#either from toshinori or rei
pocketramblr · 9 months
Absolutely love your writing for all the AU/5 headcanons asks. Can I ask: AU where Rei cheats on Endeavor with All Might? It happens after AM's injury, so she doesn't recognize him, and he ofc doesn't know that she's married in the first place, much less to whom
you make this very difficult for me by giving me a window of 6 and half years for them to have an affair and for every single moment of that window, Rei is institutionalized. how am i supposed to get them to meet, much less take their clothes off. ok. think. there are other fic writers who specialize in this kind of thing, surely. what would they do....
1- ok so. The fire alarm at the hospital goes off. Rei doesn't know if it's a drill or not, but she's been there for seven years and generally does not need a lot of support during something like this like other patients do, so the nurses wave her out and she stands around outside a bit waiting for the fire alarm to stop and them to go back in. (It isn't a drill, they wouldn't have evacuated everyone if it was, but Rei is on the other side of the building and facing away from seeing any smoke) (This smoke is from a villain attack that All Might is taking care of, though he's only got seconds left of his power to use that day. he quickly rushes off, deflating and stumbling out on the other side of the hospital. Where Rei is.)
2- Rei is like "huh that guy doesnt seem to be in good shape" and kinda waves attention at him, and a nurse who's passing out water to patients and keeping an eye on the road gives Toshinori some too, getting more concerned when he dazedly answers that he's All Might and coughs up blood, but the nurse figures he's concussed since he smells of smoke and must have been closer to the fight, and is just reeling from being able to see the number one hero in person. Then they get distracted and wave Toshi to wait nearby, where Rei offers to chill his water and asks if he's alright, if he breathed in any smoke.
3- They chat and then go back into the hospital as it's un-evacuated together, Rei hanging out in the lobby where he sits as the hospital staff focus on getting everyone else back to their rooms. It pays to be low priority sometimes. Eventually she tells him her name is Rei and that she's in room K18, if he ever wants to visit or call. She doesn't get to talk to anyone except doctors, family visitors, or other paitients, and most of them don't stay nearly as long as she does. It's been seven years, and she's very lonely. Toshinori is lonely too, and when he's out of time for a day and feeling useless with nothing to do, he likes to talk to a friend.
4- Rei has been in the hospital for eight years when it gets physical. At that point, Toshinori knows a bit about her family. She has kids, mentions visits from a son and daughter, and then quietly mentioned when her son turned seventeen- her daughter's already twenty. She's been there for so much of their lives. He asks if she's married, and she admits she isn't sure how to file for divorce in a hospital like she is, if she even can, if she wants to because she'd lose custody, if it matters when she's not raising them anyway. He doesn't ask much more, knows there is a dead child and a baby she says isn't safe with her there. Toshinori never called Nana 'mom' to her face while she was alive, and had a reason for it, and has a similar reason for not asking more, not asking for the other names when he gets Fuyumi and Natsuo's. Yes, the doctors and nurses all know Rei has a boyfriend who visits. they don't say anything. who would they even tell, anyway. I debated the humor of reusing the bit from candlelight shoto that Toshi and Rei could have a kid with a fire quirk, but yeah here? Rei ain't getting pregnant, absolutely not.
5- When Natsuo turns eighteen, Rei does actually file for divorce, or at least tries to get the ball rolling on that. Toshinori's trusted her that her marriage is over in all but name, but he's more at ease with it ended fully. Fuyumi is crushed but burying it all deep inside. Natsuo is like 'what are you talking about. divorce is the most normal possible outcome here.' But anyway, Rei also begins to bring up being discharged- something she never bothered with earlier, when it seemed like she'd never be able to go home while Shoto was there, and never would want to go back anyway. (Her parents are absolutely not an option either so where would she go once discharged? the hospital was her only security.) Toshinori then tells her at this point about his diagnosis, that he's supposed to be terminal, in a way. He doesn't have a lot of time he can give her. Rei says that's ok, she'll take what she can get. She moves in. Fuyumi still goes out to eat with her once a week, though Rei doesn't say she's moved in with a boyfriend, just says she's in a safe place and it's not Fuyumi's job to worry about it, please, let her do that, relax, be her daughter instead of a mother. Natsuo adds her to his cellphone plan and gets her one. Rei doesn't tell Toshinori her ex's identity. Toshinori doesn't tell her about OfA, though she does know he's mentoring a student for heroics and is very proud of him. (Toshinori is a secretary at Might Tower, he's a great mentor. Oh huh, he got a job position at UA at the same time as All Might, she wonders if they carpool.)
+1- OK THE REVEAL so the reveal is. Toshinori gets home from the SF. And Rei almost knocks him out by the door, eyes wide and panicked, asking if he's ok, if Shoto's ok. Toshinori is like "... young todoroki? yeah he's alright? i know his fight with young bakugo looked bad but- Rei???" And that's when it all clicks for him, he's having dozens of horrible realizations at once, all while Rei weeps over her youngest. Toshinori's been a hero for a very, very long time. He's felt hopeless, before. But even then, he's known what needs to be done, he just isn't able to do it. But now? he's at a complete loss with no idea what he should do.
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proxissima · 2 years
Okay, here me out though:
If Rei is having an affair with someone, doesn’t Toshinori as himself make sense?
- he’s unfamiliar (new to the area) and therefore less likely to be someone known to Endeavor
- he’s pretty much the opposite of Enji in every way in this form, not just physically but emotionally and socially
- he might be awkward and a bit self-deprecating but at the heart remains someone who puts others first, cares about their comfort and being reassuring, apologizes frequently (which we know Enji does not), and tends to be gentle in the rest of his mannerisms — when he isn’t trying to cringe away from being noticed. if Enji takes up space, Toshi’s practically trying to give it away
- his philosophy behind “I am here!” is to put people at ease, to make them feel safe. can’t imagine how relieving that would feel to Rei, even if it wasn’t coming from the usual source
Sorry for the late reply, my little cousin was over on the weekend (full time job) and I wanted to give this some more thought!
Ngl, I haven't paid attention to the ship all that much, until now. I primarily considered it because I was thinking along the lines, "What can be done so that Enji suffers the most? >:)", and what could possibly surpass the humiliation that is his wife having an emotional (and physical) affair with the one person that Enji centered his entire life around to defeating? ...And I'm saying this as someone who loves Enji lmao.
You made a good comparison between Enji and Toshi, and I also think it's really interesting just how starkly contrasting Toshi's own normal character is compared to his hero persona, even if his core ideology stays the same; very much like Clark Kent vs Superman. (I wanted to make a post about this... it's there, somewhere in my drafts...)
Toshi and Enji being so opposite personality-wise makes for a fascinating factor in the relationships of this love triangle (both individually with Rei and also Toshi & Enji among each other), considering that those dynamics are kind of reversed as Endeavor and All Might.
Anyway, it's kinda funny how there's a 2.20 meters tall blond giant running around, who always happens to be in the same street clothing as All Might and in the exact same area too, and no one's been able to connect the dots.
On that notion, I love the idea that when Toshi is speaking comforting words to Rei in a deeper tone than he'd usually use for his skinny form, Rei can't help but feel an extreme sense of familiarity, but just could never place it.
...Or maybe she did, once, promptly froze, looked back at Toshi – really looked at him – took note, in that moment more intensely than ever, of his coughing, the sunken, tired eyes and the scar spanning a good part of his slim torso; and then went, "Yep, I must be going insane to have even considered the possibility for more than half a second". It's what put her at ease, even if a minuscule, treacherous part of her mind keeps nagging at her, what if, what if.
Depending how prevalent and violent the emotional and physical abuse has become in her actual marriage, in her darkest and loneliest moments, the thought makes its way back to the forefront of her mind, and she entertains the silly little fantasy for a while. What it would be like if her lover actually happened to be All Might in secret. What it would be like to be officially in a relationship with him. How Enji, Endeavor, would react to it.
It's the last question that all her thoughts ultimately spiral towards. It fills her with grim satisfaction; knowing that Enji's greatest rival is taking the No. 1 title from him, and now his wife, too, besting him not just at his profession but also in private... It would drive Enji mad, leave him fractured, in the same way he's been chipping away at her.
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Thinking about why I'm dissatisfied with the last fight (aside from the weirdness of Tenko needing to die for Act 4 to happen and frustration of waiting POV change chapters for Izuku's breakdown), and I think it comes down to the wishful thinking that we'd get a team-up between Izuku, Katsuki and Tenko against All For One, both in the battlefield and in a thematic level. I know it's supposed to showcase the reader's emotional dissatisfaction alongside Izuku's own, but it could've been pulled off.
Even in the vestige world (which was heavily underutilized but I have a feeling it's gonna show up one last time) they had an opportunity for a small team-up moment, what with the memory sharing, Katsuki popping up there in 362, Tenko's other Quirks and vestiges being there. It could've worked then, especially to get Izuku's POV back.
I am excited to see Izuku working through his issues, especially since I'm optimistic it's through facing them head on he'll be able to try and save Tenko again. And Katsuki, being a Tenko foil/parallel the same way they're each others, is the one that can help. Maybe we'll get a OFA vestige world remix, which is why Izuku still has those embers.
