#like i have the items. but i dont want to send them & then decide to move the pet to a different acct
voidimp · 11 months
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look at my neopets, boy*
*substitute gender of choice
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random thoughts on athena and annabeth
annabeth is widely recognized as the pride of athena's offspring, meaning she would have had to put in the insane level of effort, training and obedience required to reach the level of perfection and devotion that would have earned her the title, both by her peers, her enemies (alecto said something to that effect) and presumably athena herself (im relying on the fact that even in the books the other children of athena we meet dont have magical items from their mother like annabeth has her hat).
but that was before and while she was at camp. before she got to camp and before she met luke and thalia, she was likely relying mostly on her wits to survive, yk, having the strength and training of a SEVEN yr old. its likely athena would have recognized this (even if she doesnt interfere or help bc shes a god and why would she), annabeth gets to camp and becomes a year rounder, she probably gets claimed relatively early in her time at chb (if we leave enough time for her to become her cabin's counselor by virtue of being there the longest). she is able to succeed greatly but thats largely in controlled environment (monsters dont get into camp unless you go looking for them in the forest, and none at camp at the time is purpose looking to kill). annabeth is able to live up to athena's standard of perfection while the conditions are favorable and controlled. its not to say her life wasnt hard at chb, but the point of chb's existence is to keep demigods safe. its literally said the reason she wants to go on a quest is bc the only way left to prove herself to her mother is out there, in the real world, with real threats.
she gets her wish and is thrust in a volatile environment for her, where she knows she is the one with the most experience and takes the responsibility for keeping her friends alive. she is now supposed to be making the kind of serious decisions that she wouldnt have had to face, at least yet, had she stayed at camp. even so annabeth has been and is the picture of unquestionable devotion to athena, and medusa acknowleges it. "i wasnt like you, i WAS you"
but, like medusa, one slip up was all it took to fall from athena's grace. poseidon did not care for medusa but percy does already care deeply for annabeth. once its brought to his attention that the hat is annabeth's only acknowledgment from athena and a reminder that maybe athena does love her, maybe she is watching over her, he does the first thing that comes to his mind to let her keep it, a desicion that is naturally influenced by his own feelings about and for his father and the gods in general. annabeth goes along because, among other reasons, she gets to keep her hat. annabeth is still part human and even then she recognizes that the gods will not like it; her mother does not know her but she knows her mother enough to know her likely reaction. all it takes for annabeth, previously implied the favourite (if that means something), is for her to listen to her emotions, listen to her human side and even listen to percy, for athena to decide that annabeth is not worth it anymore. and she puts the responsability of her wounded pride (poor her) on annabeth even though she very likely knows that both her and grover protested sending the head to olympus for the very same reason she would use to punisher her. bc lets face it, by letting echidna into the arch, athena, a strategist, was probably aware that her daughter would be the one to face the chimera and was not expecting her to survive.
side note: percy makes a pretty logical argument that the head can be considered tribute and why shouldn't it really? athena is embarrased when annabeth kills one of her enemies and sends her the proof but years later sends her to a quest where she KNOWS annabeth will have to kill another of her enemies and offer her the proof, another woman made an enemy only by virtue of a percieved offense. the two situations are barely different but athena gets to decide when something is her will and when its embarrasing. wisdom where??
athena expects her children to honor her by acting on the side of wisdom, whatever that may mean to her. by ignoring the reasons annabeth let the head arrive at olympus and blaming her rather than percy directly, athena shows that she does not believe that emotions have a place in wisdom, in strategic thinking, directly foreshadowing the lesson she is forced to learn (and quickly forget) at the end of the series: (SPOILERS FOR SHOW ONLYS) that MAYBE letting their children feel neglected enough so that they defect to the dark side fighting for their destruction (which nearly succeds by the way, were it not for percy's EMOTION DRIVEN decision to give the dagger to luke, bc lemme tell you that was not the strategic move) was PROBABLY not the wisest move.
and if these things are true for annabeth, the supposed favourite, then how difficult is it for annabeth's siblings to gain their mother's respect or acknowledgement and how easily can they lose it? i would not be surprised if the show sets it up for more children of athena to defect camp than is mentioned in the books. The books don't really specify which cabin lost the most demigods to kronos' side, apart from the unclaimed. but it would not be out of this world to me for children of athena, if tempted by luke and company and they unlearn their belief in their mother's perfection, to associate all those issues to their mother's hypocrisy. and i believe athena to be amongst the most hypocritic gods simply bc of the nature of prioritizing strategy etc above all other things, being the one to recognize the root of the problem and then doing practically nothing better for five more books. especially when from the get go, the show is really honing in on the main character *openly and frequently* questioning the unfairness of the god's treatment, whats not say, after later events ifykyk, children of athena who dont have the same loyalty to percy annabeth does but do have the information at hand she does, wont come to the same conclusion?
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satoruzlove · 2 years
hello again! first and foremost, thank you for doing my request 100000x more than what i imagined 🙇🏻‍♀️🫶 AND HERE I AM AGAIN lol i can't help but to imagine many scenarios with Haikyuu boys (courtesy of TikTok)
can i possibly request a scenario of atsumu (and whoever haikyuu boy you could imagine that certainly loves socializing) based on the tiktok trend where the boys are having a night out and they give their s/o food/money/or just something that makes their girl happy just to get their permission & telling them not to call/text/bother/find him for the whole night.
for better reference; https://vt.tiktok.com/ZS8jbW2rg/
- 🫧
my beloved bubble anon, FORGIVE ME FOR TAKING A GAJILLION YEARS WITH THIS. i was trying so hard to imagine writing it the right way around but i couldn’t stop myself from doing it the other way around!!!😭😭 i hope you don’t mind .
[ atsumu miya , rintarou suna ]
- one [1] ass slap in tsumu’s,touchiness, atsumu healing my daddy issues one ‘sweetheart’ at a time, rintaro almost strips, ALMOST. very soft angst , rin with an attitude lol-
a. miya !
tonight is your little reunion between your highschool friendgroup. fun, right?
well, when you get there it will be but before you do wont. the reason for this is that your man child boyfriend has a habit of following you everywhere- it was actually the only reason he wanted to know everyone you spend time with. so he can always tag along and be with you 24/7, 365. you love him for it and it’s very endearing how he craves your presence but you couldn’t help but want a little alone time with some people that you’ve made memories with.
your group has been planning this about a month in advance, which gave you a month to decide how you wanted to go about keeping tsumu away. you thought about asking his friends to take him out, sending him to run errands but they all made you feel like you were committing a crime and trying to make sure atsumu stays in the dark about it.
discouraged, you had sat down to wallow in your own stupidity and opened your phone. scrolling through tiktok, you had found a solution to all your problems. a little video , no longer than 20 seconds, was gonna secure your fun night out with friends. said video showed a guy giving his girlfriend food in exchange for her not to call, text, email or even think about him. you reckoned that it would work on your blond lover too.
now you practically skip down the stairs barely able to see your feet because of the sheer amount of food in your hands. you even asked samu to make atsumu’s favorite rice balls and picked them up on your way back from work- safely hiding them in your bag. atsumu finally comes into sight when you reach the kitchen. he’s leaned up against the counter, hair messy and his honey eyes focused on the screen of his phone. he only looks up when you nearly trip- and his eyes widen.
