lovedrruunk · 4 months
Blushy Sloan :3
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the day u guys get a finished drawing is the day i quit tumblr forever
I was actually so close to finishing this one I cleaned it up and everything but alas…
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insanity-all-the-time · 7 months
AU where eragon sells saphiras egg to sloan for three crowns and and dies after the weeks worth of food runs out and saphira hatches for sloan and he names her pork then sloan and pork kill galbitorix
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Mark Sloan x Reader
Summary: Mark Sloan finally finds where his wife had been hiding
Warnings: Angst, cheating, mild smut, Addison has poison oak, medical talk, death
Word Count: 5.7K
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I sat in the foyer of the beautiful brownstone Mark has bought us, seething. I had arrived home after a long 30-hour shift, just wanting to relax with my husband but I had instead received a call from Derek delivering the worst news of my life.
“Hey, Derek, everything okay?” I asked, concerned at his strained voice.
“Y/N, I’m so sorry.”
My heart crawled into my throat. What could have possibly happened to warrant this much concern from him? Has Addison been hurt? Had Mark? “What? Derek, you’re scaring me.”
After a pause, he spoke again. “I just found Mark in bed with Addison.” My entire body felt like it had filled with ice. I knew Addison and Derek had been on the rocks for a while but I thought Mark and I were solid. “I’m leaving, tonight, for Seattle. I have an old friend out there who’s gonna make me the head of neurosurgery. I know it’s sudden and you’re dealing with a lot right now but I’m happy to bring you out there.”
Tears pricked in my eyes, I felt so helpless. “Derek, I’m a second year resident, I can’t just up and move to a different program.”
“Richard, the chief of surgery at Seattle Grace, will help you. You may be set back a year but what’s the alternative?”
I thought for a second. I could stay here and try to work things out with Mark but I knew I’d never be able to look at or trust him again. I could break up with him and stay here but knowing him he’d never leave me in peace. My best option would be to flee. “You’re right. I’ll meet you at the Starbucks across from JFK?”
“I’ll see you there. And Y/N? I really am sorry that this happened to you.”
“I’m sorry it happened to you too.”
I had packed only the essentials into a duffle bag that sat next to me as I waited for Mark to get back to his home. My beautiful rings sat on the coffee table between me and the door, clearly visible from the doorway.
Mark had a devastated look on his face even before he opened the door. His face dropped even further when he saw my expression along with my rings on the table. “Y/N-”
“Don’t,” I interrupted. “I want a divorce,” I asked calmly, picking up my bag to walk out.
But Mark stood his ground, continuing to stand in front of the doorway. “Can we at least talk about this?”
“Why? Nothing you could possibly say could make this better or make me not hate you. You hurt your best friend and your wife,” the tears were falling now. “You threw away our entire relationship for what? So you could hurt Derek? You just had to have Addison? You wanted to hurt me?”
“No, no,” Mark protested, his own voice cracking. “Addison wanted to hurt Derek and well… I wasn’t thinking.”
“‘I wasn’t thinking?’ That’s a pathetic excuse.” I moved to walk past him but he grabbed my arm, yanking me back in front of him, moving to further block the door.
“You promised to love me for better or worse, Y/N Sloan. Well, this is worse. You made a vow.”
“You also vowed to love and honor me,” I threw back.
His grip slackened enough for me to remove my arm from his grip so I continued towards the door. But before I could step out into the night, Mark spoke again. “At least tell me where you’re going?”
I sighed. “Derek and I are getting hotel rooms for a little while,” I lied. Not wanting him to ask me anymore, I slammed the door shut, quickly hailing a taxi.
I stood at the nurses’ station, filling out charts when Alex came up next to me, grabbing a chart from one of the nurses. “Your patient in 402 is demanding your presence,” I told him.
He groaned, rolling his eyes. “She’s been demanding ridiculous things all day. I’ve got a surgery I need to study for.”
“Oh yeah? Tell you what, I’ll take this patient off your hands if you take my ruptured abscess.”
Alex stopped to think for a second before reaching his hand out. “Deal.” I smiled, eager to switch when suddenly a fist came out of nowhere, hitting Karev in the face. I whipped my head around, horrified to see Mark.
“What are you doing with my wife?” he yelled down at a still slightly dazed Alex.
“Mark! What the hell?” I demanded.
