#maddy makes a prompt
gods-favorite-autistic · 10 months
Taking a bit from @el-fandom-birb’s werewolf Lydia normal Cynthia idea cuz it gave me an idea for a fic prompt
Supernatural pink ladies + t-birds
They’re outcasts because they’re all supernatural beings on top of the other stuff
Jane is a witch on her mothers side so people start a rumor that she cast a spell on Buddy after they find that out
Olivia is a siren and she gets accused of trying to use her siren song on Mr. Daniels
Cynthia is a werewolf which is part of the reason why she became so attached to the T-Birds since they were the only other werewolves in town (minus Richie who is also a siren but is still head of the gang)
Nancy is a vampire coming from a very old vampire family who absolutely flaunts the fact that she is a vampire
Hazel is also a witch but she never does any magic outside of her home because she’s afraid of being hated
Buddys family used to hunt creatures until they became more ingrained into their society up when his grandpa was alive but there’s still that deep hatred running through them that Buddy was the first to question
Wally’s family never hated them but they had to hide that to avoid being persecuted more than they already were so he pretends to hate them
Idk if it would take place in modern day or in the same time as canon (I’m leaning more towards modern day and the creatures being part of that sort of wave of revolution and protests in the 1900’s) but if any of y’all write a fic pls tell me cuz I’m gonna have this on my mind for a whiiile
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When Danny enters the Fenton portal for the very first time, he still trips and shocks himself but at the same time damages the inside of the portal enough that it can’t sustain itself past the point of changing Danny’s molecules.
The electricity and damage done to both Danny and the portal isn’t something Danny, Sam, and Tucker can cover up and his parents find out immediately. They’re more concerned about their son then the portal (they have the blueprints for the portal and can rebuild it later but can’t replace their son if something happened to him) and go through a lot of things emotions regarding the existence of ghost human hybrids.
Danny’s new biology could easily be passed as meta human traits. Unfortunately President Lex Luther had just recently passed laws against meta humans. Meaning they can’t risk people find out about Danny’s new powers, at all. The Fentons decide that Danny should live with one of Maddie or Jacks relatives off grid until he can control his new abilities better.
luckily Jacks sister, Martha, and her husband have experience with a super powered child and after their son moved to the city could probably use a hand on their farm. All Jack needed to do was call.
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nerdpoe · 10 months
I mean. You want me to be a villain? Really? Me? Alright, if you insist.
The GIW go over the top, and commit atrocious crimes against Ghostkind.
And when Danny tries to strike back?
They get the JLD involved.
Now to be entirely fair, they lied to the JLD and withheld valuable information that would have let the JLD know that they were siding with the bad guys.
To be even more fair, Danny doesn't know that.
So fine.
They want him to be the bad guy?
He'll be the bad guy.
He never wanted in on this hero crap anyways.
Phantom and his two associates, Overdrive and Hemlock, take to the streets and show the JLD exactly how bad of an idea it was to make an enemy out of them.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 206
There seems to have been a bit of a misunderstanding, Ellie is realizing as she opens the door- in her pajamas no less- to the freaking Justice League. Either that or they’re gonna’ have to go on the run from something her brothers or Vlad did. 
What do you mean Jazz blew up a building?! Without inviting them?!
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hughmanbean · 5 months
The Nurturing Queen and the Greedy Duke
Credit to @sky00asara in this post for this idea I love guys who are moms (if you get what I mean) This will follow the same rough story beats but will still have a little of my own flair.
The Nuturing Queen, Mother of the Wandering Princess and Erratic Prince, has been said to provide protection and inspire devotion to all who come across her. Praised as Balance and Duality personified, she is a large influence and very commonly mentioned in every scroll, book, art piece, and all magic artifacts that Constantine has seen. He's heard from so many beings of how great she is, her feats, and her being the largest connection between the Unknown Realms and Earth.
Here comes the problem. The Nurturing Queen has an enemy who's been around just as long as she has, who's also been seen not long after wherever she goes, chasing her trail and lurking. The Greedy Duke. He wishes to have her as his own, and take the throne to himself, subsequently plunging the Unknown Realms into chaos. Whenever he confronts the Nurturing Queen, legendary battles commence, and he is beat back.
But now, things are going wrong. The Lazurus Pits have been reported as acting, well, erratic. The Erratic Prince, some beings say, has been seen discussing things with the Greedy Duke. They fear his loyalties may not lie with his family.
