#original poem
crmsnmth · 3 days
I Love You
I love you when you sing the wrong words to songs on the radio when you laughed so loudly at 3 AM it pissed off the neighbors When you walk with me hand in hand
I love you When you yawn fifty times every time you study when you sat on your bed eating watermelon with a spoon when your brilliant blues landed on my quiet grays
I love you when you let go and cried for forty-five minutes on my chest when you held your face in your hands, and I rubbed your back when you managed to prove there was meaning in three worlds
I love you when you fell and bounced your head off the pavement when we sat on a bench by the lake and watched the waters when you walked through that door and caught me by surprise
I love you when you giggled and stole a spoon from that noodle place when you showed me my favorite movie for the first time when we called for god in the middle of the night
I love you when you let me close the distance when you got so angry but always broke and laughed when I first met you, it was instant
I love you when you put the gun under my chin when you pulled the trigger when I never saw it coming
I loved you.
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printsofcats · 2 days
The Debt
Bob robs Peter to finally pay Paul,
for the five hundred dollars Paul loaned him last fall.
Bob felt ashamed but he needed the dough,
and knew that good Peter would not even know.
Paul gets the cash and is off in a sprint,
to pay back old Morris for the money he lent.
Old Morris is happy with money in hand,
and finds young Maurice to pay him as planned.
Young Maurice is happy with five hundred bones
and goes to his uncle to pay off his loans.
Maurice’s uncle is proud of the boy,
and heads off to locate his good friend Miss Joy.
Miss Joy is a helper who’s helped many others,
helped Maurice’s uncle and all of his brothers,
when all of them found themselves in a tight pinch
and Miss Joy was ready to help in a cinch.
Miss Joy takes a ferry to go and see Mary,
with all of the thanks that a person can carry.
She’ll pay Mary back for all that she borrowed
when Miss Joy was lonely and drowning in sorrow.
Mary herself had some people to pay,
and one of these people was her old Aunt Kay.
Aunt Kay gave her money to pay for her rent
because Mary found that her money was spent.
Since Aunt Kay was also a one in the red,
she went down the docks and she found Captain Ted.
The captain had given her five hundred dollars
so Aunt Kay could answer her IRS callers.
The captain went down all the streets of his town,
looking to see if old Bob was around.
The captain had owed Bob a small sum of money
that Bob floated Ted on the Sound.
Bob took up the money and squared up with Peter,
who never once knew it had left his two-seater.
Bob re-placed the cash and was off in a dash—
his fleet feet had never been fleeter.
So what is the value of money?
What’s the appropriate call?
For these ten quartets have balanced ten debts,
and no one paid anything at all.
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leite de sol
como noite como muller ti musgo de salto alga de vento cae unha infinita frecha de horas eterna sede do amor fatiga do vaso e a súa pel fomos arco salvaxe do abrazo das ondas
© Manoel T, 2024
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lovelydisarray · 2 days
What We Don’t Say
In the mornings, the light touches everything but the space between us. I pour coffee. You fold the paper the way my mother folded sheets— corner to corner, never a wrinkle.
We don’t talk about the dishes left in the sink last night, or the moon’s slow crawl over the rooftops. Instead, we talk around the edges, like we’re afraid to crack the porcelain of the day.
Outside, the sparrows are fighting again, tiny bodies flung against the wind, wings sharp as the words we hold back.
You clear your throat, say something about rain— how it’s coming soon, how the grass will grow thick. I nod, swallow the answer I could give if I knew the right way to shape it.
There’s always something between us: the radio’s low hum, the clink of the spoon in the cup. But not us.
Later, you’ll leave for work, and I’ll stand at the window watching the clouds gather, wondering how long we can last without breaking open.
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mira-kairos · 2 days
I Told Moon About You.
I told moon about you, I told her about your smile, and about your laugh, and how contagious it is, it sparkles my eyes, and soothes my heart.
I told moon about you, I told her about your face, sculpted so slowly, that I find it flawless, Or how often I think about that mole which is placed at perfect place, right where your dimple crease.
I told moon about you, I told her about your heart, bigger than the whole sky, always having so much love, for whatever or whoever comes in your life. I told moon about you, though moon didn’t replied, but as I was talking about you, wind gently blew, and stars twinkled bit more, as if agreeing with me, that you are the one.
©Mira Kairos
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postictarus · 2 days
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"R, again"
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When Time Stood Still
There was a time before you,
when the world turned slow,
when shadows danced in solitude,
and nights felt endless.
The stars whispered secrets
to a moon that never seemed
to understand
Then came a time during you,
when everything changed.
The world pulsed with colour,
and time moved too fast,
as if terrified to lose
a single moment with us.
Your laughter became the song
that made my days complete,
your touch a map to places
I never knew I could go
And though I know
there will be a time after you,
when silence spills into the gaps
where your presence used to be,
I’ll carry the echoes of your voice,
the imprint of your hand,
and the memory of the love
that once set my heart ablaze
For even in the after,
you will linger
like a ghost,
haunting the corners of my mind,
reminding me of a time
when you were my everything
and time itself felt infinite
because someone said my poems werent terrible :) dont mind me im literally just throwing words together idk. sometimes it's nice to think back to the time when the final fifteen didn't exist dont you think
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated💙
look! ao3 link dont click on it:
heyy @crowleys-hips @bearthewhipsandscornsoftime @fearandhatred @ghostsparrow @eybefioro @seven-stars-in-his-palm @ficreader500 @foolishlovers @sabotage-on-mercury @crowleys-curl @crowleybrekkers @goodomensafterdark @notagoodlad @lickthecowhappy @goodoldfashionednightingale @spookyllamatree @wanderer-main @ineffabildaddy @marika-misc @captainblou @weasleywrinkles @chaoticgayomens @amagnificentobsession @thebookshoparoundthecorner @quintessentiallychemical @naturallyteal
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poetrybydiya · 17 hours
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albertstrustie · 2 days
You ask me what my favorite time of day is, and you expect me to say night or day, but my favorite time of day depends on you. It depends on when you're with me. If you're away, I hate the clear blue skies and the gleaming sun. I hate the thundering rain and the bite in the wind. Everything feels wrong when you're not here.
But when you're with me, it all changes. The sun feels warmer, the rain softer, the wind a gentle whisper. The day bends around you, as if time itself is waiting for your touch. Morning, noon, or night—it doesn’t matter. My favorite time is whenever you’re near, turning the ordinary into something beautiful, something worth holding on to.
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I no longer fear
My death, in fact I know I'll
Greet it like a friend
No flowers bloom in this field
Just the comfort of the end
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drunkwriternim · 1 day
I kept on reaching out to people mostly because I knew deep down if I stopped no one would look for me I am scared of losing them knowing they probably don't feel the same about me I am afraid one day I will disappear, but no one will call out for me I want to hide from the truth slowly let me fall into the abyss of the myth called *they care*
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exposingmyveins · 18 hours
i yearn for that feeling of safety with you
v. || exposingmyveins
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kaynineacademy · 3 days
it is heartbreaking, the fact that i must have made you up in my head. i must have imagined things. i must have crafted falsehoods to keep the disappointment of your disinterest from splitting me open like a bullet wound. i must have met you in a daydream. i must have held your hand as i fell asleep just to wake up alone.
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kiisuuumii · 2 days
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@kiisuuumii (the more i listen to myself, the more she says curl into yourself)
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lunarhorrors · 3 days
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Old Dogs, Old Habits.
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cherrypiehoneymoon · 3 days
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Kiss me in the light of purple hues,
Where nothing in this world exists,
Except for me and you
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