“babe, what the hell-?” he tries, but you simply saunter over to the counter and look him dead in his eyes. first, you put everything down infront of you. “i’m going out with my high school friends and- before you ask i still love you- but i wanna go alone,so” atsumu’s eyes shoot up at the uncharacteristic seriousness in your voice, but he allows you to continue. you put down a bag of mcdonald’s, his favorite order with an extra large fry just how he likes, “ do not text me,” you take a bag of kfc , mainly wings that are extra hot because you know he loves to wash it down with coke,” do not call me,” as you put things down, you can see atsumu’s eyebrows drop and a pout grow on his pretty pink lips. finally you present the rice balls that samu made, and a coke, “ don’t email me, or smoke signal me, or anything. okay?” you finally finish, look up at him hopefully.
his lip is jutted out as he glances down at the items you used to bribe him and back to yours. you nearly start tapping your foot impatiently. atsumu leans down so for once, you two are eye to eye level. “ are ya sure you still love me?” he asks you softly. you think for a moment that he’s kidding, but the pause and loud swallow you hear give him away.immediately, you realise that you’ve screwed up. before you can answer, your boyfriend speaks again. “if you didn’t want me to come you could’a asked me to just.. stay here. i would have. ya didn’t have to go and spend all that time bribing me like i’m a mafia boss or somethin’” atsumu sighs, obviously disheartened and now walking away from you. you go to hold his bicep to stop him, but he easily moves out the way without making it look obvious.
you’re feeling really bad now, the dull look in his eyes eating into your tummy. “ i do still love you, tsum, don’t be dumb. i just,” you paused when he looks at you with a raised brow. he looks like he really couldn’t care less about your excuses right now. “i actually don’t have an excuse, i’m just being dumb,” your voice was small, timid from hoping that your boyfriend isn’t too upset. the last thing on your mind is the buzzing phone in your pocket but it’s the first in atsumu’s.
he turns again, getting a glass of water. “ answer it, go. have fun. just text me if you get drunk off your ass and i’ll come get ya, if ya aren’t sleeping at one of your friends’ places.” atsumu instructed you. you bite your lip in thought.quietly , you go up behind him. he pretends to not notice your presence, the warmth of your skin hovering over his clothed back. his eyes stay trained on his very important glass of water. your arms wrap around him gently at first but when you feel no protest, you get comfortable. he tuts, tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth. “ you’re gonna be late, yn. go.” and you nearly cry at him using your first name- but you soon realise that if he did what you had done, you’d be doing a lot worse than calling him a first name.
you inhale. deep, calming, hopeful. “ i’m not going,” you mumbled into his covered flesh. he fights a smile, affection creeping onto his skin. “ why? you seemed pretty interested in it a minute ago? i reckon you should go have fun with your little friends. god knows why ya wanna be here, with me, who you wanted to avoid all night.” as he talks, his tone is more playful , more pouty. you rub a thumb over his tummy, speaking into his back and causing vibrations that seem to warm his soul. “because i realise that i like you more than them and i screwed up,” you say. he nods curtly, eyes shiny with unshed tears that are now going away. “ good. i’m glad you know that.” he says.
your newly free arms are folded as you do your classic awkward smile- waiting for his verdict. “go change. we’re watching mulan.” atsumu tells you. before you walk away, you go closer to him.
“i’m sorry,” you say, tenderly putting a hand on his shoulder. “ i should’ve just asked you like a normal person. i wont do that again, promise.” you know you’re in the clear, his eyes soft and his own hands running up from your hips to your cheeks to hold them. he plants a kiss on your lips, affectionately holding your face until your cheeks squish slightly. “it was funny , kinda,” he mumbles. you huff air out your nose, shaking your head. “barely. i almost made you cry,” you reply. he shrugs. “‘s okay, sweetheart. i forgive ya. i wont crucify my baby just ‘cause ya don’t know how to communicate.” and you laugh at that. he releases your gorgeous face, placing a little slap on your ass. “ go on, get comfy. you got a whooole night of apology cuddles ta give me, lover.”
r. suna !
suna rintaro is apathetic, painfully apathetic.
everyone knows. it’s his resting bitch face, the monotone voice and hooded eyes that make people think that he doesn’t care. for others, it’s true, he doesn’t. when it comes to a news anchor or someone interviewing him he wouldn’t give them any time of his day if he wasn’t forced. he isnt the type to talk without purpose- and until you that purpose was only to tease people, communicate, or pass a sarcastic comment every once and a while.
but to you? suna rintaro was not himself , or what people have ideally plastered together of him in their heads. suna rintaro became rinnie, or rin. the rin who would hold your hands in his when it was cold or rub his cheek against you for fun, rin that kissed your nose and kissed your shoulders after you showered. rin who would lip sync any song he heard in the car to you.
rintarou became a completely different person around you; his walls of steel melting to a puddle and letting you pass. his heart became only for you. something that also changed was how tolerant he became to being around someone, that someone being you. he found himself wanting to be around you always, opting to come with you everywhere and always touching you in some way. no matter how much you writhed or attempted to sway his clinginess it never seemed to ebb away.
that is how you were put into this situation. standing across from him as he lain on your bed- all his favorite food, a new hoodie , and a $100 bill on top of it. he stared at you in absolute disbelief. “ .. so the reason i got you this is because i wanna go to the spa, and no. you cannot come.” you explain to him, tone firm but your heart nearly falling into your ass when he sat up with a bored look on his face. “ are you like,” he starts, picking up the gifts like they were toxic waste- only with two fingers, “ bribing me right now?” he asked. you pondered for a moment, “ basically. i am , yeah.” you reply. he looks up at you, green irises boring into yours as he tries to telepathically say that you’re kidding.
he sighs when he realises that you arent. he gets up, his t shirt draping down his large figure as he collects all the stuff and places it in your arms. “ don’t want it, and let me go shower,” he mumbles, walking past you. you drop the items back onto your shared bed, following him like a lost puppy. the sound of water wafts to your ears as you reach the bathroom, rin now shirtless in front of you. you look at him, confused.
“ showering.. for?” you ponder out loud. he blows air from his nose, pulling his sweat pants down and adjusting the water. your boyfriend, only in boxers, turns to you. “ so we can go to the spa, you silly thing.” he teases , hand coming up to pinch your cheek lovingly. you scoff. “ i just said that you can’t come, rintaro.” and he hisses in faux pain.“full first name? ouch.” your boyfriend jests. before he can hop into the shower, his hands hook around his boxers and-
“rintaro.” you call him sternly and he laughs wholeheartedly. running a hand through his brown hair he’s now inches away from you. “you did say that i can’t come, but you’re wrong. i’m literally getting ready to right now,” he says casually. you poke at his built chest, eyes flitting up beautifully to meet his own. “rintaro i said no, just stay here, you don’t even like the spa,” you were whining now, and his heart squeezed ever so slightly at your childish tone.
“true, i don’ like the spa, but i like you.” he smiles , hands rubbing your shoulders. he places a kiss on your nose, directing you towards the bathroom door. “so, before i get naked infront of you and we both end up staying here, go away.” and before you could protest - he was gone.
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chikkou · 7 months
ok i was waiting until my laptop got here to finally tell all the bullshit thats happened in the last like. 5 months lol. cause its a lot to type
im gonna put it all under the cut so no one has to read if they dont want. its a LONG fucking story.
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ok so for basic background, for the last two years or so, i was living with a roommate in connecticut. the roommate was my (now former) best friend since middle school. in july of this year his behavior totally shifted, and he started picking fights with me out of nowhere, told our high school friends a bunch of straight up lies abt me to make me look like a horrible roommate & person, and just generally became a two-faced dickhead. in the end, it turned out to all be excuses to justify his decision to move out (unofficially, name was still on the lease) so that he could live with his boyfriends and not pay any bills. at the time i was really devastated by this bc i felt totally betrayed by this person i had been close to since i was 12/13, but frankly after everything else that happened i barely fucking think about it now LMAO. this is set dressing more than anything else
so anyway, i had been living alone since about august, that was the last time i saw him in person. i wasnt handling the situation well because i had spoken to my high school friend and found out the extent to which hed tried to paint me as a slovenly, horrible roommate, to the point of telling actual lies about really dumb stuff (which didnt work btw - my friends, god bless them, were more concerned about my mental health than anything and thought i was going down a depression spiral, which my former friend told them he was helping me through. they believed me right away once we finally did talk). all that is to say, i was going kind of crazy lol, and i decided to go back home in october just for a short while, to recharge my batteries and all.
