#i will absolutely block anyone who decides to be an asshole on this post btw
wiisagi-maiingan · 11 months
No lie, learning about BMR (how many calories your body burns just doing basic functions like breathing, circulating blood, and maintaining brain activity) completely changed my mindset regarding calories. It was something I struggled a lot with even after recovering from my ED and getting more involved in body and food-positive communities, but researching BMR really drove home how much work my body does just by existing and how dangerous calorie restriction actually is.
If you count or restrict calories, PLEASE look up information on BMR that does NOT come from diet or weight loss companies. See how much energy your body is using just to keep you alive and what it means to be eating 1500 calories a day (or even less) when your body is burning 1400-1700 just by existing. Calories are not the villain, they're the fuel that your body desperately needs.
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gross and racist as hell for you all to dogpile and harrass a black trans person for calling you out on being a fucking gross pedophile/pedo defender, CALL THEM HOMOHOBIC for thinking thats fucked up, exclusively she/her him bc him being trans doesnt fit the narrative youre peddling, imply shes never dealt with transphobia or homophobia, CLAIM THEYRE RACEFAKING and then turn around and be racist as hell to them, and then evade their blocks to screenshot their posts and continue to try to start shit with him when hes expressed that he wants you freaks to leave him alone…. all while doubling down that being a p*do is ok as long as youre “non offending”. i have to laugh !
also, claiming that people who criticize you for being a p*do apologist are being homohobic to you, IS homophobia. dont equate being lgbta with being a p*do/p*do apologist. wtf is wrong w u
- a trans person, before you arbitrarily decide im cis, too
my brother in christ, the full context is linked here for y'all to see
we didn't "dogpile" anyone, what happened was somebody was posting, tagging seebs and commenting on posts, incessantly. specifically, falsely accusing seebs of being a pedo/defender, in response to seebs saying, very clearly, somebody who does not sexually assault children is preferable to somebody who does. it obviously was nonsensical, and I said to seebs that I didn't know exactly how, in the current political climate, people could go out falsely accusing random queer people of being pedos... then the random asshole started replying to my reblogs and telling me to unalive, then started sending me hate messages saying that too because, apparently, just saying "that's bullshit" warrants stupid harassment. having followers myself, this obviously led to those agreeing with me weighing in too, I can't and won't tell people to avoid expressing their opinions when someone harasses me. it's definitely not "calling me out" to send messages telling me that.
not to "they started it!!" but yeah, if I speak to someone about it actually being ridiculous that you're harassing them, and so you begin randomly harassing and suicide baiting me, I will respond.
again, you can see in the link, on every single post I used they, it explicitly says "any pronouns" and "I'm a boy and a girl" on there, meaning I didn't "correct" this person who said "she" because I'd literally read that it's fine to use that!! I said they were enabling a homophobic narrative, I said they prop up the "queers are pedos actually" bullshit by doing this, I made no claims of knowing any secret homophobia dwelling in their heart lmao. you read on the person's blog that I she/her'd them and didn't bother reading to discover that I actually didn't do that, you just believed their lies. reading the above linked posts will make it obvious how they are endlessly lying about the race of people involved and what they actually said - I didn't she/her them, and they cut up a sentence within seebs post, to imply something that clearly was not said.
not once did I deny their race or their status as trans/bi, again it simply is a crock of shit they're spinning, because they have this narrative to spin- I've linked back to everything said, I've made it absolutely clear time and time again, I've posted full screens for anything I referenced, whereas they keep vagueposting saying I misgendered them or called them white or even called them the pedophile (I did not, I was and am explicitly against doing that). everything they're claiming in their vagues is bullshit, and all the evidence is in actually reading the conversation, which is why I'll constantly link back to it and they'll constantly obfuscate it, bro. because nowhere did I deny they face bigotry, nowhere did I say anything about racefaking (white chicks is a movie about black dudes pretending to be white chicks, saying they talk as though they're auditioning for a remake is explicitly saying they're black talking like a white chick, please just go watch the damn movie).
