#right uh huh just as nomura intended
kondietorei · 7 months
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alas the classic outfit swap
bonus doodle underneath ^^
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drew this after realizing i only drew one sea salt ice cream orz
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Trollhunters Dadswap AU part 17
Here it is guys. The day has come.
it’s time for the grit-shaka madness to begin
Strickler, growing more concerned about the Bridge and it’s construction, takes the day off from school and gets Nomura to help him with research. With Strickler out of the classroom, however, that leaves Jim, Toby, Claire, and the rest of the class stuck with a movie day. Not so bad since it’s Gun Robot 3, but terrible since it gives everyone the opportunity to gossip about the upcoming rehearsal.
Jim and Toby are just talking about it when Toby notices the Grit-Shaka in Jim’s bag.
“Dude you’re not really going to wear that, are you?”
“Of course not! I just.... have it for backup! Is it cool if we don’t talk about this? I’m nervous enough as it is.”
“You wouldn’t be so nervous if you ever actually talked to Claire.”
“Pff, as if. I don’t want to risk her hating me again.”
“rule number 1, Jim my man.”
Jim gives him a look and Toby backs off.
“Ok ok, fine. What do you wanna talk about?”
“I don’t know.... how about your new roomie?”
“You mean AAARRRGGHH!!! ? He’s doing fine! We uh... had a little incident with the power washer, but everything’s going great! He’s adapted pretty well to my room, and he hasn’t scared Nana at all!”
“An incident with the power washer?’ what happened?”
“well, it turns out those things are REALLY strong. When I got knocked off of my feet, he didn’t know what to do to turn it off, so he just bit down on the hose nozzle. Needless to say, that didn’t end well.”
“was everyone ok?”
“yeah don’t worry. We both got pretty soaked, but no one got hurt. Think I’m gonna ask Draal if he and his dad have any suggestions. There’s no way I’m gonna wash that guy by hand. I don’t think he’d be willing to sit in a kiddie pool long enough for me to do so either.”
“surprised he hasn’t eaten all your Nana’s cats yet.”
“He tried, but after I told him that humans keep em as pets, he backed off. I have a suspicion my missing VHS tapes are what he chose to eat as an alternative.”
“Well, here’s hoping Angor Rot can convince Vendel to get that mark off him soon.”
“yeah. Maybe i can start giving him some lessons in troll manners. It could help his case, after all.”
“Troll manners,’ Toby?”
“Yeah! Like I ask him what he does in a certain situation, and teach him the proper response! Like ‘if someone is standing in your way, what do you do?’ kinda stuff. Who knows, he might be a fast learner.”
It’s then that Mary accuses Jim of taking her seat, forcing him to sit beside Claire. Jim looks desperately over at Toby, who simply shrugs and mouths ‘talk to her.’ Of course Jim sits there in silent panic for a few moments before looking down in his bag again.
reluctantly, Jim puts on the grit-shaka. Surely it couldn’t hurt to have a little confidence boost, right?
Cue the worst day ever, in which Jim uses the word ‘crispy’ to a cringing degree, ruins rehearsals, and even goes so far as to try to break into the school cafeteria and take all the ice cream sandwiches. All that madness and more.
So of course Toby goes to get help from Strickler and Angor Rot. 
Strickler is hard at work researching any clues he can decipher to locate the bridge when Toby runs in. Nomura looks up from her own book, and Angor Rot skides down the ladder.
“Strickler! It’s Jim!”
Strickler is instantly up.
“What’s wrong? What happened? Is it Heimdrel?”
“No no no, he got this totem thing from Bular, and he’s been acting crazy all day! He keeps using the word ‘Crispy,’ and doesn’t care about others, and has just overall been a really big turd!”
Strickler glances over at Nomura and Angor Rot before looking back at Toby.
“This totem Jim got from Bular, it wouldn’t happen to be called a ‘Grit-Shaka,’ would it??”
“yeah that’s it!”
Strickler runs out.
“Nomura, keep looking! I’m sure we’ll find a lead soon! Angor, Toby, let’s go!”
By the time they find him, Jim is about to let a troll tattoo artist hammer into his arm.
“make it weep.”
Strickler snatches the chisel from the troll.
“have you lost your mind?” he turns to the artist, speaking respectfully, “my apologies, if you could give us just a moment.”
“hey guys! You’re here! Are you getting a tattoo too? *gasp* LET’S ALL GET MATCHING TATTOOS”
“We are doing no such thing, Jim!”
“Strickler, my man, chill. It’s just a tattoo!”
“That is not the problem here! You are wearing a troll artifact, and you don’t even know what affects it could be having on your delicate psyche!”
“My delicate Psyche? Oh you mean this? Pretty cool right? I’ve never felt better in all my life! I gotta see what other cool jewelry Bular’s people make!”
