#pocket talks to people
pocketramblr · 5 months
AU where both Izuku and Bakugou are rejected from UA Hero Course.
And to make it juicy. The reason for the rejections is the suicide baiting incident being known by UA. While Bakugou is rejected for obvious reasons. Izuku is rejected for his ‘own safety’ and because they won’t trust his psyche went unscathed.
1- The thing about Bakugou is that he was not particularly well liked by his classmates at Aldera. Oh, he had friends, and no one was willing to stand up to him, but plenty of students had grudges about how he acted. They rolled their eyes when Bakugou went on a rant about being the only one who could make it to UA, or his lackeys hyped him up, but then they'd look away without a word when he caught them and glared. No one was going to say he wasn't powerful and couldn't do it, just like they weren't going to say Deku had any chance. Sometimes, capable people are also very annoying, and you just have to deal with that, so the kids did. And if a few were in a small group chat that would sneak pictures or videos to show the kids not in their class and complain, well, that's what the kids did. And then one day, one filmed the conversation after school, after Bakugou threw out the notebook, and posted it publicly, as well as in the chat.
2- nothing came of this. Izuku had either blocked or been blocked by a lot of his classmates online, and hadn't really bothered to look for most of them anyway, so neither he nor Bakugou are aware of the video. The sludge villain sort of happened an hour later, and that's what got the big media buzz- the news couldn't publish the names of the teens involved if they ever even had them, but locally, people at Aldera knew who the kids on tv were.
3- the next year, UA has its recommendation exams. Every student is meticulously background checked before even being accepted as an potential for the exam and interview. A couple weeks later, they have the standard exam. The background checks will happen after this- UA after all has a very prestigious image. Bakugou wasn't wrong that if he took his lackey's cigarette and UA found out, his chances would be gone. Unfortunately for him, the video was still online. Mostly forgotten about... Until it contained not one but two potential UA students.
4- Nedzu and the six hero course homeroom teachers are on the board of student admissions, but so are two others each from administration, public relations, the school board, and the heroics commission. The top fifty scorers are ruthlessly picked through. The video is watched. Some want to exclude Izuku, some Bakugou, some both. Nedzu would prefer to have them both enrolled in separate classes, but is outvoted. He doesn't warn the board this will mean All Might will not be staying on to teach - he really can't, without telling secrets, but he does warn All Might the next night, and gracefully accepts his resignation.
5- a week after the exams, acceptance and rejection letters are sent. These are simply written on paper. Apparently neither of them are a good fit for the school. No further reason is given. Bakugou spends one day in his room, quieter than ever, then rush applies to other schools. Shiketsu is supposed to be UA's equal. Perhaps their admissions process will be less rigid. Or perhaps his rise to number one is "supposed" to come from humble starts, and Aldera Middle School wasn't that, but some mid rank hero school is. Meanwhile, on the beach, All Might tells Izuku that he actually ended up with the most rescue points in the exam, and his score was high enough to place him in top ten... It was just the screenings afterwards that did it. Perhaps the school was concerned about his health, with him breaking nearly every limb. Or perhaps his incorrect quirk registration was a red flag- either way, it's things All Might blames himself for, Izuku is the one who passed the test, and with only a few hours of having OfA too. So All Might asks Izuku what he wants to do- try for another hero school nearby? Toshinori probably can't get a job there on short notice without being suspicious, but he'll work to train him every day after, and come up with some other excuse for why he's in the field less. Or, should he reach out to I-island? Toshinori's even willing to see about setting up a personal internship with himself or Gran Torino, though he really kinda hopes Izuku doesn't pick that one. Izuku bursts into tears and apologies, having only held them back this long out of shame, they hug, and Toshi tells Izuku to take his time deciding, it'll be all right, because Izuku is here and he has full faith in him, regardless of what UA admissions thinks.
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pocketramblr · 6 months
Tomura: Did you fuck my dad, Sensei???
so like do you think AfO was thinking 'oh yeah ive seen this trope, my future evil successor will be soooo mad that i knew his dad carnally and i can use that to... control him better'(i guess???)
