#lyric prompts
miakate-writes · 3 months
Denial prompts!
friends to lovers denial prompts 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
“whether i’m gonna be your wife or gonna smash up your bike i haven’t decided yet” જ⁀➴ ♡
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[a/n: denial is a river in egypt, guys. turned this into a friends to lovers thing, hope that’s ok 💌]
a does NOT like b
b does NOT like a
but when a where’s a cute outfit b doesn’t stop staring the whole day
and when b runs their hand through their hair a can’t seem to look away
both of them have dreams about each other, stupid dreams that definitely have meanings neither of them want to unpack
they are so so clearly in denial that it’s actually painful to watch
c practically begs b to just confess to a
but whenever anyone mentions this “crush” to them they turn into a red, blabbering mess
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daughterofcainnnn · 3 months
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And I found photographs of our school, on the day we met... I thought that you were so beautiful, it was love, I guess
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Clone x Reader Song Lyric Fic Exchange 2024
Wolffe x reader | 4.8k words
Content: swearing, mention of weapons, brief descriptions of explosions and injuries, some arguments, push-you-away-to-protect-you trope, conflicted feelings, both parties are too stubborn for their own good, slightly hopeful ending
Lyric Prompts/Inspiration: 
Told my friends I hate you but I love you just the same. Even if it's handcuffed I'm leaving here with you. I can tell when somebody still wants me. (imgonnagetyouback, Taylor Swift)
His hand, so calloused from his pistol, softly traces hearts on my face. (I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can), Taylor Swift)
Note: Well hello again @ghostofskywalker! So happy to write another story for you, friend. Let's go with Wolffe this time, I'm feeling some angsty romance vibes with these prompts... hope you like!
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Wolffe could be such a stubborn ass sometimes. You'd hate him for it if you didn't love him so much.
The ARC troopers of the 104th Battalion were currently lining up at attention in front of their Commander, their boots slapping against the newly waxed floors of the hangar bay. There were several dozen of them being called for this next mission, as well as various support staff such as civilian medics and bounty hunters and even a few Senate negotiators. They all gathered in orderly lines around Commander Wolffe to receive their orders.
You, meanwhile, stood off to the side. Out of the way. Arms crossed, mouth set, and eyes glaring across to Wolffe. If he knew you were there, stewing over yet another mission of being sidelined for no reason, he gave no indication, proceeding with his rounds as normal. As if you weren't one of the best GAR strategists this side of the Mid Rim. As if you hadn't been fondly adopted into the infamous "Wolf Pack" the second you arrived. As if you meant nothing to the hardened clone Commander, had never broken through his walls and gained his trust and seen how kind and good he was, hadn't shared several moments of vulnerability with each other and entrusted deep secrets and wild dreams, wasn't someone he had maybe probably kind of almost kissed that one time....
The memory caused you to squeeze your arms tighter together across your chest in equal parts annoyance and confusion. Wolffe trusted you. He cared for you. And he may even be attracted to you. He'd never said as much but you knew it in your heart of hearts. It wasn't wishful thinking. All the things you'd shared with him had been real. And yet, more and more he was pulling away, putting those walls back up and finding any reason possible to keep you off his missions. You had no idea why. He wouldn't talk to you, wouldn't look you in the eye.
You were over it.
"Commander Wolffe!" you addressed him as soon as he'd dismissed the troop. Soldiers and personnel hurried around the hangar to prep the ship for immediate departure. You made a beeline right through them, determined to get your way this time.
Wolffe, predictably, pretended to not hear you. He picked his way among ammunition crates and tapped at his datapad.
"Wolffe," you snapped as soon as you'd gotten yourself in his line of sight. A few nearby troopers jumped in response but Wolffe remained unperturbed.
"No, I will not be changing the mission assignments," he drawled, continuing to tap at his datapad without looking at you.
"Why not?" You set your hands on your hips and hoped you looked as fierce as you felt.
"Comet, get a recount of these thermal detonators. Anything over a thousand can be transferred to General Koon's vessel."
"On it, boss." Comet hurried over, glancing between you and the Commander uneasily before working on his new task.
Your hands clenched around your hips as your frustration built. "Oh, so that's how it's going to be, then? You're just going to ignore me? Real mature, Wolffe."
Wolffe looked up at you for the first time all day... all week really, but it's not like you were keeping track. He looked annoyed, which made you even more annoyed. You were not the problem here.
"I am preparing for a mission," he stated plainly. As if you were nothing more than a stranger. As if you didn't deserve any further explanation from him. As if he hadn't stumbled and choked over his words that one time you'd worn a nice shirt and let your hair down...
Just as quickly as he'd looked up at you, he looked back down.
"No, you're ignoring me," you huffed, stepping over quickly to snatch the datapad out of his hands. "You're not even working, just pretending... oh."
You glanced at the screen and saw a half-written message about a damaged crate. Your eyes flicked to the crate he was standing next to and saw it was, in fact, damaged, dented along the lid so it didn't close properly. Your eyes finally settled on his, trying to hide your sheepishness from him.
"So you can multitask," you shrugged.
"Give me back the datapad." Wolffe said your name with a sigh. It made your heart do a little leap.
"No." You held the device to your chest defiantly. Or perhaps childishly. "Not until you either put me on the mission or give me a good reason why I'm not."
"You're not needed." Again, another simple sentence. This was maddening.
"Not needed? I'm a strategist..."
"The strategy has already been defined."
"And what happens when it fails? Which it probably will, since I wasn't involved in creating it to begin with."
"Well aren't you so self-important."
His words struck a nerve you didn't know was exposed. He was the one who had told you to be more confident in your abilities. That your way of thinking was unique, your perspective insightful, and the GAR should utilize you more. You frowned deeply in response but couldn't find anything to say.
"Sinker, get the rest of these crates loaded. Take-off in ten."
Wolffe didn't take his gaze off you as he issued the order, and then stepped forward and plucked the datapad out of your grasp.
"And make sure this one's in our rear view when we launch."
With that, Wolffe strode away, leaving you with your bubbling emotions. And with Sinker and Comet, who decided standing beside you whistling about how awkward that was was more important than finishing their loading assignments.
"Ugh," you growled through their comments. "He's so... just so... Ugh, I hate him!"
You couldn't help but stomp your foot a little before marching off. You might as well embrace the juvenile side of your tantrum. It wasn't like Wolffe had bothered to look back at you. You couldn't figure out what his deal was, other than perhaps pride? Maybe he had come up with the mission plans and didn't want you showing him up? Or maybe all those things he'd said to you about confidence and ownership had been a lie, and you actually weren't that useful and he didn't know how else to get you to take the hint?
Kriff it, you were going to get on that ship and demand an explanation for why he was suddenly keeping you at arms' length. You'd choke it out of him if you had to.
