#me holding up a ruler while writing this: jesus christ. fuck.
specialgrades · 1 year
Not really a request but what are your headcanons on the JJK men's dick sizes?
OHOHO cracks knuckles i can do that. going full in like nanami should be in me rn dick-scriptions time
characters: gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, toji fushiguro, sukuna, choso, atsuya kusakabe
GOJO SATORU : a bit above average, a good 6.5 ~ 7in. slight curve upwards. a good 2.5 ~ 3.5in thick. pretty pink flush on the tip, shaft a few shades darker than his skin tone. cut. carpets match the drapes of course, he keeps it trimmed. fun trail tell me i'm wrong (i'm not). super sensitive vein on the underside. sensitive thighs too. grower.
GETO SUGURU : honestly, average cock size. he rounds up to five inches but we all know it's 4 3/4. two inches thick. like gojo, a nice pink flush and a few shades darker. no curve. for sure has a piercing, prince albert probably; silver jewelry. uncut. not a jungle, mildly maintained. sensitive head, especially with the piercing. shower.
NANAMi KENTO : nothing overwhelming, though still impressive. 7.5in long, 3in thick. cut, duel toned because of it. top half is more pink than the rest. short trim. curve to the left. right under the head is the key, he'll bite back a really embarrassing noise if you focus there. grower.
TOJi FUSHiGURO : i pray for y'all toji simps for real, cause fuck. 8.5in easy. 4 inches thick minimum. man built like a tripod. uncut, darker with red undertones. upwards curve. jacob's ladder. three of 'em. this man doesn't shower i'm so sorry. two prominent veins when you pull back the foreskin, sensitive but he'll never show it. shower.
SUKUNA : i pray for y'all as well. find a pringles can. it's bigger. ten inches long, four inches thick. curves upwards and a tad to the right. cut, pale so it gets a nice flush. his tattoos make an appearance, wrapping around the shaft a few times. grower thank god.
CHOSO : average length, 5.5in but thick. four inches. curve to the right, uncut. darker than his skin tone by around four shades. not super trimmed, a delicious fun trail leading to a mild bush. mildly sensitive head, though go for his navel and you'll get a lovely show of him getting all breathy and twitching. shower.
ATSUYA KUSAKABE : i've only just met this man but i want him. carnally. so... six inches in length and 2.5 in width. cut, duel toned though you can't really tell until he's flushed and the top half goes a pretty dark pink. like choso, tasteful amount of hair with the fun trail. one prominent vein that's sensitive, under the head too. grower.
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Chapter two - A king’s duty is a king’s duty
Sander’s sides fanfiction - ‘Off the Devil’s head’ spin-off (can be read as a stand-alone)
Wordcount: 1928
Ship: intrulogical
TW: cursing - a lot of cursing (still Remus, lovlies, get used to it), confusion, cute bickering (I think...?), forests at night, very obvious autistic tics (based on my own, so I know they are real and how they work, in case you’re not sure ^^ I wouldn’t write something that I haven’t checked at least twice with someone who has, or deals with or is deeply interested in this stuff). And I think that’s all. If anything pops up, do let me know :) <3
Summary of the whole story: This might have not been the brightest idea - steeling from a cart right in the fucking smack-dab-middle of the Square. But Remus never claimed his ideas were bright. Never said his words and actions were appropriate either. So how in all off goddamned hell did he find himself sprawled out on a giant comfortable throne instead of a cold and dark (and very drippy) prison cell - with guards actually guarding his safety instead of assuring his imprisonment - is completely beyond him.
Link to AO3 for those who prefer reading there ^^
Chapter two - A king’s duty is a king’s duty
There’s not a lot of things Logan dislikes. There’s a total of fifteen so far. But disruption of order, change and tall grass is definitely in the top ten. And wouldn’t you look at that?
Green-haired hurricanes are tearing threw his peaceful kingdom, disrupting peace - thus creating an unnecessary change. Which caused his sleepless state, which lead him down a path where he has to hop from foot to foot like a dear, to eliminate any unnecessary contact with grass.
And the fact that all these things alone cause unnecessary stress, let alone combined, just makes it all worse. His movements are more jagged then usual, more frantic. Gestures all over the place in unorganized manors. And his eyebrows are stuck in a constant ‘thinking scowl’ as his advisors call it.
To any other person, his behavior would seem truly strange - Logan can’t say he doesn’t feel a little embarrassed by it, even now that he’s alone. But there are some things that just can’t be helped.
Besides, all of his kingdom know that their king is a ‘little weird’.
Since Logan first sat on the throne - at the mere age of thirteen - everybody’s been in love with their ruler. It sounds a little odd, that they let a thirteen-year-old kid on the throne, but Logan’s never really been a kid. Since when he can remember he read books far too difficult for the usual kid his age, listened in on conversations he probably had no business listening to, let alone understanding. Sat by his father’s side, while he made life-concerning decisions. Watched his mother as she took care of every problem with caution and care not everybody could offer. Although Logan never got around to fully understanding that care, he learned to act the same way. Same words, same gestures. Nobody was worried when the crown got passed down to him. All the people in the kingdom knew they were in good hands.
Logan’s very first mission was learning the name of every single person in town. It wasn’t an easy task, but it wasn’t as hard as someone would expect, since a surprisingly big amount of people shared the same name. And Logan had a really good memory when it came to association. A face to a name. A shape to a math formula. The smell, color, density and overall look to a chemical. And of course, the exact numeric measurement of a star’s whereabouts.
But there was no way of ‘associating’ his way out of this. He had no clue of the density, the weight, the pace, the name, nor the whereabouts of this mysterious disrupter of peace. All he knew was, that his hair was unnaturally green and he looked way too skinny for a wealthy towns-man - which just underlined the reason why he was steeling.
Oh, and let’s not forget he wanted to kiss Logan. Right there on the Square, apparently.
The young king scratched his arm, absentmindedly, trying not to think too much about it. Not that that’s helping. Questions keep popping up, tripping up his sane thought process.
It’s not like Logan liked the idea of the stranger kissing him. He didn’t like to be touched, let alone landing his lips to someone else. But the thoughts didn’t leave him alone.
Maybe that’s why he was here, stepping over unnecessarily high strands of grass in the middle of the night. He might not like the greenery touching him, and the jutting out branches and leaves of trees and bushes cause him immense panic (and make him scratch his exposed body parts like crazy), but he actually likes the forest. It is really calming (for the most part, anyways).
He hoped that this almost-calming surrounding would help him clear his head. But it just seemed to stress him out even more.
The thoughts kept on swiveling in his head - swirling and twirling, not letting the unknown thief out of their claw-clad grasp.
Logan needed to find out the thief’s name. He knows everybody’s name. And if this thief stays close to town, he’s considered a citizen. He needs to learn his name.
Not far from the obsessing king, Remus was lounging out in the hammock he hung outside Matilde’s old run-down cottage. One leg swung over the edge, he swayed from side to side, twisting the silver ring on his slender finger.
Bored out of his mind.
There wasn’t many days, when Remus’s screwed-up brain didn’t come up with things to entertain him; but some days even that head needed some rest, it seemed. Apparently today was one of those days.
Not a single fun thought. Even the inner monologue he never seemed to be able to end, somehow bored him to death. The only thing peeking even the slightest of interest in him, was the constant image of those scarily-blue eyes the king-dude possessed.
Seriously. In all his life, he has never once seen such ocean-blue eyes. Dark and deep, holding many a secret. It made Remus desperate to know each and every single one.
But that was not happening. No matter how much the eyes mesmerized him. How much he couldn’t get them out of his head. (Agh, Jesus fucking Christ those eyes…) There was just no way he could go back to that town.
The king has let him go once (he chalked it up to his good looks, charm and smooth words) and the second time is as likely as Matilde coming back from wherever she fled to.
So here he was. Bored as all hell.
He sighed heavily, wondering what kingdom was next on his agenda tomorrow. When suddenly he heard a scrunch. Then another. And another. This was no squirrel. Remus sat up immediately, eyes darting along the dark forest.
It was so late. What the hell would anybody be doing up at this hour of the night?
He darted out of the hammock - almost falling face first when his foot got caught in the fabric - hiding in the near-by bushes. Thank the lords that he didn’t forget to turn the fucking lights off again.
The scrunching got louder by the second, and Remus crouched lower.
Low muttering drafted into his ears. “…nice of you good sir, but I’ll have to decline. I am not sure that would be appropriate considering we just met…” A dark figure, drafted in shadow came into view. “And besides, you haven’t even introduced yourself. I know the name of every citizen in this kingdom. For the sake of consistency, I would also like to find out yours…” Jesus Christ, who were they talking to?  And what were they doing?!
One leg up in the air, like soldiers marching, then quickly stamped down, hopping to the other. Weird movements all over the place, not even in a straight line, like a sane person. Was this person drunk? They looked like a fucking goat, jumping from one small jutting out pebble on the mountain-side to the other.
The site alone would make Remus want to piss himself, but together with the inconsistent murmuring? He couldn’t hold back the snort.
The figure immediately froze in place. All movement and words falling into still silence. “Who’s there?” They called out cautiously.
Remus bit his tugging lip hard. Fuck.
Well, there was no backtracking now. Besides, it’s not like he was scared. It was more likely he’d scare the crazy-pants over there. So slowly, he razed from his hiding spot with hands in the air and a huge grin on his face. “What are you doing dude? You look like a fucking crazy person.”
“I’m sorry, who are you?” came the person’s answer. Voice laced with nerves.
“Just a random dude in a forest.” Rem shrugged.
“That’s not a very satisfying answer.”
Roman bit back a laugh. Seriously, what the hell? “Don’t worry I won’t hurt you.” he snickered. Then this thought blinked into his head, and as you know, thought’s bring words. Stupid, embarrassing and unnecessary words. “Unless you want me to.” he winked seductively. Then realized the person probably couldn’t even see his face, let alone the wink he just threw at them. Ah well, at least it saved him some embarrassment, when his tongue betrayed him.
Swear to god, the person ‘Eep’-ed at this. He made this strangled sound that sounded like a nervous whine mixed with surprise cut in half and that just made Remus want to laugh even more. “That’s really unnecessary, thank you.” And they’re still being polite! How even…?
Rem couldn’t help it at this point. It was too much. He burst out cackling like to crazy idiot he is. Probably scaring the poor person to death. (But then again, the ‘poor person’ did come wondering into a forest in the middle of the night, muttering to themselves and jumping around like an idiot.)
“Am… You still haven’t answered my question.”
“Oh that’s right…“ Rem’s forhead creased in thought. “…what was the question again?”  
“Who are you.”
“I’m Remus.”
If Logan could allow himself to curse, he would. But he couldn’t so instead he just gave a long exasperate sigh. “And who might that be?”
The stranger stepped closer, allowing the fleeting moon-light to reach his features and gave a big bow. Hand gesture and all. “Me, obviously.” No matter how much he disliked to admit it, Remus was every bit as dramatic as his brother. If not more…
The king’s eyes lit up with recognition (not that Rem could see). Well, guess his duty’s done then - the thief’s name is Remus. Huh…Very interesting.
“Well, now that you know my name, it’d be nice to get yours, pretty.” Rem grinned, daring to get a few more steps in. Bringing him closer to the still standing-frozen person.
From here he could finally see more of them. Well, him. Because apparently the smooth deep voice he was conversing with was the royal-head himself.
And his royal head slanted to the left slightly, eyebrows drawing together. “Why should I give my name to unknown man in the forest?”
“Why should I give my name to some random bloke, then?”
“Because I asked you to?”
Remus wondered what this dude’s problem was. Logan wondered why even wanted to get out of the safety of his chamber in the first place.
“Alright then, weirdo, tell me one good reason why I should answer and you shouldn’t.” Rem crossed his arms over his chest. Yes, he was aware he was talking to the king. But that doesn’t mean he had to play nice.
Rem treats everybody the same way, because that’s how it should be. (Maybe that’s what landed his ass behind bars twice already…)
Logan jutted out his chin. He could use the ‘King-card’ - as his advisor calls it. Could easily force the thief to answer without any objections (that is if he abbeys rules; which he should.) But honestly, Logan felt like doing neither. It was late, and he was supposed to stop obsessing about this whole thing. Which he did. The thief’s name was Remus.
So, as gracefully as a king can, he shrugged. “I don’t have one.”
“Well, shit. Then you ain’t getting my name, darling.”
The royal couldn’t decide whether the thief was that simple-minded or just easily distracted. “You’ve already said your name.”
Our beloved idiot’s expression froze, grin falling. “Ah, fuck.” his shoulders did the same. (In a very overdramatic - and admittedly, impressively flexible - way)
Well, if he wasn’t screwed before, now he certainly was.
Jesus Christ, I’ve never cursed more in my life and I hate it so much! I don’t curse in real life, not even while texting with friends (I use shit, hell and damn, but that’s about it) and this is killing me on a whole other level! But this is Remus, and I feel like a good Remus requires a hella lot of curses. 
So here we are. Me actually cursing more then my brain can accept it. But at least I get to project on Logan, right? I love autistic Logan, too damn much. He’s too precious. And the greenery thing? Believe me, my mum constantly makes fun of it XD But I don’t mind, I know I look ridiculous.
Anyways! I hope you liked this chap! ^^ I still have no idea where the hell I’m going with this, but I guess we’ll see where we end up. 
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travelingstar · 5 years
Opportunity Chapter 2
Again before I begin, I just want to state that this fic came from me and @starkravingspiders going back and forth on this idea. They will also be writing their own version of this story, so look out for that!
And I wanted to give my thanks to those who liked and reblogged the first chapter. I am so happy to see others enjoying what I’ve given so far.
Peter felt himself turn pale.
He faintly heard his bag drop as he looked at Tony. Everything sounded faint, like a bomb went off next to him and he lost his hearing for a moment.
He knew that this wasn’t Mysterio fucking with him. This wasn’t his sleepy haze messing with him. This was Tony.
Not his Tony.
But Tony regardless.
This Tony looked the same but also different.
He looked healthy, like he had actually ate a decent meal lately. He had a slight tan, and had that glow that Peter rarely saw that now was just radiating off naturally.
The Tony he knew had looked like he had skipped meals, would be pale, rarely smile as much and looked pained.
This Tony was smirking at him and giving off warmth.
Something Peter hadn’t felt in so long.
He must’ve been staring at Tony for a longer time than necessary, cause Tony started to walk up to Peter and gently put his hand on his shoulder. Peter momentarily flinched, but felt himself leaning into that touch. God, it had been so long since he had any affection given to him.
Tony looked at him gently, with those soft dark chocolate brown eyes that Peter could just get lost in. Even those were more radiant than the ones he fell for over five years ago on the Tony he knew.
“C’mon Petey, don’t leave me hanging. Tell me everything about this universe. Am I a mob boss and your a hipster trying to live in the worst part of town to get my attention?”, Tony asked grinning, clearly teasing, but Peter could see that Tony was worried about the college student.
Peter felt himself curl up a bit when imagining explaining to this Tony that not only is he dead but- wait.
How does Tony not know that he’s dead? How did he get into his apartment? Did he land here? How can he help to get him back?
So many questions were running through his head that he didn’t feel Tony slightly shaking him to get his attention.
“Hey Peter, what’s really wrong? You haven’t said anything and you look extremely pale. C’mon, let's sit down okay?”, the older man gently told rather than ask Peter and moved them to the couch where Tony was seated close to him. In any other situation, Peter might’ve blushed over the closeness of Tony.
