#not just because I have a girlfriend and am not a cheater and wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt my partner
insanechayne · 8 months
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jaggedwolf · 1 month
pll rewatch 2x12
It’s 2A finale time, weddings and shovels and dolls oh my!
This is our first episode that starts with a flash-forward, which works here because it gets us the DUN DUN DUN Wilden’s back reveal
True to life the police suck because a guy snooping around teenager girls’ shit without warrant gets put back in charge of the investigation
Spencer wishes she could forbid Emily’s phone from ringing, but it’s just Maya
Hanna hangs out with Emily and Maya and this is really cute, actually, Maya is game to answer Hanna’s questions about the camp (which turns out to be super Christian ugh) while giving fashion opinions
The show would be more fun with some Liar/SO + other liar interactions. I wonder if we ever get a scene with Spencer, Toby, and Emily. 
But Emily would like to be alone with Maya. Tsk tsk, didn’t you tell Ashley a few weeks ago that you wouldn’t have any girlfriends upstairs?
Emily is saved from this rulebreaking by Maya wanting to take things slow and get to know this new Emily
Toby wants to take things fast because he’s asking Spencer what a baby they made would like like. My dude, slow down, you are still living with Jenna.
One of Hanna’s phone contacts is just “swimmer”. Did one of the swimmer boys hit on her and she save his contact as that?
Hanna has not been updating Caleb with all of her daddy troubles while he’s been away in California. She’s not gonna harsh the vibe of a guy’s reunion with his mom.
Gigantic Box Delivery for the Hastings’ house! 
Good call, A, it’s not like Spencer’s parents are home to notice that shit
Spencer is so fluent in French that a quick glance at the papers tells her that Jackie plagiarized via translation
She also realizes A cut Toby’s brake line and that shuts her down for a solid minute while the other liars discuss the dolls
My friends are very distracted through that conversation by Aria’s gigantic earrings constantly moving and pulling her earlobes
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Let’s take a second to go over the exact message each girl gets
All of these are base urges of the four girls, or as Aria puts it, A being the “perfect frenemy”. 
They get different degrees of hand-holding through enactment. Emily’s car is hacked and her doll delivered when she’s alone. She does not think to text her friends. Aria is handed the evidence of Jackie’s academic dishonesty. Neither girl was planning to pursue these goals.
Hanna has tried to stop the wedding already, in deleting Isabel’s text and encouraging her mom to pursue her dad again. Those attempts failed. Hanna and A know she has the perfect ammunition for a successful one, so the path here is straightforward though less constrained than Emily’s or Aria’s.
But Spencer’s...There’s a lot of latitude in “keep Toby safe”, yet Spencer jumps to A’s desired conclusion. Perhaps it’s her desired conclusion too. A baser urge within a base urge. Spencer sees herself as doomed — it’s unclear to me when that began — and she is so damn ready to fall on the sword, to cast aside a consistent source of happiness instead of outhinking her way to retaining it.
I wonder why A picks this wound of Spencer’s...were they worried Toby is the love interest closest to being told about A, given his assistance in Spencer’s investigations? Regardless, much like making Emily a cheater, making Spencer responsible for her own loneliness is excellent tormenting strats.
Aria experiences zero vindication in blackmailing Jackie. Does not have that dog in her when menacing
God, Tom was MIA for two years? Truly, what a dick
“You’ll realize I’m not the person you think I am”, says Spencer to Toby, confessing to acts well within the realm of the Spencer that Toby knows. I mean Spencer obviously tried to come up with some kind of line for breaking up with him, but she does seem sincere when she says that
Ella apologizes to Aria for asking her to lie to Byron...she hadn’t done that yet? Man I really remembered Ella as a better mom. I wonder if Ella even makes the connection that Byron asked Aria to lie for him once and it put Aria in a very bad spot
Spencer glaring a hole through the interrogation room two-way mirror....have I mentioned that I love her?
“I really don’t let anyone see me cry” Spencer...Wren is gross here as always but I love Spencer trying to play off her crying by talking about hanky etiquette
Caleb learned the phrase “back fat” yesterday and immediately uses it to pwn Kate. For this I will forgive his fashion offense of a black suit over a black shirt. 
His mom probably bought him that suit though, that’s cute. 
Emily’s turn to interact with some version of Ali as her present self. Unlike Hanna’s two experiences, Emily is very out of it, and simply listens
“You were always my favorite. You loved me the most.” ....Very Alison for that to be why Em is her favorite. Also this Ali implies she knows who A is and declines to share
Shay plays Emily’s awakening from that vision very well
The liars are so desperate digging. They really do think they doomed the one adult they trusted with the secret of A!
Is it just me, or is it super weird of Ella’s response to her suspicion of Spencer/Ezra to be discussing it with Aria and Ezra? Isn’t she some kind of mandatory reporter? Wouldn’t you at least talk to Spencer first?
Also, it’s Spencer, it would not be OOC for her to climb into an ex-teacher’s car and I dunno, yell at him about a bad grade he gave her or something
Oh, Garrett/Jenna wrote the Jason note! And they have page 5 of the autopsy report, which contains an analysis of the trace evidence on the body.
Veronica is most respectable as mom when she’s being a lawyer for the girls. Peter specifically says Veronica is not a criminal lawyer here
Sullivan is A-OK, guiltily receiving an envelope from A, who the diner waitress calls “pretty eyes”. BRB, building a demographic model of who diner waitresses are most likely to call "pretty eyes".
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darkdaysdiary · 1 year
I don’t know how to feel about anything anymore. Damon has been my other half for more than three years, and for that to mean nothing to him in mere moments leaves me hurt. And maybe I’m weak for saying it but I still want to be with him. I want us to work, which is why I turn to this blog, where nobody knows me and no one will probably ever see it. Which is why I can be so real and forthcoming on here, no judgement. 
I don’t want to tell anyone what he did. He says he wouldn’t blame me if I did but he just doesn’t understand. If I tell people I have to deal with the embarrassment of having to explain that my fiance cheated on me after three years together then came back to our home and slept in our bed with no second thought. Then more embarrassment and judgement for wanting to stay and work through it.  
I have spent the last five days dealing with knowing. Is knowing better than not? I guess I’m still trying to to figure that out. I’d like to say no but then I just am the fool who had no idea her man was cheating on her. Obviously my subconscious noticed cause I have never just gone through his phone before.
He does want to work everything out so he agreed to answer any questions I could possibly have and currently he has been answering. I have been consumed about the possibility of her getting pregnant ever since I found out. I still have no clue what story is real when it comes to them using a condom and I don’t think I’ll ever really get the truth. And my mind can jump thoughts and conclusions VERY quickly. What would I do if she did get pregnant? Would I stay with Damon if she did get pregnant? How would we explain to people? I was so mad at Damon for not knowing if she was on any form of birth control. Especially because we had that conversation before we even got together, he’s the one who convinced me the get birth control. I made the decision of the bar because it’s the most effective form. But neither him or I knew if she had any form at all. 
I, naturally, made Damon block Emma on everything when I found out. But then I got stuck with the thoughts of for at least two months we would never know if she could get pregnant. And if she ended up getting pregnant she would have no way of telling him. She blocked me so theoretically she could unblock me to tell me but my god that would fucking suck. So I let him unblock her to ask her if she was on birth control and thank god she also has the bar. Not that that can make everything just get better but at least I don’t have to worry about some cheaters child being in my universe. 
I still can’t stop thinking about what he saw in her. I see all these similarities between the two of us. The clothes we both have. Things I have that she has posted photos in. I don’t know how I will be able to wear them again without the thought that if I wear them will I remind him of her? 
Her differences mean more to him then what me and her have alike. She is a skinny small blonde. He likes the smaller girls. I was friends with him long before I was his girlfriend. I saw him with his previous dates. I know that he likes small. I’m a 5′6 200 pound brunette. He likes girls who smoke and will play video games with him. I don’t do either of those. 
But I know that’s his type, and I know I don’t fit into that standard.
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miekasa · 3 years
break up with your boyfriend, i’m bored
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+ pairings: um… armin x reader…. but, spotlight on jean—just... read it to understand, please
+ genres and warnings: college au what’s new, fluff… you’re just going to have to work with me and trust me on this one alright
+ notes: free colt he ain’t do nothing wrong i just needed someone outside of their immediate friend group to blame i am so sorry justice for my boy colt and falco too
+ more notes: longer levi fic still in progress, so have jean thee comedian in the meantime
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“I think I have a crush on someone.”
Jean crosses his arms and makes it a point to huff even louder than before so that you can accurately assess his annoyance at moment; going so far as to slump back into your not so comfortable couch to really sell it.
“And that is why you manhandled me all the way to your apartment on a Tuesday afternoon?” he asks, voice flat and eyes hooded.
You groan and roll your eyes. Jean’s eyebrows are pinched together with more judgement than confusion at your current state of distress when you sit next to him on the sofa, a knee bent in his direction.
“Jeanie, I don’t think you’re understanding the severity of my issue.”
“You’re right, I’m not,” he drawls, “But, please, do enlighten me. It’s not like I have an essay to write or anything.”
“I have a crush,” you reiterate, hands mapping out every syllable in your sentence, “On someone who is not my boyfriend.”
“I see,” he nods, but his voice remains flat, “And, pray tell, what exactly is my role in all of this?”
“You’re supposed to use your philosophical psychoanalytical bullshit to tell me what’s wrong with me and how to fix it.”
“Philosophy and psychology are two different disciplines.”
“They sound the same to me.”
“That’s because you’re a single-celled chem major.”
“I think it takes more than a single cell to study chem.”
“Oh, is that what they tell you guys, now?”
“You’re not fucking helping.”
“Yes, I am,” he tuts, “It’s called talk therapy.”
“It sounds like you’re just taking shots at me.”
“Best friend talk therapy allows for a few digs here and there.”
“Jean,” you pinch his arm. He flinches, and yelps loudly, immediately raising the affected arm to counter with a flick to the center of your forehead. You glare, the palm of your left hand covering the sting on your skin, but concede, “Well played.”
“Thank you,” he nods, “I learned from the best.”
“Okay, now that you’ve gotten your ego boost for the day, can we worry about my problem, please.”
He shrugs, crossing resting his left ankle atop his right knee, “Sure.”
“Thank you.”
“What exactly is the problem, again?”
You sigh, and lean your head on Jean’s shoulder, “I have a boyfriend—”
“We’ve been over that.”
“—and the person I have a crush on is not my boyfriend.”
“Okay,” he pauses, “Are you going to do anything about this crush?”
“Well, I… no,” you ponder, “I don’t think so.”
“Okay,” he repeats, “So, then why are you so worked up about it?”
“Because!... Because… I don’t know, it’s… wrong? I’m in a relationship with someone else—isn’t this, like, emotional cheating?”
“Maybe,” he says, “I don’t know a whole lot about relationship psychology.”
“Come on, Jean.”
He sighs, “I’m serious, I don’t know, (_____).”
You whine, sounds muffled by the fabric of Jean’s sweater where your cheek lay pressed against his shoulder. “I’m a horrible person, aren’t I?”
“You’re not, stop it,” Jean answers firmly, wrapping an arm around your shoulder, “You’re not horrible for having emotions that are difficult to work through.”
“Okay, then, I’m just a horrible girlfriend.”
“Sorry,” he winces, patting your head for extra encouragement. It’s meant to be comforting, but it makes you feel like a patronized six-year-old, at best. It’s quiet for a while, with you mulling over Jean’s words, and him trying to pull you into the worst side hug in all of existence.
“Do you think,” you break the silence, “Maybe I should I break up with him?”
“Yes,” his answer comes too quickly, and much too enthusiastically.
You lift your head from his shoulder, unamused, but Jean doesn’t even try to hide the glimmer of hope in his eyes.
“You’re just saying that because you don’t like him.”
“No,” he pauses when he catches glimpse of the disbelief on your face, “Okay, yes, I don’t like him. At all.”
“But maybe this is your subconscious telling you that you don’t like him either, and that you should, instead, go after your crush.”
“Oh, so now you want to use your psychobullshit on me?”
“If it means I don’t have to pretend to like Colt anymore, then yes,” he replies, a stupid, shit-eating grin on his lips.
You scoff, arms crossed against your chest, “You don’t even pretend to like him now.”
Jean shrugs, “I pretend to like him to his face.”
“No, you don’t,” you insist, “You’re probably the worst at it, in fact.”
“I’m not worse than Connie.”
“You called him an asshole. To his face.”
“Connie poured tequila on him.”
“Connie was drunk. You were completely sober.”
“Connie would have done it sober and you know it.”
You open your mouth to refuse, but the words fall silent in your throat. Connie probably would have done it sober. “Okay, fine, whatever, you don’t like him,” you wave away the subject, “Do you really think this crush is my subconscious telling me to break up with him, though? I mean—it’s just, crushes are kind of fleeting right?”
“Sure, but—”
“What if I break up with him, and then I get over my crush, and realize I made a mistake.”
“Then you learn and grow, and find a new crush.”
“I’m being serious.”
“So am I,” he insists, “You’re beating yourself up pretty bad over this mystery guy—”
“—It could be a girl.”
“Is it a girl? Oh, is it Mikasa? Are you still hung up over her—you know I’m sure she’d make out with you asked. I think you both could relieve a lot of tension that way, actually.”
“You’re the worst person to walk this planet, you know that?” you sneer, annoyed by the smug grin on Jean’s face. So what if you had a tiny crush on Mikasa? Most people did, Jean included.
“Look,” Jean continues, “You and I both know you’re not a cheater, but you and I also know you’re just like Eren when it comes to things like this.”
“Just like Eren?”
“Falls too fast, too hard,” he clarifies, “I get the feeling you’ve had these feelings for a while, and that they’re not fleeting.”
You pout, and Jean knows that he’s right. “Okay, so say I do break up with Colt—”
“Which you should do, regardless.”
“—If we break up, then what? I still won’t know what to do with my left over grief. It’s not like I can just... go ask this guy out right away.”
“Yes, you can,” Jean presses, “In fact, you should.”
“No, I can’t,” you insist.
“Why not?”
“Well for one, I’ll look like a heartless whore.”
“You’re not a heartless whore for asking a guy out.”
“I am if I do it right after breaking up with my boyfriend.”
“Your internalized misogyny is showing,” he sing-songs, “Come on, you’re not a whore for doing what you want with a guy, you know that.”
“Okay, fine, not a whore, whatever,” you roll your eyes, “But I still couldn’t ask him out.”
“It’s the twenty first century, just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean you can’t ask him—”
“Not because of that, dumb goose,” you glare, “I meant because—it’s, well, it’d be really sudden and kind of… awkward?”
“It’s not like he’d know you just broke up with someone, unless that’s one of your conversation starters.”
You sigh, a hand on your forehead. “Yes, he would, Jean.”
“How could he possibly—oh.”
“Yeah, oh,” you mock, a heavy sigh leaving your chest as you resume your previous sulking position, head leaning against his shoulder with your right cheek squished against his sweater.
“(_____), I’m honored, but you’re not really my type. I’d be willing to help you get over him though.”
“It’s not you, you fucking long-necked pigeon, it’s Arm—,” you cut yourself short, hands clamped over your own mouth.
“Oh my god!” Jean all but screams, propelling his body away from you with just enough distance to extend his arm, finger pointing directly at your chest, “You like Armin!”
“Shut up!”
“You have a crush on Armin!”
“Shut up, Jean!”
“You have a big, fat crush on Armin!”
“Shut up! I said shut up, you pasty fucking giraffe looking ass bitch!”
“Oh my—okay, you have to break up with Colt, immediately,” Jean rushes, “I can’t believe this—if you think Armin wouldn’t go out with you, then you really do have the intelligence of a single celled organism.”
“What in the ever loving fuck are you talking about.”
“We’re talking about the same Armin, right? Armin Arlert, about this tall,” Jean raises his hand significantly lower than Armin’s actual height, “Studies astrophysics, follows you around like a lap dog—”
“He does not,” you scoff.
Jean guffaws, “Didn’t he take you on a tour of, like… the NASA museum for your birthday? With the super high-tech planetarium that people die to get into?”  
“Actually, it was their headquarters, but it’s only because he gets special privileges for being an intern.”
“Didn’t he name a star after you?”
“Anyone can name a star after anyone,” you roll your eyes, “It’s really not that hard.”
“People do not fucking go to NASA and ask for stars for just anyone!” Jean screeches, hands flailing wildly.
“Armin does!”
“Yeah, for you!” Jean emphasizes, “Come on, do you think if anybody else called him right now and asked him to get a star in their name, or even just fucking take them to headquarters of the most renowned space organization in the country, that he would actually do it?”
“I mean, maybe, if like… Eren asked.”
Jean opens his mouth to refute, but freezes half way with a head-tilt and pursed lips. “Okay, yeah, maybe—whatever, doesn’t matter. What matters is that you need to tell him.”
“I don’t need to tell him shit.”
“You’re seriously choosing Colt over Armin? Who willingly stays with some greasy prick with the world’s most annoying younger brother, over a handsome, straight-A astrophysics student with a penchant for marine biology, and, like, really clear skin.”
“Oh, wow. I didn’t know Bertholdt was studying astro.”
“I wasn’t talking about Bertholdt.”
“It sounded like you were talking about Bertholdt.”
“I mean, Bertholdt’s got great skin, but it’s no where near as clear as Armin’s. He glows.”
It’s quiet again, as you eye Jean with a raised brow that’s all too familiar. “Are we sure that you’re not the one with the crush on Armin?”
“Shut up, you’re avoiding the point.”
“What’s the point, exactly?”
“That you’re in love with Armin, who is miles better than your current boy toy, so you should ask him out immediately.”
“I have a boyfriend, not a boy toy.”
“Ah ha!” he yells, “You didn’t deny that you’re in love with him—oh my god, you’re in love with Armin!”
He’s standing now, practically bouncing off the the walls at the revelation. You take to smacking him with the nearest pillow. “I’m not in love with him! I just—just really like him, okay!”
“Very convincing.”
“Shut the hell up, you’ve been pining after you know who for seven eons at this point.”
“You bitch,” he growls, “We’re not supposed to bring him up.”
“Well, you keep bringing up Armin!”
“We never established that Armin was on the list of he’s who shall not be named.”
“Well I vote that he should be.”
“Your vote has been vetoed,” he grins, “Look, I’m completely serious when I say that Armin is just as in love with you as you deny you are with him.”
“That sentence hurt my head,” you pout, resuming your signature brooding position.
“It’s okay, your single brain cell has been through a lot in the past fifteen minutes,” he pats your head again, earning him a glare that he simply chuckles at, “All it means is that you love Armin, and I assure you that he’s equally, if not more, in love with you.”
“You really think so?”
“I know so. Now, up, up, up,” he tuts, pulling at your biceps until you’re standing, only to immediately start ushering you to the door, “You have a shitty boyfriend to go break up with.”
“What—Jean, come on, I didn’t mean right now!” you exclaim; but he’s stronger than he looks, and continues to propel your body out of the open door.
“No time to waste!” he insists, “Every hour you stay with Colt you lose another brain cell.”
“I thought I only had one to begin with,” you say, sarcasm evident in your tone.
It makes Jean’s grin triple, “Exactly, so go, not another hour to waste!”
“Jean, wait, I—,” you begin, only to be silenced by the silver door shutting in your face. The lock clicks soon after, and it’s only then you realized what he’s done.
“You knobby kneed bitch, this is my apartment!”
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iwadori · 3 years
Can you write a pure angst, using 10 and 35 please ( Idc about the characters ) :)
Getting hurt with the haikyu boys part 3 (Iwaizumi)
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Part one Part Two Part three
Word count: 2.8K
Genre: pure angst
Authors Note: I am sorry for just how shit it is lol. I had an idea and it kind of got worse as it went along but I hope you like it anyways.
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You were pregnant.  
You wanted to cry.  
You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. Positive. There was no denying it, as much as you wanted it to be negative. You could tell you were pregnant before you even took the test, all the throwing up you were doing, the nausea you felt when certain foods were being cooked at work and the ongoing foot and back pains you felt.
Iwaizumi first approached you at your job, some shitty dinner that only paid you enough so you can make ends meet. You could tell he had money, the way he dressed, his demeanor even the way he talked. ‘What was a man like this doing here?’ you thought.  
Apparently, he’s seen you around for a while, your city was small you’d only really leave this place if you had a fair god mother or died and of course you are clearly alive and don’t have a fairy god mother...until you met him.