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pocketramblr · 13 days
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pocketramblr · 4 months
AU where AFO decided to marry Kotaro to further humiliate Nana's memory and get closer him but faces many obstacles in the way.
do you mean. like. the obstacles are Kotaro's belief he's straight, his wife, the elderly in-laws who live with him, the kid, the fact that his coworkers think afo's his employee and HR would have something to say about that- there are many obstacles there
or, is this, "AfO when he finds Kotaro (already married) has the idea to get him to have a kid for his nefarious plot, buuuuutttttttt if he found Kotaro single, well. time to get a marriage certificate to further his nefarious plot!" and then suddenly the universe is conspiring to get water and mud splashed on him before every date, Kotaro is studying for his certification and doesn't have time for his every whim, and AfO is the one who encouraged him to do it so now if he tells him to not Kotaro will get mad at him and it'll take even longer to make up, plus while AFO was busy shopping for a date outfit his minions started talking about unionizing, and obviously he's going to kill them for that and throw them in the nomu soup but he's got to get replacements first and that's going to use even more of his time, plus he's juggling hero fights and quirk thefts and quirk sales and murders on top of surreptitiously researching what marriage actually is or requires because its not like he was ever really made aware of the concept while growing up and the screaming ghosts in his head are not super helpful.
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pocketramblr · 13 days
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Was this cyber's idea to start with or yours or did you both just, at the same time...
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pocketramblr · 5 months
An AU where Izuku said yes to Shoto when he asked if All Might was his father!
Have I done something like this before? Probably. Am I going to go back through every ask game to see it? Nah
1. Izuku doesn't know why he said yes. He's not even sure if he said yes, because it felt more like a squawk to him before he covered up his mouth, but Todoroki is nothing and saying he knew it before going on about quirk marriages, and asking if that's where he came from too, and he can only shake his head which at least is true, but why is he asking??
2- "I figured All Might wouldn't have sunk to that low." Todoroki nods. "And if he had, he would have done a better job than my father. Your quirk is strong, it feels just like All Might's, but your body isn't built to handle it just like my oldest brother's body wasn't built to handle hellfire." Izuku has many questions. Apparently the oldest brother is dead and when he says he's sorry, Todoroki just says it happened a long time ago and he didn't really know him. He doesn't really know his other brother either, and Fuyumi only since their mother was hospitalized after burning his face and she took over. Izuku has even more questions just as many concerns. Todoroki is trying to answer them while also getting to his vow thing, since Izuku did answer his question at the start.
3. Around the corner, Bakugou is eavesdropping and totally not freaking out too. Yes, he's wracking his brain to remember any detail about Izuku's family- he knows Izuku's mom is an old classmate and friend of Bakugou's dad, remembers that Masaru called Inko one year to invite Izuku to Katsuki's birthday party, and then Katsuki had thrown a fit and Mitsuki had declared he'd deal with it if he wanted any gifts at all and swore to invite Izuku personally next time, but a year later had seemed to have forgotten about the threat and Masaru didn't try again. He vaguely remembers a woman with green hair. But surely, if Masaru knew his friend had bagged All Might, he would have said something. But he might not have known. But no, because Izuku can't be All Might's kid, because he would have said something. Had he ever mentioned his father? Bakugou was pretty sure the guy worked abroad, but maybe he was remembering something another old classmate had said instead?? Except none of that made sense, because Izuku was quirkless. And also had told him his quirk had been given to him. Which also made no sense!! Bakugou decides the answer is simple: Izuku is lying, either to him, to Todoroki, or to both of them. And he's going to find out the truth. After he beats both of them at the SF. Priorities after all.
4- After the fight with Todoroki, Izuku is in a hospital bed while Toshi looks over him. He wants to tell him everything, but is afraid of breaking Todoroki's trust. But Izuku's lie about his father involves Toshinori, so... He tells Toshi about what Shoto asked, that their quirks felt the same, and about his brother. Dimly, Toshi thinks it's kinda weird of Endeavor to push a kid to use fire when he's doing pretty well with ice, considering uh fire is the one that killed his older son, but most of his brainpower is being used to focus on "secret lovechild". And then he gets very apologetic because he's sure Izuku cares for his real father very much, except when he says that Izuku just shrugs and goes "eh I don't really think about him, haven't seen him in years" which means.... Free Son.