Honestly I think the checkpoints are clear:
Face the world's aftermath with Himichako and Todofam, slowly feel worse because Survivor's Guilt, Talk-no-Jutsu with Katsuki, breakdown, reach a newfound understanding what he did wrong then, learn how to control his heart and Trust He Has Always Been Allowed To Feel Emotions And That Includes The Repressed Ones therefore reaching the Tenku part of Kishotenketsu, use the embers/factory reset OFA, maybe get help/input from the League (fingers crossed he does), somehow get into the vestige world, see what made Tenko Tomura, metaphorically pull him out of his dark chrysalis, with Katsuki pulling Izuku into the light-
And then bam we get that societal reform and we get graduation/festival with Eri singing for others, Shoto, Rei, Fuyumi and Natsuo getting Touya that cold soba and hot udon delivery in the hospital and bickering, Ochako giving Himiko her blood like they're on an implied date, Tenko and Spinner playing games in a rehab home and Toshinori giving Katsuki and Izuku the keys to open an agency in Roppongi and then K&I kiss and the fandom explodes.
I got off track, it might not happen like that, if anything from that last paragraph happens at all I'm gonna flip my ish I'm not editing any of that out-
What I'm saying is there's probably a reason they're doing all of this without the weight of AFO or the OFA Wielders holding them back from a bright future, but man I still am forever gonna be mad we didn't get to see a fight of The Symbols against the Demon Lord XP Oh well, those three were too powerful together to have a team up. (<-but know I'm saying that last sentence through my teeth).
... Oh wait Tenko was "freed" from AFO but his heart was in the dark and it's Izuku's job to reach him out so they can all smile together just like Eri was rescued from Overhaul but still wasn't considered saved until she re-learned happiness and that can only happen if their saviour is the one who can offer a hand with a smile second time's the charm OH MY GOD IZUKU GET THAT EMOTIONAL BREAKDOWN ALREADY XD-
... *ahem* Let's see what the Epilogue Arc has to offer, I guess. It might go beyond my expectations, it might not reach it. I'm gonna be optimistic either way.
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bkgrl · 6 months
Just came back home for the holidays and found my old Mha OC and... How could I leave such ideas behind; like I'm talking about a full ledger, a backstory, and defined relationships ( and hard-core angst, like HARD-CORE ANGST with capital letters )
I'm gonna try to summarize it; Noriaki Yagi ( note that her name is typically a male name; note it for later it's important [ between no she's not trans it's something with her family lineage and all *angst* ]
As her family name points she is All Might's niece, so his brother's daughter Taro Yagi; the first son of the Yagi family, a long lineage of heroes and Taro is the heir to the agency that is passed down from generation to generation.
So to clarify there are conditions for it to be passed down; the heir has to look identical to the previous owner of the agency and have the same quirk ], and Taro in a quest to have a son and finally please his dad ( it's his real goal; he doesn't care much for the agency, he just want his dad's attention and affirmation ) had many wife's; the first one was Sana she was from North America and gave birth to Kana Yagi; who was a girl and looked nothing like him; 3a curly brown hair, dark skin, and green cat eyes ( she also has vitiligo marks around her left eye and neck; marks that in her grandmother's eyes taint her beauty and make her look like a monster paired with the white strands in her hair ), when she was 13 and her mom "died"( she was killed by the grandparents so their son could remarry and they didn't want to deal with a messy divorce as she loved her daughter dearly and would rather die than leave her behind) so she ran away and joined her uncle toshinori; who was also kicked out of the family because he was quirkless ( he didn't tell them about OFA obv ) so she trained and later became a pro-hero alongside her best friends Miruko and Keigo.
Nori ( nickname for Noriaki ) was 5 when all this happened; she was still living with her mom at the time; she and Taro had a one-night stand but when the grandparents found out she was pregnant they forced him to marry her and cast aside Sana ( the first wife ); the women he loved. This led to a toxic marriage; where Taro didn't love and resented Tama ( Nori's mom ), who loved him to the point of obsession; so to forget the pain she fell into a drug addiction and drinking problem; and when it wasn't enough she'd lash out on Nori..
Why she did do so? Because Nori was perfect; she had her dad and mom's quirk and looked exactly like him but was a girl. So that led to her growing up with a mother who would scream things like "Why couldn't you be a boy ?! You ruined my life etc..." while hitting her. When the grandparents ( again 😒) found out they put Tama in a mental hospital ( the same one as Rei where they grew quite close: Trauma bounding does wonders I guess 🤷‍♀️ ) and took Nori under their "care" ( now to note they changed Nori's name; her real name was Reina Yagi but in their ( the grandpa's ) delusion they renamed her Noriaki ).
Their "care" was intensive quirk training and abusing the poor girl mentally and physically; now to delve into her quirks she has two.
1) her mom's which is Kinetic energy absorption and control; basically if you hit her she'll absorb the energy behind the hit and enhance her attacks ( or if she falls from a certain height she'll absorb the shock from the fall); the drawback is there's a limit to how much she can absorb at once; so if she is too charged she either has to release every energy in her body and so blackout/faint or she would implode/explode.
So you guessed; Osamu ( her grandfather) would regularly hit her and make her keep it all in and discharge it all in one hit or make her do endurance training so that accumulated energy would be her only source for it. Of course, for it to work she had to have no energy/barely any strength before training; so she was malnourished, sleep-deprived, and generally exhausted for most of her childhood.
Which would later cause eating disorders, insomnia, and body dysmorphia (her grandmother Yumie was fat-phobic and the typical housewife; and made sure to plant the seed of those teachings and internalized misogyny in Nori's head and shaped her in the perfect image of a barbie doll ( she has straight dirty blonde hair and royal blue eyes; small nose, full cherry-pink lips; the only thing not "perfect" in her is the shape of her body ( and Yumie made sure to hammer it in her head for fifteen years straight ); as she is pear-shaped with a small chest * her grandma has been suggesting breast implants since she turned 12*🤢
A.N: I'm genuinely freaking out, how twisted was my mind and we aren't even halfway through this!!
So here we have a poor girl who was abused by her mom for 3 years, then was "saved" only to be brought to a place worse than hell; in which she was again abused, insulted on her appearance every day, and had to train her whole life to be ready to look "perfect" in front of the cameras and journalists, turned into a puppet for the world's entertainment.
So to go back to her second quirk; energy manipulation; she draws the source either from her first quirk or from the earth around her. Then she shapes it into different things weapons, armor, shields... [ In the future ( when she becomes a pro-hero; she can combine both her quirks so she'd be able to absorb any hit on the energy shield ]
Whew I think that's all for the basis of her past, I'll have to look through my stuff and find the rest, but if I remember correctly she is close to Momo; met her at a meeting. And Shoto: because in the past they were engaged until her father stepped in and refused it... Or I think but I don't remember shipping her with Shoto but rather Bakugou?
Anyway just have to say that 2020 me was out for blood with this character 😭😂
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ao3feed-toshinko · 1 month
Whispers Of The West
by Mr_peanutbutter
“Don’t,” Enji cut him off, his voice rough, almost pleading. He took another drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling around him like a protective barrier. “I’m not queer, Toshinori. I’m not.” The words came out as a whisper, as if saying them louder would make them less true.
“I’m not either,” Toshinori said, his voice steady, but there was an undercurrent of something else, something that made Enji’s heart ache.
2 gay men in the 1890’s growing up believing that their wrong leads to misunderstandings and regrets
Words: 6909, Chapters: 3/5, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Original Characters, Todoroki Rei, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Fuyumi
Relationships: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor/Todoroki Rei, Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might
Additional Tags: Angst, Doomed Relationship, Internalized Homophobia, Sad Cowboys, 1890s, Hurt No Comfort, War, Military, Fluff, Kinda?, Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Young Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Young Yagi Toshinori | All Might, they grow up, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Reunions, Confrontations, Divorce, Yearning, Hurt Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
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dynamightgod · 2 years
Blood Howl(Werewolf Bakugou x FEM!vampire!OC)
Tumblr media
Warnings: blood, gore, violence, kidnapping, purist society themes, mentions of 'pure family line'(inbreeding), sexual content
MINORS do not interact. Thank ya
Summary: Lilith Todoroki is the youngest daughter and child of Enji Todoroki. King of the Vampires. Katsuki Bakugou is the eldest and sole son of Mitsuki Bakugou, the Chieftess of the werewolf tribes directly across the treaty line of The Bloody River. But when vampires suddenly break the treaty and start killing werewolves, Katsuki and his family will do anything they can to protect their own, even kidnap the Princess of Enji Todoroki, the most feared vampire he had ever heard of.
But as they get closer, they discover a sinister secret that will put brothers against sisters and cast the mortal enemies into a final showdown between good and evil.
A/N: this came out of nowhere. I was inspired. Enjoy
Part One
Enji Todoroki walked towards the woman lifted on the pyre, the resemblance clear as day though she was no longer the daughter he had been so prideful of. When he reaches her he plants his feet, pushing his chest out and angling his spine to appear larger than before, crowding her in with intimidation.
