#i've been in my room all day every day (except the days i spent w family like christmas and new year ofc)
habizuh-studios · 1 month
every single fic that you’ve ever written in order from ur personal fav to least fav?
i spent way too long on this help... also this is subject to change and based on what i feel soo yk (top -> bottom = most fav -> least fav)
How Can I Protect You, When I Don't Feel Alright? (TGCF)
Feng Xin goes on a mission sent by His Majesty, himself. It is expected to be top priority and dangerous. But what he doesn't expect is the hallucinations, the intrusive thoughts, the blood, the- OR: How Feng Xin received Fengshen.
I'm at My Highest Peak (TGCF)
"Did you know? General Nan Yang, the martial god of the Southeast, ascended via pure martial might! He didn't cultivate at all, no. He slayed the children-eating beast who lurked in Zhubei forest!" OR: Feng Xin ascends.
No Longer Alone (TGCF)
“Banyue,” a gentle voice above her says, “Banyue, it’s okay. You're safe. You’re here. It’s okay.” And still, she lets out a sob. But she is not a sad child- how could she be, with General Hua beside her? OR: General Hua and Banyue fluff and comfort for the soul...
I've Held My Heart Close All These Years (TGCF)
Since the day he woke up here and again, and again, and again, he has never felt happiness. Until there is a light, and he's set free. A word rings in his head: Ascension. Out of the coffin after ninety-six years, however, can change a lot. Especially if there were countless people to see it. OR: Xie Lian ascends from the coffin and chaos ensues :)
To Bring Back the Flame (TGCF)
Mu Qing is a fucking traitor. A selfish, uncaring motherfucker who can't afford to love the same way Feng Xin does. Or at least he thinks so, until when he blows up and takes a step, he's met with someone different. OR: Book 4! Feng Xin travels to the future.
It's Colder on Your Own (GENSHIN IMPACT)
There are days when the blank pages aren’t a source of inspiration or a canvas to be painted, but rather a representation of him. He draws a line but it’s not right, he stares at the blank page for hours and nothing comes to mind besides a vague idea and an aching wrist. He will erase, draw, and erase again, because nothing looks right, and eventually, he’ll rip the page and throw it away like the rest. So he lays down in his room, aching. Until Alhaitham walks in. OR: Hurt/Comfort with Haikaveh!!
Call if if Our Time is Through (TGCF)
On a mission from Hua Cheng, Yin Yu gets cursed to live in a time loop from a vengeful ghost. That would've been fine... if only Quan Yizhen hadn't gotten involved. OR: Yin Yu has to see Quan Yizhen die, over and over again.
Had I the Heavens' Embroidered Cloths (GENSHIN IMPACT)
Kaveh thinks that if he had the power, he could do more. But he doesn't. OR: A fic based on the poem "He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" by W. B. Yeats!!
Can't Stop Thinking of You (TGCF)
Feng Xin thinks of His Highness, because even after all of these years, he remembers- and ends up coming to a few realizations. OR: Feng Xin's first love.
Though You Embrace it, I Can't Face It (TGCF)
I love him, Feng Xin thinks one day as he stares at the ceiling of his apartment, thinking about his roommate. It’s no surprise that when Feng Xin shoots up, feeling his lungs constrict and grow weak as he shakes with coughs, that a singular flower petal comes out onto his hand. He stares at it. Because, despite the implications, despite how he is willing to die and could die from the pure, unbridled love he holds within his chest, Feng Xin knows that Mu Qing will never love him back. OR: Modern!AU in which Feng Xin has hanahaki.
My World is Bright (TGCF)
Pei Xiu doesn't hold too much respect or adoration for the gods in Heaven. One of the few exceptions is Lang Qianqiu, who is bright, heroic, competent, brave, noble, and handsome. Although Pei Xiu sometimes wishes he could kiss the worried expression off his face- wait. What? OR: The QianXiu fluff fic that someone asked for! :)
Take Care of Me (TGCF)
Feng Xin is not sick. And if he is, it doesn't matter! Mu Qing doesn't know what he's talking about at all! OR: Feng Xin is most definitely sick, don't listen to him. Oh, and Mu Qing takes care of him.
It's Easier to Sleep When it's Warm (TGCF)
Mu Qing tries pulling an all-nighter, but fails and falls asleep at around two in the morning. Luckily, Feng Xin is also awake, and wraps a blanket over his shoulders. Mu Qing looks so at peace... he wishes the man could look like this more often. OR: Medical Student! Mu Qing falls asleep, and Feng Xin puts a blanket over him :)
Revenge is Sweet, Literally (TGCF)
He Xuan had been writing in his diary. He was still planning the perfect revenge plot for the Shi brothers. He’s considered murder more times than not, but something is stopping him. Whether it be fate or Hua Cheng's nagging (he only said it once, but still), he considered other options. With the knowledge that Shi Qingxuan knows nothing of the fate swap, he doesn’t have anything better to do. Then Hua Cheng called him via the spiritual communication array. Zoning back in, He Xuan hears Hua Cheng say something that he normally wouldn’t care for. “... Of course, I wouldn’t dare defile His Highness, but to think…” He Xuan doesn’t care for that- Heaven, he doesn’t even know the context or what he says after, but he suddenly stands up and slams his hands on the table so hard that his bonefish look back at him. And then, he writes. OR: He Xuan, after some thinking, comes up with the perfect revenge plan to anger Shi Wudu.
What Suits You Best (TGCF)
Xie Lian has always had a soft spot for weaponry and martial arts, even at the age of thirteen. Which is why it's only natural that he decides which weapon best suits his bodyguard, Feng Xin! OR: How Feng Xin figured out that archery was his strong suit.
How You Make Me Sway (The Outsiders)
I was bored out of my mind, and there was nothing to do in the church. Unless you count for the radio in the corner. I turned it on, not expecting a slow song to play. Of course, when Johnny extended a hand out towards me, I didn’t think he’d say, “Wanna dance, Pony?” OR: In which the boys are bored at the church and Ponyboy decides to dance with Johnny. :) ... Chapter 1 can be read as a one-shot, chapter 2 is a bonus chapter.
Under the Moon Where Blood Spread (The Outsiders)
Darry wasted no time, throwing open the front door. “Ponyboy, please! I didn’t mean to!” Soda looked back at him, snapping out of his trance. “Darry, are we gonna run after him?” He asked. In another universe, Darry would have shook his head- after all, Ponyboy was a track star. He could run hard and fast- no one would be able to catch up, and no one in their right mind would attempt to try. But Darry was not in his right mind. OR: In which Darry runs after Ponyboy when he slaps him.
Delineating Danger (The Outsiders)
Ponyboy likes to draw Dally when he's in a "dangerous" mood. OR: In the book it mentions that Ponyboy likes drawing Dally in a dangerous mood, and I thought, huh. What would that be like? Which was also strengthened by this random Tumblr post I found wondering the exact same thing..! Though there will be multiple chapters, you can read this as a one-shot if you want.
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revnah1406 · 1 year
Mason's Legacy
Chapter 6: Solitude
Mason's Legacy PLAYLIST!
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David's fist hit the Hyena soldier's face hard. The man shook his head trying to dispel the pain, his hands were tied to the armrests of the chair. He smiled, showing his bloody teeth.
"That was a good one." He mentioned it as if nothing had happened, as if David hadn't ended up breaking his nose with a single blow. "I have to admit, you're getting better at this. Is it because of the fury? Is it getting bigger and bigger as time goes on?" The Hyena tried to keep his eyes up, observing his tormentor.
David's eyes sparkled with anger. It had been a tough few days, knocking down every Hyena control center and base throughout Washington door by door, and they had finally found the Hyenas' main base. They killed everyone except one soldier, who was now tied to a chair, being interrogated. Still there was no sign of the leader.
Harper was in the corner of the room, his back against the wall and his arms crossed. Waiting for David to finish his turn or get tired. But he had been beating that son of a bitch for hours and he didn't seem tired. Harper was starting to get worried about his best friend. Dave wasn't sleeping, he wasn't eating, and yet he didn't show any signs of tiredness. It was as if he had become Section again, that perfect soldier who accomplished his goal no matter the cost. But David's eyes were not the same as before, they radiated anger, but Harper knew that those emotions only hid sadness, heartbreak and guilt. David's relationship with his daughter was very close, Harper could even say that it was vital for David. Abby was practically the only thing keeping David afloat after his wife and Woods died, if Abby had died the day Menendez shot her. Harper feared for what had become of his friend.
He didn't blame him, he felt the same way. The possibility that Abby would never be found broke his heart. Maybe he was better at hiding it than Dave. Harper took refuge in work. Now that the President was missing someone had to organize the Wolves.
Another blow hit that Hyena's face. This one was so strong that it even knocked over the chair. The man laughed again. "This one was even better!"
David was starting to get fed up with that psychopathic man, he even started to think that he was a masochist or something like that. He spent hours hitting him and he would just laugh or make worthless comments.
 Section approached him and grabbed him by the collar of his jacket.
"Where are they?" Mason spat angrily.
"Do you know… the true definition of insanity?" He asked the same question he asked Abby before Varl, his boss, threw her into the river tied to a rock. But David ignored him and hit him again. His knuckles were bloody, he didn't even know if that blood was his or the Hyena's.
He turned to Harper "Bring the wires and the battery."
Harper nodded and walked away for a moment, leaving David and the Hyena alone.
The man tilted his head and smiled sideways. "I like that sparkle in your eyes. Despair suits you my friend." He sighed without removing his smile. "But it's okay, I will be kind to you. I will show you that I can be a kind person too. Since you are such loyal soldiers to your country..." the man spoke mockingly. "Alright, puppy... you better put your ears up because I'm only going to say it once." The Hyena began to say "You're wasting your time. The president is found wrapped in a bag and rotting somewhere in the sewers of Washington with a hole between her eyes. So... You're welcome... I've saved you a lot of time."
David's eyes were wide, processing the information. That asshole was saying that they had killed the last president of the United States of America. David cursed silently, they had arrived too late. That was a complete disaster.
"Motherfucker..." David punched him with all his might, this time, some teeth bouncing on the ground. "And what about the girl? Where is she?!" David grabbed the man by the neck and shook him hard.
It took the man a few seconds to realize who David was asking. His smile went from mocking to evil.
"The little girl? Oh! I remember. She held on like a champ... She was tied to this same chair for two days, she didn't scream at any time, she has my respect... Why are you asking about her? Is she someone? important? Is she the president's daughter? Or maybe your colleague's over there?" The tortured man studied David's expression. "No... she's your daughter..."
"Where is she…?!" David repeated, growling as if he were going to rip out his jugular with a single bite.
"Why don't you start looking at the bottom of the Potomac River? Maybe you'll find it–"
The man couldn’t finish the sentence, the sound of a gunshot interrupted him as well as a hole between his eyebrows. Harper still kept the gun pointed at the now corpse. The barrel of the gun was still smoking, the room fell into an abysmal silence. Harper killed him, without second thoughts, his emotions took over and he couldn't help but pull the trigger. He had a terrifying look and heavy breathing.
Section remained silent, he was surprised by Harper's sudden action. It reminded him of when Harper killed Salazar for betrayal.
"We'll send a squad of drones to scan the bottom of the river. We'll search the shores and the bridges. We'll find her..." Harper patted his friend's shoulder and left the room.
David spent some time looking at the corpse, wondering if he would have been capable of reacting like that. For Abby? No, he would have done something worse, if what that asshole said was true, he would have tortured him for weeks, as payment for what he did to his daughter, or simply to satisfy his anger. But that was no longer necessary, Harper was faster this time, so he ended up leaving with his friend. They had to hurry.
Without wasting any more time the search party began. Underwater drones began scanning the entire bottom of the Potomac River. They began to find corpses of soldiers who had disappeared for quite some time, so the Wolves could finally bury their fallen comrades properly. But Abby's body still hadn't turned up.
David was tired, the cold seeping through his wet boots. He had spent hours pulling bodies out of the water. Always hoping to find his daughter's body. Although in a way he was grateful that they hadn’t found her yet, perhaps he couldn’t bear to see her that way, with a blue skin from the cold, stiff hands, and a chest that had no heartbeat.
He sighed and nodded to a couple of soldiers who asked him for help pulling a rather large body out of the water. David looked at the corpse floating next to the two men who were dragging it to the shore. No, it was too big to be Abby. He also helped them get him out of the water, they dragged him along the shore until they handed him over to the team of medics, who would be in charge of a quick autopsy and identifying the body.
David closed the body bag once the entire process was over. He wanted to take a break, his back hurt and the years were beginning to weigh more and more on his shoulders. He sat on the snow, observing the panorama. There were search teams going from one side to the other, some drones flying over the surface of the river and others diving below. It seemed incredible to him that the great network of resources and contacts that the Wolves had throughout the country, in just a few days Harper had managed to contact and bring reinforcements from the bases of operations closest to Washington DC.
Delta lay down next to him. The German Shepherd didn't leave his side at any time. The dog could sense David's concern and sadness.
"Hey buddy..." David stroked Delta's fur and forced a smile.
The animal rested its head on David's lap.
Some soldiers passing by looked at David for a longer time than normal. They probably asked themselves why spend so much resources and effort on finding just one girl. But David didn't care, he ignored them and tried to keep his agitated mind calm.
He took something out of his jacket pocket. It was Abby's butterfly knife. The one she got after the fight in that mall. God, it felt like it happened years ago. He unfolded the knife, showing the metal blade. He had to affiliate it a little. David decided that as soon as they reached the base he would sharpen it well so he could return it to his daughter–... His thoughts stopped instantly and a feeling of loneliness swept him like a wave against the rocks. It felt so strange not having her presence there.
A pair of boots were heard approaching, crunching the snow below. David slowly looked away from the knife and looked at the newcomer.
Harper nodded. Delta's ears perked up as he recognized him.
"Something new?" David asked.
Harper nodded. "Let me tell you"
David frowned in confusion, but stood up, followed by his dog.
They both began to walk along the shore towards the bridge, moving away from the rest of the soldiers and convoys. Delta walked ahead, sniffing the stones and snow.
"What is it about?" David asked, resting both hands on the straps of his vest.
"Yesterday the first guard shift came back." Harper began to explain "I've read the snipers’ reports. They reported seeing a convoy of Hyenas heading towards that bridge." Harper pointed his chin at the aforementioned infrastructure.
"Do you think Abby was in that convoy?" David frowned at him.
Harper tilted her head. "If we calculate the day and hour correctly...It's a possibility. I don't rule it out. We'll send the drones to search the area under the bridge."
They walked a little further.
"Hours later, when the sun began to rise, they saw a light transport helicopter hovering in the area. It had the insignia of the Chicago Wolves. I don't know why they were here."
"You said the CIA was in Chicago after the Perseus attack on Langley."
"That's right... A couple of CIA agents were in the White House but they left before the Hyenas attacked. After that we lost communication with the Chicago Wolves and the CIA. We also can't afford to fix the communications. If Perseus manages to listen to our conversations on the radio, he could find them again. They are still recovering from the blow."
"How long ago did Perseus attack?"
"Maybe a week and a half ago."
David's stomach turned, knowing that they were moving forward gave him a little more hope. But suddenly Delta's barking took away his thoughts.
"Hey, what's wrong with your dog?" Harper asked strangely.
Delta barked, looking at both men and then somewhere in the distance. It kept its ears up high and its tail moved from side to side. And it began to run until it reached a certain point on the shore.
"I don't know..." David grabbed his rifle. Delta didn't tend to bark for no apparent reason. "Keep alert…"
Harper did the same. And watching their steps, making as little noise as possible. They followed the dog for a few more meters until they found a pool of old blood on the snow and stones. It seemed surprising that that blood was still there.
Delta was sniffing the blood, circling around, wagging his tail, seeming to be excited. The German shepherd barked at David and then went back to sniffing at the blood.
It took David a few seconds to connect everything. He looked at the bridge, then at the river, then at the blood.
"She managed to get out of the water…" He looked at Harper for a few seconds. "That blood…"
His friend opened his eyes when he understood. The blood would have to be analyzed and compared with David's to see if there was a match but... there was the possibility...
"Is it…Abby's?"
"Is she alive?"
Abby complained in a low tone as the nurse bandaged her ribs again.
"done." The woman commented when she finished with the bandages.
For Abby, the bandages were too tight, it was difficult for her to move, and her ribs hurt when she breathed. She was sitting on the hospital bed  where she was unconscious for two weeks.
"Next time, try not to remove the bandages. They will keep the ribs in place and prevent more serious injuries," the woman advised without even looking at her face. She simply dedicated herself to storing the medical supplies.
Abby could hear the resentment in her tone. Maybe the nurse was still resentful of Abby attacking her from behind, sticking a syringe full of anesthesia into her leg. She had to admit that she felt a little guilty.
She got off the hospital bed where she had been sitting while the nurse did a general check of her injuries and put on the rest of her clothes. She was putting on her sweatshirt as she left the infirmary but stopped before leaving.
"And I'm sorry." Abby mentioned. The nurse looked at her strangely without understanding what she was talking about "for…." Abby rubbed the back of her neck somewhat embarrassed.
The woman seemed to look at her without any expression. "It's not the strangest thing that's ever happened to me. You're fine, girl. Now go away, he’s waiting for you."
Abby was a little taken aback. Expecting? Who?
When the nurse saw the young woman's confused reaction. She pointed her chin toward Abby's back. She looked in the same direction and found Woods. He was there, with his back against the hallway wall and his hands in his pants pockets.
"Are you done, kid?" Woods asked.
Abby had to admit, it seemed extremely strange to see him fifty years younger. With a thick beard and black hair. He did have some gray hair though. At what age did he start to have gray hair? Maybe it made it even weirder to see him alive. She still couldn't fully assimilate it, it gave her the feeling that she was in some dream, that it was some trick of her mind and that she was still in a coma.
A few hours ago she was surviving on the streets of Chicago and now she was in a secret CIA facility. Woods mentioned that since the war started, the CIA made sure to create a safe haven away from Langley just in case. They weren't the best facilities, in fact it looked more like a Guerrilla headquarters in an abandoned hospital than a CIA facility. They must have been going through a bad time.
"Abs?" Woods' voice brought her out of her thoughts.
"Huh? Ah! Yes, everything ready, sir"
Woods looked at her for a few seconds, wondering what was going on inside that kid's head. There were probably too many questions and he wouldn't have the authority to answer them all.
"Let's go. They're waiting for us." Frank shook his head. Motioning for Abby to follow him.
"Who's waiting for us?" Abby followed the man through the hallways. She received no response, just a short look that Abby couldn't decipher.
There were other CIA agents hanging around. Some ignored them, others gave a quick wave to Woods. Abby swore some of the officers were looking at her with resentment or perhaps anger. Abby recognized some of the guards who were in charge of guarding her room when she was unconscious. They had their heads bandaged or some bruises on their faces. She had to admit that she felt guilty in a way. If she had known that they were the CIA, all that wouldn’t have happened. But it's not like she completely trusted them either. It was the CIA after all, they had too many secrets hidden under the mattress. Maybe the only reason she was still there was because of Woods. The only person she could trust at the moment. In fact she wasn't one hundred percent sure about that.
Abby looked at Frank's back. The shoulders were broader and he was even taller. She was still having a hard time getting used to seeing him walk on his own. It was as if he had never been in a wheelchair. Abby wondered what they had done to him, did they replace his knees? Did he wear a prosthesis? Or technology had simply advanced enough to be able to heal his legs. David always said that the greatest technological advances were always made in times of war.
Woods stopped and called the elevator.
“Hey.” Abby was confused “Where are we going?
Woods turned to see the young woman. "Do you want to ruin the surprise?"
"Is that surprise good?" Abby asked with a raised eyebrow.
The elevator doors opened and Woods entered. He tilted his head, considering his response.
"Huh?! What do you mean by that?!"
Woods put his hand in front of the elevator door to prevent it from closing in front of him.
Frank looked at the girl, he didn't know what to tell her what was going to happen, because he didn't know either. Things were tense at the CIA, they weren’t at the best of times. That's why he had gone to look for her, lately he couldn't even trust his own shadow.
"Worst case scenario you'll die of fucking boredom." He chuckled, hiding his concern.
Abby looked at him for a few seconds, not very convinced. That kid knew him too well.
"Come on, come in already. Or I'll die again just waiting for you."
Abby rolled her eyes, not sure whether to laugh at that joke, and entered the elevator.
"I hope you at least don't leave me alone in whatever you're getting me into."
A small smile peeked out from under Woods' mustache and he snorted through his nose.
"Not a single minute."
The doors closed again but a hand stopped them again at the last moment. When they reopened there was a man of some advanced age, perhaps the same age as Woods but he looked older. He had white hair combed back, wore aviator-rimmed glasses, and had a face that looked like he was bitter or angry with everyone. That man also looked like he was straight out of the eighties.
The man stepped into the elevator, took a quick glance at Abby and then at Woods.
"Woods" That man greeted, ignoring Abby.
"Black." Frank greeted without much interest or with little courtesy.
The elevator began to descend.
The place was small, and those two men were big enough to take up almost the entire space. Abby was in the middle and was starting to miss her bubble of personal space.
"You're late" Black broke the awkward silence by keeping his eyes focused forward.
"No Shit Sherlock" Woods' mood seemed to have worsened with the man's presence.
"It wasn't your job to bring in the interrogation subject." This time Black turned to look Frank in the eyes.
