#sir pleiades
loaflovesdoodling · 9 months
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time taken: 15hrs
program used: Ibispaint X :33
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boa35 · 11 months
Cross: I know this probably won't mean much to some of you, but....all you guys done to make each other happy is inspiring to me...
Selene - @moon-mage
Twilight knight - @that-fanperson-meg
Fylass - @george228732
Ava - @avathestarwarrior
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Good old times.....Good new times. It's awesome interacting with some of you, & I can't wait to get to know you guys more....
Wisp - @moon-mage
Buddy - @lostsoulau-ask
Dolly - @ilikesillythingswooo
Blossom Dee - @loaflovesdoodling
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Although I might not be all that special.....but I know you guys are.....at least to me & lots of other people too... All i'm saying is... All your moments drive me to be better.... and probably other people, too...
Sir Pleiades - @loaflovesdoodling
Dero - @monsterhatdoodles
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It's amazing how far you've guys gone.... And I have a lot of mixed feelings about it, but they're all good feelings thanks to you guys.... You guys made a lot of lives better, & my life better....
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Thank you all so much.... I just wish I could repay you all somehow...
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george228732 · 10 months
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Based on a convo with @loaflovesdoodling
Poor Fylass, got anesthesia.
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the-chaos-axolotl · 6 months
More silly songs I associate with poeples oc's
Family jewels by marina and the diamonds and should've been me by ripducer for selene @moonsharkss
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Blind and frozen by battle beasts for sir Pleiades @loaflovesdoodling
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knife-dad · 22 days
Top 10 fairy tales/folk tales!
Oooh good prompt! Okay, in no particular order:
Tam Lin and Janet (Childe Ballad 39)
Sir Gawain and the Lady Ragnelle (also Gawain and the Green Knight, although I'm not sure if that counts as a fairytale. It is to me)
How the rabbit got on the moon (both the Mexican and Chinese versions, which are eerily similar!)
Beauty and the Beast. I looove a good batb retelling
Eros and Psyche and their variations, but especially East of the Sun, West of the Moon
La Llorona
Orpheus and Eurydice but especially the version recorded in Sir Orpheo :3
The Pleiades myths across cultures, I just think it's neat that so many different communities saw them as sisters
The Little Mermaid (I had an illustrated version that left an indelible impression on me as a kid lol)
The Wild Hunt motif, another one that kinda reoccurs across cultures
Thanks for the ask my friend!
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monsterhatdoodles · 1 year
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Pleiades is having a rough day
Sir Pleiades belongs to @loaflovesdoodling
Dollmaker (mentioned) belongs to @ilikesillythingswooo
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galakianexplosion · 11 months
@loaflovesdoodling .Sir pleiades and Chaos having a cup of tea :D
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Tried to make it look a bit dream like and stuff, idrk why i though an outerwordly aesthetic would look nice, i hope you like it!!!!!
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ab--n · 1 year
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My baby is so cute!
What do you mean what's up with the fire?
Sir Pleiades and blossom dee belong to @loaflovesdoodling
Flyass belongs to @george228732
Selene belongs to @moon-mage
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Sir Pleiades and Blossom dee!! 🌸❤🗡
I had to Draw the Little One! I just had too!
These 2 Cuties Belong to my Bestie, @loaflovesdoodling Hope u love it!! ☺☺❤❤
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ausetkmt · 2 years
The earliest messiahs like Christ were Black and woolly haired.
The earliest messiahs, gods and goddesses on every continent were woolly haired Black people. Historian Sir Godfrey Higgins wrote, “The originals of all the Gods have been of the Black race”.
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Below is a partial list of some of these Black Deities.
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• Zeus, the top god and father of the gods in Greek mythology was naturally Black with woolly hair, since he originated from Afrika. His chief title was Ethiops, meaning burnt faced.
• Apollo was likewise Black and woolly-haired like his father Zeus. The world famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem was named after him.
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• Zaha of Japan was woolly haired and Afrikan in appearance.
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• Ixliton is the name of a Mexican god, meaning Black faced. Many ancient Mexican gods are portrayed jet Black with Afrikan features.
• Dilyehe, meaning Home of the Black God, was the name that the Navajo gave to the seven suns of Pleiades.
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• Shiva, the husband of the mother goddess Parvati, (right) is the Hindu god of destruction and restoration whose aspect is usually terrifying, but can also be gentle.
• Tyr of Scandinavia was a woolly haired Norse god who preceded Thor as a sky deity.
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The Spanish called her Califia and gave her name to their newly discovered paradise which is now called California.
• Scotia was a Black goddess and Egyptian princess after which Scotland is named.
• Kali meaning the Black One was the Great Black Mother as well as the Hindu Triple Goddess of Creation, preservation, and destruction. She is also known as Kalikamata, Black earth-mother and Kalaratri, Black night, and among the Tamils she is known as Kottavei. Kali is worshipped particularly in Bengal and her best known temples are in Kalighat and Dakshineshvara.
• Nidra the sister of Vishnu, is a Black-skinned goddess who is clothed in yellow and dark blue silk.
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She was also known as Anath, Medusa, and the Egyptian goddess Neith. She was later whitened like the other Afrikan gods when adopted by the Europeans.
• Kar of Afrika's Nile Valley was the inner soul of Mother Earth. She was a beautiful ebony virgin who was the Heart of the World. Shrines of Karnak in Egypt and Carnac in Brittany were dedicated to Kar who was the Goddess of Agriculture, especially grain. She was called Kore by the Arabs and Greeks, and Ceres by the Romans.
• Circe, who played a great role in Homer's Odyssey, was the most famous female magician of all time. Ancient Greek drawings portrayed her as a beautiful Afrikan woman.
At • Delphi in Greece, the oracles of Dodona and Apollo were founded by two Black Doves or Afrikan priestesses from Thebes, according to Herodotus.