similarly, I was never racist, I never block evaded, unless you are saying they also block evaded- they continued talking about me incessantly, lying about me, and I found out, so I screenshotted posts and corrected them, I never tried to contact them again, I simply corrected constant lies about me, meanwhile they did go around said block to keep looking at my blog too, referencing all those posts themself, so they did exactly what I did. if it's bad if somebody lying about me is shown to me and I respond, isn't it equally bad that said person evades the block right back? that's honestly one of the most baffling claims y'all keep making, it's a problem when I simply look at lies about me and leave you be, it however isn't a problem for you to tell those lies, message me to suicide bait, and keep looking at my blog despite those blocks?? speaking of hypocrisy, you're attempting (and failing) to dogpile.
being a pedo is okay as long as you're non-offending. like, yes I'll double down on that. heck, I'll go a step further, I think that any person who's committed a crime or harm deserves to have their liberty, life, happiness, etc, and shouldn't be tortured or harmed because of this stupid desire to punish everyone. I'm a victim of childhood sexual abuse and childhood abuse and torture when I was a child, and I put one abuser in prison, and it didn't help the person become better and kinder, they sent me what was really basically a love letter when they got out. I think a better system, where people get to learn how to be kind and then get a life that treats them well, is possible and should be strived for, and one a victim gets help to recover from what happened should also be, because right now the mental health system in my country (not america, which y'all also don't seem to have grasped) is dogshit. people who don't abuse kids are the outcome we want, so these pedophiles, they didn't choose to have that attraction, it is just a thing brains do sometimes, and when they don't rape kids that's literally the better outcome, that's the best outcome, because it really comes down to that or them raping kids- you can't read all minds in the world and detect the pedos and kill them, and that would be a fucking dystopian nightmare, so if you want to kill all pedos then you have to rely on them telling you they're pedos, I genuinely hope I don't have to explain to you why they wouldn't confess that to you if you were running the death squad. so that leaves us with either they don't rape kids, or they do. I like don't, personally. I think that's the better one. as someone who was an actual victim of childhood abuse. and additionally, two thirds of sexual abusers of children aren't pedos, according to the stats I found a while back, so eradicating pedos wouldn't fix the issues.
anyway, back to the topic at hand, it's not starting shit to make posts correcting the person lying about you, they started all the shits, every single shit I took was in response to the shits they're spewing out about me so fast that I'm worried about their toilet.
nowhere did I say "being queer is pedo apologia!" I said that the people falsely accusing random queer people of being pedos is feeding the "the gays are pedos! the transes are pedos!" lies the rightwing constantly spin right now. I'm not equating being gay whatsoever to being a pedo, I'm saying that people do, and that refusal to think about it while you lie and call random queer folk pedophiles for your internet tough guy points is just dangerous, potentially deadly, and feeding into rightwing talking points. it's another example of you refusing to actually read what I posted, similar to your little quip at the end that relies on the false claim there was a single moment where I denied that they're trans! to further demonstrate how bullshit it is, you should check who I'd compared them to... it was blaire white. a trans person. if what I posted relied on assuming people who disagree with me are cis, where would she fit into that? why would I bring her up? maybe because I specifically was saying them being trans makes those talking points all the more dangerous... because the right will be frothing at the mouth to say "even the queers agree with us!" so referencing an example of that happening is relevant. wait, that couldn't be the case, because that would mean I didn't call them cisgender at any point!! meanwhile they're calling natives white, everybody who disagrees with them white, implying we haven't faced homophobia/transphobia/biophobia ourselves, and lying through their teeth about everything, so look in the mirror, bruh.
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poplinn · 5 years
I do think that the new outbreak of toxic people drumming up their toxic groups in this fandom is hurting people. They think theyre doing something right but all they're doing is making mentally ill and/or young fans too scared to enjoy or create in fear of being harassed.