5- Bakugou derails his fight with Todoroki not to insist on him using his fire, but on him saying that obviously All Might isn't Izuku's father. Todoroki points out that the obvious connection, but Bakugou hasn't been around to hear any of the lunch invitations, and since he started investigating this mystery, uh, two hours ago, all he found was this weird tall blond skeleton hanging out around Izuku. Surely if he was All Might's son, All Might would have shown up to wish him luck. Or, you know, at any point at all in their childhoods. And really, he's known Izuku for most of his life, does Todoroki really think he's figured the guy out in a few weeks? (This whole conversation is happening while explosions and ice are flying, btw.) Todoroki just stares at him, and points on that on the first day of school, the whole class saw Bakugou flip out and act like Izuku was "supposed to be quirkless", so of course Todoroki didn't think Bakugou actually knew Izuku that well, if it all. Bakugou is blindsided enough by this that a bit of ice pushes him just over the lines. On the second place podium, he's got a very blank expression. When All Might leans in to put the medal on him, Bakugou quietly asks about Izuku, and Toshi's denial is suspicious enough to be confirmation. Bakugou fully bluescreens. Todoroki, meanwhile, tosses his first place medal to Izuku before leaving the pitch that day, because he doesn't want his father to be happy about having that in the house, and because he sorta owes it to him after helping him work through his issues. Izuku gives the medal to Uraraka, who pawns it off, sends half the money to her parents, and spends the rest of it taking her friends out to a celebratory dinner, which Izuku and Shoto and Tsu enjoy immensely. You'd think the person having the worst time that night is Tenya, at the hospital by his brother's side, but actually it's Bakugou who's interrogated his father for anything he's ever heard about Inko's husband and is trying to figure out if an affair with All Might or her and the real Izuku selling his identity to All Might's actual son is more likely.
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pocketramblr · 9 months
AU where Hisashi calls Izuku regularly while he works overseas and one day Hisashi tells Izuku about his new boyfriend who is very sweet to him and unfortunately got into a bad accident many years ago that left him disabled so Hisashi helps care for him.Izuku later finds out this boyfriend is AFO.
why would you leave inko for afo. 'hold on yeah i think i'll leave this priceless bahia emerald and skip town and then i found a broken piece of chalk instead.' my guy. you deserve all might stealing your son.
1- ok so. Hisashi is an accountant who moves to new york to make more money. He and inko officially divorce, which means Izuku takes the Midoriya name and Inko has sole custody, but while Hisashi does not have to pay child support or alimony, he does opt to send them some support and tries to stay in contact because i guess his taste in men was so bad that he and inko just work better as friends. good for them ig.
2- actually Hisashi is just straight up color-blind: he can't see any red flags. Its not just his personal tastes. this man has worked for four separate blatant money laundering schemes since he went abroad. he has no clue. this is how he ends up coming into contact with AfO, but AfO's job offering is too indirect and vague, and Hisashi is like 'are you... flirting with me?' instead, but AfO can work with that. And while Hisashi certainly isn't a genius with people or warning signs, i will give him (and inko) this: he's a great lay.
3- He's also a very caring boyfriend, which was part of the problem with inko, they ended up really inciting each other's anxieties, but AfO likes being pampered so he decides to keep Hisashi around even if he isn't a employee. even better really, that he doesn't have to pay, bribe, quirkify, dequirkify, or threaten him. Hisashi, as a bit of a doting boyfriend, also has a lot to say about the man to others, so Izuku ends up hearing a lot of gushing over the phone as he's training with weights and is a bit too out of breath to change the topic. plus, he doesn't want to bring up going to UA until its a sure thing, his dad will definitely freak out about it not being safe. finally he tells his dad he got in, and hisashi is like 'oh yeah, cuz they changed the rules, which track?' and izuku goes 'oh uh hero track and alsoihaveaquirknowitscalledsuperpower oh look at that moms calling me for dinner sorry bye.'
4. Dazed, Hisashi gushes about his son to his boyfriend later, dropping that izuku's going to become a hero at ua, what a surprise- but, well, he supposes his son has always loved to watch heroes...
AfO is like 'hm. being a hero isn't very safe...' ('i know...') 'why don't you try to push him to visit you? keep him safe. maybe in a safe. don't you just wanna keep a hold of him?' ("i do, but that'll only drive him away. he's growing up... besides, if i was busy only keeping watch over him, who'd take care of you?") 'mm, good point. keep prioritizing me, i will neither put a hit on the kid as competition nor do anything to keep him safer.'