"General Koon!" You hurried over to the opposite side of the hangar, where the Jedi had just dismissed his own platoon and was headed off elsewhere. He nodded toward you in friendly acknowledgement, though he continued on his journey without falter.
"Sir, I was wondering if I could be assigned to the Felucia mission? Specifically on the Conquest."
Plo Koon gave you a sideways glance. "I have put Commander Wolffe in charge of the Conquest assignments."
"Yes, and he's benched me, sir. Again."
Plo finally slowed his walk and turned to better face you. "I'm sure he has his reasons."
"And I'd very much like to go aboard to find out what they are, sir."
You could never really tell whether the Jedi smiled, but you had a feeling he was at least sporting a smirk of some kind under his facial apparatus. He stopped walking altogether and folded his arms neatly.
"I trust Wolffe's judgement and won't undermine his authority. He and I need to be a united effort on this mission."
You tried not to let your displeasure show on your face. Damn General Koon and his sensibleness.
But then the Jedi cleared his throat. "But, if someone were determined to get on the Conquest, they need only to give the boarding code 99001 to the protocol droid by the cargo hold."
He patted your shoulder and moved past you, on to his side of the mission, and you grinned after him. Bless General Koon and his insightfulness.
* * *
You timed your boarding onto the ship perfectly, not raising any suspicion or alarm bells, settling into the cargo hold moments before takeoff. Once you felt the familiar sway of the ship jumping into hyperspeed, you quickly picked your way through crates and crawled out the astromech service door. From there, it was a short jog through the various hallways to get to the bridge.
Along the way, the strategist within you started preparing what to say to Wolffe. You'd need to make sure he'd listen to you and not immediately throw you in some corner of the ship, out of the way. And you couldn't come across so angry that he'd put up his walls and refuse to communicate, as he was known to do. But also he still needed to know that you were angry, just enough to maybe feel bad. If he cared about your feelings. Which you were fairly certain existed. About 70% certain. Maybe not the ideal odds to hinge a plan on, you realized a little too late. Oh well.
You ended up coming across him in a hallway a few turns away from the bridge. You halted in surprise, and he as well. He was flanked by Comet and Boost and thankfully had his helmet on, as you could only imagine the displeased grimace that lied underneath.
"We need to talk," you blurted out, a far cry from the careful words you'd been preparing.
"What... what are you doing here?" he sputtered. 
"As I said," you tried to keep your voice level but firm, "we need to talk."
"You violated my direct orders and... and... now you're putting the mission at risk." He was stuttering a bit, likely at a loss for words, having been caught off guard like this.
"Oh please. You already put the mission at risk by not consulting me. Which, by the way, I have some questions about the tactics being used, once you let me know what your deal is."
Comet and Boost were inching backward. Wolffe caught their movement and snapped his fingers at them.
"Get her in an escape pod and set the coordinates back to Coruscant. I want her off this ship as soon as we're out of hyperspace."
The two clones looked at each other with tense shoulders.
"Uh, I'd rather not get involved in this," said Comet.
"Yeah, I think we're needed on the bridge, actually," said Boost.
"Right, yes, we're needed immediately."
"You are not--" Wolffe started to say but the poor troopers were already hurrying away. He raised his hand toward his head as if he'd wanted to pinch his nose and realized there was a helmet in the way. He shook himself with a growl.Oh no, he was far more upset than you thought he'd be.
"Kriff. I don't have time for this. Just... get somewhere safe for now."
He waved a dismissive hand at you before marching off in the opposite direction.
On the lefthand side of the hall, a protocol droid was just exiting out of a supply closet. Perfect. You ran forward and shoved Wolffe through.
"What the f--"
"Wolffe," you said as calmly as possible. The door hissed shut behind you and you smoothed back some stray strands of hair along your temple. You were going to take a different approach this time. "Please. I just need to know... You said I wasn't needed on this mission. But it hasn't just been this mission. It's been a couple now and..."
You took in a deep breath, feeling a lump forming in your throat for some reason.
"And now I'm wondering if I've ever been needed. Have any of my plans actually worked, or was it luck? Did I ever really come up with anything clever or did I say the obvious and you spared me the embarrassment by pretending otherwise?"
Wolffe was silent. You stared at his helmet, imagining the handsome and scarred face within. Was your tactic working? Was he softening under there? Or had you only caused him to retreat even further?
"I'll send one of the shinies to escort you off the ship."
Retreat it was, then. Your stomach twisted at your failed attempt to get through to him. You felt silly, going through all this trouble of sneaking around, insubordination, pushing him into a closet... all for what? Validation? Or was it to confirm something else? That 30% of uncertainty that existed in the depths of your heart made you wonder. 
Wolffe hit the button and the door swooshed back open. He stepped around you to pass through.
"Did you ever like me at all?" you asked quietly, and he paused beside you. "Or did I misread that, too?"
If Wolffe had an answer to that, he didn't get the chance to surprise you with it. First, there was the familiar pull in the surrounding air, the ship coming out of hyperspeed. Then, a beat. A mere moment of oblivious peace where you were just able to look up and find he was looking back at you. And then finally, chaos.
The ship suddenly lurched, throwing the two of you out into the hallway. Sirens started blaring and the lights flickered wildly for a few seconds before going out all together. Strips of red emergency lights clicked on, casting eerie shadows all around. There were frantic shouts and crackled comms messages going off between the siren blares. You froze where you'd fallen in a crouched position on the floor, one of your knees throbbing from the impact.
"Sinker, what's happened?" Wolffe, on the other hand, was still standing upright. He yelled into his commlink while looking up and down the hall as if the answers he sought were hanging in the air.
"Minefield, sir!" came the trooper's garbled reply. "Launched right into it!"
Your eyeballs felt like they were going to pop right out of your head.
"You approached from the north side of the planet?" you asked incredulously while picking yourself off the floor. Your voice was several octaves higher than normal. "Their defenses are stronger there."
"Yes," Wolffe sounded annoyed. "And General Koon approached with a fleet from the south, where their defenses were weaker. Twenty minutes ahead. They should've moved most of their forces to fortify by the time we got here..."
"And if you had let me in on the strategy meetings, I would've told you they'd leave a minefield behind to keep this sector secure."
"Like you would've known that."
"Of course I would have! They're operating a Class-VII Mine Drifter and unevenly dividing their forces between hemispheres. It's a classic MILDEC set-up."
The ship jerked again, sending you fully across the hall until you slammed up against the wall. Your bodies slowly drifted up the wall until it was no longer "up" but "on." The hallway was rotating. The ship was falling apart.
Sinker's voice came through the comms again and explained how things were looking. Half of the ship was already gone, blown off of the main hull and floating in open space with no chance of survivors. The remaining half was dead in the water, but thankfully still contained a means to evacuate. Wolffe quickly barked out his orders for all troops take the main hall down to the escape pods.