But here, Peter was really trying to keep calm and sort his brain to make sure he can tell Tony everything without having his own feelings get in the way.
Tony leaned back and let out a buff of air before talking again, “How about this, I ask about a given person and you tell me how you see them in this universe and what they are doing so I don’t accidentally insult them and know which ones to insult.”
He winks at Peter, trying to lighten the mood.
Peter took a deep breath before nodding. He knew he at least owed this Tony this much. Maybe he can ask questions later if he’s lucky. “Okay.”
Peter looked over as Tony dramatically sighed before falling to his side and letting out, “Oh thank god you can talk! I was worried that my boy couldn’t talk, cause your greatest strength had always been your sharp tongued wit. Or at least, in my universe you were.” At the last word, Peter saw Tony deflate a bit.
Wha- No. Peter had to focus. Questions later.
Tony sits back up and looks at Peter before asking, “Okay let's start with Bruce. Where is he?”
Peter was internally sighing with relief that Tony was asking him about someone who Peter barely interacted with. Less pain.
“Well, after Thanos snapped 50% of the universe away, Bruce and the Hulk blamed themselves before fusing together. Last I heard, he was doing research on something I don’t quite remember. However I did hear his hand healed alright after he wielded the second Infinity Gauntlet and yeah.”
Peter’s eyes had wandered off whilst talking and when he looked back at Tony, the older man was staring at him like he had just killed a goat, whilst smoking a huge ass pipe and declaring himself the ruler of Canada. In other words, like he was batshit.
“Wait, what?! Thanos did what? Bruce did what with Hulk? He wielded what? Jesus Christ what else happened in this Universe?”
Peter had rarely seen Tony look this shocked and baffled, he kind of laughed as he watched the man trying to wrap his head around all of this.
“Okay, okay, maybe if I hear about the others I might understand a bit better. Clint?”
Peter had to think for a moment. He never once really talked to Clint and didn’t hear much about him except for the more basic stuff.
“Well I don’t know much about him to be honest, since you from this universe never really talked about Clint all too much. So what I know is that he left the Avengers to look after his family before joining again to fight against the accords, siding with Captain Self Righteous and he got put under house arrest for doing so and I think after his family poofed, he started to go on a killing stream before returning to the Avengers to help go back in time to get the Infinity Stones and him and Natasha were teamed up where Nat sacrificed herself for one of the stones. He’s now back on I think his farm with his family? Sorry if it isn’t much.”
As Peter had told Tony this, his facial expression had morphed to looking like he was about to laugh his ass of, to confused, to horrified, back to being confused like he had been with Bruce.
Tony looked off to the side for a moment before looking at Peter with those mixture of expressions on his face.
“Okay, I think it would be good for me to share my own universes version of the Avengers so that were on the same playing field, so that you aren’t left in the dark. So with Bruce firstly, while he has controlled the Hulk and befriended him, he has never fused with the Hulk. Also Clint having a family is honestly too hilarious. The Clint I know has a family that consists of the Avengers, his dog and the Air Vents at Avengers tower. Sure he likes kids, but him having kids? Never in a million years.”, Tony giggled at the end and throughout that as well.
Tony continued with, “Also Captain Self Righteous? I mean sure Ol Stevie can be a bit stiff, but he couldn’t be that bad right? Right?”
Peter thought that a Captain America who was actually good must be impossible, which he assumed Tony could read off of him, because the man looked worried.
Worried what this universes Captain America did to cause the positive Peter Parker to view him so badly?
Peter sighed and let out a empty laugh.
“Oh god where do you want me to begin? Maybe where he decided to just leave you and not read the Accords that were made to restrict Superheroes and to run after his brainwashed friend who needed to be arrested and taken care or? Or that time that he got me crushed under a container at an airport in Germany after he refused to try and talk to you when you offered? Or when he held back the information that Bucky had killed your parents and he left you in Syberia alone without a working and you had to be hospitalized for weeks, leaving us all worried. Fearing that you might die. And then you did! Not than but later. You saved the universe, leaving behind friends and family and your child. And Steve just bailed and left his responsibilities to live his life with a old love he should’ve let go and leaving behind his friend who was also out of time.”
Peter couldn’t stop the words to pour out of him. All of these feelings were trying to claw their way out of his throat. But he didn’t want to burden this Tony. But he couldn’t stop.
He also couldn’t stop the tears from falling down and his breath starting to shake.
He than felt Tony grabbing his arm and pulling him closer towards him, not having realized that he had scooted away from the man.
Peter tried to pull away, the voice again telling him that Tony didn’t need this. He didn’t need someone to just break down and cry. He didn’t need to have to care for Peter. He was just some dumb kid, he didn’t matter.
Before Peter could reach up and scrub away his tears, he felt Tony gently brushing away his falling tears. He felt a gentle kiss on his head before Tony looked him directly in the eye.
His eyes weren’t harsh, instead his eyes were filled with worry over the college student in front of him.
Tony continues to rub and gently holding his face before starting to talk again, his voice being heavy and yet gentle on Peter’s mind.
“If I’m dead in this universe, why isn’t anyone taking care of you? What about Thor? He would’ve let you stay on Asgard to properly heal. Or Rhodey? He’d never let you out of his sigh and would’ve made sure that you were cared for. Happy? He would have pretty much adopted you and cared for you and would’ve done anything for you. Pepper? She would have at least taken you into Stark Tower or whatever it’s called here. She would’ve given you much more than this old apartment with barely anything. Why didn’t you get anything? Did this universes me give you nothing in the will? Why do I have a kid here? Where is Aunt May and your friends? Where is anyone?”
God did Tony looked pained. Peter wanted to look away, feeling ashamed for making Tony feel this way because of him. Wasn’t it clear why no one was there for Peter?
Peter’s hands gently reached up to touch Tony’s hands that here cupping his face, he could feel himself shaking slightly, but tried to pull himself together. He also tried to keep his voice steady, but it didn’t come out as strong as he had hoped.
“W-why would they care for me? They didn’t know me. They lost you a-and I didn’t want to bother them. I-I wasn’t there when the will was read, but I took that old prototype arc reactor and a old shirt of yours. I know it’s bad, but I badly needed something to remind me of you. After I was gone for 5 years, I found out that you and Pepper had a kid. My friends are now older than me and Aunt May is busy. They are all busy. Why would they care? I'm just some kid who isn’t important. I only annoy others and am not important. I can’t even do my jobs and classwork properly to than be allowed by SHIELD to be Spiderman and help others. I’m just in the way of others and am usele-.”, before the now shaking boy could finish, he was pulled into a tight hug by the older man.
He felt Tony rubbing his back and gently heard him whispering to him to let himself cry and that he’s here and that everything will be okay.
That did Peter in.
He starts to sob into Tony’s shoulder, smelling Tony’s usual smell of machine oil, old cologne and something else. He also smelled like freshly made cookies and warmth.
Peter was both melting and sobbing more and as he was reaching his arms around to hug Tony, he noticed that he had held the old arc reactor in his hand. He must’ve grabbed it whilst rambling.
Peter almost didn’t hear Tony speak up again.
“Peter I don’t know what else to say other than I am sorry. I can’t believe that you weren’t cared for by any of the people who I trust my life with and would do anything for in a heartbeat. I am disgusted that you were thrown to the side like a forgotten toy by the others. They should’ve taken care of you. Myself in this universe should’ve cared for you. I don’t know why SHIELD would have control over your suit and being a superhero, but regardless that is wrong. You saying that your dumb and useless is breaking my heart. You are not dumb. You are not useless. Lord you are so damn important. You help keep everyone determined. God damn, I not only failed you in my universe, but here as well.”
That last comment really struck with Peter and so did the rest of what Tony had said. The way Tony spoke made him think that maybe the way the Avengers in his universe had been acting had been wrong? Tony’s voice had shaken at the last part, which made Peter worried as to what had happened to him. But how had Tony failed him in Tony’s universe?
Peter pulled away a bit and looked at Tony in his eyes, which were filled with sorrow and pain that he was trying to hide.
“Tony. What happened in your universe to me?”, he asked whilst looking into his eyes.
Tony looked away for a moment, turning pale whilst taking a couple of deep breaths before he answers.
“When Thanos came, we were prepared. But the fight was hard. We were close to losing, than you were able to get the gauntlet. You wielded it and Thanos along with his army had turned to dust. You soon also turned to dust. You died whilst I held you in my arms.”
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lengthy-artery · 7 years
Sister of Moses
Fandom: The Exorcist (TV show) Characters: Marcus Keane Tags: daemon!AU, Alternate Universe - Daemons, I Can and Will write daemon!AU for anything Word count: 676 Rating: General Audiences AO3 Link: Here
His Bible is open on his lap.
It has been for a while now, the vellum-thin pages soft and warm beneath his fingertips, but Marcus hasn’t read a single line from it in the last hour at least. He’s still… settling, he would say. He’s still tamping down on his emotions – on the elation and the delight and the hot, savage fury that follow so often in the wake of an exorcism. It was a success – of course it was, it always is – but the fury is there all the same, directed at himself for letting the demon fester for so long and at the demon in general, at its smugness and the way it seemed so fucking certain in itself, in its position, in how it had taken possession and tainted and corrupted as if it was its fucking right, as if it was anything other than the god-damn plague it was.
He doesn’t notice he’s beginning to crumple the page under his hand until Miriam presses a clawed foot to his neck in warning.
“Darling,” she says so very softly. “Marcus. Calm.”
“I am.”
“You are not.”
He is not. The page is still tight and twisted in his grasp, knuckles still edging towards white with the tension in his grip.
Miriam flitters on his shoulder, darts up into the air for half a breath before she settles again, hop-skipping across his shoulder to speak low and soft in his ear. “Marcus,” she murmurs, “Marcus…”
It’s a warning, in a way, and one that he knows well. Restrain yourself, she means to say but never does, does not have to, Calm yourself. Hold your anger for when you need it.
“I’m cold,” he replies just as quietly. Cold anger. They’d read it in a book countless years ago, this concept of hot and cold anger, but Miriam had been the one to pick up on it. Miriam had been the one to flit from his shoulder and settle on the words, lean down to tap her beak against them with that strange, shushing sound of paper against bone, and say This is what we need, Marcus. This is what we need to contain.
It’s a common thought for the both of them these days. To run cold is to hold your anger back, hold it in, shape it and turn it to something you have control of, to something that no demon could ever turn against you because you have already turned it against itself. It is not Marcus’ natural inclination, and never has been – his anger runs hot like blood, heavy and twisted and bubbling at the surface of his skin, so close and so easy and so poisonously volatile. Demons love it, he’s found, damn near fucking feast on it whenever he tries, against Miriam’s advice (against his own damn advice) to turn it out and consume them with it.
Against his neck, Miriam’s beak runs in a small, soothing pattern. Marcus raises his hand, not looking up from the Bible open in his lap, and strokes her back with the knuckle of a single finger. The page flexes, freed from his grasp, and he watches it twist and find its settling-point amongst the new topography he has given it.
“Read to me,” Miriam says.
“You know the words better than I do, love.”
“Read to me all the same.”
Marcus smiles to himself. The words beneath his fingers are half-hidden by years worth of pen scrawlings and pencil drawings, but he doesn’t really need to see them to know them. Not anymore. “Revelations,” he reads, “Grace and peace to you from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits before his throne- “
“-And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.”
“I thought I was the one reading to you.”
“You are. Continue.”
Marcus smiles, and clears his throat, and continues.
Inside his veins, hot anger turns to cold.
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its-negans-lucille · 7 years
Synopsis: You and Negan get in a big fight. (fluff) Prompt via @bisexual-watermelons​ (I hope you like it xP) Ships: Negan x Reader Words: 1,065 Warnings: Curses, suggestive behaviour
Negan had you pinned up against a wall in his room. His face was hovering a few inches above your own. Your breath intermingled with his. You gave him a wicked smile as he pushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“You’re so god dammed sexy.” He said in a low husky voice as he eyed you over hungrily.
“Oh, am I now?” You said as you bit your lip. You heard him let out a small moan.
You reached your hand up so that your finger tips just scraped his underarms. To your surprise you felt him shiver under your touch. You did the same circular motion under his arm again, and he did another, more violent shiver. You felt his hands trail across your hips and take your  hands in his and pin them above you head.
“Let’s get back too it then, shall we?” He smirked as he started sucking and nibbling your neck right in the place that made you knees weak.
You managed to wriggle your hands out of his grip and once you did you started to make small motions in his underarms. He let out a chuckle. It wasn’t one of his usual, seductive chuckles though it was one that escaped his lips involuntarily.
“No way.” You said, a smile spreading on your face. “No way are you ticklish.” You said, starting to laugh yourself.
The meanest, most ruthless ruler and man you had ever known, was ticklish. Oh you were going to have fun with this.
“I’m not.” It was as good as an confession. Negan said it a gruff tone as he tried, and failed to move your hands.  
“Okay, fine , fine. I’ll stop.” You smiled again, a mischievous glint in your eyes. “Where were we?”
You bit your lip and pushed him forcefully onto the small bed. The evening light left a dim light in the room. You walked towards him and made sure to sway your hips. You saw him lick his lips as you positioned yourself on his lap.
“Now just relax. Let me do all the work.” You smiled are you placed two fingers over his eyelids and slowly slid them shut.
“Oh, I like this.” He said in a husky voice.
When you were sure he wasn’t looking you quickly began to tickle him ferociously under the arms.
“Jesus Christ!” Negan yelled in surprise as he rolled onto his back. He was letting out involuntary laughs. You had him pinned down so that he could hardly move and so he was at your mercy.
You were laughing so much now that there were tears rolling down your cheeks. “I cannot believe that the big, bad and terrible Negan is ticklish! Oh my god! Has Christmas come early this year or what?!” You yelled mirthlessly.
“Hey! Stop it! Doll, come on!” Negan said through his laughter. You didn’t stop but continued to tickle him. You thought that this must be the most fun you’ve had in years.
“Fine, if you want to play it that way!” Negan said finally. He flipped you over so that he was sitting atop of you. You knew what he was about to do.
“Look, we can make a deal!” You said in a reasoning voice, a chuckle escaped your lips as you beamed at him.
“Nope, no deal here, doll. You’re at my mercy now.” He said with a smirk as he removed his leather glove, making a show of it.
He slowly trailed his hands up from your hips toward your underarms. You began to squirm and you could already feel the laughter bubbling in your throat. Then he reached the holy land, your ticklish spot. He started to tickle you with great mirth. This looked like the most fun you’d seen him have in months; aside from when you’d fuck him.
“No! Stop!” You said with laughter. Your cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing so much. You could see the enjoyment he was taking etched in his smile and his eyes.
You swiftly reached up behind you and hooked a finger around a bland white pillow. You quickly hit Negan in the back of the head with the pillow. You didn’t hit him hard enough for it to hurt him but you hit it hard enough for it to take him aback. You swiftly squirmed out of his grip. You stood up; your feet hit the cold wooden floor.
You braced yourself with the pillow at your side; you held the pillow as one would hold a sword. You bounced on the balls of your feet, ready for Negan to make a lunge at any time.
“I always knew there was a reason why I liked you.” Negan smirked as he slid off the bed.  You were both walking in a circle, almost like clockwork.  
“Eh, took me a while to realise why I liked you.” You said with a playful smile.  You were still walking in a rotation, like Ying and Yang.
