starryeyedjanai · 9 months
Steve and Eddie meet on a dating app and agree to get dinner after messaging each other for a few days
And the date is going really well—like really well—but half-way through Steve gets a call from Robin with an emergency, their cat is at the animal hospital and needs surgery and she’s freaking out, and she’s been handling it alone because of his date, but she needs him because she’s scared, so Steve has to end the date early even though he’s having the time of his life
And poor, Eddie—he was having such a nice time and he thought Steve was too, but he hits him with the “my friend called with an emergency” line and then books it out of the restaurant, looking frazzled. Eddie asks the waitress for the check, but Steve somehow grabbed it on his dash out of there, so at least he didn't have to pay for his date to ditch him
And Steve goes to the vet and luckily everything turns out to be fine, the cat swallowed something he shouldn't have like the little gremlin he is and needed surgery to get it out, but he’ll be fine and he goes home with them the next morning
He goes to message Eddie on the dating app that afternoon, after everything calms down, because he never got his number and he’d like a do-over, but Eddie unmatched him sometime in the last 18 hours, which is such a bummer because he thought Eddie was having a good time
Fast forward a few months and Steve is meeting Robin and Chrissy, her new girlfriend, and Chrissy’s friend, who he secretly suspects she's trying to set him up with, for dinner and when he shows up, he nearly has a heart attack at who’s sitting across from Chrissy at the table
Eddie looks up and immediately there’s a scowl on his face and Steve winces, buckling himself up for an immensely awkward night
If Robin and Chrissy notice anything off about them, they don't mention it
The girls leave after dinner and Steve goes to the bathroom before he leaves and Eddie corners him to find out why he couldn't have just let Eddie know he wasn't having a good time like a decent person and Steve is obviously confused because Eddie is the one who unmatched him when Steve thought things were going well
They figure it out eventually and maybe end up making out in the bathroom about it a little
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theweewooshow · 4 months
“Mmm,” Evan says after Tommy slips back into bed after cleaning them up. “We should get married.”
He’s still laying face down, pillow smushed against his face, so Tommy thinks he mishears it the first time around.
“What?” he asks, because there’s no way those words just came out of his mouth. They’ve barely been dating for six months.
Evan turns his head to the side and says clearly, “We should get married.”
“Yeah, okay, I thought I misheard you. You're not serious,” Tommy says, but his heart speeds up all the same.
They have keys to each other’s places, they’ve said I love you (maybe a little soon, maybe after a tough call, maybe because the feeling was too big to ignore even if it had only been a handful of months), Evan’s floated the idea of moving in when his lease is up.
So it’s not like marriage is something that Tommy thought was a total impossibility for the future.
Evan sighs and says, “I just really want to see Gerrard’s face if I put in a request to get new turnouts and shirts and new name pins because we got hitched.”
Tommy grins despite himself, but then schools his face into his patented Evan face, and says, “I’m not letting Gerrard steal an important moment from us just because you want to give him a heart attack. I do love this vindictive streak of yours though. It’s very sexy.”
He’s heard from both Chimney and Eddie that Evan has been a menace at work, literally carrying around the rule book hoping to catch any infractions Gerrard makes. He’s been yanked forward as Evan has tried to eat his face when Tommy picked him up after a shift, Gerrard looking on with a scowl. He’s heard from Evan himself about the judgment calls he’s made on calls just to be able to throw it back in Gerrard’s face (and save some lives while he’s at it).
And it’s all done nothing but turn Tommy on. He didn't know sticking it to Gerrard would be so fucking satisfying even if he has to live vicariously through Evan to do it.
“But not sexy enough for you to marry me,” Evan says, his lips pouty.
“Afraid not,” Tommy says, stroking a hand down Evan’s sweaty back. “Is that—is that something you would want, though?”
His palms feel clammy as the words come out of his mouth. They haven't talked seriously about what the future looks like for them because it’s still pretty early even if Tommy knows that this is kind of a once in a lifetime love for him.
Evan turns onto his side and props his head up on hand. “Marriage? Yeah, I want to get married one day.”
Tommy nods, a little too quick to be nonchalant. “I’d also like to get married one day.”
