#shoto having no idea of the divorce and so when the truth comes out
pocketramblr · 9 months
Absolutely love your writing for all the AU/5 headcanons asks. Can I ask: AU where Rei cheats on Endeavor with All Might? It happens after AM's injury, so she doesn't recognize him, and he ofc doesn't know that she's married in the first place, much less to whom
you make this very difficult for me by giving me a window of 6 and half years for them to have an affair and for every single moment of that window, Rei is institutionalized. how am i supposed to get them to meet, much less take their clothes off. ok. think. there are other fic writers who specialize in this kind of thing, surely. what would they do....
1- ok so. The fire alarm at the hospital goes off. Rei doesn't know if it's a drill or not, but she's been there for seven years and generally does not need a lot of support during something like this like other patients do, so the nurses wave her out and she stands around outside a bit waiting for the fire alarm to stop and them to go back in. (It isn't a drill, they wouldn't have evacuated everyone if it was, but Rei is on the other side of the building and facing away from seeing any smoke) (This smoke is from a villain attack that All Might is taking care of, though he's only got seconds left of his power to use that day. he quickly rushes off, deflating and stumbling out on the other side of the hospital. Where Rei is.)
2- Rei is like "huh that guy doesnt seem to be in good shape" and kinda waves attention at him, and a nurse who's passing out water to patients and keeping an eye on the road gives Toshinori some too, getting more concerned when he dazedly answers that he's All Might and coughs up blood, but the nurse figures he's concussed since he smells of smoke and must have been closer to the fight, and is just reeling from being able to see the number one hero in person. Then they get distracted and wave Toshi to wait nearby, where Rei offers to chill his water and asks if he's alright, if he breathed in any smoke.
3- They chat and then go back into the hospital as it's un-evacuated together, Rei hanging out in the lobby where he sits as the hospital staff focus on getting everyone else back to their rooms. It pays to be low priority sometimes. Eventually she tells him her name is Rei and that she's in room K18, if he ever wants to visit or call. She doesn't get to talk to anyone except doctors, family visitors, or other paitients, and most of them don't stay nearly as long as she does. It's been seven years, and she's very lonely. Toshinori is lonely too, and when he's out of time for a day and feeling useless with nothing to do, he likes to talk to a friend.
4- Rei has been in the hospital for eight years when it gets physical. At that point, Toshinori knows a bit about her family. She has kids, mentions visits from a son and daughter, and then quietly mentioned when her son turned seventeen- her daughter's already twenty. She's been there for so much of their lives. He asks if she's married, and she admits she isn't sure how to file for divorce in a hospital like she is, if she even can, if she wants to because she'd lose custody, if it matters when she's not raising them anyway. He doesn't ask much more, knows there is a dead child and a baby she says isn't safe with her there. Toshinori never called Nana 'mom' to her face while she was alive, and had a reason for it, and has a similar reason for not asking more, not asking for the other names when he gets Fuyumi and Natsuo's. Yes, the doctors and nurses all know Rei has a boyfriend who visits. they don't say anything. who would they even tell, anyway. I debated the humor of reusing the bit from candlelight shoto that Toshi and Rei could have a kid with a fire quirk, but yeah here? Rei ain't getting pregnant, absolutely not.
5- When Natsuo turns eighteen, Rei does actually file for divorce, or at least tries to get the ball rolling on that. Toshinori's trusted her that her marriage is over in all but name, but he's more at ease with it ended fully. Fuyumi is crushed but burying it all deep inside. Natsuo is like 'what are you talking about. divorce is the most normal possible outcome here.' But anyway, Rei also begins to bring up being discharged- something she never bothered with earlier, when it seemed like she'd never be able to go home while Shoto was there, and never would want to go back anyway. (Her parents are absolutely not an option either so where would she go once discharged? the hospital was her only security.) Toshinori then tells her at this point about his diagnosis, that he's supposed to be terminal, in a way. He doesn't have a lot of time he can give her. Rei says that's ok, she'll take what she can get. She moves in. Fuyumi still goes out to eat with her once a week, though Rei doesn't say she's moved in with a boyfriend, just says she's in a safe place and it's not Fuyumi's job to worry about it, please, let her do that, relax, be her daughter instead of a mother. Natsuo adds her to his cellphone plan and gets her one. Rei doesn't tell Toshinori her ex's identity. Toshinori doesn't tell her about OfA, though she does know he's mentoring a student for heroics and is very proud of him. (Toshinori is a secretary at Might Tower, he's a great mentor. Oh huh, he got a job position at UA at the same time as All Might, she wonders if they carpool.)
+1- OK THE REVEAL so the reveal is. Toshinori gets home from the SF. And Rei almost knocks him out by the door, eyes wide and panicked, asking if he's ok, if Shoto's ok. Toshinori is like "... young todoroki? yeah he's alright? i know his fight with young bakugo looked bad but- Rei???" And that's when it all clicks for him, he's having dozens of horrible realizations at once, all while Rei weeps over her youngest. Toshinori's been a hero for a very, very long time. He's felt hopeless, before. But even then, he's known what needs to be done, he just isn't able to do it. But now? he's at a complete loss with no idea what he should do.