5. Reveal... uh yeah so Hisashi does mention to Izuku when his boyfriend goes missing, sometimes he gets called to work suddenly but he's never been gone this long, he's worried, is he restocking his meds, where is he? oh yeah, he vanished around Kamino. unfortunate, but not incriminating on its own. What IS incriminating is rewound!AfO, looking at Izuku with a tilted head. "I can see bits of Hisashi in you, hm. Just the worst bits, luckily." Izuku starts realizing what this means. Bakugo distracts him and blasts him to the Shigaraki fight, because he also started to realize what it meant and simply did not want to deal with hearing anymore of that. Over at the ShigarAfO fight, AfO tries to keep throwing Izuku (and tomura) off their game by wondering if Hisashi will find this new, younger body nice as well- probably, its not like the man had the highest standards. Izuku and Tomura are united in such abosolute done-ness with AfO that he's immediately snuffed out of Tomura's head and nothing remains behind. Tomura is like 'uh, do you want a day's break and then a rematch because i need to bleach my brain' but izuku is like 'oh no i need to punch someone through a mountain rn, lets keep going while i reform you with the power of friendship and incredible violence.' (By unspoken agreement, neither Izuku, Bakugo, or Tomura ever breathe a word about it to anyone, much less to Hisashi.)
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pocketramblr · 5 months
AFO, probably: I can’t believe that Shimura abandonned her son in a wet cardboard on the side of the road in the middle of the highway! While it was raining! And the abandonment was for no specific reason at all! And they call me a villain?
you gotta balance the accusations at Nana with AfO being a swarmy self proclaimed demon king
"I can't believe that Shimura abandoned her son in a cardboard box on the side of the road in the middle of the night while it was raining, just so she could be a little bit faster without him weighing her down when she ran away from me! Who leaves their only remaining family member alone in an on-fire garbage dumpster, instead of holding them tight when plunging into a rat infested frozen river to ensure that if one of you dies, at least you both die together?? My mother give me her quirk before she died, Shimura could have done that but didn't, and she actually knew her kid before that! Honestly, how do you pick up less maternal affection with a child you've claimed to love for years than my mother did with only a month's warning? How do you end up more selfish than me- i bet Yoichi would have preferred I had him over her when he watched her gag the kid so he couldn't cry for help before taking the blanket from the cardboard box to dry her hands with, not even looking back behind her."
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pocketramblr · 4 months
please call ur spinnoff of mutuals 'kudos' lmao
if i do i have to find a way to stretch the plot to hitting singularity because the draw of izuku making a "the forbidden Second Kudos" joke is too strong...
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pocketramblr · 5 months
Want a Young Toshi movie so I could have more Hot for One
We could have a movie with a fetus Toshinori and still no hot all for one would materialize, yet you cling to this impossibility instead of realizing that young Toshi movie would triple our chances of getting to see Mom Might?
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pocketramblr · 10 months
What about an AU where Yoichi and AFO's quirks are swapped?
1- Yoichi, tiny little twin he is, starved, is so hungry that the second he's born, he clings and tries for food as the twins are raised to suckle- instead, he pulls the spike quirk into his body, and chokes on it. the spikes pierce the nursing new mother, and that with the injury of childbirth means this will be the first and last time the twins have milk.
2- The spikes poke AfO's hands when he grabs the baby, but Yochi's too tired and worn out to hurt him as much. Later, he'll learn to keep from hurting his brother, even as AfO ignores it, carrying Yoichi around like a weapon. Throw spiky brother at prey/intruders/attackers, then collect him when he's done. Yoichi is an attack dog- part pet, part tool. Except he's not good at following orders, his first words being "stop" and "no", so AfO just kinda shoves him where he wants him. Still, Yoichi doesn't leave.
3- As Yoichi is AfO's weapon, he is not left in different shelters while AfO goes out alone- he's never given the opportunity for privacy, or reading comics. Still, AfO finds out that Yoichi does not like *anyone* attacking others, not just him- he'll yell at strange grown ups to stop too, just like he does AfO. AfO wishes he would just attack first and stop trying to use words or tears that don't work- but then Yoichi takes another power and makes the attacker run away, and well... yeah, he can allow that.
4- When Yoichi falls ill, he cannot go out to fight or steal powers. AfO tries to tell him to anyway, and Yoichi gets annoyed and tells him to 'do it himself if he wants to badly enough', shoving the spike quirk into him- passing on a quirk for the first time. AfO is delighted, and tries to shake out more quirks, but Yoichi passed out from the effort, and refuses to when he wakes up- he even tries to take the spike quirk back, but finds that he can't. AfO gets more demanding, trying anything for more, bargaining, then threatening. Yoichi can't fight back without seriously hurting him, and he doesn't want to- so he finally shoves a bunch of quirks into his older brother and runs while he adjusts to the feeling.