“Oh really? And what do you, pray tell, like about me?” He asked sweetly. “That you’re ticklish.” You said as you threw the pillow at him.  He ducked quickly and a smirk spread across his face. Damn his sharp reflexes.
“Nice try, Princess.” Negan said as he launched over to you. You let out a startled screech.
You both rolled onto the small bed and laughed breathlessly. It was times like this that you appreciated. Times like this that you cherished above everything that had happened. Times that you forgot that you were in the middle of the end of the world. You beamed at the man beside you. You had a hand lazily draped over his chest.
“You know I’m never going to let you forget this, right?” You said with a smile. He had an amused glint in his dark grey eyes.
“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” He said with a smile. He leaned over to you and placed a small kiss to your forehead.
I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! I very much enjoyed writing this and it was a nice change from a lil angst!
As always have a wonderful day!! C:
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blapisblogs · 7 years
Okay, this isn’t what I usually post on here, but since this considers a movie I recently added to my blacklist, and has been cluttering my thoughts since I saw it, I figured fuck it, I have to write something about this.
Recently I made the decision to join a group of people online to watch a bootleg recording of the Emoji Movie.
It’s bad.
Shocking, I know, but I mean it. It is bad. Not even funny bad, just bad. As in it exceeded my already low expectations. I set the bar on the ground and it burrowed under it.
I may not ever liveblog this movie (because Jesus Christ, why would I even if I didn’t watch it already), but I will talk about why I felt it was bad.
Spoilers below the cut. Not spoilers for the Emoji Movie (because it really doesn’t deserve a spoiler-free rant(?)), but for other, better animated movies that others have already pointed out that it at least vaguely resembles (namely Wreck-It Ralph and The Lego Movie).
For starters, the overall pacing of this movie is hands-down the worst I’ve ever seen for anything. It literally fucked up the perception of time for the other people who were watching it, myself included. I can’t even find words to describe what terrible pacing this has, or even find an apt comparison for it because it’s just that unbelievably incompetent. There were three writers working on this thing, and it seemed like none of them had a single idea of how basic story flow works.
Speaking of the story, it’s just as dull and confusing of a mess as most people had feared. It has all the trademarks of your formulaic animated kids movie. Male protagonist who doesn’t fit in but wants to change that? Yep. Annoying best friend (who doesn’t act like one in this at all) sidekick that’s supposed to be funny and charming (but in this movie actually isn’t either of those things)? Yeah. Girl character who’s “not your typical girl” who ends up being the love interest to the main protagonist? Oh you better believe that’s there. Main Protagonist does something that puts multiple people in danger and now he and his newfound friends have to go out to save everyone, and in the end he defeats the bad guy and gets to be himself? Oh yes. Bland cishet romance? Duh. Jokes that try to appeal to millennials but fall flat? Definitely. Bathroom jokes? There’s a freaking poop emoji (two, actually), of course there is. Oh, and so much blatant product placement that it’d make an Adam Sandler movie blush.
The internal logic of this movie’s world just doesn’t make sense. In this film, whenever someone wants to use an emoji, that emoji gets scanned, and the ones with expressions have to make and hold the right face while they’re being scanned, and apparently they have to go through this process every time the phone user wants to use an emoji. Why do they need to be re-scanned every time? Wouldn’t it be a lot easier to just take a picture of everyone once and use that? Why do they all have to act “in character” for their whole lives even when they’re not going to be scanned? (You know how the characters in Wreck-It Ralph “break character” once the arcade closes? Yeah, that’s definitely not what happens in this movie; what you see is what you get.) There are animal, food and object emojis in this world, so do they get to have different emotions while others don’t? Emoticons exist in this universe (as elderly people), so what happens if the user wants to send one of those instead of an emoji? The emojis with expressions definitely have parents since at least three of the characters are parents, so how does that even work? If two different emojis have a kid together, what does that kid turn out to be? Are two different emojis even allowed to be together in this fucked up universe? Why do the poop emojis need to use the bathroom?! There are so many questions that this movie raises, and pretty much none of them are answered. I mean, as bad as the Cars films can be with a similar “how is that even possible in this universe” logic problem, even those aren’t quite as in-your-face questionable as the ones this movie brings up. (Plus, there are at least minor attempts at getting around some things in the Cars series, whereas the Emoji Movie doesn’t even try.)
The characters are all pretty much one-dimensional, even the ones that are supposed to be more “complex” than the others. It’d be one thing if they were at least enjoyable to watch, but they’re not. Gene, the main character, is supposed to be someone the audience likes, but the moment that his confession of forced heterosexual feelings “love” for Jailbreak is rejected by her, he leaves both her and High-Five, and while the writers obviously want people to feel bad for him, it comes off as him acting like an asshole just because his spontaneous feelings weren’t reciprocated by the woman he didn’t even know for a whole day (I think it was a day anyway; like I said, the pacing and sense of time in this movie is fucked up). The writers want you to believe that Gene and High-Five are friends, but given that High-Five initially wanted to go with him for selfish purposes (he’s a “loser” emoji who doesn’t get used much at all and thus gets excluded from some kind of after-party thing, which also brings up a lot of questions), and given the lack of any sort of interaction between the two to imply that they’re growing closer as friends, it comes off as completely false and forced. (Also, I know in most animated stuff they record the actors separately, but dear lord, you should not be able to easily tell that the voice actors for the characters interacting with each other on screen were never in the same room together. In this film it’s painfully obvious that High Five’s voice actor had little to no interactions with the other actors because he has so many moments of solo ad-libbing that make no sense and nobody bothered to stop him or leave any of it out despite it not even being funny.) There’s a moment where Gene’s father, Mehl (haha), reveals that he also has more than one emotion but he’s learned to suppress it, and it’s supposed to be emotional, but given that the earlier scenes he had with his wife, Mehry (HAHA), had him blaming her for why Gene is the way he is, it doesn’t quite make up for what he said in those earlier scenes, and in a way seems to make it worse since he knew it was “his fault” yet blamed her for it anyway. At the end of the movie, Jailbreak goes from being a character who ran away to pursue her dream of being more than what she is supposed to be, to... well, love interest. Yeah, she does other stuff, but at the end she’s basically just a love interest for Gene. Oh, and she also rudely brushed off her mom who was no doubt worried sick about her for who knows how long rather than give her any sort of comfort, which doesn’t make her very likable either. Also, the actual humans that exist outside the phone are barely in this, and their subplot is pretty pointless. (It’s also a forced heterosexual subplot too, because one just wasn’t enough I guess.)
You know how one of the biggest rules of writing is “Show, Don’t Tell”? Apparently none of the three writers working on this movie have heard of that, or they have and they completely ignored it, because there is a lot of telling in this movie and not much showing, especially in the opening with Gene narrating for several minutes.
I don’t think any of the writers know anything about how the internet or smartphones work, or anything at all. The child has a disguised “piracy” app on his phone? They think that it’s possible to reverse the deletion process on a phone, while it’s happening no less? (Factory reset? What’s that?) I am pretty sure that they don’t understand that internet trolls are actual people and not a thing the internet itself makes up? The kid calls the store so he can make an “appointment” for his malfunctioning phone instead of just going there? There are several points where the kid with the phone could’ve just turned off or muted his phone, but didn’t because I don’t know?
(Wreck-It Ralph spoilers ahead) There are revelations that come out of nowhere with absolutely no build-up and are poorly timed, and the biggest example of this has to be the scene it’s randomly revealed that Jailbreak is the missing princess emoji that was only briefly brought up one time before that. I knew that this twist was coming due to it being spoiled in other reviews, and I’ve seen badly-handled reveals before, but I’ve never seen it handled this poorly before. Say what you will about Wreck-It Ralph, but the reveal that Vanellope was the actual ruler of Sugar Rush had hints and build-up to it, and it waited until the time was right to confirm that information to the audience, unlike this movie where the reveal is dropped on the audience somewhere in the second act without much if any build-up to it because the writers just threw their hands up into the air and said “Fuck it! I don’t know! Who cares!”
Sir Patrick Stewart as the poop emoji was completely pointless. I don’t think he even got that much screentime, and the only thing they really did with it is a random Star Trek joke that makes zero sense in the context of the movie itself. (He’s sitting in a chair in his “assigned cube” like Picard does in Star Trek TNG, even though none of the other emojis have chairs in their cubes and this reference is just there because... really forced voice actor reference.) Of course that’s not even getting into the fact that there’s a character who is literally sentient feces. I know it seems ridiculous for me to criticize this part since one of my favorite guest characters from Rick and Morty is Fart, but Rick and Morty is already a weird show with side character names that are even weirder than that, the casting of a decently-known actor for that small part made sense (Fart’s very Bowie-inspired, and Clement is well known for his “rough impersonation” of Bowie), and wasn’t just “we got this well-acclaimed actor to voice a literal turd; that’s the joke”. Plus, at least the writers of Rick and Morty can at least, you know, write characters and a story.
Speaking of characters, there’s something I find unsettling about how the women in this movie are portrayed. Jailbreak starts off as a character with a goal to make it to The Cloud (literally shown as a cloud, of course), but by the end of the movie it seems she completely gave up that dream because she fell victim to the writers’ need to make her a heterosexual love interest to the boring male protagonist for no reason realized she loved Gene for no reason. Gene’s mother, Mehry, is the only one in the family who doesn’t have any “unusual emotions”, while her son and husband do. The only human girl in the real world that I know has a name is just a love interest (though to be fair, the rest of the human characters aren’t very well defined either). The only female character in the cast who isn’t a love interest is the villain, and she’s clearly meant to be an unlikable bitch who wants people to either conform or die. All of the characters are written badly, but something about how these writers portrayed their female characters really doesn’t sit well with me. I doubt this was intentional (at least I really hope it wasn’t), but still.
Like I said, the product placement in this movie is horribly blatant, with probably the most painful example being Candy Crush (which is now adding Emoji Movie levels). I’ve heard that someone in charge of production said that the apps shown in this were going to be shown front and center in this movie, but christ. You’d think that maybe there would be some creativity as to how these apps look and work inside the phone from the perspective of a character who exists inside it, but... no, not really. Hell, the Candy Crush app just made me think of Sugar Rush from Wreck-It Ralph and remind me of how much better that movie is in comparison. Or lots of other movies, for that matter.
(Wreck-It Ralph and LEGO Movie spoilers ahead, and possibly Inside Out too) Speaking of which, early on people were already crying “ripoff” because the basic premise already sounded so similar to that of Wreck-It Ralph (only it’s a phone rather than video games), LEGO Movie (at the very least with Jailbreak resembling Wyldstyle), and Inside Out. I haven’t seen the latter film (yet), but I can say that the accusations about it ripping off the other two aren’t far off. For starters, the basic premise is similar to The LEGO Movie (male protagonist goes on an adventure with his newfound funny friends and eventual love interest and saves the world from a bad guy), with some elements of Wreck-It Ralph mixed in (set inside something humans play with, protagonist is treated differently from others but learns to believe in himself, his newfound friend doesn’t fit in either, one friend turns out to be royalty, in a way it even kinda rips off how the opening was narrated by the main protagonist). However, what made Wreck-It Ralph and The LEGO Movie both more successful than this one (among multiple other things) was that they actually did something with their settings and plot, and they featured characters that were written so that people would want to see them succeed. Emmet’s relatable because there are people who don’t think they’re special or talented in a world where everybody else is. Ralph is relatable because there are people who are judged for what they do for a living without knowing them on a more personal level. We’re supposed to like Gene because... well, because the movie said so. Yeah, he’s different, but unlike Ralph and Emmet, there’s no sense of charm or wit to him (or anyone else in this movie, for that matter). What it also lacks that the other two have (again, among many other things) is heart, and at least some subtle forms of creativity. I can tell that the people who worked behind both of those movies had fun with what they were doing and believed in it. The Emoji Movie just... doesn’t. It feels like cheap, poorly-handled advertisement first and a movie dead last. I couldn’t think of anything I saw in it that didn’t make me think of something else that handled it better.
Also, this has nothing to do with the movie itself, but I’ve come to hate the people who use the “kids might like it” argument to justify this movie’s existence. Kids deserve better than movies like this, and in this day and age there’s plenty of things that kids would like that have more respect for their intelligence than this movie does.
This, however, I will blame the movie for: the people behind it have been shown saying stuff like “it has a good message” and it’s “feminist,” but it’s all just blatant lies; nothing about this movie is progressive or has a good, well thought-out message in general. I’ve heard men who hate this movie claim that the “feminism” in this movie is forced, and it is, just not in the way they say it is (considering they usually imply that feminism in general is bad and unnecessary). Look, Wonder Woman (as a comic book series and a character; I haven’t seen the movie yet) is feminist; the Emoji Movie is not. The Emoji Movie is trying to disguise itself as feminist (or rather what some doofuses think feminism is) as a tactic to get people to see it because that’s what people these days want to see, and the execution makes it obvious that they don’t really care about actually being feminist or even understand what it means. One person in the stream said that one of the creators claimed that Gene’s inability to handle just having one single emotion and his dad’s suppressed multiple emotions was supposed to be a metaphor about being gay (though I found it to be more akin to being a metaphor about being neurodivergent), but if that’s supposed to be true, then why not just actually make Gene gay? (Not like anybody in the LGBT+ and/or neurodivergent community would want to be associated with this garbage movie; I’m bi and autistic and I know I wouldn’t.) I honestly think that they just said it so that they could sucker people into seeing it. In fact, that’s how it seems to be for all the other “good messages” it wants to send as well: they say they’re there, but they’re just saying it because they know that’s part of what sells these days, and they think that if they just say that then people will give it their attention and money, and I honestly find that despicable.
In short, this movie offers nothing to most everyone (I say “most” only because this could be used as an example of how not to make a good movie), and the people who green-lit this should be embarrassed. I know some people want to see it ironically, but please don’t go out and see it, especially not in theaters. It’s not worth your time, and especially not worth your money.
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bronzeflower · 7 years
Who The Fuck Writes A Ten-Page Rant?????
Also on ao3
Chapter 9:  A Suit And Also Something About The Future
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering tentacleTherapist [TT] --
TG: rose
TG: rose
TG: rose lalonde
TG: rose insert middle name here lalonde
TG: what is your middle name anyway
TG: i dont think ive ever learned it
TG: do you even have a middle name
TG: did you ever just make up a middle name for yourself
TG: like every time someone asked about it you just threw a random name that could possibly be your middle name at them
TG: one person asks and youre like yeah of fucking course i have a middle name its alexandria
TG: but then a completely different person asks and your middle name is suddenly irene
TG: or are you one of those people with like a bazillion different middle names
TG: rose
TG: answer me
TG: i know youre not idle because it hasnt given me that message that youre idle
TG: rooosse
TT: I do have a middle name.
TT: It’s Violet.
TG: what really
TT: Yes.
TT: Why were you being so persistent in attempting to contact me anyway?
TG: did kanaya tell you that i needed to be at rosemary today at two
TT: Yes, she did.
TT: …
TT: Oh.
TG: yeah
TG: i would have gone by myself but i had a feeling you would want to go see kanaya again
TT: I appreciate your consideration.
TT: Should I come pick you up or would you rather us meet up at the store?
TG: you should come pick me up
TG: its ten times easier than trying to get to the store at the same time
TT: Will do.
TT: I’ll be there soon.
-- tentacleTherapist [TT] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
You wait around for a few minutes until Rose knocks on your door.
“How are you doing, my dear brother?”
“Rose, you messaged me like twenty minutes ago. You know damn well how I’m doing.”