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penwrythe · 2 years
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(Late) Swordtember Prompt 30: Guardian
Sir Luther and his curio, Apolle, spend a lovely day out during the autumn month, Exalt.
Curios are child objects who are the offspring of a deceased living object, called the progenitor. When a progenitor dies a true death, they will yield a withered kernel which will be crushed to extract its germ. The germ is then replanted in a material pile matching their progenitor's material makeup. After a few months, the curio will hatch from their pericarp (egg) and be looked after by their caretaker(s).
Mini-story below:
"So, I have an announcement…," Apolle the cloak said as she and her guardian finally settled in a nice family tavern in Vintie, Southern Longormore. Apolle's Guardian, Sir Luther the broadsword, perks up at her words as he slides into a rack-chair on the opposite side of his daughter.
Luther smiled at her, "Oh, did you get a promotion at the Vintie Well Defense? That's great --"
"No," Apolle sighed, shrugging her fabric shoulders, "I wish. Especially for all the time I had spent writing records all day for them. I got something better instead."
From her side sachel, Apolle pulls out a scroll. On its front side is a wax seal, slightly broken from being opened some time ago. Apolle opens the scroll, revealing an elaborately decorated letter. Luther leans forward, his single eye wide open as he reads the letter's print. He makes a sudden gasp, realizing this letter is from Merope Academy, one of the seven magical Academies of Pleiades.
"This soon?" he said, astonished, "But, Apolle, you just turned 19! How?"
Apolle gives Luther the letter to read. "In my application to Alcyone Academy, I--ahum--mentioned that one time I saved everyone at the Well Defense from a massive fossil outbreak. My boss vouched for me, too," she said with a shy smile, "And I also mentioned that I'm Gwuenevere's descendant and I been studying to become a mage…"
"I never thought…oh my," Luther said, blinking away tears as he finished the letter.
It was twenty-one years ago when Gwuenevere died. She was well known for advancing alchemy and fighting for the rights of all fragilekind. She was a skilled war mage who defended the freedom of Erdestra, Luther's home kingdom where he was once a ruling Arch long ago. She was also his cherished friend and, later, beloved partner.
Someone who he deeply mistreated all those years ago. After Gwuenevere saved his struggling kingdom from his foolishness when she dethroned him during the Cumulus Wars, Luther desired to make up for his wrongs. Years later on the eve of Erdestra's last battle against Janthizera, she requested him to take care of her kernel should she die in combat.
He held true to that promise.
"Oh, Apolle…," Luther said as he looked back up to see Apolle smiling at him, "I'm so proud."
Apolle reaches out and holds her guardian's gloved hand with her own. "Guardian Luthia, thank you for helping me get this far. Your stories about Gwuenie inspired me. I wanted to be just like her when I grew up. Thank you for everything."
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loaflovesdoodling · 9 months
Pleiades pleaded, as the Dollmaker's dagger dug deeper and deeper into his back, cutting right through his yellowish-colored flesh, golden blood spewing out, he had no way of fighting back, and stabs to the pancreas wouldn't have been enough to shut his cries up anymore.
Leaving him absolutely motionless.
The warrior could feel costant hits on his vertebrae, like a hammer on a nail, it was terrifying, disturbing. painful. His consciousness started fading away. All he could do... was look back.....
...and scream his heart out.
Finishing her job, she fleed the scene, forgetting her dagger deep inside his back. It was now 2AM. Pleiades coughed, grunted, making a strong effort to roll over on the cold, wet grass. He wanted to spend his final moments of consciousness facing the stars. His only sisters at the moment.
He knew he couldn't die. But he was still scared. Limbo was near. He didn't want to go to sleep. Especially for that long. He tried to inbreathe sharply, but was cut off by violent coughs. He didn't have the energy to even cry. The warrior kept his eyes open, and finally stopped struggling.
"He art not replying... he art not reachable... Just what hast thou gotten thyself into, mine brother..?!" Dero muttered to himself, scurrying across the dirt and rocks. His five eyes curved, expressing concern and frustration. His mouth partially covered by his grey-ish neck fur that now messily stuck out his cape.
Pleiades should've been back from the bar an hour earlier. His phone wasn't available and nobody who was still awake had heard from him. The dim light of the first quarter shone upon the forest, attributing to it a feeling of gloom and dread. It felt like a circle of darkness that only condensed and reduced the already miniscule amount of air. It was obscure, claustrophobic, haunting.
The Dark Matter called out loudly.
Still, no response, until he came across peculiar footsteps leading to a trail of golden blood. And he knew exactly who that belonged to.
Running in that same direction, he found himself even deeper inside the forest. Scurrying along, he again yelled: "PLEIADES?? I HATH BEEN LOOKING FOR THEE FOR SO LONG!! WHY ART THOU NOT RESPONDING TO MY CALLS?!" and, again, no answer. His worry only grew with the overwhelming suspense and quiet, that was so long as the moment he picked up on the putrid odor of flesh and venous and arterial fluids. He followed the scent, and finally saw Pleiades.
There lied on the earth Pleiades. Motionless. Cut up and down by the sharp blade that now emerged from his stomach. His eyes open, gazing into the nothingness. His chest flat, not a puff of air leaving his nostrils or mouth.
Dero's eyelids grew apart in shock. He gulped, then shakily exhaled, stuttering as he hurried to his injured sibling:
"..h-how....... wh...at..?"
"P...Pleiades, can you hear me.. ? ..PLEIADES..?!"
"nonononononononono.... no... NO!! Please, please hang in there... STAY STRONG..!! PLEASE..."
"just... just... please just..."
he fumbled with his words, as he bit into the knight's torn cape and lifted him over his shoulder, now noticing the handle of the seemingly familiar dagger on the other side of him, buried far inside his spine; the Dark Matter hicked in frustration and worry:
"just give me a sign... please.."
it was then that, as he cradled him, out of Pleiades came a wispy breath, and there he knew. He was still alive.