The words come out breathless and it’s too telling, showing all of Tommy’s cards, but he can’t find it in him to be afraid of this.
“What a coincidence,” Evan says, ducking his head and smiling bashfully. “Maybe one day we’ll both be married.”
Tommy can feel his face getting hot. “Maybe,” he says, his hand sliding down Evan’s arm so he can lace their fingers together.
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starryeyedjanai · 7 months
the coffee shop meet-cute @steddiemicrofic prompt: pin, 388 words | rated: g
“I think you dropped this,” Eddie hears as he’s waiting for his coffee.
“Hmm?” Eddie asks, looking up, his heart coming to a halting stop as he lays eyes on the most gorgeous guy he’s ever seen.
“You dropped this,” the guy says again, holding out a napkin.
Eddie’s brain is still offline as he reaches his hand out, hand brushing against the guy’s as he takes the napkin from him.
He feels pinned under his stare and he can't seem to take his eyes off him— the sharp line of his jaw, the moles dotted on his face, the dark hazel eyes. He thinks he would look at him all day if he could.
The guy seems to be looking right back, which is doing a number on his heart rate right now.
“Have a nice day,” the guy says after a moment of silence, a shy smile on his face, his cheeks a little pink.
Eddie snaps out of his reverie and says, “Yeah, you too. Thanks.”
He watches as the guy walks towards the door, watches as he turns back before he gets to the door and catches his eyes again.
Eddie hears his name being called and has to turn away. He walks forward to grab his coffee from the counter. He reaches out to grab a couple napkins and then frowns.
He hadn't grabbed a napkin before now so there’s no way he dropped the one that cute guy had just handed to him.
He looks down at the napkin clenched in his hand and finally notices the ink on it. His heart clenches in his chest.
Ten digits— a phone number.
Under the numbers is just a simple: You’re cute. Call me? -Steve
Eddie recalls the shy smile and flush on the guy’s face as he walked away and a flush comes over his own face.
He stops at a table before he leaves and sets his coffee down to plug the number into his phone.
There's a grin on his face as he texts the number, as he slips the napkin into his pocket for safekeeping because there’s no way he’s throwing it away when he thinks he just met the man of his dreams.
He tamps down his smile and walks to work with a pep in his step.
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starryeyedjanai · 6 months
Steve and Eddie meet through their local buy-nothing-sell-nothing group when Steve’s getting ready to move in with Robin and he realizes he can't keep everything he owns while trying to merge households with her.
The first time they meet, Steve hadn't even been meaning to actually meet the person picking up the free toaster oven he’s giving away.
He’s setting his toaster oven outside his house on the porch when Eddie hops out of his van to pick it up and it would be rude to duck back inside without saying anything since he obviously sees him coming up, so they make small talk for a minute and Steve has to keep his eyeballs in check because they keep wanting to rake all the way down this guy’s body.
He’s covered in tattoos and so extremely Steve's type, but he knows better than to hit on someone who lives in his neighborhood and is not here for that reason.
He laments to Robin about it the next day, about the hot guy who’s probably using Steve's toaster oven as they speak, who he’ll probably never see again.
Robin rolls her eyes fondly at him and tells him that maybe if he puts more stuff up for grabs on the facebook group, he might see him again, but Steve suspects she just wants him to get rid of more of his stuff so it doesn't overcrowd their new apartment.
The set of items he puts up in the group next is an old blender and a butcher block that has three of the knives missing—seriously where did those knives go? He has yet to find them.
He tries to pretend he isn't secretly hoping Eddie will comment under his post that he wants the items, but he isn't fooling himself when his heart literally skips a beat when the first comment is from Eddie. He messages him and tells him to stop by later that day.
When Eddie shows up, they talk for longer than last time, Eddie asking why Steve needs to get rid of so much stuff and Steve asking why Eddie needs all this stuff—especially considering Steve snooped through the group and saw that Eddie joined over a year ago and hadn't once commented before now (he doesn't mention that thought, but he is thinking it real hard).
Eddie laughs and says he was in the market for a toaster oven when Steve posted one and wouldn't you know it? He also needs a blender—the knife set is just a bonus, he says.
