#let men be in love 2k24
heavydistraction · 3 months
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22degreehalo · 3 months
sooooo fuckin. Tireddd of every single het romance being some long-suffering irritable Sensible woman who always has to be the one to Give In on the relationship and Put Up with her boyfriend and Settle
like fuck me but can't we just get to see women happy in relationships sometimes??? with men, even??????
'boy-crazy' 'fawning over some man' god can we just allow women to be lovey-dovey and deliriously in love and gigglingly crushing and feeling like the luckiest girl in the world sometimes, without treating them as crazy or stupid for it.
can women be the one to strike high and land themselves a guy way out of their league to which their friends say 'how on earth did you get HIM?!' to which they laugh and say they don't know, 'cause he must not have been thinking straight, but they're sure not gonna rush to correct him!!!
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sickeninglyshoujo · 4 months
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a/n: i saw the renders (you know the ones) and became feral with need for dad!ghost, other cod dads coming soon, sorry to my friends for being forced to read me word vomit this in chat over four hours. ao3 link coming soon warnings: pregnancy talk word count: 1.8k
Simon doesn’t like when the baby wears the skulls but you do because it reminds you of him
When he grew up he equated the skull mask to terror, the baby only has positive thoughts about it and gets excited seeing it yelling out “daddy!” if she sees the motif in public, mortifying Simon and delighting you. Onlookers growing even more concerned when you coo back, “Yes, that is daddy!” pointing to the Halloween display of a grim reaper statue.
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I can tell you that Simon is a master at baby rearing
Simon would absolutely carry the baby under his arm like a football once her neck is strong enough even if you don’t like it because it’s more comfortable like that
It’s second nature to him somehow
Even when you’re stressed about the baby and can’t get her to stop crying somehow Simon just comes over and says the one thing you haven’t tried because he can differentiate between her cries
You were afraid about introducing the baby to Riley, but Simon wasn’t. “They live in the same flipping house, he has t’ get used to her!”
“But not when she’s newborn! Let her get a little bigger first!”
“No better time than now! She’ll never be afraid of him then and he’ll protect her!”
“They call them malingators for a reason!”
“Riley is a well-trained retired soldier. He’s not going to hurt the baby.”
The first meeting had Simon holding the baby in his arms and stooping down to Riley’s level, Riley nosing at the baby’s sock-covered feet hanging from Simon’s arms, sniffing excitedly. You stood above Simon, wringing your hands together, ready to jump in between the two at a moment's notice.
“This is your baby sister, Riley,” Simon instructed the dog whose ears moved, listening to his master’s voice, “She’s your new assignment, boy.”
“Bloodthirsty, isn’ he?” Simon asked you with a grin as the dog yawned and stayed calmly seated, beginning to lick at the baby's booties.
“Shut it, Si.”
Riley is the baby’s shadow. If she so much as sniffles he’s darting across the house trying to find out what’s wrong. It’s like Simon’s watching over her even when on missions 
Simon hates that the dog is named Riley because he thinks it’s stupid and is constantly begging to rename the dog. You refuse because you like the constant reminder of your husband. It doesn't matter that he shares the family name.
When you first bring the baby home from the hospital Simon is in constant awe at how tiny she is. Like a little doll he keeps telling you to the point he sounds like a broken record
Simon constantly worried about baby being cold 2k24 and always has a blankie in the diaper bag or draped over the baby carrier.
After missions he would look for you first when he came home before stripping off the dirt and grime of missions and now it’s the baby. He used to think you were his reason to keep trying to save the world and now it’s her. It only stings a little but that is soothed when you see the awe in his face when she coos at him from her crib
It isn’t long before Simon is trying to get you to agree to try for another “Jus’ one more love,” he'll mutter into your neck after the baby is put down for the night and you two have retired to your bedroom only to be batted away weakly
“Oh no, Si! No more babies and no more sex! Not if you’re going to talk like that!”
“But yer such a good mum. We should have a houseful.”
Simon would petition you to quit your job because it’s bad enough the baby has to deal with him being gone on missions they shouldn’t have their mum gone too
“I make more ‘an enough for you to stay home with her!”
“The money isn’t the point, Si,” You coo at the baby on your lap, “I don’t need to be a housewife and I like working!”
You giggle whenever the other 141 men are over because they will carry the diaper bag slung over their shoulder and completely at odds with their uniforms.
It heats your cheeks to watch your burley husband in full military uniform when you greet him on base, bouncing your baby on his hips, playfully pulling her hands away when she gets too close to a switch or something she shouldn't touch, particularly when other women notice him too
It would swell your chest with pride when you and Si were out with the baby and he’d get longing looks from women when he was doing dadly things like pushing the stroller or rifling through the diaper bag for her bottle or burp cloth. 