Woods put his hand on Abby's shoulder and slowly pushed her away. Putting the young woman behind him.
"What the fuck did you just call her?" Woods stayed inches from Black, imposing his intimidating figure. Woods was taller and bigger than Black, there was no doubt about that.
Oh no, Abby knew what that look meant. She never saw Woods fight or hit anyone. No, he was too old for that stuff, at least... five years ago. But she knew Woods' temperament and she had heard hundreds of stories about his youth.
Woods was a dog that bites first and barks later.
"You should remember what the situation is and what that kid has done." Black counterattacked without showing weakness. He remained calm in the face of the sergeant's provocations.
"And you should remember who that fucking kid is" Woods pointed at Black menacingly.
Abby watched them as if she were watching a tennis match. To one side, and to the other.
"A last name can't always save her ass, do you understand what that kid has done? I already told Hudson that it wasn’t a good idea to involve you and Mason in this matter. I recommend that you put your personal life aside and act professionally. Remember who you are talking to, my patience has a limit sergeant"
Suddenly the elevator doors opened. A man was waiting for them on the other side. He had a shaved head, sunglasses resting on the bridge of his nose, and if Abby looked closely, a discreet scar crossed his face diagonally.
According to Woods, that man with the personality of an ice cube was Jason Hudson. Woods had talked to her about him a couple of times, he always liked to tell the story of how he met him. 
Abby remembered that during all the way back to the CIA facility, Hudson barely spoke, and when he did it was curt and cold. Abby could feel his heavy gaze on the back of her neck the entire trip.
Apparently his presence interrupted the tense conversation between the two men. Woods clicked his tongue in annoyance and left the elevator. Abby didn't really know what to do so she simply followed Woods, but not before taking one last look at Black. The man didn’t give the young woman the happiest look. He definitely took her for an intruder.
"You're late, Frank." Hudson mentioned.
"Don't fucking tell me," Woods spat, walking past him.
Hudson watched Woods and Abby walk away. He knew there was something different about Frank. He wasn't his  most precious person but he knew him well. Woods had his usual bad mood around Hudson… but something was different. He didn't know what yet, but he did know the reason. He looked at the young woman accompanying the sergeant. They seemed to be talking, Woods' expression always relaxed a little every time he looked at the kid. Despite the situation he was in.
When Hudson heard that story about Woods and the girl, he almost laughed. But now that he saw it with his own eyes, perhaps over the years Frank had unearthed his softer side. After all, he was the only one who lived to grow old.
"I don't trust her." Black mentioned staying next to Hudson. "We're being naïve, Hudson. We don't know her intentions, if our suspicions are true..."
Hudson took a while to answer, he was immersed in his thoughts. Many things were running through his head.
"We'll know soon."
Abby looked around. They seemed to have reached an underground level. It looked like a bunker, the walls were concrete, there were no windows. It was a boring hallway with doors on the sides.
"This looks like a fucking bunker," Abby mentioned looking around.
This time Woods didn't answer her. His mind seemed to be somewhere else, his expression was serious, he was frowning and clenching his jaw. Abby was starting to worry, where were they going? What was going to become of her?
They ended up reaching the end of the hallway, a large dark wooden door stood before them. Woods grabbed the doorknob but Abby stopped him before opening it.
He turned around.
"What's this all about?" Abby's face showed some concern, and it squeezed Frank's heart. Abby looked like a lost fawn disoriented in the middle of the road. But he couldn't do anything, just sit and wait for the fawn to be run over. The least he could do was teach her how to defend herself or maybe how to cross the road.
He sighed through his nose.
"Listen Abs..." Woods was about to give her a speech about what was happening and what he thought about this whole fucking disaster, in the end he didn't say anything. He didn't want to scare her any more than she already was. "Just don't let yourself be trampled on and choose your words well."
Abby didn't have time to answer, Woods opened the door and entered. When she entered she found a meeting room, it was similar to the one in the White House. A huge, long wooden table was in the middle, surrounded by chairs that looked quite comfortable. There were tons of documents scattered across the table. There was a three-dimensional hologram projecting from the center of the table, looking like classified documents. The hologram disappeared as soon as those present in that room became aware of the young woman's presence, so Abby could not see what it was about.
There were people sitting around the table, some of whom she already knew or had already told her their names. Abby recognized the man with the russian accent and the eyepatch, she didn't know his name yet but she remembered his face well, it was him who saved her life after all. She also recognized that man with the scar on his face, Adler, if Abby remembered correctly. His hand was bandaged because of the fight they both had a few hours ago. Abby didn't feel guilty for stabbing his hand, she was defending herself. He knew who she was and still decided to attack her like that, it wasn't his fault. Next to him was also that British woman, she didn't seem to belong there. She didn't look like she was from the CIA, MI6 maybe? If so, she was very far from home.
On the other side Woods sat next to Alex Mason. Abby's stomach flipped at the sight of him. If it was hard to believe Woods was alive, seeing Alex Mason alive was even harder. She was seeing her grandfather, her real grandfather. She hadn't had a conversation with him since the first meeting. It felt uncomfortable to talk to someone with whom you are so close and at the same time is a complete stranger to you. Still, Abby could see certain traits in Mason, which she also saw in her father, even in herself. The Mason family genes are strong. Abby didn't really know how to feel, her feelings were too mixed up.
Both Mason looked at each other for a few long seconds that seemed eternal. Until the last two remaining people entered.
Hudson sat next to Mason and Woods while Black stood at the head of the table. Abby didn't like the situation at all. Was this going to be an interrogation? The silence was very tense.
"You can have a seat," Black offered, pretending to be interested in the classified documents on the table.
"I'd rather stay standing, thank you." Abby replied with a dry tone. Implying that she wasn’t going to follow his orders no matter how simple they were. She wasn't going to fall for his game.
Black looked at her over his glasses, he didn't have a friendly expression. Abby didn't look away, she wasn't going to act like a scared kid.
"What is this all about?" Abby asked, looking at everyone present with a frown.
Adler left the cigarette between his lips for a moment to take out the flash drive and leave it on the table. He didn't say anything, just continued smoking and maintaining a neutral expression.
Suddenly Abby's insides twisted just looking at the flash drive. Memories of everything she had to go through to protect that flash drive came back to her mind as if a boxer hit her square in the stomach. She unconsciously stroked her fingers with missing nails. Her breathing became heavy, she even forgot how to blink.
Woods noticed Abby's sudden change in attitude. He took a quick look at Mason, who also looked at him in silence. Frank didn't have a good feeling.
"The USB device." Black spoke again. "Where did you get it from?"
Abby didn't take her eyes off the flash drive.
"And what does that matter...? You already have it, right?"
"That excuse doesn't work for us, kid." Adler took another drag on his cigarette and leaned his back on the seat. "Make things easier for all of us. And there will be no need to take any other type of measures" he looked discreetly at Woods and Mason.
Other types of measures?
Frank looked at him like he wanted to rip out his throat. It was funny, he and Adler used to be good friends. They had been through a lot of shit together, but now after all those years he didn't give a shit. Not after the decision Russ made.
"Is that a threat, Scarface?" Abby attacked, causing Adler to look back at her.
"Take it however you want kid."
"Abby..." Park tried to intervene. The conversation was beginning to get agitated.
"Did you steal it?" Adler insisted.
"Steal it?! I never asked to have that flash drive!" Abby laughed bitterly. She was starting to get nervous. Were they really accusing her? "Do you think I'm fucking capable of doing something like that?!"
"After seeing you try to run away from the CIA and knock almost all of the guards unconscious. Yeah, I think so." Adler took a drag on his cigarette. "Besides, you were the last person to talk to the President before she disappeared."
"She gave it to me!" Abby was very upset and started to get angry. Who was that idiot to accuse her like that?!
"You? Who in their right mind would give classified information to a girl like you?"
"Adler." Park tried to get his attention, if he kept pressuring the girl to talk, he wasn't going to achieve anything.
Oh but Adler ignored her. He was ready to break her to confess everything. He didn't believe a single word of her. He stood up and walked towards her.
"answer me."
"Fuck you."
"Adler, don't fucking touch her!" Woods got up too.
"Woods sit down," Hudson ordered.
Abby's breathing was beginning to become more labored. Her adrenaline levels began to skyrocket, her vision becoming blurry. The memories of those days she was tied in that chair. Abby could swear she still felt the pressure on her wrists, the wire around her neck.
"You know… the true definition of insanity…" 
Varl's words repeated over and over in her head. She felt the hands of the rotting corpses at the bottom of the river grabbing her legs. If Abby looked down, she could even see those hands come out of the ground to pull her down with them.
Adler kept accusing her of stealing the flash drive, and other things that she didn't understand. Park had also gotten up trying to stop Adler.
"Adler! Abby is not psychologically recovered, you can't–!"
"Answer me! Where did you get the flash drive?"
Woods was ready to hit Adler if he kept pressuring Abby like that.
"Don't you fucking dare Adler!"
"Woods, that's enough!"
"Move over Hudson!"
Mason got up too, Hudson couldn't handle Woods alone.
The hands of the corpses began to climb Abby's legs, she was short of breath, her lungs began to fill with water and the wire began to squeeze her neck.
Black sighed, seeing the chaos that meeting had become. Weaver sat there not really knowing what to do.
Adler continued to approach Abby.
"I doubt the president would have just given you the USB, kid. What did you do to Bosworth?!"
Abby ended up exploding with anger.
"I fucking killed her!"
Suddenly the room was filled with a heavy silence.
Abby was getting dizzy, she felt her heartbeat in her ears, deafening everything around her. She couldn't breathe. She had to sit down, her blurry vision riveted to her trembling hands. She wasn’t able to stop the shaking.
She never thought much about Bosworth, perhaps because she didn't have time to. She was too busy trying to get out of there alive. In fact, she was trying to blame the president for what had happened to her, but if she thought about it... What would she have done in her place? Bosworth was between a rock and a hard place, save a girl or save the world. What would Abby have done in her situation? Maybe the same? She would never know. But what she did know was that Bosworth didn't deserve to die that way. If only Abby had…
Suddenly all the anger she felt turned into sadness, regret and frustration.
"Or at least… it was my fault she died." She shook her head.
Everyone looked at each other, in silence. Not knowing what to say.
"We were so close... If only I had held on a little longer. If only I hadn't let go of the flash drive... She..."
"Abs..." Frank was the first to break the silence.
Abby raised her head, her green eyes shining with tears threatening to fall.
Woods gritted his teeth. Abby looked defeated, hurt. And he knew he couldn't do anything. His chest tightened just remembering the state Abby arrived in when Weaver found her. God, he would have given the whole world to protect her. But now she was there, tossing pieces, unable to pick up all the pieces.
Adler pursed his lips and without saying anything returned to his seat to smoke in silence. He had done it, that was not what he expected but he managed to break down Abby's walls. And now information will flow like water in a river. Apparently that had been easier, the kid had too much temperament, it was very easy to get under her skin and press the appropriate buttons, the syringes wouldn’t be necessary.
"Are you saying... that the president... is dead?" Black couldn't believe it. This whole thing was a fucking disaster. He ran his hand through his hair and paced around the room trying to calm himself down.
Abby nodded without looking at him.
"What happened?" This time it was Mason who spoke. Clearly curious and worried at the same time. Abby was too young to go through that. Damn, no one should have to go through that. And Alex knew it well.
Abby simply held up a hand, showing the absence of nails. That was a sufficient answer.
"I hid the flash drive. Between the inside of the cheek and the teeth, it was small enough that they wouldn't notice it." Her eyebrows began to tremble. "I was tied to that chair for..." she closed her eyes trying to remember "umh..."
"Two days and eleven hours," Weaver suddenly said, "was how long it took us to find her after the incident at the White House. Truly a miracle, we found her on the shore of the Potomac River."
Abby nodded.
"Did they torture you both?" Black asked.
"No, just me. They made her watch."
"Motherfuckers." Woods swore into the air, shaking his head and gripping the armrests of the chairs tightly. More and more as he listened to the story.
"They believed that if they hurt me enough, Bosworth would end up telling the truth." Abby pointed to her neck, still marked by the wire. "In the end they got tired of waiting and wanted to speed things up. To prevent them from ending up killing me, Bosworth lied."
"What did she say?" Park asked this time.
Abby closed her eyes for a moment, trying to remember. It was difficult since at that moment she was trying not to die.
"Huh... She said the flash driveDrive was still in the White House"
"But actually you had it." Adler pointed the cigarette at her.
Abby gave him a dirty look, she didn't like that man. He was hiding something, he wasn't acting sincere, it seemed like he was always one step ahead of everyone. But she sighed and answered.
"The president gave me the flash drive before the White House completely went to shit. They told me to give it to my father."
"Dave?" Woods leaned forward. He shared a quick glance with Mason.
Abby nodded.
"A simple intermediary, the flash drive was to be delivered to us" Adler spoke again.
"We need to process all the information inside in order to take our next step." Park added.
"If what you're worried about is the Black Out project. Yes, it's all in there. With... the rest of the files, the experiments, the laboratories, and all that shit"
"Did you open the documents on the flash drive?" Adler couldn't believe it. When he thought that kidl couldn't surprise him anymore, she always did. "Do you have any idea how serious this all is?"
"You think I don't know, asshole? I had to make sure I recovered all the data."
"Recover?" Park asked.
Abby sighed and continued telling her story.
"They used a wire around my neck. When Bosworth finished lying they let me go and I started coughing. The USB fell out. They realized the president had lied and killed her before she could do anything." Abby paused and shook her head, still feeling guilty about everything. But she knew they didn't want to hear her sorrows, only what really happened. "They wanted to get rid of me too but it seemed like they wanted to play with me some more, so they shot me in the stomach. They left me alone with a guard. That guy started processing the information in the central computer. I don't know if he ever sent the information to the rest.
"the rest?"
"Yes, um... I don't know very well, it was a group of Hyenas that tortured me."
Adler sighed through his nose as he massaged his temples with the hand holding the cigarette.
"The Hyenas are the dogs of Perseus..."
"Do you think they sent the USB data to Perseus?" Hudson asked.
"It’s very probable." Adler responded.
Abby didn't know what to answer. But she kept telling her story.
"I managed to untie myself from the chair and killed the guy. I transferred the data to the USB again and deleted it from the computer"
"We found the USB after performing several medical tests on you." Park took a look at some documents, they looked like the results of some blood tests and a CT scan.
"I didn't have much time to think. I removed the bullet from my abdomen and inserted the flash drive into the bullet wound. Then I stitched it up. I thought that if they caught me again at least they wouldn't find the flash drive so easily."
Woods' mouth twisted. He knew perfectly well how much it hurt to take out a bullet by yourself. And that Abby had to do it, even without knowing why she had to protect that flash drive. Without knowing the reason why she was going through that...
Damn, Abby's just a kid.
"And you managed to escape." Adler finished the story.
"No." Abby interrupted him. "I tried, but they found me. They thought it would be fun to tie me to a rock and throw me into the Potomac River."
"That explains the severe hypothermia." Weaver mentioned.
"I managed to cut the rope and–..." Abby paused for a moment. "What's that?"
She looked at a document. It looked like someone's personal file. It had a small photograph attached to the documents. It was the man with the white eye.
Adler realized what she was looking at and removed the documents from the table.
"We didn't bring you here to stick your nose where you shouldn't." He was becoming increasingly suspicious of the girl's attitude. Maybe they should use syringes.
"Who is it?" Abby asked, not caring about Adler or Black's threatening glare.
"Abs..." Woods called after her as he discreetly shook his head. If Abby kept this up, things could end badly. Frank had to get her out of there as soon as possible.
But there was something in Abby that told her she had to insist. That man, she had to know who he was. After all, he was the one who authorized Varl to torture her.
"Do you know who that guy is?" Abby insisted.
Adler stood up. This was already too much. Woods and Mason could try to convince him of anything they wanted, but they would get nowhere. He could no longer trust that kid's word.
"Park, tell Sims."
"Adler!" Woods got up too, he was pissed.
"Time's up. Now we'll do it my way."
"This is not what we agreed to." Mason interjected.
Another argument was going to start but everyone fell silent when Hudson stood up without saying anything. He took that small photograph, separated it from the documents, and placed it in front of Abby.
"Do you know this man?"
Adler pursed his lips and looked away.
Abby took the photo between her fingers. In that photo the man was without the gas mask and hood. But that white eye is unmistakable.
"I've seen this guy." She muttered, frowning.
So at that moment he gained Adler's full attention.
"What did you just say?"
"He was wearing a gas mask and a hood but it was the same man. He came into the room for a moment. He seemed to be in charge or something."
Hudson sighed. "We're late then."
"Why? Is he perhaps an undead like you? Because he has a dead face?" Abby asked. But everyone's somber expression already answered her question.
Oh shit…
Black put both fists on the table. "Things have just changed"
"Have those assholes already used the Black out project?" Woods raised his voice.
"That means..." Abby looked everyone in the eye with a confused expression. "What I did was of no use?"
"Not at all," Hudson replied. "We still have the rest of the files. We can get information from laboratories, bunkers, and HQs. You name it, we know that Madam President added more vital data on the flash drive apart from the Black out project. We are still one step ahead"
"There is still work to do." Adler said, putting out his cigarette in the ashtray.
Abby could hear little more of the conversation. She was removed from the meeting room when she was no longer useful. Although the look behind Adler's sunglasses said otherwise. Alex offered to keep an eye on her. So now both Mason walked in an enormously awkward silence.
"Are you hungry?"
She lied, she was starving. She had spent two days on the streets of Chicago trying to figure out how to get out of there, after having been in a coma for a severe number of days. Abby was actually surprised how she could still stand.
"Where are you taking me?" Abby asked. Alex could be her biological grandfather but she still didn't trust him.
Mason turned to look at her for a moment and smiled slightly. "To eat something."
There was another long, awkward silence. Walking through the hallways. People kept giving Abby dirty looks. They continued to see her as an intruder.
"They keep looking at me like I killed someone," she muttered to herself.
"Well, considering you tried to run away with classified information and knocked out half the guard…" Mason tried to say it like it was a joke but earned a dirty look from Abby.
"I didn't even know you were the fucking CIA!" Abby complained "I was just doing what I was supposed to do." She walked with her hands in her pants pockets and looked at the ground.
"I get it kid"
Mason sighed. He understood her. She was just doing what she had been asked to do. And yet she had become the villain of the movie. He also went through the same thing in a way. Vorkuta, Reznov, Steiner, Dragovich, Kravchenko…
Flashes of red numbers blinded his eyes for a moment, his anxiety and adrenaline levels rose for just a few seconds until he heard his granddaughter's voice.
"Hey. Everything okay?" For a moment Abby noticed the sudden change in Mason's expression.
Alex managed to hide it well. "Yeah, don't worry. Side effects of being undead." He lied.
Abby raised a curious eyebrow. For a moment she put aside her defensive attitude.
"How long have you been alive... for the second time?"
"I'm afraid that's classified."
"Is everything classified here?" Abby complained. The lack of information made her nervous. She couldn't prepare herself for what the future was going to bring. She didn't even know what was going to happen to her in five minutes.
"Unfortunately yes."
"Even the shoe size you wear?"
Mason chuckled "you'd be surprised."
"That makes no sense! Why would the shoe size be classified information?! Is it that some terrorist is going to steal your boots?"
Eventually they arrived at a small, makeshift Dining Hall. There were a few agents scattered around the tables, eating and talking. It was late at night, there were a few soldiers.
"Sit wherever you want, I'll be right back." And Mason was gone in seconds.
"And where are you supposed to go-?!" Abby lost sight of him before she could finish her sentence. "And you call this keeping an eye on me?" Abby murmured as she sat at a table, away from everyone, but having a good view of the entire place, the people and the exits.
She still felt like an intruder. Everyone looked at her and whispered. It seemed like the rumor had spread like wildfire. Maybe the CIA wasn't so good at keeping secrets. She felt watched, small and helpless. She had the urge to grab one of the butter knives to use as a weapon in case someone approached.
"Good place" Finally she heard Mason's voice again, along with the exquisite smell of a meat stew. The smell of food was enormously familiar.
It smelled like home.
Mason put the plate in front of Abby and then sat down in front of her.
"Did you cook that?" Abby was incredibly surprised and bewildered. It was like when you smell a smell that reminds you of your childhood but you don't know where it comes from, and it gives you a huge feeling of nostalgia.
"It's my own recipe. Well, my wife helped me perfect it years ago. I cooked it this morning, I hope it tastes just as good."
Abby took the fork and didn't hesitate to take the first bite. When the taste hit her mouth, Abby could swear she almost melted right there. For a moment she felt like she had traveled ten years ago.
"And?" Mason asked curiously.
"It tastes like the stew Woods used to make." Abby answered with her mouth full. Gobbling down the food and forgetting about manners completely.
Mason snorted through his nose.
"That's because I taught him how to cook it. If it weren't for me, Frank would have lived on fast food all his life." Mason took another bite.
"Hey. Burger Town isn't that bad. I used to sneak out with the old man at two in the morning for a couple of burgers. Although my mom caught us a couple of times." She pointed the fork at Mason.
Alex chuckled and shook his head. "Why does it not surprise me?"
There was another long silence. This time it was more comfortable. Both Mason ate quietly, well, at least the eldest Mason, Abby devoured like there was no tomorrow.
Alex looked at Abby for a moment, she looked a lot like David. She had the same eyes, the same ears, even the same nose. Or at least what he remembered of little Dave. An inappropriate feeling of nostalgia and regret flooded him, but he knew how to hide it well.