Steve tries not to read too much into it, but his brain is spinning the interaction around in his head for the next week.
He puts up a space heater in the group and within minutes, Eddie has claimed it.
“I should just get your number and text you directly when I find something I want to get rid of next time,” Steve says flippantly when Eddie comes by to grab it that night. “Instead of clogging up the facebook group.”
Eddie smirks at him and steps a little closer. He says, “Maybe you should.”
His neighbor’s car alarm decides to go off right at that moment, ruining the flirty atmosphere with its incessant shrill. They can barely hear each other over the drone of it, so Eddie leaves without giving Steve his number and Steve is left feeling like he keeps having these missed connection moments with Eddie.
In a fit of desperation to see Eddie again, Steve puts up a bunch of random stuff in the group the next day—a shoe rack that’s missing a piece, a step stool, a cheap side table he got from Ikea—and Eddie is still the first person to comment like he’s been refreshing the page, just waiting for Steve to post.
“I left without giving you my number last time and I didn't want to be creepy and message you unprompted,” Eddie says as they load the side table into his van. “I think I was overthinking things and then got kind of spooked.”
“It doesn't look like anything could spook you,” Steve says.
When they get the side table inside the back of the van, Eddie turns to him and admits, “A very pretty boy could.”
Steve can feel his face getting hot. “You think I’m pretty?” he asks.
Eddie nods. “Why do you think I keep coming here? There's no way a person who’s lived here for as long as I have would need all this stuff.”
“Did you need any of it?” Steve asks in a teasing voice. “Or were you just so blown away by how cute my profile picture is that you just had to meet me?”
“Oh, I needed the toaster oven, but everything after that was just to see you again,” Eddie says before biting his lip.
There’s an entire swarm of butterflies in his stomach when Eddie's hand brushes his, when Steve takes Eddie's hand in his and leads him inside his box-filled house.
Later, when they’re making out on Steve's couch—when Steve really should still be packing since he has to move in less than a week—he pulls back to ask, “Wait, so are you gonna put the rest of the stuff you don't need back up for grabs in the group? I feel like that would start so much neighborhood gossip.”
Eddie grins wide and Steve wants to kiss him again, wants to feel his smile against his mouth.
“Oh, we’ll be the talk of the town, baby,” Eddie says, pulling him back in.
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starryeyedjanai · 7 months
It takes Steve three days to notice it.
“What in the hell am I looking at?” Steve asks, expression flummoxed.
“That, my dear, is my newest creation,” Eddie says proudly, looking from the yellow painted dachshund/banana figurine back to Steve's face.
He hid it on their bathroom counter, half-obscured by the face wash Steve uses at night. He’s been waiting with baited breath for Steve to find it, lingering by the doorway while Steve washes his face.
Steve picks up the figurine Eddie painstakingly made and holds it in his hand, marveling at it.
“I love him,” Steve says, biting back a grin. “What’s his name?”
“Banana Dog,” Eddie says and Steve wrinkles his nose.
“You can't name a banana dog ‘Banana Dog’. That’s so lame.”
“You name him, then,” Eddie says, crowding closer, wrapping his arms around Steve, kissing his temple.
Steve hums and looks at Eddie’s reflection in the mirror. “He looks like a Jerry.”
Eddie snorts. “Jerry? Okay. Jerry, the banana dog, it is.”
“Tell me about him?” Steve asks, leaning back into his embrace.
Eddie tells him about how the party will meet Jerry and Steve listens on with adoration in his eyes the whole time.
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starryeyedjanai · 8 months
Every Saturday night for the past few months has been Steve’s date night with a random assortment of girls.
And every Sunday morning, Eddie goes to Family Video to hear about how it went, trying so hard not to feel like a bad friend when he finds out that it hadn’t worked out.
The few times when Steve told him there would be a second date felt like a crushing blow, but then the next Sunday would come around and he’d listen to Steve lament about never finding “the one”.
So he’s surprised to come home on Saturday to find Steve sitting on the front stoop of his trailer.
“Hey,” he says, confusion in his voice. “What are you doing here? Thought you had a date.”
Steve stands up and lets Eddie unlock the door before following him inside.
