#parakeet care
Budgie Care
Alright, gang! Our animal of the week is the Budgie or parakeet. Those are the green or blue birds that you find at most pet stores. They’ve been one of the most popular pets in the United States for over 70 years!
There are actually two kinds of common commercially available parakeets. Those would be the European Parakeet, which is puffy and large, and the American Parakeet, which is sleeker and smaller. Though the species is originally from Australia, the export of wild-caught parakeets was outlawed in 1894, so all modern pet parakeets are descended from those in the care of British bird hobbyists.
They were introduced to the US in the 1920s but didn’t really pick up traction until the 1950s.
Part of their appeal is their lifespan and personality. They can live up to 15 years with proper care, and make for sweet, attentive companions if socialized properly.
It is recommended that budgies are kept in a cage that is 20 inches long by 12 inches wide by 18 inches tall, however, you should give them as much space as you can manage. Horizontal bars are preferable because it’s easier for them to climb. They should have a variety of perches with different heights and textures, and a number of toys to help with mental stimulation. Try to avoid synthetic fibers, as they are difficult to digest, and may cause health issues. They should also be provided chews, such as cuttlebone, which will help keep their beaks at a healthy size and provide calcium. 
Parakeets come in several colors, the most common being blue, green, yellow, and white, though private breeders can offer a wider variety. They typically have dark bands on their heads that fade after a few months. Their age and sex can be guessed from the color of their cere. That’s the skin over the top of their nose. Male budgies will have a blue cere, and the intensity of the color will indicate their age. Female budgies will have one that is pink, tan, or brown. The color will be recognizable after a few months.
Budgies require both times out of their cage and time to socialize. Birds, as you can imagine, enjoy flying. Even when they have a large enclosure, they do need time to stretch their wings and explore. You should have one room that is kept in a condition where it is safe for them to explore. You don’t want them eating something that could make them sick, or getting stuck somewhere!
Because they are flocking birds, they do require a lot of interaction. Many people who cannot meet their interaction needs simply invest in another budgie to keep their first company. The increased space requirements are an acceptable trade-off for the lower time requirements for some people.
They prefer to be in warmer climates- 70-75 degrees are preferable. However, you should keep their enclosure out of direct sunlight, as they lack the ability to cool themselves without help. Similarly, don’t put them in drafty areas or near the AC. If you have a fan, be sure to turn it off before letting your birds fly. They could get caught in it, no matter the size. Birds are curious and like to stick themselves in the weirdest places.
Budgies should be fed a well-rounded diet, not just seeds. While they do like seeds, the high-fat content in them can lead to health problems down the line. Many brands offer a pellet option, which provides a more well-rounded diet. Do some research on pellet diets offered in your local pet store to see which may be the best for you
As always, please do your own research before committing to a pet. I hope this helped you understand another amazing animal that could be your family’s new best friend!
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birdhism · 1 month
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💊 Birbitol has helped me overcome many dark times in my life.
Side effects make include loss of sleep (in the AM), spontaneous bleeding, hearing loss.
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budgiesmugglersart · 5 days
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You have been visited by a budgie. Is it sleepy times yet?
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icedille · 2 months
one of my toxic traits is that i can't stand writers as a class of people WITH THE EXCEPTION OF A FEW ONES ok some of them are also the loves of my life but. they're crucially a minority so apart from those they're all SO annoying to me. and the fact that i'm also one doesn't help. anyway if you're a writer and i don't know you personally you should die
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nuttybuttersupreme · 3 months
unironically i might actually have a little brian damsge
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cherrybudgie · 1 year
Viola ♡ Dogwood
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I like to imagine Brewster plays the piano himself. The theme at the Roost is a recording of him playing he puts on. I can imagine him playing it live, when the museum is closed for renovations and he has no customers to concern himself with, while Blathers sits by and sips quietly at his coffee.
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go-go-devil · 7 months
Re the parrot post, nonstick coating on pans can get into the air while cooking, and it's VERY bad for birds, who are sensitive to air quality.
Ahhh I see. That does make a lot of sense. But god if I didn’t even that then there really is a massive issue when it comes to the average lack of knowledge on even basic bird care…
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ruthlesslistener · 2 years
Note to self, don't call until after dark bc the birds will go utterly apeshit trying to look for you
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bagel-lox · 3 months
I would die for mariko senri rainbow parakeet
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tiktokparrot · 3 months
Calling all bird lovers! This guide spills the beans on parrot care, training, & the coolest species. Find your perfect feathered friend!
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birdhism · 17 hours
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I've seen one too many videos of birds with knives to know this needs to be mentioned. Some birds enjoy 'helping out' with chores. Folding laundry and sweeping is fine, but when it comes to anything that involves sharp or heavy objects, it's best to put them in their house until you're done.  ( If you're interested, I have Battle 'Tiel design as a keychain & pin)
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icedille · 6 months
rewatching the boys,, i forgot how many feelings i had for kimiko and frenchie
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nuttybuttersupreme · 4 months
sometimes i think that if people really wanted help theyd make a circle of alternating sugar cookies and red unscented candles (NO BIG LIGHT) then draw a triangle with a “:p” written in the the centre and chant “NUTTY BUTTER NUTTY BUTTER NUTTY BUTTER”. but i get it. asking for help can be tough
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scriptistired · 6 months
I know I've said absolutely nothing abt this here but
Good progress w the girls, Arthemis is nearly fully tame, still shy but getting clingy lmao but the others hate me. Like we can coexist but no friendship 😔. They're getting de-caged to be free range like Apolo and so far so good too
Physically going very good tho they all healing great, Gaia's plumage is all good, Psyche's foot is no longer hurting it seems and Arthemis's tail is slowly growing better.
If any bird expert wanna give tips on the taming process here, they're all babies and Arthemis is a cockatiel, Gaia a lovebird and Psyche's a parakeet, here's them under my chair bc they love that spot more than their home lmao
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painanddaisy · 1 year
We got a parakeet today, he is so shy and nervous and too cute 🥺
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