"Hey…" Mason tried to start another conversation. "I realized what happened to you. At the meeting."
Abby looked up from her finished plate. Alex could see Abby's eyes harden again, frowning. She was raising her defenses again. Was Mason crossing a line he wasn't supposed to cross yet? Had the conversation become too personal?
"I know you saw things we haven't been able to see. You kept looking at your boots and the ground." Mason tried to sound as non-invasive as possible. He knew what Abby was going through, the post-traumatic stress disorder, the hallucinations, the dark circles under her eyes due to the nightmares, the constant twitching in her leg due to anxiety, the lack of breathing... And he knew that it was a delicate subject. Abby was too young to go through that alone. "You said they tried to get rid of you. In the Potomac River. You didn't talk much about it but... what happened in the river..."
Abby's hard look soon turned into a glare.
"With all due respect, sir." The tone Abby used didn't seem to hold any kind of respect, it sounded aggressive. "You and I may share blood. But that doesn't make us family. You are a complete stranger to me and I am a complete stranger to you." She narrowed her eyes as if she wanted to stab him with just her look. "So you mind your fucking business and I'll do the same with mine."
Yes, Mason had definitely crossed a line. That made Mason understand that what was happening to Abby was worse than he thought. But Alex wasn’t affected by the kid's warnings. She had the same lone wolf attitude as him in his youth.
"Mason." A third voice appeared.
They both turned when they heard their name.
Hudson remained silent for a few minutes, slightly confused.
Then he looked at the older man.
"The helo is ready. You leave in twenty minutes. Gear up."
Mason nodded.
"Well, duty calls," Alex sighed, getting up from the table. "Adler is waiting?"
"And he doesn't seem to be in a good mood."
Mason looked over and gave a little smile. "I think I know what the reason is"
Abby rolled her eyes. "It's not my fucking fault he's a fucking asshole."
Mason chuckled.
"Be careful Hudson. The kid bites." Mason said goodbye and left, grabbing the plates to leave them in the kitchen and get ready for the mission.
"I'll keep that in mind," Hudson replied without any thanks.
There was silence.
Abby didn't like the bald man too much. Too serious, too much ice cube attitude. She also couldn't know what was going on behind those sunglasses. She couldn't predict it, maybe that's why she liked him less.
She didn't like being there. It might be the CIA, but it was still a hostile place for her. What was she? A prisoner? A hostage? A guest? All that uncertainty made her hair stand on end. And as much as it hurt to leave Woods behind, and maybe her biological grandfather too, she had to get out of there. If she stayed there, she would never be able to find her father. She was fighting against time. At the moment she knew that David was in Washington DC, but she didn't know how long he was going to stay there. Those thoughts flitted through her head ever since she set foot in the building again. She had to find some way to…
"Shall we go for a walk?" Hudson interrupted her thoughts.
"Do I have any other options?"
Reluctantly Abby stood up. They walked in silence, Abby didn't know where the man was taking her, or even what he was up to. But she took advantage of the trip to take note of the place, make a mental map of the rooms, hallways. Of the CIA personnel, the number of guards, the security systems. Everything that could make her escape difficult.
She, too, wondered where Woods was. Has the meeting ended?
In the end they went up to the last floor, this time up the stairs, to the floor where Abby was hospitalized during the time she was unconscious. At the end of the hallway was a small seating area, with a couple of couches, a coffee table, and some plants. The windows were wide open, a soft cold breeze drifting through the room. Abby felt that this was the coziest place in the entire building.
"It's not very convenient to have the windows open considering how much it costs to heat an entire building, in the season of the year we are in, and the limited resources there are," Abby mentioned, approaching the window.
"It's good to get fresh air from time to time"
"That's true. Knowing that there are still people who smoke indoors..." Abby remembered the smell of tobacco that filled the meeting room. She wanted to make Adler swallow his own cigarette.
Abby leaned out the window, resting both arms on the edge. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with the cold air from outside. It was like a reward after having been stuck inside that prison with four walls.
It was night, so she couldn't quite make out the Chicago skyline. But she could see the military camp that had been set up right in front of the building. Huge spotlights illuminated tents, helicopters, trucks, soldiers... It reminded her of the bases of operations or camps in the Vietnam photographs that old Woods showed her from time to time. It also resembled the exterior facilities of the White House.
Were there also Wolves in Chicago?
Abby took note of everything she was seeing. She planned possible escape routes in silence.
Suddenly a helicopter was heard starting its engines. Abby looked over there. Sure enough, there was a helicopter that was preparing to fly. There was a small group of men nearby. She recognized Mason and Adler, and the woman. They seemed to be getting ready for a mission.
"Do they have a mission?" she asked.
"Where are they going?"
"It's classified"
"Of course it's classified…" Abby sighed.
The young woman realized that Adler had found them. He was staring at her, Abby didn't look away either, trying to figure out what was going on behind those sunglasses. It was a long-distance staring fight. Abby knew that Adler was going to be the main problem for her escape plan. She had to take advantage now that he was leaving on a mission.
"I know what you're up to." Hudson spoke without looking at her.
Abby broke eye contact with Adler to look at the man next to her.
"What are you talking about?"
"You look at every corner of the ceiling every time you enter a room. You don't take your eyes off the guards or the exits." Hudson ended up looking her in the eyes. "You try to escape."
Abby swallowed and looked away at the tents below again. He had caught her.
"And what are you going to do? Lock me up?" Abby spoke in a low, serious tone.
"No." Hudson crossed his arms. "I’m going to help you."
That really caught Abby off guard.
"What?" Abby blinked in confusion.
"You heard me"
"Why would you do that? What's in it for you?" Abby was stunned.
"One less worry. That's what I get. I know you're smart enough to understand that this isn't your place, you don't belong here." Hudson spoke in a serious and stoic tone. "You've done your job, you're of no use to us anymore. You have to get out of here before things get too bad for you."
"What are you going to do to me if I stay? Shoot me and bury me in a mass grave? I'm a loose end after all, right?" Abby joked without any humor.
"I'd rather leave this loose end than tie it up." Hudson's cold expression indicated that it could be much worse than a simple shooting.
"And why do you care about me? I'm just an interrogation subject, right?"
"I don't care about you. I care about the mission. You'll cause too much trouble if you stay."
"Are you saying that because of Woods and Mason?" Abby looked back at her grandfather who was talking to Adler.
"Partly yes."
There were a few seconds of silence. Abby didn't know what to say or how to feel.
"And also because you must return to your father." Hudson took off his sunglasses. "That's what you want, right?"
Abby sighed and looked down. She began to play with her fingers and the nails that still remained.
"That's right…"
"A small convoy will leave tomorrow at midnight to send supplies to the surveillance perimeter. This will be your chance to get out of Chicago without being seen. Sneak into the back of the last truck among the cargo. Weaver will help you. The convoy will make a stop in a guard post just before leaving Chicago. Once you have left the city I will not be able to help you further. I will leave you a backpack with weapons and supplies for the trip." Hudson explained walking away from the window.
Abby tried to memorize everything the CIA agent had told her.
"Why go to all that trouble? Just help me out of this building and that's it." Abby turned to Hudson not really trusting his plan. It could very well be a trap.
"Because they will find you once you set foot on those streets alone. There are hundreds of eyes watching from the rooftops." Hudson rested both hands on her hips. "And when Russ finds out you've escaped, he won't hesitate to hunt you down, kid."
Abby looked back at the helicopter. Adler was looking at them again, it seemed as if he was able to hear the conversation from a distance. But those were just Abby's imaginations.
"You seem very confident that I will obey your plan. What makes you think that I won't take advantage of it to steal the flash drive and give it to that white-eyed fucker?" Abby crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.
"I don't trust you. I trust our mutual interest. And…" he looked away for a moment, putting on his sunglasses again, always with that cold countenance. "As much as it's hard for me to say. I trust Woods. I know he did a good job on you."
The sun was beginning to set between the buildings to the west. The air gradually became colder as the sunlight diminished. The snow was enveloped by the orange tones of the sunset.
Abby sighed, she had been there for hours, sitting on a ventilation shaft on the roof. Trying to calm the nerves. There were a few hours left to start the escape plan.
If she let anxiety win she would already be crossing the frozen Lake Michigan on foot. But she decided to trust Hudson. Maybe it was a terrible idea. But what else could she do? It was the only plan she had to escape.
She took a deep breath, trying to undo the knot in her stomach. She looked down, looking at her arms, she rolled up her sleeves, so she could feel the cold a little more. It could even be pleasant, it was nothing compared to the cold she felt on the bank of the Potomac River, that was like billions of needles sticking into her skin.
On that roof, Abby felt alone, she felt the loneliness crushing her shoulders. As if she was really the only one who understood her situation, that she was the only one who could help herself. Maybe that was the best way.
She caressed her forearms. She still had the wire marks on her wrists; the nurse had removed the bandages from her arms that same morning. Showing the now darkened burns, the skin was tender but no longer painful to the touch of clothing. Her ribs still hurt, they were still a few weeks away from fully healing. She tried to ignore the throbbing pain all the time, sometimes it was easier than others.
"You almost died of fucking hypothermia in that river. And you're not covered well. Don't you learn, kid?"
Someone covered her head with a jacket.
"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?!" Abby got upset.
When she took her coat off her head she realized that Woods was next to her watching the sun go down while lighting a cigarette.
"Put on your damn jacket, you're going to catch a cold." Frank ordered, placing the cigarette between his lips.
Abby reluctantly obeyed.
"Bad habit never dies,huh?"
"You keep smoking."
"Abs... From all the love I have deep in my heart... mind your fucking business." He responded seriously, taking another drag on the cigarette.
Abby chuckled.
"Yes, Sarge." 
They were silent for a while. Abby watched as the sun set on the horizon and Woods watched the young woman's nervous hands, which were playing tirelessly.
"I've been looking for you everywhere. What are you doing up here?"
"I needed to be alone for a while."
Frank sighed, exhaling all the smoke. "Come on, spit it out."
Abby looked at him again, confused. "What are you talking about?"
Woods ended up sitting next to her.
"You've got too much shit in your head," he tapped Abby's temple a few times with his finger. "What's wrong Abs?"
Abby looked down and thought about what to say for a moment. Woods waited patiently.
"Have you ever felt like if you hadn't done a certain thing everything would be very different?"
Oh Woods knew it well. There were so many things he wanted to change about the past.
"Abigail…" Woods called after her. "It wasn’t your fault."
"But it could have been different if I had–!"
"If you had done what?!" Woods interrupted her. "You were being tortured, for something that didn't even concern you. There is no 'I should have done this or that’"
Abby looked down at her hands, not knowing what to answer.
Woods realized that perhaps he was too direct. He smoked a little more and looked at the sun.
"Listen Abs... no one prepared you for what you had to go through. There’s no way you were prepared for that. No one is, not even me, or your grandfather, or... bowman."
"Do you miss him?" Abby looked up again.
Woods sighed "with each passing day."
Another silence.
"I've missed you too kid."
Abby smiled a little. Now leaving that place was going to be more difficult. It pained her to leave old Woods behind again. But each one had to take their own path.
"You've changed a lot since the last time I saw you." Woods stood up. He finished his cigarette, threw the butt on the ground and put it out with his boot.
Frank smiled and without warning Abby began to ruffle the strands of her hair.
"When did you cut your hair?!" 
"Woods!" Abby was surprised by the sudden weight of his hand on her head.
She started laughing harder and harder as Frank continued to ruffle her hair.
"What are you doing old man?!" 
Woods smirked as he heard Abby laugh again. Frank chuckled and decided he had bothered the girl enough.
"It suits you. I like it."
Abby smiled.
"Thank you. I had gotten tired of having long hair, it got in the way too much."
"How long has it been since you cut it like that?"
"Three years."
"And what did your father say?"
"He was confused for a while, but he ended up accepting it."
Woods smiled "rebellious girl huh?"
"I have a reputation to uphold"
The sun ended up hiding completely. Only the last rays of sun remained, a last vestige of light, giving way to the long night.
"It's getting late. We should go in." Woods commented looking at the horizon. "Are you hungry?"
"Oh fuck yeah."
"Then let's go inside."
The hours passed terribly slowly, until finally the moment arrived. It was now or never. Abby managed to mislead Woods, losing sight of him. As soon as she could, she slipped away and headed to the armory, according to Hudson. Weaver would be waiting for her there.
When she entered, a sniper rifle was tossed towards her. Luckily she was able to catch it on the fly.
"Is this the one you stole?" Weaver's russian accent echoed through the empty armory.
There was a huge amount of weapons on the middle table. All the walls were full of weapons of all kinds, on shelves, hanging on the walls, displayed... It looked like a museum dedicated to gunpowder.
"Huh… yeah. I think so..." Abby answered looking at the hunting rifle in her hands.
Weaver paced the room, grabbing a pistol and several magazines, both for the rifle and for the pistol.
"A 9mm will be good for you." Weaver put everything on the table. "Which one do you prefer? A Glock G19 or a Sig Sauer P226?"
"Eh… I don't know much about weapons. I was just taught how to use them."
Weaver nodded.
"Then the Glock."
He placed the gun along with a backpack that was also on the table.
Abby approached the backpack curiously.
"In there there is ammunition, provisions, water, warm clothing, a flint and a hunting knife." Weaver explained. "Will you need anything else?"
Abby thought about it for a moment, trying to remember everything she carried when traveling with her father.
"Do you have a bow and arrows?" Abby asked. She was not yet very skilled with the Bow, but it would serve her well if she had to hunt.
Weaver pointed his finger at her. "That's a good idea. I'll bring a silencer for the gun too."
The man looked for them, found them and added them to the rest.
"Let's add this, in case things get complicated..." Weaver placed a Tomahawk on the table.
Abby opened her eyes in surprise.
"A... Tomahawk?"
"Do you know how to use it?"
"It's not very complicated."
Weaver chuckled.
"Well, I think everything is ready. Come on, arrange things however you want. There isn't much time, the convoy will leave soon."
Abby started putting everything into her backpack. And she began to tie the long weapons with the straps on both sides of the backpack.
"Why are you doing this?" Abby asked. She still didn't really understand what was happening.
Weaver looked at her for a moment.
"You better get out of here before Adler gets back, girl." The somber tone of voice Weaver used didn't sound like a threat, more like advice. "He doesn't believe your version of events, and he won't hesitate to find the truth, if there is another one."
"Is he going to drug me or brainwash me?" Abby joked trying to hide her nervousness.
"Don't doubt it for a second." He answered very seriously. Abby's nervous smile fell, as if she had been hit in the face with cold water. "Your family and Hudson have managed to avoid it for a while by arranging that meeting, to give you a chance, to give you the benefit of the doubt. But I'm not sure what will happen if you stay any longer."
Abby swallowed. Shit, she was really fucked.
"But first let's get you out of here, huh?" Weaver patted Abby's shoulder.
Abby nodded, staring at her backpack.
She ended up putting on her leather bomber jacket and slinging her backpack over her shoulders.
She sighed.
"I'm ready."
Sneaking into the convoy didn’t seem like an easy task. Abby hid behind a cargo box. The line of vehicles was already waiting, ready to hit the streets of Chicago. Weaver stood next to the boxes, arms crossed, acting as if nothing was happening, as if there was no one hiding behind them.
"I'll distract the guards. Act when you think it's the best time. But don't think about it too much, I won't be able to talk to them forever."
"Understood." Abby nodded.
"From there you will have to go alone. No one else will be able to help you." Weaver sighed.
"I know."
Abby glanced around the building. What would Woods be doing? Would he be worried? Would he be looking for her? Wondering where Abs was? A feeling of guilt tightened her chest. She wished she could say goodbye to him. Do it right, and don't sneak away without saying anything.
"Hey." Abby called to Weaver, "Thank you. For helping me and…" she took a breath, "for saving my life."
Weaver understood what she was talking about. "I won't accept your thanks until you've returned to your father. So you better not die. Otherwise it would have been a waste of time to get you out of that river."
Abby smiled and nodded.
"It's time. Good luck girl"
"Good luck to you too." 
And Weaver left, arriving with the drivers and soldiers waiting for orders next to the convoy. He started talking to them. Meanwhile, Abby made sure there were no prying eyes nearby and when she thought the time was right, she came out of hiding.
She snuck into the back of the last truck, among the cargo, just as Hudson told her. And she waited. After a while she heard voices and the engines started. The truck began to shake and shortly after hearing a guard give permission for the convoy to move forward. The truck started to move.
Abby took a deep breath. There was no coming back. She left Woods behind, she left Mason behind. Although she didn't know him well, he was her biological grandfather, and although she didn't consider him family yet, a feeling of sadness overwhelmed her.
What would he think of David? Or what would David think of him?
Maybe that was a question that could never be answered.
Abby didn't know how much time passed. Hours? Surely so, how many? She didn't know. Her body ached from being in the same position for too long, cowering between boxes of supplies and weapons.
She sighed, hoping that this would end soon, when suddenly the truck stopped. They must have reached the guard post. Just outside of Chicago. Abby hurried out of the truck. Surely they were going to do a check, check that what they were carrying was correct and that there were no unforeseen events.
After Abby made sure no one was around, she jumped out of the truck. The boots crunched on the snow, She had to walk slowly and carefully so as not to make noise. Everything was dark, except for the huge spotlights of the guard post, the light blinded Abby's eyes, it was really annoying.
Voices were heard approaching, they were approaching from both sides of the convoy.
"Shit." Abby whispered.
She couldn't escape anywhere. So she did the first thing that came to mind. Hide under the truck. She lay down in the snow, right under the truck. She tried to keep her breathing slow and quiet as she watched a pair of boots approach the back of the truck. They carried flashlights.
"Damn, it's cold..." a guard cursed.
"The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can get back to warm up. So you take care of checking the last one, I'll talk to the driver" The second guard ordered.
Abby watched the two pairs of boots separate. She had to hurry and–...
But suddenly someone grabbed her leg and pulled her. Dragging her out from under the truck.
Abby struggled, trying to hit whoever was dragging her. A huge hand managed to immobilize her wrists and another covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream.
She thrashed around trying to free herself from his grip until she finally looked her captor in the eyes. Abby pulled away and opened her eyes in surprise.
The distant light of the spotlights illuminated only one side of his face. But she could still see the blue glint in his eyes.
"Don’t talk." Woods ordered, removing his hand from Abby's mouth.
He grabbed her hand and helped her up. Abby didn't know what to say. How had he even managed to find her?!
He helped Abby up, made sure no one had seen them, and led her away. He dragged her through other streets until they finally left the border post. They reached a road that led to the outskirts. There was a truck waiting, alone, there wasn’t a soul.
Woods didn't speak until he reached the car and opened the door.
"Let’s go Abs, come in."
"I'm not getting into that truck." Abby took a couple steps back.
"Get in the fucking truck, Abigail." Woods ordered with a more enraged tone.
But Abby didn't move from her spot.
"What are you doing here?" Abby tried to hold her ground.
Woods sighed, he understood that Abby wasn’t going to listen to him just like that. As usual. She hadn't changed one bit. So he closed the door.
"Are you going to bring me back to the fucking CIA?" Abby growled.
"Do you really think I'm such a son of a bitch?" Frank frowned.
"No." Abby bit her tongue. No, Woods would never do that, he would never allow a single hair on her head to be touched. He promised her after all. "How did you know old man?"
"I asked Hudson when I lost sight of you. You know I can be… very persuasive." Woods forced a smile trying to lighten the situation.
But Abby didn't smile.
"You shouldn't be here." Abby murmured.
Woods' smile faded.
"No? And where am I supposed to be then?"
"I don't know. Saving the world?
"They can do it without me Kid" 
"You're lying… You always said that you were the CIA's workhorse. You were the one who always did the dirty work." Abby made a pause "you've got a job to do. I don’t belong to that job." 
"Do you really think that's more important than you?"
"Saving the fucking world? Stopping Perseus?! Yeah! I think that's more important than me!"
Woods took a breath and walked with determined steps towards the young woman. Imposing his large figure, making Abby take a couple more steps back.
"I didn't spend the last thirteen fucking years of my life taking care of you and raising you. For you to die alone in the middle of nowhere because of your selfish decision." He spoke in a serious tone. "You're better than that. Don't disappoint me, kid."
Abby was silent for a long time with her eyes lowered.
“Sorry sir…"
Frank sighed and put his hand on the side of Abby's head.
"Let's go find your father."
Another Small extra! (This one is a little bit old and you probably have seen it before)
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vulpixelates · 1 year
@simothys replied to your post “ugh, i forgot what day it is. trying desperately...”:
i would love to hear about ur ratcats
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bigby met a banana for the first time this morning and really wanted to eat the peel. he was a feral barn boy before being picked up by the group he was fostered through. when we first saw pictures of him, we thought he was a lot older than he was bc he waS SO LONG but he was actually the babiest kitten i'd ever had. he spent 24 hours hissing at us every time we came in a room the first day but he slowly started cuddling and now he likes to sit on either my wife or me at almost all times he's not curled up in His Window.
his talents include: being uncoordinated except when it comes to murder, having almost a world record number of extra toes, and getting his ass kicked by his big sister after instigating fights.
