saved by the great sage who took Ori to Faelyn.
BONUS!! Pets. Technical other creatures
Cluzz, a hobgoblin they found in the land of fey that Faelyn refused to get rid of. With trial and error they managed to just about befriend it, when they saved Aelius he would cast a spell to give it a face from a person who wasn’t real. So it could live on as a friend,
skysong, a mystical horse they encountered also being swarmed by goblins. Once saved it agreed to partner with the team, regaining its magic very slowly.
Dominic, a dragon saved in the canon story that the party tamed, flying around miitopia on it.
I love my ocs DONT JUDGE ME. /silly
uh enjoy…
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poohsources · 9 months
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HELLO EVERYONE! as the year is slowly but surely coming to its end, and i'm now home for the holidays, i thought it was finally time to make another one of these. partially to give a little update on what's been going on in my life and partially as some sort of retrospect for this past year and a look into my plans for next year.
looking back, it's been quite an eventful year — especially when compared to the weird covid years we had to deal with previously. the biggest change was probably my dropping out of college to start a dual studies program in law. i did like my college program just fine ( until i didn't anymore ) but i really feel like law is my thing. and apparently everyone else in my circle of family and friends thinks so as well because i seem a hell of a lot happier than i did before. kinda unfortunate it took me seven years since quitting high school to figure that bit out, but hey, at least i got there in the end. it's been quite time-consuming, and i feel like in those past five months, i've already learned more than i did in all my years of college, but it's fun. i also finally got some new friends my age again. it's also strange to think back that just one year ago i was still struggling financially and just generally dealing with some bad mental health stuff.
i'm actually happy now.
in terms of tumblr and roleplaying, i gotta be honest that i have been sidelining it a lot over the last months. sure, i'm still around but it's not my primary focus, and i'm learning that it's okay not to be online all the time. it's okay to take breaks and focus on other things because as much as i love this blog, the community and tumblr, there are some more important things now. still, i am and always will be eternally grateful to every single person who supports me - whether it is by liking or reblogging posts, sending asks or messages, following me or using any of my stuff. it means so freaking much to me, and i always feel so proud whenever i randomly see my own stuff pop up on my dash because mutuals use it. thank you all so very much! in a similar vein, i honestly still cannot fathom that i almost managed to double the follower count this past year. i'm probably not gonna reach the goal i've kinda been looking at until the end of the year but that's okay. i am so incredibly grateful for everyone here anyway. no matter what.
as for next year - i'm not too sure what i'm gonna do. of course. i'm gonna keep posting memes, and templates and whatever other stuff i feel like doing, but i think my activity is gonna keep on being spotty. i'm also still tempted to do commissions one day ( and we're totally gonna ignore that i've been saying this for over a year now, okay? ) but with the amount of time i don't have, i'm not sure i'm gonna be able to deliver on that. if i do finally build the courage and self-esteem to do that, it will be like an occasional thing that might take some time. however, one thing i do wanna do more of is gifs. i'm not sure what kind of gifs, but i enjoy making them and it's been way too long since i did them so i'm gonna see how i'm gonna incorporate that. or if anyone has any specific gifs they want, always feel free to shoot me an ask or a message. maybe also some aesthetic-y stuff? after all do love making pinterest boards for characters.
maybe i'll also do a blog reveal once i finally set up my multi that i've been planning to work on for months now. since i'm gonna scrap my current main blog ( which i haven't really been active on in a while now anyway ) i'm kinda thinking of coming back to writing and who knows, maybe i'm gonna reveal it here in case anyone would like to write with me.
anyway, this was a lot of rambling, and if you've made it this far, i once again wanna thank you. i know i do this a lot but i really do appreciate you all being here so much, and even after two years of having this silly little blog, it still feels unreal to me that so many people here enjoy what i do.
much love and happy holidays, pooh 🧡
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sol-lar-bink · 3 months
Honestly your Kirby ocs are wonderful and really inspire me to wanna make some too, you got any tips for that? Would appreciate any tips or just how you came to have some of the ideas for them
Thank you!!! That really means a lot to me! My OCs mean the world to me, and its wonderful to hear they inspire you!
I'll try to write some general tips and how I kinda came up with some of my ideas... hope any of this helps!
I mostly focus on the spiders since I'm just super in love with them. And they vary a lot I'd say!
I usually like to start with a few questions before starting work, but not always! Sometimes its fun to just design a character for the heck of it, or if you get a really cool idea! And you can worry about story and lore later.
My questions usually involve
. 'where will this character live?' usually dependent on where I want to plop them into the kirby world. Dreamland? Floralia? Some distant planet I just made up? Anything!
