#tommy kinard
moeyoon · 22 hours
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Buck 🤝🏻 us
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aringofsalt · 15 hours
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happy bi visibility day, evan buckley 🩷💜🩵
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firewasabeast · 3 days
For a prompt: bucktommy moving in together and the 118 helping them move? 🥰 or them throwing a housewarming party
this turned... dirtier than expected. they both really enjoy clipboard buck, I'm sorry!
“You'll notice some boxes have green stripes, some are red, others are blue, purple, etcetera. You'll also notice, when entering the house, that there is a color on every door or along the entryway to each room. Each box should be placed in the room with its designated color. Example-”
“Buck,” Chimney groaned from where he stood inside the moving truck, “we get it.”
“Example,” Buck continued with a glare. “The living room has been given the color blue. Only boxes with blue stripes should enter the living room. Pop quiz! Maddie, should green boxes go in the living room?”
She responded with a glare.
Buck got the point. “Moving on. Bobby, if you happen to come upon a box that doesn't have a color, what should you do?”
“Make a citizens arrest?”
“No.” Buck pointed the pen in his hand at Tommy, “But that's a good idea for later,” he said, earning him gagging sounds from the majority of the people surrounding them. All except for Tommy, who simply smiled and winked.
“You see,” Buck explained, “Tommy went to the store for more boxes and accidentally purchased 7 of them that had no color on them. Not a single stripe to be found. Those particular boxes are miscellaneous. They should go directly into the garage until I can open and inspect them.”
He glanced down at his clipboard, marking off a few things before looking back up at the group. “Alright, I believe that's it. Does everyone know the jobs they've been given?”
The majority of responses were given in grunts and hums.
“Excellent. Please bring any and all questions to me. I will be wandering around throughout the house all day. I should be easy to find. If you cannot find me, please head over to Tommy, who will then direct you to me. There will be a provided lunch arriving at noon. A designated thirty minutes for eating. If there are currently no questions, you may begin.”
As everyone began to disperse and started unloading the truck, Tommy smiled over at Eddie. “Is he not the cutest thing you've ever seen?”
“Oh dear God,” Eddie replied with a grimace. “You two really are meant for each other.”
“You were amazing today,” Tommy said, peppering kisses down Buck's neck. They were laying on the couch, surrounded by blue-striped boxes.
Buck hummed. “Yeah?” he asked, tilting his head to give Tommy more space to work with.
“Mhm. Took control of the whole thing. Had it all planned perfectly. And when you yelled at Eddie after he put a red box in the bathroom?” He bit lightly against Buck's pulse point. “That was so hot.”
“God, Tommy,” Buck replied breathlessly, before adding, “he should have known better. Purple was posted on the door.”
“I know it was. It was very clear.”
“It was clear,” Buck agreed. “Purple and red are very different.”
“Very different.” Tommy continued to alternate between sucking and biting on Buck's neck as he brought a hand down and slowly began unbuttoning Buck's shirt.
Buck ran his hands down Tommy's back, pushing his hips down when he reached his ass, causing their bodies to grind together.
“I could call him up,” Buck suggested, “yell at him some more. Or call Chimney and tell him I- I know he was the one who chipped the paint on the front door. Tell him I'm sending him a bill.”
Tommy responded by smashing his lips against Buck's in a wet kiss, licking his way into Buck's mouth. “I'd love that, Evan,” he said, parting just enough to speak, “but Eddie already told me he wouldn't be answering your calls for two days. And I'm pretty sure Howie blocked your number.”
Buck nearly growled, his eyes darkening. “God, I love your dirty talk.”
They kissed again, even sloppier this time with hands roaming and grabbing, shirts being tugged on and nails dragging against skin.
After a minute or two, Tommy pulled back with a gleam in his eye. “Now, about that citizens arrest you mentioned earlier...”
Buck grinned. “Bedroom,” he demanded, giving Tommy's ass a couple of pats to get him up.
Tommy pressed one more kiss to his lips with a, “Yes, Sir,” before getting up and letting Buck lead the way.
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hippolotamus · 2 days
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His fees are very competitive 😏
BuckTommy text posts 4/?
9-1-1 text posts 11/?
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blue-arts-stuff · 20 hours
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Note: background image is store asset.
I put a lot of easter eggs on the basketball ground so look out for em 💙
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dailykinley · 2 days
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I kind of can't stop thinking about him.
You already know that I'm interested.
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bigfootsmom · 2 days
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they keeping getting distracted, but it’s not like they’re getting ready for anything important. It’s only their wedding, after all.
for @buffaluff <3
my commission info!
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xofemeraldstars · 2 days
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sunglassesmish · 1 day
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the eye contact???? 🫠🫠
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tommystummy · 17 hours
Airplane disaster means Tommy until proven otherwise send post
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kinardsboy · 2 days
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tevanbuckley · 2 days
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My attention? Yeah, I guess so. ↳ forever obsessed with the implication of "I could teach you," buck being unsure of himself and his experience and tommy immediately and earnestly telling him it's fine and he can just teach him.
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theotherbuckley · 13 hours
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Incorrect tweets pt 39/?