“I canceled my date,” Steve says and when Eddie looks at him, there’s an expression on his face that Eddie's never seen before.
“You canceled? Did something happen?” he asks, running through a list of scenarios that would cause Steve to cancel a date and not liking any of them. Was someone hurt? Was it Upside Down related?
The sudden anxiety must show on his face because Steve steps forward and says, “Nothing bad. I just—I realized something.”
“You—?” Eddie cuts himself off with a quiet gasp when Steve steps even closer, the tips of their shoes touching.
“I realized I wasn't excited to be going on a date. That the part I was most excited about was seeing you in the morning to tell you about it.”
His hand comes up to cup Eddie's face and Eddie leans into it, his heart racing, thudding so loud he can hear it in his ears.
“I—I think I’d much rather be going on a date with you than anyone else,” Steve says, his voice hesitant.
“I’d much rather you go on a date with me than anyone else too,” Eddie says, finding his voice again.
Steve smiles and it lights up the entire fucking room like sunlight peeking in from the window, spreading warmth all over Eddie’s body. “Yeah?” he asks, like he can't believe that Eddie feels that way, like that’s the surprise here.
“Yeah,” he whispers, his eyes drawn down when Steve licks his lips.
“Can I kiss you?” Steve asks, and Eddie is helpless to say anything but yes.
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starryeyedjanai · 8 months
Eddie couldn't stop staring at Steve's ass.
It’s a thing that’s normally true—he’s always looking at his boyfriend’s ass—but he really couldn't tear his eyes away today.
His incredibly tight basketball shorts have made a reappearance today and Eddie is looking.
He watches as Steve flits around the kitchen, as he leans over the stove to stir something, as he bends over the kitchen island to chop something up.
If Eddie didn't know better, he’d almost say Steve was doing this on purpose to get his attention.
“My eyes are up here,” he hears Steve's voice say and he looks up, caught.
Steve's looking over his shoulder with a smug look on his face, so Eddie gets up and stalks towards him, pressing into his space and grabbing two perfect handfuls of his ass.
“I know where your eyes are, sweetheart. I was looking at something else entirely.”
Steve relaxes back into him, turning his head so their noses brush together. “Yeah?” he asks, a little breathy.
Eddie hums. “I think you know exactly what I was looking at.”
He kisses Steve and squeezes his ass, pulling a gasp out of him.
They only just manage to not burn dinner.
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starryeyedjanai · 7 months
Eddie gets to practice early and finds Steve sitting at the drum set instead of Gareth, drumming a familiar beat, Gareth using his good hand to clap a steady beat on his thigh to help Steve keep the rhythm.
Eddie's brain short circuits a little bit, seeing Steve sitting behind the drum kit, his arms flexing as he plays. It’s that oh moment that he always finds himself in, somehow still so surprised at how into Steve he is whenever something like this happens.
Gareth broke his arm skateboarding with Max and he said he knew someone who would be able to replace him during practice and shows while he heals up, but he didn't tell him it would be Steve fucking Harrington.
He can't believe Gareth wouldn't tell him this. That feels targeted.
He watches as Steve absolutely nails the ending of one of their songs and wonders what he did in a past life that would warrant this kind of torture—Steve is sweaty, his mouth open as he pants a little from the exertion.
Eddie’s not going to survive this.
“Hey, Eddie,” Steve calls over when he spots him still lingering by the garage door, oblivious to the turmoil going on inside Eddie right now.
“Hey,” he says weakly, a beat too late, his mouth incredibly dry.
read the rest of if devotion is a river, then i’m floating away here steddie | 6.4k | explicit
for @thefreakandthehair and @sidekick-hero, in anticipation of their drummer steve fic!
inspired by @firefly-party's drummer steve art
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starryeyedjanai · 8 months
Steve is teetering on the edge of sleep, sated and tired as his body practically melts into the sheets, but he stubbornly won't close his eyes.
Eddie’s in the shower and he didn't say goodnight to him yet.
He keeps making himself blink because he doesn't want to close his eyes for too long and accidentally fall asleep.
His breathing is slowing still, even as he tries to fight it.