Wolffe was inches away from you as you both shifted to your knees on the rotating floor. His helmet was trained in your direction. You swore you could feel his sharp gaze penetrating through the plastoid like a laser. "You need to get to the escape pods. Now."
There was panic in his voice; no amount of helmet filtration could mask the edge in it. It wasn't like the hysteria you were starting to feel rise up from your stomach. It was much more intense and focused. You almost turned tail immediately to follow the order, but some sort of intuition kept you by his side. 
"We need to get to the escape pods," you clarified. And there it was. Wolffe glanced behind him, in the direction of the bridge. Your heart sunk before he could even turn back around and explain.
"They'll need help navigating the minefield and debris if they stand a chance of getting out of here."
You shook your head in confusion. "What... what are you saying? Help navigating how?"
"From the bridge."
"You... no... No! That's crazy!"
You found yourself reaching out to grip his arm, to keep him from leaving. But he shook from your grasp with what looked like a sigh from the movement of his shoulders, though you couldn't quite hear it over the sirens that continued to ring out. 
"I'm the Commander. I go down with the ship." 
"Please. Go!"
He shakily got to his feet, a hand braced against what was formerly the floor and was now perfectly vertical but creeping ever so slightly forward, soon to become the ceiling if you stuck around any longer. Keeping his hand out for balance, he turned himself around, careful to not slip or trip on the new floor that was mired with control panels and gaps for doorways and random objects that had fallen loose from their intended positions.
He was either crazy or valiant, you didn't have the time to decide which. There was no way you were letting him go through with this. Not when there were plenty of other options. You briefly wondered whether your previous concerns about not being good enough were invalid, given the circumstances. Wolffe was the one barreling forward, insisting on a noble sacrifice without pausing to consider alternatives. While you were being strategic. So why hadn't he been including you on missions?
But then a flash caught your eyes and you refocused on the situation at hand. Handcuffs. A shiny pair dangling slightly from the back of Wolffe's belt. A plan immediately clicked into place, though you weren't sure it was so much a plan as it was a desperate attempt to stop this crazy, stubborn asshole from pushing away from you again. Regardless, you promptly jumped forward, yanked the handcuffs off his belt, and snapped one binder onto your wrist and the other on the one Wolffe had propped against the wall. All before Wolffe could properly reorient himself to follow what was happening.
"What are you--"
"Come on," you instructed, pulling your combined wrists to accentuate your point. "Escape is this way."
"You know I can just unlock them," he said from behind you, as you had now turned and were trying to pull him down the hallway.
"I put the pin in my bra."
You hadn't actually, but Wolffe didn't double-check his belt, didn't doubt you at all. Interesting. Instead, he only resisted your tugging with a huffed, "We don't have time for this."
The ship lurched yet again, and this time you could hear an accompanying boom. Another mine hit.
"No, we don't have time," you said with a pointed look over your shoulder.
"The escape pods are no use if--"
"There's a pattern to how the Class-VII lays its mines," you hurriedly talked over him. Ideally you'd think through all nine of the ideas you had before settling on a plan of action, but in such a pinch, the first would have to do. "All I need is a visual on its direction and I can chart a path out of the field. From the pods."
"And the debris from the ship? How are you navigating out of that?"
"That's where you and your boys' training comes in. They don't call you the Wolf Pack as a joke, do they?"
You sported a playful smirk and gave one last tug on the binders. This time, Wolffe followed.
As the two of you ran, leaping over doorways, banking around corners, slipping and stumbling constantly, the alarms cut out and the strip lights wavered in their luminosity. But most inconveniently, the air grew stale and thin. It wasn't long before you had a harder time keeping up and Wolffe was the one pulling you.
"The backup systems must be failing," Wolffe said, slowing down so you could catch your breath. "No air."
"No shit," you panted. "How much further?"
Wolffe didn't answer. You could only see the shadow of his helmeted head shake as he rested one hand on his hip and kept the one joined to yours limp by his side. After you tried taking a few deep breaths to no avail, he then removed his helmet and placed it over your head.
You'd always wondered what it was like to wear a clone trooper helmet. Wolffe had told you once they were unique to each clone, more than whatever paint job they put on the outside. It shaped and molded to their heads, picked up their smell, became as intimate and familiar an item as underwear or shoes might. You hoped you'd have a moment to really revel in wearing Wolffe's soon, but first you needed to breathe.
It was instant relief to breathe through the helmet's filters. And though you knew it wouldn't last long while the air continued to thin, the moment of relief was ruined a lot sooner than you thought. Another sudden lurch to the ship, the hall you were now in tilting forward so you started to slide. You clutched at Wolffe's arm as you careened toward a doorway in the floor and tumbled through. The door opened and you spilled into the room, one of the dorms. Bunks had all toppled into a pile on the floor and now the two of you joined the mess. Various parts of your body were now throbbing in pain, your limbs all tangled in the metal bunks. You both struggled to get yourselves standing atop the pile, especially while you were still handcuffed, but the room was too large and there was simply no hope at reaching the doorway back into the hall. You were trapped.
One of your hands was bleeding from a cut. You pressed it against your leg, accidentally tugging at Wolffe as you moved so he noticed. He inched closer, balancing along a lattice of metal poles, and started to remove his gloves to put over your hands instead.
"This is exactly why I didn't want you here."
Though Wolffe was facing you, the room was far too dark to get a read on his expression. His voice, however, was laced with distress.
"Oh, this exact situation is why? Got it." You almost laughed. This was as close as you'd come to your questions finally getting answered and it sounded insane.
"That's not what I meant."
"Then what did you mean, Wolffe? What reason could you possibly have for fucking with my career and my self worth and--"
"I wanted you safe!"
To your surprise, Wolffe firmly clasped the sides of your arms as soon as he was done fixing his gloves onto your hands.
"I... kriff." He hung his head for a moment before looking back up. You desperately wanted to turn on the helmet's flashlight to see him better. "Things are getting worse. You know that. Every day, every battle. More loss. I couldn't stand the thought of something happening to you."
Your mind hummed as if it had just been filled with the details of a new mission, thoughts fracturing off into possible tactics and approaches. You were now 100% sure he had feelings for you, no margin of error. But instead of confessing to you, he had pushed you away. Made you wonder if you had been the problem. Put his men in danger by not using your expertise. Why hadn't he just talked to you? What would have otherwise been a thrilling thing to hear, that your feelings were requited, was now mired with a sting of disappointment.
You also noted a subtle shift beneath your feet. It could simply have been the bunks sliding from your weight, or it could be the ship turning again. You chose not to comment on it just yet, needing to address at least one thing with Wolffe now while you could.
"Why couldn't you have told me this sooner?"
"Would you have listened?"
"Of course."
"Please, you're the most stubborn person I know," he scoffed.