But before Mark could speak, Alex was up and lunging at Mark. Noticing him, I stepped between the two men, stupidly, getting myself tackled into Mark’s chest in the process. The rest of the hospital had finally realized what was going on as they pulled Alex away, Izzie trying to calm him down.
Realizing I was still in my ex-husband's arms, I pulled myself away from him. “What the fuck are you doing here? How did you find me?”
“Addison told me.”
I rolled my eyes. “You know of all the ways you could’ve found me, that is the last one I would have wanted to hear.”
“Y/N, please, just hear me out,” he begged.
I sighed, “Fine. But after I listen and make a decision, I want you out of my life forever.” Mark looked like he wanted to argue but nodded nonetheless. So I led him to an on-call room for privacy. He smiled upon entering the room. “I remember these from my residency. Or when I’d have a surgery with you at New York Presbyterian,” he flirted, stepping closer to me.
I pressed my hand against his chest, pushing him away. “Don’t. Just say what you need to say.”
He looked disappointed at my rejection but spoke anyways. “First, I want to apologize. What I did was unforgivable and it was just a moment of weakness. I love you, I always have and I always will. These past few months have been hell and everyone refused to tell me where you were.” He paused, waiting for my response but I just quirked an eyebrow at him, urging him to continue. “Look, I want you back. I’ve been wanting you back ever since… well Addison and I… anyways. Please, I can’t do this without you, come home.” He then pulled out my engagement and wedding rings and I noticed for the first time he was still wearing his ring. “You’re still my wife, Y/N Sloan.”
I took a shaky breath. “My name is L/N and the only reason we’re not legally divorced is because I didn’t want you to know where I was. But I guess that doesn’t matter now.”
“Babe, please-”
“Don’t call me babe. I have work I have to do.” I went to move past him but he grabbed my arm again, just like he did all those months ago.
“No, we’re gonna makeup,” he insisted. He pulled me in front of him again, peering down at my face. “God, you’re more beautiful than I remembered.” I remembered lines like that from early on in our relationship. They used to make me melt… I shook off any feelings from the past, trying to steel myself against my husband’s charms that would make me putty in his hand in an instant. His hand slipped under my jaw, cupping my face, fitting perfectly just like back when I thought we were made for each other. And then his lips found mine and I was gone.
I felt his other arm slip around my waist and he pulled me closer to him. Feeling my resolve slip, I brought my hands to my husband’s face and neck, kissing him back. Noticing my reciprocity, Mark lifted me slightly, bringing me to the bed. He laid me down gently, careful to not put too much weight on me. With practiced hands, he went straight for my scrub pants. Neither of us were strangers to hookups in on-call rooms. Mark and Derek had their own practice back in New York but he’d have to come to my hospital for the ORs and he’d always drag me into the on-call rooms before surgery and sometimes after.
I made no moves to undress him, a quiet voice in my mind screaming for me to stop but I ignored it. Mark didn’t seem to mind though as he pulled down his own pants and moved his lips down to my neck. It took everything in me not to moan as he hit the parts of my body that made my toes curl.
He groaned when he finally sheathed himself inside of me. “Oh my god, you’re so perfect,” he groaned, gripping the sheets next to my head. “You haven’t been with anyone else?”
“No,” I answered, fighting out pleased sounds. Truthfully I was still in love with Mark and I didn’t want to hurt him, especially the way he had hurt me. Even though I had proclaimed that we were over, sleeping with someone else would still feel like cheating. “Have you?”
“No, no of course not. It’s you, it’s always been you, it will always be you,” he professed, continuing to thrust in and out of me. He was cupping my face again and trying to look deeply into my eyes but I refused to meet his gaze. Instead just looking up at the bunk above us, focusing on making it seem like I wasn’t enjoying this. Fortunately, he gave me the decency of nuzzling his face into my neck so I wouldn’t have to avoid his gaze.
He continued pumping in and out deep, and slowly, his fingers nestled against my clit, moving in the way he knew I liked. I was gone in about two minutes, embarrassment creeping up my neck and face at being at Mark’s mercy. I could feel him smirk into my throat as he chased his own release, finishing shortly after me.
The second he did, I was pushing him off of me, hiking my pants back up around my hips. “Babe,” he protested as I headed for the door.
“I have work to do,” I explained, not even sparing him a glance. “And don’t call me babe.”