“You have to have seen the way women look at you when you’re carrying the baby.”
“Whaddya mean?”
“You’re practically tormenting them, Si! And me too! You’re all big and tough! You’re in uniform or in a compression shirt and then you’re holding onto her in just your arm while she can’t even wrap a hand around one of your fingers!”
Simon doesn’t understand your point, “I’m tormenting you?”
Heat flushes your cheeks, “I like watching you be a dad to our daughter.”
The baby has essentially four dads as all of 141 takes care of the baby when they come to visit on leave
You worry about them spoiling her, “She’ll get too used to being held Si!”
“Then damn well let ‘er!”
“What about when they leave!”
“You think they’re leaving?! Soaps brought a bloody duffel!”
Because when you have the baby Captain Price, Soap, and Gaz are all going to visit. Moving into your cramped guest room for easily the first month after the baby’s born, Gaz and Soap fighting over who gets the futon and who has to share the bed with the Captain.
They need to see the baby!
They never thought Si would settle down but that was before you and your endless patience with the grumpy military man set in his ways.
You didn’t miss when Price clapped him on the shoulder after Simon showed off the baby for the first time, “You did well, Son.”
“Thank god she got the missus’ looks!” Soap crowed, “I was worried she’d get L.t.’s ugly mug!”
“I was hoping she would Johnny,” you peer down at the baby in Simon’s arms and trace a finger down her cheek, “She did get his eyes though. You know those were the first thing I noticed when we started talking, Si? How sad your eyes were.”
“Don’ have “sad eyes”.”
“I thought you did. And you were wearing that silly skull balaclava too, so I couldn’t very well fall in love with your chiseled jaw or the cute scar on your lip,” Soap and Gaz howled in laughter, missing the dirty looks from Ghost (You did too, eyes entirely on your daughter swaddled in a soft terry blanket in her father’s arms)
“Hey L.t. let me give you a few more scars for the missus to kiss!” Gaz ribbed
You never minded patching Simon up after missions. It gave you an excuse to ogle your husband in detail. Even before you were married, he’d tried to wave you off when you’d dab at the blood encrusted cuts and then flush when after taking care of the ones on his arms, much less when he stretched and took off his shirt for you to do the ones on his chest too. Thankfully he didn’t notice your brain shorting as you forgot how to breathe when you saw how heavily muscled and tattooed he was, culminating in an audible gasp as your eyes took in his happy trail and Adonis belt. 
“You ok?”
“Y-yeah just banged my foot on the tub.”
He’d later recount this to Soap who nearly banged his head on the wall at how dense Ghost was being
“An’ you wen’ home after that!”
“Yes Johnny, I had PT the next morning and had to ship out that night.”
He let out a string of curses, “The lass likes you and probably was hoping you’d stay the night wi’ her!”
“MacTavish,” Simon warned.
“She let you take off your clothes in her bathroom and then cleaned you up! Lasses don’t do that for cheeky cunts they don’ like!”
You miss him when he’s on missions of course, but it’s easier once you have Riley and then the baby. It’s like you have piece’s of him with you
Si is a beige mom but instead of beige it’s gray. You try and explain the importance of the bright colors in developing the baby’s eyesight but Si just mutters something about no baby of his is going to look like a muppet
Riley used to sleep at the foot of your bed but now he sleeps by the crib. You don’t know when he learned how to work door knobs but it happened somewhere between the third trimester and birth. Now you have to coax him into your room if you miss Si and want to cuddle Riley
You’ve given up on trying to keep Riley out of the nursery and instead just tut when you find dog hairs on the baby. 
Riley is the ever-patient soldier with the baby, letting her pull on his tail and ears, tugging on (and sometimes removing) his fur, all while happily wagging his tail at being used as a jungle gym
When the baby starts toddling and skins her knees, Si can’t help but scoop her up before the first tear leaves her eye “Si you’re spoiling her!” “She hurt herself, I can’ just let her cry” “She hadn't even cried yet!” “She was abou’ to”
Simon is an over attentive dad because he doesn’t want his baby to suffer the same way he did 
Si rolls his eyes whenever you  tell him not to throw the baby in the air because he’ll drop her but he knows his reflexes are superhuman and he’d catch her
SI doesn’t baby talk and will discuss the finer parts of gun mechanics and maintenance with your infant as she gums on a teether.
