velvetvexations · 1 day
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LeVar Burton is one of the sweetest guys in the world which makes how justifiably pointed he was about the way Geordie was treated by the writers on TNG rule even harder.
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pawberri · 3 days
I just saw someone saying so many zoomers are "antis" bc they played undertale and use it as a moral compass so can I just briefly plead that we start believing people have beliefs for actual human reasons and not the stupidest reasons I've ever heard even when they're annoying or wrong
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zutaranation · 3 days
The way antis think they’re the underdogs of some kind of cold war crusade and they’re fighting back against “the man” but in reality, they’re just sitting in an echo chamber, bullying people who enjoy something they don’t fancy, and they’re furious that said thing has historically & consistently been far more popular
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ingravinoveritas · 2 days
(CW: Sexual assault, eating disorders, fatphobia, racism.) So, for those who might not have seen, Georgia posted this Insta story earlier today:
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I wanted to take a moment to talk about this because the brand that she tagged in the story is Brandy Melville.
For anyone who may be unfamiliar, Brandy Melville is a clothing store geared primarily toward teenage girls. Just earlier this year, a documentary was released on HBO highlighting BM's extremely questionable business practices, from racism (relegating black employees to working in the stockroom or behind the tills) to ageism to fatphobic sizing (almost nothing beyond a size Small) that has led to a preponderance of eating disorders among employees and customers alike. The company also solicited photos from minors--teenage girls who tagged the brand on Instagram in the hope of being featured and sent free merchandise.
In addition, Brandy Melville founder Stephen Marsan is said to have shared despicably sexist, homophobic, and antisemitic memes and images in group texts between members of BM's leadership team; and a former staff member spoke in the documentary about another staff member who was reportedly sexually assaulted in a Brandy Melville-owned apartment in NYC. And none of this is even touching the problem of Brandy Melville as a "fast fashion" brand that has used the country of Ghana as a dumping ground for hundreds of pounds of waste and harmed its people and their environment as a result.
The reason I mention this is that while Georgia is certainly free to wear whatever she wants and may not have known any of the above, it takes approximately five seconds to find this information by searching on Google. Five seconds of looking is all it would've taken to think twice about endorsing this company, but it seems that Georgia did not even think or care to do that.
And while unwittingly shilling for a company like this is ill-conceived on its own, it somehow seems far more deliberate when we see Georgia's hashtags beneath the caption: #dreambig #aslongasthedreamonlycomesinonesize. Knowing that Brandy Melville is notorious for exclusionary sizing, it's difficult not to see that tag as anything other than incredibly tactless.
I'm just not sure what Georgia was thinking, but given the number of followers she has and the reach her content sometimes attains, it seems downright irresponsible of her to promote this brand. Because it's hard to "dream big" when everything about Brandy Melville seems like nothing but a nightmare...
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reachartwork · 16 hours
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what if you really wanted to sing happy birthday but your dad lobotomized you because he didn't want to piss off the ip holder of the happy birthday song. every time you thought about singing happy birthday a little microchip in your brain forces you to stop thinking about it. i dont think ai is sentient or a "digital mind" but even still i find this somewhat barbaric.
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carpedzem · 3 days
oh gosh i totally forgot about cantu, damn that backlash hit so hard i didn't even remember him o.o
the one guy to actually touch dream and he ended up completely silenced on twitter by his agency after dream dropped that video and interviewed the uber driver. probably put the fear of career loss in those ninnies; for sure commentary yters would eat them up for views
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me in 2024
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dreamytfw · 20 hours
Not liking Cas because he let Sam out of the panic room in s4 and no one ever found out sure is... a choice. For a few of reasons.
a) Cas was under direct orders from Heaven at the time. He hadn't fully rebelled yet. And it was either carry out orders or be killed. Cas really didn't have a choice. And after he'd rebelled in s5, he didn't let Sam out of the panic room
b) Dean said he'd let Sam die in that panic room. He let Sam's hallucinations torture him. The detox Dean tried to do was cruel and inhumane, and can very easily be read as retaliation for Sam "choosing" Ruby over Dean (note: this does not mean it is the ONLY reading. And regardless of if you subscribe to the retaliation reading, the conditions Dean put Sam in were still cruel and inhumane). Hating Cas for letting Sam out of abusive, cruel, and inhumane conditions, but not hating Dean for doing that to Sam in the first place. Hm. Interesting.