. 'what role/ purpose do they serve for me or the story creatively?' Are they gonna be a main character and have a story? Are they gonna be a self insert for fun? Are they a supporting character or a love interest perhaps? Or better yet, a villain?! The possibilities are endless!!! I sometimes like to make side characters as well, like NPCs. . 'what will their personality be like?' Fairly obvious question, but it will really shape the character into exactly what you want, and who they will be! . 'who are they friends/ enemies with, if any?' I like to usually pair my characters up with someone at least, unless isolation is a key part of their story/ identity. A good example I have is making Toxecia and Sylvette. I specifically made Toxecia to be a tyrannical Queen, and Sylvette to be a close friend to Tox, trying her best to help her become a better person.
Or you have Puffe and Pierce for example. They both work for Haltmann Works INC, but are rivals and hate each others guts.
There may be more questions I'm forgetting but those are my main thoughts first and foremost.
One thing that usually leads to for me at least is a story to tell. I like to create a story my characters can follow and develop through- even if I know I'll never actually be able to tell the story. But a story can come before or after you make an OC.
Now lets talk a lil about how I came up with a few of my characters!
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Halaro for example! He's a... sort of self-insert, but also not. His design is both based off of my other sonas/ main characters, and also Taranza. Saying Taranza may seem obvious, but my ideal goal was to have Halaro work in the castle, to be a part of it and be around Taranza. This helps me control how much detail I can actually put into Halaro. I don't want Halaro looking superior to Taranza as he is meant to be lower rank than Taranza. So his design ends up being rather simple with a few minor quirks to make him at least stand out.
Tbh he's does get confused for Taranza often still, but I'm slowly working on separating them more and more as time goes on... but still keep em somewhat similar.
So... he lives in Floralia, Dreamland. He's a sort of self insert, he's the main character overall in my little story (which may never be told lmao) but its nice to have a story somewhere in the background and bring up bits of it every so often.
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Toxecia is a fun one. She's heavily based off of a anime character from 'Black ⭐ Rock Shooter' named 'Black Gold Saw'.
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I took the longer horns, the hair design (somewhat) and some outfit pieces. Like the sleeve I turned into one of her robes. I also made a similar weapon.
Where my differences come in are the colors. I really wanted to use a toxic green and purple combo cos I've never tried that before. Other elements are mostly original- like her scepter. Its simple, more or a trident if anything, with a classic kirby™ eyeball aesthetic.
Its perfectly okay to borrow things from other IP or OCs as long as you change it up enough!!! Be inspired by what you like!!!
One thing I like to do too is look at other peoples OCs and examine how they design things, what makes them unique, what colors can work or not.
You can also go the route of making a mood board of things you might want the character to be like.
I'd write more but I don't wanna go overboard lmao. Hope this at least is a starting point! Feel free to send any more questions!
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gothlisteningclub · 7 months
I think you'd get more votes if you did week long polls instead of day long ones. I don't always have time to listen to an album on a weeknight but I wanna hear it and vote!! Just a friendly suggestion, genuinely u should run ur blog in the way u enjoy
thanks for the suggestion! we're still in early days and i'm new to running a blog like this so i do appreciate feedback. honestly i'm glad this was brought up bc i have been a bit unsure abt what poll length would be best. the thing is, the point is not really to get a lot of votes, it's to give people a reason to listen to a new album every day or just as often as possible, and talk about it. ive been doing 24 hours bc i think it's good if it moves fast, that way it doesn't really give you a chance to put it off, if you missed rating an album there's a new one up already so you can just do that one instead. buuut i think 1 day is pretty short and i feel bad that sometimes people miss voting bc of things like time zones making it so they saw it way later or smth like that. i really wish there was a 48 hour option:/
anyway i'm definitely open to feedback. obviously i lean more towards the 24 hours, but if most people feel that a week is better I'm willing to try it. My main question is- would a week long poll get you to listen to more albums than a 24 hour poll, if albums are still posted every 24 hours?
(personally i think if i was following this blog, and had a week to vote- i might see the posts throughout the week and think "i'll just listen to that later on a day when i'm not as busy" and then end up with like 7 albums to listen to on the weekend, and probably not actually listen to most of them. buuuut ik my experiences are not universal so!)
i guess we might as well poll this but I also would like to hear reasoning so pls feel free to reply to this post or send an ask. i'm not necessarily abiding by the results of this poll in my decision if i feel like ppls reasons dont reflect the goals of this blog, i just want to get a general feel for everyone's opinions on the matter
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thatoneweirdo14 · 3 months
i think the reason vbs surpassing rw already feels anticlimactic (to me) is because its been such a massive thing for them for so long and its just done like THAT
i know in bdtw they say how they actually want to go beyond rw but that was TWO EVENTS AGO. let it marinate, pleaseee. Give them some time to truly understand and contemplate what this extension of their dream means to them, like in on your feet. An especially, it doesn't feel right for her to accept this so fast given all that's happened
Also, storytelling-wise its just not a wise move to make? I'm no story-writing genius but usually when characters have a dream they want to achieve, the majority of the story is build-up to that dream as well as the characters growing in proportion to the story along the way. Before that dream is achieved, however, what happens in the story is that the characters almost reach the goal before crashing back down, going through their biggest low point.