When she’s older, Si buys her a pellet gun for Christmas and hides it from you until unwrapped on Christmas morning
By the time it’s in her hands you know you’ve lost
He ignores your dirty glance that says “We’ll talk about this later”
As she grows up she starts talking about joining the SAS like her daddy and you’re filled with fear while Si encourages it. Starts taking her training with him much to your horror, first on short jogs around the neighborhood, then to the gym proper to teach her how to throw a punch. She quickly becomes the star of the base, with all the men calling her “Recruit”
“Nothing dangerous yet Si I mean it!”
“She asks for it!”
“She is a child and you are her father! You’re supposed to be the voice of reason!”
“The voice of reason says she might as well be trained right if she wants it!”
a/n: likes/reblogs/comments appreciated please talk to me about dad!ghost i cant contain myself
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wildrangers · 5 months
The Planets and the Fates and All the Stars Aligned // William Nylander
Word Count: 3.5K
Summary: The three times Willy almost asked you out and the one time he finally did
{This is my submission for the lovely @jackhues for The Winter Fic Exchange 2k24, organized by the amazing @wyattjohnston!}
Warnings/tropes: mutual pining, poor communication, resolved (minor) angst, fluff, cursing, drinking
You were grateful that Auston was taking you under his wing following your big move to Toronto—seriously. It was better to be at a New Year’s Eve party where you knew all of one person rather than alone in your apartment. Though…there were a lot of loud drunk men at this party which wasn’t your favorite vibe. You’d much prefer enjoying a nice cocktail with a view of Toronto over being stuffed in one of Tony’s teammate’s suburban homes. But really—you were grateful for Auston and this somewhat odd built in social network that came with him.
You were drawn from your thoughts by a cheer from the pong table and you couldn’t help but chuckle at the intense excitement of the younger guys currently facing off there. You flipped your wrist around to see the time again just as a large, familiar hand landed on your shoulder.
“That’s at least the fifth time you’ve checked the time since we got here…what, an hour ago?” Auston teased, grinning as he took the seat next to you.
“It’s only the fourth” you grumbled making Auston raise his hands in surrender.
“My apologies for the slander, miss.”
You rolled your eyes and jostled your shoulder into his before settling your head there instead. “I’m just tired from the move and everyone here seems very…extroverted?” you tried, not wanting to speak poorly of the group you barely knew.
“Look, I get it” he replied, ruffling your hair gently. “Can I please get you a drink now? At least your hands will be busy then.”
You nodded against his shoulder before raising your head so he could go grab your favorite drink. You were surprised when his place was quickly filled by a blonde-haired boy with mischievous blue eyes.
“You must be Julia, I’m Willy” he smiled, offering his hand for you to shake. You smirked, gripping his hand in your own. You were not, in fact, Julia, but this should be entertaining.
“Nice to meet you, Willy. I hope Auston hasn’t said anything too horrific about me.”
“Oh no, nothing like that. I just wanted to make sure I talked to you before things got too serious with him.”
“Yeah, I mean a gorgeous girl like yourself should know that I am available and a much, much better catch” he stated confidently and you threw your head back with laughter.
“Well, I may as well hear the sales pitch now” you smirked, pleasantly surprised by the tipsy man before you.
“I mean first of all” he said, simply pointing to his hairline, which drew a gasp from your mouth as you whacked his arm, “I’m just saying!”
“What are you ‘just saying’ to my cousin, William?”
Will’s blue eyes widened as he processed Auston’s words. “Wait so you’re…not Julia?”
Auston handed you your drink, “No, this is Y/N, weirdo. I was going to bring Julia to dinner tomorrow night but maybe I won’t now. How long did she have you going?”
“Long enough to put my foot in my mouth” he admitted and you smirked, pleased at the pink tinge rising to his cheeks. “But not so long that I can’t recover?” he questioned.
“Stay tuned” you replied, maintaining eye contact as you took a sip of your drink. Luckily, Auston was called away leaving just you two again.
“I swear, I’m not usually like that” he began and you tilted your head slightly.
“Like what?”
He seemed at a loss for words so you chuckled, “You’re fine, I’ll stop fucking with you now. You were just so confidently wrong, I had to see where things went.”
He chuckled to himself, “Confidently wrong is kind of a good summary for me actually…”
“The great William Nylander? No, I’d say most the time your confidence is probably just right.”
“You even knew who I was and still let me make a fool of myself?!”
You giggled and nodded, “I obviously know who you are, I watch as many of Ton’s games as I can. You’re usually playing in them too.”
“Wait, so rewind. You’re Tony’s cousin?”
“Not by blood, but yeah. We grew up together and our families are super close. He’s been trying to get me out here forever, so when a better job opened up in my company’s Toronto location, how could I say no?”
