ingravinoveritas · 7 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "New DW video diary from Georgia and David once …"
@ingravinoveritas In this clip and the one where DT says "maybe I should've married Michael Sheen," after he mentions him, he looks away super duper seriously and bites his lip. He talks about MS like a teenage girl embarrassed by liking a boy band a lot lol
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled That is such a perfect description and you are honestly not at all wrong...
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I think we're so used to Michael being so loud about being thirsty and wanting David so enthusiastically that we forget there are other ways of expressing those emotions. That things like fondness, adoration, and lust can all be conveyed just as loudly in actions as they can in words.
David is so damn soft when it comes to Michael; in how he talks about him in a way he doesn't talk about any other co-stars, the way he brings him up completely unprompted, and how he looks away like you said, looks down and to the side as if he's remembering something. And let's remember that this was in May of last year and he was in Cardiff (despite Georgia trying to convince everyone otherwise), so it's highly likely that he and Michael saw each other during that time.
For me, though, it's especially the other thing you said, which is how serious David is when he says this and "Maybe I should've married Michael Sheen." A lot of folks want to keep saying that he's joking, but the thing is, David jokes about so many things...but Michael is someone and something he seems to take incredibly seriously.
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In both of these instances, he doesn't awkwardly laugh off his comments, or qualify them by saying "Just kidding" immediately after. Whatever their relationship may be--whether they've been intimate or not--it's clear that Michael takes up a good part of David's mind and his heart, and David is unafraid to show that now more than ever before...
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body-face-words · 4 months
Part 3 Moving onto analyzing Michael and David during season 2 of GO.
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled provided the video!
Part 1 Part 2
The part where David asks Michael what Aziraphale's favorite thing about Crowley is, will be highlighted in red.
Timestamps: 0:16 - 0:48 | 0:56 - 1:18 | 2:04 - 3:05 | 3:25 - 4:00 | 4:33 - 4:51 | 5:52 - 6:27 | 6:57 - 7:20
This will be a long post.
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0:16 - 0:24 1,2
They're sat in a similar way and move at the same/similar way. With their arms resting in the same way, chins up, then leaning forward. They're head is also tilting to in the same direction. A good indication that people get along and great to know if those people are happy in the relationship (whatever kind) at that moment.
When people spend a lot of time together and like one another, they tend to pick up certain mannerisms from the other. Way of sitting, ticks, doing the same motion at the same time, choice of words, etc. This is mirroring. They're also obviously very enthusiastic.
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0:25 - 0:48 "Do you have a favourite episode from the new season, or moment/scene?"
DT answers - 3,4,5
David doesn't shy away from initiating and sustaining eye contact. He leans closer to Michael when he starts answering. They're super relaxed. Dropped shoulders, no tension in the face, lighthearted tone. Michael throws his head back, laughing, instead of down like he usually does. David is genuinely smiling (small eyes, corners up, teeth showing, cheek bones out) and looking at Michael a lot more.
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MS answers - 6, 7
David waits and listens attentively. Leans his head a bit closer, stares off taking in what Michael is saying, and reacts to the conversation. He smiles when Michael laughs. Michael talks with his hands and smiles a lot, clearly comfortable enough to talk and express what he's saying.
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2:04 - 2:40
"What do you think Aziraphale's favourite thing about Crowley is?"
MS answers - To read, David scoots closer to Michael, but Michael doesn't move away. When the question is asked, David crossed his left leg over his right and lays his left arm over it, then puts his right arm behind Michael. All his attention is on Michael and the rest can wait. He's blocking the outside, not out of uneasiness, but because all his focus is on Michael. He scoots up, turns his head to be able to see Michaels face clearly, and completely ignores anything outside of them.
His arm is touching Michael, leg and/or hand is touching Michaels leg, but David leaves space between his torso and Michaels arm, making not so overbearing. David is flirting/teasing Michael. The smile, seeking direct eye contact, crossing his legs to Michael, putting his arm behind Michael, and 'invading' personal space, all indicate flirtatious/teasing intentions.