A shift has been felt in the magics community. Unknown Realms Beings have ventured into Earth, either out of curiosity or to wreak havoc. Now, at the watchtower, JLD work out how to summon a being and demand to know what's going on, the rest of the Justice League desperate.
When they finally do summon one, they're launched into the Unknown Realms as an answer, told to "Find our Queen" as the being dissappears. They're on a floating island in a green void.
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artemismoorea03 · 5 months
DP x DC: The Ghostly Army
The fact that Ghosts can be brainwashed and hypnotized gets out and ends up in the wrong hands. Specifically the hands of Lex Luthor. When he finds this out he's ecstatic. He's been half paying attention to Ghosts since he started getting reports from the Ghost Investigation Ward after he passed their Anti-Ecto Laws, it was part of the law that had been brought to him.
For as long as the law existed he would get as much of the information as those who funded the G.I.W.. It hadn't been something he'd actively cared about until he learned just how powerful one of the ghosts - Phantom - was. Strong enough to take down Superman if he was on the right team, which he wasn't and the G.I.W. wanted him destroyed so it was complicated.
However, after enough 'negotiating' and keeping the situation in Amity Park under the radar and blocking out all calls in and out of the small city to avoid the Justice League from paying them any attention, he was able to convince the G.I.W. to help him out. Bring him Phantom and any other particularly powerful ghost like Phantom and he would allow them to do whatever they wanted with Amity Park.
Now he has not one but three exceedingly powerful Ghosts under his control.
Wisp: A tiny ghost who appeared about 12 with white hair and green eyes.
Wraith: A much larger ghost around 15 who could be Phantom's twin but with red eyes.
and Phantom: A 15 year old child who was apparently more powerful than Wisp and Wraith combined.
They were all under his control, and impossible force that he used to take down not only Superman but any member of the Justice League who dared stand in his way. With Wisp's small size and speed, Wraith's rage and strength, and Phantom's power and experience there would be no stopping them!
Meanwhile, in Gotham City there is a very pissed off Vampire and two people in jumpsuits running around looking for their three missing children and anybody who will listen to them. Which, Batman was already planning on doing before the Vampire decided to all but kidnap Nightwing as collateral in case they 'didn't have his full attention'.
Whoever these three pissed off parents were, their kids were important to them and soon they would become important to the entire Justice League... maybe even the world.
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bucketwritingpail · 7 months
Thinking about Danny wishing to go back to a time where he wasn't constantly in danger, and Desiree not being able to find a time in his life that can fit the bill so just,,, nothing happens.
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 83
The two are different dimensions.
Danny was either kidnapped or displaced from dc. Whether by Jack accidentally dimensional traveling and grabbing baby Danny or by ghost interference.
He could be a lost son of a hero/villain or just son of a rando civilian from dc.
The infinite realm is sentient in a way. It always merges with the king. Pariah Dark was an ancient tyrant one who when alive resided in the DP dimension. Hence why the natural portals all favored that dimension.
When Danny becomes king. The realm shifts.
The Fenton portal made with science remains stable. Natural ones all but stop in DP. Even the infinite map will now take to to the alternate dimension.
Danny and co. Have no clue how or why this is happening
Wulf can only make portals into dp with tethers. People specifically. He can come to Danny, sam and tucker as they allowed themselves as tethers. By forming a bond of sorts with the entity.
When Danny learns to make portals he as well needs these tethers.
When jack and Maddie learn the truth they don’t immediately act. The observe and plan. Even agreeing to be these tethers.
Danny has been oh so happy they accepted him.
The sole purpose to learn to break the bonds. Once they figure it out. They short and shove Danny through the portal and turn it off.
As much as they’d love to tear him apart. He looked too much like there son. Phantom would use that against them. Turn Danny’s poor friends against the two. They have to figure out how to end the ghost brainwashing.
It’s unfortunate jazz sam and tucker all are under the spell.
Now on the dc side of things.
The JLD were panicking in the beginning. Natural portals from the infinite realm suddenly became much more frequent. They had to learn and adapt.
They’ve had actual attacks from these beings now. John had to talk to his contacts. Magic worked on them as well as apparently technology. The contacts wouldn’t tell them what technology however.
And apparently lucky them. The new king of this hell dimension was born in there own dimension.