“When did you move?”
You jokingly checked your watch, “About eight hours ago now.”
“Oh well, welcome! I love it here.”
“Yeah” he nodded, sipping his drink and you couldn’t help how your eyes were drawn to his mouth with the movement. “I moved around so much as a kid; this is the longest I’ve ever lived in one place. Minus summers in Sweden, obviously”
“I would love to go to Sweden” you admitted. “It looks so beautiful.”
As he began passionately talking about Sweden, conversation flowed seamlessly between you. He seemed genuinely interested in your answers to the questions he asked, eyes always remaining firmly on you in a way that made your stomach flip but also steadied you in the otherwise loud room.
You were dragged from your conversation as the countdown to the New Year began.
“Damn, it’s almost midnight already?” you questioned, checking your watch that had long since been forgotten.
“Guess so…do you want to ring in the New Year together?” Will asked and you were surprised by the tentative tone of his voice. Your eyes rose to meet his and you noted the nerves showing in the crinkle of his eyes.
“Yeah, sure” you smiled, scootching closer to him. “I have to admit, I’m surprised you didn’t seem confident I’d say yes.”
“I mean I wouldn’t want to come in too hot, making assumptions—that would be embarrassing, no?” he joked as he wrapped a tender arm around your shoulders.
“Of course, wouldn’t want to make that same mistake twice in one evening” you teased back and you earned a rich laugh from him that made your toes curl and you dipped your head to hide your grin. As the countdown entered single digits, your eyes rose to meet his again but he was focused somewhere just beyond your shoulder before turning his attention back to you.
“3…2…1…Happy New Year!” the room erupted but your world had shrunk to just you and Willy. You had a sneaking suspicion it had been Auston who briefly grabbed his attention from you, which was confirmed as he leaned in to place a gentle kiss to your cheek rather than going in for the kiss. You were disappointed until you felt his mouth brush your ear, sending a shiver down your spine, “Happy New Year, Y/N.”
Once Will had given the bottle of wine and his thanks to Mitch and Stephanie for hosting, his eyes were scanning the room for you. He’d been kicking himself for months since meeting you for not getting your number on New Year’s but Auston’s stern stare had scared him off, as embarrassed as he was to admit it. He just hadn’t wanted to risk his friendship with his teammate, or worse, make you uncomfortable since you’d just met. Plus, the firm “If you hurt her, you’re dead to me” lecture Auston had given him the next day at practice had driven the point home.
So, some combination of your new job and Auston’s protectiveness had kept you away from any team, family, and friends get together’s until now, just as the regular season was wrapping up. Just as he had begun to give up hope that he’d see you again, Mitch mentioned that Auston had RSVP’d for 3 people, you and a plus one that he assumed was whatever girl Tony was currently seeing. Will didn’t waste another minute before confirming his own attendance.
His heart sped up as he saw you chatting with Johnny, your body language so much more relaxed than when he met you months ago. He made his way to you and when your eyes met his, the broad grin you sent his way knocked him out.
“Willy!” you called, standing to greet him with a warm hug.
“Hey, it’s been too long, how have you been?” he asked, pulling away just far enough to take you in. “You look beautiful tonight, of course.”
He was rewarded with a dip of your head as you hid your shy smile at his compliment, “I’ve been good, busy, so I’m glad Tony mentioned this dinner, it’s nice to see everyone.”
A long pause filled the air as he simply gazed into your warm, smiling eyes. “Hey Willy, I’m here too” his captain called from behind you and Willy laughed, greeting him with a handshake.
“Sorry man, it’s just been a minute since I’ve seen Y/N here” he shrugged sheepishly. John nodded, clapping him on the back, “Since New Year’s, yeah?”
Will shot him a questioning look but Johnny only smirked before walking off to chat with another group.
“Will, you’ve been having such an amazing season, I’m so happy for you” you smiled, settling back down in your seat and patting the spot next to you. He quickly sat where directed, pleased that the small couch made his outer thigh gently press into yours—he was even more content when you didn’t shift your leg away but closer to his.
“Thanks, I appreciate it. Just trying to gear up for the Playoff’s now. How have you been, settling in well?”
As you two caught up with small talk, he wracked his brain on how to ask you out without making it weird in case you said no. This conversation flowed just as well as your first and your sly humor shone through even more now that you seemed more at ease.
“I’ve missed seeing you at other parties like this” he admitted when the conversation naturally lulled.
“I think Auston may have refrained from inviting me to a few” you admitted, rolling your eyes. “And then the last few just didn’t work with my schedule. I was happy when Ton mentioned you’d be here tonight though.”