He knows Eddie won't be much longer—he only has to make it a few more minutes now, only has to stay awake for another few short minutes.
The bed dips next to him gently and he blinks awake, eyes blearily taking in his husband as he climbs into bed next to him.
He doesn't remember falling asleep, but he must have.
He groans. “Sorry. Tried to stay awake,” he says, voice slurred with sleep.
He sees the small smile on Eddie's face as he says, “You didn't have to wait up for me.”
“I didn't say goodnight,” he protests, pulling Eddie close to him.
“Well, you can say it now.”
“Goodnight, sweetheart,” he says, tucking his face into Eddie's neck.
“Goodnight, love,” Eddie whispers back and Steve closes his eyes.
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starryeyedjanai · 1 year
“I think I was made for kissing you,” Eddie whispers, pressing soft, tender kisses down the column of Steve’s throat. When he reaches Steve’s collarbone, he leans back and says, “I was made for lovin’ you, baby.”
He leans in and kisses Steve, slow, unhurried.
“Wait, are you trying to seduce me with lyrics from a KISS song?” Steve asks against his mouth.
Eddie pulls back abruptly and squints at him. “How do YOU know it’s from a KISS song?”
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starryeyedjanai · 1 year
And Steve is like ??? Tf did you send me ?
And of course he’s insanely curious, but he’s a good friend and if Eddie sent something he didn’t mean to, he’s not gonna open it.
Eddie texts back 😔I sent you a dick pic I meant to send Robin. I have you both as thing 1 and thing 2 in my phone and I sent it to the wrong thing 😫
Steve sends back ???? Why were you sending my lesbian bestie a dick pic my guy????
And Eddie is like for the aesthetics? I need to know if I got a good angle
Steve immediately facetimes Robin and asks, “Why is Eddie sending you dick pics for the aesthetics?
Robin says, “Oh, because I’m objective and will tell him if his dongle looks weird.” Like it's a perfectly normal thing, like he's the weird one for even questioning it.
“Who is he sending the dick pics to after you approve them?” he asks, out of his mind with curiosity.
“How the hell am I supposed to know that? Why do you even want to know?” she asks.
He deflects and tells her that Eddie accidentally sent him a dick pic and that he can’t open it or he’ll see what Eddie dick looks like.
She lets him change the subject, but she's grinning at him like she sees right through him, sees through the deflection. He knows they're going to have to talk about his Eddie problem at some point.
Before they hang up, she says she’ll come over and delete it in the morning for him.
That should be enough to calm him down, that he doesn't have to deal with it alone, but Steve is perturbed all night. He wants to open the snapchat, wants to see what Eddie is sending other people. It feels like a violation of his privacy, though, because he didn't intend for Steve to see it.
So Steve sucks it up and leaves the entire app unopened, lest he be tempted. That doesn't stop him from thinking about it all night.
What kind of pictures is he sending people? What does his dick look like in these "aesthetic" pictures? He sneaks a hand into his underwear thinking about the kinds of pictures he might send Steve if he knew he was interested.
In the morning, Robin comes over and opens the snapchat for him - she doesn't let him see it, and she takes a selfie of herself holding up a peace sign so that Eddie knows it was her that opened the picture.
She says, “It was a really good dick pic,” to Steve, like that is at all helpful to his current situation.
He’s gonna be thinking about this for a long, long time, it seems.
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starryeyedjanai · 9 months
bad boys do it better
rated: teen | @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: modern au tags: dating apps, innuendo, bad flirting read on ao3
Eddie finally opens Tinder after downloading it in a fit of desperation.
He's tried everything but these stupid apps—bars and clubs and pottery classes and rock climbing—trying to find someone he can connect with.
But he's mostly found guys that string him along with whispered sweet nothings and half-promises they don't intend to follow through on.
So he makes his profile and then promptly fumbles and drops his phone because— no fucking way.
There's no way this is real life.
There's no fucking way the first guy to pop up is Steve fucking Harrington, his unfortunate and longest lasting crush in high school.
He picks up his phone and sees Steve's face staring back at him, unassuming, a bright, cheery smile on his face.