Then the yeti and age defying powerful entities said that they would be expecting a visit from the king soon.
It was during one of the Wayne’s family dinners a green portal opened. Shooting the white haired green eyed individual into the table. Only for him to look up at cass in confusion stating she wasn’t sam.
He then fell unconscious and turned into prime adoption bait.
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britcision · 2 years
Oh we like cursed Jazz content in this house
So Jazz’s gotten her degree and a nice totally safe internship at Arkham Asylum, as one does
And one day while she’s hanging in the interview room waiting for her next patient, who comes in but former fellow doctor Harleen Quinzel
Is Harley actually back at Arkham or half way through a break in? Doesn’t matter
Maybe Ivy needed a hand with a particularly well protected shady polluter
Maybe she’s breaking Killer Croc out for poker night
Maybe she’s just visiting to punch Joker in the face
What matters is the heat is on and Harley’s gonna be hanging out in this room, and here’s a cute young psychiatrist and Harley can’t resist a punch line
And Jazz Fenton? Jazz knows when she’s being played with, and she’s fought way worse than Harley
Hell, 10 minutes in she’s reminded so strongly of Danny she’s gotta call him after work
And Jazz has done her research, she knows who Harley is, and is very touched by her concern
But then there’s another rogue attack, the prison is in shambles, and it’s time for a change of plan
Harley’s happy to tell Jazz where to find an emergency buzzer and to barricade the door behind her, hoping the newbie will be safe
Cuz that works out in Arkham for sure
Before Harley can dip the door busts in, someone’s looking for a hostage and Harley’s stepping up for some more active protection of her new friend
Right up until they get shot in the face before Harley can connect and fall smoking to the floor
Jazz is no Poison Ivy, but beautiful, dangerous redheads are Harley’s kryptonite and she’s begging for Jazz’s number
Harley looks back at Jazz and her lipstick gun and oh now she’s in love
Jazz gives her the cute smile and says isn’t Harley taken, because Jazz kind of is now but they can be friends
Harley, competitive, will accept the number and demands the lucky fucker’s name cuz they’d better pray they’re good enough for Jazz
Three weeks later, Harley’s at the precinct with vital information about someone’s latest great caper
But she’ll only give it up to Jason Todd
(People know he’s alive only because this idea was precisely 12% funnier than Harley trying to hunt down Red Hood in Crime Alley
Harley’s a god tier psychiatrist and has known who the bats are for ages, but like fuck she’s going to Wayne Manor)
There’s been no hint that Harley was really involved and things are getting tense, but this is Harley Fucking Quinn who exists solely in places she’s not meant to be
They can’t risk not going if she might have something
So Jason, cranky about crimes, puts on his best people face and comes down to an unsurveilled (except for Bats) room to ask wtf
Harley stares him dead in the eye
“I’m gonna steal your girlfriend”
Then just drops street addresses, trap locations, and the fucking key to the warehouse crime was in
Bruce: confused but happy it worked and Harley’s still not back into major terrorism
Jason: fucking befuddled
Jazz: loves it
Ivy: fondly resigned
All other bats: never letting Jason live this down
The ongoing Harley/Hood prank war is fucking epic in proportion
Ivy and Jazz hang out whenever they’re busy and oh dear sarcastic peppy psychiatrists are also Ivy’s kryptonite
So the second Jason even vaguely upsets Jazz he is well aware she has two extremely loving lesbian moms just waiting to snatch her away
Call it Gotham Bachelorette
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jamiethebee · 2 months
Hey what about Danny and Constantine are related but on Jack's side they're cousins by marriage or something (I'm not sure whether the fentonnightingales are paternal or maternal but assuming paternal) through his mother, whose sister lives in England (idk enough about Constantine's family to make this canon compliant)
Danny hasn't heard about Constantine much but once the Danny Jack Constantine relation reveal happens I want there to be shenanigans, including but not limited to Justice League misunderstandings
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minty364 · 8 months
DPXDC Prompt #59
Jack Fenton is a lot of things, a caring husband, a scientist, and even a dad! Or so he thought, until he finds out Maddie Cheated on him and Danny wasn’t really his, he knew the initial on the guy was B. W. but he didn’t know who that was. He got into a fight with her about it and he left for a couple days to clear his head.