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bugboybuck · 21 hours
keep thinking abt how we all thought tommy would rescue chim in a helicopter during the wedding but instead his big beat was dirty kissing buck in front of a whole hospital and now we all think tommy is gonna be involved in saving an airplane or w/e in the opening disaster. if we're wrong i think based on prev experience it might end with him and evan fucking raw on screen
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evanbi-ckley · 2 days
He feels like he’s being weighed down. Like he’s under water or a heavy blanket. His limbs are heavy, and he can’t get his eyes to open. There’s muffled sound nearby, but he can’t make out anything coherent. He’s also really warm. Uncomfortably so.
Is this what death is like? Is he in Hell? Or something Hell-adjacent? Were all the fire and brimstone idiots he refused to give the time of day actually right about something?
But then the heat is gone and there’s a cool breeze that skims across his skin.
Does he have skin? Do people feel their skin once they’re dead?
He’s still debating with himself as he gets pulled further under.
What is that annoying, repetitive sound? Did he change his alarm? Why the fuck can’t he turn it off?
It hurts.
Why does it hurt?
He can’t even tell what hurts, but something fucking hurts.
If he could just open his eyes and get up to take some ibuprofen.
Also his nose itches. Why can’t he fucking scra-
“Fucking bees.”
He’s warm again, but it’s not uncomfortable this time. 
He feels safe. And alive. 
He doesn’t feel as weighed down anymore.
It’s difficult, but he cracks his eyes open. He’s - in the hospital? That’s definitely a hospital ceiling and hospital lights and hospital machines beeping.
He turns his head to the left - slowly - and sees his arm is in a giant cast. That explains why he can’t lift it.
He turns his head to the right just as slowly. He’s surprised to see a head of curly hair lying next to his hip, a large hand in his own. 
When he flexes his hand, the curly head pops up immediately.
The man looks at him with bloodshot eyes that clearly haven’t seen sleep in days. He’s young - not alarmingly so but certainly younger than Tommy. The stubble on his jaw has gone far past 5 o’clock shadow and has entered the realm of beard, making him look slightly older. But who -?
“Tommy?” the man asks. His voice is low and raspy, possibly unused.
“Uh,” Tommy says. His own voice sounds even worse.
Without hesitation, the man turns - without letting go of Tommy’s hand - and pours a cup of water from the pitcher on the table next to the bed. Then he brings the cup up to Tommy’s mouth, a bendy straw pointing toward him.
Tommy drinks slowly, his mouth feeling like parchment that’s been left out in the sun too long. 
“Thanks,” he says.
The man sets the cup down and says, “Yeah, so um, h-how do you feel?”
He thinks for a bit, taking stock of himself.
“Sore. Numb in places. I assume they’ve got me on the good stuff?” The man nods, a cute smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. “But there’s also the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen sitting next to me, holding my hand. So all told, I’m doing pretty well.”
The tips of the man’s ears turn pink, and a cute blush spreads across his cheeks. Adorable.
“You don’t have to flirt so hard, Tommy. You should know by now, I’m a sure thing.”
Ah, so -
“So we’re,” Tommy gestures vaguely with his head, “together?”
“Uh,” the man laughs uncertainly, “for about six months now, yeah.”
“Oh.” Tommy’s eyebrows shoot up. “But you’re so…” He trails off, not really knowing where he was going with that.
“So…what?” the man prods.
“Take your pick,” Tommy says. “Young? Pretty? Out of my league?”
“Sweetheart.” The man says it like they’ve had this discussion before, but he’s smiling. “Don’t try to amnesia your way out of being with me. I called dibs forever after our second date.”
Tommy smiles lazily. “Dibs forever, huh?”
“Yep. You’re stuck with me.”
Humming as if he’s considering the pros and cons, Tommy finally says, “I guess I can live with that.”
The man’s smile is blinding. “Evan,” he says. “Evan Buckley. In case you forgot.”
It comes back to him then - a cruise ship rescue in the middle of a hurricane, a basketball game, a kiss, a first date that ended terribly, more dates that ended perfectly, slow dancing in the kitchen, long nights together that ended too soon. A call during a bad storm, total engine failure, glass and fear and rain and acceptance and trees and blue eyes and a smile like warm sunshine.
“Evan,” Tommy says, pulling him closer. “Baby.” He kisses him softly. “I love you more than anything. How could I forget?”
Evan has tears in his eyes and leans their foreheads together when he says, “Don’t ever do that again. I thought I lost you.”
“I’m so sorry, baby. I thought so, too. I thought I’d never get to see you again. I’m so sorry.”
The next kiss is wet with tears - Evan’s or his own, it doesn’t matter. They’re here, and they’re both okay, and they’re together. That’s all that matters.
“I love you, too, by the way,” Evan says once they pull apart. “Can’t believe you waited to tell me until after you almost died, but I’ll take it.”
“I’ll say it every day until I actually die, okay?” he says. He gets a smack to his good shoulder for his effort, but they’re smiling too hard for it to have any weight.
There’s a long road ahead with recovery and therapy and stubbornness and frustration, but they’ve got this. They’ll get through it all. 
part 1
part 2
part 3
also now on ao3!
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I love Tommy for treating Buck like an adult and respecting not only Buck's but also his own boundaries. He's patient and understanding, never blames Buck for being a bit of an idiot on their first date, but he won't be shoved back into the closet. It's even in the little things, like when he doesn't pretend to like the coffee Buck got for him. I'm grateful that Buck has someone who is his own person.
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