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ms. mordenkainen (ninny if ya nasty) is a classic wild child tortie who loves to run around at full speed between taking rests curled up around my tit - it's literally her FAVORITE place to be. she will NOT sleep on my lap, ONLY TIT. she needs to be able to rub her face into my face or it does not count as comfy. she has been doing it since literally day 1. she is probably the friendliest cat i've ever met in my entire life and oh so very curious; she walks around 24/7 w her little white-tipped tail curled into a curious little ?. her day is not complete if she doesn't get a little kiss on the head.
her talents include: beating up bigby, drooling, and being the headbutt champion
we got them both from the same foster parent so they have been raised together almost since they were wee babies! bigby came first but when we mentioned that we had been interested in adopting a bonded pair, nin came up with a disclaimer of "uhh she's a little crazy" and the foster parent being CONVINCED we'd only last a few weeks w her lmao. but i instantly fell in love w her when she showed up at our house covered in her own poo after getting scared in the car. i would die for her
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minkkumaz · 1 year
awee omi,, ur so loved hopefully u and ur friend are able to reconcile <3
ur such a sweet sweet hardworking person everything better work out for u soon!! glad ur able to rest during the weekends! no need to force out some content for the readers if u arent feeling well :)
the fansign is on jia’s twt!! (jianextdoor) it was around 13-14hrs ago? only a bit of scrolling and you’ll see them in racer jackets. its been on my fyp for hours ❤️🙏
bonus yungyu hc for u!!
>> ever since he cut and dyed his hair to blue, he obviously knew it was way shorter and less fluffier than before.. but he still wants someone to play w his hair!!
>> definitely gives gf privileges.. he’d get mad when someone enters his room without knocking, but when it comes to you he’ll gladly accept you into his room for cuddles anyday
>> his members feel BETRAYED.
>> swings hands whenever hes able to hold urs :))
>> whenever you have a bad day, yungyu would do everything he can to have a break from work to provide you with love and care,,
>> if he cant, he’s returning home with flowers, stuffed animals, your favorite snacks and an exclusive pc of himself (he KNOWS u find him SOO attractive)
>> one time you made him those kiss hoodies (the hoodies with like kiss stains on it ifykyk!)
>> when performing, he’d ask (BEG.) his stylists to he could wear it and all of a sudden his stage presence increases
>> when filming videos he does little secret inside-joke hand motions specifically for you to see ><
>> definitely has a thing for cupping your face with one hand, then whispering into your ear to tease
>> when its winter, he lets you go inside of his big puffer jackets
i love you melon anon thank you for always being so supportive of me. when all my remaning friends get sick of me ill come live at your doorstep using my yungyu photocard collection as a blanket.
also don't get me started on your headcanons. i read yungyu's name and immediately started flipping my shit and doing cartwheels off the walls. THE EFFECT THAT MAN HAS ON ME.
he likes his haircut and color, but he only likes it if reader does it for him. i've always had this imagine in my head of dying yungyu's hair for him in the middle of the night, trying not to laugh too loud while the rest of the boys are sleeping in the dorms. i'm probably gonna write that sooner or later hehe.
the way i gulped super hard at the thought of him giving special gf privilege's. (with the exception of seungheon. seungheon is everyone's exception.) yungyu just has so much love to give and i can imagine him doing his utmost best to treat his lover (me).
BUT HIM GETTING ME AN EXCLUSIVE PC IS SO CANONNN like i genuinely believe he is the most godly attractive human on this damn earth. if me and yungyu were dating i wouldn't hesitate to tell him every second how handsome he is. also the fact that ive spent $300+ on his photocards probably means something LMAOOO
agkjasdfhg the jacket one also got me feeling a little dizzy. when i wasn't single and lonely i liked going in my lovers jacket when it was cold out. i didn't quite fit but i'll shrink so that i can fit in yungyu's (my real lover)
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yrluvjane · 2 years
a part 2 of go back to your new boyfriend w sirius 👀
The things I hate about you.
Part one
Sirius Black had successfully went from annoying the living daylights out of you to completely ignoring your existence. Every time, since the fight, your tried talking to him he was either:
Suddenly missing something or had forgotten about a class.
In a deep conversation with a very awkward and nervous-looking James Potter .
Having his tongue down Marlene’s throat.
The last one was the one that bothered you the most, Sirius was known for his playboy streak and was almost never seen with same girl twice, except for Marlene. Because of this, many rumors and theories were spread. Each more absurd than the rest, but even then, the sight of them together made a very tight and twisted knot in your stomach.
And the whole thing was making you lose your mind. Sirius no longer bothered you and that bothered you. You had completely lost any interest in any of your studies and the fact he was taking this much of your focus and concentration was embarrassing enough.
You had spent three whole days trying to understand this abnormal rage brewing in your chest, which then you realized was jealousy. You were jealous of Marlene. Because you liked Sirius. The realization hit you like a brick to your head.
You kept trying to push the thought away, trying to simplify as a side effect of all the studying you’ve been doing. And so you did, you took a break and went to Hogsemede.
But every time you saw Sirius and Marlene, you had this urge to punch both of them.
You only realized how stupid you sounded, when you took Madam Promfery’s advice and wrote all your feelings on paper.
You truly sounded like the main character of cliché enemies-to-lovers story, all you were missing was a best friend that would betray you and try to take Sirius away.
And all this led up to this moment right now.
You currently watched the hallway you were standing in waiting for Sirius to appear. It took you three whole days to plan this and you were quite anxious.
You took deep breathes hoping to calm your nerves but they only sky rocketed when the sound of footsteps reached your ears.
Your head snapped up and your eyes met Sirius's, causing alarms to blare in your head. His eyes widened and was about to say something but before he could even get a word in you pulled your wand out and petrified him.
"Oh my God, okay, okay. This is completely fine." You said to yourself as you levitated Sirius's body to an empty class room and faced his frozen body.
"Sorry, I just need you to listen and obviously there are more...comfortable ways to do this but this had the most promising outcome."
You took one last deep breathe and pushed your hair to the back of your ears. "Okay, I like you, like you like you. I know, "What?!" Trust me it shocked me too, but in this past week I realized lots of things. And one of those is just how much I miss your really annoying yet flattering presence. Yea, sure you're condescending, rude, annoying, obnoxious and I could probably go on till tomorrow. But the thing is, I like that stuff about you, or at least some of it but what I've realized I always classified it as hate."
"I hate the way you always flirt with me, it's disgusting, rude and completely inappropriate, but you do it to get a reaction out of me and sometimes it actually nice, it doesn't make me feel alone."
"Of course there are lots of annoying things about you, for example, the hair thing. Y'know the one where you push your hair back with your hands unlike Potter who runs his fingers through his hair. I hate it. And then sometimes you do it to me, whenever I'm studying, and it always ends up distracting. So I end up reading the same sentence fifteen times, and getting absolutely no work done.."
"I hate the way you keep staring at me, almost all of the time. During class, while were studying, at dinner, in the common room, on the courtyard and so on, it makes me feel really insecure."
"I hate the way your uniform is always untidy; your tie is always lose, your shirt untucked, your robe open and how you completely violate the rules by wear those rings."
"I hate how your really good at your studies but never want to show it, I watch you do your work, you have potential to go high places but whenever your in class you put on this "To cool for school" act that irritates me too much."
"I hate the way you follow me around and throw your arm around my shoulders as if were close friends. I hate the way you tell others I secretly love you whenever I brush you off."
"I hate it when you joke and make me laugh, I hate it when you say I'm uptight."
"I hate it when your right and I'm wrong, I hate it when you lie and leave me alone."
"I hate seeing you with Marlene, I hate it more when people make comments of how great you two seem."
"I hate it when you put me on the spot then call me shy, I hate it more when you hurt my feelings and make me cry."
"I hate the way you're not around and you don't talk to me anymore. But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you, not even a little bit, not even at all."
You shakily raise your wand, and cast the counter curse. You swallow as he stands up with wide eyes and looks at you. "I swear if you laugh, I'll punch you in the face." You say threateningly, as your eyes roamed his for any emotions.
He lets out a small laugh, "Did you just attack me, insult me and confess your love for me all in five minutes?"
"Six minutes and forty-seven seconds."
"Merlin, Y/n..." He says with a soft yet tired smile, looking at you silently.
"Say something, dammit!" You shout, completely on edge.
"Well, I was actually coming to find you. Your owl gave me this." He says, pulling something out of his robe pocket with a small chuckle.
He handed you your very-angry-and-emotional-feelings-letter that you must have left on your desk.
Damn you, Mr. Snuffles!
"So, you read my letter, what about the bloody ceremonial speech i just gave."
"You hate 17 things about me." He says walking closer, "And most of these seventeen I do because I like you."
At this point, he is shadowing you with his height, there was barely any space in between.
"What?" You asked with a dazed look.
"I like you too," He clarifies , one of his hands reach up to brush your hair back and cup the side of your neck, stroking your throat with his thumb, making your face heat up.
"The reason I was so angry last week was because everyone kept saying what a great couple you and Hillson made. I got so angry and took it out on you."
He uses his other hand too push a few strands of your hair back behind your ear, playing with ends as he stared deeply into your eyes.
"Then I came back to apologize but I heard some of the girls say, you locked yourself up. I went back to my room to think and thought that maybe it was just best to give up. So I avoided you and ignored you in hopes of getting you out of my head. I only got back to Marlene to get over you. Then I got the letter and came to find you right away."
You stayed silent for a good thirty seconds trying to absorb all this information, though it was quite hard with him tracing his thumb over your throat and collar.
"So you don't like Marlene." You stated.
He laughed and nodded, "You can rest assured, I don't like Marlene, only you."
"Good." You whispered as you laced your hands behind his neck, bringing his head down and attaching your lips to his.
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mirisss · 3 years
The Feelings We Left Unspoken
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Picture edited by me
Warnings: None except that this is really sad
Wordcount: ≈ 1.2k
Kinda based on the lyrics to 5SOS’ Everything I Didn’t Say
Please reblog if you like it!
Written out of Jun Han’s pov
I wish I could rewind all the times that I didn't show you what you're really worth
Looking back at the moments we spent together, I now realize that I took you for granted. I didn’t realize that you were the reason I smiled, the reason everything felt nice and easy. As I think about you now, I understand that I should have told you that you were important in my life, that I should have known that my heart was beating for you. I realize that I should have given you the world, just like you gave me the world. 
The way that you held me
People tell me that I should have understood that you loved me from the way that you always smiled brighter beside me. And from the way that you always embraced me in the warmest hugs. From the way that you held me above everyone else, you saw me as your reason to live. I should have known. Known how you felt. Known how I felt.
I wish that I'd put you first
You had always been there for me and so I thought you’d always be. I never imagined a day when you would go away. Maybe it was foolish, maybe I was too young to understand. I wish I could have said something before it was too late. I wish I could redo my wrongs to become rights. 
While you were slipping through my fingertips
I spent my days smiling and going on with life, all while I should have seen the fighting in your eyes. The war you were fighting within. I was foolish and blind. Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you tell me you were struggling? Maybe if you had, I could have helped you. 
Taking every breath away, with all of the mistakes I've made
The day that you left was the day I woke up from the coma I had been in. The day you left was the day that I realized that I was in love with you. But it was too late. Once I realized this I couldn’t breathe. Why couldn’t I have known this, 2 weeks ago? Why couldn’t I have known 3 years ago? Why now? Why too late? Just another mistake. 
 From all the letters that I've saved
Now as I look back at the days we spent together, the time when we were friends, the time when you were still around. It seems so blatantly obvious that all those songs I wrote, about love, beauty, and the girl of my dreams, were all about you. You who stood beside me and support me in everything. And perhaps all the letters you sent me during class, with love poems should have been a sign of your love but my foolish young heart just couldn’t see it. And perhaps, all the letters that I wrote in my room that are hidden in a box under my bed should have told me that I loved you. 
This is everything I didn't say
I know I’m a little too late to say how I feel. I know that I’m too late to change your mind. But this is everything I didn’t say. I loved you then and I love you now. 
I wish I could've made you stay
If only I had known that you would leave. That you would be gone. Then I might have found the words and fought for you to stay. Stay with me. Please come back to me. 
I know that it's a little too late, but this is everything I didn't say
I loved you then and I love you now. 
Holding onto a broken and empty heart
I called myself your best friend but I was the only one who didn’t know how you felt. I didn’t see the broken pieces of your soul as you stopped smiling for real. I missed how your eyes were empty even as you looked me in the eye screaming for help. I should have known but I didn’t, not then but I know now. You held on with a broken heart to the one who should have made you whole but instead, I just stole more pieces until you were empty. 
Flowers I should've bought, all the hours I lost
I remember how your eyes always strayed towards those pretty flowers on display in the flower shop we passed every day. How you told me every single day that you dreamed of being gifted a bucket of those flowers from a boy who had your heart. No one else knew. Only I. And still, I bought those flowers to give to someone else. I should have known that the way your smile fell when I told you they were for her and not for you was the last straw. 
Wish I could bring it back to the start
I wish I could travel back in time and tell the old me how I felt back then, how I still feel today. Maybe then you would be in my arms now, smiling, laughing. Maybe you would still be here then, by my side. And maybe, I could love you and appreciate you like I should have done. 
Some day I'm sure, that we'll pass each other by
I never thought I’d see you again. After you left. I didn’t think it would be possible. But there you were. Standing on the other side of the road. Holding someone else’s hand. You were smiling up at him. I’ve never seen you smile so brightly, not even at me. The light was back in your eyes. I couldn’t stand to see it, so I turned around and walked away. Just like I did back then. But I know that someday we will meet again. A day when we are more mature, a day when we are ready to face each other.
Until that time… I know that it's a little too late, but This is everything I didn't say
I loved you then and I love you now. But it is time to let go as you have found love with someone else. Someone who appreciates you. Someone who isn’t me. I know that it’s a little too late, but this is everything I didn’t say… Forgive me, but I love you. A feeling I left unspoken until it was too late, I guess that was all I had to say. 
* Jun Han put down his pen after he wrote another letter which he one day intended to send to her. He folded the letter carefully and put it into a soft brown envelope, sealed it shut, and put it away with the other letters. Once done, he slid the box back under his bed. Then he walked out of his room to head over to work, going on with his day as if he wasn’t thinking of a girl he can never have *
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
The Coordinates Of My Heart ~ JJK [Request]
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GENRE: Angst, fluffy ending, established relationship
PAIRING: Jungkook x fem!reader
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It was no secret that Jungkook had tattoos all over his body, everyone had seen them by now but not every single tattoo that covered him. There was one very secret tattoo that nobody except for you and Jungkook knew about...Well, you, Jungkook and his ex-girlfriend that was. It was only a small tattoo on his left peck but it was one of the biggest mistakes Jungkook had ever made in his life, the whole time he was getting his collection of tattoos he swore he would never have someone's name tattooed onto his body and yet there it sat. Black ink across his peck with her name in cursive writing with a small heart attached at the end, "SeoJun" The tattoo bothered you a lot but you would never let that show in front of Jungkook. You'd been dating for almost three years now so you never brought it up except for the first time he showed you. He wanted you to know that she meant nothing to him anymore but that it was there and something he had to deal with. 
It was still a crushing feeling to see another girls name tattooed on his body and him always saying that he would never do it again, never tattoo a name across him anywhere on his body. You knew he was thinking rationally but there was a part of you inside that cried out to know why he wouldn't put your name on himself instead but the other part of you thought rationally. He probably didn't want to chance it by getting your name tattooed anywhere on himself and having the relationship fall through. 
"Baby I'm so tired," Jungkook groaned that morning as he walked down the stairs to you in the living room he was shirtless and wearing a pair of shorts, you were trying to convince him to go swimming with you. It was his week off from the studio, he took it off to spend time with you but for the last six days he'd done nothing but lay in bed gaming or go out to dinner with his friends, or hang out with the boys. 
"I'm only asking for this one thing baby...Please! I don't want to go alone." You giggled to him as you tugged on his hands trying to convince him to go with you, he looked at you tiredly as he shook his head.
"I'm busy today," He mumbled as he took his arm out of your grasp, ignoring the look of confusion written across your face as he walked into the kitchen. Jungkook hadn't told you he'd made plans with anyone which was why you'd woken him up in the first place if you'd have known he was busy you would have left him. Following after him, you went into the kitchen and he began to make himself something to eat,
"Busy with what? We haven't hung out all week, you said you took the week off to spend time with me." You uttered you knew it probably sounded as though you were being childish but right now you didn't care, you'd missed your boyfriend and this week it felt like you saw him less than you did when he was actually working. 
"I actually said I took the week off to relax, so far I haven't done any of that." He grumbled as he began pouring himself a bowl of cereal, not meeting your eyes as he spoke. Rolling your eyes at him you shook your head, 
"You've relaxed plenty, all you've done is game and sleep...As well as go to lunch, or spent time with friends...W-What if we went for walk instead? Namjoon said he found this really cute hiking trail..." You trailed off when you realised Jungkook was more interested in the phone that was sitting in his hand than he was in listening to you talk to him. The thought of him ignoring you was heartbreaking enough, you began to overthink everything, maybe he was getting bored of being with you...
"But of course, I wouldn't want to take you away from what is really important." You grumbled to him referring to the phone before storming out of the kitchen and into the living room to grab your swimming bag to go alone since he wasn't that bothered about you anymore.
"Are you upset because I won't hang out with you?! We don't have to be around each other 24/7 Y/n." He followed you into the living room staring into your eyes as he waited for you to say something back to him. He didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as the way it was.
"No, but it would be nice if my own boyfriend wanted to do something with me. Watch a movie, go for a walk, order food. All you've been bothered about is gaming or hanging with the guys, we haven't done anything this week." He rolled his eyes at you before going back into the kitchen without another word in your direction. You knew it wasn't supposed to start a fight but there was a part inside of you that wanted answers from him. 
"Tell me I'm wrong then. Tell me one time this week you've even wanted or offered to hang out with me." You stated as you walked back into the kitchen, he put his bowl down into the sink shaking his head at you. 
"I've been busy. I'm doing stuff all week, I don't need you jumping down my neck-" He stopped talking when his phone began to ring on the table in front of him for a second you could have sworn a panicked look spread across his face. Out of habit your eyes glanced down to see who it was but as soon as you saw the name you wish you hadn't. SEOJUN. Was written across the screen in big bold writing with a broken heart beside her name just like the tattoo Jungkook had only the heart was broken. 
"W-Why is she calling you?" Instead of answering you Jungkook just turned the phone over so you couldn't see it and shook his head at the question. 
"Jungkook..." You whispered feeling insecure at the thought of him starting to see her again, it wasn't that you didn't trust him. It was Seojun that you didn't trust. She was manipulative and cunning. She always got whatever it was she wanted if she used the right way on Jungkook it was like she had a spell on him.
"Y/n it's not what it looks like, she's just started to say sorry to me that's all. She wants to make up for all the awful things that happened, she opened up her new shop so I've been going to help-" The look on your face made Jungkook stop talking instantly and he knew he fucked up, it was a look of sadness and anger as you realised he'd been spending all of his time with her. 
"S-So you've been spending time with her? On your week off..." He nodded his head slowly not wanting to lie to you about where he had been anymore, 
"Because I knew if I told you, you would be upset-" He tried to rationalise it but you cut him off,
"Of course I would! You've been spending all of your free time with your ex-girlfriend and lying to me about it!" You yelled out as you stared down at his phone, it was starting to ring again but you both ignored it this time letting it go to voicemail.
"I was just helping out with her shop, she's straightened herself out." You scoffed at the thought of it all and the phone began to ring again, it was clear she wasn't going to quit calling him until he finally answered her call. 
"So she's trying to get back with you?" You questioned as you stared at him folding your arms over your chest,
"No! She's trying to say sorry..." You rolled your eyes at the statement, at how naive he was being about all of it and began walking away from him not wanting to listen to this.
"Am I not allowed, friends?!" He snapped at you making you turn to face him you were angrier now at the fact that he was making it seem like you were forcing him not to talk to her, 
"You can be friends with whoever you want...B-But didn't you think about how this would make me feel? Seeing her again? When she's literally tattooed across your chest?!" He heard the crack in your voice as you stormed out of the door, leaving him alone in the world of his own thoughts. He knew how much the tattoo hurt you even if you refused to show him that sometimes, he groaned picking up his phone to her. 
"I'll be running late today, come by about 2 pm? The place will be empty and it'll be just me and you, like old times." He sighed as he heard her voice down the other side of the phone, 
"We should stop, she's suspicious..." He whispered to Seojun as he walked out of the kitchen and towards the front door, you were sitting in the car so he walked up the stairs to talk. 
You whimpered as you got into your car, starting up the engine and driving off towards the pool. You didn't even need to go, you just had to be out of the house for a while to let your brain cool down from what was happening, you were probably just overreacting to it all. 
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When you came in after swimming the house was empty, all of the lights were off so you knew Jungkook must have been out or up in bed asleep but it was only 7 pm so that was unlikely true. You dropped your keys down in the small bowl by the front door and kicked off your shoes wanting nothing more than to snuggle up beside Jungkook and say sorry for that morning but he wasn't there so you went for the next best thing. Having a shower and curling up in one of his shirts while you waited for him to come home, you'd left him some texts but if he was still upset about this morning you doubted he would answer you. 
As you walked into the kitchen you saw a note on the door, 
Went out to think. Don't wait up. Love you. x x x JJK x x x You smiled halfheartedly as you read the note from him to you and screwed it up before putting it into the bin. All you had to do was remind yourself that Jungkook loved you, he would never do anything to hurt you.