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itssleepyrabbit · 4 years
hi! wow i super love your art and i don’t have enough dabihawks in my life 🥺 was wondering if you had any fic recs for them?? 💕💕
aah thank you so much!! 💕💕 💕💕
BOY IF I DO HAVE!! alright buckle up this might get long (most are fluff and SFW~ i’ll put a NSFW warning but be sure to look at tags in all of them!!)
Bed I made (lie in it with me) by  silverwordswrites
“Touya is in desperate need of a plus-one for his brother's wedding and Keigo is infinitely curious about the man who he was sure used to hate him in college.” 
-- the summary says everything and honestly it’s one of the most romatics dabihawks fics i’ve read.
He Doesn't Love Me by  Fatally
“Dabi doesn't love him. He's accepted that thorny truth, swallowed it down and let briars grow in his chest, drinking down his blood like water.Or: The one in which Hawks settles for pining for his entire life and doesn't realize Dabi's been staring at him the entire time, too.” 
-- I love pinning Hawks with a burning passion.
sweetheart, is that you? by  fuckendeavor666
“dabi and hawks say i love you (without actually saying i love you) in five different ways.“ 
-- This is my absolute fave dabihawks fic
Deck the Halls With Boughs of Folly by  DrAphra
“In which the League has acquired a new fancy mansion -with all the heating and food and plush beds they could possibly need - but they still prefer to spend the day out in the wilderness with just each other. Plus Hawks.“ 
-- Honestly all Aphra’s dabihawks fics are more than worth it but this one has a special place on my heart.
fuck, im so young - orphaned
“Todoroki Touya writes poems.
Words upon words of heartfelt confessions, letters of sing song fantasies, syllables of feelings he never got to say out loud.
When Todoroki Touya hits sixteen, he burns himself to death.
When Dabi hits twenty four-
He meets Hawks.” 
-- i don’t know how to explain but this fic it’s pretty
Feathers and Feelings by  Toboe1087
“Hawks keeps leaving feathers on his pillow, and Dabi's about had it.
(like hell he'd let anyone else have them, though)”
-- Dabi preening Hawks feathers is a blessing
(this is not a) swan song by  bittermoons
“"Who's your favorite, then?"
"Hawks." Touya doesn't miss a beat. "Definitely Hawks."
"What? Seriously? How come?"
"He has his flaws, but at the end of the day, he's trying to do good. It's something he always strives for. Dabi, on the other hand...if it weren't for Hawks, he wouldn't be a hero, that's for sure."
[Or: How a secret is revealed, and what comes afterwards.]”
-- Adorable no quirks AU with manga artist Touya and oblivious Keigo! Another author i adore pretty much all dabihawks works.
You can't trap the sky in a bottle by thyandra
“Letting Toga organize the accommodations for their trip might have been a mistake. This particular truth becomes obvious to Keigo as he opens the door of his hotel room for the first time. There, staring back at him mockingly, is a single, king-sized bed. It’s only by virtue of all the years spent perfecting his poker face around his adoptive parents, that he manages to keep his face straight. At his side, Touya clicks his tongue. “They must’ve given us the wrong key.””
--(no quirks AU) I really love they way Dabi and Hawks are written here i can’t express it in words and so so much pinning
A Tale as Old as Time by  EloFromMars, Gotcocomilk
“Dabi and Hawks are hit by the most improbable Quirk: both are yeeted in Fairytales land and have to rely on each other to get out of this.“
-- this was such a fun read omg
A Romance Written All Over Your Body by  minatsukinoamayo
//NSFW mind the tags!//
“Hawks is assigned to infiltrate the League of Villains in order to expose them. Hawks usually never fails a mission, but Keigo usually never falls in love, either.A story of how Hawks falls from grace to become a villain, because hero society has failed them all.
5 times they're not in a relationship and 1 time they are.“
-- you know those fics you say “one more chapter” and it’s 3AM
it caught spark in your eyes by  youareoldfatherwilliam
//Mature - Implied Sexual Content//
“Keigo’s quirk is powerful, but sometimes it comes with unintended side effects.
Or: A 5 + 1 fic of five times the more…instinctively bird-like parts of Keigo’s quirk took over accidentally during his relationship with Dabi, and one time it happened entirely on purpose.“
-- I was screaming about this particular fic on twt the other day pls give it a read if you can it’s so so so good! Any fic that has Hawks with bird traits has a special place on my heart
The Others by  threesipsmore
//Mature - 2 sexual scenes, nothing too explicit but they’re there//
“"Skeptic's starting to think he’s more important than me,” Toga sneers, an acidic edge to her voice. “Making decisions on his own, sending out birdie without even talking to me first.”
She’d simply acquiesced to cooperating with Skeptic, but from day one the complaints had never stopped. In this tiny room layered with sushi and cakes, Dabi was forced to listen to her whining.”
-- You go birb, you get that man
Equivalent Exchange by  inexchangeforyoursoul
“Keigo blinks the blurry oblivion away from his eyes, although some part of it is oddly stubborn and to stay indefinitely. There's three things he's certain of: first, he’s alive. Second, just by looking at the bed and windows he can tell this is no villain hospital or torture room. Third: something feels wrong. Very wrong.
The silence… is deafening.
To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.
If so, what of a bird that has lost its wings?”
-- i had so many feelings reading i can’t physically explain them to you also PINK HAIR DABI PINK HAIR DABI
dabi's 5-step guide to being a better parent than endeavor by  twinkfrankenstein (orphan_account)
“A little voice inside his head whispered spitefully about how this was no place for a child, and how he was making a mistake and would only traumatize the kid, yada yada. He responded with an equally spiteful-
“Fuck off, its not like I planned to do arson today.”