"Yes, you. Just couldn't stay off this mission, could you." He didn't sound as upset at the thought of you being here as he had earlier. If anything, he seemed cheeky. You responded in kind.
"Well I had to handcuff and trap you in a room to get you to answer a simple question. So who's really the stubborn one here?"
"Ah, so this was all planned then, huh?"
You chuckled, an odd sound through the helmet. "Yep, you know me. I've always got a plan."
"Hmm. Got one to get us out of here?"
You smirked, though you knew he couldn't see it. "As a matter of fact, I do. Better hold on to something."
The room had continued to shift. Wolffe had likely felt it too after a while but you liked to believe you impressed him with your psychic timing. Though, come to think of it, he was probably used to such phenomena with Plo Koon. Damn.
You crouched down simultaneously, gripping onto some beams until the room eventually shifted far enough that the whole pile of beds went tumbling over again. You tried to lessen the blow to your body, Wolffe even shielded you a bit with his own, but ultimately you both were at the mercy of gravity and whatever cascading objects came with it. After a short time longer, you were able to pick your way through it all and reach the door, which was now vertical as doors should be, though upside down from where it was meant to be.
Now running along the ceiling, you were able to more quickly finish your journey to the escape pods. The helmet helped you breathe, and if Wolffe was having trouble without one, he didn't show it. You clasped each other's hands as you twisted around the last few corners.
When you arrived at the loading docks, there were only a handful of troopers left to board a pod. They had to be maneuvered to rotate around upright and re-dock before they could be reopened. The last one clicked into place just as you showed up. Wolffe insisted you get in first while he waited for his men to board but you silently shook your head. You would've insisted he board along with you, but you knew it'd be futile. Wolffe was right, you both were simply too stubborn. So you squeezed his hand a little tighter and stayed by his side until it was finally your turn.
You all but collapsed into the pod. Wolffe's helmet was ripped off and tossed on the ground, to be admired another time. The struggle wasn't over yet, of course. You'd still need to lead the pods safely through the minefield. But for now, for just a brief moment, you allowed yourself to lean against each other and breathe.
Your shoulders rested side-by-side and your faces were turned to gaze at each other, filled with exhaustion and relief. You glanced down at your hands lying between you, still firmly intertwined. You gave a small chuckle and Wolffe grunted in questioning response.
"The binders." You raised your hands up to show there was no longer anything connecting you two, except for your own choice to hold on. You had no idea when the restraints had fallen off.
Wolffe smiled a little and disentangled his fingers from yours. You were about to pout until he moved them over to your face, gentling cupping along your jaw and allowing his thumb to trace absently at your cheek. His bare fingers were calloused and rough but you leaned into his touch regardless. After a while, you started to wonder if his strokes were a bit more purposeful, tracing some sort of shape over and over as if outlining his feelings for you.
"We need to talk," you whispered. You wouldn't be satisfied with mere sketches on your skin, pleasant as they were.
Thankfully Wolffe gave you a nod in agreement just as Comet announced that all systems were a go. Your moment of reprieve was over and it was back into the fight once more. You weren't sure what would happen between you two afterward. Maybe you would finally kiss him, maybe you'd get back at him somehow for all the grief he'd caused. Maybe you would still hate him, maybe you'd admit you loved him. Regardless, there was some hope for more conversations, more understanding. And that was enough.
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Please go check out the @cloneficgiftexchange blog for all the other contributions to this great event! Fics are being posted all throughout today (8/10/24). Spread the love for fandom writers/creators by reblogging!
Every Character Tag:
@dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @cw80831,
@sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully, @cdblake1565, @aconstructofamind
Clone Bois Tag:
@kaijusplotch, @rebel-finn, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @nekotaetae,
@lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @lulalovez, @skellymom, @the-mom-friend-dot-com,
@foodmoneyandcats, @aconstructofamind, @nahoney22, @dangraccoon, @the-stars-ar3-with-us
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spongecakes100 · 7 months
love/fluff/romance fic prompts that are also taylor swift lyrics
we are alone, just the you and me, up in your room and our slates are clean
i'm on my guard for the rest of the world but with you, i know it's no good
counter all your quick remarks like passing notes in secrecy
i left a note on the door with a joke we'd made
i drive down different roads, but they all lead back to you
danced in the kitchen, chased me down through the hallway
just grab my hand and don't ever drop it
i could've spent forever with your hands in my pockets
on the phone as you whisper, do you know how much i miss you?
i'm laughing with my lover, making forts under covers
you don't need to save me, but would you run away with me?
i've loved you three summers now, but i want them all
i wake up in the night and watch you breathe
i want your dreary mondays
feels like home, stay in bed the whole weekend
all these people think love's for show, but i would die for you in secret
no more keeping score, now i just keep you warm
romance is not dead if you keep it just yours
i'm gonna love you when our hair is turning grey
you're not saying you're in love with me, but you're going to
your past and mine are parallel lines
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fullstcp · 1 month
"Short n' Sweet" by Sabrina Carpenter Sentence Starters
"I leave quite an impression."
"Now I'm gone, but you're still layin' next to me, one degree of separation."
"I heard you're back together."
"You'll just have to taste me when they're kissing you."
"You can have them if you'd like. I've been there, done that once or twice."
"I know I've been known to share."
"I know I have good judgement, I know I have good taste."
"I promise 'em that you're different and everyone makes mistakes."
"Whatever devil's inside you, don't let it out tonight."
"Please, please, please don't prove I'm right."
"Please, please, please, don't bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice."
"Heartbreak is one thing, my ego's another."
"I beg you, don't embarrass me motherfucker."
"I know you're craving some fresh air, but the ceiling fan is so nice."
"We could live so happily if no one knows that you're with me."
"I'm just kidding, but really."
"If you wanna go and be stupid don't do it in front of me."
"I won't give a fuck about you."
"When I love you, I'm sweet like an angel."
"Don't mistake my nice for naive."
"I don't waste a second."
"You say you really like it being mine?"
"It's not that complicated."
"You should stay in my good graces."
"No one's more amazing at turning loving into hatred."
"You do something sus, kiss my cute ass goodbye."
"I know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed."
"We had sex, I met your best friends."
"If that was casual, then I'm an idiot."
"You're confused and I'm upset, but we never talk about it."
"All the silence just makes it worse, really."
"Seems like overnight, I'm just the bitch you hate now."
"You've lost all your common sense."
"Last week, you didn't have any doubts."
"This week, you're holding space for their tongue in your mouth."
"You're tryna turn the past into present tense."
"You told me the truth, minus seven percent."
"What a surprise, your phone just died."
"You car drove itself from L.A. to her thighs."
"She kinda looks like the girl you outgrew. At least that's what you said."
"Your friend hit me up so we could connect."
"Maybe it's all in my head."
"I bet we'd have really good bed chem."
"I'm obsessed."