He grabs her delicate chin between his fingers, eyes glowing with anger as he looks at her with disgust and slight hesitation. But he knows the laws are absolute and as King, he has to hold everyone to equal standards. Especially, if not more so, his children. They either fell in line or were tossed away.
"I am not a kind man. I know this. But I am just. Repent. Swear to all the Gods, old and new, that you will never again approach a Were or be discovered so close to daylight." She doesn't blink, only stares into his eyes with hatred, something familiar climbs up his throat but he swallows it down, returning her glare. It enrages him, how much like the blonde mutt she seemed to be becoming.
"Let the sun come. I am at peace with your decision." She sets her jaw and lifts her nose to the sky.
They don't get to see her cry.
Warm fingers trailed along her neck, tilting her head back, a brush of something soft and light against her shoulder blade, a kiss perhaps.
"Say it." The voice says, heavy and warm breath fawning over her skin as he pants, his nails dig into her hips and pull her back against solid chest, his heart beats quickly while hers doesn't at all. He bares his teeth, growling as he nips her neck.
The sound of the evening church bells abruptly jolt Lilith Todoroki from her sleep. She starts, gasping as she opens her eyes to stare up at the lid of the ornate, sleek black coffin that is her resting place. The sun has gone down, the day has come.
She opens the lid slowly, allowing her muscles to stretch and cracking her neck as she adjusts to the items in her room. It's barren mostly, a few journals and a couple books, a poppet her mother made her before their father sent her to live with the shaman vampires, the women there would take care of her and give her the help she needs. Or so Lilith's father said.
Being a vampire was hard enough. But being the youngest daughter of Enji and Rei Todoroki made it downright difficult. Though suitors came from far and wide to bend the knee to her father and swear their fealty to her father, if only he would let them marry her.
But Enji Todoroki, the Vampire King and arguably one of the oldest, rivaling even the famed Toshinori, or All Might as his comrades and enemies would call him, had other plans for his children.
Lilith thought about these plans as she dressed, brushing her long black tresses and smoothing down the long emerald green dress she wore. It complimented her skin perfectly, her eyes looking even brighter as she twirled slightly, watching the bottom billow out.
Enji Todoroki was a pure blood vampire. Meaning his lineage was centuries old, he could trace his ancestors back to Vlad the Impaler, and this was a sense of deep pride for the selfish King. And so, in order to keep his bloodline pure he had married a cousin, and how could Ren protest to such a handsome and powerful vampire.
But the King was cruel and ruled with only one thought on his mind, keeping his lineage thriving and the kingdom in his family line.
So it didn't matter how many suitors called. Lilith was promised to her brother, Shoto. Neither minded each other, but neither were ecstatic either that they had been promised to each other since childhood.
When she entered the dining room, her Father sat at the head of the table, arms folded and with an unreadable expression. She did as she had done since she was a child, walked to her father's side, kissed his cheek and took her place beside Shoto and Natsuo.  Fuyumi, her eldest sister, sat across from her and smiled kindly. Enji took a sip of dark red liquid, served to him in a clear glass with gold trim, before meeting each of his children's gazes.
"Touya is gone." Lilith felt her heart drop to her stomach. She and her siblings looked to their father with questioning eyes.
"What do you mean?" Fuyumi, Lilith's older sister, who had been forced to raise her siblings in their mothers absence, spoke first. Shoto, Lilith and Natsuo looked to Enji, waiting for his response.
"He has not returned from the night prior. None have seen him." Lilith felt a chill run down her spine and focused on maintaining her stillness.
No one could ever doubt the love that had fostered between the two siblings, Touya taking possession of Lilith since she was an infant. Almost raising her in their father's place. He was undoubtedly, her best friend.
She's snapped out of her thoughts by the clearing of a throat and Natsuo kicking her shin under the table. She shot him a glare only to realize that all eyes were on her.
"I don't know where he is." The honest hurt in her voice leaves little room for argument as Enji tuts his tongue and folds his hands and rests his elbows on the table.
"He is ill." There's no response, only the nodding of heads as Enji carries on. The vampire clans in the North stuck close, living in villages or small kingdoms like their home. Choosing to band together and defend themselves against their mortal enemies. Humans and Werewolves.
But if ever anyone were to find out of the disappearance of the eldest Todoroki son, the kingdom Enji held onto so tightly could slip through his hands.
"Natsuo. You will find him and drag him back here." Enji stares his son down, daring him to challenge him, and though Natsuo was never one to hold his tongue, he dared not test his father's wrath in this moment, always playing a mental game, Natsuo liked to think he was always a step ahead. He was already brainstorming places Touya might have run off to.
"Lilith," he turned his gaze to his prize. His youngest daughter that he held closer than any of them. She was the beauty, the treasure that any man would gladly stand in the sun and turn to ash for.
And she despised him for it, cursing the day she was born.
"Tonight you hunt. You're no longer a fledgling. It's time you become a woman." He stands, motioning for her to do so as well. He stands in front of his daughter, looking down at her, not unkindly, but even snakes smile before they bite.  "You are to bring back the white doe of Hel. Bring her to me alive, and you will take her life with me......I could not be prouder to have this night with you. I wish Touya had stayed." His words made Lilith's stomach churn, the underlying threat that came with failure weighing on her mind.
"I won't let you down papa."
"That's my girl."
Fuyumi sat at the bath's edge as she washed and cleaned her younger sister's skin, washing her gently and handling her as if she were glass, knowing very well she would not break.
"Fuyumi?" Lilith wondered aloud. Her sister paused, humming softly that she was listening. "when you......when you failed to catch the doe on your hunt.....how did papa punish you?" She sat for a moment, letting the question hang in the air before softly replying.
"I didn't.....mother wouldn't allow it." She smiled softly as she helped her sister from the warm bath. "Course that was before she was ill. You must know she was fierce about her children. Protective in that way. She took the brunt of father's anger. For us.....I think that's partly what drove her mad."
Fuyumi helped Lilith into a deep black gown, dark as night, it made her appear nearly invisible against the dark night as she moved too quickly for most with average eyes to see.
Lilith watched her sister through the mirror as she fussed about her hair, she chewed on her bottom lip in quiet contemplation.
"If you had been born anything else than what we are now....what would you have chosen, if you could?" Fuyumi smiles, a small bit of delight blooming deep in her heart. Lilith was as curious as a child, always asking odd questions that seemed out of place. It was a quality Fuyumi both embraced lovingly and envied only slightly.
"Mother called me swan. So I suppose that's what I'd choose." Lilith thought it was fitting.
"Beautiful as the night too. Just like you."  Fuyumi chuckled and kissed her sister's head.
"Come now sister. It's time."
"Hey Katsuki! Heard you're going for the hunt tonight. Gonna actually catch a blood thirsty vamp this time?" Katsuki Bakugou, Prince of the Bakugou clan and future King of Howitzer Village. The werewolf encampment on the banks of the Bloody River, that separated the vampires from the werewolves. It was a treaty line.
He snarled at the blonde boy who has caught up beside him, throwing his arm around the angry prince's shoulders.
"God Kaminari, everytime I see you my brain  fries just a little bit more." A snort of laughter could be heard from Sero Hanta, a dark haired, Alpha dream boat of a warrior, he's clapped on the back roughly by Eijirou Kirishima, the most chivalrous Alpha of all the warriors the clans had to offer.
Denki Kaminari, who has goaded Katsuki in the first place, was a beta and a foot soldier, but he was as brave as any man in Katsuki's tribe, with wits as slick as steel and a sense for premonition none of the other men seemed to have.
"Calm down Katsuki, I was just joking," he said with a small pout. Katsuki ignored him as a tall blonde woman, who resembled him greatly walked towards him.
"Mother." Katsuki said stiffly. Normally he would refer to her as 'old hag' but for today he would play by the rules. She did get him here of course. He wouldn't be without her, and he did love her. He just couldn't show it. His pride always betraying the kind words he wants to say in favor of a nasty or haughty remark.
She smiled, seemingly pleased that he was being tame for now. She reached up, ruffling his hair.
"Are you prepared for the hunt tonight my son? Tonight, you prove your worth as a man, as the leader of my armies and as the future chief of our tribe."
"I am." He challenged, puffing out his chest as he maintained eye contact, red eyes meeting and staring each other down. She smirked, tilting her nose into the air.
"Good. If you snatch one of those filthy little bats back, I want it alive. I want to know why they're hunting us now." Katsuki nodded. The treaty that had been upheld by both the vampires and the werewolves had been suddenly and abruptly broken in the span of the last several months. Many werewolves going out to hunt only to never return and be found later, drained of all blood. It was a constant thorn in Katsuki's side and his fingers twitched at his mother's command.
"Would be easier to raid their kingdom," Mitsuki Bakugou, pressed her finger to her son's lips.
"They are hard to kill my son. Nearly impossible. I have my doubts tonight but would be just glad with a boar." She places her hand on his shoulder. "you will bring pride to your family once more Katsuki." She squeezes a little bit before suddenly grabbing a handful of his hair. "So stop trying to be so damn reckless and put everyone in danger you damn brat!"