Hi anon! first of all i want to apologise for responding so late. I have a lot to say about your ask and just wanted a clear head before i decided  to respond. i want to start  off by saying you are absolutely right.
Before i continue i am going to put a read-more because, well, i have a LOT to say about this, so, mini-rant ahead under the read-more…
These people are doing more harm than good.
I understand if you want to make a small list with content warnings, for a fandom, that is completely fine! But using such a list to start bullying, harassing, threatening and in general, witch-hunting people is not okay. Many great and talented people have been driven away from the fandom by that tiny toxic group(or the cucks, as i like to call them for easy sakes). Content creators are even scared to post their content too now, both of these things are a huge shame. It’s terrible. Sites like tumblr are supposed to be for sharing your content without limitations. [well, until the nsfw ban, but you get what i mean..]
I happen to be in contact with some people on the blocklist, and let me tell you, they are truly amazing and wonderful people. 
Yeah sometimes people make content you may not agree with, but that doesn’t mean you have start attacking people for it. Do you know how easy it is to click the unfollow or block button? But apparently some people are so stupid they prefer to screech instead of click one single button. 
But for example, I dislike a certain popular hc for medic. I dislike the Jewish medic hc. I’m a Jewish man myself, but I don’t like seeing Jewish medic for multiple reasons, none of which are out of antisemitic nature. What do I see when I see Jewish medic? I mind my own fucking business. The person who posted that wanted to create that, fine by me. I don’t agree with it, and I don’t have to. I’m not going to make a dumb expose list for everyone who ever said anything about medic being Jewish. I mind my fucking business like a normal, mature person. 
And there was/is a huge discussion about drawing or writing tf2 non-con…yeah, rape isn’t good. Every sane person knows that. Writing or drawing rape does not mean you’re a rapist (unless it’s an autobiography of course, then I’d like you to take a trip to prison). But, some people, including myself, write or draw non-con as a coping mechanism. I use confrontation to cope. I have a few triggers, and by confronting myself with said triggers I’m slowly getting over said triggers.
If I write or draw about these triggers or rape, I feel like I’m relieving my feelings about what happened to me. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, and i’m not the only person who does it like that. 
Yeah, I get people don’t always want to see that. That’s why tags exist, that’s why people use those tags for content and trigger warnings. That’s why you block those tags if you don’t want to see it.  It’s that simple
Also, some of them make the claim that fiction is reality. I disagree, fiction is not reality. Yes, fiction can impact reality, but it isn’t one and the same. If you can’t distinguish fiction from reality then, well, you’re either not ready for fiction or not old/stable enough to be able to tell the two apart. Besides, if fiction really IS reality then so many movies and books would have been banned, or the writers of those must have been in jail by now, right? Writing a book about a fictional serial killer does not mean the writer is planning to or already has commit murder. Take Tf2 fan-fiction writers for example. They write about dudes slaughtering each other on a daily basis, but some of them wouldn’t even DARE to hit a fly in real life. 
People who commit crimes because of a fictional piece were already going to do so to begin with. No sane human sees a crime that occurs in fiction and thinks to do the same. Those who do commit crimes because of a fictional piece were already planning to do so to begin with, and were probably not a completely hundred percent stable person.
And about the discussion of miss p being a lesbian, yeah I get that Jay said she’s gay and that, and if she really was a Canon lesbian, it’d be weird to ship her with men. However, those cucks do also make soldier a homosexual despite him having a (gorgeous) wife? Isn’t that kind of hypocritical? Anyways, Jay most likely was joking about miss p being gay, he’s known to be a jokey person like that. I feel like the way he did it was just saying “oh yeah btw she’s gay”. To me it feels vague. In the same sense that jk Rowling suddenly says everyone is gay in Harry Potter. Yeah, I hc her as a funky lil lesbian too, but i don’t go off on a tangent when someone sees her as bi, because the way she was “confirmed” as a lesbian, was vague and uncertain, and most likely a dumb joke that split the fandom in half.    