He ordered a coffee, didn’t drink it though (probably knowing that your boss spat it in whenever he was in a bad mood or because he just needed an excuse to be around) just waiting for you to finish your break. You sat in a corner booth for ‘privacy,’ not that anybody was even in the place.  
“My names Iwaizumi Hajime” he said keeping a blank facial expression  
“What do you wan-”
“Miss L/N, I think I’ll do the talking here. Okay?” he said with a smirk appearing on his face after seeing your slightly shocked face when he revealed knowing your last name.
“I’ve seen you around for a while now, you’re beautiful you know that right?” he said making your cheeks heat up a bit. “Anyways, I think you’re gorgeous and a man like me needs a pretty girl like you on his arms. By the lack of response to my name, I assume you don’t know who I am...but I guess that works in my favour”
Your face is getting bored by the second not really listening as he rambles on about himself, “I need you to be on my arm every night that I go out to one of my boring business meetings.”  
“Business meetings?” you ask  
“You know, a bunch of ‘business’ people go out and talk ‘business’ together.” he said sarcastically as if you were stupid.
“I know that, I just thought you’d elaborate about it.” You sighed “What do I get out of this?”
“Finally, you’ve gotten to the interesting part, you my dear get money and lots of It” he says finally catching your attention “I’ll pay you 1 million Yen per night, and all your dresses, outfits and expenses will be paid for so you won’t have to worry your pretty little head about finances again” he ‘smiled’ at you.
“What's the catch?” squinting your eyes  
“The catch is just that you have to accompany me to all my events.... and you have to stay in my condo.”
“Don’t worry dear, it’s a nice place” interrupting you “probably better than any shithole you live in”
“Fine, fine” his words were convincing you “Is there a contract you have for me to sign?” you ask wanting to at least be somewhat ‘protected.’
“No contract, just this verbal agreement. Between me and you right here right now.” he winked “so you’re in agreement of our arrangement?”
That was your first mistake believing Iwaizumi Hajime.
Sure you could defend yourself now and say ‘I was poor and in need of help’ but you’d know it would just be you in denial talking.  
The first time you attended a meeting with Iwaizumi, you came home from quitting your job since Iwaizumi said ‘you’re on my payroll now.’ You found a beautiful red dress laying on your bed accompanied with shoes and accessories and note saying, ‘I trust you to be able to do your own hair and make up my dear – I.H’
You didn’t have any family, or any friends. Most people that have had even a single encounter with you have deemed you to be ‘Not Likeable’ saying you’re not a people person or just lack any sociability. You were stuck in this town because of the debt your father has left you in before he supposedly ‘passed’ away. Leaving you drowning in all his financial woes, meaning you couldn’t go to university or become a professional *insert dream job here* like you wanted to be.
When you exited your building, you saw Iwaizumi leaning against a flashy car parked outside. “You chariot awaits m’lady” he says with a cheeky grin on his face making you roll your eyes. You got in the car and he started driving, humming along to a random song slightly agitating you.
“So, when are you moving to my place? It’s a part of the agreement.” he said in a sing song voice in the tune of what he was humming.  
Iwaizumi reminded you of JD from heathers, he was nice when he wanted but he did have a screw loose that was triggered when things didn’t go his way. Like a small child who didn’t get the toy he wanted when he had a million other toys.  
Him being the child. You being the toy.
“Our agreement is bullshit, just verbal.” you say mockingly “remember?”
“don’t start with me Y/N I'm not in a pleasant mood today” he says gritting his teeth “and I don’t need you fucking with me tonight.”
He puts his hand on your thigh, a little too harshly making you internally wince. “Okay here’s the rules for the night. You stay on my side for the night, only speak when spoken too, don’t drink too much since no one likes an alcoholic of course.”
“Oh, so all I need to do is sit pretty like a good little girl.” you say sarcastically
“Precisely” he lessens the grip on your thigh making you breathe in relief.  
The event was boring to say the least, you did as Iwaizumi said stood next to him with a fake smile plastered on your face all through the night. You’re sure that people did ask you questions, but you were in your own little world only stepping out of it when Iwaizumi either pinched your arm or gripped your thigh.
The end of the night was ‘eventful’ to say the least, before you entered the car a hand wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a back alley. “We couldn’t end the night so boring, could we?” it was Iwaizumi, of course it was.
He started peppering your neck with kisses and roaming his hands all over your body. He eventually trailed the kisses from your neck to your lips, leading you both into a full blown make out session. It was fast and you couldn’t really think straight. Iwaizumi was getting a bit too forceful, gripping and kissing harder than he needed to, leaving marks as if to say ‘you’re mine now.’
That was your second mistake. Getting sexual with Iwaizumi Hajime.
He said you had to go back to his house which was basically now yours. You complied, obviously had no other choice since he didn’t offer or ask. He told you too.
Waking up in the Iwaizumi residence was an ‘experience.’ Iwaizumi wanted you awake when he was awake and asleep when he was, never giving you a moment too yourself. You swiftly came to the learn of the reason why he wanted you in his ‘care’ (as he called it anyways) he wanted his eyes on you all the time.
You carried on attending the events bored out of your mind and the nights went the same way. Fancy dress, long car ride, not paying attention, getting fucked in the back alley then sleep in Iwaizumi’s expensive silk sheets.
You didn’t know much about Iwaizumi besides what you could find. In the day time, Iwaizumi spends it cooped up in his office whilst giving you the ‘permission’ to roam around the house. Iwaizumi kept all his important stuff in a small box under a creepy floorboard in his basement original idea I know. All the information in there was just stuff about generic stuff about his childhood. Him being brought up into wealth, how much he weighed as a baby and all the allergies and boring shit that he had.
Iwaizumi Hajime was an enigma.
You and Iwaizumi did get along. Sometimes. You did do things that weren’t strictly fucking and going to business meetings. He took you on what you could only be able to describe as dates, and outings showing you off to all his actual friends. That’s when you learnt the difference of the ‘two’ men, Iwaizumi and Hajime.
Although they were the same person by name, Iwaizumi was rough around the edges and cold at heart not caring about you at all. Hajime, whilst still being rough around the edges, basically made you out to be his girlfriend giving you the love and care you needed. You really liked the times when you were with Hajime.
That was your third mistake, falling in love with Iwaizumi Hajime.
As things progressed, your quality of life seemed to dwindle (not that it was great in the first place.) Iwaizumi was barely in the house, claiming that for these particular ‘business meetings’ he didn’t need you.
On one night, a simple phone call definitely changed your whole dynamic.
“Yes babe, I’m coming over tomorrow I can’t wait to see you and the girls again.” he said to the other person on the phone.
“Why do you question my love for you, of course I love you.” he said again
“I love you, the girls even the dumb dog that Haru forced me to get for her 8th birthday I love. You guys are my family. My lovely wife and out girls”
Your stomach churned, you backed out of the hallway that you were in. He had a family, of course he had a family. You went into the guest room, where you kept all your things, you couldn’t do this anymore. Although you pretty much lost all your morals when you formed this whole agreement but you refuse to sleep with a married man with kids. You couldn’t. Being the reason why a family might break up is something you wouldn’t ever do.
Iwaizumi heard all your commotion and entered the guess “Woah darling who’s moving out?” he asked jokingly  
“Hmm probably your wife and kids, after they realise their husband is a CHEATER!” you spat
“Woah, woah Y/N” he said getting closer to you “You don’t know what the fuck you’re on about”
“I think I know pretty well; you’ve always been a pompous ass Iwaizumi; it was my bad for thinking that you weren’t married throughout all of this.” You finished packing up as much close as you possible can and headed out the room.
“You need to watch your mouth Y/N” he says aggressively  
“Or what Iwaizumi, or should I say Hajime” you shout “Or is that only reserved for your WIFE!”
This seem to really tick him off, “You don’t know anything Y/N, you really think I could love a dirty slut like you? Huh? Well, I didn’t know that you were important enough to be able to know the details of my personal life.”
“I'm not a slut” you mumbled. Which was completely true, Iwaizumi didn’t notice that the first time you slept together was the first time that you slept with anyone.
“repeat that again for me y/n?” he said mockingly
“IM NOT A SLUT!” you shout in his face
“You are what I say you are darling”
“Fuck you.” You try and push past him hard, to get out the house but you’re no match against his anger and brute strength. So, when he slams you against the wall, he banging your head. Leaving you concussed and bleeding. Before you completely pass out all you hear is a repetition of Iwaizumi Hajime murmuring “I'm sorry, I’m sorry” whilst wrapping his arms around your comatose body.
You woke up, thinking that was all a dream but the ache in the back of your head proved otherwise.  
“Y/N, darling your awake!” he said making you flinch
You moved away from him when he sat on your bed looking at you with ‘love’ and ‘care’ in his eyes. He goes to stroke your cheek whispering “you’re so be-”
“Fuck off” you say. That bang to the head was a wakeup call literally reminding you of all the hot and cold moments you had with Iwaizumi that you submerged into your head for the sole reason of ‘wanting to be happy.’ But you weren’t happy. Deep down you knew that.
“But y/n, darling I love you.” he said and you closed your eyes shut wanting to tune him out “I love you Y/N.”
“You don’t" you replied back harshly with your eyes still shut tightly
“But I do Y/N, I love you” he repeated the ‘I love you’s’ over and over making you want to scream out in frustation.
“Shut up!” you yelled “You don’t love me, stop saying that” your head throbbing with every word “Just stop. Make it stop! Kill me if you have to! Just make it stop” you say thumping at Iwaizumi’s chest becoming a hysterical crying mess. You weren’t talking about the physical paint he caused you (even though that hurt ALOT) you were talking about the constant heartache it was just being around him.
He didn’t know what to do. So, he just put his arms round you again and you yelled your frustrations about him to him into his chest.
You woke up into a new place, not your old one or Iwaizumis just something brand new.  
With a note on your bed side table saying:
‘I love you and I’m sorry’
Making you tear it up and toss it out.
You had no further contact with Iwaizumi, you figured that the new house you lived in was already paid for, but you didn’t want Iwaizumi to show up one day saying that you owed him money so you decided to get a job. A small one, that didn’t require any strenuous Labour or heavy shift times.
It was a few weeks after Iwaizumi left you and you felt sick and heartbroken. After finishing your shift at your job you felt hot headed and extremely ill making you run to your toilet to spill out your guts.
Which lead you to your predicament now.
You were pregnant.  
You wanted to cry.  
You stared at the test in front of you. Two lines. Positive. There was no denying it, as much as you wanted it to be negative. You could tell you were pregnant befonhre you even took the test, all the throwing up you were doing, the nausea you felt when certain foods were being cooked at work and the ongoing foot and back pains you felt.
You didn’t know what to do. There was only thing you could do, but you certainly didn’t want that. ‘Call him’ the voice in your head urged. ‘That would be the best option right?’ you thought ‘I mean he did love you afterall...’
It took a whole day of pacing around and wondering on what you should do. But you knew that leaving the situation longer would only make it worse. So you kept his business card on you when he gave it to you since that was the only phone number you had. He was all you actually had.
You called and the phone rang 4 times, your heart beating faster and faster as it rang.
“Hello this is Sakura Iwaizumi speaking” a feminine voice said “Who is calling?” you hear someone say in the background. ‘Iwaizumi’ you thought, your face smiling. You realised you haven’t responded so you rushed out  
“I’m Y/N L/N, I need to speak with Iwaizumi.”
“Haji dear, there's a girl on the phone for you... someone of the name called Y/N L/N”
You heard muffles in the background and Iwaizumi saying “Just hang up the phone she’s not worth it.” Your heart stung ‘She’s not worth it.’ Did he really mean that? As much as you claim to hate him, you didn’t really. As you’ve said before you always liked his loving and caring side over his cold hearted one.
You put the phone down and just cried, wailing your heart out for him. Why? You don’t really know to be honest. This was all a dumb agreement, he used you because he was bored and he probably already knew you were pregnant from when he gave you that concussion. But ‘he doesn’t want you’ you reminded yourself because ‘I’m not worth it.’
AUTHORS NOTE: once again, i’m sorry lol. But im most likely going to do a part two of my ‘long shot’ series with Akaashi or a character of your choosing. 
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kpopfanfictrash · 4 years
Raise the Barre (Ch. 10)
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Author: kpopfanfictrash
Pairing: Jimin / Reader
Rating: 18+ (Eventual Smut)
Genre: Enemies to Lovers / Dance Academy!AU
Warnings: the angst continues, but this time there are glimmers of progress
Word Count: 7,221
Summary: You and Park Jimin have been rivals for as long as you’ve known one another; ever since he tripped you in the front row of your first dance convention. When you graduate from high school and enter Russet Ballet Academy, you tell yourself you’re leaving all past quarrels behind. The main problem with this though, is that your past seems determined not to leave you alone.
Worse still, the obstacles you face while out in the real world might prove more challenging than anything your enemy has to offer.  
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For the first time all year, Jimin didn’t show up at class the next day.
You’d been dreading seeing him, unable to sleep all night as the kiss replayed itself in your mind. You’d told Jimin you needed to think and now, one day later, you still had no idea what to say.
You’d fucked up – big time.
Cheater had never been a label you would’ve applied to yourself; but here you were, scarlet letter on your chest. Yesterday seemed fuzzy whenever you remembered it, as though it had happened to you, as opposed to being something you’d done. Each time you recalled the moment, the kiss, your heart threatened to burst in your chest. You weren’t sure if this was because of Jimin or Finn.
Finn still hadn’t texted or called you since the fight. Maybe fight wasn’t the right word to describe the knock-down, blowout match you’d had in the library. You and Finn had never fought like that before. You’d had disagreements of course but had always managed to work things out. This was the first time you’d left an argument and found yourself at a loss.
Finn wanted a more available girlfriend and you wanted to dance.
Deep down, you knew this was an unsolvable problem, but the idea just seemed so unfathomable. The idea that this would be the thing to break you up. It hadn’t been a problem back in high school. Maybe Finn hadn’t always come to your dance competitions, but he’d attended recitals and brought you flowers at nearby performances. He’d always seemed to enjoy your dancing, even if he hadn’t fully understood it.
It made your heart ache to imagine that deep down, Finn thought your decisions were foolish. When you awoke Thursday morning, you saw Finn hadn’t called and nearly dialed his number, but then you looked at the clock and swore. Ballet began in an hour.
This conversation wasn’t one to do over the phone. Talking to Finn would have to wait, so you scrambled out of bed and threw on your clothes. Noelle had comforted you the best she could the night prior, but she still didn’t know the extent of what’d happened. All you’d said was you had a fight with Finn.
Saying it out loud felt like admitting defeat. Admitting what you’d done meant you’d have to see Noelle’s expression when you explained – when you told her you’d kissed Jimin while still dating Finn. You didn’t want to see her face when she learned the truth; you were having enough difficulty confronting it yourself.
Pushing this from mind, you focused on today as you entered the classroom. You would be forced to see Jimin this morning. You’d been so worried about talking to Finn, you’d nearly forgotten about the other piece of the equation.
You had kissed Jimin, and then you’d run away.
As you entered, you scanned the room and frowned when you didn’t immediately see him. Jimin usually arrived before you and Noelle. Setting your bag down, you began to warm up and continued to glance at the clock. At one minute until the hour, you began to grow nervous. If Jimin didn’t arrive in the next thirty seconds, the door to the room would shut and that would be that.
Watching the second hand tick, your stomach twisted as the unthinkable happened. Jimin didn’t show up. Ballet on Thursdays was taught by Mr. Vlad, who was notoriously punctual and at exactly 9:00 AM, he shut the door.
You had the sudden urge to check your phone for missed texts, but there was no time. Instead, you were forced to stand at the barre as you began pliés. You knew the second you started today would be a lost cause but could do nothing about it. Your relationship with Finn was in shambles, Jimin was clearly avoiding you but still, you needed to dance.
After class, you called Finn and went again to voicemail. Standing alone in your dorm room, you swallowed and tossed your phone on the bed. Fine – if he wouldn’t answer, you’d go and see him.
Stripping out of your leotard, you tossed this in the laundry to pull on new clothes. Jeans, sweater, coat – slamming a hat on your head, you shoved both hands in mittens and threw your bag over your shoulder. You were halfway out the door when you came to a stop.
You had no idea what to say to Finn.
Shutting your eyes, you slowly exhaled. You were angry, that much was true. Furious, even – his words had been biting, you were still hurting but you also still loved him, as insane as that sounded. Opening your eyes, you glanced at your trembling hands.
You hated feeling this way – weak, irrational. You hated wanting Finn, loving him and being so hurt all at the same time. Worse still, you hated the guilt clouding your judgement and lessening some of your anger. Finn had been wrong to say what he’d said, but you’d also been wrong to kiss Jimin.
For weeks now, you’d felt something for Jimin. Maybe months if you were being totally honest with yourself. Jimin had always consumed a larger amount of your waking hours than could be considered entirely normal for a supposed enemy.
Slowly, you turned and set down your keys. Removing your hat from your head, you stared at the door. Before you could talk yourself out of it, you sat at your desk and dialed Finn’s number.
It rang several times and then went to voicemail. This time, you didn’t hang up.
“Hey. It’s me.” You paused. “Finn, listen, I… we need to talk. Things have gotten so messed up lately. So… fucked up, right? I’m pissed, Finn. I’m really mad at you, but that’s not the only reason we need to talk. I – just call me back. Okay?”
You hesitated, wanting to tell him I love you, but forced yourself to hang up instead. Lowering your phone to your lap, you released a sigh. You supposed for all your avoidance of Finn, you deserved to give him a little more time to think.
Even though sitting here not doing anything was killing you.
As stupid as it sounded, you couldn’t bring yourself to break up over the phone. That would be considered the lowest of low. If you even wanted to break up, that is. It had been less than a week since you’d first had the thought in the cab – maybe you and Finn didn’t belong together. It seemed like a foreign concept still, as nonsense to you as chopping off your own hand.
But you couldn’t ignore things any longer. Something was obviously wrong between you. You needed to talk, you needed to lay all cards on the table and decide where you’d go next.
Closing your eyes, you leaned back in the chair. Without quite meaning to, your thoughts wandered to Jimin.
This seemed to happen more and more lately. You weren’t sure when he started vying for Finn’s place in your mind. The shift had been subtle, a change you’d barely noticed at first. But no – that wasn’t entirely true. It wasn’t as though Jimin had taken Finn’s place, but rather forged an entirely new one.
What you felt for Jimin was different from how you felt for Finn. With Finn, things between you were comfortable, things – had – felt supportive and strong. Now, Finn was none of those things to you, but he still didn’t compare to how you felt for Jimin.
Jimin was like a breath of fresh air after being inside for too long. He was something you hadn’t even realized you missed until you went out. You wouldn’t feel like this for Jimin unless something were wrong with the room you were currently in.
Suddenly, you felt very tired.
You’d always prided yourself on your ability to persevere, on your talent for overcoming by simply pushing on. This though wasn’t something you could solve through sheer force of will. The mess you’d created was only made worse by your infernal stubbornness.
Opening your phone, you flipped to the thread between you and Jimin. The last text he’d sent you had been a TikTok before the night of the kiss. True to his word, Jimin had pretended to forget all about the club and instead, simply returned to being your friend. Rereading your texts, you felt your chest tighten.
It wasn’t as though Jimin had been entirely innocent.
He’d known you had a boyfriend, but you’d never done anything to push him away. You’d been the one to move closer in the club. You had been the one to kiss him first. Jimin didn’t deserve to be treated this way and slowly, you lowered your head to your hands.
It was too much. By all rights, several people should hate you right now and you had no idea how to fix any of it.
Looking up, you set your jaw and sent Jimin a text.
Y/N: you weren’t in ballet class today. Is everything okay? [3:14 PM]
It took Jimin a while to respond. While you waited, you stared at the ceiling, then the floor until you saw ellipses typing. Jimin paused, then stopped and started again. After several long minutes, you got a new text.
Jimin: was sick, sorry [3:22 PM]
Y/N: that sucks :/ [3:22 PM]
Jimin: Y/N. What do you want? [3:23 PM]
Swallowing hard, you sat back. You had no idea what you wanted, and therein lay the problem. Belatedly, you realized you couldn’t have this conversation before you talked to Finn. You couldn’t know what you were apologizing for until you knew where you stood with your current relationship.
You needed more time, which was what you had told Jimin yesterday – and then proceeded to ignore, texting him now.