Michaels turns, backs up, and shrugs his left shoulder in order to see David in the eye and show David what he's saying ('I can see myself in your eyes'). Michael is not backing out. They're both smiles and neither of them is uncomfortable with how close they are. When Michael puts his hand down (image 11) the space between his arm and David's torso becomes smaller, but again, neither of them pull back.
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Content with the answer, David nods, smiles to the camera, adjusts his suit, and continues smiling as he turns to Michael, leaning into the chair and close to Michael. Adjusting the jacket could mean he really is just adjusting it, but with the smile at the camera and the faltering smile, makes me think he could have been on edge (nervous: 'what did I just do?') and calming himself down by putting a bit of distance. The next image if of him, smiling more proximately at Michael. Michael, is just staring at David with a smile. Just happy and amused at what happened.
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2:16 - David goes back to how he was sitting. When Michael is answering, David's gets closer as he listens.
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2:41 - 3:05
"What do you think Crowley's favourite things about Aziraphle is?"
David seeks out the eye contact. He's the one looking at Michael. In the previous interviews of season 1, he would stare off or look at the camera/interviewer but now, he tends to answer while staring at Michael. He has no problem with it.
"I like my yang, but I like it better when your yin is next to it." -MS 14,15 Michael looks to see David's reaction and is happy with it. David laughs, raises his eyebrows, and closes his eyes. The comment/image hit him by surprise. He doesn't have an unpleasant look on his face, but closes ones eyes typically means not wanting to see something, surprise, imagining something, or putting distance between yourself and the subject. They're still sitting in a similar way.
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3:25 - 3:40 16,17,18
What is your favourite fun fact that you like about your character?"
DT Answers - David now sits slanted towards Michael. Right arm resting on right crossed leg, causing him to slant over to Michael. Michael is also leaning to the right, but he's been like that for most of the interview. Maybe because it's comfortable or to be able to see David better. David gestures with his hands, then repositions his arms. 19
3:40 - 4:00
MS Answers - David listens then goes back to the previous position. Again, he tends to move a lot in general. 20
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4:33 - 4:51
4:38 - 4:42 David repositions, turning to Michael. 21
4:43 - 4:51 Michael stays the same. David leans closer. 22
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5:21 - 6:27
"What's your favourite behind the scenes moment/blooper?"
David is slanted again. 23
6:00 - 6:27 - The Apology Dance
MS Answers - Michael starts smiles as he tells the story. David starts rubbing his hands when he realizes what Michael is talking about. Rubs hands, pursued lips in a straight line, inflated cheeks. His initial reaction is 'oh it's this…" his eyebrows are relaxed/not furrowed and his eyes are more open than usual. It doesn't piss him off. He's not angry that Michael is bring it up or not angry about what Michael did. It's just a realization. 23,24,25 David then relaxes his face as he looks up, remembering the event, with a smile. It's not an unpleasant memory. 26,27
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Michael comments that the dance was hard for David and David furrows his eyebrows and says it wasn't difficult for him. David genuinely disagrees, but Michael got the reaction that he was hoping for. Michael smiles when David disagrees and goes on playfully that David made it look hard. 28,29,30,31,32,33
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"I got him to do it one more time with him thinking we were filming (34) another take, but it was (35) just so I could hold up a score (36, 37) card at the end and go SEVEN!" - MS
This is a happy memory for the both of them. Michael is having a blast as he's sharing and David is looking down with a smiling going over the event in his head, with a genuine smile. Fond, reminiscing smile. At the end. David laughs looking down (something he doesn't do often with Michael around). He's embarrassed and/or bashful. 38,39
Michael is just do happy. The memory and David's reaction to it.
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6:57 - 7:20
"What did you learn from working with each other?"
There's a cut, then we see David with his arms crossed. Could be he's getting in a comfy position or that for some reason, he's closed off to answering the question. At the end, he never does give a answer. Michael says that being a nice person will cause people to be nice back and David laughs at this looking down. Again, could be embarrassment and not knowing what to do/say or disbelief of what Michael learned ('really? You just learned that?'). David and Michael both laugh and then Michael looks away.
