#pixels fanfic fanart
purplepixel · 1 year
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Only Donnie was close enough, and he was useless. “No,” Donnie whispered, his heart hammering. “Leon! You can’t! Stop! Please!” His brother glanced back at him, his beak pressed so tightly shut that it looked painful. He was openly quivering, meeting Donnie’s eyes one more time before his gaze slid off of him and to the side. Draxum smirked. “After you,” the sheep yokai smoothly said. Leo bowed his head, shaking it slightly. Donnie thought he saw liquid drip off of his chin. “Now,” Draxum said, this time colder. Donnie’s brother’s shoulders tensed, but the red-eared slider had turned to face the portal, glanced over his shoulder once more, and then vanished into nothingness.
- Like Father Like Son Ch. 13
Sometimes I think about how things would’ve been different if they did manage to save leo in this moment.
This has been sitting on my ipad for almost a year now. Finally sharing it. One of my first attempts at a style match of the show. Check out the original fic by @eternalglitch ! If you like slow burn hurt/comfort THIS IS YOUR FIC. Being able to make me go “holy crap how are these characters gonna make it out of >insert situation<“ has only been done once before this fic (funnily enough, another slow burn hurt/comfort fic but for the mcu). There's something to be said about reading media where you genuinely fear for the main characters bc it usually goes hand in hand with villains who dont make stupid mistakes for the sake of the plot. So thank you and your writing prowess, glitch! https://archiveofourown.org/works/22166836/chapters/52916926
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anabundanceofjunos · 8 months
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Pixel fanart of the aquarium scene in chhuyas ao3 fic Diamond Boy :) sweetie pies
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probablynotamimic · 26 days
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Successfully finished my map of the airship from my fic!
"If I Too Am Forgotten, Will You Look For Me In The Stars?"
(Was originally gonna be three decks but the last one is just empty cargo space so its not worth the effort lol)
(As I've said before, quite a few sprites are just edited/taken from the game, but any stuff that you don't recognize from the game is made by me.)
I've also annotated some neat details/notes! ^^
Annotations and non annotated version below the keep reading thingy.
2. Star windows! ✨The light from them is faintly visible on the floor of the dandelion room!
1. The control console for the airship! It has a comically oversized compass, and reasonably sized barometer and a wind-speed-cup-spinny-thingy- you know what i mean.
Anyways it also has two little magic-crystal-wishcraft-orb-thingys that the pilot somehow uses to control the ship- idk ill figure that out later, they've got little stars in em though cause i think it looks neat!
3. Dandelion room! I think in my fic I may have described patterns all over the room- but imma retcon that to just the circle thingy depicted here, it only glows when the ship is actively being flown- so technically its impossible for the dandelion to be visible while the symbols are glowing but idk it looks cooler this way.
4. Hey! See those constellations?! Those are the irl zodiac constellations! all of them are as accurate as I could make them, with correct number of bright pixels for stars and lines in as close to true lines as i could make them
5. So all the stuff in the house is sorta low detail cause its frozen in time, so I got to be pretty creative coming up with details for the door!, it's got stars everywhere and even the writing along the top!
6. Odile has blocked her window on purpose, she doesn't need any more reminders how high in the sky they are :P
7. Mira has her ~bonding papers~ she needs distractions with the new emergency haha
8. Bonbon and Nils rooms! They're pretty barren, as they're both a bit mentally lost atm :(
But Bon has some of the food & spice supplies stored in theirs and Nils has Bon's sleeping bag in her room due to nightmares that may or may not occur in the futureee.
9. Loop aint gonna make their bed.
B. The stairway to the cargo bay! As I said before, i didn't map it as its basically just alot of empty space and crates & barrels etc.
Why is it "A" now instead of "10"??? Because the annotation circles I made didn't have room for two digits in this font! And I wasn't about to start over with bigger circles :D
A. Sif and Isa's room is arranged for optimal cuddle configuration.
C. Somebody's keeping an eye on the fam! (/◕ヮ◕)/
D. How does a stove work on a wooden airship???? IDK magic probably
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Now at long last I can start writing the next chapter 🙃
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britonell · 5 months
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Making my way downtown, walking fast, faces pass, and I'm homebound~
Don’t mind Kirara, just crossing your dash to get home. Also I have now fallen into the pixel rabbit hole halp
Credits to @inukag's sprites post for coming in clutch as reference material
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scarlett-ink · 2 months
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Consider this a teaser since chapter 6 isn’t done yet
(about halfway done and I already cried once writing it so I’m posting this as a little breath/break before going back to writing in a few minutes)
Chapter 5 & 6 art for Eclipse of the Valley without titles
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jennydwren · 28 days
My Arthur: Some Night Thoughts
In between the cancellation of The Acolyte (there's still hope, Clone Wars came back) and the premiere of Rings of Power S2 -- and I PROMISE you that each and every dudebro I blocked in these situations on the former bird app either had crypto in bio or a timeline that was entirely focused on a sports team... I mean, why not think about RDR2? I want to think what it means that so many players speak of MY Arthur, like we all have little pocket Arthurs as pets. "I like my Arthur to be a scary bad guy so I keep him shaved bald." "Well, my Arthur looks his best with Level 7 or 8 hair and a Level 1 or 2 beard." "This time I'm making sure that my Arthur has the best satchel and the Legend of the East outfit." "I always pamper my Arthur before a hard mission. I buy him a ribeye steak at a saloon, get him a bath, and let him sleep just one more night in a hotel. I feed him up to Overweight before Guarma and Chapter 6." "My Arthur is high honor. He would never do XYZ." "Oh yeah? I think my Arthur loves being low honor and beating the crap out of people." "Weird. My Arthur's favorite missions are the dinosaur bones." All of these Arthurs are different and yet the same. All of them are doomed. You have to rewind the timeline and