“You make that sound as if something horrible is going on in your life. And here I am, remembering how you messaged me recently about going shopping with Karkat.”
“And we’re going now. Come on. We don’t have much time to lose. If we don’t get to the store soon, reality is going to cease to exist. I know this may sound bad, but it’s true, so we’re going to have to go off into space towards Venus. And by space I mean road and by Venus I mean Rosemary. If we don’t, then reality will come apart bit by bit. First, all the details of everything will start to fade, and we won’t even realize it at first because the fucking details are so goddamned tiny, and who even takes notice of them anyways? Then, shadows start fading away until everything looks 2D, but everything is still in 3D even if it doesn’t look like it. Afterwards, shitty jpeg artifacts will spring from the void, and this will keep on happening until our reality is indistinguishable from the void.”
“Perhaps I will get to meet Cthulhu. They do, after all, reside in the void.”
“I’m pretty sure that Cthulhu is the mightiest of all the fucking horrorterrors. You might have to meet each of the lesser horrorterrors, like, I don’t know, Fluthlu or something, before you even start to think about meeting Cthulhu.”
“Of course. How could I be so blind as to not be able to realize that it was required for me to meet every other horrorterror in nonexistence before I, a mere mortal, am able to even begin to comprehend Cthulhu’s power. However, I must say that it is appealing to meet Fluthlu and to hear his call, even if it means any joy I feel will be lost forever.”
“What the fuck? You mean Fluthlu is an actual thing? I was just making shit up.”
“Yes, Dave. Fluthlu is an actual thing, although he is the smallest and weakest of all the horrorterrors.”
“How big is he exactly?”
“Larger than the tallest skyscraper. If you wish, I can lend you the Grimoire for Summoning the Zoologically Dubious so that you may get somewhat of a grasp of the monstrosities that reside in the furthest ring.”
“No, thank you. I am a okay over here where I am. I have absolutely no desire to subcom to the forces of the rulers of the void.”
“Maybe one day I’ll be able to be given orders from those from the furthest ring so that I may carry out their demands.”
“No. The opposite, really.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Like I said, I don’t believe Jesus has anything to do with submitting to the Gods of the Void.” Rose parked the car, and the two of you entered into Rosemary.
“I would very much appreciate it if you would stop licking the clothes. Right here is a sign that we put up just for you.”
“Karkat! You don’t have to talk like I don’t know you!”
“As much as I would love to use more colorful descriptions of why you should not lick the clothes, I would prefer to stay professional while I am at work.”
“Wait. Do I smell?” Terezi went towards you. “Is that you, Dave? I haven’t smelled your face in ages!”
“Holy shit, Rezi. I was wondering why this place had a sign that said not to lick the clothes. Have you been getting into a shit ton of trouble recently?”
“As a lawyer of my standing? Of course not! There would be hell to pay.” Terezi cackled. “Anyway, what is a cool kid like you doing here?”
“He’s here to get fitted for his suit.” Karkat answered for you. “Also, I think Kanaya and Rose have already gone back there, so go back there before they start doing things that none of us want to hear.”
“Will do.” You finger gun towards Karkat. “Sorry that I have to cut this meeting short, Rezi, but I don’t believe my ears can handle the sounds of two flighty broads going at it.”
“Apology accepted. I’ll just annoy Karkat some more.”
“No, you won’t.” Karkat interrupted. “Because you literally just had an appointment, and you should therefore be leaving now unless you are able to behave yourself in this establishment.”
“Wow, way to sound like a mom, Karkat.”
“Just…” Karkat rubbed at his eyes with one hand. “Go get your fitting done, Dave. And, Terezi, don’t lick the clothes. We have gone over this one hundred times.”
“One hundred and three, actually. Specific numbers are important in court.”
You go to the back to get your fitting done, despite wanting to see how the conversation would play out.
When you got to the back room, Kanaya and Rose were giggling about something or other, but, when they noticed that you were there, Rose gave Kanaya a smile and left the room, presumably to look around the shop. That left you with Kanaya by yourself.
"While I do love spending time with Rose, I feel as if it would be unprofessional to constantly be distracted by my girlfriend while doing my work, so I requested that she go look around the store while I do your fitting." Kanaya got out a bunch of stuff and asked if you would try on the suit she made.
You put on the suit, and she began to busy herself with making marks and holding the fabric aside to see if it would fit you better if it was like this or like that.
"So, how have you been doing, Dave?"
"Oh, you know. Same old, same old. I'm still doing videos on Grubtube if you were wondering. That hasn't stopped being a thing. I actually got a huge spike in viewers after I reviewed Karkat's rant, so I suppose I have that to thank him for. He'd probably be horrified though. Might spur him on to make yet another scathing rant."
"I'm sure it would be just as amusing as the first rant he wrote."
"That's a guarantee. I don't think I've ever met anyone as creative with words as he is. Does he do any writing? He should. He would probably be really good at it."
"He does dabble in writing." Kanaya said. "Although, I believe I may be understating it. He does a bit more than just dabble in writing. It's similar to a second job for him, except that he's more passionate about writing than he is about his job here, even if I do everything I can to make sure that Karkat enjoys his job here."
"That's nice of you. There are so many business owners who take advantage of all the poor kids who need money so badly that they are willing to work a shitty job for minimum wage and attempt to live off of that."
"Yes. It is really awful. I do pay Karkat and my other employees a living wage, and I give them various job benefits."
"Sounds like a fucking dream job."
"For some, it is. It isn't the case for Karkat, however. He simply works here because he needs to money, as he hasn't exactly gotten much in terms of royalties for his writing."
"What does he write, anyway? Has he published anything?" You ask.
"He mostly writes romance novels. I assume he has already informed you of his interest in romance?"
"Oh, yeah. He only talks my ears off about how these two's relationship in this novel is absolute shit, and that guy should not be within one hundred feet of the other person, and that it's a mutually unhealthy relationship, and they should really just break it off now."
"I'll take that as a yes then. As for if he's published anything, he has published a few short stories, but he has yet to feel satisfied enough with the novel he's working on to publish it. It's actually kind of a shame, since it is a phenomenal story."
"What's his story about?"
"I think Karkat explains it better than I do, so you might want to ask him. Afterall, it is his story. It's possible he'll even let you read it, but try not to get your hopes up."
"I'll keep that in mind."
"Alright, I've finished. You can change back into your normal clothes. And do you mind giving me your contact information? I'm afraid I forgot to ask you when you were last here."
"No problem."
You got out of the suit in order to put on your regular clothes before trading chumhandles with Kanaya.
"Thank you. I'm going to talk to Rose for a bit about the suit, so you can go out there and roam around the store or talk to Karkat about his novel."
"Alright. Should I get Rose for you?"
"That would be greatly appreciated."
You leave the room to go find Rose, who you find quickly.
"Yo, Rose. Your girlfriend wants to talk to you about the suit or something in the back."
Rose left, and you glanced around the store a bit before making your way towards Karkat.
"So, Karkat, I heard you like writing. That's pretty cool."
"Yeah. I don't think you would be very interested in what I write though. It's mostly romance."
"What, no. If I wasn't interested, why the flying fuck would I be asking about it? I may seem like a complete insufferable prick, but I do actually have a heart that is capable of appreciating a well-written romance. I've gotta have my emotional fix of romantic content every once in awhile instead of rejecting any semblance of such a thing because some people don't like it when boys enjoy romantic things. It's like, jeez. Why can't a guy just be given flowers for once? It's not hurting anyone for a guy to love and appreciate his significant other showering him with love and affection."
Karkat smiled and chuckled.
"It sounds like you're not as much of a douchmuffin when it comes to romance as I first thought."
It takes you a moment to respond because Karkat smiling at you caught you off guard.
"Oh, yeah, I guess not." You finally manage to scrounge up the words to respond to him. "So, anyway, Kanaya mentioned you were writing a novel. What's it about?"
"Well, like I said, it's a romance, so, of course, you have to have the main character and their love interest. But there isn't really much actual conflict in the book. It's mostly just about two guys who become friends and eventually get together to have a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship." Karkat sounds like he's holding back, but there's this soft passion in his eyes that make you want to ask him more about his novel.
However, before you can do so, Rose comes out of the back.
"Are you ready to go, Dave?" Rose asked.
"I guess so. Hey, Karkat. Tell me more about your novel over pesterchum, alright? It sounds really interesting."
"Okay." Karkat looked kind of dumbstruck, but you were already being dragged out of the store by Rose.
"What's the rush?" You ask when the two of you make it to the car.
"I just learned that Kanaya's birthday is coming up." Rose had a grave look on her face. "I don't have any idea what to get her."
"Maybe you could try getting her something simple but heartfelt." You suggest.
"How can I just get her something simple when she's so..." She paused and stumbled over her words like a highschool girl with a crush. "Beautiful? Intelligent? Deserving of an amazing gift because she has blessed the world with her existence?"
"Okay, that's fair, but I don't think you have to worry about it so much if that's how you feel about her. Kanaya will probably love whatever you get her. If you don't believe me, I can give you Karkat's Trollhandle so that you can contact him. He would know better than anyone other than Kanaya if she would like a certain gift or not."
"I guess that would be a simpler solution. What's his handle?"
"CarcinoGeneticist. I could write it down if I had some paper and pen, but I guess I can just do that real quick when we get to my place."
"I would be grateful for that."
"Sure, anytime. But I still think that, no matter what you get Kanaya, she will love it. Speaking of her birthday though, I should probably get something for her. Huh. It occurs to me now that I don't actually know her that well since I don't talk to her that often. Then again, I could always just contact her when I get home because I got her Trollhandle while at the store. That is, if she doesn't contact me first to talk about when she should be able to get my suit done. Wait, wait, I won't be able to contact her once I get home because she'll be at work, so I would have to wait a while. And I can't talk to Karkat immediately because he is also at work. Well, shit. Guess I'll just have to play the waiting game."
"I guess you will. What were talking about with Karkat? I didn't get to talk to him much while I was out there because he was speaking to Terezi, who I know about as well as you know Kanaya."
"We started talking about a novel he was working on. It's a romance novel, but I didn't really get to learn much about it, but Karkat looked like he wanted to say a lot more about it, but he didn't, which is kind of sad because I really wanted to know more about it. Obviously because I want to be a good friend and shitty friends don't listen to their friends when they talk about shit they love."
"Of course not. Anyway, we're at your place now, so could you grab a piece of paper and pen in order to write down Karkat's Troll handle."
"Sure thing, Lalonde." You quickly go inside your house and write down carcinoGeneisist on a piece of paper before giving it to Rose.
"Thank you."
"No prob, Bob."
"Please never say that again." Rose requested.
"Righty tighty, sounds alrighty." You finger gun at her and leave before she can tell you off for saying that, if the disgusted look on her face is anything to go by.
You were now at home. What to do.
Pester your friends, of course. You haven't talked to your best buddy in a while.
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
TG: yo egbert are you there
EB: yeah i'm here.
EB: what do you want to talk about?
TG: i dont know man a guy cant just pester his best friend for no good reason at all
EB: well, i guess he can!
EB: but you usually have something in mind to talk about when you pester me.
TG: i guess a conversation usually does require a topic to talk about to actually have some kind of conversation
TG: but there are plenty of conversations that take place in this world that are absolute bullshit and nothing ever gets done or said
TG: but seriously
TG: we havent talked in a while
TG: hows it going
EB: it's going pretty good!
EB: i'm getting more popular, and i think some of my jokes have become a meme?
EB: i can't remember which ones off the top of my head, but some people are beating a dead horse.
EB: like, i get it, my jokes are funny, but is it really necessary to repeat them until even the mention of a single word from it sets off laughter from anyone who hears it?
TG: it is most certainly necessary
TG: thats how memes live
TG: and that is how they die
TG: it is the way of the meme
TG: youve gotta get to the point where an outsider looking in wont be able to decipher all the fucking nonsense coming from the internets
TG: even people who know the meme inside and out will have to stare at the meme for a bit of time before they finally understand
TG: the meme will die when the people say it dies
TG: but the meme will live on forever in peoples hearts
EB: that sounds excessive.
TG: the world is excessive john
EB: that doesn't even make sense.
TG: listen
TG: the world is big
TG: its got so many fucking things in it
TG: people plants animals and a shit ton of other things
TG: they all live on this one planet with the sun shining bright in the daytime and the moon hung overhead threatening to destroy us at night
TG: All these things that our big ass planet has
TG: but there are planets that are so much fucking larger than our planet
TG: and they have a bunch of shit on them as well
TG: and then there are stars bigger than our sun
TG: and they have a bunch of shit in them
TG: and our universe expands and retracts like its some kind of giant frog idk
TG: the universe is excessive
TG: the world is excessive
TG: our entire existence is excessive
TG: all is excessive
EB: okaaaaaaaay........
TG: you may not accept it but it is the full truth
TG: anyway
TG: is there anything else interesting that is happening in your live currently
EB: well, there is this one thing that keeps happening to me
TG: lay it on me
EB: recently, there has been this one person who's been coming to a lot of my shows, but all they do is boo whatever i say.
EB: it makes people laugh, so i don't usually pay it that much attention, but it's been the exact same person every time.
EB: it's starting to get pretty annoying.
TG: obviously what you gotta is retaliate somehow
TG: like come up with a gold star quality comedy act about how they come to every fuckin thing you do and just boo you
TG: thats some comedy gold all by itself dude
EB: i've thought of that, but wouldn't that be kind of mean?
EB: what if the person doesn't want that kind of attention?
TG: dude if they have been to so many of your acts only to boo you every time you say something funny then they are clearly after attention
TG: it all depends on where you want this to go
TG: if you want to feed them then you can go ahead and feed them
TG: but you also have the choice to just leave them alone
TG: nothing is stopping you from doing whatever you want to do
EB: i guess?
EB: maybe i'll just leave it alone for now.
EB: they might stop if i ignore them for long enough, right?
TG: probably
TG: but i hope you realize that the trope of ignoring a bully will make them stop bullying only works if you really dont actually care
TG: the main question here is how do you feel about this person booing you at your comedy acts
EB: it's mostly just annoying.
EB: like, yeah, they boo pretty often, but, at the same time, they're cackling like my joke was the funniest thing they've ever heard in their life.
EB: at this point, it's kind of enduring.
TG: well shit
TG: if thats how you feel then you should definitely do a comedy act based on their cackling at your joke while also booing at your joke
EB: i'll think about it.
EB: enough about me though.
EB: how have you been doing?
EB: i've just been talking about myself this entire time.
TG: mostly ive just been kind of doing the usual
TG: but rose recently forced me to go get a custom suit from this place
TG: and i met this guy there that i became friends with
TG: and rose started dating the lady who owned the place
EB: how long ago did this happen???
TG: well it happened within the span of about two weeks maybe more because rose had been talking to the owner before i went there
TG: but they started dating within that two week time period
EB: i feel like i should have been informed of this sooner.
EB: i have to tell rose that i'm happy for her!
TG: she probably would have told you herself at some point
TG: no need to get any sort of backwater information from her twin
EB: still...
EB: but aside from that, what's your friend's name?
EB: and what's he like?
TG: his name is karkat and hes pretty angry but hes nice when you get to know him and he likes romcoms
EB: you know karkat????
TG: you know karkat?????
EB: of course i know karkat!
EB: he sent me a long rant about how my jokes were dumb and idiotic, but they still made him laugh for some reason.