"Hang in there, mine brother. Hang in there." he whispered, before hurrying out of the forest, following the same path he used to reach it.
It was another night of work at Cookie Country's Medical Center, as Henri fixed his gloves and face mask, making his way across the white-tiled hospital corridors. Just then, he stumbled across Casipan, who was pushing a medical cart to another room. They looked at eachother for just a second, before Henri acknowledged:
"Do you need help with that? I wouldn't mind performing an extra operation tonight."
"Ah, uh, no, thank you! I was actually just putting these back."
"Oh! Alright! Tell you what, I'll go get us both something refreshing to drink, I was gonna buy another water bottle anyway."
"You're way too kind. Here, let me pa--"
"Nonono, I insist!"
"Fine, but I owe you one."
"Haha, now don't be ridiculous. I'll be back in just a minute."
Casipan joked:
"I swear, more than just a water bottle, we'd need some coffee! It's such a quiet night here today that I might just fall asleep!"
to which Henri replied by chuckling. Until--
Dero cried in a muffled voice, barging into the hospital's hall, still carrying Pleiades.
Henri and Casipan looked at eachother with concern and determination and nodded, before hurrying towards the sound.
"Good Void...." Casipan froze upon discovering the source of panic, as Henri immediately ran past him to help, making him follow along.
"Casi, don't worry about this, I'll handle it. Just please go get me a stretcher." the creature nodded before running to the hallway once again.
"You were very brave, Dero. You were very brave--... Please take a deep breath now..." The doctor empathically encouraged, as the Dark Matter inhaled and exhaled rapidly from worry.
"...He will make it. I'm sure he will. Pleiades is a very strong man. He will make it."
"..I...shan..'t......'ve..... all..ow..e..d.......h...im....to....g..o.....d..ri..nk.....alo..ne....." he blurted out in-between each intake of air. Henri placed a hand on his cheek and rubbed its thumb on his face in a fatherly manner, before repeating, once again:
"He will make it."
Casipan reached the three of them with a stretcher before him. Henri quickly thanked him, before setting Ades onto the ground, crossing the unconscious warrior's four hands.
The medic adjusted the sheets and unfastened the straps, before bending the stretcher's metal legs and pushing it down to the floor. On the count of three they both lifted Pleiades and secured him on the hard mattress, then mounting the legs and wheels once again, before rushing to the ER, while Henri looked back at Dero one last time.
He could only sit (im)patiently in the waiting room as the hospital staff made calls to everyone else. Most of them couldn't reply. It was an ungodly hour, after all. Call after call, Dero's only thoughts were of how that could've happened, and why. Part of him was worrying about Dolly, too, but he knew she was safe at his sweet fiancé's house.
The hospital felt so quiet, he could've sworn he could hear the time ticking by with triggering low speed. The air was getting tense.
Ten minutes felt like an hour. Twenty felt like five. It was so maddening he eventually lost track of time, until, a while later, Twilight showed up, panting, as if they just ran a marathon.
Dero looked over with his head down and his spine curved, completely ashamed. Despite how much he tried, the only thing he could force out of his mouth were mumbles and messy stutters.
Twilight looked at him with a defeated expression, before taking a seat and leaning on him.
"what even happened..? Why..?!"
"I'm sorry I hath not been there for him."
"I-It's not your fault, I just..... I don't have any words.."
"He'll be okay......... I know he will..........." Dero tried to convince himself, trying to drown out all those horrible thoughts.
"I hope so....... I really hope so, Dero."
They waited.
It was 3:37AM when Selene unexpectedly entered the hospital with a look of concern and confusion, walking slowly across the main hall until she spotted her two other relatives, then running in their direction.
"SELENE?! You should be asleep!!! What has gotten into you?!?" Twilight Knight rebuked, worried and dumbfounded.
"Well, I could say the same thing about you!! I don't even know why I came here!! Blossom just started crying in the other room and I went to check her out. Apparently she has a bad feeling something happened, and then I just... saw you were both here, and I decided to reach out to you. And, before you ask, you forgot to turn off your location." She explained as a worried and tired Blossom sat over her head, being only slightly hidden by the silvery fuzz of her antennae, but just enough that they had only noticed her now that she was being mentioned.
"Poor thing...." Dero whispered, then walking closer to the girls and kneeling down, offering Blossom his head, on which she climbed.
It was then that Selene had noticed the stains of golden blood on Dero's cape, freezing in shock then and there. Twilight checked in on her:
"Selene? Selene, are you okay??"
They waved their hand in front of her face, before flicking their fingers and sternly calling:
And that yell was sufficient to remind her of how Farron used to catch her attention, except, it was usually followed by a slap or hit. She braced herself, but... the slap never came. Instead, a few gentle pats on the head.
"Everything alright, sis?" TK whispered soothingly.
".. mmyeah, yeah.... it's all good...."
"You sure?"
And, just then, they looked at her, before hugging her tight, and explaining.
"Pleiades got attacked. He was really badly hurt and.... unresponsive."
Her heart sank. Did she hear that right? Blossom started crying even more, inconsolable. Dero tried to soothe her like a father would with his baby, but, to mostly no avail. Selene almost started tearing up, mumbling:
"..bu..t..... I... th..ought.....A..des.......was............ I-I..thou..ght..... "
She always knew him as a strong and invincible man, so how could've this..?
The clock ticked. It was 3:46AM when, finally, the door to the ER was opened. They all ran torwards Casipan, the only doctor that came out of that room in that moment, sprinting across the hallway.
"Mister Casipan!"
"I'm sorry, Selene. It's a matter of mere seconds here and it could all be over."
He apologized, quickly walking past them.
