#like i truly can't think of any other triggers that would make him break down like that
dylanconrique · 2 years
i can’t wait for the angst that’s gonna hit when tim hears a call over his radio that there’s an officer down, immediately ditching his post behind that desk when they give out lucy’s name and badge number to find grey to give him keys to one of the shops so he can get to the scene as fast as possible.
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
i’m thinking about kaveh first dropping off his kid in ghandarva ville. he did a good job explaining to them that he’ll be back before they know it and that he’ll alway be there for them. before he leaves he feels little hands clutching onto his leg as they just whisper “you promise you’re gonna come back? you won’t leave me, right? you promise you won’t leave me?”
i'll be back.
summary. kaveh finds the strength to leave his child in gandharva ville.
trigger & content warnings. fear of abandonment, references to kaveh's backstory.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. comfort, soft angst. adoptive dad!kaveh & child!reader. 0.9k words. they/them pronouns for reader.
author's thoughts. wow you just woke up today and chose gentle violence huh anon /LH i love soft angst. hard angst? yeah, it definitely hurts, but soft angst like this? idk. it hits different sometimes!!!
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kaveh did not want to resort to this. he didn't.
the architect truly, sincerely had tried his very best to think of any alternate solutions—maybe he could convince alhaitham to give [name] a chance? no, caring for a child he impulsively decided to pick up off the streets isn't his roommate's responsibility and it really never would be unless the scribe himself decided to take it on, but some people have spontaneous changes of heart! why would alhaitham be any different?
(unfortunately, said man was not going to budge anytime soon. a child would disrupt the comfortable life he had put so much effort into building. kaveh had no choice but to accept that fact. well, really, he knew from the beginning! he was just hoping alhaitham might change.)
in the end, he managed to come up with nothing. he could not think of a single good or attainable option that would allow him to keep them. as much as he hated to admit it, only alhaitham's solution was a viable and reasonable one.
so, here he is, standing in front of tighnari's home in gandharva ville motionlessly with his child held securely in his arms. there were no words in any language that kaveh knew of that could describe what he was feeling. he wordlessly rubs soothing circles on their back.
the silence is impossibly loud.
tighnari does not rush him. he does not so much as even think of complaining. he simply waits quietly with collei at his side, the girl bouncing on her heels slightly in a nervous fidget. she wants to be a good caretaker to [name]; tighnari knows the prospect alone of having to care for them is making her nervous.
kaveh's slightly wavering voice finally breaks the silence:
"you know why i have to leave you here, right?"
they nod quietly, little hands clenched in fists raising up to rub at their watery eyes with their palms—they hope it looks like they're tired and not like they're about to cry, which they are. they hope he doesn't know they're about to cry. they hope he just thinks they're tired from the long journey. they hope he doesn't know the truth.
kaveh knows, of course.
he doesn't say anything about it, though, and only tries to swallow back his own emotions. he tries his best to repress the nauseous feeling stirring in his gut. he tries his best to repress the crawling of his skin. he tries his best to repress the thoughts that this is so impossibly wrong, so impossibly cruel of him.
he hasn't known this child for long, but...
he felt like he was abandoning them.
he felt like he was abandoning his flesh and blood.
absentmindedly, kaveh wondered if this was how his mother felt when she left to fontaine. he hopes not. this feeling is vile. he wouldn't wish it upon his worst enemy.
"and you also know that i'm going to come back all the time to see you, right? and i'm always going to be here if you need me?"
their voice cracks slightly. "yeah."
it's not at all that kaveh doesn't trust tighnari and collei; he does, and he knows they'll take good care of [name], but... still. he wants to be the one taking care of them. he wants to keep them.
he can't.
kaveh then kneels down, and their heart sinks in to the pit of their stomach, despite the fact that they already knew this was inevitably going to happen. just as they dreaded, he sets them down onto their own two feet.
they're reluctant to release their tiny grip from his shirt, but they do so regardless of their hesitance. a slight whimper rises in their throat when kaveh's warmth is gone from them.
kaveh hasn't ever really had to comfort children before.
he's... not sure what to do from here, quite frankly, so he does the first thing that comes to mind.
he leans forward, pressing the smallest, most hesitant of kisses to the crown of their head.
then, he stands up.
he doesn't get very far before one of their little hands is clutching his pant leg, and he inhales sharply, turning back to face them. "[name]..."
kaveh cuts himself off.
their eyes are wide, glittering with the sheen of unshed tears, and their bottom lip is split and cracked—they've either been picking at it or biting it, kaveh notes. how did he not notice before?
in their moment of sadness and stress, their accent peeks through a bit more heavily. it's in a shaky voice on the brink of breaking that they ask, "you promise you're gonna come back, right? you won't leave me, will you?"
kaveh earnestly believes he might cry about this when he gets home. oh well. alhaitham will simply have to deal with it.
for now, though, he doesn't cry. he can't.
the architect kneels back down to their height, wiping away the single tear that slid down their cheek with his calloused fingertips. "of course."
"you— you're not gonna leave me, right? you're not leaving me?"
"no. never. i promise, okay?" he whispers. "i'm here, okay? i'm always here if you need me. you just need to tell tighnari. he'll tell me you asked for me and i'll come back here. anytime."
kaveh briefly wonders if he'll regret making such a promise—his clients may suffer if they ask for him at a bad time—but then again...
he can't really say he ever will, not with the way they look at him with such vulnerable trust.
he can't regret it when they're putting their damaged trust into his hands.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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farshootergotme · 4 days
The Bruce-dies-not-Jason AU...
Because I love angst :)
That part about Titans coming around to offer emotional support for Dick...I am now picturing ways for it to go really wrong.
Dick, who at this point is still reeling from the death of Bruce and running himself ragged trying to keep Gotham more or less intact (the Rogues seem to have sensed something is up), breaking down and telling one of the team that he feels so messed up.
He's grieving, but he's also really really angry. Not just at the Joker who deserves all and more of it, but at Bruce for dying and leaving him a mantle too big to step into, and even at Jason for running away and triggering all of this.
He doesn't really blame them, he knows it wasn't Jason's fault, but he's still so angry. He's muffling it all up within, but that's only hurting worse.
Pretty much a natural reaction, given the condition he is in. And understandable that he will be masks-off with the Titans after having to play the emotional support for his family.
Only, unknown to them, Jason is eavesdropping...
Well, as much as it isn't a bad idea to cause some drama, I don't think Dick would really go that way with his feelings? He does hate wearing the cowl and feeling like he's cosplaying the Batman instead of fitting the suit as the new protector of Gotham, but he's not the type to put the blame on others.
If anything, that mostly happens with Bruce. Like when Jason died and he blamed Dick, or when Alfred died and he implied it was Damian's fault.
Dick would most likely blame himself, as he admits having a tendency to do so.
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The New Titans #57
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The New Titans #55
While the angst sounds good, I can't picture Dick saying something like "I'm angry at Bruce for dying" or "I'm angry Jason fell into the Joker's trap".
You could say he was angry at Bruce when Jason died, but that was mostly because Bruce didn't tell him anything about it, tried to make him feel guilty for not attending the funeral when he hadn't even been notified, and then proceeded to basically tell him it was his fault his little brother was dead. So, yeah, Dick was angry, but that wasn't unprovoked. He actually had come originally to talk with Bruce because he knew he was going through a rough time after Jason's death.
Now, he can be more angry when the people he loves die, and he snaps more often than he normally would with all the stress, guilt and grief added into the mix, but he isn't angry at people, he's just angry. Or I would rather put it as the anger being a mask for the pain he's feeling because he can't always allow himself to be truly vulnerable when there's so much he still needs to do.
When Bruce "died" in the main continuity, there was a lot he had to do. Gotham needed him to be Batman, Jason needed to be stopped, Tim needed him to be the rock of the family, Damian needed him as a mentor and Alfred needed him to keep going, knowing that while one son was gone, there still was another son left. (Yes, Dick is Alfred's second son.)
And despite everything, he never stated being angry at any of them for the situation. Not even Bruce. What he did was lament his death because he wasn't ready for him to go.
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Batman #687
I think the only way I could make this scenario work is if it's all a misunderstanding or Jason misheard something Dick said.
But if you like the idea, you do you. We all have our opinions and interpretations.
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Sweet arrangement | Part 1
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PAIRING | Andy Barber x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You've been stuck in your little town for years and desperately want to get out of there and start a new life. When a lawyer named Andy Barber sets foot into your diner, he makes you an offer you're not sure you can refuse.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Light angst, swearing, and discussion of a sugar daddy/-baby relationship.
A/N | I am considering turning this into a small series (3-5 parts at most), but I would like to know if all of you would like to read that. Please let me know what you think; otherwise, this will just be a single one shot 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | Header & 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Andy Barber Masterlist | Series Masterlist Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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''I wish I could just get out of this fucking hellhole of a town already,'' you sigh as you lean against the wall outside the diner you're working at.
''Why don't you go already?'' your colleague Ava says as she lights her cigarette. Luckily, you're standing on the correct side and not bothered by her smoke.
''You know why? Because I don't have the money to get out of here, and even if I did, how the fuck would I know where to go?! I've never been anywhere other than here,'' you say as you squeeze your eyes shut, rubbing your temples to try and ease the impending headache.
''Sometimes I wish someone would just scoop me up and carry me out of here so I would never have to look back,'' you say to Ava before walking back into the diner since your break is over.
You walk back in and go to see your new customers sitting in your section, so you walk over to them.
''Good afternoon, my name is Y/N, and I'll be your server today. Can I get the two of you started with something to drink?'' you say, and suddenly you recognize the man sitting there as Andy Barber. This most handsome lawyer occasionally comes by when he's working at the courthouse in your small town.
You never understood why a courthouse would be in a small town like yours, but you are okay with it, especially not since Andy returned to visit.
''Just 2 coffees, please, and could we also get a menu?'' the woman across from him says, and you nod.
''Of course, 2 coffees and 2 menus coming right up,'' you say as you turn around, not noticing the pair of eyes burning a hole in the back of your head.
''Andy, why don't you just ask her out already? I've seen how you look at her more than once, and you deserve someone to care for in the way you want,'' the woman says.
He sighs and shakes his head slightly. ''I'm not sure it's a good idea. She's nice, but I don't want her to think I'm a creep or anything''.
He doesn't say anything when you arrive back at the table, giving Andy a big smile as you put down his coffee, and you smile at the woman as well, though not as big.
''If you have decided on your order, please let me know, and I'll be right with you,'' you say as you continue to work on the rest of the customers in your section.
However, you can't help but glance over at Andy occasionally, but as soon as your eyes meet his, you turn your gaze away, and your cheeks feel like they're on fire.
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The next few days were spent working at the diner, and every time Andy came by, he requested to sit specifically in your section.
Today, however is your day off, so when he requests your section again and hears you're not there, he asks when you will be back.
''She's here again tomorrow,'' Ava said with a smile and immediately she came up with a plan.
When the next day arrives and you set foot in the diner Ava pulls you to the side when you walk into the locker room for you and your colleagues.
''Guess who asked for you yesterday?!'' she said with a tad bit too much enthusiasm for your liking.
''I don't know, the president?!'' you said with a mocking tone but Ava let it slide this time.
''That lawyer that's been sitting in your section the last few days, but when I said you weren't here he excused himself and was gone,'' she tells you and your cheeks light up slightly.
''A-Are you sure?'' you ask her.
''Of fucking course I'm sure, dumbass! He's here to see you! You should totally ask him out!'' she says with a mischievous grin on her face.
''Girl, he's like twice my age, I'm not gonna ask him out!'' you say, but you would be lying if you didn't think about being with him. In every single way.
''So? Just give it a chance,'' Ava tells you and you roll your eyes before turning to your locker, getting ready for your workday.
Now that you know Andy will be visiting again, you decide to wear lipstick matching your red uniform; your eye makeup is a little dark to finish.
Andy is already seated in your section and alone this time. When he sees you, he softly gasps at how you look because you have never looked more beautiful than you do right now.
''Good afternoon, Mr. Barber, what can I get started for you today?'' you say as you stand next to the table, but he can't bring the words out of his mouth.
''Mr. Barber? Are you okay?'' you say and he suddenly snaps out of his trance when you place a hand on his shoulder.
''Sorry, it's just- You look so different and it suits you well,'' he says with a reassuring smile.
''Thank you, I thought I'd try this out for a change,'' you say as you lie through your teeth, you did this just for him and no one else.
He orders his usual lunch and when he's done he hands you a very generous tip along with his business card. You flip it over to see the words ''Call me'' written on it, that's all it says.
Sudden butterflies erupt in your stomach as you read those words, your cheeks turning a deep red shade as you watch him walk out of the door.
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Andy's business card is still on your nightstand a few days later; he has yet to return since he handed it to you. The case he was working on must've been over, so he gave you the card.
You decide to take a leap of faith and grab your old cell phone from your nightstand, the screen is broken beyond repair and it definitely needs a replacement but you can't afford it, so you make do with what you have.
Dialing Andy's number and putting the phone against your ear has your heart go crazy in your chest, and after four rings he picks up.
''Andy Barber,'' he says with a deep voice, and your heart skipped a beat.
''Uh, hi, Mr. Barber. This is Y/N Y/L/N from the diner. I found your business card and decided to take you up on your offer to call you,'' you say nervously.
''I'm glad you did because I hoped to discuss something with you over dinner. Are you free this weekend?'' he asks and you shut your eyes while biting your lip in disbelief. This can't really be happening.
''I am free on Sunday,'' you tell him.
''Okay, can I pick you up at your house at 7 p.m.? I want to take you out to dinner like I said earlier if that's okay with you,'' he offers, and you agree, giving him your address.
''Okay, see you on Sunday, Sugar,'' he says, and you gasp softly at the nickname he just gave you, which definitely didn't go unnoticed by you.
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Since you didn't know what kind of restaurant Andy was taking you to, you opted for a business casual outfit, hoping it would be good enough for your destination.
When Andy arrives, he texts you that he's here, and you walk out the door, locking the door behind you as you see Andy leaning against his car.
''Hi, Mr. Barber,'' you say as you approach him.
''Please, you can call me Andy,'' he says, just like many times before, though now is the first time you're taking him up on the offer.