(or: how Dabi becomes a good dad just to spite his own, realizes he kinda sorta maybe likes Hawks for realsies, begrudgingly admits the League cares and finally comes to terms with his protective side. Not in that order.)“
-- this legit made me laught out loud idk what else tell you
The Todoroki In-Laws by  aphrodaisyacs
“Over 10 years after the fight against the Paranormal Liberation Front, Rumi, aka the part-time hero Miruko and the proud wife of one Todoroki Fuyumi, decides it would be an awesome idea to create a groupchat with the significant others of the other Todoroki siblings.
Maybe things would be easier if its members weren’t two Pro Heroes, a former one and a rehabilitated villain, but…Honestly, where’s the fun in that?”
-- this is not dabihawks focused but it’s so funny pls
With Being Petty Comes Consequences by  CursedUndead
“"When we were saying fuck pro heroes, I didn't think you literally meant FUCK them," Tomura grumbles, kicking over an empty beer can.
"Pretty judgmental for someone fucking a pro twice their age," Touya says.
Tomura squints, and says, "Ten years is not twice my age."
Or, after spending Enji's money, Touya is forced to babysit for the number 2 hero to pay him back. Touya makes it his life's mission to fuck his new boss.”
-- this only has 4 chapters but i know it’s going to be one of my faves
The Truth series by  AmethystUnarmed
-- Hawks gets hit with a truth quirk and starts to be actually free by the power of love, friendship and a bit of crime <3
The last entry is on-going
and if we sit and count it up it's really not a lot by  sincerelysamedt
“Hawks finds a bento box in his messenger bag and almost cries.
"Is that a loving wife bento?"“
-- please PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD READ THIS ONE /sobbing noises/
steal your heart by  darlingest
“When infamous thief Hawks announces that he is going to steal the heart of Endeavor's son, everyone expects him to prey on Shoto Todoroki - nobody suspects Touya to be the actual target.“
-- Villain Hawks and civilian Dabi are my guilty pleasure and this one it’s so soft too i’m- djsahfdjkfhadf
darling, thank god it’s this universe we’re in (and you can annoy me as much as you please) by  juurensha
“ Todoroki Rei divorces Endeavor and moves all four of her children into a small apartment next to a boy with wings as red as the hair of her eldest son. “
-- This was one of the first dabihawks fics i ever read and, to this day, i come back to it when i feel i need the extra burst in happy feelings and check their other works too! Honestly all are such a good fucking read
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szivtalan · 3 years
otp questions for endhawks.........will u kick me if i'm greedy and say ALL OF THE NUMBERS
I WILL NOT but this might take a while tho!!!!
1. Who is the most affectionate?
hawks is more physically affectionate - he'll link their arms together, cuddle to enji's side in public, climb in his lap when they're home, hold his hand, initiate kisses more. but it's enji that people notice sending fond looks for his boyfriend so many times it becomes embarrassing - tabloids will have a whole article on endeavor's "heart eyes" ("my eyes are not hearts" enji frowns at the magazine in hawks' hands, who just shrugs and grins "seems like they are for me") so i would say, deep down the big man's a softie too
2. Big spoon/Little spoon?
enji/hawks. unless enji has a nightmare, because in that case, hawks is more than happy to be his lil jetpack.
3. Most common argument?
ah they fight about the most useless things but one of my favorites that must come up often is enji thinking that hawks deserves better than him, and hawks insisting that he's everything he ever wanted.
4. Favorite non-sexual activity?
kicking villain ass and family dinners. hawks likes to eat, and enji likes to eat with his loved ones all in one place. he wonders why hawks gets along so well with his children, and then he realizes - he forgot (again) how insanely young hawks is, and that he's merely a few years older than his youngest son, too. ngl natsuo glares daggers at his old man for having a boyfriend half his age ahahaha
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
given that enji could swing hawks around like a yo-yo, i think it's him ADJGSGH
6. What is their favorite feature of their partner’s?
hawks likes everything about enji. he's really into his body, but also his dry sarcasm, his occasional goofy jokes, and most of all, his heart. hawks will watch enji kneel down to a couple of children at a battlefield, his own face and hands dripping with blood, grunt out "are you alright, kiddos? come here, i'll get you somewhere safe" and see him do exactly that, scoop the kids up in his arms and carry them on shaking legs that could barely keep himself up, and then he will see him let his eldest burn the world, his second eldest scream at his face, his youngest treat him like dirt and know that he still cares so deeply for them, know that he loves them and wants the best for them and if the best is torment their father until he dies or worse, he'll let them without so much as a complaint.
enji, on the other hand, loves how easily hawks can lift the mood. he's learned to see through facades, and he'll call him out if he senses that it's hurting hawks to put on a mask, but hawks joking around and mouthing off makes our atlas feel like the weight of the world is a little lighter that day. he loves him for how driven he is, how graceful and hard-working and focused he seems in a fight, and thinks about how those traits were most important to him in the past but now he can see hawks use them to create a world where they can rest, and he realizes... that's not so bad an idea after all.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
enji speeds up the process of divorcing his wife lol. also he becomes more nervous around hawks, because shit, he likes him too, but he shouldn't be liked, why does hawks even like him? when hawks learns that enji likes him too, he gets shamelessly flirty. he doesn't make a move, of course - enji is still a married man, but he'll laugh at his nervousness, play with his own hair for enji's viewing pleasure and send suggestive winks his way like the damn tease he is.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
enji calling hawks birdie is pretty obvious. hawks alternates every petname imaginable for enji when he learns that he's never been called one (he figures it out when he jokingly calls him darling once and enji blushes to the roots of his hair), his favorite is "sweetheart" and "baby". enji also calls hawks his angel, but only when he's being very soft for him
9. Who worries the most?
i mean..... both? enji tends to worry more for hawks' safety and hawks worries more for the crushing guilt enji lives with.
10. Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant?
hawks - claims he does, but the truth is, he says a different thing each time and enji's happy to try new things as long as hawks will beam at him proudly after ordering
11. Who tops?
depends. they both do. enji topped more at the beginning because hawks was really into it and he was kinda insecure about asking for anything else, but hawks once offered and found out that he has a delicious bottom bitch on his hands.
12. Who initiates kisses?
hawks. height difference doesn't really matter when you have wings to fly up to your boyfriend's face and kiss him stupid
13. Who reaches for the other’s hand first?
enji does. he wants to feel that hawks is by his side all the time, safe and sound.
14. Who kisses the hardest?
again, enji. his kisses get desperate, his hands rough. his temperature goes up despite his will and he just wants hawks to melt against him
15. Who wakes up first?
enji does! he's used to working out in the early morning before going to work
16. Who wants to stay in bed just a little longer?
hawks does!! deep down he's still a rebellious lazy teen and whenever he has a day off, he likes to sleep until 12. he swears he considers breaking up with enji the first time the man wakes him up at 6 to ask if he wants to come work out with him
17. Who says I love you first?
surprisingly, enji does. hawks is way too protective of his own feelings to let them flow out so soon, but enji is desperate, he wants hawks by his side for ever, and the first time he says it is the first time he realizes it's true. they're out eating dinner one day, and enji watches hawks chew around the food in his mouth, downing chicken like his life depended on it, and he watches the last rays of sunlight hit his golden hair, his golden eye, paint his wings blood red, and he knows he hasn't seen anything more perfect than that sight. he tells him he loves him, and hawks laughs so much he almost chokes on food. "pretty fucked up to tell me that while i'm deepthroating yakitori" he tells him, giggling
18. Who leaves little notes in the other’s one lunch? (Bonus: what does it usually say?)
hawks!!! it usually says cheesy things like "good luck at work, endeavor-san!" or "don't forget to eat ur vegetables!" when there are zero vegetables in the lunches hawks packs for him
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first?
i mean hawks doesn't have much connection to his family, or has many friends, but enji is kind of pressed to tell his family all about his relationship since, you know. the news would reach them sooner or later anyway
20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
mirko is THRILLED that hawks is dating endeavor. the todoroki family, i mean.... shoto is confused, natsuo is mad, fuyumi and rei are both supportive and say they both want the best for enji. but mostly they just all think that he's really. Really young lol
21. Who is more likely to start dancing with the other?
hawks!!! he likes to dance around the kitchen while enji is cooking or doing the dishes, and sometimes manages to seduce enji into his arms too.
22. Who cooks more/who is better at cooking?
hawks is a better cook, but he never tells enji about that. he just lets him suffer and teach himself how to cook because it's so much fun
23. Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines?
hawks, but he says nothing he would ever say can beat enji calling him his angel. that's the cheesiest it can get, and it's also only because of his wings, like shut up enji omg that's so embarrassing
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
hawks gets bored on important meetings. then he looks over to enji in a suit and gets horny. one of his favorite hobbies is watching enji squirm and struggle to keep it together after he's stroked his thigh under the table and whispered filth in his ear
25. Who needs more assurance?
enji does. he really, honestly thinks he doesn't deserve the love hawks has for him.
26. What would be their theme song?
my dude every song on ur playlist could be but this one in particular takes the cake for real
27. Who would sing to their child back to sleep?
in an au where enji's kids are still kids instead of grown adults, hawks would definitely read to them (sometimes legit tales, sometimes just colored-up and censored versions of their dad's missions) and cuddle them to sleep while he hums to them softly. in a non-au, enji catches him with shoto sleeping all wrapped up in his arms and wings, right after comforting him when he had a nightmare, trying to keep awake but slowly dozing off holding enji's youngest, most precious son, and enji kind of falls in love a lot more.
28. What do they do when they’re away from each other?
text, call, videochat. hawks makes a show of wearing some of enji's clothes, but really, you can't keep these assholes away from each other.
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
enji will never think he deserves to have hawks by his side
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
hawks will never grow tired of showing enji how much he deserves him.
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straw-of-the-hat · 4 years
A Lillian x Katsuki soulmate au???? I'm sorry but soulmate au's are a hole i have fallen far into.
Lillian x Katsuki: soulmate edition
(Not edited! Expect typos!!!!)
These headcanons belong to this fic.
-Soulmates are rare. So terribly rare, in fact, that few still believe they exist. They're more of a legend these days— a myth, if you will. Despite this, everyone seems to know what they are. And deep down, everyone wants one.
-Katsuki's parents aren't soulmates. His grandparents aren't either. His aunt and uncle aren't soulmates in the least. In fact, they'd gotten a divorce last June and has left one another on rather nasty terms last he heard.