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Later that night Jungkook pulled up outside the house and saw your car, 
"I'll call you later, Y/n's home so I'm going to talk to her if she's awake," Jungkook said to Seojun who hummed before hanging upon him. He shut the door carefully and headed up to the front door, it was almost 12 pm so you were most likely asleep in bed but when he walked into the living room you were out cold on the sofa. Draped in one of his jumpers and a pair of shorts with a blanket around you, the TV was playing to itself all of their Bangtan bombs and he smiled to himself. At least you weren't too angry at him to fall asleep to his voice, he turned off the TV and headed into the kitchen. 
A small hissing noise made you wake up when you heard small grunts of pain, 
"Guk?" You moaned out as you rubbed your eyes, the kitchen light was on and the moaning was coming from there. Terror ripped through you at the thought of him and someone else being in there together but Jungkook would never do that...Would he? Slowly sliding off the sofa you tip-toed into the kitchen to see Jungkook with his back to you, he was hissing as he pulled something off his chest, 
"Kookie? What's going on?" Jungkook jumped as your voice suddenly filled the air, he turned to face you and you saw what he was struggling to do. There was fresh clingfilm wrapped around his chest along with some pads, 
"Jungkook?" You frowned walking further into the kitchen as you helped him take off the cling film, 
"I did something." He mumbled as he took your hands into his own to stop you from removing the rest of it all, 
"We have to talk..." You stared into his eyes waiting for him to continue and he looked down, 
"I know how much the tattooed bothered you without you saying anything...That's the reason I've been seeing Seojun so much, she runs her own tattoo parlour instead of working for other people now..." You remembered him telling you once that she worked as a tattooist in someone else's shop, 
"S-So you went to her to get a tattoo done? Why didn't you tell me?" He let go of your wrists and allowed you to keep unwrapping the clingfilm until it got to the end and the flower could be seen, 
"Because we were working on something I couldn't tell you about," Sitting on his left peck, covering the entire muscle was a huge tattoo of your birth flower. Tears began to well up in your eyes as you stared at the masterpiece, 
"The best part." He whispered as he took your hand carefully and lead it over to the middle of his chest, written in small black in were some coordinates. 
"Do you know what that is?" You stared at them with a frown on your face shaking your head at him trying to work it out, 
"It's the coordinates of where I first told you that I loved you," You stared at the coordinates before wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and dragging him into a passionate kiss. Tugging him closer to you until he hissed out in pain, 
"S-Sorry, the tattoo is sore." He chuckled as you looked at it again, 
"Where's your cream? I'll apply it and then we can go to bed?" You questioned as he nodded at you, telling you where the cream he used for all his tattoo's was kept and went to sit on the sofa for you. Smiling happily as he waited for you to come back to him.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @bisexualmess007​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @jin-from-the-block​ @sweeneyblue1​
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hellotvshowtrash · 4 years
Say You Love Me
Request from @perriexlover​:  Okay so since I'm a sucker for Elijah, can you write a fluffy smut¿?; like where it's reader' first time and she's super nervous cause she's never been in a relationship before and she doesn't want to let him down. And maybe it's their first anniversary? [sorry if it's a mess] thank you, love ❤️
A/N: First of all, this is such a sweet prompt. I hope you enjoy this, i kind of took some liberty with the request, so it might not be exactly what you wanted and it’s not super smutty but like it’s fluffy smut so. I very much enjoy sweet Elijah and yeah i kinda just wanna go on a date w him!
Warnings: fluffy smut, first time sex, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP MY DUDES) 
Word count: 2.6k
Elijah x female!reader
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A hum escaped her lips as his fingers danced over her skin, gently leaving a trail of goosebumps where he touched her. Elijah kissed her, on her lips, her chin, her neck, her ear, everywhere she needed him. Her vision came in flashes as she opened her eyes in surprise and closed them again in pleasure. Her hand gripped the sheets beneath her, the other tangling in his dark hair.
Her eyes opened slowly as she exhaled another soft moan. Slowly waking, she realized she had been dreaming, one of the more intense dreams she had been having as of late. She blinked slowly, awkwardly becoming aware of her boyfriend watching her from his position in the bed next to her. His head was rested in his hand, propped up as he laid on his side looking at her. A small, amused smile danced on his lips. She grinned embarrassedly, her hands coming up to her face and covering her blushed cheeks as she laughed at herself.
"Good morning, beautiful," he smiled at her.
"Good morning," she giggled. She peeked at him through her fingers. He chuckled and grabbed one of her hands and kissed it. Elijah had been nothing but a gentleman this past year. He made sure she was comfortable with everything, and they took the relationship at her pace. Lately, she'd had her mindset on their one year anniversary being their first time together. They had slept together - however, it was in the same bed and fully clothed whenever he stayed the night with her. Tonight she decided that she wanted him to know that she wanted to be with him. The thought of being with Elijah in her entirety made her heart flutter. He smiled at her again.
"Are you ready for tonight?" He asked her quietly. He hadn't known what she'd been planning, except for the obvious dreams she'd been having. He had to have had some idea at this point. He was planning something entirely different, and she wasn't allowed to know until that night. She huffed playfully at him.
"I wish you'd just tell me what you're planning," she winked, but she enjoyed being surprised and she knew he enjoyed spoiling her.
He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her in close. "You will find out, darling, but for now," he nuzzled into her hair, "let's just stay like this," he whispered into her neck and sent shivers up her spine.
Elijah spent the day doting on her, taking care of every need and want as they came, starting with making her favourite breakfast, followed by spending the day shopping for anything she could possibly want. Every time she looked at him, his eyes were on her, following her movements and making her blush.
"You're staring," She commented finally while she was looking through a rack of shirts in a nearby boutique.
He chuckled in response. "How could I not?" He moved toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist from behind her, "You're just so beautiful. I'm so lucky," He moved his lips to her ear and she blushed again.
She turned around in his arms and placed hers around his neck. "I'm the lucky one. I love nothing more than spending time with you," She lifted herself onto her tip-toes and placed a small kiss on his lips. She used the "L" word but not in the context he was hoping for. Even after a year, that had some very important firsts to get to. He grinned at her and kissed her again.
"Let's go home. I want you to see what I've planned," He pulled away and grabbed her hand.
"Ahh, so shopping was a distraction?" Y/N smiled as she was pulled along.
"Not entirely," He stopped abruptly in front of the sleepwear clothing section. "Pick a pair of pajamas." He gestured to the section and she looked at him, surprised.
"Pajamas?" She stepped forward and reached for a soft pair of bottoms. "Will you be getting some as well?" She asked him.
"I've already got a pair." He smiled. Y/N lifted her eyebrows again and smiled. She browsed and chose a light pink silk pair, small shorts and a tight tank top. "Not what I had in mind, but definitely welcome," he winked at her. Her outfit was a subtle hint to him that she too was planning some things.
They returned to Y/N's small apartment, which had mostly become their shared apartment without officially deciding they lived together. Y/N was stunned to see candles lit and dainty lights were strewn about, perfectly lighting the blanket and pillow covered mattress that took up the living room floor. Blankets hung from the ceiling, creating a perfectly adult-sized fort. The lights twinkled in her eyes as she gently gasped, the smell of pizza filling her nose and she eyed the pizza box at the edge of the bed. She turned to him and grinned.
"How did you pull this off?" She asked him, breathlessly. He grinned back at her and ushered her farther into the apartment, closing the door behind them.
"I wanted our first anniversary to be a celebration of us, just between us." He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently. "Now go change and get comfy and I'll get the movie in."
She hummed and chuckled excitedly, "what movie are we watching?"
"I'm going to make you guess." He spun her in the direction of her bedroom and patted her butt to make her walk. She gasped and laughed at him, rolling her eyes as she made her way to the bedroom. Elijah hurried to the bathroom to change into his own pajamas, a pair of grey sweats and a white t-shirt fitted snug against his muscular figure. He exited the bathroom and got the movie prepared in the DVD player. He sat back against the pillows and blankets on the bed and waited.
Y/N exited her bedroom shyly, her confidence waning after she put on the pajamas. She was scared this was too soon, or maybe he didn't want to see her like this. She tucked her hair behind her ear as she closed the door behind her and turned to face him. She shuffled her feet anxiously as Elijah caught sight of her. His breath left his lips as he took in the sight of her, the silk pajamas flowing over her body gently, parts of her he had dreamt of seeing. She blushed and looked at the floor.
"Is it too much?" She asked quietly. He shook his head, slowly at first and then vigorously.
"Not at all. You're stunning," he complimented. He realized suddenly his sweats were getting dangerously tight, and he grabbed a blanket to conceal himself. He gestured her over and grinned at her. She really was beautiful. "I'm so lucky to be with you," he whispered as she laid down next to him. She blushed again, and got comfy at his side, legs slightly parted. She nuzzled into him, grabbing his arm and snuggling it, placing his hand on the inside of her thigh. Her breath hitched and she tried to play it off like it was nothing, but he squeezed her thigh and she hummed happily. She looked up at him and reached her hand behind his neck, pulling him into a kiss. He obliged, kissing her softly. She tugged on his hair, indicating she didn't want gentleness. He pulled away slightly.
"Y/N, I..." she shushed him as she kissed him again, more hunger built in her. He kissed her back, maintaining a gentle edge but desperation started to fill him. "Is this what you want?" He managed to whisper between kisses. She nodded quickly, grabbing his hand and moving it up her thigh, over her new silken pajamas. He took to control of his hand and gently circled just above her clit, hard enough that she could feel it but soft enough to leave her wanting more. She moaned into their kiss. That was all it took for Elijah. Her moans drove him crazy. He flipped suddenly, moving to put himself on top of her, his hand still working her over her shorts. She squealed as he moved, but slid her hands from his neck to his shoulders and over his chest.
She pulled away slightly and let her head fall back on the pillow. She locked eye with him and felt herself blush and her confidence falter. "Elijah, I... you should know," he stopped the motion with his fingers and pulled away immediately, worried he had gone too far. He sat back on the bed in front of her, not touching her. "No, it's nothing.. bad. That was nice, but you should know.. I've never done this before." She blushed and looked down, realizing how vulnerable she was. He raised an eyebrow.
"With anyone- ever?" He asked quietly. She nodded.
"I've been waiting for the right person," she said sheepishly. Elijah's heart nearly burst in his chest. A fool's grin slapped itself on his face.
"Y/N. I need to tell you something." He leaned on his knees closer to her again, moving in between her splayed out legs. Her eyes never left his as his face came inches from hers, his breath just reaching her lips. "I love you," he whispered. His eyes flickered from hers to her lips as a small smile spread across her face.
"You do?" She asked.
"I do," he answered.
"I love you, too," she whispered, "I want you to know how much I love you," She kissed him, trying to convey her desire, her passion, her love for him, but the kiss wouldn't suffice.
She moved her hands to lift her tank top above her head, her hair moving wildly about as she undressed. He paused their kiss, moving away to take in the parts of her body he had never seen before. He had waited a long time for this and it was more worth it than he could have possibly imagined it. He moved to cup his hand over her soft breast, rubbing her nipple between his fingers. She let out a soft gasp turned moan, a feeling she hadn't experienced coursing through her. Obviously, she had touched herself before, but this was different. Her head fell back on the pillows behind her. Both of his hands were on her body now, moving around her breasts, her chest, moving down to her waist. He tugged lightly at her shorts and she lifted her hips, letting him pull them off. He took a moment to drink her in, her entire body was gorgeous and he wanted to worship her. He pushed her legs open wider, her wet folds opening as he did so. He licked his lips and his eyes met hers.
"I want you to only look at me, okay? he commanded. She nodded and watched as he lowered himself onto his stomach, laying down flat with his head between her legs. Her eyes never left his as he kissed around her thighs and her labia. She gasped at the contact, her breathing labored already. His tongue licked at the sides of her opening, not quite making the contact she so desperately wanted.
"You're a tease," she gasped. He grinned wickedly, then gave her exactly what she wanted. He licked and sucked at her clit, making her head fall back again and a moan escaped her lips. His tongue explored her fully, entering her slightly and making her moans escalate. He worked her with his mouth, his eyes not leaving her face. Her moans were exactly what he wanted to hear. He picked up his pace and moved a hand up to her breast, squeezing gently. Her hand flew to his head, grasping his hair tightly as her hips bucked slightly. "Elijah," she moaned loudly. She was getting too close, and he wanted her first time to be worth remembering. He pulled away and she whimpered lightly.
"Darling, you taste divine. I want to feel you, now." He said to her. She squeaked at his commanding, lust-filled voice. He stood from the bed and began to undress. Y/N began to feel self-conscious and began to close her legs, but he stopped her. "I want to keep looking at you. You're breathtaking." She blushed and left her legs spread for him. He took her in as he took his shirt off. He began to pull down his sweats and underwear, his cock springing out of the confines. She gasped at how large he was.
"This isn't going to hurt, is it?" She whispered. He chuckled.
"If you experience any discomfort whatsoever, you tell me immediately and we'll stop." He said. She nodded as he made his way back onto the bed over her. He positioned himself just in front of her entrance, the heat emanating off her. He began to kiss her neck and chin. "I want you to enjoy this. If you want something, don't be afraid to tell me," he whispered to her. She nodded again and he began to enter her, slowly and in increments so she had time to adjust to him. She let out a low moan as he filled her, her eyes closing and her face relaxing. He moved himself in entirely and paused, waiting for her okay. She took a deep breath and nodded. He began to move slowly, thrusting in and out of her. She gasped as he picked up speed, creating a steady rhythm between them. Her hips moved naturally to meet his thrusts. Her moans came more frequently as he moved, his name leaving her lips breathlessly. It would be his undoing if he wasn't careful. He paced himself and kissed at her neck and chin, his hand moving to cup her breast again, something she seemed to enjoy very much. He slowed his pace and lowered herself down onto his elbows, his face inches from hers. He watched her intently, his eyes noting the different reactions to his movements. He dipped his head and kissed her, gently and tenderly. She moaned into his lips, then hooked her arms behind his neck and deepened their kiss, not letting him go.
"Faster, Elijah," she begged. He raised his eyebrows, but obliged, his arms still creating a cage around her head as he thrust into her faster now, the sound of skin on skin mixed with her moans filling the room. He grunted hungrily, quickly becoming unable to control himself. He kept speeding up, losing himself in her. "Elijah, I think I'm-," she began to speak but the tension she felt in the pit of her stomach snapped. A gasp took over followed by his name in long drawn out moans.  Hearing his name spill from her lips like that drove him over the edge and he stilled inside of her, letting his orgasm take over. His head snapped back and he groaned as he came, filling her. He pulled in and out a few more times as they both came down, unwinding from their highs. She panted heavily and a grin broke out over her face.
"Happy anniversary, baby," he pulled out of her and kissed her before flopping onto the bed next to her.
"You love me. Say you love me again, please," she said, her grin still covering her face.
"I do love you," he smiled back at her, taking her hand in his and kissing it.
She bit her lip and closed her eyes in content, "I love you, too. Can we do that again?"
Taglist: @elijahs-wife @soul-revoir @akshi8278 @njeancastro316 @dumble-daddy @nikmikaelsonswife
381 notes · View notes
deepiphany · 4 years
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“When I close my eyes, it's you there in my mind”
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“Why do I pull you close and then ask you for space?”
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Jennifer pushed her back to prevent them to fall in her face. Today was a long day. She had to stay back in Uni to complete an assignment as she had completely forgot about and if she hadn't turned it in today itself, she couldn't have been able to pass the semester. As she had turned in the due assignment and looked at her watch, she had thought, 'I'm... Doomed!!! RUN!'. She was late for her work.
She had to work extra hours than what her shift was to compensate for being late. On normal days, her work place manager would have let her off the hook since she was always quite punctual but since she worked in a food place and since it was weekend, there was too much crowd and they often needed more employees than usual to handle everything smoothly.
She smiled sadly as she realised that there won't be anyone worrying about her going home late since she lived alone. She didn't have a boyfriend who would occasionally check on her either. All her friends were just as busy as she was so she didn't expect anything from them.
On her way out of the 'Staff Only' room which she had been in for the past ten minutes for a quick rest, she collided with someone near the exit.
"Oh I'm sorry." She apologized quickly. "I wasn't looking—" she looked up at the person standing in front of her and paused. "Oh, Cameron!"
She knew Cameron since the day she had joined here. He was pretty easy to get along with as he was very charming, friendly and out going. They worked together for a few months and then their shifts never overlapped again after her Uni started. She had started missing him a lot, unaware of the fact that she might've developed a little spot in her heart for him.
"It's alright." He smiled at her. "I need to go though, kinda in a hurry. Let's catch up with each other later!" He said as he began walking in the direction of the Kitchen.
"Works with me." Jennifer yelled loud enough for him to hear as he had already stepped inside the kitchen by then.
'Alright. You can pull through! Only a few minutes left until I'm free!' She thought to herself as she looked at the clock.
She worked diligently no matter how hard it was on her until the last minute of her shift. She wondered how all these people went out like this on such a cold night. It was the start of winter and everyone were wearing coats or sweaters and gloves to warm themselves up. Sadly for Jennifer they didn't have a warm uniform so she occasionally had shivers run down her spine everytime the door opened and the cold wind blew right by her side.
She smiled merrily when the clock ticked to terminate her working hours for that day and quickly removed her apron as she made her way towards the changing room.
She changed quickly in her regular clothes and put on some warm clothes over then. As soon as she got out as she started looking for Cameron. She would be lying if she said she wasn't excited to spend some time with him after all these months.
She searched for him everywhere but to no vail. He couldn't be found anywhere. She pouted sadly as she thought he might've been too tired and had forgot about her. He might've just went straight home.
She sighed as she left her working building and started walking towards her appartment on the sidewalk. It was pretty late so there was no one to be seen on the road. Buses had stopped running so she had no choice but to just walk.
A long time had passed until she sensed someone's presence behind her. She heard someone's footstep's walking in the same pace as she was.
At first she thought that it might be someone innocent. But she got a little taste of fear when that person seemed to take the exact same turns as her at intersections.
'It's okay. They might be living in the same area as mine.' She consoled herself.
She licked her lips nervously when the footsteps started to speed and could be heard closer and closer to her.
'No! This isn't it!' She started running for her dear life.
"Whoever you are! Just back off! I have a weapon on me!" She tried to threaten them with wavering voice.
"Jennifer!" They called out her name making her halt in tracks. "It's me— ouch!"
They hadn't expected her to stop all of a sudden and bumped their nose on the back of her head.
"Cameron!" She whipped around with anger evident in her voice. "What the hell do you think you are doing?"
"I was worried about you, okay?" He said as he rubbed his nose with his hands to lower the pain that he felt. "No need to raise your voice at me like this. It's just that it's quite late so I wanted to accompany you."
Her anger quickly dissipated upon listening to his words. "Oh Cameron..." She said with a small smile on her lips.
"Also, I've been wanting to say something..." He trailed off as both of them began walking together.
"Shoot." Jennifer said as her veins filled with thrill. She knew where this was going. Finally she was going to see the day she had been waiting for!
"You know me the best, you know my worst, seen me hurt, but you don't judge, that, right there, is the scariest feeling..."
"W-what are you talking about?" She said, completely taken aback. 'I don't know anything about you except for the small time we spent together working!' she thought to herself.
"Opening and closing up again I've been hurt so I don't trust. Now here we are, staring at the ceiling." He continued to say.
"We're on a road... Staring at a lamp post..." She said as she made a weird face. What the hell was going through Cameron's mind?
"Isn't it amazing?" He said as he took her hands in his, making her blush a little. She was thankful that it was winter so she already had redness on her cheeks making it hard to notice her blushing.
"How almost every line on our hands align, when your hand's in mine—"
"We're literally wearing gloves right now, idiot!" She frowned at him.
"It's like I'm whole again. Isn't that a sign? I should speak my mind?" He asked her.
She pulled her hand out of his grip with force. "What the hell are you talking about, Cameron? If you're here to play decipher the cryptogram then I'm sorry I don't have time for your BS. Leave me alone if this is what you wanted to do!" She began walking away from him.
"All it is...is... eight letters..." He stammered. "So why is it so hard to say?"
She halted in her steps and gulped in anticipation. Was he going to say the exact same thing that she had imagined?
"What eight letters are you talking about?" She turned around to ask him and walked closer to him to hear him clearly.
"I— I. Uh... I don't know how to say it... I— I'm sorry..."
She smiled kindly towards him. "It's okay," she said. "I won't make fun of you. No one would know what you say to me now." She took his hands in hers.
"B... BUTTOCKS!" He finally managed to say.
"What the hell?" She pushed his hands away from her, making Cameron stumble backwards. "Are you freaking crazy? What do you expect me to say?" She felt so offended at his words. "IDIOT!" She yelled. "You don't know anything!"
"Then what do you want me to say!? What should've I said, huh!?" He yelled back at her in frustration.
"It's so freaking easy, you idiot!" She sighed in frustration.
I know! I know that I raised everyone's expectations by adding some image aesthetics (that I totally didn't rip off of Pinterest) and lyrics aesthetics in the beginning but then you scroll towards the end and see "FARTFACE" and just wonder what happened here O_o
Ugh idek what happened here it's all because I couldn't get this out of my head when writing this—
[my screenrecorder sucks at recording good quality audio bare with me :)]
“It isn't cute nor is it funny, I've written a cursed story” — Dee; December 2020
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wolfsoulrain · 5 years
RESET [Chapter 1]
The yellow screens show every places in the Homeworld, After the revolution every gems can do whatever they want but still under the laws.
