#marauders fancasts
4remus · 2 years
no but really think about it james and lily died when they were 21 why were they shown in the movies as if they were 55 ??? another reason to add to the other million already existing to reject canon and embrace delusion
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rxsilabeth--er · 3 months
oooffffffffffff that reminded me of this post
"i should be tied up with a vibrator on my clit, getting soooo overstimulated from cumming over and over and just waiting for daddy (let it be mommy) to get home from work so he can finally turn off the vibe and stretch open my soaked pussy instead <3"
Like why is that such a slutty thing that Reg would definitely write in his diary and you would read it????
Only if it's okay with you, of course! I'm just a sucker for your writing!
OH MY GAH! I LOVE THIS~ You seriously ate..
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I'm just imagining you with Regulus in a submissive head-space who proudly shows off his diary and his works written in and you read them, until you say you actually want to try and he gets all shy and goes,
"No-no, no, mommy I didn't mea-mean it literally! I don-don't even think I can sta-stay like that!" he would whine but not even stop you if you pulled him in and just put a bullet vibrator to his clit and left him there as you turned on some movie, refusing to give him ANY attention as he simply cries, whining and trying to get you to do something.
Until he simply cums, but he doesn't like to cum because you're not paying attention to him, praising him, kissing him or even guiding him no matter how experienced he may be, he enjoyed it when you guided his hips..
Crying he was refusing to let his body cum, but not like he could keep it longer, his cunt gushing over your thigh as he crawled on your thigh, trying to get your attention as you simply waved him, as he came again..
You definitely did not pay attention for the entirety of his orgasms, of-course he would never dare to disobey your words and take off the vibrator, unless it was you who did it.
Until you finished your movie and even a season of your favourite show, did you finally pay attention to him, completely spent, his cunt going numb, as you softly removed the vibrator and shoved your fingers in or you cock, your choice, it's being greedy and so sopping wet. Or you'll just let him ride your thigh and finally pay attention, kissing him while he rode you or your thigh..
At this point, the sofa was soaked and his juice dripping down the leather onto the floor as he cried in your neck, his cunt was hurting but the pleasure was not stopping either..fuck he fucking loved you and loved being fucked by you..
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regulus-smith · 2 months
Help me my therapist knows I write marauders fanfiction she just immediately clocked it what do I do now
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fae-whispers · 2 months
hear me out
reneé rapp as marlene mckinnon
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marlene what are you doing here????????
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wafflinglumos · 8 months
“Oh oh Andrew Garfield is the perfect Remus fancast” “No, no! It’s Matt Hitt”
WRONG it’s David Thewlis.
Young David Thewlis, David Thewlis when he played Remus, David Thewlis NOW, I do not care David Thewlis truly encapsulates Remus Lupin but no one’s prepared for that conversation.
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jj-5656 · 2 years
Too Soon With; James Potter (ATJ)
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A/N: Hello, again? I’m really surprised with myself. Two stories in two days, haven’t had that motivation since quarantine. I’ve been sick lately and couldn’t get this idea out of my mind. Was gonna make it short but one thing led to another and here we are. This is technically a sequel to my first James writing which you can read here, but it’s not entirely necessary. Anyways, please leave a comment or reblog if you enjoy, truly makes a huge difference. <3
Summary: The one where James is definitely not sick, and you make an acute slip up of words.
TW: None, this time around. :)
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 “I’m here, what happened?” You practically burst into the marauders dormitory, knapsack half-zipped with textbooks and quills threatening to spill over. Remus sits atop the counter in shock, toast hanging from his mouth as he shrugs.
“The note, from, from the owl,” you attempt to catch your breath as you explain, “said there was an emergency.” Remus rolls his eyes, shooting a pointed look to Sirius who waltzes into the room, taking a moment to read your disheveled appearance. Guilt, and a hint of fear, overcomes his pleased expression at seeing you.
“Oh, sorry. That was me, we have a...Situation.” Sirius flinches as you approach him, having taken the newspaper from Remus’ hand to roll it up and whack the raven-haired boy on the head. 
“I-thought-one-of-you-were-hurt!” You accentuate every piece of the sentence with another whack of the newsletter. Handing it back to a very amused Remus. 
“Awe, love. You hear that Moons? She loves us, cares about us!” 