“Yeah?” he asked, hopeful as his heart began pattering more intensely.
“Yeah” you grinned, knocking your shoulder into his. “I really enjoyed hanging with you last time.”
“Me too” he smiled, taking in the genuine joy on your face. “I was actually wondering…”
He trailed off as he saw your eyes shift behind him and widen. “Jake!” you called, standing up and waving over an unfamiliar guy who wrapped you in an embrace and quickly pecked your cheek.
“Hey pretty lady, sorry I’m a little late. The subway got delayed” he replied, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ears. “Is this Will?”
As introductions were made, Will’s heart sank as he realized your boyfriend was the plus one, not Auston’s girl. It looked like he’d missed his chance with you after all.
You worked your way through the crowd, pausing as people you’d grown close to since your move to Toronto stopped you to chat. Johnny and his wife were hosting the start of the season party, welcoming everyone back to Toronto after being wherever they called home in the off season. You were hoping Will would be here but had refrained from asking Auston to avoid his eye rolls and protective bullshit.
When you’d seen Will at that spring party, you couldn’t admit to him that you’d partially been avoiding him. Not because you didn’t like him, but the opposite—you’d felt so drawn to him on New Year’s only to have Auston insert himself in the middle of things. After enough time had passed, you’d finally let your coworker set you up on that blind date with Jake. Who was nice but had basically been wiped from your mind when you’d met Will’s eyes across the room that second night.
You’d let yourself get wrapped up in the press of his leg on yours, the intense focus of his eyes as you caught up. Had allowed yourself to slip into the flirtation that had flowed so naturally between you during your first meeting. Until Jake had arrived, and you’d noted Will deflate before excusing himself.
You’d seen him a few times since then but he kept a wide berth, which you understood. But it had sucked and drove home that as nice as Jake is, he wasn’t the one for you. Which is why, several months out from that split, you were determined to make your move on Will—enough with waiting.
You grabbed a drink and surveyed the room, heart fluttering as you heard Willy’s signature laugh from across the room. He was talking with a younger guy you didn’t recognize but you strode over anyway. “Will!” you called and he spun, wide-eyed, at your voice.
“Y/N?” he smiled uncertainly but you just pulled him into a tight embrace.
“How was your summer? Tell me all about Sweden” you grinned, quickly introducing yourself to the rookie beside him who made himself scarce.
“Sure, but you seem…different” he noted, scanning your form as if he could find the answer there.
“Do I? I mean, not much has changed except Jake and I broke up” you offered and his eyes widened slightly.
“I’m sorry?” he offered.
“Don’t be. He was nice but it just wasn’t it, you know?”
He nodded, eyes skimming around the room before pulling out his phone. “Here, let me show you some photos from back home.”
You leaned into the comfort of his warmth, your eyes either taking in each photo he selected to show you or tracing the familiar lines of his face as he swiped through his camera roll. He was just so beautiful.
“It looks like a great summer, are you bummed to be back?” you joked and he chuckled, shaking his head.
“No, I always love coming back to Toronto—this is home too” he replied, eyes boring into yours. You couldn’t help yourself as you reached up to sweep a strand of hair that had fallen into his face, your hand lingering there, cupping his cheek.
“Y/N…” he breathed and you were surprised when his eyes left yours to once again scan the room. His phone lit up, drawing your attention, just as he began. “I actually am…”  
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry” you cut him off, drawing your hand back, eyes fixed on his lock screen—a gorgeous shot of him with a beautiful woman tucked into his side.
His gaze followed yours and he quickly locked his phone screen, mouth forming a hard line. “No, I’m sorry. I should have been up front but whenever I see you, I just…”
“You just what?” you asked quietly, unable to stop yourself.
“I can only think of keeping you close. Even when I know I can’t, so I’m sorry.”
You sadly shook your head forcing a smile, “No, I did the same thing to you, didn’t I? I get it. I hope she makes you happy Will, have a great season” you assured him, squeezing his shoulder before excusing yourself from the party altogether.
Will wasn’t one to believe in fate but it seemed like the stars may be finally aligning as he entered Auston’s apartment to celebrate New Year’s Eve. He’d done his homework this time, enlisting Steph to make sure you weren’t seeing anyone. After your last encounter, his fledgling relationship hadn’t lasted long—not when all he could think about was you. That wasn’t fair to her, so he’d broken things off and thrown himself into the season. It was a contract year for him, he had to focus. But that focus didn’t stop him from noting that some of his best games were ones where he knew you’d be in the crowd.