-His mom used to tell him stories. Stories about meeting your fated other and becoming so indescribably complete that you'd wonder how you even functioned before. It was the few times his mother would go from loud and rambunctious to serene and soft. Her change in demeanor was how he knew, growing up, that she was telling the truth..
-Of course, he wouldn't tell anyone he thought they were true. Or that he daydreamed about finding one.
-Katsuki felt he was missing something. It made him mad that it wasn't there. Something in him was empty and gnawing. He wasn't sure why. He had a powerful quirk and was praised by those around him for such. He made good grades. He even had a couple extras to follow him around.
-A soulmate was what he was missing, he deduced for what had to be the millionth time. Not that he'd tell anyone.
-Becoming the number one hero was his chance. The only way he'd ever hunt them down! He'd be known worldwide, and somewhere, someday, they'd know.
-That, and he'd be the strongest hero ever. Which was just the sprinkles on top really.
-He joined UA, angry and not willing to make friends. He noticed someone rather quick. He had never dated or really had his eye on anyone. If he was going to be with anyone, it would be his soulmate.
-So why on God's green motherfucking earth did Lillian Faust draw his attention?
-He didn't know. He had no idea! He tried to talk to her, but she was honestly pathetic. Short, scrawny, shy. He dwelled on her constantly. Constantly! He'd stare at her, doodle her in his notebook absentmindedly, try to count the freckles on her face and arms. It was just this constant nagging feeling that drove him nuts.
-He decided she was an extra. An irritating one.
-She kicked ass at the USJ shortly thereafter. He rescended his decision that she was a nobody.
-There was something up with Lillian. Lillian, who'd stopped using her last name. She walked home with friends, so he didn't get the chance to confront her anymore. The blonde one would bark at him. Literally. Like a dog. Fucking pathetic.
-Things were hard after that. Lillian, Lillian, Lillian. His parents started to ask what the fuck was wrong. Why was he so quiet? Did he need help? Was he depressed? Why was his search history all UA's digital yearbook? Was he looking at his student photo?
-He was looking at Lillian's, actually. Like he'd tell them that.
-Strangely enough, he wasn't embarrassed about this... Whatever this was. He didn't being it up because he's get teased, but it didn't bother him like it should've. He was irritated and confused because he couldn't figure this out, but not... Not annoyed with her, or disgusted.
-He thought long and hard. He was shit with feelings. Complete, utter shit. He went over the facts one at a time.
-Lillian was strong. With her quirk, she could stop him in his tracks. There was no a way to stop someone who could blink and freeze you in place without you even knowing she'd done it until after the fact. This should've angered him, but it didn't. It made him... Want to laugh.
-She had long black hair and was covered in freckles. Her hair was always messy and he found it endearing. He wanted to count and trace her freckles. There were so many, and he could almost map out constellations with them the more he looked.
-Katsuki's favorite color had been red his whole life. Lillian's eyes were aqua blue. Subsequently enough, his favorite color had switched to that exact shade of blue shortly after he joined UA. Odd. Probably not a coincidence, he begrudgingly admitted.
-He would not mind hugging her. He sort of wanted to. The more he thought about it, the more okay it seemed. That wouldn't be that odd if he hasn't blown up Kaminari yesterday after he'd accidentally brushed shoulders with him.
-A bit of google searching had him at a simple yet horrifying conclusion. This was, without a doubt, a crush.
-They next few days had his head spinning. He'd never had a crush before, so why now? Where had he gone wrong? What had triggered it? Could he make it go away?
-He practically drilled holes in her head in the days leading up to the sports festival. He may as well have been drooling. He deduced that his crush was going nowhere.
-He almost ran into her in the hall just before the festival, in fact. She was dressed in shorts and a shirt that said "Team Eraserhead" on it, and had her hair up in a ponytail that was falling apart. She was sweaty and breathless, and clearly in some sort of pain, but she... Well, she smiled.
-He was gone. Done for, really. Something was amiss, and he didn't know how to make it stop. Lillian has hooked him, and boy was he sinking right now. What was going on?
-She won the race with her two friends in the first round, and one piece clicked into place. Nothing enough to give him any sort of full picture, but it was... something. Something deeper than a crush.
-She dominated in the second round with ease and surprising confidence. He felt annoyed watching her laugh with Shoto Todoroki. Jealous, even. Another piece clicked.
-She asked him to join some sort of fucking protection squad. She was kind and genuine. He couldn't say no. It was another piece.
-Talking to her made him less angry. He felt calm and more like himself than he had... well, ever really. He was collected, and just... happy. He could laugh, and smile, and roll his eyes in a teasing way. This was another piece. One to a nearly full picture. One he could almost make out.
-The last piece fell into place during the final portion of the sports festival. Before it started, they had all the contestants come out and shake hands with one another. It was sort of a show of good faith. One he didn't want to participate in.
-But then it was time to shake Lillian's hand. And the stadium's roar fell on deaf ears, and everyone else ceased to exist. The cameras zoomed in on them, and Present Mic made some witty remark about opposites colliding. But Katsuki couldn't look away from Lillian, and neither could she.
-Their hands collided. And everything seemed to change in an instant.