i was gone for a couple of weeks, not very long. i felt MUCH better after being with my family & friends in person, as i felt pretty isolated from everyone (my hometown is in new york, i was only 2 hours away by train but scheduling times to visit was sort of a hassle, so i only did it once every couple months). my grandfather and mom dropped me off at my apartment in early november, we were very lighthearted and discussing my next steps, since my shithead friend had been behind on rent more than 5 times (i always paid my half on time) and i was facing eviction because of it. we get to my apartment, i go to open the door, and it wont open. not that its locked, it just straight up WONT open. my grandpa tried to ram the door with his shoulder, and nothing. hes a strong ass dude, and this door wouldnt budge for anything.
my mom managed to get the kitchen window open and climb in that way, and it took both her and my grandpa pulling/pushing at the same time to force the door open. i wont even dress this up: there was mold. fucking. everywhere. on the floor, on the walls, all over everything i owned. i have pictures (had to take them for insurance) and im not even going to show them because they are beyond fucking disgusting. everything i owned was soaked in water and mold, and i do literally mean EVERYTHING. it was very warm in there too, like the temperature of a swamp. i was in a haze after that. i just remember sobbing, like genuinely heartbroken sobbing, as i wandered around looking at everything that was ruined. my mom & grandpa had to go and get maintenance because i was just utterly useless, and they were equally horrified & said they'd never seen anything like it.
i managed to save some items that were irreplaceable (journals, notebooks, etc) and whatever clothes werent utterly soaked in mold. all of my cookware, my books, my laptop & desktop (i cried the hardest when i saw the desktop) - it was all ruined. we found out later that the water boiler in my apartment had a catastrophic failure while i was gone, which caused it to constantly send water back through the pipes, empty, and refill itself. my bedroom was directly above the boiler downstairs, so it got the most significant amount of damage. all told, i lost like 95% of the things i owned. it is possible that i could have saved more, but the amount of mold in that apartment made it a genuine safety hazard for me to even be in there, so i had very limited time to grab what i could. the cruelest irony of all that? my shithead ex-friend's room, which was on the other side of the hallway, was pretty much untouched. he lost absolutely nothing lol.
so immediately, i had to leave the state. i moved back to ny with my family. my mother - who had a stroke last year following a diagnosis of an exceedingly rare neurological disorder, AND had two separate brain surgeries to improve her quality of life - was in the process of getting evicted. the landlord didnt give a fuck about any of my moms situation, not her being disabled, not her being widowed, not her having 3 kids under the age of 18 to care for - he just wanted her out so he could increase the cost of rent on our house. at the same time as all this was going on, i got saddled with a $600 electric bill (likely caused by the water heater's malfunction), which neither insurance nor the apartment would pay, so it came out of my pocket. in addition, i found out in december that i was also getting laid off.
we had nowhere to go and couldnt afford to live anywhere in the tri-state area. we had no choice but to move somewhere much cheaper, and since my mom already had a friend living in a mid-atlantic state, we chose to move there. the eviction went through in january and we had less than 2 weeks to pack all our shit, find a place to live, and get the fuck out. needless to say, we were not successful lol.
we stayed in my grandparents 1 bedroom apartment for about a week, then all of us drove down together to stay with my moms friend in her 3 bedroom apartment (she has 5 kids, 3 of whom live in the apartment). my moms apartment, which was supposed to have been ready by january 31st, still had people actively living there. the property manager kept promising us it would be next week for the entire month of february, to the point that my mom got fed up and chose to rent a small house instead. the reality of being essentially homeless for that time was beyond horrifying, and having anywhere between 8-10 people in that house (my cousin also moved with us, but he stayed in a hotel for the first week) was more taxing than i can express.
but things have gotten a lot better since then. i also found a cute little house to rent just up the road from my moms, and its very cheap for its size. i still havent found a job yet, but thanks to what was essentially the liquidation of everything i owned, ill be ok for a couple months more. im slowly but surely repurchasing all the things i lost and trying to acclimate to the new environment. things are still not totally stable right now, but they are slowing down, and at this point thats all i can really ask for lol.
so yeah. if u were wondering why i suddenly stopped posting after literal years of posting every day, thats why LMAO
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noideabutsims · 1 year
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Donut Co. Messy Little Wall Scribbles Has 110 swatches If you cannot see all the swatches, place it down and then change the color swatch! All of our CC can be found by typing " Donut " into the search bar!
These are meant to be little scribbles on the wall. You can size them up and down using the bracket keys. [ ] <- these ones. I personally, use the tool mod to size my items up and down, and specifically with these if you are wanting them to be "perfectly sized" i would recommend you grab tool (and its assistant BBB). THEY ARE LARGE TO START! This is so you can go all the way down to a mini size! Hope this helps!
This is technically a recolor of Pluto Sims art attack posters. That was the best possible mesh i could find, that didn't leave a gap or have un-necessary extra items or pins, ect. Pluto is very wonderful, and allows their items to be used as bases, and include the mesh. However, i sincerely recommend you check them out, as they make amazing items!! @pluto-sims Link back to Pluto Sims original object ORIGINAL CREATION This does include the mesh with it. (Thanks to pluto for being very generous so please check them out!) This is just a recolor and all credit goes back to Pluto Sims for this mesh, this item would not be possible if i couldn't use this mesh.
Name: Donut Co. Messy Littles Wall Scribbles Description: Oh No! Seems like your messy little has found the crayons and decided to scribble on the walls! Don't worry at all, Donut co has decided to make sure you can be prepared for this, and has decided to lauch a new product, to display all your littles best wall drawings! We had parents all over the sim-lands send in photos of their littles messy scribbles! Now, we are finally ready to share these with you all! Proudly mix and match all of these mini pieces, and you will surely be able to re-create the best little wall art we've ever seen! At Donut co. We're happy, when families are happy! So if you dont like the scribbles, just delete them and BAM, they're gone! Super simple, easy, and quick! So make sure you grab yours today!! (Works best if you use the bracket keys "[" + "]" to size up and down, or my personal prefrence of the tool mod! that way you can make them fit rooms, different kid sizes/ages, and poses better!)
Will be releasing more content soon! stay tuned! ❤️ (NOT affiliated with EA or Maxis in any way! We just make CC! ) DOWNLOAD: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/86521307?pr=true Curseforge: https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/donut-co-messy-little-wall-scribbles GoogleDrive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Es7LjROBlS6pyklwKOlWr0WKtbxv5wyc/view?usp=sharing @maxismatchccworld
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wetthandss · 10 months
i have never and will never use rails and minecarts in minecraft because they are just so inefficient and expensive for such little gain. theyre incredibly slow unless you use a rare and expensive material thats difficult to find and much more so get in large amounts to make a small number of powered rails that you have to place pretty close to one another if you want to reach an actually useful speed, and if youre making a rail system that small whats the point you can just walk or run there. there are no other relevant blocks for rails except detectors. no bumpers or launchers or stations or anything, very little utility outside of complicated redstone machines for furnace, hopper and chest minecarts that most players arent concerned with. i think theyre a horribly underdeveloped feature but also one that has SO MUCH potential. here's what i would do to make this feature better and how i actually would use it if it was that way.
i would remove the need for powered rails to go at any useful speed. you could travel in the minecart at the speed you can with a powered rail in the game now just by holding the direction you wanna go. powered rails are still there, and you can use them to go even faster if you want. they're like a speed upgrade rather than a necessity for travel. secondly, you dont have to keep holding down the button to keep moving, the minecart wont lose speed as it goes unless it hits a powered rail, where it will decrease in speed similarly to how it does in the base game, but only down to normal speed and not to a snail pace or complete stop. if you push a minecart (without being in it) it will slow down quickly to a stop, because itd be pretty annoying watching it run away on you if you accidentally push it. but also that already happens when you have to place powered rails down every 10 blocks and if the minecart touches them it just runs away on you. in my ideal update, to push a minecart down a track without losing speed, you can either get in it and get out of it when you reach speed, or you can use a powered rail to get it going. ADDITIONALLY, powered rails just act like normal rails when inactive instead of stopping entirely. if you want a rail that automatically stops the minecart, keep reading cause i have a replacement for this usage.
i would allow diagonal rails to exist, including on slopes. this is something i wish for other blocks that connect to each other in minecraft too, like fences, walls, iron bars etc. the zigzagging pattern is very ugly in most use cases and requires you to use double the materials. this would also be useful for setting up proper train stations where a train can be pulled to the side of the track either to let another train pass or to be filled with passengers/items.
i would allow multiple rails to connect to one another, letting you have multiple paths. a redstone activated directional rail could control which path you go on while in a minecart, while the default is just continuing straight.