Y/N: nothing. I’m sorry. I just… wanted to make sure you were okay [3:25 PM]
He started typing again, then stopped. This happened a few more times and you imagined Jimin rewriting whatever it was he wanted to tell you. Finally, he sent his text and you felt your heart sink.
Jimin: yeah. I’m fine. [3:27 PM]
Y/N: okay [3:28 PM]
Placing your phone to the side, you fought back the tears which now threatened to fall.
You’d never imagined yourself an emotional person, so you couldn’t imagine where all this was coming from. Some long-lost, pent-up part of yourself which throbbed and whispered how stupid you were. Stupid to have fought with Finn, stupid to have pushed Jimin away, stupid to have kissed him and hurt everyone in the process.
Climbing into your bed, you curled into a ball and let the tears fall until you had nothing left.
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The next morning, you walked into ballet class with red-rimmed eyes. Noelle had returned yesterday afternoon, taken one look at your face and transitioned to mom mode. She thought your breakdown was all about Finn and you hadn’t bothered to correct her. In a way, it all was.
He still hadn’t called. When you woke, you battled again whether to go to Redfield and confront him in person. That hadn’t worked out so well the last time, but it was driving you crazy to exist in this state of not knowing.
When you entered class Friday morning, you saw an unfamiliar woman at the front and felt your heart sink. In the chaos of this past week, you’d nearly forgotten about today’s master class.
Maisie Vern was a renowned choreographer of classical ballet. She’d choreographed for some of the most well-known ballets all over the world, with her pas de deux choreography receiving comparisons to Balanchine originals.
You’d completely forgotten she was teaching today. Starting to panic, you forced yourself to stay calm. Just because your private life was falling to pieces didn’t mean this needed to manifest in your dancing. You could do this.
And then Jimin walked into the room and you realized you couldn’t.
He looked as tired as you felt, dark circles shadowed beneath his eyes. He hardly glanced your way as he entered, crossing to the other side to set down his things. Following him with your gaze, you watched Jimin begin to stretch at the barre. Dark hair fell over his forehead, hiding his face from view.
Forcing yourself not to look, you noticed Seokjin standing at the front. Seeing him beside Miss Vern made your stomach sink. Seokjin was in high demand as a teacher’s assistant; the only reason he’d be here was if he were assisting Miss Vern. And if he were assisting Miss Vern, this meant today’s combination must be a pas de deux.
Confirming your growing dread, Miss Vern clapped both her hands. She was dressed in a slouchy sweater, wispy bun and flat canvas ballet shoes. Effortlessly standing in first position, she glanced around the room.
“Hello,” she said. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Maisie Vern. We have a long class today, so make sure your water bottles are full. For the first hour we’ll warm up at the barre, then we’ll move to center and learn some choreography. I will warn you,” she said, raising her brow. “This pas de deux is from a ballet I’m choreographing for the San Francisco ballet, so it has never been performed live before. Therefore! A certain amount of professionalism and confidentiality is expected.”
Whispers swept the room, everyone eager for the opportunity to prove their worth. Even you found yourself awed by the moment – it was a privilege to dance in the same room as Maisie Vern, let alone learn choreography she’d yet to reveal to the public.
“Now.” Miss Vern gestured to Seokjin. “Some of you might know Kim Seokjin, my assistant for the day. He comes to me highly recommended and will help demonstrate some of the more complicated lifts. Today’s pas de deux is less about the choreography though, and more about the emotion.”
Hearing this, you froze at the barre.
“The ballet is a modern-day retelling of the Odyssey epic. Our hero, Odysseus, has just returned home and is reunited with his love, Penelope. He suspects her of cheating in his absence, so he disguises himself as someone else to test her. Penelope realizes who he is and is furious at her husband for his lack of faith.”
Your gaze darted to Jimin. He stared ahead at Miss Vern, but you could see his jaw tense from all the way across the room.
“This pas de deux is all about tension! Two people in love but pushed beyond their limits. Time and distrust have come between them. This,” Miss Vern announced, “will be the goal of you ballerinas and danseurs to convey.”
All around, a few people nodded, but most of the class seemed unnerved by the prospect. Thus far, your classes at Russet had mainly focused on technique. Even in weekly variations class, the emphasis had been on learning the choreography, rather than on how to tell a story.
This was the hallmark of a great dancer, though. Being able to act as you moved, telling a story which the audience could understand.
“It will be a challenge,” Miss Vern said. “However, I think you will find it to be enjoyable. With that said, let’s start at the barre. Pliés!”
Everyone scrambled to stand, including you and Noelle. Pressing play on the music, Miss Vern demonstrated the combination before you began. Barre passed quickly, possibly because you were dreading center so much. All too soon, the hour was up, and Miss Vern instructed the class to find their partners.
Warily, you crossed the room and came to a stop beside Jimin. He looked up as you approached but kept his face carefully neutral. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking and for a moment, felt a glimmer of resentment.
It had taken two people to kiss in that practice room.
Jimin had known you were taken, just as much as you’d known you were dating Finn. Even if you’d started the kiss, Jimin hadn’t stopped it – if anything, he’d kissed you back.
The moment you thought this, some of your anger drained away. Jimin had wanted to talk, but you hadn’t let him. Maybe you’d realized you felt something for him since then, but Jimin had never said anything similar to you.
For all you knew, he’d simply been caught in the moment. It wasn’t as though Jimin had ever said anything about wanting to be more than friends.
“Alright!” Miss Vern clapped her hands. “Ballerinas, you’ll start offstage. We begin at the end of the male solo. By this point in the choreography, Penelope and Odysseus have reunited. In her solo, we realize she knows who he is. In his solo, he’s angry to hear she’s entertained other suitors. They reunite for the coda!”
Glancing again at Jimin, he immediately looked down. The kernel of anger returned and this time, it grew larger. Although yes, you’d initially run away, you had at least tried to reach out to him yesterday. Jimin had been the one to skip class and shut you down.
It wasn’t fair for him to expect you to have all the answers. You had a boyfriend and you’d kissed. Clearly, you had a few things to work through.
Jaw tense, you separated from Jimin and went to stand on the sidelines. Miss Vern began teaching the danseurs the end of their solo, instructing the men to spread out on the floor. Unscrewing the cap of your water bottle, you took a large, angry sip.
As the music began, the male dancers followed suit while you watched from the side.
Turning your head, you found Sabrina before you.
She was dressed in her usual ballet clothes, but there was something about her which seemed different today. Maybe it was the hesitancy in her expression.
Looking at her in surprise, you wondered what she had to say. The fight you’d had on Halloween night seemed so far away but had barely been a week ago.
“Yeah?” you said as you set down your water.
Sabrina hesitated, seeming at war with herself. “Hey. So, I was wondering…”
Miss Vern yelled a correction at the group. Gaze darting sideways, you attempted to see who it had been directed to. After a moment, you returned to Sabrina.
“Wondering what?” you said, arching a brow.
“I was just… wondering if we could talk,” Sabrina finished lamely.
You blinked and stared at her in surprise. Out of everything, this was quite possibly the last thing you’d suspected would happen today. Before you could respond though, Miss Vern called for ballerinas to enter.
“Ballerinas!” She motioned you forward. “Your entrance will come from the top right wing. Run through the center and find your partner.”
“I – okay,” you said, realizing Sabrina waited for an answer. “Later.”
Sabrina frowned, about to respond but Miss Vern clapped her hands again, forcing you to move. Hurrying past, you hastily positioned yourself in the back of the room. With everything else that was happening, you didn’t really have time to worry about another enemy.
Speaking of whom – Jimin’s gaze hardened when you approached and in response to this, anger flared in your belly.
You’d asked him to give you time and he had agreed. It seemed this was no longer the case.
Woodenly, Jimin held out his hand. Staying carefully neutral, you took this as Miss Vern began to teach you the steps. She hadn’t been lying when she’d called the pas de deux difficult. By necessity, some of your anger disappeared as you focused on learning.
Jimin seemed equally concentrated, barely looking your way while he practiced. It took nearly forty-five minutes to learn the entire coda, with Miss Vern stopping partway for a water break. By the time you knew the choreography, both of you were sweating.
Miss Vern had also been right to call the pas de deux one about tension. At the start, Jimin’s character was testing Penelope. This involved him pulling you towards him, turning you and making you chase him – until halfway through the coda, when Penelope snapped. Choreography shifting, you began to chase him, revealing you knew who he was.
The choreography was intricate, necessitating trust between partners. Despite everything, you were relieved to find this still existed between you. When you jumped, you knew Jimin would catch you. When you fell, you knew his hands would find your waist.
Still, this didn’t mean things had returned normal. As you practiced a fouetté, turning quickly to face him, Jimin gripped your wrist harder than usual. Wincing, you pushed on towards the next jump.
The combination involved several lifts, one of which was the most psychologically taxing. It involved Jimin lifting you overhead with your front leg extended, holding only your waist. While not the most difficult move technically, it required a certain fortitude of mind to dangle, upside-down from his arms.
This certainly wasn’t helped by the fact that Jimin kept grunting.
“Will you stop doing that?” you hissed as he set you back down.
A muscle in Jimin’s jaw ticked.
“Stop doing what?”
“Grunting. I keep thinking you’re about to drop me.”
Jimin gave you a look, chest heaving for breath. “Well, it’s hard.”
“Our job is to make it look easy.”
“Yeah, look easy,” he argued. “That doesn’t mean it actually is.”
“Well –”
“Let’s just try it again,” Jimin said, cutting you off.
After a moment, you nodded and returned to your position. As you began to practice with music, you felt a familiar sinking feeling in your stomach. It seemed you’d taken several steps backwards since the start of the year. Instead of continuing to grow as partners, you and Jimin had returned to the start.
As you repeated the steps, you felt his grip on you tighten, but Jimin lifted you overhead with nary a grunt. He set you back down, your leg extended in arabesque.
“Good!” said Miss Vern as she walked past. “Try to support her lower back more, though, Jimin. She shouldn’t be falling that far behind.”
As she walked away, Jimin nodded and exhaled a breath. Once she was gone, he turned sideways to face you. Again, his gaze was unfamiliar and cold.
“Alright,” Jimin said. “Again?”
“From where?”
“Middle of the partner section?”
You nodded, taking a step backwards to catch your breath. The break in the partner section began with you running towards him, Jimin catching you around the waist to sweep you into a fish lift.
As you ran through the steps, you tried to concentrate on the choreography. Not on your partner, nor on the uncertainties which roared through your mind. Jimin certainly didn’t seem to have the same qualms you did. By all accounts, Jimin was a sharp, perfunctory, and timely dance partner.
You found this to be maddening.
Just when you’d forgotten how strained things had become, he’d grip your hand a little too tightly, or turn you a little too sharply and your eyes would narrow. After another ten minutes of practice, Miss Vern called your attention by the stereo.
“Let’s try it full out,” she suggested. “I won’t hold the first time against you, but please do your best to execute every lift.”
The class grunted in agreement; wiping sweat from their brows, they retreated to their starting positions.
Glancing at Jimin, you said, “Full out?”
He nodded. “If you want.”
Turning on his heel, he walked across the room. You watched him go, your blood beginning to reach a boiling point. Jimin was acting like a petulant child. This was how he used to be in high school, back when he was your enemy and everything had been simpler, but you didn’t want that anymore.
Now that you knew who Jimin was, you couldn’t possibly go back to hating him. The very idea made your heart hurt.
Possibly you were being unfair, or naïve. Clearly, you’d hurt Jimin, but there wasn’t time to fix things between you before the end of class. You needed to be professional, you needed to pull your shit together and you needed Jimin to do the same. Turning around, you crossed the room and reached your starting spot.
Taking a deep breath, you waited for your cue.
When Miss Vern signaled the ballerinas to enter, you ran – and felt Jimin catch you by the wrist. He wasn’t gentle, pivoting you to a penché and waiting for you to rise. When you did, he crushed you to his chest and caught your knee in posse.
Teeth gritted, you kept your gaze on him while extending á la second. Hand finding your calf, Jimin raised your leg higher. His grip was rougher than usual, making you shiver as his hand slid to your ankle.
Gaze lidded, Jimin bent you in cambré. When he pulled you upwards to face him, your noses practically touched. Your frustration, previously under control, began to unwind.
“Why weren’t you in class yesterday?” you whispered.
Jimin’s eyes flashed, as though in warning. When you turned around, he caught you deftly around the waist. Pulling you to him, Jimin’s breath ghosted your neck.
“I told you,” he murmured. “I was sick.”
“Bullshit,” you said, breaking free of his hold.
Jimin followed close behind, his feet skimming the floor. As you piqued to arabesque, he caught up and pulled you against him.
“You’re avoiding me,” you accused.
“I’m not. And it’s not bullshit,” he added. Turning you around, Jimin dipped you, only to catch you before you hit the floor. “I’m here, aren’t I?”
The next part required more footwork, both of you circling the other. Your breathing was heavier the next time you were close enough to speak.
“You’ve barely spoken to me today,” you hissed.
A mirthless laugh left his lips. Spinning you sideways, Jimin caught you against his chest, your bodies pressed together in heated silence.
“I thought you told me not to say anything?” he said sweetly.
The next move tore you apart, your feet skimming the floor before Jimin caught up and lifted you high overhead. You saw the ground for a moment, heartbeat hammering your ribs before he set you back down. Chasséing forward, you battemented and were again caught by Jimin at the ankle.
Dragging you closer, his hand found your waist.
Stubbornly, you met his gaze. “I needed time to think.”
“Oh, did you?”
Releasing your leg, he lowered you to a penché. As you rose, you managed to say, “I did. And now, I think we should talk.”
Jimin snorted. “What’s there to talk about?”
Your next battement nearly hit him in the head. Jimin’s eyes widened, but it was all part of the choreography. Timed to a change in tempo, the choreography shifted to you as the pursuer.
On pointe, you ran forward, leaping into his arms at the last second. Fish dives were difficult, since they required complete trust of your partner, but Jimin caught you easily, cradling you close to his chest. 
Lips brushing your ear, he set you back down. “Are you still with him?” he asked, chest heaving behind you. “Your boyfriend?”
Meeting his gaze in the mirror, you hesitated. “Yes.”
His gaze hardened. “Then, there’s nothing to talk about.”
There was no time to respond since the next sequence involved Jimin chasséing away into a tour jeté. You followed with chainés, head whipping around to spot him every time. As soon as you were within speaking distance, you caught him by the arm again.
“I say there is,” you insisted. “Why are you making this so difficult?”
“Me?” Jimin barked a laugh as he turned. “You’re the one driving me crazy. Like you always do.”
“What the hell does that mean?” you said to him, baffled.
Jimin’s gaze cut to yours.
For the briefest of moments, you saw his façade break. All of his pain, all of his hurt and frustration shone through and you felt yourself falter. Staring at him, you couldn’t form a response.
Not that there was time. The dance hadn’t ended and class hadn’t stopped. Taking a slow step towards you, Jimin tenderly caught your attitude effacé and extended your leg. Dragging you forward, he pulled you across the floor.
As he came to a stop, Jimin swept your body to his as your fingers curled in his hair. In the choreography, the moment was one of near reconciliation between Penelope and Odysseus, a breather before their intense ending sequence. Jimin’s chest was concave with your breath, his gaze dark and lidded when he pulled back to see you.
You swallowed, disentangling yourself as you bourreéd away.
Heart pounding, you skimmed the floor with glissades, crossing the room with Jimin close behind. The final sequence was the grand reveal, with Penelope exposing Odysseus for who he is and forgiving his mistrust.
You could relate to the sequence.
Not all of it – had you been Penelope, you might have cheated while Odysseus had been away. You might have fallen for someone else; one of the suitors, perhaps. When you looked at Jimin now, you saw that clearly. There were feelings here which extended beyond a normal crush.
Still, you could relate to the dance. You could relate to Penelope’s frustration at Odysseus for being gone for so long. For leaving in the first place, for forcing her to withstand all her burdens alone. She’d been faithful to him and all he’d done was accuse her of cheating. You remembered Finn’s words to you in the library and felt your heart sink, since you’d ended up proving him right after all.
You’d also hurt Jimin though, which you hadn’t intended. Of course, he was angry – you’d repeatedly led him on, not pushing him away when you should have. And when things between you had finally snapped, you hadn’t let him speak. You’d run away.
Executing a double pirouette, you extended in attitude for a quick promenade. Shutting down your mind, you allowed yourself to be swept away by the music. Swept away by the characters, the dance and its emotions. The choreography became less important as the story came alive. Jimin’s hands were as familiar to you as your own, lifting you easily and setting you back on the ground.
Your heart ached with each step, wanting to be closer, wanting to be nearer to him than you were. As the steps slowed, you found yourself softening. Jimin’s hand slid to your thigh, settling you against his chest in a move reminiscent of the first time you’d felt a spark. Locking gazes with him, you inhaled and lifted your hand to rest on his cheek.
Time seemed to slow; you both felt and saw a muscle tick in his jaw. Jimin roughly exhaled, his chest pressed to yours as his gaze dropped to your lips.
“Bravo! Brava!”
Startled, both of you looked up.
Dazedly, you remembered you weren’t alone. You were in Miss Vern’s ballet class, most of whom had stopped dancing midway to watch. Placing you down on the ground, Jimin took a step backwards. Lacing both hands before him, he refused to meet your gaze, choosing instead to focus on Miss Vern.
“Beautifully done!” Crossing the floor, Miss Vern stopped before you. “The passion you showed! Such emotion, such artistry. My own principals couldn’t have done any better.”
Eyes widening, your lips parted. A flutter of incredulity went through you. It was unthinkable to receive such a high compliment from a teacher at Russet, let alone a choreographer as famed as Maisie Vern.
If you’d been looking for a sign to continue, this had to be it. One of the top choreographers in the world, commending your talent and somehow, her words didn’t feel nearly as good as when Jimin had said them.
Glancing at him, you found Jimin looking as stunned as you felt. The ache within you sharpened to a point, realizing how much he meant to you. How much you wanted his success, regardless of your own.
In that moment, you knew it had never been about anyone else’s perception of you as a dancer.
You knew you could do this. You knew you could make it at Russet, could make it as a dancer. Deep down, you’d always known this, despite your moments of doubt. Jimin had been right. You wanted to dance, you loved to dance and you would continue down this path regardless of what anyone else said.
That hadn’t been what crushed you about Finn’s words.
It had crushed you that after all this time, he still didn’t seem to know who you were. The fact that he could throw out those words so casually, as though you might simply stop dancing meant he didn’t see you. He might as well have asked you to stop breathing.
Jimin, though – Jimin understood. Jimin knew who you were. He’d been a part of your life for so long, he got what made you tick. He’d seen you at your worst, as your most bitter enemy and then again, as your most trusted partner.
It was part of why he meant so much to you.
You understood all this in the blink of an eye, then realized you hadn’t responded to Miss Vern’s praise.
“Oh,” you said, fighting to catch your breath. “I – thank you so much, Miss Vern. I honestly don’t know what to say.”
Miss Vern nodded, as though she were used to such a response. Beside you, Jimin was still breathing hard, but he nodded.
“Yes,” he said. “Thank you so much.”
She nodded, not choosing to linger as she faced the room. “Use them as an example!” she said, striding towards the stereo. “Seokjin and I will demonstrate, but that is the level of performance you should aim for. Again!”
The rest of the class passed in a blur, some of the fight dissipated between you and Jimin. He was still quiet, but you didn’t push him again to speak. You’d done enough for now.
As the class came to an end, Miss Vern gathered you round to give a short speech. She thanked everyone for the pleasure of teaching and, once you were dismissed, turned towards the barre.
Jimin left before you could, throwing his things in his bag as he rushed from the room. You followed him with your eyes, knowing he was avoiding you, but not blaming him in the slightest.
Sabrina wasn’t far behind and your gaze lingered on her, remembering the attempted conversation during class. You still had no idea what she’d wanted to say but honestly, Sabrina was the least of your problems right now.
Exhaling, you stood from the ground and checked your phone. Still no word from Finn.
You were trying desperately to understand, trying to give him time to think, but after your fight on Wednesday, you honestly weren’t sure if you still had a boyfriend. Finn’s radio silence didn’t seem to indicate anything positive, but you refused to let this be the way things ended between you. He owed you that much, at least.
Returning to your dorm, the knot tightened further as you imagined what he might say. Both of you had said hurtful things and now, you needed to tell him something which would change your relationship forever.