Will wandered over to the large windows filling Ton’s living room, taking in the city skyline. He’d done a few laps but had yet to see you. Truth be told, he wasn’t in much of a party mood—he just wanted to see you. So, he wondered off from the main party down the hallway to what he knew to be Ton’s guest room for some quiet. He didn’t hear any noise from behind the door so he gently opened it, startling when he saw you curled up on the bed.
You hadn’t noticed the door opening, your head buried in a book with Taylor Swift playing softly from your phone. He took a moment to enjoy the sight before him—you, dressed to the nine’s, feet wrapped in fuzzy socks, eyes fervently scanning the pages before you, heels forgotten beside him by the door.
“Y/N?” he spoke softly, as to not startle you but you jumped anyway.
“Will?” you questioned, your head tilting to the side. “What are you doing here?”
“The New Year’s Eve party, silly, what are you doing locked away in here looking so beautiful?”
He was thrilled when you ducked your head, trying to hide the flattered smile that bloomed on your face. “Promise not to laugh.”
“Scout’s honor” he promised, settling on the foot of the bed.
“I’m on the last book of this fantasy series and I just wanted to make sure everyone got through the battle okay” you chuckled, holding up your nearly finished book. “I said hi to everyone but when I didn’t see you, I just wondered in here to try and finish it before midnight.”
“Well, is everyone safe and sound? I wouldn’t want to disturb you” he teased lightly and you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, I have like ten pages left” you chuckled. “I’ll come out and join the party in a few, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry” he shrugged, standing up but then stopped himself. “Would you actually care if I hung in here with you? I’m not in much of a party mood.”
“Sure” you beamed, scooting over on the bed to make room for him beside you. He slipped his shoes off, crawling up the bed to settle into your side, arm wrapped around your middle as you lifted your book.
“Is this okay?” he questioned quietly and you hummed in answer.
“Here, just lay down—that way I can rest my book on your shoulders” you motioned towards your lap and he didn’t have to be told twice, settling his head on your satin covered thighs.
A comfortable silence filled the room, broken only by you flipping the pages of your book. Will could stay this way forever, your scent wrapped around him, his breathing slowing to match your own.
As he began drifting off, you closed the book and set it aside. He felt your focus shift fully to him but he kept his eyes closed, not wanting to break this peaceful spell. He could have purred when your fingers gently ran through his hair, lightly massaging his scalp whenever your hand returned to the top of his head.
“I’m single” he murmured, nuzzling deeper into your lap.
“I know” you answered and he turned to look up into your eyes, confusion evident there judging by your chuckle. “I asked Stephanie.”
He let out a loud laugh, gently taking your hand in his own, “I may have done the same thing” he admitted, causing you to snort and shake your head.
“So, what does that mean?” you asked quietly.
“Hopefully, it means that when I ask you out, you’ll say yes” he questioned, nerves oddly not coming to his stomach. He knew how long you both had wanted this, the timing just never being quite right.
“Well, I can’t wait to say yes then” you smiled, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to his brow bone as your alarm rang from the nightstand. “Oh, time to get up, it’s 11:55.”
He shifted in response, sitting up and stretching, attempting to smooth out his shirt.
“Here” you offered walking towards him, heels firmly on your feet. He paused his fussing, allowing you to straighten his collar and smooth out the wrinkles that had developed on his chest. Your hand gently ran through his hair, settling down any stray hairs that had fallen out of place. “All better. Do I look alright?”
“You look perfect” he said honestly, rising off the bed and wrapping an arm around your shoulder. As you both exited the room, he marveled at how perfectly you fit there, tucked into his side.
The countdown had begun and Will’s eyes scanned the room, noting Auston immediately finding the two of you in the crowd.
“He’s intolerable” you mumbled, eyes also falling on Tony across the room. As the crowd counted down from ten, a giggle rose in his throat as you jokingly raised your middle finger to your cousin before turning back to him.
His hands settled on your hips, pulling you flush against him as your hands cupped his jaw, thumb caressing his cheek. With the New Year beginning, your lips finally met his and he wound his fingers through your hair to pull you closer. As your mouths moved in perfect harmony together, the rightness of this moment settled around him.
As the crowd picked back up again, he pulled away, resting his forehead against yours. “Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?”
“You have a game tomorrow, silly” you answered, chuckling. “But you can take me out the next night.”