I rushed out of the on-call room, intent on finding Alex’s whiny patient but I ran into Derek first. “Y/N, I heard about Mark, are you okay?”
“Hmm? Yeah, I’m fine. Told him to fuck off,” I rushed out.
“Why’d he punch Karev?”
“I think he thought we were flirting or something. I don’t know, didn’t bother to ask.” I tried to move past him but the sound of the door I just came through opening, stopped me.
“Mark,” I heard Derek say in shock. He looked between Mark and I and the on-call room we just came out of. Mark was wearing a proud smirk and I knew it was over for my decency. So in Derek’s surprise, I took the opportunity to slip away.
“Y/N Sloan, to the nurses’ station. Dr. Y/N Sloan to the nurses’ station,” the intercoms rang out across the dining quad.
“Are you the Sloan they’ve been calling all day?” Cristina asked as she approached the table along with Meredith, Izzie, and George. “I didn’t even know they still used these intercoms. Why don’t they just page you?”
I groaned, looking at Izzie, who was there to witness Mark’s outburst. “Because my ex-husband is trying to humiliate me into talking to him.”
“Wait, you’re married?” George sputtered out.
“Ex,” I clarified.
“But he called you his wife?” Izzie clarified. “Who is he? What happened? Why’d he punch Alex?”
I sighed, not wanting to tell them. But I knew they’d never stop asking and soon enough my business would be all over the hospital, might as well get control of the story. “Fine. That guy? That’s my husband, Mark Sloan. We’re not legally divorced but we will be soon.”
“Wait, you’re married to Derek’s ex-best friend?” Meredith asked.
“You’re married to plastic surgery god Mark Sloan?” Cristina asked at the same time.
“Yes, and yes. Mark and I met while I was finishing up in undergrad. We got married after two years and then three years later Derek finds him in bed with Addison. So I kind of fled New York in the middle of the night with Derek. Mark is here now because Addison finally told him where I am in order to beg for me to go back. As for the punch, I don’t know, probably thought Alex and I were flirting or something. He was always a little possessive.” George scoffed a little at that.
“So you’re married to McSteamy?” Izzie mused. “I did not see that coming.”
I set down my fork. “Did you just call my cheating husband ‘McSteamy?’”
“Yeah she did,” Cristina jumped in. “Can’t say I blame her, or Addison, or you.”
I rolled my eyes at the nickname. “So I guess I’m still just as pathetic as you?” I smiled at Meredith.
“Welcome to the club of getting screwed over by attendings.”
“He’s not an attending, he’s leaving as soon as possible,” I insisted. The rest of them stared at me. “What?”
“You know that lionitis patient? Dr. Sloan offered his services. The Chief offered him head of plastics on the spot and he took it. Said he wanted to be close to his wife, which I now realize is you,” George explained.
I stared at him with wide eyes. “No, no he is not staying here,” I seethed. Standing up, I began to storm towards the surgical floor’s nurses’ station, knowing that’s where he’d be.
I stormed up to the nurses’ station, finding Mark speaking with the Chief. “Mark, stop paging me!”
“Then don’t fuck me and immediately walk away,” he countered.
My eyes widened, shocked at his words. I glanced over at Dr. Webber, blood rushing to my face, mortified. He choked a little, excusing himself. “What the hell was that?” I demanded in a whisper yell. “First you punch one of my friends and now this?”
“What? God forbid people know that a man has sex with his wife?” I shushed him again. “And I can’t defend my wife either?”
“Okay, first of all, I’m not your wife.”
“Yes you are, neither of us have signed divorce papers.”
“Okay fine, but not for long. I’m going to see a lawyer when I’m done with work so you may as well get used to not being married anymore.”
“I can’t call you my wife, or babe, or your legal name. What should I call you?”
“Nothing, leave me alone. Tell the chief you can’t stay.” I whirled around, intent to walk away when Mark called after me.
“I won’t sign them.” I stopped dead in my tracks. Turning around, I looked at him. “I won’t let one mistake end our marriage.”
“It wasn’t one mistake. Are you saying you accidentally went to the Shepherds’ house? Accidentally started taking your clothes off? Accidentally took of Addison’s? And then your only mistake was to sleep with her? No, you made a hundred choices to cheat on me. So please Mark, give me mercy and leave me with a shred of decency to sign the papers and then leave. Do you know how much you’ve humiliated me?”