"Get off of me you hag!"
Lilith licked her lips, she poised her self in a lunging position, dark eyes causing her to look even more like the frightful hell beings others feared vampires were. Only the nobles stood circled around her, the vampires deemed worthy in her father's eyes to have a place at his table. Ochako, Lilith's dearest friend, smiled kindly at her from her place beside her mate Izuku.
Enji stepped into the circle, everyone bowed, leaning forward to greet the king with gratitude. He leaned down in front of Lilith, his breath tickling her ear. "Do not embarrass me." He hisses, his words sharp as a sword cutting through her. She didn't acknowledge him, choosing to focus on the trees in front of her. "And....." Enji whispers, the deathly silence making his words echo off the foyer walls. "Go." She jolted, her legs moving on command, before the word left his lips, she needed to be back before sunrise and had only three hours to find the doe and bring it back.
She ran blindly, having never hunted on her own before, she didn't realize when she crossed the treaty line, she didn't see the sandy haired shadow, larger than her father and brothers together as it followed her with it's red eyes, tracking her every move.
In his wolf form, Katsuki can smell the warm blood of an animal from miles away, completely in tune with nature. So when this creature ran past him, so fast he barely caught it, it stopped him in his tracks.
He didn't smell any blood. And he couldn't hear the heartbeat of the creature either. His instincts became primal and he hunched, approaching the creature like prey. As he got closer he almost stopped. It was a woman, she was turned away but he could see her gown and her raven colored hair. But no pulse. And no blood.
Lilith stopped in a clearing. Unable to stop herself from drinking in the beauty around her that was the moonlit wildflower grove she stood in. The flowers bent gently with the breeze as if greeting her and welcoming her to their quiet solitude. Just a moment. She thought. Only a moment.
Katsuki approached her quietly, she was unlike the vampires he read about. How could she not hear him. Or smell him? Not knowing she was distracted by the beauty around her, Katsuki took advantage of her unguarded position and lunged.
Something heavy and hard suddenly knocked the wind from Lilith's lunges as she was sent rearing back into the trees. She smacked hard into a large oak tree before sinking to her knees at it's roots. She hissed, jumping to her feet and glaring in the direction of whatever hit her. Her stomach began to churn with dread.
"Oh shi-" Katsuki didn't give her time to finish as he lunged again, snarling and biting at her. He jumps up, pushing against her chest until she's on her back beneath him, his fangs inches from her face. She scrambled, clawing at the dirt, searching for anything. Something firm and solid digs into her palm and before he can bite at her, she reached up, slamming the rock into the side of his head. He whined, stumbling back, but just as she was on her feet, he was at her again, this time she was ready, grabbing around his middle and tossing him to the ground. It had little effect, he sprang up again and attacked her once more. Unbeknownst to her he was using strategy, wearing her down until she was too tired to fight back.
Except it doesn't happen. She just keeps coming back again and again. Until a frenzied bite from a worm out Katsuki, suddenly leaves her paralyzed from the waist down. She crumbles, unable to stand any longer.
"Get back." She gasps, her claws reaching out to swipe at the beast as it moves closer. Her stomach is swirling, acid is rising, she gagged, her body quivering. "What did you do....you.....beast......" Her head fell onto the arch of her arm, cheek pressed into the cool night grass.
Katsuki shifted, his eyes never leaving the now unconscious creature. He knelt down beside her, moving her hair back from her face. He felt his own face heat up, she wasn't ugly-no it wasn't that. She was beautiful, smooth skin, and long dark hair, that curled over her shoulders and pressed behind her ear
Without a word, Katsuki lifts her over his shoulders and began to trudge back to the village. At least he'd be a hero tonight. But what was with him biting her. It was a question he needed the answer too. Could this be the answer to their vampire problem? Only the Gods knew.
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mrfandomwars · 3 years
AU where the Top 20 Heroes know about OFA
All might decides, wether because he was pressured by Gran Torino or Sir Nighteye or both, idk, but All Might decides to tell the top 20 heroes about OFA, in case he is in a position where he has to pass his quirk and doesn't have the time to give them all the story of the Quirk
(HC)Kind of like what happened with Nana with her friend En.
Anywho, cue chaos
Because what
It takes a while for the top 20 to understand what happened
For example, Rei is wondering why Enji is so shell shocked while taking care of baby Touya and Baby Fuyumi
*On a bright side, though, he realized that, technically speaking, he is one rank ahead because Toshinori does have help*
*Yes, this is based on that one thing I rebloged a while before, if you can find it pls send me the link
CONTINUING ON!!!! The top 20 get busy, helping either the load of All Might, so he can either rest or look for AFO OR help by trying to look for clues on where AFO is themselves
They also hunt down Toshinori and force him to sleep
Also, because of the whole OFA revealed thing, the top heroes are closer than before, with team ups and such
It also means that they are there to help take Enji out of his obsession of becoming number 1, either by forcing him to train with them or by forcing to go to therapy with the threat of ratting out to the Hero Commission about his 'unstable mental space'
They weren't actually going to do that
Side Note: The Top 20 also know that they can't tell the Hero Commission about OFA because either they would use it to blackmail All Might or force him to pass it on or worse
Anyone who tries to tell HPSC or any criminal organization will be dealt with
By whatever means necessary
Anyways, if Enji got worse, the heroes would remove Rei and the kids from home and try and get Enji back to his old, as in good, way as soon as possible.
It was then that Rei shared pictures of her, the kids and All Might in the BNHA version of Disney Land
The Press: 'Did the Wife of the Number Two Hero Leave him for All Might? More at Seven!'
Enji sulked a bit when he was back to normal because of that
Also, Enji, when he no longer was an a-hole, made it clear that if Rei wanted to leave the marriage that he wouldn't stop helping her family or stop her from seeing the kids if they somehow ended up spending most of the time with him
The Heroes also made sure that if Rei needed, they would break her out and hid her
Rei thanked them but decided to stay, with monthly trips to Marriage Counsellor with Enji, both in the agreement that if the other decided that the relationship wasn't working that they would either break up, or keep being married for show and taxes and stuff until they found someone else they wanted to spend the rest of their lives with
Also, when Touya started to insist on to become a hero/use his quirk, the Heroes were there and helped Rei and Enji deal with it
I feel like I should mention that Enji social skills are better in this au
As is his popularity ratings because of the other heroes
Oh wow, I have been focusing on Enji the Todoroki Family a lot
Just going to say this then: Weather or not, Touya still ends up becoming Dabi is undecided
Ok, now back to the other heroes
They force Toshinori to rest, going as far as to hunt him down in broad daylight and/or threatening him to reveal any embarrassing story they have to the press
Toshinori never rested more in his entire Hero Career
The Press is going wild, some trying to guess why the heroes are working together more now
The gossip rags go as far as trying to see if anyone is dating anyone
'Breaking news! Is Endeavor dating All Might?'
'Thank you Yumi, now- Wait, is that Endeavor running after All Might throwing fire at him!?'
'Yes, Endeavor was under Mind Control, no, we won't talk more about the incident.' = Endeavor Agency
When AFO vs All Might happen, the heroes minus Endeavor go help with the fight
They didn't want to make it so that kids didn't have a father, even if Enji himself admitted he wasn't the best one
Anyway, some heroes end up dead, other's injured enough to retire and a few unlucky ones got their quirk stolen
They reassure Toshinori, who blamed himself when he discovered, that they didn't mind
They did take down the worst villain in the history of Japan, so if that's all it took, they don't mind.
Toshinori still feels guilty, especially when the heroes that recovered/ weren't able to go to the fight, go chasing after him to insist that he rests
The Most effective method is sticking the Todoroki kids + maybe Rei, if she isn't busy, on Toshinori on strict conditions to not let All Might go
Also, side note: Rei now is able to do a college online (as it was easier for her at the time, later on she might go in person) and to sell some ice sculptures to her own bank account thanks to the Heroes not minding being babysitters
And slowly turning almost every member of the Todoroki family into their fans, enough that, no matter what they tell Enji, he is their number two hero
Also also also, Toshinori isn't as hurt as in canon, but AFO is more hurt, as there were more people to help All Might in the fight, so while AM isn't top health, thanks to the help in the fight and making sure he actually rests from the 'evil monster that appeared and tried to take over Japan that needed the top heroes to take them down' (as the press and people think), All might ends up having a few more hours in canon, but when he passes on the quirk to Izuku his hours shorten to 3 like in canon
No, the heroes didn't know that All Might passed on OFA until the school year started
Enji, storming in during the sports festival where the heroes that knew about Toshinori's condition and said person were, having talked to his son: What the Hell Yagi!? Why didn't you tell us you had a kid!?