TG: what a coincidence
TG: he sent me a long rant about how pointless and confusing my channel is
EB: ...
EB: is this just a thing he does?
TG: i honestly have no idea
TG: i have not heard anything about him sending long ass rants to people other than me or you but who really knows
TG: what made you contact him
EB: he seemed kind of funny, so i just emailed him back, and we eventually traded chumhandles.
EB: what about you?
TG: so remember how i said i met him at the store rose dragged me to
EB: yeah?
TG: i didnt know he was the one who made the rant at the time and i may have ended up giving him my chumhandle
EB: you didn't know he wrote the rant when you gave him your chumhandle?
EB: how did you not recognize the tone almost immediately?
TG: he was at work and being all professional and shit
TG: it wasnt until later when he contacted me that i found out
TG: apparently he originally got my chumhandle from tz but didnt contact me because he thought i was a douche
TG: but he changed his mind when he met me in real life
EB: you're as much of a douche in real life as you are on the internet.
EB: which is to say, you're a huge dork, and there's nothing you can do about it.
EB: but your first impressions do tend to make you seem like a prick.
EB: no offense!
TG: none taken
EB: so why would he not think you were as much of douche as he thought you were?
EB: you only don't act like a douche for first impressions unless it's someone you find attractive.
EB: wait.
EB: oh.
EB: dave, did you flirt with karkat????????
TG: what no
TG: maybe
TG: there is a possibility that a little bit of flirting was done
TG: but shhh
TG: no one can know
EB: we all know you have feelings, dave.
TG: shit my secret has been found out
TG: whatever am i going to do
EB: maybe you'll have to stage your death.
EB: the shittiest death you can possibly think of.
TG: oh shit what would be the shittiest death
TG: like what is the most idiotic way to die that you can think of
EB: i don't know.
EB: i think once a guy died because he was trying to find wi fi, but he ended up falling off a building.
TG: ouch
TG: that was way shittier than what i was thinking of
TG: and i wasnt even thinking of real people that actually died in stupid ways
TG: i have been blind to the possibilities
EB: clearly!
TG: no need to get smart with me egbert
TG: i was merely over here thinking about how fucking dumb it would be if i died by dogs
TG: like two dogs manage to ahold of a knife or something
TG: and they start stabbing me in the ankle or the leg
TG: i guess it would depend on how big the dogs were
TG: if they were big dogs it would be a little less stupid
TG: but can you imagine how goddamned idiotic it would be if i were to die by little itty bitty dogs like fucking chihuahuas or some shit
TG: it would be so fucking stupid
TG: cause i would be over here giving them love and affection
TG: and then they stab me in the leg
TG: and i would be like awww
TG: youre trying to stab me you little cutie
TG: and then i would die
TG: because i was being an idiot who didnt realize that i should not trust any lifeform with a knife
EB: chihuahuas are pretty angry though.
TG: youre right they are
TG: big dogs are so goddamned sweet
TG: like jades dog
TG: hes just big and fluffy and friendly
TG: everytime i visit her i just get a face full of slobber
TG: bec looking so goddamned happy to see me
TG: dogs really are the good in the world
TG: and roses cat hates me
TG: well he doesnt really hate me
TG: he just
TG: ignores and avoids me as much as possible
TG: i have no idea why
TG: he could at least be clawing at my face
TG: pretty sure i smell like birds and dead shit half the time
EB: why would you smell like birds?
TG: dude
TG: have you seen how crows just fucking flock to me
EB: not really.
EB: then again, we don't really hang out that much in real life.
TG: shit youre right
TG: the next time you come around here we have got to hang out and catch up
TG: anyone who sees us will be jealous that they dont have a bro as great as you
EB: no.
EB: anyone who sees us will be jealous that they dont have a bro as great as YOU!
TG: bro
EB: bro.
TG: youre the best bro any bro could ever ask for
EB: come here, bro.
EB: i'm going in for the rare bro hug.
EB: we're doing this man.
EB: we're making this happen.
TG: john while i appreciate the gesture that meme is about seventeen thousand seven hundred seven six years old
EB: it's not that old!
EB: i mean, it is pretty old, but it's not that old.
TG: i made that joke when i was thirteen john
TG: thirteen
TG: its time to retire the meme
TG: how did you even become a world famous comedian if you dont know when to retire a meme
EB: it's because i started the memes, dave
TG: shit youre right
TG: how could i ever forget the impact you have had on the meme industry
TG: and yet here you are
TG: reusing memes that are what
TG: like fifteen years old at least
TG: and its a meme that i started
TG: and is only limited to our friend group that is made up of like four people
EB: we have a larger friend group than just four people!
TG: not when we were thirteen we didnt
TG: we just kind of messaged each other because we were lonely kids who didnt really have any friends
TG: thank god we actually managed to become adults
TG: its a fucking miracle
TG: and now we are just living our lives and talking to new people and having an okay time
TG: so all i can think of now is just
TG: thank god we lived
EB: ...
TG: ...
TG: well this got weirdly personal really quickly
TG: i think its time to terminate this conversation before it gets any more reminiscent of things that may or may not have happened in the past
TG: i might talk to jade about how her plants are doing or something
EB: we should really contact each other more often.
EB: so, don't be a stranger, dave!
TG: of course not
-- turntechGodhead [TG] ceased pestering ectoBiologist [EB] --
-- turntechGodhead [TG] began pestering gardenGnostic [GG] --
TG: yo jade
TG: how are your plants doing
TG: what stuff do you even grow during the fall
TG: like pumpkins and shit
TG: or does it even matter where you live
GG: hey dave!
GG: im pretty sure it does actually matter now, especially since i dont live on a tropical island anymore
TG: oh yeah
TG: i almost forgot about that
TG: how is society treating you
GG: i dont know how you forgot when ive been living in society for around ten years, if not more
GG: <_<
GG: as for how my plants are doing, theyre doing well!
GG: ive been growing some cauliflower and broccoli
GG: im looking forward to being able to eat them!
GG: and possibly sell a few since people seem to love freshly grown vegetables
TG: sounds fantastic
TG: people must be clamoring to get even a single taste of the famous homegrown vegetables made by the one and only jade harley
TG: youve become internet famous what would you like to say to your fans ms harley
GG: as much as i would love to give my vegetables to everyone, i only have so many
GG: and i also want to keep some of them :p
TG: there you have it folks
TG: not all of you will get the freshly grown vegetables youve been waiting for
TG: better luck next year
TG: or next season
TG: or whatever time you decide to grow more vegetables
TG: or they can grow their own or something like that
TG: who really knows tho
TG: maybe they have the worst green thumb known to man
TG: like the last time they tried gardening they ended up burning the house down
TG: nobody is actually sure how that happened
TG: but goddamn if it didnt happen
GG: i think someone burning their garden down would be unlikely :/
TG: and yet it happened
TG: it could totally happen
TG: maybe they were misinformed on how to properly take care of plants
TG: like they were told they had to set fire to the plants to give them nutrients
TG: or they came from an alternate reality where people had to give fire to plants instead of water
TG: so just imagine a person waking up and going up to fire up their plants only to find that destroys them
TG: they would be so confused and probably super terrified
GG: i kind of feel bad for them, since they probably spent so long taking care of their plants, and then their garden goes up in flames because they woke up in an alternate reality
GG: :(
GG: its just so sad!
TG: yeah it is super sad
TG: but afterwards they probably figure out that they woke up in an alternate reality
TG: and then they either try to go back or figure out how to take care of plants in the new universe they woke up in
GG: :)
TG: can you imagine the person in the other world
TG: they get up to water their plants
TG: only to find that kills the plants there
TG: maybe the two of them communicate with each other
TG: it would be super fucking awesome if someone were to build a machine that enables us to talk to people from other dimensions
GG: that would be pretty awesome!
GG: but what if the person from the dimension you were talking to was evil!
GG: do you think they could find a way to our dimensions
TG: they might
TG: that is if one of the other dimensions doesnt do it first
TG: there are probably plenty of other dimensions that would be able to figure out a way to the other dimensions
TG: it could be like a constant throughout dimensions that humans want to figure out as much shit as possible
GG: it would be boring if we suddenly just decided to stop learning things about our world!
TG: it would be
TG: that reminds me
TG: are you doing anything with your sciency job
TG: hows that going
GG: its going really well!
GG: we are currently trying to make an artificial intelligence for cars
GG: weve run into a few bugs but we are working on them
GG: we are also trying to make them environmentally friendly!
TG: thats super cool
TG: youre super cool
GG: thanks!
GG: how have you been doing?
GG: done anything interesting?
GG: met anyone new?
TG: shit did rose tell you
GG: maybe
GG: but she didnt tell me that much
GG: she didnt even tell me the persons name
TG: okay so yeah i did meet someone new
TG: hes small and angry but also really nice
TG: his name is karkat
GG: i know karkat!
TG: shit does everyone know karkat????
GG: i guess :/
TG: jesus christ like rose was the one who introduced him to me
TG: and then john knew him
TG: and you did too
TG: am i really the last person to know of his existence???
TG: i feel cheated honestly
TG: that yall would neglect to tell me about such a fantastic and angry individual
TG: people always say that opposites attract
TG: well im super chill and hes super angry its like we were meant to be
TG: ...
TG: that was not supposed to sound the way it did
TG: i meant like platonically
TG: platonically meant to be
TG: no homo
TG: except maybe a little cause im bi as heck
GG: alright cool kid we get it
GG: youre at least a little bit gay for karkat
TG: well yeah if youre not at least a little bit gay for your friend than what kind of friend are you
GG: im not sure if it works like that
TG: okay so maybe it doesnt but still
TG: gotta put so many layers of irony between me and myself that the moment it all goes down im just a blob of a human being
TG: like if you dont have a skeleton
TG: just laying there in a pile of your own sweat and blood and skin
GG: thats super gross!
TG: thats just the facts jade
TG: you wouldnt be able to have any sort of structure if you didnt have a skeleton
TG: shit be one of the most important parts of the body
TG: wait which body part is the most important
GG: i think the heart or the brain seems the most likely!
TG: youre probably right
TG: but the question here is whether the heart or the brain is more important
GG: im not sure really
GG: contrary to popular belief, i dont actually know that much about the human body!
GG: which is why i work with robots instead
TG: and i only know about random historical dead shit
TG: like archeology shit
TG: which reminds me that i havent talked to ara in probably a few months
GG: who was ara again?
TG: shes was one of my friends in college who actually became an archeologist
TG: although to be fair the only reason i havent talked to her for so long is because she does not have much free time
TG: spends all her time digging shit up and figuring out what it was for
TG: kicking sexist and homophobic assholes to the curb with her superior knowledge that people were still gay and shit thirteen thousand and four years ago
GG: oh yeah!
GG: i think i remember her
GG: we didnt really talk much :(
TG: huh
TG: i thought you two would have hit it off really well
GG: i think it was more due to our respective schedules than any sort of apprehension of talking to each other
TG: oh yeah
TG: you two were both super intense when it came to your major
TG: like more so than most other people
GG: i would say we were passionate :p
TG: well that was definitely clear as a cloudless day
TG: like clear as when you go to a super fucking remote area where there isnt any light for miles and miles and miles
TG: clear as the motherfucking night sky in that particular area
TG: but yall were also a bit obsessive
GG: i wouldnt say that!
TG: you forgot to eat and sleep for an entire day because you were working on a project that you were passionate about
GG: ...
GG: i have finger reminders now!
GG: i havent forgotten to eat in a while now!
TG: it is amazing that you came up with a system to remind yourself of things
TG: and that it actually works
TG: i tried it once and i forgot what the pink ribbon on my right pinkie finger first notch meant
TG: you practically made a language out of bits of colorful string and ribbons on your fingers
TG: though it is kind of odd that you didnt put the reminders to eat and sleep on sooner
GG: i had better things to worry about
TG: jade
GG: dave
TG: jade
GG: cool kid
TG: you had better things to worry about than completing an action that would kill you if you did not do it
GG: having a body is inconvenient most of the time
GG: the only things it is good for is petting dogs and making robots
TG: that is fair
TG: but consider that there is no way out of your flesh prison so you need to take care of it so that you can pet more dogs and make more robots
GG: hmmmm
GG: i think you might be right
TG: you think
GG: yes!
GG: i do, in fact, think, dave
GG: its kind of a thing we humans do
TG: what is this human you speak of
TG: i never heard of such a thing
TG: is it a disease
TG: should i be worried
GG: no, no, silly!
GG: humans are a sentient life form capable of communicating with each other in complex ways
GG: they are typically characterized by their determination to improve themselves and their environment
TG: sounds terrifying
GG: yeah :/
TG: do you have anything on this planet that is not scary
GG: dogs!!!
GG: we have dogs!!
TG: and what are dogs like
GG: they are friendly and good!!!
GG: they are also fluffy and you can pet them!!!
GG: and you can play with them!!
TG: sounds like my kind of thing where do i sign up
GG: you can adopt whatever dog you like at the pet store or an animal shelter
GG: make sure you can take care of them though!!!
GG: if you dont take care of your pet, i will personally come to your house and shoot you with my rifle!!
TG: ill be sure to keep that in mind
TG: anyway do you want aras chumhandle
TG: or troll handle
TG: god all these different compatible platforms are confusing
GG: they are a bit confusing :/
GG: i think jane still uses betty bother!!
TG: what really
TG: that shitty thing
GG: yep
GG: but yes i would like aras troll handle
TG: it is apocalypsearisen
TG: so you can go contact her now if you want
GG: ill be sure to do that!
GG: thank you!!
GG: im going to go do that now
GG: see ya!!
TG: bye
-- gardenGnostic [GG] ceased pestering turntechGodhead [TG] --
Well shit. If Jade was pestering Aradia now, then that means that you can't contact her right now. Unless Aradia decides to talk to you at the same time as Jade, but that's just annoying for everyone involved. Besides, someone else was pestering you right now. Er, trolling.
-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
TG: how did you find out about me hanging out with karkat
GC: D4V3
TG: oh yeah
TG: right
TG: thats not creepy at all
GC: 1'M 4 L4WY3R D4V3
TG: good business practice
TG: wait question
TG: i feel like i might have asked you this before but here it goes anyway
TG: how do you know karkat
TG: oh shit
TG: never would have guessed that
TG: you two just seem so different that it never even occurred to me that you would hang out with each other
TG: because what
GC: C4N YOU K33P 4 S3CR3T??
TG: of course i can keep a goddamned secret who the fuck do you think i am
TG: someone who says every single thought that comes to their head regardless of how private that thought is
TG: dont answer that
TG: but yeah i can probably keep any secret you tell me
TG: lay it on me
TG: yeah
TG: yall got like quadrants and shit
TG: entirely too complicated if you ask me but whatever
TG: continue
TG: i can see why
TG: he really fucking loves those romance novels doesnt he
GC: Y34H
TG: …
GC: …
TG: …
GC: …
-- gallowsCalibrator [GC] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
Well, that conversation got really serious really quickly. You can’t remember the last time you had a even the slightest it serious talk with Terezi. Maybe this was the first. Does that mean that you two aren’t as close friends as you thought you were, or are you two simply content with sending each other shitty memes and joking around?
Reasonably thinking, it was the latter, and you are just overthinking this entire thing, but neither of you really knew how to react when you two reached a topic that you couldn’t really brush off or joke about.
Should you talk to her about it? Would she be comfortable with that? Would she rather you just be that friend that she can be silly with? Would it be awkward to bring it up?