“Just give me three months. Three months to win you back. If you still hate me, I’ll sign the papers and go back to New York.”
“Come on, you wanna throw away 5 years in one night? Three months.”
I sighed. “One date.”
“Two months.”
“A week.”
“A month.”
“Fine,” I rolled my eyes. “One month.”
Mark smiled victoriously, “A month.”
It was about 3 am and I had just wrapped up on an emergency heart surgery. I was the last resident to leave so I had the locker room completely to myself. At least, I did until I heard the door swing open. Assuming it was just some other exhausted resident I didn’t bother to turn around until I felt familiar arms wrap around my waist. I turned my head slightly, my cheek brushing against Mark’s lips. “You were amazing in that surgery,” he murmured.
“Thanks,” I dismissed, continuing to sort through my bag.
“You really are such a gifted surgeon. You know what specialty you want yet? You’ve got the face and skill for plastics.”
“You know this is the residents’ lounge, right?” I changed the subject. “Attendings’ is down the hall.”
“I like this one better. It has you in it.” I rolled my eyes at that pickup line. “So, I was thinking you and I could get dinner together. Catch up. Get late night takeout from whatever was open like we used to.” I had to admit, I had missed those late night takeout sessions… and Mark. The worst part was that I missed my husband.
“I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” I dismissed, twisting out of his arms.
“Y/N, our deal only works if you give me a fair shot.”
I sighed again, admittedly he was right. “Fine, we can get dinner, or I guess really early breakfast.”
Mark smirked victoriously again. “One of the other residents told me about this 24 hour place that has sandwiches.”
Mark opened the door to his hotel room, letting me step in. It was lavish, Mark having never shied away from the finer things in life. Mark stepped towards the desk, setting down the bag of sandwiches and sitting in the chair. Leaving me to take a seat, cross-legged on the bed. He handed me my sandwich that I eagerly opened, having not eaten anything in 6 hours. “So what’ve you been up to the last few months?”
“Work,” I answered bluntly. It was an honest and complete answer. I had to restart my second year of residency when I moved so I was barely above the bottom of the surgical food chain. “And all the residents in my year were already cliquey so my only friends are interns.”
“Richard told me you run with the girl Derek fell in love with.”
“Yeah, Meredith Grey. Now I’m the other girl who got screwed over by an attending,” I teased lightly.
He chuckled embarrassedly. “Yeah, well, sorry about that.”
“You know, when I first found out, I couldn’t wait to hear you grovel. But you’ve apologized to me so many times it’s like nails on a chalk board.”
“Sor-” Mark began but he pursed his lips when he saw my expression. “So that guy I punched? What’s up with him?”
“Beyond being a sometimes decent coworker? Nothing. But you should apologize to him, for me. He wants to go into plastics and I think you punching him threw a wrench into that plan. And as long as he’s not still pissed at you, I think he’d love to learn from you.”
“You’re going awfully out of your way for the guy that is ‘sometimes a decent coworker.’”
I sent Mark a tired look. “Are you actually going there right now?”
“I guess I don’t have much of a leg to stand on when it comes to this,” he said shyly, realizing his mistake.
“Ya think?” I asked sarcastically. “So what’ve you been doing?”
“Well when you first left I stopped working for a while. I poured everything into finding you… and admittedly a bottle. I was a mess, I couldn’t eat or sleep. All I really did was drink and beg for people to tell me where you were. But after like a month I finally gave up and went back to working. I did nothing but work for 4 months. Then… Addison called, said she was in Seattle with you and Derek and I was on the next flight here. I had to fly economy because there were no first class seats available,” he said with disgust.
“Oh the horror,” I laughed.
We fell into a comfortable silence and it felt almost like back when we were still happily married. The silence was first broken by my yawn since I had now been up for 20 hours. “I miss you,” Mark admitted. “I miss your smile, your laugh, your kindness. I miss how cute you are when you’re tired. How you used to come home and collapse into bed with me. I miss your cooking and how you said it was the next best thing to surgery.” He scooted his chair closer so he could grab my hands which had been sitting limply in my lap. “I miss your hands,” he kissed them, “and your legs, and your hair, and your eyes, and your nose, and your lips,” he punctuated each body part with a kiss there. But it was finally the kiss on my lips that made me snap out of Mark’s trance.