Steve, 28 2 miles away "Hope you like bad boys because I have it on dvd and vhs" Interests: baseball, basketball, live music, movies
He taps to get to the next photo and lets out a shaky breath—the shorts of what can only be his Halloween costume are so short, exposing hairy thighs that Eddie wants to sink his teeth into.
The next photo is a snapchat picture of him grinning wide, cradling what might be the world's ugliest dog, the text across the screen reading my nephew is so handsome 🤩🤩🤩.
The last is an obligatory shirtless mirror pic, not showing off washboard abs, but the soft, toned skin of his stomach.
He closes the app, sets his phone down, and breathes through his nose.
This can't be real, right? In what world would Steve be the first person in a sea of profiles in San Francisco of all places?
Eddie expected him to chase after Nancy Wheeler when she went to Boston, but he didn't stick around long enough in Hawkins to find out if they ever rekindled their will-they-won't-they relationship.
Maybe he's just visiting. Maybe he found his match and just forgot to delete Tinder. Because there's just no way Eddie has this kind of luck.
He opens up Instagram and searches for Steve and finds him right away because they're probably still Facebook friends.
He scrolls through his profile and deflates a little, because all of the pictures on Tinder are from his Instagram. Which means it's probably much more likely that someone is catfishing using Steve's pictures.
Because the Steve from high school wasn't into men. And he's hot enough for someone to use his pictures to scam people or whatever.
He opens up Tinder again and his thumb is swiping right before he thinks about what he's doing.
It's a match!
Okay, now he knows it's a catfish. Or maybe it's a bot.
There's no world in which Steve Harrington would swipe right on him in the twenty minutes it's been since he created his account.
He types a message to "Steve" saying so are you a bot or just a catfish?
He doesn't get a response right away, so he clicks out of the messages, looking at profiles of what are hopefully actual people he can connect with.
His phone buzzes when the message from Steve comes in.
Hi3 Eddiems, cl!ck th3 linkin my proffile to . achat I am waitin9
He rolls his eyes and goes back to perusing profiles. It's not like he thought it was really Ste-
His phone pings with another message and he clicks back into the chat immediately.
That was a joke. There's not even a link in my profile
Eddie's heart beats a little faster, his fingers typing out a response.
So a catfish then?
Why do you think I'm a catfish?????
Because I know the guy in those pictures and there's no way hes into men. That guy was a jock extraordinaire in high school and very straight
You're awfully judgey for someone who was so anti-conformity in high school. Whos to say I haven't changed?
Or like, learned new things about myself?
Eddie's breath stutters in his throat.
Also you didn't really know me since we never talked.
Okay, I mean. It's pretty easy to guess that I was counterculture in high school by looking at me. So I'm still on the fence about the catfish thing
How about we meet up then? So you can see me in all my nearing-30 glory
And watch bad boys on dvd and vhs with you?
Dude, I am not inviting you to my house on the first date
That's a third date kind of thing
Oh yeah? Is it a back-to-back feature? We start with the vhs then move to dvd?
He can't believe he's entertaining this. A catfish wouldn't offer to meet up unless they thought Eddie wouldn't call their bluff. He kind of wants to see where this is going.
No see, we start with the dvd playing in the living room and then when we inevitably start being bad boys🥵 in the middle of the movie, we can pick it back up on vhs in my room later
To be clear, we stop the movie, right? I'm not sure bad boys has a soundtrack meant for the kind of activities we'd be doing
Oh for sure. I'd even put on my "let's get it on" playlist. As a treat.
Eddie can't help but grin. Even if this guy is a catfish, this is maybe the most fun he's had talking to someone in a long time.
Are you serious about meeting up?
Uh yeah, I can't have you thinking I'm a catfish forever
What's your favorite brewery?
Wanna do tomorrow afternoon at like 2 when it's not busy?
That sounds perfect
He isn't sure if it's really Steve or if he's going to be met with someone else or stood up, but at least he'll get to drown his sorrows if it doesn't work out.
Well—he's unsure until he gets the 'stharrington started following you' notification on Instagram a few minutes later.
He screams into his pillow so loud his neighbor thumps on the wall.
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theweewooshow · 26 days
Evan wakes up in the dead of night, sitting bolt upright, jostling the entire bed, pulling Tommy abruptly from his dream.