"Are you free next week?"
"Said you're not in my timezone, but you wanna be."
"Let's fulfill the prophecy."
"Now you're thinking about me every night."
"Is it that sweet? I guess so."
"That's that me espresso."
"I can't relate to desperation."
"My give-a-fucks are on vacation."
"When they act this way, I know I got 'em."
"Too bad your ex don't do it for ya."
"I walked in and dream-came-trued it for ya."
"I know I Mountain Dew it for ya."
"You look so cute wrapped 'round my finger."
"You're so dumb and poetic."
"It's just what I fall for, I like the aesthetic."
"Gold star for highbrow manipulation."
"Just 'cause you talk like one doesn't make you a man."
"You put us in this situation."
"You're running so fast from the hearts that you're breaking."
"Save all your breath for your floor meditation."
"I promise the mushrooms aren't changing your life."
"You fuck with my head like it's some kind of fetish."
"Guess I'll end this life alone."
"If they're winning, I'm just losing."
"It's slim pickings."
"If I can't have the one I love, I guess it's you that I'll be kissing."
"The good ones are deceased or taken."
"I'll just keep on moaning and bitching."
"This boy doesn't even know the difference between 'their,' 'there' and 'they are'."
"Don't have to tell your hot ass a thing."
"You make me wanna make you fall in love."
"If you love me right, then who knows?"
"You know I just might let you lock me down tonight."
"Sorry if you feel objectified."
"Adore me."
"Tell me I'm the only one."
"Don't swear on your mom."
"Don't say it was just an isolated incident that happened once."
"I've never seen an ugly truth that I can't bend into something that looks better."
"I'm stupid, but I'm clever."
"I can make a shitshow look a whole lot like forever and ever."
"If they like you, they'll just lie to themselves."
"Don't I know it better than anyone else?"
"All of your best excuses, no, they don't stand a chance."
"We love to read the cold, hard facts and swear they're incorrect."
"We love to mistake butterflies for cardiac arrest."
"Don't smile because it happened, cry because it's over."
"You're supposed to think about me every time you hold them."
"My heart is heavy now, it's like a hundred pounds."
"I think I need a shower."
"You think it's happy hour, for me it's not."
"I want you to miss me."
"I don't wanna be tempted to pick up when you fall back in."
"You can fake it, but you know I know."
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so, i put together a prompt list for femslash february all from works by various queer, woman-loving artists, but then i got insecure about it and didn’t post it, and THEN miss chapman’s grammy performance happened and destroyed my brain. so i rehauled that original post idea and now we have this!
tracy chapman lyric prompts <3
1. “i’d like to live as if only love mattered” — at this point in my life
2. “deep in this love no man can shake” — for my lover
3. “i’d climb a mountain if i had to, and risk my life so i could have you” — for my lover
4. “if there’s one thing to remember, don’t forget that these are open arms” — open arms
5. “it’s just a theory but i would stake my life, lay my money down, that you were meant for me” — a theory
6. “i make a fool of myself in matters of the heart” — matters of the heart
7. “say you’ll hold a place for me in your heart” — the promise
8. “i place my faith in love, my fate in this communion” — wedding song
9. “if this be obsession, deliver me” — devotion
10. “all my ghosts they find me, like my past they think they own me” — bridges
11. “i’ll find my way back to you (please say you’ll be waiting)” — the promise
12. “i just want someone to hold me and rock me through the night” — give me one reason
13. “let me be tempted, let me be torn” — in the dark
14. “you love to play with fire (and i like it when you play with me)” — you’re the one
15. “i’ve got a red hot heart (if the talk is true yours is the same)” — smoke and ashes
16. “if time is what you need, baby i’ll stop the clocks” — open arms
17. “that old flame has cooled (but i’m burning for you)” — don’t dwell
18. “you think she’s good; i’ll be better” — love’s proof
19. “you can be pretty and tragic. i’ll try to keep the walls from falling down” — it’s ok
20. “almost saved you and myself” — almost
21. “what if i can’t break free of my devotion?” — devotion
22. “just one more kiss before the tears come” — almost
23. “if you’re looking for a villain, go on; assume the role” — the love that you had
24. “i’d save a little love for myself, enough for my heart to mend” — be careful of my heart
25. “she will find her place in the sun” — she’s got her ticket
26. “leave tonight or live and die this way” — fast car
intended for use for gen works featuring female characters or femslash <3 please feel free to tag me in anything you make; i’d love to know if this list was helpful for anyone
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alphabetquest · 22 days
A - B - C Prompts
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Use the prompts to create something using these characters and fandoms. Creativity takes time, so post your creation whenever you are ready. It doesn’t have to be in the same month.
Remember, this is a fun, creative challenge for writers, gif makers, artists, video editors, and aesthetic makers. There is no pressure to post anything.
There are 9 prompts for each letter with a mixture of tropes, scenarios, songs, lyrics, and dialogue. 
If prompts were taken from somewhere else, the source is linked.
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Ain’t Enough Whiskey by Kameron Marlowe
Bed on Fire by Teddy Swims
Change The Way You Kiss Me by Example
Note(s): Use lyrics, the concept or the feel of the song.
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Person A: “As they say, sharing is caring.” Person B: “I don’t think it applies in this situation” - source
“And that when ______ happened and then _____ happened, and it’s not my fault!”
“Are you really going to just walk away?” - source
Person A: “Before you ask, no, it did not go to plan.” Person B: “I wasn’t going to ask, and I never expected it to.” Person C: “We took bets.”
Person A: “Catch me.” Person B: “Wait...I'm not ready…”. Person C: “And that's how they ____"
Person A: “Come on, you know me.” Person B: “I know, and that's why I'm so disappointed.”
Note(s): Dialogue can be tweaked, but please keep it as minimal as possible.
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Action Scene
Body language
Beach Party
Break the fourth wall
Cooking mistakes
Caught in the act
Car Sex
Note(s): Can be used as the title, dialogue, part of a scene, or concept.
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Bad idea turned good
Building a blanket fort
Coffee shop
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“All it’d take is one flight. We’d be in the same time zone.” - Source - Lost In Japan by Shawn Mendes
“Better to say yes than never know.” - Source - Rescue Me by Thirty Seconds to Mars
“But lately, I don’t trust my brain.” - Source - Want You Back by 5 Seconds of Summer
Note(s): Please do not tweak lyrics. They should be used in their entirety without change but can be used in any way.
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Before posting, please read the Guidelines/Rules and the FAQs. If anything isn’t clear, please DM or ASK.
Discord is not required to participate in the event, but it will be a good place to interact with other participants, bounce ideas, and ensure submissions are received. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the server.
Please mention @alphabetquest in the Author’s Notes.
Use the hashtag #AlphabetQuestSubmission in the first five tags.