You needed advice. You needed to talk to Fin. You needed to apologize, you needed–
Plopping down on your bed, you dialed the only number you could think of to call. Noelle had graciously left to stay at Irene’s, giving you the room to yourself.
Your mom answered on the first ring.
“Y/N? Hello?”
“Mom?” you said, your voice suddenly tight.
“Oh, honey” she said, hearing your shift. You heard a soft click, as though she’d entered the next room. “What’s going on?”
“I – nothing.”
Closing your eyes, you fought to control your breathing.
“Nothing, hm?” Your mom made a gentle noise. “You’re still coming home for the holidays, aren’t you? That’s not what this is about? Your dad won’t stop talking about plans for when you get here. He just goes on and on! You’d think he didn’t have a wife.”
“No, no,” you said, opening your eyes. “I just… missed you. That’s all.”
“Well, then call more!”
When you tried to laugh, the sound came out weaker than usual.
Your mom fell quiet for a moment. “That’s not all, is it?”
“… No.”
“Tell me,” she prodded.
So, you did.
Once you started talking, you found you couldn’t stop. Everything came pouring out. The difficulties you’d had at Russet, the need for private lessons, the injury to your ankle and everything going on with Finn. The time he missed brunch, the gradual growing apart, the night he left you at the club – your mom had some choice words at this point – and your growing feelings for Jimin.
Everything had changed when you’d gone to Russet, and you’d always assumed Finn would stay the same but now, even he was crumbling into pieces.
When you were done, your mom was silent a moment, then sighed. You could picture her so clearly in your mind’s eye, seated in your dad’s office chair. This was likely where she’d gone when you heard the door click. The image made you so homesick, it physically pained you.
“Life isn’t ever as neat as we wish it would be,” your mom said at last. “People make mistakes, Y/N. People change. Sometimes the things we thought were permanent turn out not to be.”
“I know. And I know Finn and I are young, but –”
“It’s not that,” your mom said, cutting you off. “Some people meet the person they want to be with early on. That happens. Some people know who they are from the minute they’re born, but other people change and want different things.”
“I – I know. Objectively, I know but… it’s so hard to do something I don’t want to do. And I… I don’t want to break up with Finn.”
“Why not?” your mom said gently.
Biting down on your lower lip, you felt tears fill your eyes. Your answer was stupid – you knew it was. Partly, this was why you kept running away. You knew the answer wasn’t enough, which was why you didn’t want to say it.
“We’ve just been together so long,” you said, closing your eyes. “We’ve gone through rough patches before. Why is now any different?”
“I don’t know. Why is it?”
Swallowing hard, you whispered, “Because this time, I have no idea how to fix things. I think we’ve hurt each other too much, mom. I don’t know… I don’t see a way back to how we were.”
Hearing the words said out loud, you opened your eyes.
There it was. The thing you’d known for weeks but had been unwilling to say. So long as you kept it bottled in, pushed down, you didn’t have to acknowledge its presence or pain.
In truth, your fights with Finn had become so commonplace, you could no longer point to ‘the big one.’ The fight about spending time together had mutated, becoming a multi-headed dragon of differing life goals, de-prioritization and feelings for others.
Whenever you and Finn were happy these days, you found yourself holding your breath. You were waiting for said happiness to dissolve into pain. You had no clue when a relationship was supposed to end but had to imagine this wasn’t a good sign.
“I don’t think there are any easy answers, Y/N,” said your mom. “This is something you need to decide for yourself.”
“Shouldn’t it be easy, though?” you demanded, grip tightening on your phone. “When I list out everything that’s happened, I know things are bad. I haven’t been telling you things because deep down, I don’t want you saying what I already know.”
“Which is?”
“We… that we should break up.”
Your mom was quiet a moment. “It’s never easy to give up something you love.”
You wanted to respond but found you couldn’t, simply nodding even though she couldn’t see. On some level, she was your mom and she understood.
“What about the other boy you mentioned?” she said, sounding curious. “The one you’re having feelings for. Is this the same Jimin as high school?”
“Yes,” you whispered, the white-hot shame of your kiss burning you from the inside.
That was something you couldn’t tell your mom. Not now, at least. Maybe sometime in the future but for now, you couldn’t bear the shame of admitting what you’d done. You never should have let things get to this point.
“Hm.” She made a thoughtful sound. “You know, I’m not surprised to hear you’re getting along. He always seemed like a nice boy, despite how you treated him.”
“Mom!” you blurted. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”
“I am, honey.”
“Jimin used to bet I’d lose against him in competitions.”
“Mhm. And who started those bets?”
Although you huffed, you didn’t respond because your mom was right. Your bet senior year had been Jimin’s idea, but you’d been the one to start them before.
“It’s not even about Jimin,” you said, quieting somewhat. “It’s more… nothing in my life is solid anymore. I had a plan, mom. I knew exactly what I wanted and now that I’m here, nothing’s how I imagined.”
Softly, your mom chuckled. “Welcome to your twenties.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry. Welcome to adulthood.”
“You’re not helping.”
“Sorry, sorry.” Her voice grew softer. “I wish I was there, so I could give you a hug. You’ve always been the type of person who needed a plan. But there’s more than one way to be happy, Y/N. What is it you really want?”
Her words were so reminiscent of Jimin that for a moment, you could only pause. What you wanted was dance, but you knew acknowledging this meant giving up Finn.
“I don’t know,” you whispered.
“Well, then. That’s probably the first thing you should figure out.”
Closing your eyes, you nodded. You stayed on the phone with her a while longer, talking about nothing and slowly calming down. When you finally hung up, you promised to call more and confirmed your plans to come home for the holidays.
Lowering your phone to the bed, heavy realization settled over you. You’d reached your lowest moment. If you sunk any further, there’d be no salvaging anything.
What else could happen? You barely had a relationship with Finn to speak of, had hurt Jimin’s friendship in the process and were so distracted, so tired, you were in danger of jeopardizing your future at Russet.
Somewhere along the line, everything had become twisted. You had too many problems to ignore any longer. Sitting up straighter in bed, you wiped tears away with your palm. All you could do was move forward – starting with Finn.
Satisfied by this, you rolled over in bed and closed your eyes. It had been a long time since you’d slept; you figured you could try and nap before you called. Finn wouldn’t be out of his classes for a few hours yet.
For the first time in a week, you managed to fall asleep before your mind could talk yourself out of rest.
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Author’s Note: Thank you for reading 😊 ONE MORE CHAPTER LEFT! (and then the epilogue, but you know) New chapters of Raise the Barre will be posted weekly; dates are listed on the series Master List. Requests for updates will be deleted.
© kpopfanfictrash, 2020. Do not copy or repost without permission.
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miyagihawk · 3 years
“you broke me first; tate mcrae (heavy angst omg i can just see it working so well with hawk being an asshole and tryna crawl back to reader, but maybe you can work out a happy ending so it’s not depressing🥴)” - @hawkwhore
i love u @hawkwhore ty for always interacting it means sm <3
you broke me first | eli “hawk” moskowitz x reader
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warnings: swearing, cheating? angstyy
summary: based on “you broke me first” by tate mcrae
For months you were the pathetic, heartbroken ex-girlfriend. You lost yourself, wondering why you weren’t good enough for him. Why you weren’t as good as the girl he left you for.
For months, every time your phone screen lit up, you hoped his name would be on it. It never was. Not until you finally moved on.
The blaring sound of your ringtone awoke you from your dreams, and you fumbled for your phone on the bedside table, still half asleep.
You cracked open an eye to press the answer button, without reading the contact name. “Hello?” you said sleepily, laying your head back onto the pillow.
You looked at your clock; 2:00 am. Who the hell is calling at-
“Y/N? It’s Hawk.”
Your eyes widened immediately at the voice, and now you were completely awake. You checked the name on the phone, as if to make sure it was real. It was really him.
Your first instinct was to hang up, but before you could it was like he read your mind, “Please don’t hang up.”
There was a faint sound of music and murmurs, which you assumed was from some party he was at.
“You have some nerve calling me,” you spat, deciding to hear out the conversation out of curiosity.
What could he have to say? After all this time?
“I miss you,” Hawk blurted through your phone speaker, making you laugh, mockingly.
“So she broke up with you?” you scoffed. You still knew him so well. You knew he could never be alone with himself for long.
You heard shuffling on the other side, and the music was gone. “I broke up with her,” he replied.
“Did you cheat on her too Hawk?” you shot harshly, feeling no pity towards the boy who broke you with no mercy, like his victims’ arms.
“No- I- I didn’t. I did it because I still love you,” he confessed, and this time you held back your laugh.
If he said this to you, maybe 2 months ago, you would’ve been the happiest person in the world. But you were so over it. So over him.
“This is some sick joke,” you shook your head, feeling hot from anger.
“It’s not Y/N, please. I miss us. I miss everything we had and I’m sorry. I messed up, I know I hurt you, and-”
You cut him off, “You don’t mean anything you’re saying.”
You swear you heard him sniffle before he answered, “No- I- I do. I do mean it, I love you.”
“Then you wouldn’t be drunk,” you argued. He was silent after your remark, as if you had defeated him.
But he spoke again, “I am drunk, but I mean it. It hurts being away from you Y/N, it’s always been you. I was just lost and I don’t even know why I did it. I just need another chance.”
Excuses, excuses.
You rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see your face. “You know what hurts? What hurts is that you moved on before we were even over. And now that I’ve moved on, you’ve decided that you want to just jump back into my life? I don’t care, okay? I don’t care how bad it hurts because you broke me first,” you spilled all of your anger out, feeling a huge weight lifted off of your shoulders.
For all of those months, you imagined this conversation; you rehearsed it. You wanted to let him know about all of the pain he caused you, but you never got the chance, until now.
You continued, “I can’t give you another chance because that was the other chance. You think that I can fix you, but it’s not my job. Or anyone else’s. That’s what your problem is.”
You didn’t even notice the tears falling down your face until they dropped onto your arms. You weren’t sad; you were just overwhelmed with the sudden release of pent up feelings.
“It’s the worst thing I’ve ever done and- and I know I need to fix myself. I’m sorry and I’ll never stop being sorry Y/N. But... just say the words and I’ll leave you alone. For good. Just say you don’t love me anymore and you never have to talk to me again,” Hawk’s voice cracked at the other end of the line, and you imagined his red rimmed eyes.
Maybe it should’ve been a hard decision. But it wasn’t.
“I don’t love you,” you spoke into the phone, then hung up.
a/n: LMAO im sorry i knew u said to give it a happy ending but i wanted a #girlboss moment
also personally i would not forgive a cheater no matter what so maybe this was a bit true to self
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uwurakax · 4 years
boy, i hate you ♡
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pairing: akaashi x reader ♡
genre: angst // cheating // suggestive (not explicit) ♡
summary: you swore to yourself that you’d never stay with a cheater, so why was it so hard to let go? ♡
♡ the sequel “boy, i need you” - read the second part here ♡
word count: 1.9k ♡
author’s note: ok this has been in my mind for ages now and i need this to go into the universe. i haven’t written in years so i am crappy rusty as hell (pls be kind ty). i don’t normally write but i had to. i also believe theres no gender mentioned? (it’s like 4am and i’ve had zero sleep so pls), but i suppose it leans to f!reader. i’ll regret uploading this later haha 🤟😭 also hasn’t been proofread and i wrote this at like 1am (excuses for my terrible writing yup, don’t judge me haha) ♡
♡ (inspired by f.u by little mix) ♡
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1. the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or partner
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, with your eyes red and wet was not an uncommon occurrence. You supposed at one point, it was, but those days felt like a distant dream. You had cried so much, it was a wonder you could keep up the waterworks. Your eyes were swollen, bloodshot and dry. The moisture had left them and were spilled, half dry, on your cheeks. 
It was pathetic. So pathetic how you could keep putting yourself through this. Day after day, breakdown after breakdown, you didn’t know how much more you could take. You quickly wiped away any more stray tears with the sleeve of the hoodie you were wearing.  His hoodie. 
You wondered how much liquid had been soaked up by his clothes. An ironic display of him comforting you indirectly when he was the one who caused those tears to spill in the first place.
You took a deep inhale and leaned over the porcelain countertop. It felt wrong. It felt awkward. It felt..dirty. You gripped the sides of the counter. You couldn’t pinpoint exactly where it all went wrong, it was just like it happened. Or maybe it didn’t, and it was there long before you had taken notice of the signs. 
All you knew was that suddenly, he wasn’t yours anymore. The home you shared with him wasn’t yours. Hell, even this goddamn pristine white bathroom wasn’t yours. For the past year or so, it was slowly losing the essence of you and him, and somehow converged into a you, him and her. You wondered if it just lost your sense entirely and had become his and hers - you being just a warm body that filled the cold space when he was gone, whether that be at work or when he had to take a ‘trip’. 
You were so sick of it. All the insecurity of when it started, why weren’t you enough, how’d it happen, and all those basic questions associated with a partner cheating were bubbling up inside of you. 
You wanted to push all the blame on him. You wanted to hate him, despise him for reducing you to the pathetic crying mess you were now, but you couldn’t. You knew, deep down inside, at some point it stopped being entirely his fault and that it shifted to you as well. Was it a week after you found out? A month? 3 months? 6 months? A year? Did it even matter anymore? You knew you had to stop this. You had to break it off with Akaashi. His unfaithfulness hurt you in a way that you couldn’t possibly imagine. You couldn’t keep living with the fact that he’d come home into your arms, holding you in the same way that he had just held somebody else. Somebody not you. Somebody who wasn’t his girlfriend. Geez, just how many times were you going to repeat that to yourself? You’d lost count on how many speeches and psych up’s that frequented your mind. 
This will be the last time. 
A silent promise to yourself, that this would be the end. That you’d finally pick yourself up, and gain some self confidence to just rip off that bandaid. No matter how much you loved him, no matter how long you had loved him, you had to do this for your sake. With a firm nod, you braced yourself, ready to finally free yourself from the love that was Akaashi Keiji. 
It had been a few hours since your breakdown in the bathroom happened. You were anticipating Akaashi’s arrival for the past hour or so. You knew exactly why he was late, it didn’t take a genius to know that he was with her. You wished that just for tonight, he wouldn’t. The suspense was suffocating. You just wanted to get this over and done with.
Not even the soft material of the pillows on the lounge you sat on calmed you. You absentmindedly ran your fingers through the plush texture, hoping to quell the dread and unease steadily rising with each passing moment that Akaashi didn’t enter through the front door. After what felt like forever, you finally heard his car coming into the driveway, the headlights peeking through the blinds. You closed your eyes and took in a deep breath. It did little to slow your racing heartbeat. You got up to greet him when the jingle of his keys echoed through the silent space that was ‘your home’, as he had put it the first time you entered into the building. Thats all it was to you now. A mix of brick and cement that no longer held the warmth that it once had, or perhaps it still did. Maybe that radiating glow just wasn’t for you anymore. 
“Hello my love” he was quick, or you were just too slow. Either way, his arms had found their way around you, pulling you close into his body. You couldn’t deny that your own craved his, fitting just a little too well, like jigsaw puzzle pieces. At one point it was relieving. At one point it would have brought you immense comfort. 
At one point it would have felt right. 
However at this moment in time, it didn’t. Maybe for a split second, you could’ve deluded yourself into thinking he was only yours, and you were only his. That sense of peace was gone in an instant when you smelt the pungent perfume of her on him. It clung to him desperately, and would soon dissipate throughout the house. The sickly sweet floral smell invading whatever little nook and cranny it could. Pushing out the fresh air.
Pushing out you.
It just further pressed the need to end things with him. Neither of you were happy in your relationship now.
For your sake and for his, you needed to do this quickly. 
You pulled away from him, hands on his chest. You had to force yourself to look at his face. It was time, you needed that bandaid off now. But when you searched his profile, you couldn’t see any other emotion but pure admiration.
Pure love.
Your breath hitched. Though it was when his hands made their way up to cup your cheeks that your body lost all rationality. Your heart now pumping quickly and loudly for a completely different reason. He slowly leaned in close and you instinctively closed your eyes. Soon enough, his lips were against yours. Soft you thought to yourself, but you could taste it. The underlying taste of something sweet. It was artificial, and definitely not Akaashi. 
God it hurt. It hurt, unbelievably so. 
His hands moved down and rested on your hips, fingers digging in ever so slightly. You both parted from each other, and this time, you decided to look into his eyes.
Gunmetal Blue.
It perfectly matched his beautiful face, and you knew you could get lost just staring into them. It honestly wasn’t fair how easily everything about him could just draw you in.
But you hated how he looked at you now. Like you held the stars in his sky. Like you were the most important person to him. It could almost make you sick, the gaze he had on you. How could he look at you like this? How could he touch you like that? How could he kiss you with such furore when he was just with somebody else, doing the exact same things that he was doing to you?
It just hurt. You never even got a chance to voice your thoughts on his infidelity, on the other woman, on anything. Because soon enough you found yourself led into the bedroom. Had he made love with that woman on the very bed you shared with him? There’s no way you could fool yourself into thinking that that space was sacred anymore. The sheets, the pillows, the mattress. All of it had been tainted. Much like everything else on this house. Contaminated with her touch when you were away and he had to stay home. Everywhere. Every surface, every room, hell every inch just had a lingering scent of her. 
Disgusting. Filthy. Soiled.
All those thoughts were washed away when Akaashi pulled you into the bed. Clothes now discarded haphazardly on the floor, easily forgotten. He gently brushed stray hairs away from your face and just observed you for a moment. He watched you with a smile, and you could reminisce back on your high school days. How was it that Akaashi Keiji, the sweet, shy and most amazing guy was doing something so horrible behind your back? You couldn’t understand. He was such a gentleman, so respectful and kind. So how? How could he do it so easily. 
He pulled you in, lips connecting once again. You knew it was wrong. To fall back into him would just lead you back into the spiral of pain and heartbreak. And yet, here you were, doing that exact thing. 
Because when he looked at you in that regard, when he touched you in the way that set your body ablaze, when he kissed you with such emotion and love, you could pretend that, just for a short period of time, that it was all just for you and only you. You could forget about the other woman. Could forget about all the thoughts of all the things he’d do with her. Forget the marks that he left on her, the same way he did you. 
You’d think of the consequences later, like you always did, because during these moments was when your heart didn’t ache so much, and you didn’t need to be left with your own intrusive thoughts. Here, like this, right now, you could just be two people together. Pretend that he did love you unconditionally.
Pretend that everything was okay. 
You knew tomorrow you’d regret it. Wake up in his arms and sob about how much of a coward you were to walk away. 
This will be the last time.
How many times had you repeated that phrase only to continue this toxic cycle? It wasn’t the first time, and it wouldn’t be the last. You hated Akaashi, but you hated yourself more, because you knew that you’d always lose yourself to him. Like a puppet master with the strings, you were pushed and pulled to his desire. 
You now lay in bed, with the covers over you both, and his hand rubbing a soothing trail up and down your arm. You wondered if this would’ve been a good time to do it. To cut your loses and go.
Akaashi scooted over towards you, his hand now finding its way behind your head. His own now angled to press a delicate kiss on your forehead. You shut your eyes, willing the tears to not show. 
“I love you”
..you could never do it.
With a small, sad smile (hoping that the darkness of the night shielded the pain from him), you whispered the words that contradicted everything you had been feeling.
“I love you too”
It wasn’t an uncommon occurrence. You knew tomorrow you’d go through the same process. You knew you’d feel the same anger, frustration and ache. Knew that you’d put on one of his shirts or hoodies on for any sense of comfort. Knew that you’d cry and get lost in your thoughts. Knew that you’d swear that this was the last time this would ever happen. 
And deep down, you knew that you’d never really do it, because you’d fall right back into loving Akaashi Keiji again, just like all those times before.