The coldness in his tone suddenly reminded Twilight of how their mother used to treat them. They knew Casipan meant no harm, but, instinctively, they placed themselves before Selene, shielding her. She squeezed her brother's hand. They scuffed and backed down, wrapping her once again in a comforting embrace.
Dolly woke up feeling strangely lonely.
Usually, she would go to Dollmaker's room and wake her up for consolation, but, for some strange reason, it felt dangerous to do so tonight.
From under the pillow came out Alden, her guardian angel. With a soft and empathetic tone, he warned her:
"Oh! Mister Alden!"
"I fear something... really bad happened to Pleiades.."
"Oh no..! Did he accidentally swap lunch with a stranger, and eat cabbage, and have an allergic reaction? Mister Pleiades doesn't like cabbage..."
"No, no... it's something far worse than that, sweet child.... I admire your innocence.."
"Did he stub his toe?"
"He got hurt.. that's certain...."
"Oh no! Is he okay?"
"I'm sorry for saying this... he's not okay. I don't know how much time will pass until you see him again."
The Doll got silent. Looking down. Pleiades was hurt?? Maybe that's why she felt lonely.
Dolly doesn't want to be lonely.
Dolly wants to see Mister Pleiades again.
She's not going to be alone. Not again.
She immediately started rummaging through her toybox, looking for something, anything that could help. Until she found it.
A plushie Pleiades had gifted her for Christmas: it was in the shape of a cow, a baby pink color with yellow and blue splotches on it. Inspecting it closely, she found exactly what she needed.
A string of blue turquoise hair, trapped inside one of the two black button eyes. She carefully pried it free, before placing it on her bed as a working surface and taking out her crochet hooks. Now she would have her brother by her side for at least a little longer.
3:49AM. Twilight was hugging Selene tightly, as Blossom Slept, tucked inside Dero's cape collar, with dried tears on her cheeks. He simply shielded the small Waddle Dee with his head as a sign of comfort. Then he suggested to the other two, whispering: "why doth thou not head outside a few minutes for some fresh air while I wait? It could take thy mind off things, I'm sure."
"You're not coming?" asked the older moth.
"Afraid not. I would prefer to wait here anyway, just in case. Besides, she art resting so peacefully...." he replied, looking down at Blossom.
"Y'know... you remind me of how she would be with Ades. She's only slept so soundly with him...." Selene noticed.
"He.... he's going to be okay........... he would not leave her.. or us.." he replied.
"Alright... let's go, Selene." interrupted Twilight, guiding her to the hospital's parking lot.
"Full moon."
"It's.. haunting." they clenched their fists.
"The stars are so luminous, too...." Selene shuddered, recalling the night in which she ran away from the Mapop clan. The moon shone bright, the stars did too. It was all too familiar. Twilight put a hand on her back, patting it as comfort. They needed to be strong for the others, now that Ades wasn't there. They would have been the one to 'suck it up', and they didn't know if they could do it.
4AM. Dulciana sat on his bed. Trying to hold his hand as best as she could while the surgery carried on. Her heart was beating so fast. She wanted to cry. It was so painful seeing him like this. The ghost leaned forward and kissed his forehead, reassuring him, although unconscious, that she would've been there until he'd be back home safe and sound. And now she wouldn't ever leave his side. Not for one minute. Not for one second.
"I love you, StarBright."
Henri finally opened the doors to the emergency room, Dero called the others.
The doctor sighed, before delivering the news:
"Sir Pleiades is not waking up."
their hearts were about to be crushed, imagining the worst, but he continued:
"We checked his pulse. His heart is still functioning perfectly fine."
"Although. His time of redevelopment is uncertain and therefore undetermined. We'll just have to pray he awakens as soon as possible."
Henri then reminded himself:
"This is the weapon we found stuck inside his torso. the cuts on his body all seem to match the length and width of its blade." he handed over the Seam Ripper.
"If you have any idea to who this might belong, your help would be greatly appreciated." he looked at Dero, who now appeared shocked and guilty.
"When could we visit him..?"
"Tomorrow. We still ought to move him to a safer, more comfortable and hygienic room. I suggest you all head back home to rest. I'll call you as soon as I can." he gave the usual fatherly smile, and so they silently walked back.
"Do not worry. He won't be alone. I'll be right beside him."
7:40AM. Fylass woke up. The chimera took a big stretch, before sleepily rubbing their eyes and checking their phone on their nightstand, and noticing they had a voicemail that was not yet read. Upon listening, the words they heard made them drop their phone on the floor.
"Hey Fy. How are you doing? Listen, this might really upset you. But Pleiades was brought to us tonight. He was fatally wounded, and... agh..... he's... he's in a coma."
Dero belongs to @monsterhatdoodles
Dollmaker and Dolly belong to @ilikesillythingswooo
Twilight Knight belongs to @that-fanperson-meg
Casipan and Selene belong to @moon-mage
Henri and Fylass belong to @george228732
Sir Pleiades and Blossom Dee belong to me :))
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boa35 · 11 months
Ok This is really confusing for me, I just read @that-fanperson-meg's Family chart. I realized that Cross & BYT3 have more cousins than I thought. Or at least I think that's the case. I don't really know how my brain works lel.
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So I re-edited my chart, too. I really hope this doesn't annoy you guys.