I would add rail signals with an associate redstone connected rail that can decide when a minecart is allowed to pass or be stopped, or set a precise timer that counts down before making a redstone signal. you can set it to repeat or to only start its timer when receiving a redstone signal. would this remove the need for other forms of redstone timers? yes because i think its such a simple thing that requires incredibly complicated setups to do precisely that are frankly unnecessary to the average player and would allow them to make redstone more useful to them without having to spend nearly as much time and energy fine tuning multiple different complicated timer setups. you can still use the complicated timers if you want. no one is stopping you. anyways, this would let you automate trains a lot easier or automate a round trip rail system with consistent schedules, or to send a minecart back to you after sending it away.
Minecarts will have an updated model with a clear front side and a back side. you can flip directions whenever you want if youre riding in it, its mostly just an aesthetic change, but ive run into situations where if i stop a minecart on an inactive powered rail and activate it again, it will start going back in the direction it came from rather than continuing forwards and that is REALLY ANNOYING. i get that thats useful for sending a minecart back and forth but my bumpers would solve that issue while the clear front/back side fixes the one i mentioned above at the same time, as well as just making it more predictable and visually clear.
I would also aesthetically change the chest minecart cause i think it looks really ugly, i would prefer the chest minecart to show the minecart filled up with the sprites of the items that are inside it. i think that would be way cuter than just having a big wooden chest inside a metal minecart.
finally have actual linkages to tie minecarts together. it can just be a lead idc.
maybe a minecart that can be filled with rails that it automatically places as it goes? idk about this one
another maybe is that detector rails could be configured to only activate one-way.
a third maybe is having "lazy rails" that let the minecart travel at the speeds that they do now, so people who would inevitably complain about these changes ruining their finetuned overly-complex redstone rail machines could have something to use.
And finally i would have a bumper rail that can bounce back a minecart at half its speed, or its full speed with no loss if powered with redstone.
so i would definitely use rails and minecarts WAY more if these features were in place, they would be actually efficient for long and short distance travel, more versatile and less rigid in how you can actually place them, you can use redstone and train linkages to create more complicated railway setups if you want, it would all LOOK better, and it could actually be useful for putting in mineshafts. as it stands now, you have to put powered rails all over the place (a full chest minecart can only move 16 blocks per single powered rail boost! and it will slow down heavily before reaching the next too), fill up your stupid looking chest minecart and push it down where you then have to have a big redstone setup to automatically send the cart back, timed with a redstone timer (either a massive repeater one or a smarter comparator/observer one) so that the cart has time to unload into the hopper below it before being sent off again where it can make its way back to you.
in my update, you can fill the (good looking) chest minecart and use a single powered rail to push it where it will continue to the end (slowly, but at a far more consistent and as a baseline FASTER pace) where it will reach a detector rail connected to a rail signal which will start its timer, stopping the minecart. the cart will unload into the hopper, the timer will finish, sending the minecart into a powered bumper rail on the end where it will flip directions and be sent back, it will pass through the rail signal (because the detector block is on the other side) as if it were a normal rail, and come all the way back to me.
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orisquirrelking · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering are you comfortable writing for Yanderes? If so can you do some Yandere Midas?
If not thats totally understandable! Have a nice day :)
Fellow fnite liker i am gonna be real i have never consumed any yandere fiction other than yansim and that is it so. I hope i did… not butcher this lol
Uhhbskjf lets say in this universe “fortnite”/battle royale is a gameshow. The loopers dont actually die obvs but they can feel pain etc and keep their injuries afterwards. I like this hc v much so. Im using it. (I shit you not i am listening to chug jug with you as i write this SMHHH) this is not beta read we die like peely
As we all know, Midas is the leader of ghost, which means this man has blood on his hands, and as a former battle royale champion, Midas has killed many people and is very much prepared to go all out when it comes to you.
Midas has never actually met you. You’re a younger player,(20-25,) mostly sticking to “team rumble’s” as they’re called, before entering into the actual battle royale.
You caught the former champions eye when you won your first “real” match. You were in rough shape, but despite that, you were grinning from ear to ear, hand clutching one of the worse wounds you had sustained during your fight. There was something in your eyes, a spark that reminded Midas of himself, and he grew enamoured with the figure he saw on the screen.
It started with very specific supply drops.
Every once in a while, you would get anonymous sponsor boxes with the weapons you preferred. As a new victor, this didn’t seem out of the norm for you. You’ve been sponsored before, but the items were never this specific and on brand. You noticed your little gifts from the sky had a small insignia on them, usually on the barrel of the gun, but you never payed them mind.
You seemed to be more welcome in certain areas of the island, specifically the ones that were, or still are controlled by ghost. Not one to question good fortune, you stuck to these areas as often as you could. Eventually, you matched up the logos from your weapons to the infamous ghost, and put two and two together. Somebody higher up favoured you, that was for certain, but who?
Midas would tune into every one of your matches, sending out whatever he could to help without bringing himself to attention. You died once. The mood at ghost was soured until your next match, in which you managed to survive, barely.
He had to keep an eye on you. He put himself back into the ring. Using his training as one of the worlds largest crime leaders, he disguised himself and grabbed a sniper, keeping an eye on you through the scope, killing anybody that dared look in your direction.
You noticed, of course.
Why would a seemingly new player with that much skill only kill the contestants around you? You didn’t understand what was going on until your first duo’s match.
It was all Midas’s idea, of course. Coercing the hosts into only doing duo matches that week. He again threw his hat in the ring, so to speak, and eagerly teamed up with you.
You were starstruck. THE Midas, kingpin of ghost, former battle royale champion, teaming up with you? A beginner no less. You immediately agreed to his offer, readying yourself for the gut churning drop to the island.
You landed in a ghost dominated area. The luck you two had was insane, but that was to be expected with Midas at your side, and his lackeys at your back. You two won countless matches before the week ended and you decided to call it a day, and rest up for the rest of the month. Midas slipped you his personal number, saying it was for battle strats and if you ever wanted to team up again.
The number was… not used for that. You two spent hours texting eachother, when the golden man suddenly got serious. He asked you to meet him at one of the ghost controlled coffee fronts. He told you about sneaking into the battle royales and keeping an eye on you. He told you everything. You recoiled, as one would after finding out their hero was a stalker, told him you needed some time, and left to your home.
Midas was furious. How could you? Why would you take him for granted after all he’d done for you? He was constantly blowing up your phone. Work, break, middle of the night, there were texts upon texts from him. “I’m sorries,” “Forgive me’s,” “Why can’t you understand’s,” and more. You blocked his number. And the number after that. And all of the gimmick numbers he was using to contact you. Eventually you had opted to just drown your phone in the sink and stick to using your home and office computers for everything.
He snapped. Ignoring him was one thing. Cutting him out of your life? That, he could not stand. And so he devised a plan. Your next match. His henchmen wearing gas masks. A bottle of chloroform, and you.
When you woke up, you were dazed and confused, as one often is when they are… to put it bluntly, kidnapped. The whole room seemed to sparkle. Golden bed frame, golden silk sheets, golden door with a golden trim to match. Your heart sank. You knew exactly where you were, and you knew you were never getting out.