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Prompt: Y/N decides to show Mr. Moxley some new tricks in order to certify him that he is still her number one
Word Count: Long
Pairings: Jon Moxley x Reader
Warnings: +18, oral sex (male receiving), angst, jealousy, cursing, praise kink
Tag: @jibbles26 , @bellalutionn
Notes: I’m a sucker for the power that blowjobs hold upon guys. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories on my Masterlist and my newest story as a fixed post. Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
“Hi doll, what you’re up to?” He smirks as he nibs my neck
“Just working. Why? Do you need something?” I ask as I remove my reading glasses
“I do, actually”
“What do you need babe?” I look up to his blue eyes that were filled with mischief
“You” He grinned
“Jon, I thought you needed something urgent” I chuckle
“I do!” He pulls me off my desk chair “I missed you so much” He cradled his face on the crook of my neck
“Jon, we’ve had sex six times yesterday and two times this morning, how can you physically still miss me?” I laugh “That’s like, 8 rounds in less than 24 hours babe! And you only got home yesterday”
“I can’t help it that you’re so fucking hot and looks so sexy all the time” He licks a trail from my neck to my lips
I look down to my current outfit that consisted in a comfortable pair of grey leggings, an oversized Korn t-shirt, Wilson’s crew socks, glasses, messy hair and no makeup
“I don’t think I look very sexy right now” I cackled
“Yes you do! You always do!” He pulls me closer to his crotch by my ass “C’mon Y/N, let’s do some fun nasty business, kitten” He slaps my ass quite vigorously
“Tempting, but I’ll have to decline it! Sorry big guy” I patted his chest
“Why?” He whined and stomped his feet like a little kid
“Because some of us got some serious work to do” I smiled fondly as I sit back in my desk chair
“But I wanna be with you! I need you and I want you now!” He pouted
“Jon, I promise you that once I finish this I’ll be all yours ok love?”
“No” He whines “Not later, right now!” He stomps his feet again
Yes, Jon Moxley can be quite the bad boy, but what a lot of people don’t know is that he’s also a fucking whining little baby! He gets an attitude over the dumbest reasons and sometimes this little scenario happens, where he thinks he can whine and pouts his way until he get what he wants. Sometimes it’s cute and charming to see such a big bearded man like him cause such a scene, but another times like right now it’s annoyingly frustrating, uncalled for and the last thing I need to get me even more stressed out.
“Jonathan, don’t start it! You’re not 4 years old! You’re a grown ass man in your 30’s, so behave as such” I turn to my computer and start to type my notes. After 10 minutes I can still feel his presence behind me, making me grow more nervous
“Jon, you’re not helping, my love” I said calmly
“I’m waiting. You said I would have you once you’re done so I’m waiting!” He bitterly said
“Won’t you rather wait in the couch instead? Meanwhile you can pick a movie for us to watch it later” I try to negotiate
“Meh, I’m perfect where I am right now, thanks for the concern” He huffed
*Oh great, what a fucking joy!* I thought
“This might take a while” I defeatedly said
“Don’t worry, I got time” Was his short answer
Fifteen minutes (and a stubborn Jon Moxley sitting on the floor) later I get a call from Peter, my coworker.
“Hey Peter what’s up?” I say holding my phone to my ear with my shoulder “What? Wait Peter, hold on I can’t hear you properly and I can’t stop typing”
“Well, put it on speaker then” Jon mumbled behind me and in my workaholic haze I did it as he told me, forgetting about one little small detail: Peter’s innocent (but also kind of annoying) flirting.
“Pete, can you repeat that again please?” I rapidly say while I type
“I asked when do you think you can send me the paperwork?” He chuckled
“Oh! Can you give me like....30 minutes?”
“I can give you whatever you want” He charmingly said
“Peter, shut up”
“What?” He cackled “It’s true you know, ask and you shall receive, my dear”
“I didn’t knew you were a Jesus fan” I mocked
“I’m your fan” I can hear the smile on his voice
“Whatever weirdo” I brush it off as I continue to type on the dashboard “Is that all you needed?”
“No, there’s one more thing that I forgot to ask you”
“Ok, shoot” I said
“When are you finally going to accept any of my nightcaps invitations?” Pure amusement filling up his voice
“Oh God send me to hell, fuck off Peter!” I jokingly said and hung up
I totally forgot the fact that Jon had heard that until his voice broke the silence
“So how long have you been seeing each other?” He rudely spats
“What? Seeing who?” I ask confused
He stood up from the floor, yanked me off the chair and trapped my body between his and the table.
“Your sweet boy Pete” he coldly smiles
I roll my eyes “Jon, are you really gonna take a guy like Peter seriously? He quotes Jesus to flirt! That’s nothing but pathetic and also slight disrespectful towards Jesus” I joke
“You think this is funny? What if you caught me flirting with a girl from work, how would that make you feel?”
“It depends if you’re gonna quote Jesus or not” I tease
“Y/N I’m fucking serious! Is this a joke to you? Our relationship is a joke to you? Am I a fucking joke to you?”
“My answer is no to all the above. Now if you ask me if I think that you’re overreacting then yes, I do”
“Overreacting? Really? What about all of the nightcaps invitations? Are you gonna tell me I’m overreacting about that too?” His voice starts to rise
“I don’t like your tone Jonathan” I angrily said
“And I don’t like you having an affair with your coworker!” He yelled
“Oh, so I’m having an affair now? Wow, I better accept those invitations then, if I’m going to hold the cheating girlfriend of the year award” I spat
“Are you having an affair with him?”
“How can you even ask that? You know me better than that Jonathan!” Now I’m yelling too, peachy just peachy!
“Well you didn’t answered my question though. Are you?”
“Of course not! What makes you think that?”
“You don’t wanna have sex with me, so where are you getting some? ‘Cause we both know you have quite the appetite for sex, I mean fuck, is hard even for me to keep up with you! You’re like a fucking machine!” He says
My eyes widened in disbelief “So just because I declined to have sex with you 30 minutes ago, because I have to work, I am suddenly a cheater? Or is it because I like to have sex more than the average women do that makes me a cheater? Wow Jonathan, I’ve never heard you say that when one of your male friends cheated. That says a lot”
“Says a lot about what?”
“Your sexist side. Or I don’t know, maybe it’s something else, maybe you are the one who’s cheating on me! So you’re mirroring your infidelity on me”
“Me? A sexist? Now that’s a joke” He laughs “We both know the things you’ve already done to me in the bedroom and trust me pumpkin, if I was a sexist I would never had let you go down that road, if you know what I mean” He measured me up and down “And even if I wanted to cheat on you, which is not the case, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t physically be able to since you knock my ass down every single time we fuck”
“I don’t hear you complain! In fact if I remember correctly you were the one who got in here wanting to have sex in the first place” I huff annoyed
“And I still do kitten” He gets closer
“Don’t touch me, jerk”
“You know how much it turns me on when you get all mad like that, right?” He tried to grab my breasts but I slapped his hands away
“Stop, Jonathan”
“What?” He leans closer, pressing his hardening bulge against my lower belly “Am I not good enough for you anymore? Do you prefer your boy Pete instead?”
“Bullshit” I spat
“Then show me, kitten” He whispers “Show me I’m still good enough for you” He makes me grab a handful of his erection “Show me that you still want me, that I still turn you on”
I pulled him down towards me by his neck, kissing him roughly, biting his lower lip quite harshly
“Hmm” He growls “My kitten is feisty, I like that” He smirks “I love when you’re a bitch to me” He laughs devilishly “Whatcha gonna do, huh?”
I forcefully open the button of his jeans, pulling the fly down and yanking the pants along with his boxer briefs down.
Jon put his hands up, in a surrender position. I lick my palm and close my fist around his cock, pumping it up and down.
“Yes baby” He moaned “Take it! Take what’s yours”
I kneel down and without thinking twice, I swallow his length until it reaches the back of my throat
“Fuuuuck! Y/N, baby...so good, you suck my dick so fucking good kitten! I love it, I fucking love it!” He moans and I push him further down my throat, swallowing around him
“Oh my fuck” He bucks his hips forward in surprise “How can you be so good at this?” He whispers, holding my hair back, so he can watch me sucking him off
“You look so fucking gorgeous sucking my cock baby. Fuck, look at that! Look at how well you take everything in”
I look up at him, hearing him continuing to praise me
“I love when you look at me...so beautiful with your mouth full of cock, so greedy for more aren’t you, baby?”
I nod, lifting his member up so I can lick the bottom half of his shaft, making him moan loudly
“You’re so insanely good at giving head! A fucking pro” He panted “The best head I’ve ever gotten”
I lock my lips around the head, sucking it hard to make him feel the pressure I know he loves, while my hands pump his length with a tight grip
“Oh yes, baby” Jon screamed in pleasure “Oh my fucking- Stop, stop” He moans with his eyes hazy in ecstasy, mouth in an ‘O’ shape as he bites his knuckles to prevent any screaming.
“We both know you don’t want me to stop” I smile, licking from the bottom of the head to his slit
“You’re gonna pay for this” His voice shakily says
“I wouldn’t threaten me if I were you baby” I smirked “I have other tricks that I’ve never showed you before” I whisper, feeling his length throbbing on my hand
“Other tricks?” He faintly whispered
I let go of his member and lay down on the floor beckoning to him.
“Come here Jon, let me show it to you baby”
Please let me know your thoughts on this? Feedback is always appreciated 🥰😘
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yamigooops · 4 years
Break My Heart
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pairing: oikawa x gn!y/n genre: pure angst warnings: just angst really, I just wanted to write something sad lol words: ~2k
“Tell me you've never loved me Tell me that it wasn't real Just say you've found somebody else I wanna know the way it feels (Break my heart)” - Break My Heart by Hey Violet
a/n - time to break all your hearts, this had me tearing up while writing so hopefully it does the same to you so I'm not the only one hurting >:')
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You were done, you’d had more than enough. You lay in bed, alone, for the fourth night in a row, waiting for your boyfriend of two and a half years to come home, and you were sick of it. Reaching over to turn on the light beside the bed, you picked up your phone to check the time. Almost 2 am. He should have been home an hour ago at the very latest.
With a huff, you threw the sheets off your body, sitting up. You rested your forehead in your hands, elbows braced against your knees. What else could you do? You’d told him so many times you’d lost track that he needed to try harder, that you needed more from him if this relationship was going to work. But he always brushed you off, assuring you that things would get better.
But they weren’t.
You sent a text to your best friend, knowing they’d be up at this time anyway, and asked if you could come to spend the night. You wanted him to know how it felt to go to fall asleep in an empty bed, just like you had done so often lately. Receiving an affirmative text from your friend, you rose and started to pack a bag for tomorrow.
Your mind raced. Did he even want to be in this relationship anymore? Did you? He had been putting in the minimum effort as of late, spending the vast majority of his time at training or going out with his friends and teammates. It seemed he had more time for everyone other than you, and you weren’t sure you could take it anymore. You almost wanted him to end it, almost wanted to get in a fight about it just to have him show anything other than nonchalance about the situation.
You had been so lost in your thoughts you hadn’t heard him come in, unaware of his presence until he opened the bedroom door. “Y/N? What are you doing up so late?” The smooth silk of his voice shocked you in the silence of the room, making you whirl around to face him.
There he was, Oikawa, in all his glory. His tanned skin bore a sheen of sweat, and his chocolate hair was mussed, from the wind or something else you had no clue. He looked worn out, though that could have been from practice or going out to the club. You wouldn’t know, since this was the first you’d seen of him since he left this morning to go to practice.
You clutched the sweatshirt you were holding to your chest, subconsciously shrinking back from the tall man. You weren’t expecting him to come home until after you had left, now it would be all that much harder to leave. “Um, hi Oikawa,” you muttered, taking a deep breath. “I’m going over to Y/F/N’s place for the night.” You were surprised you got the words out, almost caving at the thought of getting to spend even a little time with your boyfriend, even if it was at two in the morning.
“Why would you do that?” He cocked his head, looking genuinely confused. A small pout formed on his features, and you could tell he was genuinely a bit upset about it.
“Well, I-“ you broke off, not knowing what to say. “We were talking, and they invited me over, and since you weren’t back yet I thought I would go,” you lied. You weren’t sure why you did though, the angry part of you said you should have just told him flat out that you were upset with him. But the peacemaker in you won out, unwilling to cause a fight where it wasn’t necessary.
“But it’s a weeknight, why wouldn’t you just wait until the weekend? Don’t you have work in the morning?” He set his gym bag down on the bed, unzipping it to remove his dirty clothes from practice.
You gulped, mind flying as you came up with a cover. “They, uh, they’re having a bit of a breakdown right now, I was going to go over help them calm down.” You resumed packing your bag, placing each article of clothing inside carefully as you felt his eyes on your back.
“C’mon,” he whined. “I feel like I’ve barely seen you all week, can’t you just stay? We can cuddle. Usually, you’re asleep by the time I get home, so I’ve been missing out.” The pout was back in full force as he came up behind you to snake his arms around your midriff. He placed a kiss on the back of your head before resting a cheek on your hair.
“Yeah, we’ve barely seen each other all week,” you reiterated, something igniting in your chest. “And whose fault would that be?” The words came out before you could stop them, sharp as knives.
He stiffened against you, arms loosening. “Y/N, I have practice every day but Sundays, you know that,” he replied, a bit defensively.
You pulled out of his grasp, picking up your bag and placing it on the bed. “Yeah, and what about when your practice is over? Hmm? Where do you go then? From 6 to 2 in the morning?” You couldn’t stop the anger from bubbling over, your chest burning with it. Now that you’ve started, you couldn’t stop yourself. “Are you just hanging out with your friends instead of your girlfriend? Are you going out to the clubs?” Your tone was pure venom as angry tears welled in your eyes. Dropping your voice to a whisper, you hissed out the last thought in your mind. “Are you seeing someone else?”
He gaped at you, lips parted and eyes wide as he comprehended what you had said. “Am I- what?!” His voice raised at the end in indignation. “You think I’m cheating on you? You think that’s the kind of man I am?”
“What else am I supposed to think when I’ve gone to bed alone for the last four nights in a row?” You cried, tears blurring your vision. “Torū, I’ve barely seen you at all this week, tell me you wouldn’t be suspicious too!”
He froze, eyebrows coming together slowly. “No, I don’t think I would be,” he defended. “I have quite a bit of faith in you, and it hurts me to know that you have so little in me.” His voice cracked slightly on the last word. You brought your hands up to press the heels into your eyes, hoping to do something to relieve the pressure building behind them.
“My point isn’t to call you a cheater, Torū, all I meant by that was that I have no idea what you’re out doing because you don’t talk to me!” Your voice grew thick with emotion, face growing flush as you raised your arms up to clasp your forearms above your head, eyes still screwed shut.
“Y/N, I’ve just been spending time with the team, that’s all,” he replied exasperatedly, and you heard the soft thump of his clothes falling into the hamper. “I’m sorry if I haven’t been spending enough time with you, but there are other important people in my life besides you!”
His words left you silent, and you opened your eyes to look at the ceiling, head tilting back slightly. The lump in your throat grew, making it unbearable to swallow back the tears that slipped from the corners of your eyes.
“If they’re all so important,” you whispered, “then maybe you don’t need me anymore.” You released your arms, letting them fall to your sides as you came to meet his gaze. The sight almost shattered your heart.
He looked at you like a lost child, mouth agape and hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. Were those tears in his eyes? You couldn’t tell from the distance between you. He reached up to run a hand through his hair, letting it rest on the back of his neck. “So… what are you saying Y/N? Hmm? Because I’m not sure at this point,” he breathed, eyes meeting yours and filled with emotion.
You took a moment to get your thoughts in order before responding. “I guess what I’m saying is-” you hesitated, unsure if you should continue. Could you continue with this relationship? Were you happy with him anymore? “I want you to break my heart. It’s already on its last leg and I just need you to cut the last strings because I don’t think I can do it by myself.”
There was a look of pure agony in his eyes. His hands went limp at his sides, and his shoulders fell. “Y/N I-” His voice cracked with emotion. “I don’t think I can do that." He took a step toward you, then another, until he stood just a few inches away, looking like he wanted to wrap his arms around you but refraining. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
All you wanted was rest your head against his chest, cry into the soft fabric of his shirt and act like you were still in love with him. But you couldn’t, not anymore. “I was scared that if I talked to you about it, then that would make it real,” you whispered into the space between, eyes stuck on the collar of his shirt and unable to meet his.
There was a pause, silence overcoming the two of you and thickening the air around you. You could practically hear his brain working to come up with a response that wouldn’t kill you, and you almost broke and fell against him. But you didn’t, couldn’t.
“I don’t think I could ever bring myself to break your heart,” he murmured, words smooth and soft. “But if you need me to cut whatever ties you have left, I’ll do it, even though it kills me. Whatever you need, I’ll do, even if it means I have to lose you.”
It was then that you gathered the courage to meet his eyes, and the moment you did you regretted it. Tears slid down his angled face, shining in the soft light of the lamp. Your heart crumpled, nearly unable to handle the fact that you were doing this to him.
You allowed yourself to reach up and rest your hands on his cheeks. “I’m so sorry,” your thumbs ran beneath his eyes in a useless attempt to wipe away his sadness. “I never want to hurt you, but this just isn’t working anymore, and my heart can’t take it. I’m sorry.”
He leaned down to rest his forehead against yours, eyes shut, and lower lip drawn between his teeth. His hands came to rest lightly on your hips, fingers wrapping into the material of your shirt. “I know, I know,” he assured you softly. “Things haven’t been the best between us lately, I know that now, but still-” Your hands snaked around his neck, effectively pulling him closer. His lips came to press against your forehead, and the feeling almost made you melt into him. “I’ll always love you Y/N, but if you need me to cut ties, I’ll cut them.”
The feeling of his breath against your skin brought on a fresh wave of tears as you nodded. “Thank you, Torū,” you murmured, fingers running through the short hair at the nape of his neck. “Thank you for everything, I mean it.”
He sighed, pulling you against his chest as his arms encircled you fully. “I know, Y/N, you’re welcome.”
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yunhofingers-writes · 3 years
Alone- Yeosang (FWB)
Note♥︎- This is part two to FWB! i remember @yeotlny mentioned something about me adding a part two to this and so i did it hehehehe.. Please i don’t write angst so this was pretty much my second time trying this. .As always if you want to be added to my taglist, here it is
Genre♡︎- Angst
Warnings/Tags♥︎- Mention of sex, grinding, cheating, Sad life man
Pairing: Yeasang X F | Wooyoung X F!
Word count♡︎- 1871+
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❥- You ran home with tears in your eyes, regretting everything. Your heart hurts just thinking about everything that happened. Your boyfriend was always so sweet to you, always treated you right, gave you everything you wanted, loved you the way you’ve always wanted and you ruined it all.
You’re a cheater and have been for 2 months. You would still kiss your boyfriend’s lip even after you blew Yeosang somewhere. Yeosang was your best friend, and your fuck buddy. It’s always been that way since college.
At first, you were just his friend who had a pathetic little crush on him. Your crush has been carrying from freshman year until junior year in college when you had the guts to finally tell him. He frowned at you and wouldn’t have talked to you for at least 2 months. You spent those 2 months crying and working on yourself. Bettering yourself.
Yeosang finally came back to you the moment you were willing to find self love in yourself, the moment you were happy again. You had some words to tell him.
He asked to speak with you first and you were ready, or so you thought. The moment you stepped into his house, you were pushed against the door by Yeosang. His lips were kissing all around you, bucking his hips into yours. Your mind is only thinking of one thing: your crush is trying to have intercourse with you. He let go of you and looked into your eyes “Do you want to do this with me for real?” He asked and you nodded quickly.
You woke up in his bed the next morning, thinking you both were a couple. His exact words were “look, yesterday was fun, but I would rather us just be friends. I'm not ready for a relationship.” There went your confidence you spent months working on.
There was nothing that could fix your sadness, not even your bestest friend, Mingi.
Surprisingly, you were the one who ran back to him, kissing him. You were the one who told him ‘let’s become friends with benefits
Of course with some hesitation, Yeosang agreed.
A year later, you found your boyfriend, Wooyoung. You two were so happy together. He always did what he had to for you to be happy. He loved you like no other, gave you all of his attention and loyalty, unlike you.
Not even two month in the relationship, you cheated with Yeosang. You just couldn’t get over Yeosang and his cock. He fucked you too well for you to run away that fast, to walk in general.
Today was your breaking point, you felt so bad at how easily you walked in the house like you did nothing behind his back. He would kiss you, cook for you, run your bath, everything to make you happy. You were just treating him like trash.
Yeosang bringing up Wooyoung in your sex session today has made you realize you were a horrible girlfriend. You cried until you got a headache.
You know what you have to do. Wooyoung deserves better and a better girlfriend.
You spent the rest of your night crying until you went to bed.
You woke up in the worst mood ever. You didn’t even want to check your phone at all, but you knew you had to.
You checked it and saw that you had 20 missed calls from Wooyoung, 1 missed call from Yeosang, 12 missed calls from Mingi, and 2 missed calls from San, Wooyoung;s best friend.You panicked, not knowing what to do. San never calls you. you were scared
You felt that it was less stressful if you called Mingi back, so that was what you did.