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Selene - @moon-mage
Twilight - @that-fanperson-meg
Dolly - @ilikesillythingswooo
Pleiades - @loaflovesdoodling
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george228732 · 10 months
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just saw derodoll wedding
(Also thanks for drawing this, I appreciate it so much :))
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averycanadianfilm · 9 months
AveryCanadianFilm: Ottawa
A Scene From 'A Very Canadian Film'
Setting: It's a hot summer's night in Ottawa. Samuel H. Lawson has just returned from India and is passing through Ottawa on his way to Toronto. He and Jane, a young woman he's just met are sitting on a bench in Mooney's bay park, near her apartment building and not far from where he grew up. They're looking at the night sky, she's drinking a beer. Jane: {Has a far-away look in her eyes and a dreamy look on her face. She looks at Samuel and smiles.} Ever get the feeling that you keep meeting the same woman, over and over again? Samuel: {Smiles and Shrugs} Jane: {Looks startled} Wow, I can't believe I just said that. Samuel: {Points toward the sky} A channeling moment. {Laughs} Jane: Ya, but who or what was I channeling? Samuel: Probably your higher self. Jane: Does that make sense what I just said? Samuel: {Laughs} Ask Pallas Athena. Jane: What? Samuel: When I was in Mumbai, the clerk at the check-in counter started to laugh as I walked into the lobby of the first hotel I checked into after I'd had a health crisis. Jane: Why? Samuel: That's what I wondered. I get to the desk and he's laughing as he looks above my head, to my right and then to my left and then he says the strangest thing, "Sir, I should offer you the group rate, would you like the group rate?" Jane: What? Samuel: Exactly, I say, "Group rate? Is it less expensive than the.....regular rate?", he says, "Yes sir it is, it's against policy....but given the circumstances, given the circumstances...", then his co-worker, an extra-ordinarily beautiful Indian woman, arrives and he turns to her and says, "I've offered him the group rate..", she looks at me for about a minute and says, "there are seven of them", and they proceed with the paperwork as if nothing unusual has happened. Jane: What the fuck!?? Samuel: {Laughs} Exactly.
note added: This scene was written many years ago, probably around 2012. The entire script is being re-written and this scene probably won't be in the final draft of the new script. I'm re-posting it now because the pleiades remain in the script.
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28th September >> Mass Readings (except USA)
Wednesday, Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr
Saints Laurence Ruiz and his Companions, Martyrs.
Wednesday, Twenty Sixth Week in Ordinary Time
(Liturgical Colour: Green)
First Reading
Job 9:1-13,14-16
How can man be in the right against God?
Job spoke to his friends:
Indeed, I know it is as you say:    how can man be in the right against God? If any were so rash as to challenge him for reasons,    one in a thousand would be more than they could answer. His heart is wise, and his strength is great:    who then can successfully defy him? He moves the mountains, though they do not know it;    he throws them down when he is angry. He shakes the earth, and moves it from its place,    making all its pillars tremble. The sun, at his command, forbears to rise,    and on the stars he sets a seal. He and no other stretched out the skies,    and trampled the Sea’s tall waves. The Bear, Orion too, are of his making,    the Pleiades and the Mansions of the South. His works are great, beyond all reckoning,    his marvels, past all counting. Were he to pass me, I should not see him,    nor detect his stealthy movement. Were he to snatch a prize, who could prevent him,    or dare to say, ‘What are you doing?’
How dare I plead my cause, then,    or choose arguments against him? Suppose I am in the right, what use is my defence?    For he whom I must sue is judge as well. If he deigned to answer my citation,    could I be sure that he would listen to my voice?
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 87(88):10-15
R/ Let my prayer come into your presence, O Lord.
I call to you, Lord, all the day long;    to you I stretch out my hands. Will you work your wonders for the dead?    Will the shades stand and praise you?
R/ Let my prayer come into your presence, O Lord.
Will your love be told in the grave    or your faithfulness among the dead? Will your wonders be known in the dark    or your justice in the land of oblivion?
R/ Let my prayer come into your presence, O Lord.
As for me, Lord, I call to you for help:    in the morning my prayer comes before you. Lord, why do you reject me?    Why do you hide your face?
R/ Let my prayer come into your presence, O Lord.
Gospel Acclamation
Psalm 118:105
Alleluia, alleluia! Your word is a lamp for my steps and a light for my path. Alleluia!
Philippians 3:8-9
Alleluia, alleluia! I have accepted the loss of everything and I look on everything as so much rubbish if only I can have Christ and be given a place in him. Alleluia!
Luke 9:57-62
'I will follow you wherever you go'.
As Jesus and his disciples travelled along they met a man on the road who said to him, ‘I will follow you wherever you go.’ Jesus answered, ‘Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.’
   Another to whom he said, ‘Follow me’, replied, ‘Let me go and bury my father first.’ But he answered, ‘Leave the dead to bury their dead; your duty is to go and spread the news of the kingdom of God.’
   Another said, ‘I will follow you, sir, but first let me go and say goodbye to my people at home.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Once the hand is laid on the plough, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr
(Liturgical Colour: Red)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Wednesday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
1 Peter 3:14-17
If it is the will of God that you should suffer, it is better to suffer for doing right.
If you have to suffer for being good, you will count it a blessing. There is no need to be afraid or to worry about persecutors. Simply reverence the Lord Christ in your hearts, and always have your answer ready for people who ask you the reason for the hope that you all have. But give it with courtesy and respect and with a clear conscience, so that those who slander you when you are living a good life in Christ may be proved wrong in the accusations that they bring. And if it is the will of God that you should suffer, it is better to suffer for doing right than for doing wrong.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm
Psalm 125(126):1-6
R/ Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
When the Lord delivered Zion from bondage,    it seemed like a dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter,    on our lips there were songs.
R/ Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
The heathens themselves said: ‘What marvels    the Lord worked for them!’ What marvels the Lord worked for us!    Indeed we were glad.
R/ Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
Deliver us, O Lord, from our bondage    as streams in dry land. Those who are sowing in tears    will sing when they reap.
R/ Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
They go out, they go out, full of tears,    carrying seed for the sowing: they come back, they come back, full of song,    carrying their sheaves.
R/ Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
Gospel Acclamation
Matthew 5:10
Alleluia, alleluia! Happy those who are persecuted in the cause of right, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Alleluia!
Matthew 10:34-39
It is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword.
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth: it is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be those of his own household.