"You're a very nice man." -MS
"Oh so are you! Putting yourself down." -DT 44
David is bugged by Michaels comment and insinuation that Michael doesn't see himself as a nice person.
There's an obvious huge difference between now and then.
Michael is not bothered at all with their proximity. Neither one of them move away or are stiff in order to not invade personal space. Michael, more than David, is more mindful of not going over the line, but he's still moving his hands around and turning to David to see him more directly. He continues to stare at David (when David is busy talking) and following David's movements with his head/eyes.
David doesn't avoid Michael anymore. He seeks out Michaels face, is somehow always leaning or moving closer to Michael he talks a lot more relaxed and has more tone in his voice. He also stares now, unlike before where he would stare off into nothing or at the camera/interviewer. He's more receptive to Michaels comments more often.
They're both relaxed with each other. Sitting close was probably not a choice. We see Nina and Maggie sitting just as close, but more upright and stiff, but with Michael and David, they're moving towards the other or in the same direction. They both make more eye contact and are playful, genuinely smile, add on, moving their hands when talking. There's familiarity now. Enough for them to be relaxed and take everything the other says playfully and expecting/hoping for a specific reaction.
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aspiring-asparagus · 6 months
Thanks for the tag @rockradiojunky
• Names: haven't really thought about it but I guess I am going by Asparagus here. My irl name also starts with an A
• Pronouns: anything works, but I mostly use he/she
• Star sign: virgo
• # of siblings & fun facts about them (if you have any) I have two younger siblings, my brother is always trying to dare people to drink a bottle of ketchup
• # of pets & their names: I had a rat and a chicken
• Fandoms: The first show I remember watching is Merlin and I still love it. I watch a lot of movies /tv shows and don’t stay in those fandoms for too long, so I consider myself a fandom passerby rather than a resident. However I am way more consistent with my music fandoms. I tend to listen to 60s/70s rock. Queen is my favourite band, but currently I am obsessed with Lou Reed and the Kinks. I love David Bowie, Marc Bolan, Pink Floyd, Shocking Blue, the Beatles, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Procol Harum, the Move, Jethro Tull, the Who, Travelling Wilburys, Slade, RHCP, the Rolling Stones and Sex Pistols. I also listen to a lot of 50s jazz.
• Favorite color: green
• Favorite song: no idea, but for the past few days I can’t stop listening to Echoes by Pink Floyd.
• Favorite author (of anything readable-- books, fanfics, zines, webtoons, whatever!): Sergei Dovlatov
• Hobbies: stitching, knitting and all of that stuff.
• Favorite fic type: don’t have one.
• Favorite holiday: New Year and Pongal.
• Do you have any partners)? (romantic, qpp, anything!): no
• Fun facts about you / anything extra you wanna share!: I lived in three countries and I can move my ears.
Tagging @cloud-based-and-rainpilled @majorlycelliers @adharafirenze @eddiestardust
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ineffably-poetic · 1 year
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thank you to @cloud-based-and-rainpilled for the first one
did not realize how much i needed this until today
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woman-respecter · 9 months
tagged by @yogurtdrink (thank you!!)