Jazz, and Danny were in the basement along with their mom who was trying to get the portal activated. It wasn’t working and she was getting frustrated. Danny hates that his parents were fighting over him, he didn’t know who his real father was but he was a little curious. Jack and Maddie had always put their research above all else and he wished he had a normal family.
Danny goes into the hole where the portal is and trips on a wire, in a blinding light he dies and is brought back. Unfortunately the portal wasn’t quite ready without Jack helping and an explosion spreads out in the basement killing both Jazz and Maddie. Jack comes home to find only Danny alive. He resents the boy, of course he does Danny took away his only chance at normal.
Danny after a couple weeks of getting abused by the now alcoholic Jack, runs away to Gotham, he’s got to find Batman, he’s the worlds greatest detective, surely he can find who B. W. Is right?
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 130
So. Danny, Ellie and Jazz are definitely Not on the run. They’re definitely not. They’re definitely not huddled up in an abandoned corner of Gotham being kept warm and guarded by Fright Knight, who has definitely not let his whole humanoid shape disappear into a more amorphous one of Fear and Shadow and Flame to keep everyone away. 
They’re definitely not alone now, their parents definitely aren’t dead now. They’re definitely not stitching up Danny or stabilizing Ellie. They’re not making a sling for Jazz’s broken arm and crying as the ghost of Autumn tries to soothe his ghostlings wards. 
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hughmanbean · 5 months
False Corpse and Supposed Defilings of a Collegue and Child
So, we all love misunderstandings and miscommunication. Obviously. So, Danny's ghost form is very much frozen at 14, and he is working with the Justice League on the basis of Ghostly MattersTM. He was able to make a duplicate of himself for class because he had to help the League with a very important matter with guidance from Vlad, but it was very much rushed and just outright died at the end after it got back.
So Vlad has to bury it, but someone sees him doing that. Anyone, really. Dash, Lancer, Val, someone not in the know. And Danny isn't seen for a while. The League do not think Danny is an immortal God, and "know" he's a dead trans boy from Illinois who wants to save people.
He makes offhand remarks about Vlad, and even if the two of them are on good terms now Vlad's actions seem outright despicable without context. Danny's used to Vlad's ridiculousness so he doesn't see him in that light and can't really conceptualize that it could even be considered.
"You know how it was, obsessed with me and my mom, despised my dad. Said I took after her."
"Oh you know, he made a daughter with me, not that I had a choice in it. I love her with all my heart, though."
"Yeah, he was a real fruitloop. Ranting about I would be his and all that."
This is very much concerning so the League, so they investigate, and the person who saw lets it slip. They also do spot Ellie, and she just chats with Danny's work friends she heard so much about. Doesn't outright say she talks with Danny still, or she knows him presently. Says how much she loves her papa, and hasn't seen her dad in forever. (A collective wince from the JL since, well, said dad is dead.) Mentions how Vlad's a bit stressed, probably from DalvCO contracts. They also see Vlad acting so goody goody with the Fentons, take that as you will.
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tsukihimeyfan · 11 months
Just finished watching Wendigoon's video about Hisashi Ouchi and had a terrible, awful, no-good DP prompt idea come into my head. Come suffer with me.
So the Fentons constantly threaten to tear ghosts apart "molecule by molecule" right? What if they managed to make an anti-ghost weapon that made good on that threat? One that tore apart ghostly DNA or ectoplasm, and just straight-up turned any ghost hit by it into green goop, melted within seconds like Danny's clones?
So I imagine that at some point after destroying a couple of ghosts with this new weapon, Jack and Maddie finally manage to corner Phantom somehow. Terrified, Danny is left with no choice but to try to explain who and what he is, hoping to all the Ancients that it will be enough to stop them from hurting him.
Unfortunately for him, the Fentons don't really listen at first and shoot him point blank.
Danny puts his arms up to protect himself and closes his eyes, trembling in abject fear, imagining himself melting away into a pile of goop right in front of his parents. He desperately hopes it's quick and painless. He waits for the end.
...and waits
... and waits
The Fentons and Danny both feel shocked, but Danny eventually laughs (a bit hysterically) and continues explaining his accident, intensely relieved that his half-human nature had protected him from this weapon.