Anyways, most of the cucks I ran into are underage, and aren’t even allowed on this site, which can explain their irrational behaviour, and refusing to listen to anyone who slightly disagrees with them, but lemme tell y'all something, minding your own fucking business would have prevented this entire blocklist ordeal.
Besides, YOU are in control of what you see on the Internet. Don’t like a certain type of content? BLOCK IT! or just, STOP LOOKING AT IT! it’s not that hard!
You are responsible for your own experience on the Internet. Not ready for that? Then close your phone/laptop and go outside. Content creators are not responsible for what you do online, these creators don’t know you, don’t expect them to fucking take care of you, they’re not your parents. Avoiding certain content does NOT mean you have to start policing others on what to post. You have no right to tell artist what they can and cannot post. Again, you may criticise or dislike it, that’s fine, but actively demanding censorship or threatening the creator makes you look like an incompetent asshole. 
And if you disagree with something, it’s better to start with calming yourself down and contacting the OP in a respectful and mature manner. Maybe talk to them, broaden your horizon, broaden their horizon. Can’t agree eventually? That’s fine, it’s normal. Simply block the tag or the creator themselves and boom! You’re done, and didn’t harm anyone in the fandom and probably learned something, and OP probably too! If something isn’t tagged you can always, nicely, reach out to OP and ask them to tag. Most of the time they will. And if they don’t, just unfollow or block them if they continue posting a certain something that triggers you. Making a blocklist is one of the most immature things you could do. You bully and harass people to the point where some feel unsafe, and some even suicidal, in a fandom about a dumb fucking hat Simulator. Is that really what you want?? A fandom is supposed to be a safe and fun place for everyone who likes a certain something. By being toxic, and harassing others to the point where they don’t even feel safe(not only those who are young or mentally ill) in a what was supposed to be a safe place for them, you’re actively harming that safe place, and frankly, you don’t deserve to be in the fandom. 
Also, I’ve seen a lot of these cucks say they actually hate tf2 as a game, and really, if you hate the game so much why are you still here in the fandom? And ruining it for the rest for us?
If you do feel unsafe, follow steps I mentioned above. Talk to people, block tags, block people, and mind your own business without policing others in what they can and cannot do. Unfortunately, the creators who do feel unsafe because of the toxic group cannot talk them, because the moment someone even slightly disagrees with them, or tries to respectfully discuss why they’re being “cancelled” the cucks start screeching like full-blown autists.
You’re not the law enforcement, you are (most likely) a minor who isn’t even allowed on tumblr in the first place, and who has no idea how the internet, or fandom spaces in specific, even work.
Fucking hell I miss 2014 Tf2 fandom sometimes. 
I hope this ramble makes sense, and again I’m sorry for making this so long.
And I’m sorry for posting drama again, I don”t like it either, and i usually have a lot of patience, but after a few years of this shit, i have come to reach my boiling point, and i just snapped, I’m sorry.
I sometimes refer to the cucks as you, idk why, but just now that isn’t referring to you anon.
Hopefully this will be the last of drama/discourse for now.
Thank you for reading, have a good day. 
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Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Requested: @partylikeits1899
“Okay okay okay so I saw your post about writing for other fandoms and I have a Steve request (from Stranger things) okay so like Steve has a crush on the reader and the reader has a crush on Steve and they’re too shy to admit it so Dustin and/or Jonathan tries to set them up and stuff and yeah I just love my boy”
A/N:  This is my first time writing anything stranger things so i really hope i did this right and it’s not complete shit + I love my boi too and I loved writing this!! I’m not dead and i have risen from my seemingly eternal slumber of writer’s block!! Wow!! + Steve isn’t dating Nancy (and never did) in this fic just a heads up
A/A/N: This is season 2 Steve btw (If you haven’t watched season 2 yet then there might be some spoilers alright?) Alright let’s go.
Warnings: Swearing??