tag 9 people you want to get to know better
Last song: Samsa by Teniwoha
Favorite color: seafoam green but if i have to pick a generic one yellow or purple
Currently watching: only murders in the building S1 and sousou no frieren
Last movie: unfortunately its road to ninja which i watched with my friends as a joke
Currently reading: The Yiddish Policeman’s Union
Sweet, spicy or savory: spicy but like. white people spicy
Relationship status: single and afraid to go on The Apps
Current obsessions: crocheting and HSR
Last google search: the great war lyrics
Currently working on: knitting a scarf for my grandma, also trying to get myself to weave in ends and make pattern pdfs for my recent amigurumi designs
tagging: @lozlemon @powerbottombrucespringsteen @bucksboobs @emmathompsonegot @mirthdisplacer @sabitchhh @asilverspring @mariacallous @versach @cloud-based-and-rainpilled
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missoneminute · 9 months
(sorry for my english) hi, i fell in love with the libertines thanks to your blog, so thank you! i'm new in this fandom, so could you please recommend some other libertines/peter/carl blogs, maybe you have favourites?🤍
Hello! Your English is great! I'm so pleased you have joined us and so happy I could accommodate that! Of course! Suggest following my beloved friend @suchasinistergame as well as the below tagged folks who all post a lot of Libs, but anyone who is currently posting frequent Libs content, can you please reply to this post or just like it so this lovely fan can follow you? I know I am gonna forget some names. Thanks so much x
@jesuisgourde @lookthemoonissinging @cloud-based-and-rainpilled @upthebrackets @alex-szx @indiastokeruniverse @citronellaww @novagreenbird @dirty-pretty-jackal-s  @particularly-poppity @memberofthejazzclub @sassy-wolfgurl @mochiiparadise @aikajana @colddaysinthebirdhouse @imtiredasfck @riverfetus
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charitycase33 · 6 months
The best quotes from my friends in 2023:
“Imagine you go to a housewarming party and you bring martinelli’s”
“Anime now looks like random pale children”
“The chaos of the universe is my fetish”
“Shrek smells like acrid plastic”
“Children’s theatre is a barren wasteland”
“Coronation street is one piece for British people”
“Hard cottage cheese”
“Ed Ed and eddy was created by big jawbreaker to sell more jawbreakers”
“Hot dog is just loose meat sweepings”
“Ben and Jerry’s flavors are too busy”
“Aromatic knives: the ultimate MLM.”
“The Importance of Being Naruto”
“I just want to bite into a christmas ornament”
“Nothing says Halloween more than eating a hotdog in silence.”
“Skibidee toilet is too complex for AI to generate”
“Cotton eye Joe is the ipecac of music”
“I’m feeling very Lamps Plus”
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ingravinoveritas · 4 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "He really, really doesn't. That he went straight…"
@ingravinoveritas still can’t get over David giggling and turning bright red in the last .gif after Michael implied to the interviewer and the audience and all in the universe that he’d blown his back out last night 💀
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled Oh god, I am fucking wheezing right now...
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Also, if you notice, right after Michael says "I saw it the other day," David flicks his tongue over his teeth in a way that's giving me war flashbacks to the special tongue thing he did during one of the GO 1 press tour interviews, and I just...if Michael and David are trying to convince us that they're not fucking, they are doing an absolutely terrible job of it...
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
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(Original post here.)
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled You're welcome! And I am definitely with you, re: body language analysis being tricky, particularly for neurodivergent people. I just completed a sex ed curriculum for autistic young adults/adults that I helped to create as part of a grant I received, and one of the things I really wanted to emphasize was how neurotypicals have certain expectations/ideas about body language and what things can mean, but that also doesn't mean there is anything wrong with how autistic people communicate.
So yes, that analysis can be difficult, but I agree with you that it (and that gut feeling) exist for a reason, and I think for me, as someone who is neurodivergent and always had difficulty picking up on these things, it's Michael and David being so "loud" that has helped me to pick up on it with them.
Like you said, the jealousy and possessiveness between Michael and David--not in a toxic, unhealthy way, but a protective, affectionate way--is palpable. It's especially visible when you look at Michael and David with their other close friends and see how they behave so completely differently with them versus with each other. And I do think that if one of them was a woman, this entire conversation would be completely different, because no one is going to look at a man and woman being jealous over each other in this same way and think they're such great friends. But I guess it's those same biases/assumptions that make it easy for Michael and David to hide in plain sight, so…there you go…
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post: 
Someone mentioned in a comment that Michael got ‘downgraded’ to boyfriend, so my tinfoil (again, could be wrong/insane) is that AL & GT referring to each other as wifey is to downplay the previous MS ‘wife’ jokes, since people keep commenting about a poly thing going on, moreso than the past. Also since MS is in London rn, he’s with DT more, so I think there’s a bit of insecurity going on. a lot of (doomed) poly couples have an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ rule, or think the swinging being gay 'doesn't count/isn't a threat,' which could be why the posts feel forced. (parasocial, creepy, bad person, etc., whatever, I calls it as I sees it and have seen it before 🤷‍♀️ )
lepqueen replied to your post: 
My biggest question on this was actually about the song choice, given that I am reasonably sure Sting said at some point Every Breath You Take is a stalker song.