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nymphrasis · 14 days
Decided to answer a few asks at once, instead of one for today ;;w;;
Also part of me wishes that I could have these fellas introduced ( Not in ask-abomination. Just moreso their own stories mayhaps? ). Since Ive had the ideas of them for a very long time now but have not done anything with it yet ;;w;;. I remember wanting to make emotes of them at some point. I think I have made a blog of them but never really started on it yet because haha I got nervous >w<""".
It is these four ( Artist credit below ): Akika Sasaki ( Lopunny / Hatterene / Blissey )
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Zarathos Zyllar ( Lucario / Zoroark / Bisharp / Zamazenta )
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Li Jing ( Gardevoir / Swanna / Primarina / Alolan Ninetales )
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Kusunoki Nishimura ( Mawile / Roserade )
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( Although I still debate if I replace Kusunoki with Jinkuro or just make it a 5 member party instead of 4. This is Jinkuro btw! No last name has been planned, as ideas are poo ;w;! Grimmsnarl x Doublade x Alolan Marowak )
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( Artist credits btw for 1,2,3, and 5 are https://www.deviantart.com/collywobblies and 4 is https://toyhou.se/BlueNoelle )
I had ideas for them and they were intended to be my practice for writing and story building ;;w;;! There was even going to be an introduction to the power of megas and dynamaxing! I even made this back in 2022, as a way where there is a discussion of immerse uncontrollable power to have when two items are combined!
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( Be it I did adjusted the ideas since then x3 )
There are ideas of guilds! Inspiration are moreso from animes I've watched xd! These five are part of one! I haven't have full character rosters yet for the guild they are in, because these particular characters I keep bouncing between this and of another story ( But I dont feel like they belong to said other story. I feel like they belong to this one, but I've never fully established it because its been on and off ;;w;; )! The following are here:
Tartarus ( Gallade / Aegislash / Darkrai / Corviknight by https://www.deviantart.com/collywobblies )
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Zaros ( Darkrai / Yveltal / Hisuian Zoroark https://toyhou.se/Kyatra )
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Athena ( Gardevoir / Guzzlord. Not meant to be part of the guild btw! She is one of the antagonists! By https://toyhou.se/RaccoonSaloon )
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Imelda ( Lucario / Marowak. By @sphaeramjourney )
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Zakeal ( Morgrem. By https://toyhou.se/MiranKaza )
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Kaitlyn ( Incineroar / Blissey / Machamp. By https://www.deviantart.com/bluescienceisbest )
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Ezekiel ( Gallade / Volbeat. By https://toyhou.se/MiranKaza )
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Damoclios ( Armarouge x Ceruledge )
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Why am I suddenly bringing this up? Well... A friend recently dm'd me, asking of these characters and said how they miss hearing how happy I talk of these particular ocs, how I've always wanted to make a practice writing-base ask blog of them, and want to send these stinkers to others ask boxes just to faun over how my ocs interact with theirs ( and they meant these in particular because, uh... Well... I admittedly talk to this friend of how I'd imagine how others ocs interact with my ocs base on the asks I imagined -/////-. Can you tell that I obsess about this community but feel too shy about it? ) because this was brought back to me and even encouraged to try to give this idea another go ( This time not feel afraid ), I have just been overall debating about it ;;w;; If I do try it, I will at least need to fill up the main guild missing roles. Like... I don't have a guild leader to this story yet xd. I have yet to decide on species. Ofc the blog will focus on bipedal and anthros pwp. No ferals this time around! ( This does not mean ferals dont exist in my world for this! They do, but are very rare! Even rarer if it is a non-hybrid feral! ) I will have to replan an intro because uh... I've forgotten the old one xd. I didnt had it saved anywhere. But this does mean pausing the Kuruna blog, just to not overwhelm myself pwp
Part of me worries about whether this would even have any interests ;;w;;. Like yeah I will have fun and writing practice, that is priority! Just unsure if anyone would like this too ;;w;;
aaaaaa Also hope y'all didnt mind my little oc talk! I do miss brain rotting about my ocs but not sure if any is interested to hear ;;w;;
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dearweirdme · 10 months
Hello, I'm a different anon from the rest, and I apologize if you're tired of this conversation.
I was one of the people who was surprised about the hello kitty plushie, two helmets, and crop top. If the plushie was at Jin or jhope's house I wouldn't bat an eye. But it was and Jungkook's house, and he has never really shown interest in cute sanrio things. We've seen his place a billion times and it's always been very plain. I agree with you and your anons that assuming he has a gf based on a stuffed animal is silly, but I don't think that's the case for the majority. For me personally, it reminded me of Yubi. I know everyone is tired of the yubi talk, but she is the only rumor that actually has some backing to it. No matter if their relationship was or wasn't romantic, there is no denying she is/was linked to JK.
I saw someone bring up JK denying he had a gf. I dont think thats any proof tbh because just based on idol culture, they will never straight up tell you they're dating. That's just not how it works. Maybe he was telling the truth and he doesn't have a gf, but that doesn't disprove the leaked videos either since it is months apart. In my eyes he confirmed the video when he went live and told fans they know where he lives and and made a gesture with his head towards the window. & Hypothetically, if be had a gf, I don't think he deliberately put the helmets and the hello kitty in the frame to send a message. When something has been there for a while you dont really think about it. We haven't gotten a live from him in a long time either, and one could argue is because his gf had been over for a long period of time. The helmets left on the couch seemed like he went riding with someone and they took it off in the living room. Based on lives, his helmets aren't ever on the couch, so that's not the usual places he stores them. I think its fair to assume they were both recently used.
All in all, I think it's odd to call people ridiculous or trolls just because they don't blindly believe in taekook. I will admit I flip-flop a ton, but it's because I'm a visual person. The visual facts that we have are tae holding hands with a female and jungkook embracing a female in his apartment. In terms of taekook yes there's some sweet moments (which is why i became a tkkr), but nothing that can't be pinned on korean skinship between males. I just don't see the problem with asking questions because it's valid when we see contradicting things. & again, it's not just about the plushie there's more to it, but this is getting too long so I'll end it here.
Hi anon!
I am actually a bit tired of this, but I'll take the time to respond to you and explain my reasoning a bit.
First of all, I did not call anyone a troll or an idiot for not blindly believing in Taekook. I've had this blog for a while now, and I recognize when people send me stuff because they actually want to hear my thoughts (you for instance) or when they send me stuff just to gloat or bully. I think I'm allowed to use some stronger wording to show my annoyance at that. I understand why people do not blindly believe in Taekook, very much so even.. I have less patience for those who do not even try to see and open their minds up a bit though. Overall I think it's clear that I'm very open to receiving asks and discussing things from severall viewpoints.
For me all those items aren't really a big deal. The plushie he could have easily gotten from a fan or a friend or whatever recently, no clue why it's been decided that it's not his plushie but that of a supposed gf. I imagine during Golden release Jk has gotten many gifts from many sides and this could easily be one of them. The helmets on the couch does make it look like he just returned from having driven home with someone, but nowhere it becomes obvious that it was a woman who drove with him. It could have been anyone really, regardless of gender and relationship. I do understand why the top is suspicious to some. It does look like a female top to me. It hanging on his coat rack makes me think someone left it at his place even, but also.. it hanging on his coat rack makes me think it's from a friend or staff rather then from a gf. I think Jk didn't even think twice about leaving it there because it is nothing special to him.
Jk said he has no girlfriend, which I believe. The part in his house was filmed after he stated that I believe.. or around the same time, which means he did not have a gf at the time of the GCF filming as well. I do recognize that members could lie about these things, but I lean more towards them ignoring things like that if they are in fact dating rather than lying about it. Duck and dive is what they're being tought in mediatraining.
I don't feel the lack of lives is because someone was constantly at his place. I think Jk has been working really hard and hasn't actually wanted to do much lives, for reasons of his own. Realistically speaking, he would have had time to go live even if he had someone over a lot. He could have gone into another room, he could have done it when the person was away for a bit, many possibilities.
I definitely don't agree that everything between Tae and Jk can be explained by skinship. To me there's many moments that go beyond that. (if I find time somewhere maybe I'll finally make a post for those moments).