Toshinori: *Coughs blood while the heroes that know and do not know about OFA are in an uproar while Midnight pass money to Ectoplasm but refuses to give some to Cementoss, they don't know for sure that Izuku was from a one-night stand, so she won't pay you*
Also, as people rise up to the charts, they are told about the secret, but only after a while when they are sure that they can trust them
Haws took the longest, and it took Miruko, Best Jeanist and even Endeavor to reassure them that they would keep an eye on him for Hawks to be told
He hasn't betrayed their trust, mostly because he doesn't want to and the rest because the Comission never asked him if he knew about All Might's quirk sooooooo
Also, they try to make sure the charts don't change much from the top 20 upwards, or if it does it's someone who was already in the known, as to not reveal the secret too many times
Which heroes who aren't in the know Do Not Like
Also, when Toshinori's time for the day is up (which, btw, the heores were concerned over the fact that it somehow lowered to 20), he calls in other heroes to replace him
Yes, this is an invitation for someone to make a fic where a hero is there with Azawa and Thirteen when the USJ happens
Anyway, cue very weirded out UA about how all the top heroes seem to passive agreesively force All Might to rest or appear and take over the classes after kicking Toshinori out
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squishytenya · 4 years
𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 - 𝐄𝐧𝐣𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐢
‘Can i get some dating headcanons for Enji because i know he's hated alot but there isn't enough fluffy stuff with him and it makes me sad’
Parings: Enji Todoroki (endeavor) x reader
Warnings: mentions of therapy, reference to the todoroki situation, me making fluff out of a generally hated character
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Firstly, this man is not dating anyone without getting therapy first, he doesn’t want to hurt anymore people than he has 
He learns to take responsibility and recognise when his actions are toxic and hurt other people
It took him time but he got there eventually and you make him the happiest he’s ever been
I feel like his regret over Rei and what happened caused him to want to actually look for love and not quirk compatibility, so he is truly in love with you even if he isn’t the best at showing it
This also caused him to be terrified of losing you and this means he is rather protective over you but not to the point of being controlling, he knows better than that now
Protectiveness also translates into having a piece of you touching him at pretty much all times when you're together
Sitting at a hero gala? His hand is in yours, squeezing for reassurance
Honestly, he probably still gets nervous at those things because he doesn’t have the confidence that Toshinori did about being number 1 so those hand squeezes are more for him lmao
Probably knows nothing about normal dating so he gets what he can from movies and advice from Fuyumi (who thinks it’s nice how much her dad cares for you)
No matter how long you guys date, he will give you flowers every single time you have a date whether it’s somewhere fancy or if you guys are just having a movie night
I feel like he has a very certain picture in his head of a date, typical restaurant and flowers that ends with a glass of wine at his house etc etc
So any creative dates would be 100% your idea
Oh my god imagine taking big band endeavour star gazing or to sit on the roof and eat junk food he would be so awkward 
He isn’t the best at verbal affection and has never really dated for love before so expect to be shocked and blushy every time he compliments you 
Which he hasn't quite gotten the hang of yet, but he’s getting there...slowly
The longer you guys dated, the more he would have at home dates rather than taking you to a restaurant
Like cooking with him or watching movies while curled up together
He spoils the hell out o you because he is insanely rich, he tries to be inconspicuous but he really isn’t
Wake up one day to find out all of your loans have been paid off? Nope Enji knows nothing about it 
He loves having you in his lap
Not in public, he’s too scared for that, but in the comfort of his own home you are going to be in his lap pretty much whenever you’re sat down
Hooks his chin on your shoulder to see the tv/book he’s reading while also cuddling you
Now enji is a big boy, just a super buff man (i mean he is the top hero so like??? Duh but still)
So cuddling would be an experience with him, you may have to convince him at first but he would grow to love it
He likes it because it makes him feel strong, like he can protect you and be your hero even if you aren’t in any danger
When you cuddle he is mostly the big spoon because, I reiterate, he’s built af
But sometimes if he’s feeling down about something or he’s injured, he likes to have you lay on to of him with your head in his neck so he can be settled by the feeling of your breath 
You know he has the biggest most extra bed you have ever seen like just stay with him in it all day
When you first start dating he tends to sleep either facing away from you or spooning you
But as it progresses, you learn he likes to face you and hold you against his collarbone or chest so he can fully encase you with his body
He has so much affection he wants to give you but doesn’t fully understand his feelings so he struggles a lot
A lot of walls are there that he built up but it’s about time someone took them down properly
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Thank you for requesting!
Remember reblogs help content creators!
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ao3feed-tododeku · 2 years
Loving Wonderland
Loving Wonderland by hitori10
Life is all about taking risks, leading to either good or bad results.
Deciding to become a v-tuber was an amazing choice for both Izuku and Shouto.
Becoming engaged because their shitty fathers decided it for them without their consent? Not so much.
Now, it's hard enough keeping their career a secret on the regular, but how do you hide it from someone you constantly live with?
Here's the real kicker, Shouto just had to develop feelings for the first boy who ever stood up for him against his father.
Words: 4873, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Rody Soul, Shindou You, Toogata Mirio, Amajiki Tamaki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Hatsume Mei, Asui Tsuyu, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Rei, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, David Shield, Melissa Shield, Utsushimi Camie
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Hatsume Mei/Iida Tenya, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Rody Soul, Shindou You/Utsushimi Camie
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Eventual Romance, Arranged Marriage, Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is Midoriya Izuku's Parent, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, Past Relationship(s), Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Alternate Universe - Vtubers, Minor Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku and Toogata Mirio Are Siblings, Adopted Shinsou Hitoshi, First Meetings, Awkward Flirting, Friends to Lovers, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Implied Sexual Content, Falling In Love, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41280507
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ladysunamireads · 2 years
Loving Wonderland
Loving Wonderland by hitori10
Life is all about taking risks, leading to either good or bad results.
Deciding to become a v-tuber was an amazing choice for both Izuku and Shouto.
Becoming engaged because their shitty fathers decided it for them without their consent? Not so much.
Now, it's hard enough keeping their career a secret on the regular, but how do you hide it from someone you constantly live with?
Here's the real kicker, Shouto just had to develop feelings for the first boy who ever stood up for him against his father.
Words: 4873, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Jirou Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo, Rody Soul, Shindou You, Toogata Mirio, Amajiki Tamaki, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Inko, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki, Uraraka Ochako, Iida Tenya, Hatsume Mei, Asui Tsuyu, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Rei, Sasaki Mirai | Sir Nighteye, David Shield, Melissa Shield, Utsushimi Camie
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Midoriya Inko, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Hatsume Mei/Iida Tenya, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku & Rody Soul, Shindou You/Utsushimi Camie
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Eventual Romance, Arranged Marriage, Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting, Yagi Toshinori | All Might is Midoriya Izuku's Parent, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, Past Relationship(s), Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Alternate Universe - Vtubers, Minor Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Midoriya Izuku and Toogata Mirio Are Siblings, Adopted Shinsou Hitoshi, First Meetings, Awkward Flirting, Friends to Lovers, BAMF Midoriya Izuku, Implied Sexual Content, Falling In Love, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41280507
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
Some BNHA Headcanons I Like
A/N: I just really like the concept of all these. Don’t @ me. - Nemo
Listening to: ‘Never Gonna Give You Up’ by Rick Astley (Vapour wave) 
Bakugou's quirk makes him go deaf. No full 'deaf' deaf, cause he can use hearing aids, but enough that he needs sign language and how to read lips if he doesn't have his aids in. 
(Personally I think that'll help his temper too, and he learns to be more patient because of it.)
Iida is the UA 'bad boy', while Bakugou is the 'nerd'. Their appearances and surface personalities say otherwise, but deadass when you dig deeper that is actually what each of them are. 
Todoroki and Uraraka become BFF's. Todoroki adores spoiling her at the expense of Endeavour's credit cards. Yes, multiple cards. 
Uraraka is a Buff Pro-Hero. She bulks up, and goddamn she just looks even better. Like she goes from uwu child to bruh woman in the span of a few more years. 
Aizawa is a dad. Not biologically, but he just pulls a Bruce Wanye on all these trauma-filled UA kids and so far no one's stopping him. Hizashi co-dad's - only because we all know Aizawa isn't as organized as some think he is. 
Toshinori and Inko get together. They get married. All Might is officially Midoriya's dad now. Izuku wept at the wedding, and Toshi had a handkerchief to his mouth for over half the day to avoid spewing blood everywhere. 
But Toshi and Inko are just really cute too anyways, so let's be real - I'd be crying many, many, many happy tears for them both at the wedding too.
Mineta get's replaced by Shinso in Class 1-A. Peridot. 
Enji Todoroki divorces Rei. She gets to live happily for once, and Enji finally starts pulling himself together enough to not traumatize his kids anymore then they already are. 
Fatgum is basically a dad to Kirishima and Amajiki. Feeds them. Keeps them safe. Protects them. The works. It's great. Taishiro is a 10/10 dad. 
Kirishima does the same as Uraraka and just - he's so big as a Pro-Hero. Like here's Deku, and Dynamite - both guys around the general six-foot mark, so 'tall' on average - and RED RIOT COMES OVER AND JUST - oml - all either of them can see are his tanned pecks or smthn. Talk about a late growth spurt.
Kiri also stops dying his hair red. Sometimes he does just for kicks or a blast from the past, but overall he's got luscious raven locks. 
Hawks give a feather to people he cares about. That way he can make sure they're safe, or help them out when they're in trouble. Yes I went there. 