   ‘Anyone who prefers father or mother to me is not worthy of me. Anyone who prefers son or daughter to me is not worthy of me. Anyone who does not take his cross and follow in my footsteps is not worthy of me. Anyone who finds his life will lose it; anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it.’
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
Saints Laurence Ruiz and his Companions, Martyrs
(Liturgical Colour: Red)
(Readings for the memorial)
(There is a choice today between the readings for the ferial day (Wednesday) and those for the memorial. The ferial readings are recommended unless pastoral reasons suggest otherwise)
First Reading
2 Chronicles 24:18-22
'You have deserted the Lord: now he deserts you'.
The Judaeans abandoned the Temple of the Lord, the God of their ancestors, for the worship of sacred poles and idols. Because of their guilt, God’s anger fell on Judah and Jerusalem. He sent them prophets to bring them back to the Lord, but when these gave their message, they would not listen. The spirit of God took possession of Zechariah son of Jehoiada the priest. He stood up before the people and said, ‘God says this, “Why do you transgress the commandments of the Lord to no good purpose? You have deserted the Lord, now he deserts you.”’ They then plotted against him and by order of the king stoned him in the court of the Temple of the Lord. King Joash, forgetful of the kindness that Jehoiada, the father of Zechariah, had shown him, killed Jehoiada’s son who cried out as he died, ‘The Lord sees and he will avenge!’
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
OR: --------
First reading 2 Maccabees 6:18,21,24-31 I am glad to suffer because of the awe which he inspires in me
Eleazar, one of the foremost teachers of the Law, a man already advanced in years and of most noble appearance, was being forced to open his mouth wide to swallow pig’s flesh. Those in charge of the impious banquet, because of their long-standing friendship with him, took him aside and privately urged him to have meat brought of a kind he could properly use, prepared by himself, and only pretend to eat the portions of sacrificial meat as prescribed by the king.    ‘Such pretence’ he said ‘does not square with our time of life; many young people would suppose that Eleazar at the age of ninety had conformed to the foreigners’ way of life, and because I had played this part for the sake of a paltry brief spell of life might themselves be led astray on my account; I should only bring defilement and disgrace on my old age. Even though for the moment I avoid execution by man, I can never, living or dead, elude the grasp of the Almighty. Therefore if I am man enough to quit this life here and now I shall prove myself worthy of my old age, and I shall have left the young a noble example of how to make a good death, eagerly and generously, for the venerable and holy laws.’    With these words he went straight to the block. His escorts, so recently well disposed towards him, turned against him after this declaration, which they regarded as sheer madness. Just before he died under the blows, he groaned aloud and said, ‘The Lord whose knowledge is holy sees clearly that, though I might have escaped death, whatever agonies of body I now endure under this bludgeoning, in my soul I am glad to suffer, because of the awe which he inspires in me.’    This was how he died, leaving his death as an example of nobility and a record of virtue not only for the young but for the great majority of the nation.
OR: --------
First reading 2 Maccabees 7:1-2,9-14 'The King of the world will raise us up to live for ever'
There were seven brothers who were arrested with their mother. The king tried to force them to taste pig’s flesh, which the Law forbids, by torturing them with whips and scourges. One of them, acting as spokesman for the others, said, ‘What are you trying to find out from us? We are prepared to die rather than break the laws of our ancestors.’    With his last breath the second brother exclaimed, ‘Inhuman fiend, you may discharge us from this present life, but the King of the world will raise us up, since it is for his laws that we die, to live again for ever.’    After him, they amused themselves with the third, who on being asked for his tongue promptly thrust it out and boldly held out his hands, with these honourable words, ‘It was heaven that gave me these limbs; for the sake of his laws I disdain them; from him I hope to receive them again.’ The king and his attendants were astounded at the young man’s courage and his utter indifference to suffering.    When this one was dead they subjected the fourth to the same savage torture. When he neared his end he cried, ‘Ours is the better choice, to meet death at men’s hands, yet relying on God’s promise that we shall be raised up by him; whereas for you there can be no resurrection, no new life.’
OR: --------
First reading 2 Maccabees 7:1,20-23,27-29 Make death welcome, so that in the day of mercy I may receive you back
There were seven brothers who were arrested with their mother. The king tried to force them to taste pig’s flesh, which the Law forbids, by torturing them with whips and scourges. But the mother was especially admirable and worthy of honourable remembrance, for she watched the death of seven sons in the course of a single day, and endured it resolutely because of her hopes in the Lord. Indeed she encouraged each of them in the language of their ancestors; filled with noble conviction, she reinforced her womanly argument with manly courage, saying to them, ‘I do not know how you appeared in my womb; it was not I who endowed you with breath and life, I had not the shaping of your every part. It is the creator of the world, ordaining the process of man’s birth and presiding over the origin of all things, who in his mercy will most surely give you back both breath and life, seeing that you now despise your own existence for the sake of his laws.’    She said to her youngest son, ‘My son, have pity on me; I carried you nine months in my womb and suckled you three years, fed you and reared you to the age you are now (and cherished you). I implore you, my child, observe heaven and earth, consider all that is in them, and acknowledge that God made them out of what did not exist, and that mankind comes into being in the same way. Do not fear this executioner, but prove yourself worthy of your brothers, and make death welcome, so that in the day of mercy I may receive you back in your brothers’ company.’
OR: --------
First reading Wisdom 3:1-9 The souls of the virtuous are in the hands of God
The souls of the virtuous are in the hands of God, no torment shall ever touch them. In the eyes of the unwise, they did appear to die, their going looked like a disaster, their leaving us, like annihilation; but they are in peace. If they experienced punishment as men see it, their hope was rich with immortality; slight was their affliction, great will their blessings be. God has put them to the test and proved them worthy to be with him; he has tested them like gold in a furnace, and accepted them as a holocaust. When the time comes for his visitation they will shine out; as sparks run through the stubble, so will they. They shall judge nations, rule over peoples, and the Lord will be their king for ever. They who trust in him will understand the truth, those who are faithful will live with him in love; for grace and mercy await those he has chosen.