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sunny6677 · 22 days
And finally for tonight Ross's storyline of what went down when he escaped.
I tried respecting the original material the best I could, so I apologize if this comes off as insensitive considering what the original was supposed to symbolize. If disturbing depressing stuff fends you away, then dont read this./gen
@catsockpuppet @mayisgoingnuts
Storyline: Ross.
So it begins with these people just chilling on a boat that happens to be near an island, only for it to suddenly explode and start sinking while screaming. It goes down very quickly, and in an eery cut to silence, they're all presumably dead.
It cuts to the city, who apparently knows about the incident and sort of already knows why. Apparently in a strange incident, a bunch of entities went running free only to vanish—they only had small glimpses of these entities, but one of them was a 'pirahna-like' humanoid (Ross) who vanished into the water. Wanting to know what could have caused this and why the damage done to the ship was so brutal, they send people over to investigate the island.
And.. surely enough as they go to investigate, they end up going to the top of the mountain. But just as they're about to go down, they see the humanoid seemingly just waiting there or almost seemingly attempting to hide while twitching. They all begin to run frantically, and whatever it is goes wide-eyed and starts trying to crawl away from them—but it's tail lashes up and kills people accidentally in the process.
Someone ends up catching a photo of him though, and they start determining whatever the hell this thing is since the building the entities escapes from was completely destroyed to ashes and they aren't sure of what his context even is. They do determine that he is presumably quite dangerous though, so they start trying to come up with ways to fucking murder him. They also brush off a 'crazy lady who keeps insisting it's her son' (Aka Jaune). And they decide maybe bombing the waters that it apparently swam into after the incident may do the trick.
So they do that. And it's useless, obviously—since he just swims away frantically. Cut to some doctor named Serizawa who came from overseas with an item he thinks may be useful called the Oxygen Destroyer, which will kill anything in it's range. He displays this to a woman by setting one of it's parts in a fish tank, causing all the fishes inside to disintegrate into skeletons. He demands no one is to ever find out about this no matter what since he doesn't want the wrong people to end up using it.
Ross is still in lots of pain obviously, so as he swims frantically and is shot at—he goes onto land without thinking and starts running while screaming at the top of his lungs in sheer agony, killing people in the process without meaning to. Despite being shot at multiple times, this does nothing to stop him. They try setting up an electrical barrier to prevent him from going any further, but this just causes him to bust through and be in even more pain—beginning to cry as he screams out and runs through while being shot at once again.
The damage Ross has done is plenty on the city. Children screaming and crying as their dead parents are taken away, several people dead, survivors traumatized and dissociated from what happened, etc etc.
Serizawa, seeing the damage that was done, ends up reluctantly agreeing to use the Oxygen Destroyer. And after destroying all the line outs for it so no one can ever recreate it, goes to a navy ship which locates Ross trying to rest under the sea, heads down and deploys the device. He considers staying there as a sacrifice, but thinking of his wife from above, he slowly heads back up. The device goes off, and 'kills' Ross—at least they think so since he's gone after. But they still aren't happy even with it. For the damage Ross has done has been done, and if they aren't careful, something like this could happen again.
However, Ross is still very much around, so he appears again a little later on. I'll get to that later though.
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calciumdeficientt · 1 month
RAAAAAAGH ITS TIME,,,,, SOME SUKI HCS FOR @captain-save-a-ho (i dont know what her last name is so when you see this pleeeease please please comment her last name so i can add it I’m sooooo sorry D’:)
Literally do not assume that female bullies will be generally nicer to their victims because that is not the case. Especially not when it comes to Suki, i feel like she definitey tries to keep herself to herself more than the other bullies but its definitely not out of any form of decorum, she just can’t get more that 6 detentions each semester or Crabblesnitch will pick her up by the collar an throw her ass out on the street
She definitely started with two green converse, all pristine and cutesy, but in true converse wearer fashion she decided she wanted to make them look a little more worn out and grungy and ended up having to toss the shoe. A likely possibility is that she was doing a stupid ninja stunt with Ethan and he threw a firecracker at her, frazzling both her skirt and her converse. One shoe miraculously survived but the other one was officially lost forever. They held a funeral for it in the parking lot before promptly lighting the shoe on fire in a funeral pyre composed of several weeks worth of unfinished homework assignments and personal belongings from their most recent victims. Legends say that the fumes of burn rubber still haunt the parking lot to this day.
Suki is no stranger to uniforms, growing up in Croydon, uniforms are the norm (UK bully fans rise up btw). But because they are the norm, Suki knows every trick in the book to weasel her way out of wearing as few items of school issued clothing as humanly possible. One key way she found worked wonders, was to kick off every time she got in trouble, this worked especially well on the prefects. While power hungry, the prefects are not paid for their labour, and they have little to no actual punishing power. All they could really do was A- make her change, B- send her to Crabblesnitch who would then have her sent to detention or C- keep her in her dorm. A good few tries of this eventually allowed her to keep her shorts as neither the prefects, nor Crabblesnitch could really be bothered to keep trying to tame her
Number one victim of tripping over shit that people toss on the ground, you’d assume that because she spends so much time looking at her shoes she’d actually be the safest person from stray marbles or discarded banana peels but this could not be further from the truth. Her hubris of literally never tying her shoelaces means that even if she did manage to see the object and swerve around it, she’d probably end up stomping on one of her laces and eating shit anyway.
Totally gets the piss taken out of her over her accent, its just a fact of life at bullworth that if there’s a discernable flaw about you that can be pulled apart and used against you, its going to be. Consider it Newton’s fourth law or some shit. I dont know… I’m not a nerd, i dont know how many laws that guy had in his arsenal. Not that it really matters to Suki, she can dish it just as well as she can take it, even if the constant barrage of poor imitations of her accent are really, REALLY fucking annoying.
Doesn’t really care for class, she’ll only go if she gets busted, even then she wont really pay attention. Her parents moved her across the ocean, away from her life in London, and not even to a good town or a good school. She got sent to a dump full of creeps and kids that are going nowhere, can you really blame her for wanting to cut class and fire her slingshot at the Jocks while they do their drills on the football field?
The dragonfly tattoo was done by Otto on his kitchen table in Blue Skies for about 12 bucks and a pack of smokes. It was done half with a gun and half stick and poke, not on purpose either. Otto’s gun broke halfway through so he boiled an old sewing needle and did the rest of the tattoo with that. It hurt like hell and got very very infected, but it still looks fucking awesome so like… swings and roundabouts I guess.
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froot-batty · 1 year
Okay I gotta ask, Ozzie and Ed? You got a var about em or anythin? If nothin then plz use this as a freebie question, whatever you want to be asked but haven't? I'm asking it here just pretend
I'm also here to once again call you gay, with platonic love
sorry nygmob nation but UNFORTUNATELY they are not an item in my au. they're relatively close though, but ed is more like that annoying nephew that keeps asking oz for money. oz tolerates it because none of the rogues really like him because he accidentally (kind of) unleashed two-face upon them
(and also because ed will do anything if you give them money. he's the one that made ozzie's trick cane and gun umbrella [gunbrella])
but hrrmm. besides just general stuff about my rogues there's nothing particularly i've wanted to be asked. how about i just share some fun facts about oz and ed instead
Ozzie -he has vitiligo! its not that noticable because he has the complexion of fucking dracula but he isnt a big fan of it, so he wears as many layers as possible usually -he first injured his leg when he was younger after almost getting crushed in a car compactor (hashtag gotham). after he moved to gotham he eventually decided to get it amputated. nowadays he doesn't really need a cane to walk, but it's good for stashing hidden weapons -he and jon have an ongoing rivalry about who can tame the most wild birds in gotham. they have started bird gang wars -everyone's gay uncle that is GREAT to talk shit to
Ed -he and harley dye each other's hair, but like every 1/5 times she'll just absolutely fuck it up and cackle as they try not to explode -got his start in crime by losing it at his retail electronics job. they would rig rude customer's electronics to tell riddles or have you complete mazes to unlock or just generally be annoying as hell. causing his boss' laptop to explode and hospitalizing him is what really started it, though -has blown up gotham city and will do it again if given the chance. the other rogues are constantly on babysitting duty to ensure that they dont get a massive amount of explosives again -type of guy to get up at 4am and send RISE AND GRIND 🔥🔥🔥🔥 texts to everyone in their contact list
and i love you platonically too, mysterious anon who calls me gay
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selamat-linting · 1 year
There are millions of things that were once considered supernatural that have since been proven as scientific reality. Platypuses, for one.