Mina changes her Hero name from 'Pinky' to 'Alien Queen'. It suits her better, and it turns out the kiddos love the name. She's a favourite among the youth. No further questions asked about this plz.
Twice and Toga get along really well. They chill out on one of their couches every night and watch movies, do face masks, or something else that classes as 'bonding'. Twice is actually rather protective of her after a while.
Toshinori get's a little jealous over Aizawa. They're both low-key dad-rivals. Toshinori only has Midoriya, and maybe Bakugou, but Aizawa has Shinsou, and Eri, and because of Eri he has Mirio, and occasionally steals Midoriya too. Taishiro isn't a rival to either of them. Dunno why. He's just too nice to be seen as one. 
The girls of class 1-A are still friends as pro's. Tsuyu, Momo, Mina, Uraraka, Jiro, and Toru. They go on group dates. It can range from getting their nails done to visiting a paintball range. It's great.
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pocketramblr · 4 years
Ok in an attempt to exorcise the part of my brain thinking about doing a full rewrite of the Labyrinth au, I'm just going to tell you all everything about it right here instead
- four courts, according to the seasons. The Moraine Monarch rules Spring, the Seelie Ruiri is over Summer, the Goblin King over Autumn, and the Unseelie Emperor over Winter
- as transitional courts, Spring and Autumn rulers are actually always born human. The Moraine each claim a changeling for their Heir, and the Goblin King was the first wish-away
- though different sorts of fae make up the rulers of each, there are every type in each kingdom- from pixies to goblins to elves to dragons.
- All Hallows Eve marks the most chaotic night as far as fae in the human realm go- the solstices and equinoxes have a lot too, but more limited to one group at a time. Not so for this free for all. That means that this is the worst night possible to make a wish-away: while the Goblin King has claim over all of them, this is the one night that another may grab a wish-away first, and depending on who grabs them it can be rather difficult to get them back
- Izuku was a human boy until he met, befriended, and then was taken by Toshinori, the current Moraine Monarch and a changeling himself. Yo Shindo was left in his place. Inko has noticed her son growing more confident as he grows older, but doesn't think anything else is off. Izuku uses "Deku" as a common name to not give away his, and is the Heir of Spring.
- The Ruiri of Summer is Grandpa Yakuza himself. Chisaki is a Ri Buiden (lesser king, if you will), and the most notable thing he's done is attempt to snatch Shoto when he was wished away (and failed), and then kidnapped Eri, at the time the only known Spring Unicorn. Izuku and a few others had to get him back, and Chisaki's power was reduced in his court, the Ruiri giving Mirio some of his ceremonial powers instead.
- Hawks is the Goblin King, the first child to be wished away. The only one that's never had an Heir, his court has always been at a disadvantage to the others, so as charitable as he is for someone who's been in fairy for so long, he's got some personal motivation in getting all of the Todorokis so he can finally be at equal stance with the other courts and not rely on Spring so much.
- Tomura is the newest court leader, the Emperor of Winter who sits on the throne and bones of the former one he was raised by before usurping. The last Emperor took him from Spring after an insult from former queen Nana. He's a quarter human, initially, but being majority fae means he's fine to sit on the throne. Even if it gives him... Slight confidence issues.
- Enji has dragon and elven blood. Rei has selkie and witch. Of their children, only Shoto has an affinity for all four abilities. Natsuo only has witch, Fuyumi only selkie, and Touya only dragon. This matters little in the human world, but does attract fae and gives them the supernaturally bad luck of wishing-aways always happening on All Hallows.
- Touya, wished-away first, was intercepted by the former Emperor. His burns are a result of this, and he's held together by iron piercings that he had to himself to free himself of any influence by the Emperor or any other fae. They're his best and only defense when his offensive dragon fire fails.
- Shoto, wished-away second, was almost taken by Chisaki but as Hawks learned and was watching more closely this time, he snatched him back before anything worse than one minor burn was dealt. Shoto grew most quickly of the siblings, about fourteen years worth in the span of two human ones. He's more amiable to Hawks and more aware of the full scope of his plans, but he's also rather irreverent and not actually close to him, preferring to wander and spend time with his own friends.
- Natsuo, the third wish-away. Also the one Hawks intends to name Heir, though as Hawks has functional immortality, he does so planning that the lad will never rule, unlike the Moraine. Honestly the most happy about being in Fairy, and the one told the most about the plan.
- Fuyumi, a selkie born without a sealskin. As such, as soon as she interacted with magic it became possible that something would become her "skin" in that if taken, she'd be forced to physically follow and wouldn't be able to access any magic without it. Hawks suspects that her siblings might have become her skin and that she would be compelled to enter the Labyrinth anyway, but isn't actually sure. He doesn't care since his plan works either way.
- Touya- going by Dabi since he's been burned enough to know fae rules by now- is told by Hawks that Fuyumi is there to try to retrieve her brother, right before the All Hallows where they're planning on bringing Rei to Fairy. He assumes that she's here for Shoto and the his job (he, regrettably, Owes Hawks even beyond being beholden to him as a wish-away) is to stall her until. On learning that this isn't the case, he sorta freaks out just a little. A lot. He isn't happy, ok. He isn't happy that she wished-away Natsuo, and the fact that she wasn't there for Shoto ruined some of the perception he had that of course people came for the perfect mix but not him. Both of them having been 'forgetten' is something that required a paradigm shift.
- This is further complicated after he tricks Fuyumi into eating a drugged apple and watches her dream- one that includes all three of her brothers, and now he has to accept that she didn't come for the other two not because they were forgetten but because Natsuo was literally the only one she could. Then he gets sus of Hawks for that, and wakes her mostly because he wants to get to the King quickly and demand an answer.
- enter Shoto, who both gives them exposition faster about the plan, and also slows them down because Fuyumi cannot be allowed to see Natsuo until the time ends and she has a million questions for him about how on earth he's not a two year old.
- there are a few minor subplots about Shoto preparing to help Rei pass over via a mirror in her bathroom in the hospital, about Mitsuki being a mother still looking for her wish-away after years in the Labyrinth, about Tomura having pixie spies, about Izuku being annoyed that as changelings he and Toshinori can't go back over to the human land when everyone else does, and about Hitoshi needing something from Hawks so he offers his silvertongue services at stalling Fuyumi once Dabi flips out and leaves temporarily.
- other characters: Toga is an Unseelie pixie who got her wing privileges revoked after annoying Tomura but will likely get them back, Aizawa is a Cat Sidhe, Tenya an elf, Ochako a Seelie pixie. The first Moraine Monarch, First, was a human changeling. AfO was the one exchanged for him, and he was rather unhappy to come back to Fairy to find that the minor human he replaced and had been chosen for the throne, so he decided he should have a crown just like his "brother." Or rather, bigger than his brother's.
- I'm also toying with the idea that, as someone born human, Hawks can actually "dial up or down" how human or fae he is at any moment, to the point of being able to lie and resist iron, though at those times he's unable to access any magic and monitor his kingdom so he really tries not to go that far but to keep a good balance. Unsure but yeah the rest is fun.
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pandajaye · 4 years
Todoroki Family Ties (Part 7)
Characters: Enji Todoroki, Stepmom!OC!Ivy (Ivy is black btw), Child!Shoto Todoroki, Teen!Touya Todoroki
Warnings: child missing, dangerous criminals, mention of child murder, family abandonment
Enji and Ivy searched the entire property but Shoto was no where to be found. They called the police, Officer Tsukauchi alerted AllMight and Eraserhead and they were helping find him too. Even with them here, they were careful to keep quiet about the missing child of a Pro Hero. You never know what Villains could be looking for him too. The worst part of it was, the reason they needed pro hero help was because Shoto was the least dangerous person they were searching for today. The news reported that someone dangerous was out on the run and that only made Ivy’s heart sink lower. They figured they were fine since it was a private residence and Shoto was with a nanny, but she was gone too.
“We’re working hard to find him and the missing nanny, ma’am. I hate that this happened on the same day that a criminal broke out of jail. Is there any more information that you can give us about the boy or the woman?”
Tsukauchi must have been in a lot of situations where he had to show calmness towards civilians. His soft voice gave her a sense of peace, it was small but any was good.
“I-I.... I don’t know too much about her. She seems good with the kids. We just recently hired her last week and she’s been an angel. She has a very kind attitude for an older woman with a tattoo.”
“A tattoo? What did it look like? Can you describe it for me?”
Ivy thought hard about the image that was located on the woman’s hand. Enji didn’t agree with it but Ivy convinced him that since she wa so child friendly, the tattoo shouldn’t matter.
“It was a thin black circle with a cherry blossom inside. There was an ‘X’ on the right side of the circle. It was kind of wrinkled a long with her hand but I still thought it looked pretty cool.”
One of the officers that was standing in front of her drawing the description of the tattoo nodded to Tsukauchi. When he looked back at her, she could tell there was more of a hardness to his face. He turned to Enji and Allmight who had been standing next to them to observe.
“If it’s alright, I’d like to just speak to you two alone for a minute.”
They looked at each other before taking a step into the kitchen, away from where Ivy could hear.
