free-my-mindd · 2 days
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bpdohwhatajoy · 3 days
Younger me when loving someone didn’t make them be nice to me:
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traumatournament · 12 hours
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Nothing works anymore, drugs don’t work (escaping reality) medication doesn’t work (happy pills/sedation pills/sleep pills, therapy/venting/ranting/talking about it doesn’t help, doing happy stuff doesn’t work, no matter what I do nothing changes or feels any different.
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theereina · 2 days
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filledwithpotassium · 5 hours
that moment when u start to cry at ur OC’s trauma that u gave them
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templetv · 3 days
why do I have to be the one dealing with the consequences of your actions?
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painstitution · 1 day
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voidic3ntity · 2 days
accumulating into the emptiness of my eyes:
states of dissociation-induced destructions,
etched within objects & etched within skin;
scar tissue from the broken glass shards.
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inspiredtrans · 1 day
I'm going to SCREAM why are trans people so mean towards other trans people? I could genuinely pour my heart out about how the trans healthcare system quite literally traumatized me and I'll get a bunch of people like "errrrrr that didn't happen me, you're probably just making it worse in your head, just answer honest to the doctors and everything will go to plan" WHAT
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bpdohwhatajoy · 3 days
It pisses me off that shitty people derailed my life and traumatized me and now I’m stuck picking up the pieces
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schmerzstille · 1 day
und wann wurde dein herz zum ersten mal gebrochen?
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Project 1 Month Anniversary!
WOOHOO!!!!! It's been a month since I first sent out a post asking for VAT7K to become a reality and look how far we've come! I thank every person who liked, reposted and is helping because every little things makes a change and brings us closer to getting VAT7K! Updates for today is that we have TWO videos on TT, (the second one having over TWO HUNDRED views!) and 55 followers! In addition to this, we've had lots of good ideas on the discord such as watching the show as a group so we don't forget the lore, trauma for team radical, new headcanons, new memes, ideas for how to do the art, making playlists for the show as a whole and for trauma which I'll send out soon, basically forming a fredrick hate club AND we have 21 people on the discord on the 21st of September??! I'm so proud of us all (I'm crying!) Plus, we've had the first audition sent in by the amazing @ognicho and I'm telling you it's literal PERFECTION!!! I think that's all for today but... hey, i have bad memory :) Glad that today's been such an amazing day, Leo xxx
P.S: I love all you guys sm <3333
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justkidneying · 2 days
I see throat punches in media sometimes, and I wanted to explain why this is such a devastating (and illegal) move. Throat punches are no joke. I've always been taught that in the same way you would never point a gun at something you don't want to kill, you would never punch someone in the throat that you didn't want to kill.
Structure of the throat: the anterior part of the throat is very tender and unprotected. Out front you have the trachea, and behind that you have the esophagus. The thyroid cartilage (this is your Adam's apple) sits at the level of your voice box (larynx). About an inch above that, usually hiding up in your jawline, is the hyoid bone.
The Hyoid Bone: this is a horseshoe-shaped bone that freely sits in the anterior part of the neck (it's not connected to any other bone). It protects the airway, helps maintain neck posture, and assists with chewing, tongue movement, swallowing, and speaking. It's really bad to fracture this bone.
Throat Trauma: with any anterior neck trauma, there is going to be a lot of bruising (ecchymosis) and swelling (edema) in the laryngeal tissue. This swelling can compromise the airway, and the person can literally just die from that. If the force is in the right place and great enough, the hyoid bone will fracture. The bone will usually be fractured in several places. This is likely to also cause asphyxiation. You may also see hemoptysis (coughing up blood).
*I want to note that in strangulation injuries, the hyoid bone is commonly fractured. However, it's only found in 1/3 of homicides from strangulation. *
Timeline: okay, so obviously, the person may just grab their throat, choke, and die. But do you wanna know the part that freaks me out? The fact that patients can be asymptomatic for up to 72 hours (THREE FUCKING DAYS!!!). That's scary because the patient can be fine, they think they just have some bruising and a little swelling, then their throat starts spasming and they die of asphyxiation (crazy, right??).