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled I had a similar thought about the insecurity. I think Georgia and AL trying so hard to give the appearance of everything being "fine" and everyone getting along only makes it feel more like things in reality are not exactly what's being presented on social media. I personally did not see "boyfriend" as a downgrade (because from my perspective, "other wife" reads as more jokey/unserious, but boyfriend is...softer, somehow), but I can see why some folks could interpret it as a downgrade when it's actually a readjusting of whatever the dynamic is between all of them.
Going back to the insecurity, I had also wondered how things would play out while Michael was in London for such a long time during the run of Nye, and it makes all the sense in the world that things would change with Michael and David being able to see each other in person frequently. And you make a salient point about the gay swinging being seen as less threatening (which I think is why it's been easy for Georgia and AL to start up with that, and why we have never seen even one reference to David/Anna or Michael/Georgia and swinging). It could be that shipping Michael and David was also seen as less threatening and easier to play along with a few years ago, when it was all still new and Michael and David hadn't gotten as close as they have now. So yes, I do think something has changed, and though we may never be privy to what specifically, we can still see its aftereffects and reverberations in a variety of ways.
(I also wish the antis/people making vitriolic posts in the tags would understand your final point, which is that some of us have seen these things before and are speaking from a place of experience--unlike their assertions (and I have actually seen someone say this) that we have never had any close friendships or relationships like these, and therefore know nothing.)
To your comment, @lepqueen, I also found myself raising an eyebrow at the song choice. You are correct that Sting has described the song as being creepy, and I found one quote from him in particular attesting to this:
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I'm not really sure how this fits into the context of AL's post, though, or what made her choose it. Is the David pillow watching her every move? Is she watching the pillow? I have no idea. But that was certainly a choice, so there you go...
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ingravinoveritas · 2 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "So...I'm a little bit behind, with this being…"
@ingravinoveritas Not to go full conspiracy mode (as she goes full conspiracy mode,) but methinks Anna & Georgia’s recent underhanded critiques are directly related to resentment from David & Michael hanging out for the past 4-5 months
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled I don't think it's a conspiracy when it's now visibly, demonstrably noticeable to multiple people. It's been amazing to me to see people talk about how much things have changed recently in terms of the fandom and the discussions that are happening, but somehow not make the connection to what else has been going on the last six months (because I think it was November when Michael first relocated to London, for Nye rehearsals).
None of this was happening when Michael was still in Wales. Georgia and AL's social media posts were completely different and nothing like what we've seen since Michael and David have been together in person. Not just together in person, either...but neighbors. Who could now see each other at their leisure. And all I have thought is that not one of the four of them were prepared for what it would be like when Michael and David would be in close physical proximity.
I'm just hard-pressed to think of any other reason why the passive-aggressiveness from both Georgia and Anna has ramped up so much, especially over the last months (and which is reflected in the change in tenor of their Insta stories/posts and the seeming abandonment of the whole "wife" thing). It does raise the question as well of why either Georgia or AL would feel such resentment. Michael and David are best friends, as we know, and the supposed narrative is that Georgia and AL are also "besties" and that they're all one big happy polycule...so if that is the case, why would Georgia and AL be making these comments, especially if said comments are related to Michael and David spending so much time together?
It just seems like there is something that doesn't add up, or that there is a piece of this that is missing. And I'm fascinated to see that a lot of people seem to be noticing it now, in and outside of the fandom. I'd love to hear from folks with your thoughts as well...
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ingravinoveritas · 1 month
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "It's been just barely three days since the...”
@ingravinoveritas ahhhh the parallels are just so… honestly, yes of course they love acting with each other, but also considering their life circumstances, it’s like they’re living the fantasy of actually being together, hence pushing so hard for working together, especially as a duo. It’s opaque but using acting is a brilliant non-disguise. abso-lutely down bad, I forgot how flirty those interviews were
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled I absolutely love the way you phrased this, and I fully agree. "Living the fantasy of actually being together" is a perfect description for it.