5- AfO becomes a multi powered fiend, feared, while Yoichi vanishes, laying low and staying on the move, taking quirks from those who misuse them- when he thinks the word won't get back to his brother who still hunts him. One day, Yoichi's hideout is broken into by two vigilantes who want him to neutralize AfO. Yoichi explains he can't, his power can't take any back from his twin, and he tried. After some conferring, the two take Yoichi back to their group to figure out how he can be used to help, in exchange for safe keeping and food. A year later, the gambit seems to have worked- Kudo and his second-in-command stumble back to the base, the rest of the multi-quirk soldiers dead in the successful attempt to kill AfO. But that's when they realize the stress of multiple quirks in one brain, and Yoichi tries to take all their powers back to heal them. It doesn't work. The attack was their entire plan- the whole base is empty now, and everyone who left dead. Just Yoichi, and the youngest recruit Hikage who stayed behind as an alarm/guard, remain. Finally truly broken, Yoichi goes to Hikage and passes on every quirk, including the all-for-one quirk, then dies. Hikage flees into the woods. (Unbeknownst to him, so does Yoichi's brother's successor, Gigantomachia.)
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pocketramblr · 10 months
AU where Second has a Rat quirk
What part of brain reset was not understood... Oh well yeah ok why not.
1- Second can turn into a rat. Or maybe he's a rat who can turn into a human. No one's sure, not even the scientists that try to grab him for experiments. He escapes and meets Third, who introduces him to his group, the Rat Pack. The name is a coincidence. Second works well there, rising up the ranks... And growing a hatred of AfO
2- Second dislikes AfO not only because of his wonderful personality, but because AfO's bases are rat-proof. He has so many traps in his walls and vents, which is annoying because Second relies on turning into a rat for infiltration before attacks. It feels weirdly specific and targeted, and they worry for a while that AfO has a mole in the Rat Pack who tipped him off about the leader's abilities. He doesn't, it's another coincidence.
3- Because of this, Second is in his human form when breaking into the vault with Third, and seeing Yoichi. For a second, he's reminded of a rat trapped in a cage, in a lab- but Yoichi's in even worse health, and left alone. They rescue him. Yoichi assumes Second's power is related to his gun, or that he's not a meta.
4- Yoichi finds out later when he hears a sound and throws a knife, which narrowly misses. Second goes very still. Yoichi takes a deep breath to calm down, apologizes to the rat and says he can't stay here, the humans need all their food and their fingers and toes, so he needs to find another place, let Yoichi chase him out with a broom so he doesn't need to try the knife again. When Yoichi turns to grab the broom, Second changes back to human. He saw how Yoichi's hands shook at seeing him and assumes AfO used rats to scare or threaten him, and doesn't bring it up, though Yoichi is now delighted by the potential of the power, and deciding that Second is a very cute rat, actually.
5- *looks at Yoichi's white hair*
*looks at Second's rat quirk*
*looks at Nedzu*
Todoroki Shoto:
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pocketramblr · 5 months
AFO is a morning person. Yoichi is not.
Just one of the many beefs they have.
AfO: wakes up early due to screaming ghosts in his head, stays active during the day so he's tired enough to get to sleep quickly when he drops. (A lot of his quirks burn a lot of energy to use)
Yoichi: is ever exhausted in a way that doesn't mean sleepy, it's hard to get his breathing right and his sore body comfortable enough for sleep, so he'd rather watch the stars until he's finally tired enough, and then by morning he hasn't nearly gotten enough rest to really wake up
Twins Mother: "wow it's like they're built to be compliments, cover each other's weaknesses, easier for one to take watch while the others asleep so they can stay safer. I mean they won't, he's just dragging Yoichi along behind him even though the younger one is dead on his feet, but you know. They could I guess."
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pocketramblr · 13 days
stands in your inbox ominously
Cyber I was just getting cozy under a blanket and now I'm looking between this ask and my closet door nervously so hello to you too
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pocketramblr · 9 months
Absolutely love your writing for all the AU/5 headcanons asks. Can I ask: AU where Rei cheats on Endeavor with All Might? It happens after AM's injury, so she doesn't recognize him, and he ofc doesn't know that she's married in the first place, much less to whom
you make this very difficult for me by giving me a window of 6 and half years for them to have an affair and for every single moment of that window, Rei is institutionalized. how am i supposed to get them to meet, much less take their clothes off. ok. think. there are other fic writers who specialize in this kind of thing, surely. what would they do....