This achieves two things: 1) It allows any plot holes or gaps in the characters' motivations/abilities to be filled in, leaving no room for doubt in the audience's mind and 2) ITS MORE SATISFYING.
Think of it this way, which feels more deserved: a character gets better and better at overcoming obstacles (with a couple outliers they actually can't do) and then crosses the finish line OR a characters gets better and better at overcoming obstacles, TRIPS, considers whether its worth getting back up bc they're likely to lose anyway, see how far they've run, decided that the only way to go is forward, continue running the race, see how much better they've gotten since the beginning then still manage to place top five, feeling more confident about next time.
Notice how the situation where the path to success isn't linear is the more compelling narrative? With the way colopale handled the story, they DONT DO THIS. and its annoying!! I WANT to see them surpass rw and I WANT to enjoy it but I can't do that when it feels like a "main character ends up winning first try!" situation.
It also kinda hurts that their story is more tell instead of show, which already makes it hard to celebrate their progress. Honestly, if they were gonna do this then in LUTF they should've at least made it seem like vbs were close to their goal, maybe make taiga step back a bit like "damn that was actually kinda good wth" or smth idk i need to catch up with the vbs events honestly but i have a good enough idea about them to be able to say this confuses me :"//
There's a reason this story structure has been used over and over and it's because it WORKS. It doesn't matter how much I like the mc and want them to succeed if it doesn't feel warranted I'm still not gonna be able to enjoy it. "vbs is popular the fans will love it no matter what we put out!" no. A bad story can ruin good characters, no matter how much fans love them, and vice versa.
I saw someone say that this event should've been them being told that they're ready to surpass rw, on they're closer than ever to surpassing rw which i feel like, if they didn't wanna go for the depression route, would've been a better direction! Their next arcs could've then been each of them overcoming their own greatest struggles regarding their dream, stuff that's been bothering them since/before main story and how they overcome it now that they're in a place to. THEN we can talk about getting to rw.
I just hope the next vbs event gives some devastating aftermath or side effects or smth to balance it out, and they should probably slow down the story a bit as well from here on out, but that's just my thoughts ://
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otomiyaa · 5 months
Hiii Ginny! I just re-read your "Lyney's trick" fanfiction and it was honestly a masterpiece! You crafted the story very well... but I'm curious... how would you imagine "childe, itto, thoma, kaveh, aether" if they were actually being choosen... will the scenario be the exact same with the gaming one? or different? because the gaming one really relates to his personality and that what makes it special (this is definitely not a fic request though, just wanna hear your thought/headcanon as the author, about how you'll imagine each scenario if the subject chosen were different) Have a nice day by the way! You're a true inspiration!
Hi hi!!! ^^ Aww I'm honored you would re-read my fic! And thank you for asking. My 2-part fics are actually all written in a way that I really see different outcomes depending on the winning option, so not just same plot different lee, or same scenario but with a different quote.
So in this case with the Lyney's Trick fic, I think what I had slightly in mind for each option was:
Childe: Ofc I don't know their exact canon relationship yet and if it's gonna be revealed in the new update (have yet to play) but since they're both fatui I imagined them more to have a brotherly rivalry, so Lyney would've been very smug while getting Childe in the trick position, and maybe they would've been able to tickle him a little until Childe breaks free and just... retaliates. So it would've probably been more lee Lyney and very much Lyney VS Childe focused with the happy ending that Lyney's predicament equally cheered up his siblings.
Itto: Could've been a really fun one with Ayato making some funny remarks while Itto is screeching. I pictured Itto to be as naive and fun as Gaming but then in a sillier way, shamelessly enjoying himself and making funny remarks.
Thoma: Also in this case Ayato (and Itto) would've gotten involved since I grouped them together. Knowing myself I'd have thrown in some flirty thomato stuff, as well as some very cute remarks about how gentle and humble Thoma is even when he's getting tricked into a tickly situation like that. He would've been very blushy, very confused, very cute hehe, getting tickled like that in front of the eyes of Ayato.
Kaveh: Since Kaveh was at the Sumeru table this would've gotten Alhaitham, Cyno and Tighnari involved as well (more than in the eventual outcome where Fontaine gang- Neuvillette and Wriothesley were the main audience). Kaveh would've been a little harder to break, and also to convince in the first place for cooperating, but with some motivation from the others he's more like okay sure why not. And I definitely wouldn't have missed the chance to throw in some bad bad Cyno-jokes.