-Her hand was small and warm in his, and it sent a shockwave rippling out. It was powerful and physical. Not something he'd imagined based on how silent the stadium got. His world brightened, and he couldn't believe how full it'd been before. Lillian's eyes were so much... Fuller than he'd realized. Full of blues he hadn't realized existed.
-There was silence. He didn't let go. She didn't either. They just stood there in the eerie silence, staring at one another in shock. And Bakugo realized he didn't feel so empty anymore.
-He told her in a quiet voice that carried through the entire stadium that she was his soulmate. That she was what had been missing.
-Her brilliant smile and the roar of the crowd told him he wasn't wrong.
-Scientists contact them and want to study their bond, but they refuse.
-Being apart makes Katsuki antsy. It doesn't feel right when she's not there.
-Aizawa despises him
-So does Mic but in a more passive aggressive manner.
-Lillian can feel Katsuki very vividly and knows when he's in any sort of emotional turmoil.
-Hitoshi and Neito are very, very weary of him and he's constantly under a microscope when they're around. Of course he doesn't give a shit
-The world now knows there's soulmates. Everyone in that stadium felt that wave, and the camera literally picked it up. There's a new frenzy of people trying to find their other half
-A few actually do. But only a few.
-Mitsuki and Masaru don't believe it. When their son comes home, he's just as rude as he's always been.
-But then Lillian shows up, cleaned up after the festival. And she wraps their son in a hug, and Katsuki is smiling and laughing in a way they've never seen
-They love Lillian for giving him that
-Katsuki can feel Lillian's nerves and knows how to calm them
-The class is hyper-aware of everything they do. Every glance Katsuki throws her is met with a wolf whistle and every whisper exchanged us observed with curious eyes
-Lillian and Katsuki learn not to mind
-They fit together so naturally. Lillian couldn't even imagine being anxious around him, and she doesn't know why. She's just... not.
-When they first kiss it feels natural and a lot like coming home
-They're a fairly private and subtle couple. 1-A almost doesn't think they're together until the dorms come into play.
-It's the way Lillian throws her legs over Katsuki's when they're sitting on the couch, and the manner in which Bakugo puts an arm over her shoulders and leans into her to look at something on her phone that tells them.
-He's softer with her. Still himself, but kinder in a way. It's so... Normal. It makes sense without making any at all at the exact same time. The way they talk to each other is simply how it's meant to be, they guess
-They're pitted against each other in hero training one day by drawing lots. It's completely by chance, and supposed to be just simple hand to hand combat
-They just stand there and stare at one another. And when Aizawa asks what the hold up is, they just blink. They simply... don't. They can't. It's not possible. It makes zero sense in their minds. The idea couldn't even occur to them, even for training purposes.
-So, they're not put against one another anymore. They find it's for the best.
-Anytime one of them is hurt, the other had a very obvious reaction. Lillian falls and scrapes up her knee quite nastily, and Katsuki is already turning around with wide eyes. He looks like he's seem a ghost. The same thing happens to Lillian, whether the injury is big or small.
-They're practicing working in teams and get paired together. All Might and Aizawa have never once in their lives seen a more efficient team. Their quirks are stronger and more durable when they're together, they realize.
-Katsuki tells Lillian he loves her. It's stated in a very matter-of-fact way, as though it's obvious.
-And it is. Lillian loves him too. She tells him as such.
-Overall, they're just two peas in a pod. And everything just... Fits.
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
Story Ideas for my Lovelies to look at and decide (please do not steal):
P.S. This is for my AO3 account but I might post short snippets on Tumblr
All of these stories will be a Fem! Izuku:
- Option 1: Midoriya Inko studied abroad in America for a year and came back home pregnant. Inko claimed that the father was a good man, just not ready for a family. Midoriya Rina never knew her father, she grew to hate his absence but found a new father figure in the form of a hero she only ever saw on the computer or on the news. All Might was everything Rina knew her father was not. But, after the battle with All for One leaves All Might severely injured and missing his stomach and a lung, All Might decides that he wants to be apart of his daughter’s life. What happens when the father Rina has hated her whole life turns out to be the only man she has looked up to? (Love interest: Todoroki Natsuo)
- Option 2: Young Yokumiru Inko was only seventeen when she slept with her friend David Shield at a party and ended up pregnant. Her little girl was born with Inko's hair and David's eyes. But, Inko and David never knew the stress of being teen parents thanks to the intervention of Inko's father. Midoriya Tori is the name given to Inko's daughter by the Public Hero Safety Commission. The goal was to raise her to become the perfect match for a future hero, ensuring another eye on Hero society. When her quirk manifested they planned on raising her to be the perfect match for Endeavor's son Touya, however after he is presumed dead they set their eyes on the young Takami Keigo. He too is already being raised by the Commission after all. (Love interests: Hawks, Dabi)
- Option 3: Midoriya Inko went to Shiketsu and became a Pro Hero, she even fell in love with a fellow Pro Hero. She finds herself pregnant and despite no one in her family living past childbirth, she wants to be a mom. But, it’s after dating Aizawa Shota for five years and hearing his thoughts on having children with her does she decide to not burden him with the knowledge of her pregnancy and instead leaves in the middle of the night with a note telling him not to look for her. Midoriya Kiyoko is born with a stronger version of her mother’s telekinesis. Flash forward nearly sixteen years later, Shota’s friends keep on telling him about an Inko look-alike who has black hair instead of green hair. Will Shota ever learn the truth? (Love interests: Shinso Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Yoarashi Inasa)