At some point "I don't believe in the supernatural" becomes "Science has already discovered everything there is to be discovered".
Which is factually incorrect.
One could argue that space aliens are supernatural. They are also incredibly likely to exist, somewhere out in the infinite expanse.
You don't just believe that magic isn't real, you also believe that if something is real it cannot be magical.
In a world where children's laughter exists?
How silly of you.
maybe you should understand the context of what im writing first asshole. in my country, we have faith healers, people who say they can fix a stroke with a massage, people who believe the stars align someone's career and personality, people who claim they can double money with some chants and help from djinns, people who put graveyard soil on their competitors' shop. people who ate convince thousands of severely ill people to stop chemo treatments to drink prayer water. people who collect gemstones and call it magic then sell it to a high price for desperate people down on their luck. and sooo many grifters saying they could speak to the dead. that is the "magic" im talking about. where in the world did i refer to magic as a metaphorical descriptor for something beautiful?
"magic" in my life, is a code for grifters, people using the naivety, desperation, and grief of others to drain them of money, giving them false hope, or worse. you have no idea how many cases of parents that were misled by local witch doctors saying their kids arent actually dead forever in the woods, theyre just taken to the realm of invisible beings and will come back someday. or mentally ill people and neurodivergent kids literally tortured in an effort to exorcise ghosts and bad spirits. spiritual gurus sexually harrassing vulnerable women for cleansing/ritual purposes, or faith healers and mediums who realized they cant keep up the lie anymore so they started killing and raping their clients. do you want me to send you a fucking of all that news stories that happen in my country? my country doesnt need more magical thinking, we need scientific and secular education, and a conscious effort to get rid of those superstitions or else we'll be stuck praying to various entities and magic items instead of actively revolting and working together to make a better country.
also where the fuck did i say science has already discovered everything? im saying im a skeptic, that means i believe everything has a scientific explanation, but that doesnt mean science have already figured everything out nor that its free of criticism. i dont doubt i will die with the knowledge that we only know so little about the universe we might as well call ourselves cavemen.
also where the fuck did i bring up aliens you freak?
forgive me for assuming but, let me guess : you skim read my personal post and instantly paint me as a stuffy skeptic bro who adheres to reason and hates whimsy despite barely knowing me or my life. youre shadowboxing over someone you created in your head but youre convinced youre fighting me. well i may be wrong so i apologize beforehand
but anyway, i hope youre just a stranger who never reads this reply. if youre not, then you really should have read my pinned post before deciding to follow my blog or be my mutual. i already write it down there that im critical to any form of magical thinking and supernatural bullshit. leave my fucking blog if you cant handle it.
but no matter who you are, i hope you got scammed by a faith healer and had a botched suicide attempt after realizing youve fucked up your entire recovery process and lost all of your money and potential. or yknow what, cut the middle man. just kill yourself tonight. youre into magic right? you believe in those signs of the universe and lucky numbers stuff? cmiiw but if its true i hope you know that this is a sign from the universe to kill yourself.
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bagheerita · 6 months
Asking about "What if Nothing" not because I dont know but because I am desperate for a little peak at the next part👀
😂 Well if you're desperate... let me see if I can help with that.
wip tag game
So "What if Nothing" is my workdoc for the What if Nothing series. The next fic is currently titled "These Wolves, They Keep on Scratching at My Heart" but I've already changed it once so it might change again. It's about John coming to grips with the fact that he's thrown his lot in with Todd, and what that means for him personally. And also what it means to the rest of the galaxy, because they consider all Wraith pretty much the same and he has to kind of prove himself when he happens on a culling and also runs into Ronon. Meanwhile Todd has been absent too much so he has to go back to the hive and do Commandery stuff, which involves following up on some rumors about an outcast Wraith who knows about a way to sustain Wraith without feeding on humans, among other things. I haven't decided if they also finalize things with the Asurans in this story or if that needs a separate story.
This is all I have so far:
Before John leaves Todd to go hide the ZPMs and shop for supplies, Todd gives him a knife.
The handle is elaborately carved, and the black leather sheath has a pattern of iratus embossed all down the edge.
“The quality is good. Use it to trade for the items you need,” Todd says. “Here.” He shrugs out of his coat, pulling it around John's shoulders. “Tell them you killed me and took it. They will not suspect you of the truth then.”
John swallows. “I don't-” he begins, but doesn't know what he intended to say after that.
Todd's eyes are bright, and John has to pull him close and kiss him again, Todd’s arms around him and John holding the knife in one hand, the other tangled in Todd's thin shirt, holding on to him.
“Do not be foolish, Sheppard,” Todd murmurs against his mouth. “Tell them you killed me to get it.”
John leans back and snorts. “Trust me, I have some experience hiding illegal relationships.” It's supposed to be a joke; probably not a great one given what got him into this mess. “Anyway.” He looks away from Todd. “I've got plenty of stories about killing Wraith so they don't think to ask if I like fucking them.”
Todd sighs. “I dislike sending you alone.” His hands linger on John, smoothing the coat over his front.
There's something warm in John's chest that feels like it wants to explode. “I'll be fine.”
“Of course you will,” Todd agrees. He steps back with another sigh. “I must go.”
“Yeah.” John's hand goes to touch the coat he wears.
“It may take some time for the virus to work on the Asuran planet,” Todd says. “It need not weigh on your mind that you complete this errand before we go to examine their progress.”
John snorts. “Better to hurry than dawdle.” That jolts him into action the way nothing else had. “Shouldn't take me long. See you in three days, tops.”
John visits the first two worlds on Todd’s list without incident, hiding ZPMs under the floor of an abandoned building and in a cave under a frozen waterfall. The third address has Wraith present, and John hides the ZPM under an outcropping of energy rich rocks on the other side of the planet. That's him two-thirds done with the first errand in under twelve hours.
On the fourth planet he gets careless and is almost caught by another Wraith. On the plus side he gets to try out his new knife.
He's sitting on one side of the jumper, panting, looking over at the blood slowly drying on the dead Wraith's coat, and he thinks he has an answer to something that's been nagging at him.
Prepared for his second errand, John lands the jumper on a planet his team explored last year, now deserted after a Culling, and then gates to Fellar for the market there.
He trades some of the gear from the jumper for some shirts. No one asks why the duffel bag he hands over is stamped USAF and he doesn't ask where a Pegasus merchant got shirts with labels that say “made in Texas.” Apparently the market for Earth fashions isn't great, and the duffle is worth four shirts.
He waits till he finds a tailor to bring out the Wraith coats- Todd’s and the Wraith he stabbed. “I want to sell this material. Any market for it?”
The woman looks up from her needlework and frowns at him. “I can take it, but I can't give you much for it,” she says. “There isn't much call for Wraithskin, but it's durable. I can use it for scraps and linings.”
John looks around at the samples of her wares. “Could I get this one tailored to fit me?” he asks as casually as he can.
She looks up from her needle to level a long look at him. She looks down. “It would be cheaper than buying one new. Provided you found the right tailor.”
He exhales. “Then you're not interested.”
She snorts. “You don't have anything to trade.”
He pulls out Todd's knife. The tailor tenses, but John tuck the knife under his arm for the moment and holds up the tooled leather sheath and belt.
Her eyes flicker in interest but she shakes her head.