1- ok so. The fire alarm at the hospital goes off. Rei doesn't know if it's a drill or not, but she's been there for seven years and generally does not need a lot of support during something like this like other patients do, so the nurses wave her out and she stands around outside a bit waiting for the fire alarm to stop and them to go back in. (It isn't a drill, they wouldn't have evacuated everyone if it was, but Rei is on the other side of the building and facing away from seeing any smoke) (This smoke is from a villain attack that All Might is taking care of, though he's only got seconds left of his power to use that day. he quickly rushes off, deflating and stumbling out on the other side of the hospital. Where Rei is.)
2- Rei is like "huh that guy doesnt seem to be in good shape" and kinda waves attention at him, and a nurse who's passing out water to patients and keeping an eye on the road gives Toshinori some too, getting more concerned when he dazedly answers that he's All Might and coughs up blood, but the nurse figures he's concussed since he smells of smoke and must have been closer to the fight, and is just reeling from being able to see the number one hero in person. Then they get distracted and wave Toshi to wait nearby, where Rei offers to chill his water and asks if he's alright, if he breathed in any smoke.
3- They chat and then go back into the hospital as it's un-evacuated together, Rei hanging out in the lobby where he sits as the hospital staff focus on getting everyone else back to their rooms. It pays to be low priority sometimes. Eventually she tells him her name is Rei and that she's in room K18, if he ever wants to visit or call. She doesn't get to talk to anyone except doctors, family visitors, or other paitients, and most of them don't stay nearly as long as she does. It's been seven years, and she's very lonely. Toshinori is lonely too, and when he's out of time for a day and feeling useless with nothing to do, he likes to talk to a friend.
4- Rei has been in the hospital for eight years when it gets physical. At that point, Toshinori knows a bit about her family. She has kids, mentions visits from a son and daughter, and then quietly mentioned when her son turned seventeen- her daughter's already twenty. She's been there for so much of their lives. He asks if she's married, and she admits she isn't sure how to file for divorce in a hospital like she is, if she even can, if she wants to because she'd lose custody, if it matters when she's not raising them anyway. He doesn't ask much more, knows there is a dead child and a baby she says isn't safe with her there. Toshinori never called Nana 'mom' to her face while she was alive, and had a reason for it, and has a similar reason for not asking more, not asking for the other names when he gets Fuyumi and Natsuo's. Yes, the doctors and nurses all know Rei has a boyfriend who visits. they don't say anything. who would they even tell, anyway. I debated the humor of reusing the bit from candlelight shoto that Toshi and Rei could have a kid with a fire quirk, but yeah here? Rei ain't getting pregnant, absolutely not.
5- When Natsuo turns eighteen, Rei does actually file for divorce, or at least tries to get the ball rolling on that. Toshinori's trusted her that her marriage is over in all but name, but he's more at ease with it ended fully. Fuyumi is crushed but burying it all deep inside. Natsuo is like 'what are you talking about. divorce is the most normal possible outcome here.' But anyway, Rei also begins to bring up being discharged- something she never bothered with earlier, when it seemed like she'd never be able to go home while Shoto was there, and never would want to go back anyway. (Her parents are absolutely not an option either so where would she go once discharged? the hospital was her only security.) Toshinori then tells her at this point about his diagnosis, that he's supposed to be terminal, in a way. He doesn't have a lot of time he can give her. Rei says that's ok, she'll take what she can get. She moves in. Fuyumi still goes out to eat with her once a week, though Rei doesn't say she's moved in with a boyfriend, just says she's in a safe place and it's not Fuyumi's job to worry about it, please, let her do that, relax, be her daughter instead of a mother. Natsuo adds her to his cellphone plan and gets her one. Rei doesn't tell Toshinori her ex's identity. Toshinori doesn't tell her about OfA, though she does know he's mentoring a student for heroics and is very proud of him. (Toshinori is a secretary at Might Tower, he's a great mentor. Oh huh, he got a job position at UA at the same time as All Might, she wonders if they carpool.)
+1- OK THE REVEAL so the reveal is. Toshinori gets home from the SF. And Rei almost knocks him out by the door, eyes wide and panicked, asking if he's ok, if Shoto's ok. Toshinori is like "... young todoroki? yeah he's alright? i know his fight with young bakugo looked bad but- Rei???" And that's when it all clicks for him, he's having dozens of horrible realizations at once, all while Rei weeps over her youngest. Toshinori's been a hero for a very, very long time. He's felt hopeless, before. But even then, he's known what needs to be done, he just isn't able to do it. But now? he's at a complete loss with no idea what he should do.