''I'm sorry, Andy, it's just a little weird to call you by your first name since I've only seen you in the diner until now,'' you say, and he nods.
''It's okay, Sugar, don't worry about it,'' he says as he opens the passenger side door for you, and you slide into the comfortable seat.
The drive to the restaurant is filled with small talk, and you notice that you feel comfortable around him, so you easily reciprocate in the topics he's bringing up.
Once you arrive at the restaurant, Andy guides you in, and the two of you are led to a private area so Andy can discuss his offer with you.
''First, I want to let you know that you can always say no to my offer if you're uncomfortable with it. I don't want to pressure you with this offer, and if you happen to agree but at any point want out of it, that's okay too,'' he starts off as he holds your hand.
''O-Okay,'' you say, nervous about what's coming.
''I'm just going to outright say it: I want to offer you a sugar daddy/-baby relationship. I would love to take care of you however you want or need, but it would first and foremost be financial. It can be of a sexual nature, too, but it doesn't have to be if that's not okay. You will basically get money from me each month to do with whatever you want, and if you ever want anything else, you can ask me, and I'd be more than happy to provide,'' he says.
''What? I-I'm not sure,'' you say as you let the offer sink in.
''Would I have to live with you?'' is your first question.
''We can negotiate the terms you are uncomfortable with, Sugar. Like I said, I don't want to make you do anything you're not okay with, so whatever you decide is okay with me,'' he says, secretly wishing you would say yes to his offer.
''Is it okay if I think about it for a few days? It's a lot to take in,'' you say, and he nods.
''Of course,'' he says, and the rest of the night is spent with more light conversation, and you're starting to be more and more comfortable being around him.
When he drops you off at home, he walks you to your door, and you kiss him softly on his bearded cheek.
''I'll let you know what I decide in a few days. Thank you for the great dinner, though, and I hope to see you soon,'' you say before walking into your house.
You lean against the door after closing with a huge smile. This might exactly be the chance you need to get out of this fucking hellhole of a town already.
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
Oh Jo... Jo i have it all plotted out Jo.
Genya doesn't ever formally introduce you to Sanemi. Mostly because the first time you actually see and meet Sanemi he is yelling terrible shit in Genya's face, and threatening him to get the hell out of the demon slayer corp and it makes you see RED.
However, you probably know more about Sanemi than any of the other Hashira because Genya talks about him NONSTOP. And while you are madly in love with genya you wish he would just... give up on his brother. Give up on trying to be the strongest for him because it's clear his brother doesn't want him there.
"Siblings are supposed to take care of one another. Kamado told you that Genya."
But no matter what the conversation is, Genya always defends him so you're always at a loss.
And then the next time you formally get to have a conversation with Sanemi he's come to your home in the rain, kneels before you with a heavy heart and head to tell you that Genya is dead. And there's nothing left of him.
and you scream and shout and throw punches that feel like tickles to the wind hashira. You tell him you hate him. Tell him he should feel guilty, should feel all the pain and hurt he's feeling now. that he deserves it for ever speaking to the only family he had left in that way. and the nail in the coffin.
"I wish it had been you."
And of course Sanemi, still on his knees before you, never looking at your tortured angry grief filled expression only replies with three words.
"So do I."
and then there's a flash forward five years later where Sanemi comes back to your home to visit for the five year anniversary. And of course you've grown by then and you feel regret for the awful shit you said to him. So you allow him to stay for tea and to sit in the garden under the Wisteria tree you planted in Genya's honor.
And Sanemi learns of your love for his brother. how pure and real and deep it was for him. How lucky his brother was to experience a love like yours and so young too.
And you've always had a bleeding heart, especially when you look at Sanemi's face and into his eyes. he looks so much like him, like the only man you've ever loved. How could your heart not soften for him?
And for the first time ever, you're able to see him the way Genya always saw and spoke of him.
And slowly but surely... you find pieces of him to love as well. Not like how you loved Genya. Never. No one could ever replace him in your heart. your soul belongs to him.
But...you can't help how much... brighter the world feels when Sanemi is there helping you in the garden or fixing leaks on your roof. Because in essence... who else but Genya's brother could understand the immense pain of losing him?
And besides...two broken hearts together are better than one.
Oh my god Marq but please😭 just the thought of helping each other heal, and it’s like you know you’ll both never truly get there but it helps?
I just picture a moment where you finally think you’re okay? And you’re out shopping, something completely mundane— until you see sunflowers and the thing that used to fill you with so much joy is practically a trigger to you now. Because Genya used to buy you sunflowers— he used to say you reminded him of the sun. So you find yourself breaking down in the middle of the busy shopping street and you have no idea where to go so you just run— and for some reason you end up outside the Shinazugawa estate, and Sanemi is home.
And you don’t expect him to invite you in so easily, to sit you down at his kitchen table and wordlessly lay a warm mug of matcha in front of you. He waits for you to stop crying, doesn’t try to comfort you and doesn’t utter a word. But he offers you a piece of ohagi when you feel like you have no more tears left to cry.
“Do you ever just… miss him?” Your throat is raw from crying so hard, the top of your yukata soaked with tears.
“Every second.”
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jacksoldsideblog · 10 months
Thoughts on time loops and fight club
Time loops are often used as a narrative device to push a character into having a realization about what truly matters, or have them fall in love with someone (I suppose technically a derivative of the first). Suffering be thy teacher for as long as need be. And most writers will accept and lean into the fact that endlessly repeating your days and endlessly dying is a bit horrific, would probably fuck with the psyche, probably not leave someone very healthy. But always, the character toughs it out, they make the realization, they arrange events just right, and they get on with their life supposedly objectively better.
And I think. With so much potential to break someone, what would happen if someone never left? Or, when they left the loop, it wasn't because they improved in any way, but because some aspect of their continued suffering met the arbitrary condition that was placed down upon them in the first place.
And I think about fight club. I think, what if the narrator woke up back on that plane, back on that nude beach, after pulling the trigger.
I think he'd rage. I think he'd fight Tyler right then and there, thinking it was the mistaken impulses of his brain in a fit after his self inflicted massive head trauma. Who cares that Tyler punching back feels real — that Tyler says shit that alludes to everything they went through. The narrator beats Tyler — himself — to death, probably. Or gets restrained, on the plane, and wakes up in a hospital. If he dies that first time I'd imagine it repeats a few times, and he swiftly starts thinking, instead of catharsis, maybe this is hell, and he does not realize how right he is.
Eventually he gets restrained, or can't beat himself quite as badly, Tyler stops him, I don't know — he's in the hospital, tied up, drugged. Et cetera. He thinks he finally woke up. He wonders where the bullet hole is. He sees the date and wonders how much more insane he's become. Tyler is still there. No bullet through his brains. Looking as beat the fuck up as the narrator made him. Saying, for fucks sake, realize already.
The narrator probably kills himself on purpose in that hospital.
And then he is on the plane, beach, whatever again. And Tyler looks at him, says, eternal punishment, for you or me? And laughs.
I think he'd go pretty swift into denial. Doesn't acknowledge Tyler. Knows Tyler is probably running around at night, but if he pretends, maybe he's not. Time passes. Enough time, and then it is the anniversary of him blowing his brains out, and a car hits him full throttle on the street.
He's back at the start. So is Tyler. And maybe, this takes a few times for the lesson to sink in. A few, terribly long times. Because there's a good long while between meeting Tyler and the bomb the building plans. And perhaps, Tyler starts talking to him, always unacknowledged, but less mad. Less upset with being chained in his body. Because damn if he's barely using it. Pathetic, nothing Tyler ever wanted for him, but Tyler knows he's got time now, so fine. The narrator can wait through his silly little tests. Tyler, who says he is the narrator deep down and so the narrator knows this too — Tyler says they're going to die that day that hour that minute no matter what.
And they do. He avoids cars by staying indoors, and chokes on his coffee. He sits in his room, he gets a blood clot. He lets Tyler arrange a team of space monkey doctors that he cannot think too hard about, one of them turncoats and injects air into his jugular. Another time, one stabs him. No number of guards fixes it; he gets caught in the crossfire. The one time he gets everything right, he dies in a second of increased warmth and then sheer nothingness, and wonders if it was a meteor or a nuke.
So. He can't wait it out. Tyler says, I told you so.
Tyler has been cooperative, the past few loops. Friendly. A lot like how he was when the narrator first lived at Tyler's house.
Tyler is the only other person in the loop.
So what if he's not physically real — he's the only other damn person in the loop. That makes him more real than anything else. That makes him more real than the entire repeating pointless universe.
The narrator wonders how many loops it would take for him to forget Tyler isn't real.
A smaller number, if he starts acting that way now.
He lets Tyler draw him in again. They live at Paper Street. They shoot the shit. They do stupid things, develop a fondness for graffiti, become actually good at spraypainting various presidents with their guts hanging out their asses. They go to bathhouses and have a sexual epiphany. They host fight club as an orgy. They hit so many golfballs through the windows of the factory that the owners actually bother to show up.
He goes along with Project Mayhem, aware, knowledgeable this time. They blow up the Parker Morris building and destroy the national museum. Destroy a history that is increasingly becoming nothing more than stage dressing. They bomb the credit card buildings and see that the infrastructure had back ups. Tyler says, shit. The next loop, they bomb the back ups too.
They fight, again, sometimes. It feels real. More real than when he fights other people. His body feels it all new but his mind doesn't.
Tyler kills the president. They start world war three. The narrator sleeps and dies for five cycles straight. He's on Oprah. He incorporates women into Project Mayhem and creates a nascent military state. Tyler trains his body into being able to suck its own cock. He goes entire loops without being himself, only waking up from Tyler's control because Tyler never wants to feel the murder du jour.
He loses track of time. It starts being a surprise when he dies and is back at the start. It's surprising Tyler, too. They start waking up in the psych ward, having gone to the wrong ally too soon, having burned their bridges before they had all their cards.
His brain can't handle this. It was a miracle it could handle Tyler.
He's free from history. Free from time. Free from consequences. He has chaos unimagineable locked into a tight, neat, orderly package.
He's forgetting life outside the loop. He wonders why he's even here. He dies on the streets. He freezes to death.
He kills himself in the first few minutes of 20, 30 loops in a row.
Everything is a stageplay. He feels like he's wearing squibs when he's gunned down by cops. Tyler's fists feel like the barest daydream of before. He doesn't remember before.
Tyler says, I'm not sticking around for this. And that's worse. Because then the narrator is the only one aware. He watches for signs of Tyler puppeting his body as he sleeps, vaguely remembering that being a worry sometimes. He sees nothing. Tyler is not there at the start, not there at the end.
Time blurs. The loops blur. He goes catatonic, for a while.
He's back on the beach. On the plane. Tyler is there. Tyler says, can't I be done? Isn't my purpose done? Don't you get it, I shouldn't exist. The universe can't handle it. Let me go. Please.
Tyler doesn't beg.
The time loop hasn't only worn on him.
Mayhem and freedom mean nothing. Not in a vaccuum, a scripted world he's steadily playing out all the options of. Tyler toured the world, it meant nothing.
Let me be done.
Turns out, Tyler can kill himself and it'll stick. Maybe it's because he waited long enough that the narrator doesn't remember what connects them. Maybe not. Either way, the narrator has long given up hope of that working for him.
He wakes up in the psych ward. He knows he'll be leaving soon. Back to the beach, back to the plane. He doesn't look at clocks, he doesn't let people tell him the time. He doesn't remember when. He'll be going soon. Whenever that is.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 9 months
After All
Pairing: Harry x Reader
Summary: Reader and Harry were best friends but something happens between them which causes them to break up. What will it be like when they finally meet again after a while.
A/N: hope ya'll like this!❤️
Who knew a kiss could change everything you felt about a person.
"I want you." I gasped. "Why do I want you?!"
I looked up at him as if he knew that answer.
His green blown out eyes and heavy breathing told me that he wanted me just as much.
"I have a husband. I'm married. I shouldn't want anyone else. I shouldn't love anyone else!"
He had wishper those three words to me in the privacy of just us being here together. I wanted to say it back so badly. I wanted to love him too just as he loved me but I can't.
I had rushed out of his house that night, tears running uncontrollably down my face with a heart break I had never felt before and cut him off from my life.
I had pushed my feeling deep inside my heart, praying to God they go away and I forgot him.
They didn't go away. I never forgot him.
I watch the watch sparking blue in the sunlight, admiring the beauty and trying to distract myself from my love sitting next to me oh so closely. One shift to the left and we'd be touching.
We were at my parents anniversary celebration at the beach house. I had avoided him the last 2 years but there was no escape now. We had been best friends, attached to hip, ever since high school. Well, until that night.
''So, you're divorced?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Yep." I inhaled deeply preparing myself to give the explanation I've already gave a hundred times to different people.
''Can I ask what happened?" I smiled. He always makes sure to do something only if I'm comfortable.
''Turns out, he was cheating on me for the last 3 years" I gave him a tight-lipped smile, watching as his eyes darkened. ''Don't worry about it." I shrug. ''It just proves that we both didn't love each other. Honestly I feel like it's a good thing I found out because now I'll be able to love whoever I wanted. I just wish I'd found out sooner.'' His gaze shifted, sensing the undertone of my sentence.I sighed shifting my eyes back to the sea in front of us.
"Do you regret it?" He spoke so softly as if him asking this would trigger me somehow. I don't why he would think that. Theres nothing he could do to hurt me in any way.
I thought carefully before answering. "To be honest, the only thing I regret is no finding out sooner. If I'd known that we were stuck in a loveless marriage from both ends, I would've ended us way earlier without having the guilt of loving anyone else but my husband. I would've savored my moments with the one who I truly loved and never let him go." I looked back at those beautiful ocean eyes. "Maybe I wouldn't have pushed him away and loved him as he deserved to be loved with or without being married." He laced my hand to his and moved his thumb in comforting circles.