“And she’s about to castrate you, what on Earth is so emergent that I’ve run all the way from the library?” You push the misplaced strands of hair from your face with an exasperated sigh. 
“James is sick, some sort of respiratory thing I think, or maybe strep. Not entirely sure.” Remus explains. pulling your sack from your shoulder and organizing it’s contents. Holding up a crumpled pouch of cookies from the bottom with a disciplinary glare. You ignore his doting, despite the blush of your cheeks. 
“Alright, so he should go to the infirmary.” You note simply, albeit concerned for your boyfriend. 
“See, that’s the issue, love.” Sirius replies, exchanging a knowing look with Remus who shakes his head. You look between them, utterly confused until said boyfriend shuffles into the dorm, looking positively miserable. 
There’s a frightening, completely out of character hunch to James’ shoulders. He enters the dormitory with a hoarse cough and small sniffle. A tuft of spare tissues peeking from his robes’ pocket. He looks up and beams at the sight of you, watery eyes, red nose and all. Absolutely pleased with your presence. “Hey, dove. What are you doing here? I thought you were doing homework with Lill’s?” He sets his things down with another cough, head quirking in confusion when you clutch your necklace, brows taught with concern. 
“Oh, James.” You mutter, walking toward him to hold his head in your hands, a short intake of breath when the skin of his cheeks is scolding to the touch. 
“What’s gotten into you?” He laughs, though a little hesitant as he takes your wrists in his hold, a flash of hurt slashing his kind smile when you dodge his kiss in greeting. 
“You can’t. You’re ill, James.” The taller boy laughs, shaking his head with a relieved sigh. 
“Dove, of course I’m not ill. Just a bit of allergies, that’s all.” You turn to look at Remus and Sirius, who echo a chorus of melodramatic groans. A clear sign they’re familiar with the boy’s stubborn denial. “I swear it! Look, look at this!” His hands slither to your underarms, lifting you into the air a couple times and gently setting you down. “Lads, this body is an absolute temple, quidditch season is about to commence and I’m in the best shape possible.” This time, you all groan, having to force your eyes to not completely swivel to the back of your skull at his blinding ego. 
“James, you spent the entirety of last night coughing. You barely slept.” Remus chimes in, running a clean dish towel under cool water and passing it to you. James grabs your wrist once more, cringing away from your attempt to place it on his forehead. 
“Alright, if you’re such a beacon of health, you wouldn’t mind taking a quick trip to the infirmary? This way we can all be sure?” Sirius holds back a grin at his own words. James falters, squirming past you and into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the bowl from the counter on his way and taking a large bite. Superstitions heavy on his mind as he vehemently shakes his head. 
“Absolutely not, no infirmary.” 
You cross your arms, wry smile overcoming your features. “I didn’t know you were afraid of doctors, Potter.” 
“Am not!” James refuses again, pouting through a mouthful of apple. 
“And so it begins.” Sirius hops over the back of the couch so that he can lay down, arm draping over his eyes in exhaustion.
“Just let me hold you, I’m dying.” James whines, grabbing at air. He’s an absolute mess, feverish and sweaty with juxtaposing chills. You’ve given him some of Remus’ healing potions, but they only relieve the symptoms temporarily. And, like most medicines, can only be taken in dosages. 
“I’m sorry, love. You know I can’t.” It takes everything in you to ignore his requests, heart aching at his suffering. He groans, rolling over and coughing in the mess that is his sheets. 
Sirius forces a gag, looking for support from Remus who only ignores his immaturity. “I almost miss when they hated each other, Rem. I mean seriously. He’s so lovesick it’s actually unbearable.” 
“Eat-” James falls into a coughing fit, taking a deep breath before croaking out “slugs.” 
“What was that, mate? Couldn’t hear you over the hacking up a lung.” 
“Sirius, not helping.” You scold, waving the teasing boy away. “We have to compromise, James. If you won’t go to the infirmary then you’re on bed rest.” You chide, offering a soft smile when he begins to soften his hazel eyes in hopes you might give in. 
“I’ll be behind in all my classes!” He tries, attempting to rise from his sheets. 
“Exactly why we’ll all be taking notes for you. Make-up homework and all.” Remus adds, waving his quill in hand for emphasis. James settles as you run your hand over his shoulders, frame tense from all the coughing and shivering. 