"'s wrong?" Tommy slurs out, peeling his eyes open, his hand finding Evan's where it rests on top of the covers. He blinks up at him as Evan stares into the darkness of the room.
"I had a crush on Bobby when I first joined the 118," Evan blurts out and Tommy sits up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
“You…had a crush on Bobby,” Tommy says, trying to keep his tone as neutral as he can.
Evan nods and looks at him. “I wanted his attention so bad that I…acted out,” he says cryptically.
“Acted out?”
Evan has a sheepish smile on his face as he says, “Stole a firetruck to hook up with someone. Twice.”
Tommy can feel his eyebrows raising. “Oh. You were down bad, huh?”
He shrugs helplessly. “I didn't know it back then, obviously, but I think I was. I think I really was.”
Tommy puts his arm around Evan’s shoulders, pulling him closer as he says, “It’s okay. I also had a crush on Bobby when I first met him.”
Evan’s face ends up smushed into Tommy’s neck as they lay back down, but Tommy doesn't have to look at him to feel the surprise radiating off of him. “Really?” he asks.
Tommy hums. “It’s part of the reason I had to transfer. He had too much sex appeal. And he seemed sad sometimes and I really wanted to suck his dick about it.”
Evan groans, flinging his arm over Tommy’s chest, his leg over Tommy’s hip. He pulls his head up to look at Tommy and says, “I could have lived without knowing that.”
“Oh, okay. So you can talk about your crush, but when I—“
“I just mean,” Evan says, cutting him off, “that I don't wanna think about you sucking anyone else’s dick but mine.”
“Yeah?” Tommy asks, his voice a little more husky than a second ago. His hands come to rest on Evan’s hips, shifting him to lay more fully on top of him.
Evan nods before leaning down to brush his lips against Tommy’s.
And Tommy’s not thinking about Bobby or anyone else after that.
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theweewooshow · 3 months
“Evan,” Tommy says, smiling dopily at him, his voice hoarse. “You’re here.”
“Yeah, I’m here,” Buck says, reaching out and smoothing his thumb over the bandage that rests right at Tommy’s hairline. “Are you okay?”
Tommy nods, leaning into the touch like a cat. “Broke a few ribs. ’m okay though.”
Buck smiles at Tommy and says, “I’m glad. I was worried.”
There's a lull of silence for a few seconds and then Tommy frowns and says, “I wish I was smaller,” staring at Buck’s face intently.
“What?” he asks.
“I wanna curl up and take a nap in your dimple,” he says, his index finger coming up and poking Buck’s cheek.
It startles a laugh out of him. “They must have you on the good drugs,” Buck says, settling further into the hospital chair. “Tell me more.”
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theweewooshow · 1 month
Buck is in Tommy’s lap when he remembers.
The thing is, he hadn't been planning on coming over tonight. So when he got dressed this morning, on his day off, what he threw on was just his normal lounging clothes.
And then Tommy and Eddie’s BBPU game got canceled because four of the other guys they play with all tested positive for Covid because they work in close quarters together and they obviously couldn't find four extra bodies on such short notice.
So when Tommy texted him about it, Buck was in the middle of bouncing between folding his laundry and getting distracted by the audiobook he was reading.
The text was simple, asking if he already had plans tonight and if not, if he’d be interested in coming over for dinner.
Distracted as he was, he said he’d come over, and then packed a bag and left without much thought to it.
It isn't until after dinner—when they’re lounging on Tommy’s couch, when Buck presses up against him and pulls his attention away from the TV and crawls into his lap—that he realizes the problem.
It isn't until Tommy’s hands drop to his ass and squeeze that he remembers what he’s wearing.
It’s not even something he really thinks about anymore.
Taylor had once wanted to see him wearing a pair of panties so he bought a pair big enough for him and he liked the way he felt in them. He liked the soft fabric and the lace digging into his skin. He liked that she liked how he looked in them.
So he bought more. And he continued wearing them even after she had gone.
He never really got to the point where he had to talk about it with Natalia because they burned bright, fast, and fizzled out just as quick.