Words: 2432
“Do you wanna kill a monster with us?”
Steve Harrington was at your doorstep, iconic baseball bat in hand, asking you to go monster hunting.
Totally Normal.
“Are you kidding me?” Was your first response. Ever since you wound up at the Byers place on that fateful night of the demogorgon, you haven’t been able to go outside alone since. The way the lights flickered still sent you goosebumps, and the thought of seeing another monster didn’t make you think twice about your answer: No
Steve just pouted at you, in attempt of trying to persuade you to go with him and- Dustin, who appeared to be waiting in his car.
“C’mon Y/N, monster hunting is fun!” The brunette pushed, waving his nail-spiked bat slowly, inches from your face. You shook your head No again, only to be frowned at before getting dragged into his car.
“Steve! No!” You protested, giggling as he tickled you while attempting to carry you with his free arm into the back seat. He smirked, amused at how squirmish you were, then dropped his bat and targeted at your sides. Steve laughed at how you tried to dodge his incoming fingers; Smile, ever growing on your face; the corners of your eyes, crinkling with joy.
Steve would never admit it, but his heart had been pining for you for quite a while now. There was something about you that made him feel different. It was sometimes warm and fuzzy- like now; and sometimes it’d be hot, heavy and burning. He wouldn’t normally get these feelings when he went out with girls like Becky- or Amy. Something about you made you different from all the other girls- the only problem was, Steve couldn’t exactly pinpoint what.
Now, you had a crush on the brunette as well. He had quite the reputation and Hawkin’s High and you knew all about it. But you saw kindness in him no one has seen before. The way he’d stood up for Nancy when his so called “friends” mocked her- or the way he helped clean up the graffiti they left on the theater- To you, Steve Harrington was more that just a jock with good hair. Steve Harrington had a heart. Something you thought was impossible until he started hanging out with you.
You were now on your knees, curled up in a ball of defense as Steve’s fingers attacked your sides.
“Steve! Ah! Stop! I-can’t breathe!” You say between fits of laughter. The boy only addresses you with a smirk before going “Only if you come monster hunting!”
You nodded quickly, sighing in relief as his hands backed away, looking up to see him looking down at you with a smug smirk on his face.
“Wipe that smirk off before I whack it off your face, Harrington.”
The brunette only brought his face daringly closer to yours, smirk still evident on his face.
“Make me.” He taunted.
You raised an eyebrow, opening your mouth for a comeback before Dustin honked the car horn and eyed you two with a look of unamusement.
“Stop flirting shitheads, and let’s just kill this monster!” He complained, honking the car horn once more.
Steve and you blushed slightly before you both hopped in the vehicle, revving off to go kill whatever the two boys had planned.
Dustin was no love expert, but he knew you and Steve had this connection in a heartbeat.
Well, to be fair- anyone who had a brain could figure out at least one of you had something going on for the other. The little glances they’d take at the other when they thought no one was looking; or the how the hugs between the two of them were always a split second longer than they needed to be.
Maybe Dustin was some sort of love expert- at least he thought he was. He could tell if one liked another. He could also tell that you and Steve were hopeless without a “little push”.
So that’s why the curly haired little boy, had a brilliant idea- and decided to play matchmaker.
It started off as subtle actions: Making sure you and Steve were paired up when checking out his “pet” in the cellar was the first.
Dustin knew you had quite the phobia of all things- well.. Monster, So putting you down the cellar with Steve, was a must.
Now Dustin has had his fair share of romcoms and horrors, and if there’s one thing he knew about girls and horror, was that the girl would always cling to the guy if they were scared. (Well, that’s what he noticed anyways) And that’s what Dustin was aiming to do. Get you scared. -for matchmaking purposes of course.
“See anything down there guys?” he called, waiting for a response. When he didn’t get one, the curly locked boy peered down into the cellar, only to be met with a blinding light coming from the flashlight you were holding, and an unamused frown from Steve, who happened to be carrying some sort of skin.