“And don’t worry, Prongs,” Sirius starts, mischief prevalent in his tone. “Y/n and I will get the group project in transfigurations started. I think we’ll make a pretty good pair in your absence.” He throws an arm over your shoulder, boisterous laugh echoing throughout the bedroom once James lunges, his smug friend shooting him a suggestive wink. You’re in front of him immediately, hands at his chest to cease his attack, rolling your eyes when Sirius jumps behind Remus to hide. 
“He’s only teasing, James. Relax.”
“Not fair! This isn’t fair.” He’s a six foot something child, weak charges finally settling when you press a kiss to each one of his cheeks and then his forehead. He goes for your lips, biting his own when you shake your head. throwing himself onto the mattress in a melodramatic, slightly dazed, tantrum.
“Just leave me, the lot of you.” 
“We’ll be back soon Prongs, promise.” Theres only a defeated grunt muffled by a pillow in response, the three of you slinking out of the dormitory as quietly as possible. You’re the last one headed out the door, prepared to lock it behind you when something catches your eye. Potter leans against the doorway with a deep frown, pitifully clutching a throw blanket around him as he watches you leave. You’re pretty sure your heart breaks in two, because in a second you’re dropping your bags and fitting yourself into his heavy arms. 
“I’m sorry you can’t come, love. We really won’t be long.”
“You’ll update me on everything that happens?”
“Even if it’s something small, like Pads spilling his ink or Mcgonagall calling on him when he clearly isn’t paying attention?”
“I promise, Potter. Now please, get some rest. There’s a kettle on the stove if you want any tea later on. And I’ll bring up some broth for you when I come back.” You run a thumb over one of his unkempt brows, tussled from sleep. He takes your hand in his, kissing it’s palm. A deep sigh escaping his lips when you hear the boys calling for you in the distance. You turn to leave, throat tightening at how miserable he looks before halting. His hand tugging on your robes to pull you into his chest. He presses a soft kiss to your neck, long enough to have you melting in his hold. Of course, he’s absolutely aware of what he’s doing. Convincing, but not enough to make you miss any classes.  
“Thank you, so much. For taking care of me. I know I’ve given you a hard time.” He pulls away, running a thumb over your lips as he cradles your jaw, full of sincerity.
“James, you don’t ever have to feel like you need to earn my love.” His brows raise, teasing evident in his expression as you flush. You’ve used the word much too early. And it’s your cue to press a quick peck to his jaw and hurry out the door without another word. 
“So, you really said it?” Sirius nudges your foot as he whispers, finding way too much amusement in your horror. 
“This is why I shouldn’t confide in you, Pads.” You mutter through clenched teeth, the pair of you smiling at a scornful Mcgonagall, quick to look busy for the configurations professor. 
“What did he say?” 
“I sort of, rushed out the door before he could reply.” You slink into your seat, wanting to hide underneath your robes as Sirius beams. 
“Brilliant? Siri, I’m an idiot!” You’re bewildered at his ecstatic nature, forcing a hushed tone despite your passion. 
“In case you haven’t notice, my love, Prongs is head over heels. Your accidental confession will have him up and at it in no time. With quidditch practices approaching, Gryffindor needs him at his best.” Your jaw drops, astonished with the boy you dare to call your good friend. 
“You can’t seriously be thinking about quidditch right now.”
“I would hope not,” your sharp-faced professor interrupts, tapping the beginnings of a group project in front of you with her wand, “seeing as there’s an assignment that needs to be worked on.”
“Sorry, Professor.” You and Sirius chide weakly, putting your heads down as she continues down the rows of desks. 
“Honey, we’re home!” Sirius shouts as you enter the dormitory, Remus setting the broth saved from lunch hour on the counter. James exits the bedroom, hair tussled with sleep, but an undeniable grin on his face. He yawns, stretching so tall the hem of his shirt exposes the skin of his stomach. You take a moment to admire the revealed muscle, head ripping away when you see you’ve been caught. 
“Looks like you got some much needed rest.” Remus points out, gathering your shared notes from the day’s classes in one binder. 
“I did,” James starts, hazel eyes trailing over to you with a wry smirk “had a good dream, I guess.” Seems only you pick up on his suggestive tone, as the two other boys snap their heads at you when you choke on your own saliva. 