And what about you? How do you even feel about this? You’re kind of torn between wanting to be silly friends with Terezi and wanting to know how she is in actuality. Which, you guess, is basically the definition of being close friends with somebody, but you don’t know if it breaks any troll bro codes.
You were interrupted from your thoughts when your computer dinged, signaling that someone was contacting you.
-- apocalypseArisen [AA] began trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
AA: hello dave!
AA: its been a while
AA: jade told me that you wanted to contact me so here i am!
TG: that was nice of her
TG: how did your conversation with her go
AA: it was nice
AA: i look forward to speaking with her in the future
TG: thats cool
TG: how have you been doing
TG: with your job and all
TG: are you still up to your tits in shit to do
AA: of course
AA: thats kind of what i signed up for when i got the job
AA: i even direct expeditions occasionally!!!
AA: its really hard work but it is very rewarding
TG: well im glad youre wherever doing and enjoying your job
AA: what about you
AA: surely you got some sort of job
AA: even if it isnt the job you had in mind when you got your degree
TG: yeah i do have some sort of job
TG: i make grubtube videos
TG: and do commission work on the side
TG: some of it is actually good while others ask for ironically shitty things
TG: being able to draw both good and shitty things is a skill not many can appreciate
AA: thats simultaneously something i would not have expected and something that was bound to happen
AA: i hope that you get enough money to live off of from doing that
TG: oh yeah i make plenty of money
TG: especially since my channel got really popular because one of my videos became a meme
AA: oh!
AA: well thats good
AA: which video was it if you dont mind me asking
AA: not that i know what your channel is
TG: my channels name is cogsinthegodshead
TG: and the video that became popular was one where i review a large rant that someone sent me
TG: ...
TG: ara??
TG: you still there???
AA: oh yes
AA: i just took a minute to look up your video
AA: it is amusing and reminds me of a certain friend i used to have
AA: but i havent actually talked to him in years
AA: i wonder if he still thinks im dead
TG: what
TG: what do you mean if he still thinks youre dead
TG: did you like fake your death or something???
AA: its an inside joke we used to have
AA: about me doing things that would have more likely than not ended with my death
AA: i used to be very reckless you know!
AA: :D
TG: how could you have been so reckless that you had an inside joke about you dying
AA: i was very reckless
TG: i got that
TG: jesus
TG: what was your friend even like
AA: he was a very angry person!
AA: he was always shouting
AA: but it was more shouting at us to take care of ourselves rather than anything with malice
AA: like he would yell at us to get more sleep and to eat something
AA: he was probably one of the more well adjusted people in our friend group
TG: okay one more question
AA: shoot
TG: what was his name
AA: his name was karkat
TG: goddamn it
TG: i knew it
TG: how come everyone i know knew karkat before i ever did
TG: like im just today finding out that a bunch of my friends are friends with karkat
TG: and now you
TG: i havent even talked to you in a few months and yet
TG: here we are
TG: apparently you were also friends with karkat
TG: were you childhood friends with him like terezi was????
AA: yes but terezi knew him since kindergarten
AA: i didnt meet him until middle school
TG: shit they knew each other since kindergarden????
AA: they did
TG: holy shit
TG: thats a long ass time
TG: you know theyre still friends right
TG: like they still talk to each other and all that jazz
AA: thats certainly surprising!
AA: i havent talked to either of them in years
AA: in fact i never kept contact with any of our old friend group except for sollux
TG: whos sollux
AA: hes my matesprit!
AA: he also is one of karkats current friends
AA: at least from what i hear
AA: apparently they still talk occasionally
TG: huh
TG: i guess it would make sense that i havent heard of him if they dont talk that much
AA: they dont talk that much now but they used to be best friends
AA: i assumed they grew apart slowly so now they dont talk that often
AA: maybe i should encourage them to spend more time with each other
TG: wait
TG: are you and sollux in a long distance relationship
AA: i guess you could say that
AA: my job requires me to travel quite a bit so i dont often stay in one place
AA: sollux on the other hand prefers to stay in one place even if he could do his job while traveling
AA: he works from home
AA: kind of like you do!
TG: what kind of work does he do
AA: he does programming and i believe he is currently working on a game
AA: he doesnt want to share the details of it with me
TG: well why not
AA: he told me it was a surprise
TG: that seems suspicious
AA: it certainly does
TG: what are you going to do about
AA: i could wait but
TG: but what
AA: nevermind
AA: it wasnt really a very good idea
AA: especially since he has explained to me why hes keeping the details a secret
TG: shit why
AA: (its supposed to be a surprise for me)
AA: (i think he knows that i would try to find out what it was if he didnt tell me at least that)
TG: (oh shit)
TG: (what do you think it is)
AA: (i dont know)
AA: (i just know that it is for me)
TG: (aside from that)
TG: (why are we putting our text into parenthesis)
AA: it was supposed to be a visual way to show whispering
TG: thats a pretty good way to whisper
TG: ive got to use that in future conversations with people
TG: make sure that any secret is kept safe inside the parenthesis of void
TG: that way nobody can figure out what information is being kept inside them
AA: why void
TG: because void is like emptiness or some shit
TG: and it can hide information apparently???
TG: i honestly dont really know i just remember my older sister talking about it
TG: she was kind of rambling on about void or whatever
TG: rambling seems to run in the family who would have guessed
TG: surely not every goddamned person to ever speak to a strider or a lalonde
TG: rose wont admit it but she rambles on pretty often
TG: its just more intelligent sounding than everyone elses rambles
TG: except for dirk
TG: dirks rambling sounds pretty sciency and shit
TG: apparently he works with robots like jade does
TG: but instead of working on the ai and actual programming of the robots
TG: he does the actual building of the robots
TG: he might do some programming tho
TG: like occasionally
AA: thats pretty interesting!
AA: i dont know the people you mentioned though
TG: ok so quick rundown
TG: rose is my twin
TG: dirk is my older brother
TG: jade is a good friend of mine
TG: they are all super smart and do a bunch of smarty pants things
AA: it sounds like you are proud of them!
TG: hella
TG: i mean sometimes i think about how i could have probably done something like that
TG: but its just not something i wanted to do
TG: you feel??
TG: like its just not something i could see myself spending my entire life on
AA: you dont have to you know
TG: what
AA: you dont have to do one thing for your entire life
AA: you can do a bunch of different things
AA: you have so much of your lifespan left and not everyone wants to do the same thing over and over again for years at a time
AA: you can shake it up
AA: so maybe one day you could decide to dabble in some programming or writing
AA: if you decide you dont like it you dont have to keep doing it
AA: i probably sound a bit hypocritical since i have dedicated so much to my passion which im sure i will want to keep doing for my life
AA: but i recognize that its not the same with everyone
TG: ...
TG: huh
TG: i guess i never really thought of it like that
TG: we get told so much that we need to do one thing with our life
TG: and we are expected to be satisfied with that
TG: i just never really thought about it
TG: being middle aged seems like a muddle of a lack of planning
TG: its difficult to imagine myself at that age
TG: maybe
TG: ill be a museum curator
TG: and ill look at artifacts and write little blurbs of information on each one that no one is going to read
TG: and ill lead tours around the museum
TG: and ill answer little kids questions no matter how ridiculous they are
TG: like asking if dinosaurs were made of stardust
TG: and id be like fuck yes little jimmy
TG: dinosaurs were made of stardust
TG: and so are you
TG: ...
TG: or maybe ill continue doing my youtube channel
AA: it sounds like you put a lot of thought into being a museum curator
TG: i guess i did
TG: maybe its not too late to do something like that
AA: of course not!
AA: but you have to make sure to go after the things you want
AA: if you dont you mind find yourself at your deathbed regretting not doing something
TG: i guess youre right
TG: ...
TG: thank you i guess
TG: for the advice and the conversation
AA: its really no problem
AA: we should talk more
TG: we definitely should
TG: just like contact me if you are ever free and feel like talking to somebody
AA: ill be sure to do that!
AA: it was nice talking to you too
-- apocalypseArisen [AA] ceased trolling turntechGodhead [TG] --
Whew. That conversation was exhausting, but also kind of nice? You just feel worn out now, and you also realize that it's getting pretty late, so you decide to go to sleep. It was probably one of the best sleeps you've ever had.
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renwritesstuff · 7 years
The Interview (work in progress)
Posted with permission from @fishbone76​, this is the start of a gift/trade fic I’m writing for her in exchange for my new rad Shaynor iPhone wallpaper. Here’s the introduction so far:
“No.” Samantha Traynor crossed her arms, stopping her work at the galaxy map console. She shook her head for emphasis, black hair sweeping across her nose.
“Come onnnn,” Diana Allers coaxed, drawing out that last word with a slight whine. “Cortez, Daniels and Copeland all agreed. I’m just missing my favorite Comms Specialist.”
“I think you mean the ‘only Comms Specialist that can stand you,’ Allers.”
“Same thing! That’s why you’re my favorite!” The reporter leaned in close to touch Sam’s elbow. “Come on, Traynor. I won’t bite. …Hard.” Diana’s voice was husky with promise.
Sam jerked her elbow away. “Lies don’t become you, Allers. I’ve seen your segments grilling the Commander about her calls. If that’s how you treat the lady responsible for covering our arses, God knows how you’ll treat me—us.”
The thought of Diana digging into Steve’s past in particular made Sam’s jaw clench. That man has been through enough, losing his husband to the Collectors.
Maybe I should go just to protect that sweetheart from the mean ol’ reporter.
Sidling between Samantha and her console, Diana clasped her hands pleadingly. “I promise I’ll behave. This isn’t gonna be some exposé on your sordid—or otherwise—personal lives.” Allers winked.
Sam narrowed her eyes at the woman. “Or Shepard’s?”
“Or Shepard’s,” Allers confirmed. “And that is saying something about my journalistic integrity, because I am dying for details on yours and Jane’s… ‘extracurriculars.’” Her fingers curled in air-quotes.
Cheeks reddening, Sam cleared her throat awkwardly.
Walked into that one, Traynor.
“Look, my editor challenged me to shine a light on the Normandy crew for my next Battlespace piece. Humanize you all a little, so the rest of the Alliance doesn’t feel like their contributions don’t matter unless they’re Commander fucking Shepard, super SpecTRe.” It was Allers’ turn to cross her arms, a thoughtful smile on her lips. “Please, Sam. We need all the morale we can spare. The war isn’t going well.”
Sam chewed her cheek, still skeptical. But she could feel her resolve weakening.
Damn that reporter and her occasional glimmer of human decency.
Diana continued, “What would you say to dinner and drinks at Purgatory, then? On the ANN’s dime? I’ve got a hefty per diem burning a hole in my pocket.” She fished a credit chit out of her dress jacket pocket to wave seductively at Sam.
“Resorting to bribery? That’s low, Allers.”
“’Bribery’ is such a dirty word, Traynor. The ANN prefers ‘compensation for credible sources.’ Quid pro quo. You scratch my back, I fill yours with booze and bar food.” The reporter paused. “…come on. Copeland agreed. Copeland. And he still hasn’t forgiven me for that Terra Nova piece. You gotta come.”
Samantha let the awkward silence build for a few seconds before an acquiescing sigh.
Making a victorious fist-pump motion, Allers immediately fired up her Omni-tool. “Yes! Meet me at the bar at 1930. I should be done with Cortez by then. I’m trying to stagger the one-on-ones, then have a group interview around 2100.”
Sam immediately regretted her decision as she felt a ping to her wrist. A navpoint paired with a calendar reminder popped up on the holo-screen. “Wait! I didn’t actually say I’d—!”
But Allers had already breezed past in large strides toward the bow docking hatch. Her camera drone floated behind her dutifully. “Thanks again, Traynor! You’re a doll! And try to dress up a little. Who knows, if you play your cards right you might end up with a fan following! An embassy secretary got her own reality show after a piece I did on her. Married a famous bioti-ball pitcher. …Trashiest social network feed I’ve ever seen, and I’m networked to that Westerlund clown, Al-Jilani. …See you tonight, Sam!”
“Fan following?” Sam thought as she watched the woman disappear around the corner out to the Citadel Docking Bay. The thought of becoming Famous did elicit a giddy feeling in Sam’s chest.
…Whoa there, Traynor. If you want to be famous right now, just tell everyone you’re dating Commander Jane Shepard. All you have to do is sell out the love of your life to the news media for a few credits and endorsements. In the middle of a galaxy-wide war.
She scowled at herself for that shitty, childish thought.
Never in a million years.
Then you’ll have to settle for giving Allers a couple feel-good soundbytes about how essential data analytics are to the war effort.
Her nose wrinkled a little less. That’s right. If not for comms specialists like me, we never would have saved Grissom Academy or tracked Kai Leng to Horizon.
That’ll have them lining up at the recruitment centres for sure, Traynor.
Finishing up a real-time data lag assessment for the Normandy’s next set of missions, Sam leaned backward in a luxurious stretch. She felt a few satisfying pops in her lower spine.
She fired up her Omni-tool to check the time. 15:48:55 GST. Just enough time to hit the showers and smooth out the wrinkles in her dress blues.
The Purgatory club was calmer than usual. The bar on the left side was always open (of course), but absent was the usual revolving clientele of dancing civilians and rowdy servicemen/women. Thrumming house music in the speakers was at a surprisingly bearable decibel for a change, too.
Skimming the upper balconies, Samantha spotted the reason for the change. Aria T’Loak, the ruler of Omega, was deep in conversation with a semicircle of trusted underlings. A holo schematic of Omega was visible between the shoulders of stern human, batarian and krogan mercenaries. It looked like the asari was finalizing her preparations to remove the Cerberus forces occupying the chunk of rock she called home.
A familiar, scowling bodyguard was posted at the upper stairwell, his four black eyes shifting from the reporter at the bar over to Sam herself. Adjusting her dress jacket, Sam flashed an innocent smile as she cut a wide berth away from the batarian towards the bar.
The sound of laughter grew louder as Sam approached a seated Steve Cortez and a standing Diana Allers at the bar. Floating behind Diana, her camera drone focused on Steve who was finishing off a frosty beer.
“—pard is still one of the worst Mako pilots I’ve ever seen. And Vega has crashed a Kodiak into Mars. That’s how low that bar is, and Shepard is still worse,” he chuckled while Diana wiped away a mirthful tear.
Allers tapped at her Omni-tool, still giggling. “Oh thank God I recorded all of that. I need to find the perfect segment to showcase ‘Commander Jane Shepard: Humanity’s Best Hope While Also Humanity’s Worst Pilot.’ My ratings will be legendary.“
Cortez raised his glass at Sam as she tiptoed up behind the reporter to take a look at her Omni-tool, currently playing back the end of Copeland’s interview and the beginning of Steve’s. Even the grumpy Ensign seemed relaxed, though Samantha suspected the shot glass in his hand was credited for that feat.
Samantha hissed in Diana’s ear as she flicked the woman’s shoulder. “Ohhhh, I see your game, Allers. Get everyone good and legless on plonk, and then film the results. Bloody despicable you are.”
Mumbling under her breath something about “Jesus Christ you’re so British,” Diana shot a glare over her shoulder at the Comms Specialist. “It’s just to grease the wheels a little, Traynor. Plus, it’s a magical learning experience. Gabby prefers wine, Copeland just throws back shots, and Cortez here is a pilsner man. I’m dying to know what your poison of choice is. I’m guessing… cheap vodka.”
Sam gasped with mock offense. “You slander my honor, madam.”