“They are not jewlers, Jim! They are a vicious war band, who use artifacts such as the one on your neck to become literal killing machines! It is not for human use!”
“killing machines, huh? Well now I really need to talk to Bular about getting me some more totems! Think of how much more effective I could be if I didn’t fear anything!”
“That goes directly against rule number one of being the trollhunter and I will not just sta-”
Jim grabs Strickler’s shoulder and makes him lean down.
“Strickler, Strickler listen. I don’t care. Ok? What are you gonna do? Fail me in Trollhunters class?”
Angor Rot tries to fix the situation.
“Jim, it is important to be afraid when facing trolls. A warrior who is over confident, or lacks any and all fear, often die very quickly. Trolls have no pity for the arrogant.”
Strickler holds out his hand.
“Jim, I demand that you hand over the Grit-shaka.”
Jm backs up
“no way, man! I already told you! I have never felt better! I’m fine! What are you afraid I wont be able to handle being a killing machine?”
“Jim, as your trainer, I insist that you hand it over.”
Jim makes a run for it. Summoning the amulet and narrowly evading capture by his friends.
“I’ll show you!” Jim summons his sword. “I’ll show all of you! I’m gonna take down Heimdrel! Then you’ll see! I don’t need your stinking training when I got this baby on my side!”
Before anyone can catch him, Jim disappears into the market.
“where could he have gone?”
“well obviously he’s going after Heimdrel, didn’t you hear him?”
Strickler looks down at Toby, eyes narrowed and clearly not in the mood for sass.
“He does not know where Heimdrel is,” Angor Rot folds his arms, “how does he intend to find him?”
Toby thinks it over.
“I think I know where he’s going.”
Toby runs to Claire’s house and gets the attention of Notenrique.
“Ey! You’re gonna blow my cover!”
“Did you tell Jim where to find Heimdrel?!”
“Sure did.”
“If he wants to kill himself, who am I to stop him?”
“Where is he going?”
“And why should I tell you? you gonna run down there and try to stop him? Good luck Chubby-Chaser!”
“just tell me where he is!”
“no! Now get outta here before someone notices!”
“I’ll give you yesterday’s gym socks if you’ll tell me where to find him!”
Meanwhile down in the sewers, Jim is gallantly marching through. Making all kinds of noise. Throwing threats to the air. all that horrible stuff. He of course gets a Goblin’s attention, who scurries off to inform Heimdrel of the situation.
Back up top Toby is running through the town, checking every sewer drain he can to find Jim.
Down below, Toby told Strickler and Angor Rot where Notenrique sent Jim. Strickler is running through checking every hall he can, and Angor Rot is using his staff to check all the hidden places he can think of.
Jim spots a goblin and runs after it, turning a corner and seeing another. It says something in their goblin language and then laughs. Jim prepares his sword to strike when he hears the sound of metal against stone. Heimdrel turns the corner- his sword digging into the sewer wall and making a clear mark.
“There you are, you big ugly brute!”
Heimdrel eyes Jim a moment, locking his gaze on the Grit-Shaka.
“A Gumm-Gumm totem.... Now i see why you so foolishly came down here.”
“That’s right, Heimdrel. It’s the end for you!”
Heimdrel laughs darkly.
“You are just a whelp.”
“No, Heimdrel, I am your doom!”
With that Jim charges forward, swinging his sword wildly. Heimdrel parries and Overpowers Jim’s attack. Jim lands one hit on Heimdrel’s arm and let’s out a triumphant laugh as the much larger Troll backs away for a moment.
“had enough?”
Heimdrel looks up at Jim, the wound caused by the sword suddenly healing and crystallizing over.
“Far from it.”
“you can regenerate????”
“I can do so much more than just that, boy.”
Heimdrel charges back forward and the fight continues.
Jim goes for a low blow and swings at Heimdrel’s legs, But that’s when Heimdrel does a quick spin, his drape of feathers confusing and breaking Jim’s focus. it’s then that when Heimdrel completes his turn that Jim sees Heimdrel has using his cape to hide the fact he was preparing to kick.
Before Jim can dodge or block, Heimdrel’s foot slams directly into him, sending him flying and causing his sword to dig into the sewer floor a few feet off. Jim looks up to find the grit-shaka missing from his neck. He looks up to see it between him and Heimdrel.
“oh no!”
Heimdrel crushes it beneath his foot, breaking it’s effects on Jim. He laughs darkly, raising his sword in the process.
“oh yes”
Jim makes a run for his sword. Heimdrel leaps after him. Jim rolls and grabs his sword, just barely having enough time to spin around and block Heimdrel’s strike. Jim backs away fearfully and Heimdrel’s smile grows more wicked as he walks towards Jim like a predator.