“Hope you’re not catching what he has, love.” Remus feels your forehead, lips taught in confusion when you feel completely fine.
 “Poor thing does look a little flushed, doesn’t she?” James adds, maneuvering his head to try and meet your eyes. Sheepish expression driving him mad with adoration. 
“Fine, thanks.” Is all you say, surveying the room for nothing in particular before letting out a contented sigh. “Alright, well if you’re feeling better I should probably head over to the library. I gave Lily a raincheck last time, considering I had to leave so unexpectedly.” You throw a look to Sirius, voice drawn in accusation. He ignores this, looking between you and very self-satisfied James inquisitively, sure he’s missed something in this conversation. 
“Leaving so soon, love? Thought you’d stay with me for a bit longer.” Potter sniffles, but you’re sure it’s not as sincere as the symptoms from before. Cheeky bastard. 
“I’ve overstayed my welcome long enough. Lilly will be waiting, anyway.”
“You’re never a bother, you know that,” Remus glares, almost offended at the notion. “Besides, we have potions homework you said you needed help with.”
“Right, so you should definitely meet us there! See you all later.” And with that, you’re out the door as quick as you came. 
“Merlin, and what did he say back?”
“Nothing, Lills’. I rushed out straight away.” The red-head hums, tapping the feather of her quill to her chin in contemplation. 
“It’s fine, y/n. Potter is totally smitten over you.” Marlene reassures, finishing a potions problem with a satisfied breath. 
“That’s what Sirius said.”
“So, what’s the issue then?”
“It’s still too soon, Lilly. He’s going to think I’m crazy. I’ll scare him off. Besides, I’m not even sure I’m ready to be at that stage with him. This just confuses things.” You frown, brows drawn with stress as the girls nod knowingly. Despite the reassurance of your friends, it’s no doubt this situation complicates things. 
Yet another owl swoops above you, dropping a letter into your lap and landing in the empty chair beside you. Cooing as you run the hook of your finger over the feathers of it’s chest. 
“Oh great, not again.” Lilly jokes, having to muffle her own laugh when a Ravenclaw across the room glares at the lot of your hushed whispers. 
You’re halfway through opening it’s contents before stopping, quirking your head at a beaming Marlene. 
“What has you so smiley?”
“That isn’t Sirius’ owl.” She grins further, looking down and continuing her work instead of elaborating. You chew your bottom lip in thought, finishing with the envelope and gasping as it flutters into the air. In a whimsical, absolutely mortifying display. A mixture of red and pink paper hearts erupt into the air. Fluttering around you and then dissipating. You cover your face with the sleeves of your robes, absolutely flushed. Despite your mortification at the public display of affection, something Potter is well aware you’re not too keen of, your heart flutters. 
Around you, practically every one of your peers swoons. Well aware the charmed love letter is coming from the infamous Gryffindor chaser. All except, of course, the dignified Ravenclaw, who gathers his books in an aggravated stupor and heads to a different section of the library.
“How lovely!” Lily clasps her hands together in pure joy as Marlene beside her, blowing on the remnants of ashes from the over the top display. 
“I’m going to kill him.” Is all you manage, finally looking down at the familiar calligraphy to read it’s contents. 
“If you’re completely flushed, curling in on yourself after opening this, I believe I’ve done my job. Thank you again, for taking care of me. I could live a million lifetimes and not deserve your heart. Love always, James.”
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iloveolivegarden · 5 months
Okay but like Lisa Kudrow as a genderbent Remus fancast
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siriuslynettey · 5 days
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Sirius Comforting Remus After A Bad Full Moon
Mischief and Mumbles
Sirius asks Lily to come to the boys’ dormitory to give him advice about a dream he had
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morganablack · 2 months
I have a wolfstar and jegulus AU idea so hear me out
One day Sirius and Regulus get into this huge fight at Hogwards and it goes like “You aren’t my brother anymore, I hate you” etc
And Regulus gets so mad he finds a time turner to go back in time to make Sirius a slytherin so they can be brothers
Anyway I need to work more on the introduction, but here comes the angst
Regulus manages to make Sirius a slytherin so he goes back to his timeline only tho find that Sirius became a bully, a villain, wearing the dark mark proudly and basically torturing students left and right
James tries to stand up to him, but Sirius humiliates him (cut horrified Regulus because he just can’t see a world where Sirius and James aren’t best friends)
Remus is a ravenclaw and struggles alone with his lycanthropy, being bullied by Sirius, with no friends whatsoever ( cut scene where Regulus find Remus in the astronomy tower after Sirius threw a horrible prank on him, only for Remus to be sobbing about how alone and tired he was
“I’m so tired, Black, I have no one! Do you know how it’s like all your life being afraid that someone will find out about your secret and you will be put down like a dog? DO YOU?! I’M NOT BRAVE BLACK, I NEVER HAVE BEEN BRAVE A DAY IN MY LIFE!” Remus sobbed, hugging himself like he would break apart at any second.