You didn’t even get your words out before Mingi started storming off on you.
“What did we talk about already huh? You promised me you were going to leave Yeosang alone! And what happened? You got yourself in some shit. I’m not helping you this time, you’re on your own.” Mingi nagged and you started crying.
“Mingi- please I don’t know what to do.”
“Uh uh- maybe next time actually try to listen to me, okay? I’ll be here if you need a shoulder to cry on, sweetheart.”
You ended the call with one question on your mind.
How the fuck does Mingi know? Wait-
You quickly called San and to your misfortune, he answered.
“I’m disappointed in you. I told you not to hurt him, and that’s exactly what you did. You should be ashamed of yourself for this horrible behavior.” San told you, voice light.
“That’s not what I called you for though. Wooyoung said ``meet him at his house now.”
Before you asked any questions, he ended the call.
Now you were really panicking. Your body felt super heavy.
This was all your fault. Everything was your fault and you knew that. You just weren’t ready to actually take accountability for it.
You wanted to run away and never look back.
You were regretting everything.
You shouldn’t have done anything with Yeosang.
You got ready for the day as slow as possible, not looking forward to it. You wondered if you could just sleep your problems away and ignore everyone. You know you can’t. You can’t run or sleep away from everything.This is your mistake and you must own up to it.
No matter how many times you tell yourself this, you know it’s not making you feel better.
You walked to Wooyoung’s house, slowly of course, thinking about all of the laughs you shared with Wooyoung, the kisses, the hugs, the small gifts you use to give each other unexpectedly. Everything was ruined quickly with a snap of the finger all because you wanted dick..
You hate yourself right now.
You really lowered your standards to someone who doesn’t even care about your happiness. Someone who only thinks of having sex with you, nothing else.
Why would you do that to yourself? How could you do that to yourself?
You squeezed your eyes together tightly, trying to see if you’re dreaming. You have to be, there’s no way you’re not dreaming.
You opened them and were in front of Wooyoung’s house. You nervously knocked on the door 3 times. You hoped he wasn’t here so you could run home.
Your stomach dropped down when you heard the door opening. So this was happening right now..It was time for confrontation and honestly, you were nowhere near ready.
Wooyoung was staring through your soul right now. You fiddled with your fingers, suddenly finding the ground entertaining.
“You can come in.” You winced at how cold his voice was. He sounded like he hated you and you couldn’t blame him.’
You were just confused on how he even found out.
You tried to shake your nerves off as you walked in the house, surprised to see Yeosang sitting there, smirking at you. “Hey.” He waved.
You nervously waved at him and sat down on the chair next to him, across from Wooyoung.
“I’m going to ask you this once.”
This is really happening right now.
“Did you cheat on me?”
You looked down and gnawed on your lip. You didn’t want to look him in the face. You didn’t want to see him sad, you didn’t want to see him angry.
“Well?!” His voice raised a little higher and you jumped. Yeosang just looked, daydreamed.
“I did.” You cried out. Tears streaming down your face endlessly. You felt so bad. Your heart hurts
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Wooyoung.”
Wooyoung looked away, jaw locked.
“I don’t want to hear it.” Wooyoung pulled at his hair and walked away.
“I knew you were doing something sneaky behind my back. I just couldn’t pin-point it.”
He walked back to you, eyes glossy. “I would’ve never thought you would’ve been the one to cheat on me. What did I do wrong? Was I not good enough? Did I not give you everything you wanted?”
You thought you were crying earlier, You’re balling now.
All you could do was apologize to him. You can feel his heart shatter right in front of you and Yeosang.
The unanswered question was finally answered.
“Yeosang sent me a video.”
Your eyes widened and you looked at Yeosang who wasn’t paying you no mind.
“He told me that he felt bad he was fucking you while i was waiting for you.” His tears dropped
You watched as Yeosang nodded.
“I want to break up.” He had his eyes closed as he said his statement.
You saw this coming. You just weren't prepared for it. at all.
You nodded your head, and looked back down, embarrassed that this is all happening in front of Yeosang, upset that he was the one who snitched and got away, and overall disappointed in yourself for letting yourself down like that.
After all of these years of being hard on yourself, not having self love and having to build all of that, you’ve learned nothing.
You deserve everything that just happened.
You can’t even be mad at Yeosang. You deserved it all.
“Was this fun to you?!” Wooyoung harshly questioned, showing you the video of you and Yeosang’s last sex session. You watched, defeated.
“Was it worth our relationship?” He was harshly wiping his tears. “I thought we were something. I didn’t know that sex affected our relationship that bad.” He shook his head, finally ready to accept defeat and go on with his life.
“Don’t say anything, just leave, both of you.” He walked to his door and slowly opened it.
Yeosang got up first, bowing and walked out with you following.
Once you both left, you turned him around. He faced you with a blanked face.
“Why did you do that?! I wanted to do it on my own. I didn’t fucking need your help.” You spat out
He rolled his eyes and pushed your hand off of his shoulder. “You’re just as wrong as I am. You came to me first with your ‘yeosang, i’m horny’ ‘yeosang touch me please’ ‘yeosang he can’t fuck me like you’ bull shit and now you want to cry because you got caught in your bullshit. We’ve been fucking for 2 months without your poor boyfriend knowing. I don’t want to longer fuck a cheater. “ He stood still, dark eyes piercing through yours.
“But you were with me in this.” You cried harder.
“And now I'm not. If you’ll excuse me, I have a date to go to today.” He brushed past your shoulder and your eyes widened.
A date?
Is this why you outed me? So I could get out of your way? So I could lose my relationship? Or because you simply thought it was entertainment?”
Yeosang turned around with a loud sigh, getting frustrated at you yelling at him. “I’m ready for a relationship now, I no longer want to have play time with you anymore. It’s your choice whether you accept it or not but you will respect it.”
That was his last words to you before completely moving out of your life.
You ruined everything.
You have nothing, nobody.
You were alone now.
Krusty crew: @serialee @galaxteez @multidreams-and-desires @a-soft-hornytiny @yeotlny @lizsvcks @build-a-roleplay @moonxteez @yeosang99 @yunsangoveryonder @twancingyunhoe @seongsangsgf @chvngbxn @ki6hyun @latte-fairytaekwoon @sansbun @little-precious-baby @ateezappreciation @yutasyiddiepiercing2 @empenguin01 @violetwinters @its-bsma @underratedmisfit @sourmist @lunarteez2
Network Ping: @8makes1teamnet
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leafsgarbage · 3 years
I loved you - Konoha Akinori
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A/N: Hi bestie, yes i’ve got you! This is my second request so I am very excited ^^
Genre: angst, established-relationship!AU
Warnings: cheating, lying, kinda toxic boyfriend
Pairings: Konoha x f!reader, cheater!Konoha x girlfriend!reader
Requested by: @yyvveess
Main Masterlist
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There had been moments in your relationship that really tested the strength of the bond you created over time. Especially with volleyball.
You understand how important it is to the boys, and that it would not function without any of them, but when volleyball started affecting your relationship, that’s when you drew the line. 
After school, you waited patiently at the front gates for your boyfriend who has been MIA this whole day. Usually you have lunch with him and his teammates along with your friend Tilly, an exchange student who was currently trying to befriend Akashi. 
However, you and Tilly ate alone as she pouted.
“I get it,” she says trying to convince herself, “really, I do. Bokuto and Akashi have been friends for a long time and he respects him, but I just kind of wish he’d stop running to him whenever he would get himself into tough spots.”
You understand where she’s coming from, but you can’t really share the same sentiment as you aren’t fighting with Bokuto for Akashi’s time. You’re really just fighting with a sport, that alone tells you you’ve already lost.
“I can’t imagine how you must feel, though.” You turn your head to the side in confusion. “I mean that you’re already dating him, you guys are in love or whatever, and he still doesn’t try hard enough to make time for you?”
You’ve never thought of it like that before. In the beginning of your relationship, he would always be doting and loving, always asking you to come their practice, always keeping you in the loop of what was going on. You don’t want him to report to you 24/7, but even a loving text reminding you that you’re his favorite person every now and then wouldn’t hurt.
You haven’t talked to him about it until now because you’ve been afraid that your relationship has failed before you can fix it. 
He gives you a little wave as he walks towards you, and a smile so bright it hurts. How can he be ok when all of these thoughts are swimming in your head. 
“Hello beautiful girl.” He kisses your cheek and pulls you to him. “I’ve missed you.”
You scoff and shake your head. “If you’ve missed me so much then why haven’t you looked for me?”
Konoha smiles sadly and cups your face. “I’m sorry, I know I’ve been unfair, but here!” He hands you the painting he made in his art class. “It’s a chrysanthemum. I remember you read it in a book and that you fell in love with the meaning of them.”
You swoon at the sentiment and how thoughtful your boyfriend is. “Yea, this is beautiful ‘Nori, thank you. I love it.”
“No problem, beautiful. I love you.” He kisses the top of your head. “I’m sorry for being so absent, but I promise today I’m all yours and once the seasons over, we’ll be together so much you’ll get sick of me.”
You laugh and punch him lightly on the side, excited to pass the time with him.
It has been a month since then, and you’ve been feeling lonelier than ever. He still invites you to watch them practice, but sometimes he tells you not to come because coach would get mad, or that Bokuto wasn’t in a mood for people to watch him. 
The latter made absolutely no sense because you and Bokuto got along splendidly, and he loved  having people watch him and praise him. It was one of the few things that would get him out of his emo mode. 
You decide not to pry, instead, you make them a nice to-go dinner with Tilly’s help. Akashi actually texted you to come, saying the boys needed some cheering up. Tilly was happy to see them after not seeing them in so long so she was a ton of help.
When you got to the school, the sun was going down, you and Tilly carrying the food in bags when Akashi shows up outside to help you. 
Before you step inside, he stops walking and looks at you with a pained expression. “What?” You asked, a little nervous by the look he had on his face.
“I’m sorry.” He continued in with Tilly asking him about his day. You shook your head and made your way inside, placing the food in the bleachers.
You’re honestly glad you weren’t holding anything, because if you were, you probably would’ve dropped it when your eyes landed on the sight. 
Your boyfriend was spinning some girl around in his arms, she was laughing, they were dancing without a care in the world, something you two used to do. This still could have been a misunderstanding, but no one could misunderstand the way he kissed the top of her head. When he did so he told her he loved her and that she can’t imagine life with out him.
In the moment, you were one- utterly humiliated that his whole team knew and were reeling over telling you about it. They all looked at you with pity and you hated it. Akashi had been telling Bokuto that he needed to tell you ASAP, and Bokuto was all for it, but Konoha told them- no, promised them that he would be the one to tell you. And they believed him.
Two months go by, and the boys hadn’t seen you in a while so they though he had told you, but when Akashi asked Tilly how you were, she had no idea what he was talking about. You looked great and you were doing well in every way you can be.
Two- you were completely, undeniably, painstakingly heartbroken. How do you spend a year with someone, and do something like that? How do you explain to him how much you loved him and how much this is. breaking down everything you’ve built together.
It didn’t take long for him to notice your retreating figure, but it was long enough that you were already at the gym doors. He looks at his teammates, beyond upset for bringing you here, not realizing that it’s all his fault. 
“Y/n and Tilly brought us food,” Bokuto says sternly. “It might be all gone by the time you get back.” Knowing Bokuto, he would stuff himself silly trying to make sure there’s nothing left for Konoha, and Akashi would help him no doubt. The whole Fukurodani team would help him.
Konoha ran to catch up to you, and he did right as you got to the gates, where you met him countless times. He grabs your arm, turning you to him, but he almost wishes he didn’t. 
There are unshed tears that immediately fall from your face and you swipe away at them. He doesn’t really know what to say, he knows nothing is going to help him, but he doesn’t want to lose you entirely. “I’m sorry.”
You laugh at his apology. “That’s great, really.” As much as you want to hate him and spit in his face, he’s still the person you fell in love with, nothings changed except for the fact that he doesn’t want you anymore. “Why weren’t you honest? You-you could have just told me you didn’t love me anymore.”
“I do love you, y/n.” He takes your hands. “I love-”
“If you loved me as much as you claim to, then why would you do that?” He stays quiet. “You think that wouldn’t bother me? Or that I would be ok with it? Are you insane?!”
He has never heard you yell, much less be so upset with him you’re practically shaking. “I know, I fucked up, y/n. I promise we can go back to how we were- I can’t just lose you, I can’t-”
“No. You listen.” Maybe you were sad earlier, but that was completely replaced with disappointment and anger. “I am going home. Tomorrow I’m giving you your shit back, then I really hope I don’t see you for the rest of the year- the rest of my life. Fuck. You.”
You turn around and march your way home, eager to get away from the pain growing in your chest. Everything was all a lie and you’ve never felt more stupid than now. 
Konoha makes his way back to the gym, the girl he was with still waiting for him. He just sighs and points to the door. “Get the fuck out.” She angrily stomps towards him and slaps him across the face before leaving. The team turns to him, eyeing him warily before going back to what they were doing.
Bokuto shoves one last spoonful of rice -despite Akashi’s protest- in his mouth before turning towards Konoha. “There’s no more food left.” Konoha nods and sits on the bleachers, wondering how he could have fucked up so bad.
When you get home you start throwing everything he gave you, everything that reminded you of him into a garbage bag. The last thing that was left was the painting of the chrysanthemum. Life is cruel and the painting was a lie, you also threw that in a bag ripping it in two.
You run up to your boyfriend who is currently seated up against a tree. “Hello beautiful.” He kisses your cheek as you settle in between his legs. 
“I read a really good book today ‘Nori.” You say, clutching the book to your chest. 
He hums wrapping his arms around you. “Does it have pictures in it?”
You laugh and hit his side. “It actually has one.” You turn to the page in your book. You get why the author chose to display this rather than describe it. NO amount of words would do it justice. “There.”
The two of you look at a beautiful yellow flower in full bloom, Konoha thinks it kind of looks like an ice cream scoop. “What is it?” He asks
“It’s a chrysanthemum.” You tell him.
Konoha snorts and you punch his arm. “What does it mean?”
“Long lasting fidelity.”
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A/N: I hope this was ok and that you enjoyed!
Requests Are Open!
Taglist: @aurorahoneybuns @elianetsantana @bigdickdaichi @lilsweetsie @erinoikawa @mel-goes-unknown @haikyuutothetop @tsukisemi @youngandloveless @arminbitchlover @nekomavsnohebi @yyvveess​
If you want to be a part of my taglist comment down below or message me!
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
nothing to forgive; 
full masterlist
Pairings: dark!Ransom Drysdale x female!reader
Word count: 4,014
Warning: smut!!! BDSM, use of toys, dirty talk, stalking, humiliation. (MUST BE 18+)
Summary: there’s nothing more dangerous than a jealous ransom drysdale. 
a/n: this is for @imanuglywombat​’s 4k writing challenge. i chose the song “jealous” by labyrinth with the city as for the moodboard. i know it’s a heartbreak song but i just couldn’t resist taking ransom to the extreme with the title. this was fun to write. hope you like it. please leave a like & comment. enjoy!
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If there’s anything to describe Ransom as a lover, it would be a jealous one. No, he’s not exactly an insecure boyfriend. He knows the appeal that he possesses and the charisma that he carries. He knows with that dashing face of his, he could get any woman he desired, with only the touch of those aquatic orbs and that enticingly smug attitude.
And of course, he had you wrapped around his finger too. And he liked it while it lasted. But what he strongly does not like is when someone dares to even think about getting close to what’s his.
You, a fierce, headstrong woman; someone who had no interest in wasting her time on incompetent men who were incapable of keeping up with you and your swiftly flourishing career. You were too busy building your thriving makeup company that is soon to be an empire. You were proud of your baby.
And you weren’t talking about Ransom, hell no.
He lost you the moment you found out that he slept with another woman whilst he was on his trip to London doing God knows what. Ransom likes to go on random lavish trips because his inane brain has no idea what should he spend his money on. The money that he didn’t even work for a day in his life. The money that he was so entitled to because of his family’s wealth.
You really liked Ransom at one point. Your families grew up together and you and him hooked up every now and then every time he was in New York, the city where you lived or you were back home and needed to release some tension.
He was hot and he knew your body inside out well enough to give you a good orgasm. And so, last summer, you two began dating after he jokingly asked you out after you gave him one of the best blowjobs in his life. You rejected him at first but he kept insisting until you had no other choice but relented. He was such a persevering man when he wanted to be.
It lasted for an entire summer, he would go back and forth to New York to see you and fuck you on every surface of your apartment or he would take you to his five stars hotel and aggravate the other guests by making you moan like you two owned the place.
Until last Christmas when he didn’t even tell you that he was going to London, which you only found out through Linda Drysdale when you visited the Drysdale household. You weren’t one to be a clingy girlfriend, but when your ‘boyfriend’ doesn’t even inform you at all that he was going on a spontaneous trip, it was pure outrageous.
When he went back to Boston three days later after his unbeknown trip, he went straight to your parents’ house where you were staying for another late-night rendezvous. Your parents weren’t home yet due to them being at a Christmas party that you weren’t interested in attending so you had to pretend that you had unbearable cramps and that you needed to stay at home.
Ransom didn’t spot your parents’ car so he knocked on the front door and waited until one of your maids opened it. You didn't expect him to return this soon so you didn’t bother leaving a message to your maids that if Ransom comes, don’t open the door for him. So he went straight to your bedroom and there was a contented smile on his face.
“Hey babygirl, I’ve missed you.” He took off his coat and hung it on your study chair.
“What the hell are you doing here, Ransom?” You truly didn’t expect to see him tonight. You were in the middle of answering some of your work emails regarding the packaging of your upcoming eyeshadow palette. Work didn’t stop despite the calendar saying it’s Christmas.
“Well I had to see you first after my trip, baby. You know I’ve missed you.”
“You asshole! You didn’t even fucking tell me that you were going to London!” You got up from bed, ready to punch him on his stupid gorgeous face.
“Sorry, baby, it was a last-minute trip. I just had to get away from my shitty family before Christmas comes so I don’t have to see all of them. I didn’t tell you because I wanted to surprise you when I get back.” He kissed you before you could even reply. You’d never admit it but the way he plays his tricks with his lips always prevails every fiery emotion in you. So you decided to let it go. Not that you had much of a choice anyway when his hands were already roaming under your oversized sweater before taking it off of you.
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After making you cum twice and chased his own release, Ransom fell asleep seconds away next to you. You couldn’t help but admire his sculpted figure as you were lying bare next to him. He looked so… gentle when he was sleeping. Anything that he wasn’t when he’s wide awake.
Sometimes you wondered, is there a future for the both of you? You weren’t one to settle down and have kids. You loved your freedom and you would like to hold on to your youth a little longer. Marriage and kids are going to make you feel like you gained 50 years into your age and you weren’t ready for that. You don’t think you’d ever be, honestly.
But if you could take a look into the future to see whether you and him are going to stay together or not, you would. You didn’t want to waste your time by committing to a man when you could be sleeping around with actors and models. Of course, you could do that too whilst still dating him. He didn’t have to know. But, if there’s anything that you execrated is cheating.
You took pride in your deep-rooted loyalty. You didn’t share your love with too many people but the lucky ones who do have a piece of your heart were promised of your devotion. And that includes Ransom.
Not for long though.
You rose to your feet to use the lavatory in your room. After you were done, you walked to your study chair where Ransom’s coat was placed and then you grabbed it with the intention of hanging it on the coat hanger. Gosh, Ransom could be quite disorganized sometimes.
You had this habit before you put your raiments where they belong, you’d always rummage through the pockets to make sure that you didn’t forget a valuable item there that would cause you to act frantic because you need it and your life would be on the line if you lost it.
You checked the left pocket and nothing was there until you felt something soft inside Ransom’s right pocket. It felt like a material made of lace. You took it out and then… The garment that you had in your hand felt like a slap on the face.
Whose fucking red underwear is this?
You immediately woke Ransom up and he was confused as hell. Why the fuck were you suddenly going apeshit at nearly 3 AM? His drowsy state fought hard to adjust his vision to the lighting in the room.
“What the hell y/n?”
“Care to explain this?” You shoved the red lace underwear onto his face.
His eyelids instantly dilated. Oh shit, he’s been caught.
“Whose fucking panties is this, Ransom? Did you fuck a bitch in London?”
Instead of giving you the answer you already knew, he only stalled by saying “baby, calm down, alright? Let me explain.”