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@deanwinchesterswitch / @hederasgarden / @k-slla / @nescaveckwriter / @innitmarvelous2 / @deanbrainrotwritings / @letsby / @rose-demica / @dawn-petrichor-world / @talltalesandbedtimestories / @jld71 / @navybrat817 / @kazsrm67 / @jamneuromain / @walkingaline / @a-reader-and-a-writer / @panthera-dei / @lailawinchesterr / @justagirlinafandomworld / @cocoamoonmalfoy / @eulalielatibule
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sleepyowlwrites · 11 months
writing prompts! florence + the machine lyrics edition
again, for fic titles or anything else you want.
leave all your love and your longing behind
who is the lamb and who is the knife
there's a ghost in my mouth and it sighs in my sleep
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
I swallow the sound and it swallows me whole
no dawn, no day, I'm always in this twilight
I've never felt so alive and so dead
felt it in my fists, in my feet, in the hollows of my eyelids
rotting like a wreck on the ocean floor
the lights are on but you're not home
the sweetest of words have the bitterest taste
my body was bruised and I was set alight
looking for heaven, found the devil in me
it's peaceful in the deep, cathedral where you cannot breathe
I never knew daylight could be so violent
the heart is hard to translate, it has a language all its own
suddenly I'm overcome, dissolving like the setting sun
don't make the mountain your enemy
I'm drifting through the halls with the sunrise
with your cool black eyes and your bitten lips
you'll always be my favorite ghost
and I can hear the sirens but I cannot walk away
I never knew my killer would be coming from within
I just keep spinning and I danced myself to death
let it bleed through my fingers, a treasure in my hands
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unboundprompts · 9 months
Hi! Thank you so much for your wonderful blog! Could you please do prompts from songs that feel ✨orange✨? Some energetic, bright, optimistic lines would be so nice! Thank you in advance!
Orange Prompts
-> writing prompts from songs that feel orange. feel free to edit as you see fit.
"I don't know the way, but I know that I belong out here on this journey that I never thought I'd make." - The Color of the Sky by Thrice
"Welcome to the land of the permanent sun where the flowers are melted and the future is fun." - The Valley of The Pagans (feat. Beck) by Gorillas, Beck
"You are the bullet in my head." - Spiderhead by Cage The Elephant
"You are my radio. Turn you up when I feel low. You are the soundtrack to all I know. You are the rock to my roll." - Rock To My Roll by Anarbor
"How can I help it if I like the way she makes me feel?" - Break Up Every Night by The Chainsmokers
"You know I talk too much. Honey, come put your lips on mine, and shut me up." - Talk too Much by COIN
"Who needs money when love is gold." - Rock To My Roll by Anarbor
"I turn each day into night, I stand there waiting for you." - Natives by blink-182
"Let's go paint the town on our way home." - Razzmatazz by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
'You're only going up from here." - Bummerland by AJR
"Well, he talks like an angel, but he looks like me." - Brazil by Declan McKenna
"Lovin' you's a recipe for disaster, hurts like hell but damn it's fuckin' heavenly." - Crazy by Makeout
"If I'm feeling right, I'll go out tonight and meet some strangers like me." - High Low by The Unlikely Candidates
"Tell me where we were and what we did last night." - Suicide Sunday by The Friday Night Boys
"You got to know that I meant it when I said that I liked you." - Ghost by Confetti
"In your head, I'm a junkie for your desperate love." - My Heart Needs to Breathe by The Faim
"Nothing has changed, he is the same." - He Is The Same by Jon Bellion
"I've found love in the strangest place." - Problems by Mother Mother
"We'll be the envy of the gods above." - The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience, ORION, Linda XO
"Loving is easy when everything's perfect. Please don't change a single little thing for me." - Loving is Easy by Rex Orange County, Benny Sings
"What keeps me sane is you." - Paradise by Bear Ghost
"Well, maybe I'm a mess. And maybe I'm depressed. And maybe I'll just find out who I am, and I don't like who it is. And I'm a wreck. I do it for the sex. And maybe I gotta realize this is as good as it gets." - Good As It Gets by Little Hurt
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fabledresources · 2 years
part one of prompts pulled from taylor swift’s newest album, midnights. a few prompts might have been split up to make more sense in a rp sense, but most remain unchanged. enjoy <3
meet me at midnight.
you don't ever say too much.
you don't really read into my melancholia.
i've been under scrutiny.
you handle it beautifully.
all this shit is new to me.
i'm damned if i do give a damn what people say.
all they keep asking me is if i'm gonna be your bride.
the only kinda girl they see is a one-night or a wife.
they're bringing up my history, but you weren't even listening.
you weren't even listening.
talk your talk and go viral.
i just need this love spiral
get it off your chest
get it off my desk.
we lost track of time again
how'd we end up on the floor, anyway?
i see you every day now.
how the hell did we lose sight of us again?
ain't that the way shit always ends?
i lost you.
that's a real fucking legacy to leave.
i have this thing where i get older, but just never wiser.
my depression works the graveyard shift.
i should not be left to my own devices.
i end up in crisis.
i wake up screaming from dreaming.
it’s me… hi.
i'm the problem, it's me.
i'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror.
it must be exhausting always rooting for the anti-hero.
did you hear my covert narcissism i disguise as altruism?
one day i'll watch as you're leaving, and life will lose all its meaning.
i have this dream my daughter-in-law kills me for the money.
she thinks i left them in the will.
life is emotionally abusive.
time can't stop me quite like you did.
my flight was awful, thanks for asking.
i'm unglued, thanks to you.
it's like snow at the beach: weird, but fuckin' beautiful.
you wanting me tonight feels impossible.
this scene feels like what i once saw on a screen.
i've never seen someone lit from within.
to hide that would be so dishonest.
it's fine to fake it till you make it.
i don't even dare to wish it
can this be a real thing? can it?
i play it cool with the best of them.
he's gonna notice me.
it's okay, we're the best of friends.
i didn't choose this town. i dream of getting out.
there's just one who could make me stay.
i waited ages to see you there.
i picked the petals… he loves me not.
i play my songs in the parking lot.
i'll run away.
i gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this.
the jokes weren't funny.
i took the money
my friends from home don't know what to say.
everything you lose is a step you take.
you've got no reason to be afraid.
you're on your own, kid. you always have been.
you're on your own.
you can face this.