Aether: Aether would've been a lovely lovely looovely lee, but as the premise already hinted, it was Aether's party with many of his friends there after all. So even if Aether would've been the winning option, I still would've juggled 2 options: his friends either all love to tease and bully him so they help Lyney inc. to wreck him, OR I would've let it turn out into a scenario where they come to Aether's aid which would've turned Lyney into the main lee again. Depending on my mood I would've picked a few main characters to involve, probably Childe, Kaeya and Venti.
That wasn't all btw.
It was already hard to pick between all the lovely characters to put in the poll for this fic. Others I had in mind were:
Chongyun: ofc with some Xingqiu, duuuhh, also involving Xiangling, Gaming and maybe even Shenhe as audience/side characters and maybe even fellow ticklers and teasers. Ending with yang Chongyun ofc and a very confused and surprised Lyney & siblings like omfg what have we done to him.
Xiao: Precious Xiao would've been the perfect person to ask, sitting awkwardly to the side. Might have needed some Aether influence to be convinced into joining. His own polearm could've been used to spread his arms and *wiggle fingers* poor thing. I would've let Venti join in for sure.
Tighnari: Very curious to try the trick. Definitely a lot of Cyno in it as well. Also very flustered and having some adorable reactions.
Scaramouche: What trick? He is above this. This would've been very funny now that I recall this option, oof.
Bennett: Unlucky boy would've been a great target. Razor would've been in this version.
Albedo: Would also have been curious but a little sceptical. Still cooperative. Aether and Kaeya would've been some others to be mainly involved.
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roy-kents · 6 months
hiiieeee first and foremost…I love your blog! I just recently found/followed it and I can tell how invested and passionate you are about 9-1-1 and the fandom 🫶🏽 I just wanted to ask about something you answered in regard to your last ask— where you said “bucktommy isn't the intended end-goal” and that that’s pretty widely accepted within the fandom. which I can also see! I see that a lot of the fans are CONVINCED that this all leads to buddie in the end…
I guess I just wanna know…how are you SO confident that all of this is leading to buddie? I’ve read a few answers to asks on other blogs that briefly touch on this, and more than anything I want to believe it wholeheartedly (trust me!) but I feel like…idk part of me can’t help feeling they’re gonna pull the rug from under us and have it NOT lead to buddie. what has you so confident about this (and how can I be this confident lmao bc I really hate the doubt i’m feeling)?
first of all, i'm not sure if you're new to watching the show alltogether or just the tumblr fandom, but welcome! we're quite tight knit here but i'm sure you'll have a great time! <333
as to your question: there's a lot of reasons i'm confident that this is leading to buddie; honestly, there's been a lot of evidence over the years which tells us what's happening, and it could be an essay in and of itself. i'll try and summarise a few of the key points of evidence that, in my opinion, tell us where things are going (this will contain spoilers for any new fans of the show!!):
in eddie's very first episode (2x01), we see him for the first time on-screen through buck's pov. here, as we see eddie on screen, the son whatta man plays as eddie pulls his shirt on in slow-motion. to a lot of us, this is indicative of instant attraction/interest on buck's part, and gives us a major clue that something is happening here
in buck, actually (2x08), one of the main calls we see on the episode involves a gay couple, thomas and mitchell. when mitchell is pronounced dead, thomas and buck are sat on the ambulance and having a conversation, which goes as follows:
thomas: we only ever wanted to...to go together. that's love. buck: i'm sorry. i really am. i guess i can only hope to find something that good. thomas: you don't find it, son. you make it.
the idea that you don't find your love story, you have to put in the effort and make it becomes a recurring theme between buck and eddie. they manage to construct their own family unit consisting of themselves and chris over the years. the idea that they are a family already feeds into several different plot-lines over the years, perhaps most notably eddie's issues with ana and their eventual break up:
in episode 1 of season 5, eddie has a panic attack over a shop assistant thinking that ana was chris' mom. later, when he's talking to buck about it, he mentions how they became a ready made family...i'm not sure if i'm ready for that. when buck and eddie have been making their family for years now
eddie's entire breakup with ana was very queer-coded. honestly, watch the scene here, but ryan acted his absolute ass off and the entire thing reeks of eddie being a queer man at his core
honestly, one of the biggest bits of evidence we got in the first place was buck being confirmed as bisexual canonically. this allows us to thoroughly go back through and recontextualise a lot of interactions between buck and eddie over the years. two key scenes are the will scene (4x14 survivors) and the well scene (3x15 eddie begins). both of these scenes show buck and eddie in moments of vulnerability with one another, and show that their connection surpasses the connection which they have with anyone else
side note - i watched eddie begins yesterday, and the entire time eddie is drowning at the end of the episode, his life flashes before his eyes. all of this is chris, but a good chunk of the scenes also have buck in them.
again, there's a lot more i could point to, but these are the main things which stick out to me right now! i hope this answers your question!
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