As the commander of the army when the colonization has been canceled, it was a very big change for Yellow Diamond who was made for war or something like that, but now the Homeworld is in peace that means the end of her job as she decided to change herself from the commander to the chief of Homeworld security, Most of warships became patrol ships. Only a few of Quartz Soldiers are still on duty while most of them went out. About the kindergarden, they only use planets with no organic life forms on them. Everything looks perfect, everyone seems to get along with it...
"Yellow" Soft voice floated in the air makes Yellow's heart bumping hard even she doesn't have it anyway. Blue Diamond walked pass through a long way hall to where the commander stands and huged her from behide make she blushed even harder and finally stop her hardwork to pay attention with Blue "You've been working hard all day,take a break, we live in peace now, remember?"
"I know..." She sighed and rolled her eyes like she has been listening to this conversation for a million times "But we're still the leaders of The Great Diamond Authority, no matter our colonies are in peace or not if there are no leader everything will fall into chaos, and THIS IS my responsinility to not let we ended up like that."
"It WAS your responsibility" Blue touched the commander's lips softly to not make this conversation a mess. "It's true that we are made to become the leaders, but now everything has changed, you don't have to make yourself overwork or wearing these armors suit."
"Yes, It's true. But Homeworld isn't strong like before if we're under attack we'll doomed!-"
Solf lips touched the overworker's mouth that made she jerked a bit but started to relax and enjoy this kiss. She can't handle the feel Blue gave her anymore.
"I'll talk to White about cancel the diamomd authority." That made Yellow shook.
"WHAT!? But Blue-" All Yellow could do was clenching her hands and turned her face away. Anger changed into sadness as Blue gently touched her face.
"After all we've been through I think White is changed, in a good way of course."
"She's the one who created this system! Cancel it is mean we overthrow everything White has created for over 10,000 years! Why are you still keep doinf this!?" Armored-person walked away through the window with grumpy face, her sigh was way longer than the first one that show she was very tired of this awkward situation. "Just go...You're surely good at talking more than me, and I...um...will wait for you in the royale bathroom."
"The bathroom? Really!?" Blue's face filled with happiness, It's been so long since the last time Yellow went there, since the time pink is gone. "I'm so glad you'll use it again!"
Blue leaned a kiss on the commander's cheek. Yellow smiled a little bit while looking at the blue-haired-woman walked out of the room as the time all of the screens are shuted down made the room fill with darkness.
"The sauna room is ready, My diamond." said Yellow Pearl who walked not too far from her diamond. she remembered every actions her diamond would do in a day to make sure everything is perfect, but not this time.
Yellow Diamond walked to the east wing of the palace while the sauna room is in the west wing. Pearl looked around to check that she didn't miss anything then decided to ask her master with low key voice. "Um...My diamond? What are you doing in the east wing?"
"Take a bath"
"A-a bath!?"
"Yes, and what's wrong with that? Since Pink gone I've never use this place again, but now, I have to move on."
Good old memories ran back make Yellow felt both happy and guilty as she walked in. Back when 4 diamonds were taking a bath together, when Pink was singing under water. Until the day Rose Quartz shattered Pink, everyone went back to do their duty, no talk, no meet, especially White.
Today the truth was showed so everything should be back to normal but the only problem is she was too scared to face the truth, the memory she has been running away for many years.
She has to face it, NOW.
It's time to face the past and move along with it!
The loyale bathroom still has lightblue lights with a pool filled with indigo water, steam, and the smell of good old days. except one thing that seems new here...
A pink-haired-gem swimming in the pool while singing a song. She jerked, stopped then staring at each others for a moment.
"YOU!!!!" Pearl shouted "How DARE YOU!?"
"Hm? Oh! Hello your majesty. Take a bath?" She waved.
"Yes..." She answered with bored in her voice. Yellow just wanted to take her time relaxing in this place but got a entertainer instead. "How did you get here?"
"I don't know, I just explored this palace around and accidently found this amazing place! And I just noticed..." Spinel said with embarrass "I didn't take a bath for 6,000 years...so I may ask for permission to use-"
"Invade" Pearl said angrily.
"-Invade your Royale Giant Bathroom." A joke not even make them smile. This turned into a awkward moment. "W-welp...If you want some private time I'll-"
The conversation wasn't finished yet when Yellow walked into the pool and sat there with no feeling, gave this room with a very big AWKWARD situation.
"Do whatever you want, I don't want to be serious anymore." Yellow dived away like it can cut her out of this chaotic world.
After the diamond dived away Yellow Pearl turned her face to a silly gem and insanely shaking her very hard.
"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!?" she already gone insane. "This is so far a very FIRST time in forever my diamond came to this place again! But you RUINED it! WHYyyyy!!!?"
"Caaaaaalm DOWN!" pink gem locked a pissed-out pearl with her stretchy arms before she would vomit out. "Listen, I didn't mean to disturbing her 'cuz I thought this place was abandoned, and I guess you didn't think she might use this room instead of her sauna neither, am I right?"
"That's not the point! Where you stand is The Royale Bathroom where only our highness diamonds can use, not for a entertainment gem like you!"
"So what!? I'm a part of them now why can't I use it anyway!?"
Sounds from two gems was very loud even the diamond can't take it and came up to splashed water on them made them soaked. The diamond looked at those annoying gems with disappoint face. They were lucky that she didn't use her power.
"Can you two shut up?" Said with evil grined. Long time since she last trying to do the sleep thing, she tried so many times but failed. Something always disturbimg her to stop and go back to work.
There were 2 voices in her mind:
one said: You have to accept it , crying, and move on.
Another one said: You have to forget it and find something to do,and move on.
Yellow didn't want to listen to the first one so she decided to act strong and put herself overwork hoping she can forget everything.
Even so, it worked! She was forcing herself to having 'fun' at colonization,war,and more. But when she's on her freetime, the pain and guilty filled inside her. The memory of 4 diamond spent their time together,if she,even just a second, can go back and having her time forever...But it's just a dream only a fool would has.
'How foolish I am...Pink'
Her words turned into bubbles floating to the surface,as same as her tear became one of the water, No one would have notice her pain like a storm in the deep of the sea that showing nothing on the surface.
"My diamond..." Somehow Pearl can feel the pain as she saw many bubbles on the water, She was serving Yellow Diamond since she was new in the diamond authority. The commander was a good person with respect as she would like to talk to Pearl everytime she felt sad. This may be the reason why she knows and cares about Yellow Diamond's feeling more than any other gems out there, even the diamonds hadn't see Yellow cries.
When bubbles gone, it's time for her to go and give her master some private space. "My diamond.., take your time."
There was no respond from the diamond, even so the layalty pearl still bow down before walked out of the room. So there are only 2 gems left.
"My diamond...I'm so sorry about what I've done...I..." Still no respond, made Spinel felt that something must be wrong.
Pink gem jumped into the pool and dived deep down with the thought of something might be happend to her diamond but...
She's sleeping
...The commander who was shattered many gems and killed many life has cried until fell asleep...
(Sorry for my bad English, I hope you enjoy the story :3)
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nnq · 5 years
modern!au k(lance)
they're all in their 20's except for Shiro who's 30 and coran who's 50
first of all. miss me with that 'pining roommate' shit. I love miscommunication and making characters that r sexy bffs with one another
Lance meets Nyma through a Craigslist ad he put up saying he needed a roommate. the moment they met was a tragedy for everyone but them because they're that powerful and beautiful
lance with tousled hair, wearing a half-unbuttoned silk shirt and designer jeans, Michael kors sunglasses pushed up atop his head, arm wrapped around nyma: hi guys this is my roommate, nyma!
nyma, with her blonde 3-ft long box braids down her back, perfectly manicured red nails, bodycon dress and loubitons, hand on lances waist: hey
allura, shaking and on the verge of tears: STOP MAKING US LOOK POOR AND UGLY
Lance is in school for marine biology and Nyma works as a hairdresser and the both of them are small beauty gurus on YouTube that collab with one another
lance: hey guys we're going to be trying out the new anastasia pallete we got today :)!
nyma: and by got we mean shoplifted from sephora
they're also insta baddies and both gender non-conforming baddies. Nyma is a nonbinary lesbian icon and lance is a nonbinary bicon.... those are like the fucking BEST senses of style
anyone with eyes can see that nyma is into and ONLY into girls but of course... heteronormativity.
rolo: I still don't get why you're dating lance. he's super annoying.
nyma: he doesn't bitch nearly as much as you even when he's got my cock in his ass
they do this thing where when people assume they're a couple they pretend they're some kind of kink couple and freak everyone out
which is why when hunk and pidge meet nyma they're like :eyes: but when nyma flirts with pidge lance doesn't even bat an eye and then lance starts pining about Keith's greasy mullet and his bags under his eyes and nymas got this look on her face that perfectly resembles a man who's lost all sense of normalcy and righteousness in his life and now sits in a bar every night listening to this dumb romance novel type shit and then pidge and hunk are like. oh. no they're just gay.
speaking of keith. he's one of those gays. one of the quirky emo gays that never sleeps and listens to 'coffee and cigarettes' on repeat and has like 3 strings of lights in his room and not only is an art major but ALSO a photographer. and yet somehow he still has the will to wake up at 5 am every morning and go to the gym like some kind of HEATHEN.
Lance knew Keith in high school for 3 years until he got expelled for fighting at the end of his junior year. He was also universally crushed on and was the bad boy jock of the school with a heart of gold so naturally Lance pretended to despise him so he could pine for him in peace
that all goes down the drain when Lance recognizes Keith in one of his classes and goes through the five stages of grief because a) he's hot and b) Lance is openly bi now so he doesn't have an escuse to not tolerate him
(He wasn't gonna do anything about it until he was put in a group with Keith a few weeks into class and he off handedly mentioned he went to Keiths high school, and Keith claimed he didn't remember him, and Lance was just a tad bit upset but was gonna leave it at that except after like 5 days of working together Keith slams his fists into the table and is like 'HOLY FUCK LANCE MCCLAIN?' And Lance is like. w. What.)
turns out Keith does remember lance. very vividly, actually. because he was the guy that everyone kind of had a crush on because he was so nice and charming to everyone he met, and Keith was SO gone for him. he just didn't recognize him tbh, which makes sense, bcuz in high school lance wore blue contacts and had straight hair and now he just wears glasses occasionally and leaves his hair wavy. Keith is gay and stupid don't blame him
keith, bursting into Shiro and Adams apartment at 2 pm: SHIRO HOLY FUCK
adam, bags under his eyes, underneath the covers of him and shiros bed: good fucking god not again
I'm tired of talking about ppl other than Lance and nyma though so I'm gonna talk about them for a bit because im love
as I said Lance has wavy hair and his actual eye color is brown but as he was growing up he was hella insecure about it that's why he wore blue contacts.... nyma caught him once trying to put them on again and put an end to All That Real Quick
nyma has brown eyes too and they're super dark, almost black, and that shits breathtaking bro. she usually has her real hair dyed blonde all the time and permed but she also likes to wear wigs and get braids too because she knows she looks damn good in them. everyone is jealous.
lance has tons of super light freckles. Enough said. nyma has a birthmark on her hip that's kind of shaped like a horse if you look at it from the right way
lance: you were a horse girl as a kid weren't u
nyma: how fucking dare. how fucking dare you say that. I really do have to laugh.......
nyma: obviously I was a warrior cats stan
lance's sense of fashion ranges from 'i went to California for a week once and now I can't stop wearing sweatpants and slides' to 'It's surprising I haven't gotten robbed at this point'. Lance is a scholarship baby so all the money he saved up through countless jobs and the one he already has at a coffee shop almost exclusively goes to clothes and kombucha
Nymas sense of style is definitely more on the eccentric side but since she looks good in EVERYTHING she gets away with it. think dollskill but with more neon colors and designer. she's the kind of person that never wears the same shade of lipstick for a whole month and has a box full of makeup palletes that are almost untouched and everyone who has seen it is both jealous and in wonder FENTYWAYS...
Keith goes over to lance's apartment for a project of sorts and immediately assumes that Lance and Nyma are a thing (they're very platonically affectionate, Nyma will kiss lance's cheek and they cuddle sometimes) which is disappointing but it's not a surprise considering Lance is so Lance and everyone else acts like they are dating so that must be the case, right?
lmao you thought.
nyma: holy shit. holy Fuck. God, allura is so hot. I would probably die if she brushed past me. I would die happily knowing I've been blessed by the touch of an angel.
lance: yeah haha she's really pretty.
keith, struggling to not choke on his coffee hearing All This at 9:31 A.M. in starbucks:
Keith asks if he can take photos of the two of them for his photography insta and they both jump on it so they can flex being sexy and afterwards Lance thanks him with a kiss on the cheek and Keith is sent REELING into gay mayhem.
lance: do you think that was like..... too much.
nyma: i think men are dumb that's what.
I mean u can't really blame Keith because Lance and Nyma are constantly joke-flirting with one another on social media and are in almost every one of the others photos in some way, or at least tagged, so by the time Keith actually works up the nerve to ask about that, it's been WEEKS since Lance kissed him and he's been miserably failing to ignore it
keith: so.... how's nyma doing?
lance: she's good! She's spent all day dying one of her wigs so she went for a coffee run lol. probably will hang with allura and shay later too
keith: and.... that doesn't make you jealous?
lance: LOL no.... they could never compete with me (talking about being Nyma's best friend)
keith: oh.... well, it's good that you trust each other a lot in your relationship.... you seem like a really good boyfriend
lance: wat the fuck did you just say.
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as soon as lance explains that nyma is not his gf and they're just bffs Keith is like ohthankgod.jpg and almost accidentally asks lance on a date before he stops himself and is like.... dumb gay bitch calm DOOOWWWNN
after that it becomes very obvious that nyma and lance r just friends at least for Keith mostly through dumb shit they say to one another
lance, sitting with hunk, pidge, and Keith at the library: hey guys wanna see something cool.
pidge: go for it
lance, clearing his throat: she think she bad but I'm better, these bitches tryna play catch up-
Nyma and Lance have self-care nights every Friday, sometimes Allura or Shay will come, and very RARELY Keith if only to spend time with Lance. also? Allura and Shay are dating, die mad about it.
They do waxing, exfoliation, mud masks, moisturizing treatments, hair masks, painting nails.... need I go on. it's basically whatever they want to do that week and when Keith reluctantly agrees to participate one day Lance goes mental
lance: OK so here's what I'm thinking. it's obvious you haven't really had a self care day for a while, which is like, fine, you do you, but holy shit are your split ends bad. I was thinking maybe I could trim them and then we could do a hair mask? Oh! A face mask would be good as well, even though you've practically got perfect skin. I'd offer to wax but for first timers the pain is a bitch to handle on the face. I'm not sure if you'd be an acrylic kind of guy but I have some black nail polish that I could put on- wow, your hands are really big compared to mine, and they're so soft, haha, isn't that crazy? so what do you think?
keith, still reeling from the fact that lance is going to touch his hair, face, and hands in the next several hours: uh......yeah..... sounds great.
nyma, sitting on lance's bed in nothing but a bra and sweatpants, smoking a blunt and readjusting her sheet mask: *long exhale* christ
Shay got Lance into the whole healthy organic food thing and in turn he got Nyma into it so they're both the bitches who drink nothing but Fiji water and almond milk and will offer you a plate of sliced cucumbers and tomatoes as a snack. we Stan a vegan couple.
keith: these are actually really good.
nyma: we usually put them on our eyes, but go off I guess.
nyma: nah I'm just fucking with you, we have different cucumbers for that
by the end of the night Keith feels like he's been cleaned by a car wash and he's dizzy from all of lance's thoughtless affection and when lance says he can stay the night because it's already late, Keith mindlessly blurts out 'only if it's with you' and nymas like.... um. Wig.
keith, laying stiff as a board on one side of lance's bed: uh
lance: oh my God you gay bitch get over here and spoon me. also kiss me on the fucking lips bro.
Nyma owns a cat named Beezer that she stole from her old roommate (rolo) but calls her beebo because quote 'beezer is so fucking lame bro i hate men'. Lance owns a Russian blue mix called, you guessed it, Blue, that he found stuck in his apartments basement only a few days after moving in. Nyma and Lance are WEAK
lance: ohhhhh look at my pretty baby sitting on the table all cute and relaxed!!! look at that baby!!! fantastic stuff!
nyma, putting her head on beebos belly: You Are So Soft And So Chubby I Would Die For You
pidge would also die for the both of them
OK I'm tired and uninspired so I'll stop here but I MAY ADD MORE LATER
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vickypoochoices · 5 years
Hold My Girl.
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Author's Note: I've been gone forever! This was meant to be a short fic, because I hated the whole break up scenario and I also didn't think the London scene was realistic. I don't think you'd be able to forgive and forget in five seconds flat after a break up like that. So I've taken some of the dialogue from that chapter and done a little tweaking. Except now, I think I might have to do a part two with Big Ben. If people would want to read that?
Tagging: @zigortega4life @emerald-bijou @littlegreenmoo @krsnlove @sarzkh31
Let me know if you want to be added/removed to the tag list.
Damn Abbie and her stupid phone! Damn social media! Damn Zig and his perfect smile that she missed so much! Nothing good ever came out of a little stalking session online did it? Sure, she was pretty pleased to see that gorgeous face of his again. But then she remembered, she didn’t know if she’d ever get to see that gorgeous face again. Touch that gorgeous face again. Kiss that gorgeous face again. At the very least she was relieved to see no new girlfriends or random girls. If anything, she was a little smug to see her face cropping up over and over again in older posts. Until she realised that’s exactly what they were. Old posts that meant nothing now.
Clammy fingertips slapped at her forehead in frustration, the sound vibrating off the bare walls. Launching her phone at the front door, a strangled scream of frustration followed, before the tinny echo of the radio started up. Damn it. You pick your moments. Her phone was well loved, and a little battered and bruised, constantly malfunctioning. But maybe a little music would lighten the mood?
Leaving the phone, instead she pottered into the kitchen, flicking on the kettle and humming softly in time with the pop song blaring from the floor. Steam billowed upwards as the kettle rumbled to a stop minutes later. Once the bubbling vibrations subsided, she noted the sudden change in music. I Miss You by Clean Bandit had replaced the upbeat pop song, her pulse quickening as the lyrics washed over her. Stop! “Hey Google, change stations.” Silence rang out, before the chorus of Too Good At Goodbyes by Sam Smith jolted to life. Her fingertips flexed at her side, as her free hand concentrated on dousing the teabag in boiling water. “Hey Google, change stations.” Third times a charm right? Her phone contemplated the command, a series of vibrations buzzing against the hard floor before suddenly whirring to life once again. This time her chin wobbled and her hands clutched at the kitchen work top in a desperate bid to keep herself from collapsing, a tsunami of emotion crashing over her. Not this song. Anything but this song. Please. “Hey Google, stop. Google…Google. Heyyyy. Stop. Please.” Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol continued, taunting her as she struggled to swallow down fresh tears. She’d done so well up until this point to keep them at bay, but if anything was going to tip her over the edge, it was this song. Their song.
Hot tears trickled down her face, dripping off the tip of her nose and collecting in the crevice of her dry lips, her body racked with sobs, whimpers diminishing in defeat. An inexplicable numbness surrounded her, the lyrics seeming to penetrate through her skin and infiltrate every last one of her thoughts. Thoughts she hadn’t allowed herself to have up until now. Thoughts of Zig.
Her head jerked violently, her body still swaying to an absent song, her phone having long stopped playing. A loud, urgent knock was now insistently rapping out on the front door. Her brows knitted together closely as she wearily placed one foot in front of the other. Mentally running over all the possible people at work that had her home address she came up short, shaking her head dismissively, knowing she hadn’t struck up any real friendships in her time in London.
Using the door as a shield once she pulled it back, her head peered round the corner, only one eye daring to open and come face to face with her killer. She sagged against the frame in relief, suffering a momentary lapse of memory, before realisation set in. With his feet awkwardly shuffling over the gleaming floor of the communal hallway, and his fingertips drumming against his thigh nervously, Zig stood in the doorway, a faint, uncertain ghost of a smile fixed into place.
Her mouth flapped open and shut as she gawked at him for a full minute. “I… Uhh… Hey. What are you doing here?” She cringed inwardly at her fumbled choice of greeting. There were a million and one things she could have said, yet that was all she managed to come up with on the spot.
“I’m here for you. I can’t do this any more.”
The desperation dripped off of every single word he spoke, garnering her full attention. His wavy hair had grown in the time they’d spent apart, making her wonder if she had any influence over that decision, having always preferred it on the longer side. Or maybe this was his new style? That would explain the sudden growth of facial hair. That needs to stay! Feeling the full weight of his relentless staring, she finally caved, eyes fully locking with his. They widened in surprise at the darkened circles underneath and pools of water gathering in the corner of his eyes.
Zig’s voice wobbled, grappling with the surge of emotions stirring at the sight of her. “Can I come in?”
A rush of hot hair escaped in a brief moment of hesitancy, before she finally stood aside to let Zig in. He’d barely taken two steps before stopping in his tracks, his boot clunking against her phone and sending it skidding further along the floor.
“Shit. Sorry.” He scurried across the room, stooping to pick up the phone. As his fingers curled around it, the screen lit up revealing her background photo. A photo of them both together, complete with their cat Bella, and their dog Trix. A happy family. His eyes hurriedly met hers, a surprised look spreading over his features.
Heat rushed to her face, turning her back on him and taking a few seconds to compose herself under the guise of closing the door.