"I think your wrong." He whispered carefully. My face frowned as I listened to him. "I think if you hadn't pushed me away those years ago and acted as we wanted, you would've been driven by the quilt of that. Guilt of acting on you're emotions, guilt of cheating, guilt of betraying the scared bond of your marriage even if the marriage was tainted from the beginning." He hooked a fallen hair stand behind my ear. "And when you found out your husband was cheating to, sure you'd be a bit relieved that it wasn't just you that didn't want the marriage but you'd still be scolding yourself that you still cheated, doesn't matter if in a wanted or unwanted marriage."
I found myself shamelessly admiring the man in front of me with a smile on my face. His way with words is mesmerizing. And he's right I figured, I truly would've hated myself if I was to give in the urge I felt that day.
''What?'' He asked me, confused as to why I'm starting at him with a smile.
''How do you know me better than I know myself?'' I asked amused with he's speech.
He chuckled. A beautiful sound. The kind that I wanted to record and listen on loop for the rest of my life.
"Because I know you. I love you." He spoke the three words as if they were the most known thing he'd ever said.
My smile dropped. "Really? After all this time?" My words laced with uncertainty.
"Of course I do. I always have, and I always will." He cupped my cheek. "I told you, my love. You're it for me."
I push my lips to his and promise myself to love and cherish this wonderful man untill my last breath.
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candlecoo · 2 years
since you are in the mood for hurt/comfort, can we see some of your ideas? i personally love me some hurt/comfort so if you have any it would be appreciated greatly:D
Life after Defeat au
- Chizue would often be found lost in a daze trying to remember her past or trying to connect strong emotions to reasons why she felt them. This mostly happened towards the first couple years after her accident, but occasionally pops up now and again.
- when it does she needs to be gently brought back into the present.
- Chizue is triggered by things every once and a while and doesn't exactly know the reason, like movies where a spouse dies or the separation of a mother and child. She doesn't handle them very well.
- she never truly remembers All Might or Torino. And even goes so far as to apologize that she can't which breaks their hearts that she feels the need to apologize.
Test my Limits au
- these kids have been treated as experiments or less than human for almost two years, they most likely have a hard time remembering life outside of the lab.
- or what it's like to not be abused so when they are rescued they are expecting to be mistreated. In Denki and Toru's perspective they misbehave and break rules cause if they think they're going to be hurt anyway there might as well be a reason.
- and Izuku is so scared of being hurt or being in pain in general he doesn't dare step a toe out of line.
- Izuku is also the only one who managed to escape the lab before the raid, he was gone for close to a week, and even outside the lab nobody would help him, they made the escuse that a hero would but nobody did. Or at least not in time to prevent him from being dragged back.
- Aizawa found him on the last day but was too late to save the boy and bore witness to his kidnapping.
- but because of the event Izuku has a hard time reaching out.
Change your Reality au
- so I've mentioned that Izuku doesn't take too well to waking up in the future very well.
- but between having to rely on others just to move around cause he's been in a two hundred years coma, the world being completely different, the self hatred because of his quirk and losing all his friends and family. Izuku starts out very angry.
- he probably lashes out, goes into depressive episodes or shuts down completely when he's at his worst, for the first year or so.
- he also tries pushing himself too hard in his recovery and only makes it harder on himself.
- what I'm trying to get at is he goes through quite a bit of therapy before he gets better.
Ghost Story au
- Izuku does not see the issue with hurting himself/killing himself if it means that he can help others by doing so.
- he out right avoids telling people he got a quirk even though it is all he's ever wanted because he knows that others would not let him use it if they knew about it.
- at first he avoids any help his Koichi and their group try to offer him cause he interprets as them trying to stop him from helping people instead of them actually caring about him cause nobody's ever cared about Izuku other than his mom. And she has too.
- Izuku struggles to see his own self worth and only thinks he matters when helping others.
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Happy Tender Tuesday! If you could choose your favorite traits in any of your character's romantic relationships, what you it be? What would you say is the most important thing in said relationship for each of the characters involved?
Soooooooooooooo sorry for the late response! I've been suuuuuuuuper busy.
Thank you for the ask. This is a really good question!
I personally believe that communication is a key element of a healthy, positive romantic relationship (or any relationship, for that matter - even with family). I mean, when you think about it, a lot of the biggest issues in most ships on tv/books/movies and stuff all come down to misunderstandings and disagreements that could have easily been avoided by having a proper conversation lol.
(It's super annoying to me when a pointless misunderstanding pops up in the middle of a movie JUST as a contrived way to trigger a "third act break up" scene...)
I don't typically want to give my characters this problem. This is why for most of the ships that I write, I tend to have at least one character that isn't entirely useless when it comes to effective communication.
For my two Steph's Crew ships, I try to incorporate this rule. I'd say that Ben is the emotionally mature one in his and Steph's relationship overall, but they have pretty solid and effective communication all around... mostly. I mean, at the start, it's great! But once they go long distance, things change a bit. Mostly from Stephanie's end. She kind of closes herself off and downplays how much she's struggling with the distance. The thing with her though, is that she hates not expressing how she truly feels, so this is all kind of building up to a moment when she has this huge breakdown, leading her to make a change in her life.
(Can't really give more away without spoiling future posts lol)
But I'd say that's probably the thing I like most about Stephanie (in regards to her romantic relationships). It's the fact that she's honest about her feelings and she has the nerve to make tough choices.
Bret and Elise are a slightly different case, though (mostly because they are a newly formed couple, not a long-standing one like Stephanie and Ben. They're in the honeymoon stage lol). I wanted to give them a few weeks of just happiness and sweet moments and fun times before things go off the rails... because of course it will.
These two are comfortable sharing stuff with each other - they're besties, after all. Bret loves being with Elise - she makes him really happy, and he just wants to make her as happy as she makes him. That's the nice thing about Bret, in my opinion - he's a sensitive soul (more so than he lets on lol). People that feel deeply tend to love deeply also. However, he has a lot of issues that he struggles to open up about (with anyone, not just El) for a couple of reasons, and this puts a lot of strain on their relationship later on in the story.
And Elise doesn't really know how to deal with him. She's out of her depth, for a couple of valid reasons - she's never been in a romantic relationship with anyone before, so she's navigating all this stuff for the very first time, she comes from a family that's kind of cold and private and rigid, preferring to deal with things like this in a particular way, so her upbringing may not be the best preparation one could have for dealing with matters of the heart lol, etc. But the good thing about El is that she's very mature, perceptive, and she learns quickly. She gets the hang of things and finds a way to deal with their problems properly. This is the reason why she's rather good at maintaining relationships in her life (she makes friends really quickly, despite the fact that she's naturally quite shy and super introverted, and she's the only person in her family that still has a close relationship with Adam after he got kicked out).
So yeah. Needless to say, there were already several issues going into this ship that they weren't properly taking the time to address (because they're just having too much fun on ~Honeymoon Avenue~ lol) until things start to go crazy later on in the story. That's all I'm going to say about that.
So yeah! These are the main traits from my ships that I admire a lot (from each character).
Hope this answers your question!
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out of touch part 4 ♡
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word count : this is a long part but I hope you'll still liked it!
summary : ever since the incident, you and Eddie grew closer and closer together, you became more confident with yourself, Eddie became serious in his studies because of you, you both have inspiration with each other, this sudden changes between you, it's all new to you and you fear it might all went down at the end, you know it in yourself that you love him since the first day, will you leave him hanging alone at the end? or it's time to face your fears to open up your heart and love again?
warnings : 18+ Eddie Munson x FEM! reader, no use of y/n but reader is Amanda Jones, language, reader is having a panic attack, mentions of divorced parents, that's about it
what to expect : fluff, angst, mutual pining, clueless idiots who can't make the first move lol
author note : I hope you enjoyed reading my first long series fiction! there's more to come after this! I'm so sorry for my poor writing skills- I'm trying my best! If you have any ideas to write for me in this universe don't be shy to comment down below! 🥰✨
and yes I remove the part where EDDIE DIDN'T DIE! 😤
Eddie sits back down and he leans forward and he held both of your hands and caresses it as he tries to study your face
your eyes are swollen and bloodshot from too much crying but Eddie still thinks that you're the most stunning person that he ever laid eyes on
you can't even look at him in the eye because you're ashamed of yourself from being too vulnerable around him and for what happened
he can see your timid expression and he breaks the silence when he spoke "there's no need to feel like this." as if he can read your mind
You finally have the courage to look at him in the eyes and you said "W-what?"
"I said, don't be afraid to let it all out. there's nothing to be scared of, if you want to cry out your emotions infront of me."
Jeff and Marlon's voice echoed into your mind and you remembered what they told you about Eddie that it's useless to worry something that he might harm you
"I just wanted to let you know that Eddie would never ever hurt you."
"My dear, you have nothing to be afraid of."
You and Eddie stare at each other and you can see in his eyes that he is truly genuine to make you feel better and your heart warms about the thought that he is there for you and trying to understand you
when you remembered all of the things that his friends talked you about him and hearing this from him, you can finally feel yourself getting comfortable around him and even depend on him...
yeah, you already trust on him even in the first place but after this, you thought he might change his mind but he didn't and that makes you even more miserable because this is all going to well.
"I-I don't know what to say." you sniffle
"You can talk to me about it but I don't want you to rush and be pressured, I just don't want you-" he paused looking down at your hands
"I just don't like seeing you suffer like this, I-I wish I could do something from what's stopping you to let people love you, if anything inside you that's hurting you I wish I could make it go away..." he looks back up with misty eyes
before you know it- you breakdown sobbing again infront of him and you shake your head while ducking your head down
You're having a panic attack, you can't stop breathing heavily and your chest hurts
Eddie blink his tears away and his eyes widened to see you crying again as he tightens the grip on your hands as he thought he done something wrong to upset you, he turns around at the diner and he saw a pitcher of water on the counter, he gets up and run towards it while pouring the water down on a paper cup he can see you shaking like a leaf- a cold sweat goes down on him as he watches you... he gives you the cup of water right between your hands
"Oh no- shit- my bad- I'm so sorry, I-I am so stupid! I've shouldn't talked- he says as he sits back down and hold your hands again groans at himself
You drank the water that he gave you and that calm you down "No, Eddie- Ed- Eddie!" You put the cup down and you hold his hands
you sniffle and you swallowed "I-I'm sorry this is all new to me and I am still- you look at him in the eyes and you can tell that he is worried
You look back down and you said "trying understand myself- it's been really hard for to think that this is real- I've never have experienced or literally never had been able to talk to someone like this." you notice your knees go up and down from anxiety
"You haven't done anything wrong, Eddie, and I can feel that." you reassure him while slowly letting out a sad smile
he taps on your hand and he lets out a sigh of relief and he said "just talk to me okay? if you need anything just talk to me, please I will listen to everything."
You're trying to control your emotions after hearing all of that from him- he doesn't know the reason why you suddenly breakdown infront of him, it's because you're touched by his words and actions and it feels unusual to you but you ignore all of your thoughts and you said "Okay" softy and you nod at him
Eric appears beside and he holds two coffee cups and he clears his throat
you both look back up at him and you quickly remove both of your hands at each other and Eddie shifts his seat and you wipe off the tears from your cheeks
Eric feels the tension all too well and he said "I'm sorry to interrupt, but here's your coffee."
but before he gives it to you he said "I don't know what you'll like but it's caramel macchiato, my usual order."
"Wait- that's my usual order too!" you let out a beaming smile at him
"Really? Oh- thank goodness, now drink up you need it." he titter while he gives your coffee to you hand
"Thank you, Eric" you take a sip and you sigh "this feels great."
Eric nods at you and he puts the one down on the table for Eddie
"I know your coffee order, black coffee, 2 sugars and a splash of milk right?"
"uh- yeah that's right, thank you dude."
"It was nothing" he shrugged "I'll go back to my table now, just call me if you need anything, alright?"
You and Eddie both nod at him and you watch him walk towards to the table where Jeff and Gareth is sitting and they look away from the both of you
you caught them both and you chuckled and Eddie shakes his head after seeing his two friends pretends doing something after they got caught
You and Eddie both enjoyed drinking your coffees in comfortable silence for a moment
until Eddie decides to speak up "Can I ask you something? It's okay if you- if you're not comfortable with it."
"Yeah, sure, what is it?"
"Is that the reason why you moved to a lot of schools?"
"hm, I guess so-" you avoid his eyes and you look back down on your coffee
"You guess?" he asks in bewilderment
you sigh and you respond without looking at him
"Maybe, that's the reason why I left those schools." you shrugged "there's really nothing much for me to say."
Eddie looks at you from up and down as he tries to find the right question without making you feel uncomfortable
"Do you parents know that you can- um-"
"Do those stuff?" you cut him off
he nods at you
"Yeah, my dad teach me some moves for my safety because we really don't have anything before and sometimes they find a way that we can put something on our table or for our needs, can be dangerous, you know?" you tap your finger on the coffee cup lid
He winces at the thought of you having not enough for everything before- he sighs sadly while drink back up of his coffee
"Don't feel pity on me" you pointed a look at him
You sudden feel enraged at the conversation- the reason why you don't want to open up because you hate the feeling of sympathy that people thought of you- but deep down you know it yourself that you're longing for someone that understands you and that is Eddie
He looks back up on you while he drinks his coffee and put it down as you can read his mind, he clears his throat
"No- no- I don't- I avoid that to make you feel that way- I just want to understand you so I can help you." he said with a shaky voice
"I don't ask you to do that." you bite back
"You don't have to because that's what I always wanted to do in the first place." he replies with indignant in his eyes
Your eyes started to twitch from what you just saw in his expression
all of his friends didn't lie and you can see that in him
He says it with such certain tone coming out from his mouth and you can't even pick where he is doubtful on that moment
You stare at him and look away while you finish your coffee
you shift your seat as you can feel repentance coming through you
"I'm sorry- I- I'm just tired- I didn't mean to snap at you like that." You say while you massage your forehead in shame
"Amanda, how many times do I have to tell you, it's okay like seriously!" he says it while lets out a small chuckle
Your face lights up and you giggled
"Oh, that's what I wanted to see in you." He crosses his arms and he leans back
You blushed and can't help but smile while looking at him
"so- uh- about my"
"Your cool moves?" he smirks
You snort "yeah, that" you start "I only use that when they really want to get under my skin but sometimes I just look at them in the eye and then they stopped mistreating me." You rolled your eyes
"What happens if you do- like you know- with the action?"