“No,” I said, pushing away. “Earlier was a moment of weakness, a mistake.”
“Ahah, so sleeping with someone is one mistake?” he beamed. “And a moment of weakness is just that, a moment.”
I scoffed, rolling my eyes. He had been so sweet and apologetic, now he was trying to get off the hook? “This afternoon wasn’t like you and Addison at all. I knew exactly what I was doing. I knew I’d regret it but I chose to anyway. And when I sleep with you I’m the only one getting hurt. I wasn’t cheating.” He looked dejected, realizing I was right and he couldn’t get out of this on a technicality. “I’m going,” I declared, moving to get off the bed.
“Y/N, you have work in two hours and we’re right across the street from the hospital. Sleep here.”
“You’re that eager to get me into your bed?” I scoffed.
“Look, I’ll sleep on the floor if that makes you feel better but I’m not letting you leave.”
“Fine,” I agreed, crawling up to the head of the bed to slip under the covers. Mark grabbed one of the many pillows from the bed, throwing it down onto the floor. As he laid down it dawned on me that he didn’t have a blanket. Feeling bad, I spoke. “Get up here.”
Mark didn’t have to be told twice as he quickly slipped under the sheets. But as soon as he did, I was turned the other way, refusing to acknowledge him further. “Goodnight,” he wished me as he turned off the lamp.
In the morning I woke up the same way I used to, the same way I had been missing for the past 5 months. My head was rested on Mark’s chest, his arms wrapped around me, and his lips murmuring against my ear that it was time to get up. Upon regaining my senses, I jumped out of bed, trying to find my shoes and jacket. Being back in his arms made me realize how much I had missed him but I couldn’t afford to slip back into those old habits.
“So am I just a bed warmer to you?” Mark asked from his spot in bed, watching me get ready. “I mean I’m fine with it if that’s all you’ll give me but I’d just like to know what I’m getting myself into.”
I sent him an eyeroll. “No, I just felt bad for you. Thanks for the wakeup, by the way,” I thanked, checking my watch to see I’d be right on time.
“Of course. What else are husbands for?”
I took a breath, not wanting to encourage him. “Bye.”
“I’m actually headed there myself, gonna operate on the lionitis kid. You wanna scrub in?”
“Are you actually trying to buy my love with surgeries?”
“It worked last time,” he laughed. “Well, you were still in school so more like homework answers but it still worked.”
I laughed, dismissively shaking my head, “I’ll see you later.”
Cristina, Alex, and I were waiting around the main nurses’ station, waiting for our assignments for the day. “How’s your face?” I asked Alex.
“Fine, I’ve taken worse,” he answered casually.
“Only reason he’s not mad is because he wants to kiss the plastics god’s ass,” Cristina teased.
“Shut up,” was all he said, offering no other defense for himself.
Fortunately for him Cristina couldn’t prod anymore because Derek was approaching. “You three, you’re assisting with Jake Burton today. Come with me,” he called, barely stopping to talk to us. We all scurried after him as we headed towards his room. Upon entering we found Mark drawing on the kid’s face.
“Dr. Sloan,” Derek interrupted him. “Don’t you think this is unnecessary?”
Mark gave him an annoyed look but before he could say anything, the parents spoke up. “We talked with Dr. Sloan and Jake, we’ve decided we’ll go ahead with the facial reconstruction.”
Derek pursed his lips, annoyed. I knew that about half a year ago Derek wouldn’t have hesitated to jump in on this joint surgery. It’s what their practice had been built on but now Derek was letting his feelings get in the way of patient care. “Fine, doctors,” he looked at the three of us and Mark, “come with me.”
We all shuffled out after him except for Mark who seemed to begrudgingly storm after Derek. “You have no right to undermine me in front of patients like that,” Mark immediately began.
“You’re a guest at this hospital, an unwelcome one at that. You have no right offering surgeries to patients— my patient.”
“Did you already forget that Webber made me Head of Plastics? You’re not the only surgeon with a fancy contract anymore,” Mark shot back.
Derek rolled his eyes. “Fine, Karev, you’re with Dr. Sloan.”
“Actually I’d like the other Dr. Sloan-” I sent him a glare, “Dr. L/N. The Chief gave me full authority to use whatever resources I need for this surgery.”
“She’s not some tool you get to use. Or something to play with whenever you feel like it. Is that what our marriages were to you? Something you could break when it suited you?”