“We found your pet’s- whatever this is.” You informed Dustin as you climbed up the stairs to meet him on the surface. “I think it’s skin or some shit- I don’t know.”
Steve followed behind you, bat in hand and handed Dustin the piece of skin his monster, apparently named Dart, had managed to shed off.
“Now what?”
“We find the stupid thing, obviously.”
Subtle actions did not work. You and Steve needed a bigger push than that.
So, when you had decided to play bench for a day, Dustin took this as his opportunity to get Steve to open up about you - or, girls at least.
The two of them were walking alongside the tracks of a railway by the forest, throwing scraps of meat in attempt to lure Dart, when Dustin stated his “Problem”.
He’d pretend he needed girl advice (to be honest, he did) and he was hoping the conversation topic of you would somehow come into play.
“The key to girls is acting like you don’t care.” Steve explained when Dustin had brought up his topic.
“Even if you do?” He had replied, throwing another piece of meat behind him, before turning back at the brunette. Steve nodded and told Dustin that “It drives them nuts”, which was a really shitty piece of advice, but Dustin took it anyway.
“Then what?”
Steve sighed, before going “You just wait, until you feel it.”
He threw down another piece of meat, wrinkling his nose in disgust, then explaining that Dustin needed to feel this sort of “electricity”.
“When you feel the electricity, that’s when you make your move.”
Who was Steve kidding when he told Dustin that.
Steve always felt electricity whenever he was around you. The mere action of brushing hands against each others brought sparks up his arm. How soft your hands were made him want to hold them- not just that that though, he wanted to not only hold them, but wanted to know that they were his to hold; that you were his.
And what did he do about it?
Absolutely nothing.
He didn’t make a move, fuck- he didn’t even address these feelings. Steve made it look like he genuinely didn’t care. But he did. He cared so much about you- the way he talked to you, how he acted around you- Steve even started to get a little bit self-conscious when that Billy boy came to town. He didn’t want Billy to take you away from him. He didn’t want to lose you to some sort of buff asshole- but yet, he did nothing. He did absolutely fucking nothing.
“Steve? Steve!”
Steve’s thoughts were interrupted by the whining of his curly haired companion, and he turned around to face him.
“After I feel the electricity- is that when I kiss her?”
“No-no woah, slow down Romeo… you see- some girls want you to be aggressive…strong, hot and heavy- like a lion.” Steve began, throwing another scrap behind him. “But with others, you got to be slow.. Stealthy. Like a ninja.”
“What type is Y/N?”
Steve stopped in his tracks and felt the heat rise up to his cheeks. He was most definitely blushing now.
“She’s- she’s different.” He answered.
Dustin could see the blush spreading on the brunette’s face and gave him a knowing grin. His plan was working.
“In what way?”
“In what way is she different? What makes her so special from all the other girls?” Dustin asked curiously.
Steve fell silent. He knew damn well what made you special: Everything. None of the girls made him smile more than you did. None of the girls made his knees weak, or his heart pound- none of the girls were you.
“She- she well… she-” The brunette fumbled with his words, wanting to just vent out everything he loved about you- but he wasn’t ‘supposed to care’. Dustin only stared at him with a raised eyebrow, waiting for a response from his so called ‘mentor’.
“You love her don’t you.” Dustin said quietly, grin suddenly spreading on his face when he realized how truly quiet Steve had become.
“You love her!” He repeated again, this time louder and filled with more energy. “You love Y/N and you’re too shy to tell her and you’re just trying to cover up your feelings by being this cool dude who supposedly doesn’t care!”
“Hey- hey! Shut up will you?” Steve complained, afraid that you might hear, even though your house was practically miles from where they were. Dustin’s grin only grew wider as he noticed Steve’s change of attitude.
“You didn’t deny it.” Dustin pointed out, before throwing another scrap on the ground. His gaze was focused on Steve’s expression of realization and he smiled before going “She loves you too.”