“you know, I’ve seen someone look at me like that before. The last surviving Tyreta besides myself. I saved him for last.”
Heimdrel raises his sword and narrows his eye in delight.
“His screams will be nowhere near as delicious as yours.”
Just as Heimdrel swings his hand down, the manhole above them swings open. Heimdrel’s actual arm hits the sun ray and he backs away with a howl of agony. Toby looks into the scene.
“Toby! Where on earth am I? How did I get here???”
Heimdrel growls as his arm heals and he begins to circle the ray of light Jim is now trapped in.
“Afraid, Trollhunter? Good. It will make my victory all the sweeter when the amulet is finally mine.”
It’s then that Strickler and Angor Rot find the chamber Heimdrel and Jim are currently in. They run forward to help when a swarm of goblins strike them- one opening another manhole so Angor Rot cannot safely pass through. Toby reaches in.
“Jim! Take my hand!”
Jim of course tries to jump high enough to reach but the armor of daylight is too heavy. Heimdrel drags his sword across the ground, sharpening it and preparing to strike.
"A shame we did not face each other on a true battlefield, but perhaps a coward’s death is all that you deserve.”
Jim looks up at Heimdrel’s sword as he raises it once more to deliver a final blow, and the wheels in his head begin to turn. From behind Heimdrel he can see Strickler has made it through and is drawing knives from his mantle.
Heimdrel swings his arm to strike, when At the same time a handful of Strickler’s knives dig into his back. The troll howls in anger and pain, his posture shifting and turning to face his attacker. Jim dodges the attack and watches the situation carefully. Heimdrel tries to turn to face Strickler, but realizes his sword is stuck in the cement. The Executioner roars and pulls at his arm to try and un wedge it from the ground. Jim and Strickler seem to have a silent conversation, and the second Heimdrel is about to free his sword Strickler and Jim both run towards it.
Jim lands on the sword and uses Heimdrel’s strength to catapult himself up to reach Toby’s hand, and Strickler uses his own strength to jump high enough to reach the street above. As Strickler climbs out, he returns to his human disguise before anyone sees him, and Toby begins to pull Jim up as fast as he can, soon having Strickler available to help.
Heimdrel yells something in a trollish language furiously as they pull him out, and moments after they escape and cover the manhole Heimdrel’s fist punches it open one time before it’s finally over.
“Tobes, what happened today? All I can remember is being in History class and watching Gun Robot.”
“it’s uh... it’s been a long day for all of us. Why don’t we... talk about it later... but just know.... you’ve been a giant turd all freaking day.”
Jim smiles at Toby and Toby smiles at Jim and Strickler helps the two exhausted teens onto their feet before a car honks at the trio.
“Promise me you’ll never do this again, you hear me? That goes for you as well, Toby.”
“Promise. No more Gumm-Gumm totems for me.”
“And I don’t plan on ever trying one. Today has been proof enough for me.”
“Good. Now, let’s get out of the street and back to Trollmarket. I’m certain Angor Rot is already waiting for us there.”
Later on at the Hospital, Barbra is preparing to head home when she is stopped by another Doctor.
“Hey Barbra, do you have a minute to speak with me?”
“Certainly, doctor. What can I do for you?”
“I just wanted to thank you for all the hard work you’ve been doing as of late. Things have been pretty crazy around here, and I’m glad we have someone like you on staff.”
“it’s the least I can do. Helping people is what Doctors are supposed to do, after all.”
“of course. Since you’ve been so active lately, I wanted to inform you of a new addition to our staff. It’s taken us months to convince him to finally transfer here, but I hope you get along with him. Do you have time for me to introduce you to each other before you head out?”
Barbra puts her coat on but smiles.
“I’m sure I have some time on my way out.”
Barbra and her associate head towards the elevators and stop at the help desk where a rather large man with a metal cane is speaking to one of the Nurses on staff. He turns his head when he notices the pair approach- a warm smile appearing on his face. The head doctor holds his hand out to the man in presentation.
“Barbra, I’d like you to meet Bhaltair McLaine. He just transferred in from Scotland and will be taking over this department. Bhaltair, meet Barbra Lake. She’s one of the best we have here.”
Bhaltair smiles and holds his hand out to Barbra, and when she returns the gesture his handshake is firm but gentle.
“Pleasure to meet you, Bhaltair.” Barbra smiles. “I look forward to working with you.”
“No no, miss,” Bhaltair’s smile grows even wider as the two finish their handshake, and he gently adds his other hand to the gesture and lightly pats her hand in a comforting manner. “the pleasure is all mine. I’ve heard many things about you and your son.”
He finally frees her hand and lightly taps his cane on the ground. “I have a feeling you and I are going to be very good friends.”
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