But now, he’s wearing a pair of lacy underwear, something he just threw on this morning out of habit, and Tommy’s hands are on his ass now that he’s in his lap, and suddenly he’s remembering that they haven't had this conversation yet.
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theweewooshow · 3 months
Buck wakes up to his limbs being moved, to the mattress shifting with the weight change of Tommy getting out of bed.
He’s bleary-eyed as he lifts his head, a questioning sound leaving his throat before he’s even opened his mouth, trying to figure out why his sleep is being interrupted when he’s still so tired.
Tommy shushes him and leans down, kisses above his eyebrow—his birthmark, his favorite spot to kiss soft like this.
Buck looks up at him, his mouth trying to form the word stay.
Tommy kisses his forehead again and says, “Go back to bed, sweetheart.”
And Buck is tempted to sink back into the warm sheets and let sleep take him again because his body is sore and he’s bone-tired and weary after a tough shift yesterday, but then he hears the shower start up and remembers that Tommy switched shifts with someone from another shift so they could go to their kid’s dance recital today.
So he rolls over and sits up, stretching out his arms and his neck and his back, getting some of the kinks out before he drags himself out of bed with a groan.
He trudges downstairs to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. He shakes the fog from his brain as he blinks at the machine, watching it sputter to life.
He pours himself a cup when it’s done and pours one for Tommy too, who he knows will be out of the bathroom soon.
He sips coffee from his mug, taking stock of what fruit they have left and what breakfast proteins they have in the fridge as he formulates a plan for breakfast.
He’s cutting up some bananas so he can make a Bananas Foster topping for pancakes when he hears Tommy coming down the stairs.
He smiles when Tommy slides up behind him, warm from the shower and smelling like Buck’s shampoo.
“Morning,” Tommy says, wrapping his arm around his waist, leaning his full weight against him, his chin tucked over Buck’s shoulder as he yawns into his neck.
“Good morning,” Buck says, turning his head to press a kiss to Tommy’s temple.
“Thought I told you to go back to sleep,” Tommy says, voice light and teasing as his hand travels across Buck’s chest to rest on his shoulder, effectively wrapping Buck up in him, making him feel held and warm and too many emotions for this early in the morning.
“You know I don't always like following orders,” Buck says, smirking as he returns to cutting up the bananas in front of him.
“Yeah, when you’re being a brat,” Tommy says, a fond sort of exasperation creeping into his voice. He nuzzles into Buck’s neck, his nose pressed against the bolt of his jaw.
“I didn't want you to have to eat breakfast alone,” Buck admits after a second, utterly incapable of being insincere when Tommy has him in his arms like this, when he keeps him close and just doesn't let go.
It’s one of his favorite things about being with Tommy, how when they’re alone together, Tommy always wants him pressed right up against him, no matter what they’re doing—whether it’s watching TV or cooking or doing laundry, he just always wants Buck close to him.
It was a surprising thing to learn about Tommy—how clingy he actually is. He seemed more aloof when they first met, but once he let Buck in, the shift was pretty quick. And Buck is absolutely not going to complain about that, not when he gets to have this whenever he wants.
He leans back into Tommy’s embrace when he finishes prepping the bananas, letting the warmth of Tommy’s body seep into him, letting his hands drift along Tommy’s arms around him, his fingers tracing up and down his skin.
“You’re sweet,” Tommy whispers, his lips pressing soft, deliberate kisses to Buck’s neck.
Buck would normally be more than content to stay here, wrapped up as he is—to turn his head and brush his nose against Tommy’s before their lips touch, to bring his hand up and curl his fingers into Tommy’s hair to keep him where he wants him, to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him like there’s nothing else he’d rather be doing, to kiss him until his mouth is sore and red and the air around them is warmed through with the heat of their kisses—but they’re on a tight schedule this morning with only another hour or so before Tommy has to leave.
So even as he basks in the quiet comfort of this moment, he asks, “You gonna let me make you breakfast?”
Tommy’s arms tighten around him, his mouth pressing firmer to the junction of his neck and shoulder. “In a minute,” he murmurs.
Buck hums in response, closing his eyes. He’s got no place to be but right here.
also posted on ao3!
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