- Option 4: A child was never in the future for them. Sasaki Mirai hates watching his wife Inko get her hopes up for a child that will never come. He knows that leaving her will give her the child she always wanted. He’s been selfish to stay with her. A baby, more importantly a healthy baby, will be born if he could just let Inko go and file for divorce. He needed to set her free to ensure her own happiness, so he did just that. He left her with the instruction to never contact him again. He and Inko are unaware of her pregnancy when the divorce happens. Inko (who is bitter about the divorce) decides that her and her baby will be fine without him, her childhood friend Midoriya Hisashi was infertile and needed an heir anyways. Midoriya Mirei wants to be a hero despite the proper upbringing she had as a child. With her best friend Todoroki Shoto she hopes her quirk which allows her to manipulate the futures she sees, will be enough to allow her to become like her favorite hero Sir Nighteye. Will the Midoriya heiress ever learn the truth of her parentage? (Love interests: Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki, Amajiki Tamaki)
- Option 5: Midoriya Inko took a modeling job one day with her childhood friend Mitsuki and caught the eye of Best Jeanist. Inko and Hakamada Tsunagu married after only knowing each other for a month. It was a vapid fleeting love, but it resulted in Inko’s death and a daughter for Tsunagu to raise alone. No one has ever seen the face of Hakamada Ren, and she prefers it this way. She can walk around without people knowing who she is. She’s a model who’s never once shown her face. Ren never wanted to be a hero, she was quirkless. It was dangerous for her to even consider hero work. Her father treated her like some fragile porcelain doll, she knew it was because he was scared for her well-being but that didn’t make it hurt any less. What happens when she catches the eye of future Pro Heroes? (Love Interests: Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki)
- Option 6: Yamada Hizashi and his husband Aizawa Shota know they wanted to have a child young, because they knew if they waited long they’d never end up having a child. Their friend Nemuri also wants to be a mother, but she doesn’t know how she would feel about an anonymous donor. They eventually decide to raise a child together, using rock-paper-scissors to decide what last name the baby will get. Thus, Kayama Natsu is born into a family with two dads and a mom. She can put people to sleep with a glance, that was fun to find out while driving. A family a Pro Heroes raising a future Pro Hero. What could go wrong? And why did she have an IQ that rivals Nezu’s? (Love Interests: Kirishima Eijiro, Iida Tenya, Amajiki Tamaki)
- Option 7: Midoriya Hisashi was an influential business man with questionable connections, that much was certain. But, his daughter was quirkless and would need protection when he died so he decides to reach out to other people with similar ‘jobs’ to his. He reaches out to the Shie Hassaikai and they offer up Chisaki Kai for Midoriya Izumi’s hand in marriage. Getting in contact with One for All lead to Shigaraki Tomura entering the ring. And now some villain by the name of Dabi wants to be considered because he wants to make his father angry by having a quirkless wife? Hawks decides to win her over on orders by the Hero Commission to ensure the villains aren’t able to utilize her brain, more importantly so that no one else could find out about her analyzing skills. When Hisashi announced his daughter was looking for a husband he never expected Hawks to show up. The dowry for marrying Midoriya Izumi is substantial, each person could do a lot with those funds, and surprisingly each person finds themselves falling for her. This is more than just money now, this is a matter of the heart. (Love Interests: Dabi, Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura, Chisaki Kai)
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todomitoukei · 4 years
About your answer about wether Rei was or wasn’t forced , I think it was extremely biased.
On one hand, it’s true that Enji was a very good candidate and it was hard answering him no. It is true that in Japanese society classical family structure is really wanted. However it is as much as true that in Japan no one can force no one to marry another. And it’s very true that coming of age is 21 years old. So basically Rei married right away and had Touya, without going to university or such.Those who says that are Shoto and Touya who aren’t their father first one fans. In an ambiguous situation they’d pick the interpretation the blame their father the most. It’s not right to say that Enji forced Rei into marry him. He was a stranger to her. It’s more correct that either Rei thought good of Enji (meaning that they had a good start which would explain the flower thing) or that Rei was highly pressured by her family to get married. Because a parent would have protect their child If they thought the husband is abusive. A recurrent pattern for abusers is having their prey cutting out all their social support, but Rei was free to call her mother, so that’s wasn’t the case. Furthermore Japanese are overall conservative; they’d not like a divorcs of a big scandal. So I can see her parents to push her into remain married to Enji. However once the damage is done (Rei’s hospitalisation) there’s no choice they couldn’t intervene in someway. There are only the following possibilities: Rei liked Enji. For real. She might not have been super in love with him, but she was ok with him. And she wanted more children because so. Things got worse only later. Two, she was courted by Enji, but it’s her family that pressured her. Same family who left their daughter being in hospital for 10 years. And that after this and the loss of their grandchild never played a role in their grandsons life. In all Todorokis stuff grandparents are never mentioned. Meaning that yes , Enji is bad. But Rei’s family must be even worse and not caring than he is.
I’m gonna have to ask you to keep that kind of messed up mindset out of my askbox. You can like Endeavor, but then do us both a favor and don’t talk to me or try to convince me of something that isn’t true.
I’m also not sure what part of it is biased when I was providing sources from the canon story. 