“Only one way to find out.” The reporter extended a fist and knocked on the counter to flag down the turian bartender, who nodded familiarly at Diana.
He grinned at Sam, rumbling, “Another one? Tab’s still open, Allers. You’re putting my kids through college.”
Still fiddling with her holo-recording, Diana barely looked up. She just stuck a thumb behind her at Sam. “Get this one whatever she wants. And make it a double.”
Samantha tapped her chin, an index of cocktails running through her mind from her Fishbone Pub days back at Oxford. She snapped her fingers when she recalled a favorite (and expensive) concoction: “One Quad Kicker please! All top shelf, hold the curry powder. I’m allergic. I don’t think my ‘date’ would fancy me asphyxiating to death in the middle of our chat.”
“It would be tough to explain to my boss, yes,” Allers agreed as she held her credit chit up to the bartender for another scan. “My ratings would probably go through the roof… until Shepard tossed me out an airlock.”
The turian nodded in confirmation and busied himself with smoothly mixing the requisite ginger ale, bourbon and spiced rum in a chilled highball glass. The drink was slid over to Samantha with a picture-perfect wedge of lime on the side.
Hmph. Show-off.
It was bubbly and sweet and strong, just like Sam remembered as she slid along the counter up to Cortez.
“Good to see you, Traynor,” Steve said warmly as he clinked his beer against Sam’s drink in silent toast. “And not just because I had a bet going with Copeland if you’d show tonight. …I won.”
Those bloody tossers, Samantha scowled before shrugging it off with another sip to her drink.
“…You’re in a good mood, Cortez,” Sam acknowledged with a squeeze to his shoulder.
“I’m good, Sam.”
She squinted skeptically at the pilot.
Cortez just smiled back, thin black scruff framing white teeth. His eyes had a crinkle to them that she hadn’t seen before. “Really. I’m good. I mean it, for once. I’ve been talking it out—with Shepard, of all people—and I said my goodbyes. I finally actually believe that I’ll be okay someday. Okay to move on. It seems possible.”
“I’m glad. I was rather worried about you. …Especially with this vulture stirring up trouble,” Sam said a little louder.
Allers’s eyes never left her Omni-tool, but she did extend her right hand off to the side to shoot Sam a middle finger. “I heard that.”
Cortez drained the last swallow of beer from his glass and stood up to offer Sam his seat. He threw a thumb in Allers’ direction. “She’s all right, too. …Fashion taste is terrible, but her heart is in the right place.” He winked at Sam when Diana squawked an indignant “Hey! Not you too!”
“Any advice?”
“Just dive in and get it over with,” Steve said sagely as he patted Sam’s arm. “Like ripping off a band-aid.”
Diana warned behind them, “Careful with all the shit-talk, Normandiers. I know where you bunk.”  
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tyrantisterror · 8 years
How I’d Ruin It: Batman
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(thanks to The Lego Batman Movie for making my brain keep coming back to this, and also for making such awesome goddamn toys for my retail therapy needs)
While I write my own stories nowadays, the old fanfic writer in me resurfaces every now and then in the form of idle thoughts about how I’d handle certain stories I love.  Sometimes these musings lead me to one horrible conclusion: that no matter how much I may love the story in question, I���d be absolutely fuck awful at writing it.  This is because the scope of things I’m interested in writing is significantly smaller than the scope of things I’m interested in reading/watching - my muse is a pickier eater than I am.
Still, no matter how awful and off message my bastardized mental versions of these stories may be, they keep popping up now and then, demanding to manifest as stories are wont to do.  So today I’m going to exorcise one of them by summarizing it to you.
Today, my wonderful readers, I’m going to tell you how I’d utterly fuck up at writing Batman.
I’m a conditional Batman fan, because there’s a lot of Batman media out there and a lot of it is shit - and also there’s so much of it by volume that even reading/watching only the good Batman stuff would take more time than I can spare.  So when I say I love Batman, know that I mean, like, mostly the 90′s animated series and scattered arcs like The Long Halloween that can stand alone, and The Dark Knight, and the Adam West show, and Holy Musical B@man, and some other random Batman stuff.  I only know/like some Batman, but the amount of Batman I like is still, like, a lot of Batman.  Jesus Christ there’s so much fucking Batman dudes.
But I have some problems with Batman, two of which are relevant to this post because they’re also kind of necessary to its appeal.  The first is one that is almost justifiable, although it will undoubtedly sound preposterous to most people: why does Batman have to be so dark?
Don’t get me wrong - I’m a horror fan, so obviously I’m not completely averse to darkness in my fiction.  A big part of Batman’s appeal to me comes from how it’s rooted in Gothic Horror tropes.  It’s a comic about a dude who dresses up as a Dracula to fight monster men in a city that’s literally called Gotham, so darkness has to be part of the story.
But jeeeeeesus christ Batman is needlessly dark sometimes.  Does a bat themed super hero really need to be fighting a guy who carves tally marks into his skin for every person he’s murdered?  Is the Joker really more interesting when he’s killing everyone he sees than when he committed clown themed heists?  Isn’t being a crocodile man enough intrigue for Killer Croc, or does he need to be a creepy cannibal too?  Does every villain need to be a murderer?
While the Adam West Batman show is so campy that I can only tolerate it in small doses, it nonetheless makes me pine for a brighter take on the character/series.  It’s kind of nice to have bright colors and jokes and a Batman who doesn’t whine about how sad he is, and villains who are more into making elaborate puzzles and traps instead of finding new ways to mutilate their victims.  I’d love to see it blended with the complex psychology of the darker Batmans - but more on that after we get to problem number 2.
Which is, of course, Batman himself.
Batman can be an interesting character.  In the best Batman stories, I certainly do love him.  But, to be totally honest with you, even at his best, Batman is never the main draw to me in a Batman story.  He’s like the bun of a hot dog - it’d be weird to have one without him, and a lot of the more interesting ingredients would sort of fall apart without him holding everything together, and you’d have a great big sticky mess on your hands, but... I mean, if I’m honest, he’s not the part of this I’m looking forward to experiencing.  Batman isn’t the meat of the meal to me - no, that role goes instead to his villains.
Goddammit those villains are great! Joker, Two Face, Harley Quinn, Catwoman, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, the Riddler, even the obscure ones like Killer Croc and Clayface, and even the shitty ones like Calendar Man - I just fuckin’ love almost every single one of ‘em, and they’re the reason I keep thinking about how I’d love to just... just utterly ruin Batman.
But when I start thinking of the story I want to tell with those villains, inevitably I remember that, oh hey, I need to have something for Batman to do because, y’know, it’s called Batman for a reason, and my muse just wants nothing to do with that.  And that’s why the wheels always fall off.
Well, that and I have a billion other stories to write, but still.
So here’s how I’d ruin Batman in a brief pitch: My Batman story would star the villains, almost none of whom are murderers, in a version of Gotham where Bruce Wayne died with his parents, and thus has no Batman.
You’d have a Gotham City much like the one in Year One (I hate to reference a Frank Miller comic but it’s easily the most well known framework for where I’m starting here), ruled by a mix of slightly exaggerated gangsters and corrupt businessmen - more outlandish in their evil than the real thing but not quite on supervillain level.  The villains would all retain their origins for the most part, but without a Batman to draw their focus they sort of turn on each other.  It sort of splits into two factions: the Freaks, who are victims/products of the corruption inherent to the city, and the Crimelords, who are the few members of the old/mundane criminal element that adapt to the superpower boom and transition from normal gangsters to supervillains.
The resulting conflict would be the story of a bunch of broken people trying to destroy the system that made them, and the horrible remnants of the old crime world desperately trying to return things to how they are - anarchists vs. tyrants.
Now that we’ve got the basic plot/conflict down, let’s go to what I always focus on first when writing a story: the characters.  We’ll begin with our protagonists...
The Freaks
The Joker - obviously the leader of the bunch, the Joker is probably one of the characters I would bastardize/alter the most.  Nowadays it’s set pretty firmly in stone that the Joker has to be, like, the most evil man in existence.  He’s gotta kill people on a whim, physically abuse his girlfriend, cut off his own face and wear it like a mask, and just generally be a real fuckin’ creep.  But does he have to be that evil?
Well yes, yes he does, it’s what makes him iconic and is basically his defining trait, and without it most of the stories told with the character wouldn’t be possible.  The idea that he’s the villain who gives other villains nightmares is what makes him stand out.  If you lessen the depths of his depravity, you’d ruin Batman.
but does he haaaaaaaaaave to?
Imagine if you will a young, down on his luck commedian named Jack Napier who, in an attempt to provide for his wife, accidentally gets involved with the mob.  They make him dress up as a (fictional) crime boss called the Red Hood for a caper - he has to act the part to get the police off the scent of the real bosses.  Little does he know that he’s a patsy, set up to not only mislead the police but to buy time for the crooks’ escape by getting into a firefight.  He’s shot and falls into some chemicals, gets bleached, and wakes up with a new, much more unhinged state of mind.  Like the normal Joker, he finds the magnitude of his tragedy to hilariously absurd.  Also like the normal Joker, he decides to become an agent of entropy in hopes of dismantling the city that made him a monster.
Unlike the normal Joker, however, the focus of his wrath isn’t a paragon of morality and justice, but rather the corrupt and powerful rulers of Gotham.  He becomes the arch enemy of mobsters, crooked cops, and politicians - people the normal version of the Joker also antagonizes, of course, but not to this level.  Since his nemeses are different, this Joker never defines himself as a force of evil and corruption.  Instead he humiliates - this Joker punches up and brings those in power down a peg.
The “joke” theme because important here, as the Joker ends up creating a lot of schemes designed to ridicule and embarrass his victims as much as destroy them.  It’s not enough to just shoot the corrupt politician - he needs to kill their ego and their sense of power.  This Joker would much rather scare the shit out of his victim with a convoluted and frankly stupid “death” trap than just shoot them - and he’d be perfectly content just splatting them in the face with a vaudevillian pie instead of actually killing them at the end.
He wouldn’t be an out and out hero - he doesn’t go out of his way to save people or anything - but he’d also be a far cry from the “killing dozens of people a day for the sake of proving he’s evil” Joker we get nowadays.
He also wouldn’t be aware of the fact that other people don’t necessarily get the joke - not in the malicious “BWAHAHA I’M EVIL AND I’M KILLING YOU WITH LAUGHING GAS IT’S FUNNY TO ME BECAUSE I’M EVIL” way, but in the “Look, I know you’re technically in peril here but you have to admit it’s objectively ridiculous that you’re being dangled above a tank full of piranhas, right?  I mean, is it even true that they eat people, or is that a myth?  This whole thing’s pretty surreal right?” sort of way.
Harley Quinn - Harley is my favorite Batman character when she’s written well, but sadly she’s normally written absolutely horribly so I’m kind of happy to just fuckin’ ruin this story for her sake.  Part of her problem is that the core concept for her character is “psychiatrist is seduced by patient, subjected to psychological and physical abuse by him, and because of said abuse becomes a supervillain.”  I mean, a lot of Batman villains also have the “horrible psychological problems make people evil” thing going on which is, y’know, horribly unfortunate, but I feel like Harley’s hit harder than most.
But since the Joker isn’t nearly as much of a bastard in this story, maybe Harley can get out with a nicer origin as well?
This version of Harley isn’t the Joker’s victim so much as a collaborator - maybe the Robin to his Batman?  They’re kindred spirits in their love of whimsy and their distaste for how the city is run - Harley in particular has a focus on the corrupt nature of the mental health facility she works at (I mean, Arkham’s not particularly good at its purpose even in the normal Batman universe).  Like Robin, Harley softens the Joker’s war on Gotham’s criminal underworld a bit - she drags him into a more compassionate viewpoint.  Unlike Robin, she’s not a subordinate/ward - while Harley plays on the Joker’s clown motiff, she doesn’t follow his schemes without question, and always argues for a different way of doing things when the Joker’s plans get too mean-spirited.  They’re actual partners in crime, as opposed to the victim/abuser dynamic they had in past fiction.
I realize this is the kind of alteration to canon - y’know, making the main villain sympathetic and a canonically abusive relationship into a healthy romanticized one - that makes people use the word “fanfic” as a pejorative, but, well, I did say this is how I’d ruin Batman.
Catwoman - while the Joker is obviously going to be the leader of the bunch, Catwoman would be the deuteragonist, both because she’s just as iconic and also because she’s probably the closest thing to Batman in this world, and it is still ultimately a world designed to work around a Batman-ish character.  Born poor, Catwoman pickpockets her way into wealth, specifically targeting the most corrupt of the wealthy.  Unlike most of the other Freaks, she has the option of living a normal life, but is ultimately compelled to keep robbing from the rich and giving to the poor (and also herself - look, she has a lot of cats to feed).  Catwoman grounds the Freaks in reality and helps them understand the rules of the system they’re trying to break - and, with her status as an up and coming socialite, is able to give them valuable intel on some of their targets.
Mr. Freeze - honestly you could just transplant the Batman: The Animated Series take on him right into here, because it’s kind of baffling he was considered a villain in the first place.  It takes literally no effort to make him a heroic figure - you just have to remove the more-traditionally-heroic Batman to make him shine.  Mr. Freeze isn’t as daffy and volatile as the Joker, but is every bit as determined to bring Gotham crashing down and to make the corrupt pay for their cruelty toward people like him.  He’s also hilariously serious, providing a stoic counterpoint to the more flamboyant personalities of the other villains.
Poison Ivy - Poison Ivy’s motivation has been “protect the environment, plants specifically”, which is pretty noble to be honest - it’s just that her methods are unnecessarily homicidal.  So, y’know, maybe tone that down a bit?  Less “mind controlling innocent people and murdering them for money to build a plant park” and more “using convenient giant animate plants to halt construction that threatens local parks” sort of schemes.  She’d basically be an environmental sciences themed vigilante - Captain Planet with an aggressive streak.
I know it’s more traditional to pair her with Harley Quinn, but I’d kinda like to try setting her up with Catwoman instead - both of them has this history of being femme fatales/evil seducers of men, so it’d be kind of fun to have a story where they just have none of that at all.  Though pairing her with Harley and making the Harley/Joker relationship purely platonic is an interesting dynamic too...
Killer Croc - he’s a great big crocodile man who lives in the sewers because no one above ground accepts him, on account of him being a big crocodile man and all.  Despite his fearsome appearance and prodigious strength, he’s a pretty swell guy - the gentle bruiser of the group.
Two-Face - like Mr. Freeze, you really don’t have to alter much to make him a good guy.  Just keep Two-Face pointed at mobsters and he works as a hero pretty well.
The Riddler - In this world, the Riddler begins as a cop who, while clever, isn’t corrupt enough to excel in the police department.  His superiors assign him to the Freak case in hopes of getting rid of him (preferably in a fatal sort of way), but that plan succeeds in the worst way, as he ends up defecting to their side.  The Riddler helps the Freaks make their schemes truly bizarre and unpredictable, and helps them get to the bottom of who is truly running Gotham City.  He’s also a smug prick about it, because smugness is key to his character.
Clayface - a star of Gotham’s theater scene, Basil Karlo is convinced to try an experiment age-defying makeup which turns him into a giant shape changing mud man.  He becomes the group’s master of disguise and also ups their general theatricality, and can back up Croc as the muscle in a pinch.