“I could do something for you,” John offers. The tailor's look can only be described as suspicious, and he elaborates hastily, “Physical labor, or something.”
He watches her needle move for several minutes.
She sets down her work. “Seven days, doing all my labor so that I can concentrate on this, and I keep the other coat, the belt, and all scraps.”
John hesitates. “I have an appointment in two days I can't miss.”
She snorts. “Four days. No less. And it won't be fancy.”
John takes a deep breath. “I'll need a new sheath for the knife. Something simple.”
She nods.
“Okay,” John says. “You have a deal.”
She gives him a long look then nods. She puts down her needlework and fetches a tool from her supplies. “You can start by ripping these seams out for me.”
John cuts out the seams on both sides of Todd's coat.
“Do you want to keep the length?” She asks, eyeing him as he works.
John hesitates. “Some. Past the knee,” he says recklessly. He has a coat in college that he loved that was longer like that. The tailor's eyes linger on him like she knows and he continues, “could you make it with lapels like this,” he mimes out the shape, “with buttons here?”
She smiles in a way that softens her face and nods.
When he's done with that he cuts the other coat into strips about an inch wide. His hands hurt from the unfamiliar activity of gripping the shears she gave him to use, and thankfully after that it's time to help her pack up her market stall and head home.
“My name is John,” he says as they're walking. “You know. Just in case you need to yell something at me.”
She smirks. “Yalanna,” she replies. He has to assume that's her name.
Yalanna turns out to live with her sister's family; she sends John out to help her brother-in-law with the farm, and when he comes back in he learns he's signed on to do farmwork for the next few days, Yalanna will stay home from the market to work on his coat with help from her youngest niece, and her older niece, whom John is replacing in the field, will go to town to open the stall and sell Yalanna's wares.
It's an uncomplicated few days. John learned enough about horses when he was younger to not be entirely worthless on a farm, but he’s never done labor like this before, pacing up and down endless rows with the ploughbeasts, bending down to run his fingers through dirt to break it up before standing and moving on to repeat. He wants to be worried about Todd, the Asurans, Atlantis, but he falls onto his pallet in the stable every night and sleeps deeply without dreaming.
Yalanna has him try on the coat when she's done pinning it how she likes and before she sews in the final seams. John is surprised by how much he likes it. He runs his hands down the material and flips the collar up to cover his neck.
Yalanna looks satisfied. “I will have it finished tomorrow,” she says.
John’s lost track of time but he thinks that will be five days actually. He doesn't say anything, because it's good work.
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beachesgetpeaches · 1 year
Re: your post on Matty Healy/Taylor Swift.
She platformed him at her concert. She platformed a person who gets off on watching woc being brutalised and thinks nazi jokes are funny. This is not about parasocial relationships. Wouldn’t you be outraged if she invited Donald Trump on stage? A man that believes some of the audience don’t deserve human rights. It’s the same to thing.
Disagreeing with who she gives platform to and pointing your outrage in the right direction is different. I think people who are hurt by this, their feelings are valid, but people have put their actions towards performative activism imo.
Asking for Taylor to address the concerns publicly doesn't actually do anything. It is at its core performative, would be done to appease and calm the masses.
Do you want to know what is more outrageous? That multiple threads and videos and posts name the specific porn site directly. That buzzfeed and (more than likely) other sources have named the site thus making sure everyone knows how to get to it. The right course of action would have been to band together in all of the Swift fandom numbers, and decide to take this site down - find out where to write emails, who to contact, how to get shit done.
Instead we are crying at Taylor to address shit publicly when even if she agrees thar Matty fucked up on that podcast she is going to talk to him in private.
Sidenote: I did not pick up where he had nazi jokes that were funny so I just want to say that. Don't want people reading this and adding to the list of things without doing any due diligence.
Now onto the part where I will lose you...
I understand being hurt by what has been going around regarding Matty, but I do not believe he is a person who believes that specific groups of people do not deserve to have human rights. That is a very very very loaded statement. And as I've said in that post I think Matty in items brought up (idk if Ive seen everything that people are talking about) can come off as insensitive or ignorant.
The statement "believes people dont deserve basic human rights", and a lot of isms being talked about - for me to be a truly despicable person deserving of this level of hate and vitriol you have to continuously, consistently, purposely, with malicious intent do things over basically your whole career.
I don't think he has done this because if he has then the band would no longer be the band, I don't think they would actually have fans who are still willing to discuss when he is being a dick or whatever (fucking up). I do not think Taylor would associate herself with such a person. Like if he were truly so despicable, then we are basically saying everyone who "hangs out" with him is the same, and to me the proof for that does not exist... so he isn't the fucking devil after all, right?
bottom line: I cannot and will not stand behind the god awful hate and treatment of this man online especially when a bit of exploration shows that he stands for the things you are accusing him of. i respect peoples feelings and needs to distance themselves if that makes them feel better, but i cant stand behind these sentiments as I don't think they're "productive". my activism always focuses on what can actually make a change and sending matty healy and his family death threats or saying you hope he ODs is not it. public letters to taylor is not it.
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ephemeral-eternity · 1 year
Im having a lot of thoughts and I’m trying to turn them into something constructive instead of destructive so heres some things I’m learning regarding how to help someone who is grieving. I can’t ever speak for everyone so just make decisions based on what you know about the person who is having a difficult time but maybe this will give some ideas.
When Someone is Grieving
- Ask if they want/provide company in whatever form they would like (in person, phone call, texting, at home, going out somewhere, playing a game, watching something, hugging, etc.) Ask this more than once because grief doesn’t last one day.
- Ask if they want to talk either about the loss or as a distraction. If the first then listen and be supportive - if the latter then talk about something unrelated that the person is interested in (game show book activity etc. ask them questions about it or talk about what you know regarding it). Again ask this more than once. If they already opened up then ask if there is anything else they didn’t mention yet thats on their mind or anything they did mention that they still need to discuss or process.
- Ask if they ate anything, ask if they want food. Keep checking in to make sure they are eating and drinking. Give them food preferably something easy to eat or something they like.
- Send them something of comfort - blanket, pillow, plush - item can depend on the person. I know the big thing is food and I still say thats number one. But speaking as someone who has no support system where I live - meaning no one to talk to or get any physical comfort from like a hug - i have to rely on myself and the things around me so receiving items that are physically there from people who ARE a support system is comforting. It can be bought or something made and doesn’t have to be big - you know the person just keep them in mind when deciding.
- If you can, and the person is okay with you being at their place - go and help clean. Just doing dishes or laundry or vacuuming would be a huge help and make the persons environment better. Its so difficult to do anything when it feels like your world is broken and living in a messy environment makes it that much harder.
- If they do open up about whatever they are feeling do not respond with “i dont know what to say” if you dont know then just reassure them you are there for them or even just that you are sorry they are dealing with whatever it is and ask if they need anything. This may be a personal thing but being told “i dont know what to say” is always the worst thing for me to hear and makes me feel like a burden or like im making the person uncomfortable and they want me to stop. And I know the people who say this mean well but it makes me feel guilty regardless. And obviously anything dismissive like “it will be fine/its not that bad/ ive been through worse” is a horrible response but i assume most people with an ounce of empathy know this already.
- Ask them more than once how they are doing. And i don’t mean back to back or excessively but at some point each day or every so often check in - not everyone will reach out even if you tell them to and assure them if they need anything to ask. Take the initiative and check in - it means so much and also the person is more likely to actually talk and say what they need to say.
- Send them things that make you think of them. A song, a video, a meme, whatever it is idc as long as its genuine. Just another way to show you are there and thinking of them without directly asking or bringing up whatever it is the person is dealing with.
- Keep in mind, whatever the person is dealing with - the void of loss or grief or pain will be constantly present especially when the event is recent. The pain may subside if they are distracted while talking or spending time with you but the second that distraction ends the void is back. Things will take time - be patient with the person.
- Take care of yourself as well depending on whats happening but do not make the other person feel like a burden.
- Most importantly: Tell them you love them.
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