go back to a Chapter 2 save to have a healthy Arthur who can chat and sing with his compadres at the campfire. Nobody's Arthur, until you take him out of the game and into some of the absolutely and utterly beautiful fanart and fanfics, can succeed with Mary Linton, or Charles for that matter. The R* canon Arthur is always doomed. What does it say about us that we can't bear to let go of him, even though his own dialogue tells us he clearly sees the writing on the wall as early as Chapter 1? Is it just the natural human abhorrence of the reality that we too will someday die without accomplishing all that we wanted to? I can relate. Big mood, Arthur. In fragmenting into all of these disparate Arthurs -- Roger Clark has pointed out more people own copies of the game than live in Ireland -- maybe that's how the egregore, the Arthur conjured from the collective consciousness of millions of individual players, stays alive. Many writers of fanfics want their Arthur to be theirs. Not just a rough fuck on daddy's kitchen counter, although I've read that story too, and not just the Not Enough Beds trope, though that too was a fine story. They want to smash Arthur because who doesn't? But they want him to love them, despite R* Arthur having not one single solitary relationship skill. This new Arthur teaches you to draw (the preponderance of Arthur fics I've read involve a "you" reader). Your wish that he address you as he does a mare, "That's mah good girl," comes resplendently true. Sometimes, such are the fix-him powers of You that You and he escape the gang before the name Thomas Downes can be uttered. Arthur's heart beats for You and You alone. Sometimes he protects You from danger. Sometimes he accepts a free sample of sponge cake from You in a bakery. All of these Arthurs go out Arthuring all over the wrong but familiar RDR2 America, often with You at their side. Sometimes You even find him on the cliffside before his rattling last breath, and drag him to safety and a warm, dry climate. One Arthur I read was even saved by a doctor in Mexico with the only available treatment of the period -- collapsing part of the lung -- and recovered fully, having four kids with Sadie Adler and saving most of the RDR world along the way.
You can have your Arthur and play him too. Indeed, a fresh shot of Roger Clark's bravura performance -- combined, as he is the first to point out, with the animators' work, for example giving him the most delicious lower lip -- compounds the infatuation should it threaten to recede.
People suffer profound grief over this game. Of course, it is their own grief from non-digital life: "It is Margaret you mourn for" -- Gerard Manley Hopkins. Perhaps the loss of their Arthur and the way his surviving friends gradually adjust to the loss helps people make room for the holes in their own lives. But that's the thing. That's the comfort at the bottom of the grief pit.
Because once you find your Arthur, including within yourself (I don't just mean cosplay, but I've seen people of all genders don the stained blue workshirt, the suspenders, the neckerchief, the goddamn hat, and wear Arthur on their bodies)... you can't ever really lose him. He changes you. And that may be the strangest and most wonderful thing you can say about a work of fiction.
Keep sharing your Arthurs. The chibis, the young Arthurs cradling poor Isaac or reading to child John Marston, the AUs, the low-honor black coyotes and the high-honor 14-point stags. Marthur, Charthur, Albert Mason x Arthur. All the versions of him. Because they're also You.
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rezal-art · 1 year
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Art masterpost for One in a Million Chance, a wonderful story written by @malicmalic for the @dadstielminibang.
Read the story on Ao3 here!
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I had a great time doing these two pieces for this story, in which Dean discovers his boss has been hiding a cute little blonde secret.
I had the chance to work with a wonderful author, so thank you MalicMalic for being such a nice and supportive partner!
Animating Jack in both the banner and the art piece was really fun, even if I have to admit drawing children is really harder than I thought.
Once again, go read this very sweet story! And if you're still thirsty for some great fics, go check the other works from the Dadstiel bang, which are all amazing!
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clamsio · 2 months
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Final Fantasy
Cloud and Sephiroth
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rumandcigaretes · 2 months
"Alfie what's in your mind?"
(Yup i can't stop)
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"The Sewers" 1987
For chapter 24 of Revenge from the Inside, on Ao3.
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izayamoriarty · 6 months
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I can't stress enough how much I love this photo.
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anabundanceofjunos · 5 months
I made a poster for the skk band au I’m working on!! Plus a little snippet of how it starts :) Chapter 1 of “The Spins” will be posted before the end of the month, after I update my other fics 🎸
Rating: Explicit
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Stay tuned!! But if u want to check out my other fics in the meantime, my ao3 is https://archiveofourown.org/users/Drops0fJuno :D
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probablynotamimic · 29 days
Sooooo, its not done yet, but heres the airship for my fic in pixel art form (ignore the empty bedrooms) (and pls ignore that i've only done 1 of the 3 planned decks of this blinding thing >_<) Furniture and characters were just edited from the game files, but the ship itself and the whole "dandelion room" were made by me spending way to many hours on this lol
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I think tumblr is messing with the detail level and i spent way too long editing individual pixels to not give yall a way of seeing this in full res: https://i.ibb.co/QXVTHdJ/ISAT-FLYING-FEATHER.png
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hisenio · 20 days
alex and hales in comfortable silence in front of her doorway lol
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found in this fic !
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scarlett-ink · 3 months
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Chapter 3 & 4 art for Eclipse of the Valley without titles. I’m really enjoying exploring pixel art 💖
1 & 2’s art
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ravenswoodlol · 1 month
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Scotts finished part- his jacket may look funky, but trust me bro, his jacket is getting BLASTED by air rn
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