A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed! Please forgive any typos, I am in fact working through a concussion currently. It turns out writing for Willy has become one of my new favorite things to do. Always happy to hear feedback :)
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daenerysies · 4 months
“laena/rhaenyra wasn’t even a paragraph why are you so mad that they were scrapped for the show?”
oh i don’t know janice maybe because it being in a historical text written 200 years after the fact by ultra religious MEN who despise women and queerness all together IS noteworthy? ‘more than fond of’ is an allegory used multiple times in the asoiaf main timeline to describe romantic feelings and you’re mad that people read that phrase the way it was intended? not to mention it’s used in conjunction with ‘while the princess misliked her stepmother’ like COME ON at this point you’re being deliberately stupid. i’m sorry they weren’t scissoring each other for 200 pages but in actuality what did you expect? acting like rhaenyra and alicent were so so in love when we were only shown a couple scenes of them getting along max during a six month period. the only way that ship will ever be canon is through the actors. the show leaves crumbs for asshats like you because they know you’ll bend over backwards to defend them. apparently it’s still okay to queerbait in the year of our lord 2k24; along with sidelining a woman of color because diversity was important until it came to fleshing out a black woman and her canon sapphicness.
laena, for the limited time we had her character, was fiery, bold, and adventurous. she claimed the largest and oldest dragon alive at 12! the show choosing to racebend her only to mitigate her affect on the plot is gross! they did it to keep the ‘what if they were in love’ guessing game and gift it to a white woman. a white woman who vehemently HATED rhaenyra. we just wanted the story to have complex and multilayered characters rhaenyra has NO FRIENDS besides the first *two* episodes that is the definition of shitty storytelling. a targaryen princess at the height of her families power the literal protagonist of the dance and you all want her to be a lonely spinster boy mom who’s not like the other girls so bad when she was literally surrounded by women all of whom she cared about dearly. multiple relationships with others helps bring a story to life and would’ve helped tremendously with making the dumb as rocks audience understand rhaenyra’s character and how she was a girls girl in a time where you really couldn’t afford to be one which is why it’s so tragic when she starts turning on them during the dance but nooo the ONLY relationship that matters is a busted up friendship that the writers have in a chokehold for no good reason and fuck everyone else that these women might care about right? fuck rhaenyra fuck laena fuck alicent fuck their kids fuck their GRANDKIDS they’re all just mostly blank slates anyway what impact is their death going to have on the narrative? next to nothing because of these fuckass decisions. let’s just all agree to throw stones at glass houses THAT would be more fulfilling for the show than half of the shit they gave us.
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acknowledge-reigns · 5 months
Before I go on my lil rant here I just wanna thank my friend @love-islike-abomb for inspiring me and giving me the courage to call out bigotry all 2024.
Some of y'all are gonna read this and get mega offended. Rule of thumb, if it don't apply let it fly. But if the shoe fits wear it. I'ma need some of y'all in the IWC to start checking your covert racism, inherent biases and the way in which y'all uphold white supremacy, colonizer mindsets, misogyny, ableism, homophobia, transphobia and so on. Dismantle the group think and hive mind type echo chambers of the IWC. Sometimes that shit is so ingrained you don't even realize you're participating in the fuck shit but I challenge you to listen to marginalized communities when we tell you these things so we can all learn, change and grow!
Y'all lowkey upset cause this is the first time two men of color are main eventing wrestlemania. There's no white man in the mix anymore and it terrifies y'all to finally see what it feels like to lack representation.
I'm also gonna preface the next part of my statement by saying I am in no way saying all C*dy or L* fans are racist. I am however asking you to challenge why you think the way you do regarding the situation and why you are this bitter about Roman vs The Rock when your fav gets a main event title match anyway that he's practically guaranteed to actually win. Also ask yourself why you don't want Hogan's record broken. Because the shit he said doesn't effect you?
Watching y'all motherfuckers in shambles bc the white privilege within WWE is slowly slipping the away bit by bit is so funny to me. Like it really destroys some of you that a man of color is at the top of the game and brought his whole family with him. It fucks with y'all that Naomi is back. That Bianca is on the cover of 2k24. That Jade made a fucking statement. The diversity in NXT kills y'all. But what I know what really stings and is unsettling for y'all. Your perfect white blond hair blue eyed patriotic ken doll nor small town redneck rock or their fans were able to bitch their way into hijacking a story that's been building for for years based on a SAMOAN family and based on SAMOAN culture, insert themselves and take over what was never theirs to begin with. It's uncomfortable for y'all bc that's what you're used to seeing. You're used to white people being able to come in and steal culture and shit that isn't theirs after POC spend years building it and and working their ass off and it's a scary threat to your privilege when that's challenged even in something as little as sports entertainment. Bottom line is if you are not apart of the Samoan Dynasty - If your name is not Anoa'i, Fatu, Johnson etc, if you aren't their BLOODLINE then this ain't your story. It's not your business. It's family business. Period. This post will probably be unpopular as fuck but don't shoot the messenger!