"They won't tell it to anyone"
"Why not?"
"I think they're afraid of what my parents do to them but I doubt it they will do something to punish them for what they did unless they do something really bad to me." You paused
"My parents always treat people with kindness even when they're horrible to them and that's what I've been struggling with." You look back down playing with your rings on your fingers
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Eddie furrows his eyebrows to you and he said "What do you mean?"
"I don't know if I'm a good person."
"But you are"
"I hurt people that I love, Eddie and I am forever hating myself for that
Eddie frowns at you and he stops you for playing with your rings and his one hand goes down to your chin to tilt your head up to make you look at his eyes
"Listen to me, you only did that because you defended yourself and there's nothing wrong of what you did, the bad people who are mean to you that you hurt before that's their problem and it's not you, please, don't blame yourself when something goes wrong, stop, self-doubting yourself." he paused leaning forward to get closer to you
"How can I tell someone that has a good heart?" he asked you while caressing his thumb on your cheek
You nod softly and you look in his eyes with fond while you listen to him
"When the world test them, they'll never break their spirit even they go through with so much but they still continue to have this pure soul that everyone would want to have someone like that in their life." he smiles while looking at you and he leans down and kisses your cheek
You gasp again at the feeling of it but recovered quickly "You really mean that?"
"I really do."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because I just know.... I always feel it."
"Hmm" you smile at him
Marlon and Hopper entered the diner and you and Eddie and the gang looked at them
"I called your parents." Hopper says while gesturing his hand to the payphone outside
He shoves his hand onto his pockets "they want to talk to you."
"Oh-" you look back at Eddie his hand still at your cheek and you hold it and you get up and lean down to kiss his cheek
Eddie's eyes flutters at your unexpected action and his smile widens
You smirk and you said "I'll be back, Eds."
He nods and he held your hand and give it squeeze one last time
He watches you heading towards the payphone outside
Marlon sits down from where you're sitting and Hopper orders for a coffee
"How is she?" Marlon asks still feel guilty about the situation
"She is overwhelmed with everything at the moment, but she's doing fine." Eddie says while he glances back at you and to his friends
Meanwhile Jeff, Gareth and Eric talks about you and Eddie
"I didn't expect her to do something like that, but- but it's not like- it's a bad thing- but holy shit!" Gareth exclaims still haven't moved on from your self-defense action earlier but he whispers slightly when he saw Eddie looking at him
"You know what they say, don't judge by a book by its cover." Jeff says while coming back to his seat after throwing his coffee cup in the trash can
Eric ignoring his friends rambling and he is in his deep thoughts while playing around the rim of his coffee cup
Jeff notices him and he says "hey, man are you okay?"
Eric looks back up at him "I just- don't know what I would do if something happened to her if we didn't get outside at time." he says still frantic about the situation
Jeff and Gareth remained quiet and look back at each other and frown at him
Eric turns around to catch a glimpse at his friend, Eddie talking to Marlon
and he smiles as he sees Eddie eyes full of love and joyfulness and looks back at Jeff and Gareth
"I hope they work out, even I just met her, I really like her for Eddie, I'm rooting for them both."
Gareth shows a small smile
"I can feel it to you know, since her first day at school, they're really made for each other." Jeff says and he smiles looking back at Eddie
"Hi, Mom?" You said while playing with the telephone cord afraid of what might your parents have to say about the situation
she sighs in the telephone "oh- sweet girl- are you alright? are you hur-
she got cut off by your dad "did you do what I thought you to do?"
"Of course, Dad, always."
"Wait-" he pauses "did your friends knew about this?"
"Sad to say, Dad, I didn't told them about it."
he chuckles "Are they surprised?"
you scoffed "Dad!" and you laugh while shaking your head
"Yeah, they are."
You can feel your dad grinning over the phone "and now they won't try to harm you because they already know what they're gonna get-"
Your dad cut off and you can hear their argument over the phone
"Oh- for goodness sake! your daughter almost got kidnapped and harassed and you're acting like it was normal!"
"It was normal- for me" you answered while you roll your eyes
Your parents know that you can handle yourself really well but still they're always worried even though you know what you're doing- especially your mom- and it's very funny to remember all of things that you did and your mom acts like it was the first time that you did something like that
she huffed "Anyways- how's your friends? are they doing okay?"
"Yeah, they are! except for Jeff though- he punched one of boys who tried to hurt me but he is good."
"Oh- is that his name who picked you up in the morning?"
"Uh- no, that's Eddie, Jeff is a friend of his."
You can feel your mom is hesitant to ask something that is very personal but you said
"I know you're trying to ask me something don't worry I won't get mad at you, Mom, come on, spill it."
"So- um- do they still treat you nice like before?"
You take a deep breath you smile and you say "Yes, Mom, they do, they're very sweet and caring."
"Wow, that's- very wonderful."
"It is, Mom, I'm so grateful that I got to meet them, they're very thoughtful and understanding, especially Eddie."
Your mom smiles at the thought of you finally having a good time at your new school except for the incident part but she is still worried about you "Well, hearing that from you, I want to meet him soon. I would like to thank him for giving my daughter this new found happiness."
"Oh- god, Mom, we're not even dating yet."
"Yet? does that mean there's a possibility? then go on it already!" Your mom exclaimed
You flustered using your one hand to cover your face
"Fine- maybe soon, I'll let you know."
Your mom squealed and you chuckled
"I really like him though" you overheard your dad
"Me too" your mom replied to him
"You guys are not the only ones who think we look good together."
"Alright, alright, we'll behave I can see your expression right now even we're at the phone I can sense that you're annoyed."
"Whatever, Mom" you chuckled
Your dad snatch the phone again "Oh- by the way, we're not at home anymore, we're on a business trip but we'll be back at Friday, we're sorry it's last minute."
"That's fine, Dad."
"You got a spare key right?"
"Yes I do"
"Okay, good, take care, hun."
"Hey, Dad?"
You purse your lips together and close your eyes "if it's okay with you guys, I would like to stay over with Eddie, just for tonight?"
"Tell her that it's okay!" You overheard your mom's encouragement and you shake your head playfully
"Sure, you can stay, but know your limits alright?"
"Gosh- Dad- please- I know."
He chuckled "Okay, goodnight, Amanda take care, I love you."
"I love you too, Dad." he pass the phone to your mom
"Call us in the morning when you get home okay?
"Okay, Mom, you know I will."
"My sweet girl, I love you so much."
"I love you more."
You hanged up and you walked back towards at the diner
You entered and you noticed all of them
Eddie, Marlon, Hopper, Eric, Gareth and Jeff looked at you in worrisome
"Uh- guys? Am I missing something?"
"What did they say?" Hopper asks you while he take a sip from his coffee
"They asked me if I was doing alright, but yeah- as always they're worried of course they're my parents but there's no more problem to deal with I assure you." You waved them all off
Eric, Gareth and Jeff nods at you
"How about the situation? Are they taking it fine?" Marlon asks as he shifts from his seat
You walk towards him "as long as I told them that I am doing well- that's enough for them- you don't have to worry about everything, Marlon. We're good." You assure him
Marlon nods at you as he releases a long sigh and somehow he feels relaxed about you and your parents are not mad about everything
Eddie scoots over to let you out a seat beside him and you sat next to him
Hopper goes to you and he saids that nothing will get charged for what you did and he already explained that over the phone to your parents and Jason will remain detained until his parents come over and he will get charged for the crimes that he has done
"I just really had enough of that, boy I don't know what his problem."
"I know right" Eddie slightly chuckles
"Don't flatter yourself, Munson."
Eddie gets nervous from his gaze until he tries to apologize but Hopper stops him
"I'm just kidding, Eddie" he laughed
"Oh" Eddie puts a hand over his chest as he thought that he might get into trouble and you laughed at the sight of him getting scared shitless infront of Hopper
"I got you there!" he continues to tease him even more
"Anyhow, rain check- I'll get going now- just call me whenever you need anything, okay?"
"Sure- chief" you nod at him and smile
"Just call me, Jim"
He waves to you and to everyone but before he gets out and you ran towards to him "Hey, Jim?"
"Thank you again for everything."
"Much obliged- and also could you look out for Munson for me?" He smirks teasingly and he looks at Eddie and he watches him gulp from his stare
You look back at Eddie and you giggled
"Sure, Jim, I keep an eye out for you."
He chuckles "Alright now, take care, Amanda."
"You too."
You watched him enters his car and gives a beep and you waved at him as he droves away
You walk towards back to your seat and Eddie says
"You're the only one who did that to Hopper"
"Did what?" you asked while you sat down beside him
He scoffed "for me? It would take years to gain his trust on me."
You laughed and Marlon says "it's because he has a instinct that if he sees someone he sensed that automatically that is a good person."
"Does that mean he doesn't sense anything to me?" Eddie asks as he watches Marlon stand up from his seat
"Yeah, because all of he can sense in you is that you're so despicable." Marlon replies with a smug on his face
You bursted out laughing so hard that you can feel your tears streaming down from your face
"Marlon, that's not cool" Eddie is highly offended as he grunts crossing his arms together
He laughs "I'm just messing with you, boy."
Eddie rolls his eyes to him with a smile coming out from his lips
"It's late all of you should go home now, I'll get cleaning and close the bar now."
You looked over your watch it says 1:30AM
"Oh, yeah sure, Marlon, take care."
"You too"
He waves bye to everyone and he exits the diner
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all of you stayed in there for a bit until everyone gets up walks outside saying goodbyes
Eric walks towards to you after he finished talking to Gareth and Jeff "are you sure you're okay?" he tries to study your face
you sigh "uh- Eric yeah I'm okay, thank you it was really nice to meet you." you nod and give him a reassuring smile
"Okay, well, if you say so, I'm glad, goodnight and take care." he pats your shoulder and give one last look and turns around to his car and give Eddie a wave, the three of you watch him as he droves away
"I gotta tell you, Amanda, that was so fucking badass you pulled off back there." Jeff elbows Gareth's stomach and he shrieked in pain
Jeff winks at you as he does the same trick you did at Eddie earlier and it made you laugh
"You deserve that shit, Gareth, so how are you? are you feeling well?" Jeff asks you while he holds both of your arms
You stare at him and he sees your gloom expression and that made him frown
You noticed him and you shake your head and you hold his arms "I'll be fine, Jeff, I promise." You pat his arms and he gives you a small smile
"I believe you, goodnight and take care." he says while pulling Gareth's arm still in pain as they both walk away
"Wait- guys don't you want a ride home?" Eddie offers as he watches both of his friends halts their tracks
Jeff and Gareth looks at you and back at Eddie
You already know what they're doing and you rolled your eyes and smirk at them
Gareth's grin turns bigger
Jeff snickers as he says "Nah- we're both good, man, we'll just wait for the bus, we still have more time."
Eddie's put his hand over his hips as he glares at you and darts his eyes back to his friends as he tries to understand the situation
But before he can say anything, Jeff and Gareth runs away from the both of you taking the opportunity that you and Eddie are both alone and that thought gives you shivers down to your spine
You can hear Gareth shouting out for you "Oh- take care, Amanda! You're the boss!"
You shake your head and you can hear them both laughing
Eddie's eyebrows raises up together as he finally realizes the situation
He turns to you and he smirks and he leans down as he tries to say something but you stopped him
"Ah- Ah!" You tut "before you can say anything, my parents let me to stay with you for the night."
Eddie stood there frozen still- in front of you as words got caught up on his own throat
"Oh my god, Eddie, come on before we can catch up a cold." You grabbed his hand and you both walked in his van
"You always leave me speechless" he shakes his head finally he's out of his trance
"Your friends are just being silly, Eds." you chuckled as he helped you get up at the passenger seat
you reaching out for the door to close it but he stops you and then he leans forward to you then he said
"Then why you asked your parents?"
"Because what?"
"Because.... I wanted to stay....with....You."
You say as you became shy under his gaze
"Oh- what?"
He purses his lips and he stares at you with loving eyes
You became even more nervous and you stutter "W-what is with you?"
"I think you know what it is." he lets out a smug smile and closes the door
You stare at the door, your hands turn cold as your eyes flicker in realization
"Oh no" you think to yourself "He knows what I feel for him" you swallowed nervously
He gets in the driver's seat and you can't even look at him
He notices your shifting in your seat and he says "fine- I'm not gonna tease you about it, I don't wanna see you upset again so- relax I'll behave." he gestures again to wear your seatbelt
You flash a shy smile on him as you put your seatbelt
The drive to his trailer was comforting as always, it never have been weird for you and it drives you crazy how much this feels all too good for you
The way that both of you can spend the time without talking to each other and it sends you to a emotional rollercoaster at the thought of it
You wanna confess your feelings on him right now at this very moment but it feels too soon and you knew ever since the first day, he likes you...
But you didn't know that his feelings are deeper than that, he wants to spend his life with you and he can't imagine himself living his life without you, he can't function with you on his side.... he doesn't just like you... he's head over heels for you...
The moment you arrived at his trailer, curiosity sparks up in your eyes as you look around his neighborhood
"It's not much else to see but it's home" he says as he looks at you while your eyes roaming around the place
"It's a pleasant home, Eds." You look at him and give him a loving smile
Eddie notice your eyes that he hasn't seen before- he knows it, he knows that you also love him but he doesn't wanna force you to confess right now... but after he saw what's in your eyes- he can't believe someone like you would love him....
Eddie The Gentleman as always he helps you get out of his van and you both entered his home
You walked on first and you take a look around and you felt buoyant at the sight of it
"It's feels like home just like him" you think to yourself
Eddie closes the door behind him and he put his arm over your shoulders and you let yourself rest on them
"You like my home, huh?" He leans down at you
"Yeah, I do"
"Well, my darling, I'm delighted to have you here."
He walks over the kitchen and you shudder from his words "My darling"
"Do you want something to drink?" as he grabs a glass of water for himself
"Oh, yes please."
He grabs another one for you and he pours water in your glass
You drank up the whole thing and you keep yourself calm and you don't know why you're freaking out inside maybe it's because this is all too much for you
Of course- he always notices your movements so he scratches the back of his head and he says
"I'll give you my room, you could sleep in there and I'll be on the couch."