Maybe he was already broken.
Silent tears streamed down Regulus’ cheeks.
He took away Remus’ star, leaving him alone in darkness. )
You get the idea anyway
And the jegulus part comes with Regulus trying to convince James to help him because he lost the time turner and he needs to go back in time to fix what he’s done
Feel free to add any suggestions, this is literally the raw scenario that I came up with
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wordssricochet · 3 months
"you're my best friend" 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 "you're the sirius to my james"
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4remus · 2 years
“my favorite harry potter movie is the prisoner of azkaban” i know who you are.
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rxsilabeth--er · 6 months
Loved the detective Reg!
Can you do sth similar but with a female reader, if possible? 👀
(Oh my god! choking, face-sitting? I don't know bruv! I guess, read around and find out, I don't remember the name of kinks..tw: mentions of rape, kidnapping, murder.)
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Detective! Regulus who works with you for the case of a murderer who kills men who are raping other women. Quite a surprising case, but no matter how he feels for these rapists, he can't do anything but actually find the killer even if he supports them...
Detective! Regulus who has you cockwarm him when he works through files, you just have to be a patient girl for him, pretty thing. He makes you stay there for hours on end as he does things or maybe suck him off under the bench..
Detective! Regulus who will finger you softly while interrogating a witness, the rapist's victim, etc. You better not make a noise, imagine how much of your dignity will you lose and how people will think of you as a whore?
Detective! Regulus who refuses to let you cum; he fucks you, cums, before leaving you high and dry saying you both have work, you just have to be good to actually get the chance to cum later after everyone is gone..
Detective! Regulus who gets the final lead and catches you in the act of shooting a man who tried to touch a little girl, who does not care what happens to the man, but still has to arrest you...
Detective! Regulus who handcuffs you to his bed, refusing to let you go or cum even..You did not have good behavior, killing people, are you idiotic?! and not only that, you get wet when he gets mad at you, you really are becoming a cheap whore for him...
Detective! Regulus who blackmails you. I mean, he has earned the right to fuck your ass or pussy whenever he wants, didn't he? I mean he's only blackmailing you, while you MURDERED people, how come you think he doesn't have the right to do this? you're being a brainless brat..
Detective! Regulus who has you give him blowjobs while he talks with people, after they leave, fucking your throat until tears go down your cheeks, his polished shoe nudging your wet cunt softly, "Tch.... your pussy is ruining my shoes..god your pussy just as wet as your face, good girl.."
Detective! Regulus who shoves a vibrator in you and turns it on whenever you talk with people or at random timings just to rile you up, but turns it down right as your reach your high, leaving you all the more desperate..
Detective! Regulus who sometimes feels bad at your crying, drooling face and takes pity enough to let you sit on his face as he eats you out, his tongue and fingers working magic with his nose brushing your clit...maybe if you're real nice, he might even let you cum on his face a few times..
Detective! Regulus who simply can't get enough of you, cause you're his perfect, personal, killing whore~
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© This writing work belongs to me, rxsilabeth--er, Aurelia, Rosilabeth, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for reading this and if you like this check out my blog!
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regulus-smith · 2 months
The Marauders era as conversations I've had with my friends
Barty: *sends tiktok that has Blood//Water playing in the background*
Marlene: that song is ass
Evan: GOOD!
Marlene: and it's lamb, not land.
Evan: what.
Marlene: yep
Evan: how.
Evan: I've been lied to.
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fae-whispers · 1 month
someone!! please!! terrence manchester as regulus black!!
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strwbi-laces · 1 year
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Dana Foote from Sir Chloe
The vibes, the looks, the songs, all of it fits her so well
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