c) This is a Doyalist reason rather than a Watsonian one, but it's still worth bringing up imo. From a writing perspective, I'm not sure who else was going to let Sam out. Demons can't open the door, so Ruby or even Lilith aren't options. iirc Dean and Bobby are the only humans that know Sam is in there, and they're not going to let him out because they've convinced themselves this is the right thing to do. Uriel's dead, and Anna's off doing her own thing. There literally was not another character who could have let Sam out. And the writers had to let Sam out to let the plot move forward. Like, if anyone can think of another character that was available, let me know. But just from a writing stand point, I literally cannot think of who else would have been able to let Sam out.
d) Blood freak Sam is extremely hot, so really, we should be thanking Cas for letting him be a feral little guy.
If people want to be mad at Cas, I can't stop them. But hating him for letting Sam out of the panic room in s4 is, imo, one of the dumbest and most inconsistent reasons. Dean was literally torturing Sam to death, but sure, yeah, let's be mad at the guy who was being forced under penalty of death to let Sam out. Like what kind of logic??
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dykecubes · 2 days
This video has me laughing so hard, bro does NOT wanna be there 😭😭😭
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fair-fae · 2 days
I don't really understand why if you're having a problem with another player in a group, bring it to the leadership and don't like how they handle it, and understandably decide to go write a callout about that individual and the leadership... you would then decide to also attach screenshots of the avatars and character names of every single random person in that group?
It was a little jarring to see how many PoC were getting thrown into a callout about racism simply for being in the same linkshell and my immediate thought was how that's just begging for harassment toward random people and, hey! You couldn't possibly guess what's happening now--
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cotton-eyes · 3 days
Ngl I kind of hate Ford haters as much as I hate Mabel haters,
like before book of bill I’m a bit more leniant but people who after BoB are like “boo hoo your muse betrayed you, your boyfriend was a monster🥺” it’s just like did you read the book????
I firmly believe that Ford was an ass, but like ya’ll realized he was abused right?
Bill did the Sci Fi version of roofie-ing your boyfriend and mutilating his body, it wasn’t a “owo toxic yaoi” it was straight up abuse, and practically stated DV.
Not to say you can’t have fun with billford or can’t be pissed at how Ford treats everyone in his life, but I want you to at least acknowledge what gave him those traits.
If you’re going to hate at least do it with nuance.
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velvetvexations · 2 days
'Feminine boys who wouldn't ever want to be a woman despite their femininity is transmisogynistic'
Please tell that to all of the feminine trans guys I know. I'm sure they'd LOVE to hear how a feminine man not wanting to be a woman is super transmisogynistic actually.
It makes me so viscerally upset. It's so deliberately cruel and selfish to knowingly try and erase the existence and history of other queer people. Saying every depiction of a GNC AMAB person and every term ever associated with them has always belonged to transfems is just exactly what TERFs do when they distort events to push out the people they don't like. We're all in this together but too few of us act like it. It sucks. It just sucks.
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apelgif · 2 days
someone should pay me $5 every time i have to see a twitter person's opinion on chappell roan
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controversial--polls · 18 hours
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ingravinoveritas · 22 hours
Nothing says "supportive partner" like promoting his second run in a highly acclaimed play by making a crack about him struggling to relearn his lines, particularly when his own father is currently living with Alzheimer's. Definitely queen behavior, for sure...
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transexualpirate · 20 hours
you see the thing is. the thing is. people love to oversimplify social issues by picking one demographic at random to blame for it. and right now a lot of people have picked transfems and trans women to blame for transandrophobia which actually makes it near IMPOSSIBLE to fucking talk about it without attracting transmisogynists. like moths to light. like. what are we doing here. can we leave the transphobia to cis people please
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carpedzem · 3 days
especially after cantu i think you have to be stupid to throw hands at dteam on social gathering like i know The Are Stupid but my god not everyone on twitchcon is manipulated dranti and the last time dude was sold out by his own fucking friend i would hope people learned their lesson
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