“I’m afraid that the nanny may be involved in the disappearance of the boy. The tattoo that Mrs. Todoroki had described matched the same image of another womanms tattoo. They’re believe to be apart of a gang of Villains called the Withered Blossoms. Any crime scene these women have been apart of usually have young men unconscious or dead but with the appearance of someone who is old. Their victims also are left with no money. Apparently they use the youth from their victims to stay alive. There’s no telling how long they’ve been on this earth but we’ve managed to mostly keep them in jail. I’m not sure what they would want Shoto for. Either his youth, or ransom, but I know that we’ll do whatever it takes get him back and those women in maximum security prison.”
Toshinori thanked Mr. Tsukauchi before turning to look at Enji. His gaze was stuck on the ground, thinking about everything that was just explained. He was never one to really show emotion when anyone other than his family was around. Though he wasn’t sure if he’d even get a response, Toshi tried his best to communicate with Enji.
“Don’t worry. We’ll find your son. Everything will be fine.”
Enji scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“Who said I was worried? I know he’ll be okay. He’s a damn Todoroki, of course he’ll be okay.”
Toshi shook his head. He could see the worry on his face. It was written in his furrowed brows. The angry wrinkles on his face. No matter how he tried to hide it, this bothered him deeply.
“It’s not bad to have feelings. Your child is out in the big world and could be in danger. It looks more suspicious not showing worry.”
Enji sighed angrily and looked at Toshi. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he was speaking some sense. He didn’t know why he was such a hard ass all the time. There was just a lot of frustration and rage inside of him. The expression on his face softened but he looked away from Toshi.
“You’re right. I’m very upset. That’s.... my youngest out there. He could be scared. He could be hurt. Or.... o-or....”
“Hey. We’re not going to think like that, alright? They’re doing everything they can, looking under every rock for these villains and your son. I have no doubt that we’ll get some good news soon.”
Toshi gave him a nod of reassurance and Enji returned it. They may not get along always but he was glad to have Toshi here to comfort him and Ivy.
Especially Ivy....
This family.... Enji.... the kids.... they meant a lot to her. She was the first person in her family to be born quirkless. They hoped she would grow up and eventually gain one, but, unfortunately, it never happened. When she was in high school, she came home that day to her bags packed and thrown out of the door. They constantly hounded her for not being able to become a pro hero so that she could make them rich. Since she seemed to give no value in their eyes, she was kicked out and forced to live on her own.
After years of hard work, she graduated high school, college, got a job, and did pretty good. All on her own. She met Enji when she was fired and found a job at his agency. Apparently his assistant before her couldn’t handle his explosive temper. The difference between her and Ivy was that she could afford to quit, but Ivy was barely making it and this paycheck could change everything for her.
It was hard. There was almost constant intimidation. The atmosphere of every meeting had tension and no one was brave enough to disturb it. And it only got worse after the incident with Rei Todoroki pouring hot water over her son’s face. There were many rumors that floated around. Even when the truth about Enji putting her in a mental hospital came out, everyone said it was a cover up and that he actually murdered her. Luckily, the world continued to go around.
The agency was fine but it was obvious that Enji wasn’t. There was an aggressiveness and darkness to him that no one had ever seen before. Everyone was afraid to speak to him outside of business but Ivy figured that maybe that’s what he was missing. Someone needed to check on him and something inside of her said that it should be her. It was her character flaw. Even though she’d been through so much, she always felt as if it was her job to take care of the beasts of the world. In her mind, all they needed was love and kindness.
One day, she gathered the courage to talk to him and see how he was doing. When she opened the door to his office, the lights were off. He was just sitting in his chair but facing towards the window. That morning he walked in a nice suit but not the jacket was on the back of his chair and his tie was loosened. He was just sitting there, his head leaning against his hand like he was just done with everything.
“Hello? Mr. Endeavor?”
“What is it?
“I-I wanted to talk about something. Are you busy?”
He sighed and dropped his hand, turning to look at her and permit her to enter before turning back to the outside world.
“Come in.”
She hurried in and closed the door behind her, quietly making her way over to the front of his desk.
“I wanted to check on you.... see how you were doing lately. I’m really worried about you, sir. You haven’t burned as brightly as you used to, so I’m here if you want to talk about anything. I’m sorry if I’m bothering you in anyway, sir.”
When he didn’t respond, she walked to be in his line of sight. He looked so tired. There were bags under his eyes and a sad frown that looked as if it’s been there forever and would never leave. It broke her heart to see him so depressed. She decided to leave. He probably was being nice by not telling her to get out immediately.
“I hope your day gets better, sir...”
Ivy only took a single step before she was stopped, her small wrist in his large hand. When she looked at him, there were streaks of tears on his cheeks.
Suddenly, he pulled her to him and hugged her waist. She could feel him trembling.
“S-She’s gone.... she’s gone.... a-and it’s m-my fault-t.”
Enji’s grip on her tightened and she started to relax. He needed her in that moment and it was necessary that she was there for him.
“It’s going to be okay, sir. It’s going to be alright.”
They talked for a long time. He avoided questions about Rei but she didn’t mind. There were lots of emotions in the room. Maybe it was the sudden opportunity to be vulnerable or how she comes off as a trustworthy person, but he was quick to let her in. He admitted that this was one of the very few times that he made a connection with someone at work. He really appreciated her bravery and that she wanted to actually talk to him.
This was the beginning of their relationship. From coworkers to friends to friends to lovers. Oh how sweet it sounds. Even if it wasn’t always sweet, especially after they were married. So quickly at that. However, it was obvious that they were soulmates. The conflicts weren’t because of her, it was his toxicity. A toxicity that healed when they were together, it heals slowly, but progress is progress.
Now here they were. Enji holding Ivy as her emotions were trying to control themselves. That’s when they got the call from Toshinori. Ivy put her phone on speaker so Enji could hear too.
“We’ve found Shoto and the criminal. We’re bringing your boy home.”
A huge weight felt lifted off of the couple’s shoulders. Enji held onto Ivy as she cried into his chest. Since his hands were preoccupied with holding her, he couldn’t quickly wipe the tears out of his eyes and instead just lowered his face to kiss the top of Ivy’s head.
Shoto was back home within a few hours after an interrogation with the police. The woman had never mentioned anything about what he would be used for, she lured him with the lie that she would take him to see Rei. It made Enji and Ivy furious to find out that someone would make up such a terrible lie to kidnap a child and he vowed to find the rest of the group so they couldn’t hurt anyone else.
After dinner, and putting the kids to bed, Enji received a phone call from a number he didn’t immediately recognize and excused himself to go outside to answer it.
“We need to talk about Natsuo and Fuyumi soon. I believe it’s time that they come home.”
He recognized the voice immediately. Rei’s mother. The current guardian of his other two children.
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problemswithbooks · 3 years
This is something I question a lot and maybe it just hasn’t hit me. What would you say All Mights relationship towards Endeavor is like? I would think he would dislike him for abusing Shouto or being so rough and competitive. And yet regardless, he seems neutral, somewhat sympathetic towards him enough to give him advices, worry for him when he got badly injured, and encouraged Midoriya and Bakugou to take an internship with him. So what exactly does he think of him?
It's weird but thinking about it, I don't think All Might has shown any genuine dislike for anyone but AfO or Shigaraki during USJ. I doubt he likes other villains, but seems to take them out because it's his job/to protect others, not because he personally hates them.
I don't think he really noticed Endeavor much before he retired. They talked while working together on join missions probably but considering how focused All Might was on being the Symbol of Peace and literally being everywhere, saving as many people as possible, it's doubtful he really understood Endeavor's dislike of him. He also could have even seen his rude attitude as Endeavor's public persona, not his actual personality. Either way it doesn't seem like Toshinori gave him a huge amount of thought, past seeing him as a fellow coworker.
After Toshinori retired he payed more attention to him, probably realizing the huge burden he left Enji with. He's never been the type of guy to turn someone away if they needed help and so he was happily gave Endeavor advice when he asked for it. Plus, I'm sure he wanted to help Endeavor succeed because it means people stay safe. If Enji fails, people will get scared and things could get bad for everyone--a fear Toshinori has had for a while.
All Might was also worried about him when he got hurt by the Nomu, most likely remembering his own injury he got from AfO and fearing the same could happen to Endeavor. Even if he didn't like Endeavor, it's hard to watch someone get beaten bloody, especially when you know the life long pain they could end up suffering as a result.
As for Shoto's abuse, it's hard to say how he feels about it or how much he knew/suspected before Dabi's broadcast. He picked up that Shoto didn't like his father, but it's not necessarily a given that that means abuse (or at least physical abuse, which is generally the only kind that will get kids removed from a household). He could have asked, but in Japan that can be seen as prying and rude (take how Aizawa suspected Iida was going to go after Stain, but approved his internship anyway and never really asked about his emotional state).