He shrugs as he finishes his glass of water and puts it down on the sink
Before you could protest- he already lets out a fresh new pair of clothes from him, an old queen bandshirt and a bottom pajama and clean boxers
He gives it to you and he gestures his bedroom for you to change in your clothes
"Eddie- no please I'll sleep-"
He closes your mouth and he says "Stop talking, go on and get change, you're my guest and I want you to be comfortable and it's getting late I don't want you to have an headache in the morning."
You sigh in defeat and you follow what he asks you to do and you close the door of his bedroom and your eyes flashes with astonishment
You looked everywhere in every inch of his room and you put down the clothes that he's given you in his bed without looking
A big Corroded Coffin banner at the top of his bed, you can tell that he styled his room on his own because of how uniquely it's been made and you've never seen anything like it, his clothes are pilled up messily that made you giggle because it's so him
Band posters are everywhere, guitar chords sheets are on the bedside table, you hint the smell of his cologne that you inhale so much that you didn't know that you're doing it more than once
You saw all of his sketches in a pieces of paper that scattered in the floor and you picked it up and you admire his talent in drawing, Marlon was right he is indeed a true artist
and it makes you wonder why
why people are so mean to him and scared of him?
"My boy is harmless" you think to yourself
and you think again realizing what you just said in your head
"My boy"
You shake your head to pull yourself out of your thoughts as you quickly get off with your clothes
Once you're on with his clothes and you can't help but hug yourself of the warmth that it gives you
You remove your hairstyle, accessories and you brush your hair and you wipe off the dirt of your face using a makeup remover that you always bring in with you just in case...
A sudden knock on the door that it made you yelp and he chuckles "Sorry, love, I didn't meant to scare you."
"Can he please stop calling me with these names?" You think to yourself you're falling for him even harder than before
You walk towards the door and you open it and you saw he already change in his clothes and you noticed the look from his eyes as he saw you in his clothes
He stares at you slowly from up and down, you're wearing his old queen bandshirt and his old bottom pajamas, he tugs out a smile and he looks up at you
"You looked so good in my clothes." He thought to himself
You flushed at his gaze and you asked "uh- what is it, Eddie?"
"oh- right, I have a spare of new toothbrush here, there's the bathroom right over there on the side." He points out the direction
"Okay, thank you." You peek your head out from the door and you nod- but before you close the door he holds it and he says
"and also I wanted to check on you, if you're doing fine."
"Eddie, I can't thank you enough for this, that's all that I can say." You slightly giggle and you smiled
"I am relieved that you feel at home, I'll be over on the couch if you need anything."
"Alright, Eddie, goodnight."
"Goodnight, sweetheart."
You sat down on his bed for a minute and then you get up to brush your teeth in the bathroom
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You open the door and Eddie heard you walking out- he's on his blanket scribbling on his sketch book on his lap
You walked passed on him and you give him a shy smile and he looks back up at you and he smiles back
Eddie wanted to say something to you and he closes his sketch book and throw it on the coffee table
"you gotta tell her right now" he thinks to himself "it's now or never"
He heard you turning off the faucet in the bathroom and you walked outside the bathroom
He watches you passed on him but you stop and turn around
You both laughed off that you're so in synch to say something to each other
You facepalm yourself and Eddie gets out from his couch and you walked towards him
"no- you're good, you go ahead." Eddie says as he looks at you
"is your Uncle home?"
"No, he works at late night shifts but he'll be back in the morning."
"Oh, okay, so- uh- I see you in the morning then."
You smile and walk away from him but before you could do that
He pulled you into a hug
You gasped while you put your hands over his chest and you hug him back
Eddie rest his head on your shoulder and you remove your hands from his chest and you let yourself rest on it
You can hear how fast his heartbeat is and your heart does the same
You and Eddie remained hugging to each other for a moment until he can feel you resisting yourself from him and he can't understand why but he brushes off that thought
"We should get some rest now." Eddie still holding your arms
"Yeah" he caresses his thumb while he holds your arms and give it a last squeeze and he finally let go
You smile and you turn away from him walking back to his room and you close the door
Eddie groans in frustration as he puts his hands above his head "you're so dumb" he mumbles to himself laying down on the couch aggressively pulling up his blanket to him, he can't bring himself to say it right in front of you and he's annoyed by it
You lay down on his bed and it's the perfect bed that you ever laid on and you sigh of how it relaxes your back and you snuggle while you pull up the blankets to you
You close off the lamp and you stare at the ceiling thinking-
It's insane how Eddie removes your thoughts out of your head like you couldn't remember the incident earlier
Your trembling is gone from your body and you're not worrying anymore, you feel at peace and you've never experienced this before
You smile and you can feel your eyes closing in as you drift away from your sleep
You woke up gleaming like nothing happened last night, you saw the clock it says 6:15am and you removed the blankets off from you and you stretch your arms out and you get up and walk towards the door
But before you can open it all the way you slowly turn the doorknob quietly and you peek your head out and you can hear soft snores from Eddie he is still asleep
You saw him still in his slumber with his one arm placing on the forehead and his hand rests on his chest and you can see him breathing up and down
You admire him from afar and you turn around walk inside of his kitchen and you open the fridge there's bread, butter, eggs and on the freezer, there's bacon
You grab all of those out and put it on the table, you're very careful on how you move not making any sound as possible so you won't wake up Eddie
You washed your hands first and dry it with a paper towel
You placed a pan on the stove and you turn it on, you wait for it to get hot and once it's warm enough- you grab a butter knife in the drawer and then slice the butter and you put it on the pan...
You wait for it to melt- you look for a bowl in the countertops and you crack open three eggs cause you remember Wayne might get home anytime soon...
You seasoned it with salt and pepper and you pour it down on the pan and it starts to sizzle
You hear the couch creaks and you frozen stiff and you look back slowly and you saw him just turn into other side and you sigh in relief
You continue cooking all of it and you prepare three plates with utensils and you place the foods using a spatula
After that you place the used kitchenware on the sink and you wash it
You also made coffee right on time that you heard Wayne's footsteps on the front door
He opens the door, he weary sighs as he removes his boots, he doesn't saw you there yet in the kitchen until he smells the aroma of food that place upon the table
He turns around and his eyes in shock and clears his throat "woah- goodmorning, I'm sorry, I didn't see you there."
You waved to him with a sheepish grin "H- hello, goodmorning to you too, Mr. Munson."
He jokingly nauseated at your response and he sits down on the table "you don't have to be nervous around me, please, call me, Wayne."
You giggled "Okay, Wayne, I made us a breakfast, I hope you don't mind."
"You really don't have to do this but thank you for the kind gesture." He says as he eats up
He hums while he chews his food "this is phenomenal." you snort "it's just bread, eggs and bacon." while you place a mug infront of him and pouring the freshly made black coffee
"You cook better than him- you cooked all of them just the way that I like, it's compliment, doll, take it." He says as he shoves a piece of bacon in his mouth
You chuckled and you shake your head while you're holding your mug with coffee as you sat down on the other side of the table
But before you can eat, you look back at Eddie still asleep and you're thinking you should wake him up because you might be late for school
Wayne saw it and he says "He doesn't get up until 8am."
"Oh- should I wake him up? his food might get cold."
"He'll be waking up anytime, you should eat"
"Hmmm, okay" you say as you ate your buttered bread
while he finishes up his plate he says "So, what brings you here?"
You hesitantly respond to his question and you hear the couch creaking again and you look back up and you can see his eyes slowly fluttering open and it widens as he remembers that you're with him- he quickly sats down on the edge of the couch and you look at the kitchen and he you and Wayne already eating breakfast
"Slow down, Eddie I'm okay, I made you a breakfast." You chuckled you gesture him to sit down
"Oh-" he says as he sees Wayne raising an eyebrow at him as a sign for him to talk and explain why are you with him- not that he doesn't like having guests at his home but he just wants to know the reason why
He sats down beside you and he grabs the utensils and eats up, you slowly move his mug with coffee in it and he nods and he says "thank you" softly
"So again, Amanda, I ask you, what are you doing in here?" Wayne asks as he crosses his hands
You blinked "you- you knew my name?"
"Eddie told me about you since the first day you came and now I know the reason why he's been acting weird lately."
Eddie flustered while he ates his piece of bacon as he almost spits it out from his mouth
Wayne's eyes tears away from you as he glares at Eddie "Hey, can you please answer me? son?"
Eddie grab his mug and drinks his coffee he looks at you for permission and you look back up at him and you nod
"She wants to come home with me just for the night because she almost-
Eddie didn't want to go on into full details as he starts to remember how bad you look yesterday and he doesn't want that to happen again
You hold his hand and you intertwined your fingers to him and he does the same- telling him that at you're okay for him to continue
"She almost got kidnapped by Jason with his asshole friends." Eddie's jaw clenched as the scene starts replaying in his head
Wayne uncrosses his hands and he looks back at you in concern and he frown
"Oh my god, are you alright?!? I'm sorry I didn't mean to-
Eddie cuts him off by saying "She's alright, Wayne, she defended herself, she hits Jason with a wood that it's heavy enough to knock him out and she even hits the legs some of his friends." He grins
You smirk and you look back at Wayne as he shifts into his seat he looks back down he felt uneasy to look back up to you- but you hold his hand "it's okay, Wayne, I know you're just worried about your nephew, but we're good."
Wayne looks back up to you with his lips apart after hearing what Eddie just said "Don't you mess with her, boy she might do the same thing with you." he chuckles
Eddie shifts his seat and tries to act cool but you always notice it and it makes you laugh
"I doubt it, Wayne, I would never do such a thing."
"Yeah, I know, but sometimes you're stupid."
"Well, I am not!"
"Uh- yes you are!"
"Okay, fine, what's your proof?!"
You continue to listen to their argument with a smirk on your face while you lean back down on your seat as you eat your breakfast
"Then why haven't you asked her out again?!?"
You stopped chewing and Eddie became silent
Wayne looks at you both with a smug smile on his face
"AHA!" he exclaimed startling you both "the feeling is mutual! I can see it in your faces!" he says as he gestures his finger to the both of your faces
Eddie suddenly went shy but you ignore your reddening cheeks as you get up and quickly pick up the plates and utensils "we might be late for school." You say as you walk away from the table heading towards back to the kitchen and you place all the dirty dishes down on the sink as you begin to wash them
"Don't change the subject, doll" Wayne says the smirk is still there on his face
You stop what you're doing to look back at him with a warning look and he puts his hands up in surrender and you giggled and you continue to wash the dishes, he looks back to his nephew
"She really got you hard, huh." Wayne smirks
"Stop it, man" Eddie rolled his eyes playfully with a smile coming out to the sides of his lips
"You better act up sooner or later, I like her for you." He says as he rest his back on his chair
Eddie eyes light up to what his uncle just told him and he says
"I will, but"
"but what"
Eddie sighs "I just don't want her to be pressured of her own feelings just because I forced her out of it." He pauses
"I can feel that she likes me but I can also feel that she is afraid of her own feelings and she's scared that I might hurt her or anything that she is worried of but- I'll just wait for her and I can wait." Eddie says with a hopeful smile
Wayne smiles and almost teared up that he is proud of himself that he's upbringing for taking care of Eddie as a child shines through with him, he works hard enough just to give what he deserves after his parents got divorced, Eddie had a trouble to get comfortable around Wayne's home but he tries his best to make not him feel that way, he really is a good kid even sometimes he can't stand his nephew... All of the people are talking about him- he knows that it isn't in his nature to do stuff things like that... He trusts him with his whole heart and he believes that he won't ever harm you and he is sure about it
"She'll come around soon, Eddie, I know it." He holds Eddie's shoulder and gives assuring tap
Eddie smiles back to his uncle
After you finished cleaning and wiping the table with a damp rug, Wayne asks if Marlon was okay and he knows that you are aware of their friendship and you say that he's doing fine and he is very nice to you and he smiles back to you...
"I should check on him sometime, it's been a while since I talked to him." Wayne says
"Oh- you should! he is very sweet."
"Well- of course he is! I thought him how to be a gentleman around girls." He huffed
You chuckled and you suddenly have a thought that he's the reason why Eddie is so gentle with you and understanding...
"You're a fine man, Wayne." Eddie says while walking passed to the both of you
Wayne smacked Eddie's forehead and he shouts in pain and you laughed
"I'm gonna get some sleep, take care and keep kicking butts who deserves it." He says jokingly to you and he unexpectedly hugged you and you hug him back
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He takes a look at you once last time and he smiled as he walks inside to his room
After you finished taking a shower and you walked towards to his room and you saw him in there- he looked around and saw you standing in there in the doorway only wearing a towel that is so short for you to cover enough your bare legs and your hair dripping wet
He blushed and he clears his throat "I-I'm sorry my bad, I didn't meant to stare at you, I'll leave." he quickly walks away from his room
You always bought an emergency pouch on your bag for your needs, a shampoo, soap and a lotion and extra undergarments
as he walks away he smelt the vanilla from your skin and a touch of lavender in your hair, and your sweet scent coming for your lotion that you lather yourself after you finished taking a shower and he groaned and you close the door still in shock that he saw you only in his towel
You saw in his bed a fresh new pair of hellfire club shirt and a pair of old denim shorts- you thought it was meant for him but it wasn't- you saw him holding a pair clothes as you watch him walked outside of his room
You smile as you put on the clothes that he lay out for you- it was a little big for you but you didn't mind and it almost looks like you're not wearing underneath so you tuck in a little bit of the shirt on your denim shorts and you styled it to make it look decent and fashionable once you satisfied you put on a little bit of makeup and you tie your hair into two low pigtails you walked outside and you saw him fixing his hair
You can smell his perfume and his aftershave and his wearing his usual bandshirts but this time it's a DIO black bandshirt and he wears a worn out ripped jeans and you can hear his belt chain dangling while he moves to even out his hair
"God, he smells so good." You think to yourself
He sees you in the reflection and he smiled
"You're ready?"
he turns to look at you and he scans you from up to down and the light outside gives a shimmer to your bare legs and he can't remove his eyes away from it as he tries to look back up to you finally
"yo- you look terrific" that's the only the thing he can say and he closes his eyes in annoyance
You chuckled"you look terrific as well, Eds" you say as you walk closer to him and while you play with his hair
His eyes flicker from your eyes and lips he leans down and your heart stopped to what he's about to do only by interrupted by Max
You didn't knew that they're neighbors and Eddie sighs as he forgot to tell you about that
"Hey, Eddie can I- oh shoot- I'm sorry" she smirks to see you and Eddie almost kissed
He grunts in frustration and he shakes his head and he glares back to the redhead kid "What do you want, red?"