Fighting: okay, back to fighting. Throat punches are not allowed in any combat sport, not even in no-holds barred (unless it's some weird kumite where you can kill your opponent). But, in normal combat sport this doesn't usually even happen on accident, because most people 1) tuck their chin and 2) know not to EVER punch someone in the neck. If it does happen, people will probably talk about it (like when a rabbit punch is thrown).
The only time I have seen a throat punch is with a kids' class (like 4-8 year olds) and that habit was quickly corrected. I think the only time it is ever appropriate would be in a life-or-death situation, but depending on the laws in your area I have no idea if it would be legal then (because you're probably going to kill that person).
Anyways, main point: don't punch people in the throat, like, ever. They may die, even if it is three days later.
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azureblooet · 3 days
Ok gang here’s some ideas for follower Nariander habits/symptoms
(some are also geared towards narilamb/the lamb helping him but not all of them)
// CW
A lot of them are very dissociation and trauma-y so bewarb folks.
Also general illness.
And skin picking or whatever that’s called
// CW
His sense if time is absolutely fucked
Dude has no intuitive sense of how long an hour is
Also Dissociating while waiting for anything.
Like all that time got him good at checking out to pass time
Either the habit of counting in his head or a complete aversion to doing so. (Driving himself crazy counting seconds makes counting/tallying stuff remind him of the time sealed)
Visual/general sensory sensitivity. He’s been in basically sensory deprivation for way too long. He might also not like silence for similar reasons.
Absolutely despises snow.
Cold, wet, looks like the gateway. Bad.
Very touchy about his wrists and neck specifically.
Either he immediately goes into attack mode or entirely shuts down. Like his body sees that something similar might happen and fully checks out to protect itself.
Picking at/itching his wrists.
The Lamb is like Sisyphus and that fucking rock trying to keep this mf from reopening his wounds by picking at them
Everything near his bed isn’t white.
other than lamb- i mean what who said that
Lack of visual processing
has been in the all white dimension for too long
Has aches and pain all over his wrists and body.
I deadass almost forgot to put this one because it’s so cannon to me
If you jingle a bell he turns his head every fucking time.
Yes this is from that one comic but it’s funny as shit so I’m taking it
Gets sick very easily since his immune system hasn’t done shit in ages
Also so i get to give him vivid fever nightmares for like character growth and trippy surreal horror symbolism.
Probably has a main character moment standing in the rain for the first time in ages while crying or something.
(He does get sick from of it though. I have to keep him humble somehow)
The Lamb also had this moment before after the start but whatever.
They can both cry in the rain. ✨together✨
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dollgirlvoid · 2 days
Thoughts on HDG
TW: trauma, human domestication guide. This one has noticed that Human Domestication guide has been getting more popular around here lately, and it has some things to say about it. This one hates it. An ex friend recommended HDG to this one, before it knew it was a doll. It was expecting something fun and kinky. It ended up being horribly hurt. HDG was one of the most horrifying, emotionally scarring thing this one has ever experienced. Because of HDG, this one nearly ended its own life, numerous times. Despite about a year passing, it still deals with the hurt and trauma from reading HDG, and despite all this one can do, it still struggles to move on from it. Whenever it feels an urge to self harm, it goes straight to HDG. Empty spaces saved its life. it realised that it wasnt a person, and found great comfort in the stories about witches and handlers and dolls. But now, its seeing more and more posts about HDG, and every time, its brought back to a dark, horrible place. Its not enough to have tumblr block that tag, because it sees the blocked content, the blocked tags, and its always taken by a powerful urge to see the HDG content, to self harm.
Then theres also the posts about how all trans women love HDG. This one is a trans woman, and it hates HDG with all of itself. It hurts every time it sees one of those posts. Its told, not explicitly, that it isnt a real trans woman. that its gender identity and expression isnt real or valid. HDG isnt empowering trans women. Its ailenating and hurting them. this isnt even getting into the racist undertones of HDG. This one is not qualified to speak on them. it could go on much longer about this.
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