And, yes, Shoto has a scar, but Horikoshi kind of doesn't treat it as if it's there most of the time. Like no one even bats an eye at it, not even Izuku, until Shoto tells him how he got it. Horikoshi doesn't treat it how it inevitably would be if it were RL because that would sort of ruin his story. Being a celebrity, the entire incident with Rei would be public knowledge--no HPSC secret cover up would work, because anyone seeing Shoto would be wondering where he got it, and what happened to Enji's wife. Even if the abuse from Enji was covered up, everyone would know it was his mom that burned him--but that just doesn't make an interesting character reveal.
So, if the first time All Might learned of the abuse, how does that effect how he feels about Enji?
Well, we don't know. Unfortunately we haven't really gotten much insight into how anyone really sees Enji now that the abuse is known. Seemingly Hawks and BJ are fine with him, after making sure he's not still hurting Shoto, but it's not like they have much choice but to put any negative feelings it gives them on the back burner anyway. Japan is literally struggling not to collapse as a country, everyone is homeless now, and has to be held in shelters to protect them from wandering gangs of villains, including serial killers. They have limited resources and helping hands. If they have some negative feelings about Enji being a past abuser they don't really have the time to or luxury to express them--he's their strongest guy and they need his help.
This same idea applies to All Might. He doesn't really have any choice but to work with Enji. He can't protect Izuku or help him fight on his own--all he can do is give him dinner. But, honestly, past Toshinori letting the top three shadow Izuku, we haven't had any real interaction between Enji and him, so who knows how he feels about Dabi's broadcast and Enji admitting to the abuse. until we get that, it's really hard to say what their relationship is now.
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We are Not Villains, but We're Your Worst Nightmare
We are not villains, but we’re your worst nightmare by Reezelyn
~~Four teenage boys stood on top of a building looking over the city of musutafu, all had on black except for the shirt scarfs that hung from each one of their pockets, the boy on the left had a purple scarf hanging from his front pocket, the boy on the right had a green scarf hanging from his pocket the boy in the middle had on a yellow scarf hanging from his pocket and the boy beside him had a white scarf hanging from his pocket. They weren't heroes nor were they villains, but one thing they were was wanted. Ghost, stealth, ice and strike. The four most wanted boys in Japan. *WARNING* This story contains -mentions of abuse -cursing -bullying -bad writing -a lot of angst at the beginning? I do not own the characters I only own the plot.
Words: 784, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Todoroki Shouto, Shinsou Hitoshi, Izuku Yagi, Izumi Yagi, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Inko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Class 1-A, Monoma Neito, Kaminari Denki's Family, Shinsou Hitoshi's Parents, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Rei, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Eri, Dabi | Todoroki Touya
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto, Kaminari Denki/Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi/Todoroki Shouto, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina/Uraraka Ochako, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic
Additional Tags: Kaminari Denki-centric, Izuku Yagi, yess it's that kind of story, Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Protective Shinsou Hitoshi, Todoroki Shouto-centric, Shinsou Hitoshi-centric, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Hacker denki, Izuku has a gun, shinsou is tired, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Kaminari Denki Has ADHD, well not really but they're not villains either, Bakugou regrets it, bad at tags, he's lucky they didn't come for him yet, I'll add more tags, Class 1-A as Family, some of are a bit bitchy though, hacker todoroki, villain todoroki, Villain Midoriya Izuku, Villain Shinsou Hitoshi, Villain Kaminari Denki, Villains to Heroes, they are not really villains, Sassy Todoroki Shouto
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33116857
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mydisasteracademia · 3 years
SFW Alphabet: Enji Todoroki
Before you start, I know, I know. For this one, I’m pretending that he and Rei are divorced (which is frankly what they need and deserve), and he’s the Number One. Please don’t yell at me about how much he doesn’t deserve anything nice.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Enji is very awkward with his affection, especially to you. Quick little hugs, head pats, maybe even a pat on the shoulder. He’s trying not to be overbearing, but he hasn’t even dated before (his engagement to Rei doesn’t count), and he hasn’t shown romantic affection since his first two children were born.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
More willing to be around you, less likely to get annoyed at your antics. You likely became friends after you recognized him on the street and asked for an autograph for a family member, he accidentally broke your only pen, and you just met for coffee to start over.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
When you’re alone together and you sidle up to him, he enjoys cuddling. You’re so small in comparison that he just enjoys curling up to you, but only if you initiate. He doesn’t want to overstep in his first relationship as a single man again.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He can cook and clean well enough. Even though I imagine him with hired help up until he’s divorced, he knows how to function by himself, especially now that the kids are gone. He’s afraid of settling down again, just because his past still haunts him too much.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Oh, it would kill him to do it. But maybe he’d get too paranoid if you being targeted just to get to him, and he’d sit you down and discuss breaking up for now. He’s not out to break your heart; he wants his loved ones safe. He spends a lot of time avoiding his feelings in the days and weeks following.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Very afraid of commitment again. After the disaster that was his first marriage, even the thought of having children is enough to have him run for the hills. It takes a lot of time and healing for him to even consider marrying someone.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He tried to be gentle with you, but sometimes his brash personality can seep out. He feels awful every time it happens and tries to make it up to you, but for the most part, he’s been successful at being careful. His touches are light, as if you were made of glass.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He appreciates hugs from certain people. He enjoys when his daughter hugs him, and it makes his day when Shouto hugs him. He doesn’t initiate them with you, waiting for you to make a move. As soon as you hug him, though, his arms are wrapping around you like a big, warm, muscley blanket.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It happens during a villain attack in your first year of friendship, when he realizes he’s both in love with and terrified of losing you. As soon as you’re safe he’s hugging you tight, saying “Don’t scare me like that, I love you”.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He can get jealous easily, especially when you’re around people like Toshinori. He knows you can do so much better than him, and some part of him wants to let you go free, but then he realizes he doesn’t want you to leave.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
His kisses are shy, yet passionate, and he often goes for your forehead. He likes it when you kiss his face, especially when you tenderly kiss his scar.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He’s, admittedly, not as good around children. Not unless it involves training in some way. He just doesn’t have the patience or endurance to keep up with them these days.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He gets up earlier than you do, due to his work as a pro. He might wake you up to eat breakfast with him, but otherwise he leaves you a note and a plate of food, detailing when he thinks he’ll be back.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Usually tries to make it for dinner, but always ends up collapsing into bed with you, just holding you close.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He’s hesitant at first, given that he doesn’t want you to run off the minute you learn of his past as an abuser. It takes a lot of mutual trust before he can really open up to you, and even then he worries you’ll leave him. He starts off by peppering little things about his kids here and there, maybe some things he likes.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
This is Enji we’re discussing. Of course he’s got a temper. He tries to keep his cool these days (trust me, he was way worse before as his family can attest to), but now he’s got a better handle on his temper. He still gets irritated easily, but he doesn’t rage like he used to. Not unless he’s facing a villain.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers what he can. As we’ve seen, he has a pretty good memory about little things (think Rei’s flower), so if you tell him you like or dislike something, he’s going to remember it.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Honestly, his favorite moment was when he first discussed his past with you. You’d cried as he told you of the horrible things he did and what he was doing to atone for it, and when you said you’d support him in his path to redemption, it really touched his heart.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Extremely protective, to the point where he would voluntarily end the relationship if it meant you were safe (though that’s largely rooted in his own insecurities). But sometimes he just wants someone to hold him and reassure him too.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He puts everything he has into your relationship. Tries to make time for dates, gives you breakfast in bed on your birthday, every once in a while giving you little trinkets... he’s also used to doing chores on his own, so don’t be surprised if he does most of the work around the house now that it’s just him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Oh geez, where to start? He’s still got a temper that tends to flare up on bad days. If he gets too deep into his own self-loathing he’ll go a few days without even seeing you, instead sleeping at the agency and doing work from there. Real touchy about the subject of kids/marriage/his past and will stubbornly refuse to talk about it, sometimes to the point of fighting. Too prideful to admit his misdeeds sometimes. Drinks in the evenings to numb some of the pain. Spends way too much time in the gym and often neglects his own health.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He does what needs to be done. Trims stubble, makes sure his hair is combed, takes extra care with his clothing... he wants to keep up the facade that he’s got everything together in public. When he’s alone, shirtless and sweatpants for days babey.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Depends on how far in the relationship you are. In the beginning, he’d be sad, but he would learn to push the pain down. Later on, though, he wouldn’t want you to leave. He likely wouldn’t get into another relationship after you, focusing instead on his work.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
I mean, I know this is already kinda canon, but he is a very Proud Dad. In order to make up for all that he missed, he likes to keep track of his kids’ accomplishments and if you get him drunk enough he melts into this puddle of pride as he boasts about how great they’ve become. Has about dozen framed pictures of his family (and two of just Rei, one when she was discharged from the hospital and one on the day the divorce was finalized) in his bedroom and office that he looks at whenever he’s lonely.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Anyone not willing to keep him in check. That would be the big one. Anyone too judgmental and/or just plain mean. Anyone who likes to poke at his insecurities just to watch him explode. Especially not anyone who gushes about other heroes all the time (especially not Toshinori).
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He tries to keep a fairly-regular sleep schedule. He usually ends up going to bed fairly late and waking up early. Sometimes if he gets a chance to take a break during the day he’ll nap depending on how exhausting it’s been.
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