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jessource · 5 months
prompts: prelude to ecstasy by the last dinner party.
here comes the feminine urge, i know it so well.
do you want me, or do you want control?
this is the only thing i know how to do.
i could never live with the guilt of lying.
and lately i've been thinkin', what if i keep sinking?
i hope they never understand us.
even when the cold comes crashing through, i'm putting all my bets on you.
cleanse my soul, make me whole.
she's there when i wake up, at the end of my bed with a smile on her face and a gun to my head.
do what i can to survive.
cause we're a lot alike.
a sailor and a nightingale dancing in convertibles/
i know i'm better off not looking back.
oh, anyone could kill me, and i'd never ever let it be you.
foolish thinking i could have you.
i don't exist without your gaze.
and just for a second, i could be one of the greats.
when i was a child, i never felt like a child.
you could swim in these eyes.
wine is on your blouse.
i wish i knew you back when we were both small.
what i'm feeling isn't lust, it's envy.
hold me, we can't go back.
you can hold me like he held her.
guide me, show me how, and let me be your arrow.
wish i could do without this blood on my face.
i will fuck you, like nothing matters.
time slips away.
to nurture the wounds my mother held.
i will hold your hands to stop them from shaking.
i am not the girl i set out to be.
the best a boy can ever be is pretty.
i fade away.
strike me,  pierce me straight through the heart.
it's my fate to have never seen you.
my darling, believe me, i was born to be with you.
i wish i knew you before it felt like a sin.
if i drown will they make me a star?
you don't wanna hurt me, but i want you to.
how i wish the trees would swallow me, make me a forest, take away my soul.
i'm just a mirror, pretty glass, an empty heart.
i wish that i had the guts–the dignity to put up a fight.
when you laid like a wolf with your head on my lap. i felt like one of those portraits of women protected by a beast on a chain.
i'll leave you flowers, but not my name.
what good are red lips when you're faced with something sharp?
when i put on that suit, i don't have to stay mute.
i'll see you on sunday.
i wish that i let you have the dignity of letting me go.
you smiled so sweetly as you threw me down the rocks.
oh, ballerina bend under the weight of it all.
no one else is to blame.
i wish i could be a beautiful boy.
i have gotten too tall.
when you drown, do they know who you are?
i need to slow my thinkin'.
i want to take your picture.
i'd spend the mornings by your side.
if anyone could kill me, it probably would be you.
is it in this city?
i break apart without your arms.
i wish you had given me the courtesy of staying one more night.
a guard dog there just for her. if only she know that with one wrong move, he'll turn around and tear off her hands.
when i drown, will i get very far?
no i won't speak to you.
forgive me, father, won't you take it back?
let me make my grief a commodity.
break my glass to fix your heart.
burn me.
je ne veux pas penser.
i wish you had given me the courtesy of ripping out my throat.
we're both just addicts.
if it takes all night, i will be on your side.
there is candle wax melting in my veins.
it could take some time, time to talk freely.
he's got letters on his fist: r-i-d-e.
tell me how you're feeling, i'll reflect the reason.
i'd die for you, no questions asked.
everyone will love me!
i wish i didn't want you.
do you want me to care when you just disappear?
failure to commit to the role, i admit was a failure you achieved on your own.
i'll be ceaser on a tv screen, champion of my fate.
ain't it fun to hold the world in your hand?
when you're lying here i believe you love me.
when you drown, they'll forget who you are.
everyone will like me then.
there's nothing for me. here, where the world is small.
i'd break off my ribs to make another you.
i'm only here, for your entertainment.
do you feel like a man when i can't talk back?
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daughterofcainnnn · 4 months
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I am the face of love's rage
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miakate-writes · 3 months
hii!! :3 i hope you're having a good day (and if not i hope it gets better 💔💔) but i was wondering if you could write some royal x royal dialogue prompts?? like where they're both from two rival kingdoms and they are most definitely NOT supposed to be together or date but they can't resist each other?? (preferably mlm but if not it's fine!!) thank you SO MUCHH IN ADVANCE!!!!!
royal x royal forbidden romance prompts 𐙚˙⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩
"i can see you being my addiction, you can see me as a secret mission" જ⁀➴ ♡
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[a/n: hiiii anon! ty so much for this request, i'm back from my break and request submission are permanently open! i'm also thinking of starting an anon list since ik there's a fair few anons in my inbox at the moment, so if you wanna be part of it just send in another ask with which sign off u want and i'll add u!]
they ALWAYS sneak out to see each other
its usually at the same time every day - which you would assume to be quite suspicious to their families
but they play it off as an evening walk or a morning visit to the orchard (supposedly alone of course)
"you made it" "i always do"
"wait, they'll see us" "there's no one around, stop being so paranoid"
one of them is definitely really confident that they won't get caught and the other is hella paranoid
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spongecakes100 · 7 months
pining/yearning fic prompts that are also taylor swift lyrics
i wonder if he knows he's all i think about at night
you're the only thing i know like the back of my hand
i'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
i hear the sound of my own voice asking you to stay
where were you while i'm wondering if i'll ever see you again?
sometimes i wonder when you sleep, are you ever dreaming of me?
you've ruined my life by not being mine
i loved you in secret
wanting was enough-- for me, it was enough
my hands are shaking from holding back from you
i don't want you like a best friend
i love you, ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
his hands around a cold glass make me want to know that body like it's mine
cancelled my plans just in case you'd call
will you call when you're back at school?
i won't ask you to wait if you don't ask me to stay
i wait patiently, he's gonna notice me. it's okay, we're the best of friends
why'd you have to lead me on?
you kiss me in a way that's gonna screw me up forever
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fullstcp · 2 months
"The Greatest Showman" Sentence Starters
"This is the moment you've waited for."
"All that was real is left behind."
"Don't fight it, it's coming for you, running at ya."
"It's only this moment, don't care what comes after."
"Your fever dream, can't you see it getting closer?"
"There's something breaking at the brick of every wall that's holding all that you know."
"The sun can't stop us now."
"It's everything you ever want."
"It's everything you ever need."
"It's here right in front of you."
"This is where you wanna be."
"I close my eyes and I can see a world that's waiting up for me."
"They can say it all sounds crazy."
"They can say I've lost my mind."
"We can live in a world that we design."
"A million dreams are keeping me awake."
"I think of what the word could be."
"However big, however small, let me be part of it all."
"Share your dreams with me."
"You may be right, you may be wrong."
"Say that you'll bring me along."
"You're asleep inside, but you can shake awake."
"You're just a dead man walking. Thinking that's your only option."
"Take the world and redefine it."
"Leave behind your narrow mind, you'll never be the same."
"You're more than you could ever be."
"You're dreaming with your eyes wide open."
"You know you can't go back again to the world that you were living in."
"You believe that lie that you need to hide your face."
"Right here, right now, I put the offer out."
"I don't wanna chase you down but I know you see it."
"You run with me and I can cut you free out of the drudgery and walls you keep in."
"Trade that typical for something colorful."
"If it's crazy, live a little crazy."
"You can play it sensible, a king of conventional, or you can risk it all and see."
"Don't you wanna get away from that same old part you gotta play?"
"I got what you need so come with me and take the ride."
"I hate to tell you but it just won't happen."
"So thanks, but no, I think I'm good to go."
"I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in."
"You're onto something, really, it's something."