“Dr. Shepherd!” I interrupted. “I appreciate that you’re trying to defend my honor but I don’t need you to. Besides you really want to do this here?” I gestured to all the people watching us. “Alex, you go with Dr. Sloan, I’ll go find something else to work on,” I dismissed, heading down to the pit.
As I was waiting for the elevator, I saw one of the last people I wanted to interact with. Addison stumbled towards me, looking like she had a squirrel in her pants. “Dr. L/N, I know we’re not exactly on the best of terms right now but I need a consult.” I looked at her, confused. We had worked on a few cases together perfectly civil. “I need a consult,” she clarified.
Catching her inflection and the fact that she was clearly uncomfortable, my mouth formed an O. “I see, c’mon, we’ll go to one of the private exam rooms.”
“Ah thank you,” she sighed in relief.
Upon having Addison in the stirrups and her explanation of her morning walk, I knew exactly what she was suffering from. “Yep, poison oak in probably the worst place you could have it,” I confirmed her suspicions.
She groaned, lying back on the table. “I guess this is karma.”
“You could say so,” I laughed gently. “I’ll get the calamine lotion and don’t worry, you have my discretion.” I grabbed the lotion from a storage closet, retuning to Addison.
“How come you don’t hate me?” she asked as I began to get to work. “Even my own husband, who chose to stay married to me, hates me.”
I sighed, “I don’t know. I did hate you, maybe I still do. But Derek can really hold a grudge so maybe that’s why I look so forgiving in comparison. But I have a hard time hating and turning my back on the people who were my family, even if they hurt me in the worst way possible.”
“I really am sorry. Mark and I, we regret everything.”
“I’m so sick of apologies. Do you know how many times Mark said he was sorry yesterday?”
“I heard he was here. And that he punched one of your friends, Karev.”
“Yeah, always been a bit possessive. Of course that’s painfully ironic now,” I laughed bitterly. “Alright, that’s as much as I can do for you right now. Apply more tonight.”
“Hey,” I heard Mark’s gruff voice gently coax me out of my thoughts. I turned, finding him in scrubs, his surgical gown open and flowing behind him. He always looked so good in scrubs.
“Hey,” I replied. “I heard about Jake. I’m so sorry.” Cristina had told me that the lionitis patient had died almost immediately after Derek had opened his head up. I felt bad for the kid, he had been so excited for a normal face.
He shrugged, taking a seat next to me. He sighed, pulling off his scrub cap. “I’m just sorry I couldn’t give him a sense of normalcy. But I talked to his parents, they said I could still do the surgery post mortem so he could be buried the way he wanted. Wanna help?”
I thought for a second. On one hand I didn’t want to continue to entertain the idea that Mark had a chance with me. On the other I needed to cut so desperately. “Sure, why not?”
He smiled. “Atta girl.”
We went down to the autopsy room in order to do the procedure and I had to admit it felt nice. I used to love performing surgery with Mark. It was always a comfortable silence while we worked together and when we did talk it was easy. Moments like this and memories of moments like this made it so hard to stop loving him. As we worked quietly I really thought for the first time since he came here. I had never really stopped loving him and even though I never wanted to see him again, a small part of me was relieved he tried so hard to find me and now he’s fighting for me.
By the time Jake’s parents came down to see him I was an emotional wreck. Seeing them grieve for their son made me burst. “I’m sorry,” I choked, stepping into a back room.
Mark was beside me in a second, closing the door for privacy. “Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, a distressed look on his face. I just crossed my arms, looking at the floor, trying to force down my emotions. I wanted to be strong enough to not tell him how I felt but I felt his finger underneath my chin. He pulled my face up to meet his concerned eyes. “I can’t help you if you won’t tell me.”
I swallowed harshly, unwilling to tell him. “I miss you,” I relented. “I miss us. I am haunted by you. I didn’t even realize I still loved you until you showed up. But it hurts. It hurts to love and miss you because you hurt me.” I could feel the tears slipping down my face and my throat straining against the sobs. “You hurt me so bad, Mark, and now I can’t trust you. I used to say that cheating is it, I’d never be able to forgive cheating but the worst part is that I want to forgive you. And I can’t forgive you and love you and still have any self respect.”