But he didn’t need to. The look of trepidation on his face pretty much gives everything away. “You. Fucking. Cheater. Get the fuck out of my house.”
“Shh! Just give me a second to explain, okay?”
“I don’t wanna hear anything that comes out of your mouth. Now get the fuck out of my house! Out! Now!” He was still naked but you couldn’t care less. You grabbed all of his clothes that were scattered on the floor and his coat and threw them along with the alibi of his misconduct at him. You pushed him out of your bedroom door until you both reached the front door of your house. He was still trying to make you stop and listen to him but you didn’t give him a chance.
He stood on your porch naked and hurriedly put on his clothes. It was a private residence so he didn’t have to worry about the neighbours seeing him naked. Not that he cared anyway, but still, the embarrassment of being thrown out while he was still nude was what he dreaded.
The next day, he tried to call you for God knows how many times and left you hundreds of text messages. He tried visiting you the next day but you refused to let him in. You asked your security guard to block him from entering the house. You told your parents what happened and your overprotective father was enraged.
He even went as far as facing Ransom himself at the gate to warn him that if he ever came anywhere near you again, your father wouldn’t hesitate in hiring a private bodyguard for you to keep him away from you. Well, with your rising fame and success, you figured you eventually were going to need one anyway, but now that you had an unrelenting cheater in your ledger, he might need to hire a highly trained one for you sooner.
You dumped him officially on a phone call and before you ended it, the last thing that he said to you was “without me, all you’ll find is heartbreak and misery.” He gritted through his teeth.
“Goodbye, Ransom.” Then you pressed the end the call button and blocked his number. You changed yours and then a few days after New Year, you fled back to New York. Your company was waiting for you.
For the next several months you kept yourself occupied with your work. You were thrilled for the launching of your new eyeshadow palette. The stress accelerated to a much level higher that you didn’t even have a second to think about Ransom. You hadn’t heard from him for a while and you certainly liked to keep it that way. There’s no room for a cheating, lying, lazy scumbag in your life.
A part of you couldn't help but feel grateful that you broke up with him before the clutter in your work increased. You weren’t sure that you were capable of maintaining a relationship with someone that you don’t near to. You would’ve had to make time to see him and it would’ve been a major distraction.
You held a party to celebrate the launch of your new eyeshadow palette, to say you were nervous would be an understatement, there was nothing more that you feared than failure. Despite being fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy family, you still spent years saving up money and studying hard in college to major in dual degree; business and cosmetology to construct your dream makeup line.
And now, for the first time, the eyeshadow palette that you had been tirelessly crafted to perfection, is going to be available for purchase on your website. The countdown shows there’s only two minutes and thirty seconds left until every makeup enthusiast gets to put it on their shopping cart.
You were holding a glass of rose champagne in your hand whilst giving a speech to the team that you loved so dearly because they were your second family. You didn’t see them as the people who “work for you” but rather, you saw them as equals; your partners and your biggest supporters. Without them, this entire makeup line wouldn’t be standing so tall.
What you didn’t realize was, through the glass-structured building, Ransom was watching you like a hawk. He had his hands in his pocket and he had his gaze fixated on one person only and it was you. Despite the distance and the crowd, his focus didn’t bend.
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The past few months for Ransom had been filled with acrimony by his wounded ego caused by being dumped. He couldn’t get anywhere near you due to your heavily guarded apartment building. You even had your own bodyguard now. Great. He was taller and bulkier than Ransom and he wasn’t foolish enough to try to fight the big guy.
You also ordered every security guard in your office, which is the headquarter for your makeup company, that if Ransom ever dared to show his face, they must get rid of him immediately. The only way Ransom could get to you is by stalking you on social media through your company’s official Instagram account and your rising personal account too.
He really thought that it would only take a month before you come crawling back to him. Ransom was so used to getting his way that he strongly condemned being rejected. He would do whatever it takes to have you back.
Whatever it takes.
He had everything prepared meticulously for months. He waited for the right moment to execute the plan and then you would never be able to escape him ever again.
What he didn’t see coming was you going on a date and laughing with a man he didn’t recognize. He really thought that you wouldn’t be dating again for at least a year but he clearly he was mistaken. He thought you secretly missed him but you had too much pride to admit it. He also thought that you could’ve done better than that.
Who the hell does this guy think he is swooping in on his girl like that? His jealousy whispered wicked things into his ears like a red-horned devil. He had waited in his car in front of your apartment building thirty minutes before you left. He found a way to bug your phone without your knowledge and from there, he could monitor every single text, every single phone call and every single person you associate with.
He did a background check on this bloke who was a few years younger than him, making him someone your age. The result showed that he had gone to the same university as you and now he had his own publishing company located in New York as well.
This fella named William had the same distinctive features as Ransom; a brunet with blue eyes, which means, you probably had a type. “So fucking predictable.” He thought whilst he was scrolling through this stranger’s biography. The man was just as tall as him. He posed in a dark grey suit with a tie that synchronizes with the look for the camera.
Apparently, you had run into him at one of the finest restaurants in town when you were having dinner with your girlfriends. He had come up to you to make sure that it was you. You two chatted, catching up on things and he charmed you by asking the one thing you were most passionate about which was your cosmetic line. You exchanged numbers and after talking for a few weeks, he asked you out and you said accepted.
You truly didn’t do anything halfway. When you were going out, whether it be with your friends, for a party or on a date with some guy you used to go to college with, you were dressed to the nines. You looked so crushingly stunning, your beauty dazzled him like daylight. He couldn’t blame this fella though, there’s a reason why he asked you on a date first before this schmuck inserted himself between the two of you. He had to have you and once he got you, he blew his chance. He lost you.
Not for long though. You belonged to him and only him.
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You walked into the restaurant as the jazz music serenaded your ears. You asked the receptionist looking for someone named “William” and she led you to a table in the centre of the room, with a good-looking man sitting there in his raven suit.
You greeted William and then made your order when the server came with the menu. You ordered a bottle of Champagne, and you were truly enjoying the company of this man. He was courteous, smart and a little shy for someone as smart and as successful as him. Maybe it’s time to get yourself back in the dating game.
Not all men are Ransom Drysdale.
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Ransom couldn’t stand seeing you laughing at his jokes and touching his hand. He didn’t have it in him to wait for another second to let you roam in your freedom without being his. He was going to do it tonight, but he had to do it before you reach your apartment where your personal bodyguard would be guarding you like a fort.
So he went to the parking lot two blocks north of the restaurant. There was nobody there so he had to act fast before someone came. He used a screwdriver to unlock the door of your car and once he succeeded, he sat in the backseat and obscured himself within the absence of light.
Now all he had to do was wait…
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The date was lovely but it was time to go home. As much as you loved dressing up in your Lobouton heels and flaunting your beauty downtown, the thought of your warm bed and cozy pyjamas make your heart flutter. You didn’t know if there will be a second date or not, and even if he asked, you weren’t sure whether you’d say yes or no this time, but it was nice to catch up with fellow alumni.
You walked to where your car was parked and unlocked the driver’s seat car and sat behind the wheel. You revived the engine by pushing the ignition starter and adjusted the rearview mirror but what reflected on the glass made your heart drop like a beat.
“…Ransom? What the hell are you-”
But before you could finish your vexed question, Ransom pressed a drugged handkerchief onto your nose and despite your attempt to fight him, his strength overpowered you. Then in a matter of seconds, everything turned black.
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You woke up with a sore head as you slowly felt your visions turning pellucid, it took you a few seconds to realize that the dress you wore had been stripped away from you. Your undergarments were also no longer covering your bare body from the cold… What the hell?
You began to realize that you were currently in a cramped, dimmed room with a single pillowless bed in the centre. There were many other sex toys that you were familiar with, you even had some in your drawer, and there were also a few other contraptions in the room that looked like they belong in a sex dungeon.
When you tried to move, only then your brain began to discern the state you were imprisoned in. You couldn’t move and you couldn’t pull your limbs away for they were secured with a device that you couldn’t see due to the position you were in.
Your cheek was pressed on the futon mattress and when you tried to scream, you couldn’t form any words for there was a ball gag in between your lips. You tried to scream but that only made you drool even more, making a tiny pool on the leather material.
You squealed, trying to get any help from anyone out there who might listen but then you heard the sound of the creaking door opening and someone entered the room. You tried to give them a single to set you free by making incoherent noises.
But all you heard was; “well, well, well, look what we have here.”
That voice. That voice sounds familiar. Your mind tried to distinguish it, and then you realized… It was Ransom. You remember it now, you walked into your car after a date with William, you saw him in the backseat through the rearview mirror and then you couldn’t recall anything else that happened after that.
And now here you were, bound by a percontator, exposed and helpless in a strange, unknown place. You began to thrash your body but it was futile, the device really did an excellent job in keeping you immobile.
“Hush now, dirty whore. You really think you could escape me forever? You must be dumber than I took you for.”
You heard the sound of unbuckling belt then he took off his shirt behind you. “No amount of protection can keep you away from me. I’ll make sure of that.”
He stepped into the mattress and lowered himself to his knees. He didn’t wast any second in placing the tip of his cock near your entrance then he intruded your body with his length. He grabbed a fistful of your hair and kept your head there in place. He spanked your right ass before he began moving.
“Ah,” he groaned. “I’ve always loved this pussy. Always so fucking tight.” He accelerated his pace and he grabbed your hair, forcing you to look up at him through your tearful eyes. “Is this what you want? To be fucked like a bitch? ‘Cause I will, whenever I fucking want to.” He gritted through his pounding.
You could only moan and cry. Your mind took you back to the last Christmas eve when you caught him cheating. “Did you fuck a bitch in London?” He was deriding you by weaponizing your own words against you.
He put your head back on the mattress and kept thrusting brutally. He spanked you once more and you shrieked. He loved the sound of your agony so he did it five times more until your ass was as red as he liked. “Fucking slut. Aren’t you better like this? Not talking, no CEO bullshit.” He stopped his thrusting and pulled your hair back once more to glare into your eyes. “I’m gonna have so much fun breaking you piece by piece until you’re nothing but a brainless fuck toy for me to use.”
He slammed your face back down to the mattress and resumed his violation on your body. He kept pounding until there was no more energy left in you to fight. He then threw your body around so you were lying on your back.
He inserted himself back into you and picked up his vigorous pace. Your breasts jiggled with every assault. “Missed those perky tits.” His hands shamelessly groped your breasts and held on to them like they were knobs.
His right hand went from your breast to your throat, encircling the fingers around the delicate flesh. Your breathing becomes difficult and you felt yourself seconds away from passing out but before it could happen, you felt the tightening coil in your lower belly that was familiar with Ransom. And the expanding bubble burst, making a soaked mess on the leather underneath you and all over Ransom’s cock.
“There you go, what a fucking mess.” He smirked. “Last time I fucked this cunt, I don’t remember you getting off this soon, baby.” His hands went back to your knees as he chased his own orgasm. And in a matter of seconds, he released his cum deep inside your womb, staying there until he had no more drop left to give.
He withdrew himself out and then he stepped out of the mattress. He put back his sweater and jeans and before he left. He sneered at your disarranged state, complacent with the mess he made you of. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Be good or there will be punishments worse than you just had, understood?” He didn’t wait for your answer before kissing your upper lip.
He disappeared behind the door, leaving you in the tenebrosity of the room as you languidly losing yourself into unconsciousness.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
I Can Give You Everything...
Overhaul x F!Reader x Chronostasis
Warnings: Angst, cheating, kissing, sad boi hours for reader and chrono
A/N: Man i tried to make one where chisaki cried but I can’t man. I’ve done it a few times but this shit just hits different ya know? I also really hated this so enjoy. I’ll start that Lovely fic once this is posted
(BF/N) = best friends name
That gorgeous bastard. No matter how many times he hurts you, you still can’t get enough of him and his golden eyes. He always made you feel safe but safety is just an accessory when you're too busy hanging out with your girlfriends best friend. Laughing at her jokes and her stories.
“Why doesn’t he laugh at me like that?” You question when you sit at the table with your best friend who happened to date chrono while you were dating Chisaki. 
You pretty much said nothing as you watched your boyfriend and best friend look at each other in a less than modest manner. You put your face in the palm of your hand as you looked at chrono. Who also seemed a little peeved. Hey at least you two had something in common. You try to figure out something that would take your mind off the scene in front of you. 
It was no doubt they were flirting. It was so obvious. Right in front of you and Chrono too. You felt some tears threatening to spill from your eyes. You just couldn’t handle it. It hurt seeing the man you love making advantages towards your best friend.
You stand up and walk out of the office without a word. Slamming the door behind you. Your footsteps ring throughout the compound. Your vision blurring every second you get closer to your room. Your tears streaming down your face, hiccups erupting from your throat.
Once entering your room you shut the door before sitting on the edge of your bed, grabbing a pillow letting your tears drench it. Squeezing with all your might thinking it was someone who would at least sympathise with you. A faint knocking on the door interrupted your crying session.
“Who is it?” You say, not being able to hide the sadness in your trembling voice.
“Come in.” You watch as the door opens as Hari stepped in, closing the door behind him before sitting on the bed. You looked at him and he looked at you. Before you could say anything you clung to him and started to ball your eyes out. You didn’t know why. Sure you’ve had a few conversations with Hari but you wouldn’t consider you guys friends but, it felt nice. Being able to hug someone. Kai never hugged you and your best friend had recently stopped hugging you as well.
“I know, it sucks. I'm in the same boat.” He hugged you back as you sobbed into his neck.
“Am I just not good enough? What did I do wrong?” Your tears kept coming. As you shake in Hari’s arms. You were so busy crying that you almost didn’t notice the few drops of water that fell on your shoulder. Almost.
You knew what it was before you even looked. You rubbed his back trying to calm him down. You both were crying and trying to comfort the other. Weird yes. But it just felt nice to be held as if someone cared about you. Hari started to slip away to your discomfort but you let him go anyways. You both look at one another, your faces red as it looked like you’ve been crying for hours.
“Uh thanks I guess I kinda needed that-” You both turned silent after you heard the familiar voices of Kai and (BF/n). You both placed your ears to the door trying to pick up and conversations at all. Your body filled with anger once you heard how much shit they were talking.
“Shush, we don’t know if they’re near. We can’t have them finding out.” Kai said in a low voice, obviously trying not to get caught. Well that didn’t matter now did it. Before you could think of a plan, Hari burst open the door. Looking furious. Can you blame him though?
“Are you fucking serious Kai?! Your fucking my girlfriend?!” Hari screamed at Kai. It was the first time you’ve ever seen Hari raise his voice at Kai.
“WHy were you there with my girlfriend?!”
“I don’t know, maybe comforting her when she was balling her eyes out!” Hari growled as he grabbed you and pulled you towards him.
“Hari sweetie I promise it’s not what it looks like!” (BF/n) tried to reason with him. Letting go of Kai to go over to Hari before Hari shoved her back towards him. You didn’t say anything, hell you didn’t know what to say.
“How long?” Har said as he looked them both dead in the eyes. Neither of them spoke.
“I said how long damnit!”
“5 months!” (BF/N) whimpered. She looked at Hari with tears in her eyes.
“(Y/N) come on, let's leave these two to their devices.” Kai said as he turned around waiting for you to follow him. He started walking waiting to hear your footsteps behind him. But there wasn’t. He turned to look at you and saw that you stood still by Hari. 
“(y/n) come.”
“She’s not your fucking dog Kai.” They looked at each other with slowly burning hatred. You figured you had to do something before Kai hurted Chrono. 
You grabbed Hari’s hand and began to walk out of the compound. You looked down at the ground while still hearing Hari’s screams at Kai. You tugged him closer as you walked out the door. Your cheeks stung as the cold air from the winter was approaching, making them red as they were nipped by the frost. Your ears cold as the wind blew at them. You wish you didn’t hear it. You wish you hadn’t heard the hurt and betrayal that was laced in Hari’s voice.
You sat on the hotel bed while listening to Hari rant. I mean could you blame him? His childhood friend betrayed him by sleeping with his girlfriend, and your lover slept with yours. It was a lose lose situation. Now you have no one to talk to other then the man standing in front of you. 
You let out a sigh before hearing a thu hitting the ground. You look down and saw Hari on his knees crying. Without thinking you dash towards him and hug tightly which he quickly returned. You couldn’t help but let your own tears slide down your face. 
“What does he have that I don’t?” He cried into your shoulder. It hurt to watch truly. A man once proud and tall without no fear break down in front of you. Hari was just as good as Kai when it came to hiding emotions. So to see him collapse to the floor was a surprise. But you hugged him nonetheless. 
“Hari, don’t change who you are for someone that’s not going to be loyal. Once a cheater, always a cheater.” You say softly to him as you rubbed circles on his back. It was the least you could do after he comforted you last time. He hugged you tighter the before.
“Do you think that if I asked her to marry me she would have continued?” You furrow your brows and you looked at him.
“You were gonna ask her to marry you?”
“Was. But do you think she would have?” He looked at you, eyes red from all the crying. Confused would be an understatement.
“If she didn’t and you still found out she cheated on you before you got married, what would you have done?”
“Dumped her i suppose...”
“And if she did I’m guessing you would have dumped her as well?”
“So either way it was a lose lose. We both lost in their game they had us in. Going in circles trying to please our lovers when they never wanted anything to do with us. We would have found out sooner or later so It was best that we found out now.” You say as you brush one of his arrows away from his face.
“Did she leave me because my quirk-”
“No. Even if she was doing it because of that then she’s an idiot. Hari, you may see your quirk as a bad one but I see it in a different way. You arrows only need to hit a person once and their done for. They can’t fight if they can’t move. Plus you have options to choose from, one hour or one minute. Both of them still makes you win in the end.”
“It only works when I’m not moving though...”
“So? That’s why your known for your stealth. You may think your quirk sucks but if you use it just right then it can be more dangerous then you ever thought it could be. Its a shame that you don’t see that because that’s what i see.” You smile down at him as he looks at you with wide eyes. He never thought about the words you said. He was to busy thinking about how he wished he had a better quirk. How could you be so kind to him even though your quirkless. You looked at his quirk like it was just as destructive as Kai’s. 
What was Kai thinking? How could he throw away a whole relationship with someone who knew how to say the right things? You were so kind to him even though you went through the exact same thing he was going through right now. You were so calm. So composed. 
“How can you be so calm about this?”
“Guess I’m just use to it. Kai isn’t the most romantic. We were slowly drifting apart for awhile anyways haha. I could kinda sense he was losing feelings and-”
“Falling for (BF/N)?”
“Yeah...yeah he was. But that’s okay. It all happens for a reason. You and I will find the right one someday, it may not be today but thats okay.” Your sweet words felt like honey to his ears. Your voice was so calming, so much kindness in one person and Kai threw it away. 
“Thank you (y/n), it really means a lot.” 
“Hey we gotta stick together now, we both got fucked over by our best friends haha.” You laugh trying to lighten the mood. You looked at the man whos head rested on your shoulder smiling gently. You soon felt a hand grab your cheek.
 Hari cupped your cheek as he looked at you. He should be sad, he should be mourning. But he can’t help but want you. Wanting you to be by his side. With that said Hari leaned up and gently placed his lips on yours.
You were surprised but didn’t pull away. You didn’t want to. Your eyes flutter shut as you relax into the kiss. Its funny since you can’t even remember the last time Kai kissed you. Or if he even kissed you at all. 
The kiss ended to soon for both of your liking but you guys just wanted to test the boundaries. Which were soon crossed when you both left for another kiss. A kiss that felt like something way stronger then lust could ever be. This felt real,
this felt like it was meant to be.
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asdfghjkl7things · 4 years
Someone messaged me for a Part 2, so here you go guys! Hope you like it too <3 @iis4d @choryczynormalny @saeranoppa
Angst Drabble - Part 2
tw: cursing hihi
It's been a month since that happened and it's been a month since you avoided him. A lot of people wondered what the hell happened to the both of you. People saw you and Iwaizumi as inseparable.. Why? because where ever he goes, you were there and where ever you go, he was there.
The both of you supported each other, always.. if Iwaizumi has a volleyball match, and as a former Ace of Seijoh, he's exceptionally famous and it means so many fans, right? But you always stood out as his #1 fan! Sometimes, if you were too busy studying, he definitely knows that you have a habit of skipping your meals and too stressed to even care, even though he's busy with the practices, he will always make sure to bring your favorite foods & that matcha frappucino from Starbucks.. Once in a while, there were times that Iwaizumi ends up cooking for your meal, with him eyeing you to finish it and that session always ended up with you being asleep beside him at your favorite couch inside your room.
