#i was averaging 1000 calories/day when i was younger! my bmr is 1500!! how fucked and scary is that!!!
wiisagi-maiingan · 11 months
No lie, learning about BMR (how many calories your body burns just doing basic functions like breathing, circulating blood, and maintaining brain activity) completely changed my mindset regarding calories. It was something I struggled a lot with even after recovering from my ED and getting more involved in body and food-positive communities, but researching BMR really drove home how much work my body does just by existing and how dangerous calorie restriction actually is.
If you count or restrict calories, PLEASE look up information on BMR that does NOT come from diet or weight loss companies. See how much energy your body is using just to keep you alive and what it means to be eating 1500 calories a day (or even less) when your body is burning 1400-1700 just by existing. Calories are not the villain, they're the fuel that your body desperately needs.
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