“C’mere,” Mark sighed, pulling me into a hug. I broke down, sobbing into his chest. “Sleeping with Addison was a mistake, one I fully own up to and take responsibility for. And I’m gonna tell you this not because I want you to feel bad or I think you should have any of the blame but the reason I did it was because I wanted you to notice me. You were at the hospital all the time and I knew then, and know now, that that wasn’t your choice. I guess it was just hard for me to see you be independent because it felt like you were so dependent on me for so long and I liked that you needed me. And I’m sorry for trying to hold you back and for hurting you in order to hold you back but please, let me help you grow and succeed now. That’s all I want in the world.”
“Promise not to hurt me again,” I demanded.
“I promise. You have my full permission to cut off my testicles if I do.”
“Okay,” I laughed. “I’m in, Mark. I’m in it to make our marriage work.” I tilted my head up to look at him as I spoke.
“Thank you,” he beamed in relief. “Thank you,” he repeated in a relieved whisper.
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duney-looney · 1 month
Hello Venture nation I hate coloring lol
My brain was gonna explode if I didnt draw them
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They have a tummy and muscles your honor trust 🙏
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hwaetnot · 2 months
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Timestamp Roulette: Slings & Arrows, Madness in Great Ones
Minutes 4, 7, 19, 22, 26, 38, and 42.
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kingsoverjacks · 2 months
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Mmm, Emmanuelle Chriqui!
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Okay gonna go on a slight tangent here
Am I the only one who thinks Oliver Swanick kinda ruined Nipton?
Like you know Nipton is the player's first introduction to The Legion and everything is perfect
You got Necropolis playing in the background people strapped to telephone poles tire fires that go up to the sky heads on pikes it's a perfect introduction to show how ruthless The Legion is
And then it gets ruined by some asshole yelling about a lottery completely oblivious to his situation before hand
Like I think Swanick would have been perfect if he tried to get you to turn around and get away from The Legion rather than screaming about winning a lottery as if everyone in his gang wasn't brutally tortured enslaved and killed
I mean sure you know he could not care about you or his gang like Boxcars but at least have him be in a rush to get out of Nipton before Vulpes changes his mind
I dunno I think it would be interesting to have a member of a faction most players would start off as enemies with and perceived as an actual threat by both The NCR and the local settlements be actually fucking terrified of a much larger faction and a much bigger threat rather than screaming about a lottery which isn't even a valid lottery so he really didn't win anything just his own life
Going into Nipton for the first time in a new playthrough is such a chilling experience if you have a mod that removes Swanick from the game
I dunno I just think that Swanick was a bad choice because how am I supposed to be terrified of what The Legion did to the town of Nipton if I have this guy and his stupid haircut yelling about a lottery in my face?
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lilieseance · 1 month
imagine an alternative TUA ending where they survive and it ends with Luther bumping into Sloan and having the:
„I’m sorry but, have met before?“
moment. he just stands there, mesmerized and smiling softly, shaking his head and asking her out.
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(They deserved a happy ending idc. also, Diego and Lila are still happily married and in love. the whole FxL thing never happend.)
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zeriphi · 2 months
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🧊 Sloan 🧊
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linasnighttrain · 1 year
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lowkey my fav
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mellobellooo · 1 month
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no thoughts, just dislyte shitpost
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There are a lot of words that could be used to describe Theo’s job (and he certainly uses them). ‘Boring’ is not one such word.
My links, because you’re allowed to make mistakes
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adoriels-tears-if · 28 days
If the renegades were more smart they would just run and forget about the kids, try to at least get away with their life (if that's even possible), but they just keep making the wrong calls 😭 can't wait to see them fall though, let's go mom!!<3
Although the decision was the result of a panicked impulse, I think it makes sense. In a way. Sloan figures that using the children as a shield might sway the enemy's concentration and destructive instincts. If I were him, I'd try it too. Sloan's no fool, he knows they're as good as dead. But they still have cards to play. They're powerful too. They know how to fight.
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cs-cabin-and-crew · 2 months
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My power is out.
But I’m currently reading Eldest in the inheritance cycle for my series Reread.
And tell me why this is what I imagine Sloan looking like? Literally Nebbercracker from monster house.
Tell me I’m wrong!
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glbtrx · 23 days
@kallyanrostiell asked for Sloan aesthetic shit. This was a difficult one
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thatsbelievable · 24 days
Here’s a little Sloan to kickstart your day.
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