I think that's why the parallels with DJ and Ty just struck me so much (meeting on set, starting off as friends, the relationship deepening into something more over time, and now they never want to be apart). And Michael and David living that fantasy by saying they want to do a theatrical tour of GO or play them very old seems so transparent at this point, yet still looks opaque to those who aren't paying close enough attention. Because when you think about it, what is really so different about DJ saying he and Ty are going to be old men together versus Michael and David saying it? How much more can you say "I want to spend the rest of my life with you" without actually saying "I want to spend the rest of my life with you"?
So it is exactly what you said--a non-disguise for something else entirely. It is a pretense, and one that Michael and David (hopefully) won't be needing for much longer. Their feelings were more than apparent in those interviews last year, and I can just imagine what we're in store for once filming on GO 3 starts in January...
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "Have you seen AL's latest Insta story? sure it…"
“Subconscious leakage” is an alternative term for a Freudian slip, and her use of “leaving Michael” 100% feels like her actual desires slipping through. Something like “you’ve got competition/my other love/boyfriend” is more typical of posts like this; it’s screaming “I want out” The “I’ll fax you lol :)” pic is pretty funny tbh (real loving thing to say to the mother of your child lol) They’re not happy and it’s hand-over-face embarrassing to watch :/
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled Spot on, once again. It's interesting to notice that both she and Michael can't seem to hide their real feelings, but where Michael just refrains from saying anything at all, Anna goes the route of making these little passive-aggressive comments that give away more than she probably intended. And while she doesn't often talk about their relationship at any length, the few moments when she does haven't gone over very well.
What you said about her actual desires coming through is what stood out to me as well, particularly in thinking of that post with the pictures from the weekend at David and Georgia's home. Putting the blurry photo of Michael and David last was not an accident, and it says something that AL made that specific choice. That she knows what people want to see and resents it, and wants the attention for herself instead. (It's curious as well that in all of the photos, there are at least three selfies of her, one of her and Georgia, one of Michael and David...and none of her and Michael. Sort of gives you a good idea of who was hanging out with whom the entire time...)
In any case, I agree with you that it is thoroughly cringeworthy and painful to watch, but it is also a relief to know that more people are starting to notice it lately, in addition to those of us who have noticed it for the last few years...
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ingravinoveritas · 3 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "did you see this?…"
That answer is so cheeky and coy and honest, esp considering it wasn’t for any sort of publicity— he actually means it. Absolutely precious, my man is down bad
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled I thought exactly the same thing, re: cheeky, coy, and honest. All of those are what made me love his answer so much, and also that this wasn't a TV interview, or an instance of Michael promoting anything. It was him just talking to a fan (again, much in the same way as he used to on Twitter) and being fully honest.
As I had said in my previous post, the "coy" part is what really gets me, too. I actually really love that he didn't lay everything out on the table. Michael didn't say "It was just a work kiss," but he didn't give a graphic or detailed response, either, and it feels like that's because he is holding onto something just for himself. I'm lamenting that we don't have audio or video of Michael saying this, because he is so good at expressing so much with just his voice and/or his eyes, and it would be so interesting to see what he conveys through his microexpressions.
But I still think that Michael's words alone are more than enough, because...look. He could brag about kissing David until the end of time (I mean, who wouldn't?), but with this answer, he distinctly doesn't make about it him. He makes it about getting to experience something he knows so many people have thought about and wanted, but that he actually got to do--as a fan of David's, a co-star, a close friend, and maybe something more. Truly amazing...
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months
Something I’ve noticed that interests me is how David & Georgia & Michael refer to Michael as “David’s other wife.” They use ‘partners’ occassionally, but most of the time it’s “other wife,” which reads as feminine and a possessive
Anna (is that her name? She’s so nonessential I forget) is never mentioned & it’s always in the context of a female David “owns,” yet secondary, underneath. It could be interpreted as something silly & innocent but I just think the positoning and delineation is very specific and interesting in the dominance + stability in whatever dynamic they have
Hi there! Oh, yes, this is something I have also noticed and talked about previously on my blog. I agree with you that the positioning/delineation is specific and done for a reason (calling Michael "other wife" instead of David's "husband," for instance).