“Can I get you a drink?” Her voice took on an overly cheery tone as she pushed past the embarrassment at being caught red handed. She’d done well at hiding her feelings and pretending everything was fine, but some days she’d lose count of the amount of times she’d pull her phone out just to catch a glimpse of him. Of them. Together.
“Sure. Whatever you’re having.” Zig paused, surveying his surroundings as she flicked the kettle on once more. “Is this it then? Is it just you?” He queried, sweeping his arm around the air gesturing towards the flat.
“And my super hot room mate Jack.”
A crestfallen look slipped into place as he managed a low gasp, barely audible even to himself. “Oh.”
“Sorry. Sorry. Why am I like this? I was kidding Zig!”
“Did you really just make up a fake roomie on the spot like that?”
“Oh Jack’s a real person.” She replied flatly, head down as she seemed to handle the kettle with unnecessary caution.
“But he doesn’t live with you?”
“Not anymore.”
“What happened?”
She rubbed at the back of her head sheepishly. “Ohh that. Nothing.”
Crossing his arms across his chest and leaning his weight onto one leg, he quirked an eyebrow questioningly.
“Okay fine. He said I was a nightmare to live with, can you believe that?”
Zig’s shoulders gently shook as he struggled to contain his laughter, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip.
“Hey!” Her eyes flashed warningly.
“Alright, sorry. What was it then? The hair down the plughole? Putting the toilet roll on the holder the wrong way? Or the toothpaste you always seem to leave in the bottom of the sink?”
Her jaw slackened, her features turning stony as she looked at him aghast. “All of the above.”
“At least he didn’t notice the weird, and completely incorrect way you stack everything in the dishwasher.” Zig chuckled light heartedly, stopping himself seconds later as she pushed her lips out into an over exaggerated pout.
“That was the last thing he said to me. ZIG! Why didn’t you tell me I’m a nightmare?”
His body tensed, taking a step back and running a finger along an oak floating shelf absent-mindedly. She slowly closed the gap a moment later, shuffling forward with two steaming mugs, holding one out at arms length for Zig.
“I…I don’t think you want to hear what I have to say.”
“I’m wounded enough as it is. Come on, just kick me when I’m down why don’t you, I’m giving you a free pass here!” She looked over her shoulder to give him a playful grin as she made her way over to the plush sofa, Zig trailing behind uncertainly like a lost puppy. She slowly slinked backwards, curling her legs up underneath her, carefully setting her mug down on the glass coffee table. After a few seconds Zig followed suit.
“No that’s not it. It’s just, well, I don’t think you are a nightmare to live with really.”
“Oh please. You’ve just listed off all my terrible habits!”
“And yet i’ve lived with you for how long now without mentioning them once? Because…”
She wrapped her arms around herself instinctively, hand resting on her elbow and rubbing distractedly as Zig stopped himself, both of them aware of the words he’d just swallowed down.
He let out a low whistle as his eyes wandered once more around her rented flat. “This place is nice and all but it’s so…”
“Boring.” She finished for him, noticing his reluctance to finish what he started.
The corner of his mouth tugged upwards in a wry smile. “Yep. Totally.”
“Pretty to look at, but would it kill them to add a splash of colour? Or you know, just fill it with some…stuff? Anything really! Apparently it’s in the contract that I signed that I won’t change a thing and…Eurgh I’m sorry! You didn’t just fly like four thousand miles to hear me complain about how boring my flat is.”
“If it matters to you, it matters to me.”
Reaching out for her tea, her eyes dropped to the pale liquid, suddenly engrossed as her mind raced over the potential responses she could give him now.
“Zig don’t.”
“Don’t what?”
“Do that.”
One eyebrow raised in indication for her to continue.
Her free hand scrubbed harshly at her face, a long drawn out breath following. “That thing where you’re cute, caring and just all around great.”
Zig’s chuckle was gentle and light. “That’s not a thing, that’s just me.”
“Stop, you’re killing me! I forgot how perfect you are. No wait, what am I saying? Of course I didn’t!” With the mug back in place, she cradled her head in her hands, a stretched out sigh simultaneously morphing into a string of giggles. “God, sorry Zig! Lucky escape huh?”
With an unreadable expression etched onto his face as he studied her, Zig found his body slowly edging closer to hers, their eyes fixed on each other. “You know that’s not what I think.”
A flicker of hesitation rippled through him, before his hands took control, taking her small hands in his, adding a gentle squeeze of reassurance. Her pulse quickened, confliction overpowering her senses, surprising herself at the feeling of her thumb brushing against Zig’s. Deep breath in, deep breath out.
An easy silence stretched out for a few minutes, both drinking in the other’s eyes with continued strokes to the hand, revelling in the feeling of being back where they belong. But the elephant in the room was only getting harder to ignore.
“What are we doing Zig?” She managed to choke out, her throat suddenly dry.
He looked up from where he’d been contently watching her thumb stroke idle circles around his own. “I know I screwed up. We should have talked about our plans for graduation months before now. In hindsight, I realise you tried to bring it up, but I assumed things would just work out because we loved each other.”
She reeled backwards, unprepared for his sudden admission, Zig’s grip only tightening around her hands. “What are you saying?”
“Why don’t we have that talk now? And this time I’ll listen. Please give me another chance.”
She found herself nodding eagerly, the ability to speak having escaped her.
“I love you and I made a huge mistake.” A shiver trailed down her spine as the words left his mouth. Zig noticed, shrugging his denim jacket off and gently laying it over her shoulders, his face stretching as he offered her a warm smile. His smell engulfed her, her eyes fluttering shut for a split second as warmth surrounded her. She wiggled a little closer to Zig on the sofa.
“I know we agreed parting ways was the best choice for both of us, that we needed to follow our own dreams. But my dreams are nothing without you.” Zig sighed, his fingers now tangling with hers, knitting and kneading together repetitively as he worked up the courage to continue. Wiggling even further, goosebumps began to surface at the sudden close proximity. Too close. There was no going back from here. She’d already made her decision, she realised.
“They need me in Tokyo by the end of August, but instead of being excited I just feel empty. I thought I wanted an adventure, but without you, Japan feels about as exciting as a trip to the dentist. I love you baby. I love you and I miss you. Please take me back.”
Salty tears spilled down her face as her mouth flailed open and shut uselessly. Pressing his forehead against hers and dipping down to her level, they swayed for a beat, the comfortable silence cut short a minute later.
"If it’s an adventure you want, you’ve come to the right place.”
Zig’s chin inclined upwards as his head quirked questioningly.
“We could go for a butchers round Camden Lock, you’d probably fit right in there. Leather is very in around those parts.”
Zig chuckled, lacing his fingers through hers once more. “I’m not sure I can even pretend to know what half of that just meant. But I’ve moved on from leather.”
“Luckily for you, denim is pretty popular round those parts too.”
His eyes softened, warmth spreading over his features as he gave a tiny nod, gesturing for her to continue.
“We could go to a pie and mash shop, complete with jellied eels of course. Or i’ll race you down the steps in Covent Garden, there’s a spiral staircase with 193 steps. We could follow the Pearly Kings and Queens and get an awesome selfie with them. Or maybe you’d prefer the standard monarchy, with a trip to The Tower Of London or…”
She flinched as a pair of lips silenced her. Soft, warm, confident lips. Lips that felt like home. She hesitated for the briefest of seconds, before melting against him.
“I don’t care what we do today, as long as I’m with you…doing this.” He swooped down for another swift kiss, catching her bottom lip between his teeth and tugging.
Her body stilled, stunned into a ramrod straight, rigid posture. Her chest heaved upwards, breathing a laborious chore all of a sudden. A warm, pink tinge coloured her cheeks and her tongue traced along the grooves of her bottom lip. She savoured the taste, a powerful concoction that was so undeniably Zig. A hint of cigarette smoke. He must have been nervous, or stressed. The only two reasons he’d ever reach for the packet of smokes. Coffee. Jetlag is a bitch right? And an underlying taste of mint. Gum, candy, toothpaste. She didn’t know which, and frankly she didn’t care either.
The sudden assault on her senses pulled down the final barrier, fully exposing her as an influx of memories catapulted towards her head on.
The first kiss. Morning kisses. Goodnight kisses. Happy kisses. Lingering kisses. Sloppy kisses. Over the top and annoyingly in your face kisses - The kind that always made Zack say ‘Okay, you two are adorable, we get it!’. Tipsy kisses. Angry kisses. Goodbye kisses. The last kiss. Except it wasn’t. Not now. Not ever. Not if she could help it.
“I can’t believe you came all this way and you haven’t made any plans at all. The Zig I know would be desperate to get out and explore and go on an adventure. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Her tongue poked out slightly as she made light of the situation, the continuous loud thud in her ear of her heartbeat a constant reminder of the true affect Zig was having on her. That he’d always had on her.
“It’s not that I don’t have any plans. I was just kind of hoping you’d want to join me for them.
Edging backwards on the sofa, her eyes peered back at him with some skepticism as she assessed Zig. "Ah ha! I knew it. Well Ortega, that depends. I’ve been here a while now and I’ve done a lot of the touristy things already. What have you got up your sleeve that can convince me to let you take me out for the night?”
A dopey grin spread across his face, his eyes glistening eagerly. “Have you ever been inside Big Ben at night?”
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livelovelaug-h · 6 years
Irreplaceable you pt 2
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Sam x reader
Warnings- cancer: sad times. Angst. :(( Grab the tissues still.
"So I decided to cut out gluten. That was like the first thing that I did. I would just like wake up in the morning and feel like totally fatigued. Just like, "eh."
You laugh. This could be good. Next girl.
"You know, um his job he doesn't really like talking about it." She laughs. ?
Next girl. "You know what's funny I have a cat named Sam."
"oh okay."
"yeah." Nope. "Thank you."
You're writing down on some papers a few notes notes: too slutty. Too needy. Too freaky. Too neurotic.
Next girl.
"So it says on your online profile you were Phi Beta Kappa?" You ask.
"I had no life in college." You laugh.
"And now you're a researcher for the National Institute of Health?"
"Yes. Still have no life. I'm just... I'm just tired of being alone. I'm where I want to be career-wise, and I really would like to settle down and have a family."
She adds: "sorry, Natural caretaker. Also overbearing neurotic."
"I'm the same way." You say. "Um... Let's set up a date."
"Okay. Um, just... If I could just be honest with you, um, I just don't quite understand why a man would send his assistant to pre-interview women. I just... I don't get it. "
"Yeah, um... Here's the deal." She could tell by your face.
"Sally! Please don't hold it against him!" She starts walking away.
"This is the craziest thing like ever!"
You started picking up the papers to go catch the girl but you ran into in the waitress. "Oh, shit. Oh, sorry! I'm sorry! "
"No, I got it."
"It's kind of a long story."
"I... I think I heard it. I mean, I know I shouldn't, but spying on the customers is like the only thing that makes this job halfway bearable. You are way more interesting than most. "
"I know, it's unusual." You say.
"Yo, dude, I think it's awesome. Like, my mom died seven years ago. I was in high school. And after she passed, my dad spent every night alone. And I tried to tell him, "Go out. Live life. Find someone." But not just anyone. The right person. "
"Exactly. Which is hard."
She laughs "Right. imean, do you have any like friends or anything that could like take him off your hands?"
"Yeah his brother but not anyone that would get this girl stuff."
"Right. I mean, the thing is, finding the right one is actually about volume. You should host a mixer, like, invite some people."
"Yeah, right. Nothing says "fun" like a mixer hosted by your dying girlfriend."
"I mean, I'm having an art opening... at this gallery space on Friday. you could use it as a front.You, like, wouldn't even need to be there. And... And an art opening could bring together some really interesting women. Like the right types. Not that there wouldn't be some people there with like interested in the free snacks, but... "
"I wouldn't want to..."
"No, honestly, dude, you'd be doing me a real solid."
you laugh. I'm y/n.
"I'm Mira."
"A hundred and fifty dollars? This place is a rip-off. I could make this myself one week tops." Myron says.
"Focus, please. We just need to freshen up Sam's look a little."
"Why is that again?"
" Trust me. Any woman that meets him
is gonna want to shop for him. The wrong one will put him in these. He wears all plaid all the time"
"What are you doing?" You ask myron.
"You're the only one who gets to make bad decisions because you're dying? Terminal cancer. Put it on my bill. "
"You're just so cool with everything. I'm not cool with any of this.
"I've been dying longer than you have. You get better at it. "
"Well, it's like this vest. At first it's, "Why is that old man wearing that horrible vest? Pretty soon I become the vest guy. After that, you realize that you'd hardly recognize me without it. I look comfortable in it. It's a part of me, so... you accept it. "
"I don't think I can ever accept you in that vest."
"No?" He asks.
"Try this on. I want to see what it'll look like on Sam."
"But let me pair it with some skinny jeans."
"Okay. I look three days younger. "
"These... Oh! They're cutting off my circulation. Seriously, my ankles are tingling, my feet are asleep."
"You look hot!"
"It's just... Can I ask what this is about?"
"Just some retail therapy. "
"Right. And where am I supposed to put my phone?"
"Now... Okay, this jacket is dry clean only. Which means, if I'm not around, do not put this in the laundry."
"I know what that means y/n."
"Oh. Shit. Laundry. All right, so... In here." You walk to the washer and he asks:
" Okay, so... "
" I know how to turn it on."
"Yeah, but colors, whites, delicates."
".. Right."
"The dryer sometimes gets stuck, so, uh, you just give it two kicks. you kick it twice Right here. Like that. And it will generally unstick itself."
Sam kicks it twice.
"Uh, this dial is the minutes. It tells you how much time you have left.......... um, If the time runs out..... before the clothes are ready, you just... turn the dial."
"Hmm. Wait." You say feeling uneasy.
" What?"
[groaning] "are you okay?"
You start coughing and head towards the sink. You start throwing up.
"yeah I have that effect on women." You both laugh. "Too soon...?"
You say "yeah too soon."
Her and her nightly what ifs. It was adorable though.
"What if I had run away and joined a cult?"
"I guess I would have to join too."
"What if relationships between cult members was frowned upon?"
"Like an asexual cult?"
"Yeah. And you couldn't do an intervention and get me out because I was totally brainwashed."
"Hmm. Well, I guess I would have to become a rival cult leader, re-brainwash you. according to my philosophy, and then steal you away into my cult, which would be a sex cult."
You start dying with laughter.
"What if I were exactly like me, except I had really terrible halitosis. I would get you a mint. Or I would destroy the olfactory receptors in my nose so that I didn't care."
....."What if I die?
"I would...
never recover." You guys cuddle and go to bed.
~~~~~ the next evening~~~~~~
You Sam and Dean are all In the same room.
"Should I be able to tell that you're circumcised in those jeans? 'Cause I can. And there's not a lot of, uh, room for imagination or your penis in those pants." You says.
"I don't want to go to this. I don't... I don't know anything about art."
You: "Yes you do. Would you relax? She just wants people there."
"Is she hot?" Dean asks.
"Trust me, Dean it will be a target rich environment." Sam answers.
"See? Come on, man. Free food, cute girls." Dean says.
"Come on, let's do this. " you say.
"How exactly do you know this artist again?"
"We met randomly at a cafe, and we really bonded and...
" When?"
' I... I don't know. I just... I don't want to disappoint her.
"Are you sure you can't come?" He asks you.
I- I don't feel up to it. Trust me.
"Okay. W... Well I'll go, just as long as you stop touching my hair.
"Hey, hey, hey, hey. "
'You're adorable." You say and he huffs a laugh. "Stop that!"
"Oh, he can move in them!"
"No, not really Dean."
Sam to Dean "you know i got a ring right before she told me she was 'pregnant and then now cancer."
"I didn't. You know you could still ask her."
"yeah she'll love that." he says sarcastically.
"it might give her some hope."
"yeah, maybe."
~~~~~~~In The car with myron outside the art meeting ~~~~~~~~~~
"Is he mingling?"
"He's admiring the art."
"Sam doesn't care much about art. Nah, he's just hoping if he keeps himself occupied with an activity, no one will actually talk to him."
[Myron] He's very good-looking.
Can I say that and not be awkward?
"Uh, yeah that's my whole point. What about you and your wife? How'd you two meet?"
"At a party."
"We were in college. We got hitched three years later. "
"That's it? No story?"
"The story came after. Getting married. Life. Building a home. Kids, grandkids."
"It's okay. I won't know the difference, I guess."
"I just want those things for Sam."
"I have to hand it to you." Myron says.
"You are stubborn. This might be the worst plan in the world, but you're committed to it, and I like that."
"Yeah, well, don't be too impressed. Hasn't worked yet."
"I don't know about that." He says looking into the binoculars.
"What?" You look into the building.
"Let me see that." Sam is talking to Someone. "No, that's just the girl whose show it is."
[Myron] "So?"
"So she's just doing this as a favor to me. "
"So, she's not his type."
You: "Oh, no. Don't do the snorty laugh.
"Ugh! He did the snorty laugh. Oh, he does that when he's... "
Myron : "When he's nervous."
"Here. Estelle's hot chocolate." Myron says ans hands you a coffee cup. "It cures whatever ails you. Except cancer."
He cheers "to the things we do for people we love."
~~~~~~~ bedtime ~~~~~
Sam walks in your shared bedroom. "I know you're not really sleeping. Because I know how your breathing sounds when you sleep. Which is something you don't even know about yourself."
"I know everything about you, y/n, But I have to say, you still know how to shock the hell out of me."
"What do you mean?"
"The clothes. The mixer. "
" Sam... "
"For the record, I am not a dummy. I know what's going on. And I went along with you trying to help me because I know it's helping you. But setting me up? Are you serious?"
"Please. You spend your life fighting monsters and researching all the time. Also always Looking after people."
"Sam, most people don't find what we had... have once, much less twice in a lifetime."
"What we have? You mean, a relationship where one person is... is lying, and sneaking around, and manipulating?*
" It's for your own good!"
"You just tried to manipulate my life! Or you mean a relationship where you have such a low opinion of me, that you truly believe that nobody else on the planet would ever fall for me."
"Obviously not. But that's the whole point!" You're gonna get swarmed, and it's gonna be impossible to find the right person!"
"I already found the right person! Or I thought I had." You
"Y/n/n's, I didn't... You know I didn't mean that. Hey, come here. are you okay?" He hugs you in the bed.
~~~~~~~~~ Sam and Dean sitting in the kitchen~~~~~~~
Sam: "What is she thinking? Does she think I'm completely clueless with women?"
"Yeah? No.
" Wait, what?"
"you've just never seen me in action."
"Hm no, no and I never want to."
"What do I do?"
"Look, all you can do is be there for her, however you can. i mean, look, she's got to be scared out of her mind. And right now she needs to know that the worst thing happens.... That you are gonna be okay."
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You and Myron go out bird watching. He speaks up : Are you ready to drop this mishigas with Sam?"
"You think I should?"
"Here's what I know: You don't have as much time as you think you do.*
" I don't?"
"What are you trying to say?" You ask heart racing.
"I'm not saying it, the Buddha did."
"I didn't realize you were Buddhist."
"I'm not, but it stuck with me. And it's true for you. It's true for every person on the planet."
[Myron] I need some snacks. Could you...
Oh. I can't believe you eat those things." You say handing him a bag of cheese curls.
"They're tasty."
"The chemo has clearly destroyed your taste buds."
"Try one".
"They're disgusting."
"Keep going. You get to tasty."
[crunches]. "The second bite is actually not as bad."
Myron: Good for you, too.
~~~~~ later at night~~~~
"Okay. Someone... who hikes." Sam says randomly.
In the future, if I ever did this again, which I probably won't, but if I did, and if it makes you feel better to know, it would be with someone who hikes."
" We never hike."
'Because you hate it."
"That's not true."
"We took that one hike up Bear Mountain Six years ago, you complained the entire time."
"That's because hiking is boring. It's basically walking. And walking is something you do to get somewhere. Hiking from your car up a hill and then back to your car is totally pointless."
"Okay". he laughs.
"Duly noted." You say. "Hiking.
"Thank you."
"What else?"
" I like dancing." You scoff.
"I would like to try ballroom dancing classes. You know, like the fox-trot or the waltz, even though... "
"It's lame."
" I know you think it's lame."
''The fox-trot? Seriously?''
" Yeah!"
"How about something just moderately nerdy like swing."
"Is this person for you or for me?
" Good. I get it. I'll update your profile.
"What profile?"
"This profile."
"You're welcome".
Next morning on a walk--
"So you've been pretending to be me?"
"you're sick you know that?"
"okay so how do you like this profile picture?"
"you took a picture of me sleeping??"
"hey come on I've worked really hard on this. No? You don't okay fine. Want to take another one?"
"yeah let's take another one."
"Okay" he sits down on the bench and smiles. You press the button and bammm.
"what do you think of that?."
"oh it's good!"
"uh huh."
"do it in black and white."
Sam: "are you coming to bed?"
(glass shatters) "oh."
"y/n??" He walks in the room. "Y/n what is it?"
"It's broken."
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" Oh, shit."
" It's broken."
"It's okay. We can just... We can get another one. It's fine."
'No, we can't! You gave it to me when we were kids.." you cry but he picks you up and takes you to bed. He holds you all night and lets you cry. He knows this can't be easy.