OR: --------
First reading Ecclesiasticus 51:1-8 Thanks to God the saviour
I will give thanks to you, Lord and King,    and praise you, God my saviour,    I give thanks to your name; for you have been protector and support to me,    and redeemed my body from destruction, from the snare of the lying tongue,    from lips that fabricate falsehood; and in the presence of those around me    you have been my support, you have redeemed me, true to the greatness of your mercy and of your name,    from the fangs of those who would devour me, from the hands of those seeking my life,    from the many ordeals which I have endured, from the stifling heat which hemmed me in,    from the heart of a fire which I had not kindled, from deep in the belly of Sheol,    from the unclean tongue and the lying word –    the perjured tongue slandering me to the king. My soul has been close to death,    my life had gone down to the brink of Sheol. They were surrounding me on every side, there was no-one to support me;    I looked for someone to help – in vain. Then I remembered your mercy, Lord,    and your deeds from earliest times, how you deliver those who wait for you patiently,    and save them from the clutches of their enemies.
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EITHER: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 30(31):3-4,6,8,16-17
Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
Be a rock of refuge for me,    a mighty stronghold to save me, for you are my rock, my stronghold.    For your name’s sake, lead me and guide me.
Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
Into your hands I commend my spirit.    It is you who will redeem me, Lord. As for me, I trust in the Lord:    let me be glad and rejoice in your love.
Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
My life is in your hands, deliver me    from the hands of those who hate me. Let your face shine on your servant.    Save me in your love.
Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 33(34):2-9
From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
I will bless the Lord at all times,    his praise always on my lips; in the Lord my soul shall make its boast.    The humble shall hear and be glad.
From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
Glorify the Lord with me.    Together let us praise his name. I sought the Lord and he answered me;    from all my terrors he set me free.
From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
Look towards him and be radiant;    let your faces not be abashed. This poor man called, the Lord heard him    and rescued him from all his distress.
From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
The angel of the Lord is encamped    around those who revere him, to rescue them. Taste and see that the Lord is good.    He is happy who seeks refuge in him.
From all my terrors the Lord set me free.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 123(124):2-5,7-8
Our life, like a bird, has escaped from the snare of the fowler.
If the Lord had not been on our side    when men rose up against us, then would they have swallowed us alive    when their anger was kindled.
Our life, like a bird, has escaped from the snare of the fowler.
Then would the waters have engulfed us,    the torrent gone over us; over our head would have swept    the raging waters.
Our life, like a bird, has escaped from the snare of the fowler.
Indeed the snare has been broken    and we have escaped. Our help is in the name of the Lord,    who made heaven and earth.
Our life, like a bird, has escaped from the snare of the fowler.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 125(126):1-6
Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
When the Lord delivered Zion from bondage,    it seemed like a dream. Then was our mouth filled with laughter,    on our lips there were songs.
Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
The heathens themselves said: ‘What marvels    the Lord worked for them!’ What marvels the Lord worked for us!    Indeed we were glad.
Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
Deliver us, O Lord, from our bondage    as streams in dry land. Those who are sowing in tears    will sing when they reap.
Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
They go out, they go out, full of tears,    carrying seed for the sowing: they come back, they come back, full of song,    carrying their sheaves.
Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 15(16):1-2,5,7-8,11
You are my inheritance, O Lord.
Preserve me, God, I take refuge in you.    I say to the Lord: ‘You are my God.’ O Lord, it is you who are my portion and cup;    it is you yourself who are my prize.
You are my inheritance, O Lord.
I will bless the Lord who gives me counsel,    who even at night directs my heart. I keep the Lord ever in my sight:    since he is at my right hand, I shall stand firm.
You are my inheritance, O Lord.
You will show me the path of life,    the fullness of joy in your presence,    at your right hand happiness for ever.
You are my inheritance, O Lord.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 22(23):1-3a,5-6
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd;    there is nothing I shall want. Fresh and green are the pastures    where he gives me repose.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Near restful waters he leads me,    to revive my drooping spirit. He guides me along the right path;    he is true to his name.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
You have prepared a banquet for me    in the sight of my foes. My head you have anointed with oil;    my cup is overflowing.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
Surely goodness and kindness shall follow me    all the days of my life. In the Lord’s own house shall I dwell    for ever and ever.
The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 39(40):2,4,7-10
Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
I waited, I waited for the Lord    and he stooped down to me;    he heard my cry. He put a new song into my mouth,    praise of our God.
Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
You do not ask for sacrifice and offerings,    but an open ear. You do not ask for holocaust and victim.    Instead, here am I.
Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
In the scroll of the book it stands written    that I should do your will. My God, I delight in your law    in the depth of my heart.
Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
Your justice I have proclaimed    in the great assembly. My lips I have not sealed;    you know it, O Lord.
Here I am, Lord! I come to do your will.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 88(89):2-5,21-22,25,27
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord;    through all ages my mouth will proclaim your truth. Of this I am sure, that your love lasts for ever,    that your truth is firmly established as the heavens.
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
‘I have made a covenant with my chosen one;    I have sworn to David my servant: I will establish your dynasty for ever    and set up your throne through all ages.
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
‘I have found David my servant    and with my holy oil anointed him. My hand shall always be with him    and my arm shall make him strong.
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
‘My truth and my love shall be with him;    by my name his might shall be exalted. He will say to me: “You are my father,    my God, the rock who saves me.”’
I will sing for ever of your love, O Lord.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 95(96):1-3,7-8,10
Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
O sing a new song to the Lord,    sing to the Lord all the earth.    O sing to the Lord, bless his name.
Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
Proclaim his help day by day,    tell among the nations his glory    and his wonders among all the peoples.
Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
Give the Lord, you families of peoples,    give the Lord glory and power;    give the Lord the glory of his name.
Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
Proclaim to the nations: ‘God is king.’    The world he made firm in its place;    he will judge the peoples in fairness.
Proclaim the wonders of the Lord among all the peoples.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 105(106):19-23
O Lord, remember me out of the love you have for your people.
They fashioned a calf at Horeb    and worshipped an image of metal, exchanging the God who was their glory    for the image of a bull that eats grass.
O Lord, remember me out of the love you have for your people.
They forgot the God who was their saviour,    who had done such great things in Egypt, such portents in the land of Ham,    such marvels at the Red Sea.
O Lord, remember me out of the love you have for your people.
For this he said he would destroy them,    but Moses, the man he had chosen, stood in the breach before him,    to turn back his anger from destruction.
O Lord, remember me out of the love you have for your people.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 109(110):1-4
You are a priest for ever, a priest like Melchizedek of old.
The Lord’s revelation to my Master:    ‘Sit on my right:    your foes I will put beneath your feet.’
You are a priest for ever, a priest like Melchizedek of old.
The Lord will wield from Zion    your sceptre of power:    rule in the midst of all your foes.
You are a priest for ever, a priest like Melchizedek of old.
A prince from the day of your birth    on the holy mountains;    from the womb before the dawn I begot you.
You are a priest for ever, a priest like Melchizedek of old.
The Lord has sworn an oath he will not change.    ‘You are a priest for ever,    a priest like Melchizedek of old.’
You are a priest for ever, a priest like Melchizedek of old.
OR: --------
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 116(117):1-2
Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News. or Alleluia!
O praise the Lord, all you nations,    acclaim him all you peoples!
Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News. or Alleluia!
Strong is his love for us;    he is faithful for ever.
Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News. or Alleluia!
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Gospel Acclamation Mt5:10
Alleluia, alleluia! Happy those who are persecuted in the cause of right, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Alleluia!
Or: Jn17:19
Alleluia, alleluia! For their sake I consecrate myself, so that they too may be consecrated in the truth. Alleluia!
Or: 2Co1:3-4
Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed be God, a gentle Father and the God of all consolation, who comforts us in all our sorrows. Alleluia!
Or: Jm1:12
Alleluia, alleluia! Happy the man who stands firm, for he has proved himself, and will win the crown of life. Alleluia!
Or: 1P4:14
Alleluia, alleluia! It is a blessing for you when they insult you for bearing the name of Christ, for the Spirit of God rests on you. Alleluia!
Or: cf.Te Deum
Alleluia, alleluia! We praise you, O God, we acknowledge you to be the Lord; the noble army of martyrs praise you, O Lord. Alleluia!
EITHER: --------
Gospel Matthew 10:17-22 The Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Beware of men: they will hand you over to sanhedrins and scourge you in their synagogues. You will be dragged before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them and the pagans. But when they hand you over, do not worry about how to speak or what to say; what you are to say will be given to you when the time comes; because it is not you who will be speaking; the Spirit of your Father will be speaking in you.    ‘Brother will betray brother to death, and the father his child; children will rise against their parents and have them put to death. You will be hated by all men on account of my name; but the man who stands firm to the end will be saved.’
OR: --------
Gospel Matthew 10:28-33 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body
Jesus said to his apostles: ‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; fear him rather who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Can you not buy two sparrows for a penny? And yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. Why, every hair on your head has been counted. So there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.    ‘So if anyone declares himself for me in the presence of men, I will declare myself for him in the presence of my Father in heaven. But the one who disowns me in the presence of men, I will disown in the presence of my Father in heaven.’
OR: --------
Gospel Matthew 10:34-39 It is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword
Jesus instructed the Twelve as follows: ‘Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth: it is not peace I have come to bring, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. A man’s enemies will be those of his own household.    ‘Anyone who prefers father or mother to me is not worthy of me. Anyone who prefers son or daughter to me is not worthy of me. Anyone who does not take his cross and follow in my footsteps is not worthy of me. Anyone who finds his life will lose it; anyone who loses his life for my sake will find it.’
OR: --------
Gospel Luke 9:23-26 The Son of Man is destined to suffer grievously
Jesus said:    ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me. For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, that man will save it. What gain, then, is it for a man to have won the whole world and to have lost or ruined his very self? For if anyone is ashamed of me and of my words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in his own glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels.’
OR: --------
Gospel John 12:24-26 If a grain of wheat falls on the ground and dies, it yields a rich harvest
Jesus said to his disciples:
‘I tell you, most solemnly, unless a wheat grain falls on the ground and dies, it remains only a single grain; but if it dies, it yields a rich harvest. Anyone who loves his life loses it; anyone who hates his life in this world will keep it for the eternal life. If a man serves me, he must follow me, wherever I am, my servant will be there too. If anyone serves me, my Father will honour him.’
OR: --------
Gospel John 15:18-21 The world hated me before it hated you
Jesus said to his disciples:
‘If the world hates you, remember that it hated me before you. If you belonged to the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you do not belong to the world, because my choice withdrew you from the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the words I said to you: A servant is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will persecute you too; if they kept my word, they will keep yours as well. But it will be on my account that they will do all this, because they do not know the one who sent me.’
OR: --------
Gospel John 17:11-19 Father, keep those you have given me true to your name
Jesus raised his eyes to heaven and said:
‘Holy Father, keep those you have given me true to your name, so that they may be one like us. While I was with them, I kept those you had given me true to your name. I have watched over them and not one is lost except the one who chose to be lost, and this was to fulfil the scriptures. But now I am coming to you and while still in the world I say these things to share my joy with them to the full. I passed your word on to them, and the world hated them, because they belong to the world no more than I belong to the world. I am not asking you to remove them from the world, but to protect them from the evil one. They do not belong to the world any more than I belong to the world. Consecrate them in the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world, and for their sake I consecrate myself so that they too may be consecrated in truth.’
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