You giggled and you walk towards to Max in the doorway- she eyes you from up and down and she knows that your clothes is not yours- it's from Eddie- and she gives you a knowing look
and your eyes widen "Oh my- Max it's not like that!"
"Uh huh- that's what she said." she says to you teasingly and darts her eyes back to Eddie about to blow up from anger
"Alright- my bike broke down and I don't have a ride to come to school so- I was thinking maybe just for temporary of course!"
Eddie put his hands over his hips as he exhales from his fueling anger
"Okay, fine, just for today okay?" He says and you know he has a soft spot for the friends that he have he may acts very mean to them but he cares so much for them
The three of you get inside of the van and Eddie starts up the engine and Max pinches your shoulder and you look back up at her grinning as she gestures at you to come and talk to her
You look back at Eddie and he annoyingly nods for you to go and you chuckled you make a quick kiss to his cheeks and you can't stop yourself for doing that and he smiles as he starts to drive
You and Max headed at the back of the van and her eyes flicker in curiosity
"I didn't know you had a thing with Eddie." she smirks
"We're not together so-"
"What?! then- what are you doing back there?!? and in his trailer?!? and in his clothes?!"
You snort at her rambling "it's a very long story"
Eddie looks at you in the rearview mirror and he spoke "Something happened in The Hideout last night, Mayfield."
After Max heard his voice in a serious tone she looks at you in concern and her face drops as she saw the pain in your eyes
"Tell me" she starts as she holds your hands "Please- Tell me what happened."
You look at her in the eyes and you can see that she's genuine to understand you and you look back at Eddie in the rearview mirror and he nods at you
You look back down and you take a deep breath and you tell her everything that happened last night
"Oh- so that's why you stayed with him for the night?" she says
You nod at her
"Now I know why I liked you in the first place."
You giggled "Yeah, I feel the same way as well."
"Are you doing alright after what happened?"
"Yeah, Eddie helped me out a lot and his friends are very thoughtful." your eyes went radiating that Max hasn't seen before and she knows that look
"Have you told him yet?"
"Told him what?"
"You know what I'm talking about"
Your expression went down from worrying as she furrows her brows at you in confusion
"Did he did something wrong?"
"What?!- No! God no-"
"Then what seems to be the problem?"
"I'm just afraid to admit it... that's all."
Judging by the tone of your voice she completely understands why you feel like this way as she sees herself in the same position before
"I know how you feel"
"You do?"
"I do" she starts "I tried to push away Lucas from me as I dealt with my own problems before and he keeps telling me that his there for me to help me and I couldn't let myself to-
"Be a burden" you cut her off
"Yeah- to be a burden from him until I realized that he was right- it was wrong for me to push the people that truly cares for you and especially that loves you."
That one last sentence hits you as you take a look at Eddie in the rearview mirror and he's already staring at you and he looks back on the road
You turn to look back at Max
"I let down my pride and here we are now as happy as a clam." She chuckles slightly
You smiled at her and you asked "Was it scary?"
"What was scary?"
"To trust?"
"Yeah- it was- but Lucas is always been there for me and I just neglected it for a long time and yeah I hate myself for it but he understands why I did it because it was hard for me to cope up at that time, my stepbrother passed and we didn't have enough time to talk about the things that I wanted to say to him and our relationship was tough- my bestfriend was in California and I didn't have anyone else to lean on except Lucas who I keep pushing away until I realized the one that I've been looking for this whole time was right in front of me."
You eyes flicker back towards to a Eddie as her words hit you right into your chest
She tightens your grip on your hands and she leans forward closer to you
"I may only knew Eddie last year but I can tell that he truly and deeply cares for you and he always wants to be there for you." she paused
You nod at her while you blink away the tears
"You gotta let go of your thoughts and just open your arms and heart to anyone who is dying to help you and you don't have to afraid and if you feel the same way that he does and then you got nothing to be scared of." she says while she flashes out a sweet smile to you
Eddie parked the van and turns off the engine and he gets up and walked towards to you and Max
Eddie notice the melancholy expression from your face and he turn his head to Max as he say "What did you do?"
"None of your business! Munson! It's a girl talk!" she gets up pulling your hand with her and she opens the door and both go back down and you wave to Eddie reassuring that you're fine
Eddie doesn't buy it but he'll know all about it soon
Max looks for Lucas and she saw him in the school entrance and he waved back up to her
"Remember what I told you, okay? you'll be fine" she embraces you in a tight warm hug and you hug her back "Thank you, Max" you say softly behind her ear
"You're welcome!" she looks at Eddie with a suspicious expression written across his face as he glares at Max
"Don't break her heart, Munson! or else we both beat you up!"
You bursted out laughing and you can see Eddie shifts uncomfortably and he shakes his head
"Huh- I assure you, Red, that won't happen."
"We'll see about that!" Max says as she winks at you and she run towards to Lucas who waits for with open arms as they embrace to each other into a hug
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Eddie's snakes his hand through yours and you squealed
"Don't worry, darling, it's just me" he says as you look back and you smirked
you both walked towards to school and he asks
"Did he hug you?"
"Did who?"
"Uh- yeah he did- wait how'd you know?"
"I saw it you know after he smacked my forehead" he says with a teasing tone and you laughed
"Is there a problem with that?"
"No, nothing at all" he paused "Wayne never hugs anyone else unless he felt or sees something in you."
"Like what?"
"a trustworthy person"
"that means you're a part of the Munson now."
"part of the family?"
You smile became even more bigger and he does the same thing as he says "I knew that my guts were right since the beginning."
"Well, I'm very honored to be a part of your life."
Eddie eyes widens to your words that you spoken to him
"She wants to spend the rest of her life with me?" He thinks to himself
He blushes under your gaze and you snickered beside him nudging his arm teasingly
You didn't even saw that Dustin and Mike are running towards you as they both hugged you that you almost fell down on the ground
"It's literally 7-fucking-am in the morning! She almost went down on the ground!" Eddie howled as he watches the two buys remove themselves with you
"They're just worried, Eddie, it's fine I didn't get hurt I'm just- surprised." You slightly chuckled
"No- it's not fine! what if your head got hit?!? what if your skin get scratched on the ground?!?" he says as he smacks Dustin's head back causing Mike to get nervous
You've never seen him this angry, you never saw the fire that's coming out in his eyes
He became possessive to you and you can tell by the tone of his voice
You placed your hands on his shoulders and he suddenly calms down at your touch and you feel butterflies on your stomach at the thought of- only you can do that to him
"Eddie, nothing happened to me and you know exactly why they approach me like that."
He sighs and he shows you a small smile and he apologizes to Dustin and Mike for his fuming behavior- the kids reassures him that it was okay and they understand it
But before Dustin and Mike can talk to you Steve and Robin appears out of nowhere behind your back as Steve hugs you tightly that your reflexes automatically pushed him way too far and he's the one who ended on the ground without realizing that was your bestfriend
"Oh- for heaven's sake! Steve!" You help him get up grabbing his hand and you pulled him back for a hug
"I'm sorry- I shouldn't sneak you up from behind"
"Steve- it's okay."
"We came as soon as we heard about the news!" Robin says as she shows you a shit eating grin and you taken a back of what she's about to do- you remove yourself from Steve as he holds your hand
She recalls the story again and she becoming even more frenzied when she tells the part where you beat them all up
You facepalm and you giggled but there's a confused look coming out of your face as to why they already knew about everything what happened last night
Ignoring Robin's outburst of energy "What the fuck is going on?! We didn't told anyone about this other than, Max!" Eddie says with a demented expression
Jeff and Gareth shyly waving to you and Eddie- leaning their back in the locker
You rip your hand away from Steve and you suddenly became furious to them as you began to ruffle up your sleeves and Eddie watches you with a smirk on his face as he mouths to his friends "You're all going to die!"
"Oh shit"
"We gotta run"
You watch them both almost tripping as they rushed themselves away from you
Even they're already far away you can still see their smug faces
"I knew it- I should've kept my mouth shut" Robin says as she regret her actions earlier
You turn to look at her and said "No-
"You did nothing wrong, Robin" you show her a reassuring smile but Robin is still dubious to believe it until you groan and walk over to her and hug her to make it more convincing that you're not mad at her
You pulled back when you saw Lucas and Max glances at you
You can see that Max told everything to Lucas and you watch as he began to shift from where he standing
Lucas looked at you with a shock expression and then it becomes distraught
Max flashes you a tender smile
You smile back at her until Eddie yells who's the one who started this all of this
You sigh and walk back to his side as you're trying to restrain a laugh when you watch him acting like a parent reprimanding his children
"Jeff and Gareth told us everything and as a good person since I knew Steve that Amanda means so much to him so after they finished the whole thing, I quickly ran as fast I can to the nearest payphone outside-
"and we're here." Steve finishes him off
Dustin gestures to Steve
Eddie rubs his eyes as he turns to look at you "Well- The cat is out of the bag, I'm so sorry about this, Sweetheart." he says with a empathetic tone
You stare at him for a moment not knowing what to say
Everyone looks at you and they assume that you'll get mad at them but you didn't which means all of the talks in school doesn't apply to you at all and everything they say- they've never seen a single thing that proves that they're right....
"Look, uh- guys, I don't know what to say, I've never had any friends before other than-
You glance at Steve who showed you a soft smile
Your eyes flicker to him with gratitude- you continue to talk and you point out to Steve
"I just wanna say thank you for all the concern, I really appreciate it." You smile shyly
and they walked over to you one by one and you didn't expect all of them to give you a hug
You haven't felt any halfhearted coming out from them- you can tell that they're very genuine about it and that really surprises you because they hardly even know you yet but they treat you like you've been friends for years....
Dustin and Mike apologizes to you and they even say that you should punish them for spreading a traumatic event that happened to you last night and you cackled instead of listening to their ramblings you hug them once again and that of course convinced them
Jeff and Gareth are the only ones who need punishment not them- but still- at the same time you can't blame them- they literally have no idea of who you are except that you're being a Jones and being Steve's childhood bestfriend and a girl who transferred to a lot of different school's- that's it
as much you want to see Eddie's bandmates to suffer- you'll let your boiling anger aside
"God- That must've been so scary, Amanda, I know you're tough but I didn't know that you we're that tough." Lucas he says nervously with a slight chuckle
You can tell that he's not making you feel pity but your heart sanks as your brain keep telling you about the things are not real- it's your own insecurity that you need to get fixed and you know that it has to be over or you live miserable for the rest of your life
"They're just like the rest of them don't trust them." Your own voice echoing inside of your head
Lucas noticed your sudden bemusedly face
"Amanda? are you alright?"
Lucas voiced snapped out of your thoughts as you nod aggressively
"So, how's been going with Eddie?"
"It's been real great"
"I didn't know that you guys are dating"
"Wait- what- no we're not Sinclair." you chuckled
"Oh- come on! everybody knows that you two are the perfect match." He says with a grin
You rolled your eyes at him playfully but with a fond smile coming out of them
"Max- can you get your boyfriend away from me please?"
Lucas put his hands up in surrender as he thought Max is going to lecture him until he saw Max smirks at you
You burrow your eyebrows together
"You're an idiot" she plainly said
Lucas bursted out laughing- Max looks over to her boyfriend as she says "This is the only time that you're right."
"Truer words were never spoken" Lucas winks at you teasingly
You groan at them as you said "I thought all of the schools I've left are the worst! This school is the menace!" You scream while putting your hand over the top of your head causing the two to laugh even harder than they use to-
You step aside from them as you annoyingly sigh from their teasing and you think this might take awhile....They didn't know that it's true...you do have a thing for him since the first day... you're just scared to admit your feelings and open your heart again... you take a glimpse at Eddie who is already staring at you...He knows... and you tear your away from him as you feel a knot in your stomach... You don't want to hurt him but you also don't want leading him on like this...
Eddie can't help but to look at you as he hopes that this is not just a one-sided love, he can't even imagine himself fall in love... Alone...
He knows that he mustn't think like that about you...He wants to understand you so badly but sometimes his own negative thoughts are winning on his mind as he thinks that you want someone else... But he is certain that you only have eyes for him...
Will you be there when he confesses his feelings for you? or you will just live in fear?
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bleuangel88 · 5 months
TV Fanatic Station 19 Review: Give It All
"Tangentinally, I can understand the angle here with this storyline and what they were showcasing via Maya.
We watched a woman who broke a cycle after years of cultivating her own family via Nineteen, specifically Carina and now Liam. She had to learn how to be loved and know how to show it, and that has been something that's been years in the making.
It took literal years for her to unlearn some of the habits and thought processes instilled in her by her abusive father. It took even longer for her to truly unpack her traumas and get the help she needed to be the best, healthiest version of herself.
When you've done that, you want to extend a hand back and help someone else do the same, especially someone you love who endured similar experiences.
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It made perfect sense that a healed Maya Bishop would want to "save" her brother and put him on the right path. She gathered all of these tools and wanted to teach him how life could be on the other side of their crappy childhood.
She wanted to be that beacon of light and sense of hope that she got. And she put up a valiant effort to do that. Through her conversations with Mason, we see how much Maya has evolved over the years.
It was a way of seeing how life has served her well and just how great of a place she's in. It's like a progress check, seeing Mason's brokenness reflecting back to her as she saw where she was compared to where she is now.
She even says how beautiful her life is, so when she desperately offered to have him move in with her and Carina (albeit without thinking about what Carina would've wanted), you know she wanted to be the family to Mason that they didn't have when they were younger.
And maybe, in some way, she was trying to make it up to him that she couldn't save him. Although, how could she rescue her brother when she didn't get out unscathed either?