To be continued
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yujachachacha · 7 years
I've seen peeps angry about how Dia's episode this season and Yoshiko's last season seem to mean nothing since they're still calling them "Dia-san" and "Yoshiko" respectively. What do you think? bc I personally feel that the point of the episodes had less to do with how they were addressed and more w/ a feeling of belonging in the group
I agree! I think that the issue with these character-centered episodes has to do with the fact that the audience is misunderstanding the point of them.
This might be easier to understand if I first explain how they’re structured. IMO, the LLS character-centered episodes usually follow a certain formula that goes something like this:
The central character has a certain flaw or worry that makes them go through a period of self-doubt. (Examples: Yoshiko wants to live a normal high school life. Dia notices that she’s the only third year in Aqours who isn’t referred to by a familiar suffix.)
The central character believes that they have to act a certain way to resolve this issue. (Examples: Yoshiko thinks that she has to abandon her “fallen angel” routine to be accepted by her peers. Dia thinks that being called “Dia-chan” will make her closer to the rest of the group.)
With the help of Chika - or in the case of Chika herself, the others in Aqours - the central character realizes that there is another solution they didn’t consider because they had misunderstood the root of the problem. (Examples: Yoshiko realizes that she should find friends who accept her as she is rather than trying to change herself. Dia discovers that her title is given to her out of respect rather than distance.)
The problem is resolved and the central character regains their confidence. Hooray, friendship saves the day! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
See that bold section in #3? That’s the part that a lot of people miss - ironically, this means that these people are making the exact same mistake that the main character of the episode is making.
[FML my meta posts are never short so the rest is under the cut]
The point of S1E5 wasn’t that Yoshiko wanted friends who would call her “Yohane”, but that Yoshiko wanted friends who would put up with her demands to be called “Yohane”. This is even apparent at the final confrontation of the episode:
Yoshiko: I’ll spew a lot of weird stuff.
You: That’s fine.
Yoshiko: I might start performing ceremonies and stuff sometimes.
Riko: We’ll deal with it.
Yoshiko: I might tell you to be my little demons!
Chika: Well, um… We’ll say no if we don’t want to!
Let me repeat that last part because it’s hella important: “We’ll say no if we don’t want to!”
What Yoshiko needed wasn’t a group of girls who would hang out with her only because she got rid of her fallen angel routine, or little demon lackeys who would obey every edict she issued. What she needed was friends who would be realistic about her antics, but would stick with her until the end. Friendship isn’t about agreeing perfectly with each other - you’ll have different tastes, and will sometimes fight over those differences. True friendship is being able to accept each other despite these differences.
You might have noticed that it’s not Mari and Ruby, the pair that tends to play along with the “Yohane” thing the most, who are seen as Yoshiko’s closest friends in the anime. The pair that is the most associated with Yoshiko is, in fact, the duo that complains the most about Yoshiko’s behavior - Riko and Hanamaru. They tease and scold her about her quirks precisely because they’re so close to her. It’s because these two are so attentive to Yoshiko’s well-being that they moderate her weirdness. Thanks to their friendship, Yoshiko knows that despite their occasional harsh words, they mean the best for her.
So with this in mind, is it really all that crucial to refer to Yoshiko as “Yohane”? While it would be nice of Aqours to do so, I think that would be missing the point. Accepting “Yohane” doesn’t mean accepting that as Yoshiko’s name. Rather, it’s accepting the concept of Yohane, that Yoshiko happens to be a high school girl who occasionally says some off-the-wall occult things that she can’t help because she loves the fallen angel thing and oh god she knows it’s weird but at this point it’s so ingrained in her identity that there’s nothing she can do about it please all she wants is to stop feeling so lonely -
…you get the point. The important thing isn’t calling Yoshiko by her preferred name “Yohane”, but that the existence of “Yohane” is accepted rather than shunned. Yoshiko had been so caught up in thinking that the “Yohane” persona was a black-or-white “if it pops up I’ll lose my friends / if I hide it I can have a normal life” situation that she never stopped to consider a balance between the two: friends who didn’t necessarily have to indulge her fallen angel antics, but would always support her in times of need.
Fittingly for a series called “Love Live!”, an important theme of the work is about love - that is, self-love, and giving your all at something you love to do. The charm of school idols, Chika insists to Yoshiko, isn’t that they change themselves into whatever they think is popular or that the audience likes best. Rather, it’s the fact that they have a part of themselves that they love, and are happy to share that with everyone.
Consider this - do Yoshiko fans like Yoshiko despite her fallen angel shtick, or do they like her because she throws herself so wholeheartedly into it? I’m sure you can guess the answer by now. We admire people who are passionate about what they love. Chika’s words make Yoshiko realize that “Yohane” isn’t something to be ashamed of - rather, it’s something that she should embrace.
Again, this is a crucial lesson echoed throughout the “Love Live!” series: embrace the time you have now, and put everything you have into something you love. That’s when you truly shine, because there’s nothing more beautiful than someone who’s doing their best and enjoying it.
With Dia, we have a similar theme of friendship being tied to a certain name. However, the circumstances are quite different.
Now, I can understand why people were a bit upset about Dia’s episode turning out the way that it did. After all, Dia spent nearly the whole time making a fool of herself just to hear Chika tell her, “We like you just the way you are, Dia-san!” µ’s even had an entire episode dedicated to having the members address each other with “-chan” to break down the seniority barriers.
But let me point out something important: Dia refers to Kanan and Mari, her childhood friends, as “Kanan-san” and “Mari-san”. Do you think that this means Dia isn’t close to Kanan and Mari?
Recall the scene where Kanan and Mari spill the beans about Dia to the rest of Aqours. They talk about how they’ve always seen Dia as somewhat “above them” because of how talented and formal she is. With everyone expecting Dia to act the part of the refined lady, Dia slowly took on that role until it became an actual part of her identity. If Dia was just a normal high school gal, she’d probably refer to Kanan and Mari as just that - Kanan and Mari, no suffixes needed. But because Dia’s been raised to be well-mannered, she automatically refers to them as “Kanan-san” and “Mari-san” despite her close relationship with them.
This shows that Dia’s way of referring to people is simply a matter of her upbringing as a Kurosawa heiress rather than her trying to distance herself from others. If you need more proof, just listen to how Ruby refers to other people in the early episodes of the anime and in the audio dramas - apart from her sister and her childhood friend Hanamaru, Ruby refers to nearly everyone with “-san”. Ruby has the same habit, but is a lot more lenient about casting it aside as she probably doesn’t feel as pressured as Dia is to stay prim and proper. That’s why the spotlight is solely on Dia for being out-of-place about how she refers to and is referred to by others.
Here’s the mini-takeaway from this episode - what’s important is not the words itself, but the meaning behind them. I’m gonna illustrate this with two different takes of a scenario. Imagine that Aqours is chilling in a dressing room, waiting to be called for their performance in a school idol competition.
Take 1:
Mari bursts into the room holding a venti Starbucks latte in one hand and a set of very expensive-looking car keys in the other.
“What’s up, bitches?” Mari sings.
Chika and You cheekily salute and parrot back the greeting. Everyone else ignores her (except Dia, who looks like she would be strangling Mari if she wasn’t occupied with covering Ruby’s ears).
Kanan sighs. “We love you Mari, but get your ass in here. You’re late.”
Take 2:
A rival school idol group that has been sending condescending looks towards Aqours all day bursts into the room.
“What’s up, bitches?” Girl A sneers.
Since Dia is too busy covering Ruby’s ears, Kanan is the first to rise up in anger. However, she’s interrupted by the sight of Mari popping open the lid of her latte and splashing its still-hot contents at the intruders.
“Don’t you dare speak that way towards my friends,” Mari hisses.
…this illustration was probably a lot more vulgar than it needed to be, but hopefully you get my point. It doesn’t matter that Dia is referred to as “Dia-san” - what’s crucial is the intent behind it. Chika brings back the lesson from Yoshiko’s episode here: you shouldn’t try to change yourself just to make friends. Aqours doesn’t hate her strictness, so there’s no need for Dia to try to do away with it. Dia is referred to as “Dia-san” because everyone respects how much work she puts into making sure Aqours isn’t a complete mess, and thus they refer to her with an appropriately respectful title. In a way, it’s actually a very affectionate title that shows Dia’s unique position in Aqours - you could even think of it as the equivalent of “Mom”.
If you’re still thinking, “Oh come on, how hard is it to just call her ‘Dia-chan’?!”, let me illustrate with something that’s actually happened to me. At Thanksgiving this year, I met a family member who’s around my mother’s age. She’s a distant relative of mine, but because we live in the same area, we’re pretty close. I was helping her with the dishes when we had the following conversation:
Relative: Hey Yujacha, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.
Me: What is it?
Relative: You know how you call me “Aunty”? I want you to call me “Grandma” instead.
Me: …I’m sorry, what?
Relative: I want you to call me “Grandma”. I’m serious. I really, really, really want you to call me “Grandma”.
Me: I, uh…
Relative: Call me “Grandma”!
To give you some context: my family tree is kind of messed up (I think it had to do with some kind of early/late marriage), so somewhere along the line the branch with my relatives became a generation above mine, despite us being the same age. This means that the relative above is technically a grandmother to me despite being around my mother’s age, and her children (who I usually refer to as my cousins) are technically my aunt and uncle - even though they’re younger than me.
I could’ve said yes. It was a request from an elder, and she genuinely wanted me to use the title. Plus, what harm was there in simply saying a different name?
Instead, I replied, “…I’m sorry Aunty, I can’t. It sounds weird to me. ( ; w ; )”
I was so used to saying “Aunty” that I couldn’t break the habit. It was also a matter of respect - even though the relative herself wanted to be called “Grandma”, in my mind, I would be lowkey insulting her by implying that she looks a lot older than she actually is.
I could be completely off the mark here, but personally speaking, I think that this might be part of the reason why Dia is always referred to as “Dia-san” by most of Aqours. As stated above, Dia is revered as the Kurosawa heiress and the brilliant student council president of Uranohoshi. Even though Dia herself wants to be called “Dia-chan”, to the rest of Aqours, it would feel like an insult if they didn’t refer to her respectfully. At that point, they’re just so used to calling her “Dia-san” that it would feel weird to say anything else. Communication is a two-way street. Don’t forget that a title shows a relationship between the receiver and the giver of the title.
I know that some people are still going to be upset about the “Dia-chan” thing, which is fine - Dia deserves the love! But the point of the episode, despite what it seemed, wasn’t just to get Aqours to call Dia something different. Rather, it was Dia’s clumsy way of opening herself up to the others and admitting that she wants to be their close friend. While the lesson might not have been so clear due to all the slapstick shenanigans going on, I think that we did see Dia succeeding on that end. No matter what she’s called, from now on, Dia knows that she’s appreciated by Aqours and is considered a close friend.
tl;dr: Chuunibyou high schooler and stern StuCo prez awkwardly try to make friends, and learn that friendship extends beyond appearances and titles. What needs to change isn’t their behavior - it’s the way they think about their behavior. By casting aside their self-doubt, they can begin to love themselves as they are, and renew their confidence as the school idols of Aqours.
While we’re on the subject - I’m sure that with this talk of controversial character episodes, you might be wondering why I’m not bringing up the two most controversial episodes, i.e. S1E9 (the KanaMari episode) and S1E11 (the You/ChikaYou episode).
I think a lot of meta writers who are a heck of a lot more talented than I am have already covered Episode 9, so I don’t really feel the need to bring it up. At this point, there have been enough rallying cries from the “Kanan Protection Squad” that most people should be a bit more forgiving of Kanan’s actions. As irrational as they were, you have to also consider that Kanan was just a fifteen-year-old girl under a lot of stress and self-inflicted guilt. There’s also the factor of miscommunication, and…well, again, this has already been analyzed, so I won’t dive into this one.
As for Episode 11, I actually received an ask about it, so I’ll be sitting down and thinking about how to answer that one! I’ve already got a couple of ideas in mind…
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blueberryrock · 4 years
Here is the next chapter, I really don't know what else to say except enjoy!
(Yellow's pov)
"I'm sorry Yellow, but I can't help anymore, I've done all I've can," Steven Universe says over a diamond communicator "I'd love to keep helping you look for her, but I've got some stuff I need to do on earth, but–" I cut him off.
"No, no, I get it. You've spent a lot of your time helping me look for Blue, I'm very grateful, I'll keep you updated if we find anything" I say exhaustedly.
"Sorry, " he apologizes again " what I was going to say was, after I'm done with the stuff I need to do, I'll come back and help" he determinedly says.
I sadly smile at him, but it quickly vanishes as I say goodbye to him and hang up. I rub my tired eyes, ever since Blue has gone missing, I've been working my ass off trying to find her.
But I've had no hope, we'll expect for all the quartz's Blue Pearl found poofed on the Oasis's moon. But they don't even know where they're keeping her.
And every rotation that I've lost searching is another rotation she could be shattered or worse.
And to make matters worse, she is still pregnant. I groan at that last part. I need to get off my ass and go out and search planets.
But instead of doing that, I am currently sitting on my bed wasting time.  I let out a tired front as I get off of the bed, I summon a yellow screen and I send a message to Yellow Pearl, telling her to get my ship ready.
As soon as Yellow Pearl says it's ready hastily warp to my ship. The huge golden ship is gleaming in the sunlight, I sadly sigh as I glance at Blue's unused ship.
"I will find you" I mutter to myself. I climb up the many flights of stairs to reach the entrance of the ship. I carelessly stomp through the empty golden halls of the ship, only slowing down when I reach the cockpit.
I throw myself into the somewhat comfortable driver's seat, I take a deep breath to prepare myself as my right arm is engulfed by a golden light. I relax once the noise of the engines starts roaring as I leave the ground. The beautiful purple-blue sky of homeworld quickly changes into the inky blackness of space.
I tilt my arm more towards the right to steer the huge ship to an old galaxy the I haven't visited in eons.
(Blues pov)
I groan as I slowly sit up. The bright sunlight that pours in my small cell nearly blinds me for a few seconds. I rub the exhaustion from my eyes, I'm being very careful that I don't move my very injured arm.
It stopped bleeding a while ago, but it still hurts like a bitch whenever I move. Which is why I only move off of the bed to grab food.
Luckily, none of the fusions have visited me yet. After three days they finally gave me another pillow, a nice soft plush one! They probably think that I won't destroy this one, which is true.
I delicately comb my thin hand through my dirty hair, I gingerly put my weaker hand on my big baby belly. I'm now currently seven and a half months pregnant starting today.
I sigh as hunger washes over me, I slowly reach over from the bed to "Padparadscha" a small pink and orange plant.
I slowly grab all the small sour fruits that the plant produces. I quickly shovel all six of them into my mouth, I twitch from the very sour taste.
As soon as I swallow the last of the nasty fruit a large group of gems walks into my cell. With, of course, they're two leaders at the front.
"Finally you're awake!" Black opal says happily "We've, I mean she" Opal nods to the huge pastel fusion standing next to her "thought today would be a great day to run medical scans!"
"Yes, today we will heal your arm" the pastel fusion glares at my still bandaged arm "and check up on the gemlings," she says smoothly.
She ushers the medical gems to bring the equipment forward. "Luckily, since someone gave the command to slice your arm open," she says harshly, the smaller of the two fusions takes a few nervous steps back "we hopefully won't need to restrain you very much"
"I wouldn't say that" I grit through my teeth.
"If you thrash about, you'll only make it worse," the big fusion says gently. She presses a button the lets the medical gems into my small cell "we don't want to hurt you"
"My sliced arm says otherwise" I sneer.
"That was a mistake from someone who was having 'fun' " she glares at Black Opal with all four black eyes.
"W-well I see that I'm not needed" Opal squeaks. She quickly turns around and runs out of the room.
"Thank the stars" I quietly mutter to myself.
The big fusion only shakes her head, her long rainbow locks following her every move "I, won't hurt you. And I'll make sure she won't either"
"Cause that reassures me soo much," I say sarcastically.
"It should. Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way" her soft voice sends a shiver down my spine.
"Fine, I choose the easy way" I sigh.
"Good, good, there really no reason to put up a fight. In the end, we both want the same thing" she evilly grins.
"We do?"
"In a way, I won't explain it ...but I will say that we both want the gemlings to be nice and healthy" she gestures the gems to bring the scanner forward.
I sit as still as I possibly can while they use a small handheld scanner to scan me and remove the makeshift bandaid around my now stinging arm.
I let out a low hiss as they put some sort of healing paste on it and wrap it back up. "That should clear up rather soon," a small aquamarine with a squeaky voice says.
I weakly smile at her as the other gems work on getting the scanner to work. After a few long minutes of them just pressing buttons and muttering to themselves, the small gems finally get the scanner to work.
"Sorry 'bout that boss, it's an older model so we had to convert it from solar to a fuel system" a dark blue and gold Lapis Lazuli scratches her head.
"Why did you do that?" The tall fusion slightly raises her voice.
"I'm sorry, but it's the only way we could get it to work" the Lapis shrinks back.
"Fine. It's fine. Just hurry it up" the fusion snaps. The Lapis nods and tells the other gems to hurry it up.
And finally, the scanner actually does its job for once and quickly scans me from head to toe. Only beeping when it hits my belly and my arm.
"Alright, here are the results" a Peridot hands a light green screen to the pastel fusion.
"Finally" she quietly mumbles "good news! Aside from your arm being cut open, you're perfectly fine." She shoots me a grin.
"And that means?" I lean forward a bit.
"It means you're fine, and the gemlings are growing just as intended." She hands the screen back to the small Peridot, the fusion signals all the gems to leave.
As soon as she steps past the electric field, it quickly closes, leaving no evidence of its opening.
I gently lay down on my back, careful not to disturb my arm. I close my eyes and wait for the big metal doors to close.
I place my non-injured arm in my baby belly, tracing slow circles on top. "Don't worry, Yellow will come for us soon. You two can count on it" I whisper to the gemlings and myself.
I pull the now clean and soft thin blanket over me. I stare up at the ceiling, the green sunlight from the tiny window dances across the room.
"I hope"
(Yellow's pov)
This is utterly useless.
I've been searching planet after planet, moon after moon, but nothing. No trace of any gems, gem ships, or working gem tech.
I angrily drum my fingers on the armrest of my golden throne and sloppily dodge any and all asteroids that are in my way.
And I've searched all asteroid belts and no sign of anything. I don't understand, I should have found her by now.
Their base should've popped up on the radar....Unless.....They're invisible....
Ha! Invisible! That sounds like something that Steven would suggest...Although, I do recall White asking me to stop working on something like that a millennium ago..... Unless someone started working on it again. Damn this just became a thousand times harder.
I jerk my hand off of the steering platform, causing the ship to come to an abrupt halt. I summon a screen and quickly type my theory to both White and Steven.
Even if he won't be searching I told him I'll keep him updated. As soon as that's done, I pull up the star map and locate the nearest planet.
I hastily put my hand back on the steering platform, too impatient to wait for the golden light to consume my arm I jerk my hand forward cause the ship to go as fast as it possibly can.
I slow down when I come to a very familiar area and a very familiar planet. Automatically, my ship pulls up a screen showing information about this planet.
Most of the file has been lost, except for the name of the planet (which was planet 2947). But the planet is large, hollowed out, and red.
I carefully land my ship on the ancient landing pad, it lets out a slight creak as I fully land on it. I turn off the engines and a golden bubble surrounds me.
I don't have much hope for this planet but it never hurts to look. After cycles of wandering around, I decide to go back to the ship and go to the next one.
The second planet I've searched used to be a water planet with purple water and gorgeous blue skies. But now it's once bluegrass is now murky brown mud.
If I remember correctly, this was my second colony. I cautiously cross a dried-up river bed, I kick a small rock across a field of dead grass. This is useless, nothing is out here.
It isn't until a strange, quiet, beeping noise stops me from leaving. I quickly whip around, I start a light jog back through the field until the beeping stops.
Out of the corner of my eye, a small pink object quickly looks up and disappears in the grass. I quickly chase after it, luckily the being is a very bright shade of pink so I easily find it.
I grab the small pink being, it has long fluffy pink hair that covers most of her face, with skin a few shades darker. They're wearing a short pink dress with tons of ruffles.
"Sapphire, how did you get here and what are you doing here?" I ask.
She slightly squirms in my fist, her small hands pound on mine. "Please let me go" her soft voice pleads.
I sigh and release my tight hold on her, she neatly sits in my hands with hers neatly crossed in her lap.
"I know why you're here, but what you're looking for is nowhere near" she calmly says.
"Don't give me that bullshit, if you know where Blue is, then tell me" I say angrily.
"I don't know what planetoid she is on directly, but I do know the galaxy" she tucks some loose strands of her fluffy hair behind her ear.
"Then. Hurry. Up. And. Tell. Me."
The pink sapphire stops to think, she runs her chin with her small involved hand. "You will find her in the Stracks galaxy" she grins.
I look away from the small gem to think "The Stracks..." I mutter to myself, all the anger quickly seeps out of me. My eyes slowly slide back to the still grinning gem "I don't think I've heard of that galaxy"
"It was where White Diamond's first few colonies (besides homeworld) were. Most didn't have any materials, so they were spared" The pink Sapphire says "I suspect that she is on one of those spared planets"
"Thank you. Thank you so much!" I chirp.
"My pleasure" she grins again.
"I do have one question" I set the little sapphire on the ground "why are you here?"
"We both have someone to look for, and I highly suspect that she is here" the pink sapphire brushes any of the dirt off of her dress and floats away.
"Umm, good luck" I quickly say before I turn around and head for the ship.
Don't worry I'm coming Blue.
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