People like to defend Endeavor by claiming that what Shouto or Dabi say are biased views. Of course, people are biased, especially when it comes to business they are involved in. Endeavor is biased too in that way, and so is Rei. If you want to use that argument, you can’t believe anything anyone is saying, which then defeats the purpose.
But that doesn’t erase the fact that no one in that family (including Endeavor) denies that he created that family for his eugenics project. He specifically chose Rei because his flaw was that there is a limit to how much heat his body can take so he needed his offspring to have something to work against that, i.e. an ice quirk. So it’s confirmed, even by Endeavor, that this is a quirk marriage. That’s not bias, that’s taking literally everyone’s word.
Like I said before, forcing someone into marriage doesn’t mean threatening them. It’s, in fact, much easier to butter them up. So yeah, maybe he was nice to her at first. They were both extremely young, and with that, Rei was also more naive. As Shouto mentions, Endeavor had fame and wealth that made it easy for him to convince Rei’s family to let him marry her. So why not also convince Rei that she wants to marry him? Again - it’s stated by Endeavor himself that he chose Rei because of her quirk. So even if a part of him did like her, she was still just a means to an end for him.
In that same chapter, he even tells All Might: “I’ll mold [Shouto] into a hero who surpasses you. That’s the only reason I created him.”
As you can see with that, he also admits that his kids only exist for that one purpose. He doesn’t see them as his children, only as a way for him to reach his goal.
Also, abusive relationships are a complex subject and there is not just one single type of them, which is why it makes it difficult for outsiders to recognize something as an abusive relationship if it doesn’t fit their idea of a stereotypical relationship.
Just because something is a “recurring pattern” doesn’t mean that it applies to every situation. He might not have cut her off from her parents, but then he cut her off from their kids because of one incident. As soon as she became a threat to his perfect creation, she had to go.
The unfortunate truth is that oftentimes, victims don’t even see the abuse, especially because long-term abusive relationships usually follow the patterns of the cycle of abuse. To sum this concept up, abuse happens, but at some point, the abuser apologizes or sends their victim presents to remind them of their happy moments (i.e. the flowers). That gesture then makes the victim feel guilty for seeing their abuser as an abuser since they are nice to them right then and there, so clearly they’re not all that bad. And maybe things are better for some time. But eventually, the abuse happens again.
Yes, the abuser can “love” their victim and the victim can love the abuser. That is why it’s difficult for victims to leave their abuser. It’s not just fear, but also guilt, and hope that can keep someone in an unhealthy situation.
The reason why victims often stay in those relationships for so long is that they don’t recognize it as abuse. And more often than not, the people around them don’t see it, either. Again: abuse is a complex topic.
Her agreeing to have more children doesn’t mean it’s not an abusive relationship.
Endeavor put her in a mental hospital and you are trying to pass the blame to her parents? No. You do realize that in that sort of classical family structure, marriage means the father passes the daughter off to another man (= the husband).
I’m not saying her parents aren’t to be blamed, but stop blaming everything and everyone other than Endeavor when he is still the culprit that started all of this in the first place.
Just read the story again and do some research on abuse before trying to defend the abuser and deny the abuse. You’re not getting anything out of this, so just stop using harmful rhetorics.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
Thinking about how in Deliberately Designed what might've happens if AFO never interfered in the pregnancy and suddenly Shoto comes out looking way too differently for anyone to ignore and what consequences would have entailed after....
Without his interference, Shoto would have had his purple eyes, which would be weird but not suspicious, i think, given parents with grey and blue. also, just all white hair. little weird but Enji would probably just assume he takes after his mother.... until his quirk comes in of course, and even if its like a fusion quirk where he can 'steal' and 'give' 'coldness/ice'... so like, absorbing and releasing temperature and moisture, and that could just be an offshoot of fire and ice but... its not as straightforward as the twin's quirks, and is weird enough you'd probably want some specialized tests to get an idea of what you're looking for for training, and then... well its not gonna take long to realize some things Do Not match up, and then, oh.............................
yeah the Consequences would be something alright. because i don't even know how Enji or Rei would react. could the realization that he drove his family so far away from him jolt Enji into character development? would he want to avoid any publicity about the affair or a potential divorce he just decides they'd keep it quiet and continue on like it'd never happened, almost never speaking to Rei and certainly not speaking to Shoto? Would he feel betrayed or humiliated, and want them gone regardless of anything else? Would Rei call Hajime and tell him what they found, figuring he deserves the truth and a chance to have an input? That feels like her. Because if Rei left, i don't think Hajime would want her to move in with him, both because he isn't prepared to have a separate space away from villainy and because he knows she literally just was stuck in a marriage with the children and he wouldn't be eager to repeat that, sticking her to him via Shoto (both because he'd rather not be similar to endeavor, and also because clearly that isn't strong enough loyalty the first time.) But would he want his son? he seemed perfectly happy to let Enji and Rei keep Shoto when he knew earlier? I guess it'd depend on how useful it seemed to him. lots of questions. one things for sure- if Enji tried to replace Rei / Shoto, either by having another kid with Rei, having another kid with someone else to pretend was Rei's kid, or remarrying, 9 to 1 the odds are that Touya would try to kill the replacement kid and possibly also their mother, Rei or otherwise. he'd hate a replacement and he'd hate his mother for doing something he perceives as making Enji think worse of him by comparison (even tho Touya is literally not being thought of at all in this situation). so. that'd be a wild time.
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