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All of this naturally led to this powerful moment of Maya recognizing that she would not explain to her own brother why she's human and that she can't welcome that type of ignorance, hatred, and bad energy into her life no matter how much she loves him.
It was a powerful moment to have her stand up to him, assert herself, and call him out for being just like their bad father, arguably worse because he's been at the brunt of such hatred and chooses to partake in it.
And again, her story with Mason is something that far too many people can identify with, and it is as upsetting as that is to consider.
I understand what that meant for Maya and how important it was for her to have this moment where her breakthrough in therapy and healing shone so brightly in the face of her past.
It was letting go of the last visages of the things that weighed her down and held her back.
And that's a powerful message.
But I also was frustrated with this arc. Sometimes, it's draining to give any semblance of bigotry and homophobia a platform.
It's not that the reality of homophobia being part of a queer person's story doesn't deserve to be showcased because, obviously, it's a reality.
But on the flip side, sometimes, it's nice not to have characters and viewers subjected to it so frequently...
Sometimes, it's tiresome to see queer characters having to prove to others why they're human and argue for their rights and their own humanity.
It's something that I touched on during "We Build Than We Break" from a race perspective, something I can immediately identify with as a woman of color.
Sometimes, it's flat-out exhausting when you must be subjected to these emotionally taxing, triggering storylines to prove a point or teach something to an audience that should know and do better...
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Sweet Arrangement | Part 2
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PAIRING | Andy Barber x Female!Reader
SUMMARY | You're considering Andy's offer daily, but before you can officially say yes or no, you'll need to talk with him about what it will entail. After a lengthy discussion about both your wants and needs, you have come to a decision, and you're looking forward to Andy's reaction.
WARNING(S) | This is your official trigger warning. Do not proceed if any of these topics upset you. Age gap (Reader is in her mid-20s, Andy is in his mid to late 40s), angst, discussion of a sugar daddy/-baby relationship, swearing.
A/N | Thank you all for the love of the last part of this, and I've officially decided to turn it into a short series (again 3-5 parts at most), so I can't wait to hear what you all think of the rest of this series going forward. 🖤
Likes, comments and reblogs will be very much appreciated 🩷
Divider is made by @firefly-graphics | 18+ banner is made by yours truly
Main Masterlist | Andy Barber Masterlist Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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It's been three days since your dinner with Andy, where he brought up the idea of being your sugar daddy. You have been thinking about it constantly, and as exciting as it may sound, you still want to take your time and think about it before making a decision.
Because of this, you're picking up your phone and letting out a sigh as you look at the state of it. It's one of many reasons it is a good idea, but you should take your time.
You look up Andy's number, and your heartbeat quickens when it rings several times. You pull your pillow on your lap to hold onto, and he picks up the phone after the third ring.
''Andy Barber,'' he says, his deep voice making your heart skip a beat.
''Andy, hi, it's Y/N. Is this a good time?'' you ask, and you can hear his demeanor on the other side change immediately.
''Sugar, it's good to hear from you again. Is there anything I can help you with?'' he asks, and now that you're a little more relaxed, you let yourself sink into the couch a little more.
''I've considered your offer and am interested in discussing the arrangement further. I don't want to make any rushed decisions, and I would like to know what I'm getting myself into,'' you say, and he hums in response.
''That's fair. Do you have any time off this week?'' Andy asks.
''I'm free on Friday,'' you say, and you can hear him looking through his calendar to see if he has appointments that day.
''Friday works for me. Shall I take you out to lunch at the diner where you work? That seems like the most neutral space since we're both used to going there, and you will have the support of your coworkers as well,'' he explains, and you agree.
''Alright, Sugar, all you have to do for me now is research things you would or would not like to include in the arrangement so that we can go over them on Friday,'' Andy tells you.
''I will; thank you so much, Andy. I'm looking forward to seeing you again,'' you say. After your goodbyes, you immediately start your research and write down some points you do or do not like and a few questions you have for him.
Once that's done, you look it over again, and when you're satisfied, you go and make yourself a sandwich. Doing all this research has made you quite hungry.
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You have to work the next day; tomorrow, you'll have lunch with Andy to discuss the terms and conditions of the arrangement he proposed. You keep looking at the clock the entire day, wondering why the clock slowly ticks away.
Ava seemingly picked up on your behavior, and during one of your breaks, she decided to ask what was happening.
''So, you and the lawyer...'' she begins, and immediately, your cheeks sport a dusty pink color.
''Is it that obvious that something might be going on?'' you say, and she laughs.
''Girl, you're constantly looking at the clock to see if it's time to go. Do you have a date with him or something?'' your cheeks turn red with those words.
''Well, I- uh, I'm not sure it would be called a date, exactly,'' you start, and Ava's eyebrows shoot up into her hairline.
''Tell. Me. Everything!'' she demands, and you do.
''So, he gave me his business card last week, and it said 'call me' on the back, so I did just that. We went out for dinner last Sunday, and he offered me a sugar relationship,'' you tell her, and her jaw practically drops to the floor.
''Are you kidding?! Please tell me you said yes?!'' she almost shrieks, but you shake your head.
''I will talk about it with him over lunch tomorrow at the diner. I was thinking of just getting one of the private booths so we could discuss it,'' you tell her, and she nods.
''You better believe it's going to be one in my section because I'm going to keep an eye on that man to make sure he's not doing anything weird,'' she says, and you laugh at her reaction.
''Alright, grandma, you can keep an eye on me and the man I'm with,'' you joke, earning you a glare from the woman as she lights her cigarette.
''As long as you know I will miss you once you leave here. And don't forget about me, please! I could use some of that sugar daddy money too,'' she jokes, and you shake your head with a chuckle.
''Don't worry, I won't forget about you,'' you say, and by that point, your break is over, so you get back to work. Now that you have told someone about what might happen, you feel much lighter, and the rest of the day seems to fly by.
After work, you swing by the grocery store to pick up an easy dinner for yourself, and when you're walking back to your apartment, you can feel the dread sinking into your shoes with every step.
Once you arrive at your apartment, you can't stop the tears from forming as you twist the key in your lock. With every step you make right now, you're reminded of the shitty situation you live in and how much you could use Andy's help.
You warm up dinner and watch some TV but decide to call it an early night as the reality of the situation still weighs heavy on your chest. At that moment, you choose to do something you haven't done in a few years. You call your mom.
''Baby?'' she says after she picks up, and you immediately burst into tears when you hear her voice. Everything that's been building up inside you is finally coming out, and you can't stop yourself.
After a few minutes of crying and sobbing, you calmed down enough to finally talk to her. She kept telling you sweet things to calm you down, and you immediately felt better.
''I'm so sorry, Mom. I am so sorry I haven't called all these years and never visited. I'm miserable here, and I don't know how to get out of this stupid situation,'' you say through your sniffles, but she listens intently on the other side of the line.
The two of you talk until you're almost falling asleep, and after promising to talk to each other more from here on out, you fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.
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It's Friday morning, and you're having lunch with Andy to discuss your arrangement today. You woke up at dawn because your nerves were getting the best of you.
The morning is spent preparing a light breakfast. After all, you cannot eat much because your stomach is filled with nerves. After the dishes are done, you clean your apartment until it's time to prepare for lunch.
Your lunch with Andy is at 1 P.M., so by the time 11 A.M. rolls around, you must start getting ready; otherwise, you'll be late since you still have to take the bus to the diner.
You go for a simple outfit, which you hope is nice enough for today's lunch since all your other clothes are still in the laundry, your washing machine has been broken for a while, and you don't have the money to fix it yet.
Your hair is put in two loose French braids, and you decide to wear light makeup, combined with your glasses, to save yourself the hassle of putting in your contacts today.
When you're done, you grab your purse and run to the bus stop right on time for the bus to arrive, and you get on, ready for the 20-minute journey to the diner.
The entire way there, you keep bouncing your foot up and down to calm your nerves, which isn't working. All you get are dirty looks from other passengers, and your foot starts bouncing even faster.
When you're at your stop, you quickly leave after saying goodbye to the bus driver and walk the last bit to the diner. You've arrived early, so you decided to head in already, waiting for Andy inside. You text him quickly that you arrived safely and went inside to wait there.
''Hey, girl!'' Ava says as she notices you, and you walk over to her with a big smile. It always makes you happy to see her, and today is no different.
''So, please tell me there's a booth available for me and Andy?'' you ask, hopeful, and she smirks.
''Come with me,'' is all she says as she guides you to the last booth in the restaurant, which happens to be in her section. She decorated it with a few candles and folded the napkins in a fun shape to finish it all off.
''Oh god, you're unbelievable,'' you say as you sigh, unable to stop yourself from smiling at the sight before you. You sit with your back facing the wall to look through the restaurant, which makes you feel at ease.
About 15 minutes later, Andy walks into the diner, and he looks stunning in his suit, which appears to be tailored for the gods. When he spots you, he walks over, and you get up to greet him.
''Hi, Sugar. You look gorgeous today, especially with your glasses on,'' he says, and you blush at his compliment before pulling him in for a hug.
The two of you sit across from one another, and you glance at Ava, who winks back before your attention is turned back to Andy, who has gotten something out of his bag.
''I want to start this lunch with a present, but I don't want you to think I'm giving it to you to get you to say yes. I want to give it to you because I want to help you, and this would be the least I can do for agreeing to meet me,'' he says, and your eyes move to the dark blue present in his hands.
''I- I don't know what to say,'' you stumble over your words as you take it from him, hesitant to open it at first.
''Thank you would be enough,'' he says with a soft smile, and after you've thanked him for it, you make your way to open it swiftly.
The paper slides off, and your eyes go so wide it's a miracle they don't pop out of your head as you reveal the latest iPhone. Your first instinct is to say no and give it back, but you push that feeling away.
''What- why-'' you mumble while you take a moment to process what just happened. You look over at Ava, and when you see her looking back with a reassuring smile, it suddenly seems like your brain snaps back to work.
When Ava comes to get your order (an omelet with ham and cheese for Andy and a BLT sandwich for you, together with a milkshake to share), you stop your conversation temporarily. Still, other than that, it flows naturally.
When she brings over the food, she wishes you good luck, and that's when Andy shifts the conversation to why the two of you are here.
''So, I asked you to do some research on sugar relationships, and I assume you've written down some points to discuss,'' he starts, and you nod, getting your notebook out of your bag and flipping to the right page.
''Wow, you've done quite a lot of research, I see!'' Andy notes as he sees the amount of things you've written down, and you sport a slight pink tint on your cheeks at the comment.
''Alright, so the first thing I want to discuss is how often you want to meet and what those meetings would entail,'' you ask as you read over your notes.
''Well, I thought we would have dinner together at least three times a week, one day I will take you out for dinner, and the other two times will be either at my house or your apartment,'' he says, and you sigh at the thought of Andy seeing your crappy apartment.
''I don't- Could we only have dinner at your house?'' you ask softly, and Andy raises his eyebrows in concern before reaching out for your hand, but you can't get yourself to look at him right now.
''Sugar?'' he asks, and you finally look up at him, tears appearing in the corners of your eyes at the thought of how embarrassed you would be.
''What's wrong? You can talk to me,'' he tries, and it only makes it worse, so you remove yourself from the situation to calm down. As soon as you get up, Ava is by your side and leads you to the back of the diner and into the lot behind so you can calm down a little bit.
''What's going on, sweet cheeks?'' she asks, and you put your glasses on the top of your head so you can wipe away your tears.
''I don't think I can do this,'' you sniffle softly, while your embarrassment only grows at the thought of Andy seeing your apartment that falls apart around the edges. It doesn't cost much, and even though it's all you can afford on your dinner salary, it still hurts that you must live there.
The fact that Andy has figured out that you need financial help is even worse, and you can't help but let the tears flow freely at the thought of being so broke that a random guy at the diner offers you said help.
''Why not?'' Ava asks as she crouches in front of you, and she takes your hands in hers to ground you a little while you tell her.
''The only reason he's offered me this is because he can tell I'm broke as fuck,'' you sob, as your anxiety is getting the best of you. It has wiggled its way into your brain and won't get out, making you feel even worse than you already did.
''Listen to me, please. He did not offer you that out of pity; he doesn't seem like that type of person to me. I thoroughly believe he offered you this so he can take care of you in the best way possible. He wants the absolute best for you, and I highly believe this is the best way he can do that,'' she tells you, and it makes you smile a little bit, the corners of your mouth curling up.
''But if you're not sure you want it, you shouldn't do it. It would be best if you did not do this for Andy's sake or for the wrong reasons because I would hate seeing you get hurt. Please promise me one thing, okay?'' she says, and you look up at her.
''Please promise me that whatever you choose, you will always take care of yourself first. No matter what happens, no matter what anyone asks of you, you will always make sure you are taking care of yourself. Can you promise me that?'' she asks, and you nod.
''I promise, Ava. I will always take care of myself first,'' you repeat after her, and you wrap your arms around her, pulling her in for a big hug. You've never felt as lucky to have her as your friend.
''Thank you. I love you so much; sometimes I wonder what I have done to deserve you as my friend,'' you say, and the both of you laugh until tears of happiness stream down your cheeks.
''Alright, you should go back in and finish your conversation,'' she says, and you do. You feel a lot better after talking to Ava and let out your anxiety a little bit, so you're going back in with your head held high.
''Hi, Sugar. How're you feeling?'' Andy says as he gets up from the booth, the worry visible in your eyes after you ran away earlier.
''I'm feeling a lot better now; I'm so sorry for running out on you like that,'' you say, staring at your plate once you've sat down again. You have barely eaten any of your food, but suddenly, you feel hungrier and dig into your sandwich.
The rest of your lunch was spent talking through the arrangement, and in the end, you have compiled a list of terms you are both okay with, and Andy will draw up the contract in the following days.
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It is Tuesday, and you contacted Andy over the weekend to ensure you're still okay with everything you agreed on. He also invited you to a gala he is supposed to attend soon, but you still need to sign the contract, so that is still in the air for now.
You're busy folding your laundry since your neighbor lent you a little money to go to the laundromat and wash your clothing, so now that that's done, you have to fold it all.
In the middle of you folding a shirt, your phone rings, and you get a smile when you see it's Andy.