So... What happened?
A rare night.. that same day where Iwaizumi knows he fucked up.
Issei Matsukawa, Takahiro Hanamaki and Hajime Iwaizumi were attending the same university in Tokyo. Toru Oikawa was still missing since he's in Argentina, pursuing his volleyball career.
Matsun and Maki ended up entering the bar together when Iwaizumi drunk called them. They saw how their friend mumbled some words that they didn't understand even a single word.
Maki muttered to no one "What a rare sight of.. Iwa.. getting drunk."
Iwaizumi's right side of his face fell flat at the table's surface and his eyes were closed while his left hand still holding a full glass of whiskey.
Matsun sighed and crossed his arms "Okay.. Spill it." He said as he sat beside him.
Maki tilted his head and looked so confused "Huh? Wait.. what?"
"I-I'm so f-fucked up."
"Fucked up? Why?" Matsun replied out of curiosity while ordering a drink from the bartender.
Maki asked after he declined an offer from the bartender "Oii, what did you do?"
Iwaizumi got up and drank another shot of whiskey. He's way past his alcohol limit.. but.. what to do, right? He hurt you. He fucking hurt you. His gripped on the glass tightened "I- I t-told her I still love-"
Both, Maki and Matsun leaned closely towards their friend to hear him clearly since the sound is too loud for their liking.
"- Yui.."
"W-wa-wait.. You told Y/n that you still love your bitchy ex-girlfriend?! That ex-girlfriend who fucking cheated on you?! Bro! Y/n's your close friend! You told us that you are not interested about friends to lovers kind of shit but you still courted her because you love her, right?! W-wait.. Ugh.. I need a fuckin' drink." Maki exclaimed. Suddenly, he called the bartender to gave him a drink. This is too much for them. They know how that girl damaged Iwaizumi.
Iwaizumi needed it. He needed someone to snapped him out of it. What Maki told him was the truth.. but.. why did it end up this way?
Matsun sighed again. He has the most sound mind compared to the other 3 and seeing Maki still surprised by the revelation, He asked carefully "Why did you do that? What happened, really?"
Iwaizumi refilled his glass and started to sip it little by little.
"Oi, do you think it's too much already? Stop drinking." Maki said
His friend shook his head "I- I needed this."
"Alcohol is not a solution, bud."
Iwaizumi looked so lifeless while swirling his drink slowly "You guys knew.. Y-yui's my first love, right?"
Matsun almost choke while drinking "Correction. 'Was'.."
"Y/n starting getting jealous and over protective to me when Yui came back. She-"
Maki bursted out "Of course! Who wouldn't be?! That was your ex-girlfriend! That cheater-"
Matsun sighed for the nth time "Maki, please.. just let Hajime finish his story first."
"and you guys definitely knew that I don't like being prisoned in a relationship.. It goes for.. I think 2 months.. I wanted to talked to her about it. I was about to go to the playground near their house and I s-saw them talking. I- I kind of worked up when I saw Y/n pushed Yui and it ended up a mild wrist sprain."
Maki was about to burst again when Iwaizumi said something..
"E-every word I said to her.. I fucking regretted it.. I wanted to make it up to her.. I-" Iwaizumi got choked up.
"I wanted to say that I still love her.. I didn't even let her explain-"
"You did not let her explain?! What kind of boyfriend are you?! You asshole!" Maki started to become enraged.
"Maki.." Matsun massaged his temple. Where is Oikawa when you needed him. Drunk Iwa and Maki who got worked up is a bad combination.
You cried your heart out that night. Why! Why! Why!
What is with her that I don't have? Am I just a rebound? For how long did Hajime hide it from me?
For a first time after what happened, you tried not to look for him, answer his calls and messages.. for short, you planned to avoid him at all cost and it went on for a month.
Some of your friends even asked you about what happened but even though he hurt you, you did not disclose.
You always replied "Had a fight."
They didn't believe you for a second since they know how Iwaizumi will pursue you even if it's a slight disagreement. Nevertheless, they still comforted you.
"Hey, Y/n. Iwaizumi-san is-"
"I'm busy"
Well, that kind of converstion always occur whenever Iwaizumi tried to talk to you.
It was now 2 months since that happened. The volleyball club had a practice since they have an incoming match this weekend.
Maki and Matsun observed their friend who's not playing well. He looked so tired and what not.
Iwaizumi groaned when his spike was out.
They know how affected Iwaizumi is.
After their practice, Iwaizumi had a frown on his face. This is not his best day. Almost all of his spike and serve were out.
He did not even spare a glance to his friends.
You totally forgot to grocery shop since you were so preoccupied by your studies so you decided to go to the convenience store.
You were in your cute pyjamas while walking towards the store. You like reading the 'Nutrition Facts' labeled at the back of the food/drink that you wanted to buy but you were not in the mood to cook for yourself so you picked up 2 tuna onigiri. You went to the refreshments section to get a bottle of milk but both hands tried to picked it up.
You tensed up. That voice.. Ha-hajime..
"Y-you can get it." You muttered a bit fast so you can get out of this situation.
"W-wait! Y/n!"
You paid for the onigiri and walked fast to avoid him.
While walking home, you can feel the coldness of the air but did not mind any of it since your mind is always telling you to 'run'.
You flinched when you felt his hands wrapping around your arms to stop you.
"Y/n.. please.." His voice croaked.
You can feel your breath hitched. You're not ready yet to face him.
You are afraid.
You slowly turned around and you felt your heart breaking. You miss him so much that you want to hug him so tight into your embrace.
"At last.. I can see your face up close.." Iwaizumi softly smiled.
You're still not ready to look into his eyes because the truth? You are afraid to break down infront of him. You took a deep breath to look at him and you saw how much he longed for you through his eyes.
He took a step towards you and stroke your cheeks softly. His eyes glistened "I- I'm so s-sorry."
You were about to say something when he pulled you into a hug. Your eyes widened when you felt your top getting wet. He is crying and it's a first time..
"I- I'm so sorry.. I d- did not mean to hurt you.. p-please. It- It's my fault.." Iwaizumi sobbed.
You pulled back from the hug and took a step back. Iwaizumi can feel his heart ache. So near yet so far..
You tried to hold your tears "B-but.. you told me you still love her.. A-am I just your rebound?" You finally broke down.
"Then w-why? Y-you left me that day for her. You didn't even let me explain-" You wiped your tears away..
Iwaizumi was about approach you again but everytime he step forward, you took a step backward..
He exhaled shakily "I.. I felt.. strangled up when Yui c-came back.. You were overly jealous in such a small thing. I-it feels like you don't trust me e-enough. I wanted to talk you that day and then I- I saw you pushed her away-"
"You want to know why I'm j-jealous?.." You gulped trying to find your voice.
"Everyday since she came back, she always told me that y-you still love her.. She w-wants you back, H-hajime and I can't let you go to her since I saw how she hurt you back then.. t-that's how much I l-love you.. but you still went to her.."
You chuckled a little while wiping your tears away "b-but.. wh-what am I compared to your first love, right?"
Iwaizumi pulled you to his arms and hugged you so tight "I'm.. so so sorry.. I didn't m-mean to hurt you.."
You keep on sobbing when you kept on remembering about what happened that day. It's like it happened yesterday..
He gazed at you lovingly while wiping your tears "I-I realized something that day.. I thought a part of me still wanted her but no.. She wanted me, yes.. but I want you, not her. You are my present and my future, Y/n."
Your face reddened at his sudden confession. Lots of butterflies dancing around your stomach. Your heart doing crazy flip flops.
He kissed your forehead. Forehead kisses by Hajime is the best.
He leaned his forehead towards yours "P-please.. forgive me.. Please.. give me a chance to prove it to you more.."
Iwaizumi eyed your soft lips that he misses. He tilted his head to the right a bit "I love you, Y/n."
He kissed your lips and you stood there frozen, still your bearings are not yet functional, from his sudden confession to kiss..
He smiled, his smile that made you fall for him more, as he pulled away slightly but you snaked your arm around his neck and kissed him.
"I love you too, Hajime.."
You jumped as they won the volleyball match. 2 - 1.
You excitedly ran towards your boyfriend and hugged him "Congrats, Babe!! You're so awesoome!"
Iwaizumi chuckled and kissed your cheeks "Thanks, Babe!"
Since the confrontation, both of you were now showy when it comes to pda in public.. but not too much.. and your relationship blossomed..
Matsun smiled "So.. they're back together. No more drunk ass Iwa."
You hugged Matsun and Maki "Congrats to the both of you too!"
Maki ruffled your hair "Thanks, Y/n."
You nudged his side softly "Maki, I heard you beat the crap out of Hajime."
Matsun spit his water "Iwa told you?"
You nodded but smirked afterwards "Feel free to beat him if he tried to become an asshole again."
Maki and Matsun winked at you "You got us!"
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theartofimagining13 · 4 years
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BASED ON: Imagine: After a big discussion with your fiancé Tom…
NOTES: First and foremost, I would like to thank @clockgirl94​ because if she hadn’t sent me that Javier gif, this chapter wouldn’t have been born.  ❤︎
I was reluctant to write spanish dialogue translations but then I remembered that spanish is my first language and maybe not everyone else’s lol. 
And also, there’s a subtle POV change.
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Funny how some humans’ defense mechanism works only in retrospect.
You get out of a messy situation, and it is only when you look back that things are crystal clear and you ask yourself why did I not see this before?
I was sitting on the floor, surrounded by boxes. After our honeymoon, Tom bought a bigger house in a quieter area of the city for us to move into. As I unpacked my clothes, I found a little summer dress that I hadn’t seen in months and I might as well have used as a noose because, as soon as I saw it, as soon as I touched it, I was out of breath and felt the biggest knot in my throat. There’s violence in the way some memories come back to us with an object or a smell; that seemingly insignificant piece of fabric unleashed in my mind a wild river of memories.
I chuckled at myself.
If I had truly wanted to forget, I would’ve burned the fucking dress but I had only managed to stash it at the bottom of a forgotten drawer, and now it was here. I got up and neatly placed it on the bed and stared at it. I suddenly felt a kiss on my left temple. Tom walked past me afterwards holding another heavy box and I saw the curious face he made once he left it on the floor and noticed the dress.
“You haven’t worn that in a long time.”  
“I know…”
He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
“You should.” He purred in my ear before planting kisses down my neck. “You drive me crazy in it.”
My heart raced when he held me tighter and spun me around. He caught my lips with his and I felt his hands going down my back. This was triggering for me, I had to stop him without being suspicious so I gently pulled away.
“Take me out on a date when we’re done here and I just might wear it.” I lied.
Tom let out a quiet pleasure groan in advance at the mental image perhaps.
“You got yourself a deal, baby.”
He gave me a quick peck on the lips and left to carry on with the move.
I sighed. See, the thing is, Tom wasn’t the only one who that dress drove crazy, and by now, I am pretty sure we’ve established that he and his former best friend, Pedro, liked the same things. As I stared at it again, I let myself go and revisited that particular memory in the forbidden recollections book.
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Tom and I were hosting a summer cookout for a few friends and family in our old garden.
It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day in June, and I was wearing the now infamous cheetah print dress with combat boots. Tom had proposed a few days prior, and I hadn’t told Pedro. The thought alone made me nervous because how was I supposed to even form that sentence?
Hello, lover. I just got engaged.
Cringe. Of course not. Which is why I chose not to wear the ring for the occasion.
It didn’t get any easier when I saw Pedro as I walked out into the backyard. He was helping Tom with the grill and the charcoal, with a beer bottle in one hand but looked up at me and stared almost longer than politically correct. And the way he did it, slowly from head to toe and with slightly parted lips which made me feel things I shouldn’t have felt; but that ship had sailed. I kept my distance mingling with others at the party and he stayed there talking to Tom for a while.
I wish I had heard that conversation.
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“I asked her to marry me.” Tom said with the biggest grin. “She said yes, mate.”
Pedro tensed up and stared at Tom, he swallowed and washed down a million sour words he could’ve said with the swig of beer he took.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.” Tom chuckled. “I was… terrified.”
“Well, who in their right mind would ever do that?” Pedro half joked.
“You say that now…” Tom said. “But you just wait. I mean, look at her. Can you blame me?”
Pedro tightened his jaw as he glanced at her one more time and spoke through gritted teeth.
“Yeah, I’ve told you a million times that you’re a lucky motherfucker.” He said causing Tom to laugh. “I gotta take a leak.” Pedro announced dryly. “Hey, you got anything stronger than this?” and immediately added, “We’re celebrating, aren’t we?”
“There’s whiskey inside.”
“I’ll get it.”
He started to walk away but stopped to look back at Tom, realizing that he had forgotten something.
“Congratulations, man.” He forced a smile.
When Pedro walked into the bathroom, he splashed his face with cold water and scowled at himself in the mirror.
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I put a big pitcher of lemonade in the fridge before I went upstairs but I stopped midway when I heard the hallway bathroom door opening and closing, and instinctively looked over my shoulder only to find Pedro.
I couldn’t read his expression so I kept walking, hoping that he would follow me, and aching for a moment with just the two of us alone. I faced him when I reached mine and Tom’s bedroom door and leaned against it with my hands behind my back. He got closer and placed his right hand right next to my head, towering over me as he stared into my soul.
“You think you can just walk around in that little dress and get away with it?”
“You like it?” I teased.
He slowly looked down and up again, provokingly.
“It’s driving me crazy.” He confessed in almost a whisper.
I allowed my eyes to wander and make sure that we were completely alone before I leaned in to kiss him. The kiss was cold, empty, so unlike Pedro’s trademark passionate ones, and he was rarely in a bad mood which made it twice as scary when he actually was, but I had no idea if that was the case. I pulled away and furrowed my eyebrows with concern. He cleared his throat and sniffed loudly.
“Is there something you’d like to tell me?” He inquired with the most serious face and tone.
“What do you mean?”
But he just cocked his head with condescendence and, it took me a minute, but I figured out what he was talking about.
“He told you.” I sighed. “Pedro, I was going to tell you, I just-”
“When were you going to tell me?” He cut me off.
“I-I don’t know, I couldn’t find the right w-”
I ceased talking and flinched when he struck the door with the hand that had been resting next to my head.
“Fuck’s sake…” He cursed and roamed a little with his hands on his waist.
Back then, silly me thought he was jealous, hell, I even liked it a bit. But no. Pedro was worried.
“Now?” He asked with a much more collected tone. “He had to propose now?”
Looking back, this was the only moment Pedro felt a little remorse. He was worried because my engagement had just made things even more complicated. Ironically enough, our affair had only started when this happened; we had been meeting in secret for a few weeks. We could’ve stopped then while Tom hadn’t a clue, could’ve pretended that it never happened and move on. Pedro and Tom’s friendship would’ve remained intact.
Pedro was a hypocrite, we’ve also established that. Somehow, it was okay to fuck his best friend’s girlfriend but once I became his fiancée, Pedro looked like he had finally encountered a line he could not cross.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do?” He wondered out loud while looking over my shoulder as if he could see Tom in the backyard, through the door and walls.
Truthfully, I was very happy with my diamond ring, so, I also started pondering on my future with Pedro. The fact that our affair had just started had a pro and a con in common; Pro, We had only just begun which would make it easier to cut ties right then and there. Con, we had only just begun which would make it ten times harder to quit right then and there.
I sighed with frustration when I had that moment of honest clarity.
“I guess we could… stop?” I hesitantly asked and hated it to no end.
Pedro’s face fell and he studied me briefly but carefully.
“I mean,” I added. “People might get hurt.”
Pedro blinked several times and slowly began to nod.
“You’re right. We don’t… we don’t want that. We’ve been lucky.”
But I swallowed hard because I could easily tell that he loathed this as much as I did.
“We should just… be friends.”
Again, his brown eyes traveled up and down my body and he gulped.
“Friends.” He echoed.
My heart was racing in the middle of the staring contest we seemed to be having, and I felt as if he could hear it over the silence we shared. He inched closer.
“Is…is that what you want?” He inquired.
At that point, that was the only right thing left to do, and to sort of mend things or prevent them from getting worse. But Pedro understood my silence when I just glued my eyes to his.
“Open the door.” He ordered.
As soon as I did, he followed me inside, closing it behind him and kissed me on the lips in the most urgent way, and I thought my heart would leap out of my chest. I could feel his hands going down my back as he kissed my neck and chest, and I turned around and faced the bed because I knew what we both wanted and needed. He pressed me against his body and cupped my breasts. I could feel him getting hard and it weakened my knees. His hands went underneath my dress and he pulled down my underwear before pulling the skirt up.
The sound of Pedro unbuckling his belt in a rush reverberated in my core. I desperately needed him inside of me, I wanted and needed him to fuck me till we both came. He licked his fingers and touched me, letting out a silent and proud chuckle because I was more than ready for him. Our foreplay had started from the moment he decided to eye fuck me as soon as I showed up in the garden, and our little conversation was the sugar on the rim. He lowered his pants enough to pull out his cock and caressed my entrance with the tip, using his free hand to gently and slightly bend me over the bed.
And he tortured me like this for a few seconds that felt much longer to me, inserting just the tip, slowly going out and in again until I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore and he finally quickened the pace. I wanted more. I needed more. I needed him, all of him, and I moaned when he finally granted me my wish.
“Fuck…” He breathed out and just stayed inside of me while I adjusted to him.
Pedro grabbed me by the hips with a tight grip and started fucking me like I had been silently begging him to; Hard and fast and just making me his. His low grunts and his ragged breath were turning me on even more. One of his hands slid up my back until his fingers got lost in my hair and he grabbed a fistful as he kept pounding into me, but it moved down to my neck, prompting me to stand up straight as he wrapped his arms around my waist and one greedy hand cupped one of my breasts.
“Te gusta? (You like it?)”
I groaned. I loved it when he whispered things in Spanish in my ear, and adding the fact that we had to be as quiet as possible was driving me over the edge.
“Dime. (Tell me).”
“Yes.” I breathed out. “Pedro…”
He chuckled again, knowing what I was implying and begging for, and he nibbled my neck before whispering once more.
“Te quieres venir? (You want to cum?)” He asked even though he knew I was dying to cum. I could even hear his mischievous grin. “Vente, mi amor. (Cum, my love).”
The rhythm of his thrusts increased again and he held me tighter. My whole body tensed up, I could feel it, the tingling sensation slowly taking over until it possessed me whole, mind and soul. Pedro had to cover my mouth as I came undone in his arms, he held onto me for dear life and buried his face in the crook of my neck as he poured himself into me and let out a suffocated moan against my skin.
With relief washing over us, our heart rates began to settle, and our foreheads were covered with a thin layer of sweat.
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As I freshened up and washed my face, I stared at myself in the mirror and wondered if that had been the last time for Pedro and I.
Perhaps we had said goodbye in the only way we knew how.
I entered the kitchen and poured myself a much needed glass of ice cold lemonade before I was joined by my fiancé.
“I think we should tell them.” Tom said while taking out a few more meat packages from the fridge.
“What?” I asked in a blissful yet lethargic daze.
“About our engagement.” He placed them on the counter.
He stood in front of me, waiting as if he was asking for permission and looked at my glass of lemonade which he ended up stealing to take a sip.
But when he looked down at my hand, he frowned.
“Where’s your ring?” He asked.
“Oh, I… I took it off when I washed my hands and must’ve left it in the bathroom.” I lied.
“Put it on.” He said.
It was all the same now, Pedro knew. So, I did as I was told for Tom to make the announcement in the garden. I heard the three C’s of celebration; clamoring, cheering, and clapping, but all I could see was Pedro sitting in the back, and when his brown eyes found mine, he just showed a cynical smile and raised his glass of whiskey, at me, the cheeky bastard who had just fucked the fiancée in the cheetah dress.
Or the cheater in the dress.
I was sure that Pedro was just as addicted to me as I was to him. Engagement or not, we just weren’t ready to stop. If anything, he craved me more fiercely than before, and that ring on my finger just turned him on even more.
We had only just begun.
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I blinked several times as the arousing memory dissolved and I became aware of my surroundings.
I bit my lip and wondered if Pedro still thought of these encounters of ours. I asked myself if he missed me, if he thought about me, if he touched himself while doing so, if he envisioned me while fucking someone else. Or the possibility of an ugly truth where he had just moved on and I meant nothing, but then I remembered my wedding day and his drunken honesty.
Of course he fucking thought of me.
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