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pocketramblr · 9 months
For the AU ask game, what about a roleswap between Izuku and All might?
Fun fact: a role swap does not necessarily mean an age swap. It really depends on what roles are being swapped.
1- The Symbol of Peace, Dekiru, has been the Number One Hero for a few decades. Happy, bright, and always moving, his smile is the only part of him not covered by his lucky green rabbit costume. Toshinori was a few years out of college when he was rescued in Dekiru's debut, and sometimes when he's sad or needs motivation, he goes back and watches videos of it. Which is why what he's seeing is impossible:
2- Dekiru's mask torn off, revealing a child's face, still round and freckled even with the pale skin and dark eye bags. Toshinori would think he was just a kid cosplaying the hero, except that kid definitely just saved his life from the villain now knocked against the wall, and even as the kid is passed out on the ground too, a thin layer of smoke is flowing from the neck of his costume, trying to obscure his face, too late. When Toshinori gets closer, black tendrils flip out from his arms and stand threatening over him. Toshinori holds up his hands, "I just need to check your pulse and airway" and he's allowed closer to do that. The kid wakes a few minutes later, and in a crack of green lightning, they're dashed away to the roof of a nearby building, the kid panting. Toshinori asks what's wrong, how can he help?
3- Dekiru sighs, and then tells Toshinori everything. He was created in a lab by a villain trying to get a very specific quirk. He couldn't wait however long it took babies to manifest, and he didn't want to deal with adults, so Dekiru has always been a child. But even then, the villain would not get the quirk he wanted. Dekiru escaped with some help- don't ask- made pro hero, made number one hero, and went and killed that villain a few years ago. However, doing so weakened him- he used to only need one hour of sleep a day to reset and get 23 of quirk usage and crime fighting. Now he only gets two hours of energy from each hour spent asleep, though he really does try to push it. Hence, just passing out now. He's swaying on his feet now, actually. Toshinori offers to carry him to his agency- he could throw his bright yellow suit jacket over the kid and carry him on his back, without the mask no one would realize who he was, just assume he's taking his kid home. Dekiru says it's fine, actually, and flies them both off the roof- only to fall the last few feet. Bright red, he agrees, though he tries to use float to be as light as possible as Toshinori's back. Not that it's needed, the man isn't as fit as he was when he was younger, but he's still plenty tall and strong.
4- except, ah ha, you know how they kinda left the villain from earlier there? Whopsie attack number two a few minutes later, and Toshi just puts Dekiru down behind him and grabs a pipe to fight back with. With the villain defeated, Dekiru looks up at Toshinori, and asks if he wants his quirk. He'd make a great hero, and probably would be able to do more with it than Dekiru can, since he'll only need to rest more and more over time. Toshinori accepts, walks Dekiru back to his agency, and gets a number to talk about it later.
5- later, Toshinori asks what will happen to Dekiru when he gives up his quirk. The kid is evasive, and Toshinori is pretty sure he'll lose his repowering speed even more until it goes away. He asks if Dekiru has ever done anything besides sleep and fight. Dekiru hasn't, and Toshinori ties his acceptance of the quirk to the fact that Dekiru has to gain something too. A normal life, friends, school, something. Toshinori suggests UA- they changed their rule to allow quirkless students, so Dekiru could get his license that way and prepare using support gear, have a second run at a real career and life instead of giving it up all to Toshinori. Dekiru admits that Nedzu was one of his fellow lab rats kept by the villain and would probably be all too excited to approve of this, but don't expect not to end up owing Nedzu a favor after this. So, Toshinori begins training physically again, this time to receive a quirk, and Dekiru begins studying, since he never needed school before and has several years to catch up on if he's going to be ready for high school in a months. Toshinori gains a provisional licence in the winter and can get a full one after a year at an agency, which Nedzu insists be UA. After sending Dekiru off to the entrance exam with a good luck and double checking all his support gear, Toshinori gets invited to watch, and almost has a heart attack when Nedzu stamps "Accepted" on the paperwork as Dekiru dismantles a giant robot, sliding the stack over so that he can see that on the top of the boy's form, his name is listed as "Midorya Izuku" and for emergency contact, "Yagi Toshinori (Uncle, legal guardian)"
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