Once he explains everything, the Fentons apologize with tears in their eyes for how they had treated him. They accept him for who he is, and promise to do their best to learn more about ghosts' true natures. They decide to use their inventions in an actually scientific, ethical way, to learn more about this culture and people. Danny and Jazz are both ecstatic. Everything seems perfect. Sure, Danny might have thrown up and passed out the minute they got home from that little talk, and sure, his skin turned a bit red and painful where he got hit, but that was the extent of it, right? His human half purged the effects of the weapon from his body, no harm no foul.
But they all forget that while Danny's DNA is half human, it is also half ghostly in nature, and the weapon just tore through those parts of him like bullets through paper.
A week later, Danny's skin starts to feel like it's burning
#danny phantom#dp prompt#prompt#basically the Fentons accidentally give Danny extreme radiation poisoning and have to deal with the consequences#maybe Vlad could get a redemption arc in this#finally realizing that Maddie is not as perfect as he imagined her to be#and using everything in his considerable power to help save his Little Badger#could also be#DPxDC#dp x dc#if they end up reaching out to the justice league for their resources and expertise on non-human biology and radiation exposure#and of course every single one of them would end up loving Danny and wanting to take him away from these people who hurt him so bad#or at least help him recover and watch over him after#they wouldn't be fans of the Fentons to say the least#if anyone writes anything on this you can take it anywhere you like#but I'm personally a sucker for Angst with a Happy Ending#so in my imagination Danny manages to make it through the almost 3 months of suffering and eventually recovers#with a ton of new friends (and maybe a lover) for his troubles#but he'd never be the same#and I don't think he'd ever look at Jack and Maddie the same either#don't look up pictures of Hisashi Ouchi btw#only made that mistake once#danny fenton#btw for those who don't know but don't want to watch a 90min video about it#Hishashi Ouchi was a poor man who was exposed to so much radiation that his chromosomes were torn to shreds#**READ THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES AT YOUR DISCRETION CW IT'S NOT PRETTY IF YOU DON'T LIKE THINKING ABOUT NASTY STUFF/BODY HORROR DON'T READ#then his skin started to slough off#then the lining of his lungs. then the one on his intestines. then on almost every one of his organs#He lived for 83 days bc the best doctors in the world were trying to save him#but Yes it was probably as excruciating as it sounds especially bc his mind was intact for most of it
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halfaprompt · 7 months
Spooky writing time… THE SEQUAL!!
In which Jack and Maddie Fenton try to help.
We all know that the doctors Fenton have a particular focus on Danny Phantom, the ghost boy. And we all know that it’s probably not with good intentions.
What if somewhere along the way, all their yelling and threats start to lose conviction. They become more of a routine than real threats. Because somewhere during all their chasing the ghost boy they realise he’s only a kid.
The ghost boy is a kid, maybe no older than their own Danny. Even if he’s been around as a ghost for years, he died as a kid. Can ghosts even develop further than the age they died? Does this child even realise he’s dead? Maybe his superhero act is a coping mechanism to block out trauma of dying so young. A persona he adapted to help himself cope with the realisation that he’s no longer a part of the living world.
So eventually the Fenton parents sit down to talk about the ghost boy, but rather than their usual discussions about Amity Parks so called hero, they talk about who this poor child might be. Can they really justify to themselves shooting at, chasing, hunting a child?
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midnight-phoeniix · 11 months
Prompt #9
Danny Phantom | DC ~~~ Danny x Tim ~`~`~ It's been three since Danny has died, the town has accepted Phantom as their hero since the other has been ignoring their pleas for help and Amity Park has agreed that their town is a no zone for the heroes[they have one exception but he is on thin ice].
Batman has stummbled upon an old article of where Phantom is still not decided is he a hero or a menace, so Batman takes it into his own hands. Travelling to Amity, and once he sees Phantom he knocks him out and takes him to the batcave where he has installed a ghost shield.
Once Phantom wakes up, he gets interrogated by the Batman, now if it were two years ago he would've answered and asked for help, but not now, he is salty as fuck and answers vaguely. Soon after he hears a person coming only to reveal Tim who is not in his suit, staying silent both staring at Tim, and before Batman could make Tim go back.
Before anyone could anything Tim disabled the ghost shield and Phantom makes his escape, Tim glares at Batman and texts Constantine of what happened. ~~~ A few weeks after, Project Friend or Foe turns out to be Foe, so now Phantom is now on the run away from his former parents and goes to one place, Gotham, even though Batman is there, he knows that he doesn't know his human form.
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