The Crimelords
Penguin - a petty thug with delusions of grandeur, Penguin wants to rise to the ranks of the social elite and goes to great lengths to seem more educated and “classy” than he is.  While he is never accepted by the rich people he idolizes, he continues to do their dirty work in hopes of getting their approval.  He is cunning in a way, though, and rises to prominence throughout the story as one of the few criminals who can keep up with the increasingly eccentric Freaks - probably because he’s basically one of them despite his protests.
Scarecrow - a corrupt psychologist at Arkham Asylum who helps the mafia by providing insanity defenses for mobsters and driving key witnesses insane, Scarecrow’s obsession with fear would spiral out of control throughout the story.  Eventually he’d switch sides to the Freaks when he gets too weird for the oldschool criminals to tolerate, although he’d never be well liked by either side.
Firefly - a particularly skilled arsonist for the Maroni crime family.  Not much more than that.
Deathstroke - the greatest assassin employed by the Falcone crime family, Deathstroke takes himself very seriously, which is to his detriment considering the pack of ridiculous monster men he’s facing in this story.  He has a bitter rivalry with...
Deadshot - the greatest assassin employed by the Maroni crime family.  Deadshot doesn’t take his work very seriously at all and is prone to sarcasm and flippancy.  He kind of loves the fact that the freaks are causing so much ridiculous trouble for his employers, but that doesn’t mean he won’t kill them for a paycheck.
Bane - a mercenary hired by the crime families to take down the Freaks.  Bane eventually switches sides; he may be a bad guy, but he also cares about the downtrodden having grown up in a city not unlike Gotham itself.
Calendar Man - the youngest son of the mafia boss Carmine Falcone, Alberto Falcone is inspired by the theatricality of the Freaks and becomes a holiday themed serial killer, targeting enemies of his father’s business in a misguided attempt to earn his approval.
Black Mask - As the different crime families slowly dwindle in number over the course of the story, Roland Sionis, an underboss for the Maroni family, eventually rises in the ranks (due to his superiors dying) and unites what remains of the mafia under his iron fist.  Deciding to fight fire with fire, he crafts a grim alter ego for himself in hopes of striking fear into the Freaks.  It doesn’t work because he’s just not theatrical enough to pull it off, but he does manage to be a thorn in their side for a while.
Hugo Strange - the chief psychologist of Arkham Asylum, Hugo Strange is an awful, awful man.  He’s also an incredibly intelligent one, master minding many of the problems the Freaks encounter.  He’s not the root of Gotham’s problems, though, as he ultimately serves...
Ra’s Al Ghul - an ancient sorceror who has made and destroyed countless societies in his many centuries of scheming, Ra’s Al Ghul made Gotham City into a nexus of misery and cruelty in hopes of awakening a world ruining entity - i.e. basically he’s trying to bring about Gozer the Destroyer.  ‘Cause why not bring in a bit of Lovecraftian terror to a setting that has a madhouse that makes monster people that’s literally called Arkham Asylum?
And that’s it.  That’s how I’d ruin Batman.
I’ll probably repurpose some of these ideas into other stories like I do with most of my fanfic ideas, but man, this sure is shitty as a Batman story, huh?
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addictivedame · 8 years
#Devotion @SoulfulPatriot||
You can’t be with a man like my Aedan and not expect there to be blood on his clothes once in awhile. That just goes with the territory. All I could do was pray that it would be someone else’s and not his own.
Me and Aedan, seems like we’ve always been together. I remember him asking me to be his girl when we were too young to really understand what it meant. The nuns caught us kissing behind the playground steps and didn’t they tan us both. I can still feel the slap of the wooden ruler on my knuckles. Now, of course, I’d hit back, but then I was too scared of what my ma would say. Aedan had kissed them later on our way home from school and promised me he’d make them pay for what they’d done. It was sweet, really, though I hadn’t believed he would be so brave. Not until later that week when Sister Nancy opened her desk drawer and started caterwauling like the end of the world had come. He’d put rat traps under her pens, and when she went reaching for one….SNAP. I swear, I did my best not to laugh out loud at her pain. That day, I swore to myself I’d marry that boy when I was older, and my opinion on the subject never wavered.
That is loyalty. Aedan always knew what the word meant, and he showed it to me every day. That’s why no matter what trouble he gets himself into, I’m going to be there with him, helping him, giving that loyalty right back. Devil take anyone who tries to stand in our way.
He asked me once if I wanted to stay here, and honestly, I laughed out loud, right in his face at the very idea. “You remember when they sent the nuns and priests to come talk to us about our callings, and they said how God had callings for all of us? Some to serve God in a bloody convent, or some rubbish like that. And they showed us that movie about the missionaries going out to convert the heathen in some godforsaken place or other. After, they asked us all to write down what we felt our calling was. You know what I wrote? I said ‘I believe the Lord can call me to a better place.’ And that’s still how I feel. Staying here means eventually we’ll just rot or die young, same as everybody else. I don’t mean to die here in Belfast, darlin’. There’s a better place out there for us. And we’re gonna find it, you and me.”
I trusted him to get us there. I’d put all my hope in him. Aedan was going to get us both away from this hellhole or die trying. Of course it wouldn’t be easy. I’d have to be daft to think otherwise. But I’d wash blood out of his clothes as often as he needed so long as he was still breathing.
Did I like him being in danger? Hell no. And I wouldn’t mince words about it either. But if it meant we were on our way to someplace better, you bet your ass I’d do whatever it took to help him succeed.
When that bastard Torrian brought him in through the door, my strong man hanging limp and tracking blood onto the carpet, though, I left my cigarette to burn out in the ashtray, leaping up from my seat and giving Torrian an earful about the shape he was in as he half dragged, half carried him to the bedroom.
My voice was harsh, but it had to be. If I let myself be soft, even for a moment, I couldn’t do what I needed to.  “Jesus, Mary and Joseph, what the fuck happened? No, don’t tell me. You tell that asshole MacCartan he can find someone else to be a bloody martyr for the cause, why don’t you? Jesus. Look at this mess.”
My hands were shaking, but I wasn’t going to be some little princess about it. I knew there was no going to hospital. That would mean questions that would be bad for everyone. Questions that would send Aedan away. Whatever he’d done, whatever the consequences, I was going to have to fix it as well as I could and hope for the best.
As Torrian laid him down on the bed, I took stock of what I saw. Holy Mary, mother of God, he looked like hell. He was pale, like I’d never seen him, the color of newsprint paper. “Jesus Christ,” I whispered. “I swear to God Almighty, Aedan, if the man who done this to you is still out there walking, so help me, I’m going to cut off his balls and cook them up for Sunday dinner.”
Blood was seeping through his fingers, the hand clutching his gut. Nor was that the only place where he was bleeding. His knee looked like it had been through a meat grinder. This was beyond a simple stitching up.
I brushed a hand along his forehead, my voice turning soft and tender. “Oh Aedan, what did they do to you, my darlin’?”
Torrian tried to give me some reassurance. The man responsible was dealt with. I rounded on him, my eyes like a storm. “You make it right. You hear me? I don’t care what you have to do, you get him a doctor and you make this right. You get someone here, and you do it now, or I swear to Christ, I’ll call for an ambulance myself. You get on that bloody phone and you call whoever you have to.”
He cursed me, but he did it. Something in my face must have convinced him he had better do as he was told, because I heard him talking to someone from the other room, his voice low but urgent.
All the while, I had turned to Aedan again. He looked like someone who expected to die, and it shook me to the core. “Don’t you leave me, Aedan. Don’t you dare. I’ll follow you down to hell and drag your sorry ass back here if I have to, but you’re not leaving me.”
His breath was so shallow, it terrified me, and he didn’t speak, but he looked at me and in spite of his pain, he smiled and squeezed my hand, nodding his understanding.
Five minutes later, as I was tying a towel around Aedan’s knee, a woman was rushed into the room with Torrian behind her. My fingers were covered in blood, and there wasn’t time to be polite. “Save him,” I said simply, pushing back my hair from my forehead with the back of my hand. “I don’t care how you do it. Just do it.”
With a brusque manner, she got to work, ordering Torrian and me around for more light, hot water, having us hold him still while she cut his clothes so she could see the extent of his injuries. She didn’t ask about the circumstances of how this had happened. She only asked for the facts. How many bullets? What had caused the cut his his belly? How long had he been bleeding like this? Questions that helped her assess the damage, but skirted around the incriminating details that didn’t change anything or help her fix him.
She gave him a shot of something. I didn’t ask what it was, but his expression relaxed and he mumbled something as his eyes closed, and in moments he was unconscious. It was too close to death for my comfort, though I didn’t like seeing him in pain either.
Next thing I knew, she was doing surgery on him, right there in our bedroom. As though she did this sort of thing every day. She acted almost mechanically, detached and serious, barking orders. I watched on, incredulous, as she assessed the damage to his belly – “Just missed his intestines. He’s a lucky man. If it had cut a few centimeters over, you’d have a priest here instead of me.” – and sewed him up. Then she set to work on his knee. The bullet had gone straight through, she said, though the bone was fractured into several pieces.
“I’ll do my best,” she said. “Can’t guarantee he won’t always have a limp, though.”
It felt like hours we stood there watching her work. I couldn’t look at the wounds. I kept my gaze focused on her hands instead, watching them clean and dress the injuries, sewing together damaged flesh as best she could. He was going to have nasty scars, no doubt about it, but that was a small price to pay if he would only live.
She set the bones and wrapped his leg in plaster, and she set up an IV for fluids while she worked, making Torrian hold the bag up until it had dripped through completely.
At last it was done, and she stepped back, disconnecting the IV, then peeling gloves from her hands and tossing them into the trash. She handed me a bottle of pain pills and another with antibiotics, giving me instructions for his care. I nodded, and only as she was packing up her things did I look down to read the labels on the bottles.
“Veterinarian?” My mouth dropped open, and I laughed in spite of all that had happened. “You’re a veterinarian?”
“You wanted someone who wouldn’t ask questions. You got me. You got a problem with that, take it up with your boyfriend’s boss.” She snapped together the bag she had carried in with her, turning matter of factly to leave.
I hurried over to catch her arm, turning her to face me, my expression full of worry. “Wait. What’s your name? What do I do if he doesn’t...you know...if he gets worse?”
“Call a priest. I’ve done the best I can here. I won’t lie to you. It’s serious. But he’s strong. You do like I told you, he ought to pull through. As for my name, you don’t get it. I don’t want to know yours or his either. Forget you saw me. This was a one time deal. I won’t be doing it again. Good luck.”
With that, she looked at Torrian and scowled. “Don’t call me again. This is the last time. I’m done.”
He followed her to the door and locked it behind her, then came back, standing uselessly in the doorway as I got into the other side of the bed and took Aedan’s hand.
“What can I do?” he asked. “Can I bring you anything?”
“Get out,” I said coolly. “And don’t come back unless I call you. I don’t want to see your fucking face.”
I didn’t turn to see him go. I was watching over my man, kissing his fingers as he slept. I stayed there – whispering to him, telling him I loved him, my lips brushing his forehead, my fingers caressing his hair – until I fell asleep at last by his side.
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angelstxrk · 7 years
Review of Thor Ragnarok
Below the cut is my non spolier free review if anyone is interested.
I know everyone has seen the movie already but I am itching to write my thoughts down. I normally see Marvel movies with my friends who I can gush about them with but I saw it with my family this time and had to contain my fangirling. But onto the review.
I loved it. Loved it. Absolutely fucking loved it. I think there are loads of people who don’t because of the tone is so different compared to the other Thor movies but not me.
To me, there’s a big difference between that type of humour and Joss Whedon’s humour in the Avengers and AOUT. That being this comedy flows naturally while the others feel a bit forced if you rewatch them.
Now, I will admit at the beginning of the movie that the comedy kinda felt forced but I believe that’s because it comes in REALLY heavy handed from the get-go and overwhelms you. For me though, once that initial shock was over, I rarely stopped smiling or laughing. This movie is so fucking charming and funny.
I get that it’s insanely different compared to the other Thor movies but I don’t mind it. I’m kinda upset everyone makes that their argument as to why they don’t like the film. Loads of people always complained they were too serious, too glum, or hard to understand. They tried to listen to criticism and everyone complains. If you have this criticism that’s completely okay though because the tone of this movie just might not be your cup of tea.
I’ve seen people say that it’s too much like guardians of the galaxy and I really disagree. I personally didn’t get that vibe at all.
Let’s dive into some more specific things.
Can I just say that I’m proud that Loki didn’t run Asgard into the ground while being a ruler? It seems like he did a damn good job and I’m happy someone finally built him that monument.
I am a huge fan of Doctor Strange and seeing him in this was just a delight. I think I geeked out way too loud when I saw him because my sister said: ‘do you want to hold my hand?” It was only brief but my baby was back and being fucking awesome. I wish there had been more time for him and Loki to interact because if you’re a fan of those two actors, you know everyone has been dying for them to do more stuff together. Still, I’m proud of my sorcerer dad.
I don’t know why I’m supposed to feel bad that Odin died. I think some people do? I feel bad that Thor lost his father but Odin can fuck right off. He fucked Loki over, he fucked Hela over and he just sucks, okay? Won’t miss you buddy.
Hela was great. Like I really enjoyed her. I hope we see more of her someday because even though she’s s evil, she’s so damn entertaining. Cate is just fucking amazing in the role. 
Loki. Oh my heart. I was one of the many people who fell in love with Loki when the first Thor came out and I never wavered. He was so funny in this and I am so proud of Tom. Now, there might be some that don’t like the direction they took him. I think people might prefer their Loki as this ‘evil’ tricker and nothing more. Personally, I loved the arch they gave him. I think a lot of us our like Thor and want to see Loki do good. I honestly hope things stay this way but with Loki, I feel like he goes where his mood takes him. He better not die in Infinity War. Nope. He and Tony Stark are under my protection and they can’t fucking die.
Bruce, oh my baby Bruce. He was so great in this! A bit more hyped up than usual but I loved him. I also loved Hulk. He’s like a little child and it’s precious. I want to see Teenage Groot and Hulk scene. It must happen.
Also, we do not deserve that lovely rock person. I can’t think of his name because I suck but he was a godman delight and the world would be a better place with people like him.
Kinda sucks that Jane is just dismissed but what can you do? She’s awesome in her own right and the movies just couldn’t handle her.
Jesus Christ, my bisexual dream came true was seeing Loki and Valkyrie interact. Just...yes. Yes please. Is there an extended scene of that because....yes.
Speaking of being bisexual, fuck Marvel for cutting out the scene where her bisexuality was on display. Tessa fought for that scene and their cowards for cutting it. I think they were trying to hint that she lost her partner when they went to fight Hela. At least I picked up on that but that’s because I’m a gay looking for it. My hetero family didn’t notice it at all and that’s what Marvel wants. To play it safe. I’m sick of that honestly. I’m sick of all the heteronormative bullshit and I think that’s the only negative issue that I have with this film. Well, that and they threw more Natasha/Bruce in my face which I’ve never liked. That was Whedon’s fuckup and we’re kinda stuck with it.
Valkyrie as a person though was a delight. I have a mighty crush on her now, to be honest, and I hope we see more of her. I honestly don’t mind her and thor. To me they have more chemistry than Jane/Thor did.
But overall, I really loved this film aside from the fact that Marvel kept Valkyrie sexuality as hidden as possible. I can’t remember the last time I saw a movie and just kept smiling or laughing. The visuals were stunning ( i actually got chills when the Valkyrie fought Hela ), the music was really cool and the acting from everyone was FANTASTIC!
I’ll have to rewatch it a bit but at the moment I’d give it a A-
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