“How are you supposed to know?” Steve complained, setting down his now empty bucket and pulling off his rubber gloves. “It’s not like she told you.”
Dustin did the same, fixing his cap in the process. “I’ve been to Mike Wheeler’s house, Steve. You know Nancy Wheeler and Y/N are good friends right?”
Steve only gave the boy a look of confusion. “What does that have to do with her being in love with me?”
“I can hear their conversations from the basement.”
“Nance, I’m telling you. He’s not as much as an asshole as you think! He’s so nice! His hair looks so soft! He looks so good in that jacket!” Dustin mimicked you, smirking at Steve’s reaction.
“She thinks I look good in this jacket?” Steve said to himself, smirking slightly at the thought of you swooning over him. “Well, shit- if she really said that, I should wear this jacket more often.”
Dustin gave him a toothy grin before nodding. “Uh huh. You know what she’d like more though?”
“If you were to ask her out, dipshit.”
The brunette scoffed, then shot Dustin a look. “I didn’t know you were playing matchmaker now, Henderson.”
“Been playing matchmaker ever since you invited Y/N to this little escapade we’ve been going on.”
“And why is that?”
“It’s annoying seeing you two do all this couple shit together- yet still not be a couple.” The little boy stated. “And that Billy dude? He could steal your girl in a second.”
“Hey-wait.. How do you know about Billy?”
“Doesn’t matter. Now get your ass to it and ask Y/N out!”
Steve didn’t know how, or why he was following a kid’s advice, but he did it anyway. Dustin had a point- Steve did love Y/N. He could never bear to see her with someone else.
Besides, if he told her how he really felt, what did he have to lose?
It was now dark. The quiet little street you house resided in was empty, you being the only person in there. The lights were dim, and you were sprawled out on the couch, bowl of popcorn in hand, watching your favorite movie for the billionth time. As you lay down, heavily invested in the current scene, you were interrupted by a loud rapping at the door.
Groaning, you lazily got off the couch, bowl of popcorn still in hand. “Coming!”
You reached the doorknob and opened in up to see a nervous Steve, running his hand through his hair.
“Harrington? Here to ask me to go monster hunting again?” You teased, taking a handful of popcorn then popping it in your mouth.
“Uh.. no- I actually came to tell you something else..” Steve said, his sentence trailing off at the end.
“Mm- Then what are you doing inside, come on in. You can tell me while we’re watching the movie.” You invited, bowl of popcorn in one hand, the other grabbing at Steve’s wrist while dragging him over to the couch.  
The brunette only sighed before stopping in his tracks, making you do the same.
“Y/N- this is kinda important…”
“Hey- Steve you alright?” Your brows furrowed with concern as you turned to face him. “Tell me what’s on your mind.”
He sighed, mumbling incoherently, bringing his head down, gaze down focused on the patterns on your wood floor.
“Steve- hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong Y/N- it’s just.. I-”
You waited in anticipation, bringing the bowl of popcorn down, setting it on a nearby table. Your hand reached for his, holding it, in an attempt of helping him calm down. The brunette’s head shot up, gaze averting from the floor, now trained on you.
“You can tell me anything.” You smiled.
Without warning, his lips landed on yours. Your eyes fluttered closed and you found yourself kissing back. His lips tasted faintly of Coca Cola, and you felt him smile into the kiss. His hands were down at your waist and you found yours in his oh-so-soft hair.
Pulling back, you looked up at him, seeing he had a wide grin, similar to yours, spread across his face.
Your hand had slipped back into his, his smile widening at the mere action. His fingers curled around yours, gripping them softly- but still tight enough to give him reassurance that you wouldn’t go. You could feel the calluses on his fingers, and sighed happily to yourself knowing that his hand was yours to hold.
“So… You think I look good in this jacket?” the brunette smirked, breaking the comfortable silence that had occurred a few seconds before.
“Oh shut up and kiss me again, Harrington.”
“Will do.”
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