What's really interesting to me, though, is how many times Michael has done it himself. The first instance was even before the whole "other wife" thing happened, which was on a breakfast show that he and David were interviewed on during the GO season 1 press tour. Georgia was pregnant with Birdie at the time, and the host mentioned that there was "another one on the way," to which Michael said this:
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And while I mentioned in my timeline Georgia initially calling Michael David's "other wife" in 2021, what I didn't include was a screenshot of Michael's response, which is just as notable:
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So for those who have not seen the movie, Love, Actually is a a very British romcom from 2003. Emma Thompson plays a character who is married to Alan Rickman's character, and he subsequently cheats on his wife with another woman, his secretary.
What makes Michael's tweet above so interesting, however, is that Michael chose to identify with the main spouse, rather than the side piece/mistress. The suggestion here is that Michael views his relationship with David as something deep and meaningful, rather than a cheap affair. He sees himself in a place of prominence in David's life, rather than relegated to the back burner (can we say "Nobody puts Michael in a corner?" I think we can...).
I think for some time now, Georgia has known and seen the place that Michael has in David's life, and setting up these boundaries/demarcations has likely been part of multiple conversations over the last few years (between her and David, and between David and Michael, though I am guessing Michael and Georgia haven't spoken directly very often). If Michael and David did start to become involved during the GO season 1 press tour (which is when Michael said that they got "very, very close"), it would make sense for things to be laid out then, before Georgia started slowly "testing the waters" on social media in 2020 and then more so later on in 2021.
Taking all of this together--"mother," "other wife"--I think there is a deliberateness to this because it reflects the emotional need that David fills in Michael. That is, it seems as if he doesn't feel like he "belongs" to someone, and for Michael, being taken care of is as important as him taking care of others. We've seen Michael be protective/possessive of David in the past, but letting himself be "owned" speaks to a level of vulnerability that he allows himself to have with David that he doesn't have with anyone else, and it shows exactly who Michael belongs to (and vice-versa).
So yes, those are my thoughts on the aforementioned dynamic between Michael, David, and Georgia, and all that it may imply. I do agree that it is very interesting, and it will remain interesting as we see all of this continue to play out...
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ingravinoveritas · 8 months
cloud-based-and-rainpilled replied to your post "Don't know if it means anything but GT's post on…“
It reeks of vaguebooking to me, a la MS posting an “uwu i like a boy” twitter post after publically having a swooping dramatic hug with DT. the “awks” is prob a bit of self deprecating self awareness, but in a light way, but I wouldn’t put it past actors of all people to still vaguebook as fullass adults and not 12 year olds on livejournal circa 2007 lol
@cloud-based-and-rainpilled I am honestly floored at the number of people who responded to this post saying that it was just a joke/accusing me of having no sense of humor. At no point did I say that Georgia sharing that Insta story wasn't a joke or her being self-deprecating. I'm sure that it was, but to your point about it being vaguebooking, the "Awks" is ambiguous enough to where it could be read as either "Awks because David and I are happy and I post about him often but we're proof that this isn't true" or as "Awks because I post about him often and this actually is true." To me it felt like a version of that meme that shows multiple choice answers to a question with "I'm in this picture and I don't like it" checked off. Which is to say that yes, it was self-deprecating, but that doesn't mean it can't also be true.
Adding to the point about senses of humor and jokes not being readily apparent, I have posted previously on my blog about things Georgia has said/done that I thought were hilarious and enjoyed, because sometimes she is quite funny. So I am perplexed as to why I can readily acknowledge when Georgia is funny, but so many other folks seem hesitant or unwilling to acknowledge when she isn't? Echoing a comment left by @angelsadvocate96, there does seem to be a facet of British comedy that borders on cruel, but there is a marked difference between when that comedy comes at the expense of the person joking, or the expense of others. Again, in this case, Georgia was being self-deprecating, but some of her humor does come at the expense of others, and that is what I ultimately dislike. And for some reason that I don't fully understand, it seems so controversial to point out something very simple and obvious...
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