''Hi, Andy! How are you?'' You pick up and feel as cheerful as you sound right now.
''Sugar, it's good to hear you are so happy! I'm doing even better now that I'm hearing your voice,'' he says, and your cheeks turn red.
''As much as I would love to listen to you all day, I want to let you know I have the contract ready for you to read over and sign, and all the points we discussed Friday are considered. I can send it to you via e-mail, and you can sign it online. How does that sound?'' he offers, and you agree.
''I can't wait, and I'll try to give you a definitive answer before the end of the week,'' you say, your mind already wandering to the gala you've been invited to by Andy.
''Sounds good to me,'' he says, and after your goodbyes, you hang up before doing a little happy dance in your apartment. The knowledge that you will be leaving this shitty apartment and your broke life behind is a constant in your mind, and as soon as Andy sends it over, you send it back, signed and well.
Now it's time to get ready for your new life with Andy by your side. Sure, he may pay you to be alongside him, but no one needs to know. You're just glad you'll finally see what life is like if you have money instead of living without it for once.
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eroaneki · 9 months
It doesn't matter anymore, but I can't help but ask myself on occasion if it was all a lie.
That's the one thing that has tripped me up for years. I've never gotten over that. I can sometimes hardly even think about it before becoming so overwhelmed that I just can't anymore.
I mean now, I'm dating a great guy. We're engaged. We're happy for the most part. Shit gets rough sometimes but that's to be expected.
But the one thing feeding my inability to commit fully to someone, is this.
I don't know if my whole experience with him was genuine at any point. And the fact that I don't know bothers me so much more than I wanted to ever admit to myself.
When I started playing BG3 and Astarion admits that the whole beginning of your relationship was a fucking ruse, you cannot even begin to imagine how legitimately triggered I was.
I thought of nothing but him.
I literally went "holy shit, this is literally him."
And I just felt awful. Disgusting, really. All the feelings I had buried in a chest deep down that I haven't touched for years came up. Anger, sadness, disgust, shame, guilt, betrayal, hope.
I really need to focus on ending this. It doesn't matter anymore at all whether or not he was ever genuine about anything.
I'm successful. I won. I made it. And I should be proud of that, and I am.
But I guess it hurts because I did genuinely love him at some point, only for him to quite literally abuse that love for his own selfish benefit. He broke my trust so many times, over and over again.
And I just want to know why?
But I guess a simple answer would be that I was an easy target, even if I wasn't necessarily deserving of it. I was just there, and happened to comply easily.
And that used to make me feel really shameful, but now it doesn't. I was conveying love by trusting someone enough with my heart to not break it.
But they did, and they never seemed to ever give a flying fuck how many times they did it.
But what used to get me was the genuine disgust and disdain he had for himself over how and what he was. He hated himself. Truly, he did. Talking to me about ending shit a few times while he'd be in a panic.
He had someone take their own life one year on Christmas, and that's probably why I'm also thinking about this tonight. Christmas was always really hard for him. I used to have to talk him through it, or just be there for him so he didn't feel alone. He didn't get along with his step-parent also, and used to complain a lot about how the guy was always fucking with him.
He looked for a lot of validation in others, and was also desperately afraid of people leaving him. The two big motivators of everything he did.
He'd make promises he could never keep to everyone in his life in an effort to make them happy, often at his own expense.
He did not take rejection well because you might as well be telling him you hate him. Again, very afraid of being left alone.
Never did it with me but proposed to a number of different girls after dating for short intervals because he was absolutely desperate to have someone who couldn't leave, at least not easily. He also tried to convince me to not get plan b after sleeping with me (entrapment with a child) but did drive me to go get it anyway.
I just think about everything and I'm like what the fuck was I involved in for 7 years?
And sometimes I just wanna spam message him on social media and scream that he owes me an apology, or sometimes I feel like I owe him an apology for hopefully not ruining his life in any way. Probably because he's impacted mine.
But what stops me every time is I have no idea if any of this was ever real in the first place.
So I pretend it wasn't, and I go about my daily business.
Odds are it was just a game, a fun distraction. And that I was the only player.
It doesn't make me sad to admit that. It used to. But not when I know I was just following what I thought was actually happening between the both of us.
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misterellyott · 1 year
I have a lot of time at my night job to do things I like to do, like scroll tiktok and facebook. While scrolling tiktok a while back I came across a guy who reads AITA stories and I quickly got really into it.
He set up a podcast that covers his tiktoks and youtube videos so I can just listen to him while playing my stupid little idle phone games, which really gets me through the night and helps keep me on track and keeps me walking when I really just want to sit down.
But, I'm on a goal to walk at least 10k steps a day and most days I hit 20-30k as I a lot of the time end up walking my dogs for over an hour that day, as well as work a second job that requires me to be on my feet and moving around my store to ensure that everything is stocked and looking nice.
Anyways, listening to the podcast a lot of the time Dusty's wife Candy comes on a lot and it's really admiring to see a man who truly loves his wife and shows it in his words and actions. They have been together eight years and have a blended family. (he had three kids from a previous marriage, she had one kid, and then they had one kid together.)
It's given me a lot to think about as my marriage hasn't always been the best. We will have been married four years next year, and we have gone through a lot of ups and downs in that time, and yet we are still very close and very much in love.
The problem lies now in our son. He is biologically mine, and I think that has created a lot of issues with his mom.
She recently pointed out something that I had overlooked because I am busy working 70-80 hours a week and constantly out of the house. Our son is now in a phase where he doesn't want to listen to her, turns to me if he doesn't like what she has to say, and doesn't respect her answers.
Since she pointed that out I've been noticing it more and more.
Like the fact that he was staying at a friends house and texted me in the middle of my sleep to ask what time I wanted him home by. As I wouldn't be home that evening, I steadfastly told him, that he knows I sleep during the day and that I work in the evenings through the night that he needed to contact his mom to see what time she wanted him home as she would be the one home to hold him accountable.
Fast forward to the later afternoon, he text me asking me if I could pick him up at 9pm, the time his mom said she wanted him home by. I saw the text but got busy at my job and wasn't able to reply. About an hour later, he started trying to call me, and it triggered irrational anger and when I got a break in customers I texted him back that again, as I stated this morning, he needed to talk to his mom as I was at work.
Yes, I am his father, but he does have a mother, who is home more and provides more of his care at the moment as I'm otherwise indisposed.
I'm trying to think of a way to sit him down and have a conversation with him, rationally, and explain to him that unless I'm home (wednesday and thursday) that he needs to talk about things with his mom. I don't have the time to play go-between when I'm sleeping or at work and it's exhausting to always have to be the middle man.
He doesn't need me to be the middle man. His mom isn't mean, and she is always reasonable when he makes reasonable requests, so I don't see why I need to be involved with every little aspect of his life when his mom can and will handle it if I'm not there.
Yes, I want to be there for my son and I'm always happy to hear about his day and talk to him about things he is doing in school and the things he is excited about, etc. But, I don't understand why he still comes to me with questions like 'can I spend another night', 'what time should I be home', 'can you pick me up' etc. More so when he knows I'm working and can't answer those questions because I don't have any idea of what his mom might be planning for that evening/day/etc.
There is only one day a week every week that he knows we need him home and that's mondays. And every other week, he needs to be home for wednesday as that's family date night and we all go out and do something together, this past wednesday we went and saw the nun 2.
I don't know how to approach the conversation and ask why he feels that his mom's words aren't acceptable. Why does he always have to field everything my way?
Is he mad at her? Did she do something to upset him? Does he just not respect her? Or hopes that maybe I'll give a different answer? I just don't know.
Because even if he does ask me and I play go between, I always ask his mom what she thinks and then we come to an agreement and then I tell him what she says. Because usually, I don't really have any idea. I don't have any input as I'm not there so I don't argue with anything she says about it because she never makes unreasonable demands.
Is this just because I was basically a single father for ten years? Or is this because he doesn't respect her? I just don't know.
I'm tired of feeling like my family is divided and I'm the one caught in the middle and it needs to end and fast. We are family.
He has made the choice to basically go no contact with other biological father, more so because his other father has made it known in the past few years that he really has no interest and makes no effort to be there for him. (He can't even be bothered to text him happy birthday or merry christmas or anything).
And his mom has made every effort she can to be the best mom for him. So I just don't understand what is happening here.
Either it's just a teen being a teen or there are deeper issues at foot.
I wish therapy wasn't so difficult to come by where we live because we all really need to get into it.
Why is being an parent so damn difficult?
I guess I'll just wing it and see what happens. Or see if he is even willing to be honest with me in the first place.
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dragonnan · 2 years
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
Ooooooooh right up there with "What's the favorite fic you've written" only a million times worse haha!! So the best I can do is basically snatch some lines from the various fandoms I've delved into (because a single one is way too hard to pin down) and to clarify I can't assign "favorite" but I can at least say I really like these lines.
Psych: From the fic, Three's a Crowd
For the third time that night, he felt the icy sizzle of his flesh scalding. His scream was of a decibel usually reserved for tea kettles and eunuchs.
Sherlock: From the fic, If You Want this Choice Position Have a Cheery Disposition
In the kitchen, John straightened – his lip bowing down in a grimace. Sherlock bypassed the discomfort as one would ease around a mound of horse manure in the street so as not to soil their shoes.
Marvel: From the fic, Sed Diabolus
Stephen lifted an eyebrow while, a few steps back, Tony gestured a hand. “Doctor Stephen Strange, meet May Parker. Peter's aunt.”
Stephen held the gaze currently attempting to fry its way through his left cheekbone. “Ms. Parker, I-”
“Mrs., actually, and I've been around Tony long enough to notice when someone is about to lay on some sorta placating smarm.” Her hand cut the air in half between them with a sharp waggle. “Sorry, buster, but I stopped being impressed by magicians when I was eight and so help me God, you try to kick me out of this room, we'll see how many appendages I can break before you can voodoo me into a frog...” she finally took a breath before following up in a whisper, “God, please don't turn me into a frog, I can't stand flies...”
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
Thaaat... hm. Actually a sorta tough question actually. I'm not certain I could classify any of them as truly "wild" aka "outrageous". Rather, I think whatever head canons I do have tend to be ones that other people may find plausible. So, again, like the last question I'll need to divide this into fandoms.
So this first one is unique as it's a head canon for a series that I've never written a fic for AND it was cancelled.
Prodigal Son: The last few episodes of Prodigal Son went way off the rails and, to me, didn't make tons of sense. My head canon is that those events were either partially, or completely, delusions. Malcolm has already been long established as someone prone to fairly complex hallucinations so it isn't remotely a stretch that extreme stress or injury would trigger more of the same. The only thing I'm not totally certain of would be when they would have started - as in did Martin ACTUALLY somehow escape or was that part of the hallucination as well? And what triggered it? If Martin actually escaped then I would pin them as beginning right around the time Malcolm was injected(?) by Vivian and nearly died but for Martin (supposedly) saving him.
MCU: Legit I head canon that everything from Infinity Wars onward takes place in one, or more, alternate universes and that we've yet to actually see anything taking place in the original universe post "Black Panther".
Sherlock: Tougher, actually, as I've seen some really awesome head canons already. But I sorta head canon that, post series, John and Rosie eventually move back to Baker Street. Sherlock, meanwhile, grows hesitantly closer to Molly - though nothing is normal in any traditional sense regarding their developing emotional connection. Down the line, John and Rosie relocate to 221 C (after a renovation to make it habitable) so that Molly and Sherlock can share 221 B. I don't see either of them as wanting marriage.
And there it is! Thank you so much for the Ask!
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mxdarling · 2 years
[Team up]
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: yandere team up with grim and yuu
ೃ⁀➷: Word count: 534
ೃ⁀➷: Reference/Inspiration: N/A
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[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. I don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. If you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, I am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[Warnings:] manipulation, violence, guilt-tripping, yandere behavior, implied bullying, mentions of burning someone.
[GN reader]
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Grim & Yuu;
➮ Ah, yes the outcast duo. The magicless prefect that got summoned by the magic mirror and the 'monster' that came to NRC without being summoned by the magic mirror. Of course such duo like themselves would cause some unavoidable rumors about them, both bad and good. Befriending these two won't be easy, considering how they both have been treated slightly like... outcasts.. Though the duo is a lot softer to you once you break down their walls..
➮ Both yuu and grim have agreed that they were gonna protect you, magicless or not. They were gonna protect you from any danger, even if you are capable of handling it yourself. They'd rather be safe than sorry. With grim being the one doing dirty work (surprisingly) while yuu pulls the strings. While it doesn't seem much, it actually is quite fitting. Grim being able to use magic, he doesn't have the knowledge nor awareness of how some things should go and/or what is going on. While yuu not being able to use magic, they know what and not what to say, when to say and how to say it, while also being aware of what is going on. Quite the efficient duo, don't you think?
➮ With that being said, this duo will probably be one of the more stable? out of the bunch. Seeing as how well their relationship with each other and how much they trust each other it's not possible for their friend to fell like they aren't even yandere for them at all. Their attachment and cooperation towards each other are what helped them get their darling, maybe they might be yandere for each other after all, mm?
➮ Both crave your attention and affection, though grim is much more demanding about it, yuu will kindly wait for you to give it to them. With grim being the more violent out of the two, he starts the fights more so than often if the attention is not on him or yuu, good thing yuu is there to calm him down. While most of the time yuu will be the one to stop grim from setting everything on fire, grim does resist his instincts sometimes but more uncommon than most. Yuu doesn't really like the idea of using heavy violence in general, especially if their darling is there witnessing it. Often softly scolds grim about it but knows he won't listen and just hopes he won't cause too much trouble. But on days where yuu isn't in the best mood, grim might just be off his leash for today...
➮ Like in my yuu's yandere type post, yuu knows the attachment grim has on them, and though they do value their relationship, yuu can't help but take advantage of it sometimes... Though it's not often used, grim mostly does their bidding with little to no persuasion, since they are yuu. Besides grim returns the favor by using the magicless prefect to make them buy things either for him or for you. But unlike most they don't mind being taken advantage of by the other or taking advantage of the other, as long as it is for either the three of them, they don't mind, truly.
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•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
[a/n; This would have been longer but I got tired loll]
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