"I live among the swells and we don't pick up peanut shells. I'll have to leave that up to you."
"I don't need to see the other side."
"Can't you see I'm doing fine?"
"Now is this really how you like to spend your days?"
"If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town. Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns."
"Just let me give you the freedom to dream and it'll wake you up."
"Now that's a deal that seems worth taking. But I guess I'll leave that up to you."
"Well, it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly."
"We're going to the other side."
"I'm trying to hold my breath."
"Let it stay this way."
"Can't let this moment end."
"You set off a dream in me."
"Take my hand."
"Will you share this with me?"
"Towers of gold are still too little."
"These hands could hold the world but it'll never be enough."
"I am not a stranger to the dark."
"Hide away."
"I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars."
"Run away."
"No one'll love you as you are."
"I won't let them break me down to dust."
"I know that there's a place for us."
"I am who I'm meant to be."
"I'm not scared to be seen."
"I make no apologies."
"I won't let the shame sink in."
"I know that I deserve your love."
"There's nothing I'm not worthy of."
"You know I want you. It's not a secret I try to hide."
"You claim it's not in the cards and fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me."
"You're here in my heart."
"Who can stop me if I decide that you're my destiny?"
"What if we rewrite the stars?"
"Nothing could keep us apart."
"You'd be the one I was meant to find."
"It's up to you and it's up to me."
"No one can say what we get to be."
"Maybe the world could be ours tonight."
"You think it's easy?"
"You think I don't want to run to you?"
"When we go outside you're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all."
"No one can rewrite the stars."
"How can you say you'll be mine?"
"Everything keeps us apart."
"I'm not the one you were meant to find."
"It's not up to you, it's not up to me when everyone tells us what we can be."
"How can we rewrite the stars?"
"All I want is to fall with you."
"Just give me all of you."
"It feels impossible."
"Is it possible?"
"Say that it's possible."
"I can't have you."
"We're bound to break and my hands are tied."
"Some people long for a life that is simple and planned. Tied with a ribbon."
"Some people won't sail the sea 'cause they're safer on land."
"I'd follow you to the great unknown."
"It's all an adventure that comes with a breathtaking view."
"You pulled me in and together we're lost in a dream."
"I risk it all just to be with you."
"I risk it all for this life we choose."
"Never sure, will you catch me if I should fall?"
"If all was lost, there's more I gained 'cause it led me back to you."
"What's waited 'til tomorrow starts tonight."
"Those were someone else's dreams."
"For years and years, I chased their cheers. A crazy speed of always needing more."
"When I stop and see you here I remember who all this was for."
"We will come back home."
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hymemena · 4 months
Schoolyard Heroes Abominations Lyric Starters
Feel free to change pronouns as necessary, and remember to specify muse for multimuse blogs.
CW: Torture, death, violence, injury, sacrifice, insect mention, ghost mention
Dude, Where's My Skin?
"Cut out your tongue and sing for me."
"You're so dead to me."
"I wanna see you suffering for me."
"Sink your teeth right into me."
"Death calls."
"The insects crawl."
"The ghosts you created are calling you out."
"Take off your skin and dance with me."
"Stare to the heavens."
"These lovely cadavers will block out the light."
The Plastic Surgery Hall Of Fame
"Fifteen minutes is much too generous."
"Suffering with none of the benefits?"
"They will be your plague tonight."
"Nothing shatters like broken glass."
"You're so pretty."
"And you're so dead."
"Look at what they've done to us."
"Built for deception."
"Man-made smiles make the mirrors ache."
"Now your face displays the modern age."
Cemetery Girls
"The skies weren't always black."
"We're still burning."
"My dear, nobody's safe."
"Do you hear me?"
"We will rise tonight."
"The cemetery line has wrapped itself around the world."
"We're still screaming."
"Did you pray?"
"Why would you waste another word on God?"
"I am the Devil and I've come to do the Devil's work."
Violence Is All The Rage
"Let me introduce you to your nightmare."
"You set it to burn?"
"You set it to life."
"You're screaming out but no one's listening."
"We're burning tonight."
"Oh, won't you lie to me tonight?"
"You're saying everything I wanna hear."
"Blood thirsty?"
"You're hiding diamonds in your pockets."
"Darling, there's no way to stop you, now."
Children Of The Night
"They said we'd never make it out of here alive!"
"Everything you touch shall be destroyed."
"Everything you love is crushed and broken."
"Oh, children of the night."
"There's no one waiting for you."
"You're a creature born without a name."
"I'll call you shame."
"Maybe vengeance?"
"Won't you tell me?"
"Tell me!"
The Last Man On Earth
"The world's on fire."
"Wrap me in your napalm blanket."
"You and I are the king and queen of nothing, Baby."
"Take my hand."
"It's better now together, though it's only us."
"We'll raise our glass."
"Now, there's nothing left."
"Fall asleep."
"You and I must make a pledge."
"One more time?"
Razorblade Kisses
"Your lipstick tastes like murder."
"Our hands are sewn together?!"
"We'll come to one another."
"Destroy me to your liking."
"Razorblade kisses leave you bleeding, Baby."
"You're so gorgeous."
"Your lovers' hearts will destroy me."
"Pay me with their lives tonight."
"You are mine."
"Some curses make things worse."
Sometimes They Come Back
"I've come to warn you."
"They're coming for you."
"I've come to tell you how they'll deceive you."
"Tell me!"
"Tell me all the filthy things I wanna hear."
"We have never felt so hollow."
"I'm listening."
"You're not coming back."
"We tried to warn them. They never listen."
"Pray you'll make it through the night."
Beautiful Woman Hunter
"There's a million stitches!"
"How they love to see us shaking."
"Watch the minute hand chase the hour."
"Boys you wanted, girls you devoured!"
"You are the lover, I'm the destroyer."
"Sing for me."
"Won't you take my hand once more?"
"We're still trembling."
"There's no telling what we'll do, now."
"There are no lovers-- Only destroyers."
All The Pretty Corpses
"They will sing to you in praise."
"Darling, won't you touch me?"
"Into the hearts of everyone you love?"
"I hope you hurt so badly, Baby."
"We'll die so slowly!"
"My dear, we'll burn tonight."
"All the rotting harlots, they will memorize your name."
"Revealing that the faces are the same."
"Darling, turn me inside out. Destroy me just for fun."
"Do you hear them screaming?"
Screaming "Theatre" In A Crowded Fire
"If I'm not mistaken, I've murdered you twice before, my dear."
"It's true, my dear."
"You smeared my blood like a whore's mascara."
"It was the right thing to do at the time."
"I snapped my fingers and I made you mine."
"Tonight you're mine completely, Baby."
"I've torn your heart out three times, now."
"You tore me up like I was made of paper."
"You're never gonna see me again."
"Tonight you'll be my only one."
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