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magnetocerebro · 3 months
Honestly, the continued insistence of X-Men adaptations that the Scott/Jean/Logan love triangle cannot die ignores some of the really cool dynamics between Scott and Logan that happen when the love triangle gets put to rest, and it does a disservice to the characters.
(rant below the cut)
Like, comics!Logan respects women? And he respects Jean's choice? And he becomes the Summerses staunchest supporter to the point that both of them will come to him for anything. Comics!Logan has said that he trusts Scott with his life. Comics!Logan goes drinking with Scott and they both toast Jeannie even when she's dead because they show some emotional maturity? Novel!
And the Logan/Scott dynamic is truly on another level when it's not reduced to "two men who want the same woman." The most recent time Scott came back from the dead (not counting the Krakoa stuff where resurrections are a dime a dozen), he realized that needs someone he can trust to keep him on the right path because he has been manipulated by telepaths so often in his life that he died and was replaced by a telepathic mirage made by Emma and no one noticed. So he straight up asked Logan to be his backup conscience in case that happened again?
These are two men who approach life so differently and respect the heck out of each other. Autistic-coded Scott, who tries so hard to force sense upon the chaos of the world and wants so badly for Xavier's vision to be truth because it makes more sense than the nonsense of bigotry. Honor-bound Logan, who has seen so many wars that he knows nothing makes sense and rules have to be broken, but he's going to follow his own rules where he can. And when they finally get over themselves and work together, they are UNSTOPPABLE.
Like... Let Men Grow As People 2k24.
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
feliciafancybottom replied to your post "It never ceases to amaze me that despite…"
What I don't get is that since they are both such outspoken LGBTQI+ allies, why people would think they'd spend all these years essentially making a joke out out of it. Like, "Yeah we're allies, unless you're talking bisexual polyamory. That's the one exception. In that case we're going to take the piss out of it for 5 years for absolutely no reason! It's what the fans would want" How does that make sense? It's as if it's alright for them to be allies as long as they're only paying lip service. The minute it seems as though they may actually be part of the community themselves, well that's a bit "icky".
@feliciafancybottom Exactly this. What has been noticeable to me is that Michael and David have been doing this for the past five years, but apart from a small group of us, no one seemed to take notice until Georgia and Anna got on board. Like suddenly there was "permission" to talk about shipping Michael and David because Georgia and AL were calling each other "wife," and the thought of two young, blonde women flirting with each other was immediately viewed as more acceptable than two middle-aged men.
Yet despite this, there is still a reluctance--a sense of disgust, even--at the thought of Michael and David actually being in love/having anything other than a platonic relationship. But as you said, this has been going on for five years, and there is no reason for Michael and David to keep doing this just to show what big LGBTQ+ allies they are. It's also long past the point where any of this would make sense as fan service or something being done solely to promote a project.
Taking all of this together, I am downright baffled at people repeatedly stopping short of realizing Michael and David might also be part of the community, and even reviling them for it. I'm not sure what it says about the fandom for a show where the main characters exist outside of preconceived boxes related to gender and sexuality if the worst thing Michael and David can do is fall in love with each other, but I do know that I don't like it...
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ingravinoveritas · 1 month
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "It's been just barely three days since the...”
@ingravinoveritas ahhhh the parallels are just so… honestly, yes of course they love acting with each other, but also considering their life circumstances, it’s like they’re living the fantasy of actually being together, hence pushing so hard for working together, especially as a duo. It’s opaque but using acting is a brilliant non-disguise. abso-lutely down bad, I forgot how flirty those interviews were
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled I absolutely love the way you phrased this, and I fully agree. "Living the fantasy of actually being together" is a perfect description for it.
I think that's why the parallels with DJ and Ty just struck me so much (meeting on set, starting off as friends, the relationship deepening into something more over time, and now they never want to be apart). And Michael and David living that fantasy by saying they want to do a theatrical tour of GO or play them very old seems so transparent at this point, yet still looks opaque to those who aren't paying close enough attention. Because when you think about it, what is really so different about DJ saying he and Ty are going to be old men together versus Michael and David saying it? How much more can you say "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" without actually saying "I want to spend the rest of my life with you"?
So it is exactly what you said--a non-disguise for something else entirely. It is a pretense, and one that Michael and David (hopefully) won't be needing for much longer. Their feelings were more than apparent in those interviews last year, and I can just imagine what we're in store for once filming on GO 3 starts in January...
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